In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 27 December 2012 though edited for the correcting updates on 29 November 2021 as to noticing several situations...
Day Ten: 1 confession...the LAST day...
Day Ten: 1 confession...
27 December 2012
Wow...from The List's beginning...all the way until today...just wow...
As I have said before, I thought that this was going to be fairly easy, for I thought I knew myself well enough. However, going through each day, one by one...I have made myself honestly and truly delve within the depths of my soul to reach for all answers that I could possible think of, at the time, for every question...
Much has gone through my thoughts before each Writing, during each Writing...and long after each Writing...
I took nothing lightly, though, of course, being me; I made a few smart ass comments here and there...but nothing nearly as much as usual...
The List has definitely opened my eyes to more of an insight of who I am and how I became as such, through the time that I have been on this planet, to my coma, to my ex-marriage, to my family, to my friends, and beyond...but mostly...beyond anything that I could have ever thought or expected...and I am ever-so thankful for you, _rhonda for posting this for me to find and work on.
Personally, I think that at some point...and maybe even at a variety of times throughout the course of one's should look into answering these questions for themselves, whether or not they feel the need to post it publicly.
Why did I choose to post this publicly?
Simple, really.
I wanted physical representation of what all I thought of, went through, and the like. That is first and foremost. I wanted to SEE in black and white...
Secondly, because I am not and was not afraid to make what is me and what makes me tick a public knowledge...for...I despise those stupid little shits who send me cock pic avatars who exist within the realm of fetlife... I HOPE that these people who claim to be interested...actually READ before writing a message to me...
...though I doubt it... ...sigh...
The third reason, kind of ties into the second reason, a little bit...but in an EXTREMELY different way... As I am not afraid to be myself, as I am one of the first people who will willingly delve into the depths of who I truly am inside, what makes and keeps me happy, and what I will not tolerate...sometimes, I need someone whom I am friend's with, ~ to look over things....maybe teach me something new by a comment that is made...or messages sent...or whatever communication happens...
BTW: ONLY those whom I actually give a concern about, honestly matter to me when it comes to opinions...not just random ass wipes who think that being sarcastic is actually aiding the situation...but I guess...maybe even then...I technically DO learn something...
I guess, it is what it is...
Anyway, the 4th and final reason that I am going to write about; as there are other reasons, but just not as my opinion...
This is a reason unto itself, however, at the same time; it adds parts of #1 and #3 together, in order to make #4...I guess, ironically...especially since this IS the order of importance...but I digress...
...I want others who may come across the Writings or The List to see, that it can actually be completed and accomplished...
I want others to look within themselves to find what is best for them and what is no longer needed for their highest good to create the happiness within themselves and within their there is less suffering for them...even in the smallest way...
...whether or not they do...of course...that is completely up to that individual. However, at least, they have seen that the list can be accomplished, with dedication; and can aid one to see things differently...should one allow themselves to...
If it helps just 1 has been worth it to post publicly...
So...those are some of my reasons...
It is what it is...
However, now it is time to finish and finalize The List of Exercises that I first began 10 days ago...
So, without further adue...
Day Ten: One confession...
As usual...being me...I cannot adhere to the again..I am going to change the rules, for myself...
Instead of 1 Confession...I am going to write about 2 Confessions...each one extremely different from the other...
I do not honestly know which Confession is going to be harder for me to admit to...but both weigh so heavily on my this point...this is why I have chosen to write about the 2 things that bears so many burdens upon me...mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually... it goes...
This one has to do with the military and my "service" within the Army...
I have never really gone into the actual details of how I ended up with my injury from the Drill Sergeant, beyond explaining that he smoked me continuously, before shaking me violently and throwing me into the metal bunk; knocking me into a coma, and ending up with all of my medical conditions...
With this, I must start from the VERY beginning of when I first entered the be quite poignant on timing...exactly around the time of 3.5 months before I entered the service...
I have gone on and on about how I have ALWAYS admired the military Fe/Males who give their life and their freedoms up, in order to uphold freedom for civilians; from the time I first saw my 1st soldier at Fort Monmouth in New Jersey...all the way up to now...
Around 3.5 months before I joined the Army; I graduated a semester early from high school. I was supposed to graduate a whole year early, with how I had planned my high school schedules each year...but...when my family moved from New Jersey to Illinois...SO MANY credits were not accepted...sigh...
Though in my opinion should have been and should be considered for the acceptances thereof in my opinion officially, as the resending of such details should be considered for the clarification portions thereof for the genuinity thereof as proven.
SIDE NOTE: Please explain to me how Latin is not considered a foreign language in Crystal Lake, Illinois? Now Latino or Latina, Latin as in the Greco-Roman Latin.
Because...last time I checked...the "language" that is foreign to MOST people to begin Latin... Yes, it is the basis of the 5 Romantic Languages and the beginning of the English language with Greecian heritage...but seriously...I could not have 1 year granted to me for credit out of the 3 YEARS that I excelled in that class??? Because it was "not a foreign language"...HOW IS LATIN NOT A FOREIGN LANGUAGE???
YES...I am STILL bitter about that...that meant extra time with the situations of the school that I did not like or get along with...sigh...but in some was a good I helped some people along the way in Illinois...
...unknowingly, until I was told...but helped them along the way nonetheless...
The last day of school was the most bittersweet day ever...sigh...College Algebra with Trigonometry and favorite class for so many reasons...the friends...and then...the last day of school...Dan K.... I never knew what I did to help him...and he did not go into detail beyond "No one has ever done that for all my years of one has ever helped me..."
I do not think I will ever forget what that male taught me that day...
No matter what I am long as I think that it is for the morally or the ethically correct SOME can help someone that sees, more than I could ever know...or realize...or understand...and THAT is a good reason to be true to oneself...and be compassionate towards humanity...
Rest in peace...for your soul had to bear too matter how beautiful you were was a shame no one saw it... For you...whenever I hear "Vincent" by Don always come to my thoughts...and I always hope blessings to your soul...wherever it to Daniel who I had known in Crystal Lake South in Crystal Lake Illinois.
Honestly...a part of what happened between he and I truly enforced my whole ideals of wanting to join the service, even more; and as soon as I could...I drove my happy ass over to the recruiter's station by the grocery store's shopping strip.
Talking with the recruiters, I had a ball, as I knew their language and they did not have to go over much information with me...even though they still some laws... ...Rattcliff???...I think he was my recruiter... (and just as an F.Y.I.: THAT male was one hell of a sex symbol...DAMN!!! He was FINE!!! Tall...dark brown - almost black hair...BLUE eyes... ...ugh... Just thinking about his looks, gets me wet...mmmm...though if that is the correct name in the reference of the brunette male)
re-adjusts self
I joined the Army, after fighting my parents tooth and nail, for them to emancipate me and allow me to live my life the way that I saw that I wanted to...perhaps...had I waited until I was 18 years old to join...maybe this incident would not have happened...or maybe it would have materialized in a different manner...I do not know...and I will not nor do I care to know...for that is the past...and the past needs to stay exactly the past...
As I have said before, Zero Week was easy as pie...I mean...all one had to do was pay attention to the list of instructions that one was given BEFORE leaving the state that they came from. If one packed more than what was allowed or if one packed was smoked to high heaven...and that was JUST during Zero Week.
My training group went through the typical process of getting uniforms and having shots given (damn that Pen... shot is a BITCH!!!) as we meandered through whatever the Sergeants in charge of us showed us or took us to.
Throughout the entire time we were in Zero Week; we were constantly checked on and had to check EVERY
F***...THAT took FOREVER...sigh...
"Hurry up and wait..."
Finally, it came to the time for everyone to weigh in, test the bodies of all who were there, and weed out those who needed to go to "Fat Camp" before they were even allowed to be considered to go on to Basic Training.
The Sergeants ALWAYS look for the show offs...and so do I...but in a different manner...
So, when it was time for each trial of athletics; the Sergeants would get everyone riled up to do their best and blah blah blah; before asking the final question for ANYONE who answered...
"Who has experience in this ____?"
And of course, there was always the 1 jackass who would run their mouth off about being champion for their state in one field or another...and every single time...those retards who drew attention to themselves, would be expected to hold the "high standard" for everyone to achieve for that activity.
My FAVORITE was the 1 mile was the very last PT Test exercise left to weed out the weak.
BEFORE I LEFT, I KNEW NOT TO HAVE MY NAME invisible and the Sergeants will not fuck with you AS much...
So, this 1 female stands up after the question was asked, because not ONE person realized what the Sergeants were doing...well...most didn't, anyway...
She was from somewhere in the southern states, and she was PROUD that she won 1st Place in whatever State Competitions that she had been a part of for Track and Field.
...oh yeah...this one got my competitive nature going... took it upon myself to keep my mouth shut (as I was going to do anyway) about my Track and Field experience.
I did not want to write a check that my ass could not cash...and...once again...I was NOT going to give the Sergeants any ammo against me...because I knew that everything that goes on during Zero reported to the Drill the reality of my assistance they are prepared...and my safety and security as to what I knew would have to come forward as to the full clearing of my name and all such portions thereof to take the situations and remove the binds thereof as to the truth revealed as to the actualities of what I have assisted with in the comparisons as to what I have been falsely accused of.
The males were the first ones to race, and the jerk off who went on about his T&F experience, was finished in 2nd Place.
The Sergeants gave him HELL for not coming in 1st Place, for all of the smack that he had talked about his level of experience.
I looked at the female who went and spouted her mouth off watch everything unfold...and I watched her eyes grow big...
Hee hee hee...
I was "Ranger 13" when it came to sounding off for each completed lap, and if the Sergeants did not acknowledge your call; it never happened and you had another lap to run.
I was in the 3rd group to start off and the female who went shooting her mouth off was in the 1st group...actually..."Ranger 13" to be frank...which...of course, they did on purpose... When the starter pistol went off for my group; I took off and I never looked back, with the exception to make sure that my "Ranger 13" was accounted for. And in all honesty, it was not until I was 1/4-1/2 around the track that the Sergeant told me to stop, for I was completed in my part. So, I bolted off to the center grass to calm down.
At the end of everything; hee hee hee...where is that halo again???...
The female who started a large amount of the drama in Basic Training did not make the Top 5...let alone the Top 10...she made the bottom of the Top 15...for the bottom ranking in the comparisons as to what I was informed of later as to my personal ranking scores.
Hee hee hee...and she got SO MUCH SHIT for that!!! LOL!!! (another sign that I was a Sadist long before I came to the BDSM Lifestyle...LOL)
I...on the other hand...was the only female who made the Top 10...let alone the Top 5...and actually...I won/earned 3rd Place out of the entire group...
Seeing her face with that...PRICELESS!!!
However, I did not think that my good deeds would be noticed or paid much attention to...and I was wrong...Zero Week ended for me...or...well...Zero Week-ish ended for me...and the recruits and I were loaded on the cattle cars and driven across the tracks for everyone to end up at the "Star-ship"...that was what it was called at Fort Sill Oklahoma.
As we unloaded, the Drill Sergeants were flying off the handle and yelling at everyone who was not getting in gear, fast enough. I grabbed my stuff and I fell into line.
The typical 1st Week of Basic Training went by...the mind fucks...the sweat sessions...the training classes on everything from what STD someone can catch (and how bad it can get and what it looks like...SO VERY MUCH WHY I AM SO CAREFUL AND SELECTIVE!!!) to procedures to drill to ranking to marching to courses to so on and so forth...I remember bits and pieces of some classes and training sessions...but only small bits and pieces...
Anyway, at some point in time; we went to either the CCC or COC course and I did not realize that my athletic abilities shown above all others...including most males in my Company...
Apparently...some General took notice of me and it pissed off one of the other Drill Sergeants...he began to fuck with me in every single way possible...
I found out later, he had the "Alpha Platoon" with all of the cherry soldiers...except me, apparently... Also, his Platoon was majority male based...he had a few females from what I remember...but even those females he messed with mercilessly...
Later...meaning YEARS later...meaning...2012...I was at the Midnight Rope-a-Ho bar with an ex-friend; and she was enjoying her specials while I just pretty much stood around and smoked my cigarettes looking at everyone...and being on the watch out for retards who needed to be checked into their place, if they had gotten to close...
Anyway, this male approaches me out of no where and just stares at me for a little bit before I mouth off some smart assed comment about what the hell he was staring at...and...well...I was put into MY place that night...
He did not yell at me or anything of the sort...but he messed with me needlessly me to the point of today...and beyond...for a the very least...until he realized who I had been the entire time...
He did not start off with a "Hi, my name is___"; ~ NO! ~ ...he started off asking me questions about my past that NO ONE knew...and I instantly started to freak out inside as I had not known anyone in YEARS who knew any of the things that he had asked me...meaning...since Basic Training...
The only things that I will write about his questions are:
1.) He knew what my hair looked like before, when I joined the Army...and then HOW it was cut, when a trip to the PXtra was allowed for those who wanted to cut their hair. ...knowing that fact alone ended up knocking my drink over; that was sitting on the fence, across from me, near no one, and no other people were near the fence on any point, at the time...kinda spooky...and it WAS witnessed by another person...
2.) He knew what Company I was in...and described the logo for my specific Platoon that I was in...
3.) He named off my Drill Instructors that were head of my Platoon...and I remembered 2 out of the 5...
There was plenty more...because I could not believe...or...well...understand who he was or how he knew me...until he told me that he was a Drill Instructor for one of the other Platoons...
We talked for a bit...and in the end, I was told about the General who had noticed me; why the Drill Sergeant who attacked me - well as something I did not know...that I was the first round of an experiment to see whether or not co-ed could work at Fort Sill, Ok...being an Armory base...among much else that I am not going to discuss...I was...and still shock from all that he told me...from what I can the whole conversation became a blur at some point...
So...what is my 1st Confession???
Because, from everything above, as well as everything that I have previously written, on the subject of my injury...I have been completely open and honest about my injury...98%...
Here is the 2% that I left out...
My 1st Confession is...that Drill Sergeant who was messing with much as I "took" everything given to me...from all areas of the confession is...before that incident happened...
...I had allowed everything that the particular Drill Sergeant in mention affect me and come down on me, that day...
I suppose...maybe that is why I went to church...looking back...I became at peace with my soul at that point; after the services were over, and on our way back to the barracks.
I became extremely suicidal that night...and I confess...I allowed that DS to get the best of me...I had tried...and obviously kill myself that night...I allowed him to get the best of me...and...he won...though in such realistic aspects...did he actually win or did he have the perception he won in comparison to the actualities of the realities in full when such details would inevitably come out and go forward?
Later on...after some more training before lights out...I started to drift off to sleep...
...and some point...we were woken up by him and another Drill Sergeant...and...well...the history... short...after all of that 1st Confession is:
I was suicidal before the Drill Sergeant attacked me as to the situations of how everything combined was beyond the words of the situations I saw coming forward in the combinations of the nightmare visions at the same time...and I acted upon it is not a weakness to acknowledge such as it is a strength to acknowledge such as to the ways of what assistances in the comparisons thereof as I had worried I was going to fail and nothing had happened to try to make me die...and no one caught me...but...
...nonetheless...what ended up happening...did...once I realized that I actually COULD handle things... I thought...
As I have been working on this Writing throughout is now almost 8:30pm...and I began somewhere around 8:15am...and I still have my second confession...
This one...I am going to TRY to keep brief...or as short as possible...TRY is the key word...we shall see...
Most who know me, know that my marriage to my ex-husband, the father of my children say the least...
Some people obviously know more than others about the ins and outs of my marriage to Robert...
NOT that this makes anything that I am going to confess justified...however...I am going to point out a few known and unknown facts about what I went through...
My now dead-ex-husband Robert "accepted" the fact that I had all of my medical conditions, from my head injury. He knew about the headaches, migraines, loss of memory, cognitive disorders, and so was not until after his injury that he admitted that he used every bit of my injury that he could, to mold me into the wife that he wanted me to be. He told me that he knew that I was too timid to look outside of anything that he said, because in my eyes, he had "proven himself" to be a good male. He said, at first, it was not on his mind...but as he went through college and was earning his became an interest of his...and...well...the rest happened...
I have already dove into how Robert believed in Niccolo Machiavelli and everything that he said, to the point of naming the Miniature Schnauzers "Nick" and "Princess"...
I had my suspicions...I finally had confirmation, once again, after his so-called injury in the Army...he had cheated on me...multiple times...with multiple females...and acknowledged such which in turn the ways of how the respect as to such loyalty referencing if I were to ever be involved in a relationship again would be to such levels of manadtory loyalty and faithfulness...I simply could hope in comparison to believe...
At such time in December 2007 he went so far as to remind me of the night that I did a strip tease for him...and when I finished to the situation of regarding him...he got up to leave because he did not want to tell me that he had a date...and...well...he did not want my "scent" near him when he was in his atmosphere...
...and he told me that he was going to work for the experiments that he was running...which meant he had not ever truly loved me as to the ways which I had arrogantly believed as could ever occur as to myself...sigh... truthfully...who could ever actually love me...? That would mean being able to actually accept me as who I am and to actually be proud of me and proud to genuinely be with me...compared to what I have dealt with...
On the other hand...when I was not trying to get my now dead-ex-husband's attention (which he called "bothering" him)...I was doing something wrong then as well, when I would leave him alone to his own devices...for example - homework... some point in time during our legal only marriage...I was deemed to have the terminology of wifely duties of which was nothing less than rape...and in actuality...I remember the exact time frame...I did not have the chance as what would that truly matter in a location that supposedly claims to care about women's rights and civil liberties as to such points in time as to how small of an amount of time I was awake from my coma before I was pregnant and delivered my two children?
I had just delivered my son a few days...MAYBE 5-7 PUSHING it...probably more like 3-5 the time before actually having been hospitalized at that time in the year of 2001 before the actual to the labor timeframe...anyway...
For those who do not know; when a female delivers a child, she is warned by the doctor to NOT have intercourse because the walls of the vagina are healing my words..."pushing out a watermelon in over a 72 hour+ time frame..." and I was ripped and stitched back hips are are other things...
The first time of which was officially introduced to my vocabulary was after our son was born, and I refused to ever allow such ever again as best as I could prevent it.
When I chose to leave my now dead-ex-husband the first time, before our final separation...I was "informed" by that "...according to the law...we are still legally turn...because we are still legally married..."Wifely Duties" are still legally required until legal divorce..." which later I learned otherwise in full as to the right to stand my ground as well as self defense laws in conjunction to ADA and other such Constitutional factors as both within the state of Texas as well as within the United States of America
Those were HIS words, in short...there was a MUCH more detailed explanation that I am just NOT going to go into...
As I said...and as he said...he knew that I was too timid to look outside of the box...and...he knew that I believed what he said was golden...until I learned the truth...
I admit that I should have researched...
I admit that I should have looked outside the box...
I admit that the first time that at that time when he physically assaulted me and hit me...when I was pregnant with our son...I KNEW that I should have left then...but he was right...I was too who was there to actually help and assist me in truth? is just an excuse...after my coma, I believed what ANYONE told me that I was told or felt that I could trust, at face value...because that is how I was...and how I am...and I thought all lived that way...ESPECIALLY those who served in the military...
However, just like that claim that he went to and succeeded in Ranger was all false...and when the truth came out it was a relief in multiple ways...and I should have seen it for what it was sooner...and I should have done something when I had the feelings that things were wrong...
However, I felt I was pathetic, I was ignorant, I was uneducated, I was closed off, and I was so many things; that once again are just excuses as to why I allowed to happen to it had...
I allowed as to not knowing the factors of what the terms were to bring such forward or to whom to bring such forward to as to the timeframes of 2000 through 2007 as to the conversations I dealt with as to the timeframes the point of a concussion after being knocked unconscious for a little while...and being left on the cement path...for who knows how the back he walked off and went back to work...
...sigh...GRANTED...he did come back to the house to check on me (this was during our separation)...and after giving me a "medical exam"; he told me to drive home to my apartment, slowly, and in the right lane...
Gods...I cannot count the amount of lies that I found out after he died...and how horrible of a "human being" he was - if one could actually call him that...
In my heart of hearts...I wished for his death...painfully...and slowly...instead all that occurred was he could not deal with all of the ridicule from the stolen valor as to the dress blues as to the ways which was brought forward as to "Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as well as my journal blog on my wesbie www. susanmeeling .com #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA.
I know that no matter what he put me through, that thought should have never crossed my mind...
...and a part of me DOES feel guilty...while other parts of me feel justified because of all that he did to me...from the guns in my face to wake me up; to the knives to my throat to wake me up; to the random yo-yo-ing; to the fact that he killed my dog and he did not even have the decency to use a reasonable sized calliber - for he only used a 22 revolver...not even at least ONE of his Glocks...other 45s...and so on...
For f*** sake! I bought him 3 DIFFERENT GUN SAFES:
1.) for his rifles, 2.) for his pistols, and 3.) for the keys to all of the damn different gun locks I had to buy because he thought that putting guns on top of the shelf in the closet was an acceptable way to keep guns away from kids...
Oh...then there WAS gun safe #4...THAT one was AWESOMENESS...and I wish I never gave it away, just so I could have it...
It was a mahogany wood gun safe...that had a radio...and an alarm clock...and unless one got right up on top of the piece to see...there was the keypad for the code to get into the safe...
...yes...I am still kicking myself for giving that gun safe away...of ALL of the gun stuff...THAT is the 1 piece I regret not was PURELY BADA$$!!!
...anyway...back to the confession...and to end this Writing...
I admit...I did wish for his death to come to him before my eyes...and damn it...I got what I wished for...and all of the consequences that there were some good consequences as to some indifferent consequences as well as some bad consequences...I have hoped for more of the positive and good into the great aspects for my betterment as to such factors...though I have not really been capable to see as to such aspects as to how I view the aspects as to the I could not understand as to the occurrences I was dealing with without any assistance in the ways which were actually beneficial to me or my son or my daughter as to how much I continuously had to defend the three of us while the situations were as to how the situations were...
Few paid any attention to the timing as well as the realities as to the IG and the EO portions in conjunction to the CID, which I thought was enough for people who knew such aspects to figure out there was a massively huge situation as to those in reference to surviving the aspects of a TBI. For such lengths of time I was the only one who saw the importance of until one day I found out about the Warrior Transition Unit which once was Medical Hold Unit, and I saw a beacon of hope as to others not having to go through what I went through.
I began hoping more and more from such a sight, though the saying as to it is better when I am in a good mood than a bad mood as in such references it is best when I am in a great mood in any other such comparisons as to what was noticed, when I was younger as a child and teenager as to the ways which such aspects tend to go as to the dependent aspects as to my mood in a multitude of situations. I learned as I saw the ways which when I am in a consistent good mood as to the differences in multitudes thereof, though that requires the truth as well as the 10 Commandments. Few people believed me, at this point it is what it is though I am fairly certain I may have proven such inadvertently in the comparisons to having had to explain the situations over and over again.
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/1334793
The ways of such situations as to how the aspects as to "The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to the situations of the times as explained in "Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing", however the situations thereof are the situations thereof. I do hope still, though it is what it is as to such factors.
