In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 26 October 2021
Whether or not some wish to believe
It matters not to me as to whether or not some have wanted to think as to the problems as to what occurred with my accounts after how I wound up in Washington state as to such situations additionally to having explained such as to the needless threats I had dealt with online as well as in person though as to the changing of my name in various aspects of my account here on fetlife as to thinking it was similar as to the ways of which Facebook has their accounts set up, as to having needed to stop all of the needless and wrongful threats from what I was already dealing with as to the lack of proper concern as to what was going on at the times especially between the years of 2009 through 2013 though obviously the other situations which had occurred from the years of 2013 through to 2021 were of a problematic situation. In the reference as to my creation of my Underwater Travel System as to the posting on fetlife as well as the posting on Facebook, I specifically put in the writings to contact me as to the requirements as to other such specifics as I had already posted such as to my books "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" as well as my other book series which were written in fiction format in comparison to the books listed there. In turn there was not ever any excuse that would ever be considered as viable as to ever wishing to think that it would ever be accepted as per the facts as to my personal SCUBA Diving as to my personal works, of which my personal works have been for decades as to my creation of both the Underwater Wedding as well as the Underwater Travel System.
Would it really be difficult to believe that someone such as myself would ever think of such as to the Marine Science Technology School with the Navy attachment with the facts of my ocean clean up poster, as to having been a child watching mainly Disney movies as to what was allowed to which my creation of my Underwater Wedding as well as my creation of the Underwater Travel System being a one in the same sort of aspect as to what do some people do when they plan a vacation? Why would anyone think that just because I did my homework for my Underwater Videography SCUBA Diving certification such would ever have been just a nothing thought popped into place or did it really take genuine thought as to such prior works as to the oceanic waters as I have as to how I initially had begun my SCUBA Diving as to other such combined reasons as to having been born and raised in New Jersey, as I did explain I had grown up going to the beach and swimming as I had. I thought that was enough since so many people have complained about the amount of time it has taken me at times to explain such, as then there is not any excuse that would ever be considered as acceptable to each and every individual who ever complained about how much I write and/or how much I can talk and/or how much details I have gone into and/or any such types of situations thereof such as the complaints about how safety conscious I am and etcetera as to educational aspects.
In reference to the situations regarding my book illegally being released as to my fiction series and the amount of harassment I dealt with as to the facts thereof as to not one person actually caring in truth as to what possibilities that damages would cause to me personally as to the modesty factors as I obviously know of the lack of concern to every other such aspect of my life as has been proven as to the ways which so many had ignored wrongly as to each such warning I had given as well as each such aspect I explained I was personally dealing with, because anyone who would actually have cared about me as well as cared about my personal safety would not have ever released such online without my permission as to the ways such went as only someone who would be ignorantly careless and think that would ever be helpful to me would only show the lack of ever knowing me as to who I have always been and the lack of paying attention to such details as to why I had not ever felt comfortable in any situation when I was in Washington state as to the ways people looked at me in such regards thereof. That only showed how little my safety as well as how minimal my life as well as how teeny my existence to such in anyone else's life ever meant as the ways thereof had been arranged as such on purpose in the genres for the reasons I had done so, and the facts as to my profile writing was my choice as to change my writing style for different purposes in comparison to whatever assumptions anyone else had assumed as to such aspects.
The fact not one person I ever knew in person personally ever had the wherewithall to ever simply as me if they knew me in Texas "Hi, have you been known as Lady Dori Belle in the state of Texas" or something along those lines only shows and showed me as to truly how minimal I had ever meant to any such supposed friendships and/or to any such groups as to the ways of which such people were informed as well as complained about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury while they ignored such while also anyone who had ignored the facts as to my SCUBA Diving and landing at the bottom of the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico on the other side of the Cozumel island as well as out from Boca Raton Florida as well as at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as to such realities of my personal healthcare only repeated as to such portions I had dealt with as to what I had warned people I was dealing with after the song S&M by Rhianna as well as that 50 Shades series as to how many problems occurred with such portions combined; though who truthfully paid attention to the realities thereof, and who simply complained about what they considered as my whining in comparison to the truths thereof.
What occurred in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear that was being taken to Fort Sam Houston Navy/Marine Special Warfare area if it had just been 12 more hours in comparison as to what occurred? Which before anyone bitches about how I did not write about such which there would only be one person who would ever complain which would be the male from Temple of Flesh, as he was the only person informed inside of the lifestyle as to my specific SCUBA Diving gear and thus since I once thought I could trust that individual as to being discrete in comparison to what occurred as to the UHAUL situation as to the Blessing journal post on here on fetlife; if anyone ever complained about such aspects regarding the portions thereof, the notation of which my background in reference to my having explained as to being medically retired was enough to explain as to that SCUBA Diving gear being considered as federal property and not meant for any civilian aspects at all especially with the military grade depth gauge computer.
In such reference to the realities thereof as to only having told Steve as to such while additionally as those who have complained about my seriousness as well as safety precautions, can anyone think of as to why I did not write about such before or until well after as to the military British UK military depth gauge computer? Does anyone on fetlife or anywhere have any military or law enforcement background which would be able to understand as to why I would not discuss such with anyone I had dated or played with, as to making sure to get my SCUBA Diving gear to the correct location of the military installation? Does anyone know why that would be kept quiet just as the ways thereof to my creations as well as my books, as to such portions of my personal work as how many people anywhere told me they thought I should write a book or two?
Why would anyone who ever said such to me and/or others ever be surprised as to my writing anything, or creating my own website? Why would anyone ever think as to those who knew me in person as to my modesty as to the ways I had always been as to the fact I did not discuss my modeling or performances unless afterwards, which in turn why would anyone think I would ever discuss my works beforehand in a larger more official way?
Why would I ever believe I was the lone ranger, felt as though I did not have a name as I was considered as a no one, and other such portions as to how such situations have been and have gone in such amounts of time as well as combinations of situations thereof? Why would each such aspect as to the ways which situations had been in such times even up to this point ever be considered as to ever having any sensations as to ever having any such sensations of ever being wanted, needed, cared about, and etcetera as to any positive portions thereof? Why would I only see such aspects as to the ways which have been presented to me as when I can only speak in truth, why would I ever think anyone would ever lie to me as to the problems as to what I had already gone over in reference to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
Was it really that difficult to see such portions as to what occurred having been an impact as to such, and why would anyone ever think they were considered as more responsible to being able to take care of situations correctly than I in such regards?
What arrogance as to ever thinking to take anything off of my hands as to what would anyone without my personal experience ever be able to actually achieve as to such, other than the realities to their death? I would not be surprised if such gear was wrongly sold or given to another person of which at that point that person's death, is fully responsible as to who had known better as to the aspects of the UHAUL as that is fully that individuals' fault as to not having the human decency to actually ever trusting me in the ways I obviously had placed trust in the wrong person regarding Steve as to the Temple of Flesh aspects as why would anyone ever trust such an individual as to the realities thereof as to what had occurred?
If such problems which surmounted after how I wound up in Washington state after I had repeatedly asked for and reached out for genuine help and genuine assistance as to the multitude of factors thereof, there is only each individual to blame who had stood by and done nothing to genuinely help in my opinion as to the factors of which I had not ever hidden any such realities as to what I personally had dealt with as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury or the aspects literally as to such pictures as to my SCUBA Diving of which no one ever seemed to actually care about such portions while complaining about my words.
Priorities are important, as well as truth.
What were each individuals' priorities, and why would such priorities matter? What did/does it matter as to my priorities back then as well as now, as to such realities? Well, I know the reasons why however I have not seen where such priorities of mine have been considered as important as to the realities thereof to the levels thereof. If the priorities were the same, there would not have ever been any wasted time by anyone else as to getting such correctly taken care of by specifically having taken the time to speak with me in person as to such aspects especially in reference to my SCUBA Diving as well as my creations of my Underwater Wedding and my Underwater Travel System as it has been as to etiquette aspects all along and had always been and will always be as to such requirements as it matters and always has mattered to me.
In reference to such merges as to if there have been other problems regarding my original Facebook accounts as to what originally had been begun as Susan MeeLing though again to what threats I was needlessly dealing with as to the last name change to Dark Lily as to the ways thereof as explained in reference to the fetlife arrangement as I thought it was similar as to the arrangement for the websites as well as Lady Dori Belle on Facebook, the aspects known by many as to the facts of which my accounts had been would probably have been easier if people who actually knew me in person if they had ever gone up to Washington state and actually spoke with me in truth would have probably hypothetically not wasted the amount of time they had wasted as to such egos and such arrogances as to the hypothetical portions of which I have every right to my opinions however my additional rights fully extend to my creations of my works as to what I choose to do with my works and my creations of which my Underwater Wedding was only meant for me to officiate and as to such aspects as to what I earned as per my SCUBA Diving has always been mandatory as to such aspects as I had described just as to the mandatory aspects as to my creation of the Underwater Travel System have always just as other such portions been of which the mandatory aspects of my direct and specific involvement thereof as why else would such be of importance as especially to my SCUBA Diving?
What about my SCUBA Diving plus Irving would ever mean as to such mandatory aspects as to my specifics thereof as to my involvement, as to why would it be of extreme importance and who would ever think as to how I am and have been about safety protocols? Is there anywhere which could show how important I view safety and correct aspects thereof, which would make sense other than on my website here on fetlife and/or Facebook and/or other social media sites?
Oh, why would I have such sensations as to the lack of concern as to being left alone as to such aspects as to the situations which I had already discussed in person as well as online? Why would I be enraged as to any such games played regarding any such portions thereof, and why would I only see the lack of concern and the lack of care to any such positive aspects I ever had been a part of helping and assisting as to the betterments thereof? Why would it only be seen as to the lack thereof, in all such ways? If such childish aspects as to using my artwork painting pieces in comparison to being intelligent human beings as to the theft thereof of such aspects as to how such occurred to begin with, then only showing the lack of intelligence as to any such portions as to being able to distinguish the reality of such importance to actual communication as to such lifestyle portions as well as in the vanilla aspects of life as to the lack of intelligence as to seeing that was how I personally felt as to the ways of which I was picking up as to all such lack of contact over such times as to that journal blog entry of which such childish excuses of wishing that was ever acceptable when etiquette has always been of extreme importance to me; the hypocrisy if any such individual ever has required any type or any form of etiquette as well as the childish aspects in all such ways as to the wishes that would ever be acceptable knowing the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and thus only showing the lack of any such human decency as to such types of individuals who would ever play such a game wrongly. Do you know anyone with a head injury and if you do, think about what choices you made as to such karmic repercussions thereof for such childish aspects as to ever thinking that was a good idea when it had not ever been.
What did you and yours endure because of such choices, and how does such aspects show as to what levels thereof you as an individual within the lifestyle does that show of your responsibilities thereof? If you knew both about my Psalm Sunday 2000 after effects as well as my SCUBA Diving, then there will not ever be any such excuses or reasons or causes which anything would ever be forgiven or acceptable in my eyes or anyone else's for that matter ever as to the fact of such choices having needlessly gone onward only shows the lack of remorse on your part as well as the lack of humanity as far as I can see in all such references thereof. I would write prove me wrong as to such, though I have yet to see that aspect in any such way without any strings directly attached which I am not interested in anyone else's strings as to such; as I can tie my own corsets on my own, and always have been able to tie my own corsets better than anyone else has tried.
Maybe that fact that each who have tried to tie my corset on me correctly should take such into consideration as to the Kid Rock lyrics "Step inside my shoes you couldn't fill 'em" as truthfully the correct ways as to such proper aspects, obviously so as to the realities thereof without stretching the material and/or causing any changes as to my clothing of any type as to the shape and the form thereof as proven.
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/7577427
