In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 4 June 2013
pro-doming Explained By A pro and My Personal Opinions...
Though this entry by Michelle Lacy is meant to 'assist' the view of others within the BDSM Lifestyle, who do not enjoy dealing with the after-effect of the dominatrix's usage of people for monetary gain.
As MichelleLacy said;
QUOTE: "Due to a lot of people writing completely false stuff about Dominatrices and bashing us all over fetlife, I decided that since many people REALLY HAVE NO CLUE what it is that we do, I decided to clear up some things here. This is also great for new guys who are interested in learning. I am a lifestyle Domme too and sometimes I am ashamed of "my own people."
It is not a secret that I am not a fan nor do I look at professional dominatrixes as anything more than another version of a prostitute. One is selling their services in order to gratify someone's sexual desires, correct?
If it looks like a duck...
I, personally, have had to deal with ex-professional dominatrixes jons; whom have been used up until they could not afford to purchase the dominatrix's time.
I, personally, as well as others that I have spoken with; have had several (MANY) fetmail messages from random schmucks who have been associated with a professional; who have the thought that ALL Female Dominants are for sale; when obviously, there is no price tag for some.
For over a year, I had in HUGE writing on my profile that I was NOT a professional; and yet still, because of the way some were introduced as being a jon, those seem to think that all Female Dominants are easily bought, when that is simply not the case.
I finally took it down after over a year because I did not want anything professional to be associated with my profile, as far as the Female Domination aspects.
All of the points within this thread assist my point of view on why I am personally against 'professional domination'.
QUOTE: "WHAT IS A PRO DOMME? A Pro Domme or Dominatrix is a woman (there are a few men, although rare) who study, train, and educate themselves to death on all things Kink/Fetish/BDSM and beyond in order to provide a wonderful appointment for a paying client. We often have extensive wardrobes, and work out of Dungeons. Some of us are also LIFESTYLE DOMMES and some of us are just kinky and open minded.
Ummm...I have taken many classes and I have gone through many studies through Mentor(s), books, research, classes, demos, and so on...
I have dove into kinks that are not my own because of those whom I was involved with.
I have studied and researched for YEARS; and I continue to do so about all that I can come across... is it only that 'professionals' are the only ones who ', train, and educate themselves to death on all thinks Kink/Fetish/BDSM and beyond...'
Is it not possible for a non-professional Female Dominant to care about all aspects? Or is it being stated that those who are not a professional do not care?
And the whole '...we have extensive wardrobes...'
Ummm...has anyone SEEN my collection of clothes?
I am NOT a professional Female Dominant...and corset collection of custom made spiral steel boned are above 70+ in my closet...and some (a large percentage, but not over 50%) are reversible corsets as well...and the 70+ only include my over-bust custom made corsets...not including under-bust corsets...fetish clothes...costumes...dresses...latex...and so on... is it that professionals are so different from Lifestyle Female Dominants, in those aspects?
By that token, does that make me a professional, too?
QUOTE: "WHAT IS A LIFESTYLE DOMME? A lifestyle Domme is a woman who takes on a Dominant role in her personal life, who seeks a kink-minded partner to play with, date, or just other kink-minded people to have a good time with. A lifestyle Domme may attend fetish events, workshops, or classes to learn the techniques she may be interested in. A lifestyle Domme will play with only the kinky people she wants to. fact that I personally live my life as a 24/7 Female Dominant is only allowed if I am a professional?
Do I seek like minded people? Absolutely...
Do I go to classes/events/workshops/etc. about interesting topics for me? Absolutely...
Do I only play with those whom I want to play? Absolutely...however, I do not exclude associating with those who have "different kinks"...
So...according to these 2 is it that I am not a professional dominatrix and how is it that I am only a
Lifestyle Female Dominant; according to these definitions?
...oh...that's was 'forgotten' to be written that the main reason as to what the difference between a professional and a Lifestyle Female Dominant...***professionals are PAID for their time to play with someone else...and...Lifestyle Female
Once again...if it walks like a duck...
Below, I have pointed out other aspects of this thread that are extremely poignant to why I view a professional dominatrix is nothing more than a glamorized hooker by Hollywood.
In a nutshell:
To live out a fantasy they always wanted to, but can not live out in real life due to:
** -Being in a kinkless (even sexless as well) marriage.**
This is the absolute and NUMBER 1 reason why I am against professional dominatrix. You willingly KNOW that the jon is willingly assist the jon to cheat on their spouse by paying you and others like you for your 'services' to assist the jon in their sexual release from their 'frustrations'.
Professional dominatixes do not show ANY concern for the jons family, spouse, or anything beyond the paycheck that they are going to receive.
No honor.
No ethics.
No morals.
Yes, there are many who assist another to cheat on their spouse...difference is...those people usually do NOT get paid for their time...
Either way...still despicable...
** -Being told by their significant other or ex in the past that they are freaks and disgusting for wanting to __(insert something as simple as kiss feet to something as wild as being pissed on).**
Ummm...I have been called a "freak" by MANY for my kinks...same with those whom I have played with at times...same with those whom I have become friends with...and...well...not many of us who are 'Lifestylers' look to a professional... is the difference???
...oh yeah...
** -They do not want to attend lifestyle events because they want this to be done in absolute private, some have high profile jobs, some are just scared of running into others who may know them. (Many lifestylers say "I'd never pay for a Pro Domme, that's just STUPID!.." Yeah idiot, you are OUT IN THE OPEN ABOUT YOUR KINK! Do you have a wife at home that would leave you, a boss that would fire you, or any other issue? A fear of being in public? Public play and talking to others about your fantasy not what you seek because you just want a one on one experience? NO? Do you think someone is totally comfortable telling a girl he just met at a party that he wants to go home and eat her shit? NO? Then why judge someone else?**
This is also MANY people within the Lifestyle and NOT only for jons...MANY whom I know and associated/played with cannot have their private life come out into public knowledge...point?
And it is pointed out exactly what is wrong with the profession, once again in here..."...Yeah idiot, you are OUT IN THE
OPEN ABOUT YOUR KINK! Do you have a wife at home that would leave you, a boss that would fire you, or any other issue?"
Not all are open about their kinks...yet you call people idiots because they look for something that fulfills them?
By that token, does that make me a professional, too?
Nope... I am understanding what has been written...the whole wife leaving...goes back to the original aspect of what I believe is wrong with professionals...
** -They don't want to meet a lifestyle woman for playtime because most want a relationship, (not what they are looking for), and they want someone who will do their kink/fetish without throwing out what THEIR kinks and fetishes are. They don't want to take all this time looking, talking to and trying to meet a lifestyler. It is too involved. They are rejected by lifestyle Dommes because the lifestyle Domme may be there looking for a possible partner and will walk away or not converse with the man who is just looking to get to know them for some playtime and not looking for romance. Playing once in a while and leaving, will tend to hurt the feelings eventually of some lifestyle Dommes who become emotionally attached. Pro Dommes do not become romantically attached to our married or otherwise off-limits clients.**
Once again...I have played with those who did not want a romantic relationship...on many was clearly stated prior and there were few issues...
By that token, does that make me a professional, too?
And the jons do not want they play partner to throw out what the Dominants' kinks are? Really? I highly doubt that is strictly only for the professional side of things...
" -They seek us for absolute discretion (we see some PRETTY IMPORTANT or WELL KNOWN PEOPLE). A Pro Domme won't call, email or stalk their client after the session. If a lifestyle woman becomes attached, she might try getting me to leave my wife and I don't want to leave my wife, I just want to live out my kink is what many think, even if it isn't the case all the time."
By that token, does that make me a professional, too?
However, once again, it is repeated, the same issue I have over and over and over and over and over again..."leave my wife and I don't want to leave my wife, I just want to live out my kink is what many think, even if it isn't the case all the time." ~furthering the lying to the spouse that a professional is allowing and pushing because of the paycheck at the end of the session.
" -There is mostly, no sex with our clients. I say mostly, because other Countries mix Domination and Prostitution. America does not. But for the most part, they aren't looking for sex. They just are looking for kink, or to serve, or engage in a fantasy or a fetish. Since there is no sex, many do not consider it cheating and they feel better about it consciously. Not every client sees it like that though and some will only see a Pro Domme when they are single."
Do they sexually get off and are sexually satisfied?
Is kink not described as, according to Merriam Webster; "... unconventional sexual taste or behavior..."??? Oh wait...that was quoted from the
Is prostitute not described in the dictionary as; "a person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money. "
...once again...quoted...
And fetish; "an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression "
So...a sex worker is classified as:
sex worker ** noun** : a person whose work involves sexually explicit behavior; especially : prostitute 1"
So...why do professional dominatrixes get so offended when they are called that?
Though the jon may not see it as cheating...ALL know that if the spouse found out; they would leave for the dishonesty mostly over the spouse's kinks and fetishes...
" -A Pro Domme is usually very experienced, and can deliver exactly what the client is looking for in a safe and super-skilled manner. How many 26yr old lifestyle women have bull-whipped the backsides of 300 men?" is measured by how many people one has serviced?
Just because one person has not played with (or been paid to play with) a large amount of people; does not make them inexperienced. It is the time, the education, the studying, and the LIVING of the Lifestyle that creates experience.
That is called a ***SLUT...***someone who has been with over 100 people...well...I guess in this case, the correct terminology would actually be *whore; as there is a monetary transaction involved.
There are "good sluts" and "bad sluts"; just like with anything the end...if one is a slut...then just own it...
Money to perform actions is a receives experience through a job...but a job pays the person for their time...
Are there any variety of letters that are capitalized after the professional dominatrix's last name for the training and whatnot that was training was gone through?
Just like for a are no degrees or certifications that are legal or recognized as being an experienced comes with TIME...
" -A dungeon is where many like to "escape" to for their experience. Most lifestyle women don't have super upscale fancy multi-room dungeons with $30k worth of toys and other Domme girls available in the next room. Some do! But your average lifestyle lady does not, although she might have great toys."
Once again...just like with the outfits...all of my toys are custom made to my specifications...from metal (sometimes with wood) paddles to carbon canes to etc. My personal toy collection is pretty much just at the $40K mark...but...let me guess...they are 'just great toys' and not what a professional would 'deem as a toy' in the BDSM Lifestyle...
By that token, does that make me a professional, too?
" -Their session is therapeutic to them, and we are a type of therapist. Therapy costs money, and they don't mind paying a Professional."
A therapist?
Do professionals have a Psychology Degree?
Do professionals go through licensing?
Then it is wrong (and illegal) to claim oneself to be of a therapist of any kind without certifications/school/ know...the stuff that is REQUIRED BY LAW to be considered a REAL therapist and not a sexual releasing person who is paid to give the jon what is desired for gratification.
" -Our wardrobe is usually very extensive as well as expensive. Besides leather and latex, we have other Dominatrix outfits, dozens of high heels, shoes and boots, stockings, pantyhose, blouses, nurse and other role-playing outfits and so on."
Once again...I have brought up my closet...
QUOTE: "WHAT DOES A PRO DOMINATRIX KNOW HOW TO DO? (feel free to skip ahead if the list is too crazy for you to handle reading at 3 in the morning)..."
I am not going to re-post every aspect that was labeled in the writing; however, I have seen VERY FEW aspects of kink that has been listed that I have not studied/done with a partner...
By that token, does that make me a professional, too?
QUOTE: "There are no differences, just different circumstances in life that enable people to live out their kink at different times and in different ways. If you tell me you are so busy with work and your kids that you haven't had time for fetish parties, munches and play etc in a long time and you miss it, does that make you not in the lifestyle anymore? No? Than what is the difference between that and a man who is busy with his job traveling and his own kids and only has time for a session here and there? Does that mean he doesn't fantasize or feel the urge constantly to submit or serve? Do you think he doesn't wish his life was different so he could serve a Mistress 24/7 as her live-in slave? Do you really think there is a difference just because they can only afford to submit for an hour? We make lasting bonds, friendships and D/s M/s relationships with some of our clients. Its just that they lead different lives. Some are more private about their desires too. The lifestyle community is too much for them. Like stated above, they will loose high profile jobs if found at a munch. Or this is just a private side of themselves they share with a chosen trusted person. Some serve Mistresses for so long that the Mistress or slave passes away and it's beyond devastating."
No. All that was stated above is the EXACT SAME for ALL PEOPLE within BDSM and it is not excluded to jons.
Not everyone in the Lifestyle, can go to events/parties/etc. because of previous commitments.
Not everyone within the Lifestyle is not without some form of problems that they need to focus on within their vanilla lives.
Not all who are within BDSM can live it 24/7 as they wish and want to...but those who are involved, there are MANY who wish that they could do their role more often...if not 24/7 as well... one who is within the BDSM Lifestyle makes '...lasting bonds, friendships, and D/s M/s relationships with...' those whom they play with/have played with?
QUOTE: "Pro Dommes have helped subs learn about themselves, not feel shame, embrace who they are, grow, challenged them, and even changed their lives for the better because we are caring understanding people, not the wallet munching cunts people make us out to be."
Because "regular" Lifestylers do not do this or go through this as well? This is 'only' secluded to the paying jons?
Not by a long shot.
QUOTE: "If I am a teacher and I am doing what I love for a living, should I tell them to stop my paychecks? Is there something wrong with doing something for a living that you love and take pride in? We get to live out and see things you will NEVER see at a fetish party. We spend lots of time perfecting our craft, and money on our equipment."
Umm...a teacher is someone who has certifications backing their studies and training within their personal field...
There is no shame in being proud of one's profession, if they enjoy it. However, it is wondered why others within BDSM look at professional dominatrixes as '... the wallet munching cunts people make us out to be."* ~even though not all who are involved with BDSM have that view.
...even myself...believe it or not...
I just personally disagree with a professional dominatrix because of my stated facts/ideas/opinions based on experiences I have had.
QUOTE: "We get paid to fulfill the fantasies of others which is true, but we are very picky about who we take on and we try to take on guys who's interests reflect our own.
But...I thought that the jons were looking for someone who '...they want someone who will do their kink/fetish without throwing out what THEIR kinks and fetishes are...'???
What about that whole aspect?
Contradictions...putting it mildly...
** I love slave training, it doesn't mean my appointment tomorrow is for slave training. But I might have fun anyway, because I am very interested in all aspects of BDSM just like many other Pros. A good Pro domme knows that it's not the session theme but who you are playing with that can make or break the session.**
...same thing is applied to
Our skills, equipment, and wardrobe plus our dungeon is a huge expense, that we must upkeep. is...personally...I know...though...I am NOT a professional...
It is called a job...well...I should be a BIT more specific...a job where one does not steal money from a jons wife and children is usually preferred by most...but...
...then again...I guess that not all people can have morals or ethics...or integrity...
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/1593134

...or can they have morals and ethics and integrity...???...I suppose it depends as to various factors to take into consideration...
However only more recently in the years of 2020 and 2021 have I brought forward more specific details as to why my opinions have been as to such factors as while I have known there are those who only choose single males and other such aspects, the view points of my personal opinion are of might rights through such aspects as to my combined viewpoints thereof from my knowledge as to situations my understanding as to the realities in multiple facets as well as my comprehension as to the impacts thereof as to having known a few in the 1980s and 1990s in the northeast area of the United States of America.
However how many people back then in the year of 2013 paid attention to that reality, or even honestly cared to process that aspects of reality in such a viewpoint of mine in conjunction as to all of the other combined factors I discussed with people in person as well as wrote about online prior to authoring and compiling my factual autobiographies as well as knowing the difference as to the genres for the other book series I authored? Then again I did not think that took a head injury to figure that out, as to having already discussed such in great details before that posting in the year of 2013 as well as this journal blog entry this year in 2021.