In reference of combining all of my journals I wrote through my original #fetlife account which I will post the link at the bottom for the clarifications thereof, I am going to have the transparency brought forward as to what can be seen from the original posting dates as to the current timeframe of this day 28 November 2021 for those to see as to my original #Facebook accounts of Susan MeeLing as well as Lady Dori Belle for the additional ability to see the connection links as to what I had discussed for many years and decades in person as well as online as to such factors as best as I could as to the circumstances. Possibly such details will assist to make sense, in the comparisons thereof as to the amounts of details though in addition I do not pretend or hide myself from my truth which others should realize it is important to be honest and truthful in many more ways than just in one or two moments as it is imperative to be more capable to recognize the truth in such aspects of life for far more than some might have realized despite all of my warnings as to what I knew to bring forward to assist as best as possible.
I will begin with posting my newer updated journals from my original account and work backwards as to the irony I noticed. There will be plenty to read in the ways of, whether or not you choose to venture into the areas of the website fetlife.
Posted on 15 May 2021
To see the pictures you need to
Day 10 of 60 Day Challenge : Skulls, blood, and reef bones
To see the pictures to understand the references in my posting, you need to go to my website as the link to the entry with the pictures will be at the bottom of the entry with the notations for clearer understanding.
Today I am thankful for the fact I trained myself in addition to the #SCUBA #Diving certifications I had earned through the constant work I put into verifying the knowledge to understand, for the comprehension of what needed to be done for the best possible outcomes from each #SCUBADiving certification and training times. I am thankful I had begun my training in the waters within the state of Texas prior to going to the #oceanic waters for the additional SCUBA Diving certification courses out from the #Cozumel #GulfofMexico area, prior to going to my first official oceanic SCUBA Dives out of #Florida from the #BocaRaton and #FloridaKeys area of #KeyWest. I know if I had not completed all of the works I had done prior to SCUBA Diving out from Florida, the situations could have gone extremely differently. I know and apologize to those who have been annoyed by the way I do things oddly, however there are reasons as to why I am as cautious and yet boisterous about my individual steps of what I have taken care of and/or prepare myself for; just as I know I am not the only one who does so, I simply have my own methods which I hope work out for the best in more ways.
Some have told me they thought I was considered as to them as overprepared, though I learned the most difficult ways in reference of how it is better to be overprepared than otherwise. Some have asked me if I really felt I needed as much as I had purchased for myself for various aspects in different areas of communities not just in SCUBA Diving who asked or said similar, which admittedly in some areas aside from SCUBA Diving was a different aspect. In SCUBA Diving I believed and was proven it was better to be well stocked and prepared in comparison to a few of my first SCUBA Dive certification courses training, which I picked up what I needed quickly.
I apologize for not acknowledging certain aspects as openly as some might have preferred previously though in my thoughts I had believed simply posting the pictures was enough in reference to my SCUBA Diving for those who would know and understand from the colors as well as lack thereof, as to the depths within the oceanic waters as well as in lake or quarry or hot springs waters as to the depths by the colors for the times I took the pictures as well as the one SCUBA Diving video of a marriage ceremony for my Underwater Videography SCUBA Diving certification homework. Admittedly prior to that SCUBA Dive certification homework in reference to the color of the water in the video, I had already gone SCUBA Diving for myself in reference to training. Though I did not get to see the video because I know what color the water was when I was done with my initial SCUBA Dive training for the day, I know my training went very well especially in reference to my SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. #Vandenberg which the picture at the bottom of this entry gives a few points of interest to pay attention to as to why I had been as adamant about my SCUBA Diving training prior to going into the oceanic waters for what I needed to do.
At this time I suppose some may not have taken into consideration as to what the purpose had been as to why I was as diligent about my SCUBA Diving training as I would guesstimate there might have been some computer enigma to the SCUBA Diving information technology system, as by the time of the month of May in 2009 I had earned enough to be considered for preparation to #SCUBADiveMaster and/or #SCUBADiveInstructor. However the goal of mine was for my own training which if there had been someone who was alerted to such a hypothetical glitch in the SCUBA Divers' database, I would guess that might spark a bit of curiosity as to why I went the route I had in comparison to other known routes in SCUBA Diving. Quite simply it was not the certifications which were needed as much per se as the classes and the training I had to accomplish for myself, which either then or later on may have been of quandary for some as to the reasons why.
When I was ready to discuss the training and situations, the timing was what it was. Which in turn while in the reality of not apologizing for being myself though my apologies for my difficulties speaking to explain more clearly, as the wording for a combined aspects of the overall situations was a bit more than the words I could think of or find to explain better.
Instead of the equivalent of a debriefing I suppose in some ways the response I had at the time felt as though the requirement to not speak of for awhile, as who could I discuss such details with who would believe me if I had gone into the larger amount of details? I made several attempts including the SCUBA Divers I knew at the time actively SCUBA Diving during 2009 in the group I had been in, a relationship situation, and my biological father who had been a Merchant Marine and had done SCUBA Diving with a J or a K Valve; to no avail which thankfully during my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification course I was able to discuss some portions a bit further which seemingly surprised my classmates and teachers to learn of, though also the #CavernExcursions male I had met when at the shop. However at that time I had already begun the process of not discussing much further because of the other portions previously later that trip, as I may have misread the responses from the others during the trip. I was not asked about what happened at the bottom of the ocean when I went to the Vandenberg in reference to the totality of the SCUBA Dive, just as I was not asked what occurred during my descent, what occurred while waiting for the assigned SCUBA Diver to get to where I was, or my ascent by anyone at all; including in reference to the pictures I had posted in my original Facebook account, as well as my original fetlife account prior to winding up in #Washington state. All choices listed were viable ways for people to have simply asked for the information outright in comparison to what had occurred over the past years since 2009, as it would have been more quick and simple to get the answers back then all those years ago.
Instead by the time of the beginning of November or end of October 2009, I simply stopped any attempt to bring up the discussions any further because of the lack of interest in questions for such. As everything kicked up in reference to what occurred to my daughter shortly after the time where I stopped any attempt to discuss the details of my SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS #GeneralHoytSVandenberg because of the responses I had gotten as well as the lack thereof, I simply went on taking care of what was important to take care of more-so. Admittedly it would be aggravating at the least to find out if instead of simply asking and going around wasting time as well as disruption to my family as well as my life if there were those who could have simply just asked back then, in comparison to what occurred.
However in the longer term from that time I am thankful that such truths were shown however they were shown because obviously while I was and am the only one who has done and accomplished what I have in reference to SCUBA Diving, there is the reality I am not the only one who went through various aspects which such needless situations were gone through because of the choice to not simply ask me directly all those years ago when I was offering the information freely.
As a side notation it is ironic of older pictures with a drawing of an individual with a towel around their head due to a toothache and when I had brought up to several doctors and dentists about the connection of the problems with my teeth health to my headaches and migraines after all of the prescriptions I had been prescribed as well as the SCUBA Diving compression situation to porous teeth, when there have been those who have wondered why my headaches and migraines have been elevated beyond the electric situations; think about all of those altitude changes in addition, and the repeated requests I have made to get my teeth fully taken care of because of the additional needless pain added to my headaches and migraines. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the teeth inside of the skull would impact the feelings within the cranium region of the human body, which in turn would needlessly elevate pain levels if such medical treatments were not properly taken care of. For example, has it been found yet as to the teeth connection to the heart for health in a way?
I would be extremely thankful and appreciative if there is a dentist who would be willing to undertake such a situation to see how much the pain levels decrease from my headaches and migraines if such were to be fully extracted for replacement teeth implants, as I doubt since I brought it up years ago the probability for in a one and done sort of way in comparison to one filling or one tooth at a time. I would like to discuss option in reference to SCUBA Diving and the concerns in reference to certain aspects as the implants are longer term for the bone shape I would guess, though the portion in reference to the compression from the descent being released during the ascent is the concern in regards of the screws into place and the possible gaps in the bone marrow areas. The sooner the better in my opinion, though I admit my bias as the initial elevated pain levels began with the dentist portions after being looked at and the noticing of when the average time for the elevation in pain levels regarding the teeth location compared to other areas within the different quadrants of my cranium and brain area from the headaches and migraines. There would be one individual I could think of who would know of how I notated in certain references to the progression of my health within notebooks years ago and around the time of Irving in 2011, compared to the possibility of others I knew who might not have known to the level of notations by the minute compared to the hour on which day of the week in which month.
Of those who could have later read from downloading "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" back in 2015 before and/or after mailing the physical books of the original aside from the Library of Congress submissions to the registry who could or would possibly guess and/or know of the lack of exposure to a lot of references to pop culture would be anyone I met who asked me about a movie or a television show from prior to the year 2000 which the discussion was at length or in the area of, as well as anyone I was friends with or dated as obviously my biological family would know the lack of exposure I had to pop culture aspects. Though most would not have known about my ability to read The Big Blue Book also known as the extended version of The Blue Book Project naming supposedly for the proper terminology, unless you saw the listing on Amazon through Nine Lives Books or worked or volunteered in the bookstore in whichever area; as shortly after The Big Blue Book was listed, the cat sanctuary was moved into the area where I was volunteering putting the books online. However I did not discuss in those years of having read through everything to the level at those times, as I did not know who was allowed to have that level of knowledge and information after looking through all of the pages of #TheBigBlueBook despite later seeing to make the listing for The #BlueBookProject. Thus in reference to Irving as well as in addition to SCUBA Diving, I did not know who to speak with or request assistance from for such to be worked on. I am thankful I kept quiet admittedly for a bit, as the correct wording to explain still is a difficulty in a timeline format more clearly in reference to three specific sets of SCUBA Diving in 2009 though other portions referring to my training admittedly, as well as the situations in regards of the Irving interaction in 2011.
I am thankful I was able to be creative in reference to Fail-Safe, though coming to accept the reality of which portions of certain situations combined to clarify some connectionary points between both my SCUBA Diving overall as well as the Irving reference in 2011 just as I am thankful I still have some of my SCUBA Diving pictures to piece aspects together.
As you can see from the three pictures above from my SCUBA Diving out from Boca Raton Florida with the same date format for the time, the water color differences though around the same depth levels and area within the Atlantic portion of the ocean in reference to color changes in the waters themselves from what I had trained myself to take care of which was a threat to humanity on earth on the land.
With the same date for the time you can look at the SCUBA Diving pictures I took above from the three on the same day compared to the above three on the same day, take into consideration the change in color of the water itself, and from my training which had not been taken into consideration though had been considered as odd maybe now certain aspects make a bit more sense as to why I stopped making any attempts to speak about what occurred when going to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg. Though I have other SCUBA Diving pictures which I am thankful for which I had not learned how to put the date to show embedded in the picture yet, the water color changes for the same timing are along similar lines in referenced to a closed circuit set of training compared to when I was able to get out into the open oceanic waters to handle what I needed to handle. I know the date in reference to my SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS Vandenberg has both the dates for the 6th and the 7th however I was in the #BermudaTriangle area of the oceanic waters, which I doubt I am the only one who has seen or noticed certain technological glitches which have occurred in computer pieces when going out into the ocean in comparison to on land; as I learned has been a mystery for several centuries, and known throughout many continents. The date format is year, month, then day.
I am thankful I can joke about the fact I had probably made some of the boat crews who reeled me in as well as the original boat I had gone out to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg a bit taken aback, in regards of my asking to make sure I was not in trouble with the #SCUBADivePolice. I suppose in some ways I might have been ahead of my time in reference to what I was thinking of, though there are SCUBA Divers who are #PoliceOfficers who use SCUBA Diving for their rescues just as there are military associated #ArmedForces guys of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica who SCUBA Dive for their work; though I was referencing something a bit different, I suppose more along the lines of my ideas referring to #TheUnderwaterTravelSystem. Which since I did not discuss those portions with anyone about my idea for such all the way back in 8th Grade when I applied for #MarineandScienceTechnology School with the #Naval attachment for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, I suppose I can see now why some who once knew me might have been surprised I came up with such an idea especially if knowing the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
The picture on the left is of the oceanic floor when I landed at the bottom of the ocean for the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Dive, the middle picture has the additional notations with the arrows pointing to pertinent information, as the picture on the right does as well with some furthered clarifications to a degree.
I am glad my son was able to see the miniature version of a metaphorical memorial marker in reference to the first picture posted, which I can joke about a few aspects in how much I truly enjoyed taking my son and my daughter for Dim Sum and at minimum at random times able to give them some calamari; though I wish my daughter could have seen the metaphorical memorial marker I made as well, though at minimum there was the food and memories of wonderful times together as a family.
If my biological parents and sister recall how much I enjoyed tearing up #RoyalHongKong Octopi when at #CrownPalace in #NewJersey, maybe they can look back and see how ready I was to take care of what needed to be taken care of a few decades later by me; though if they remember when in #Manhattan #Chinatown visiting my Great Grandparents if they remember how happy my Great Grandparents were when I would tear into certain seafood the way I would, they would know of the time they left me alone with my Great Grandparents and could imagine what I was taught and trained in combination with my maternal Grandfather's encouragements. I am extremely thankful I was taught by them in multiple aspects to prepare myself, even after the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
I suppose at this point it probably makes sense as to the custom pieces for my tools regarding the lifestyle, as the custom pieces and levels thereof for the shapes in some ways could give a sort of impact level for certain SCUBA Diving situations regarding my training as to the striking impacts from my SCUBA Diving tools for specific aspects regarding the water color changes; though admittedly softened because of the comparison of the ways the movement flowed pun intended, when in the waters SCUBA Diving. Nonetheless the proper healthcare for those who do specific types of SCUBA Diving in the United States of America's Armed Forces for their work is important to take into consideration as the differences for the medical healthcare are unique for such individuals, because of the depth level pressure changes required within their training compared to within the civilian sector for recreational SCUBA Diving. I have always been appreciative of the Armed Forces branches and divisions of the United States of America for my freedoms and Constitutional Rights, which I have done what I could to be grateful and genuinely appreciate the rights maintained by such individuals in the various sectors.
However in reference to the SCUBA Diving after effects specifically in reference to the #USNavySEAL community and training for specific work in the various though specific ways thereof, I know there is not the clinic arrangement within the VA system yet which makes me wonder if there is such for the actual #SEAL community during active duty/national guard/reservist time beyond the standard medical assessments? In the recreational side there are no lessons available for if you had a head injury within a 5 year period for civilian recreational SCUBA Divers, however military SCUBA Divers are exposed to several aspects while in activated stances which I would guesstimate there have been discussions before by some which were passed off as however the wording; though the reality of for the proper maintenance of their well being, which such individuals do prove the ability to push through such with the prior training and level of knowledge of oneself admittedly compared to the recreational side.
If an additional aspect can be brought forward for such combinations of my life, at minimum the portions of such SCUBA Diving which may not have been able to have been discussed with certain levels of clearance because of the types of work completed may have been a preventative to the healthcare needed by such individuals during as well as after various types of SCUBA Diving for the Armed Forces of the United States of America. As I am only one person who can make a single request though as one person I have made several as I hope as respectfully as possible with as much clarity as I could possibly give, please respectfully contact your local state Congressperson #Congress and local state #Senator who has committee relations regarding military SCUBA Diving to ask for them to meet with me in person to discuss the details which can be deciphered as to which is best for taking better care of now as well as for the future generations of military SCUBA Divers which also assist space traveling; unless and/or also if there is a business which is interested in discussing the portions of to get the ball rolling to square such away quickly and correctly, to progress forward. However also in the combined aspects in reference to the portions regarding Irving, The Big Blue Book/Blue Book Project though other facets thereof.
I am thankful for the ability to have seen as much as I have, and I have survived to live through and onward hopefully for the best and helpful.
#SusanMeeLingFindASilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #60DaysofThanksChallenge #SusanMeeLingFindingTheSilverLining60DaysOfThanksChallenge also known as the #SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge#60DaysOfThanksChallenge#SusanMeeLing60DaysOfThanksChallenge
www. fetlife .com/users/484330/posts/7161839
