When the timeframe of walking around the club area around the timeframe of 2017 after the mural was put on the wall of the area at the original areas of the main dance area, I had a sensation to walk around the property several times throughout several weekend events. At first I noticed a door on the outside of the back area near a river area when walking towards the parking lot near the area between the casino, that caught my attention due to the aspects of the water. I noticed an odd lighting in the evening hours, though I had difficulties figuring out what the illuminations were from this one particular area that seemingly glowed here and there in certain evening hours.
While the aspects of the colorations of green, red, and yellow mostly were the illuminations I noticed usually in the evening hours as to when I began walking around the club property. I noticed several situations as per the ways I went through the property areas at night as to near the Homeland Security area as to the furthest I usually walked the security areas, though also taking care of situations while paying attention to the details I noticed. I was informed in August of 2022 when I stopped by the Club Sapphire location to only look around as to having been awhile since I had volunteered to the cleaning as the timeframe where the cleaning with bleach went to the cleaning with Simple Green, as I was concerned about the correct cleanliness of the shower areas especially as to the type of wipes I would purchase for cleaning after I had graduated from the Dominant Mentor Program with a purple top lid as to the multiple pack purchase I had found. The situations of the Simple Green as to considerable aspects for some people as to cleaning, then as to the knowledge and understanding as to my childhood and my teenager years as to the 1980s and the 1990s for the wording aspects as to such situations to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person.
The mural of the picture with Ruby and her daughter as per what I was informed of as to the picture mural on the wall being when the two were pictured together, and the daughter being within the upper-ish as to 16-ish legally as to the aspects of the timeframe as to when I am uncertain. Thus as to the aspects where the differences as to situations as to noticing the illuminations as to the area when I finally realized was the Emerald Room, I personally had not ever been inside that area and as to noticing the door on the outside area though knowing there are curtains and a bedframe as to the area nearby the wall area if I am accurate as to the blocking of the doorway as to the exit area as to the only open way to the exterior on that side of the Club Sapphire #ClubSapphire #Washington #WashingtonState #WA #WAstate #Seattle #SeaTac #SeattleWA #SeattleWashington #Tacoma #TacomaWA as to the area near the bikeway path as well as the creek nearby.
I was informed and showed the upgrades to the area as to the interior design of the location and the lighting within the main areas is pleasing to the eyes by far to the ease to see clearer inside the area, as the white furniture and backdrops assist with the capability to see more clearly as to the openness of the areas as to the club.
While going through the situations in reference to reviewing as to my personal life though also my personal experiences as well as noticings, the situation as to the area of if accurate as to the area of the Emerald Room or the green room as to the color name. The curtains that are fireproof as to what I was informed as to the aspects where the other artwork pieces in other areas of the Club Sapphire blend well, as to the overall upgrades to the areas as to the aspects of lighting. If as to accuracy to the Emerald Room as to the bedframe as to the shelves as to the carpeting on the shelves as to the platform area along the room's side areas; I am uncertain as to the areas as to the way it reminded me of the area at Liberty Science Center as to the walkway as to the area as to a pathway as to the 5 senses in one of the years at Liberty Science Center to the aspects of the texture along the walls as to the shelving area one of the only times I had seen with the illuminations as to the area when getting everything taken care of and admittedly as to how I personally had not sensed comfort as to when being in the area as to that room name as it seemed odd about the areas as to the carpeting sensation I felt with my hand one pre-evening as to the arrangement of the table area at the entrance.
Figuring a way to put into words as to while taking care of everything all at the same time during those years of the random noticing as to the attempts when I went to ask about such, as when I would ask someone to walk with me as to the if factors of them having noticed seeing the same as to the illumination. However since I was the only person as to having noticed since nothing was said to me about if it was noticed, as to the aspects whereas to the situations as to the concern about the Ruby Room as I personally had the opinion it seemed odd as to the aspects of as to the security walks. It did not seem as big of a deal to complete the security walks on my own as others were as they were, and it was just natural to me as per other timeframe aspects to my life as per the reality of New York City in the 1980s and the early 1990s as to other areas as to New Jersey as to the knowledge of my biological father's employment as to the aspects of him having been certified by the School of Bulova for what it is noticed as to those timeframes as to the reality how the aspects of 1993 as to the upcoming 30 year memorial year as to 2023 as the Lifeiversary/Lifiversary/Life-i-versary #Lifeiversary #Lifiversary #LiFiVeRy being in the year of 2024 as per the prior journal blog entries about life as to the aspects of living.
The reality of the answers to the World Trade Center 1993 as to the other events within the year of 1993 as to the possibilities of such culminations as to the World Trade Center and World Trade Center Plaza, as the reality of what the view is from Long Island at the #USCG #USACG #USCoastGuard US Coast Guard Manteko near Hithers Beach as to what the sight once was from #NJ #NJStrong #NewJersey #NewJerseyStrong #NJ #NewJerseyStrong New Jersey near #Liberty #LibteryScienceCenter #Science #Center #LSC Liberty Science Center.
Many years ago in the timeframe of 2011 when I had spoken on the phone with who I was told was Ms Jules as to a female who I was dating at the time Patrick who had said she had heard and had not said from who as to how she had heard I outed individuals as per the aspects, where the reality of the amount of situations and conventions in the Austin Texas area as to such aspects in reference to #SXSW #SouthBySouthWest South By Southwest as to the oddity of the sound of the word Seattle as there is a bit of something that may seem a bit more appropriate as to the comparison as to what I was wrongly accused of as to the aspects regarding the situations as per the timeframe of 2011. As per the situations as to the timeframe afterwards as to 2017 when I first noticed the illuminations though as to the aspects of 2022 as to when figuring out as to the wording because I guesstimate as to the after effects from the subrachnoid hemorrhage and I guesstimate as to the cognitive disorder aspects, in reference to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. There have been times I made attempts to speak about the aspects of when I went inside, though the aspects of my issues as to the words to point out beyond leading the individuals directly to the area as best as I could as to the situations.
If as to situations whereas to Cowboys Dancehall as to the Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 as to the if factors as to such individuals if they actually had correctly spoken with me in real truth in comparison of a playscript where a playscript is not truth unless it specifically has such aspects of the actual details as per such knowledge at the exact point in time as to being read as to such factors as to such an exact point in time with all such exact details as to such factors of the common sense as to how individuals reading scripts as to the difference of the play or the aspects of such a movie if as to such or as to whatever if as to willingness as to the comparison where I personally did not ever actually want such aspects for myself as personally I was annoyed as to the aspects as to such acting situations, because of the annoyances as to the individuals as to their feelings about their line numbers as to their complaints about each and everything that was as to such factors regarding each situation throughout the different plays I had been in throughout the timeframe.
When adding the consideration of the if factors as to my ex-in-laws as to the reality of several factors as to the if situations as to the years of 2000 through 2008 as to the proof of 2009 through 2013 as to the if factors of the proof of 2014 through 2018 as to the proof of the years of 2019 through 2022, why would I ever believe as to such aspects as to the subrachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to the after effects thereof to the consideration as to the reality of my Basic Training, in the year of 2000 as to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. The aspects of the situations as to the biological aspects as to my side as to such factors as to the differences as to the oddities, as per the aspects of from when I returned on convalescent leave. If I was actually cared about upon my return to Illinois, the aspects of how it would have actually been upon my return as to the if I was actually cared about as to such aspects. There was nothing comforting about being back in Illinois as there was nothing that connected as to the aspects of Illinois, when I went back to Illinois in 2000 as the only aspects were Mark Stanley that seemed normal to what I remembered compared to the rest of the people as to the biological factors as to a comment he made that was along the lines of what I remembered before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury that year of 2000. However as many individuals within the overall as to the situations in reference to how many pop culture references as well as the aspects of what was in the news at the time about ENRON as well as other situations as to New Jersey, and yet most situations as to New Jersey always had situations in New Jersey though as to how everyone else who complained were usually the ones who caused the needless problems within and to New Jersey while forgetting where they actually were physically as to such locations as to usually 99% of the time of their problems within the east coast throughout the 1980s and the 1990s of having occurred when in New York City compared to New Jersey and/or Pittsburg Pennsylvania in the comparisons as to anything assumed by each and every other person throughout whatever viewpoints of such situations.
In the year of 1999 in the early summer around that time as to my biological mother's half brother Leonard Gavett's wedding to a female named Sharon who I do not know her last name, though as to how that wedding went as to how the timeframe as to having been told to wear only certain colors that were approved for the wedding as anyone who has attended one that is a religious-ish ceremony as to the aspects of compared to the situations in reference to Justice of the Peace on a short notice as to the aspects of the capability to only have the time to look through a closet to find something-ish to wear that I made attempts as to a real marriage though since the facts as to the reality of how many churches I attended as to different locations as to such factors as to the reality of how important my Judeo-Christian religious background actually is as to my personal aspects. Thus as to the reality as to the requirements as to through my own free will as to such mandatory aspects since such had not occurred because of specific requirements as "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" references as to such aspects of as well to "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such aspects of what is important as to the sanctity of marriage as to the situations as to such factors of the circumstances at the time and thus as to the reality of the timeframe as to my Religious Freedoms as to the timeframe as well as the Constitutional aspects of the United States of America as to such references as to the aspects of the mandatory for myself.
In that timeframe as to the aspects where there was nothing I seemed capable that was ever good enough to ever actually receive appreciation as to what so-called compliments as to the timeframes as to such aspects, as to what other people claimed they thought were compliments as to such differences as to what I would consider as a compliment. However since so many people had informed me throughout the years as to the timeframe of as to what their opinions were as to the comparison of what I consider as a compliment, then at what point would it be to see such aspects as to how such viewpoints would be for the aspects of what was explained to me as many times throughout those years various times as why would such be of importance?
The situations as to the knowledge of 1993 as to the aspects of the fact Leonard as well as two other males I knew of were associated to the Desert Shield and Desert Storm as to the time after the attack on the World Trade Center and World Trade Center Plaza as to the factors of, as to later in the year of 2001 as to the second time as to the larger factors as to what lead to Iraq and Afghanistan. It was known about Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment when I was moved from New Jersey to Illinois as to the biological half family of my biological mother, as the reality of why it is important as to the 10 Commandments of multiple if factors. Then as to the situations where during the before the timeframe of the wedding as to after the timeframe of the wedding as to how many complaints about how I physically looked as to their claim that I looked better than the bride as to such aspects, in reference to my half maternal biological uncle Leonard having yelled that at me as to then the rest of the timeframe. I had not thought much about what others at the wedding that were not biologically related if as to knowing about Baptist Camp Lebanon or not as to the court case that occurred, as to the situations in reference to how even before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the reality of being capable to enjoy an event as to actually just enjoying even if it is just the sights to enjoy as to such factors as to prior party events if as to calling such in some ways as to the 3-ish total ever had for me as to those times though as to the wedding ceremony as to how knowingly not for me as to the aspects thereof though as to the situations of attending an event as to such aspects. I am uncertain how many attempts I made to calm the situation as to what other people had stirred up as to though as to the timeframe of as to not having thought about if anyone else had paid attention as to the aspects of, despite the amount of situations as to that time.
I can remember-ish a point when walking towards the front area of the yard as to some time, as to seeing my biological father throwing up alcohol in the driveway of the house that Leaonard and Sharon wedding was at their house at the time in the year of 1999 near the corner of the upper left side of the darker brown garage door area with a covered in a tarp vehicle in the driveway. The throw-up was orange and yellow with a little bit of brown colorations with a pungent smell that did not smell like alcohol though the scent was strong enough to smell halfway from the length of the driveway, where I was wearing a red background tank style dress with grey and purple colored rose flowers that were larger with black heels as I have not ever smelled that scent before or since.
There was not the smell of vomit either though I did not check the larger portions as Thomas Seaman as the name at the time that I was told had walked closer to where I was standing to inform me that my biological father had "one too many screw balls", as to what he said to me.
I asked what he meant, and he said that "Mike must have drank about a gallon of vodka".
The situations went as they have been described to the best of my capability, and I remember later at the time around the year of 2005 when I remembered I have multiple types of allergies that stem from my biological father where vodka is an allergy to my biological father as well as myself as to what does not mix well as to the situations. I learned of my allergy to vodka in the area of Texas, though I suppose as to the if factors as to fresh fruits and vegetables with certain specific ones as to the aspects of the levels of the allergies. I remember what allergies were different as to the ways certain ones were as to the aspects of others, as depending upon the type of as to the additional aspects of what chemicals were used.
The timeframe being within the year of 1999 as to that particular situation after when I was in fifth grade as to Mono, Epstein Bar, Bronchitis, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time as to the oddities around the timeframe of the building housing development in the Marlboro Township area as to the Carrollton Homes. There were many problems when the situations were in the initial phases as to the housing development as there were several steps that were taken as to the agreements that my biological father and my biological mother had said one aspect while being confusing in multiple ways, as while the situations in the earlier years when I was in Asher Holmes Elementary School as to people who started showing up to give presentations as assemblies in the school throughout the years. When the presentations were completed they then asked responses as to the different aspects of ideas as to the possibilities of, such as the various assemblies about law enforcement as well as water supplies among other topics such as smoking cessation assembly presentation aspects. However as to the time when the driveway was put into the area of the backyard as to when certain other situations began within the what would be seen possibly within a topographic map, as to the possibilities of the changes in the ground areas.
There was a point in time where on several occasions when the land surveyors had arrived at the forest area and several times as to the roadway area as to the rectangle yellow and black box to the yellow and black tripod stand the males usually used to see, as the road is not as hilly as it once was as to my childhood. There was a point in time where the hill on the road was much steeper to the area as to what once was as to where I grew up, as the aspects of the situations as to when having seen again more recently in February as well as September and October of the 2022 timeframe as to how many situations had occurred. Since the aspects of 1993 as to the length of time as to the work to make attempts to get to such details as to the requirements and as best as possible during such points in time throughout the years as to my attempts to explain certain aspects from knowledge I have had as to what I experienced and/or discussed and/or heard about as to why I have pushed myself after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain all the more in 2002 after certain other realizations.
While other individuals as to different points in time as to the opinions about the aspects of my medical at the time, since no one I once knew in any capacity ever asked me personally at any point in time about what I could notice as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain other than individuals who asked what it was to learn what a blood clot was though the doctors simply had not thought of a reason as to why I should discuss such details as to what I noticed as to any point of anything as to the differences as to the aspects of as the ways they had me describe my headaches as they had me describe my migraines, and as to their cognitive and their memory tests as per the Cognitive Therapy appointments I had throughout the first 8 years of being awake from my coma and since so many millennial needless drama individuals as to such failures additionally since the timeframe of waking up from my coma as to that particular aspect of my subrachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to how much I already went through and since individuals I once knew in person face to face in person throughout the years of 2000 through 2008 had made such choices as how 2009 through 2013 such individuals made their choices as to such factors as to 2014 through 2019 as to such choices as to this point in time of 2022 as to the choices made and since those people in Crystal Lake Illinois seemed to think they were more memorable to me as per even as to September 2022 as to such amounts of people as to a daily basis compared to the reality of my childhood and my teenager years as to what those people were complaining about when I was in high school before I went to the Army as well as after I woke up from my coma because those people in 1998 as well as those people in 1999 thought they were more memorable looking when I first was moved to Crystal Lake Illinois just as similarly as to how they thought that while I had a subarachnoid hemmorhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to how those people in the years of 2000 and 2001 thought I was supposed to remember them from one or two classes and/or one or two semesters as to less than 10 minutes of if ever speaking with as to classes as to what was thought was normal for someone who was recently moved at such points in time with their knowledge at the time of my having been working on figuring stuff from the 1993 attack in the tristate area.
However, they felt they were more memorable to the overall aspects back in the year of 1998 as per certain individuals because somehow they needed to be reminded that when they spoke about me with my half maternal cousins as to how that was who they spoke with about me instead as to how communication goes as to my viewpoint where those individuals and I had situations as to them needing to comprehend that while they grew up in areas where they are accustomed to whatever population as to the exact same as to the population aspects and thus just because someone else cannot image knowing of and/or knowing the larger number as to the population comparison as to people met as to the common sense when there are more people in one location as to the higher likelihood of individuals meeting other people. Hypothetically the exact same thing can occur if someone travels around from one location to another as to a semi-consistent basis, as to the common sense as to the more individual possibilities. However when speaking with me in the years between April/May 1998 through January 2000 multiple people within Crystal Lake Illinois as to "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" as to such aspects of those individuals as to the years well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as such after effects from my subrachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as the same as to my SCUBA Diving where I learned how to swim when going to the Atlantic area as to the years multiple times each year of 1984 through 1997 as to the attempts to explain the difference between swimming in the ocean instead of swimming in a lake, because they thought Crystal Lake could be considered as prettier to me than swimming in the oceanic waters as to their opinions of swimming in Crystal Lake at that time.
There is a lake in the town of Crystal Lake Illinois and such individuals in the timeframe of 1998 through 2000 repeatedly tried to get me to believe their opinion of a lake and not a lake near a 100 mile area of one of the Great Lake as to such size differences of bodies of water, as to how I have always been capable to distinguish as to what I know as to the current time as to how those people thought I should remember them other than as to their actions as to choices as to how those individuals thought much higher of themselves as to such aspects of my updates to my journal blog as those are not what I consider as compliments as to certain factors as to my experiences and as to the knowledge of the common sense as to my experiences when as having updated my journal blog as to the aspects of the importance of such considerations as to how many times I have protected and defended as per certain aspects if there ever was any common sense before 16 October 2022 as to Indiana 1999. Those individuals in high school after I returned from Ohio visiting who I was dating at the timeframe of 1999 after the situation as to the aspects of the earlier written situation as to this journal blog, as only animals are willing to mate with other biological related as the comparison of how evolved human beings comprehend the reality of the scientific factors to distinguish such health and genetic factors, and thus individuals who would not think about the aspects of how animals do not have that distinguishing factor as to the care and concern when informed as to such aspects as to the common sense evolution of human beings requires actual discussions as to the knowledge of computers than as to the lack of any individual's try to excuse as to the aspects of incest as only incest is best as to the different areas of life as to connection aspects such as an individual in one branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to relationship aspects with a different branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America in comparison to the genetic and other problematic aspects that instantly occur because of such individuals who might have tried as per the aspects of Crystal Lake South High School to somehow think that they could defend incest to where I would ever find such acceptable.
I warned those high schoolers that unless they were capable to verbally describe reasons why I could believe such then there would be nothing they would be capable to defend because of the requirement to not stir up needless drama as well as not stir up needless problems to try to prove a point, because if the point was actually valid as to the aspects of my viewpoint as to how they would have been capable to complete describing their viewpoint beyond just they had no where else to go to contact other people to a relationship. I brought up how those individuals had the internet and their claim was they did not want to really get to know people as much as they told others before as to willingness to travel for actualities as to a real relationship outside of the aspects where Crystal Lake South High Schoolers in multiple classes as well as multiple individuals throughout Crystal Lake Illinois claimed as to how they thought incest was. I informed them as to how if they had not convinced me before I graduated high school as to the year of 2000, as to how when I graduated high school would be the point in time where I would not be convinced of such as to the specifics of what woas required to convince me specifically at the time.
In turn when as to "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" as to where my ex-in-laws as well as others throughout different areas in the state of Texas including within the city of San Antonio Texas who tried to claim they believed the same thing as to the aspects of travel or distance, and my response was then if such individuals would ever travel the distance for being in a sexual relationship with their relative as to such aspects as to the important noticeable problem if they would be willing for that knowingly instead of knowingly looking for a relationship with someone not biological related as the aspects of genetics as to the common sense of feeding off of one another as to the common sense aspects as to such situations as to while others might try to convince themselves of the genetic aspects as to the situations as to when procreation occurs though I was referring to relationship aspects as well as the genetic markers as per the Dioxyribonucleic as to such factors with the additional energetic aspects as why would my work and studies ever be of importance as to such publication dates as to the specific books as to the textbooks, as why would that ever be important as to my childhood and teenager years before having been moved from New Jersey to Illinois as I was told as what would as per their own words as to other situations as what would Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment be of importance as to the scientific portions as well as the technological portions of knowledge as to what would ever as to such an invitation ever actually translate to my education and background from such ?
Thus it was not the entire state of Illinois as much as I have made attempts to clarify as per the specifics of the exact locations as per the exact town as to the exact individual(s) as best as possible to the clarifications as to such aspects, as to only be clear as to such aspects in the comparison of possible assumptions. However as to such factors as to the constant aspects of individuals who thought that would ever be considered good enough as to the aspects of how they thought incest of any direct family member as to the biological aspects of the immediate family outward to 5-6 extensions as to the requirement as to such factors as to the aspects of actual health and wellness instead of the situations as to the explanations of sexual aspects as to how that should not ever be considered acceptable as to biological relations in my opinion.
I was asked what my opinion would be if I learned only less than such markers as they made fun with their ways of their words as to their attitude and when I asked why would anyone do anything that would remove the marker differences as to the ways where the guarantee would be to where people could progress outward from such aspects as to such disgraceful factors that would be considered as to incest in my opinion, and their response was them shrugging their shoulders while looking upward as they said they did not know if there could ever be a way to ever prove to people like [me] as to how much better life could be with so much more family.
When in reference to publication date as to the timing as to such knowledge date as to such differences as to the situations as to the date through such aspects to the Judeo-Christian Bible as well as the Torah of the original era as to the aspects of carbon foot dating as to the situations, the age of the torah scrolls as to the eldest as to the timeframe of the current scriptural words as to from the timeframe of those individuals' lives. Thus as to the viewpoint regarding my journal blog as to this current timeframe of the year of 2022 in the month of October on the 16th day, as to the situations in reference to the typing compared to the handwritten word symbols as to the writings. Thus in my opinion as to the viewpoint of the current timeframe from mass production printing as to the carbon foot dating to the timeframe of comparison for individuals in this year of 2022 and forward, to thus understand from the knowledge as to the modern times as to the ways where science and technology have been capable to comprehend the time differences.
When privacy is required and the need for calmness is mandatory because of the facts known as to the situations as to working on my own healing, and as to such aspects when individuals think that what they are dealing with is as to such alignment in comparison of the fact that we are all on this planet at the same time and thus obviously thus so though does not translate to being as to how the reality of how to working on the 1993 aspects in the capacities of similar ways as to bringing such details forward as to other circumstances as to the time.