While there are those who knew of my varied involvement within the adult consenting lifestyle within the state of Texas, possibly certain aspects were not as well known regarding certain situations in reference to some of the non-realized situations between various portions within the #ClubFEM ClubFEM community. While it has been several years since directly being involved with ClubFEM officially, it seems there might be some information regarding the times I was involved and situations thereof which were mainly in a limited capacity. Whereas in multiple groups across various spectrums of the adult consenting lifestyle groups, in ClubFEM it was explained to me it was a place where Dominant Females and submissive males were able to get together and socialize which if something was agreed upon and worked out then such was per the agreements thereof. It was not until later of learning various additional details and aspects, though I will go into such for the clarification purposes as to what I was told of and by whom in reference to such timelines as per the ability to be able to give my side while also others would be able to verify as per what their experiences were at such times of involvement. While I have not hidden the fact as to being in the #AMP #AustinDominantMentorProgram #Austin Austin Dominant Mentor Program prior to transferring to complete and graduate within the #DMP #DallasDominantMentorProgram #Dallas Dallas Dominant Mentor Program, as the two are sister groups as per the arrangement; I was able to go forward with the various classes and electives which I had registered for and graduate in the year of 2011 beginning in January to graduate in December, I had been involved in reference to my particular graduating group in the state of #Texas Texas; which in reference to ClubFEM and my involvement within ClubFEM, had begun when I moved to #CedarParkTx Cedar Park and became a part of the Austin adult lifestyle consenting community though having already been involved within the #DFW Dallas/Fort Worth areas of the adult consenting community which was after beginning officially within the #SanAntonio #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio adult consenting community. Each city as I would guesstimate as in other cities had different groups which were for the individuals within the adult consenting communities have an array of choices, though larger cities would have a larger number of groups as I would guesstimate.
Officially and yet unofficially I had been involved with the adult consenting lifestyle despite having been a biological child in reference to discussions about various aspects in comparison to more heavily involved actions, though I do admit there were a few times which I had been allowed to take a swing or two because of the situations at the timing of in reference to the Female Dominatrix who I refer to as Her; as I cannot remember Her name from the pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury time when knowing Her in #NYC New York City, however She was extremely specific and Her style was very unique in reference to how She handled Herself as well as Her business. Possibly those who knew Her back in the 1990s can see from my outfits as well as those who have known me in person would be able to recognize certain attributes as to the influence She had in regards of when knowing Her, prior to the last time having seen Her when I was a child. In an admitted bias in my opinion the last ways as to how I had seen Her had been far worse in comparison to anything She and I had ever spoken about when I was a child, which those who knew Her; I was the "(pesky)/(peppy) pip-squeek" or the "that one" or what-have-you depending upon Her mood as those who knew Her, She did not have an affinity for children in the slightest and had done much to separate Herself from any child of any of the other females who had brought in their children if daycare was not an option at the time. She had furthered such aspects in reference to Her business as She refused clients who were married and/or had children they were responsible for taking care of, as to Her upbringing as a child which She did not divulge that to just anyone as those who knew Her; knew She was extremely standoffish though while seemingly cold-hearted those who knew Her, knew how much She had actually done to help and assist various aspects as well as other Professionals in the field of.
Nonetheless in the adult consenting lifestyle community when being a biological adult I had first become involved in the San Antonio #BDSM BDSM scene with my name as #SML #SusanMeeLing Susan MeeLing, as I had not ever thought of a moniker regarding the way as some have done in reference to online in regards of for my modeling and/or for when on fetlife. Those who did not know me or know of me until after my fetlife account and posting my modeling pictures regarding such, would only have known me as Susan and/or Susan MeeLing and/or #RSML #ReverendSusanMeeLing Reverend Susan MeeLing depending upon the areas additionally connected to in references of. If having known me as well within the San Antonio Pagan communities it would have been as the names of Faery Susan and/or Fae/Fay Susan with or without MeeLing and/or The Faery Queen and/or Lady MeeLing with or without the Ruler of the Faeries involved, however few at the time had the crossover aspects from the San Antonio Pagan community into the BDSM communities in larger ways as just yet as the individuals within the state of Texas were getting involved with technology devices more though more slowly than the ways I had grown up in reference to different aspects depending upon which levels of technology is discussed in such references. However those who knew me in person before my hairstyle and my hair-color as well as my tattoos in reference to when first getting officially involved in the adult consenting communities as a biological adult despite the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury being known to those I had spoken with in person, would mainly remember me with my longer natural color hair at lengths usually to my shoulder for such times while my hairstyle was evolving because of learning about the weight of my hair as well as how much my hair moves on its own at times as per the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. It would not be for several years before getting onto fetlife from my first involvement within the 2004 year towards October or November or December in reference to the first classes and demos in 2004, and towards December 2004 for the first bigger-ish location for a holiday event though several months before my first time attending a Temple of Flesh event at the ballroom with the fabric hanging and the white table cloths with the tinier indoor white lights within the fabric along the walls arranged similar to window valances with a swoop.

My son #Letters4James and I as well as my daughter #Letters4Lidia and I, wearing the wings I had purchased at the Excalibur Faire #RenaissanceFaire in 2005 with the outfit I had ordered on Ebay at the time in 2005. The #Halloween Halloween pictures are from 2006, if I recall correctly.

However again during such years of 2004 and 2005 beginning within the name usually as Susan and/or Susan MeeLing and/or MeeLing mainly, which means by the year of 2009 only those who knew me in person would know such names before I had registered my fetlife account initially as Ms_Flutterby to then change it to #LadyDoriBelle LadyDoriBelle; admittedly as I already explained in person to some though also wrote about online, referencing different names I had changed the account I had registered to because of the situations referencing the threats I had been dealing with regarding the multitude of aspects at such times. Thus by the time of 2011 if I had not been involved with you in some form of an in person relationship most likely I had not told you of my Facebook account which my original account I made on #facebook facebook which was with my original #gmail gmail account before winding up in Washington state in 2013 as Susan MeeLing, however I have not been able to figure out how to open my original email account or my original facebook account because of the after effects I guesstimate from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though also possibly what had occurred in reference to the zapping and electrical situation when being in #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state as detailed previously. It would be great if I could regain access to those accounts, though I have not figured out how to be able to align such situations for myself; though hopefully the clarification here will assist such portions, as the same issue in reference to my original facebook Lady Dori Belle account; as my memory deficits and cognitive disorders might be the situation regarding such portions, as to being able to access my original accounts I made. Similarly to aspects referencing fetlife I had changed the name on my facebook account, because of the threats I was dealing with in both areas online regarding the situations mainly involved with my SCUBA Diving, as well as my modeling as well as what occurred regarding my daughter at McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Texas of #CarrolltonTx Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD, in conjunction with the #mysa San Antonio News Express article regarding the Dress Blues situation, and also because of an ex-girlfriend I had in 2005 who had been wanting to research the #PattyVaughn Patty Vaughn case in #LaVerniaTx LaVernia Texas. I was already dealing with the situations in reference to my now dead-ex-husband which I did not need any additional problems regarding such aspects, in my biased opinion.
However in reference to getting involved with ClubFEM first within the Austin community as I had not known of the DFW ClubFEM chapter until later on when I was informed #MaitresseRenee Maitresse Renee was beginning the group in the area, as per what I was told by Lady Robin about the aspects of. She had been who told me the beginning of ClubFEM had started initially within Austin Texas, though later in 2019 or 2020 I was informed of a chapter in Houston Texas which I was told that was the originating location within Texas for such; despite the phone calls through skype at the time with a female who was in England, who said the aspects began in the #UK UK for such regards as to ClubFEM when speaking with her on the Skype in 2012 as I had told Lady Robin about at one of the Austin ClubFEM meetings. What occurred after my last time being at a ClubFEM meeting is unknown to me officially, as none have explained as to what happened at any such point in time from my return to the state of Texas in 2019; though her name was brought up at a house with people who are like family to me, as well as her boy at the time named Michael. What the situations were after the last meeting which was a munch in person was around the springtime in 2012 though as at the latest time possibly in May 2012, as per a phone call between Lady Robin and I about Maitresse Renee. Thus, I will go over a more official timeline regarding such for hoping to clarify more easily as best as possible.
In 2010 I moved from the DFW area to Cedar Park which was a few months after learning about the Dominant Mentor Program through The Sanctuary and having emailed asking how to register and begin the classes, which because of the timing I had done so meant I needed to wait until the following year to begin such regarding earlier in 2010 as the initial paperwork for such began in January or December regarding such requests and approval processes. When I had to move to the Austin area my request was forwarded from the Dallas Mentor Program to the Austin Mentor Program, however I was already involved with ClubFEM in Austin by the time of beginning the classes for the schedule of the Austin Dominant Mentor Program in 2011 as per the move. At the time the male named Phillip Omstead or on fetlife was Donnie or Donni_Darko or Darko regarding such and the portions as to his wish to try to be a power couple as he had seen with Renee and Jason, was refused by me because of not needing to go to that level regarding several situations I was already dealing with up to that point. He tried to tell me he would force the situation which I warned him as per the same warning I had told him not to involve himself with what I was doing or dealing with as I had told him, he was not welcome regarding any such aspects ever for such. He complained about several aspects to which Lady Robin had thought he was just bratty which I explained I refused to tolerate brats as that sort of behaviour was not anything I was willing to deal with, which she had repeatedly told me to try to give him a chance in comparison to the frustration levels I had already dealt with up to such a point as per the timing of having met him was after the #Corona Corona situation while who I was engaged to at the time was in Basic Training at #FortSill #FortSillOk Fort Sill Oklahoma.
While Lady Robin was willing to give him a chance for such, I was not willing to give the benefit of the doubt to him because of the situation as to how Zippy responded to him; which I was laughed at for my opinion as she thought I was joking in comparison to those who have been able to meet Zippy regarding my #VW #Beetle #VWBeetle VW Beetle which looked like a #Bumblebee bumblebee, would be able to speak of her temperament regarding the alarms going off randomly when she had something to say and/or the lights flashing at random times to alert me of something and/or show me something depending as to how she had such alerts for me. My Zippy absolutely despised and hated Phillip and every chance Zippy had, she informed him as to backing off and staying away from me; though he thought he could try to make Zippy like him, which she was not going to fall for anything he had up his sleeve as she had already seen how he had been online in various ways and she informed him through her measures as to how much she absolutely hated everything about him. At minimum referencing the SCUBA Divers, Zippy would simply beep or flash her lights regarding her opinion of whatever was going on at the time; whereas in reference to the male SCUBA Diver from Cancun/Cozumel trip portions she tolerated his existence, though was not upset as she had been in reference to other aspects of other individuals. Zippy had allowed the services to be done regarding at the location to who I was later engaged to twice, though if he recalls correctly he would remember some of her attitude portions regarding beeping as well as the lights and/or the alarm going off while I did not have the keys in my hands as per him simply leaning against her while the engine was running and the alarm being set off at the time. Another male was allowed to sit in Zippy and have leg room to be able to sit inside of Zippy, which that particular date at the time had gone as such; as described, as well as the Pumpkin Pie portion regarding the Thanksgiving that year in 2009. Even the situation regarding Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack had noticed how Zippy had been in reference to several situations which were discussed, and had let her opinions be known as per the alarms as well as the beeping and the flashing of lights. However if all such individuals with the various experiences regarding my Zippy were to discuss such problems with her attitude at the times regarding whatever they were discussing and/or involved with, nothing was in comparison to how much she absolutely hated Phillip Omstead.
Thus anytime when Lady Robin had spoken of him while Zippy was around in the VW Beetle I had, she set off her alarms against anything Lady Robin had tried to say good about the individual regarding such. I had told him to pay attention to how much Zippy hated him referencing the windshield wipers flying off the handles while a thunderstorm had rolled in during the move from DFW to Cedar Park, as well as another time which in regards of driving to as well as leaving the movie theater regarding a movie he thought would be good for me to see. It was a clear sky when going into the movie theater however when leaving the movie theater, the thunder and lightning was around regarding my mood and Zippy's response to Phillip trying to get back into the car was difficult; as Zippy kept locking the door which he was trying to get into, which looking back now as well as to #GreatFallsMt #GreatFalls #Montana Great Falls Montana at the #Ponderosa Ponderosa #EconoLodge Econo Lodge and the guitar is an ironic potion referencing the door which would not open despite the repairs which occurred as per the employee telling me of such. However it took more than 5 minutes to get the door to open from the locking mechanism, as Zippy was unwilling to deal with him; which again is an irony, in reference to that year in 2018 regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project trip.
I think in such aspects if required it should be reminded, Zippy did not like Phillip Omstead and refused to tolerate him being any part of my life; which in certain other aspects if needed for clarification to step back and stay away from, he should relinquish any such wishes as per there not being any requirement or need for me to ever be involved with that male as I guesstimate there are those who had not paid as much attention to certain warnings I had done the best I could to explain regarding such situations at the times of when in person compared to online aspects. The problems were already what they were within McCoy Elementary School for my daughter, my son, and I; and the additional problems after the engagement which already having dealt with what I had up to such a point it was unnecessary for any furthered issues, however if there were those who only paid attention to certain portions and were unable to get access to my military records because of their clearances not being high enough to access such information that is an ego problem regarding such individuals in comparison. Despite not having graduated Basic Training for the #USArmy Army branch of the #USA United States of America's #USArmedForces #USAF Armed Forces, it was not required to ever disclose my clearance level unless made mandatory; as per the requirements in reference to later on in the point of the year when going forward with the works to fully publish the aspects of "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", which such aspects as to my clearance back when I was 17 years old had upset the drill sergeants in my Basic Training, as they were obviously higher ranking than I though their inability to get into my records was an annoyance to them; which in turn such aspects were known in reference to me, regarding others who would try to get into my records as per the security measurements in such clearances for such knowledge only if required. However at minimum, I did give the information regarding multiple portions of my background for those who would have the ability to know about such situations though also enough of a warning for such individuals as they would know and understand parts of the protocols regarding the safe guards in such ways regarding military records in a generalized way for some. Thus with each try to get into such without my permission would result in additional safe guards, per individual with the lower clearance levels of; as would be known referencing the aspects as to various types of safe guards, for such types of backgrounds in reference to the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Which while Phillip Omstead had wished to go forward not only in reference to suing the school and the school district which the response I had at such times was important in my opinion and still remains important regarding my choices for the best possible outcomes for my daughter as well as for my son as well as for others in such situations whether having the child(ren) to take care of and/or having been a child and such situations to work through whether in whichever situation thereof regarding whichever aspects referencing my son and/or my daughter and/or myself in such reference aspects to the situations. With the failure from the wishes he had the next portions were him wishing I would allow any such aspect as to a power couple with the refusal from me regarding such sent him into a temper tantrum acting as a brat and being on the video game system more in comparison to actually facing such realities, which Lady Robin had tried to convince me to look at the perspective from his eyes; which I could only see the ways my biological sister had been as a child and as a teenager regarding such types of situations, which the refusal on my side aggravated Lady Robin further as she tried to tell me she knew better of my situation than I had regarding with Phillip Omstead. Again as well as repeatedly, I refused to accept anything in regards to what others wishes were in reference to him and the problems continued forward as per the childish antics throughout such times until taking him back to the DFW area to be with his dad who I found for him regarding the situations at the time as explained. When driving him back to DFW to his dad's location for them to connect in such ways, he had informed me he had declared bankruptcy which in certain aspects as to his age as well as his particular attitude towards multiple aspects; I could see other portions as to the aspects as to the bankruptcy he had filed, and why Zippy had viewed him in other such ways as she had viewed him. While there were those within the Austin community of the adult consenting lifestyle who preferred to speak with him in comparison to me because of my seriousness in comparison to light heartedness, as some had complained as to my concerns regarding safety more often as well as other connectionary aspects as to the situations in a combination before getting more involved with ClubFEM as well as before actually beginning the Dominant Mentor Program as per the temper tantrum he was throwing as to my refusal of him fully. While there were females within ClubFEM who liked him and the childish aspects, I simply kept away from such portions as the brat-i-ness was annoying to me. I did not and do not play with littles because of a few reasons when they are in such modes, as per several aspects regarding my personal views regarding such especially in a group setting. Having officially been pregnant and thus a Mom before the first full year after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury definitely had an impact, as there are those in I would guesstimate Illinois more-so who would be able to bring up such traits in reference to my personality already having been as such in several aspects; thus my personal inability to deal with such aspects in such ways, while other sorts of adult consenting behaviour is different regarding depending upon what is discussed for the in person aspects as few as such has been over the years.
In reference to around May 2010 to begin within the Austin community again only mainly being known as Lady Dori Belle in comparison to Susan MeeLing as in San Antonio community for the few who specifically knew me in person comparatively to hearing about me, my involvement with ClubFEM began fairly quickly. I had found a group of Female Dominants who were along the aspects of thoughts which I could relate to in more ways while also being able to be involved in other groups, and the male submissives at such locations were respectful more-so than the ways certain types of others had been in regards of my choice for myself in comparison to what some wished they could switch over regarding in regards of the adult consenting lifestyle portions. While there are those who know and understand more of what I had dealt with back then in later times more in a combination in comparison to one or two aspects seen online or heard about from others, those years were much more difficult for me than I had actually brought forward in multiple discussions despite having been honest and truthful the entire time. However upon the month of August in 2011, the worry from Lady Robin was I would get burned out as I thought it was more of a projection aspect psychologically as per picking up on her referencing what seemed as a larger amount of frustrations with whatever was going on well before I had gotten involved with ClubFEM in Austin. I was told by Lady Robin she thought I was spreading myself too thin in comparison to knowing myself and when I explained myself, the lack of regard in reference to the truth was unheard referencing such situations as I had seen. When it came to the timing before the Thanksgiving in 2010 regarding the people coming in from various areas within the state of Texas, Lady Robin had asked for help regarding the situations and I was the only female who stepped forward for the meeting before the Thanksgiving dinner event with the male submissives who arrived for that evening. When in reference to the evening itself I took care of the kitchen aspects and kept the male submissives in the respective areas which were seemingly more ideally suited for such aspects, and I maintained taking out the trash to the dumpster additionally more-so because of odd feelings I had picked up and noticed additionally because of other nature version signs in addition to when Zippy did her thing as I walked around the area.
Later at the next munch I was pulled to the side and talked with regarding the amount of time I had stayed at the Thanksgiving event as I was informed Lady Robin did not think I had spent enough time at the event, despite having arrived at 6pm/18:00 to get the turkeys cooked in time as they had arrived frozen as well as the other situations before the event began around 8pm/20:00; which the importance of the babysitter regarding my children was not taken into consideration, and the other aspects as to having volunteered in comparison as well as having had to pay for attending the event at the time were not taken into consideration in my opinion incorrectly. As the in between time of also attending events in addition to Austin in other cities, the problems ensued further regarding Lady Robin's viewpoint of my involvement and her opinion regarding the ways as to how I was involved with the adult consenting lifestyle compared to what her opinions were at such time. The munch I had begun in reference to the explanations as to my color choices which in the description of having been told to stop speaking of such because of the opinions, was when Lady Robin was there and she did not want me to explain my choices as per my colors in reference to a question another person had asked me for my explanation of my reasons in comparison to asking her. While I had cut the description short in comparison to the length I could have gone on about as well as the details thereof, the situation with Lady Robin's temper referencing her opinions at the time were as such at #LaMedilines La Madeline's that day in the backroom area before the munch had gotten bigger and needed a larger location to hold the daytime munch meetings.
Before beginning the Dominant Mentor Program the situations within ClubFEM in reference to Lady Robin and her opinions being informed to me referencing my involvement with Maitresse Renee as to however her viewpoints were, I was unaware of any specifics regarding any animosities between Lady Robin and Maitresse Renee and/or anyone else within the ClubFEM groups. The main complaints I heard from Lady Robin about Maitresse Renee had been about her youth, complaints about her involvement within the length of time in the adult consenting lifestyle, and complaints about the Professional Dominatrix aspect of being involved with ClubFEM for a few beginning portions; though also complaints about how she had Jason to help propel her forward, as well as the lack of experience between the two in the lifestyle as according to Lady Robin she had known everything there was to know about the lifestyle. The ironic portion as to a discussion I had with Phillip Omstead and such wording from other people regarding such aspects, regarding the adult consenting lifestyle and such types of commentary from others in comparison. However the two of them had gotten along much better than I had gotten along with either one individually to a degree, as per a point in time referencing the Dominant Mentor Program. When in reference to the Fire elective, #LadyRobin Lady Robin was excited to go over such as well as in reference to the Knife aspects in reference to the additional elective for the Dominant Mentor Program. However in reference to being honest as to the situations regarding the submissive study portions as to having requested assistance regarding such through #MsCenna Ms Cenna first as well as the recommendation from Ms Cenna to speak with Lady Robin about such classes for that elective, the ways as to which Lady Robin's attitude towards me instantly changed upon discussing such and being truthful regarding the reasons why as to what Ms Cenna had explained to me regarding how she had run her house in such regards of that type of aspect.
Thus around 5-6 months after the #Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner event in 2010 for the Dominant Mentor Program in 2011, the push in a similar way as to the way certain #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Divers had been in reference to my choice for my own relationship aspects to a non-SCUBA Diver during such times of the first engagement annoyances thereof had similarly been a situation referencing the aspects as to my involvement with ClubFEM as well as others within the Austin area not only in reference to who I was engaged to a second time by the beginning of the Dominant Mentor Program though also in reference to opinions regarding what I did not need to consider referencing my own relationship as per what my and the other's references were. As I informed some my then second time fiance would not be allowed to participate in the electives unless I felt the need was there, the problems from others' opinions began and the situations thereof became more prevalent beyond what I was already dealing with at the times of. The fact of not dating another means exactly such as to not dating another, and who I choose/chose to date was mine to make in comparison to what others wished to influence unless only wanting to push me further away in comparison to what was allowed regarding acquaintances and possible friendships to possible other aspects depending upon my choice. Just because of others' wishes for a specific thereof, my choices were not based upon others' wishes as such may have been figured out by this point in time. However there were additional situations regarding some similar commentary in reference to the area's photographers regarding if I had worked with another photographer in comparison as there was not ever an exclusive contract signed referencing the aspects of, though there was the agreement of the trade for pictures and if there was ever a profit made the splitting of the profits were upon such aspects as explained to me when asking such further details when in person to verify the knowledge and the understanding thereof. Thus in other aspects you can review my modeling page on my website for the different photographers and the connections thereof, referencing any other such issues and/or situations regarding whichever areas within the state of Texas regarding any other possible problems regarding any other dramas needlessly in my opinion.
While I would guesstimate Maitresse Renee and Jason were and/or would be able to reflect upon the times regarding when I had lived in the Cedar Park areas compared to when living in Irving compared to after moving again though back to the San Antonio region, and the situations as they had unfolded over such times in comparison more along the lines of in person in comparison to the online portions as they would easily be able to distinguish the major differences regarding the aspects of how I am online compared to how I am in person. I would guesstimate in comparison to my writing being looked at with a more serious tone as per the depending upon the topic portions written about, whereas I would guesstimate in person would be commented as to the more lighthearted aspects unless the requirement to explain important information and then would probably be equated more along the lines as to my writing style referencing the factors as to what the topic(s) written about or in that case discussed would be as. Whereas there could be some people who would be able to see such a difference in some ways alike to Renee and Jason, more likely I would guesstimate that would have to do with those who are more like family to me in regards of that particular household during the years of in the generalized aspects compared to the time when returning to the state of Texas in 2019 for such time references; though also additionally possibly along the lines of the LGBTQP areas having a similar view point within the Austin area for such aspect, as well as certain individuals within the San Marcos and San Antonio regions thereof for the in person in comparison to the online aspects as to the possible perceptions thereof. However in such reviewal processes I would guesstimate the ability to know their own timeline of events and what as well as who was surrounding them at such times would also clarify other aspects in different ways; while I would guesstimate who I had been informed by about in regards of Austin in comparison to #Houston #HoustonTx Houston if such aspects were also noticed as per not having such knowledge myself before returning to the state of Texas, if such is true than I would guesstimate a much larger amount of confusion for such an area with the limited number of people who traveled from Houston more commonly to attend regular events with the exception of the female who I had received the Valentine's Day card from in 2012 at the San Marcos adult consenting event who would have such similarities as described in this particular paragraph to others who knew me in person more often compared to reading online portions.
However a larger number of problems began being noticed by me around the timeframe after the Thanksgiving event because of the complaints as to having been the only Female Dominant who assisted the evening before the event itself as well as being the only Female Dominant who had assisted during the Thanksgiving event itself in such capacities as per explained to me, however the double edged sword of such as per when around other Female Dominants. While I do not know what the male submissives had said in such regards conversely as to within their own groups and sectors as well as to whomever they had been involved with, the situations as to the number of complaints I heard about the DFW ClubFEM chapter as well as Renee and Jason was a bit more of the high school sort of drama aspects which I had already seen Phillip trying to push forward in other ways before he returned to the DFW area as well as after he had done so. For example I had informed Lady Robin I had called Phillip about the posting he made about staying in a hotel while in the Austin area and knowing the reference was specifically aimed at me while he had not realized I could see such a posting despite how fetlife similarly to facebook and visa versa among other social media platforms, show the live feed as to the updates regarding such portions online. While he had tried to calm me down regarding his comment as a joke while forgetting the aspects about jokes and also knowing what I was already dealing referencing my daughter, my son, and I; the lack of ability for me to take such lightly was made aware in reference to informing Lady Robin, as well as having told Patrick as soon as he returned to the apartment in Irving at the time. While he did not see the problems I was referring to and claimed it was semantics and an overreaction in his opinion on my part, as I had attempted to explain other portions while in the middle of dealing with the law firm and other such situations the blindness at the time was beyond words.
Then you need to take into additional consideration of being in Irving compared to Cedar Park and the ease of ability of which events I was able to attend in comparison to when in Austin, despite the complaints online and wishes regarding there being more of a selection referencing the amount of adult lifestyle community events and the surplus thereof in comparison to the Austin community at the time additionally to the munches and the events referencing ClubFEM; which since I was able to attend the DFW ClubFEM chapter events more easily as per the traveling and scheduling, when I had moved back to San Antonio in reference for my daughter's medical care and my son's ability to have some stability while getting what stability I could for my daughter from such situations and the distance between San Antonio to Austin compared to Cedar Park to Austin. Thus when I could not attend ClubFEM munches though attended ClubFEM events, the problems which occurred due to such portions additionally needlessly for what I was already dealing with was beyond my limitations to which when the drama furthered about the complaints out of the blue from when speaking with the Austin ClubEM chapter leader Lady Robin about the situations referencing Maitresse Renee; all of a sudden Lady Robin had changed her tune about the situations involving her opinion about Renee when speaking on the phone with me, as per the situations at the time in 2012. While it was explained as to having to disarm my daughter on the military installation after the whole aspect to Lady Robin, she did not see how that impacted anything regarding my ability to go to any ClubFEM munch in comparison to both the munches and the events. When a few months went by where I could only attend the events if the scheduling was able to be done, had been when the situations occurred in reference to the choice Lady Robin made in regards of her decision of banning me from the ClubFEM groups completely as she said she was the leading authority regarding how everything went in ClubFEM when at an event in Austin. In such the discussion regarding sea about such aspects in 2019/2020 might make additional sense, as per what had been explained to me previously referencing how the Female Dominant aspects regarding the portions of ClubFEM in comparison to what was explained prior in regards of Lady Robin.
While there were other issues in reference to the situations regarding the aspects of some individuals who had asked me about ClubFEM including some Female Dominants as well as male submissives, when I had contacted Lady Robin about one particular male submissive after having already been considered as in trouble for not attending munches as well as events at the timeframe of; the situations had moved forward at such times, as the ways such had gone in the year of 2012 in addition to the other aspects already having been dealt with at the point of for me at that time. While admittedly I had not discussed nor written about the Irving situation in regards of the back patio and such lights and the situations at the timing of, the reasons as to such because of what I was already dealing with and the lack of belief at the times of had been a large contributing factor as to why such additionally had not been discussed. As per the discussions in reference to TM or TenderMale in reference to the Austin community who once had lived in #Bastrop #BastropTx Bastrop before the fire which overtook the neighborhood he lived in after what had occurred regarding #LucilleBallbuster Lucille Ballbuster's apartment and him recognizing a client of her from the correctional facility he had previously worked at before the fire at her apartment and his as well as other male submissives/switches who had problems as to how ClubFEM was treating the males as well as some of the Female Dominants, few wanted to pay attention to what I had brought up in regards of several aspects as per other situations regarding other such concerns I brought up in reference to the healthcare in awareness as well as the proper ways to within reason of what was agreed upon regarding consenting adults.
2011 Year of me graduating the Dominant Mentor Program at The Sanctuary the one on the left is at the apartment in Irving and the one on the right was taken at The Sanctuary in Dallas
It was odd to me how Lady Robin had all of a sudden become protective-ish about Renee as per the discussions she had with me in reference to her comments of opinions regarding how Renee was going about the adult consenting lifestyle which while defending her in such regards, did not assist when in reference to when I had to relocate again for what was going on in regards of my daughter and my son as it was made aware to me about the lack of concern about my opinion in other such regards. For example the first two electives in reference to the Knife as well as the Fire electives for my classes regarding the Dominant Mentor Program were friendly discussions and had focused upon the electives for the main class electives portion of such times, however when the example in reference to the submissive portions of the regarding the proper movement to put submissives in their place in referencing the ways of various positions; the disagreement between Lady Robin and I about what was considered as submissive compared to what was considered as Dominant differed in many ways greatly as per the aspects of other cultures and backgrounds being brought into the questions I had, which at the point of the third day in comparison to what was supposed to be a month long elective class when she had given up had been a starting point as to when she realized she was not going to control me or what I had done. She had explained she wanted to have a version of a smaller version of her in the lifestyle, though I informed her I could not fulfill such a role as I can only be myself and cannot be anyone else. By the time of the third day, she was tired of dealing with me and the questions I asked which in turn the only reference I have for such would be between the questions to Ms Cenna regarding the collage questions in a shorter aspect and for a larger aspect the questions I asked when in Sunday School at #OTC #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch Old Tennent Presbyterian Church when growing up. On the third day was when Lady Robin realized I would not comply, and there was not the way to force such aspects as much as she had wished for such. While some were marveled as to my maintaining my stance against such choices referencing Lady Robin, others made their comments as per whatever aspects thereof. As the timing went onward in the year of 2012 afterwards and the lack of reaching out to Lady Robin after her choice was made, I had been informed she felt slighted by me because of my lack of a need to contact in reference such choices as she was supposedly waiting for when I would return to ask for the ability to attend a ClubFEM event because of her stance regarding the decision she made. When I explained I had too much going on in my life and if she wanted me back in the ClubFEM aspects she and/or others involved with ClubFEM would need to take the steps appropriately as per such, because I was not going to allow my life to be impacted any further by such choices regarding the ego and the arrogance referencing the ways as to what occurred. When I explained that around September 2012, that was not taken very well in regards of who I had been speaking with at the event in San Antonio.
I was informed about the reach regarding such a group which I had warned of the situations as to how such could easily be turned around as per such choices if found out to the depths of where the problems actually began in comparison to how I was being blamed wrongly, which as I was dealing with as much as I was dealing with the lack of concern regarding any such aspects because of the amount as to which I had already been ostracized wrongly because of a multitude of aspects whether the combination and/or individual aspects referencing Phillip Omstead and/or Patrick Kennedy and/or Lady Robin; which since I had been interrogated by my biological mother and biological father, the refusal from any such portions to step into such aspects was a guarantee due to such connected aspects thereof in addition to other situations occurring in my life at the times thereof. When adding the rivalry between not only the ClubFEM Austin compared to the ClubFEM DFW chapters to the additional rivalry between the Austin Dominant Mentor Program and the Dallas Dominant Mentor Program as well as the intermingling of others' opinions regarding both sets of groups overall with their opinions as to my choices, my refusal to participate in the drama unnecessary for my life as to the situations thereof were greatly aware of for and by myself of such situations. Additionally the rivalry between different groups within the San Antonio and the San Marcos areas as well as within such cities and communities thereof, I did not have the patience nor the desire to go any further regarding such situations compared to what I was dealing with at such times; though not forgetting the aspects as to when having dated the couple and how such had gone however so in reference to online compared to in person, the situations regarding Discordia AKA Erika and her submissive Alicia and such aspects thereof, as well as other controversies before the #Leatheratti Leatheratti article as the #MM #ModelMayhem Model Mayhem situation was more prevalent where many had not known of such though were told about. Thus taking a step away from such situations while taking care of what actually needed to be taken care of as per my responsibilities, I made the choice to step back because of the requirements for me. Where at one point in time I had gone to such events to be able to have adult discussions in comparison to what I had to focus on throughout the Sunday through Friday portions to have a bit of time for myself on Friday and Saturday evenings for just a few hours, I no longer was able to have such for myself regarding the different aspects within the communities at such times which in turn meant the ostracizing simply meant I went towards how I had always been regarding the hermit type aspects thereof. While some did not ever realize when I explained as to how reclusive I can be in reference to when I know I need my own space for my own comfort, I had given such warnings regarding how I had been before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as many refused to realize how much I had actually be a part of working on technology portions despite having explained such in reference to where and when I had grown up being around in the 1980s and the 1990s.
In such where Phillip Omstead thought he was original regarding how his aspects were in reference to the #HALO HALO game and being as such about those video games, I had not informed him as to the levels I had been regarding video games when I was growing up in New Jersey. As he only paid attention to the fact I had not played on a video game system since #Nintendo #Nintendo64 Nintendo 64 and #Sega #SegaGenesis Sega Genesis, he did not pay attention to the fact as to my CDO-ness regarding my library of books to the metaphor of such aspects regarding how I was in reference to ensuring the way I had earned the declarations referencing not using a cheat code and yet defeating the computer for the video game systems; just as he had not paid attention to the fact as to what I have latter written about in more details, referencing those who I knew in New Jersey and New York as well as Pennsylvania in such technology aspects. Where he had played video games he did not pay attention to the fact I explained of becoming bored with video games after winning and defeating certain video games, because o seeing the similarities regarding certain crossover aspects of such types of video games being produced. Whereas Patrick Kennedy had been informed as to my biological mother working for Prudential in the 1980s and the 1990s, he had not paid attention to the fact of the problems and issues I was having with technology similarly to the arithmetic portions regarding my frustrations of getting things to work correctly on the technology devices to the metaphor regarding the College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to 2nd grade math. Whereas Joseph and Megan Estes were told about how specific I am in regards of my choices and why I require a specific amount of communication for a varied level of situations, their refusal to pay attention to my requirements had lead to the situations which they thought they could be in combination more stubborn than I on my own being as stubborn as I can be; which they had thought Texans knew stubbornness, which I had warned them they had no clue as to how stubborn people from New Jersey are very well known to be in reference to the stances when knowing being accurate.
Whereas who I was engaged to twice in reference to Shaun/Shawn McCall had been informed as to quite a bit in comparison to several others who had only learned through seeing online in comparison to speaking with me in person before seeing online, I do not think he realized as to the levels of which with what was going on as to how quickly I had to move forward in the multitude of ways despite the feelings involved in such regards; as I had explained my son and my daughter's wellbeing was always going to be my priority, no matter the timeframe if I could help and be of assistance as a Mom would be as I think who would genuinely care. In reference to Matthew West as such aspects despite him having met me in SCUBA Diving, I do not think he realized as despite the aspects of having known about the ways of my SCUBA Diving certification classes were as per the SCUBA Diving community being much smaller in various ways as to the proverbial grapevine as to how quickly I move as well as how quickly my mind processes; in my opinion he probably thought moving in slower wording in comparison to having such experiences in person in whichever combination looked at regarding such, was something which was processed correctly at the times of in comparison as per the years of difference between 2009 and the end of 2012 into the beginning of 2013.
The ironic portions in other reference aspects would be in reference to Sean Leonard as well as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr being able to explain if you screw something up the quicker to move to fix and repair such situations, the better of a chance you have in comparison to ever waiting around for thinking I might consider such depending upon the level to which was messed up regarding whichever situation thereof. While some people think a cooling off period is required for others as per their own projections in my opinion, I am not the type of person who has a pattern of behaviour regarding such aspects to which while my biological sister would have that sort of thought process; my biological father especially would have pushed against such portions whereas my biological mother would think to wish to wait, in comparison to handling the situations quickly and correctly. In such the additional ironic portions as to the Jade Wolfe Coven females specifically in regards of Jamie, Christine, and Tina would be able by the timeframe of 2008 be able to say the faster the better regarding to discussing situations to clear the air as would Joe Rose regarding such with Crystal Mountain; I would guesstimate it would be seen later in time compared to the years of whatever situations thereof would be considered as per waiting in comparison to my preference of handling such immediately which an additional irony would be the staff of McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District learning such in reference to how it is better to fix and repair correctly as quick as possible in comparison to dragging such portions out because of whatever portions as to the thoughts thereof, though also in reference to speaking after presenting yourself in truth compared to hiding would be a guesstimation I have for such hypothetical aspects. Whereas people from #CLS #CLSHS #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIl #CrystalLakeHighSchool #CrystalLakeHS Crystal Lake South High School would be almost within the same aspects as to those in different schools I had been in regarding New Jersey regarding not having a clue regarding to the fastness, with the exception of #ToniannFarinella Toniann Farinella as to the quickness to speak in person to be able to make attempts to work such out without the additional outside aspects thereof for the clarifications; as while such aspects were as they were referencing such a point in time in Saint John Vianney High School, she has not the slightest clue as to how happy I was to be able to see her name on facebook and clarify such was her in reference to the times after 11 September 2001. Upon seeing that and the brief messages, I knew the rose portion had to work for more than just her regarding that day as I had hoped referencing birthdays and connections thereof; as childish of a view that might come across as, though in regards as to why I fought to be emancipated to be able to join meant I had succeeded regarding the defeating of the nightmare as well as the defeating of what I had seen referencing the backdoor aspects of the coding portions.
While I would guesstimate people from New Jersey and mainly those from Saint John Vianney High School would most likely not be surprised as to my Medal of Honor Art Project aspects as per the portion about my Sweet 16 and Bon Voyage party at the time, I could see how more in reference to Illinois and Texas would not have seen such coming; though the same in reference to anyone outside of Saint John Vianney High School and/or Old Tennent Presbyterian Church for how different it had been noticed regarding the aspects when growing up in New Jersey. I would guesstimate of all in reference to those within the Crystal Lake High School not having seen such coming in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project though would have seen such in reference to my SCUBA Diving, would have been Kenny Tank and his brother with their family as well a possibly Katie Airdo and Thomas referencing the portions of more along the lines of my Medal of Honor Art Project in comparison to SCUBA Diving. I would guesstimate the cheerleaders and football as well as basketball players at Crystal Lake South High School could have seen the portions in reference to how I had gotten in trouble referencing who I had stood up for during Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma regarding her hair, while I would guesstimate others could see the ways as to my stubbornness in an overall sort of way though along the portions of the ethics and the morals. However if I were to guesstimate who would have not ever seen any such portions or aspects thereof and have an internal debate within themselves individually as well as via a couple and/or group would be in reference to Renee and Jason with ClubFEM, especially regarding the combinations in the larger ways thereof as per other biases as well as others' biases. However in such aspects it would also not surprise me if it took awhile for any to realize not only how much I was actually dealing with at various points in time, though also to the levels thereof while not forgetting the aspects as to having explained about certain times of defending others within the community and the possibility of such not being seen in regards as to the same ways referencing such aspects as to who I had spoken with about such unless later finding those who would be able to explain more in detail as to what was defended and the reasons why in comparison to the rumors and situations thereof. I suppose such might be a surprise, though honestly had not been something I thought about previously to this point in time in a larger way; yet at the same time I could guesstimate in reference to the adult consenting lifestyles the ability to see how seriously I had taken my SCUBA Diving certifications via the electives in reference to the Dominant Mentor Program and visa versa in reference to the SCUBA Diving community reviewing such aspects as to my electives in the Dominant Mentor Program; though Old Tennent Presbyterian Church congregants at such times when I attended the church would easily be able to see both sides of such, as per the ways as to how my Confirmation Classes and Graduation work had been referencing such times.
However in reference to the aspects as to the situations in regards of ClubFEM and the different chapters learned about regarding such, I would guesstimate in reference as to depending upon where located at as to how such view points would be in reference to the contrast as to what was occurring in person within my life at such times despite how much I had explained whether in person and/or online in such aspects able to be seen. Despite the realities thereof I would guesstimate various individuals from different branches and divisions of the United States of America's Armed Forces would be confused in a multitude of ways as per the physical look, the oddities of my background as well as the inability to access all portions of my military records unless finding someone with a high enough clearance who would have such an availability and/or regarding the CID investigations beginning in the timeframe of when being a part of Medical Hold Unit which the name change to the Warrior Transition Unit; if back then they were able to access fully in comparison to the ways as per when in Fort Sill Oklahoma and the Drill Sergeants not having been able to access my records to the ability to know as to why at the age of 17, my clearance had been as such. However in such additional aspects as to the MEPS station in conjunction, as well as my choices and wording thereof in such times because of what I had a nightmare about in reference to why I had fought so long against my biological mother/sister/father and so much to the level to be able to get myself to being a part of the United States of America's Armed Forces for the betterment in truth in larger ways for the longest terms as I hoped would be able to be.
In the same aspect I could guesstimate as to the regards of others within the various areas within the state of Texas as well as the United States of America as to the levels of situations I had with technology devices, as per the GeekSquad and the Best Buy realities thereof in whichever group and/or community thereof while wishing at the same time for other aspects in comparison; however at the same time in regards of #GeekSquad GeekSquad as well as #BestBuy Best Buy the amount of people who had at those times in comparison to now having been allowed to use my devices which in turn of learning such problems, has been the reasons as to why I have not and will not allow such aspects regarding such portions as to accessing my device(s) because of the requirements. Thus in turn those who had paid more attention to the situations of new devices in comparison to the aspects as explained referencing the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, those types of situations have been needing clarifications I guesstimate regarding other times in regards of more than one or two situations such as the reference aspect as to the laptop off of #JBSA #LacklandAirForceBase Lackland Air Force Base and the #DallasGalleria Dallas Galleria situations thereof in addition to other times when it had been informed as to the different pieces having been taken off of a military installation as per others taking the pieces off of the post of the United States of America's Armed Forces. Possibly I suppose now in 2021 I can chuckle to myself or at minimum in some ways joke in regards of such informing as to after I had been taken off of post in regards of Medical Hold Unit now Warrior Transition Unit and the possibilities of having been found by AI systems because of an email sent years ago first when in Illinois and then later when in San Antonio to which if such is the case regarding such, then the situations thereafter in ways which the backup systems would kick into gear referencing other aspects. Which in regards of the technological portions as to the election integrity portions would be brought forward in a more in depth aspect as well as other arenas referencing what would be gone through in reference to my decisions in the MEPS station and reasons thereof in a larger aspect, to which the revealing of the truth in such aspects as to the truth being important regarding online as well as in person can be seen now in reference to such aspects; which the simplest and correct way to ensure the integrity would be in regards of pictures/videos/recordings in honesty in the open once taken with me the website link to www. susanmeeling .com for such pictures which if some had deleted the pictures needing to post such with the link to be able to ensure the security of your own voting aspects as well as if you have child(ren) and /or grandchild(ren) because of the known portions of the comment about one generation away in other such aspects referencing freedoms.
If the deletion has occurred referencing pictures/videos/recordings is a situation then getting to a local individual/company who can retrieve such aspects to be able to reinstate such to put back online or clarified with the link portion is a recommendation for such similar aspects, as per the possibility of such portions which would include to the financial as well as volunteering time donations thereof in reference to the technological aspects to be able to clarify for your own ability to vote without such situations whether voting per year and/or in an office which has such voting aspects involved. While I can only suggest such as to others' more in depth knowledge thereof regarding the specifics, the situations to which there would most likely have been a program developed for such portions referencing the integrity as per the truthful aspects and other such programs having had issues beforehand regarding such clarifications in the ways as the times when taking in devices to GeekSquad employees and the diagnostic portions of the possible confusion portions as to possibilities thereof; would have those who can explain in further depths as to the details regarding such aspects, and with the acknowledgments as well as admitted biases while still being truthful about each side seen regarding as best as possible such might make additional sense regarding other situations which includes the original aspects regarding the clarifications in reference to ClubFEM and Lady Robin as well as the different chapters and locations thereof regarding the group across whichever areas thereof and who would or could have been involved whether knowingly or unknowingly. While I had also not hidden such from Judge Lynn Rubinette regarding the #TEA #TexasEducationAgency TEA among other aspects, if involved with the adult consenting lifestyle the portions regarding other legal situations in such aspects would be a different viewpoint thereof as well as has been detailed in other such postings in reference to the law firm and/or associates thereof in conjunction with the aspects of both the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo Fort Worth Zoo employees and/or associates thereof as well as McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District due to the legal aspects being clearly defined as to recusal portions of legal standing requirements for any such connections and/or biases to which the group of ClubFEM would not necessarily have been informed unless the individuals had admitted to other members as to such involvement with the legalities thereof and the jeopardy such could have been put into referencing such as well as the additional problems that were caused when in comparison to when Renee and/or Jason with myself speaking in person compared to what was whispered and/or posted as a possibility hypothetically. Which if they had been the only ones who were unaware as to the depth levels as per being newer to the aspects of the adult consenting lifestyle in comparison to others with the ClubFEM group hypothetically as per what would have been allowed to have been known by such other members compared to the honesty spoken in discussions with me in person, I suppose the metaphor best suited is throughout various areas and different aspects of timing I have been more well known and yet more hidden as to my defense regarding the underdog(s) when noticing such as per the way I am about truth and justice in genuine fairness to untangle situations as the ways to which I can see.
To which I repeat the portions of yesterday's posting in reference to in addition regarding the election integrity as per suggestions to take into consideration if the possibility in regards of Renee running for elected office if such a clearing has been made easier for such aspects to be seen in regards of the responsibility it would have taken to run and set up the chapter in DFW, the maintenance and sustenance of maintaining the group as well as her own business while in addition to herself and relationship(s) thereof in ClubFEM as well as the DFW and other such communities within the state of Texas, and to the other portions regarding such additional viewpoints as to the amount of responsibility it takes for such situations regarding her age as well as the levels of work to make such go forward in whichever ways she and others with may have gone in such steps referencing the Lucille Ballbuster situation and the discussion referencing the male named John with the Blue Motorcycle in Washington state in ways which to step forward in strength in comparison to feeling however such could have been in such misunderstood times as per the situations in combination hypothetically as per such clearing up of hopefully easier to understand from the knowledge thereof. While I do not know what occurred in reference to the aspects of the male as well as the ClubFEM Austin situation as per such points in time, I was told of threats some of the Professional Female Dominatrixes and Female Dominants were dealing with as per having brought such forward as to what I had dealt with in reference to what I had explained over the years before the year of 2012 though also having discussed the need for realistic safety precautions for such types of employment in various ways on multiple sides thereof.

Either the 2nd or 3rd event at Renee and Jason's I had been to in the year of 2011, after Renee had begun working towards the chapter of ClubFEM in the DFW area of the state of Texas; to which such ironic portions in other references regarding 2nd and 3rd place I suppose, though possible ironies regarding seeing differently as well at such times and since females tend to mature faster than males as to such situations thereof regarding such possibilities and situations thereof during such overall portions. While the portion referencing my website is new regarding adding the text, the text at the bottom of the picture was from the photographer Duct Tape Dave for the particular event. While I thought there was a picture of Renee and I together, I cannot find it within the pictures I do have from the drive I had saved such pictures as I thought I had done so correctly during such times; however the situations in reference to Washington state, may have been a hypothetical situation similarly to other issues regarding technology especially after meeting Zippy and Zippy's friends; which GeekSquad and Best Buy would know better as to such additional portions regarding the timeframe of 2008, though more officially within the year of 2009. Nonetheless my colors, ad some can guess as to the situations when returning to the Austin area of Texas and posting such a picture online regarding certain situations thereof as described referencing such aspects as per the ClubFEM situations. At minimum I suppose I can joke about the background almost looking as a different version of wings for me, though in my ankle area above the heart with the rose and the flames with a few drops of blood tattoo you can see the residual portions from a situation regarding SCUBA Diving and Bo-Bo regarding certain situations after my SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg out from the #FloridaKeys #Florida Florida Keys.