While I have admitted as to believing the reality of the positive aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle and have put forward the truth of my opinion as to the support that I could have for the reference aspect as to Maitresse Renee and her husband as last I knew, the portions as to the aspects regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project has not changed any such portions if there is the aspects of such portions in specific reference to the trips when out going to pick up the historical and spiritual rubbings of and for my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces would have to be where I could not allow myself to endorse such in certain references. It is possible for the possibility of earning such situations in reference to having backed off if hypothetically having to any such my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, which the problems which if such would be the realistic portion as to which the reality of the requirement to earn the trust in honesty is required especially in reference to the aspects as to the sacredness of my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as the trips themselves; which had also been as to why the requirements when having spoken with the male named Joey who claimed he had worked at Boeing at the time while able to direct the show which was called #GuardianAssholes initially as per seen in reference to my original #Facebook facebook account in regards of the casting call for such, he had been informed along with one of the other males from the show named Andrew Fast as to the mandatory requirement referencing the discussions which would have been required to take place before ever being able to consider the available options thereof due to such requirements for the safety as well as the sanctity as well as the sacredness of the process regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project and the trips thereof.
While there was the sad aspect as to seeing the physical portions of the male named Joey in the #Bellevue #Bellvue #BellevueWashington #BellvueWashington #BellevueWA #BellvueWA Bellevue area of the state of #Washington #WashingtonState Washington to a male I once knew named Joseph Estes who was married at the time I knew them of Megan Estes in #SanAntonio #Mysa #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio #Texas Texas who had thrown a temper tantrum over the situation referred to as to the #TacoCabana #TC Taco Cabana situation as well as the temper tantrum thrown about the picture I had posted on both #fetlife fetlife as well as facebook, which there was not any knowledge as to the hat he had worn in the picture ever being considered as anything more than just someone who purchased a hat from a store or a gift shop in comparison to ever actually having been considered to have ever been an employee of #Boeing Boeing. The amount of people who have purchased clothing and/or accessories from and/or for the product being from a specific company such as the #Dodge Dodge seatbelt I had purchased from the #LeMayMuseum #LaMayMuseum LeMay Museum because of the vehicle I had read about in the #CarDriver Car & Driver magazine and liking the specs as to the #Demon Demon vehicle for a latter reference in time aspects, is just one example of such especially with online stores such as #Amazon Amazon and #eBay eBay to be able to pick out various objects which are not from the company per-se. Thus because of the picture situation alone though in additional to the male named Joseph Estes and his temper tantrum shortly before the Taco Cabana situation especially regarding timing, I could not ever see his point as to ever thinking he ever had any right to ever going to ever be allowed such a wish despite whatever he thought his wife Megan would ever be allowed in such regards.
If you are going to be embarrassed of being known to be with me in pictures, why would I be able to view such or how would I view such in reference to anything further? The ironic portions as to the ways which some in the adult consenting industries thereof to which simply only having been a model in comparison, I guesstimate a similar set of situations regarding such public aspects just for the connection aspects. If one were to honestly review such portions would definitely be one specific way to guarantee as to the lack of being wanted feelings, when taking such into consideration; as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out for one denial of such aspects of me would guarantee, as to my personal embarrassment of being involved with any such type of individual and/or couple in any though more specifically in a relationship aspect.
I also cannot see how within the city of San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA as to anyone I and/or they had ever known in person ever thinking such a side to take as per Joseph and Megan Estes would ever be considered as acceptable, especially knowing why I had fought to be emancipated from the biological aspects of my biological mother/father/sister as well as what occurred in reference to my ex-in-laws.
In turn any who would ever take their side in reference to the fact I had and I have the right to choose who I choose to involve myself with, is exactly as such as to who I choose to involve myself with. The mandatory aspects as to the truth beyond the portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project which goes well before the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as per how I had always taken my religious studies extremely seriously and such had furthered after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as per the mandatory respect due for such portions, though because of my personal choice to remain humble in such discussions; such did not change the facts as to the requirements for the truth, especially now in 2021 after the situations in reference to the 2020 election integrity aspects required as per seen in reference to the results at the end of the election cycle. If there had been any such connections in reference to Maitresse Renee and/or Jason regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project trips outside of the adult discretionary portions as per the reality of such Torah portions already having forewarned of the aspects as to other such situations though more-so in reference to having anything to do with problems caused to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces and/or the trips I had planned without ever involving anyone else by purposeful reasons for the safety and the sanctity of my Medal of Honor Art Project works and such other aspects previously explained in writing more-so, the requirement to having no further contact regarding such portions would be mandatory as per the situations previously explained as to the prior postings as to how I had not knowingly been in person with such individuals for other reasons though in opposite aspects as to the possibilities thereof if was/is a hypothetical to take into consideration.
Thus if it were a problem as per the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project and/or any other such portions referencing "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing", there is the reality of such choices would be reversed regarding such aspects because of the required portions thereof for the works I create referencing such which does also include the paintings which were made and are made separately regarding such in addition. If there was and/or is a public portion as to having confessed such and apologized for such in the public ways as to additional aspects of staying away/back which includes in regards to the technological portions of videos/images/recordings regarding such individuals as per writings within "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing", then there is a difference and the support for such moves forward would be considered; however if there were involvements as to the illegal recordings/videos/images regarding during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as it is only in reference to my Freedom of Religion as per the portions as explained and written about having learned such portions throughout various aspects though finalized in regards of my Confirmation Class elective for #OTC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church when I attended; my #ConstitutionalRight Constitutional Rights for my Medal of Honor Art Project outweighs the wishes regarding anyone else's wishes, which the proof is in reference to the facts of such has not ever been considered as acceptable regarding the Mosques (which in my opinion is wrong because of other opinions as per knowing there are peaceful Muslims however if there are associations as to such locations for known aspects the situations as to viewing is important regarding the non-allowances thereof for what has occurred regarding 11 September 2001 among other situations such as at #FortHood Fort Hood in 2009) or the Temples or the Churches in larger numbers prior to the #COVID COVID mandates.
Additionally as to the locations which such are referencing the markers and the previously explained in some of my official #YouTube YouTube videos as well as in "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to the direct link to the Armed Forces of the United States of America and/or higher law enforcement connections directly, is the additional mandatory aspects as to the requirements for what Constitutional Rights I earned for myself on my own are the higher level and mandatory respects thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project as per the principles additionally of such sacredness. Thus while if such individuals with the actual direct connection to the #ArmedForces #USArmedForces #USAF Armed Forces of the #USA United States of America were directed because of such connection portions, I personally leave such decisions up to those who had been informed of such if in regards of civilian factors as to their decisions; while personally having and being more accepting of such individuals with the direct connection to the Armed Forces of the United States of America during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, however such was begun though is in reference to how such direct connected would consider such portions as to their opinions of not ever having my permission regarding any such recordings/videos/images regarding the trips for my Medal of Honor Art Project especially if contacted and/or directed by civilians such as explained. While it seems interesting in the #Arlington Arlington area of Texas as to a museum being built and though there was contact asking if there were those who were interested in pieces from my Medal of Honor Art Project to be taken to such a location, there was not an answer in response for ever being interested in such pieces which in turn there is not the requirement for such pieces to be taken to the museum as per that being the first time of reaching out to that type of way in comparison to how I have normally completed the drop offs for my Medal of Honor Art Project and my reasons for why it has been completed in such ways. While it has been a preference to receive contact in return as per the drop offs as to the reasons why I purposefully left my business card and/or a flyer in regards of the pieces I have completed thus far regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project, the work I have completed regarding such pieces in charitable aspects and humility has also been a situation which I understood from the knowledge some would not contact me in return; though a portion as to the journal blog entry as to the Unwanted Artist due to my feelings of such as per having completed over 50 individual pieces and dropped such off, as well as the ways which the books I had written and compiled not having gotten to a specific portion well before learning about the illegal leaks as to such.
In turn the yahoo company of the ymail by technicalities owes me personally a larger amount of a financial check regarding all such portions as per their illegal releasing of such portions, additionally because of my legal first and my legal middle name being within the title of my books. I have reached out through the postal mail services of the #USPS USPS without any response, which in turn their blasting of such is a requirement regarding the lack of security as well as the lack of rectifications regarding not only myself; though also in reference to any such individual who has a direct attachment to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, and the security to the Homeland of the United States of America which such a company put more in because of their carelessness perceived regarding all such information leaked illegally from the so-called breech. If it is found that it was an employee and/or a contractor to the yahoo or ymail company, there is a larger problem for such an auditing and the requirement for rectification for the mandatory fixing and repairing of such though the financial means as per the amount of individuals and per what information was stolen due to such leaking illegally. In the case in reference to each individual book such a monetary mandatory payment would be as per each download of each book as well as any forwarding for such and etcetera regarding the legalities thereof as per the similar portions on Fort Hood if a soldier accidentally shoots a cow on the base when using any weaponry during training and/or etcetera, as per the requirements in such legal precursor portions thereof in addition to the financial requirements in such a similar situation thereof. In turn the portions which at one point was going to be of my choice as to which areas I would have donated the percentages thereof to which locations per my choice would be revoked due to the portions as to the illegal hacking as well as the illegal leaking of such books of mine, as well as rectifying in regards of both of my children who were minors legally at such times of the illegal leaking for the 1/8th percentage regarding to my son as well as my daughter for the two as per the total number of books even though were not designed for such for all of my books regarding the donations in reference to philanthropy of only a certain percentage for only certain books.
In my opinion in addition if the Guardian Assholes original name for that show had taken any information from any of my books which were illegally leaked, all such financial aspects would be required to be returned to Amazon to then in turn take all such financial resources to myself as per the fact of not ever being informed of such prior to ever getting involved with that male and that show; which I would not have ever allowed such if the truth had been disclosed in person prior to which the legalities of the false pretenses in the starting up, would in turn be required for the legal pursuits regarding all such portions of safety concerns as well as the proven stalking including the proven harassment especially if there as any relationship aspects in prior times regarding anyone and everyone involved regarding such in reference to the state of Texas and the connection to the adult consenting lifestyle individuals of whichever groups and locations thereof. In turn such additional aspects if so in regards of Maitresse Renee with the #ClubFEM group and/or #TheSanctuary in #Dallas Dallas and/or any #Austin Austin Texas associated adult consenting lifestyle groups and/or the same in reference to the San Antonio and other such locations throughout the state of Texas which would include in reference to my biological mother/father/sister in conjunction to my ex-in-laws which includes the children thereof as per previously laid out in references to "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing", at minimum and for a silver lining for whomever may have connections to the adult consenting lifestyle in other locations for such support for them to move forward regarding the honest portions of what is needed to be accepted in reference to the adult consenting lifestyle without shame as well as to be able to assist in helping others regarding multiple aspects thereof.
While it would be disheartening if the aspects of those who I once knew ever thinking arrogantly as to taking advantage of such regarding what I had worked on and would be hurtful to me far more than I can put into words in reference of such portions if those I can see being helpful for more, it would be only out of the transparent integrity regarding such aspects as to the acknowledging the realities of having to retract such portions in truth because of the facts regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project and the explanations albeit in brief about the historical though the more important aspects to the sacredness thereof in the spiritual portions of the rubbings of the markers for the artwork pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as what it specifically represents regarding the actual religious symbols throughout each individual piece as per whatever religious symbol on the marker regarding the choice thereof as well as the actual Medal of Honor symbol itself being an accepted symbol within the markers to choose in reference to both the Pagan religious portions as well as the Church of Satan regarding how the Medal of Honor award on the marker is a physical view of an inverted pentacle and/or inverted pentagram. Thus such ability to see such in the markers themselves well before the historical and spiritual rubbings literally and proverbially and metaphorically show such religious portions and my Constitutional Rights being above all such other wishes in reference to Freedom of the Press by any such independent journalist because of the requirements of the direct link to such as well as the requirement to having to speak with me personally to discuss what would be considered as acceptable and respectful as it is not the same as taking pictures or videos or recording for some random politician in which such photographers would not have the slightest idea as to the requirements for the actual respect to the work I specifically do in regards of such to ever be allowed the Freedom of the Press as per the mandatory requirements to get my specific permission for such; with the only exception being if the direct link was to the Armed Forces of the United States of America and such higher law enforcement though not for public knowledge, and only for such #Washington #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC and #Virginia Virginia areas of the required levels of clearances in comparison to any random civilian wishing for from others and/or myself of such acceptances.
In turn if there was ever the aspects of jealousy and/or greed and/or envy and/or pride and/or sloth and/or lust and/or if there was a wish for revenge; the ironic portions of the revenge would be the karmic response from themselves to themselves, as per the requirements for such aspects of which the mandatory discussions with me about such details as to how to correctly proceed in actual respect, in comparison to the ways which some feel in regards as to the respect shown when going to the marker and/or gravesite of the fallen. There are many differences, whether or not some wanted to truthfully see such aspects.
It is a bit ironic as per the tears portion, the writing of the "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" and the comments about allowing such from my daughter despite referencing my biological daughter for such forbidden portions of the wrongful murder thereof regarding the not fighting back as ironically not knowing of any need for in such a way, however if such a situation had been who I had in my own way of having taken underneath my wing in such other protective ways; I suppose there is the self-fulfilling prophecy regarding such in regards of Renee, and the requirements for balance in truth regarding the scales of justice in the most unbiased ways, as per such aspects as I would not allow my biological son to get away with such either as per prior writings of such explanations as the same in reference to my biological daughter not being allowed to get away with such. While in some ways I can see how it would possibly be out of a protective measure if having found out of others' intentions if having learned of several aspects regarding through the proverbial grapevine of others' choices, though I can also see how some could have whispered into her ears and told her otherwise in reference to what their opinions were without having had all such facts in such official ways; even though I had discussed the portions about my issues with technology, my biological mother/sister/father, my ex-in-laws, the truthful situations referencing my dead-ex-husband and the stolen valor which as a clarification I had not ever stolen valor nor have I ever self-awarded anything in such ways in regards of myself; though I could see in some ways because of the requirement to be able to clearly define the website page for the slug address the misunderstanding, despite also having explained I had not graduated Basic Training for the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces.
Though I do not doubt more had not known of the history in reference to the only female Medal of Honor recipient thus far from the Civil War timeframe who had not gone through such Basic Training for the Army branch though was associated with the Army branch of the United States of America who had earned her way through medical school after having gone through the education she was able to get herself through named #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, though she at thus point in the only female who has been awarded the Medal of Honor officially and there was a lot of controversy surrounding her being awarded the Medal of Honor because of multiple reasons though it was because she had been able to assist the ending of the #CivilWar Civil War after having been a #POW Prisoner of War and being able to get the word to Congress in Washington DC as to multiple portions to assist with the ending of the Civil War; which ironically one of the people she had many problems and situations with while in medical school as well as in the Army branch working on patients had been how the #Congress #USCongress Congress learned of the truth she was writing about because of how many others were lying to the Congress which included some of the female nurses who had wished she had just disappeared and had been a part of how the camp was ambushed and she had been captured and taken as a Prisoner of War to be able to survive. When she was able to get to safety she had been awarded the Medal of Honor shortly afterwards which she later retired after getting married to a male who had fallen in love with her while working on the situation, which though she had continued with her works as he continued in his own ways as there were certain similarities within their backgrounds; her medical expertise was able to assist him in his age while he worked upon various aspects, and his ability to continue on with his works were able to continue onward for longer than other doctors had ever thought would be possible.
While again I have not been awarded as per the requirements to earn a Medal of Honor for such gallant choices of actions to which assists in multiple ways for more to be able to survive and continue onward, I can see how the possibility to the situations with the AI situations regarding technology proverbial viewpoints thereof could be a glitch and/or a confusion in the system for such, especially with the registration with the #LibraryofCongress #LOC Library of Congress regarding such aspects of my books and the explanations thereof. I would like to hope that in reference to Renee there would have been something somewhere which would have kept the truth of such portions, though I also know how much had needlessly been stirred regarding between because of other situations and individuals involved who had saw situations as they saw situations. I do believe she would be able to work through such portions if that were to be the case in reference of the elected official aspects depending upon the ways which reviewed regarding the legalities thereof in reference to if outside of the discretionary adult consenting location of #ClubSapphire #CS Club Sapphire, however that is what is known more officially to others in comparison. I do believe at a minimum if the elected official portion is unavailable, I do support her stepping forward into the light to be able to discuss more openly and honestly to be able to bring awareness to speak with those in a public way as to the realistic lack of requirement for shame in this modern era of the adult consenting lifestyle; as I do not believe I could ever be the only female who has admitted to watching what is called porn online as I also cannot believe I am the only one who has ever admitted to masturbating, as per the larger number of tools available at adult locations to able to assist females in such ways. Similarly I do not doubt there are a few males who have ever masturbated in any such point in time after beginning puberty, as per the natural aspects of the hormones when growing up and going through such stages in life; though I also do not doubt there are adult males who have masturbated just as adult females, as per the release which proverbially and metaphorically and literally as well as sarcastically pun intended comes from such portions at times.
While if in the correct relationship which such portions of adult consenting pleasures are what is preferred regarding in the truthful connections of intimacy referencing the consenting relationship after the courting portions to begin such aspects, I also have known there are those who have needed the safety assistance as well as the lack of shame for the adult consenting lifestyle portions as safety is more than just the sexual wellness though is important regarding to make sure the ability to remain safe as well as clean and clear of sexually transmitted diseases which personally and admittedly in some ways selfishly though I doubt I am the only one in the realistic aspects thereof; I hope at all times and in all circumstances I truthfully always remain safe, clean, and clear of any and all such aspects as to any type of sexually transmitted diseases.
I do believe Renee and others within the adult consenting lifestyle have needlessly been marked in reference to the technological portions referencing the ways which certain technology programs have watched and monitored the whereabout as to various individuals and the connections thereof if there have been the legal paperwork with the adult legal names as per certain situations such as in regards to Club Sapphire and #TempleofFlesh #TOF Temple of Flesh, as well as what once had been called The Sanctuary for the hypothetical aspects of if there are arrangements to what could have been planned regarding adult consenting behaviour if such aspects were/are; as the honesty about such through the measures in my opinion can and/or should be reviewed referencing the technological tracking marks, which have been possible to knock as a mark for such adult consenting locations and/or adult consenting pictures/videos/recordings if was consented to by all adults involved for such and/or as per the local/state/federal laws in regards of the recording aspects as each state has large differences such as the difference between Washington state and the state of Texas regarding the privacy laws in such aspects and ways in recording portions thereof. Technically in the state of Washington specifically, the portions as to my Medal of Honor Art Project would fall into the category of the requirements not only in reference to the discussions referencing my personal requirements though also because of having been informed the only recording would be at the studio gym as well as in the garage type of location for any type of recording/video/pictures; and the legal aspects to the privacy laws and requirements to inform at each location at each time of any such recording if not walking directly to where it is seen and noticed as to the recordings going on as per the selfie situations and/or as per the reality of oneself recording a video, in comparison to others taking pictures and/or video and/or recordings while others are in the area when in reference to Washington state as per the signs additionally required for store locations in certain aspects. The state of Texas in comparison only requires the one who lives in such a location having personally installed and/or arranged the recording devices to such a comparison, to the state of Washington which it is a crime punishable with prison and/or jail sentencing to do so without informing any others who could be considered as to possibly be seen within the portions of any such pictures/videos/recordings. In turn by Washington state law the requirement for each location which would include if following in a vehicle as per actual following would be required for the informing of officially as per then it is considered as to stalking and harassing if purposefully following and/or sending others to follow without an actual warrant, in comparison to just going somewhere and being in the same location without any prior planning or information thereof; again within the regards as to my Medal of Honor Art Project only such references to the direct signing of the dotted line to be a part of the Armed Forces of the United States of America with the honorable discharge aspects in comparison to being chaptered out and/or Chapter 13 and/or failure to adapt as known by some, as the higher law enforcement individuals of such associated agencies/groups/organizations would be more well known to possibly be called in for such surveillance compared to following.
I truthfully believe Renee has been more than capable for multiple aspects as per the ability to process information intelligently, which I also believe she has always had the ability to contribute in more ways than some had thought of her in several aspects as to thinking she could only be a Professional Dominatrix and secretly a submissive as the discussions as to which some individuals were not able to see the ability for Females to be Dominant whether or not as a Professional; though again the adult consenting lifestyle aspects in my opinion if honest in regards of with other human beings as well, I do believe such a recalibration should be taken into consideration referencing to the ways some technology programs have been made in certain aspects regarding the hypothetical portions of certain types of background checks. While some may have known about the monitoring in reference to emails/phone calls/(text) messages/pagers/etcetera, there is the realistic portions to which clarifying the truthful as to who sent such in reference to the mobility aspects has possibly not been taken into consideration previously as to ensuring such or having the ability to prove and ensure such in truth. In the ways which some law enforcement agencies have been able to find the manipulation of images and videos and recordings as well as others in modeling have learned about some photoshop portions for images, at this point I would not be surprised if that was ever a truthful concern regarding multiple levels of technology companies and/or law enforcement agencies such as the #NSA NSA and/or others within #GeekSquad Geek Squad and/or #BestBuy Best Buy. In some ways I would not doubt if there were those who would have thought I would have purposefully caused problems to the amount of technology devices I had to take to Geek Squad, however I am a simple individual which admittedly it takes a while to get accustomed to many things in this world; which after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in such a specific reference as to the technology problems similarly to the mathematic portions as to knowing I knew more before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and knowing I had completed more than I can after waking up from my coma, the frustrations as to any changes regarding a device is a situation for me and having to deal with getting a new device to learn just in reference to a cellphone is stressful for me which laptops and desktops are far more complex in comparison.
Thus while I could see some thinking that could be a situation of wanting the newer technology especially being born and raised in #NJ #NewJersey New Jersey and going throughout areas in the tristate area, the realistic portions of such would only be if not needing to relearn everything all over again; as well as not having to re-remember each time I wake up from a bit of rest, as per the situations of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the diligent work I have done to do the best I could to assist myself after realizing to the levels of the after effects when it actually dawned on me that I had to be retaught the names of colors as well as how to count. Thus the situations as to how some willingly want newer pieces, it is more difficult than some ever realized for me in reference to despite being considered a millennial birth year in addition to my physical appearance regarding how some have thought in the technological field as to looking futuristic to some.
In some ways possibly I could be actually considered a bit futuristic in my opinions and beliefs in comparison to the technological portions regarding preferences, which I can accept that; just as I can accept the fact there have to be others similar to myself which prefer to be able to wear various types of clothing without being judged, and attending more adult consenting locations to be able to feel comfortable wearing such in whatever level of a public location thereof including the lack of a need to feel or be shamed for adult consenting lifestyle locations to attend. With the adult consenting lifestyle portions additionally believing there are positive aspects of such in a variety of ways when responsibly taking such portions into consideration, in turn I also have not been able to understand why other aspects have been considered as taboo as early as when #POTUS42 Bill Clinton and the scandal thereof with Monica Lewinsky if there was the consenting portions between POTUS42 and #FLOTUS First Lady of the United States of America turned into the earned portions of the #DOD Department of Defense #SecretaryofState Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she had become the #Senator Senator for the State of #NewYork #NY #NYC New York; before I had begun to fight to be emancipated for the ability to go into the #USArmy #Army Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces more officially after having going through the processes for the #MAST Marine and Science Technology School with the #USNavy #Navy Navy attachment, as per the questions asked by those in the courtroom seemingly made little sense as per the situations being of mostly adult consenting choices.
Some of the shaming which had occurred in reference to such had bothered me back then as per my opinion in different ways, as I had known about open relationships as well as polyamoury and other adult consenting lifestyles such as #Swinger Swinging and #BDSM BDSM from those I had known over the years; which I know for a fact I am not the only person who has known adults with such connections, and in such portions the hope for the ability to reduce the problems of which some parents/grandparents/legal guardians as well as legalities of child protective services have had some misunderstandings about in reference to keeping such to the adults in comparison to the problems and illegal aspects as to the situations which pedophilia has needlessly been a part of such problems as per the similar ways as some had wrongly labeled the #LGBTQ #LGBTQP LGBTQP community members which mainly was over and removed after the more recent few decades with the ability for more to come forward to explain differences more clearly. In the ways as more live longer as well as have children which grow up from the youth into the teenager years into adult and the parents/grandparents/legal guardians living lengthier times, maybe some aspects as to the Paroxysm Book Series could have assisted some parents/grandparents/legal guardians to be able to clarify while keeping such images in another space compared to; though more-so in reference to the "The Paroxysm of the Lotus: Volume Two : Portraits of Partnerships By: Susan MeeLing" of that particular book series as thankfully there have been more who have been able to adopt children within the United States of America, and be proven wonderful parents though ways to assist such explanations as well for whether or not adopted out from the orphanages and/or foster care system as per children attending schools as well as colleges later as well as adults finding more how the internet is larger than the world via location aspects.
While there are those in the adult consenting lifestyle who have been able to adopt though also have been able to have children of their own who have also needed such cover in my opinion as well as the removal of the shame aspects, I also knew Renee and Jason were younger than I. While it was unknown as to whether they would themselves have a child(ren) or adopt, I also knew from my own experiences regarding just my physical appearance as well as how certain individuals within the #Carrollton #CarrolltonTx Carrollton Texas area as per the neighborhood I was living in which did not have a #HOA Homeowners Association though the nosiness of the people in the cold-e-sac areas as per the age thereof some of the individuals and their assumptions which were more in depth of assumptions in comparison to when living in a Homeowners Association ironically, while I did not know of the demographics as to the types of certain people within the Carrollton Texas area I would guesstimate Renee would have a clearer idea as to the types of individuals referencing such aspects to the additional portions of the ages of certain individuals within the neighborhood at the timing of having my house in the area; which in turn as per her and Jason being a few years younger than me though in the Professional Dominatrix aspects, I could easily see the problems which my son and my daughter had for the reference of the other parents/grandparents/legal guardians in their opinions regarding the McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD as it was not as common in 2008 to have the hairstyle I have with the hair-color I have as well as my tattoos at the timing of into even the year of 2010.
It also was not as well known for such areas as to how many more would go in such ways in different aspects, though also it was the assumption of such people that I was a Dallasite and/or a trust-fund child in comparison to actually getting to know me in comparison to assuming from the minimalist portions those people were allowed to ever be informed of. Though if such military connections the ironic portions as to the clearance levels which even those people would fail to be allowed such information, as per the Lieutenant Colonel at the time Dr. Kerry having to go through multiple arenas for months before getting the ability to the stage which asking for my permission to go into looking into my military records, once he had reached a certain level of the clearance aspects for the requests thereof because of what my clearance was when I was 17 years old and the ways which if keeping clean the ability for the clearance aspects in other such ways; with the conjunction as to what my MOS was supposed to be, though in such aspects the clearance levels regarding the more amount of people who have had access to technology and the need for clarifications regarding younger children and teenagers to be able to move forward with certain aspects.
In turn while there has been the problems more well known about cyberbullying and other such portions beyond the hacking which has had to go through reviewal processes thereof over the years mainly since the turn of the millennium for such regulation changes, there is a realistic portion as to children and teenagers not being the only ones who have dealt with cyberbullying either as I know I am not the only one who has dealt with threats online though I may have been more vocal about such in person before winding up in Washington state. There are additional protection aspects for safety, which I can see being of importance to bring forward as per the situations as per knowing I could not be the only one who had dealt with such in the timeframes since before winding up in Washington state either which children as well need such protections from that problem regarding certain people's assumptions regarding an adult consenting individual compared to children who have purposely been kept out of such lifestyle aspects until after being allowed to be informed after turning a specific age above the age of 18 years old minimally though above 21 years old in other better ways in my opinion. I have additionally done the best I could in hopes to prevent such problems for my own son and my own daughter in comparison, though I also know now as to how the aspects as to certain types of people needing to be corrected from such assumptions as per the multitude of situations I have dealt with over the years and how much I have had to protect myself as well as protect my son and my daughter as best as I could. While I know and I knew I did not have to warn people in the adult consenting lifestyle of what was being dealt with at such times, I also knew I could not allow myself to be quiet and sit by while doing nothing except for waiting for the law firm to actually work with me in comparison to wishing I could ever turn out the way such individuals assumed from their own hypothetical behavioural backgrounds and patterns thereof as per trying to shame others for the exact same groups they themselves have hypothetically partook of as per known for the higher paid types of lawyers in the areas more well known in New York City as well as #Pittsburg Pittsburg and #Philadelphia Philadelphia; as I recognized the specific looks as to those types of people I had met when in Austin as well as in #DFW DFW, as those types of people always have the same look in their eyes and the sadness thereof regarding their empty soulless vessels called a human body as they look far more pathetic to me than those have seemingly as I would guesstimate have run to Professional Dominatrixes to inform them of exactly what everyone else thinks of such types of people in the United States of America and the world while they may have wished such comments were only from the paid sessions in comparison to the ways which those types of people have shamed others in the adult consenting lifestyle with the same types of words used to describe such types of certain legal aspects of what are called human beings with certain legal backgrounds.
The ironic portions as to I could have easily gone into such sorts of opinions regarding such without the payment for such, though those people hypothetically were allowed the illusion from such Professional Dominatrixes that they were ever viewed as anything more than exactly what they are viewed as for ever purposefully helping a school and/or school district and/or individuals with larger amounts of money; to pretend the problems which occurred to innocent children and those with special needs and/or disabilities were lesser than, when in my opinion as well as plenty of oithers' opinions those types of lawyers and those types of law firms have been a bane of existence to lawyers and law firms which actually have wanted to help others. While knowing the need for the financial backing to be able to do so regarding such lawyers at minimum, possibly the fact that certain individuals go to Professional Dominatrixes to pay for the sessions where they are informed through the degrading aspects referencing such certain types of individuals through the name calling among other portions, possibly at minimum there are some adults who can find some solace that the money some of those people use to pay such Professional Dominatrixes for such treatments regarding those individuals masochistic portions from the guilt they feel subconsciously hypothetically might assist others to review the Profession as the Professional Dominatrixes actually do get paid to degrade and demean certain individuals of such portions. Whereas I can make the joke in regards of my personality as well as my quickness for such individuals, that portion from me is free as there are those who have had the in person versions of which could give their side as to how such portions had gone; as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that certain people such as those who could hypothetically be in that aspect of a masochist especially in regards of certain individuals who have the ways as to pushing the levels of educational pieces of paper around, sometimes have required a different type of wording to figure certain things out for the actual betterment thereof.
Though yes, my saying is copyrighted which in other ways such legal aspects might have cringed regarding that particular aspect though at the same time the ironic portions as to other ways some lawyers and law firms may have reviewed certain aspects thereof and know of more as to the legal repercussions to ever utilizing such a saying and/or versions thereof which are copyrighted as well as having the same aspects of the realistic portions of my legal first name as well as my legal middle name which in such specific aspects thereof is something which I suppose I can smile about referencing certain aspects as it was a question for some as to how Dominant of a Female I am and/or could be as well as with the name of Lady Dori Belle how could someone with such a name ever be Sadistic? In the legal aspects thereof for such extreme specifics as to the portions of, I suppose those who know of such definitions would be able to tell how of what level in reference to especially the aspects as to how I had been treated in reference to certain lawyers and law firms as to such portions of their assumptions as well as how that could just hit them a certain ways; which mainly those of the Professional Dominatrixes and the adult consenting communities regarding such, might have a bit of a deeper understanding from such knowledge as well as #psychology #psychologist psychologists.

The irony as to the facts of which certain individuals within the San Antonio adult consenting lifestyle and the ways which the stirring of the proverbial pot regarding other such portions, I suppose I can smile in reference to doubting such individuals would ever have thought as to the levels of my personal semantics or attention to details I have been; which some laughed at me about discussing being a Virgo there are certain attention to details which certain individuals with the #Virgo Virgo astrological traits do tend to pic up in a different way, sometimes with and/or without having gone to college and/or specialty school training. Sometimes that specialty training does lead to higher pay per hour if in regards of and/or other other such additional aspects, however in such references regarding the adult consenting lifestyle while such has been known in ways more along the lines of the adult consenting lifestyle in the adult film industry ways more known the realities of such in other ways have been a concern for both wither in the Professional and/or the non-professional in the ways thereof; to which a concern referencing as the ways technology was going to move regardless one way or another, I had thought it to be important for such clarifications within the technological portions additionally because of the amount of ease of access spread across the United States of America and the world. While knowing certain cultures have viewed such aspects differently in comparison though also as important in reference to such around the world comparatively, thankfully there have been more which have been able to see the benefit for educational aspects while also doing the best possible to maintain the humility in reference to utilizing technology when the choice has been in the willing and consenting ways; while also the importance of labels for the medical portions to assist with the care, the labeling in other ways in my opinion has been a need for clarification in comparison to by a group format per individual in ways which a way to clear such portions of the adult consenting aspects for the ability for those who have the capability to prove such responsible personality traits, to be able to push past certain prior boundaries to be able to express more through intelligent discussions for the ability to bring forward other progressive thoughts for the ability for the ponderings to find better and more clear ways as to be able to push past the previous times as to removing such from the larger areas in comparison to seeing the abilities for such in other ways more positively without the shame and without the judgement from the earned aspects in the general overall societal portions as to what is and/or is not considered as normal.