This journal blog being directly for the 21 year old and upward as to the aspects of biological adults as to such clarifications, as per now officially as to the specifics of the section regarding such factors as this is the first Official posting to such aspects to officialize such factors regarding My typing style on Fetlife as to the differences regarding being appropriate as per other such websites as to their age factors as per the sections of difference as to My journal blog areas. Since many areas have intersecting areas as to the aspects of life, as to such factors of choice regarding the aspects of such clarifications the capitalized letters as to the aspects of Myself as to being a Leatherwoman Dominant from the Old Guard as to individuals as to My childhood and My teenager years as to such areas who I knew as to such factors in the 1980s and the 1990s as to the respect of and to them as to different lineage aspects as to backgrounds if such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in prior years as to the timeframes of 2004 through 2013 as to such differences some individuals I may have met may have recognized as to individuals they may have once knew in depending upon the timeframe as to the circumstances because of clothing aspects as depending upon when in person face to face in person at events they may have met/seen Me. Who I knew as per such points in time as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to only in person face to face in person as to in real life, as to such differences as I have clarified as to the aspects of My childhood and My teenager years officially as to any such typing that is as to such clarifications as to “Finding A Silver Lining”.
Officially the only way for Me (Susan MeeLing [SCUBA Diving last name as to the only reference allowed regarding such aspects officially as to the government legal last name as per government legal documentation officially as otherwise as to how I have went by the name of Susan MeeLing since the year of 2004 officially as My legal first government name and My legal middle government name] : Lady Dori Belle [My modeling name online for both Facebook as well as Fetlife] : Lady Liberty Belle [My current new Fetlife name officially to remain as such]) as I suppose if as to such truth factors, then as to the truth as to the possibilities of wanted as to the difference regarding what individuals have needed to comprehend for themselves as to such reality facts of growing up. If individuals I had once known in person face to face in Washington state and/or during My Medal of Honor Art Project trips/artwork as to such factors, then I suppose the aspects thereof to such aspects in the capacities that I officially was not referring to as to such aspects as to being wanted in the capacities of what My references were as to such factors officially. However as to such aspects of clarifications as to the difference of in person face to face in person on a screen as to the difference of in person face to face in person in real life, as to such common sense factors well beyond just the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle aspects as to where the specific locations thereof to such locations to the knowledge of as to through the name of officially.
Someone such as Myself having been born and raised in the areas of New Jersey, New York City 5 boroughs, New York state, and Pennsylvania as to the small number of locations overall and yet larger number of specific viewpoints that could be referred to in regards of what were the forums I had been a part of online overall as to the areas of blocks and neighborhoods as to whom knew Me as to what name thereof while always being Myself. Those as to certain areas such as the state of Texas as to such in person face to face in person in real life as well as in person as to what those people consider(ed) as to face to face in screen format instead of in the capacities of what I consider as face to face in person because of My real life situations, as to such factors of differences I suppose as to those individuals as to such other areas as to where such aspects of what would not be considered as a want as to what is considered as a desire to My viewpoint because of a want being in such capacities of actual factors of some connection to a need though not to the level of an actual need and thus as to a want is a halfway portion of a need to a halfway portion to a desire depending upon the aspects of the situations as to such contexts thereof and thus as to how in other individuals references as to such factors of where My distinguishing factors as to whether as per My definitions thereof as toas to such aspects. Thus as to any such factors of others’ desires as to My involvement as to such differences as to what My needs are, as to such aspects of where such types as to the social media factors as to whether I consider such as a to the definition of as per situation.
The reality of My aspects of ever considering the difference of others as to the initial assessments will always be as to either an actual need or as to what I consider as a desire as to such aspects of differences, because of what My needs are and the requirements of My needs being met fully as to any other consideration(s) thereof because of how the facts as to such situations during such points in time. Thus while some others might have their opinions as to such aspects of what words they might choose in such references as to such aspects, the reality of the final decision being made by what My choice(s) are as to such aspects according to My actual needs as to such. Thus the clarifications officially as to such situations as per My updates to My journal blog of such factors, as to the aspects thereof as while some might have their opinions as to the differences as to My needs. I personally do not have the need for others’ opinions unless I specifically ask of their opinion, and as to how I have rarely asked others’ opinions about several factors because of how I can sense energetic portions as to the situations overall as to such reasons why if I need the clarifications as to when I will ask as I have previously and thus as to the choices as to such factors as to such hypotheticals as to the references thereof to such situations hypothetically.
In order for Me to have the sensation of being wanted in the capacities thereof as per what would be as to only in the capacities of where what I consider as to being comfortable as to the only factors of, and when as to how such situations as to obviously from the timeframe of when I originally posted as to how I had viewed and sensed such aspects as per the updates to my journal blog as to the official capacities of each and every factor as to what was not of comfort for me as to in any such factors as per my updates. Thus if as to such individuals as to ever thinking such interpretations of theirs as to the factors thereof to what it would be/is to ever give Me the sensation of comfort as to what I need as to such factors of the if factors of being wanted in the capacities of what I consider(ed) as, then as to how all such clarifications as to such points in time as to the exact factors thereof as to such differences of the situations.
Any individual who may have recognized Me from My modeling pictures in any area as to that aspect thereof who could have and should have asked Me if they had a question, officially showed all ignorance as well as immaturity as to the entire lifestyle in all capacities as per the proof as to such journal blog updates as well as the reference to “The Modern Day Book” and officially would not ever be capable to give Me the sensation of ever being needed or wanted or desired ever officially throughout the entirety of just in every capacity overall in as to such proof as to the timeframes since the year of 2018 as to this point in time as per the prior aspects as to such factors thereof as to in any capacity because of such combined situations. If as to individuals who may have wanted Me to tell them My modeling name as to whatever they had seen online as per such aspects of a screen regarding such aspects, then as to such factors as to where they needed to ask Me when they had such a chance as to the same equal opportunity that individuals throughout the state of Texas had during the years as to such vanilla areas as to such aspects of from the years of 2010 through 2013 as just the same as to the areas as to the years of 2013 through January 2020 as to such aspects. I would not be surprised if individuals I once knew in the state of Texas as to the years of 2020 through 2021 were stunned that I utilized My modeling name from such aspects for the if factors I suppose now in the year of 2022 as to the if factors of how they might not have known, I had not ever hidden such aspects as to online social media as to the aspects of the same pictures on Facebook as to Fetlife during such points in time as to My modeling as the reality of whatever choices such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in real life as to such choices they made as to such points in time as to the years of 2010 through 2013 and as to such hypotheticals thereof as to their choices of their own free will as to such choices as per My choices.
Each and every aspect of any factor as to what I consider as needless stress, as to what I consider as needless problems, as to what I consider as needless situations, as to what I consider as needless drama, as to what I consider as needless games officially cannot get Me to ever have the sensations as to in any capacity of such factors as to that journal blog as to the aspects of what I consider as to the factors thereof officially. If as to such bratty types as to such factors instead of what I had clarified in person face to face in person before as to those aspects as to having needlessly moved as to the fullest uncomfortable aspects as to the differences as to what others had failed repeatedly as to such factors as to the timeframes, and thus if such prior individuals as to the hypotheticals as to the civilian sector involvement as to such aspects as to any veteran factor as to such aspects of needless pop culture aspects as to what I did not ever consent to as obviously My healthcare as to My needs instead of every factor those opinions of others is officially is not necessary as to such aspects in any capacity thereof as to what My personal needs are as to.
Those in any capacity as to such factors of social media as to such pop culture references of such needless problems as to any proof in all factors as to such needless problems from the aspects thereof as to individuals who had survived a TBI as to such aspects, of each and every individuals’ choices until themselves for such aspects of their choices during whatever factors thereof and thus the factors of such lack of humanity from each individual who would ever make the choice(s) as to any purposeful aspects as to anything that would officially be against such aspects of the individual’s needs as to such aspects of in My situation as to My ADA as to each factor of what I had already comprehended as to My needs as to if such aspects would actually do the exact factors of what is needed because it is not a want to such factors as to others as to what it is as a legal mandatory aspect as the facts of when the reality of such aspects thereof as to such factors of the requirements officially as to such aspects of whether or not some people want to accept the reality of such facts no matter how annoying they might be. Nothing can be more annoying than to the individual who actually deals with such aspects on their own in full than such aspects thereof, while others try to claim such annoyance as to such hypotheticals as to the facts thereof to whenever as to such aspects of assistance aspects though they as to such factors of difference as to the aspects of differences regarding the priority.
While others may have thought what their choices were as to what I saw as to being wanted as to such factors of as an artist, the reality of such aspects of how there has not been what I had as in any capacity of my considerations in any way or shape or form as to what my considerations are as to the aspects of. Obviously having defined the difference as to the aspects of needs, wants, and desires as to such factors as to my books as to the fact books as the common sense would officially be where there would only be one individual to comprehend such aspects and the facts thereof would only be myself. Thus in each such aspect as to the factors as to such updates to my official fetlife profile as to such aspects thereof as to having clarified throughout such points in time as to where there has officially not ever been such the sensation of as to what I had written about in any such capacity,. as to the common sense factors as to my clarifications as to the points in time of in any factor as to the aspects were not up for interpretation as to the aspects from other people as to what it would be as to actually getting any such details officially as to what the aspects would be as what I consider as a brat is an automatic turn off to Me, in every capacity in all ways and in all shapes and in all forms.
If only individuals who had thought in the what biological adult factors of as to such failures officially in all capacities, as to such differences as to when actually taking the consideration as to not all individuals think only in such as to those types of factors. As per the reality of how many forums on the website of fetlife if others were to ever look outside of only the when signing in page as to such factors, there would obviously be the capacity to see the forums as to the larger aspects, instead of only a few pictures here and there as to such differences of reading information as to such forum discussions. Since as to those individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person as to those points in time as to what once was as to those factors, the reality of how such hypotheticals probably failed to ever think unlike themselves as to whatever aspects as to however they chose to enter the lifestyle as to such massive differences. Hypothetically for example if there were those who wanted to Hollywood such aspects of the general factors as to the lifestyle, then as to their scripts as to their plays as to their renaissance faire types instead of taking the lifestyle as to such individuals’ lives into consideration as to the ways where a House Mom as to factors thereof to such areas whether as to the dance clubs and/or such aspects thereof to running locations as to security and/or such factors thereof where the House Mom does not necessarily involve themselves with such factors and in most cases they had not ever been involved as to any capacity thereof as to what anyone would ever assume most likely. However as the aspects of a proverbial factor of the online version only as to a House Mom as to certain aspects of the proper aspects as to the difference depending upon individuals’ choices as to in person face to face in person in real life, as to such choices per individual of their own merits as per such factors of the knowledge as to the facts of such factors as per the choices of free will.
Thus as to the aspects when whatever choices as to such factors as for an example when I was volunteering while running security outside of in Washington state smoking a cigarette, an individual had walked up to Me asking Me for a cigarette. As I was not in that frame of mindset to care about the aspects of sharing because of the work I was taking care of as to the timeframe because of the facts regarding the timeframe of, the male offered Me $20.00 for one cigarette because I of the situation and as he already had the $20.00 bill out as to the aspects of the switch in the hands outside of the building as to that timeframe. Thus as to having made the $20.00 for one cigarette after the work I had completed as to the outside perimeter scanning and work thereof as to the aspects where as to when I was in Iowa as to Coralville as to the Blue Moose as to having found a $20.00 bill on the ground where I took that $20.00 bill to exchange the bill for the smaller bills to give to the two different DJs at the club at the Blue Moose in the year of 2018 to give them a tip, for their work while playing music as to My style of dancing as per the aspects thereof as to the massive difference to the exotic dancer aspects as to the situations as to the only so many words per the dictionary. Thus as to while at one point in time I had the role of the lead character in a play as to the aspects of what I already clarified previously as to other prior journal blog entries as to My website, the facts of such a name as to only so many words in the dictionary as to how I did not ever have any agreements beyond what was on the stage as to My character as to the aspects of such as I explained officially in discussions as well as in “Finding A Silver Lining” as there was nothing more than such as per the clarifications of the numerical portions as to the aspects of as to what aspects thereof to such points in time and nothing further as per such aspects as to the capabilities to clarify as to removing all Photoshop aspects fully of each and every picture as well as removing all photoshop from all videos as to each and every aspect of fully for the actualities of all truth to fully be revealed in each and every capacity of for the full truth and only the full truth with such messages as to any such hypotheticals as to how the hypotheticals as to the news on live television and/or streaming to officially be removed for the truth as to such aspects as to the similar factors as to removing all such aspects of filters from such images as to all aspects thereof for the full; truth as to such aspects for the clarifications and verifications as to the additional aspects of the technological verifications as to such aspects of the time as well as location officially for all such aspects as to clarifications regarding the actual genuine and full truth as to the clearing out all biases as to the aspects of if as to any such types of bigotry and/or sexism and/or feminazism as to the facts of such types as to the hypotheticals as to individuals who would try to ever get the difference as to My care because I refused to ever allow anyone to ride My coattails as to such aspects.
For example as to having been born and raised in New Jersey and the tristate areas as to such aspects as to the facts of where I grew up as to the overall aspects, those types I had met in certain groups and certain locations thought of themselves more highly than the individuals I had known as to the amount of attempts I made previously to get back to where My home location(s) as to such aspects as per prior official journal blog updates of Mine. Since the situations as to such types of individuals thought that meant shopping as to the aspects of whatever other pop culture references as to the types of groups instead of the reasons of the facts of My background, those types had went on about some shows as to the aspects of the lifestyle and the New York City area instead of what the aspects as to My childhood and My teenager years as to the aspects of finding the areas as to the reality as to what is and remains important to Me well beyond those individuals as to their choices as to such factors of differences as to such locations as to times. Since those hypotheticals as to their failures to actually care correctly about the situations as to their viewpoints in Austin Texas as to such years of 2010 into 2012, those individuals as to such clarifications and verifications as to the differences of those individuals as to the differences of Myself to such aspects.
Thus while I dealt with those types as to how their viewpoints of interpretations as to what aspects of what My particulars of differences, the reality of how I was not aware of any such aspects as to what is considered differently as per the wording in the tristate area as to the New Jersey most specific locations and if as to what I was informed of around the month of October in 2012 or November of 2012 as to certain types of individuals as to their activities aside to their aspects thereof as to their choices as to the side of their activities thereof. The common sense aspects as to how I acknowledged the scientific portions as to the terminology regarding such factors of differences as to being a human being as to such aspects of how others’ interpretations as to Myself and/or My work as to obviously if such types of individuals ever actually had truthful respect to Me as well as of Me as well as to My work as well as of My work, then such hypotheticals as to the aspects of full differences as to what My clear aspects as to the differences of what I consider as to being wanted in the aspects of what My considerations of being wanted would only be within such aspects thereof as to My specific comfort levels and only as to such aspects as to what I specifically need as to the specific aspects thereof as to when the portions of if ever asked in truth as to such aspects thereof. Since there has not ever been anyone who has ever correctly nor truthfully asked Me as to what My viewpoints as to such a post in the year of 2016 though hypothetically as to such failures to ever look outside of what aspects as to the reality of such forums as to My Fetlife profile, I have updated such factors as to the aspects of the situations as best as I could as to the overall portions in case other individuals had not ever thought to look at the forum posts instead of the shortened aspects as to lists as to the fact that the list explanations as to such prior updates as to 2019 through 2021 regarding such factors before clearing My list recently as to My profile as to such aspects of the verified process of Fetlife thankfully.
As to the references regarding such aspects of the choice of words as to what regards of if I were to ever officially utilize such words as to purposefully get such aspects of My opinion as to such regards as to the viewpoints I can have as depending upon the situations as to the ways where a House Mom as to such when in upscale aspects as to those particulars as to the difference regarding certain other type of situations hypothetically, the more recent within the month of November 2022 as to such aspects after the situations I have dealt with in the full combinations of as to such a boiling point over the limit of all such aspects of each individual thereof as to such needless drama as to such needless problems as to such needless stress as to such needless situations as to the aspects of the fullest amounts of differences between certain types of individuals as to the difference of others as to such regards of the factors thereof to such references regarding those types of from those timeframes.
Since having cleared all such aspects as to My profile as to where what in person face to face in person as to real life aspects as to those individuals and/or the aspects of the online portions as to the years most specifically of 2009 through 2013 as to the forum posts though as to the lists being different to be capable to find the backdated portions as to such factors from those years to the viewpoint of the current time as to the differences regarding situations, as well as the aspects of the reality of real life situations as to such factors. While I had been a Mom in real life to minor aged children as to having kept My children away from such aspects as well as away from such locations most specifically, other people’s choices as to their involvement without My permission as to such aspects as to those people’s choices as to without My permission and as to such aspects as to those people as well as their choices are as to for them to deal with such aspects thereof as to the differences as to such factors as to where the proof of the innocent as to such aspects for such distinctive differences as to such aspects as to the timeframes as well as the situations. Since I did clarify as to how My viewpoint was as to at the timeframe of though not as to the aspects of as to any portion other than if I had not given birth physically as to the exact definition of what My official aspects for such references in full truth, the reality of such aspects as to other references regarding such fuller portions as to the aspects of My life for such reference timeframes as to the reasons why assumptions from others who do not know in person face to face in person in real life as to the actual truth of such in full as to the minimum requirements to ever have the smallest idea of what is as to such reference as otherwise the only aspect of those types as to such assumptions and interpretations from others without such actualities in full as per such aspects of My updates as to what unknowns to each individual as to the aspects of My journal blog updates instead of such aspects of intelligence in reality of each and every individual who failed to ever prove to Me as per My viewpoints as to what I consider as being wanted as to such reference aspects thereof to such updates throughout My journal blog since the year of 2019 as to such factors.
Those types of individuals who only think in the capacity of the social media as to the online portions as to instead of the real life aspects of in real life as to the proof exactly as to such aspects as to the situations as to such clarifications before My website as well as after I created My website as to each and every situation I officially clarified as to such differences as to what the considerations of as to My requirements as to such, as to the differences as to what I dealt with instead of anything that as to the full capacities thereof to My actual aspects as to what My considerations as to the aspects of specifics as to such sensation of being wanted instead of the aspects as to such hypotheticals as per the proof thereof as to such updates to My journal blog as kindly and as best as I could do so in such hypothetical differences as to the reality of a more recent within this month of November 2022 blog as to such differences as to previously. Yet again instead of what the aspects as to My needs instead of what aspects as to the factors of, as to being in what I consider as to the aspects of wants as to such where all of My needs are fully met at all times for My needs officially fully and the aspects of any other factors thereof as to what My wants as to the aspects of My wants as then when as to such aspects of if I choose to think about desire as to the aspects thereof as to only as to such aspects of what My comfort levels as to such mandatory minimum requirements fully.
Thus as to the aspects of any and all individuals who have ever made any finances from anything at any point in time as to My work of whatever type as to such aspects of from such thoughts to the inspiration of My work as to such automatic aspects as to then the financial monies made as to such aspects as to the automatic payments as to Me for My work as to all such factors thereof, as per a different journal on My website as to such clarifications and verifications as to the aspects of as per this and other journal blogs I have written. Thus as to the aspects where if as to such hypotheticals as to their own issues as to their own interpretations as to such aspects of full differences as to intention is the most important as to the specific timeframe as to the specific moment though also as to such aspects of latter timeframes as to such portions of if as to others having caused any needless problems instead as to such actual assistance to My needs, then as to such factors as to the clarifications as to such needless drama as to the lifestyle and as to such hypotheticals as to how I refuse all bratty types as to such bratty types of what I consider as to such factors as to how those types have not ever been of comfort to what I consider as comfort.
The reality of being a Mom only as to such regarding who I gave birth to as once they became 18 years old biologically as to the legal portions as to where other factors as to My journal blog updates, and as to how such prior information as to the forums as to such individuals can go look as to that location as to Fetlife only as to such prior writings because I have other aspects that are of importance to Me as to what My clarifications of have been as to the facts as to such individuals as to their age biologically above the age of 18 years old in the year of 2022 as to such reality as to how I already put such into writing and because of such aspects then as to go review that information and as to My aspects of not wanting or desiring such individuals.
The reality to accept as to several factors regarding My current point in time of My life as to the aspects I have went to work on for decades at this point, and since as to such aspects as to what I consider as to real care about Me as well as real care for Me as to such differences as to the aspects thereof especially as to what My preferences as to what My needs are. Time is important as to such different aspects as to situations as to the time, and thus as to such aspects of progression forward while looking around to ensure as best as possible as to such factors thereof as to the situations regarding the differences as to My needs as to the differences of others’ desires. The reminders as to how I have not ever been paid for any advertisements ever regarding at any point in time officially, and as to such aspects as I have clarified as to My journal blog instead of as to any other viewpoint hypothetically.
However such amounts of assumptions from those pop culture types as while such hypotheticals as to a reverse viewpoint, would such actually be a valid question as to any such individual who would have the larger factors as to the pop culture background as to such common sense obvious aspects in such differences to the factors thereof?
Nonetheless as to such aspects where the reality of where if wanting to read the older forum posts as to the charges that might be as to such factors thereof to payments on Fetlife similar as to the aspects as to My journal blog because of the reality of the work from prior aspects as well as for the future references, because the facts of how the internet in certain areas is not the same as a public library and it was not intended ever for individuals to only roam freely as the reality of such aspects of the membership factors to such payments. If as to prior posts in the forums as to the aspects of Fetlife and/or individuals think they are newer than they are as to such aspects regarding such situations hypothetically as to what prior references there are as to such factors, then as to the reality of where such aspects as to the tolls to such aspects. Experience is something to be taken care of correctly as to such payments for such experience, and while some aspects as to what some might consider as volunteer as to such aspects thereof as to such situations; when the obvious aspects of volunteer only as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such aspects in truth, then any individual company such as the hypotheticals in reference to the aspects of the lifestyle as to such hypothetical failures regarding their industrial military complex as to whatever levels as to the amount of individuals with a military background of if factors as to the areas nearby such locations. Taxes do not cover such factors in the aspects of Veteran status, as you are to pay for such experience as to the aspects thereof as to the reality just because the reality of how the aspects of were as to when Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist as to when the only time of such volunteer aspects thereof as to then if in such capacities thereof then as to such viewpoints officially when taking such into consideration in reference to each and every individual and/or company to such factors regarding such situations as to the aspects thereof regarding from the civilian sector as to dependents as well as individuals who are dependent upon the work that such individuals have accomplished as to such differences.
Just because of individuals in the swinger community thinking that their aspects of what in the Leather and BDSM community consider as brats that are masochistic as to the reality of how such situations as per proven factors of as to how the definitions of such, are3 as per the findings as per individual choices as to the individual situations in each capacity thereof as per the proof regarding such. For example if individuals know of their health aspects though as to choosing to not inform officially as to such, as to how a bratty child does not like to take responsibility for their choices as to such aspects. The proof of the difference of those types of bratty children that grew up to be biological adults as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to how other children did not ever like such bratty children when as to such factors of the damages they caused, such as to the STD crisis in the 1980s and the 1990s as to the tristate areas as to New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania as to the news reports though individuals who I once knew who survived as I had survived growing up around such aspects as the ways where it spread across the country and the world because of in My opinion as to the individuals who were irresponsible from the 1960s and the 1970s as to the timeframe of when swinging developed as there is not the same aspects of swingingers to BDSMers as to their tries to ever consider as anything other than what the swinger community was from the starting point in the difference of BDSM as to the brothels as to those types of bathhouses instead of the aspects as to exotic dancers and/or such BDSM factors.
Apparently swingers as to the hippies from the 1960s and the 1970s as to such aspects of massive differences as to the BDSMers as to how such aspects of labels regarding swingers as to such factors, as the differences between BDSMers to swingers is the facts of oddity as to labels regarding the clarifications as to what specifically is sought as to the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle aspects and those types of individuals as to swingers as to My opinion regarding how they like their labels in their vanilla lives in so many capacities though when as to such aspects of when in the supposed to be consenting lifestyle as to how hypocritical as to such aspects thereof. However the breakdown of the word hypocritical as to Greco-Roman Latin is where hypo as to critic as to al, and thus oddly as to the hypocritic oath as to such common sense aspects as I comprehended as to having taken several years of Greco-Roman Latin as per my high school in New Jersey as to such prefixes and suffixes as other countries in the world as to the differences as to the United States of America to the education system as per such factors I have previously clarified about.
For example as to My cousin Jade whose Mom is My Great Aunt Helen who was born and raised in China as being a Cantonese and her Dad being African American as to obvious skin tone differences, though not any difference as to the aspects of being biological relatives as the family raising aspects as to the in person face to face in person aspects as to how My Gradnmawmaw and My Grandpawpaw as to her Grandma and her Grandpa as to such aspects regarding Harlem New York City in the mid to late 1980s and into the 1990s. As I had noticed the aspects of the educational school books in her area as to where I chose to take My school books to the assist where I could, and as per some of the aspects of reading to while teaching from as per bringing forward notations to make attempts to assist because of noticing much in the capacities of intellectual capabilities. My Grandmawmaw and Grandpawpaw saw much need for the aspects of such as to the educational factors having marched with both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr as well as Malcom X as My Grandmawmaw was more of a fan of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and My Grandpawpaw was more of a fan of Malcom X, though as to such points in time where their relationship developed as to then the balancing as to seeing both sides of both sides as to the aspects in such timeframes as well as being capable to meet with some individuals as to the length of time as to one reference though much more than the wedding between My Great Aunt Helen to My cousin Jade’s Dad as to the food I cooked as well as the aspects thereof to such factors because of the catering situation that occurred as to that time.
Thus as to having cooked in the basement area of the location as to the total of three or four story building with the rooftop party location, as well as the back area as to the slab of concrete where there also was a basketball court as to the area if others might remember of such in the early 1990s timeframe as I cannot remember My cousin Jade’s Dad’s name or the last name however having been a bit of a babysitter as to the aspects of reading stories to the children and/or reading from the school books and working on schoolwork with them during the years of as to the knowledge as to the timeframes as to what assistance as to such aspects to progress life forward as to how I saw the need more than others had noticed at the time as to where I was growing up in other areas as to their viewpoints just as to the reference where people at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in the 1990s were surprised I liked the music from Snoop Dogg/Notorious BIG/Lil’ Kim/Queen Latifah/ Puff Daddy as to some examples as to the boomboxes/radios/spitting as to the reality of My biological father’s work as to the jewelry and watches as to the areas of the overall tristate areas and how the clarifications of such aspects thereof to some factors. However the viewpoint those individuals at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in the 1990s as to people My age, were surprised I had to work to be capable to tolerate the Ace of Base cassette tape to such differences to the music while being more capable to like as to Green Day as to the cassette tape from that time.
While individuals as to such aspects of what the clarifications of such as to music to dance as well as just as per My choices as per such factors, instead of the as to My opinion in reference to such aspects of what in other cities and in other states I have been to as to the differences regarding the aspects of Washington state as to how those needless situations as per the factors of where I actually needed to be instead of the aspects of the factors of Cowboys Dancehall as to March in the year of 2013 as to the situations clarified as to what information I was informed of as to the aspects thereof. However if I was actually cared about correctly as to what My actual needs have been and are as to such, as to the references regarding how the fully differences in all capacities thereof as to what it is for Me to actually have such sensation of being wanted as to the specifics only in the capacities of what I consider as.
Those types as to such aspects of asking Me as to the capacities of My personal requirements as to the aspects outside of those situations as to the lifestyle because of the reality as to how there has not ever been the capacity for those situations as to such sensations in the references thereof to Myself at all ever, because when having been a Mom to two minor aged children while dealing with the situations I was dealing with at the time as to how there is not the capacity for such bratty type of behaviour as to such aspects thereof to such factors of what I referred to in such regards to My specifics. Since the facts as to how both those individuals I had given birth to as to such facts regarding the factors of as well as what full differences as to such regards as to what I consider as being wanted as an artist as to such differences of words as to the common sense aspects as to how there are only so many words in the dictionary, as to such repeated clarifications as to such situations as to exactly the opposite of what My needs are for Myself as to each and every capacity thereof fully and officially as to all such clarifications as per “Finding A Silver Lining” as to the reasons officially as to such factors thereof and thus as to any and/or all any repetitions as to officially everything that is unnecessary as well as unwanted and the fullness of proof of each individual who apparently prefers not to progress forward as to such aspects as to the factors thereof as to what in their own lives as to such aspects as to the if factors as to the what it is for Me to progress forward is outward.
Anything I consider that does not align as to what I consider as to such aspects thereof as to such factors as I have clarified already, then as to such aspects as to whether such individuals are considered as to following correctly or as to such aspects of whereas the proof of what I consider as to such desires instead of what I consider as to the aspects of want. Obviously as to what My needs in full as to what I consider as to such factors, as to the importance of such regards to always remember as to such actual realities to fruition officially as to such aspects of My needs regarding for Me to utilize as that is what the reference of My needs being for Me. Only brats would ever think otherwise obviously, and since I do not have any enjoyment regarding brats as per prior discussions as per events and situations as to how such factors are not of what I enjoy as to the full aspects of the overall for each overall situation.
I guesstimate individuals think just because I can find one or two things to laugh at is as to such factors, instead of how the actualities of such are as to My viewpoint as to the combined overall for what I consider instead of their interpretations. When such amounts of clarifications as to the differences where that is not something after a certain specific time as to such aspects of the year of 2021, the facts of such were as to the references as to the information I know of as to the specifics of what I was told of as to such information as to the completed aspects per such factors of all such situations as to the best of My memories as to such factors thereof as to the reality of other situations being of far more importance to Me as to such timeframes as per such clarifications. The facts as to how individuals who needed to remember and need to remember that such situations as to My subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of My brain as to the aspects of where at those times as to such hypotheticals thereof as to the length of time thereafter to 2008, as to such damages those individuals have needed to remember as to such aspects whereas to such situations as to the fact of such VA/SSI as to only to the specific as to Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 as to such only factors as to officially. All other work of Mine as to such aspects of additional work as to the aspects of where such payments as to My finances for Me to utilize as to such aspects for My needs as to in real life as to what My needs are as to such factors as to the only capacities of ever getting Me to have the real belief as to being as to what My considerations of as wanted, as to the massive difference fully as to others’ interpretations as their interpretations have been problematic as to the levels thereof as to whatever length of time as to such factors in full as to such aspects of such hypotheticals. Thus only intellectual individuals and/or individuals who need to and/or want to and/or desire to improve their intellectual capacities would only as to such aspects as to My clarifications as to such specifics as to the differences thereof regarding their types, as to the difference as to who I am.
Since the aspects as to the situations in reference to being capable to see as to sight as to visions as to such factors, My updates in My Fetlife profile as to including the details to certain Memes as to the difference of My modeling as to such aspects in additional considerations for such information to review regarding such aspects as to the differences of time as well for such viewpoints with the information of such clarifications as to the updates to My journal blog as to the fullnesses thereof to such factors for such acceptance. If as to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in real life and/or in person as through the aspects of social media as to messages, the aspects of what My personal needs at this point in time as to such clarifications because of the millennials as to what I had warned about as to the differences of the aspects as per those who have lived several decades should be capable to think about as to what they have seen as per such timeframes as to such updates as to the reality of progression forward as to real life as to My needs to such fruition as to the aspects of the reality of the time and such situations as to the differences thereof officially.
While some individuals as to who I once knew in person face to face in person as I have previously clarified as to such in real life only regarding such aspects as to the difference between the in person face to face on a screen reference and/or in the ear as to such aspects referencing such hypotheticals as to a Sailor Moon reference as to such factors as to the Japanimation cartoon I snuck to watch when I was capable to when I was a child in New Jersey. The aspects of what I was already handling as to the aspects of My journal blog updates in the year of the latter portions of 2020 into the year of 2021 as to some reality viewpoints as to some of the characters as to their drawings, such as to Sailor Moon as to how the transformation process of how she is exactly the same as to who she is even when situations are required for the work though as to such exactly the same to who she is throughout all of the seasons and throughout all of the movies as to such aspects of having watched from the beginning of the Sailor Moon movie that was the introduction portion prior to the seasons as to at that time were not the way that in the United States of America’s cartoons were/are as to the fact it is called Japanimation for a reason as to the difference of the ways the running of such aspects are as to such differences to cartoons in the United States of America. Thus as to how the aspects of the TV Guide as to the aspects of the 2 hour movie premiere as to the aspects of then as to the facts regarding the seasons before the timeframe of the several movies, then as to such aspects of how I purchased the whole set through eBay as to seeing if the aspects of from the timeframe as to such factors regarding the situations.
While I had watched originally as to the television in New Jersey as to the late 1980s into and throughout the 1990s as to such aspects before purchasing the series as to 2008 or 2009, as to the aspects of the additional movies that were not on the television as per the seasons as to 52 weeks at 6 days a week for each year is considered as one season as to that particular Japanimation series. While other Japanimation series I am uncertain of as to how such factors are, the reality of certain viewpoints of what the Sailor Moon and Sailor Scouts used for the aspects thereof as to the differences as to such timeframes. For example Sailor Mercury has what now are known as Google Eyeglasses as to when she transformed, and Sailor Jupiter had what now in 2022 is known as a tablet when as to her transformation. Sailor Moon when she was found out as to Darien as to who transformed into Tuxedo Mask after the time at the arcade and what he went through before becoming Tuxedo Mask as to when he worked at a flower shop while also working at an arcade, as there was a pink with a trim of white rose that caught his attention within the view of several red roses as to the ways where his character transformed as to his colorations of the central red rose colorations with the slight pinkness and brightness of the white with flecks of gold and silver as to his transformation process.
Just as how I was about the book as to the movie as to Black Hawk Down movie as to how many missed factors regarding the aspects thereof to such a combined situation, the aspects of such references regarding when I ordered the series as I noticed how many were missing from when I went to watch the series in 2008 and 2009. Though such aspects as to what occurred instead of the aspects of seeing at the timeframe as per what was as to that point in time, the aspects of how such situations as to the individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in real life were as to such factors as to how such situations went as to those particular points in time as to the difference as to the current time as to the year of 2022. Since I made attempts to clarify as to such factors throughout such lengths of time as to what I noticed as to the situations and factors thereof as to such previous factors, the situations as to the aspects thereof as to such points in time. I did not have the chance to watch any of the other movies as to the aspects of only having seen the preview aspects of the factors of at the time because of how the timeframe was at the years of, and then as to such factors thereafter as per the situations as to the latter portions of the year of 2009 as to how such went onward during such points in time.
Admittedly there is a bit of an oddity regarding a few situations currently as to a few physical factors as to the timeframe now in 2022 as to a viewpoint of the character of Sailor Moon regarding her Mom as to a blue haircolor as to the length and the style, Sailor Jupiter oddly as to certain personality traits as similarly as to the aspects of some character traits as to the Mom as to Sailor Jupiter as to the interactions initially as to with Sailor Moon as Sailor Moon’s name outside of the uniform as Serina as to the oddities in other factors. Another oddity as to the Dad as to Sailor Moon is a bit odd as well as to a combined viewpoint as to the physical traits as to the personality traits as to a couple of individuals, as t such aspects of a viewpoint regarding Sailor Venus in a different capacity as to the ways of such character traits similarly to Luna and Artemis as to personality factors. The metaphors are a bit uncanny at times more recently as to other factors, though as to such a viewpoint where the aspects of oddity as well as to December 2020 as to the viewpoints.
Thus as to the factors of officially bringing such aspects of the factors in a larger way to such a time whereas to the aspects of what My focus needs to be as to while the aspects of My actual needs for Myself, as to such aspects whereas to the reality as to the aspects thereof as to My needs as to the timeframe of 2018 through 2022 regarding such aspects as to the updates and clarifications as per the factors I brought forward as to such situations. While the reality of the larger details as to the year of 2018 as to how such a phone call went in the year of as to then as per such aspects I clarified earlier as to My journal blog as per the initial year of the updates, as to having clarified having seen certain responses as to My son during the timeframe as to the year of 2018 and 2019 as to such factors as previously as to My journal blog updates as per such aspects of if I was accurate as to such test factors regarding those types as to such situations of the factors thereof. If My sight was accurate as to such percentage aspects, then as to such factors of how the reality of time as to such aspects as to the reality of such accuracy to such factors. Since 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time if I choose to test Myself as to My personal limits then as to such factors, however because of the situation as to the aspects I had clarified as to what caught My attention as to such aspects thereof as to the situations whereas to such aspects to such factors because of My comprehension as to My personal needs as to such aspects as to the factors thereof.
Since as to such prior times as to the clarifications as to the verifications as to such proof thereof, then as to the accuracy level of if as to such factors because of how there has not been such official clarification as per the aspects of factors in different circumstance as to other aspects. However as to the gratitude and appreciation as per the verified aspects of My Fetlife account as per the link as per what My computer shows as to such aspects regarding the situations as per the aspects of what My considerations as to the aspects of what I consider as to, then as to such factors regarding such aspects thereof as to such factors in the references regarding such as to as to accuracy. Thus in the clarifications as to such official update aspects as to the situations as to where only Myself as to My account(s) as per such factors of prior clarifications and verifications, as per such aspects as to the reality of My work as to the common sense aspects regarding such factors as to the importance thereof as to life.
In the year of 2005 or 2006 I took a few classes with an individual named Faith Babbit who when I spoke with her one afternoon before the early evening class, I asked her how she was doing as I walked in the breezeway hallway towards the door to enter. When the response from her was how she had the opinion that when individuals ask someone how they are doing if they care, then the aspects of asking and actually doing so with the genuinity of knowing to actually mean such is to actually ask with actual concern. She and I had spoken a multitude of times in various classes as well as the location she and I met at before, though it seemed as though she needed a bit of additional time where she and I spoke before the class as well as after the class as she and I had when we would meet at the location she and I met at from the start. When I informed her she was the first person I met in person face to face in person who had actually meant such as per the ways I was raised regarding certain individuals from the tristate areas, she was confused before the class as well as during the timeframe of when we met after the class. She had informed Me how she knew about people from New Jersey just as many had previously as to the aspects of whatever references they have had about people from New Jersey, though instead she and I spoke about various topics though as to such normalcy between she and I about such aspects.
When as to such factors of knowing Myself, understanding Myself, and comprehending Myself as to such aspects where I have as to Myself since I was a child as through into My biological adult years as through such factors of time. While life has went the ways as to how such has went throughout such factors of different situations, the reality of wherever I was involved as to aspects of discussions as to the factors of the difference between someone who has known Me in person face to face in person and/or as to online though has not had the aspects where in My opinion as to My memory as to such aspects of individuals who had not asked Me though had known Me and/or in regards of the online factor of knowing of Me. In regards of people who knew Me in person face to face in person the capacity of such individuals having been capable to understand Me, has been as to whatever aspects they may have thought/think though as to actually understanding Me in person face to face in person as to such aspects possibly only as to what they may have read online and/or been told by others as to whether or not they actually knew Me or knew of Me as to depending upon their haughtiness and depending upon their ego as to their own vanity and/or their own greed and/or their own envy and/or their own sloth as to such aspects of getting to actually know Me in person face to face in person or as to such online factors because of whatever their own choices as to such factors of the situations.
While others may have thought as to however they may have thought in regards of beaurocracy as to what in My opinion as to nothing more than being told what such is as to the lack of capacility to be have such etiquette and/or courtesy and/or respect and/or sincerity as the reality of My own contemplations for such amounts of time, as to the reality of manners as to asking with genuinity as to care about a situation and/or the possibility of caring about an individual. The factors as to the aspects of having the respect of oneself as to the manners as to asking as to such differences as presumptions and/or the difference of assumptions, as to where in the current timeframe of the year of 2022 as to such factors of whatever viewpoints such individuals can take into the considerations of themselves as to their own choices as their choices are as to their choices as to such aspects of ownership of their choices as to the aspects of their accountability as to their own choices as to their responsibility for their own choices as to what they are accountable for as to such aspects of intentions from their starting points as to such factors.
In reference as to the aspects thereof to what capacities as to how I was actually raised as to such aspects of if as to My patterns of behaviour to such differences as to whatever others’ were raised as to whether they stayed true to such aspects and the intentions thereof, then as to such aspects of what length of time would such factors be as to the aspects of the choices made as per whatever influences they have had as to their majority of their time. In My opinion as to how the pop culture aspects have been as to whether individuals watched and/or listened because of hearing being far different than listening because listening requires hearing more than twice as much because listening requires actions in the correct ways as to what actually was listened to instead of what was heard. Thus as to such factors as to the situations as to Faith, the massively huge reminder as to My childhood as well as My teenager years in such differences as to My biological adult years made sense to Me instantly as to the situations I was dealing with as to each and every individual who was directly as well as indirectly involved as to My life at that time just as to how such has been as to the times since such points in time as to that initial aspect of the timeframe before the class began.
Thus individuals as to what they might have consider(ed) Me as to such aspects of acquaintance and/or friendship and/or dating and/or engage(ed)(ment) as to such aspects as to the legal portion of marriage-ish as to such factors, the reality of actually being asked as to such factors referencing Myself being asked as to such massively distinctive differences as to the reality. Thus as to possibilities of individuals as to their online social media aspects as to the if factors of meeting in person face to face in person in real life I suppose depends, as to what factors thereof as to such genuinity as to the differences regarding the aspects of however to such situations. In turn the reality of there not ever being anyone who has made the choice as to what level of such factors as to where I have been and can be and remain as friendly as possible as best as I can, though as to depending upon what level thereof to such factors. Thus if as to only having been within such aspects of business or professional aspects as to the requirements of etiquette, then as to such aspects where such has only remained as to such aspects of the specifics thereof as per each individuals’ individual choice as to their actions as well as their words as to such factors in regards of Myself. Thus as to the aspects of what their intentions as to the proof of such actions as well as words as to the choices, as to how the reality as to such factors in the references thereof to whatever level to such situations.
Possibly others as to their viewpoints or interpretations as to whatever their references are as to what they have as to such normalcy to the differences throughout such times and years as to Myself, as to such differences as to the normalcy as to the differences of the times and as to the years and decades as to Myself. Thus in reference as to outside of a professional aspects as not as to business necessarily though as to the possibility of business as per such aspects of the common sense as to My opinion referencing how situations can be as depending upon the aspects of life as well as the aspects of travel, the factors in reference of whether such aspects as to a personal level as to such differences depends upon the aspects regarding the facts. Thus as to the online factors of where for such lengths of time as to the same capacities, though I suppose depending upon the individual themselves as to whether such genuinity as to such factors of when having written as to such factors as well as their intentions. In regards as to the factors of such of in person face to face in person in real life outside of online though I suppose, depending upon their levels as to such genuinity as to whatever their normalcies as to such aspects of however they have been online in the capacities thereof and thus as to such factors as to individuals who have been as to who they are as to such depending upon the aspects of such situations as to each individual.
When in reference as to the aspects as to whatever area of life as to the factors regarding acquaintance as to friendship as to dating or courting as to depending upon the approach of course, as when as to the aspects in the professional aspects as to then when the reference of courting depends as to the intentions as well in My opinion. Since I have been Dominant of Myself since the first time I can remember pondering to Myself silently, as to the aspects as to what My viewpoint regarding such aspects to the considerations referencing such situations. The facts as to the references regarding as to the personal aspects as to such similar factors because of the facts as to the truth regarding such situations, and thus as to individuals who may have considered Me as a friend as to the possibilities of as to the specific point in time as to such possibilities as depending upon the levels thereof obviously as to such situations. However as to such factors as to the time as to such importance regarding such factors as to the additional situations as to whether such considerations of being bratty regarding such situations, because in My opinion only bratty individuals think they have any rights as to such aspects of where their opinions as to whatever their intentions as to such combinations to the situations.
Thus when to the consideration of family as to the aspects where the common sense as to such biological factors only as to the obvious common sense situations, as the reality of such aspects are as to such situations regarding the facts as to the actual truth. Since such aspects as to the occurrences as to the timeframes since the year of 2000 in the month of December as to then the aspects referencing such to the year of 2001 and 2002, those individuals who decided as to however they decided as to such aspects as per My decisions as per My decisions. Thus in the capacities thereof to where those individuals as to their choices as possibly even as to such trying as to the capacities thereof to the depending upon My actual needs, as to where those individuals can take unto themselves as to where the reality of such stands officially and permanently because of My personal requirements as to the reality of such factors officially. The opinions and/or feelings and/or emotions and/or sensations and/or thoughts matters not to Me personally regarding either side officially as to the individuals biologically related to/of as to My son and My daughter as to such references because of the facts to such initial starting points as well as their initial intentions as to such aspects, and thus as to how their choices as to such factors as to the aspects of My choices officially.
Thus individuals outside of such aspects as to who they may know of and/or may know as to the aspects to such situations as to such differences officially, because of the facts as to the truth as to the reality regarding the situations. In the facts thereof to My own biological relations as to the exact same factors as to each individual as to each individual situation, as per such clarifications as to the verifications as per the aspects of those individuals as to those particular factors. In My opinion those individuals who have needed to comprehend that it matters not to Me as to their opinions as to what they heard or what they were told, as the reality is as to knowing Me just as what seems as per the common sense factors as others may have learned latter than as to when I learned of such as per the 1980s. As to the requirements as to actually knowing Me in person face to face in person of My own free will as to such factors of how actually getting to know an individual is, as to such factors as to what seems as common sense as well as respect in the genuinity of despite how possibly My words might speak despite only being written as per factors of reading My writings instead of the difference as to reading My writings as to feeling the sensations as to the internal aspects of the comprehension of life in certain factors possibly as to such aspects as to speech.
When in reference to aspects of whether regarding personal and/or business/professional aspects as to the ways of reality at this point in time seemingly as to such aspects as to where the alignment of truth regarding actions as to the words, seem of extreme importance as to the actual reality. Thus depending upon the choice(s) of employment as to the aspects of what might be as to the factors thereof similarly as to the factors as to the pop culture references and/or stereotypes and/or the aspects thereof to online social media, as to such differences if any as to the in person face to face in person in real life aspects regarding such choices when as to such if factors as to the in person face to face in person without the screen of the filters as to the aspects of whatever programming aspects officially as to such aspects possibly. The reality of such aspects regarding in My opinion as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the branches and divisions thereof as well as possibly to the civilian sector as to such references as to such factors, because when asking if ever as to such aspects of hearing as to the levels thereof to such differences of listening as to the aspects where the obvious common sense as to the possibilities of differences regarding the fullnesses thereof to the aspects regarding such points to the specific times in the past and/or in the current time and/or to the future as to the ways thereof regarding the situations.
Thus as to the supposed aspects of acquaintances as to friendships as to such prior timeframes as to the overall factors in the conjunction, as to the aspects where whatever capacities thereof to such situations as to the prior times to the current times as to the future times as to whatever viewpoints thereof to such factors. To the reference regarding dating as to such in the personal aspect for such references, the reality of what factors would be to each individual as to whether they had asked Me on a date in such capacities or if they had just asked wheat I was doing to then inform Me of their opinion as to their viewpoint of dating while obviously not having ever considered as to what My opinion was as to such factors as to such reality. When as to the aspects as to such factors of each of the few individuals I ever had dated as to whatever levels thereof as to such possibilities of where the factors of COVID as to the number of 19 who would and/or could have considered as to having date(s) as to such aspects of the differences, as per such prior clarifications as per such informed consent aspects as to My common sense regarding the possibilities of others’ opinions as to the differences as to My opinions as to what My considerations are as to the facts. Thus as to their opinions as to such massive distinctive differences as to My opinion as to the aspects of what I personally consider, as to the reality of such being of far more importance as to Myself as to the aspects of such references.
Realistically as to the reality, there has not ever been a point in time where I have actually been asked out on a date as to such specifics thereof before the timeframe of as to the informed aspects as to consenting as to the only way to officially consent to such aspects of dating in My opinion as to such factors where before the aspects of as to officially clarifying such intentions as to the common sense as to what seems appropriate as well as respectful as well as sincere as to the aspects of the common sense regarding similar factors as to acquaintances and/or friends. Though yet again to such aspects as to whether regarding acquaintances and/or friends as to such aspects to consider regarding the viewpoints of social media and/or pop culture because of as to the pop culture aspects of seeing a television show and/or movie and/or streaming as to what details were paid attention to as to the aspects of what was most noticed regarding the aspects thereof as to whether the backdrop meant more to some individuals and/or the aspects as to the individual situations themselves as to what information was learned if possible as to such possibilities to such aspects.
Thus regarding the situations as to while there was the legal aspects as to when having went to the Justice of the Peace to the reality of that meme as to some individuals who I spoke with as per such factors thereof regarding the specifics if as to such references who may have tried to claim otherwise as despite if they knew of and/or saw and/or heard and/or listened in such capacities thereof, as to what common sense referencing the initial starting point of whatever capacity thereof to such factors regarding the truth on top of the other additional facts as to the references as to the specific points in time. Thus as to such factors referencing if having acknowledged such situations as to having seen and/or heard and/or listened and/or such aspects thereof, to the common sense as to intelligence as to the facts. Therein as to such facts where there was not the capacity for that individual to as to such aspects when in a courthouse because of the laws as to such gratefulness and thankfulness as to My personal viewpoint during such a point in time despite the factors as to the reality as to where there was not any love lost as to that individual, because of the facts as to the reality as to such situations referencing as to My particular viewpoint due to the truth.
Regarding the aspects of when I was engaged once and re-ish-engaged a second time as to such aspects as to the reality of such points in time was and is due to the aspects whereas explained as well as wrote about, as to what factors as to the considerations of dating as to how such situations were as to the timeframes. While some individuals might have whatever their opinions are as to other situations where they may have considered as to dating well before I ever if I ever considered as to such aspects, then possibly as to such references regarding the numerical portion of the number 19 as to the COVID aspects as to the co-viewing differences as to such aspects where their viewpoints may have been as to whatever their opinions of such viewpoints to the massive distinctive differences regarding the aspects of such time as to such factors. Thus My full refusal to ever be as to such capacities thereof as to in any situation officially as to such if factors, then as to those as to such aspects as to what their thoughts as to their viewpoints as to whether My opinion as to such regarding the worth of such opinions referencing such situations during those times prior and/or those times thereof thereafter.
When taking into consideration those times as to whatever years or decade as to such aspects thereof to the common sense as to such requirements as per such consent, and if as to such proof as to the lack thereof previously as to such individuals as to the situations thereof as to such proof regarding the reality as to the truth. Thus only individuals as to business will only do as per what My requirements are as to such factors as per My requirements as per such aspects of if factors as to actual needs, as only individuals who would be a part of any business would ever do exactly as to such if they actually had a desire to be a part of My work though if they decided to add themselves to My work then as to the automatic commands regarding such aspects as obviously the amount of clarifications and verifications as to such amounts of My pre-payments as to each and every factor thereof officially. Thus since as to My requirements as to what My needs are as to such factors thereof regarding the aspects that I already took care of prior to this journal blog entry, as to such aspects of the fullness and correct aspects of fully.
Hence such aspects as to individuals who might think they want something further when the starting point of actually correctly getting My needs taken care of as to the aspects regarding the facts, and individuals who might have thought otherwise as to their opinions as to such interpretations as to such as to the difference regarding such aspects. Since the current time as to the amount of situations as to the levels of combined as to what My needs are as to such clarifications, as to such aspects whereas the fact of movement swiftly correctly as to such aspects would only be as to such factors.
For example in the time of 2021 I wrote in handwriting with pen and paper that only in reference to My move to North Carolina as to the writing aspects before I went to go take care of something whether as to the aspects of handwriting or as to typing, and since I clarified as well as maintained and sustained such aspects specifically only for the reference as to that location of North Carolina as to that timeframe as to that location were kept up to such factors as to the aspects of any involvement without My permission as to such aspects where there was not anything further I personally needed for the specific point in time as per such aspects of the specific aspects thereof as to where I completed what I needed to complete for the specific point in time as per what My work required as per such factors thereof and if any such individuals’ intepretations as to the difference of the aspects as well as any individual who had such knowledge of what I already dealt with as to such aspects of the truth being spoken with Me as to such aspects thereof as to the non-pop-culture ways as to the aspects of such facts; then as to the proof additionally as to the needless harassment as well as the needless stalking as per “The Modern Day Book” as to such fullness thereof as to those types. When the ignorance as to such aspects of the hippy viewpoint of the nature aspects of if factors as to “Finding A Silver Lining” as to such aspects, then as to the aspects where I have clarified that I am not a hippy or a renne faire type/renaissance faire type.
Thus as to such aspects where the situations as to My personal needs are and were not written beyond the aspects of the ways thereof to such points in time as to online per order, as to such aspects as to the same in reference to the aspects of booking rooms and such factors as to the specifics where common sense as to intelligence would be as to such factors proven officially as to the intellectual factors. If as to such blunt honesty as to either way as to in reference to My handwriting and/or My typing as to such factors as to the both regarding such as to then the needless problems as to the needless stress as to the needless drama as to such factors of such attention seekers, instead of what actually needs and needed to be taken care of as to other aspects as to what discussions could have occurred though possibly did not occur as to those individuals possibly because of those others who decided to try to do those needless types of games. Thus as to such aspects where I have had and do have My own needs as to such aspects as to why I place the orders as to online orders per such factors to officially be correctly taken care of for Me as per the orders I actually place as to such payments in the capacities thereof as to what is needed for such aspects to the official factors, as to such needless problems as to the situations as to an individual who at one point in time as to how the reasons of many as to why the end of that relationship that I did not want nor need to begin with officially. The aspect of that individual having used My colors as to that birthday dinner in front of My minor aged son, the aspects of ther motorcycle vest when he knew I did not ride motorcycles and did not and do not have the need to ever be a part of such aspects as to riding a motorcycle because of My own comprehension of Myself as modeling is different than actually doing as per how some individuals hypothetically have been as to such choices regarding such factors as to hypothetical situations given to Me wrongly in front of both of My minor aged children without My approval, as to such aspects where the last straw of such was as to the aspects as to the pizza situation as to where the aspects of the situations combined of other smaller and larger aspects as to where if he did not remember then that is his problem as to what I did not need nor want nor desire to be a part of to begin with.
The aspects of what I consider as comfort for Me as to when I seek as to such factors of friendships is only as to My free will as that is the only capacity as to how such truthfully occurs, and thus as to individuals as to Amazon who are as to such aspects as to any factors where I personally have work of My own to take care of as to how not one person ever officially spoke with Me to ever inform Me of any such aspects as to what officially would be required as to common sense of if factors as to any larger portions as to My work as to the if factors of trying to use a fiction book series such as “Fail-Safe” as to the aspects where that pop culture reference would officially be capable to be seen and noticed as to whatever factors thereof officially. As per such mandatory requirements as to the aspects of My considerations for work as to other individuals as to My requirements, and if as to such others having relinquished their aspects as to Me without ever officially informing Me then would that be a situation that other individuals would need to take into that consideration officially as where would the common sense be as to any individual(s) who would need to think about such aspects of common sense as where would that common sense be to officially inform Me and ask Me what would be as to such factors?
If as to situations to where I clarified as to how I do not accept hints in any capacity as to actual discussions whatsoever as per the facts of the after effects from My Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the after effects from My subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of My brain as to the reality as to what My needs are as to the Americans with Disabilities Actions as to ADA regarding such factors where such is supposed to be easier for Myself, the amount of time as to such aspects as to such amounts of already clarified factors as to the aspects of what My needs are for Me as to My needs. Thus as to such aspects where officially I have already contacted Amazon as well as having clarified as to My website as per the aspects of as to such official clarifications and verifications, then as to such aspects where My needs as to such should be immediately taken care of correctly such as the orders I placed situations as to where the references of through the phone calls as well as messages as well as in writing as to My website as to the trifecta of where as to such situations regarding the factors of as to even within the current time as to November 2022 on the 26th at this point as the reality of such as to My needs regarding the aspects of real food as to obvious factors as to My needs as what My needs as per such specifics are as to the point in time as to such factors. Thus as to the orders I have placed as to such aspects immediately as to the factors of as to how that makeup assignment as to college and student factors would be as to such factors immediately, and as to such aspects of individuals who have already had such clarifications already as to the length of time as to such aspects of per second regarding the clarifications as to My location specified as to the specifics of the current time as to My location as that is only as per My requirements as to such aspects as that need to know as to such differences as to what I have comprehended as to such differences to some’s desires as to such differences as to My needs.
If as to such aspects of the business factors as to the President of the United States of America aspects, there is not the allowances as to such aspects referencing the POTUS aspects as to the if factors as to the year of 2015/2016 and/or 2020 because of the reality of such aspects regarding how the individuals as per My level are as to such regarding such. If as to the prior posts as to such aspects are accurate then as to the oddity of when looking at the geographical map as to such American Civil War locations as to any such aspect thereof as to such factors in the current time as to how there is not the allowance of such individuals as to such hypotheticals officially if having been removed from office as to the aspects of where the 2020 election proved such factors, and if as to such regards of where using personal aspects when the non-allowance as to such aspects regarding the POTUS45 aspects officially because of whatever paperwork was as to those times as to the years of 2016 through 2020 as to then the proof of such aspects where the personal aspects as to such were not ever officially established before the POTUS oath regarding such if factors as to that individual if as to My journal blog updates are accurate as to the year of 2020 referencing the technological factors whereas to then the aspects where My fingers have actually blistered as to the years of 2015 through 2018 as the blisters did not begin to reappear until this year of 2022 as to typing/writing/doing what I personally have not officially needed as to such hypotheticals.
Thus if as to Amazon as to such aspects then as to the ways where the resistance of as to POTUS45 as to the aspects thereof to the situations regarding that factor of if I was supposed to be brought forward as per the aspects of My work, though as instead of as per the aspects of actually doing so correctly as to the situations instead as to what occurred as to how I did not ever ask for the factors as to such running portions and as to such aspects of if ever having thought would evert makeup for whatever aspects as to the tristate area others would know instead of what I have clarified officially as throughout such times of not knowing about as to the reality the debts as to whatever individual(s)/business(es)/locations thereof as to such debts owed by that individual/company as there is not the allowance as to My aspects thereof as to the reality of the starting point officially would then be where such would be as to where the debts of such regarding the if factors of using My fact books and/or fiction books would be as to such debts to Me officially as to what that would be owed as to Me for such aspects as to the if factors in truth as to the proof(s) thereof.
New Jersey-ians do their business work their way, and the situations where New York Cityers as to how much alike to Hollywood as to why New York Cityers and New Jersey-ians can get along enough, though business in New Jersey is how business in New Jersey is completed as to such differences as to the facts of the differences to personality and characteristics as well as to how work actually gets completed and accomplished. The aspects of the cherubim viewpoint as to how New Jersey-ians complete much of the work whereas the aspects of the glitz as to such aspects regarding Broadway instead of what aspects thereof as to such venues regarding the aspects of as work that is as to such aspects as to where New York City-iers had to know and understand that the screen is not where individuals are actually learned as to only the details in small ways are as to such. The ways as to where the aspects of only the physical as to such aspects instead of how New Jersey-ians are as to the more multifaceted as to such, are as to the one beginning point as to most factors as to many differences. New York City-ers have needed to comprehend the ways as to working with a New Jersey-ian is only as to how the New Jersey-ian specifics is allowed, and when as to such aspects of clarifications as to such factors regarding the work that a New Jersey-ian has to take care of as to how that New Jersey-ian has to take care of their work as per what factors are capable to get the other aspects assisted with as to the correct ways as to if such individuals as to what is not needed as to the work as to the facts of as per the situations.
The requirements as per such aspects as to the time, are as to the time. If as to such COVID situations as to the aspects of where the time that was supposed to be as to such aspects regarding the proof, then as to the reality where My work was not ever allowed as to other aspects regarding the situations as per other than legislation as the White House does not write legislation ever as they only sign. Thus as to Congress and Senate as to where I had sent My books as per the orders I created for such factors of both Congress and Senate as to the individuals specified as to the facts, there as to such factors as to The Pentagon as well as the FBI as to such clarifications as per multiple situations requiring the aspects of such information as there was not ever anyone else allowed to ever get involved with the choices as to My work as to My modeling and/or My writing and/or My books and/or My website and/or My Medal of Honor Art Project unless I specifically contacted and allowed as to the requirements of what I consider as allowance. If others did not ask Me officially as per such requirements with the knowledge of My status, then as to such factors I already reviewed as to the aspects of the timeframe beginning as to My journal blog updates.
Thus as to when I met with individuals in person face to face in person in real life after having published as to any individual who made the choice as to their involvement thinking they would or could ever know better about Myself than I instead of common sense as to how I comprehend Myself and have as to such, this journal blog entry as to how that should fully officially clear up every situation fully as to such aspects of hypotheticals. I chose to clear out all aspects of the friends list where I have officially been verified as to My Fetlife page because of the situations I clarified already as to the Facebook factors as I would not ever allow anyone else to ever run My Facebook page(s) ever as to the choices thereof officially, as to such previous clarifications as to the aspects of the reasons why I reached out to Facebook for the clarifications officially in 2018 and 2019.
Those factors as to the situations as per the proof as to the aspects thereof as to the updates to My journal blog officially as to My work only as to My posts I created, as to the facts as to such reality regarding the only individual who knows Me who understands Me and who comprehends Me fully is Myself and thus as to knowing My best interests and understanding My best interests and comprehending My best interests for My needs as to what My needs are as to what I specifically consider as per such aspects thereof, as to the specifics as to what I consider as to such thereof as to the whatever level of My accuracy levels as per such updates as to My journal blog as per such clarifications and verifications from the year of 2019 through now in 2022. The aspects of if factors as to whatever aspect of if to relationship as to acquaintance/friendship/dating as to where only of My own free will as to such aspects as to what the reality of actualities of as to such aspects to My requirements thereof officially as to common sense.
For example as to individuals as to Illinois as to the aspects of people who claimed they knew how people were/are from New Jersey while then trying then to say they did not have to do something as to whatever pop culture reference I guesstimate they had/have as to such differences as to the aspects thereof as to a true genuine New Jersey-ian as to what I additionally guesstimate as to such needless problems as to such aspects whereas to how New York City-iers are the ones who usually say that in person face to face in person when as to meetings when they are working on deals with other companies, instead of what a New Jersey-ian does and says as to such factors of differences as to the if factors as to New Jersey favors. A New Jersey-ian will not ever say anything such as what they do not have to do before they do something as to such aspects of a favor unless a specific protocol of such is followed as to the specifics per individual New Jersey-ian, as to a born and raised New Jersey-ian as to such aspects of to the specifics.
My biological father had this issue with people who tried to claim they had paid debts to him when they had not paid anything to him as to such aspects of what aspects were worked out specifically between as to such factors thereof, and while there were people who tried to cash in on what factors thereof were as to the timeframes as to when such individuals paid their debts as to what they owed him when such aspects were as to such clarifications and verifications as to the individuals who did not have the right nor the authority to ever speak on his behalf as to the aspects thereof to such aspects where I have clarified and verified as to such aspects of the differences as well as the collection of such payments as to what was/is owed to Me as to such differences. For example as to “Finding A Silver Lining” and “Finding The Silver Lining” as to what the reality is as to the links as well as the information as to such aspects, and thus as to on top of the other factors of what I worked on as well as put together as those aspects as to that pair of links as well as the other aspects of to the reference of the physical in person aspects in real life as to such differences of what others’ interpretations as to the differences of reality.
The way My biological father handled the situations from what I can remember from some references as to one example where someone told Me they owed him money and went to hand it to Me, and I made sure to inform the individual to send the money directly to him as to the aspects of what they owed him because of what I saw as to the jewelry shop and as to making sure as to the distinguishing factors between Myself as to the differences as to the aspects of My biological little sister. In another example as to what I remember as to the individual(s) speaking with My biological father to work out the details with him as to individuals I knew to specifically make sure the debts owed to him were paid as to what debts to him were owed, as to such factors of payments. The situations where he found out as to such aspects of others who had tried to cash in on what aspects thereof they were not allowed to cash in on, as to however he had the aspects to getting such aspects taken care of as per whatever factors thereof that he had taken care of as to the differences between such points in time as per the aspects of repayments as to whatever deals they had as to such factors of proof. At first as to such situations as to My childhood and My teenager years as to such factors as to the clarifications as to the accuracy as well as the solidity of the work as to the accuracy thereof for such work, as to the aspects of quality regarding the aspects thereof to such factors as best as possible as to those who remember My biological father as to some areas known as “China Mike” as I am “China Mike’s eldest daughter” and My Bok Gung and My Bok Pu as to such clarifications and verifications as to the differences as to the aspects of the specifics as to those who would know/understand/comprehend such aspects of the watches and/or jewelry and/or clocks as well as construction and gardening as well as designs and the intricacies thereof to such factors in the conjunction as to the aspects of Prudential as to such factors as to the 1980s and the 1990s.
If as to the proof capable to be clarified and verified where possible as to how I do the best I can to be Myself while staying out of the way as to not stirring up needless drama as to not causing needless problems as to not making any needless situations as to now creating any needless stress as to not creating any needless circumstances as per the timeframes of as to where possible as best as I can, then as to the accuracy of such factors regarding those who might remember My biological father as to such aspects regarding as to similarities as to the possibilities of situations that may have needed such because he did not use technology during the timeframes of as people in the state of Texas would have noticed as to such aspects as to the reality of New Jersey/New York/Pennsylvania and yes I did tell My biological father despite what My biological little sister tried/tries to claim as to fully without any doubt to not to trust the aspects of Patrick as to the aspects of what occurred as to what I saw as to the aspects of as to what I clarified as to whatever factors thereof that such proof can be found.
Obviously as to being found to being shown as to such common sense officially, just as similarly as to when My needs are as to what My needs are as to My having My needs met correctly for Me to use as per such aspects of what My needs are and specifically especially to the correct time as for My needs to be met correctly. I suppose if as to individuals who claim they know about New Jersey as to such aspects of interest rates as to such factors of debts as per how banking aspects are, as to the aspects referencing the time as to such references regarding the facts.
Thus as to such clarifications as to such a point in time now apparently, as to such clarifications as to what already has acrewed referencing such aspects before ever as to such forward aspects possibly when taking such into consideration.
Thus as to the clear factors regarding situations of what other people may have made deals as to the differences of Myself, the aspects of such aspects officially as to this journal and this journal blog entry as well as My books.
