Should it take a head injury to figure out each individual local, state, and federal law enforcement individual who was officially informed as to what I was dealing with in reference to my now dead-ex-husband had officially been informed of how I had been taken off of a military installation as well as to the other portions thereof to which does it take a head injury to figure out the problems females and males have brought forward in reference to the lack of care and the lack of concern for abuse victims as the abuse thereof would have been stopped correctly if such reports would have correctly been taken serious to begin with in comparison to the garbage of the so-called bro-code because does it take a head injury to figure out when you stand by and do nothing in reference to such about another female what occurs in reference to the females in your life when taking such into consideration as to such choices?
Does it take a head injury to figure out when the facts as to individuals within the state of Texas who had made the decision to wrongfully mistreat me in reference to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, what is the difference to the abuses from my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister as well as my ex-in-laws and such situations to my now dead-ex-husband as to such choices made in the aspects of such a view; and how do you actually fix and repair such in truth to be able to help to fix and repair other situations, in truth?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the situations to each individual in SCUBA Diving who had stood by and did nothing in reference to such hypotheticals in comparison to standing up for the correct and righteous aspects as to the realities of my SCUBA Diving, how much sooner everyone could have been working on my creation of the Underwater Travel System in comparison to the length of time for such as does it take a head injury to figure out there is not going to be the point of working on my Underwater Travel System without the facts in truth brought forward as does it take a head injury to figure out why would there ever be a working on such without the reality of such brought forward in truth?
Does it take a head injury to figure out anyone who is or could be upset about the facts as to the spiritual marriage to my now dead-ex-husband by each and every individual who had been the ground zero of such who made the choice on their own of their own free will began at the choice to use my creation of the Underwater Wedding before ever going forward as to the situations regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project, or does it take a head injury to figure out what the timeline was and has been as to such realities?
Would it take a head injury to figure out when the choice was made to use my creation of the Underwater Wedding I created while still remembering as to the facts of being an Ordained Reverend as to the aspects of being raised as well as confirmed as to a member of the #Prebyterian Presbyterian Church since the year of 1997 would automatically mean as to such additions to attending a Catholic Parochial high school called #SaintJohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHighSchool #StJohnVianney #StJohnVianneyHighSchool #Holmdel #HolmdelNJ #HolmdelNewJersey #NewJersey #NJ #NewJerseystate #NJstate #SJV #SJVHS Saint John Vianney High School, my Medal of Honor Art Project as per my electives to graduate and be a confirmed member of the Presbyterian faith while being a confirmed member of #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch Old Tennent Presbyterian Church would guarantee the facts of which my Medal of Honor Art Project is of the #JudeoChristian #Jewish #Christian Judeo-Christian faith and background thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out my stand your ground laws as to my rights as well as my Constitutional Rights as well as would it take a head injury to figure out if any such withholdings illegally were to be in reference to the aspects of any such portions as to the spiritual marriage to my now dead-ex-husband would be a violation of the #13thAmendment 13th Amendment while being within the legal aspects as to the legal definition of Prisoner of War as to the situations regarding the combined aspects as well as would be within the realms as to the situations regarding #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as well as other such connections thereof to the modernized aspects as to such portions thereof already brought forward as to such writings on my website as well as my books?
Does it take being a SCUBA Diving Instructor to figure out anyone who willingly chose to be a part of the knowledge as to having stolen my intellectual property as to the permissions required to be able to ever use my creation of the Underwater Wedding, began all such weddings of abominations as to each one of such spiritual marriages without divorces for any individual thereof to my now dead-ex-husband to begin with and does it take a head injury to figure out that person is who your actual enemy/enemies are?
Should it take a head injury to figure out each person who ever posted online of their own free will to such aspects of any such portions of their own free will, outed themselves and gave away their own personal location addresses of their own free will as to any such wishes to ever claim incorrectly that I ever dropped their name as should it take a head injury to figure out when they had made the choice to ever post to begin with was when they had outed themselves first?
Does it take a head injury to figure out posting any message online or through a text message or through an email or through a social media posting is of one’s own free will and therefore does it take a head injury to figure out, each individual had made the choice of their own free will to out themselves as to any such portions of the lifestyle as per their own accounts thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the SCUBA Divers who made the choice as to now revealing such truthfully as to the after times as to my SCUBA diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as well as any such individual associated as to the choices made without ever discussing anything with me by simply asking me in truth about such with the correct aspects being presented to me about questions in reference specifically to my SCUBA Diving, would be the individual(s) to question as to why such took so long to begin with as to my writing such aspects as to my books “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”; as does it take a head injury to figure out if I was asked in truth by being officially informed of the questions needing to be discussed in truth to begin with, as to the facts would have been brought forward sooner and none of what occurred between the years of 2009 through to now would have occurred?
Why would I be asked about being born and raised in New Jersey and accused as such and then the problems in reference to the transfer if any such individuals had not believed me before as to the transfer situation and would such aspects be considered as an extension as to such domestic terrorism in my direction at me needlessly because of the failures upon such individuals within the state of Texas as to #OlympusProperties Olympus Properties as to any such connection to either the lifestyle and/or SCUBA Diving as to any such problems those people hypothetically caused by their choices as to such, and why would it take a head injury to point out as to such violations in all such aspects and regards thereof by their choices of their free will to such aspects thereof on top of the other portions brought forward as would it take a head injury to figure out if such individuals lied to law enforcement as well as lied to elected officials as well as lied to the Armed Forces of the United States of America’s individuals as to the ways of such aspects as to their own personal involvements first as to my SCUBA Diving if such the beginning portion in the year of 2009 does it take a head injury to figure out those people have been domestic terrorists since the year of 2009 against the United States of America on the homeland soil of the United States of America as to the terminology of homegrown terrorism?
In turn if others contacted Amazon and Amazon the company itself had not contacted me which in turn any such aspects as to anyone else getting involved without my personal contact to Amazon first would automatically violate the terms and conditions of agreements, as I had not ever allowed anyone nor did I contact anyone about my books or my works as to such; as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I would not allow such aspects to such ever, as it should not take a head injury to figure out there is no circumventing such aspects as to the illegal leaking and the illegal releasing of such as does it take a head injury to figure out there would be a full violation as to all such Constitutional Rights by all such aspects thereof as to any such wishes against my will as to the portion of Amazon ignoring illegally such aspects and/or allowing such of which in turn where is there any such belief in humanity would not ever be seen by me and I would not care as to any such wishes as to any other portions as does it take a head injury to figure out that would only be a pure violation of all such Constitutional Rights in every individual way against me as well as mine?
Or am I supposed to see how of something different of who would have the intelligence to actually be able to explain such not me for such a different view as does it take a head injury to figure out there would not be any different view from me as why would I ever see anything other than the lack of care and the lack of concern and the lack of any decency as to what I would personally see as the respect of my works as where would I ever see such respect to such works of mine ever for all such intensive purposes?
Would it take a head injury to figure out there would not be anyone who would ever know of what it specifically took as to all such connected portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the same ways as to there would not ever be anyone who would ever be able to teach or instruct as to my type of SCUBA Diving, as each aspect would fully have to be taught and instructed only by one person as does it take a head injury to figure out that one person is me and would have to have such audible words as to such a question to ask me if such would ever be allowed and what would actually be required for such aspects thereof instead of such assumptions hypothetically as unless you were able to create a high ceremony magick 7 day in a row ritual at the age of 13 years old on your own; does it take a head injury to figure out there is none who has ever been taught as I have been taught as to such works as does it take a head injury to figure out that there is a difference between levels thereof to which when an Adept gets to a certain level the lack of need to speak such words as to already having achieved other levels of which such backgrounds as to other such connections?
Does it take a head injury to figure out it would not have been known prior to such aspects such as certain individuals not related to myself and not in such ways of which would be able to be found through any yearbooks, though only certain individuals who would know of such aspects in other depths as to the #IHOP IHOP references as to my abilities having been noticed before anyone I ever knew in the state of Texas as to such portions thereof to which I already protected myself from ever allowing such aspects previously because of already having known as to protect myself from such types of individuals or does that take a head injury to figure out as well and how would such tries be seen as to such violations as to my Constitutional Rights of my Freedom of Religion as well as such violations of my rights as to the 13th Amendment in conjunction aspects thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out that it is up to all of those people in such regards for them to offer the proverbial olive branch as to such peace talking discussions in comparison to ever wishing such would ever come from me, as to their choices to their free will for such aspects; or does someone have to be a SCUBA Diving Instructor to figure that one out too?
Does it take a head injury to figure out an #USAF #USAAF #AirForce #OBGYN Air Force OB/GYN being a baby about the fact I was in labor after 10 days total as to the time frame of telling the that male OBGYN doctor my opinion about how his toilet paper college degree was accurate, though does it take a head injury to figure out when he found out as to I had been awake from a coma for less than 1.5 years during that time as to he should have been intelligent enough to contact CID and the MPs to get me help as to such times if his degree was not an expensive piece of toilet paper?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the comments in my chart from the labor and delivery part in the year of 2001 as to the comments to 2002 were not ever taking into consideration the length of time I was actually in labor as well as had not taken into consideration that set of medical individuals’ biases as well as had not taken into consideration their past patterns of behaviours, as it should not take a head injury to figure out when at Fort Sill Oklahoma there is a section in the cemetery for just infant babies because of the amount of deaths which occurred due to the failures within the medical field of such individuals because of the OBGYN doctor’s lack of concern for the life they are supposed to be delivering as to the mass graves and the massive grave problem as to the situation thereof?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the equivalent of within the civilian sector as to the metaphor as to the Enlisted and Officer ranks to the mediation of the Chief Warrant Officers as to the metaphor of Congress and Senate and White House as to the metaphors as to the civilian sector local and state and federal law enforcement branches as to the combined with the aspects of such to the Chief Warrant Officer rank to the Officers or the elected officials as to the enlisted rank to the general public of civilians who only vote though do not have much else involvement as to the voting portions thereof and the ways which work of such employment aspects as to bringing such efforts to the aspects thereof, or am I the only one who saw such in the ways thereof?

Did anyone think about the #GA #Georgia #GAstate #Georgiastate #GeorgiaGuidestones #DewyRose #DewyRoseGA #DewyRoseGeorgia Georgia Guidestones in Dewy Rose Georgia as to the numerical portion to the number of pixilated measurements as to if there were photoshopping of such aspects to one person repeatedly as to such technological software portions to the reviewal of such rules as to the guidelines thereof as to the timeframe of such a structure to the levels of which the more generalized usages thereof to the ways of which to look at such aspects when taking in the considerations thereof to the number of pixelating portions, and in regards as to the time capsule oddities as to the year of 2012 as to my SCUBA diving gear as to the UHAUL bag I was working to get to the JBSA location though the situations thereof if there are any associated connections as to such aspects thereof to the pixelation number as to the level thereof? Why would my tattoos be so horrific for others to look at when the choices of such regarding my SCUBA Diving aspects had failed to be recognized correctly to begin with, as what would such aspects sore to your sight be in comparison to what you saw I had been going through in such real time aspects as to the factors thereof as why else would I have had to get as many additional tattoos when taking into consideration how many photographers and the like associated with the celebrity aspects thereof as to the photoshopping as to the SCUBA Diving to the adult supposed to be consenting though obviously was not a chance for my to actually make any such consents as to the ways of such aspects as to the reviews thereof regarding my tattoos and my reasons thereof for the after effects for assistance to my memory despite my cognitive disorders from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the additional portions of my SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg? Thus, who would actually be to blame for all such situations thereof for each individual pixelation which had been changed not by my choice and not by my free will though by whomever made such choices on their own without my consent and how would software technology programs look at such in the references to the legalities as well as to the situations referencing if software programs figured out as to my assaults as well as such additional aspects for such considerations thereof to human beings making the reports correctly as well as the situations in reference to the #10Commandments 10 Commandments as how could such transmissions be viewed in other aspects as to distance and such of the like to the ways of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce US Space Force officialized by the administrations of the #DoD #SoS #DepartmentofDefense #SecretaryofState approval through the Department of Defense and the Secretary of State during #POTUS45 #VPOTUS47 #DonaldJTrump #MikePence POTUS45 Donald J Trump and VPOTUS47 Mike Pence in the year officially of 2020? As I have admitted to having sent such books to POTUS45 in the year of 2015 as to the acknowledgement as to hearing how Donald J Trump had donated the finances to help Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi's family as to the works of which had been brought forward to assist more throughout multiple areas positively, I am uncertain if the aspects as to the #factchecking fact checking and the #electionintegrity election integrity has anything to do with such additional software portions thereof for such considerations however I have told the truth as to having sent out many copies as well as the #dropbox dropbox link of which I have not had the specific knowledge as to the aspects thereof officially though have written about my personal aspects of sensations which have been picked up; which in turn I am uncertain as to the ways of which such a technological reviewal in addition to the aspects of recently within the year of 2020 learning about what are called and known as the Georgia Guidestones, of which apparently there has been a bit of mystery behind the Georgia Guidestones. Is there a reward if I am correct as to the aspects of such portions for the pixelated number as to the numerical portion of 500,000,000 or is that an oddity, to such timing additionally as to the writings from the time of my going out there to the time of the Solar Eclipse in 2017 to the time of the Star of Bethlehem as to the triad of calculations for such reviews?