I have made it clear per My considerations per Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and since the factors of debates and with the respect to the formation of the US Space Force with the upcoming Solar Eclipse in the year of 2024 in my personal opinion a responsible and worthwhile Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and President of the United States of America that would be #47 per such, then because of such knowledge in my opinion only an individual who takes the level of responsibility of the preplanning per the knowledge of the 2024 Solar Eclipse per such formation per then only the time for 2024 POTUS debates per such normalcy of debates during the actual year of the election such as in 2020 and 2016 and 2008 and 2004 and 2000 per such on the exact same physical stage the candidates are all standing upon the same floor at the exact same time per such exacts with the exact day of the month of the exact month of their exact year just in case any certain types of millennials needed that reminder of real time per the difference off a digital clock per such factors per real time needed a reminder per such facts then in my personal pinion per such mandatory factors such younger through various ages from the voting legal age of legally 18 years old biologically per such would need and require such time to evaluate the facts per the debates before the time per such work to get the White House prepared and other such factors.
Thus in my personal opinion the factors of the ease per such arrangements per such though if per such so of ease to arrange before the year of 2024 for all debates to occur fully before the time of 31 December 2023 for all such facts per such starting point for the official other work from 1 January 2024 per such formation of the US Space Force per such with NASA #NASA and other such companies that have already begun other work to the timeframe now.
Thus per my guesstimation of speed per the travel possibilities then per such factors of the formation of the US Space Force and the first official graduation of the #StateofColorado #CO #StateofCO #Colorado US Space Force Academy in Colorado Springs Colorado, per the common sense that the only way to actually go with in person face to face in person per such facts of such homo-sapien-sapien factors per such facts per the difference per such other hypotheticals per the factors thereof genuinity and thus per such factors of genuine acquaintance and genuine friendship per such factors of at this point in time of my personal life per such factors of the factors of genuine family per such factors per the real factors especially per the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury/TBI and the after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years per the MRI/CAT/EEG/EKG per such and in my personal opinion if an individual is willing to bring forward their real medical factors prior to making such an attempt per the general America people's knowledge per the truth per such factors of healthcare in truth per within real reason per such individual factors and thus anyone who is willing to even mention they are pondering running for POTUS in the year of 2024 and/or the future in my opinion it seems it is an important factor that might be important per the additional factors per such if situations per the importance of the overall per the country of the United States of America and the worl possibilities per such in my opinion.
However I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out the general American public might want some of that information about the actual Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and President of the United States of America per the real healthcare factors, then per such other hypotheticals per such if factors when actually serious about the real care and the actual benefits of the healthcare per the real facts in genuine truth per such facts if such importance for such per the real levels fully per such and the documentation with per proof per such if factors to assist though only the real genuine medical paperwork documentations without any changes would be required per such factors especially with scanning programs and such other photoshop type of programs that are needlessly problematic per the real information in genuine truth officially per such in my personal opinion. Others since such prior times per the difference of the year of before a #SolarEclipse #EclipseoftheSun Solar Eclipse within the United States of America that before the year of the election officially per such Solar Eclipse per such importance officially per such facts in full and if others who are before the timeframe of the official first debate in the year of 2023 to fully 100% verify themselves online per such factors fully and also where possible in person homo-sapien-sapien to face in person homo-sapien-sapien in person per the knowledge there should be staff for the administration per such if factors and thus if those who possibly knew of me in person homo-sapien-sapien to face in person homo-sapien-sapien that genuinely per such beliefs in my work per if meetings would have occurred in the year of 2019 per such initial attempts in culminations thereof though obviously how such situations went per such factors of the years from 2019 through 2022 for such references per such factors thereof; then per such others if per such if factors per the year of the 2020 election cycle per such other factors since then, per such factors thereof per such if situations per volunteer staff officially informed to me personally because that would be the only way for me personally to believe per such volunteer staff for me personally only and not any other location per such officially per such discussions per such if factors per platonic factors only per my personal work requirements per such clear clarifications per for myself personally though I personally cannot write for nor speak for nor any factors thereof for per such others' choices per such factors for them personally for their choices for them personally per such differences per myself per the differences in full per such per such if factors per such amounts of my attempts to remember per such priority per such locational logistical information if such Futurist Religion per my books per my creations per such facts.
Thus per such update per this particular posting in my website journal blog area, thus per such factors of importance per all of those who had voted for POTUS44 and the timeframes thereof per such years of 2008 through 2016 per POTUS44 #POTUS44 timeframe per the actual real care required per heath and wellness per such facts per the differences of what the considerations of care are. Since the Veterans Affairs offices per such factors regarding the VA per such factors per the if situations, then those who would be per such factors per such an in reference per myself and my personal life experiences; it does not take a head injury to figure out the amount of assistance actually required per the after effects from a Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury/TBI per such factors and the additional medical factors of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain at the times only of the years of 2000 through 2008 per such medical factors in my brain per the facts thereof per the cranium pert Neurology per such medical department only for headaches and migraines and such factors medically for such per myself per the factors thereof per the prior years and 2 decades to figure out if per MKUltra per medical assistance per the factors thereof per the VA then why would it be such difficulties per me personally getting real medical assistance per my religious beliefs and what amounts of individuals within the prior Veterans have had a religious background that followed the 10 Commandments per such per the real reasons behind why the name of the VA and the hypotheticals per such possibilities of the transitionary timeframes per such initial formation thereof though per such individuals who remain per such best possibly per the 10 Commandments of the Judeo-Christian formats only per myself per such example; then per such factors thereof, what would be of importance about real family and real friends and real assistance per such factors thereof per any if factors thereof, per what is truthfully per life and living per if such factors thereof to nonconsensually push such factors per the affairs per such if situations per the MK Ultra factors per the word factors per definitions per what if?
Thus per such factors thereof per the reality per individuals similar in belief per myself per the Judeo-Chrisitan #Jewish #Christian #JudeoChristian #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter2SusanMeeLing #10CommandmentsMatter2LadyDoriBelle 10 Commandments per dating relationships and also when such if per such actual real marriage per such Judeo-Christian factors per such individuals per such requirements per themselves per their religious background per such facts additionally per such formation of the US Space Force per such common sense while we per such homo-sapien-sapiens or possibly now homo-sapien-sapien-sapien or homosapien*3 per such facts of acknowledgement of the technological factors expanded per such possibilities thereof per such factors per the biological female and the biological male and the biological hermaphrodite per such if factors of prior scientific naming per such homo-sapien-sapien per such to the now in the year of 2023 on the day of 19 May in the year of 2023 per such biological gender factors since does it take a head injury to figure out certain factors where biological males have taken a bit of time to figure out a biological female and thus per such should it take a head injury to figure out the factors thereof per the scientific naming per such factors per certain prior knowns?
Thus those who might know what we might know about the Earth and such factors on the earth and around the earth and certain levels within the earth, does it take a head injury to figure out the reality of if life and living are actually considered per real importance because when the best work from some individuals are only within certain specifics per their formation of their original formation of life and such growth per such factors thereof per the obvious situations since the years for me of 2000 through 2022 for the reference examples per such factors thereof per the if situations, per such common sense per the overall factors per the combined references per my honesty per such factors per the importance of genuinity in the physical biological and etcetera also the biological and emotional factors of personal life experiences for only the individual per such experience(s) in truth and the intellectual factors per the individual biological factors in truth religious spiritual factors per genuine truth only and such reality per the biological sexual gender factors per biological adults legally per above the age of 21 years old per such facts to begin life without childbirth prior to the year of per through real genuine choice for the individual biological female gestating the life within the one only biological uterus per such factors of biological pregnancy per such biological delivery of such biological child infant per such facts per the biological gestation of life and birthing process per such individual who would not ever allow their biological child they gestated life and gave birth to of per their own free will genuinely per such factors thereof per such a calling truthfully.
Thus per such facts the additional assistance per such medical factors of after effects from such medical references regarding myself personally, obviously the start of the day per schedule work is not per the start of the day to wake up per such starting point and thus per the mandatory requirements of sleep every 24 hours per the legal requirements per such Armed Forces of the United States of America mandatory 6 hours of sleep and actual rest per 24 hour cycle continuously per the only way 24 hour cycles are per real clocks per the real time per the real at exacts per such real exacts per only real exacts are exacts per full exacts instead of immaturity of having to re-re-re-re-re-re-re-repeat such per because of others' needs to accept the genuine information per the facts first intellectually and then the common sense of emotional factors per such facts of real genuinity and real attempts and real attempts are at a 100% per real attempts and trying depends upon the percentage per the individual per the proof per the individual's per such factors fully.
If I personally actually had such real medical assistance from the timeframe of BAMC in the year of 2000 before I went to Illinois #Illinois #StateofIllinois per the convalescent leave per the timeframe, thus per the initial timeframe when I was supposed to have a medical escort to assist me personally to go where I actually needed to go instead of the garbage from my biological hypotheticals per such if factors of how useless their knowledge that they did not have per such facts of my medical requirements per the Armed Forces of the United States of America and reasons why I did not ever believe my so-called-family was ev er per what is for my actual best interests for me medically for me personally for my health per such facts that the one and only is the first and the only priority per such factors of the branch per the Armed Forces of the United States of America and since I was invited and accepted and I personally WANTED and PREFERRED to go and attend the real Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment; it does not take a head injury to figure out with my 26 SCUBA diving certifications only I personally earned and only I personally did the work and only I have ever been capable to bring forward such information from my personal experiences of my personal SCUBA diving because obviously it would not take a head injury to figure out the one and only was to get real truth per such facts from the individual whose experiences are the facts thereof per such exacts per such exacts per such exacts; thus per such exacts, per such exacts per the only exact thereof per such exacts especially since the waters of the oceanic areas are one in the same and there is no separation officially per the oceanic waters until the land separates the oceanic waters from the fresh waters per such distinctive separations per such land formations officially and thus it should not take a head injury when I want to from my own choices of my own free will without force and without coercions per my first attempts in the year of 2009 pert such factors it should not take a head injury to figure out so-called-family per such factors thereof would not be as hypocrite to ever discuss anything about SCUBA diving per any such if factors of medical scientific factors per the requirements and thus for me personally per the proof thereof per such hypotheticals per such indivi9duals I once knew in person per whatever points in time I might have once known them and thus only real genuine true believers from such knowledge per such would have the common sense per the facts per such logistical review of such information.
If #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #SCUBADiver #SCUBADivers SCUBA Diving requires science and medical for such requires science and medical requires science including certain homeopathy factors, then such common sense per the individual if such proven per such only per the individual seeking the real medical care only per such only the individual personally per their own descriptions from their own words without copying such factors per in any factors per any factors thereof per if situations.
Thus while in the year of 2019 pert my attempts and the proof per my attempts per such proof per my accuracy, if such factors of the multitude of reasons I saw per such combined factors during my drive in the year of 2019 per such factors thereof per such if situations per the proof per such if factors per the differences of what I personally made such attempts per the proof thereof for myself and for my son I gestated life for and my daughter I gestated life for per such biological factors per such regards of what time there was per such exacts per such exacts per such exacts only per those factors of however what knowledge thereof per such actually getting to know per such factors of the if situations of what my personal considerations are to actually getting to know me per such differences per being a born and raised New Jersey-ian #NJ @NJ #NJStrong #NewJerseyStrong #StateofNewJersey @NYC @NY #NY #Pennsyklvania #PA #StateofNewYork #StateofPennsylvania @PA and the full combinations thereof per such individualized factors per such childhood formation times and preteen formation times and teenager formation times per the common sense I figured when the medical and also the staff per such assignment per the year of 2000 for me per such situations per my biological legal age of 17 years old at the timeframes of the month of September 1999 through March of the year of 2000 through when I was in Medical Hold Unit for a couple of months per such legal biological age minor per my time officially per the legal factors I realized recently per such logistical update review timeframe because personally I did not seek a dating relationship at any point in time officially before the year of when I became 16 years old legally biologically and the factors of my personal considerations for the after becoming a biological legal aged adult per such factors of my personal considerations for my type for me personally of dating relationship that would become a marital factor of relationship for me personally despite not writing about such or having anyone I personally had that I could actually relax enough to actually be comfortable with at all to ever trust to discuss such factors of a real dating relationship that leads to marriage for me personally per such factors of my childhood and my teenager years and those who I was around per such factors.
Thus per the Veterans per such depending upon such factors and the conjunction of the formation of the US Space Force, then the legal biological age matters in truth at all times and it should not take a head injury to figure that out. #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #Veterans
What would the viewpoint from technology considerations be per such if factors I bring up now per such if situations per such Veteran Medical Facility and if per such if factors of the metaphor of certain evening locations per certain areas when driving long distance per the sight thereof, then per such if factors per the considerations per the naming factors and the if situations per the timeframes per the different timelines per the time between major factors per the Armed Forces of the United States of America per such locations and travels thereof per such factors per their individual military per their individual military per such factors per their individual military experiences per such factors individually despite some common threads per depending upon the factors regarding such.
Thus since I comprehend(ed) myself per what my best and what my worst per such factors of my comprehension of myself for me personally per the one and only who actually would ever require such for myself personally per the common sense there would be such considerations per the knowledge of oneself per such understanding of oneself and comprehension of oneself per such facts per the various situations officially per this review of time though this consideration per progression forward for me personally, and the if factors of those who would actually truthfully per such actual factors per additionally my actual knowledge thereof per such differences where withholding such factors is not worthwhile for me personally to ever hold back from me real genuine care because to ever do so would only prove to me how there was not any real genuine care because real genuine care fo0r me personally per such factors in full per such exacts per the only factors per such exacts per the reality of actual real assistance for me personally per my needs that should and would not be needs if such were actually fulfilled for me personally and I actually had/have such per my personal considerations per such facts from the year of 2000 only per such references per just platonic factors from the start and any if situations of pop culture references and/or the lack of capability to distinguish the difference between New York City/New York and New Jersey per such locations at the exacts per the exacts, then per such common sense per such factors best truthfully possible per such facts; then per such factors regarding the facts that per when I chose of my own free will without force and without coercion per such biological legal adult factors per such discussions per only after I became a biological legal adult per my Neurologist's medical direct orders for me personally at that exact point in time in the year of 2000 and obviously the difference per my medical direct orders from my Numerologist Major Jamie Grimes per the difference fully obviously since it should not take a head injury to figure out when I gestated life in the starting point of the year of 2000 in the month of December in the year of 2000, it should not take a head injury to figure out the facts per the legal and the medical board definitions and while I made attempts per such factors of care in truth, obviously if I personally mattered the differences of the ways per any and all situations from thenceforth because obviously my personal considerations would matter most since I am the one and only per such facts of my personal life experiences per such facts per such exacts.
I much rather would have preferred going to be with my genuine real friends per such just me because if I had real friends who survived 11 September 2001 from the northeast of the United States of America and if I actually had real family that would be what my personal considerations of real family per my childhood per facts per actual facts per exacts of exacts of exacts per exacts per exacts per the timeframes of per exacts in person face to face in person per such homo-sapien-sapien per such homo-sapien-sapien per those years per those times per the 1980s and the 1990s per my prior clarifications and quite frankly after the year of 2022 per such factors; while I obviously had preferred such real in person face to face in person homo-sapien-sapein factors per such times; obviously my personal considerations of me personally mattering are obviously far different than per such factors thereof per what my full considerations are per such facts, per the reality of the full exacts per the full exacts of my full exacts. Just the demographic of the physical land location and the house factors in full per my childhood and my teenager years, and such facts per the reality of individual and their staff per such facts of where I grew up per the differences and yet the lack of differences differently per the exacts per the exacts per the exacts and the reasons for me to assist per the February 1993 mapping and the common sense if I would have per such factors of the if situations per the technological factors of such if situations in the year of 2000 per if I had graduated Basic Training in the year of 2000 then what would have been instead per such common sense factors per such prior individuals per what they would know of themselves per such factors per themselves per their choices per their proof per their factors in genuine truth per such facts because facts are truth per if genuine and actually honest per such genuinity.
Since I was supposed to be retired in the year of 2001 per such time, I cannot think of any point in time since the first day of my so-called retirement that I would consider being retirement from the start per individuals I once knew in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and New York per such per my personal considerations per what I saw growing up for what is considered being retired per the massive differences per the so-called retirement that whatever others consider that timeframe of being retired per the differences per what actualities of real retirement regarding individuals I once knew per for myself for myself personally per my considerations per such factors and thus what would the renaissance faire factors be of to consider per such factors regarding the if situations per the MKUltra factors per the common sense per such words or does that take a head injury to point out also per such factors per why would I ever believe personally myself per such factors per my work personally of my work being considered worthwhile per what per my personal considerations would ever be within the factors officially when who has actually ever known per such factors per the full other than myself that would actually fully exactly per such for me personally and what if from the start instead thereof per instead actually being truthful with me from the beginning instead of trying to pretend a biological adult aged individual with such levels would ever consider themselves anything less than what exactly they consider themselves to be and such initial direct exacts per such exacts per what would be comforting for me personally per such facts?
When am I supposed to actually believe that I personally for myself such factors for me personally when such factors thereof per such factors thereof since what would I personally consider being specific per homo-sapien-sapien-sapiens ort did I actually ever know any per what choices and what does that do for me personally per all such factors now since how would they prove to me personally per such factors of if situations per The Modern Day Book" if hypotheticals since I did not speak on the phone much since I personally did not like phone calls and preferred just being with instead of phone calls per my choice per actual real fun for me instead of sitting and doing nothing I personally want to and would have real fun doing instead of how there was nothing actually fun for me personally because if there was I personally would have had fun experiences myself personally per common sense per such facts.
Thus what would I personally fully exactly truthfully consider the fullness thereof per the years of 2000 through 2022 could be provided for me personally to consider fun for myself personally in the biological physical and the emotional and the intellectual and the sexual and the spiritual fullness from the start for me personally per what would I personally per all such exacts per the requirement of such per supposed retirement and supposed relaxing what would per my personal considerations be per the fullnesses thereof per only my considerations and only my considerations because only my considerations for my upbringing would matter or would such if for me personally for such legal factor references per actual comforts per such known factors including financial in full and the locations in full and etcetera per the facts for such instead of individuals of if factors per the actual proof of my best for me personally per such if hypotheticals and the proof of my considerations per the differences?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the facts from Basic Training facts from when I was sent to Medical Hold Unit per such prior location of enlistment location per the difference of New Jersey per the if factors thereof, should it take a head injury to figure out when going from Basic Training and convalescent leave that there would not be any computer to bring with me personally or would it take a head injury to point that out to others officially now ion the year of 2023 and what levels would such common sense be per vehicle factors on post or anywhere else per a computer purchase in the year of 2000; or would it take a head injury to figure that out then in the year of 2000, and/or now in the year of 2023?
#WarpSpeedForwardAndOnward #SusanMeeLing4CiCPOTUS #SusanMeeLing4CiCPOTUS2024 #LadyDoriBelle4CiCPOTUS #SuccessfulVictories4SusanMeeLing #SuccessfulVictories4LadyDoriBelle #ProgressionForwardAndOnward #Relaxation4SusanMeeLing #FunAndEnjoyment4SusanMeeLing #Relaxation4LadyDoriBelle #FunAndEnjoyment4LadyDoriBelle #Longevity4SusanMeeLing #Longevity4LadyDoriBelle #Legendary #LegendarySusanMeeLing #LegendaryLadyDoriBelle #SusanMeeLingLadyDoriBelle4EverJust1PersonOneAndOnly #SusanMeeLingLadyDoriBelle1HomoSapienSapien1AndOnly #SusanMeeLingLadyDoriBelle1HomoSapienSapienSapien #Srength #Love #Faith #Hope #FinancialSuccess4SusanMeeLing #FinancialSuccess4LadyDoriBelleTheOneAndOnly #Friendships #Relationships #PhysicalSuccess #EmotionalSuccess #IntellectualSuccess #SusanMeeLingNeeds2Requirements #WantsPossibleNeeds #DesiresPossibleWants #SexualHealthAndWellBeing #Spirituality #Religioin #Futurism #Fururist #GeneralHealthAndWellBeing #OverallHealthAndWellBeing #RealLifeAndOnlineSocialMedia #RLAOL
