There was a point when I had once been engaged to a male who tried to tell me how he was so Christian and yet the realities of such types thereof as to certain individuals who think they know more as to the ways which that individual had thought her knew about his own car, more than any other individual because he watched a movie. In such a reference to prior situations of which I have been made fun of for not knowing #popculture pop culture as to any such specific movies and/or televisions shows and/or comic books and/or video games and/or computer games and/or etcetera as to what has been explained by various individuals as to what they have said their version of the overall generalized version of pop culture, as to the fact I was not allowed to watch anything above the G rating as a child as when I turned 13 years old I had to get permission to see if I could even watch such and so on and so forth as to my biological age; however while I dealt with such situations of people who made fun of me for that in New Jersey, when I woke up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in the state of Texas it was as though I awoke in the same child age aspects in comparison to my biological age as to the amount of people who thought pop culture was more important than real life in comparison to the reality of real life being more important as to the realities as while pop culture can assist in certain aspects it is not real life in real life.
Anywhere I went except certain locations after winding up in Washington state, had I dealt with such aspects and upon my return to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 it was pretty much the same in such references as to some finding pop culture as more important compared to the ironies as to where I met some new people at the times before my transfer out finally went through. However, that has been written about as to the problems as to such situations as to being sable to get to where I needed to be as well as the situations before the 30 first days as to being able to just get accustomed to the area instead of dealing with the equivalent of Eminem’s song lyrics “this f***** black cloud still follows me around but its time to exorcise those demons as I’m not afraid”, as obviously I am not afraid of what is at the bottom of the oceanic waters as to the facts of having already completed what I completed on my own and while some might wish that what they dealt with in reference to their failures to get my permission for aspects regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project and such other portions; I have already written about how I have protected myself as to such immunities as to multiple aspects and thus the situations of which I protected myself long ago as to that 7 day ritual would mean my full immunity and protection from the entire time. If there were individuals who did not think about that and/or were under the influence of whoever had approached them with what they did not have permission to do to begin with as to their lack of training, that is again the fault of those who did not have the intelligence to simply just ask me in truth. I believe I may have written a journal blog or two about just being truthful with me and/or maybe a book where I wrote about such aspects, as assumptions only lead one way.
As a matter of fact in comparison to actually knowing anything about vehicles even though he worked at an #NTB NTB as a manager in the year I met him was 2008 though later towards the end of 2009 were more discussions as he had acknowledged he purposely had made choices to the quit before the fuller signs of the audit which were going to go through at that #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #TX #TXstate #Texasstate location as to the timing of his purposefully departure, at the time to Basic Training to which he said was going to be at #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahoma #Oklahomastate Fort Sill Oklahoma in which I had already told him that was where I went to Basic Training, however the claim as to such as he had told me before seeing him later when I lived in #CedarPark #CedarParkTX #CPTX #CedarParkTexas Cedar Park which there are Biblical ironies as to the point of such a review as to which some might know thereof to such an irony as to #FortHood #FortHoodTX #FortHoodTexas Fort Hood Texas later in the year of 2010 after he had gone to Basic Training as he had said for what a timeframe which did not add up as to the correct amount of time for Basic Training as well as AIT from what I had thought as to the time in 2010.
However in the aspects thereof to having been kind enough to heal his hand from what he claimed was due to a tank shell having been dropped on his hand only severing his middle finger in comparison to what the size of an actual tank shell had been as to those who actually know such details in comparison to what might be assumed as to a smaller caliber shell thereof for those who have not actually seen one would not know a real tank shell size is much larger than any bullet, however the situation of which such a male had argued with me about his car after he had already met my car which was not because of a movie in such comparison as to what he thought or assumed. As to the fact that I named my car Zippy as to the #VW #Bumblebee VW Bumblebee as to how it looked physically being a yellow color and a black convertible roof with black leather interior, as I had explained to others at the time as well as later on before ever putting in writing about my car. Those who did not know me when I had my car Zippy as the VW Beetle may or may not have been told about Zippy, as it depended just like any other discussion as to what the topics discussed had been.
The male named Shawn McCall tried to tell me how I should care more about movies the way the forced problems as to that relationship as to how that has already been explained as to such as to that male named Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr also known as Cactus Jack had tried to get me to care about movies as well as tried to get me to care about the #LARPgarbage #LARP Larping which annoyed me as later did the male named John Virreal (?spelling?) or Celtic Cowboy as to the problems regarding Temple of Flesh and the stage as well as the Excalibur Faire and those problems in conjunction with the Lord of the Rings movie threat as to such I had refused, however as to without any such availability as to ever caring in the ways which other people have had the luxury as to caring more about movies rather than caring about real life as I guess some think as to such. Nonetheless as to the facts which that male as he said his name was Shawn McCall as to the silver #Mitsubishi #Lancer Mitsubishi Lancer as I told him the school mascot for the high school I had gone to in #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey #SJV #SaintJohn #SaintJohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHS Saint John Vianney High School as to he reminded me of a male who I had rejected his advances as to when he had taken me off of the school grounds in a maroon colored #Jeep #Patriot Jeep Patriot style car as to not knowing why I would ever care about him showing me his penis when inside of the car as to the beige interior, as I was disgusted by the sight of him to begin with as he was nothing of specialty which had ever caught my attention as to the energetic portions of the type of person he had been known to be throughout the school.
While people made fun of me for being a prude and for waiting until the 16 year old timeframe of my age as per required, the people in high school in New Jersey were as they were in such comparisons to how I had been in such times; however as to the reality of such comparisons as to the not ever fitting any stereotype as had always been regarding myself. That problem came after the movie Titanic came out as to what apparently most other females in comparison to myself were into regarding that movie as apparently, I was the only female who knew how the movie was going to end as to the fact of historical aspects being used in the movie to which meant the realities of such only showed how that was inevitably going to go unless it had been under the pretense of if things went differently; which in comparison I had the first time of being able to see a movie without my biological mother and without my biological father and without my biological sister for the first time ever, and instead of what I was told we were going to see which was supposed to be Biodome it was the movie Titanic. I had dealt with the females and one of their boyfriends who thought it was funny in comparison to paying attention to the facts as their preference for that in comparison to what it was supposed to be, was only a reminder to me of how because of my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister what I had applied for and been accepted to in #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #USNavy #USANavy #Navy Marine Science Technology School with the Navy attachment had been by their choice in comparison to my choice as to what occurred which only enraged me throughout the entire movie as per the facts I had always known better as to all such portions in comparison to other people’s assumptions. I had to keep reminding myself throughout the movie that my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu promised me other aspects of which certain situations had coaligned as to such times, though my patience was wearing thin at that Titanic movie viewing as there was nothing of any value or worth to me of any point regarding that movie.
That male regarding the Jeep returned me back to school and threw a temper tantrum because I had told the coach as to asking if there was any need for the Gatorade as to what that male who I cannot remember his name as to such times, which Coach Dolphin was infuriated as to learning I had been taken off of the school grounds as to knowing about the upcoming track and field meet as he knew how I was the one and only ringer he had available to him for the entire team of females who could be put into the spots which would around 95% of the time ensure the overall victory of the entire team each meet. However the females on the team thought there was more than there was as they could not ever see any strategy within the reasons as to why I had always been the ringer as to the ideal positioning as to destroying the opposition in ways which they could not ever predict nor see coming as to how Coach Dolphin as others had noticed as well as complained about, as to my modesty as well as my humility as I knew I was the one and only ringer that the entire school had for the female track and field teams for winter and spring though I did not flaunt it as to already knowing of such as it was a kept secret as to me always having been the ringer as none were supposed to know until the revealing.
Of course those who know how high school teenager females have been known to be though especially in reference to teenagers from New Jersey as to the 1990s, their failure to see anything of worth as to what I had brought was what it was though there are those who know as to how such types of females needlessly can be while claiming they are feminists and yet only being feminazis while causing their own team to flounder because of their ignorance to ever see anything in a larger way as to only focusing on the lesser aspects in comparison to the whole as to such portions. Nonetheless that male was in trouble and because he was expendable and replaceable as to the portions of what he had done, he was told to sit out of the upcoming track and field meet because of the failure to remain within the school guidelines. The male Shawn McCall had in some ways looked fairly akin to certain attributes to that male however it was as it was in reference to him trying to tell me as to how important he felt movies were, as that was the only reason why he pestered his Mom and Dad to purchase a Mitsubishi Lancer because of some #FastFurious Fast and Furious movie. When I made fun of him for being serious as I could not believe anyone would ever actually purchase a car just because of seeing someone else drive a car in a movie, I asked what the car had done that would have been of any importance.
He told me, ‘The car went fast.’
I told him, “No, s*** a car can go fast if you know how to drive it.”
He tried to laugh as to my comment though when later he had told me he had to be taught how to drive the manual transmission of the car, I asked him what he named the car. He did not answer me as to any such name which confused me as to the mechanics I grew up with being around always named their cars, as there was not one mechanic I knew who had not named their special car as to such times in the 1980s and the 1990s. I told him that was where I learned to name all of my cars before I ever went to purchase the vehicle, as I would not ever allow anyone to ever name my vehicles as to the ways of which I had been since my first car purchase of which was the 1993 #Honda #HondaCivic #Civic Honda Civic. In such times as to having been taught how to drive the manual transmission by the owner’s son at the time and the same sort of problem occurring as to the male who had made similar comments before the male who had been on the Saint John Vianney High School track and field team had pulled his shorts down, I did not see anything that was acceptable as to which such a choice to try to constantly bombard me with what was not for me to care about as to the ways I have always been modest as to finding my own way in comparison to ever thinking as to whatever such males wished as to such aspects as I knew those types of males were going to end up a certain way if they thought that was going to be the only way for such aspects as to the disgust of such portions.
Nonetheless as to the claims as to wishing as to me only being a lesbian as to their excuses in Saint John Vianney High School and then later in other such references in comparison to just accepting the fact I am more modest than whatever supposed stereotype there might be as to why I simply did not ever find any of those males attractive in high school as to spending time with college students at such times, as the lack of any interest as to those types of needless aspects as to them continued to have wishing their penis was ever of importance in the realistic ways in such comparisons was beyond annoyingly pathetic as to my opinion. Additionally being raised to earn my way by actually completing the correct work myself was always engrained and repeated to me by several specific individuals, of which several females and males I knew wished to convince me otherwise which I did not ever see jhow they could ever find such a way as ever being respectable because of the fact at some point they would realize the only way they had ever gotten anything was through whichever means they had gotten such in comparison to actually earning such as I guesstimated there was a different sensation for actually earning such in comparison. However in reference to Shawn McCall having claimed as to similar situations as to a female as to the movie #Titanic Titanic named Toniann Farinella as to wishing I had not ruined supposedly the ending of the movie as to apparently not one person who went to see the movie Titanic had ever been taught or read that the boat sunk at the end of the movie, which made little sense to me as to how many people cried over that #CelineDion Celine Dion song My Heart Will Go On which many females fell to the ground when the females played the song as did a few males which made little sense to me as to why such a situation was ever so traumatic to those people. I did find my own group of males and very few females who had similar thoughts as to such aspects and hoped that would grow in comparison, because of the need for the realities thereof in comparison.
However they claimed how the movie was so important in such comparisons to real life which in such times as to what I personally was dealing with as not many of them actually knew the fuller details of, I simply went on my way as to the lack of anything of importance as to the movie Titanic though the females on the track and field teams could not understand how they said I was so cold hearted as to not having any feelings for anything that occurred in the movie that I knew was going to go in the ways which it went as now I can use my phrase though in the most accurate way as to possibilities as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that the movie Titanic meant there would be certain aspects of life on the boat before the boat hit an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the ocean which some survived and many did not. I truly did not see how that was difficult for people to understand before going in to see the movie, though I also had wanted to see Biodome instead because it was a comedy and at minimum with comedy there are some surprise moments which get people to actually laugh and enjoy themselves in comparison to the movie as to Titanic as I could not ever see how anyone would ever find that movie romantic before ever walking into the move theater itself.
In such there is not the ways of which some would wish as to ever g against my Freedom of Religion as to the protections thereof as to what I had done well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as to the timeframes after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as the aspects of such protections of mine were redone after being in my house in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA as well as how such would be considered as to the radicalized islam portions as to if my biological parents who I had emancipated myself from in the year of 2000 as to such times would wish of such as they would have failed to pay attention to the facts of such hypothetically which includes though is not limited to my biological son #Letters4James and/or biological daughter #Letters4Lidia and/or my ex-in-laws as it is mandatory as to the aspects of my right to choose as well as my rights in each and every such ways thereof which I have not ever given any of my rights away and I have not ever sold my rights away and as to the facts of which as to my legal first name and my legal middle name as well as the connections thereof to my personal life experiences thereof registered with the Library of Congress for my personal protections as to such aspects in full at all such times as to my full protections in all such ways to always be in charge of myself as well as my rights as well as the oceanic portions as well as the space aspects thereof to which the ambassadorship situation is only through me as to such in the ways which such a choosing occurred and there is not the ways of which others to change such aspects as to such wishes thereof just as in reference to the facts of which regarding the aspects to my creation of the Underwater Wedding is concerned as to such recognition portions thereof as to the ways which such aspects were not used prior to my having put what I had into writing after having videotaped the aspects of after briefly before as well as briefly afterwards had discussed such portions as to the aspects as to the regulator portions which in such realities of which because of the facts as to my intellectual property rights for my creation thereof only means such factors thereof to the realities to the additional factor as to my being an Ordained Reverend as to the mandatory fact of such a religious aspect to the portions of my creation of the Underwater Wedding and such details thereof. Since most just went underwater to make certain thoughts known in the comparison to the overall as to such situations, is why I have the legal right as well as the authority thereof for such factors as to my creation of the Underwater Wedding.
In such wishes as to trying anything which would legally be done though illegal in all such courts as to the Prisoner of War aspects as to the ways I wound up in Washington state after the #StoneyLaRue #concert #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall Stoney LaRue concert at the Cowboys Dancehall as to the month of March in the year of 2013 as well as the facts as to how I had been pregnant and delivered my son and my daughter within two years from waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the facts of such Constitutional Rights of mine, would only cause needless problems as to the ways of which they are not legally allowed for such as I had not ever signed any paperwork of ever allowing such and any such forgery; as to such as when a male had asked for my autograph within the Pearl Street location of the #LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints only asked for my autograph and did not ever say anything about any legal documentation for clarifications in reference to #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington of which such wishes for the slight of hand as I have the right to officially know of such hypothetical wishes and the choices of others would be fully refused and fully denied by me as to the lack of correct communication as to ever such to try to coerce such a situation.

While I also know as to the factors regarding the situations referencing the show once told to me being called Guardian Assholes as to their only having gotten one signature on one piece of paper as to only one stapled group of paperwork as to the timeframe of additionally for such clarifications, as to their lack of getting any legal permissions to ever follow me as to the aspects of my trips in reference to each portion of my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as they did not ever speak with me as to what the requirements were as to any such wishes to video and/or record and/or take pictures as to such times similarly to how not one SCUBA diver had ever gotten my permission as to ever finding out the correct details as to what it actually would take for any such portions of my Underwater Wedding creation of which there is in both such situations not the approval as to such aspects as I have already gone into the details of in prior writings as to the requirements which have yet to correctly be taken care of in any such correct ways as to what would be mandatory for such aspects. However due to how certain types of recreational civilian SCUBA Divers have thought just because of whatever their assumptions are as to such the actual requirements of what mandatory portions have nothing to do with the on land aspects of legalities as per the ways of which the water elemental is known to be of the spiritual and emotional capacities of which the choice of such individuals refusal to correctly acknowledge and correctly recognize has lead to whatever situations as to their own problems from their own ignorance to their lack of ability to use their own words
There should not be such levels of legal indignation as to the levels of terminology when there are as many legal definitions as to the overall portions of such aspects as to anyone who would wish to think it had to be specific legal wording as to prevent such aspects, as there is not the legal aspects of which any such allowances as to any such portions of what I personally consider as to radicalized islam as to any such wishes to ever try to force such a situation as I refuse such fully in all such ways thereof. My dead-ex-husband has been declared dead since the year of 2008 of which in such references as to the past the seven year mark for such aspects as to the realities thereof to estrangement, there is the automatic denial of such additional portions thereof as once it was the year of 2015 was the official time of such and since the aspects of which I do not believe in nor do I ever accept nor have I ever accepted the common law aspects there too is the additional portions of which such a refusal and a denial as to not ever having slept in the same bed as to the discussions as to the room I was kept in under lock and key as well as the situations of which that male in reference to how my minor son and myself had been targeted and taken up to the state of Washington after the concert situation as to the targeting which technologically as to the stalking as to the bump program reference as to the denial in full of such aspects as well which it is not considered as acceptable as I repeatedly have shown such refusals thereof which in turn would mean that anyone within the United States of America who would ever consider such as acceptable would be seen as in my opinion though not the only one as to assisting a terrorist organization and/or a gang affiliation as to the facts thereof to the ways this country was founded upon Judeo Christian principles only and not of any other such aspects as to the non-Judeo Christian principles as to only the continuation of Native American spirituality through such aspects of which the requirements as to the Women’s Rights.
While some might complain as to the repetitiveness as to certain aspects the facts to recall are as the ways I had already explained to such individuals in person who had complained about such factors as to the after effects of my Palm Sunday 2000 head injury, as when the realities of such aspects have repeatedly needlessly been annoyed as to the facts of which already having known of such factors there is not the excuse nor the reason nor the cause as to ever complaining about such as it has been each individual’s choice as to having pretended as to not knowing of such factors and then getting annoyed by such when the reality of which there is no one who could ever be more annoyed than I for having to go over such aspects upon recognizing certain specifics as to the ways of which such knowledge is shown to be known as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. The realities of such factors as to having known such portions though as to the situations which I had briefly detailed as to such portions within “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in turn goes over the specifics as to others have complained about such to me, as though I was ever supposed to feel bad because they heard me repeat myself yet again. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if had told me the truth to begin with they would not have had to hear me repeat myself as to such details, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to the oddities to being called whichever negative types of names has been a wondering as to if they were calling themselves as such as to the complaints as to hearing me repeat myself in such references in those years mainly at the point of the year of 2007 onward into 2012 though then later around the year of 2016 or 2017 at random as to such aspects as to having been told by someone who said he was a Marine at one point as to the ways which was told to me as to what he thought as to not having to go over the aspects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
As I informed him as well as others as to various times, if I did not have to go over such aspects if people had just simply acknowledged knowing of such in comparison then there would not be the need for me to repeat such portions as I did not think it was that difficult to understand from such knowledge. The problem of such situations is ridiculous as to how much I should not have needed to fight for my own freedoms as much as I have as to the ways of which this overall situation has been as to the reality of which I refuse such aspects and have refused such aspects repeatedly which includes within the pages of “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as I have already written as to I would only look at such in specific ways, and since I have not ever had such a question asked of me as to what would be required for my personal approval of which my choice thereof in turn would mean officially as to such aspects of being a legal widow thereof until I so choose of my own free will which I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I have not as well as do not agree to such aspects without such specifics of which it means actually speaking with me in person for any such details as why would I ever find any such a situation as acceptable in any other such ways thereof as to others’ wishful thinking as to that aspect; as does it take a head injury to figure out I have always been stubborn and my way is what goes as to such aspects, as if I was inaccurate then I would have let it go by now though since I have continued to stand my ground as per my right to choose as per prior aspects previously written about as to my right to stand my ground would mean my right to defend my right to stand my ground.
In turn, I have refused such repeatedly which in turn means anyone who would wish otherwise without such aspects having been officialized by my personal hand in person as to any such aspects of any legal documentation actually proven as such would require the facts thereof; in addition to the facts as to the non-dating and non-relationship aspects which the situations of which online wishes do not apply as to the requirements intended and meant, and I did not ever ask anyone to help me to find a relationship last I personally checked as since I did not ask for anyone to assist me to find a relationship why would I see anyone in such a way as to any such wishes? In the ways of wishing that would ever allow the usage of my creation of my Underwater Wedding, that still fails to go through because of the mandatory facts of which only through me can anyone ever be reviewed for such aspects as only through me has the Underwater Wedding been created and only through me would such ever be considered in such ways of any such usage. Thus only through me would such ever be reviewed and only through me would such ever be looked into for such aspects thereof, which only through me would any such portions be considered as accepted or not accepted as only through me would such truths be revealed. Thus anyone who was ever hypothetically lied to about any such ways, go speak with whoever ignorantly told you in person as to what would be considered acceptable in comparison.
As to any such portions as to the personal requirements I have already placed on myself as to my protections of myself for such clarifications additionally, as it is my choice as to my work as to my creations thereof. My mandatory freedom to choose, is of extreme importance and I have not ever chosen of my own free will of any such individual as to any such point in time as per the required aspects of which to my Freedom of Religion as the wishes as to which is older means nothing as to the facts thereof as to my creations remain my creations and without my free will choices there will not ever be the allowances of such as there is not the permissions nor the acceptances of ever to the oceanic beings for such clarifications as that is not the way any such portions work despite such wishes as I guesstimate. If someone wants to go on age of such which one is older as to the formation of such an organization, or the oceanic waters and space?
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure that out and as to such aspects as to what was supposed to be the consensual lifestyle for adults has proven to not be consensual, I have no intention of going forward in such references beyond any social measures and any other wishes as to anything else is mandatory to speak with me in person as to any such aspects. I have been disgusted as to how many individuals have wished to only think of such aspects online as to ever being the same in such comparisons as to in person and I refuse to accept any such online portions as to the same aspects of being in person, as though it might not matter to others it matters and has always mattered to me and I am not the only one who such has mattered to.
To the reference as to my journal the Unwanted Artist there is not a way for me to ever view such as to ever having any such view of being wanted in a positive way as to ever thinking that would be considered as acceptable as to ever the aspects of being wanted as to what I personally consider as being wanted, as again that requires in person aspects of which why would I ever have any such sensation of ever being considered as wanted in any such way as to that aspect when I have been as independent as I have always been? How would I ever think of such when the amount of times as to having had to repeatedly explain myself, as to such aspects throughout various portions thereof to what my past is? Why would I ever think as to any such other way to that factor, when taking into consideration of which the realities as to having had to explain myself in comparison to having the ability to have discussions with such knowledge already in the ways thereof for such movement forward? Why would so many people think I was living in the past when in certain references they are the ones who have had to have the ways of such aspects brought forward to the repetition points of which if I did not have to re-explain and re-explain and re-explain myself, then how else would movement in the direction forward ever be?
How would that trying ever show me as to any such ways of being wanted in a positive way for who I actually am in such ways, as why would I ever view such as being wanted? What would ever give the idea of such to ever consider that as being considered as anything other than less than wanted as to the situations of which the lack of in person or even getting to ask me as to what my personal preferences of such aspects are, as the fact of my books having been labeled by the genre has always been as such and thus the fact of which the reality of such books such as “The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series By: Susan MeeLing” being written in fiction format, as there has not ever been any such a relationship as to the aspects between the fictional characters Nelumbo and Henry or any other such as to the fictional characters as to the comparison of the aspects which to the truthful portions. That has been a problem I have discussed and wrote about in reference to those types of people who have needlessly taken such situations as to that 50 Shades of Gray book series to a level of which I personally stood against throughout the years upon finding out about such, and I have refused all such portions as to finding those aspects as to ever being as considered as accepted. I would not ever be able to consider such aspects as to that book series as anything other than having overstepped such lines and proving the problems as to such situations as to individuals needing to be able to comprehend the requirement as to knowing the aspects of FICTION, compared to what is consented in the non-fiction of which again the refusal as to the situation of any such wishes as the facts of which the fiction portions of 50 Shades of Gray as to the fiction aspects of The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series.
I told people throughout the state of Texas as to the problems of such aspects multiple times, before ever putting such in writing on fetlife. I do not role play, I do not get involved with those types of situations willingly, and I repeatedly have explained such portions as to why I have refused to ever be any aspect as to any such part as to not needing such aspects as that does not ever have any such sensation of ever being wanted as being wanted is not something which online aspects have not ever fulfilled me personally as I personally prefer in person aspects as I always have as to the sports I had played in all such references thereof to which in the regards as to the sports I have played would be able to see the requirements as to such in person aspects as to any such type of relationship courting for which for me to accept or deny as per my choice as to such verbal discussions thereof.
How do you completely make me feel as the most unwanted individual throughout all of space and all of time, in such regards? You choose to not respect me as to having spoken with me in person with verbal words as to ever bringing such details up in person with me as to any such relationship with me, as to the situations thereof as to what I have already been through as to truthfully not needing those aspects to ever repeat again as there was not ever any love nor any care nor any concern nor any enjoyed time together as to the levels of amounts of abuse as well as having been locked away from others and ostracized repeatedly as to the lack of any such care and concern for what would be viewed as actually being taken care of in the correct and proper ways. I already went through that once and I hated every individual second of such aspects and had repeatedly tried to explain I knew such was wrong though no one took me seriously back in such years from 2000 through to 2008 and even onward, as to how would any such individual ever take any country seriously to ever think that would ever be considered as accepted as I do not find such acceptable and I do not see any such purposes for such.
How does that trying of such show any actual love or concern or well being taken care of correctly, in truth? The truth is the most important part as to such aspects of the basis for actual real love as well as properly being taken care of, as how has such situations regarding my healthcare or non-healthcare been in such regards as to since the year of 2009 since not one of such SCUBA Divers I ever knew ever correctly did what was necessary as to what I personally needed and what was best for me as well as what was best for my son and what was best for my daughter as the answer is not one of those recreational civilian or military type SCUBA divers ever did anything which would be considered as such as to the timeframes I knew them at such time of the year of February 2009 through February 2010. Not one ever assisted me or helped me in the ways which were positive and beneficial as to what I personally needed as not one actually ever took care correctly of what needs I have had as to such times from that point through to the current year, as who has spoken with me in person about what I personally would require? The answer is once again, not one individual has done so in the references thereof.
In reference as to my personal preference is of mandatory aspects as again only through me as to such aspects would ever be considered and I have refused such repeatedly, just as the aspects as to my creation of the Underwater Wedding of which in such regards as to the lack of recognition in the correct ways of which other individuals have yet to correctly do so in such regards as to my work as to my SCUBA Diving as to my record as I have already gone over in prior writings; the facts of which only through me is any such recognition of my work and it means nothing to me as it means nothing to the beings of the oceanic waters of anyone else ever being present for such a recognition, as why would my SCUBA diving ever be considered as anything else other than in person for such recognition from the oceanic beings or does that take a head injury to figure out? If such a ceremony was done and others were invited though I did not attend, there is the facts to which such aspects of which I did not attend means that such was not ever accepted by the oceanic beings ever as I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out. If such has yet to be acknowledged, why has it taken such a length of time to do so correctly or is it that not anyone actually cares as to such and only perpetuates the facts of the sensations as to the unwanted artist journal blog entry as does it take a head injury to figure that out as well?
In certain references as to the aspects as to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to the ways of which I have looked online to see what aspects have been available to read through and while not ever finding anything which I had not already known, I was confused as to why there was not more about who she had been in the multitude of aspects thereof. Why was she a Prisoner of War, and what was it about her that had been so special as to the facts she was captured as one before when the Civil War began as to such portions. There are and were the more well known aspects as to the portions of the Civil War as to the situations about slavery and those who know that wars do not break out overnight as there is usually a situation which sparks the first aspects to then move onward as to such times and develops, of which I knew about some aspects as the minor ways and later some of the major ways as to such times. When I pondered as to what I knew about as to what she had done to assist the medical aspects as to everything involving the well being and healthcare as to females, there is the fact that almost every procedure of which for the general female well being which has been initialized by Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to the healthcare she provided for each female who was involved on the side of the Union Army as to what was needed for their health when they were assisting where they could as well as after she had initially been captured as to how those other females who had not earned what she had earned and the sexist males who had a problem with the fact she was a physician as previously written about and minimally described; the situations as to what Dr. Mary Edwards though later Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been the spearhead to the movement of Women’s Rights as well as later as time went onward for those who had still been alive as to the knowledge of and some having worked with her had assisted in reference to the timing of both the Civil Rights and the Women’s Rights movements in what is known more-so in the 1970s aspects thereof.

In the references as to when it was realized then Dr. Mary Edwards and later before her being awarded the Medal of Honor after the marriage had become Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to the situations which when the letters she had sent to assist in various ways as to informing of the situations on the ground, when it was time for her rescue at the end of time of the Civil War because of the factors involved regarding such aspects; Dr. Mary Edwards then and later Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been a part of the following though not limited to:
: sterilizing medical equipment as best as possible as she was the first to mandatorily have the tools washed because of the blood on the tools to prevent infection
: taking the speculum to use for the female OB/GYN portions to a smaller level to assist with checking a female in such a region for her health and later such assisted with other such measures thereof
: using gloves to cover the hands in the ways which some had thought only covering the face with the larger masks with the beaks would help though was not what was actually required in various aspects to which the keeping such a cleaner environment as to when completing certain medical procedures as to the times of as she had assisted with the making of the masks smaller and only using fabric as can be seen in reference to the current times regarding the COVID situation as to the comparison to such times of which they still used the beak type of masking when working in the medical aspects as to those times
: bringing forward the sensitive situations to light for other females to be able to discuss the situations they were dealing with in truth compared to being shunned away
: assisting with the development of the condom in different ways as to what once was used to cover the hands to use for the other portions of which she had initially developed for other purposes
: using alcohol to sterilize the areas as she had spilled some onto a patient she had at the time and the lack of any sign as well as any problems as to an infection as to being able to see the ways which the drinking alcohol was able to keep the wounds cleared
: stitching up the incision areas as well as other aspects via sewing as to ensure the skin was able to remain clear of infections
: taking the smaller tool implements to be able to dig out the ball pellets from the types of ammunition used to be able to cause less damage to the areas as well as less likely of such problems afterwards as to she had already worked on a few other aspects as most used iodine though did not know how to clear such afterwards though such smaller implements were able to be used elsewhere additionally
: etcetera
As it is more well known as to the facts of such patent right situations as to such times as even in reference to currently because of those learning of her name having been withheld as to the time of the Women’s Rights and Civil Rights Movements later on, was the additional reasons as to the facts of why so many more females were infuriated as to all such aspects as to the lack of correctly acknowledging the one and only female physician as to each aspect that was created because of her had been an infuriating point of which those who were males who were for the feminist movement began to see what of importance as to what females could actually accomplish; however there were many who had wished for Dr. Mary Edwards Walker to return to such aspects as to the correct and proper ways thereof for such recognition more correctly as remember as to how the situations were as to the aspects of the times of the Women’s Rights and the Civil Rights Movements as to the timing thereof, as the females and males within the feminist causes and reasons as to such knew the need to bring her forward more correctly as to the ways there was little anyone could do to explain as to the excuses or aspects as to what she had deserved all along and well before anyone else’s name had ever been known as such lack of respect as to the work which was completed to getting such Women’s Voting Rights was of importance for many more than some realized or could see the reasons why at such times.
In such regards as to how much work she had done on her own without any assistance from any individual who ever had been involved directly with her life or her life’s work as even though she had worked with others her work had always been her work and there was not a thing any of the others could ever do to take such away as they were not ever good enough to complete the works to begin with, which in turn as to such needless jealousy as to how she had been captured as a Prisoner of War to begin with was the aspects as to why such other situations were not brought forward sooner as to what other works she had been working on as the lack of those others’ ability to ever see anything of value from someone who actually earned her physician medical degree compared to any of the females who at most were a nurse, if they were lucky enough to be a nurse. At some aspects of some of the male doctors were mainly jealous as to the fact in reference to the Union Army who had been a part of her capture were jealous as to how more of the soldiers who were returning to base camp had wanted her as their physician in comparison to any of the other physicians available, and because she had already earned her physician medical degree as to such times on her own the multiple individuals in the Union Army areas had sought her out for the assistances.
There were several who had gone to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to request assistance for others who were outside of the base camp, which she was able to then help the local areas as to several medical situations prior to her being taken. When such aspects as to the situations as to what occurred regarding those doctors as well as those nurses as to their death count compared to her life count as to how many lives Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, she had saved in such regards as to countless lives as to which her work still being used to this day is a testament as to how much OB/GYN and other such portions in my opinion should be more gracious as to what works were from her to begin with. In addition to the fact she had assisted as to the ways which more females began to go to school for their own educational aspects as well, when she was rescued later she had begun a multitude of different types of studies to assist the various levels of the medical field to be able to assist such works to continue forward as to such times. Back in those days as to the situations of being considered as distinguishable more because of what occurred in reference to just before she was at the last location of where she was held as a Prisoner of War, the situations of which her hair as well as her clothing outfits as to the ways of which the situations called for as when she was able to escape one location prior to the final portion she had changed clothing as well as changed her hair when one military occurrence happened which she had taken advantage of such to get herself to where she was moving towards to inform the others as to the individuals within the Washington DC areas as to the occurrences. When the capturing as to such times as she did not know the aspects as to Washington DC individuals working towards her release as to such times, when the individuals from that camp had gone to fight in another portion of the Civil War she took the time to take off as she needed.
Upon the recapturing her as a Prisoner of War because of her face being extremely recognizable to such times in comparisons, those who had seen her sent word back and had been the problems as to why because of those people not leaving her alone to go do what she needed to do; instead those people needlessly caused more problems until she was rescued as to such aspects as when the individuals in other areas had learned of the capturing as they thought she had been taken to safety, the situations escalated to an extremely bloody battle as to ending the war fully as to all such aspects. Though I had known of such as to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker it was an oddity to see the lack of information about her works as she has deserved far more credit than she has ever been able to get and thus at minimum as to the situations thereof, I can give her the credit where credit is due as she has earned and there are only through me as to the ways of which such aspects thereof to her aspects of knowledge from what I have known of her all along. I have been working on my Medal of Honor Art Project for several years and as I am the only one who knows how to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing as to such in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork correctly as to such situations of which the ability to the wording of mediumship or clairsentience and clairvoyance among several other factors thereof to the situations of which the ability to clearly explain such portions.
In reference to the aspects I wanted to make sure that no matter what I would be able to take care of whatever needed to be taken care of correctly and if that meant I dealt with certain aspects as to the ways of hearing certain sounds, I would deal with such and utilize such in the ways which I have learned how to do as there is no aspect anyone could ever tell me as to anything I have dealt with especially since the year of 2009 onward because of the prior knowledge as to any aspect which I would ever consider as acceptable as to what I have needlessly dealt with as to others’ egos and problems thereof. How any human being can claim to have a heart in such situations as to already knowing of what I have dealt with up to such a point to ever needlessly cause me any additional problems in comparison to actually be of genuine help and assistance in truth is beyond any such knowledge and quite frankly, I would rather such aspects as to the facts thereof to the situations of those who have thought however they have thought has been enough to simply need to stay away from such disgusting aspects as to the vileness as to choosing willingly to have made such choices and why they have had to deal with looking at themselves in the mirror of whatever type to ensure they know exactly who they have been the entire time.
In the reference as to Shawn McCall and the car he had been taught by the dealership his Mom and Dad had paid the pre-ordering fee to as well as the full amount of the car price as well as the additional fees to be one of the first ones to have that particular model of the Mitsubishi Lancer, I told him in the middle of the year of 2009 as to how I could teach him how to properly drive the manual transmission car as I knew that most likely he and his family had been shown the ways which would not be beneficial for that car and would be better to do so if I was able to quickly show him. When I explained the correct ways he laughed and said he would ask who he knew at the dealership in comparison to trusting me as to already having proved myself regarding my own car maintenance, which in turn later when he and I began dating I showed him how to correctly drive the manual transmission which he made fun of me for when in a higher rate of speed instead of downshifting to grind the gears and rip up the clutch in a lower grade of speed as to how I would coast in neutral until the need to speed up again and put the clutch into the correct gear to move forward. I laughed at him telling him he needed to correctly learn how to drive that car because I could tell there were problems developing as to what I have already briefly written about as to the sound of the rod almost having been thrown by that point though he did not want to listen to me thinking who he knew because of the biological gender had been more educated compared to the facts of having surprised him as to how I had the smoothest drive he had ever had in that car as per his words in comparison to the jolting which occurred when he had driven and downshifted causing the needless problems to his own vehicle.
Later in the year of 2010 after the end of the engagement before the beginning of the second engagement as to the time when he was stationed at Fort Hood and my fixing his hand as to the problems which occurred as to the supposed tank shell compared to a different type of situation I had known to have occurred to certain types of people along the east coast for certain problems though a reference to the Stephen King movie Cat’s Eye to the smoker cessation situation as to the closer reference point to, he had brought up having had work done to his car engine which I had asked if it was because of all of the times he had down shifted instead of popping the clutch into neutral as I had told him to do correctly which he grimaced his face and nodded his head as to my being correct as to the problems which occurred. While I had been told of a situation when in the process of moving because of what occurred in reference to McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Texas in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #TX #TXstate #Texasstate #FarmersBranch #FarmersBranchTX #FarmersBranchTexas #FBTX #McCoy #McCoyElementary #Elementary and the #FWZoo #FortworthZoo #FtWorth #FtWorthTX #FtWorthTexas #FWTX #DFW #FortWorth #FortWorthTexas #FortWorthTX situations at the school and then the Fort Worth Zoo problems regarding my daughter #Letters4Lidia and my son #Letters4James as to his mohawk and I #Justice4Me #Justice4SusanMeeLing #Justice4ReverendSusanMeeLing #Justice4RSML #Justice4SML #Justice4LadyDoriBelle #Justice4LDB as to the same complaints about my hairstyle and my tattoos the ways the SCUBA Divers at #InternationalSCUBA International SCUBA and #SCUBAToys SCUBA Toys as well as the SCUBA diving male out at the #FL #FLstate #Florida #Floridastate #FloridaKeys #FLKeys #KeyWest #Vandenberg USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg situations had complained about; which in my defense in the years of 2008 through 2010 none of my larger tattoos were ever able to be seen as only the smaller tattoos within the center of my palms and my wrists with the prayer and the one in the back of my neck were ever able to be seen as to the normalcy of what I wore when out, in comparison to my modeling pictures and when going to change into my SCUBA Diving wetsuit of which such people as to their assumptions about such as I had explained and then wrote about in reference to my reasons and my rights as to my #ADA ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act aspects as well as my Constitutional Rights of my Freedom of Religion and my Freedom of Expression; though what I dealt with has been proven as to what I dealt with because of those types of people who had lacked the fortitude, though not any different than the comments from my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister as to such times. The irony as to the claims as to why my biological sister among others who voted for #POTUS44 POTUS44 #BarackObama Barack Obama as to why they did not understand how I could look as I do with my hair and look as I do with my skin and not vote for POTUS44 in comparison to actually paying attention to what was being said as they only paid attention wrongly to what they saw visually instead of ever looking into the actual details I explained.
The disgust as to the years of such stereotyping needlessly has been problematic for far longer than I have been alive as to discussions with my cousin Jade’s Dad as well as my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw as to such others I had grown up with as my family as to such and while knowing I am not African American it does not change the facts as to dealing with being half Chinese and half mixture as well as being a female as to such aspects though not looking as to what most at such times had thought of Chinese individuals to physically look as because of the genetics from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu’s side of the family which the children though from the same biological aspects have different physical traits in comparisons to assumptions made as I dealt with throughout the state of Texas for such. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that some people have that particular genetic situation, however apparently such problems have existed for those individuals’ thoughts as to their view of the physical in comparison to the overall.
Do I believe people can change for the better in genuinity, and in truth? I do believe such can occur in honesty as I always have believed in such ability to do so, however it is up to each individual to remember it is one step at a time for such aspects although trying to use an excuse as to the ways some have as to one step in such references compared to continuing to push forward has been a ways of which in my opinion as to such laziness as to those types of aspects as to such. The reference to yesterday’s three part posting of such aspects as to the failures regarding the Rescue SCUBA Diver situation at Clear Springs SCUBA Park only showed me the facts of which within the on land sector throughout of such situations, as I was taken aback as to the lack of concern and lack of care to other SCUBA Divers which just because of the term used in SCUBA of self contained did not ever mean only taking care of oneself as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when you are a recreational civilian SCUBA Diver as to the requirement and the need to have an assigned partner or buddy because of the lack of ability to take care of certain situations when in such a recreational civilian sort of way in my opinion as to several examples thereof. The only reasons as to having remained within the realms of my 26 earned SCUBA Diving certifications in comparison to earning my SSI SCUBA Diver certification is knowing myself similarly to the aspects of which referencing the aspects of the trips as well as the more specific reference of Ice SCUBA Diving as well as Tri-Mix SCUBA Diving, which in such references as to the oceanic portions as to such as to the knowing myself well enough to know I only want a safe descent as well as a safe SCUBA Dive as well as a safe ascent as to ensuring the facts of which all of my SCUBA Dives always to be safe as possible despite what aspects as to the beings within the oceanic waters.
In the reference to which such aspects as to the pop culture situations, while some who knew of me as to my online modeling as to in comparison to in person discussions; those who knew me in person would be able to talk about in truth as to how I did not bring up my modeling sessions and/or performances unless someone else brought up the aspects of because of the ways I had been raised as to other such situations. If in reference to such aspects as to my upbringing had been a problem for those people than I suppose I have a counteraction as to my problem with their upbringing as to the ways they had chosen on their own free will to conduct themselves by their own choices, as such of mine was only in response as to how such choices of theirs had been towards me in comparison. I was raised to remain calm unless absolutely necessary to respond of which the Saint John Vianney High School bus situation would be the most ideal representation as to how I have handled most confrontations to the 95% aspects, in comparison to the assumptions I was told about in reference to people from New Jersey. As seen in the 2020 election cycle as to my clothing outfits I wore to various events, you can see if you know how the genuine realities of people born and raised and/or who learned from the ways of people who were born and raised for a specific age thereof to such aspects in the northeast coast area; as my biological mother and my biological father would not have sent my biological sister to me to help her get dressed for her wedding night just as they would not have had her live with me in my house in #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #SATX #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas when she went to McHenry High School as being put as her legal guardian if it was not known as it actually had always been known as to my style as well as my abilities to responsibly dress in the correct attire comparatively as the other portion was to teach my biological sister not to dress as she had when she was in #CrystalLake #CLIL #CrystalLakeIL #CrystalLakeIllinois #Illiniois #Illinoisstate #ILstate Crystal Lake Illinois as it was known I always dressed more appropriately in all such comparisons as to the additional complaints from those who I knew in Crystal Lake Illinois which were not any different than the complaints I dealt with in reference to the people within the adult supposed to be consenting communities thereof throughout the state of Texas from the years of mainly 2009 through 2013.
The abomination of a wedding that my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom (-Miller) had in #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas to Zac(k) Miller in the year of 2008 had been in some ways proof thereof, if there were those who had seen me taking pictures after getting my son and my daughter dressed for that situation as to the facts I already discussed with many people throughout the entire state of Texas in multiple cities and areas as to how that went before I ever wrote about such and put it into my first and possibly second book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”. I stopped counting how many individual situations after the tenth time which was well before I had to move because of what occurred as to such aspects, however I wore a floor length lavender gown with an empire cut top with a soft line at the middle part of my ribcage similar to my Beauty Pageant gown style and fabric of though instead of the halter top portion the spaghetti straps with the sheer shawl to cover my shoulders with the silver shoes as to the complaints about the colors being as to the wedding colors and people thinking I could have actually been a part of the wedding family in such a time as those people thought and had wished I would just give up on my son and my daughter in comparison to being a Mom who actually love(d) and care(d) about them in comparison.
The few tattoos seen at the very most at that time in conjunction to my bright red short pixie hairstyle had been the white tattoo in the back of my neck, the Faery tattoo in my left shoulder and the dragon tattoo in my right shoulder with the possibility of the deer with lily flowers in the center of my back depending how the fabric flowed and moved when I was taking the pictures during the wedding only portion as I left with my children shortly thereafter. The tattoo in my left and right hand palms are the same as to such times though the blue and the yellow tattoos in the tops of my hands were the only tattoos in the timeframe with the possibility of my wrist tattoos of which in my left wrist is the dragonfly with Butterfly Moon and in my right wrist the spiritual symbol of the Triple Goddess with the Horned God aspects with my prayer I created for my children when they needed a boost of assistance when they were scared at times, which were the same tattoos in the areas of in the year of 2008 through 2010 as to such supposed complaints as to my tattoos being so much in comparison.
Nonetheless as to such times at that abomination of a wedding, the lavender floor length gown had some silver etching or texturization as to the type of semi-formal gown I had worn as Zac and one of his best men when they were walking towards the staircase as I ran down the stairs as to go outside to calm myself down from what occurred in the master bedroom area, after people saw what I was going to wear at the time. Again that would be why I did not bother staying afterwards from the wedding portion as to the constant problems from such a point which I did not want or need to deal with those situations as to the ways of such childish aspects as to the problems regarding such, and I returned to my house with my son and my daughter afterwards as what did it truly matter if I had stayed? Nothing really when taking such into consideration as there was not going to be any medium portion as to such time because of how such a #bridezilla bridezilla my biological sister had been as well as her little maids of supposedly ever having an idea what honor had been, especially for a supposed wedding as the female reverend with silver hair had with her rainbow tassel and black robe had performed that abomination of a wedding as to the virtue signaling thinking that a lesbian was going to be the more proper viewpoint in comparison to whatever political wishes as to such times as if it were about such political situations as to such a viewpoint in my opinion as to how much of a mark they actually had missed as to being futuristic in the ways thereof to the images as I took pictures as they did not want or need me in the wedding pictures as they had fully informed me of as to the time. Thus if any such wishes as to the photoshopping of such hypotheticals for clairifications, there are hundreds of people I spoke with in person about that wedding abomination situation as to how I was treated which was far more than just the last name which sounds though is not spelled the same regarding Shawn McCall to #CongressmanMichaelMcCaul #MichaelMcCaul Congressman Michael McCaul as there is a difference between one L and two Ls if people did not know.
In such an oddity to many years ago around the year of 2003 in the springtime when speaking with the realtor who lived in the house on the corner of the entrance to Pheasant Creek subdivision complaining about the McCaw birds in the neighborhood which they had reminded me of the McCaw birds my babysitter’s husband had when I was growing up, I think the wires were crossed as to the ways which such references were discussed however he had a massively huge problem with my defense of the McCaw birds which made little sense to me because they were just being themselves and McCaw birds are a specific type of breed when out of their natural habitat. In the reference of which the problems he had about my problems with the #HOA #HomeownersAssociation Homeowners Association as to more than just about my shed situation as to the facts when I read through the covenant as to the mineral mining aspects beneath the areas of housing locations, which the worry about the #MarbleFalls #MarbleFallsTX #MarbleFallsTexas #MFTX Marble Falls area of Texas as to how that water area formed as well other areas as to the sinkholes which developed as per how such times depending upon locations had been, as later there were the issues in reference to my biological parents purchasing a house without a Homeowners Association because of my informing them as to the problems associated with such a type of situation as to the construction aspects as per in other areas. As Texas’ construction zoning laws were not up to the standards of other northeastern locations as per the ability to see in reference to how SCUBA Divers have gone voluntarily to Valhalla to SCUBA Dive in an underground flooded missile silo in comparison to being intelligent as well as to the gear situations, that realtor had a similar attitude as to such types of people as to his comments about the fewer visible tattoos as to such times beginning in the year of 2005 for my hairstyle and then the year of 2006 for my tattoos.
One instance at such times after the McCaw birds discussion ironically to certain oddities, a male and a female arrived at my front door after my storm door had been installed into my house. The male in a button down shirt or polo with slacks and the female in a white background with pastel colored patterns on her calf length dress had arrived asking to speak with my then husband though my now dead-ex-husband as the male told me he thought he had spoken with that male about religion, which made little sense at the time because of knowing the truth as to the religious views of such as to the lack of faith in any such religious aspects. I apologized to the male though stepped outside to speak with them after inviting them in for coffee, though he mainly talked with me about the bible as to such times. I wrote about the situation after rarely discussing such a discussion as knowing he had been married though having been caught as to the flustered color in my cheeks as to when bringing up the discussion, as to it having been a riveting discussion about philosophy and religion as it had been years since such a discussion I had been able to have with another about such a back and forth.
However in the reference of 2nd Corinthians as to such a time as to the ways of bringing up the years as to what was considered as the 2000 year mark as well as certain other factors such as where I was born and raised as well as where I grew up attending at #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #OTC #OTPC #Presbyterian Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as being the first living Baby Jesus Christ as to the original arrangement which people in either situation had to get out of their cars to see the living Baby Jesus Christ, that took aback the male as to my comments about such aspects. I had not seen the big deal about it as there had been other later productions of that nativity though there was a point of which having been told as to the original portion being of the importance of which as to my SCUBA Diving, I can see such aspects thereof to such importance as to my training and my 26 earned certifications as well as the culminations as to the work I had been getting properly taken care of over such years despite the fact my biological parents wished otherwise as to what they did not know was the importance of anything regarding as they were not ever informed of in the fuller details as I knew how such situations were regarding the halfway doing such in comparison to the proper precision for each and every aspect thereof to my creation of the Underwater Travel System as the MAST with the military direct connection was the most ideal situation though I did the best I could as to how such times went thereafter as to the #USA #USArmy #Army Army had needed help as soon as I saw what types of computer systems they had in the #JBSA San Antonio area as to being more than what the general public has as to being 20+ years behind what actually is available as to such types of systems and similarly to the aspects as to the Titanic movie problem as to the aggravation as to why I had picked the duty station I had at the time to be able to get what I could have from where I at those times had known to go before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to where my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had taught me as they escaped Mao Ze Doong as to the times leading up to the #TinanmenSquare Tiananmen Square situations overall.
Admittedly I had rarely discussed the 2nd Corinthians situation with others which did include in reference to telling Shawn McCall about the discussion as to just before he had asked me out as to that timeframe in the year of 2009, which he had an odd smile as to such a moment when looking back to the timeframe thereof which made little sense to me then as he had began to discuss the #Cowboy #CoyboyChurch Cowboy Church his sister had attended as I had told him about hoping to meet with who I have simply referred to as 2nd Corinthians as I do not remember asking him what his name was at the time. Though it would be an irony as to such oddities as to the ways thereof, to such different situations combined as depending who you are I suppose depends as to who you view as a celebrity or in a celebrity situation as my hairstylist at the time as well as #LeroyPetry Leroy Petry and his hairstylist would know as to how excited I had been as to being able to meet him as well as the coin I had been given as to my what I call Happy Faery Dance as to such as to the first living Medal of Honor recipient I had ever met. My son kind of freaked out a bit as to my wording, though it made sense to me as to the wording in truth as to the areas I had been accustomed to spending much of my time in when I was a child as it was not only Old Tennent Presbyterian Church I had been to a cemetery location as the original grounds of the original members were visited each year as well as the different areas around the tristate areas as to different situations. I recognized the symbol as to when I was a child as to one location in the tristate area many years back and meeting such a spirit before others came forward, which I was already accustomed to speaking with General George Washington’s spirit at the time as he had not become President General George Washington for the spirit location at the time at that point in my life and had made such clarifications to me at such times.
