What is the difference between dogs and cats, when thinking about human behaviour as to what is considered as normal? There are several misconceptions as to how some people have viewed both animals as the misconception as to such, can be reviewed as to the psychological aspects of both human beings as well as animals.
In reference to cats the reality of cats or the feline species, is they bite people for not reason as to the facts of how a feline will walk up to anyone and grab them by their hand with their teeth and while some have thought that to be cute; think about the fact that the cat had gotten your attention, with using its sharp and tiny flesh ripping teeth to move your hand in the ways which that feline had wanted you to move your hand. If the feline has put itself in a location which you are in and wants your attention, it is an abusive situation as to the fact the feline will bite and claw at you as while people think the term of what is called biscuits are cute and sweet you need to remember the fact the cat is using its claws and purring while supposedly spending time with you when in reality the feline is preparing to use you as a scratching post.
If you are able to get a feline to not bite you as to any such point in time, I have joked that those cats are actually dogs born in the wrong body and they are the equivalent to #transgender transgender and/or #DragQueen Drag Queens as individuals in reference to human beings as to the ways such body transformations have occurred. When taking into consideration a cat that acts far more like a dog than a cat, they have situations which are far more as to a dog than to a feline personality trait set of aspects as they will spend time with dogs and they do not attack the dogs nearby though go toward the dogs in ways which makes sense for the cat though the dog as well to such internal portions. Whereas a dog being in a cat’s body is more likely to have toys which are more accustomed to dogs such as they will prefer the rolling type of toys such as the rolling types of noise making balls instead of the mice types of toys, rope type of toys instead of a scratching post, and the like; a feline which is more similar to a dog will be more friendly towards other human beings whether or not they are a considered family member, and they will allow others to be closer to it than a regular feline.
They tend to make attempts to get along with other felines however if the other cats are more feline than dog-like, the cat that is more of a dog will stay away from all other cats as such a type to the point it will isolate itself away from any other type of cat that is remotely close to such a type as the cats that are more like dogs will not tolerate any type of other cat that acts similarly to a cat in any sort of way. The cats which are more like dogs will be more comfortable with dogs and even make attempts to play with dogs that are much larger than it, the way it has been seen as to how dogs play with one another in all comparisons. The bigger the dog a cat that is more closely to a dog does towards to play with or get its attention, the more likely in my opinion of having a dog personality trapped in a cat’s body in comparison. However there is the opposite of such as to a cat being trapped in a dog’s body to review as well, to which I simply refer to all smaller dogs as such aspects of the ways thereof.
In my opinion a cat trapped in a dog’s body as to what I have noticed is usually within the smaller dog type of breeds as to the little dogs do similar actions to get a human being’s attention as to using it’s sharp and pointy teeth, to get the human being’s attention by nipping and biting at the heels as well as using it’s teeth to get the human being’s hand to pull in a similar fashion as to the way felines naturally do. I have found it to be odd to see how the smaller dogs as to the ways which they act more similarly to cats though additionally have a similar size and weight as to cats regarding such, which the smaller the dog the more closely to a cat’s personality the smaller dog is. How cat’s go into the litter box and swat at it’s own feces is able to be seen where the little dogs usually go to eat it’s own feces on purpose as well as play with the feces, compared to big dogs which swat away and use their hind legs to remove the feces anywhere nearby to the area as to a cleaning process.
When taking into consideration how medium and bigger dog breeds to large cat breed which are within the categories of tigers, lions, jaguars, and the like; similarly to bigger dogs they tend to have traits to their personalities as to the larger dog breeds, in my opinion. Larger cat species tend to get the attention of others simply by walking around just as larger dog breeds do, which similarly to larger dogs larger cats tend to go meander as to the ways of which their power simply exudes from their core as to the ways which tend to have similarly to medium and larger breeds of dogs as to how felines annoy others by using their teeth to get the attention or using their claws to get the attention in comparison to just being a large breed cat or a medium to large breed of a dog as the ways which smaller cats as to smaller dogs and larger cats to medium and larger dogs.
In reference to how felines which are in my opinion dogs which have the physical form of a cat in comparison to its behavioural patterns, the ways which one as such can be seen in certain ways as to the #WarnerBrothers #WB #WarnerBros Warner Brothers black and white cat to the bulldog situation which the bulldog barks and barks trying to scare the cat as to it thinking the black and white cat is as any other cat in such comparisons whereas because the black and white cat is more similar to a dog as can be seen the way the cat curls up on top of the bulldog’s back and is comfortable with knowing how big the bulldog is while the bulldog in that cartoon after it realizes the black and white cat is more similar to itself as to the ways which the black and white cat is able to calm itself down when with the bulldog in such references. Thinking about the way which the bulldog growls, snarles, and essentially yells at the cat in such comparisons as to the black and white cat ignoring every individual time the bulldog barks and growls at the black and white cat as that particular cartoon as shown; every individual time of that particular cartoon I have seen, the bulldog eventually realizes it needs the black and white cat as able to see when the bulldog picks up the black and white cat to put the black and white cat on its back in comparison to the black and white cat climbing up onto the bulldogs back on its own.
In such a reference as to how the ways of which such aspects as to what the difference is between #PepeLePew Pepe LePew as to the same black and white cat, which the black and white cat though a bit larger does not ever want or need to ever have anything to do with PePe LePew as the ways which PePe LePew does not ever do anything which assists the black and white cat usually painted because of accidentally running through paint in such a reference. In that particular cartoon as to the realities of which can be seen as to PePe LePew constantly clawing at the cat and the cat pushing away while running away from PePe LePew as to not finding anything about PePe LePew as to anything the cat wants or needs to be near, PePe LePew constantly annoys and harasses the cat which has repeatedly run away from that character repeatedly as the constant harassment needlessly from PePe LePew only annoys the cat. In such comparisons as to how such can be viewed where the cat in the cartoon is more similar to a dog and PePe LePew is more closely able to be seen as a cat in such a reference, the fact of which how cats tend to bat at others as well as when it wants attention it constantly goes towards the direction of the others as well as constantly follows the others around in every situation as to wherever in that cartoon the cat goes in such a reference while batting at the other individual in comparison to simply talking with the other and then wonders why the other runs away as to such types of responses.
In the reference of both the black and white cat in the bulldog situation as to the cat painted with the white stripe, I suppose I can make a joke sarcastically in reference to my favorite common car of the 1969 #Camaro Camaro RS SS 396 with a 396 cubic inch engine which personally I prefer the midnight blue color with glitter in the paint, black leather interior, dual exhaust, jumped from a four speed to a five speed, chromed engine except the belts of course, with two white stripes up the front and down the back. In such a reference as to the ways of which that engine growls as when with whitewall tires as to the ways of my preference to one hard top, one convertible top, and one T-top despite the fact of such not having been made with the T-top previously; my personal thoughts as to what I prefer for such a vehicle choice is what my personal preferences are, for my choice of my favorite common-ish type of car as with a T-top aspect to that particular model of car is much different viewpoint as to any such other type of vehicle made with the type of top only because of the facts as to the details of each curvature of the metal down to the details within the front headlights as well as the rear taillights especially with the ways as to the rear and side views as to the situations regarding a 1969 Camaro RS SS 396 as to the ways the handles are seen in such regards with the paint. In my opinion as to the T-top of that particular model of vehicle with such customization as to the ways which the white stripes are seen from the top areas additionally, the viewpoint in my opinion as to how such a unique look combination cannot officially be replicated in any such similar ways as the specific type is a one of a kind.
I did get made fun of by many people in #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey as to the amount of mechanics I knew when growing up, as I was told repeatedly the 1969 Camaro did not come with T-tops and I told those mechanics I could have such a customization if I wanted to and could afford to create it for myself. They joked as to what they thought a better model they knew of which while I did like the model itself, it was not the same as the specific sound which the engine of the 1969 Camaro RS SS made when it first came out as well as it is not the same body style as close is not exact and I am extremely specific about what customizations I prefer to any vehicle I look at as it is my preference as to what I personally find as to my ideal type of vehicle in such older references as the ways of such a car as to the 1969 Camaro RS SS 396 from the times of which those who remember that particular model when it came out and/or have known someone who has had that specific model of Camaro compared to other models of Camaros, that specific model of Camaro being my absolute favorite is one of only a few vehicles I ever dreamed about having for myself as to the ways which that specific model of vehicle would look with such a T-top conversion as well as when standing next to another 1969 Camaro RS SS 396 as to the convertible to the hard top and yes all three made the same way as to the viewpoint of such aspects.
In Illinois I dealt with the same types of comments before ever getting to the state of #TX #Texas #Texasstate #TXstate Texas as the individuals I met who had been into cars usually if knowing more of the older cars would have the same comments about the top as to #NJ #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NJstate New Jersey and #IL #Illinois #Illinoisstate #ILstate Illinois, though those who were into newer cars could see in reference to what I had meant as to the specific details as to such a vehicle design and why I preferred such a vehicle with the viewpoint of the ways as I saw once I showed them what I meant. In the references as to such aspects of which I prefer older model airplanes while also liking newer models depending on the type, of course the majority of newer model airplanes are not within the civilian sector to the same ways of which older model airplanes especially military airplanes catch my attention more-so. I suppose it does not take a head injury to figure out I would prefer the aspects as to certain traits regarding the style of the military at this point in time, though maybe some might think otherwise as to whatever viewpoints of such.
In reference to the cartoon aspects as to the ways which the black and white cat to the bulldog as to the ways of the 1969 Camaro RS SS 396 to the other two models of, the irony as to in the reference of the black and white cat as to where the placement of the white stripe happens to be in the reference of both to such regards. However when taking into consideration the growling and barking of the bulldog, I suppose I can sarcastically joke as to the ways of irony as to such as well in the multitude thereof to the factors of such aspects as to the oddities of comparison though proverbially makes sense to me as to such references thereof.
To the point in regards as to how a large dog is as well as a medium dog is though my preference for the larger dog as to my choices as to specific breeds being at a minimum weight of 55 pounds and upward, most who know the various breeds to such of the canine species probably can see the reference as to the personality traits of such breeds. However before going into those portions of which to take a look at the ways which such size comparisons as to the small dogs as to the medium and big dogs respond after abuses, which if the little dog survives such abuses in such comparisons as to the ways which they bite more quickly as to getting attention and they bark more often with such a high pitch squeal as to the ways which little dogs are more accustomed to being. When a little dog is abused it will shake in the corner and slowly come out though it will usually only be seen with the one it prefers, in comparison to ever getting closer to any other human being. A smaller dog that has been abused tends to look more saddened as to the cuteness of what some view as cute to such a type of breed when it has been abused than a larger breed looks, though it is far more quick to attack anyone and everyone in such comparisons and yips while there may not ever actually have been anything that triggered the smaller breed dog as the small breed dogs when abused tend to go after everyone and everything in comparison and act far more closely to the feline cat breeds more and more with each day from what I have noticed.
Medium and large breed dogs which have been abused tend to be more standoff-ish as to keeping their distance as to checking the surroundings in comparison to staying away from all such aspects, and after they have checked out the area as long as there is nothing which triggers the medium to large breed abused dog there is a slow process to which it comes out to see others. However if that medium to large breed dog gets triggered as to prior abuses then that dog usually will take itself to a location to stay away from all such possibilities of any type of trigger as any type of trigger to a medium to large breed dog which knows it’s own strength as well as knows as to it having been abused, will keep itself away from others as to prevent the damages as to the ways which the breed naturally is and does to begin with as a medium to larger breed dog will not bark or make a move without seeing the areas first as to whether it should defend itself or simply just stay away from others as most medium to large breed dogs that have been abused tend to not go near other species of anything unless there is a safety which it can actually sense in such comparisons as to prior situations.
In reference to medium to large breed dogs which have been abused they tend to keep and maintain their original personality traits more-so as to the friendliness, though they are a bit more standoffish in comparison to the quickness previously to get to know others as the ways when a puppy in such comparisons of which during the formative years of a medium to large breed dog is just as important as to all other individual breeds and species as to the ways which such situations can be noticed. Other medium to large breed dogs which have been abused tend to gravitate towards the other in such comparisons to the smaller breed dogs as they remain alone as to only going towards whichever aspects, whereas medium and larger breed dogs when they have been abused tend to make multiple attempts before going off to an area on their own as to the amount of abuses being the depending factors as to such situations. Any point in time as to any such type of abuse which occurred or tie to such abuse that occurred to begin with in such a medium to large breed dog will always go badly as there is not the way of which to ever reduce such portions as the scent is permanently there to which there will not ever be any reconciliation to such types of abuses, as the medium and large breed dogs do not handle well with such if they get to the point of having such a learned behaviour pattern from the other situations.
Medium to large breed dogs which have been put with smaller dogs and/or cats there is a reference to which when my biological father and my biological mother had two Miniature Schnauzers one being named Dotty and the other one I cannot remember its’ name, the bigger medium sized dog they had found named Sugar had begun integrating fairly easily as to the household until the problems which came when the two Miniature Schnauzers acted similarly to the two Siamese Cats from the #Disney Disney movie the #LadyandtheTramp Lady and the Tramp. When I noticed such and pointed that out to my biological father he claimed he could make Sugar like the household which I warned him only one or two situations would ever occur as to how the choices were made as if the choices were to constantly treat the two smaller dogs as though they were better compared to Sugar as to how protective that dog was able to be in comparison if there ever was a situation which was necessary for such, Sugar was either going to attack the two Miniature Schnauzers as my biological parents refused to correctly discipline such Miniature Schnauzers as they should have to which I told them both that Sugar would be able to kill those two with the greatest of ease if they did not pay attention to what those two Miniature Schnauzers were doing as I watched how those Miniature Schnauzers continued to harass Sugar needlessly or if Sugar was kinder she would run off and run away from the household and they would not ever see Sugar ever again as to the lack of proper care to the ways which Sugar had actually needed in comparison to what they thought they knew about domesticated dogs.
Shortly after several discussions about such warnings as to the ways which they repeatedly had needlessly and wrongfully made the choice to allow the two Miniature small dog Schnauzers to go after Sugar instead of actually protecting Sugar, I was told when Sugar had run off and run away from them at a gas station stop. While my biological father tried to say he did not care as he was giving Sugar a good home I told him that he did not do what was necessary for Sugar, he would miss her once he realized she was the only dog he actually ever had that cared within that entire household, and he would get to the point where he would regret each time he had the chance to have correctly disciplined the two smaller dog Miniature Schnauzers as those Miniature Schnauzers would constantly remind him of everything they had ever done which originally pushed Sugar to run away to begin with as there would be so many signs to what once was that it would cause a rage as to the Miniature Schnauzers as to which it should have to begin with. At first in the beginning portions of the time back then around the year s before I wound up in #WA #WAstsate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state he denied that I was correct the whole time, then a week or two went by and he began to get angry with the Miniature Schnauzers as the ways they had gotten underneath his feet unlike what Sugar did as to walking on the side and staying with a watchful eye. Around a month went by before the Miniature Schnauzer’s barking and yipping as to when they played in the backyard began to irk and annoy him repeatedly the ways of which he had been able to see how Sugar had responded, and after three months he started complaining about how much Sugar was a better dog than both of the two small dogs combined as their combined traits could not ever replace what Sugar and the type of dog Sugar had been.
When in the first days of such and having been asked what I thought Sugar had gone off to before he went on the tirade of claiming he did not care, I told him Sugar was picked up by a rancher type of family where the household kept a running area where Sugar ran around and played with other animals once she had become accustomed to where she was going to be as the length of time for her to adjust when being an only dog on a ranch farm was easier for her to handle than the constant aspects of the two smaller Miniature Schnauzers. He laughed saying that was not possible as the area was not near a ranch or a farm which was when I told him Sugar was the type of dog which would run through the trees where she was unseen by anyone on the road unless they knew what her type of specific breed combination had been, which then when such would occur as to about two or three weeks from the point in time as to such there would be a way which the people would catch Sugar and check if there was a microchip to see where she had actually been as he refused to believe me about microchipping and refused to get her checked the way she actually needed to be checked in comparison to him thinking because he trained guard dogs back in the 1970s and 1980s as to the similarities as to any further such a time; though why does that seem important as to other such aspects as to the years and Illinois as to my biological mother and my biological father as to my biological mother's sister Eddie/Edith Stanley once Eddith Smith as to such portions of my biological mother working in #Woodstock #WoodstpckIL #WoodstockIllinois Woodstock Illinois as to other such aspects?
I told him that when the microchip would be found the vet would call Sugar’s prior family and they would be excited that Sugar was found safe and healthy as she had ever been though the saddened aspects as to a situation within the family, which they would not be able to get Sugar from the location which of the distance she would have traveled would be far too large for them to handle as to such a point in time. I told him Sugar would be later checked on by such family members though they would not be recognized by Sugar at such a time as the ways which Sugar was having fun up to the point and the ways which when a dog’s chemical combinations when having fun change the ways they see, as to the ways Sugar would not have recognized the aspects of who she once knew. While I was laughed at yet again despite how many times I had been proven accurate over and over again by such a point in time as it was in the backyard of my house in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #TX #Texas #Texasstate #TXstate #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas when such a discussion occurred at my octagon glass top table with the green metal trim and matching chairs which also was the table with the sit-down situation once my biological mother and biological father arrived after the house sale in Illinois as to the situations while they had left me as the Legal Guardian to her, the laughter as to wishing I was inaccurate was always different than when the genuine laughter had been of which the knowing I was accurate laughter was what had been heard.
The facts of which to the situations regarding how such went as to the ways which the abused dog runs off and wants nothing to do with such people as to the ways of any type of needless trigger as to the ways of which such individuals have failed to see what actually is of importance in the correct way as per what their viewpoint of importance actually is compared to what actually is of importance, similarly can be seen in reference to the ways from abused dogs to the ways human beings can be. You cannot force someone who is abused to ever actually want to speak with you if you do not have the ability to actually be compassionate and truthful in person of which in the same regards as to abused dogs who will run off and run away from such abusive situations, there are not the aspects of which to force an abused dog to like or want to be around another individual. While some people who have thought as to the ways which taking a look at the humane society as to the requirements of lists as to the situations thereof as to what is considered as acceptable compared to what is not considered as acceptable to others who might look to adopt a dog as to such a situation, the ways of which many abused dogs will look over such aspects as to whichever human being might be looking in their direction though in such references as to what is considered as acceptable compared to what the actualities are as to such a location are the deciding factors thereof.
In reference to what one might see in reference to an adoption packet would be as to the levels of which the requirements as to a no cat household whatsoever, no children or no young children, and other such details as to what would be looked at for such aspects as to what is best for the abused animal as to what has been figured out by such situations. Thus in reference to when taking a look at the comparisons as to what is and what is not considered as acceptable to various situations as to human beings which have not been humane towards one another as much as some have claimed to be in the references to what standards depends as to such aspects, when taking the viewpoint of the metaphors as to what aspects regarding my biological mother and my biological father as well as my biological sister as to how such aspects were not ever theirs of any such point of any such comfort; how could any of the three of those people ever have any way to which I would ever find such comfort from any direct or indirect involvement from those individuals after their choices as to as simply within the year of 2000 when they flew into the #SATX SATX Airport to then meet my now dead-ex-husband knowing I was pregnant as well as having known of the points from my medical records chart, to ever think that would ever be considered as anyone I would ever trust or ever believe would ever have my best interests in mind compared to the realities of such viewpoints as to the psychological breakdown of such factors?
The answer is even if when sending them all of the books I had authored and compiled as to such times in the year of 2016 though not in the same ways thereof to the humane society portions though in the reference to as such in the regards of in the year now of 2021, there would not ever be an ability by their own choices previously as to any such type f free will trusting at any point in any time as to the combined portions of which their choices as to having orphaned me at such a crucial point in my life as to the overall aspects there is only the pop culture reference I can give as to a different point of view as to the #CIA #CIADad CIA Dad Show or #American #AmericanDad American Dad when Stan realizes that Francine was adopted as to learning of the details as to other portions of which upon learning such he sees what family she once could have been a part of though their choices as to how they did not care in the slightest as to what occurred as they had not even actually thought of Francine as to any such point in time until Stan went by to the house to speak with them. In such references as to the ways of such aspects as to when the realities of such in a reference to the realities regarding how the combined situations thereof later on, the realities of which those people would need to let it go as the ways they had let me go all of those years ago as to ever thinking as to them knowing what actually is best as they would hypothetically repeat the same patterns which they had already done to multiple levels of which would only push me away further and further from them of which hypothetically would even include being even more abusive needlessly to my son and my daughter as to which would in turn only push me even further away from them because of their failure to have ever seen that my son and my daughter were the only ones who had ever loved me and who I had ever loved as their Mom of which in turn there would not ever be any way for those people to ever cause harm to myself and/or my son and/or my daughter which would ever get me to want to or need to be involved with them because of their failure to have ever paid attention to the facts of which my son and my daughter were as they were to the times thereof though additionally if my son and/or my daughter willingly got involved with those people I would have to walk away from the situations as to the knowledge as to how my biological parents have been and would not be able to stand the sight of such atrocities at any point in time.
In the reference of which such situations as to the ways which others might view as to such regarding the humane society as to the ways of which my choices have always been my choices as per the facts of which the ways of having been technically orphaned as to such times and the lack of the need to ever be involved in a situation which the wrongful abuse would be needlessly continued, I could not ever see any dog within a #humanesociety humane society ever being interested in returning to a once abusive situation as I would guesstimate any such situations which have been notated as to what the situations once had been as to the dog refusing to be a part of and fighting to go away from such types of connections to the other way as to not ever needing such situations to ever occur again as if you actually have humanity then the reality of such sets into the picture of which there is not ever going to be any reconciliation as to those types of people or those types of situations. If I am inaccurate as to such situations in reference to my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister then I can admit my mistakes, however the reality of which as to how situations have been as to such times have not ever been a situation of which those people have ever been able to know me as to who I have been and quite frankly and quite honestly I do not want those people to know me in person or personally as to the lack of capability for those people to have ever admitted to me of their wrongdoings and as I would know they would only continue such needless abuses as to the ways which they had always been abusive to me. Again, fifth grade is a massively huge reference as to the medical care and the mistreatments completely.
As to the reference of which some animal people have thought as to if there is enough of someone’s scent that it would ever get them to change such a view, there is not the same way as to such aspects to ever occur when in reference to anyone who had already abused the animal as to the constant triggering of what once was and would not ever be a way which would ever be considered as good enough to make such occur. It would be picked up by the abused animal as only a false pretense and would be refused repeatedly as to the facts of such abuses would only be a constant triggering of which the needless problems would remain only as seen by such as fully abusive in all such ways, as to the facts of which only an abusive human being would ever treat another human being in the ways of which to treating an animal in comparison to having the intelligence to use such words and have discussions in person in all such comparisons as then the human beings who would do so would only become the animals they tried to domesticate as such human beings would become domesticated by the facts of which to ever think that would ever be acceptable to which would be along the lines of the small dogs and/or the cat type of situations which would not ever work to such. There is a difference between the psychology of human beings to the psychological viewpoints as to the ways such can interconnect and only abusive individuals would think such aspects as to ever making any such ways which to ever think would ever be considered as acceptable, as per their failure for any aspect which would be considered as justifiable to their abuses would still be the fact of their abuses are their abuses.
Thus people such as those associated with #NLB #NineLivesBooks Nine Lines Books in San Antonio Texas as to when those people had the Cat Sanctuary as to the females especially who refused to accept the fact as a dog person I could tolerate volunteering at the online store portions as to the times, though their constant annoyances as to trying to get me to be a cat person instead of a dog person continuously was problematic as to the amount of females especially who kept repeatedly coming at me as well as going after in reference to the teenager male as to Your Dad is Not a Captain situation as to the #JBSA #BAMC taking him and his girlfriend to the BAMC location while they tried to convince me that the Cat Sanctuary people were better than I had thought those people to be after the Kitty Litter STAT situation as those people thought those cats were more important than the bookstore that paid for the Cat Sanctuary to begin with. I cannot go into the annoyances of which such types of people who cared more about cats which they would not have ever been able to accomplish such levels of work regarding such if those people ever paid attention to the fact that the majority of the income the Nine Lives Bookstore was getting to pay for those cat sanctuary cats, was completely because of me and because of my work of which if there had been a problem with those crazy cat people as to the situations regarding the levels of which their lack of understanding as to the reality of how such financial aspects were for the cat sanctuary to begin with; all of those books which I had been able to be the one and only individual such people had ever seen to bring the used books to the store to begin with in comparison to #HalfPriceBooks #HPB Half Price Books; as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out through the numerical portions of the financial income as to that particular online sales portions thereof was only during the timeframe of when after I had cleared such energetic portions and began as to the online bookstore aspects, of which I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when I said I am a dog person who can tolerate being around cat people as to that being the only way I was going to give such a warning as to backing off and staying away from the one and only person who brought in the resources as well as had taken care of the resources to all such financial aspects of whatever financial gains were made at such times as I did not know what the financial resources were of the bookstore as I did not ever pay attention to the costs of what I had been taking care of as I was not the financial manager for the bookstore. Only the individual who was the financial manager for the bookstore and/or the cat sanctuary, were the ones who would know that I would guesstimate.
Why would it take a head injury to figure out the last thing I would ever look at regarding the books as to the price thereof, when the after effects especially at such a time in the years of 2006 through 2008 while still dealing with what I was dealing with as to the subarachnoid hemmorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury where I still only had been able at that time in those years of 2006 through 2008 having only been able to count up to ten? Does it take a head injury to figure out just because I can read and am literate does not mean the same portion of the brain is utilized, or does it take a head injury to figure that out? Thus does it take a head injury to figure out those crazy or I suppose I should write does it take a head injury to figure out those insane cat people who were in the cat sanctuary area could have just left me alone and accepted I am a Republican as well as a dog person, in comparison to constantly trying to ever get me to care in the ways that they had? Does it take a head injury to figure out if the finances dropped immediately at such a time after the situation which I had a right to recover as well as take care of my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to making sure my children were better as to having to deal with the death of their biological father, as well as does it take a head injury to figure out what I dealt with on #MilitaryCityUSA Fort Sam Houston as to the area in General Gillman's office was a little bit too much stress for one person at that time; or does it take a head injury to figure out that if those people simply left me to take care of what I had to take care of for my 7 year old and my 6 year old, that the situations could have been better in comparison to constantly bothering me needlessly because of their problems regarding their problems referencing cat sanctuary garbage?
Does it take a head injury to figure out those people pushed away the one and only person who had ever actually brought forward such a financial flow because if those people had just left me to be as myself regarding as a dog person, those aspects of which what I described above as to why I will not ever be interested in any type of cat ever if any such connections as to any problems afterwards to such a time as does it take a head injury to figure out that I am not a cat person at all? If any were offended as to the truth that #China China does not have random cats or random dogs running around in the street and they were upset by the truth about such, why would there ever be any need to blame me for what occurs in another country that I am not a citizen of as I was born and raised in the United States of America as does it take a head injury to figure out that not one of those females would ever have been allowed to ever volunteer or work or ever own a store or be in public in certain other countries if there was not the Armed Forces of the United States of America working to keep the various aspects in the military branches and divisions's work to keep the homeland safe as well as the #ConstittuionalRights Constitutional Rights? As there were several who were obsessed with #MaoZeDoong Mao Ze Doong and had thought of Mao Ze Doong as a hero to the aspects as they liked #TiananmenSquare Tiananmen Square ideas, does it take a head injury to figure out when I told them be careful what they do because they might just get exactly what they hoped for as to such aspects; as does it take a head injury to figure out that for those people to like what occurred in Tiananmen Square, they knew nothing as to the background of Mao Ze Doong and did not comprehend as to the facts of there is not the local police as it is only military and then branches and divisions of the military as to the #CCP CCP?
Did it take a head injury to figure out that many aspects as to the cat sanctuary would be viewed with disgust though as food being wasted as to any individual who had been a part of the cat sanctuary, as does it take a head injury to figure out that China did not have cats randomly or dogs randomly walking around the streets for a reason? If they were upset about my speaking with the animal control in Fort Sam Houston on the phone, why would such people be upset as to that phone call or anything else as to such times; as does it take a head injury to figure out that type of situation would be a modern day ground zero for the kickoff as to what Mao Ze Doong would have been as if in the modern era, as to the ways thereof?
I thought they liked the Democratic, I mean CCP as to such aspects as there is not any Democratic state or area which would ever allow any such type of a cat sanctuary the ways they were running such in those years; are they happy they could have such a situation as to the fact San Antonio Texas is now called Military City USA, as was that not what they wanted regarding their hero Mao Ze Doong? Who did they think he had actually been, in truth when reviewing military aspects as to the CCP? Admittedly, I am quite confused as to why they would look up to Mao Ze Doong and then have any problems with the facts of the military bases throughout the areas in the state of Texas though especially within the San Antonio Texas regions.
Is it irony as to CCP and Crazy Cat People as to the differences as to the Communist China Party, as to the kick off to such an oddity and irony?
