If read as to such aspects of my journal blog, depending upon one's religious spiritual beliefs as to the viewpoints as to such as to the regards of protection as well as to the references of sight as to the aspects of what are nightmares though also as to the differences of dreams and visions as there are differences.
In the years of the middle 1990s decades there was the situation where a child was being babysat as to a situation at the time and since I could see as to such aspects in the references regarding the timeframe as I have had such capacities as per the factors as to what others had done regarding the situations as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church's basement, as I warned in the timeframe of all of those board meetings as to what would occur as to such factors in reference to the original Pastor William Tennent as to the aspects where they fought to make such a historical location as per the ways they had chosen and thus as to seeing as to the timeframe of a child who had the aspects of where her parents were capable to put such aspects in the references thereof to the historical grounds as to a concern of mine as having been informed by General George Washington's spirit as to a sight that I had.
In the reference as to how her parents had put Reese's Pieces candies as to such aspects in the references as to the marker and/or someone who had known her as to the situations, the concern that I had from the sight of the marker as close as it was to the area repeatedly as to the aspects whereas how the situations were at the time as to such factors. I had been told by others as to how her parents were planning on buying her a car and parking it in the area, whereas I saw more importance for such aspects of her family than as to what others at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church were talking about as they thought of how they could get to know such aspects. The situations as to the timeframes whereas the pop culture references were becoming more as to the terminology in reference to popular culture as to such aspects as to the if factors, whereas my concerns as to seeing where the aspects were a situation during the timeframe before the time of the turn into the decade of the 1990s. The aspects as to a vision I had when I was in second grade and to where possible to prevent such furthered damages as to being capable to only prevent some damages as to lessening the amount of problems in the larger overall aspects, as best as I could.
It might not translate to much as to such aspects, though possibly in the long term into the longer terms into the longest terms as to such possibilities whereas to such factors as to the possibilities of betterment, as I had pondered as a child and into my teenager years as well as where I have noticed such as to as a biological adult. Sometimes where I have been capable to get further to such aspects as to the possibilities where such might have been considered as assistive hopefully as to such aspects, though as to my own concerns as well as my own self-critiques as to such aspects where each are as to their own worst critics. Thus as to such factors where the references regarding such situations as to having the capacity to notice as to the story of the female who walked along the beach and seeing a group of starfish as to picking up some to put back into the oceanic waters and then as to being asked by an individual as to "why would such ever be considered important as to how many starfish are along the beach?" I had remembered the storyline whereas for others it might not mean much though "for that one would make and could make more than just a small difference in the world."
The aspects where in my opinion as to how such possibilities as to more than one or two aspects in such factors as to the regards as to whose spirit I had seen meandering around the grounds, as to how saddened I was as to seeing such a young child roaming around on her own and as to having seen the multitude of spirits as I had from such a young age as to the aspects one day after church having went for a walk with General George Washington's spirit after having went to the normal spot for the time. I asked for his assistance as to not having seen such a sight before as to the length of time having attended Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to while I had seen younger spirits-ish as to such references, as to not ever having seen one as actual young in age as to how certain factors were/are as to such aspects. He had walked with me taking a review of the situation to see what I was referring to as to how he mainly remained in the office building at the time though after a few aspects as to how he was, as to such aspects.
When approaching the area as to the location as to having briefly spoken with her as to such times as to asking if her parents were truthfully as to such aspects, she sighed at me and nodded her head as to the aspects of the truth as well as her family. General George Washington's spirit had reminded me of a few factors as to other visions I had as well as other situations I had seen and thus as to seeing the Reese's Pieces candies as to such aspects where touching the aspects of as to a different vision that had been, and as to the aspects from General George Washington's spirit as to how he had listened to what both she and I had brought forward though as to such factors as to his viewpoint as to being much longer as to the grounds as to where to that timeframe as to other situations seen. Thus as to how such factors as to the references regarding the aspects of that timeframe as to that situation, I have written about such previously before though admittedly I have not ever spoken about such with anyone ever as to in person face to face in person in real life nor on the phone as to in any capacity because of such situations as to the aspects thereof as that seemed odd to me to bring such forward as to the aspects of discussion. While that might be odd to read in such aspects as to different discussions I have had throughout the years, that particular as to the references thereof as to the oddities as to my personal viewpoint to discuss as to while I have discussed multiple topics throughout the years and decades that is one particular situation among a few others where the aspects as to such seemed odd to me to discuss; as it is not something that probably would make sense to more, yet as to such aspects possibly would make sense in other capacities to others as to such overall factors.
The updates to my journal blog I had written a bit about such somewhere in the timeframe of the years of possibly 2020 or 2021 as to such aspects, just as if I remember correctly having written about such in "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such reference in brief.
The situations as to such when having discussed with General George Washington's spirit as to the visions that came forward as to the timeframe as to having walked the grounds with a multitude of times, the situations were as to such aspects as to what I could see. She had informed me of her parents and family as well as to such aspects of NEw York City to New Jersey factors as to several situations as to being after the year of 1993, and though as to such lack of my knowledge as to what other than as to such factors as to the situation as to February 1993 as to their family as to such if factors as to such situations as to my own considerations as to my knowledge of certain aspects well beyond just the aspects as to February 1993 as to such. The factors as to what I dealt with as to those who have told me they know how people are from New Jersey as to such wonderings now in the year of 2022 if as to such referencing a pop culture and/or multiple pop culture references, if as to such references regarding what signs as to the street signs and/or tollway signs and/or viewpoints as to the overall areas as to such references if as to such pop culture to the difference as to how the labeling of the movie Titanic was romance while I could not see nor understand such though as to such pondering of if factors as to the signs in reference to the aspects of the types of pop culture references as to the middle into the later 1990s as to such aspects of the actual videos and/or the aspects of what was shown as to the actual skyline.
In my opinion as to my knowledge as to the tristate northeast areas as to how New Jersey does not have a skyline, though has a New York City skyline view as to a massive distinctive difference for such to consider. The reality of being capable to see the New York City skyline from certain areas of New Jersey as well as from Staten Island as to such aspects as to a different viewpoint of the New York City skyline from Long Island, as when I went to the USCG #USCG location as to Mukulita #Mukultia #MukulitaNewYork #MukulitaLongIsland #MukulitaUSCG #USCGMukulita Beach as to where Hither's Beach acceess is as to the very tip of such as to the same size buildings as to the towers from Long Island #LongIsland #LongIslandNewYork #LongIslandNY fully as to the same viewpoints as to what I remembered from my childhood. However as to such a viewpoint as to the areas from New Jersey though most specifically as to from Liberty Science Center as to the Statue of Liberty as to the references as to the skyline evening viewpoint as to the towers being far different from that side of New York City, as to the difference where the viewpoint from Long Island as to that USCG lighthouse area being the exact same to a degree as the only difference as to such area as to the clear view of the Statue of Liberty #StatueofLibtery as I brought forward as best as I could previously. The aspects where the same type of binoculars as to the coin operated binoculars as to such aspects of sight from the Long Island USCG location as to the type as to from the viewing deck on Liberty Science Center's open area on the top floor as to the type of binoculars.
Throughout my drives as well as trips as to the overall tristate northeast areas as to making every attempt as to remaining as calm as I could while processing such on my own as to the aspects of such sights and sensations, as to the aspects where the attempts as best as possible for the moment I would arrive to see the evening skyline of New York City when driving the dealer license plate vehicle as to the timeframe of a new car purchase as to the aspects of the vehicle at the time in February of 2022 when I went to Liberty Science Center #LSC #LibteryScienceCenter at night and saw such aspects as to how much I had already attempts to remain as calm as I could. However upon that sight as to acknowledging the aspects of the timeframe as to the situations as to the overall aspects from taking such a proverbial toll as to such aspects, as to the work referencing my mural at the timeframe as to the latter apartment to February in 2022 as to when I went to take one small break as to just go dance and see people that would be as to capable to recognize as to such aspect after 2019 through 2022; as to the situation as to August 2022 before the aspects thereof as to my trips, to just process as few aspects while also getting the viewpoints of the colors needed to work on such aspects as to Bremerton Washington in the end month of July 2022 through to the timeframe when I went on my trip in September 2022 as what my plans were as to such aspects.
Nonetheless as to such aspects as to such assistances as to the factors as to the realms thereof to such overall viewpoints in such regards as to the aspects where I personally had not been to the Statue of Liberty though as to such references as to such hypotheticals, as to the situations referencing the aspects of the situations as to the middle 1990s regarding the Reese's Pieces as to such factors as to her family as to such differences as to my childhood. Thus as to the situations where I informed her spirit as to such aspects as to what I could see as to the aspects of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the grounds due to the situations that began because of the aspects as to the original Pastor William Tennent as to such aspects of the situations regarding the multitude of board meetings, the aspects where the situations as to pop culture references as to what I could see as to more than just the aspects as to that particular point in time in the 1990s.
I informed her spirit as to such aspects that I would assist such aspects as per General George Washington's spirit's request as to such regards as to the timeframe in the 1990s as to having seen more, and thus as to how I informed her spirit she would have to at random make attempts if as to such references regarding the aspects of if needed because of such sights as to the ways her parents and family would recognize such aspects for themselves as to such situations as to the best of my capabilities as to such references thereof. Her favorite movie was Bambi as she told me she liked the Disney Bambi movie's character Thumper the most as I agreed he was one of my personal favorites as to the aspects of, though the varying aspects as to the situations as to other factors. Whereas to such aspects of my choice to eat the Reese's Pieces as to where when I could return to bring such forward as to for the aspects of the knowledge thereof to such aspects of as to the next portions as to the work of such aspects, I found the largest bag I could find as to when I returned to the areas as to the aspects of situations of concern. Realizing upon such a time as to where the middle sized bag I could have picked up instead of the largest size bag as I saw the three different choices, I could see the reasons why as to such factors as to then in the 1990s though especially as to in the year of 2020 as to the Christmas timeframe.
Having been precautious as to such aspects as to seeing how if I was correct as to the concerns from the aspects of the combinations as to the Old Tennent Presbyterian Church aspects as to the 1990s after the 1980s as to the if factors as to such regards as to the combinations as to pop culture as to the if factors as to my books having been read, then as to such references as to my concerns as to such aspects as well as to the areas as to such regards as to the factors thereof to certain types of individuals as to various situations as to the aspects of if individuals went to the grounds as to ever seeing such as to the areas as well as the concerns as to such aspects as I saw when picking up the bag to take to the area and put in the location of the same spot I found the smallest bag. Then as to such aspects as to looking around the grounds as to the sights I saw as to where if I was accurate as to the if factors as to others either from Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and/or others as to those who I once knew as to such aspects as to depending upon the aspects thereof, and as the discussion as to with Gerneral George Washington's spirit with the aspects as to Caroline or Moose as to such aspects as to the references regarding such aspects of if factors as to the types as to grinding such candies to where the ingestion of such aspects.
However the caveat as to such regards as to upon the touching of the bag as to the caveat of opening the bag as to the scent that would be different than the aspects of most normal bags of Reese's Pieces candies upon such aspects, then as to the factors as to the inhalation of such factors as to the aspects of all such factors as to those who I could save from such areas as to the Biblical sorts of lacking better words as to such aspects in the references thereof to such hypotheticals as to those individuals as to such hypotheticals as to touching and then opening the bag. If accurate as to the sight of such in a vision as to then the inhalation of such different aspects as then to such vision as to grinding such aspects as to inhaling such factors as to all such for themselves as to such references of hypotheticals, as to then as to the if factors of ever thinking such would be as to how the reality where they themselves would be as to the inhaling and ingesting of such aspects well before any other hypothetical as to such factors unto themselves and into themselves as to such regards as to such reversing of such aspects officially.
If I am accurate as to such aspects of if factors as to the pop culture references as to those others as to such types as to "The Modern Day Book", then unto and into themselves as to all such aspects instead of any if factors as to myself and/or others as to any such chocolate aspects as to such aspects where all such situations would officially have been as to the upon touching the bag as well as upon opening the bag as well as upon inhaling the bag's contents. Thus then as to such aspects as to per grinding of such factors as to the releasing of such aspects as to those as to the grounds as to before any such visions if I was accurate as to such aspects in the references thereof to such individuals as to the hypotheticals thereof, whereas they themselves would then be incapable to distinguish the aspects as to whether they saw spirits and/or if they heard spirits as to the difference as to myself as to such lengths of time as to the decades as to how I have seen for such lengths of time though rarely brought such forward in the larger capacity.
Thus as to such if factors as to the hypotheticals as to if factors as to others, then as to how such if factors would be as to all such situations as to the #RevelatinsBible Revelations #BiblicalRevelations book as to all such as to those to come out of herself as to the if factors as to if a female I once knew as to such aspects having thought of such for herself as to ever thinking that would be as to such same aspects whereas the reverse would be as to such aspects as to the grounds as to such members as to throughout the centuries as to the aspects of such factors. Whereas I grew up being taught as well as educated as to such aspects as to those aspects and sights thereof, those as to not having such training as to the aspects whereas to such hypotheticals as to having done unto themselves as to such aspects as to the factors of if hypotheticals. Thankfully though as to the if factors as to my vision as to seeing such aspects of others as to the pop culture references as to the grounds as to the basement as to the markers throughout such aspects, as to then the references as to General George Washington's spirit having asked me for such assistance as to the aspects thereof to such hypotheticals of if factors as to any such timeframe after the year of 2020 as to my visit to the church as well as in the year of 2021 as to such references regarding such if factors
Thus all of those spirits as to the families of where I spent time as to my childhood and my teenager years would be removed safely from such aspects as to such if factors whether such bag of Reese's Pieces were kept in the exact location as I left it, though if as to such aspects of if factors as to any individual and/or group as to such aspects thereof as to such if factors whether they themselves ate such and partook of the chocolate aspects and/or as to any other such if factors as to the factors thereof as unto themselves as to such references as to those factors as to the state they would be in as to any hypothetical as to their envy of such and/or their pride and/or their haughtiness and/or their sloth and/or their lust and/or their greed and/or their gluttony and/or their vanity as to themselves as to any such hypotheticals as to such references thereof as to such aspects if the vision was accurate as to such references as to the factors thereof as to the protections for the original factors as to the congregants who were on my side of the aspects as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as Old Scotts Hall as well as the area that was the original grounds as to the original members of the congregation as to the timeframes thereof as well as the aspects of Neff Chapel as well as the other buildings to such references as to the overall as best as possible protections thereof to such references as to the respect of the Judeo-Chrisitan aspects as well as to such regards as to General George Washington's private office area behind the church as to such regards of if factors as to any such aspects as to the actual training as to such aspects of differences as per the hypothetical situations as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to individuals I once knew as to the aspects of if factors as to "The Modern Day Book" as well as the updates to my journal blog from the years of 2019 through 2022 of such if accurate references.
I suppose an oddity as to such factors in different capacities as to two main individuals I had met during the timeframe specifically as to my Medal of Honor Art Project #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtProjecttrip #MedalofHonorArtProjecttrips #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtProjectArtwork #MedalofHonorArtwork trips as to the specifics of as to one individual as to Mike Hershey as to the aspects thereof in reference to Hawk for such aspects of Restil Washington #Restil #RestilWA #RestilWashington as well as the military museum during such points in time, though also as to a reference if I recall correctly oddly enough after having published "Fail-Safe" earlier that year as to a storm situation of if factors as to the aspects as to the Montana Econo Lodge #Montana #Montanastate #MT #MTstate #MountainTimeZone #EconoLodge #Paradise #ParadiseMT #ParadiseMontana #Perkins #PerkinsPancakeHouse as to the window that cracked just as oddly as to such references in regards as to the piece in regards of when I was at The Lodge at Madrona as to the piece in reference to Ross around the month of May in the year of 2019 as I took a picture of the crack that had occurred inside of my apartment at the time of N108 as to such aspects before having to take the precautionary measures as to such other factors of if correct as to such aspects as to "The Modern Day Book" #ModernDayBook references as well as other such aspects as to my journal blog updates as to other such hypotheticals as to the if factors of my accuracy in such regards overall to such protectionary aspects as best as I could as then to the years of 2020 to 2021 and this year of 2022.
As to such clarifications, I have in tiny faery sized ways signed my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces.
However as to not being married as well as not dating anyone at this point in time as to such factors thereof as to the reality as to the situations currently in the year as to 2022, the aspects in such references regarding the aspects of the situations as to reviewing such aspects as to the timeframe as to the situations from the years of my updates as to 2019 through this year of 2022 as to the aspects of bringing forward such aspects forward as to the New Years #NewYears #NewYearsEve #CalendarNewYears #SecularNewYears #NewBeginnings.
As to the details thereof as to what I had briefly discussed in certain capacities though also as to such situations as to the facts of such regards as to the timeframes of before the year of 2000 as well as after the year of 2000 as per the situations oddly enough as to such factors as to when in The Lodge at Madrona #Madrona #LodgeatMadrona as to a notation I had made in reference as to my need to be capable to clarify the aspects of the specific timelines as before my Psalm Sunday #Psalms #PsalmsBible #PsalmSunday year of 2000 head injury to the timeframe post after my Psalm Sunday year of 2000 head injury as to my comprehension at the timeframe of the year of 2018 as to the year of #yearof2018 #2018year 2018 as to such situations I personally needed to get taken care of as to the knowledge as to the legal age factors as to my two children's legal ages as to the years of their birth as to such factors as to the requirements as to the legal names for the legal factors as well as the social security numbers for the legal aspects of others as well as the birthdates as to such references for such legal factors as to the references thereof for such aspects as to any hypotheticals as to the legalities of the requirements as to such references as to the legal factors as to such references thereof to such situations officially as well as to what I considered as common sense for all such legalities as to the requirements as to the clarifications and the verifications as to any hypotheticals as to such situations of if factors to such considerations.
Thus as to the aspects as to the hypotheticals as to how the reality of such situations as to the requirements as to such references thereof to such situations, as to the aspects of such factors as to the legal requirements of the verification processes for such paperwork aspects as whereas the paperwork to my children's biological father as to how he weas not a Sponsor ever as to such references as to how the legal paperwork as to only my aspects as to the differences as to such numerical portions as to such references to the requirements as to how much as to the knowledge only I would have as to such preventative aspects as to the if factors as to my children's biologicals not having taken such legal requirements to such considerations as to such hypotheticals as to such references thereof. In a phone call as to one of my children's biological's on their biological father's side as to ensuring they had the actual correct aspects as to such DNA aspects as to the fact they would have themselves to such DNA tests as to such references as to Grandma Nichols and such aspects thereof for such DNA #DNA aspects, the if factors as to such hypotheticals as to the if factors as to such if factors as to the requirements as to the differences as to what Grandpa Nichols had warned all of his children about as to the aspects thereof as to taking my warning seriously as well as to adhering to my advice as to such aspects as to what he and his friends had seen and learned of as to such factors as to what his eldest daughter had done to her husband as to what I was informed of later as to the year of 2001 though others had known as to such well before myself as Grandpa Nichols had informed me as to how many of the high schoolers from that timeframe knew of as well as to others in the neighborhood as to such aspects as to Fort Worth and even within the 12 others as to his siblings as to all of those aspects as to such factors to the conjunction as to such situations as to such if factors.
Thus as to the if factors as to my attempts to return to the northeast tristate areas as to the aspects of who I once knew as to others in such hypothetical references as to their claims as to ever knowing about New Jersey-ians as to such aspects of pop culture as to if they ever looked at the signs as to the signage aspects as to the references thereof, then as to such if factors as to their pop culture factors to such considerations as to whether such pop culture movies and/or pop culture television as to such references to the aspects of the images as well to know whether such was based actually in New Jersey or if such was based in New York and/or New York City and/or New York state and/or Pennsylvania as to such aspects because of the situations as to the if you did not drive those roads yourselves as to such continuous aspects as to whether such knowledge would be as to the requirement of driving those roads oneself to such knowledge and understanding as to what seemed/seems as common sense to me as Illinoisans had not paid attention to as I guesstimate as to such aspects as to the years of #yearof1998 #1998syear 1998 into #1999year #yearof1999 1999 and #yearof2000 #2000year 2000 #the2000s #2000years.
Thus as to the aspects as to this year of #yearof2022 #2022year 2022 as to such aspects as to attention to the details as well as the attention to the information as to learning the truth, then as to such if factors as to those types as to my concerns in reference to the Reese's Pieces candies as to such hypotheticals as to the difference of truthful knowledge to the difference to knowledge told about and to the levels of the information thereof to such differences as to the truthful knowledge in genuinity as to such hypotheticals as to pop culture references as to such shortened and condensed aspects of hypotheticals. In some ways, just as similarly as to how demographics are only one small portion of details as to the larger differences as to the aspects of genuine information as to such genuine knowledge from on the ground as to such regards as to the differences as to such factors thereof to such considerations as to the base from such knowledge.
Such clarifications as to the verifications thereof in genuine truth as to such knowledge in truth as to such aspects as to the with aspects, as to such regards as to the capacities as to such sight as to such visions as to such differences as to my comprehension as to such aspects as to how individuals throughout such timeframes have been nosey as to such aspects as to the situations in my opinion as to such factors thereof as to without the full knowledge as to such as to their thoughts hypothetically as to such dullnesses as to then the hypotheticals as to such references as to the knowledge that some might have needed before if they had paid attention as they should have from the beginning in my opinion. Then I suppose as to such aspects as to the factors as to what excitement would be considered as to such differences as in my opinion when as to such aspects as to the factors thereof, as to the differences as to what is considered as excitement to some is considered as boring to others as to the aspects as to the opposite viewpoint as to such materialistic types as to one individual's trash is another individual's treasure to be uncovered and revealed.
Where the situations as to the hypotheticals as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #OTPC #OTC #OldTennent #OldTennentPResbyterian #PldTennentPresbyterianChurch #Presbyterian #PresbyterianChurchUSA #FirstPresbyterian #FirstPresbyterianChurchUSA as to such youth groupers who had actually believed as to such aspects of director capacities as to the difference of whereas the directors of their own lives, as to such aspects capable to be seen in reference as to social media as to such differences I suppose as to such hypotheticals in a different reference as to such popping of such viewpoints as to the assumptions as to culture as to their own culture as to such popping and/or the aspects thereof as to such breaking through such pop culture references to progress forward in different capacities.
While I have modeled much and as to such aspects where I am appreciative of such images though as to the reality of not knowing pop culture references myself as to such factors, as to the regards of myself just being creative as to such references thereof as to my outfits as to my makeup and such aspects thereof to the regards of my modeling previously in the years of mainly #2010year #yearof2010 2010 through #2013year #yearof2013 2013 in the state of Texas as to such main timeframes as to all of my modeling as to such times as I had not traveled anywhere to be capable to do any modeling specifically other than within the state of Texas. As while I had went on one trip for my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 as another two times of two different trips to the state of Florida #FL #Florida #FLstate #Floridastate #FloridaSCUBA #FloridaSCUBADiving for my SCUBA Diving as to the addition as to one trip as to a family vacation for them as to such aspects for the first trip and the second trip only as to my SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving Diving work, as to such aspects as to the reality of such considerations as to the facts that the state of Texas #Texas #TXstate #TX #Texasstate can fit the entire state of New York #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NY #NYstate as well as the entire state of Pennsylvania #Pennstate #Pennsylvania #Pennsylvaniastate as well as the entire state of New Jersey #NewJErsey #NewJErseystate #NJ #NJstate #NJStrong #NewJerseyStrong within the geographical area as to the overall aspects thereof as to such differences to the size and the references to such aspects thereof as to common sense.
Thus as to how such factors to verify information requires in my opinion as to the verification if from one individual as to then a second individual would require a second verification as to that individual to ensure the truth being told as to such aspects, as when if in reference to such hypotheticals as to the if factors of one individual constantly reproving such aspects though if factors as to others as to their verifications would be required as well to such references to ensure such aspects of their capability to tell the truth for such aspects thereof to such common sense in my opinion as to the if factors' as thus as to such aspects of if I were to be spoken about as to another individual as to their background would need to be checked to be verified as well as to such aspects as to what their role as to such references regarding their background as to their patterns as to their choices, as to such references thereof to such two step verifications as to those individuals as to any such hypotheticals as to anyone ever speaking of me as to the requirements as to the equality of such aspects as to such if factors. Thus as to such if factors as to such individuals and/or groups as to their willingness to speak of such as to the aspects thereof then as to their willingness to be verified as to such clarifications as to such aspects fully as well as to such hypotheticals, and thus as to their clarifications as to ever speaking and/or writing of me as to making sure they themselves have suchg information correct about themselves in such capacities as to such fullnesses thereof as well as to such verification processes as to the equal and balanced aspects to such viewpoints to the clarifications as to such aspects.
Thus in such hypotheticals as to when capable to utilize such aspects of research as to myself as to the same aspects as to any and all others as to such reviews as to themselves as to such references as to such hypotheticals, as to verifying their accuracy levels as to such overall aspects as well as their clarifications as to such timeframes as to the references thereof as to such hypotheticals as to any such factors. Thus if anyone has ever contacted in reference to me, then as to how they themselves would need to be verified as to what their levels of accuracy as well as their levels of verifications for themselves as to such aspects as to the situations of if factors as to their patterns as to their choices as to such if factors as to such references as to the hypotheticals as to such choices thereof as well as their biases as to such if factors as to more than one verification as to such clarifications as to such hypotheticals thereof.
Thus in reference as to having had the capacity to ask General George Washington's spirit as to the references in regards of the individual as to the year within the decades of the #decade1990s #1990sdecade 1990s, as to the two step factor as to verifying myself as to such aspects thereof as to already having verified General George Washington. In turn as to in the aspects of real life as to whether in real life in person face to face in person in real life and/or as to such aspects of others as to such online factors as to the social aspects as to whether in reference to online social media aspects as to such aspects of the connections as to different types of social media platforms as to such opinions of mine where such aspects of life are interconnected such as how there are more than one group of people who use Facebook as well as use Fetlife in my opinion. The aspects where Fetlife has the capacity to be capable to post pictures and memes like Facebook has though in the posting character numbers more similar to Twitter #Twitter , the aspects of writing capabilities such as to Facebook #Facebook are not considered as a post as to the ways Facebook has as to the references where in Fetlife #Fetlife there are multiple areas to post a writing as whether a posting of a writing a to the profile area as to a different version of a overall CV #CV or resume #resume such as for a note or a journal or a whathaveyou and/or as to such aspects as to such forum posts as to having the capacity for open discussions as to the aspects thereof to such specific forum topics as well as private messages.
For the reference as to a social media platform called CafeMom #CafeMom as to where some similarities as well as to such aspects as to the factors thereof as to the way Fetlife is as to such regards in my opinion though a white background to the difference as to the black background, the similar aspects from what I remember as to such factors though as to the arrangements more similarly as to a possibility of a blogger type of format of viewpoints. In certain factors in my opinion as to that particular spirit as to the Reece's Pieces despite such aspects regarding the factors thereof as to certain double edged sword viewpoints possibly as to the timeframe now in regards of the overall combinations as to the year, as while I am not aware of their names as to such aspects as to a possible viewpoint as to such innocence maintained as to the aspects thereof as to such factors as to them having the knowledge of such individuals they have known throughout the years and decades as to such aspects from that point in time. They would know what friends were as to that timeframe and how such went as to such points in time as to such aspects as well as the various situations beyond the #February1993 February #yearof1993 #1993syear 1993 as well as the if factors as to having remained in Manalapan New Jersey #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJErseystate #NewJerseyStrong #Jersey #NewJerserian #NewJersian #Manalapan #ManalapanNJ #ManalapanNewJersey as to the aspects of 11 September 2001 though also such situations as throughout the timeframes since then and to and through such aspects as to this year of 2022, as similarly in a different capacity to who I knew as to my Big Blood Brother as to such aspects as to that child as to such references as to such situations as to while some aspects as to the other factors as to the larger overall as to such viewpoints to such considerations.
Whereas I was made fun of for being a prude for much of my life as to the timeframe from around the year of #yearof1992 #1992syear 1992 as to where I grew up being around and going around as well as the various individuals as to their ages, in some factors as to the if situations as to such viewpoints as to if either aspects as to my Big Blood Brother and/or as to such aspects as to the female regarding the aspects as to the Reese's Pieces #ReesesPieces candies possibly as to while how he was as to such aspects though as to the different viewpoint as to the candies aspects as to an additional viewpoint of such factors in reference to my choices as to the references as to whether regarding my modeling and/or performances and/or aspects as to my social media choices in such references as to the hypotheticals as to respecting such aspects as to the best of my capabilities while protecting and defending where I could and how I could as both sets of the families would be capable to remember what each were interested in as to such aspects of the times. While the regards as to the respect to General George Washington #General #GeneralGeorgeWashington #GeneralWashington #Washington #WashingtonDC #Washingtonstate #WADC #WAstate and the history thereof as well as the honor as to such regards, possibly as to such references as to the viewpoints as towards finding betterment as to depending upon such viewpoints as to a different viewpoint to such aspects thereof.
I still see the 10 Commandments #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter #10CommandmentsareImportant #10CommandmentsRImportant as important, possibly a bit more now than I ever had before as to what the viewpoint of such aspects might be considered as to such.
Similarly to the internet as to a reference metaphor to my Medal of Honor Artwork, there are only a few websites I have listed as to the overall size of the internet. Similarly to the metaphor my signature(s) mas to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces, are teeny tiny as to such aspects as to such faery sized aspects as to finding such details.
Each just needs to know truthfully, exactly where to look to find such minute aspects.
I suppose a bit of a different reference to such oddities, as a bit Sailor Moon #SailorMoon #ButterflyMoon to a degree as to such aspects as to the ways thereof as to the glittering design when Sailor Moon transformed. I had to ninja my way to be capable to watch Sailor Moon as a child, and I suppose that would be a different metaphor to consider as to the pieces thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as possibly a bit of a different reference that could make each aspect smile as to some fonder and happier memories.
By the way as to such a metaphor, what size would DNA be as to such references?
