In Greco Roman Latin the reality of the Roman Numeral system is a mandatory factor to learn as to when taking Latin 1 classes as to the aspects of which I learned Roman Numerals before taking Greco Roman Latin as to my biological father having been certified by the School of Bulova as to the style and type of watches, as to the aspects of being capable to work upon. In regards as to whether as to a military/law enforcement type of SCUBA Diver compared to whether a civilian recreational SCUBA Diver as to the reality of each individual needing a SCUBA Diving watch as to such aspects to keep track of time in the aspects thereof to the additional factors as to whatever depth gauge as to the first type as to the aspects of the SCUBA Diving gear, as to the situations thereof to such references. I have detailed the briefest aspects in discussion as to my beginning of my SCUBA Diving as to my discussions in person face to face in person before the aspects as to the brief aspects as to my first book "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/Compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as then I went into some of the same details while naming some species as to the aspects of my three volume book series in facts as to "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" with the preceding factors as to my legal widow or for better viewpoints as to my SCUBA Diving legal last name as to the aspects of my 26 earned SCUBA Diving certifications in total as to my personal work before as to more in depth as to the factors of the additional aspects as to my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to the clarifications and verifications percentages to the on land portions above sea level as to the percentage above the range of 95% for my clarifications and accuracy levels as to the seriousness as to the situations in reference to my personal experiences below the waters whether in the oceanic waters and/or the fresh waters aspects as to the various situations as to the references thereof as well as to the accuracy as to such levels as to the aspects as to the reasons for NASA as well as the situations of Space X and Blue Origin in conjunction to the formation of the US Space Force as to such references for those who have seen the clarifications as to such references in regards as to what levels of accuracy rating as to such references. While in my own review of myself as to my requirement as to the 95% as to the situations which others accuracy as to the minimum of 85% though as to the reality of such curve aspects as to either all at the 95% as to such regards or all at the 85% rating as to such mandatory accuracy levels as to all such factors as to the references thereof to the on land above sea levels for such accuracy regarding my life as to the clarifications and the verifications as to what I have brought forward as to what has been capable to be found.
Obviously the higher the reference as to such to the percentage as to the aspects as to the minimum requirements as to the percentage of accuracy rating situations as to the clarifications as well as the situations as to what was/is known as to the update portions as to the levels I recently brought forward, as to the factors thereof to the clarifications and the verifications. In turn as to the references as to what I have dealt with as to from the point in time as to the aspects of my having been involved as to earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as I explained as to my background in the briefest capacity as to having went swimming in the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters out to the buoys and back to the shoreline as to such proof in the references thereof as to the reasons why additionally I took my SCUBA diving work seriously as to knowing my life as to such aspects as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as to the situations I was dealing with simply by that point in time.
Then I landed at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico in front of three males and 2 females from the United States of America when SCUBA Diving as to those types as to the recreational SCUBA divers as to the comparisons as to my personal style of SCUBA Diving as to the references thereof to the ironic portions as to the if accurate aspects as to such references, in regards as to the situations as to the stereotypes as to whatever aspects of the patterns of behaviour as to what was found as to the references thereof as to such lengths of time as to however long those individuals have been using technology in the socialized way as to the comparisons as to myself as to the reality of what I personally have had as to my childhood and my teenager years in such comparisons as to the 1980s and the 1990s as well as what I have dealt with after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the facts which as to when being involved with SCUBA Diving as to earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as I told the individuals thereof in truth as to my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to such references as to my issues with technology as to the aspects as to the Geek Squad as well as Best Buy as to the accidental warranty plan situation as to the 13 laptops as to such situations which as to the break as to such references as to the waiting period as to the aspects of being capable to get the accidental warranty plan for myself again as to such references because of what proof I have brought forward as to the individuals as to such hypotheticals as to the technological aspects of such situations. Thus as to the aspects thereof to which the 201 Project as to such references regarding those types of individuals as to the types who have not taken SCUBA Diving seriously as to the civilian recreational types of SCUBA Divers as to the differences as to Civilian SCUBA Divers which actually take SCUBA Diving seriously as to such references; the aspects as to the Georgia Guidestones as to the acronym of GAGS as to the reference thereof, take a look as to the rules in the references thereof to the additional factors as to the importance as to the 10 Commandments.
The spiritual review as to the breakdown of the address: 1031 Guidestone Rd NW, Elberton, GA 30635
* 131 as to the timeframe of the year of 2018 when I had learned I completed 131 completed pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork in the northwest of the United States of America as to the starting point
* El as in El Shaddai
* Ber as to the coldness of the waters within the depth levels as to the deep areas as to SCUBA Diving whether in reference to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as to the factors as to the aspects I had wanted to go SCUBA Diving in Alaska during the Aurora Borealis as well as how I created my beginning portions as to the Underwater Travel System well before I had been involved with SCUBA Diving as to the reference of Governor Christine Todd Whitman as to my ocean poster for the references thereof prior minimally as to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to such references
* ton as to tonnage weight as to the aspects of submarines and naval vessels
* Road as to the underwater roads as to my knowledge of such ley lines underwater from my work
* 30 odd 6 as to my support of the Second Amendment as to the references as to in the correct capacities of maintaining and sustaining correctly the aspects thereof to such firearms
* 35 as to the number of 8 as to my first published books and/or the number of 8 as to infinity as to such references
Thus as to the aspects in the references thereof which remember I had not learned about such until around the year of 2020 as to the aspects of the Georgia Guidestones for such clarifications:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
In reference to rule #1 "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.": What is humanity as to SCUBA Diving as what would translate otherwise to the acronym as to the GAGS aspects, if individuals have needlessly played games as to the factors as to such as why would there ever be as to such references if any individual had played needless games as to other individuals SCUBA Diving gear and/or others had needlessly caused problems as to any such aspects on purpose and/or as to the references as to the situations as to the UHAUL portions of which to my SCUBA Diving gear for another example as to the situations as well as to the Rescue SCUBA Diving course I personally assisted with to which the individuals made the choices as to such as I stood against as to the requirements of which I personally brought forward in my three volume fact based book "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to such aspects of how the rescue should fully go through as to such aspects in each capacity thereof as to the fullest portions as to what is considered as humane as well as what is considered as responsible in such references to what humanity is and what humanity is supposed to be in comparison of ever needlessly playing games. Thus as to such factors of what is considered as humanity in the references thereof as to the 10 Commandments as well as to such factors in the specific references to such aspects, as to the attachment aspects as to the references thereof as to the reality of what humanity actually is.
In reference to Rule #2 "Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.": Since I have put forward my personal books as to my personal experiences of which automatically as to my legal copyrights as to "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" in all such factors thereof as to the references which extends as to the aspects as to the one and only who would actually be capable to teach such aspects in the correct capacities thereof though only in reference as to in person face to face in person because of the SCUBA Diving techniques as to within the waters as to the comparisons as to what prior aspects might have wished to think as because of the aspects as to my childhood as well as my teenager years as to the references as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications in such references regarding such aspects as to the references thereof as to the proof as to my SCUBA Diving tank air pressures as to the references of which to each of my SCUBA Dives per the timeframe of the year of 2009. Thus as to the facts in such references as to the updates portions as to my swimming in the Atlantic areas of the oceanic waters as to December 2020, in the year of 2021 multiple times as to the aspects thereof in the winter months, in conjunction as to the January/February timeframes as to the year of 2022 because of the locations as well as the current strengths as to the factors in reference to the knowledge from my personal experiences as to the actualities of the depth levels as to the temperature aspects in the references thereof to the situations as well as my knowledge from my experiences as to what the current situations as to such depth levels of which the strength as to the capability to withstand such aspects as to the specific depth levels as well as maintaining buoyancy in such references as to the fitness aspects in such regards to the considerations for the references to such facts proven without any hesitations as to what individuals who were/are not SCUBA Divers would be capable to see as to the on land portions as to the aspects of which the prevention of such needless problems as to the hypotheticals as to the technological background aspects as to the depth gauges as to the references thereof to any such individual SCUBA Diver as to the reasons why photoshop is considered as breaking the 10 Commandments in each capacity thereof in all such references.
In reference to Rule #3 "Unite humanity with a living new language.": The aspects of a new language whether as to the aspects as to when I refer to whichever book I have authored/compiled and/or in reference as to my journal blog The Ornery PSA and/or whether in reference as to specific reference points which each individual paying attention to such factors as to the references as to a universal language as to whether in regards of on land above sea level, in the oceanic waters as to the if factors as to my teaching such aspects as to those factors mandatory portions of which only I could do so as to such references to my creation of the Underwater Travel System, and/or the aspects as to the space portions as to the situations of such knowledge and understanding as to such references to progressing forward as to such factors in some reference aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof as to such situations of which then as to the depth levels per discussion as to the references thereof as to the specifics of such reference points as to the clarifications and references of such verifications thereof to such aspects of accuracy to the hypotheticals.
In reference to Rule #4 "Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.": Faith as to what was unseen by others as to the length of time whether to the above sea level on land as to such references to the Big Blue Book also known as the Blue Book Project as to my childhood as well as my teenager years most specifically as to Indiana in the year of 1999 as to the aspects of Irving in the year of 2011 as to the additional situations as to specific film as well as digital pictures I have taken on land above sea level, though the conjunction as to the aspects of what I have seen in person face to face in person when swimming as a child and a teenager as to the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving later on to such points in time as to the comparisons as to the depth levels as well as the distances as to such proof thereof to the accuracy levels as to the on land above sea level as to my accuracy as to what would be known to others in such comparisons as to the aspects of the accuracy levels in the comparisons of which I have not officially been informed as to my accuracy levels in such references. However as to such in regards as to tradition being considered as important, as to what levels of such as to the traditional factors as to what is considered as tradition in truth and genuinity which in some references as to the aspects thereof to such references as to the situations as to the aspects of what I have discussed as well as wrote about though the factors as to the gender roles as to the explanations in "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as well as other such references as to the hypotheticals as to the fiction based genre books series as to the hypotheticals as to the accuracy levels thereof to such references as to the references thereof as to such aspects as to the situations thereof. Then as to passion in such references as to what is considered as passion or in the additional factors of the technological aspects as to what is considered as compassion as to portions or the com aspects as to the communication factors as to compassion aspects as to taking into consideration more than one aspect as to considering more than one side as to the knowledge each individual is going through more than one situation as to the consideration as to the levels thereof to such dealing with situations as to the levels of such compassion for such references thereof, as to the reality of in truth as to the levels of what can be proven as to the factors thereof as to the compassion aspects. Thus as to the temperance in such references as to the aspects of which taking the time to maintain oneself as to the actual evaluation as to making sure as to prior to posting such references, though having to remember to the truthful portions thereof as to the timeframe as to such a posting as to the timeframe as to the information posted about as to the aspects of the distinguishing as to whether clearing up aspects as to the explanations of emotional aspects or of feelings or of biases or of whatever portions thereof though in truth as to such references as to the aspects as to the reality of such situations as to the knowledge in the references of the 10 Commandments as to such factors.
In reference to Rule #5 "Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.": What is considered as fair laws as to the references thereof as to the requirement as to a universal acceptance as to such factors in the references thereof, as well as to take into consideration as to the regards as to the levels of protection in such references as to ensuring for life to thrive as to such aspects while keeping such in mind as to the clarifications and references thereof to the actualities as to such considerations. Thus as to just courts as to the rulings thereof as to the actual acknowledgement in truth of such references in all such capacities thereof as to the knowledge now in the year of 2022 as to such references as to the clarifications capable as to such regards as to the choices made as to such hypotheticals thereof with the aspects of such references as to the combined factors in full as to the regards as to such aspects, of which in turn as to the situations as to the SCUBA Diving aspects as to the reality of which such references obviously go from the oceanic waters to the space factors of which in turn as to if there have ever been any UFO aspects which went into the oceanic waters that were not capable to be retrieved as to the knowledge thereof as to such aspects and/or the possibilities of before the point in time of science and technology to the comparisons as to such thought process as to the references thereof to such regards as to the situations of the areas as to the oceanic waters to such references to the considerations within the 10 Commandments aspects in full as to such references. Actual equality in truth, as to the levels as to the accuracy aspects as to such clarifications through such references as to the hypotheticals thereof as to such regards as to the situations which I have been working on the updates as to the timeframes as to officially since the year of 2019 as to such factors.
In reference to Rule #6 "Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.": I believe the terminology of world wide web is one aspect as to take such into consideration as to the aspects of such situations for the considerations as to the reality of such factors, of which in turn as to the situations as to whatever was posted online before the year as to my beginning such updates as to the year of 2019 as to my right to my rebuttal in such references as to the length of time as to such hypotheticals from the years prior to when I wound up in Washington state in the year of 2013 as to the timeframes as to the in between portions as to the year of beginning such updates as to the year officially of 2019 as to such factors as to my acknowledgements thereof as to the clarifications in turn as well as to my right to write about my emotional aspects as well as my opinions as well as my biases which would include such references as to my Official YouTube Channel as to the aspects thereof to the preferences as to actual discussions in person face to face in person though as to the if factors as to the lack of possibility of the in person face to face in person as to my right as to the lecture portions as to the situations through my Official YouTube Channel as to such factors as well as through my social media accounts as to such references for my rights as to what others may have known in the comparisons thereof as to my rights as to my own defense as to such aspects in the conjunctions thereof as to the hypotheticals as to the situations as to throughout such lengths of time through the 1980s into the 1990s as to the 2000s as to the 2010s into the 2020s as to the aspects of which to take into consideration as to the fact I was born and raised in New Jersey and went to the various overall areas of the tristate regions as to the aspects of differences to the lengths of time as to the references thereof as to such to my rights as to the aspects in such references as per my usage of temperance as to the reality of whatever length of time as to the initial situation as to the timeframe of putting such online as to the aspects thereof within such levels of such rules as to the 10 Commandments in conjunction as to the Georgia Guidestones as to such clarifications and verifications as to such hypotheticals of others' feeling as to such aspects as to my rights as to express my viewpoints in the references thereof as to my beliefs/opinions/emotions/.biases/etcetera as to such length of time as to the differences thereof to such factors as per my choice as to such aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof as to the length of time as to the differences regarding other individuals as to the situations thereof to such factors of what proof of such aspects as to the ways of which would be considered as fair and just courts as to the references thereof to such lengths of time.
In reference to Rule #7 "Avoid petty laws and useless officials.": In such regards as to the aspects depending upon the viewpoints as to the governmental aspects of what is considered as the government as per such aspects depends as to such references I suppose, though to such proof as to the clarifications as to such references as to such factors thereof regarding the situations to the consideration as to what proof as to the prior timeframes as to such points in time now as to the aspects of which as to though I have reached out as to such references as to the ways of such situations as to since the beginning officially as to the update aspects in such references. In turn as to how many individuals I personally reached out to as to the in person face to face in person as well as through the online portions thereof as to such references, as to the aspects of which to such references regarding the situations as to who would there be for me to ask at this point and yet having been open enough as to such factors as through the references thereof to such situations as what importance is there to communication? I suppose when as to such factors it depends as to the truthful portions as to the clarifications as to the verifications thereof in such references which as to the regards as to the civilian sector as to such references for certain aspects though as to the connection points obviously as to the military/Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such treaties as to the situations thereof in conjunction of the local/state/federal law enforcement as well as the fire department and EMS factors, then I suppose as to the situations of which such aspects as to reaching out to me in such references as to my To Contact Form as to the aspects thereof as to invitation aspects as to the references of such aspects of discussions if I have not already reached out in such regards as to the return contact as to such references in such regards possibly. However as to my view as to the differences as to what is considered as to my view of life being important, because of my own personal background as to such factors as there in my opinion is an importance for more than just one or two aspects as to life as to the clarifications of such aspects as to the review portions of which this timeframe as to COVID as to being capable to review such aspects of in reference to "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to the aspects of which individuals I once knew in person face to face in person taking into the considerations as to such situations as to what I dealt with in the conjunctions thereof, as to the review as to such aspects as to the comparisons as to what I personally dealt with as to the references thereof to such factors as to the judgments individuals had made as to such points in time as to the clarifications additionally as to other factors which I had remained silent about because of the aspects of knowing the situations were far more in detail as to the aspects of attempts to explain such as to the length of time as to such factors as to the amounts of situations in the combinations thereof as to such factors. I suppose as to the timeframe from March 2020 as to the ironic portions as to March 2013 for such review aspects as to the situations as to the prior points in time as to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as well as the after portions of time as to March 2013 through to now in such references to the update aspects of such considerations as to the culminations of what I was dealing with in full, each can think about whether such judgement calls as to those points in time as to the knowledge thereof to such aspects of the updates as to the clarifications as to the levels of accuracy as to such reviews of their own choices as to such references as I ponder my own choices as to such despite the factors as to the situations because of the way I judge myself constantly as to such factors despite what some might think. The reality of such amounts of information as to my updates as to the knowledge unknown to some as to the aspects of my thoughts in silence and/or when speaking as to my thoughts as to my own internal reviews of myself as to such aspects, as to the review as to such amounts of details as to whichever years thereof to knowing me in person face to face in person as to what aspects as to how I remain the same as to such factors thereof to such aspects of the clarifications and verifications. I am still a Mom, which translates as to despite the facts thereof to knowing and understanding and comprehending despite such factors as to still caring about my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to being their Mom.
In reference to Rule #8 "Balance personal rights with social duties.": In the current timeframe as to my personal rights as to my Constitutional Rights to such additional Amendments as to the aspects thereof to such factors as well as to the fact which as to reviewing other such aspects as to the situations as to the social parts as to the depending what one considers as social duties as to this point in time, as to such updates as to such clarifications and verifications at this point in time in truth. As to the aspects of while the reality of not being in a relationship of such types as to the aspects which the situations of to make attempts as to clarify as to such aspects thereof as to make attempts as to not burden others as to the aspects of such aspects because of such prior situations I have dealt with, as to the aspects of which as to this point in time as to the limited aspects as to such factors of my going out as to the additional aspects as to my pain levels in such references despite my attempts to get such aspects taken care of as to the regards as to my medical poritons in the references thereof and thus because of the additional aspects as to the attachment to my Medal of Honor Art Project in such references to the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker collection as to the toll such has taken on me because it is nothing exactly alike or similar to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to how it is completed as to the aspects additionally while similar in only some ways as to the aspects thereof as to Dr. Mery Edwards Walker's Medal of Honor itself as to such references as to the aspects of each other piece being completed in an extremely different capacity thereof to such references as to the other names/references to such factors because of the aspects of the combined work as to such references. Thus as to the additional pain levels as well as the knowledge for the example of Harriet Tubman as well as Washington's Mom as to the facts of the amounts of females as to the amounts of males as well, as to the extreme differences as to the aspects thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the energetic portions thereof as to such references In conjunction as to certain individuals as to the reference of the name aspects of which as to each per letter per name as to the aspects of the length of history as to female's involvements as to such historical aspects as to the length of time as to the history/herstory of the United States of America, as to the varying degrees of such aspects which as to such levels of work as to which is far different than what my Medal of Honor Art Project as to such factors to the considerations thereof which has been extremely heavy for me as to bearing such aspects. Thus as to such factors as to the pain levels in conjunction as to the raised factors as well as to such situations as to what I have dealt with and what I am processing as to the combinations thereof to the larger capacities as to such references, in a different capacity thereof. As to how the situations as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to barely being capable to describe such portions as to such references, then as to the aspects of the situations as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker collection as to the attached portions to as to the situations as to the difficulties as to the amounts of work as to such factors for me as just me. Thus as to social responsibilities while taking care of each other individual aspect as to such references additionally, as to the aspects of such levels which as to the aspects of situations which to my updates as to the situations for those reference points of what the situations as to dealing with such factors as to the aspects thereof to consider.
In reference to Rule #9 "Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.": In some references as to the ironic portions as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to the references thereof as to the aspects in such references to the infinite aspects as well as to such factors as to the historical references as to the background aspects thereof to the combinations as to the social responsibilities of such factors as to the considerations, though as to the harmonious aspects as to the references thereof as to taking care of such work as to the pieces thereof as well as the balancing as to the aspects of the pain levels as to the additional portions as to what I have dealt with as to such aspects of which the balancing portions on my own in such references as to the levels of as to such situations as to the considerations. In reference to truth as to such regards thereof, I do my best to always clarify as to the difference to the genre as to the difference to parable to the difference to hypothetical as to such factors of if whatever references as to the usages thereof as to the portions of such experiences as to the references thereof for the aspects in truth as to the clarifications thereof to the best of my capability. Regarding beauty, I suppose that depends as to what someone considers as beauty in such references as to the aspects thereof in such regards. I know the saying is beauty is in the eye of the beholder, though the aspects thereof to such definitions as to the factors of such references to the situations depends as to what is considered as in truth. Love as to accepting oneself is one aspect admittedly as to the comparisons as to the love within the capacities of being a Mom regarding my son and my daughter while the other factors as to love in reference to concern about acquaintanceship/friendship aspects as to the difference between love as to a relationship in those particulars thereof to that type of a relationship. In reference to the fact my children are biologically above the age of 18 years old each as to such aspects, as to the situations as to such points in time additionally, as to the best I can possibly do as to such references. In regards as to the aspects as to acquaintances as to such aspects as to the factors thereof to friendships in a similar factor as to such points in time, in the realistic aspects of such references. In regards as to the other aspect as to love as to relationship situations as to those particular factors as to the dating portions thereof as to such situations, that capacity thereof as to such references as to the if factors as to if I ever actually get involved as to such aspects in that particular capacity. Despite as to my involvement in the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle though such aspects of what is and should be as to consent as to the reality thereof as to such factors as to the if situations thereof whether or not as to dating in my opinion, however as to the reality of such aspects of which individuals as to the online dating as to whether they have been as to one individual as to such factors as to this point in time or if they have scattered themselves as to such aspects depends as to the situations depending as to how each has seen the references as to the COVID portions. Thus as to the aspects hypothetically as to judgements as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as whether to the Swinger portions and/or the BDSM aspects as to the hypothetical different viewpoints as to the length of time from more officially as to the March of 2020 as to the references thereof as to COVID as to the comparisons as to the numerical portions as to such updates as to the references thereof, as to such viewpoints as to what judgements as to the in person face to face in person as to such comparisons as to the hypothetical viewpoints thereof as well as the ethics as to such factors as to the considerations as to the morals as to how such was dealt with per individual as to such factors as to such prior relationship aspects as to such review portions thereof to the references. Thus while some may have sought out relationships as to that particular capacity which I do not deny having looked at individuals having remarked in my thoughts as to murmering of attractiveness, the differences as to whether or not I actually progressed as to such is the specific difference of which there has not been a point in time which I actually enacted upon such aspects in the capacities thereof to such points of a specific as to a serious relationship as to the points in time as to the aspects of since the COVID portions as to March 2020 because of the reality of what it takes for me personally to be capable to. In turn as to the aspects of such minute portions as to such references as to the aspects of what I personally consider as to such aspects, as to my personal focus upon my work as to such aspects instead as to the importance of such aspects for me as well as for my work as to such references. Knowing myself as well as knowing what I personally require for myself as to a relationship in that particular capacity thereof as to the differences as to such references as to the timeframes as to such factors, as to the if situations as to the aspects of such references as to meeting the specifics as to such minimum aspects as to the factors thereof. In turn as to the situations which as to remembering portions of the prior points in time as to the reality of which as to the if factors as to those individual aspects of such situations to the contact of me in such comparisons as to the other way around as to the reality of such factors, in the comparisons as to my personal opinion as to such aspects thereof; however as to the plausibility of a new relationship aspect of the if factor, as to the situations of how if such aspects were to be as to the ways thereof to such a point in time. Thus as to while it would be great to such an if factor, the reality of such situations as to what aspects for my personal needs as to the requirements thereof as to that sort of aspect would be as to such initiative in honesty, though as to such levels thereof to my work as to my knowledge as to the aspects of what I personally take care of as to the situations which that would require a bit of a difference regarding the approach factor in respect and etiquette to such standards as to the in person face to face in person aspects as to how I view the dating situations in the comparisons as to how some individuals have the sensation of ease as to the online portions in the comparisons of myself. Admittedly though, I might be considered as a bit more shy than some might assume of me in a reference or two as to such factors.
In reference to Rule #10 "Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.": As to my attempts as to what I remember from childhood as to making such better than originally received if possible as to such factors as to the aspects thereof as to the overall portions which in the references while might be considered as odd to certain aspects of which to the references thereof, a reference as to the situations of prior locations of apartment complexes as to the knowledge of sizes of the overall capacities of the females as to the office area as to such regards of clothing for them as to the aspects of the if factors as to such regards similarly as to the situations as to if the knowledge as to the other factors as to the resuable aspects as to taking into consideration as to the males as well as to such factors in the comparisons as to what might be considered as different because of the knowledge as to situations to individuals I have known in prior locations as to other connection points of which seems to me if in the reference of temperance aspects as to the situations of being considered as better though as to the aspects of what the opinions as to such I suppose differs as to such regards depending upon the viewpoint. For the example as to before my transfer as to an outfit I found though seemed more appropriate to clothing of a female more specifically as to what seemed more up her alley as to situations as to the comparisons as well as the situations regarding the aspects of the COVID situations regarding as to how the timeframe as to such reference points, of which seemed more ideal as to her style despite the initial viewpoint when I had purchased such aspects. In another reference as to the aspects of two small pieces of furniture as to the aspects which seemed ideal as to the two other employees I had met as to their own backgrounds as to the usage as to such aspects in other references as to the comparisons as to simply just leaving without any such concern, as to having spoken with such individuals as to through the point as to such initial move in aspects as to the timeframes thereof to the point of the transfer. If I was inaccurate as to such aspects then my apologies as to such references though as to the aspects of such payment situations, though as to the aspects of my personal viewpoints as to the references thereof to such aspects of the recyclable aspects in such comparisons as to the aspects of waste in my opinion. Though possibly not considered as normal as to the smallness of such aspects, to the reference portions as to my personal viewpoints as to what I thought ideal as to such factors despite the situations as to the transfer aspects because of the situations to such pieces in my opinion. Thus as to my attempts as to not being a cancer upon the earth as to such regards, though the ironies in other such references I suppose dependng upon the viewpoint as to the aspects of going out as to such factors as to the lack thereof as to the situations as to while I would prefer to do so more often as to the reality of such references as to the work I have had to take care of as to such regards which in turn as to where as best as possible as to the aspects of such factors. To such an irony of leaving room for nature as to going out in such references, the aspects as to the portions of which as to such factors as to the aspects thereof to the amount of such time outside as to the aspects in such references as to the situations for the time being as to such updates and clarifications thereof to such responsibilities.
Balance, is mportant.
However as to such references as to my SCUBA Diving well as to such factors as to the realities as to the considerations in reference to the C in Roman Numerals as to 100 which whether as to the O as to 0 or as to add to the end portions of the 100 to make 1000 as to the V to equaling 5 as to the I equaling 1 and the D equaling 500, as to the references to COVID:
* 100+5+1+500 = 616 as to 6+1+6 = 13 which turns to 1+3=4
* when adding the 19 portions as to the Roman Numerals of COVID to the 100+5+1+500+19= 625 which then such turns to 6+2+5= 13 which turns to 1+3=4
* OR as to the o or the 0 being added on the end of the aspects of the 100 to the 1000 then such references as to the equations of 1000+5+1+500 = 1,506 as to 1+5+6= 12 which turns to 1+2=3
* when adding the 19 portions as to the Roman Numerals of COVID to the 1000+5+1+500+19= 1,525 as to 1+5+2+5=13 which turns to 1+3=4
* Though is in reference to the year aspects as to such references as to the possibilities of a few factors as to the year of as to 616BC or as to the year of 625BC, which could be considered as to the BC aspects in such possible references as to historical aspects to the considerations as to the timeframe as to the actuality of someone previously having figured out the official first time as to the visitation as to such reasons for the NASA and/or US Space Force and/or such aspects to the considerations thereof from prior geographical and/or archeological aspects for the comparisons.
* OR the year as to 1506AD or as to the year of 1525AD as to the possibilities as to the actual year as to the first portions of technological usages as to the space factors in reference to the actualities as to the timeframe of the actual first launch of a satellite into space orbit for the considerations as to the aspects of the situations
* which additionally to take into consideration as to the reports as to different YouTube channels as to a black object floating in space as to the megalith as to the possibilities as to either aspects of which the initial sightings as to such aspects as to the years of 616BC or 616AD similarly as to 625BC or 625AD, which additionally as to such hypothetical aspects as to such possibilities as to the megalith in the orbit of the earth's atmosphere as to the year of 1506BC or 1506AD as to the similarity as to 1525BC or 1525AD as to such references, as I am uncertain if anyone has ever made any attempts to go up to the space craft floating object before as to the possibilities thereof to such references or if anyone has ever volunteered to do so as to the possibilities of such factors. While I wonder if such has anything to do with the Georgia Guidestones as to whether in reference to the acronym portions or if in reference as to a different type of monitoring aspect as what occurs as to the timeframe during solar eclipses as to the object, I am uncertain as to the aspects to the official length of time as to having noticed such a megalith object as to the references thereof as to the possibilities of such references.
Thus in turn as to the references as to the SCUBA Diving portions as to the hypotheticals in conjunction as to the Roman Numeral portions of such references, as to the possibilities of such viewpoints as to the situations to the considerations thereof to such references to consider. Though in an odd reference as to when I was in Arco as to the year as to the first part of the trips for that year as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in the year of 2017 as to an image I took pictures of as to the aspects over the top of the mountain area, as to the ironic portions as to what such could look as depending as to the viewpoint as to the aspects of such situations to the considerations thereof as to the formations of the US Space Force as to such references as well as to when the possibility of such clarifications as to the formations as to such work in reference to Blue Origin as well as to the aspects of Space X to the references thereof.
Then there are the aspects as to the Pacific area of the oceanic waters as to what I took video of as to an old Fire Kindle Tablet I had given to me as a gift at the timeframe of, which was in the year of either 2015 or 2016 as to when I was on the San Juan Ferry from Anacortes Washington to the Friday Harbor location at the time though I admit I do not have that tablet anymore. The picture on the right is from a Google search as to such though the picture on the left is an image, I took in the area of Arco near a museum area as per my typing as to such factors as to the consideration for such information additionally as to the reality which SCUBA Diving and space have much more in common than some might think if they had not known.