In reference to acquaintances and friendships as well as family, that I can agree is of importance.
Being at the side of a Female who is Dominant within who She is as to the fortitude of being proud of the aspects thereof, is important as to being a feminist in My opinion.
The same in the reference however as to E/employers as to such aspects as to the importance of being proud of the work achieved, as well as to such aspects as to in the personal relationship factors as to the references thereof as to being proud of such aspects in My opinion as to accepting the reality of such aspects.
However in the aspects as to a relationship as to a personal dating relationship as to being by the side of the aspects thereof as to such possibilities, if of importance to Me if as to being involved in such an aspects in My opinion.
While I have had the viewpoint where I have been capable to have such times where at points in time of such factors as to such aspects of acquaintances and/or friends and/or family and/or dating as to depending upon the timeframe thereof as to the specifics of the year(s) only as to such aspects as pictures are only as to the timeframe as to the year the picture was taken only, and not as to such further points in time as to only a glimpse as to what once was as to whatever point in time if such aspects as to the timeframes were as depending as to such aspects as to the timeframes.
Personally as to having not been in a relationship as to such aspects as to the what I consider as dating as to such references as to personal relationship aspects as to the factors thereof to such viewpoints as to outside of a picture where that is not what I consider nor have I considered as to such dating relationships ever as to the amount of modeling I have done as well as to the amounts of such factors thereof to the massive distinctive differences as to such references, the aspects where My personal aspects as to such regards as to where what times once were are what times once were.
I only consider friendships as to within a certain capacity and I am thankful that through Fetlife as to such aspects as to the factors of such regards as to the aspects of to following instead as to such aspects of where the amount of work it would take as to Facebook as to such references as to the differences in my opinion as to a more social aspect as to a generalized overall aspect, whereas to the if possibilities as to while some generalized aspects as to the overall generalization though as to the interpersonal aspects as to such relationships being far more different to such possibilities in My opinion if as to such informed consent as to the specifics thereof as to the individuals as to such specifics as per discussions officially before as to such aspects of as to the specifics of the intentions.
Since I am not interested in A/anyone as to who I once knew in any capacity as to other than as to the possibilities only as to friendships if as to beyond as to acquaintance and/or working if as to such agreements as to as per what I can agree to of My own free will, as per what My needs as to My choice as to such aspects; the reality of what My personal requirements as to for Myself as to such regards is only as to such references to what My needs for Myself are as that is not up for interpretations whatsoever as in My opinion as to various situations, O/others' interpretations have been problematic for far too long in My opinion.
Thus as to such aspects as to what My needs for Myself are and only as to such aspects thereof as to being Dominant within Myself enough to comprehend My needs for Myself as to such factors thereof, the only capacities as to what works best for Myself are not up for interpretations as to such aspects thereof to such hypotheticals.
I have absolutely no need for any individual or who I would consider as a homo-sapien-sapien to ever think or ever believe I would ever want or need any aspect other than what I comprehend My needs are as to for Myself, and as to such aspects as to relationship factors as to what is best for Myself is only up for My clarifications as to what is best for Myself.
Unless I have actually specified as to such aspects as to where in such regards as to the aspects of referring to a personal relationship as that is a reality that is as such times as to the proof, there is no reason nor cause nor excuse that someone should be as alone as I have been as to such lengths of time as to such aspects as to what proof would be as to the consideration as to if as to actually being considered as being wanted in such capacities thereof. There is no reason nor cause nor excuse that I have attended as many events as I have as to being on My own as to such amounts of time at all, in My opinion. I have calculated the overall average number of events that I have attended throughout the years from 2004 through 2022 as to how many where being on My own and by Myself, as to such aspects as to such situations as while that worked out well for others as to such aspects as to the difference as to for Myself as to the reality.
Sure while there have been O/others in the area, it is a difference as to attending an event by Myself instead as to being with another person with Me in person by My side and staying by My side as to such event(s). It is one aspect to going to the bathroom or getting something from the car, it is a whole other aspect to only be at events as many as I have been at as to such aspects as to only going to such events as to the ways thereof as to such aspects throughout such points in time as to the length of the factors as to such situations. While I am confident enough within Myself as to such aspects, the reality of how many events as to such lengths of time as to such aspects as to whereas to this particular posting as to such references. I can actually count only using both hands as to the amount of events that I attended with another person in real life, as to such aspects as to being with Me and staying by My side and/or at the event with Me the entire time.
There is not the capacity of reviewing such lengths of time as to the amounts of events as to the needs for Myself as to attending as many events as I have, and then as to such situations as per such factors as to the reality. While there have been some good discussions here and there, the aspects as to such discussions as to the differences as to the timeframe as to such aspects as to the attention to the details of the information. Thus as to the aspects as to where My children are now biological adults as to the difference as to My personal needs, for Myself.
If individuals who once knew Me and/or once knew of Me had thought everything would remain the same as to the differences while knowing of the facts, then as to such attention to the information as those details as to such lengths of short time as to such facts referencing the reality of the differences as to the time. Those years before the time of 2020 as to the difference as to now, as to such aspects as to the reality of such factors to the considerations as to where the common sense seemed as to Myself though as to such if factors as to others' considerations as to what My actual needs were going to be. If as to such thought as to thinking I would just be exactly the same as to while still being exactly the same as to who I am, the reality of the time as to the combinations of as to the reality as to only those who have had children as to the aspects as to such factors as to the reality of when the children grow up and as to such aspects of Myself as to the situations of being a single Mom as to such combined situations as to those factors as well.
There is not any capacity where any as to if to what I would consider as to forceful types of manipulative aspects whatsoever are ever going to be considered as anything other than bratty behaviour, as it matters little and/or not to Me about such aspects as to the factors as to anything I would consider as annoying and/or unwanted and/or unnecessary and/or needless as to such aspects as I comprehend the aspects as to the factors of as to the situations as to the reality of what My needs are as to such differences as to the aspects thereof.
I would not ever want or need any male as to any relationship that would ever consider themselves above My personal needs, as to those types would not ever be what I would ever consider as anything more than what could be considered as an acquaintance or possibly as a friend though only remaining in the friend category as to the same as to the if factors as to if chosen family only as to the factors thereof as to what I consider as family; and not as to the aspects of to any other type as to such hypotheticals because of the references as to such regards as to the hypothetical situations as to the supposed to be, the consenting adult lifestyle. I did not consent to that at all, as I would not and do not as to My time having walked away as to such aspects as to the amounts of discussions as situations as to such factors as to the aspects of what My personal needs as to such factors thereof.
male submissives who have had such aspects as to the situations as to whereas how they have dealt with O/others as to how such aspects where those types in My opinion as to where if a male submissive chooses to be submissive to a Female Dominant, the amount of strength it actually takes as to being willing to be within a relationship with such a Female as to such aspects thereof in My opinion as to standing tall side by side with such in truth. While I have enjoyed some discussions as to when speaking with a Dominant Male as to such aspects thereof, there is not the same aspects as to such situations for Myself as to a male submissive as to such aspects as to the factors as to My personal preferences as to My personal needs as to My personal enjoyments as well as theirs as to such references of hypotheticals.
On My opinion as to how certain types of Dominant Males have been towards male submissives as per the proof as to such original posting as to the Leatheratti posting as to such factors, the reality as to such references regarding how in My opinion it takes a lot of strength for a male submissive to be capable to give of himself as to such aspects as to being honest as to such references in the aspects thereof to such factors as to being a submissive male to Me. Any Dominant Male who has had issues as to accepting the facts that not all male submissives actually like or prefer a professional as to such aspects as to the reality of where such aspects as to what is agreed to between such aspects as to such references thereof, and why would it ever be any situation as to such references as to what works best for such in regards of other relationships as to such references as to what is not T/theirs to begin with as to what is not wanted as to what is not needed as to what is not preferred as to what is not an ideal to begin with?
As to what is best for Myself as well as what is best for whomever as to such male submissive as to a relationship thereof as to Myself, there is only as to what is best for that individual and our relationship as to how it is odd as to how such aspects as to the aspects as to such factors in My opinion as to how such as to those aspects as to wanting to be considered as caring and yet as to how such aspects to such factors regarding. Why would it be considered acceptable for as to such one way aspects, instead as to the reality of two way streets?
When I comprehend Myself as to such aspects as to having comprehended Myself far longer than anyone else has ever known of Me, then why else would it be as to what is best for Myself as to such aspects as to those who have known themselves?
Either way as to such aspects whereas in such factors as to the terminology regarding the aspects of communication as to such factors as to the references thereof, such communication as to being within the limits and boundaries as to what is best as to such regards as to the in person face to face in person aspects as to real life as to what is best for such overall aspects as to the reality of when I comprehend My needs as to such real life in person face to face in person aspects as to the equality of such respect as to such references and regards thereof as to common sense.
I would not ever consent as to such BDSM terminology as to such aspects as to chosen family as to the aspects thereof as to what when being capable to chose as to family as to being capable to have aspects where outside of what was dealt with as to such childhood and teenager timeframes, and as to such factors as to the considerations as to what I would consider as to chosen family if as to such aspects were ever violated as to such references thereof to what I consider as to My trust as to the aspects where such clarifications would need to be clarified as to such aspects thereof officially in My opinion.
In My opinion as to a full generalization as to such aspects as to the factors as to friendships and/or family as to such references and regards thereof fully and officially whether as to a biological male and/or a biological female in My opinion, as obviously the situations where either gender can be a single parent, as to depending upon such factors of reality.
Thus as to such hypotheticals as to such if factors while I am interested in a monogamous dating relationship as to such aspects as to the factors thereof in regards as to what My considerations of as to such references, I comprehend Myself as I have always comprehended Myself. In My opinion as to others as to having watched and/or seen as to the aspects of such differences as to such in real life aspects, as to the reality of in real life in person face to face in person in real life is different than as to such aspects as to watching and/or seeing on a screen. In My opinion as while yes I have taken care of several situations, the reality as to such factors as to how I have taken care of such situations and as to such aspects of taking care of such as to the reality of how those situations were as to whatever point in time as to such year as to such aspects.
If others have had issues accepting the facts as to such regards as to My work as to such reality, then what others need to accept is the fact they are lucky enough to not have had to deal with everything that I have dealt with and should be more appreciative of such aspects in My opinion as to what seems as common sense as to such reality as to each second of each minute of each hour of each day of each week of each month of each year of each decade as to such aspects as the reality of being grateful and thankful as to such regards should be easier as to such references thereof in My opinion as to such aspects as to the if factors as to the knowledge thereof as to such aspects.
As to how before while some others thought of themselves more highly as to thinking they knew what My needs were and/or thinking they knew what My ideals are as to the timeframes thereof to whatever year(s) as to such aspects, the clarifications as to such hypotheticals as to how I comprehend My own needs as I comprehend Myself.
If as to such aspects of My own children ever having accepted their biological father's side of the family for involvement within the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to where the largest amount of such aspects stemmed from as to such 1980s and the 1990s as to the aspects as to from the 1960s and the 1970s as to those types as to such factors, as to there not ever being any capacity of reconciliation as to if in any capacity thereof as to how much work I had made attempts as to such lengths of time as to the capacities thereof as well as to such aspects as per My journal blog as to such updates in the references thereof as to what I dealt with needlessly and unwantedly as well as unnecessarily as to from the timeframe of the year of 2000 as to such ungrateful individuals as to having been allowed to survive the aspects as to 11 September 2001 as to the additional aspects as to what it was going to be as to the aspects of that day officially as to such aspects as to the proof as to My accuracy as to such updates to My journal blog in references as to when such visions aspects as to the aspects of difference as when in My opinion.
I have known and understood and comprehended what is best for Me, and when I have found such aspects as to the situations thereof as to being capable to actually get to know the individual on our own as to how that aspect is supposed to be in My opinion as to the #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter 10 Commandments then as to such aspects as to the reality of such factors as to what is best for that male and I as to ourselves as to our relationship.
In some factors as to how I would fully regret everything as to ever saving as many as per such aspects as to the references thereof, as well as would only be more enraged as to such aspects as to all of My attempts as to getting back to the northeast tristate areas #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NJ #NJstate #NewJerseyStrong #NJStrong . As throughout such lengths of time as to how many lives those people had wasted as to such aspects of those who were My people as to the country areas as to such Amish, Mennonites, and Mountaineers; despite what the assumptions thereof might be as to only referring to their pop culture versions as to New Jersey, as those aspects of that biological connection as to My son and My daughter as to those types as to such well before the timeframes. As to such aspects as to their birth as to such references thereof as to such groups and individuals thereof as to how long it actually took Me to finally be capable to get out to the areas because of such useless time as to while the aspects of as to some benefits, the reality as to how many lives could have not been wasted as to such if factors.
As to each and every individual thereof officially as to in My opinion as to the if any such factors as to any group ever having issues as to the states of Pennsylvania #Pennsylvannia #PA #PAstate #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate and/or New York #NY #NYstate #NewYork #NewYorkstate state as to even in reference to something such as a #USPS USPS office, as to such proof as to the aspects as to as many attempts as I made as to the aspects thereof to what life was. Those people as to who I personally knew in person face to face in person in real life as to My favorite aspects as to such life, as to such real genuine connections as to such regards.
Obviously as to all such aspects of hypotheticals as to none of those people being thankful or grateful as to such aspects thereof as to how those other airplanes did not fly into each and every capital building as well as other such locations as to such monumental areas, apparently as to how such aspects have been as to such lengths of time as why would I ever believe I was ever appreciated for anything or everything as to such hypotheticals as to if as to such for even one USPS building location near the Amish and/or Mennonites and/or Mountaineers in the states of New York and/or Pennsylvania?
Why would I ever believe any of My work was ever worthwhile as to if such aspects thereof to either My son and/or My daughter as to those aspects as to such needless and useless unwanted aspects as to such situations as to the facts as to Medical Hold Unit in the year of 2000, as to such hypotheticals as to just getting words as to being capable to describe what I grew up as to seeing as to the reality of the 1980s and the 1990s as why would I ever believe anything I worked on was ever worth for Me such aspects as to what I consider as to such in the fullnesses thereof?
Though acknowledging as to my temper tantrums more recently, as the reality of such situations combined has a lot of heaviness as to such aspects. I can sarcastically write there are such aspects to those who know of wine, and thus the heavy bodied wine as to such levels of a bit of a different capacity possibly beyond a Malbec hypothetically as to such dry aspects as to the humour thereof as to such references for those who might understand a bit of that two thirds of a pun.
After such aspects as to the situations as to My work as to My SCUBA Diving, why would I ever believe any of My work as to such saving aspects would ever be appreciated as to the lack of proof as to what I consider as to such in real life living and breathing as to such in person face to face in person as to the only way as to such aspects as to truthfully doing so as to what I consider as to such aspects only officially as to the aspects of such proof; or would there only be as to where such embarrassments as to all such individuals as to the proof of such individuals being embarrassments as to what I worked on as they themselves would be the embarrassments to Me, or did those types ever think of such aspects as to the reverse as to such work I personally had taken care of?
"The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as to the proof of such though as well as other such aspects as to where in such review now as to how such they as to what they are as to fully such embarrassments in My opinion as to each individual I once knew as to ever thinking more highly of those types as to the aspects, as to obviously as to taking care of such work though obviously as to if I was actually worth celebrating as to being capable to celebrate with real people in real life in person face to face in person as to the only way celebrations are allowed to be officially as to My work as to Me being there as the only aspects that I would ever consider as to such aspects instead of those types as to their tries as to if any such aspects as to trying to use any inexcusable aspects as to what would officially be seen in such capacities as completely inexcusable as to My work on My own as to such attempts I made as to the year of 2009 as to those types as to such selfishness as to such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to such proof thereof as to the aspects where they would officially be unforgiveable for their any such hypotheticals officially.
SCUBA Diving is not an option as to how such is completed as to such in person face to face in person in real life as to actually getting such work accomplished as to such aspects as to the year of 2009, and thus as to such only way aspects as to the capacities thereof as to the proof as to such lack of appreciation for Me as to My work as to the only capacities thereof as to what would be as to such aspects thereof. If as to such hypotheticals as to any such aspects thereof as to those political types as to their bigotry as to such aspects as to how such situations as to how swingers have been accepted for their sluttiness as to such aspects as to how they have only spread such spawns as to the amounts of death those types have only ever been capable to do as to why would they ever be capable to ever correctly, appreciate life as to what the actual considerations of appreciating life would be when as to how they consider themselves as recreational as to such differences as to the massive distinctions as to the obvious differences as to Myself as to My work as they would not ever be good enough in My opinion as why else would I actually make attempts to create the aspects of what My considerations of a celebration would be as to the year of 2009 in the month of September as to the starting point as to My attempts as to actually in the capacities as to what I consider as celebration as why would I ever want someone else to think they could come up with what I would consider as a celebration for the work and for life as to such aspects of what I worked on as why would I want their opinion as to such aspects?
Hippies were swingers in the 1960s and the 1970s, as the common sense aspects.
Those who have known My opinion about hippies, then comprehend as to what My viewpoint as to being accepting as to their existence as to if they are a human being as to such differences as to homo-sapien-sapiens as to the common sense when having lost as many people as to such times as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to such overall aspects as to the common sense as to being careful as to such aspects as to life as to actually caring about real life as to such factors. Then again why would those types ever think as to how much they need to drink alcohol to be capable to go forward with such aspects as to how such loosens up their inhibitions as I would guesstimate they would not be as loosey goosey as to such aspects without the alcohol, in such hypotheticals as to the difference to Myself as to simply not needing alcohol nor any other aspect as to such substances as to just the facts as to the reality of being Myself as to in My opinion as to such aspects as to how I have seen where if swingers actually cared about a females actual enjoyment as to how they would actually make such comfortable instead as to the ways as to how they have been instead in My opinion. #Feminism #FeminismMatters #Feminist #FeministsMatter #Truth #TruthMatters
Additionally maybe if instead of assuming their standing in an area is good enough to attract Me in such differences as to what actually is the starting point for turning Me on instead, as to the facts that the requirement as to actually speaking with Me as to real words as to real discussions as to in person face to face in person in real life instead as to such social media aspects as to how they pose and stand as to not having any real words to speak that would or has ever been of comfort to what I would consider as comfort towards and to Me in truth o if as to such hypotheticals as to social media as to the same as to pop culture in such references as to where they have not thus far have had the capacity to speak in real life as to such aspects of genuine truth with Me as to such aspects of what would be considered as respectful in such aspects as to the capacities thereof as to such differences as to the situations as to seeing Jennifer Long in person face to face in person in real life.
While I was capable of having real discussions with her in person face to face in person in real life genuinely as Myself while hopefully being respectful as to such situations, while I comprehend as to such aspects as to the situations as to the location as to that point in time as to both in reference to The Sanctuary #Sanctuary though also as to such events as to the references thereof as to what it takes for a Pansexual #Pnsexual to be capable to commence as to such connection aspects as to the requirements on top of the aspects as to the situations as to the reality of the after effects from the reality of My Psalm Sunday year of 2000 head injury as I have not ever allowed anyone to ever be in any role in the BDSM or any other factors as to My business in any capacity thereof as I would not ever allow of My own free will in any capacity thereof to such aspects ever officially as to just for such clarifications as to the viewpoints thereof as to such sexism as to such bigotry as to such aspects where as to if as a female as to such feminazism as to how there is not any reason for such as to if not actually knowing as to the aspects of what I would of My own free will as to such aspects then as to not of My own free will as to such mandatory factors as to what is supposed to be considered as the consenting adult lifestyle and since I have not and do not consent to such aspects ever nor having done so before for such aspects as to the clarifications as to such references for such clarifications in full officially.
I have My protocols as to My requirements as to such aspects and since I have comprehended My own life as to comprehended My own requirements as to having comprehended My own situations, as to such aspects as to My free will choices as to such requirements as to such informed consent aspects as to the requirements as to from the other side as to such male aspects as well as to such aspects as to from Myself as a biological Female.
Thus as to such annoyances as to such in My opinion of differences of male submissives as to the difference as to brats as to such types as to such hypotheticals as to if ever as to any individual thinking of themselves as to ever being in such a capacity when I officially did not ever ask for such, and any needless problem as to any needless situation as to any needless drama instead as to what aspects as to the factors as to what the actualities as to what the situations as to what I personally would consider for Myself as to needed as to the instead of such hypotheticals; as to such amounts of time as to such aspects as to the hypotheticals as to those social media types as to such pop culture types as to such instant gratifications, instead of ever actually appreciating life correctly as to what actually appreciating life would be as to such aspects as to the in person face to face in person in reality would be for and to Me as to what I consider.
It is not considered anticipatory in a positive way as to what I consider as anticipatory at all as to such factors in any capacity as to any individual that would ever think they would be capable to be as to anticipatory as to My needs for Me to actually be happy, as to such aspects thereof to keeping Me happy when doing anything I would consider as to bratty behaviour would only be as to the opposite of what My needs are as to such aspects of what I consider as anticipatory aspects; and would not be capable to ever actually keep Me happy as to what My needs are for Myself ever if as to such bratty types, in My opinion. While the aspects of being a bit ornery as to such aspects at times as to such in person face to face in person in real life as to such differences as to wording at times, the tone of such aspects as to the differences to the considerations in My opinion.
As a Dominant Female as to such aspects as to the situations as to what I consider as for Myself as to the reality of such aspects as to for My happiness, as for My enjoyment, as for My pleasure as to such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to needing to accept that reality as to My needs as to what is best for Me as to such references and regards thereof as to how My choices as to how to proceed as to such aspects as to what is best for Myself as to whom I choose to be with and whom if as to the male chooses of his own free will to wanting to be with Me as to My personal choices and agreements with as to the only aspects that would matter as to our personal relationship.
In such references as to any hypotheticals that would officially need to accept that fact as to the reality as to such regards as to what I comprehend as to best for Me, as to the if factors as to finding a male who as to such attraction to Me as well as the capacities as to being with Me as to what the factors as to such aspects is best as to ourselves as to what our relationship would/could be. I did not enjoy typing online as much as some may have thought as the reality of such aspects as to the factors of what I should have been capable to go take care of, as to the facts of what is to actualities of differences as to what keeps Me happy is not constantly typing nor being at a computer as the common sense aspects as to My Medal of Honor Art Project as to such work was far more enjoyable to Me and for My best interests.
I suppose as to the years as to from 1993 #yearof1993 #1993year and 2001 #yearof2001 #yearof2001 #2001year as to such reality as to the factors as to My work as to My Medal of Honor Art Project from the years of 2014 through 2022, when taking in consideration the facts as to such mourning if accurate as to such aspects as to the differences as to those as to such opinions thereof as to such considerations.
While I would much rather be painting life as to such aspects as to what I was working on before the aspects as to August this year and September this year of 2022 as to the work thereof instead as to such occurrences as to such factors, the reality as to such references as to what would have been best for Me as to such aspects as to the situations as to such hypotheticals especially since February 2022 as to the common sense as while others have had the time to mourn as to such aspects as to the facts as to the differences as to such situations.
The amount of situations I have dealt with and as I guesstimate as to others having dealt with because of others' involvement as to their opinions instead of what would be best as to the aspects as to such considerations, as when I consider dating as to such references as to the regards of a specific number of dates between such individual and I before I make the choice as to introducing to whom I consider as family and then as to such visa versa as to such aspects. It is not and has not ever been up to others as to introducing themselves as to such annoyances as to the fact as to not having the time to actually get to know the individual themselves as to such aspects of having dealt with others' opinions instead of as to the dating aspects as to what is considered as dating as to what My considerations are, and thus as to any such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to others in reference as to the what I personally do not consent to as to such factors as to being Dominant as to comprehended the reality.
Personally because of the aspects as to what as to such times was, as to the reality of such factors as to the situations from those years as to this year coming to an end as to then progressing forward to a #NewYears #NewYear #calendarNewYear #calendarNewYars New Year #NewYears hopefully in a more positive and uplifting way.
Though the years and decades have been a heavy amount to bear on My own as while I comprehend as to such aspects as to the situations for many have been heavy at such times, having had to repeat such aspects as to such clarifications as to such times has been more of a burden than some might ever have thought of while as to such aspects as to what I have dealt with as to those who have complained about hearing the same aspects as there is nothing that could be compared to having to have the knowledge of repeating Myself as to then listen to complaints about Me repeating Myself as to such references where if such aspects were simply accepted as to being capable to progress onward as to how such in My opinion as to the common sense.
My personal needs as to such aspects as to where individuals who claim to care about someone though if they move to another locations because of what in My situation is actually needed for Myself as to My life as to My work as to My personal interactions as to My situations as to what I have dealt with, as to in any hypothetical as to how such aspects in My opinion as to how such aspects were only taking advantage of the situations instead of ever actually appreciating Me as well as appreciating the time that they had as to such points in time. Some have to move forward as to what is best for themselves and as to such aspects whereas if the time was there and the time was not utilized as for Myself as well as to such situations, as to showing the aspects as to the factors as to what truthfully was as to the viewpoints in My opinion as to the capacities of what was needed for Myself as to such aspects as to the differences as to the aspects of what was.
Thus as to the aspects whereas speaking with Me in truth as well as actually proving such as to what considerations as to what I consider as actual care about Me as to what My actual needs are as to the situations for My life, as to the reality in My opinion as to the aspects were if as to any such situations that were to be as to the difference of what My actual needs are for Myself as much as I have dealt with as to the differences as to talking/gossiping instead as to such actions as to doing that would actually be where such proof as to My needs actually being met as to such factors.
The reality of where I have went out of My way without hiding and without pretenses and without needless drama and without needless situations as to genuinely being Myself as to whatever aspects as to such factors, as to the situations where if as to what would be as to care as to such aspects of personal relationships as to not only in the references as to online social media as to the real life aspects as to in real life as to such factors when as best as to such regards. Thus in the references as to a male submissive that would actually be proud to be My male submissive as to how a relationship actually as to such aspects thereof would be as to in My opinion as to the reality of being proud to be with Me, at My side as I by his side as to such aspects of being proud as to him caring enough about Me to actually be at My side as to such factors in real life.
A male submissive that makes the choice to willingly of his own free will allow himself to trust enough as to the best interests while having the capacity to discuss such aspects with Me as to such levels thereof as to in My opinion, important in many capacities as to a real relationship. In such references as to Myself as a Female Dominant while acknowledgement thereof as to such aspects referencing how while I am confident within Myself, as to being soft enough to be capable to trust such aspects as to the references as to such factors of a male submissive.
In what moves as to such aspects as to the factors of where in My opinion it is a choice of one's own free will as to being capable for a male submissive to be in his field of such work as to his dominance to his work, though as to a relationship aspects as to such factors as to male submission as to the of free will as to such aspects to the aspects of such willingness to be in the capacity as to the varying balancing as to such needs. In My opinion whereas there are the facts where a male submissive as to such references of his own free will as to such factors thereof as to where the knowledge of such factors as to being honest, the same as to such factors as to being a Female Dominant while making sure to give such praises as to such aspects when as to such factors of what keeps a male submissive happy as to such aspects as to the factors of such a balancing of such energies.
While in My opinion as a Female Dominant, males are capable to be strong in their work while in such similar factors of the softer aspects as to such trust as to the truth; because in My opinion a male submissive as to the aspects as to needing the truth the most in many capacities thereof as to whatever they deal with as to their normalcies as to their day to day lives. While as a Female Dominant as to the aspects of where My life has went through the varying degrees of such twists and turns as to the aspects thereof to such lengths and depths thereof, in My opinion whereas being Dominant in Myself as to being capable to recognize such aspects while maintaining as best as possible My own self-control as to such factors as to the differences that seem to matter in a different capacity to others depending upon their field of work.
Thus in the references whereas some individuals may have their opinions about Females who are Dominant in themselves as to knowing themselves, understanding themselves, and comprehending such factors thereof in certain aspects as to whereas in My opinion whatever capacities as to such employment thereof as to such males in the regards of as to having the capacity to find such solace as to within the realms as to such factors of if as to such aspects of a #FemaleDominant #Dominant Female Dominant. Thus in the regards whether as to if as to the proof as to such choices as to then as to what is considered as to playing though as to such aspects depending upon the factors of, possibly the terminology as to how I explained to many in the years as to 2005 more-so though mainly as to the years of 2009 #yearof2009 #2009year through 2012 #2012year #yearof2012 #Mayan #MayanCalendar as to where I did not consider anything as play nor did I consider anything I used as a toy as to such terminology seemed more important as to such aspects as to the clarifications as to such aspects referencing such distinctions.
Thus as to how while the sensations may have been pleasurable depending upon the very few scenes that I ever had as to the length of time throughout the lifestyle overall as to such aspects in My opinion, I would guesstimate the few individuals thereof if they were to reflect upon such lengths of time as to those particulars as to what aspects of as to the sensations as to such factors as to My choice of words as while the terminology might be considered as scary to others outside of such aspects and yet as to the truth at the exact same time as to such aspects of while some considered those aspects as to toys as to how I considered such aspects as to weapons. Then again the aspects as to what I had created as to such factors were not something such as feathers and such softer factors, as to the reality as to such levels regarding the types of materials as to the strength thereof as to such aspects as to the levels of such aspects as to the situations as to the capacities thereof while capable of being much softer than as to such verbiage in My opinion as to such aspects whereas the reality of such aspects as to there being only so many words within the dictionary as to such aspects.
Thus in My opinion despite there only being so many words in the dictionary to describe the factors thereof as to such canes, paddles, and etcetera the facts are as the facts are as to the aspects of such factors in My opinion.
Thus as to such aspects not being required for Me to enjoy Myself as to such aspects as to such factors as to the reality whereas more who are in the BDSM #BDSM lifestyle are closer to monogamous aspects as to depending upon such aspects, as to the differences as to the #swinger #Swingers swinger aspects as to in My opinion.
Thus as to how My preferences as to monogamy as to consistency as to for what the reality of My personal needs are as to such aspects as while others may have assumed that as to their time when they went to college as to such aspects, the facts as to My background instead as to such differences as to the reality as to what I told people of. Thus as to the facts that the only way as to such letting of is only as to such aspects as to what is comfortable to Me as only in regards as to what is comfortable to Me as to such aspects as to how My choice of My own free will in truth as to such aspects thereof as to how I choose of My own free will, and thus if anyone I ever once knew ever told anything that would officially be as to the opposite thereof as to in any capacity thereof as to when after I wound up in Washington state as to the clarifications and the verifications as to the reasons why the truth always matters.
Thus as to such if aspects as to ever comparing Me to anyone else as to such aspects as there is no comparison, and thus as to such aspect of the reality that I am My own self as to such regards as to the facts that only Myself would comprehend Myself best as to such references as to any hypotheticals as to all such considerations whether as to such others who may have tried to compare Me to My biological little sister when there was not anything to ever compare and/or those who may have tried to compare as to such to themselves as to whatever association thereof as to such aspects and/or as to such hypotheticals as to those others who may have tried to compare such aspects as to the biological relatives as to My children and/or those who may have tried to compare such aspects as to My Modeling #Modeling to the differences thereof as to such work and/or those who may have tried to compare the aspects as to however others began their aspects as to SCUBA Diving and/or as to how others may have tried to compare those others as to such comparisons as to those others as to their comparisons.
When in reference to wearing a one piece bathing suit and considering My bikini for SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #SCUBADivers #SCUBADiver Diving as My Farmer John wetsuit because My wetsuit was a two piece 7mm long wetsuit with a 7mm shorty as to such combinations as to 14mm at the core for the wetsuit after My National Geographic Open #NatGeo #NationalGeographic Water Wetsuit, then the common sense as to such hypothetical differences as to such factors thereof for all such possibilities of others who may have incorrectly tried to compare others as to comparing as to Myself as to such hypotheticals as well as the capacities to the comfort levels thereof to such considerations as to the areas as well as to who was as to such areas hypothetically.
What would be capable to consider as to My outfits if as to such review aspects as to events and/or modeling, as to such hypotheticals as to such factors thereof to such if factors?
Thus as to the reality while there have been times when I have been capable to have pictures taken of Me with others as to such side by side aspects that were outside of My modeling, the aspects as to such references as to such hypotheticals as to such differences as to such regards thereof.
Thus as to a male submissive who would be of interest to Me and Me of interest to them as to such factors thereof as to what My personal preferences thereof are, as to with the knowledge as to such social media aspects as to what has been noticed as well as seen as to such references as to how interconnected such aspects are as to this point in time as to the year of 2022.
Thus acknowledging Myself as to such aspects as to the reality of such situations while keeping the aspects as to the keeping out the minor aged as to such aspects thereof as to where I could as to My choice for Myself as to not having minor aged children as to such aspects as to My personal lifestyle as to such aspects as to My personal choice, as to others' legalities as to their aspects as to such if factors as to their choices as to their free will as to their knowledge thereof in My opinion.
Personally as to how such aspects as to how I kept My modeling as to such G-rated as to both in reference as to what of comfort for Myself as well as to such aspects as to the social media aspects thereof as to such regards of comprehending children grow up to become biological adults as to the aspects as to the common sense as to such aspects, as to the common sense as to growing up.
Thus as to such factors as to the reality where a man as to such aspects of a male submissive as to such factors that would be happy to be with Me as well as by My side in real life as to such. as to what My personal preferences are as yes I am a Republican as I have been a Republican since I was a child though officially when I could first vote as I adored POTUS Ronald Regan #POTUSRonaldRegan as a child as he seemed interesting to listen to and see. When I could first vote as to a straight Republican ticket as to such aspects as to the oddities as to the if factors as to how many aspects as to being a Republican in the years more specifically in the Austin Texas areas in 2010 through 2011 after being a Republican in the years as to more specifically in the DFW #DFW #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas #FortWorth #FWTX #FprtWorthTexas #FortWorthTX areas as to 2008 through 2011, as to such aspects of being a Republican in the years of specifically Seattle #SeaTac #Seattle #SeattleWA #SeattleWashington Washington in 2015 through 2019 as well as a #Republican #GOP Republican obviously once again in the years of 2020 through 2021 in the Austin #Austin #ATX #AustinTexas #Texas #Texasstate #TXstate Texas area as yet again.
That is something to consider as to despite as to what I have dealt with as to any such hypothetical as to what I dealt with more recently as to such additional aspects as to the situations as to such hypotheticals as to #Washington Washington #Washingtonstate #WA #WAstate state as to 2022 as to such aspects as to the situations, to such considerations as to My mural as well as to such aspects to such if factors as to the patience needed when working on something important as to such factors thereof to such hypotheticals as to the reality of what occurred as to August #August #monthofAugust 2022 and September #September #monthofSeptember 2022 as well as the aspects as to the situations as to what I was informed of as to November #Nobember #monthofNovember #yearof2022 2022 as to the if factors as to My work being appreciated as to My work being respected as to how that would have been instead as to such occurrences as to the aspects thereof to such proof.
Just because I have accepted there are Dominant Males just as I have accepted there are Dominant Females, as to such differences wherein any capacity of ever trying to force someone against their free will as to such aspects as to how such is not considered as to such free will choice as to the common sense as to such factors as there is not any aspects as to such as to ever being submission as to such references as to the aspects thereof as to what would be considered as to what I consider as to such aspects. When the facts as to a male submissive who would actually be as to such aspects as to what considerations as to what he and I would agree to as to our discussions as to between he and I, as to the differences as to such aspects as to other such hypotheticals as to My personal requirements as to such aspects as to the relationship factors as to what My personal needs are for My personal comfort levels if as to such aspects as to what I consider as comfort were to actually matter.
Thus I have not ever been in any competition as to such aspects as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle or in full truth as to there has not ever been any competitions I have ever been involved with as to such aspects as to ever knowingly been a part of as to such aspects, as to since as many people I personally lost as to the aspects as to the years of 1980s and the 1990s as well as the 2000s as to how I have only made attempts to appreciate life as best as to my capacities to do so because especially as to what is supposed to be considered as the consenting adult lifestyle as to such aspects as to actually caring about living as to how life is actually supposed to be.
I worked on My modeling, My books, My website, My paintings artwork, My journal blog, and My Medal of Honor #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArt #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtProjectArtwork Art Project Artwork as to My own business plans as to what I comprehended I needed for Myself as to what would make Me happy as to as well as what attempts to keep Me happy if as to such aspects as to how since I have not had anyone in My life as to such aspects as to where since the reality of such aspects as to from the years of when I had first began working as to such aspects to be capable to do as I wanted as to being capable to have everything I needed at all times as to the possibility of actually being capable to have real people in My real life that as I considered as to real friends as to real relationships as to the aspects of the real life that I had needed as to what I saw in happier locations as to real happiness and real enjoyment as to the aspects of what I have worked for to be capable to have for Myself as to what would actually truthfully as to genuinely keeping Me happy consistently as to the aspects thereof as others' interpretations as to My words.
My preference as to 50 First Dates as to #EverAfter Ever After #EverAfter #CinderallaStory #Cinderalla instead as to Momento as to the aspects of differences as to such references as to the aspects of #50FirstDates 50 First Dates as to such aspects of if I was accepted for who I am from the start as to the aspects as to how such would have been best for Me, and thus instead of the whitewashing as to just accepting the facts and being proud of Me for overcoming such as to such aspects.
Then for when as to such points in time where I would truthfully be capable to overcome and live to enjoy life with one male who actually finds Me as attractive as I find him, as to actual romance as to in real life and as our lives blend and work best together; as to such aspects of a real life in real life and if he and I choose to share then as to the aspects of if he and I choose to share, as to whatever such aspects.

Thus just one aspect as to such a viewpoint as to being by and/or at the side of as to such capacities as to in real life in person face to face in person, for a picture for one example as to such aspects as to the aspects of references as to reality in My opinion.
Thus as to the aspects as to the aspects of chivalry as to such a picture as to such aspects thereof as to the additional reference in My opinion, as to such aspects as to appreciation as to the time with as to such regards as to such in person face to face in person in real life. While some individuals have had such luxuries as to people in their lives as to what is best for such aspects as to the in person face to face in person in real life aspects as to such references, the situations as to where My attempts as to having explained such as well as after having looked for such as for Myself as to the aspects of a real relationship as to such aspects as to such factors in My opinion as to just one starting point as to a date regarding such aspects as to the considerations thereof to such references as to monogamy as to such factors.
Thus as to such references as to where the social media as to how some in such hypotheticals as to the situations as to the differences as to such online factors as to the differences as to reality, as to such regards as to a real relationship as to such in person face to face in person aspects though as to such references as to spending time with one another as well as going out together as to such regards of such situations to such references.
Thus as to how such situations whereas to how while some might think as to such references regarding such aspects as to the current times as to the differences as to My specifics as to a real relationship, as to the common sense aspects as to My personal preferences as to My needs as to such references as to such prior updates to My journal blog as the aspects as to the work update does not refer to up as to such aspects as to the translation of the word as to updates as to dating being more than just some aspect as to buearocracy as to those types as to such hypotheticals.