After the Cowboy Dancehall Stoney LaRue #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #SanAntonio #SATX #MilitaryCityUSA concert situations in the year of 2013 as to then how the San Antonio Family Court situations went as then to the overall portions before the aspects of Arizona #Arizona #AZstate #Arizonastate where I made the attempts within the BDSM scene as well as the Scottsdale First Presbyterian Church for assistance, instead of anything actually going correctly as to what would be considered as worthwhile assistance to the situation I dealt with the needless problems as to the area of Vancouver Washington #Vancouver #WAshington #VAWA #Washingtonstate #WAState as to having fully officially explained as to how my son and I wound up in Washington state as to the timeframe of September 2013. When the situations as to moving into the Crystal Creek Apartment complex in the area as to then dealing with seeing spirits in a capacity that I had not seen before as well as the factors regarding how the individuals in the apartment beneath mine as to the apartment I was in was on the top floor, the aspects of what needless drama occurred because of the male named Jason as to how instead of the facts being paid attention to as to what I was dealing with as to how such factors of wanting to do photography instead of paying attention to what was needed to actually pay attention to correctly. Attention to details is important, however as to the facts which having found out the situations regarding the male spirit I saw as to how infuriated that individual had become more and more enraged as to the aspects of the situations as to how time went onward as to how each time on certain topic points would the screams from the male spirit be louder as to the aspects of the word "Nottingham".
However there was a spirit of a male who was infuriated as to each time I spoke with the son Jason as to once having been informed as to the Cowboys Dancehall situation by both myself as well as to the individual of such factors, and as time went onward as to how enraged the individual spirit was as to the two females who began being around the apartment after a certain point in time. Why that male spirit was as upset and screamed the word "Nottingham" is beyond anything I personally know, though because of the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving #SCUBA #SCUBADiving as well as the situations of having been informed of the Navy #USNavy aspects as to him as to my concern about the situations regarding the aspects of the Pacific coast line among several other reasons which as to the work of having been serious to me as the comparison of what I have been shown as to others as to how such factors have been in the comparisons thereof as to what I would consider as to being taken seriously as to such factors as per such lengths of time by then in the year of 2013. The fact my SCUBA Diving gear was a British military depth gauge computer as per what I was informed as well as the reason why I became a certified SCUBA Diving specialist within the SUUNTO #SUUNTO Computer Diving Assisted Diver, the concern about how I have had visions before and how they have been as to certain oddities as to the factors of my viewpoint regarding the word Nottingham as to the Navy as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009. Yet since there had not been anyone I once knew in person face to face in person in my life from the timeframe of, upon certain situations growing more intensive during the timeframe as to when I reached out to other SCUBA Divers in the Washington state area as to Puyallup Washington as to the solders program, which seemed of extreme importance to speak with the individuals of about a multitude of situations. I went to the area of Puyallup/Tacoma Washington to a SCUBA Diving shop, as to the aspects of the concern which possibly as to the intellect regarding the factors of the background aspects of my SCUBA Diving. Though the situations went, as the situations went as to the area back at Crystal Creek as to such factors of whatever ironies to the name Crystal Creek as to Crystal Lake as to such annoyances referencing individuals who I attended high school with for less than a full year as to the ways which high school classes were as to such points in time as to the acceptance as to my viewpoint of the area as to the comparison of what some others might think of themselves as to the area of Crystal Lake Illinois by that point in time of the year of 2013/2014 compared to 1998 and/or 1999 though up to the year of 2000 for the reference as to the length of time involved referencing such aspects of the hypothetical connection points as to the years as to such time now in the year of 2022.
The aspects as per such additional factors as to how many situations which I have made every effort to have such as to being capable to simply just relax as to the comparisons as to what others would assume in the comparisons as to what I have for my own thought process as to such relaxation in such comparisons, as to the situations which has been as to such lengths of time. In regards of what I would consider as to relaxation as well as what I would consider as celebratory as to the aspects of what I would consider as to being wanted in a positive way, obviously as to the differences of opinion regarding such aspects as per the simple facts as to how I had worked to create my house into a home as to the aspects of what I knew was to be the best as to such portions of the aspects thereof to the comparisons as to the individuals who may have thought otherwise as to such factors. Just because I was born and raised in New Jersey #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate as per such aspects of what I had already dealt with, does not translate to the same as per the common sense as to the population numbers as well as the experiences per area of the state. The ways which individuals had made attempts to compare Crystal Lake Illinois and the surrounding areas to where I was born and raised, as to the aspects which then as to their claim as to knowing how people are from New Jersey in comparison of ever having the intellect to pay attention to the fact even within the state of Illinois as to the comparison of the state of New Jersey as to having a multitude of areas as well as types of people and interests thereof; which made little sense to me as to how such a larger state would have larger areas of that sort of common sense, though the lack of their capability to see the difference as to such common sense aspects as to the difference between Crystal Lake to the difference of Chicago #Chicago #ChicagoIL #Illinois #Illinoisstate to the difference to Schaumburg to the difference to Elgin to the difference to Prairie Ridge as to such massive distinctions as to the failures of such individuals as to the viewpoints regarding what they thought New Jersey-ians are compared to the reality of in the larger capacities of such viewpoints.
It would be fantastic to actually be capable for me to actually relax and actually enjoy my life as well as actually be capable to enjoy myself, however since such situations have been as they have been instead I have known better than to hold my breath in such circumstances. However if individuals want a challenge or a dare, then I challenge and dare individuals as to making the aspects as to what would actually be as to what I know would be best for myself as I challenge individuals to actually work towards keeping me happy as well as doing situations of what I would actually consider as comfortable for myself as per when I work to make such happen as to the aspects of I dare individuals to actually do what would actually be of for my enjoyment in comparison as to their own selfish aspects as per the ways such has been as to the lengths of time as to such amounts of decades. However, I know better than to believe that anyone would actually think in the correct capacity of what actually would be in such comparisons as to how such prior situations have been as to the aspects of such intellectual thought processes in comparison to the lack of self-control and animalistic behaviour in comparison of evolution forward towards progression forward in such regards as to the hypotheticals. In the references regarding such factors as to the aspects of what I have worked for, the aspects of where the most simple of situations to actually get taken care of for the ways of which unlike some people; having to fight for something continuously does not translate to me as to anything to celebrate nor something which I would ever consider as relaxing, because of the facts which such as per my viewpoint of bratty behaviour is not of anything that would ever be considered as something to relax or celebrate such aspects thereof as an actual smooth transition would be as to relaxing in comparison of the constant aspects of what I have dealt with in the comparisons.
Actual relaxation for me is as to where what I actually progress towards as to actually being capable to enjoy such as to what I consider as enjoyment of which brattiness is nothing of enjoyment for me, as per the reality of which I cannot stand as to such types of individuals. Where I was born and raised as to the example of my first birthday party as to when individuals decided to act a fool in comparison as to simply having manners with etiquette and respect, as to such factors of where the needless problems as to such references in the comparison of what others may have thought otherwise as to such attention seeking behaviour in the wrong ways. As to how I have warned about several factors over the decades about manners as well as respect in conjunction to etiquette, the reality of how many attempts I made to clarify the need as to such factors in a multitude of ways as to the oddities as to how various situations had been over the years and decades. It has been odd to me how individuals would actually fight to keep brutish styles of ways, in comparison as to the ways which common courtesy and human decency as to the aspects of what it actually is to be human/humane in the comparisons as to simply being more in to the line of the scientific description of homo sapien sapien, in comparison to human/humane. In some ways I wonder if because of the naming of certain factors as to the confusion regarding the way the brain processes such details, though as to the factors of such a viewpoint regarding a culmination of situations. If individuals who would seek attention from me were to actually be of intelligence would be capable to figure out as to actually being in a good mood would be as to the best ways of such factors in the comparisons as to the needless problems as to the aspects of which the common sense regarding such situations, as to being in a good mood.
The term of laughter being the best medicine as to what aspects thereof to what I would consider as enjoyable as to the comparisons of what might have been assumed in the aspects thereof, and yet the aspects of what the basis of the laughter does make a difference as to such reference points. Thus as to the regards as to situations which when I have made an attempt to actually enjoy as to how such situations in the comparisons, because of the factors as to what arrangements to make to be capable to do so in the references thereof such as to my SCUBA diving work in the year of 2009. However because of what needed to be taken care of as to the situations when the aspects thereof had become as to such factors, the situations regarding from the years more recently as to 2019 into 2020 into 2021 referencing the clarifications and verifications before making my way out to the east coast area as to 2021 into 2022, if such needless problems as to being capable to get to the areas necessary as to being capable to work on what was needed as to such factors as to the ways which such situations would not have been delayed as per such individuals who chose to involve themselves thinking they knew in the comparisons as to what was necessary for what I needed to work on as to such factors. While I have updated my website as to bringing forward as to the attempts I made repeatedly directly to such individuals, the situations which in Washington state as to the SCUBA Diving males I spoke with; I am still thankful and appreciative to have been capable to stop by and speak with the two males at the time, as per the aspects which they were the first people who took what I brought forward about my SCUBA Diving more seriously than as to what I dealt with in Texas in the year of 2009 as well as 2010 as to what can be noticed in reference to the year of 2019 and 2020 for those references. I now comprehend why SSI SCUBA Diving exists, though I can also see now as to why the amount of work I had done was similar in multitudes of ways as to SSI SCUBA Diving; as to my own misconceptions about the SSI aspects, as to the knowledge and understanding as to such factors of the reasons why SSI SCUBA Diving is of importance to individuals who do not see SCUBA Diving in as to the ways which some have described as recreational as to such factors as to the ways to be capable to the comparisons.
In the year of 2021 as to my transfer from the state of Texas #Texas #Texasstate as to how many situations which I should have been capable to get the information in the month of January as to how I had not been anywhere near the DC #WashingtonDC #DC situation as to the hearings information and from what I had been informed of was only of individuals who were going to stand outside of the building compared to what occurred, I decided to go the way I went to the Marine Museum because of the fact my headaches were getting closer to migraines and having wanted to see the museum as to the comparisons because of having arrived to the Virginia #Virginia #Virginiastate #VAstate area several days before the hearings situation of 6 January 2021 as well as having stayed later than those who had only went to the area for the situation compared to the research I was working on as to the situations as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such a comparison as to only for the one reason as to the comparison of my multifaceted reasons. In regards as to how such needless delays as to the transfer from Texas to the east coast as to the information as per such factors as to how such was, the situations as to the needless repetition of behaviour of what is not considered as being wanted in a positive way as to such aspects of having to constantly question to be capable to get the information I needed for myself to be capable to take care of what I needed for myself for the work I have been working on as to the overall combined factors as to the reality of not only working on one project at a time as per how it has been for over two decades at this point in time. Thus certain similarities as to my prior journal blog entries as to the transfer situations as to the management company for both apartment complexes as to such situations of which if such individuals had actually completed their jobs correctly as to actually getting the correct information in full as per what I had asked for immediately as to then being capable to move along as to my work in comparison as to such aspects of the occurrences, the ways of such work would have been capable to be completed sooner instead of the situations as to how such went as per such explanations directly to such individuals as to that management company. The situations which individuals have needed to give the full details in comparison to the cherry picking because of the reality which of such situations to the responsibility of choices as to the situations which if such were not a problem, as to the work as to what would actually be considered as comfortable for myself in comparison as to others' opinions as per there not being anything comfortable for me as to this point in time despite what other people might think yet again.
In the references of what I have needed for my transfer yet again away from such needless problems as to what I actually prefer for myself as to the comparisons as to what is not considered as comfortable to me in the slightest whatsoever, as to the aspects of which the situations of what I know for myself as to what I need for myself to be capable for myself to work on what I need in the ways which are comfortable for myself to accomplish such in the comparisons of what is not considered as needed for what I would consider as comfortable for myself.
As per the facts of which the situations regarding when the needless delays because of other people's involvement in ways which are not assistive to what I actually need for myself, when will individuals accept the fact I actually know what is best for myself in comparison of their opinions which I did not ask for as why would such individuals think that their opinions matter when I have not ever asked for their opinions as to any of my work?
Such needless delays as well as the needless problems are not any capacity of showing me any actual appreciation for my work, as per the facts of when I know what is best for myself and I progress forward as to what I know is best for the situation as to such factors as to the proof as to such lengths of time. However it would be fantastic to actually be capable to relax as to what I actually consider as relaxation, though in order to be capable to relax that would require such aspects of when I put forward such aspects as to the expedient manner of such once I actually progress with such paperwork in the comparisons as to when looking around as to there obviously being a difference. There was a lot of massive failures of an ex-boyfriend who failed to ever think I actually knew best for myself and when he thought he knew what I actually wanted, he failed to ever ask me what it was as to what I was looking at or why and such failures lead as to the reasons why I looked at certain things though did not progress forward as to what my reasons were as to such points in time as to the purchasing of certain items. In regards as to how the reality people have acknowledged as to their social media accounts as to how they only display one or two aspects as to who they actually are, as to the comparison I suppose when looking back now in the year of 2022; as to the honesty and abruptness as to such factors of the reality of what I was dealing with, as well as deal with. It had not truthfully been something I thought in depth about as to the thought everyone knew how the reality of technology was as to the comparisons as to life, which in turn as to the reality of what I put on my social media as to being honest because of the aspects as to how such aspects of life are. I had no need for that individual as to those needless problems stirred up because of the failures from/of as to the aspects which the aspects of what was needed to be paid attention to, was as to what I guesstimate was something that was thought about later as to such differences. The smaller factors as to the aspects of everyday life to the comparisons of the viewpoints as to the long term aspects, as well as to the longer and longest terms as to such viewpoints as per the situations as to the timeframes within the year of 2011 as to the culminations thereof. However as to the fact about such a meeting with the two male SCUBA Divers as to the aspects which I am uncertain if as to a location in Tacoma in the year of 2014 or 2015, as to a different point in time when having brought up aspects of concerns in reference to SCUBA Diving as to the topics which were discussed at the timeframe briefly.
I suppose a bit of an irony about the aspects of my SCUBA Diving as to the overall aspects as to the comparisons, as per the amounts of time I made attempts to speak with though as to such factors as to the situations during the timeframes of from 2009 as to the factors of. As those two males would be capable to remember as to how much and in depth as to the discussion, the aspects of what they could envision as to my attempts regarding the aspects of my SCUBA Diving as to attempts in the year of 2009 as to the review of as well as to the aspects of my updates as to my attempts in what multitudes of ways I could think of as best as possible; though could also see as to what I dealt with as to such factors as to whichever references as to the lack of sight as to the comparison as to other factors, as to the responsibility when SCUBA Diving in a multitude of ways.
While the timeframes of having explained to in the year of 2013 into 2014 as to Jason and Pam about how the situations were as to how my son and I wound up in Washington state including with as to the individual who as to the Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue situation, I watched that male spirit become further enraged as to the situations as to while explaining the situations regarding the factors of which again if they would know of that male spirit as to why he kept yelling the word Nottingham angrily about certain topics in comparison to other tones of his voice as to the spirit. The factors as to having noticed the male spirit before though the words for lack of better words as to what the male spirit communicated as to the aspects of the limitations to their speech as to the spirit capacity, though an irony as to the situations in reference to how more often he arrived as to the aspects of after going to the SCUBA Diving shop especially as to the situations from the timeframe of initially bringing up the Cowboys Dancehall situation. While to this day I do not know why the male spirit was getting more upset as to while I explained as well as while my son explained as well as while that male as to the Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue #StoneyLaRue concert explained the details as to the situations, today I had a phone call about that apartment complex as to the issues that developed because of the ways as to similarly regarding the aspects of the situations regarding how others have needed to simply accept the reality of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to what I deal with just as how others have needed to accept the fact that my work as to my SCUBA Diving as to my work, being as to such aspects just as to accepting the fact as to my life being my life as to what I have dealt with in comparison as to what I have needlessly dealt with regarding those types of individuals who have needlessly caused needless drama as to such factors of those types of individuals who have simply needed to accept such.
The aspects as to the situations as to what the facts are that if the male had not been a sexist as to such factors as to the point in time as to having been informed of what I was already dealing with regarding the aspects as to the ways which certain stances that male spirit had, the aspects of what actually could have been a better transition for myself instead of the needless problems such individuals had not taken into considerations while the male spirit as to the screaming of Nottingham as to his rage as to such aspects for each situations referencing such messing up as to the aspects thereof to reasons why regarding my New Jersey and my American Flag as to the symbolic portions. Those individuals have needed to accept such aspects of the if factors of knowing such an individual as to the aspects which the needless problems they have caused in such hypotheticals, as to his rage as to what they have only caused needless problems towards as to such fury. However with each and every time of having spoken with the neighbors in the apartment beneath mine whether as to the aspects of whichever point in time from the end of August though more heavily into the month of September through October into November and then into December of the year of 2013, the situations boiled over as to the aspects in regards of the situations in reference to the needless problems regarding the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the claim to try to wrongfully blame me though such clarifications as to my innocence for the apartment complex pipes as to how the shower as well as the washer had leaked when in usage of as to the small loads of laundry as to the pipelines within the walls. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the pipelines in the walls of the apartment were not my fault as to the work having been done before I had moved into the apartment, however since such individuals tried to claim such as to the aspects of the shower as well as the washer as to such aspects of those particular lines as to the lack of common sense about the fact the apartment was built before I moved into the apartment.
I did not think that took a head injury for those people to figure out as to how they lived in their apartment before I had moved in, though possibly it does take a head injury to figure that out as to the age of compared to my age.
Nonetheless as to such aspects referencing the situations regarding how the spirit that I had not seen in such a capacity referencing the aspects of the rage from him as to when speaking with Pam and Jason about the details of while he seemingly wore a darker green uniform that had a hat on the top of his head with a semi-plastic looking cover as to the over portion of his hat cover, I did not understand why I kept hearing the words "Nottingham" and as I have described in prior Official YouTube videos of mine as to how the aspects which were as to such within my Official YouTube Channel videos while he had screamed several other words about the situations during the timeframe of the years of 2013 into 2014; though it is an irony as to the legalities having been requested back in the year of 2014 for assistance and not having been contacted until the year of 2018 for a meeting, which as to the technological lining within the state of Washington to such a surprise as to my knowledge as to how the west coast has supposed to have been the leading area as to such aspects of certain types of technological advances. As I spoke with an individual within a store earlier this week, I would guesstimate if the problems as to the wildfires have to do with the aspects of the weaker lines as to the work that would be required as to the prior lining as to the fiberoptic cables in the comparison as to whatever aspects they have in this area as I would guesstimate the communication aspects as to such needless problems because of the lack of updates in of all areas as to the state of Washington and along the west coast. However if as to the ways which certain lazy attitudes because of the ways which certain factors have been known about certain viewpoints about getting work accomplished in a timely manner correctly as to certain aspects of the more hard working individuals from the east coast as to such differences, as per the fact of the updating to the lines as to the ways which additionally as to the ecological factors which can be seen in the areas as to further away from the oceanic waters to the comparison.
It still confuses me about the aspects as to why the screaming of Nottingham was as to the point in time, though because of being in Washington state as to the aspects of the knowledge about my SCUBA Diving gear as to my thought process of which Jason had been in the Navy which had been the thought process as to the aspects of having to stake my American Flag as well as the aspects of my New Jersey Flag because of several other additional factors. It seemed of importance to bring such forward as to the point in time, as the other situations had been more confusing in a multitude of ways referencing such situations. While the additional energetic portions of what I was noticing as to the areas in the distance as to the different directions, later as to finding such portions as to the Roche Harbor area as well as the Montana Vortex locations for some of the directional aspects referencing certain situations which seemed of importance regarding the aspects in such references. While there was no one I could go into further details with at the time especially in person face to face in person, the situations as best of my capability to bring such forward where I could as to the points in time. While I have hoped there would be the point where the aspects of such in person face to face in person discussions, the aspects as to such a point in time as to the year of 2013 and 2014 as to how such factors have been in such comparisons through to this year of 2022.
If as to the aspects of the wildfires have to do with the back and forth as to the lines being run correctly and/or with the actual correct product material in comparison as to whatever has been utilized for the timeframe as to such lengths since and before the year of 2014, I suppose the relaying of the lines would be something for the areas to take into consideration as to the differences between the southeast of the United States of America as to the comparisons as to the northwest portion of the United States of America. Obviously as to how the different states along the east coast as to the plant life as to not only within the areas of the coastal region and about 1.5 hours inward, though also along other areas of such locations referencing the aspects of the overall health referencing such situations regarding the aspects of what viewpoints to the natural health aspects compared to the areas of. The actual linings would make a difference as to the common sense factors, however as to how the situations referencing the ways which certain individuals as to what I can remember as to when I was a child and a teenager as to the timeframes of the 1980s and the 1990s as to certain individuals who thought they knew more about the actualities of the product lines as to how they were going to be produced as to the comparison as to the reality thereof; the situations in certain references as to the length of time as to the information between the year of 2014 through to the year of 2018 as to the common sense factor as to the information super highway. However I do not think it should take a head injury to figure out there would be nothing super about that type of a highway as to the information as to taking the timeframe from the year of 2014 through to the year of 2018 as to such factors, as to the common sense aspects in my opinion.
Nonetheless as to the other situations regarding the occurrences as to the Crystal Creek apartment complex in Vancouver Washington as per what I explained in writing as to "The Modern Day Book" as well as discussions I had with individuals when I was volunteering at Club Sapphire which as to Club Sapphire, I had described a vision I had in the year of 2005 as to the interior areas as well as specific people and discussions I had as to the year of 2005 though as to not having seen or been inside of Club Sapphire until the end of the year of 2015 and then through to the year of 2018 mainly. The aspects as to Ray's gas station in Montana as to the aspects of the two male motorcyclists as well as the aspects of when in Montana as to near Great Falls as to two different females as to one speaking with me as to the other doing weed eating as to such aspects, the situations as to the aspects regarding the if factors as to such situations during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips of the if factors of such individuals from the area as to Crystal Creek apartments in Vancouver Washington as to the aspects which because that male continued to yell the word Nottingham as to when I put my American Flag with my New Jersey flag as to the aspects as to being in the state of Washington as to the church I grew up attending as to General George Washington's private office in the back of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church.
If as to the aspects of individuals I once knew from Old Tennent Presbyterian Church having been nuisances as to throughout such lengths of time as to the aspects as to how racist some of those individuals were as to how they did not understand how I could ever like certain music such as Ice T/Ice Cube/Snoop Dogg/Biggie Smalls/Sean Puffy Combs/etcetera #IceT #IceCube #SnoopDogg #BiggieSmalls #SeanPuffyCombs ; I did not think it took a head injury for those individuals to figure out as to the fact my biological father had a jewelry business which he traveled into the 5 boroughs of New York City #NYC #NewYorkCity and since there was the boomboxes and radios as to listening to music, the aspects of what the physical attributes were meant nothing to me compared to the musical aspects thereof compared to how those people from my youth group pointed out the physical attributes of the individuals as to Green Day #GreenDay and Ace of Base #AceofBase as to the aspects of what those people thought I should be listening to as to music in the comparison as to not paying attention to the physical attributes as to when listening to the music. I also did not think it took a head injury to figure out such individuals' lyrics were capable to reach more in the comparison as to certain aspects in some references, though I have enjoyed Green Day far more than the aspects thereof to the Ace of Base while having found certain ironies in other capacities. Though I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the situations of the radio not being the same as to the if factors of whenever music videos came out, as it was known in the house I grew up in did not have cable television as to the comparisons of how there is YouTube to see music videos now as to the timeframe differences.
Nonetheless if such division that occurred in regards of what I was informed of as to the Pastor of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in the year of 2020 as to the aspects of when as to after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the fact of my being the original Baby Jesus Christ as to such factors as to the original house as to the location where that had begun in the state of New Jersey, those types of those individuals as to such needless amounts of problems as to the comparison as to taking the situations I was dealing with more seriously in comparison as to how such hypotheticals as to those who did not graduate from the Confirmation Graduation aspects as to how they tried to get Old Tennent Presbyterian Church's board to spread the aspects of my volunteer hours which were not allowed because the volunteer hours are based only upon the volunteering per individual as there was not and is not the allowance as to such aspects of such volunteer hours as to the aspects of per individual as to the common sense of that being considered as nontransferable among how most aspects of individual work is considered as nontransferable no matter how many individuals might wish otherwise.
Nonetheless as to the if factors of such needless problems within the state of Illinois as to the Army #USArmy branch of the Armed Forces and/or the inclusion as to my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School #MAST with the Navy attachment as to those individuals wishing to hide behind religion in comparison as to the fact choices are choices and actions which are capable to be proven as to such choices, are exactly as such as that should not take a head injury to figure out either; which if such situations as to the needless drama as to across through the state of Texas and/or throughout to Washington state including as to the aspects of throughout my Medal of Honor Art Project because of the timeframe of youth group, then it should not take a head injury to figure out that it has been from the timeframe of 1996 through this year of 2022 as to the aspects of what aspects have needed to be let go of as to such needless problems regarding those types of those people which because of their issues as to the church plays and having thought whatever aspects they thought of as to such factors in the comparisons of actually earning such on their own as to the comparisons. There was not the aspects just because of my biological mother being a Deacon and my biological father being a Trustee, it had to do with the actual work to accomplish as per the aspects of the various Christmas plays as well as the reliability to the work as per such factors regarding actually being on time as to the aspects of as well as doing the work correctly. However it also should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects which as to the aptitude tests as to how many individuals in the 1990s were told that their best job option was a filming aspect in comparison of looking outside of such for employment, as to how I was made fun of for what I thought was a glitch in the system of which if as to such being originally found in the 1990s as to the technology aspects as to the lines from the west coast through to the east coast as to the updating which was argued about in the late 1980s into the early 1990s as per certain factors among such situations during the timeframe.
While individuals within the mid west as well as the west coast areas tried to claim there was the lines which were good enough, individuals along the east coast had informed the individuals on the west coast as to what was necessary and the debates went heavily because of the individuals on the west coast only looking more towards the gaming aspects as to the irony about the aspects of lagging speeds as to the comparisons as to the east coast as to how the work always required the fastest work possible in the aspects thereof. However as I said back in the early 1990s as to certain meetings, "the reality of the if factors of wanting to have a lack of a delay to such gaming aspects when that moves towards the ways of as to the fact that the lines are not something to play with if you actually want your games to actually work at the higher speeds and resolutions" to whomever it was I was dealing with on that particular phone call meeting in the early timeframe of the 1990s who had an attitude about the fact I could tell he knew I was correct though had not thought about the financial aspects of what it would actually cost.
I warned about the heat that would be produced from the lines if he did not take me seriously, just as I warned about the fires that would occur. That male had laughed at me as said that he thought things being hotter would be awesome as to the flame aspects, though I warned him it was not the same type of situations of what he was thinking of about the heat or the flame aspects. Now in the year of 2022 I suppose my accuracy as to such factors as to the difference between an online flame war compared to the actualities of the flames from the heat of the wildfires can be paid attention to as to how many have developed throughout the United States of America, though I was just a child and an early aged teenager when dealing with whatever male that was as to the meeting as to that arrangement of phone calls. I am not going to write in the ways as to an I told you so, though I will remind as to how even now in the year of 2022 as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out my accuracy back in the timeframe of the late 1980s into the early 1990s as to my warnings. If as to that individual who I dealt with as to those meetings being out along the west coast and/or within the state of Washington, well it is as it is as to such aspects referencing such situations as per this particular journal blog entry as I told that individual I would not have the problems of saying such to his face as to such aspects as unlike some individuals as to the passive aggressive aspects as to how direct I actually am as to the difference between the east coast as to certain types of west coasters as to the aspects of during that timeframe as to my proven accuracy referencing the situations regarding the lines which were talked about as to the original updating timeframe of the electrical lines as well as the ways which the technological factors were going to be moving towards. Nonetheless as to the aspects of the differences between the work accomplished along the east coast in the comparison as to the west coast during that point in time as to the 1980s into the 1990s; I will simply leave it as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out as to my accuracy back in those decades, just as to the facts which I brought forward beforehand as to being accurate now as to such factors about safety as well as life as I said back in those meetings back in those decades compared to now in writing officially as to the accuracy levels as to the proof thereof.
However since the aspects as to the number of military installations as to the differences between the areas along the east coast compared to the west coast as to the seriousness as to the differences seen between the areas as to the security risk aspects, the situations during that particular point in time as to such factors which as to how the differences of what is considered as security viewpoints as to a different aspect which was not paid attention to because of the location of the west coast compared to the location of the east coast. While the aspects of such meetings paid more attention to the short and shorter terms as to the comparison as to the east coast looking at the long and longer into the longest terms as to such factors which was a different argument as to the proof capable to be found in such references, would it take a head injury to figure out the aspects as to the lines as to now in the year of 2022 as to the entire west coast areas more than 2.5 hours inward from the coastline as to the comparisons as to the amount of wildfires as to the heat I warned about with others as to such aspects as to the lines to the considerations as to the differences as to the products from the areas to be capable to notice such factors as to the proof of such regards as to the health of the areas as well as the people thereof to such considerations?
As per the situations which contacting 9-1-1 as to what I noticed if there was assistance which was needed as to the fires I saw, the ways of how the bit of a different ironies as to a viewpoint as to a sarcastic way as to reviewing warnings I have given as to the oddities as to what I saw and/or noticed.
Maybe if I was listened to and paid attention to correctly back in the 1980s into the 1990s as to the aspects I brought forward, as to how the needless situations regarding the wildfires would be different as to the common sense aspects which I had brought forward with others back in the timeframes thereof. As to the infrastructure as to the reality as to how it was warned as to how technology was going to move and progress towards in those years as to the warnings I gave to individuals especially within the state of Texas as to such aspects regarding other factors as to the differences between the east coast to the west coast in the comparison as to my being born and raised in New Jersey as to such factors as to the warnings which as to what has been capable to be proven to my accuracy as to such factors as to the situations which individuals within the technological industrial revolution as to such comparisons as to just the aspects of New Jersey and the east coast as to what accuracy now. Since it was informed that the aspects which while others along the west coast thought that games were going to be of more importance in the comparison as to the east coast which saw some value to games though saw how important the aspects of work would actually be, a larger arrangement of problems as to the irony about the meetings as to the information moving correctly as to the fastest speed rate as to getting such work accomplished in the comparisons as to the ways which individuals as to the timeframes of as to how they had not wanted to move as fast because of what they had seen as to their games; which was the larger arrangement of problems as to how such points in time as to the lack of common sense as to the situations, which were problematic because of the requirements as to the work which was required for the constant work and updating thereof as per such arguments. If accurate as to the timeframe then as to now, the aspects of such references during the timeframe as per the proof of such factors and while the regulations moved along as to such aspects as to the same ways which to the east coast had as to the comparisons as to the situations referencing the building and construction factors.
Thus while the debates were as to such points in time of the quality work in the comparison as to the ways which the games as to such half a**ing aspects as to the materials as well, the factors which as to the proof of such references as to the needless delays as to the year of 2014 through 2018 as to such references regarding what was warned in the early 1990s if such aspects as to the coding portions as to the wishes of the west coast thinking that people needed more time to process their feelings in comparison as to getting the work completed correctly as well as in an actual timely manner as per the aspects which such individuals as to whichever aspects can be capable to be seen as to the production levels along the west coast as well as how situations as to what has occurred in the state of Texas as to where I re-grew up as to such warnings I gave throughout the years of 2000 through 2012 as well as the warnings I gave in the years of 2019 through 2021 as to such factors; which now since the rolling black outs as to the state of Texas regarding the reality of the situations, as to the warnings I gave in the late 1980s into the 1990s as well as the warnings I gave in the years of the 2000s into the year of 2012 before the timeframe as to 2019 through 2021 as to the aspects of the hidden banks of information that the west coast had done in reference to the information aspects as to my lack of words as per the memory deficits as per the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
However as to what the attempts were to bring such forward correctly those individuals as to the games as well as the pop culture references regarding the warnings I was giving during such years and decades, as to the proof capable to be seen now as to the year of 2022. However in reference to the male spirit I had listened to screaming at the situations regarding Crystal Creek Apartment complex especially when as to speaking about the Cowboys Dancehall and Stoney LaRue concert situations in reference to other aspects which later having spoken with some people I once knew in person face to face in person as to phone calls when in Vancouver Washington as to the aspects of the HUD housing situations as to the antidiscrimination aspects of the ADA aspects as to the situations which the pipelines in the walls were the fault of the construction in comparison as to myself, as per the proof the age of the apartment complex in comparison as to the timeframe when I had moved into the apartment complex. If as to such aspects which the male spirit as to whatever his employment was before the timeframe thereof as to him getting mad at the individuals as to the apartment beneath mine as to what they would be capable to figure out as to why he was angry as to such aspects of the attention to details aspects, in comparison as to the modeling portions as per such factors; the reality of which as to the lack of a difference as to the apartment complex staff as to Crystal Creek apartments as to the staff in the first two apartment complexes as to where I had lived after having been taken off of the Fort Sam Houston military installation as to such explanations as to the reality during such points in time.
However as to how situations went during the years thereafter as to such factors as well, as to the situations as per capable to be proven as to such regards of what should have been as to if as to actual care and concern in the correct capacities in the comparison as to the situations as to how such has been up to this point in time.
What I personally consider as genuine care and concern obviously is different than what others have thought of as to themselves, compared to what I have needed for myself as to such factors which I have worked towards and as to the lack of achievements as to such references thereof as to the aspects of such factors as to the specifics.
Nonetheless as to the regards of the if factors as to the aspects whether as to the technological aspects as to the situations moving in the correct timely manner in comparison as to how such has been especially as per seeing such as to the timeframe from March 2020 as to this year of 2022, the reality of such aspects as to actually getting such work accomplished correctly and at a speedily timely manner in the comparison as to how such aspects of March 2020 through now has only slowed down progress as to the aspects as to the similarity as to such aspects as to the warnings as to the developmental portions as to the timeframes of the 1980s into the 1990s as to the technology aspects as to what can be noticed in reference to several other situations as to the comparisons of taking care of situations correctly in the expedient amounts of time in comparison of the waiting such out as the reality of which there is no waiting certain aspects out as to the amounts of situations which continue to add upwards in the reality of how such situations go as to those types who wish that could be waited out in the comparison of getting such work accomplished correctly as to such factors. If as to the amount of needless games as to those types of those individuals who if as to a larger amount of people as to the timeframe of youth group as to the film aspects as to the aptitude tests in the 1990s as to how it seemed there was a glitch as to the aptitude tests, the reality which as to what I warned about as to actually thinking as to the comparisons as to the sheepish factors regarding such work as to how the viewpoints can be seen and noticed in the references thereof to such lengths of time.
With the facts as to my SCUBA diving work as well as the aspects as to other situations before as well as during the timeframe as to the years of 2013 and 2014, the situations which should have been corrected immediately as to actually fixing and repairing the situations in a timely manner as to the comparisons as to the situations.
While I was informed of the incorrect wording as there was not any eviction process for me ever nor ever needed as to apartment aspects whatsoever as to such differences as to the aspects of the paperwork as to the actual legal terms, the situations of what individuals were argued with in the east coast as to the west coast as to the wording banks as such needless problems regarding such factors as to what actually occurred. I am going to guesstimate as to whatever occurred in reference to the front office building as to how my son and I wound up in Washington state as to the aspects of such eviction possibilities had to do with the male as to such factors in the reference as to what I have read about the apartment lease applications, as per such factors in the comparison as to myself as per the situations which I was not informed of though I would guesstimate if I am accurate as to the office area as to the capability to the consideration as to what I brought forward to my son in the year of 2018 about such at the timeframe of. If as to the aspects in the comparison as to the other individual compared to myself as to the situation of physical aspects in person face to face in person, the reality which only as self defense have I ever had such in the comparison as to such factors. In turn as to the if possibilities as to the aspects thereof, the situations which would be the eviction of that male in the comparison since there has not ever been any point in time where I have ever went to such a length regarding those types of choices as per my patterns of behaviour.
I do the best I can to remain as calm as possible despite situations, as while I have had to protect and defend others as to the ironic factors as to the differences in several comparisons. Since I know the aspects as to how such sensations are as to having to protect and defend others because of the reality as to how other factors of my life has been, the differences as to such factors I suppose to the irony as to such situations regarding. That luxury which has been afforded to others as to the comparison as to several factors as to how many times I have had to defend myself as well as do what I could to protect and defend my son and my daughter to the best of my capabilities as to the length of time as to the years of, is as such is as to what was as to such points in time.
Obviously the paperwork was not along such lines either as to the factors of what the legal process actually is as to the comparison as to the occurrences as to such factors as to the needless problems regarding what was warned to individuals within the west coast as to such comparisons as to when I was in the east coast; though as to certain individuals as to Asher Holmes Elementary School as to their parents' work as to the comparison as to the meetings I had as to the different timeframes, as to such needless nosey types as to what was not of their business to begin with as to such additional needless problems as to such individuals as to those factors capable to be proven as to such references as to the irony as to the banks of information regarding the west coast as to such warnings as to when I was in Asher Holmes Elementary School as to the differences regarding such aspects as to the situations referencing individuals who did not actually have the background or the knowledge base to begin with as to such factors as to the difference between pop culture types of technological factors to the comparison as to actual work in the references thereof to such aspects.
The situations which as to how individuals may not have liked the facts and the truth has been proven as to the needless problems such causes for more than as to actually fixing and repairing the situations correctly, which fixing and repairing the situations correctly has been required and needed for far longer than some people have been willing to pay attention to correctly. Now as to the timeframe where it is of importance to actually do so correctly for the if factors of actually wanting to live as to such aspects, the differences regarding such situations as to the needless delays as to how such individuals as to the timeframes thereof. However as to the acceptance as to the reality of the situations regarding the occurrences thereof as to how my warnings as to the proven accuracy in such references, the aspects which have been important to bring forward as to the aspects thereof to the length of time regarding such factors. Thus if as to the individuals knowing the male spirit that I had seen multiple times in the Crystal Creek apartment complex as to how enraged he had been as to several factors as to in several situations having put into writing as to the emails as to the apartment complex as well as the HUD housing as to such factors as to what I had noticed as to how the ways of such aspects had not been seen before by the prior experiences I have had, the situations regarding how the situations had been as to such points in time as to the aspects of the occurrences regarding the individual as to the Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue concert as to his choices as to what I was not informed of as to how such factors went as to the apartment leasing office as to how the ways which such had been regarding whatever possibilities; I suppose as to the aspects as to other proof in reference as to the situations as to Arizona as well as what I had brought forward previously regarding other factors, as to before Washington state in the year of 2013 as well as the aspects thereafter as to my updates.
However the if factors as to the if I actually had mattered as to how the situations would have been different as to the comparisons as to the situations as to discussions as well as the ways which situations would have been as to the multitude of factors, as while I have made the attempts as best as I could as to such situations as to how the factors thereof would officially be in a different capacity. As per the pictures from my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification as to the carhart jacket as well as the aspects as to the situations in reference to the Air Show in the year of 2010 as to the oddities which as to what I brought forward regarding several situations as best as I could, the facts as to the proof thereof as to what should have been capable to prevent the needless problems thereof; though as to my ex-in-laws as to such needless situations as to the aspects of how they were the first individuals to have known about the facts thereof and instead of making the correct choices as to the reality thereof, as to the proof of such factors as to the lengths of time in the combined circumstances as well as the factors as to how such situations went as to the training graduation ceremony as to the Austin area National Guard location.
What as for my audacity to salute the American Flag as to the salute to the individuals having graduated the training as who would have thought being patriotic and appreciative to the aspects of my Constitutional Rights and Amendments would ever have been such an issue within the state of Texas or anywhere else within the United States of America when actually thinking about such facts as to where I was born and raised as to New Jersey as to the reality of such factors, as why would that be considered as important as well?
In turn as to the situations referencing the clearing up of the details as well as the clarifications and verifications as to the length of time as to the combined overall factors as per what aspects as to how I would guesstimate the needless problems in the conjunction as to the situations of the glitch in the system as to the film portions as to the New Jersey area as to the similarities as to the state of Illinois as to such needless problems as well as to such hypotheticals, the reality of such factors as to the requirements as to my permissions as to the comparison as to how such hypotheticals as to the references regarding the aspects of my privacy as to my life as to how many individuals I once knew who simply should have just asked me as to the situations regarding my SCUBA Diving in the comparisons of such needless drama as to the needless problems as to what would have been easier as well as the best in the comparisons as to such circumstances as to the hypotheticals as to such needless involvement as to my life and the situations thereof to such hypothetical circumstances as to the comparisons as to what I had made arrangements for in the comparison of what others thought would be as to such comparisons as to what I comprehended was best as to such points in time as to the reasons why I had made the arrangements as to what was my home. Though as to how such factors regarding the situations as to the civilian SCUBA Diving sector and/or the aspects of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to how simple it actually would have been to simply speak with me directly in the comparisons of such needless problems as to the ways of such hypothetical factors, as to how many attempts I had made in person face to face in person as to such areas within the state of Texas throughout the timeframe of the year of 2009.
If such aspects had to do with the mindless portions as to the standards as to the ways which others went to and through their SCUBA Diving training in the comparisons as to my background from my childhood and my teenager years, hence the reasons as to why it has always been important to tell the truth at all times in the comparisons of the wishful omissions being of the aspects of telling some truths as to the reality the actual truth of the whole truth and nothing but the truth is far more important as to the larger aspects of life as well as progression forward as to such comparisons as to the needless fluffifying of such aspects the ways which such situations have been as to the lengths of time in a multitude of situations.
Having noticed the male spirit and having put into writing about such factors as to HUD as well as the aspects of seeking assistance as to the situations, if as to what I guess might be similar as to the aspects of around September 2018 as to the situations of the if factors as to the office as to 2014 as to the aspects which can be reviewed as to the Cowboys Dancehall as well as the aspects as to my townhouse zs well as to then the aspects of Arizona as to attempts; I suppose the aspects which if as to the proof of as per what could be found, as to the references regarding the aspects of why even now as to the timeframe from 2013 to now in 2022 as to the oddity as to the male spirit as to the ways of irony regarding the Prince of Wales in California as to the aspects of such considerations. However now as to the aspects of the Montana Vortex #MontanaVortex #Montana #Montanastate #MTstate #MT #Kalispell #KalispellMT #KalispellMontana as to the timeframe of 7 days of pure work as to the aspects of, the years between 2014 through now in 2022 to the reminder that I went to the SCUBA Divers in the end months of 2013 or the early beginning months of the year of 2014, as per a comment I was told about situations that had occurred in or around the year of 2015 in the state of Texas; which would be something for some to consider, as to the situations regarding having made attempts to bring such forward about my SCUBA Diving and as to the aspects of which such possibilities regarding the aspects of the Pacific area of the oceanic waters compared to the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters as per my ideal SCUBA Dive being as to the Alaskan waters area as to the timeframe when the Aurora Borealis would be going as to seeing such wonders as well as monitoring what aspects I could distinguish referring to the situations within the waters.
Nonetheless as to the aspects after having reviewed as well as updated the aspects of my journal blog as well as the situations as to beginning my Official YouTube Channel, the aspects of the occurrences in the short amount of time as to the comparative view; it is difficult to process such an amount, in such a length of time. The possibilities of if there was anyone who would have known that particular male spirit as to the aspects thereof, I suppose a different arrangement of ironies throughout such factors regarding the aspects of the culmination as to the years of 2013 through 2022. I know at a point in time there was an email from the HUD individual about notations that I had made, which as to what I was putting together while working upon as to the larger capacities as per the aspects of the year of 2013 into 2014 regarding my books as well as the aspects of the latter portions of other books for other updates such as "The Modern Day Book" and "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire"; the situations in reference to which notation from what reference was confusing to me because of working on the eight different books I published within the years of 2014 through 2016 and then onto Amazon for those books I authored and compiled while additionally working on my Medal of Honor Art Project, which thus as to the confusion about the notation the HUD individual had referred to.
In the aspects as to my multiple notebooks, trapper keepers, paperwork, sticky notes, notepads, random pieces of papers with specific notations; the reality as to how many pieces of paper I was working with and from as to such aspects of the requirement of what aspects, as well as the actualities of the context. For example as to the situations of "Finding A Silver Lining" and/or "Finding The Silver Lining" as to the multitude of paperwork for the aspects of "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such aspects of the amount of work. Then as to the notations of what other factors for which book and/or book series, as to the situations as to the review of such aspects. When adding as to the if factors of speaking with others as to any notations as well as to what might be, and/or as to the if factor as to such notations regarding from such aspects as to the male spirit as to the situations since I have been capable to pick up on such for the length of time as I have regarding such examples as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church. Thus as to such factors of the distinguishing portions which I was not informed of as to the specifics, the reality as to the proof of what I was working on as to on my own through such timeframe of the years of 2013 into 2014; the work is capable to be seen, in regards of the condensed portions as to my journal blog as well as my books section in conjunction with my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the proof of such work as I have been doing the best as possible as I can do.
Only a small group of people had officially been informed as to seeing in person face to face in person as to certain aspects, such as candle portions for one example. In other situations as to the incense smoke and/or cigarette smoke aspects, as to the movement regarding the years when I smoked cigarettes more often. That has been a flocculation as I have noticed from around the time of the year in 2010 as to certain aspects I noticed, and because of how the situations were at the time as to what I had to focus upon. Now in the year of 2022 as to doing what I need for myself as to such aspects compared to what has been for such timeframes, the aspects which has been a bit of a process to getting to the point of such realizations, as to the seeing for myself as to such aspects regarding several situations. The factors regarding the situations which to this day makes little sense, though a bit of an irony as to the month of September as to having moved into the apartment complex of Crystal Creek at the timeframe as to the viewpoint regarding the birthstone color as to the Sapphire regarding such possibilities as to such hypotheticals referencing a culmination as to such possible situations. Thus such would be weirdly odd if as to such factors regarding a review of situations between September 2009 through September 2012, then review September 2013 through September 2016, then review September 2017 through September 2020; and the correlations would be as I guesstimate, there being a bit of some individuals as to their patterns of behaviour which would include my own patterns of behaviour as to what can be considered as to consistency-ish aspects.
Admittedly when in what was my home as to the plans as to what I had as to staying, though when such situations went as to how the factors of from the point in time as to 2010 more specifically; I had difficult choices to make to the best of my capability, and hopefully the best possible for the overall situations. It seems odd to the paperwork aspects as to a sight of the Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the law firm in the year of 2011 as to McCoy Elementary School as to Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District as to the aspects of the male spirit as to the timeframe in the years of 2013 through 2014, though the correlations as to my writings/compiling as to the aspects which others would be capable to clarify as to such timeframes regarding the factors thereof to such references as to a different way to bring forward the spiritual energetic references regarding such factors as well as the reality of The Big Blue Book also known as The Blue Book Project as well as the formation of the US Space Force. Though possibly there is symbolism individuals as to such a point in time, would be capable to review the details of as to such knowledge to see such connected portions.
However he additional irony as to the area as to while I have given warnings as to the aspects of the technology portions for decades before this year of 2022, the aspects which as to the situations which can be noticed as to the factors of having the levels of technology as well as the types of such factors as to the types of participation as to the references regarding the difference of viewpoints regarding the acceptability standards in regards of life to the review of. The reality as to the formation of the US Space Force as to the fact of everyone being on one planet as to the facts of how NASA #NASA has been around for several decades, the situations as to being one planet within the Milky Way Galaxy as to the comparison of what is known as to that orbital plane compared to other viewpoints of orbital aspects within the Milky Way Galaxy; the situations which reference the aspects of working together in the proper way towards life as to such aspects in a difference of viewpoints as to the aspects of.
The reference of a great teacher learns from their students as the smartest admits they know nothing, the aspects which progression forward towards betterment is important where and as best as possible.
As a beginning portion to a new timeframe in life of hopefully for the best for me as to what would bring the most amount of happiness as to such regarding such pastural viewpoints, this reviewal as to what has been needed to be clarified and verified additionally as to such factors; maybe soon there can be something worthwhile to celebrate and enjoy, as that seems a bit important. Thus as to having reviewed several factors as to the irony about Montana and then at Ray's gas station situation as to the motorcyclists who had a problem with the term I have used for decades as to my upbringing as to the words of 'titty baby' as to the multitude of factors regarding the terminology as to as many individuals who have claimed they knew how people are from New Jersey and yet though as to metaphors; if Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to the individuals at Steel Creek Apartments as to the comparison of which the aspects as to Pam being Joe Biden and Hunter Biden being Jason as to such a proverbial way as to putting such forward, the aspects as to the needless problems referencing such aspects which should not have been as to the aspects of such situations as to the timeframe within the years of 2013 into 2014 and onward as to how such factors of those individuals' personal issues as to the aspects thereof; the situations as to Ray's gas station in the year of 2016 as to during my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to the state of Montana, the aspects of which just because of some plausibility of the situations referencing a military connection does not fully clear such aspects as per the reality of the locations I went to as to the factors of those who understand background aspects for the importance of such subject matter.
In turn such aspects as to "The Modern Day Book" to the accuracy thereof as well as the updates to my journal blog as to such of what could be salvaged of the if factors as to the individuals from Crystal Creek apartments as to the situations clarified as to the years of 2019 through this year of 2022 in reference of individuals I once knew in person face to face in person, the aspects as to such factors as per the references regarding the plausible situations of which the Nottingham aspects as to whatever capacities thereof to such connection points. The factors as to any such needless problems as to the aspects of my life as per such individuals having the knowledge thereof and where the aspects of what would actually have been assistive in the comparison of the hypothetical aspects in such passing of the proverbial buck in comparison of actually making the correct choice as to the proof of the choices and actions to the results in the positive and betterment sorts of ways, the situations in reference to the aspects about when as to my work SCUBA Diving would have been within such levels of the timeframe as per what I had discussed with people in person face to face in person about the 5 or 10 or 15 years aspects as to the informational aspects depending upon how the situations were/are handled.
There are many reasons as to why it is always best when I am in a good mood, as I have been capable to joke about in such references throughout various timeframes. However it does return to the aspects of the name portions as to the reality of how simple to just ask in comparison as to such factors of the hypothetical factors, as the common sense aspects as to respectfully with etiquette discussing details with me as to such factors compared to various circumstances as brought forward referencing such aspects. If as to the Hunter Biden to Jason as to the aspects of the proverbial metaphor as to hiding information as well as intentions, the clarifications and verifications need to be brought forward fully as to such aspects as to the reality of the leader of the United States of America as to the reality of needing to have the best interests of the country as to such choices. The reality of what aspects as to the accepted portions depending upon the aspects of such factors as to the intentions, the reality which as to how important such factors as to the ways which the United States of America is taken care of as to the ways which as to the best of capabilities as to within the aspects of the world. I am unaware as to the background of Jason just as I am unaware of the background of Pam and/or the backgrounds of the individuals who worked at Crystal Creek apartment complex in Vancouver Washington as to such factors, however the situations as to how enraged that male spirit became as to the aspects of when discussing certain factors as to the timeframes when that was an option; the situations referencing such aspects as to the timeframe as to the year of 2014, before the ways of if as to the hypotheticals as per after the timeframe from moving out of the apartment complex as to also the timeframe of having spoken with the SCUBA Divers with PADI and SSI training.
I have since 2014 wondered if my SCUBA Diving gear arrangement would be along the lines of SSI, though as to other situations to the aspects of. The timeframe of 2014 as to the reality of what work I had completed looking back now in 2022, seems more important as to such timing before 2019; as the aspects of the first 6 books published in 2014 and 2015 within a certain amount of time as to the SCUBA Diving shop with PADI and SSI, as to the irony about the Georgia Guidestones and "Fail-Safe: A Kennedy curse fused with science fiction and fantasy". Now in the year of 2022 how it does seem a bit odd, regarding the aspects as to the if factors of where some may not have realized the terminology of the MK Ultra aspects as to the situations in reference to the aspects of my books; and depending upon how they handled the situations as per how such viewpoints regarding the factors thereof. In turn as to the if factors as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, what aspects of intentions referencing others in the hypothetical as to my trips as well as truth referencing the actualities was actually told and informed of and when?
What proof would the year of 2018 be of importance in such references as to Iowa and Colorado as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips from the timeframe thereof and in such hypotheticals of the if factor of care and concern about me, what proof would such be capable to have as such evidence regarding such factors?
In the reference as to the aspects of surviving such aspects, the situations regarding the truth about my work as to as best as I have been capable to as to just simply going along with my day; which if as to the aspects of the SCUBA Diving shop contacting Texas about my work as to then what possibilities throughout the state of Texas to consider as to the early months of the year of 2014 in the references regarding the situations within the state of Texas as to any hypotheticals. If there were individuals who remembered what I warned about to the if factor of my residing outside of the state of Texas as to the aspects as to the above the Mason Dixon Line as to how some thought I was joking, the capacity of such factors of what I brought forward in the years of 2000 onward as to the zapping situations as per Geek Squad as well as the laptop fire when thinking about healing energetic factors as to the timeframe in 2005 which as to the energetic portions of being capable to see certain ways as to the frequencies. For example this prior week on the 18th of July as well as the 24th and the 25th of July in the year of 2022, I went to the Montana Vortex. I did use the camera phone to record some aspects of the timeframe, and uploading to YouTube as to the aspects of regarding while I was there as to working on getting such taken care of for the purposes of such connection aspects as to my work documentations. The testings and research I had done on myself for the aspects from the timeframe of the year of 2016 as to such factors, as to a review as to the timeframe of 2009 as to concerns as to the timeframe referencing such aspects between the years of 2009 through 2013; as to the timeframe of in a different capacity as to the years of 2016 through 2019 and then from 2020 through 2022 in such references though in capacities of a different viewpoint.
I suppose the proverbial saying is to know which way up is as to following the bubbles, and yet when as to such a viewpoint as to the factors of the ways when on land as to following the proverbial bubbles leads upwards as to such a review.
In turn in my opinion, I suppose the aspects of what is best as to depending upon the viewpoint.
However since the energetic aspects I had noticed when at the Crystal Creek apartments and what I could attempt to bring forward, later some of the aspects as to "The Modern Day Book" as well as some of my Official YouTube channel videos as to the explanations in reference to the energetic aspects I had noticed in the year of 2013 and 2014. The aspects of whatever reasons I have had the need to SCUBA Dive in the Alaskan area as to the oceanic waters during the Aurora Borealis to monitor the situations as to the species within the waters as to the year of 2009 though as a child having had the need to SCUBA Dive or swim as I had put it back then in my childhood as to at Asher Holmes Elementary School, as to the Marianas Trench. The males in the suits had visited with me at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church around two or three weeks after having heard that I wanted to go looking around the area, and the aspects which confused them as to why I would see a need to check on the area at the time of the late 1980s into the early 1990s as to my concerns at the time as to what I was already dealing with during such points in time as to the differences between the late 1980s into the early 1990s as to the timeframe of the year of 2009 compared to now in the year of 2022 as to the concerns in reference to the oceanic waters referencing what I had noticed as a child. The aspects which as to where I saw the energetic aspects of where the Montana Vortex is compared to the aspects of what I described when at the Roche Harbor area as to what I saw when at Crystal Creek, then as to other factors as to the oddities of what the attempts to explain as to the length of time at this point depending which portion paid attention to as to the details.
In turn the aspects of the attention to the details as to such clarifications and verifications to be capable to progress forward regarding the review of such aspects to be capable to assist where possible, as to the aspects of what I could see before as to such attempts to explain. With the formation of the US Space Force in the year of 2022 as to the factors of several combinations of the years as to more-so in reference of 2000 through 2020, the situations which many can take into consideration as to the security aspects as to the aspects where I have been accurate. Despite the situations as to the year of 2013 into 2014, the aspects of what I have noticed from early on in the state of Washington as to the factors which I made attempts to ask some individuals though as to how the situations went in the comparison. While I suppose in irony as to my not being into motorcycles though protective of motorcyclists as to the aspects of, the irony about Ray's gas station in Montana in the year of 2016 referencing such aspects as to how other situations went as to such comparisons. If as to the situations as to "The Modern Day Book" and/or the irony as to how "Fail-Safe" was supposed to be a creative fiction novel series; I suppose the if factors, as to any hypothetical accuracy regarding such factors as per what has been brought forward as to my updates in my journal blog.
How individuals were as to such points in time was and is a choice as to whether to remain the same or to open the eyes to see, which in turn as to such factors as to this point in time as to 2022; the ironies as to such combinations as to the possibilities, I suppose are pondering aspects to review. Nonetheless as to not having seen such before along the west coast as to such comparisons of the energetic portions, the review of such areas as to the oddities as to the formations as to the plants as well are as to such viewpoints regarding the factors of. In turn as to the if factors as to Crystal Creek apartments the problems as to the males are as to the aspects thereof, in the comparison as to the reality of the situation referencing my son and I as to such factors. The situations which as per my updates as well as "The Modern Day Book" as to the reality of what I brought forward in "Finding A Silver Lining" as well as "Finding The Silver Lining" as to the aspects which as to this point in time as to seeing such factors of what I had brought up previously. Individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person who did not have child(ren) of their own and/or the levels of responsibilities as to such factors in the years from 2004 through 2013 compared to the aspects of 2009 through this year of 2022 as to whichever capacities thereof to such review, and as to the aspects of such situations; the reality which as to the factors of such situations, as to the proof of which way as to such factors as to the situations depending upon the circumstances.
March 2020 through this year of 2022 in July as to such a sight referencing the aspects of choices, as to where the aspects are in such references to the comparisons as to other points in time. As to the aspects of the US Space Force having been implemented the irony as to actually working together in a positive way as to such viewpoints to the comparison, when reviewing the timeframe as to 2020 through 2022 regarding the factors as to COVID when reviewing such portions as to the choices of behaviour. When reviewing such aspects as to what portions were focused upon as to the aspects of paying attention, then as to what is it to show in such references regarding such aspects when reviewing such to ponder about as what would such displays show as to the aspects of what is considered as of importance in the references regarding such perceptions?
Where has there been the honesty and what is important about such honesty, as where would it be capable to be proven as to how honesty is the best policy as what situations would be capable to show such?
When obviously as to electricity as to lights and as to cameras on every cellphone as well as wherever else as to such factors when going to locations, what further actions are needed to prove such aspects of integrity as to such factors as to the specifics why the 10 Commandments are actually important?
Why are truthful aspects important in the short term, the long term, and the longest terms possible?
Does biological gender actually matter when in reference to accomplishments as to recognition as why would it matter for a biological female to be brought forward as to such factors, as would that be considered as worthwhile to be capable to review situations differently to progress forward as to such comparisons as why would anyone think going backwards would be better as why would it be more important to learn from history to progress forward as to the correct focus as to the details as to the larger picture as well as why would it be of importance to review such aspects with clear eyes in the truth?
