Read both of my journal blogs in full to then read the full details as per my journal blogs as to the importance of the fullness of the understanding:
I was born and then as an infant for the first 3 years of my life as to the more common times as to the aspects of being in a room less than 7 feet away from the room with all of the watches and all of the clocks, that were clocks and watches of individuals I personally met throughout those years as well as throughout those years afterwards to the year of 1996.
The first three years of my life before the aspects of going to my babysitter who's husband was the Director of Security as to also a Director of Security because of how the World Trade Center and the World Trade Center Plaza aspects were, as to the situations at the time to those amounts of clocks and watches.
* 60 second in one minute
* 60 minutes in one hour and that amount of time is 3,600 seconds
* 24 hours in one day is 86,400 seconds
* 7 days in one week is 604,800 seconds
* There are usually 4 weeks in one month in an overall-ish viewpoint aspect
* 30 days is the average month of time and that is 2,592,000 seconds
* 360 days in one year is 31,536,000 seconds
* 3 years of that is 94,608,000 seconds
However many watches in the three years as well as however many clocks as to whatever types of clocks for those three years, is all that is needed to think about as to the starting point of my life as to my personal existence on earth.
Then as to the different pieces throughout the time of the years from then to the aspects of that Halloween and Halloween Childhood journal blog posts, as then those who have the knowledge at the minimum of how New Jersey and New York City and New York state are as to such levels as to the reality of what I dealt with as a child into the years of my early teenager years before I ever dealt with the aspects of the situations of the World Trade Center and World Trade Center Plaza after timeframes as to all of the individual children I knew as well as the many more biological adults I personally knew as to the aspects of the timeframe regarding the situations. Thus as to work as to my suggestions in regards of my fact book "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" as to my book section through where the link to purchase to read the books as to reading the information within the pages of the books beyond just the small details as to the name of the title as the small details are the name of the title compared to the amount of information to the small details of the title. Thus as to reading to then know the information before and while understanding such, only after the knowledge turns to understanding can such understanding turn to comprehension.
Now the difference between my books as to the sections as per the genres, while I have written/authored/compiled multiple books as to the overall when on my website as to the comparison of the writing/author/compiling to one book "Finding A Silver Lining" as to the differences as to all of my other books for the clarifications as to if the books were actually read as the only way to read a book is to read the words from all of the book's pages as to the larger amount of information compared to the minute details as to the title as the same the minute details as to the title of a book as to the minute details as to the information compared to a chapter within one book.
The IRS in some ways I would guess would have the financial records as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to the businesses in the overall New Jersey and New York and Pennsylvania areas as to the fact he was a contractor as to the School of Bulova as to being capable to work on the stuff he worked on as individuals-ish possibly to a degree, as to some individuals who had such work just as the individuals who were as unlike actors and actresses who have banded together as to the ways as per the factors regarding other unionized aspects as to the differences regarding individuals who have different employment as to such factors as to the combined situations. When such aspects as to the levels of as well as the employment aspects, the reality of how important such attention to the actual details compared to the attention to the information is important far more because when paying attention to the details as to the smaller aspects of what catches the attention if the genuine care of such would be as to the actual information as to the factors thereof in my opinion.
Read this Journal Blog after clicking the link, as that is how to be capable to read all of the information from the details as to the title:
Read this Journal Blog after clicking the link, as that is how to be capable to read all of the information from the details as to the title:
Anyone I once knew in person face to face in person that has not spent time with me as to what I personally consider as spending time with me as to the ADA requirements as to what I comprehend as to my personal needs as to the situations as per my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury/TBI that everyone I once knew in person face to face in person as well as each and every individual and/or company those individuals spoke with and/or sent information about me who had not been in person face to face in person with me and the discussions as to real communication as what I consider as real communication as to such aspects would already have proven by now as to how they did not do what was required at the exact point in times when needed as to the specifics as to the exact points in time when needed and such includes to the facts of my journal blog as I did not have in my life specifically as to the exact requirements as to what needs as to the aspects of the time because of the facts as to the starting point to the actual needs instead of interpretations as to the lack of information to when individuals interpret from details in comparison to reading the actual information as to the whole aspects of such factors of the full information at the time when as to. Since there was not anyone in my life in person face to face in person as per such requirements as to the specifics of what I consider as in person face to face in person as to my needs for the prior 5 years consecutively, there has not ever been anyone in my life that has met the minimum standards as to that entire amount of time as to such requirements for individuals to ever try to consider a True 1980s New Jersey-ian to be considered as family as to such aspects of what actual family as to the aspects of differences as to the situations as to the considerations of what a family is as to the specifics as to such requirements.
However even with the capacity of such for the prior 5 years, there has not been the aspects of such in person face to face in person aspects as to what I personally as per my childhood as per my teenager years as per my biological adult aspects as to what I personally would ever consider as a friend as to such aspects as to the requirements of such in person face to face in person as per what my personal needs as to my personal requirements as to such aspects of what timeframes then as to the difference to the now of the year of 2022 to such references and regards thereof. While some might say they could care about me, the aspects of what actual care for me in the difference to the care about me as to the aspects of such importance as to what actual care for me is to the difference of care about me. Thus as to any individual who would not fit within such a category as to such aspects in the capacities thereof to what would be considered as the President of the United States of America Ronald Regan saying as to the situations of help, instead of the aspects of assistance as to what assistance is as to the reality. When the facts as to how there was not ever any individual other than myself who had pushed specifically as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain to actually correctly pay attention to instead of what occurred as to the length of time as to the actual aspects of the massive differences as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 20000 head injury that does have the after effects to the conjunction of my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to the common sense after effects from a migraine per migraine as to the common sense if as to individuals who have the intellectual capacity to process information about pain levels though as to the compassion to actual care for the pain levels as to the differences as to the intentions as well.
In reference to pop culture as to my two posts as the links as well as all of my prior journal blog entries, if there ever was a problem needlessly caused as to those cherubim pop culture types because of when I was in the Seattle Washington area as to the knowledge as to my lack of pop culture background and the common sense aspects as to how movies as well as television shows have the aspects to where the requirement of looking at a screen as well as the sounds of the speakers as to the common sense to anyone who has real intelligence or at minimum of common sense as to how those aspects would not be comfortable for anyone who has headaches each and every individual day of each and every individual week of each and every individual month of each and every individual year for the prior 22 years as to such an example for the individuals who had needlessly caused problems as to the actual correct care for my after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury when I was in Basic Training in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Similar to how when my son had asked about a few things when I contacted those people in the biological relation to him as only in reference in the official capacity because of the importance of that difference of the specific references, thus as to such aspects of the comprehension my website is not anything as to my son as to what lack of intelligence would be shown in reference to such aspects of asking me as to my business as to my work as to my books as to my website as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to my paintings as to how the only way as to such aspects as to actually asking me as to my personal work as to the massive difference between all of the aspects
I already discussed and wrote about the reality of reasons why I fought to join as to the aspects of being 17 years old legally when I was in Basic Training as I did not turn 18 legally until August, thus as to the situations as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain with the additional situations I have already clarified as to such situations and obviously as to how such situations to the after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to not show up in MRI or CAT scans as to those factors. Thus since my lack of knowledge as to pop culture to "The Modern Day Book" in reference to the situations regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the situations in what possibilities as to aspects as to why I fought to get to the area as per when I fought to join, as I figured being involved with Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to when I was invited to attend as to the aspects as to how I figured it would have been easier and earlier for my attempts, as to the aspects of what I learned from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to Tiananmen Square as to such aspects because of the knowledge to those who would have common sense as to scrolls and maps in the multitude thereof.
Though to other factors in a larger capacity though as to the situations in reference to the aspects and thus as to what attempts I made thinking I could ever be capable enough to get the information to assist the United States of America as well as a few other aspects such as what for lack of better words would be as a Eucharist of dog tags, as to what I was informed of from my Bok Pu as to the aspects of finding such to give to my Commander as per the MEPs station when I was in Chicago Illinois for my enlistment paperwork as to after having been moved from New Jersey to Illinois in the year of 1998.
Again the first time I have ever seen the New York City skyline from a location I would remember from before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate from the MRI/CAT scans since the year of 1998, before the first time of where I would remember the best as to this year of 2022 in the month of February as to the aspects of oddity as to the first World Trade Center and World Trade Center Plaza attacks in February of 1993 as to the second attacks to the World Trade Center and the World Trade Center Plaza were on 11 September 2001 as I told people I once knew in person face to face in person throughout the state of Texas from the years of 2001 through 2013 in person face to face in person as to my multiple attempts to get back to my home state and my home state areas for the length of time as I have explained as to such aspects. Attending elementary school during the time of the 1993 attacks on the World Trade Center and the World Trade Center Plaza at the time of the amount of technological advances as to the reality of certain individuals' children during the time, just before the solar eclipse of 1994 as to the situations as to my attempts to get back to New Jersey since 1998 because of how few ever believed me as to the year of 1993 as to my church as well as others I knew throughout the years since from 1993 as to the aspects of how news had not traveled as fast as it does now as to the timeframes. Thus as to 1998 in Illinois as to their lack of knowledge because it had not been officially reported more widespread as to the aspects of unless in Chicago Illinois I guesstimate in the stead of Crystal Lake and Cary Grove and Lake in the Hills Illinois as to such differences.
I have not ever went to the degree of such zealotry as to pop culture individuals as to the aspects of as per the situations as per such proof, and thus as to how I have not ever went against such individuals in any capacity the ways as to how such individuals need to comprehend the references of pop culture New Jersey are not the actuality as to real New Jersey-ians and real New Jersey-ians refuse those factors they personally disagree with at such real aspects thereof if their stance is factual and proven and capable to fully defend fully for all successful victories as per how New Jersey has always been the strongest for multiple reasons and the strength of New Jersey-ians is the fact others who have not been capable to ever get into the aspects of a New Jersey-ian is because of their lack of common sense to ever actually truthfully speak with a New Jersey-ian. When such with a New Jersey-ian is in truth with etiquette respectfully, the aspects of how much more can actually be and all individuals who have needed to comprehend that reality as to how that pop culture garbage as to such aspects in my opinion though the saying of one individual's trash is another individuals' treasure.
Though no one I once knew in person face to face in person from the prior years as to such discussions as to communication as to the years from especially as to 1998 through 2013, the aspects of such attempts from 2014 through 2018 as well as my attempts in 2019 through 2021 before this year of 2022 as to such aspects as to the reality of such aspects as to how my viewpoint of though a strong connection as to such possibilities as to the amount of time I could have given to those individuals families and friends as including such closure for myself. I did not think that took a head injury to figure out as to what closure that would officially give me for my life, though the reality when reviewing such facts as to the aspects of such information.
Why would I ever believe individuals I once knew in person face to face in person through those years of 1998 through 2013 could actually care about me and care for me in the correct ways and capacities as why would actually paying attention at the specific point in time of the years of 2000 through 2008 as to that point in time be of the most heavy importance to the aspects of medical treatments, for after effects of head injury/TBI survivors?
With the calculations of time as to the seconds, what would the calculations of time be as to the timeframe of May 1998 through January 2021 be as to seeing the first areas of the northeast as to where I was born and raised as why would I have the viewpoints I have had throughout my updates as to such aspects as to the reality of my childhood as to the room as to such watches and clocks?
Personally for me I enjoy the aspects of older clocks and watches because of the craftsmanship within the individuals pieces as to the work as well as the intricacies as to the specifics of the more than just the aspects of the individual pieces though as to the various aspects of the watches and clocks, as when I was old enough I began to work with as minimal as to such points in time as to certain aspects similarly as to having learned other aspects of working on different pieces. In such references as to my SCUBA Diving certification as to such a combined aspects of my SCUBA Diving certification for the SUUNTO Computer Assisted Diving certification I earned, as to the combination of both of my biological parents' employments in a different capacity as to while the situations as to my childhood and my teenager years as well as my biological adult years as to the situations of having respected the scientific aspects as well as educational background aspects of my biological parents. As my biological mother graduated from Rutgers with a Bachelors of Science in Entomology and then worked in Information Technology in the late 1970s into early 1980s and the 1990s while my biological father had been certified by the School of Bulova as to such watches and clocks as to Bulova/Rolex/Seiko/Movado/etcetera as well as Grandfather and Grandmother clocks among the wall clocks, as to such aspects of the work to such aspects referencing the acknowledgement as to such factors of respect to the aspects thereof as where my biological father also had went to school to be an RN though was an LVN as to the aspects where such combined factors of my SCUBA Diving certifications as to my education after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in the year of 2009 as the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the education with my background as to my childhood and my teenager years as to New Jersey and the coast as to such aspects where possibly to the importance of the factors as to the specific details as to the information and the ways as to such aspects as to the informational details as to such differences to the educational information.
I was informed education is one of the largest ways to provide for more as to such earned capacities as per familial aspects as to the situations as to my biological father's background and thus as to my attempts while working on such other factors, though as to the work of such as to the ways thereof to such levels of to the work of and thus as to the calculations then as to the timeframe of seconds as to from February 1993 to September 2001 as to such aspects of viewpoints as well as 1993 in February to February 2022 as to the viewpoints. Standing alone as to multiple situations before such a point in time as to February 2022 I have been accustomed to as annoying as it has been as to such aspects of discussions as to the truth and in truth, though as to such truth referencing the February 1993 as to February 2022 as to such depth levels as to the same in other capacities as to Asher Holmes Elementary School and Robertsville Elementary School in Marlboro New Jersey as well as other elementary/middle/high schools in the area of the triborough areas as to their parents' employment depending upon involvement with technology such as games as to such possibilities as to the aspects of concern I brought forward previously.
Thus as to though for my minor aged children as to having opened a GameStop account as to not for myself as to how I do not play games as to how I do not find any enjoyment as to games, as with my childhood as to how having learned the reality of the reality much earlier than some as to how life has not ever been any type of game to me.
I cannot remember what my Big Blood Brother's Mom and/or Dad had for employment as to the possibilities as to Asher Holmes Elementary School as to the timeframe of difference because of possibilities of numerical portions, though as to such considerations of as to the timeframe as per brought forward previously as to such attempts similarly as to my pediatrician as to such aspects of after the timeframe when I was in fifth grade as to the aspects of what my biological mother told me about as to how she had not liked that he had thought I should be in a hospital in the timeframe of having Mono/Epstein Bar/Bronchitis/Lymes Disease/Flu all at the same time as to the comparison as to having been kept at the house where there was not any actual assistance to my health in any capacity and the amount of wasted time in all such viewpoints as to my opinion as well as others as to how instead of from September 1992 through April/May of 1993 as to not having been in school as to how I would have been in the hospital for less than 2 weeks and back to school as to such aspects referencing the timeframe. While I comprehend the situations as to the current viewpoint of time as to such situations as to the comment my biological mother made on a phone call when she said she was at McHenry County Government Center in Woodstock Illinois in the year of 2001 just before the timeframe where I was pulled into a military installation as to the aspects as to such points in time to give assistance where I could as explained as to the ways of as to my son's birth on 2 September 2001 as to his temperature around 13 or 15 September 2001 where the hospitalization occurred as per such explanations previously before the timeframe around October 2001 when the release of before the aspect where I personally was hospitalized as to the labor and delivery portions from October 2001 through November 2001, and then later around April or May or June of 2002.
Yes there were medical aspects as to such times, though such reality of the situations during those particular years as well as the situations as to who spoke with me and asked me in person face to face in person as to such points in time for my assistance as to my knowledge from the areas thereof to such factors during the timeframe. Thus the calculation of time from 2002 through 2022 to being capable to get to the New Jersey areas as to the in person face to face in person as well as such areas as to New York state and Pennsylvania state areas where the Amish, Mennonites, and Mountaineers I once knew in person face to face in person because during those times as to the only way as to such as to those times as per the aspects of far more comfort to me personally. I have been told others' opinions of me because of their opinions of my physical looks despite the fact my tattoos are as to the after effects from the timeframe of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to my hairstyle as to the length as to headaches and migraines as to the thickness of, the color as to such aspects of what is supposed to be my color as to the aspects of both the religious/spiritual aspects as to the colorations as well as the weight as to such aspects of what is best for me in conjunction as to when my hair moves as to being capable to assist me as when I need at times for my memory portions. My tattoos each having their own aspects where the situations as to the past well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the reality of such reminders and connections as to such reminders that are not written about in any capacity, as to the references regarding how such aspects are as to the difference as I do not drink alcohol as to the aspects of not having went to college after the age of when I was 15 years old legally as to the aspects of my education as to College Algebra AP as well as College Geometry AP as well as Trigonometry AP and Calculus AP courses and College Biology AP and College Chemistry AP when I was 15/16/17 years old legally as to before I went into the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to my Basic Training timeframe where the head injury occurred on Psalm Sunday though my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment in the year of 1996 as to such aspects of various levels as to the aspects whereas to the well on the property of New Jersey in the area of where the house was I grew up in as to the aspects of my Grandpa Gavett as well as the situations as to multiple reasons why I refused to SCUBA Dive in certain locations within the state of Texas as to prior clarifications and verifications as to the aspects of additional attempts to such assistance in different capacities referencing health and wellness as well as additional factors as to use from such areas as to the reality of such as the underground missile silo in the state of Texas as to such capacities as to fuel for such aspects of the formation of the United States of America's Space Force as to such vehicular transportation hypothetically.
Thus as to my journal blog entries in conjunction as to the time conversions to the reviews for such aspects of the two journal blog entries as well as other prior aspects to the considerations of as to time, while the common sense oddity as to my SCUBA Diving in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the Atlantic areas as to the year of 2009 as to the need to remember as to differences as to energetic factors when taking care of various situations at once. The possibilities of review as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project trips from the years of 2014 through 2018 for more of my larger and longer distance trips as to such aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to Washington/Oregon/Montana/Idaho/Wyoming/Colorado/Utah/South Dakota/North Dakota states as well as Iowa as to such timeframe of the year of 2018 though as to the situations in reference to the combined overall aspects as to the year of 2018 as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip that year and such Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork because of the situations as to such hypotheticals as to the year of 2018 to the year of 2019 as to how important the 10 Commandments are and how important the 10 Commandments have always been and always will be to me.
Though as to having assisted with security as well as other clean up aspects as to the situations as per only having been involved with the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle for the following reasons as per my prior explanations:
* words to explain what I had seen in different areas of locations as per my biological father's employment as to watches, clocks, and jewelry as to the areas
* being capable to have discussions with biological adults that were more than just the aspects of one or two topics as to the aspects of the discussions as to communication in the smoking section of events as per the additional aspects of security as to the location of the smoking section obviously
* being capable to wear my outfits as per my wants as per my needs as what I personally liked about my outfits as since there was not many individuals who had been involved with me as to dating as to such aspects thereof to the situations where I went with such individuals as to how a real relationship is as to such aspects, the reality as to when having been single/unattached as to the aspects of the reality viewpoint of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to such factors of real relationship aspects to such individuals as to how the responses are from individuals within the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle when a vanilla relationship as to such aspects as to the reality of attendance to such events as per such aspects as to at some point truthfully accepting the individual for who they are and actually being with them at their side as per the ways a real relationship is. The fact that from 2015 through 2018 ass to such timeframes as to the reality as to how the lack of difference to when I was single despite such aspects as to the reality of difference as to the viewpoint of comfort when attending events in the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle, whether or not there are aspects of after effects from a Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as involvement as to such aspects without permission as to such aspects as to the comparison of asking and speaking with in truth as to such situations of hypotheticals as to the reality of such hypotheticals as to how important honest communication is as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as there is a difference between a Swinger as to the difference between BDSM.
The differences within the sections of Swingers to the differences of the sections within BDSM are vast as similar as to LGBTQP as to such references as to the individuals' involvement as to beliefs, though as to how I am considered as per such aspects of terminology as to the combinations of as to being a:
* Dominant
* Leather (the difference to Old Guard, Old Guard Leather, and Leather as well as locations and history of as to such aspects to the considerations as well)
* Old Guard (because of the aspects of the 1980s and the 1990s as to such individuals as well as the reality of the timeframe in New York City/New York state/New Jersey/Pittsburg/Philadelphia/Pennsylvania state)
* Pansexual (because of the lack of viewpoint of certain attributes as to what is considered as attractive though what is considered as attractive as to the differences as to such viewpoints as to what I consider as to such references in such differences of as to what levels of and the aspects of reasons)
* Polyamorous (being capable to care about more than one though as to the aspects of monogamy being as to the interpersonal aspects of differences to my personal aspects to such definition as to overall viewpoints compared to a monogamous relationship as per the ideals and needs for myself as to such monogamy while being capable to accept such care about and care for such numbers)
Thus as to time where having been on my own to figure out and deal with such situations in conjunction to other factors, as to such a point in time in this month of November in the year of 2022 as to such a point in time where the review of such aspects regarding the need for such additional factors as per as much as I could take care of as best as possible as best as I can and could. 11 September 2001 and such regarding a larger amount of individuals to such regards and references though the reality of February 1993 as the combinations of as to the time leading up to 1993 as well as the time between 1993 through 2001 and to such points in time of 2001 through 2022, it seemed common sense to me as to the reasons of age differences to my personal attractions aspects as to relationship factors as to such maturity references regarding such importances as I have seen and do see as to such aspects as despite how I physically look as to the reality of such aspects of differences to viewpoints as to such aspects of attraction levels as even though my hairstyle and color of as to the reality of finding other aspects more appealing just as similarly as though I have the tattoos as I have and the reasons for such as to the reality of my personal viewpoint of what I find attractive as realistically as depending of if there is a meaning in truth beyond the aspects of certain situations as per how some tattoos have been as to the viewpoint of the history as to tattoos as to the length of time and reasons thereof for such tattoos as the processes of as to even to this day of my gratitude and appreciation despite one particular situation as to Oregon as while the tattoo as to such aspects as per the requirements as to my needs at the time the most important portion of what was the most important aspects of the most important portion of that particular tattoo is a small section that is hidden in plain sight if knowing the aspects as to individuals I once knew in the Orthodox areas of New York City as to Holocaust survivors as per the ways where the book by Eli Weisel called Night had been as to such a level for me because of individuals I personally knew as that one section aside from the overall size as to a one inch by half inch section.
Since the situations of if factors as to the biologicals of either side to my son and my daughter as to such aspects as to such factors as to the reality of my being 17 years old legally when my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury occurred when I was in Basic Training as I fought to be emancipated to be capable to go to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as I saw the aspects of time and I comprehended as best as I could to be exactly where as best as possible where I could be as to the best possible assistance as needed as to such aspects of such visions as well as the aspects as to my nightmare from when I was in second grade though such visions as to aspects in different situations since as sometimes there are more positive aspects of visions as per the wording of vision in the difference as to such wording terminology. However hopefully as soon as realistically possible as to all account issues being fully streamlined and assistive in more capacities as to the progression of life forward, in more positive and beneficial ways as surviving my childhood and surviving my teenager years as well as surviving what I have as to such points in time of my biological adult years as to such aspects of where my personal needs as to this point in time as to such factors of possibilities if as to such aspects as the regards thereof as though it would be interesting to possibly work on some modeling and/or singing as to the differences to the timeframe as to my personal needs as to what I consider as relaxation and what I consider as enjoyment as who has ever asked me what I consider as to the capacities of as to who I once knew in person face to face in person?
Who has asked me what I wanted to do as to such aspects in the beginning, as who has asked as to what my wants and/or what my needs are as to the differences as to online lists as to the aspects of favorites lists as the definitions of such aspects as to the capacities thereof to such information as to the importance to the clarifications. For example an individual I once dated had purchased a motorcycle leather vest I had in my favorites folder that was on my laptop that I did not actually want that leather motorcycle vest as the reasons for why it was in my favorites folder was for other reasons as to the capacities as to communication as to the only ways to not assume as to the clarifications when asking as to such factors as to another reference as to colors as well as the aspects as to how the energetic pick up as to my sensations as to when such aspects of surprise as to how the situations were on top of the timeframe of what I was dealing with already up to that point in time of the year of 2011 as to the importance of asking me as to clarifying as to my actual needs compared to my wants as compared in such references to the aspects of differences to translation to the aspects and reasons of as to desires as to the aspects of such lists as to the capacities of the reasons are not within such listings as to the capacities thereof to such hypotheticals in regards of individuals who have been more connected to technology as to the aspects of how such situations of the in person face to face in person discussions as to such importance factors as the honesty situations.
Thus as to a different example though possibly similar as to such if factors of having seen me on social media first as to acknowledging in truth as to such aspects differently as to such ensuring respect because of the knowledge as to the photography aspects as to some individuals, and thus since I have clarified of not ever knowingly participating in any capacity as to such clarifications as per the situations whereas to my children's biological father against my personal beliefs as to such needless problems as to how my personal beliefs as to my religious and spiritual aspects of sanctity as to such aspects throughout such lengths of time as to the additional factors of being an Ordained Reverend as well as the aspects of my Confirmation Graduation as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church of Presbyterian Church USA as to such aspects of my liberties as to my modesty as per my personal needs for myself as to what my viewpoints as to what I consider as to being wanted in a positive way in such differences as to what my considerations as to my religious and spiritual aspects thereof to what my considerations as to the respect of me as well as the respect of my work as to such regards in the capacities thereof to my viewpoint as to the aspects what is considered as etiquette and respect as to my considerations as to etiquette and respect as to such capacities of sanctity as that does not begin as to such factors of relationship viewpoints as per the ways my personal viewpoints as to such factors as to the wanted in a positive way aspects as to such differences as while some might think of modeling as a way whereas to such aspects the only way as to such aspects is in the capacities of the model dating the photographer instead of the aspects of possible assumptions as to the aspects of modeling with different photographers that I had not ever dated in any known capacity thereof at any point in time previously as clarified.
Thus as to what differences there are as to the sensations of being wanted in a positive way, as to such differences as to the possibilities as when there has not ever been anyone who had ever acknowledged such factors of my work during such years of 2009 through 2013 as to the in person face to face in person aspects of my modeling as to events I attended yet as to the situations I dealt with instead as to such aspects of such updates as to my stepping back and walking away from such capacities as the reality of what for me as to such comfort aspect as to the reality of my personal viewpoint of importance to monogamy as well as the reality of my life as to the situations in reference to the aspects regarding my viewpoints as to my personal reasons as to such aspects as while it would have been great if there were to be such an interest as to the aspects of common factors as to the vanilla portions as to the aspects of after such lengths of time as to officially as a biological adult since the year of 2004 as to such low numbers as I was informed in the year of 2018 as I had not ever considered the aspects of numerical portions in the lifestyle until that point in time until such reviews later as to my beginning of my updates.
Time is important obviously, though those numbers aside from safety had not seemed as important to me as before such an aspect in reference to the timeframe as I simply was just living life as best as I could.