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The ironies as to the year of 2018 as to April regarding the preparation as to my Iowa Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to how in comparison of what I had planned as to how such situations went in reference to the original vehicle until I was in Colorado as to such factors as to the blinging white light situation, then as to the aspects of what possibly could have been in reference to similarities as to Indiana in 1999 as well as Irving in 2011 as to other situations. Then as to the year of 2019 in the month of April as to such factors regarding the situations as to such points in time prior to the aspects of the following year of 2020 as to the timeframe of the #COVID COVID mask situations as well as the aspects of the situations regarding the election cycle as to the year of 2020, before the next year in 2021 as to such transfer situations regarding the aspects thereof to the requirements as to my having known the upcoming memorial portions as to what needed to be taken care of in such references despite not having discussed or murmured or wrote about such factors as to the reality as to how I do not have the need nor want nor desire to discuss nor murmur nor write about each and every aspect thereof because of my right to choose as to what I decide to as to such aspects thereof despite the facts of such lengths of time as well as the situations thereof to which I have brought forward as to such points in time because of my right to choose as well as the requirements as I personally have put into a specific thereof to such requirements for me to ever go into such details especially after the situations as to how my son and I wound up in Washington state in the year of 2013 though such situations as to the year of 2009 and the aspects thereof to before such points in time as to the ways such factors of various discussions have been as to the aspects thereof as to belief in me.
There is a song performed by #JoeNichols Joe Nichols “What if nobody believed in you” as to such pondering factors, as to the situations over such lengths of time as to the aspects thereof as to how the ways of such points in time can be looked into the contexts thereof to such decades of my life in the references thereof. In such references then as to what would the surprise truly be in such references as to the factors thereof as to the knowledge as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such situations to consider as to the length of time, as to the overall portions thereof?
What would the genuine response be as to such lengths of time, as to then what would the response be as to the natural portions after such decades regarding such details and what amounts of proof as to the aspects thereof?
In that song the aspects of such were to only in regards of shortened lengths of time as to most of the examples as to such factors, which in the comparisons as to the decades as to such factors of comparisons as to the examples in the songs as to the being open and honest as well as to not hiding especially as to such factors in the references thereof as to the considerations to what aspects of the song lyrics as to such comparisons as to the reality of such examples being in person face to face in person as to such aspects in the song references though also in reference as to the comparison as to the aspects of what I have brought forward. Thus as to such a view in the regards thereof to while some might think as to the angelic aspects, there is the difference between actual Angels as to the factors of the reality to such portions thereof in the comparisons as to how such labels for the considerations thereof as to the differences. Though I suppose it depends as to what experiences as to such factors as to the ways as to such viewpoints, as to how the ways some have not paid as much attention as to the religious and spiritual beliefs as much as the aspects in the references thereof to the realities of such beings. As to how many have used metaphors in explanations as to what they have references to the aspects thereof, the facts as to clarifications as to requirements which may have needed a bit more time to pay attention to as to the larger aspects as to what factors could be taken into consideration.
In the references as to what I warned people about within New Jersey, Illinois, and Texas about the situations in which most claimed was only sibling rivalry in the comparisons of the deeper situations between my biological sister and I as to those factors, in reference to such points in time as to the state of Texas as well as Washington state; what would be capable to the proof thereof which I wrote about in “Finding A Silver Lining (written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to such facts, as well as what choices were made as to such points in time that aligned with the facts I brought forward as then where would the actual victimizations be as to the facts brought forward in such possible comparisons as to what has needed to be clarified as why would that be of importance to others to additionally take into consideration?
In reference to my son and my daughter as to such facts in reference to the situations as to from the years of 2000 through the timeframes of them being biological minors of the age of 18 years old, what umbrella portions legally transfer as to such aspects as to the situations we were dealing with as to such factors to take into consideration as to the facts of what has been capable to be found for them as to from 2001 through 2019 as well as 2002 through 2020 as to the legal definitions as to the umbrella portions from such situations as to what I specifically dealt with from the year beginning in 2000 as to such factors as to the legal portions of such factors of the umbrella portions aside from the #Obmbudsman #WhistleblowerProtection Ombudsman/Whistleblower Protections obviously before my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving as well as #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving situations to take into additional considerations as to those who knew about such factors as what would be considered as important additionally as what assistances for clarifications to work to heal from would be important to take into consideration for my son as well as my daughter and I in such references as to the facts capable to be proven?
Why would it be of importance to the facts despite what I was dealing with up to the point of the year of 2011 as to my choice to not discuss the facts of Irving in the year of 2011, as what levels of sanity as well as awareness would such take ass to being capable to distinguish the realities as to the situations during such points in time as to the facts as to such points in time?
Why would it be of importance as to the first time I wrote about such aspects as compared to my childhood and teenager years (in reference of my teenager years as to only one individual I discussed with as to the larger details as my Big Blood Brother and I had various experiences over such years in the comparisons as to the aspects of what others claimed were due to movies/video games/television shows as to the differences between his upbringing compared to my upbringing?
In the reference of which because of how there have been those who specifically have needed to keep their own to their own as to not being asked to specifically involve themselves with my work, as the facts of what aspects of which to simply ask what I actually need in the comparisons of assumptions as to the facts of which I obviously know myself as well as my past as well as my background best as to such factors which in turn as to the aspects thereof to the facts in such clarifications as to being capable to do so on my own in the comparisons of others assumptions. While some might think that is helpful as to the irony of the four words aspects, the situations as to the comparisons as to the reality of what actually is considered as assistive is far better in the comparison. Thus what is assistive in comparison to helpful?
Assistive is where the etiquette standards of asking what would be best in the comparisons as to assumptions as to what is considered to others as helping, as assistive has the common courtesy of actually taking into consideration of what is needed in comparison as to the aspects of what helping is as to the problems that have occurred simply because as to others have chosen to help themselves as to the reasons why assistive is far better in every capacity thereof.
How many times has someone said they wanted to help and then the situations as to without considering the actualities of what the larger aspects are as to such factors, and then as to how situations have been as to such points in time in the comparisons as to when actually having the etiquette aspects of the asking as to being capable to get the correct answers as to what actually would benefit in the most capacities thereof?
In reference as to the month of #April April whether in the years of 2014 or 2015 or 2016 or 2017 or 2018 if as to such factors of the proof thereof in reference as to the aspects as to how my son and I wound up in Washington state as to the proof of such updates in the conjunction aspects, how many individuals assumed as to helping by either asking anyone except me and/or instead of asking correctly as to such factors of assuming hinting would be helpful despite how many times I discussed as well as wrote as to how hinting means nothing as to any actual assistance to me in any capacity thereof as does that take a head injury to figure that out to the lengths of time in such references?
Obviously as to such factors of which in the references thereof to a situation which was the easiest situation to see after having been in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state where two individuals who once knew each other and the easiest questions asked as to the situations to clarify, as where would that have actually been assistive in the comparisons as to the hypotheticals regarding the assumptions as to thinking hinting would help in the comparisons as to the common sense factors of what actually would have been the best for me in comparison of the aspects of what was the most useless aspects as to such review as to the backwards aspects as to such factors?
Then again, what does that translate to in reference as to whether considered as an actual friend in the comparisons as to such points in time?
What would the 10 Commandments as to such factors be, as to actual friendship in the comparisons as to anything except such factors of the 10 Commandments as how would anyone ever consider another as a friend at any point in time if the simplest rules of the 10 Commandments were to actually be followed in such comparisons as to what factors thereof as to such situations?
Then again as to actual work in such references, what would the importance of the #10Commandments 10 Commandments be to getting the work completed correctly in comparison as to how such situations have been as to the reasons why to end all stolen valor as well as end all identity theft immediately as what would be of importance as to such factors in truth?
Thus in reference to the month of April as well as various other factors as to hoping for a better turn in my life as to despite the facts of what I have dealt with and survived as to the situations of which the reality as to the ways which while different as to the combinations in full as to such aspects, still looking towards betterment as well as brighter aspects in such references. While the aspects of the work as to usually within the month of April as to the years of 2015 onward as to the differences per year as to the work on my Medal of Honor Art Project as to my personal beliefs which does include the eclectic aspects of combining different religious viewpoints as to my personal studies over the decades of religious and spiritual aspects as well as my upbringing from my childhood, the aspects of which my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu’s background as to the belief of reincarnation aspects of which the hope in reference to my #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArtwork #MedalofHonorArtProject Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the more positive and strong aspects in reference to life as well as other factors of which I thought the Armed Forces of the United States of America’s members thereof as well as dependents would be capable to hopefully see a better way as well as the factors in reference to the energetic portions of which though I have worked with #quantum #quantumhealing #quantumhealingenergy #quantumenergy quantum healing energy well before ever learning the terminology of Reiki in the comparisons thereof as to such energetic works as to the factors of what arithmeticians would possibly be capable to calculate as to protecting and defending as to such aspects thereof.
However as to the viewpoint of clarifications as to the technological aspects in regards of the transmissions as to the comparison about the timeframe of technology advancements, what are the pictures which in the years of the early 1900s as to individuals using cellphones that were more well known as to the 1980s in the comparisons of the early 1900s and late 1800s as to the aspects of which the timeframe portions compared to the aspects of what technology was more available to the general public as to the consideration of the actualities of the levels of technology as to the military connections as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America?
Thus as to the reference as to how many discussions I had with people face to face in person as to the aspects in reference to my first book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” to take into consideration with my childhood and upbringing as to such factors, what would be capable to think about in reference to what I had explained as to technology within the general public being a minimum of 25-30 years in such comparisons as was it or would it be more applicable to the technology in the general public to the review of which would be as to the later 1800s and early 1900s black and white pictures as to the images that will be capable to be seen below within the posting of my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to the consideration of the arithmetic in such references as to take into consideration with the merger aspects?
In comparison to my belief of reincarnation as to the aspects of what situations can be reviewed as to images possibly found if the choice to look such up as to the plausibilities as to the differences between time traveling as to the comparisons, as to the ways of such differences as to the factors in various references. Thus as to the situations regarding the aspects of in a different capacity of the month of April as to the varying timeline aspects in such references to this month, as to the situations of working while looking towards and hoping for betterment from henceforth as to my existence as I would hope for more as to such factors thereof as to the best as possible for myself admittedly as well as my son and my daughter. In turn as to the clarifications of which in the references to the updates from the timeframe of 2019 as to my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as well as the fact based books, as to such references regarding the aspects of what can be proven as to such clarifications as to such details. In turn I suppose as to the ways of which those I once knew in person face to face in person as to such aspects of which the situations in reference to my physical attributes as to such comparisons as to what has been considered as the normal factors as to what in the references as to such comments to such points in time, as to the factors of consideration regarding the situations in reference to the technological portions of what various #YouTube YouTube podcasts of #JoeRogan Joe Rogan and his guests have brought forward as to different aspects as to the facts which the United States of America as well as the world have been sending what as to such points in time of the best technology outward into space as to the officialization of the formation of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #SpaceForce US Space Force as to such factors to consider.
While admittedly as to such factors of the invitation to Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment also known as MAST for short as to the aspects having been around the month of April in the year of 1996 as to the ways such testings were as to those points in time where I earned around a 93 on the equivalent of the ASVAB before the timeframe of 2000 where I earned a 98 on the ASVAB as to the top score of 100, I suppose a bit of an irony as to the factors of such situations. The irony about the year of 1993 as to the #MAST #USN #USNavy #Navy MAST score as to the score of my #ASVAB ASVAB in 2000 as to the 98 portion, of ironies as to what year I was moved from #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey to #IL #ILstate #Illinois #illinoisstate Illinois with my biological sister because of the situations during the point in time as to such factors. However as to the consideration of what the factors were as to the four years before the attacks on 11 September 2001 to the year of 1998, as the aspects of the situations in the year of 1993 as to either four years prior and/or four years afterwards as to the year of 1989 and/or the aspects of 1997 to take into consideration in reference to the situations of what capacities there were as to the local as well as state and the United States of America overall as to such situations as to the world for such references as to the month of April to consider.
As to the references in regards of situations such as April in the year of 2008 as to a different situation on #I35S I35 Southbound as to such factors, what in such references could be considered as to starting point as to a situation within the state of Texas as a lengthier point in time as to the situations which in legal aspects similarly as to the situations of legal aspects in the tristate area as to the semitruck collision as to why would it have been important if the thank you as to the voicemail I was left in such comparisons as to if there was an ulterior motive in comparison as to actually being thankful for the life saved as to such references to think about as what would be of importance as to the genuinity of thankfulness as well as the aspects of the reasons for the 10 Commandments as what additional assumptions as to the millennial viewpoint as to the physical attributes as to such an on the spot news report in the comparisons as to actually asking me in truth as to such factors and what needless problems stemmed from such aspects as to that particular situation which others would be capable to have more details as to such factors?
What additionally would be of importance in reference to the situations in the month of April in the year of 2012 as to the security portions as to the event of which was shortly after my daughter’s third RTC location hospital, as what would be considered important as to the month of April in 2011 as to how the situations were as to the performance I had done during such a point in time, as to what would be important in reference to the same aspects in reference to how I was brought on stage as to against my will as to the aspects of October in the year of 2009 as what would the combined portions as to those particular factors as to the differences as to the upbringing as to such factors between my biological sister and I as to the problems which some people have needed to accept the facts of as to the amounts of proof in such comparisons as what would be important as to such factors in the overall viewpoints thereof as well as to April 2010 as to such factors if such hypotheticals as to those types who are sue happy in comparison as to such factors of speaking the truth in such comparison to frivolous lawsuits as to those types as to those situations in comparison as what would have actually been important as to actually leaving the voicemail message in truth as to if such aspects of wanting to sue the trucking company in comparison of the false hypothetical aspects as to thanking me for saving the individual’s life that evening in April 2008 on I35 Southbound in the state of Texas as to the semitruck situation?
In reference to hypothetically around the month of April in the early 1990s as to the situation on the New Jersey Turnpike as to the tollbooth explanation as to getting emergency medical services after the dropoff at the #Newark #NewarkAirport #NewarkNJ #NewarkNewJersey Newark Airport as to such aspects, what would be important about facial recognition to the if factor of mistaking my biological sister for me as to who was the one and only who actually made the report as to the tollbooth situation in reference to the #Lamborghini Lamborghini style vehicles racing in that timeframe when my biological mother was taken to the airport?
In addition as to the month of April in the year of 2009 as to the aspects of hypothetical assumptions in reference to the #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #Texas #Texasstate #MilitaryCityUSA #mysa San Antonio Express News Article as well as the hypothetical assumptions because of my physical attributes in conjunction as to the aspects of other connection aspects, why would it be of importance to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such clarifications as well as what would be considered as important to others as to the #USA #USArmedForces #USAF Armed Forces of the United States of America for such clarifications in the references of to the past in the current towards the future?
Are details as well as intentions actually important and if so, what would such proof be as to the aspects thereof as what additional ironies could be found during such points in time as to the month of April as to the decades of my life to take into consideration as what is important about verification as to the details in full truth?