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Honestly I still have difficulties understanding as to how in of any state within the United States of America as to such aspects as to the Second Amendment of the Constitutional Rights within the areas of such Homeowner Association locations, however as to such factors of which the individuals who own houses in the areas thereof are the only ones who can fight for their own second amendment rights against the Homeowner’s Associations as to being capable to bring such changes forward. In order as to maintaining and sustaining the Second Amendment Rights within such living areas as to the facts of such situations, the facts as to what I brought forward when living in Pheasant Creek subdivision as to how the needless drama because I found such details first as to the facts which occurred can be noticed as to the situations as to the types of the aspects of situations. For one example as to the complaint as to my choice as to my front yard gardening as to the cactus area at the corner as to the situations from the neighbor which had no right to discuss my personal choices as to my property, despite what hypotheticals as to the actualities as to the thoughts in the comparisons thereof to such a point in time of the ownership rights. The irony as to the initial days as to the month of April in the year of 2005 as to the aspects in reference to after having read the covenant as well as having distributed the copies of the covenant of the Homeowner’s Association to people, as well as having discussed such factors with the multitudes thereof from that year onward as to such factors as to what I noticed as well as dealt with as to such situations. Some did not believe me then, though I would guesstimate as to the possibilities of what could be found now as to such factors.
Nonetheless as to the month of April in the year of 2006 as to the situations during that point in time of which the wishes I would believe my children’s biological father/dead-ex-husband was called on IRR or Individual Ready Reserve and was trying to convince me that he could choose where he was stationed as well as what rank he went back into the military, in comparison as to the knowledge and understanding I comprehended about the differences as to when someone is called back in on the IRR status. When the individual is called back on IRR status, the situations are not for the aspects of the choice as to such aspects as it has to do with the strengths which such an individual’s specialized training stems forth from as to the best usages of such background aspects to being capable to assist the divisions and branches of the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the best possible capacities thereof to such background and training aspects. Thus in turn as to such factors as to the situation when I was out speaking with Francis as to the aspects of a phone call while we were at the Jim’s Restaurant in San Antonio on I10 and Huebner as to such factors ironically if I remember correctly in April as well as to such overall timeframe to such situations in the year of 2006, then later in the year of 2007 as to the month of April or so as to the #TXNG #NationalGuard National Guard Graduation ceremony as to when at Camp Mabry as to my choice as well as my right to salute the American Flag during the National Anthem as well as the soldiers in their graduation class despite the complaints as to the hypotheticals beyond just what I explained as to the factors as to #Bennigans Bennigans as to the “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing”.
Whether in reference to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America and/or the aspects of the VA reality and/or the aspects of simply being thankful and proud of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the representation of as well as the protections of the Constitutional Rights and the Homeland of the United States of America as to what they could accomplish that I personally have acknowledged what I could not do, it should not take a head injury to figure out there is not cause nor excuse nor reason to ever be upset as to someone saluting the American Flag. Just as it should not take a head injury as to the respect in such references to the symbolic aspects thereof in comparison as to how such perceptions as to the ignorances as to certain types of individuals as to the ironic portions thereof as why in the area of #CampMabry #CampMabryTX #CampMabryTexas Camp Mabry would it be considered as offensive in comparison to respect as to my salute to the situation, as it should not take a head injury to figure out that saluting properly is respectful in comparison as to what has obviously been seen since such points in time from the year of 2007 as to the ways which protests and riots have been as to from the year of 2007 through 2020 for such references as to the hypothetical connections as to the proverbial connection of the dots.
Though obviously if as to the aspects of the physical attributes as to the area of #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin in comparison of ever taking the time to look at the fact of me being the Sponsor in such comparisons as to what female has been the Sponsor as to the infantry aspects in comparison as to such lengths of time as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, though in such references as to what would it be if as to such factors as to the assumption of as to the stereotype of Austin in the comparisons as to actually being genuinely appreciative of my #USConstitution #USConstitutionalRights #USAConstitution #USAConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights as what aspects of the dress blues would show which factors thereof as to the differences as to the respect to the uniform as well as the respect to the rank and the respect to the graduation factors despite the physical as to the way I look as what would be important as well as to such factors in reference to what I did not want to get involved with in comparison as what is the difference between people who want to be involved with politics in the comparison of myself as to such factors?
In reference to the dress blues as to Major General Gillman and Major Rosas as well as others as to the year of 2008, what would the difference be as to actual genuine care and concern as to such factors in the references thereof as to the comparisons between the dress blues as to the care supposedly about family as to the overall aspects thereof to myself?
As to the following year as to the month of April in 2008 as to the three males who had returned to the United States of America after having been stationed in Iraq for the length of time as to my return of what the Major General Gillman as well as the other General from Fort Hood as to the aspects of the in my opinion falsely awarded Bronze Star as to the situations as to the dress blues and the JC Penny pictures as well as the fact of the situations which the Purple Heart was denied because of the lack of supporting evidence as to what constitutes for being awarded the Purple Heart as to my right as the one and only Executrix as to the fullnesses thereof to such factors of, as to which in turn despite the discussion as to the prior weeks as to Major General Gillman as well as the aspects of what once was Medical Hold Unit as to the change to Warrior Transition Unit; as to the ironies of whether or not such individuals as to Major Rosas having known that area would not be if it were not for what I personally brought forward as to such situations in the year of 2000 through the timeframe thereof as to the various CID aspects, just as I guesstimate such individuals in CID in the year of 2008 had not realized who they were actually speaking with during that interrogation as to such factors in the references thereof as to such points in time. However as to the aspects of such situations as to despite having explained such factors in truth throughout such lengths of years, as to the situations which as to what has been capable to clarify as well as verify as to how I always spoke the truth as well as write/wrote in truth as per genre despite how some correlations could be found later to such writings.
However there were plenty of individuals who heard me on that phone call with Major Rosas that were not directly in the area of the cul-de-sac as to having heard me, as to those situations as to the problems in the month of April in the year of 2008 as well as in the month of March in the year of 2008 as the guesstimation of figuring such out later on despite some individuals having been informed in person face to face in person during the timeframes of the clarifications as to the situations at the time. The irony as to the Homeowners Association and such neighbors during the timeframe of 2002 through 2008 as to the facts of my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain which was explained at the timeframe of, as to such situations as to the common sense factors as to the aspects of what was explained in reference to how I wound up off of Fort Sam Houston as to Medical Hold Unit. In turn as to any such connection to whichever branch or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and/or elected officials as to the verification processes as to the legal terminology to such factors, as to the comparison as to the biases as to my age biologically as to the factors of the situations in reality. The importance as to such biases as to such hypotheticals as to the fact of being medically retired at the age of 18 years old should not have been a problem as what should have been the concern was as to the situations as to how I had gotten my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, the subarachnoid hemorrhage that formed in the frontal lobe of my brain because of the head injury on Psalm Sunday in Basic Training in the year of 2000 in the month of April, as well as the facts I deal with headaches and migraines as well as the memory deficits and cognitive disorders of which I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to second grade math. While some individuals could take into consideration the verbiage as to the facts of which I took Greco Roman Latin for 2.5 years.
However what aspects of the legal ramifications of doing what is possible as to the situations would have been better as to being thankful for as to living in a country which takes care of those factors in such comparisons to prior times within the United States of America as well as other locations in the world as to such factors, as why would envy and/or jealousy be considered as problematic as to the court system in such references as to the aspects of how situations went thereafter as to such viewpoints in the comparisons as to the ways thereof as to such points in time?
As to the fact of the situations in reference to my backpack at the time of such situations regarding returning the Bronze Star as to such factors as to the ways which the situations occurred as to Major General Gillman as to the lead up to that point in time of April 2008, as well as when he had nothing left in such aspects of where to maintain and sustain the high road as to how he had lowered himself as to the name calling aspects in the comparisons of simply acknowledging the facts and the truth which would have been the easiest and most simple point of which to progress forward in the correct capacity in such references. However as to what maturity levels are required to be capable to do so in such reference in addition as to the aspects of the facts of the being a legal widow as to less than a six month timeframe of such as to the knowledge of taking care of my two children, as to what maturity levels are required when in such circumstances as to the comparisons as to the hypotheticals as to such a point in time despite having saved him from dealing with what those three well trained individuals as to their backgrounds as well as such skills as to surviving such aspects during the timeframes thereof. In my opinion as a side notation it is usually what is referenced to as POGs as to such factors as to the overall aspects of where several situations needlessly get overdramatic similarly in some ways as to #HOA #HomeownersAssociation Homeowners Association prideful types, because of the facts of which individuals who handle situations as to what needs to be taken care of do not have time nor patience for needless drama. As to the facts of when handling situations when in the field as to the requirements as to maintaining composure as well as handling the situations to the best of capabilities without allowing the emotional factors to impact as best as possible as to continuing to progress forward as to the situations required as to such aspects thereof to those types of situations. While I have acknowledged not having graduated Basic Training as to such points in time throughout, the aspects of which obviously Major General Gillman had not paid attention to as to the normal details as to the legalities of such situations of the thirty days which only dependents as the comparison to the Sponsors deal with as to such factors.
I did not think it took a head injury for that to be known in such references at the timeframe of April 2008 or several other points in time as to specifics thereof, however as to such situations as to wondering if that portion was ever paid attention as to the review now in the year of 2022. Realistically what needs to be accepted is the fact I have always been truthful and each choice by others as to individuals I have known over the years as to such aspects as to acceptance regarding the differences between such individuals, as to the aspects of being capable to pay attention to those details as to the truth and the intentions as well as such factors thereof. While some might not like the inconvenient truth, the facts of such are still required for many individuals as to the facts far beyond one or two situations. In that particular reference of situations regarding if anyone has the sensation or feeling they are victimized by the situations of what I personally dealt with as to the possibilities of connections, why is it important to make sure of the clarifications as to who would actually be responsible in comparison as to the blind blaming aspects as what responsibilities had I taken as to making sure to explain in truth as to the comparisons of the situations and choices thereof by the surrounding individuals as to such points in time?
In such references as plausibilities of, who would be truthful as to paying attention as to my being a survivor of such and who would actually be thankful and grateful as to such aspects in truth as to such situations despite the factors as to the situations?
While I did not graduate Basic Training, are there individuals who have read certain aspects of what I wrote and/or heard me discuss various aspects which might wonder why I would have such levels of understanding and comprehension?
Would it be due to the factors of where I was born and raised and/or the aspects as to what I dealt with as to my childhood and teenager years and/or such situations as to the oceanic portions and/or such factors as to the formation of the US Space Force to take into consideration, as what would be the combined and/or singular factors of such situations that could make sense as to being capable to speak directly from within as to such aspects and attributes thereof?
Nonetheless as to April in the year of 2009 as to the situations regarding my SCUBA Diving as I was earning the certifications at such points in time and while I was hoping for a better life as to such aspects as to such points in time while preparing to get my son, my daughter, and my niece prepared for the upcoming family vacation as to the additional preparation before I could get myself to SCUBA Diving in the Atlantic area of the ocean in comparison to what I grew up as to swimming in such references as to my childhood and younger teenager years as to the 1980s and the 1990s. While some factors as to how there were great times as to how such other circumstances as well, the work of such situations as to what it took for me to prepare as to such other aspects was far more than just one or two certification classes. However as to April in the following year after such portions of in April 2010, as to how the situations went as to McCoy Elementary School and #McCoy #McCoyElementary #Elementary #CFBISD #Carrollton #CarolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #FarmerBranch #FarmersBranchTX #FarmersBranchTexas #FBTX Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District as to the situations as to the #FortWorthZoo #FWZoo #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #FWTX Fort Worth Zoo as well as the situations as to the Special Needs Education aspects. Ironically as to April in the year of 1994 as to the solar eclipse as to a massive standing up to the entire sixth grade class at the timeframe, as to the Special Needs individual in our class as well as in April of 1998 as well as April of 1999 as to the same factors though instead of in New Jersey when I was in Illinois as to such aspects.
The following year from 2010 into the year of 2011 as to the situations as to how I had to defend myself during the timeframes before as well as during Exotic Easter as to the comparisons of what situations were as to such points in time, and then the following year of April 2012 as to the aspects of the situations regarding that Exotic Easter and the security situations during that particular point in time which the following link is to a YouTube video which discusses some points though not in the same aspects of as well as has some comical satire as to other situations as to the aspects thereof to consider as to the terminology of the best medicine for situations as to various points in time to other aspects found in truth as to such factors. While some might not have known as to the depth levels of what I had been around as to the facts of how many times I was told by others as to how they supposedly knew how people were from New Jersey in the comparisons as to possibilities, the situations as to my official YouTube video can go into some details of which I began discussions at various points in time as to the aspects of such viewpoints in the aspects of various locations and groups I had been a part of as to spending time with as to the clarifications as to what could be conceived in comparison as to the technological portions though in such references as to what clarifications as to how I am not the only one who would have attended though not necessarily partook of the aspects of the specifics to as the hypothetical aspects as to such transmissions as well as the aspects as to the merger portions of which to the aspects of relationship factors as to such various points in time as to the verifications and clarifications to such situations.
When in reference to the year of April in 2013 as to the aspects of an irony as to shortly before winding up in Washington state with my son as to the April month if I remember accurately as to a point where I cannot remember anything aside from the aspects of the situations in reference to the court case as to the aspects of since the situations as to the Fort Worth Zoo and McCoy Elementary School as to such situations, as to how the aspects went the year before at Brooke Army Medical Center now known as San Antonio Medical Center on Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas as to the same building though in the Emergency Room as to such aspects of the firearm in comparison thereof to the situations in reference to Major General Gillman. The reality of such coincidences as to such factors as to the comparisons of what should have been as to the aspects of what occurrences can be proven as to the situations, which if people had believed me sooner as to such aspects I brought forward as to how much nonsense would have been capable to be avoided in the comparisons as to the situations as to how such had been as to throughout such points in time as to such aspects. The facts as to the April of 2012 additionally as to the situations which I dealt with the opinions thereof to others especially as to me being a Leather Female Dominant in such comparisons while remaining openminded as to several aspects, again referring to the YouTube video in such comparisons as to the assumptions I dealt with throughout such years. Though what is humanity from individuals who have the aspects as to the disconnections in comparisons as to the connection aspects thereof, as what would be the importance as to such differences in regards of whether looking at the pop culture aspects of video games and/or movies and/or television and/or streaming and/or such other aspects in the comparisons as to actually being truthful in such references as to the only way to actually connect as to the capacities thereof as what is the difference between certain employments as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such aspects? Usually the aspects of the actual connection points, albeit in an extremely different capacity thereof which certain types have needed to understand as to what actual compassion is as to the aspects thereof in reference to the comparisons of how simple it looks on a screen in comparison to actually taking care of the situations in person face to face in person without hesitation.
Nonetheless as to the situations of April in the year of 2014 as to the aspects of the occurrences at Crystal Creek Apartment Complex in #Vancouver #VancouverWA #VancouverWashington Vancouver Washington as to those factors, before the next year as to April of 2015 when I finally had enough and put the dropbox links out for everyone to read “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to already having begun my work as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork after additionally having written and published the two books as to “The Curious Children Book Series” (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” while working on “Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” in conjunction of the book series “The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series” (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to what my plans were as to such factors in the larger aspects in the comparisons of the small portion as to the statement made in the beginning of such books where applicable in the comparisons thereof as per my ideals as to such factors in such comparisons as to the hypotheticals thereof in such references.
Thus in regards as to the fullest hope as to the massive changes in reference to shifting the tides fully as to such a point in time of April 2015 as to the links, then as to the factors of in April of 2016 as to the aspects which the complaints as to how repetitive I had been as to the situations regarding the room I was kept in as to how I brought up the same situations as to how I had already been informed of though in regards to the McCoy Elementary School situation as to the comparison of complaints as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when the lack of closure as to such factors as to the situations which it does not take a head injury to figure out, as to the reality capable to be seen in multiple factors of life as to various circumstances. However the complaints as to whether in reference to my points about the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and/or the aspects before as well as in between and thereafter, as to such aspects of which in regards as to how Major General Gillman tried to complain about my bringing forward the situations as to what was once called Medical Hold Unit as to the name aspects of the #WTU #WarriorTransitionUnit Warrior Transition Unit. I did not think that took a head injury to figure out the aspects of such closure in regards of actually correctly taking care of the situations in the comparisons as to how such sugar coated proverbial garbage as to such situations of which to actually take care of situations in the correct capacity actually brings closure in the comparisons of wishing sweeping under a rug as though the dirt still is not there, in the comparisons thereof to such factors. Thus in such references as to how it should not have taken ca head injury back in 2000 as to such situations overall just as it should not have taken a head injury to figure out the other factors as to other situations from the year of 2000 through to 2008 as well as from 2009 through 2013 as well as from 2013 through 2018 and 2019 through the current year as to the combined factors of which such situations as to the reality of what has needed to be correctly taken care of in the comparisons as to wishing such other aspects as to the comparisons, as to the only way to progress forward is to correctly fix and repair such situations.
It boils down to who actually has the courage and bravery to step forward and make such changes possible as to actually fixing and repairing correctly, in the comparisons of the irony regarding the emotional factors as to such hypotheticals in reference as to such situations regarding Major General Gillman’s office at the timeframe thereof. It should not take a head injury, to figure that out.
However as to the month of April in the year of 2017 as to the irony of learning about the upcoming solar eclipse that year as to then arranging my plans as to the overall aspects while additionally taking care of the camp aspects for my son o be capable to enjoy camp while also having been allowed to go on one Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to when the timeframe before camp as to such factors, which I have detailed the situations as to the timeframe when in Montana as to the year of 2017 as to the backup from the red Hyundai Elantra type style car in front of the white Dodge Grand Caravan that I was driving as to such explanations as to the point in time. “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to such aspects thereof to the situations of which whatever hypotheticals were/are capable to prove as to such situations regarding the factors thereof as to what clarifications in the in between points in time as to such factors, as to the overall situations as to such clarifications in the references thereof to the comparisons as to the hypothetical assumptions in the varying points in time as possibly as to the aspects of my colors regarding the black and white in whichever groups and/or communities thereof as to such factors as beyond the flag situation as to reading such aspects in truth as to the realities thereof as to such hypotheticals. Again as to the clarifications as to the head injury aspects in “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” only having to do with the age as to because of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in such comparisons to other such factors, as to the explanations as to the reality of how I had to be taught the name of colors as well as how to count in the year of 2000 as to the comparisons as to any other time which officially would not be within the same factors simply because of the subarachnoid hemorrhage as well as the specifics as to such after effects.
It should not take a head injury to figure that out, either especially if I am accurate about Iowa in the year of 2018 as to then the fullest capacities of my capabilities of taking care of responsibilities having been proven repeatedly especially as to such factors of what aspects have been capable to be clarified and verified.
Thus, when does such actual correct fixing and repairing occur as to such situations as well as the correct remedies to such situations in full as to what I dealt with as to the length of time as to such factors?
How much longer as to correctly actually taking care of the situations correctly in such references as to the reality of such details having been brought forward as to the reality of what the oath when signing the proverbial dotted line as to such situations in the references thereof to the aspects, which I have been capable to clarify as to such lengths of time as well as the verified proof thereof to such factors as when does that actually occur correctly in each and every capacity thereof?
Thus as to the new factors after two different solar eclipses I have been capable to see in person face to face in person as to such aspects and factors thereof to the irony as to the diagonal line as seen as to the year of 2017 was the opposite way as to the line in reference to across the United States of America in the year of 1994, as I thought others knew as to those factors as to the ways which the solar eclipse line had went through the sky as to such factors as to the ways of such viewpoints as to the timing thereof to such events. Thus as to the length of time as to the #solareclipse #Solareclipse1994 #solareclipse2017 solar eclipse in the year of 2017 was around the same length of time as to the solar eclipse in the year of 1994, though the diagonal line went in the opposite facts from 2017. In turn where the line in the year of 2017 was from Alaska/Washington state areas diagonally downward as to the viewpoint, the opposite as to the ways of in reference to the solar eclipse in the year of 1994 as to from #Maine #ME #Mainestate #MEstate #NH #NewHampshire #NEwHampshirestate #NHstate #VT #VTstate #Vermont #Vermontstate Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont diagonally downwards towards southern #CA #CAstate #California #Californiastate #Mexico California and Mexico regions for the reference point of sight to be capable to notice the differences as to the years of such solar eclipses.