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The Ornery P.S.A.
a philosophical-ish


It should not take a head injury
*after personally sustaining a head injury & coma*
to figure this out...


After a Drill Sergeant threw Me into the metal part of the bunk when I was in Basic Training for the United States of America's Army branch at Fort Sill Oklahoma #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #Oklahoma in the year of 2000 on Psalm Sunday, I have dealt with the situations as best as I have been capable to do so while taking care of the situations and asking for assistance as per the required explanations of the information to such facts first.  While making the attempts to get assistance for the aspects thereof as to the reality, the aspects of where and when as to the multiple attempts to ask for assistance for me.  As my journal blog for when I was ready to bring such as to my other works forward since as to the lengths of time as to where my modeling was as to the modeling page information, just as the other pages have the information as to such specifics, and just as this journal blog of mine is as to such facts.

If I had real friends (if as to having met in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects of this particular reference such as from the state of Texas as to the state of Washington as to the years of 2000 through 2013 if I met within the state of Texas for such references), real (the areas of the tristate region as before the year of 2000) family, and real relationships in real life that recognized me as to the aspects of if as to the face to face in person who started in truth as I had started such in truth as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate; then I guesstimate there would be the easier factors as to being capable for me to speak with others in truth in person face to face in person and/or through online measures as to such factors I suppose.  Though would such as to the knowledge of the ways as to how they began such discussions with me as to would there be such a situation, for them to consider as to such if factors as to such discussions with me in truth?

As to some suggestions and commentary within "Finding A Silver Lining" one of several of my bo0ks I personally authored/wrote/compiled as I can only speak and write in truth as per such clarifications as to the reality as to the specifics of such discussions/writings/videos as per my Official You Tube where I have satirical commentary where I comment about the factors as to having dealt with others' opinions about their pop culture references of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, though as to for the most part I have actually preferred to be asked with politeness if as to having read my books and/or seen my website as just the same in reference to the timeframes when I was modeling as to having respect as to what I consider as respect, referencing if as to such polite manners as to discussions if as to such having been noticed because of the factors in my opinion as to having real discussions as communication would be if my website was seen before the year of 2023 as I first began my website in 2015; as in my journal blog posts as to the reality of the years of 2010 through 2013, as to the aspects of introductions as to those timeframes when as to various factors as I did not take selfies as I was actually working with photographers as to my creations of my outfits as per the description on the link to my modeling page(s) as to the references regarding my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 through 2022 as the timeframe onward as to the year of 2023 as to the factors as to how such journal blog entries will be as to such factors as to the aspects of the various topic points.

Go read through the multiple journal blogs on my website after finishing scrolling to get to the journal blog area, now!

Share the links of my journal blog, too!

 I was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up going throughout the tristate northeast areas mainly, and as to how the reality of when the importance of the situations as to the aspects of reviewing as to such facts regarding the logistics for several factors as to the considerations; the years of 2019 through 2022 as to the review process as to the aspects of the timeframe, prior to the timeframe of the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as well as before the 30 year memorial of February 1993, as to the northeast areas mostly known as to New York City #NYC #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NYU though also as to the #Pentagon Pentagon, as well as Pennsylvania #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate as to the reality of how many New Jersey-ians commute in either direction, depending upon what location for the commute. 

The factors though I have said at times, I re-re-re-re-re-re-grew up in the state of  #Texas #TX #Texasstate Texas as to such factors as to the timeframes, as well as all 26 of my SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving  Diving certifications I earned were through one school within the state of Texas as I also earned winning first place in a Texas Chili cookoff with more than 20 entries as well as my chili recipe as I am adamant about my recipes as to such aspects just as I am specific as to what it actually takes for me to cook in a BBQ as to the required preparations for when I have BBQed.   

I can sarcastically write, those who know of the Rules of the BBQ as to where I grew up as to the Rules of the BBQ as to such factors to the considerations of such preparations.  However that is to cooking food as to the differences of my journal blog entries, as to the factors as to proverbial aspects of food for thought as the difference of real food in real life as to the facts of the situations to such attention to the details as well as attention to the information.

Such facts as to the metaphors in some of such factors that only after reviewing such information as to the aspects of the fiction book series that were as to for My personal life as to such dreamland sorts of factors as to the differences of such hypotheticals, the references thereof as to such regards as to the logistical emotional with the real situations as per the names I was informed of at the timeframes referenced review as to My journal blog as to the situations overall.  

If as to my journal blog being found and read as to where what I consider as common sense, as to the aspects of my satirical saying   how it should not take a head injury to figure out. 

*(sometimes utilizing articles discussing facts)*
By:  (Reverend) Susan MeeLing
also known as

The One & Only

(YouTube)   Lady Dori Belle


Business Card.jpg


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?

Apparently it does take a head injury to figure this out

Apparently it does take a head injury to figure out that in reference to my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw telling me when I was a child that I was color blind, as to how they had to point out their hair as well as their skin to me for me to understand that they were African American.

Then again, they also had to explain a bunch of other aspects to me as to where their backgrounds as to more than just the Civil Rights Movement #CivilRightsMovement #CivilRights as to the aspects thereof. In such times of the middle to latter 1980s and the early 1990s as to where I was allowed to work on their hair randomly as to my Grandmawmaw having alloowed me to smooth the top portion of her hair as to the aspects thereof, and her explanations as to the differences between her hair as to the differences of my hair. The aspects where I was allowed to braid my cousin's hair as to the squares as well as the aspects of the ponytails from the squares to then complete the twists as well as to being allowed to complete the braids from the squares, where I was allowed to do such work. While I did get to learn and see different aspects as to the ways where the other females in the areas as to how they had completed the braids as well as the rolls and the differences as to the hair picks to being capable to make the lines as well as the swirls, while others I once knew in person face to face in person in real life may not have been informed of such when discussions in person face to face in real life with me as to such prior times as to how I made attempts to explain such from the years in New Jersey #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NewJerseyStrong #NewJerseyTollway #NewJerseyGardenState #GardenState #NewJerseyTurnpike #NJ #NJstate #NJStrong #NJTP as to the timeframes mainly through the years randomly as to 1996 through 1998 as well as the years as to #CLIUL #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIllinois #CrystalLakeIL #Illinois #Illonoisstate #IL #ILstate Crystal Lake Illinois as to the years from 1998 through 2000 as well as different areas as to the state of Texas #Texas #Texasstate #TX #TXstate from the years of 2000 through 2012.

Apparently it takes a head injury to figure out when my biological little sister explained to me how she could not understand why I was not voting for who I knew was going to be POTUS44 #PPOTUS44 #BarackObama Barack Obama as to how she explained to me the skin tone as well as the hair as to myself, where it did not make sense to me as to how my skin tone nor how my hair ever was as to the references regarding Barack Obama in the year of 2008 however as to how apparently it takes a head injury to figure this out as to how it was not until seeing a picture of POTUS44 with Mrs. Michelle Obama #MichelleObama as well as their daughters as well as some video footage as to around the year of 2015 as to figuring out they would possibly have some African American in them as to the aspects of the difficulties as to seeing from the television screen as to the aspects thereof. However that does not change the fact that apparently that does take a head injury to figure out from the descriptions from others saying they were voting for the First Black President as to such aspects to figure out, they all meant the First African American President of the United States of America #FirstAfricanAmericanPResidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica #POTUS.

Apparently it takes a head injury to figure out in reference to a performance in the year of 2011 as to Exotic Easter #ExoticEaster #Easter as to the character the Toy Master as to the individual male being a darker skin tone and as to figuring out how the reality of such aspects of what my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw said as to me being color blind, as to such aspects of being in person face to face in person in real life as to all of the practices as well as the performance as to the reality the character the Toy Master being African American or black as depending upon his ethnic background as to where he was born and raised as to the factors thereof to such possibilities.

Apparently it takes a head injury to figure out the aspects from the #UniformFetishBall Uniform Fetish Ball as to when the same male as to such aspects as to who had spoken with me on the stage after I was carried onto the stage as to the question thereof as to the year of 2009 as to the situations in reference as to the situations regarding how from the year of 2009 through 2011 through this year of 2022, as to figuring such out on my own as to figuring out he just might be African American.

However apparently, it does take a head injury for me to figure that out despite having spent the amount of times with as well as seeing from the multiple events as to from the year of 2009 as well as through the other events as to both the in person face to face in person in real life as well as the images as to such aspects to apparently have had to think about as to after my head injury of Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 as to figuring out he was and still is African American.

Sure I have acknowledged such aspects as to the Miss Sapphire aspects regarding the second female to having been Miss Sapphire as to the African American #AfricanAmerican #African #American aspects, though only after she told me about such in reference to herself as well as her boyfriend at the time as apparently it takes a head injury for me to figure out as to the timeframe of 2011 to this year of 2022 to figure out the aspects from such amounts of time without having been told by anyone else to figuring such out on my own.

The Blue Jacket is the character the Toy Master, as to the male with the microphone in several pictures, the female in the white makeup played the character the Jack in the Box #JIB #JackInTheBox, and I was assigned the character of being the most wanted as to the shoppe in reference to that Exotic Easter #Easter performance in the year of 2011.

The females wearing the same hats were the characters the Russian Toy Soldiers, the female with the pink corset and pasties was the character Barbie, the male in the underroos only was the character Douche and the female next to him in the bra top and green skirt was the character Bitch; as the male in the blue jacket was the character the Toy Master and I in the same overall look as to my hairstyle and haircolor-ish as to from then in the year of 2011 to this year now in 2022 with the tattoos that can be seen as to from the timeframe of 2011 as to the aspects where I still am the same and others who may have chosen without my permission as to such photoshopping as to the aspects of the situations hypothetically as to other aspects as to such references thereof to such references as to my Religious Freedoms #ReligiousFreedoms as to such aspects of my Civil Liberties #CivilLibterties as to such aspects of having been an Ordained Reverend #OrdainedReverend since the year of 2005.

The aspects where others' choice as to the photoshop situations as to the aspects of where an individual who worked on the poster as to the flyer asked me if I noticed the situations as to the knowledge of the after effects from my Psalm #Psalm Sunday #PsalmSunday in the year of 2000 head injury and when I asked what he referenced, he pointed out the photoshopping and said he was afraid of me not noticing such aspects as to the aspects of the cognitive disorder as to such after effects from also the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury when I was in Basic Training for the Army #USA #USAA #Army #USAArmy branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America #ArmedForces #USAArmedForces #ArmedForcesoftheUSA #ArmedForcesoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica .

Though I am thankful as to being capable to handle enough to push myself to be in the show as I only asked to be on the poster as I was not informed of anything else as to the aspects of being involved with the aspects of that event whatsoever, as to any aspects of the performance aspects to being on the poster until several weeks went by as to the aspects of the performance as I was only aware of the poster aspects and was not aware as to any factors as to being involved as to as to anything about the performance as to such aspects of until several weeks after I initially asked as to attending an event as to after having asked and being informed as to the aspects thereof as to after the poster pictures were.

While the aspects of being on the poster were as to the aspects of the situations as to different than what I had been informed of until afterwards, as to what the levels of consent as to being informed before such as to the requirements as to informed consent as to the reality of what informed consent as to such aspects is supposed to be in regards of the consenting adult lifestyle as to where I should have been informed before as to such aspects as to the situations instead of afterwards where that is not considered as to informed for me as not is such as to the aspects as to officially being capable to consent properly as being capable to consent is being informed correctly first as to the reality of such aspects to be in the consideration thereof to such aspects both in my opinion as well as legally.

If as to the situations as to the year after as to 2012 in regards of the attitude I dealt with as to the following Exotic Easter and/or other such aspects from the situations I was not aware of as to such aspects, the situations as to the reality of the knowledge as to dealing with headaches and migraines as to such after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury as well as the after effects from the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate from the MRI and the CAT scans as to such regards of the reality of the ADA #ADA situations as to such facts referencing me and my needs.

The event was horrible as it was as to how instead of being informed as to before the event as to the corset that I was supposed to wear at the event instead of the pink corset that when I took that to the dry cleaners as to the needless problems as to what I dealt with on top of the already far too much situations as to what I was already dealing with, as to such aspects while some might think of that as being a fan as to the difference as to such regards as to what I was already dealing with as to what my considerations as to being a fan of my work would actually be as to such aspects as to what others' interpretations as to such factors of hypothetical aspects as to whatever their opinions referencing such aspects as to what being a fan of mine would be as to the other situations as to the occurrences thereof from the starting point as to that Uniform Fetish Ball in the year of 2009 as to how I did not consent to being brought on the stage as to how that occurred as well as the situations thereof as to the common sense as to the factors thereof.

When I was told it was only a joke as to such aspects as to John Virreal, I was not amused in any capacity as I did not find anything funny nor amusing about any factor thereof as to the entirety of all such situations.

There was nothing funny to me about any aspect thereof as to what I dealt with throughout such lengths of time and if as to such aspects as to what my daughter and my son and I went through as well as others as to without informed consent as to the reality where I would officially need to be informed first as to being capable to make an informed decision as to such aspects, as to how the aspects while I have been thankful as to the modeling aspects though as to the differences as to the work I needed to take care of as to the reality of my work as to my SCUBA Diving as to the reality from the year of 2009 as to that timeframe as to the aspects regarding immediately after August of 2009 as to my SCUBA Diving at the area of the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg #GeneralHoytSVandenberg #GeneralHoytVandenberg as well as my earned aspects as to my Cavern SCUBA Diving #Cavern #CavernSCUBA #CavernSCUBADiving #SCUBA #SCUBADiving certification in the month of September 2009 as there was and is nothing of any joking as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as there is nothing I have ever joked about as to my work in reference to my SCUBA Diving.

I did not have the luxury of recreational SCUBA Diving ever, unlike others as to such aspects as to the factors thereof as apparently it takes a head injury to figure out there is not any recreational aspects as to such factors as to SCUBA Diving being a biological female as well as the after effects from such factors as to the reality of my ADA.

Similarly as to the aspects of the amount of work I needed to take care of in reference to the aspects of February 1993 as to the aspects as well that I needed to take care of as to 11 September 2001 as to such aspects as to the work, then on top of such aspects as to my SCUBA Diving aspects as well as the situations thereof as to the time that everything would have been completed as to if others took my work seriously as to the years where all of those aspects would have officially been completed in the timeframe from the years of 2009 through 2011 if such aspects were as to having been capable to focus on the work at that time as to the reality of what was the ten year memorial in the year of 2011 as well as the twenty year memorial as to the year of 2013.

Those who did not lose as many people as I knew who I personally did not attend their memorials nor was capable to reconcile anything with them as to such aspects as to the situations as to the importance of time as to their lives as to those areas as to the fact of being born and raised in New Jersey #NewJersey #NewJerseyStrong #NewJerseystate #NJ #NJstate #NJ and having grown up going around the New York City #NYC #NewYorkCity 5 boroughs as to the aspects thereof as to the solace I could have had with people I once knew in person face to face in real life if as to having been capable to get back to where I was born and raised before the timeframe as to the year of 2020 as well as 2021 and 2022, if others would have taken life more seriously as to the facts thereof instead of having been judgmental as they were as to such aspects as to how I look as to my hair as well as my tattoos as to their interpretations as to such aspects thereof as to obviously the differences as to appreciation of life as to such hypothetical aspects as to the differences as to what I consider as to appreciating life.

11 September 2001 was not my fault as just because I predicted such aspects as the reality as to there was not anything as to my fault as to common sense as to such amounts of false blaming as to such aspects where others need to accept the facts as to their responsibilities as to the facts thereof, as it should not take a head injury to figure out that those individuals as to each who actually made those choices were to blame for all of those situations as those who made the choices they made as to how their choices are their blame as that should not take a head injury to figure out as the same as to the references as to February 1993.

Apparently it might take a head injury to figure out to explain such aspects to others as to such facts, as the reality that each needs to accept the facts as to their involvement as to their choices as to such facts referencing how many attempts from the years of 2002 through 2013 as to such attempts I made to get back to the areas. It should not take a head injury to figure out others having caused such levels of needless situations as to their involvements thereof as to such aspects where their choices, were the reasons as to why it took to the timeframe of just before the 20 year memorial as to such regards as to the references thereof to my return to the area. If those people in Illinois had accepted the facts as to what I told those people in Illinois as to the facts as to where I was born and raised as to the facts I told those people in Illinois as to February 1993, as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out as to my attempts to return to the northeast tristate areas as many times as I had instead of how those immature homo-sapien-sapiens as to the aspects thereof as to such trying to get to where I cared more about them as to the differences as to caring about those people that I had known as to any additional hypotheticals as to that ignorance as to the 10 year high school reunion as to such aspects as to the differences as to life as to the facts of the construction materials as to the amount of years and decades as to what it is as to paying attention to the correct details as to the correct information instead of such hypothetical ignorances as to those types as to such aspects as to where the blame would actually be as to the references as to 11 September 2001 as to any aspects thereof to such individuals as to the Crystal Lake and such areas as to Crystal Lake Illinois as to such immaturity referencing the distinguishable differences as to the ages of 4 years as well as the differences as to the upbringing as to childhood and teenager years as to how my biological little sister was in elementary school when we moved from New Jersey to Illinois and I was in high school.

How pathetic such would be as to such an immature look of the world as to my biological little sister as to such aspects of when she was in high school as to 2001 as a freshman or a sophomore as to such aspects of differences as to the reality as to such attention to details, as well as attention to the reality as to such a spoiled little brat she would officially be for all of time in my opinion as to such worthlessness hypothetically as to ever being such an aspect as to the massive distinction of differences as to the reality she abandoned to the differences as to such aspects as to how my attempts as to getting to those people she abandoned to begin with as to such aspects of such factors as to her Bon Voyage to my biological little sister as to the differences as to such interpretations of the reality as to the facts as how racist would she be for not remembering the real skin tone as to cousin Jade and her Dad and her Grandparents as to my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw?

If she complained as to the aspects of feeling abandoned in high school when she had the support of every individual in that high school as to the difference of what I dealt with when I was in that high school, as to the aspects as to the differences as to such aspects as to if she complained because she personally did not know who I personally knew and who I remembered; as to how worthless she was from the beginning and the reasons why my Bok Pu had made the choices she had, as to the reasons why my biological little sister was only allowed to refer to such as her Great Grandparents as to the difference where as to how the reality I was to call the aspects thereof as to them my BokGung and my BokPu as what would be an important distinction as to such facts?

Only common sense would be as to such amounts of attempts as to the tristate region as to such aspects as to such amounts of overall aspects, as then as to any such involvement needlessly from her and her associations then who abandoned the aspects of New Jersey and New York City and New York state and Pennsylvania when taking that into the hypothetical considerations?

Would it take a head injury to figure out a 14 year old teenager throwing a temper tantrum to the differences of the work I went to take care of as a 19 year old as to the amount of responsibility that I had to take care of as to the timeframe as to September 2001 or would it take a head injury to figure out if those people as to ever complaining as to the common sense aspects as when did they ever celebrate my birthday in truth before the year of 2001 as to such differences, as to such hypotheticals thereof as to any point in time after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as when would my Basic Training have been completed as to the 9 weeks if I had left for Basic Training in January of 2000 instead of in March because of their ignorance as to the paperwork as what would be more important as to protecting and defending the United States of America as well as the assistances thereof as to such aspects as to the responsibility aspects as to the overall area; would it take a head injury to figure out the reality of the differences as to such levels of work as to the differences as to such levels of those types, as why would they ever comprehend what it is to actually work on something actually important as to what I consider as actually important as why would what I consider as important actually matter as where have I ever proven to save lives?

If as to such aspects as to racism what would racism be as to if those people in Crystal Lake and/or Illinois be as to a female named Jade as to such aspects of how she was caucasian as to the aspects of Washington state if as to such aspects thereof to how New York Citiers are and not New Jersey-ians as to the 1980s and the 1990s, as to the difference of my cousin Jade as I told people as to such facts as to my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw being African American as to the aspects of my cousin Jade's Dad's parents as to my Great Aunt Helen as to such references as to the facts of her being full Cantonese as to the Chinese aspects where she escaped Mao Ze Doong because of my BokPu's work to be capable to save my Great Aunt Helen who was my Bok Gung's sister as what levels of racism would such be as to those hypotheticals as to the ways as to the youth group in Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the aspects of how they could not understand as to how I could have a cousin in their words as to 'that way' despite the amounts of explanations as would it take a head injury to figure that out for them to have for themselves to be capable to see?

What would as to the racism as to my biological little sister be as to the references as to being capable to distinguish the difference between my hair as to my skin as to the references thereof as to how she and hypothetically others saw such aspects as to the POTUS44 Barack Obama, as what would be racist about each and every individual who only voted for such as to the first black POTUS instead of as to the policies to such attention to the information instead of the attention to the details?

What levels of ignorance would such be as to their racism as to such factors as to the n-word as to the claim in reference to a male named AJ who was a junior or a sophomore when I was a cheerleader as to such aspects as to the timeframe as to the football player Nick Robinson and his cheerleader girlfriend Joy Hoover, as where would such levels of racism be capable to be noticed as to such factors as those people in Crystal Lake South High School could not distinguish as to their claim of me being Italian full blood as to their claim as to my maiden name as well as then as to such aspects as to their claim as to such aspects as to AJ to the references of the n-word as to any such hypotehticals as to the aspects as to the female at Club Sapphire as to her telling me she was a part of ClubFEM as to such aspects as to those hypotheticals as to any group pictures if there are any to be found as what would the difference as to such aspects be as to such differences as to the hypotheticals thereof and would such as similarly as to any pop culture references as to New Jersey as to any pop culture references as to African Americans be as to such regards as what would the lawyer Nona Matthews as to shaking my hand be as to such hypotheticals as to such factors thereof to bigotry?

Apparently it might take a head injury to point such out, instead of figuring such out as to those hypotheticals though who had to figure out what when reviewing such now in the year of 2022 as to the differences as to the years thereof as to the time difference?

Why would it take a head injury to figure out the references as to "The Modern Day Book" in any such hypotheticals thereof as how annoying and immature would those who were in high school when I was in high school be as to their pathetic aspects as to such hypotheticals as to feeling abandoned as to the aspects of 11 September 2001 as to the work I was taking care of as to such aspects instead, as how unwanted would those types be as to such aspects in my opinion as to any such if factors as to the energetic portions as to any such if factors as to the references as to that 10 year high school reunion?

I suppose I can be quite thankful and grateful as to the year of 2020 as to such aspects as to any such hypotheticals as to the if factors, as to such references thereof to such a reunion timeframe as to the year of 2020 as to the facts proven as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to how many throughout the United States of America #USA #UnitedStatesofAmerica would have a connection somehow to the area as to the #WorldTradeCenter #WorldTradeCenterPlaza #WTC #WTCP World Trade Center and the World Trade Center Plaza as well as the entire east coast including Pennsylvania as well as the aspects as to the Pentagon #Pentagon as to the east coast area as to those if they had not known as to the location near the Atlantic #Atlantic area of the oceanic waters.

I suppose if such accusations of me wrongly as to racism as to such factors as to how I probably would not have pushed myself as much as I had as to getting the work accomplished as to my SCUBA Diving especially as to the location as to where I found those forming underwater volcanoes as well as such work as to the aspects of what I personally took care of as to the area as to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandeberg, though only if as to such aspects of that information was paid attention to as to the aspects thereof instead of the pictures as to such hypotheticals as to the attention to what information as to the attention to the details as would it take a head injury to figure out a naval vessel that can travel through the oceanic waters would be bigger than a naval vessel that would have to travel through rivers before ever being in any one of the Great Lakes or would it take a head injury to point that common sense out?

Thus while I can acknowledge my own temper tantrums currently as to the aspects as to since this year of 2022 as to the month of February as to the Liberty Science Center #Liberty #LibteryScienceCenter #LSC location as to the first time of seeing the evening skyline from a specific location I would remember after all of the other work to travel around to be capable to measure as best as possible with the accuracy thereof as to if I have been accurate as to such aspects, if I have been good enough as despite the amount of time as to the amount of attempts.

While I am appreciative of the long distance aspects of where support has been capable, there is such a difference as to the aspects of how important in person in real life as to the reality thereof to such facts as to the amount of different people as to the amount of different areas as to the aspects thereof to such lengths of time as to such combined factors, as while I have not hidden nor hesitated as to such importance as to the specifics as to such in person in real life in person aspects as to what is the difference as to such aspects as to the hypotheticals proven as to such differences?

Thus as to Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve as to such aspects as the same time as to the 7th day of Hannukah #HappyHanukkah #HappyHannukah , as to such aspects as to the factors thereof as to the amount of Rabbis as to during the Passover #Passover as well as to the time of Yom Kippur #YomKippur and Rosh Hashanah #RoshHashanah as to the teachings from as to in the area as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #OldTennent #OldTennentPResbyterian #OldTennentPResbyterianChurch #OTC #OTPC #PresbyterianChurchUSA #FirstPResbyterianChurch #firstPresbyterianChurchUSA as well as those I once knew in specific areas as to the Jewish #Jewish #Hebrews faith as to a bit of oddity as to the viewpoint regarding such aspects.

Yes I am thankful to being capable to write as to such aspects now though how many could have been saved as to the situations as to the if I had been capable to take care of such writing before as to the years of 2003 through 2013, as who could have been saved if I was capable to have taken care of such aspects in depth first back then?

Maybe as to this point as to while possibly some I had saved as to the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving work as to the state of Texas overall as well as to the Gulf of Mexico areas overall as to the additional aspects of the east coast and Florida areas as to more specifics as to my explanations as to "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing (legal last name SCUBA Diver/Blue ID Card of/for the Armed Forces of the USA), SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as to the amounts thereof as to that area as to the bottom of the ocean as to such aspects, as well as the factors thereof as to the situations where a positive aspect as to such viewpoints regarding this Christmas holiday.

The capacity to see the difference as to the bottom right image of the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandeberg as to the difference to the aspects of the possibilities of confusion as to the overall viewpoints, though as to the aspects of considerations as to the type of camera that was used SeaPro Camera 12 Megapixels camera with a 10mm digital zoom for the clarifications as to the type of camera as well as the reality of the closeness as to the requirements.

From the dates as to the years as to the months in references thereof to the photographs where the aspects of my attempts previously similarly as to the aspects as to February 1993 and 11 September 2001 as to such amounts of attempts as I have made throughout the lengths of time, as to where the facts as to others' choices while I had made such attempts to get assistance as to such facts as to the situations as best as I could as per my SCUBA Diving work as well as other situations as per such updates to my journal blog as well as "The Modern Day Book" and "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" three volume book series.

When others' choices have been the situations as to getting the information to the correct agencies and bureaus as to such lengths of time and amounts of attempts thereof, when do those individuals as to their responsibility as to such aspects whereas to such differences as to the proof thereof as to my attempts as to such clearing of my name as well as clearing as to my work being valid as to worthwhile?

Back in the years of the latter 1980s and into the 1990s as to the swiftness my Black Suit Guys were as to the work thereof as to such differences as to such aspects as to how such would have been as to if they had survived from the year of 2001 and remembered me, as I know how that would have been as to my work as to just from the timeframe as to the 5th SCUBA Diving certification I earned as I know how that would have been as to the 10th SCUBA Diving certification I earned, as I know how it would have been as to the Gulf of Mexico aspects as I comprehend what would have been as to from returning to the state of Texas as to the month of August in the year of 2009 as to how they would have been as soon as seeing my file as to MAST as to such pre-timeframes as to such aspects as the ways it would have been in the year of 2004 as to such aspects just the same as how it would have been in 2011 if as to such aspects as to the aspects thereof as to additional reasons as to my attempts as to the attempts in the overall aspects as to my attempts.

Again I am grateful as to such aspects of being alive and as to the amount of people I have been capable to meet throughout the years as to the timeframes as to 2019 through 2021 as to the areas as to the state of Texas if they had known as to such aspects or not, it is/was a lot of work as to getting such clarified as to the timeframes as to then make my way to the northeast tristate regions as to the sight aspects as to different factors as General George Washington's spirit was not capable to prepare me for such aspects as to when making my way back to the northeast tristate regions at all as to the work I would have to get taken care of as to the aspects as to the amount of time others had wasted as to such facts as to what I could have taken care of immediately as to the if factors of where I could have taken care of everything immediately as to such if I actually had the correct assistance I actually needed.

The same in reference to the current as well as future timeframes as to the soonest I can actually have and keep such aspects of what is actually best for me to accomplish what is best for such, then if as to the individual(s) as to what is best for such assistance as to for me as to the soonest possible as to such aspects as to where I would be in a better mood as to such common sense referencing such clarifications.

Those who do not comprehend as to my comprehension levels, then they cannot interpret as to how much as to such hypotheticals as to this point in time as to such facts. If there have been and possibly are as to such aspects of individuals who are actually competent as to such aspects thereof, then as to others who need to step aside for those who can actually assist me correctly as to my needs as well as my wants whereas to being far different than my desires as to my comprehension of myself.

Thus while my temper tantrums as I consider as despite comprehending the aspects of the emotional factors as to the reality whereas to such situations of hypotheticals as to such references thereof because of others' failures as to such facts, the reality of where the clarifications as to the if someone does not comprehend then as to how they are not capable of ever interpreting as to such aspects and as to such clarifications as to the amount thereof as to the common sense aspects whereas to such facts.

Thus while the Hannukah #Hannukah #Hanukkah aspects as to this year aligning with Christmas #Christmas as to this year of 2022 and future years for me, the reminders where such facts as to the Rabbis as to Passover #Passover and Yom Kippur #YomKippur as well as Rosh Hashanah #RoshHashana as to my upbringing are to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church aspects of reality at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church each year for me as to my childhood, as per my requests as to my questions as to the elders of the church. I was raised learning such aspects from such Rabbis as well s areas within the New York City areas in conjunction as to some areas as to New York state, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania as to my clarifications as to the lengths thereof as well as the amount thereof to the facts of such.

While some others as to whenever as to the years those others as to the Sunday School classes began as to the years well after I had been attending Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the specific years thereof as to such differences, as to such aspects as to the reality of accepting such length of time as to the references thereof as to my time with the elders as well as the board members as well as the Deacons as well as the Trustees as to such factors as to the Pastor before Pastor McKenzie for such clarifications as well as to the common sense as to the timeframe as to the year thereof as per such details in my first book. Thus as to the length of time I spent learning from the original members as to the aspects of the decade of my birth as to such facts where there were simialr apects as to the elementary school I attended, where the factors as to the lower amount of children as to the amount of IVF treatments as to such area as to the northeast tristate region as I guesstimate because of the 1960s and the 1970s as to those situations as to the aspects of health and wellness as to such needs as to such requirements as to when making sure a female is actually taken care of correctly as to such aspects of the differences as to what some might think as to the differences as to the comprehension aspects of gentleness as to actual love between a partner and another as to such aspects of a partner as what a real relationship is as to such aspects.

Thus as to when I was a child as to such healing factors as to such as to the aspects thereof as to how actual children were capable to be conceived as to without the IVF treatments where so many defects as to such aspects were a common factor as to others, as work as other situations as to the medical aspects. Where some people who would not have such details as to the reality of what it would be for them to actually have such knowledge as well as the medical aspects thereof as to the factors, thus as to the situations where while some people might think they can interpret to the differences as to actually comprehending as to the only way to be capable to ever bring such forward as to the reality as to the requirements as to such emotional aspects as well to such aspects as to common sense.

However since as to what I have dealt with as to such taking care of everything as to such as best as I possibly can as to such factors as to the difference between long distance aspects to the differences as to in person in real life in person as to how such aspects of what real assistance to me and for me would be as to such clarifications as to such facts, the amount of work I could have worked with another and/or others if there was actually as to such aspects of what I have needed as to such differences of what others assumed as to such aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof as to the amount of updates as to where the aspects of getting as much accomplished as I possibly could. Thus the gratitude as to such aspects as to what I could get taken care of however if as to whereas how many may have thought their involvement as to pushing such aspects instead of what I had clarified would be best as to such aspects, if such individuals I once knew actually did as to exactly the aspects thereof instead of interpreting as to how such work would have been completed before correctly as to the aspects thereof to the proof.

Thus for example as to the year of 2018 if others had not involved themselves without my personal invitation as to the involvement as to such aspects, as to where the work I had completed as to my updates would have been more organized and streamlines if I had been capable as to exactly as I needed at the exact time of as to the timeframes instead of what I dealt with. Those hypotheticals as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to where others may have invited, that is others as to what they were not allowed to invite to as to such aspects thereof to such reality aspects as to where it would only be where I could invite as to such aspects as to the clarifications. If as to such bureaucracy as to where such aspects were not needed as to my work as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to such hypotheticals, then I could have gotten such aspects completed correctly immediately as to such references thereof as to such hypotheticals as to the facts of when others involve themselves without asking me specifically as to my actual needs then as to how others interpretations are exactly as to others' interpretations instead of exactly what I need.

In turn as to how the reality of how much I have dealt with as to the difference of what I needed while taking care of such work as to the reality of my comprehension of what I needed, as to such aspects thereof as to such facts as to the year of 2018 through such timeframes as to this year of 2022.

Possibly as to such aspects of exactly what I need as to from this point forward as to exactly at the time as to my exact needs, as to then being capable to actually recover correctly as to then being capable to progress forward as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to how I comprehend my needs for my work actually is instead of such others' interpretations as to such unwanted aspects from them as to the if factors of others thinking they would or could ever guess instead of actually doing exactly as to the actual needs as to the facts as to even as small as how to drive a car instead as to such hypotheticals as to such references as to my Medal of Honor trip in the year in the springtime of the year of 2017 as to Montana #Montana #Montanastate #MT #MTstate #MountainTimeZone.

If others actually appreciate(d) my work as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to my Medal of Honor Art Project, then such requirements as to such following the aspects thereof would have been exactly as to what my commands are as to the if factors. Thus as to Bremerton Washington #Bremerton #BremertonWA #BermertonWashington as to the situations as to how that went as to how unlike an actual active duty individual as to my lack of the need to ever speak with anyone as to such aspects of taking a leave, then as to such facts as to the unlike those aspects as to such facts to the considerations as to the amount of work as to the amount of time as to the occurrences thereof as to the common sense as to such support as to what my actual considerations of actual support for me would be as to the proof as to such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to the prior timeframes as to such aspects as to the if factors. As I kept up to date as to the aspects as best as I could directly as to such aspects as to my work as well as online, as to the aspects as to my work is my work as to such aspects where such charity work as to my completed pieces as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork would be as to exactly as to what my actual needs are to complete my actual work as to my charity work.

Thus as to how I personally needed to recuperate as to recovering from the aspects of such situations as to the years from 2017 through 2022 as to such facts, only individuals who would have genuine compassion as to me for the situations would be capable to comprehend as to my reasons as to my need to take a break from such aspects before picking such back up as to what my needs actually are instead of ever trying to interpret as to such aspects as to such lack of comprehension as to my work. I have been in my opinion kinder than most would have been as to such noticings if accurate as to such differences as to the hypotheticals as to others from what I was told in the years before 2012 in person face to face in person in real life as to discussions about me as well as such online aspects as to what I saw such as Leatheratti #Leatheratti for one example, and thus as to such aspects of where for the first time of ever allowing myself to vent as to such aspects as to my personal emotions as to such aspects of factors ever at all as to the years of 2019 through 2022 as to how I personally have not ever allowed myself to ever vent as to any discussions with others and/or ever put such into writing in any capacity thereof previously as to my emotions because of my personal self-control throughout all of the years from the 1980s to the 1990s to the 2000s to the 2010s into the end of the year of 2019 before the 2020s.

Thus as to how while I personally think of myself as a whiny temper tantrum throwing baby as to such aspects, I suppose if as to others' aspects as to the if factors as to if they allowed themselves to complain to others and/or made such memes and/or wrote to others and/or posted about such as to any such aspect as to the prior journal blog where I specifically clarified as to such emotional aspects as to how I personally have not had the support to be capable to do so before as well as to such aspects where I also have not allowed myself to previously vent as to such aspects as to the reality as per such updates to my reviews only specifically as to the timeframe of the years as to 2019 through 2022 as to the only time I have ever allowed myself to as per such clarifications as to such verifications as to the facts where while in some factors as to while long overdue as to such emotional aspects as to in some possible opinions as to such aspects of the reviews only as to the years of 2019 through 2022 as to reviewing all such times as to the aspects thereof for my first time; I suppose I can make a joke as to the reference as to when I went into the labor and delivery aspects per child of mine as to my son and my daughter as to such uselessness as to such aspects as to the overemotional aspects as to where if I actually had as to what my actual needs were as to the year of 2018 as to how that actually would have been best for me.

Then as to the point in time of now and forward as to my full comprehension as to what is best for myself as to the aspects of what my personal needs are for myself, as to from this point in time forward as to such facts. Thus as to how my needs for myself are top priority as to such aspects as to the situations as to my work whether as to my Medal of Honor Art Project and/or my website and/or my books and/or my social media and/or etcetera, I comprehend what is best for myself and what is best for my work of whatever type thereof as to my personal background as well as the proof thereof as to such clear aspects where everyone else needs to accept the facts as to such reality. Thus as to from this day forward as to my work as to my needs, there is no interpretations for others as to such aspects where their need to accept the facts as to the facts as to my comprehension as to what I comprehend is best for myself as well as other such aspects thereof for my work.

Since the upcoming New Years #NewYearsEve #NewYearsDay #NewYears as to such aspects, I comprehend what is best for myself as to for my short term as well as for my long term as well as for my longest terms as to such facts as that needs to be accepted fully as to my comprehension of myself as to my work as to any others' hypotheticals as to where they have only interpreted incorrectly as to the proof thereof as to such hypotheticals as to the similar aspects as to the if factors of any time as to my biological little sister as to automatically not capable referencing others' interpretations as their own situations as to their own lives as to their own references are not the same as to what my comprehension has been as what my comprehension is as to the factors thereof as it is not assistive to me and only causes me unnecessary stress as to such aspects as to the proof thereof to the aspects thereof as well as only adds needless drama to me instead of relieving as to what I consider as.

Thus if as to others' interpretations as to the factors thereof as to the factors of their bigotry as to the proof of such aspects as to where it took me from the year officially of if factors as to the individual as to the character who played the Toy Master as to being African American as to being involved and at events in the years of 2004 and 2005 as well as the year of 2009 and 2010 as well as 2011 to this year of 2022 as to figuring out that he is African American, then should it take a head injury to point out the difference as to who might actually be the bigoted ones as well as who might actually not be capable to comprehend as well as who might not be capable to interpret anything of mine as why would such aspects of the exact aspects be of importance as to such factors at this point?

Would such hypothetically be from Caucasian biological females who as to such aspects as to how such hypotheticals as to how many biological females that are Caucasian usually are the ones causing the most amount of needless drama as to how they want to stand out though they need others that look similar to themselves as to standing out as to only in a group though their clothing makes them separate as to such hypotheticals, as when standing next to a biological female as to such differences as to the aspects thereof as to how their situations as to such factors of such hypotheticva as to the amount of situaitons such hypotheticals have caused Caucasian males biologically as to such hypotyheticals as to the references thereof as to such aspects as to how they want to stand out though only in certain situations instead of such hypotheticals where certain people no matter what as to standing out?

How many needless problems have Caucasian biological females caused any other female as to such hypotheticals as to the same factors as to how many biological males have dealt with needless drama as well as needless situations as well as hesitations because of Caucasian females, as to such hypotheticals as to such ponderings as to just in reference to a 1 year as well as 5 year and 10 year looking upon such reflections as how many biological females as to other physical aspects can think about such as to the aspects thereof to such hypotheticals as to the whatever ethnic background as to such factors thereof as to what they can think of for themselves as to their own situaitons?

I once knew a female who randomly called me white as to such aspects of apologizing at specific immediate timeframes as to the aspects of if I made a mistake and when I clarified I would rather apologize immediately as to instead of what I perceived as to what I considered as to where others might be as to their choices as to wasting time, as to such aspects as to the aspects of what I consider as white being as to such aspects as to the paper behind such ink as to the letters thereof and/or such aspects as to the light behind a screen as to such propping such up as to the aspects of lighting as to my opinion. Thus as to the differences as to experiences as to such factors thereof to such hypothetical viewpoints as to where would others as to whatever ethnic background be capable to think of the aspects thereof as to including my own biological little sister to think about the reality of such factors, as to what would be the type as to the biological females as to such hypotheticals as to such needless drama as to such needless situations as to such aspects as to what I consider as and where would such males be capable to think of the main situations as to what type of biological females as well as the LGBTQP communities as to who was always whispering in their ears as to what factors thereof as what would be the common thread as to the needless situations as what would be as to the real as to the genuine aspects as to such factors as to the hyptheticals?

While I would guesstimate there could be some Caucasian females who did not stir up any needless drama or would be as to such minimum though would such actually be considered as needless truthfully as to the if factors, or would such be as to what levels thereof to such considerations as what type of aspects as to the same order as to such aspects instead of paying attention to the facts as to the cogniotive disorders as well as memory deficits as to such hypotheticals as to such homo-sapien-sapien types as to such Caucasian females as to such hypotheticals?

I am half Chinese and the other half as to what I consider as to a Chinese version of the play on words as to Chef Boyardee as to Chinkardee as to the half Italian half Americanized as to such references, as being half Chinese and half as to the mixture of Italian/German/Russian/French/Canadian French/Sioux/Cherokee/etcetera as to such aspects as to the common sense aspects as to the difference of authoring/writing/compiling a book as to such factors to the difference of writing a journal blog, as to such aspects as to the factors of the amount of review as to the difference of printing out the paperwork to review as to the difference of typing and going onward.

How pathetic would certain types be as to ever thinking as to such a robotic way as to every aspect as to such factors thereof while ever having such issues to ever being capable to interpret as to such failures, or would it take a head injury for them to get over such aspects of their pop culture?

What if such aspects as to their failures to get over such aspects and let it go as to their own robotic aspects as to such artificial intelligence as to such aspects of why they cannot interpret to begin with as would their issues be as to how if as to copying pop culture wrongly as to instead of actually being capable to truthfully living life, as what if as to such aspects as to those types as to such mimicking as to the aspects of if factors as to such hypotheticals?

As to what would that do to those types' minds as to the if factors as to someone such as myself who has the capacity to actually think for myself as well as myself and others who are capable to adapt to life to continue onward, as how important is being capable to distinguish between their interpretations as to the amount of intelligence in genuineity would there be as to such?

Why would someone who comprehends themselves ever need to actually explain anything to those who would first be needing to actually retain such information, as why would it ever be any issue as to any wording out of order to such types or would they prove themselves to be cherubim?

As why or what would that be a to such hypotheticals malfunction to those types such as what I dealt with as to high school in Illinois, as what hypotheticals would there be to such aspects as to pop culture for them as to such as would that be a major malfunction for them as to any such if factors as to if they tried to memorize such and what if they could not retain all information as to the details as well as the information as would they try to claim they know everything?

I would not think it would take a head injury though possibly it might take a head injury to point out such aspects to others as to how programmed they actually have been as to such hypotheticals, as why would I ever need to clarify as to such aspects as to the amounts thereof unless they were trying to be something they could not ever actually be as how immature would those types be for such aspects as how would they ever be capable to progress if they cannot think truthfully correctly?

What would the problem for such types be if they were to look at their pop culture references for New Jersey and then find signs that said New York and/or Pennsylvania, as what would that do to their thought processes as how would they ever be allowed to know in truth of such as how could they ever truthfully be capable to understand as to what would be the year as to 1998 as to such pop culture references as would they need to get tapes such as VHS tapes to see the truth?

Someone who was born and raised as to the levels of and locations of as to such proof as to my clarifications as to the aspects thereof hypothetically would drive pop culture types up the wall as to such aspects if they had to research such pop culture references to find such aspects as to where they would learn as to such references thereof as to such facts, or would I be inaccurate as to such aspects of the pop culture references as to such differences to the reality?

How many types of hypothetical charlatans would prove themselves as to such aspects of interpretations as to being capable as to such differences as to what I dealt with as to such prior times as to the 1990s especially, as what would be required as to clearing those types out fully no matter what their ethnic backgrounds as to no matter where they were born and/or raised such as a female biologically I once knew named Pita as to such aspects as what needless problems would be capable to be found in any such hypotheticals?

What would be of importance as to such aspects as to the reality of energetic aspects as what importance would quantum be, as why would that be of importance as to such aspects as to my work as what energetic aspects could be of importance as to such factors thereof hypothetically such as the capabilities I have as to the reference of the Montana Vortex to what would be as to the proof as to such aspects as to my SCUVA Diving work for such first time aspects without any assistance to such regards for the first time or any time as to the Montana Vortex despite how many times I went as what would be of importance about that to such clarifications as what would my BokPu be of importance as to anything at all referencing such aspects?

Would it take a head injury to see reasons as to such color blindness as to such hypotheticals, as what would be important about the difference of hair to the difference as to such aspects of tone?


Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Model Author Susan MeeLing

It should not take a head injury to figure this out because I thought you are supposed, to be smarter.

If there are those who find such interesting enough to research further to bring forward more information in reference to the forefront for more detailed information, as usual I request the courtesy of the same which I do in reference to how I refer to articles for reference points when writing my journal blog entries; for each one used for reference starting points, to research for clearer understanding from such knowledge.


That is common sense, good etiquette, and good karma; whilst lifting others upward, in positive ways.

Quotes which mean a lot to me:

"The ultimate measure of an individual is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at the time of challenge and controversy."

"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty, rather than the law breaker.  Freedom is never-more than one generation away, from extinction.  We do not pass freedom on through our blood stream because freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on for the next generation to do the same."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.  Though best to be able to share in person with who matters, until that time occurs being able to see what is possible through such is a feat to notice.  One must be happy within oneself prior to being happy with another, though such can be enjoyed if living in one's own truth is as such. and then as to the capability to progress forward with another and/or others depending upon the situation(s) and individual(s)."  ~  A Quote From Me, Reverend Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle

Me in Black Suit Prepared.JPG

If in anyway I am inaccurate about anything I have written here in this journal blog entry and/or any prior journal blog entry and/or future journal blog entry and/or factual books I wrote and/or videos I have done through my OFFICIAL YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, please only contact me through the contact form for the ability to clarify such details in public view fully to fix and repair to rectify the situation(s) as I do not respond to comments in my journal blogs because there thus far have not been any notifications sent to me about such from my website.

In such references if there are any inaccuracies then I will fix and repair such details on my website, as per such.

Though there are the aspects of which if you would like to speak with me in addition to possibilities of opportunities for me, the welcome aspects as to contacting me through my contact form.

If I have known you in person when in person in positive ways and/or ways which might need clarification(s) as to mature discussions, there has always been the welcome open door policy as to contacting me through my contact form if you were not given my new phone number though such is online regarding my website more recently published online as to my Website Business Phone Line: (360)-713-4937.

Thus far there has been only one who has known the contact form area to speak with me on a phone line was simple and capable to do so through, in truth.

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

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Fetlife as Lady Liberty Belle:

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

Welcome to the website of the one and only exclusively through Amazon author
Susan MeeLing, and the one and only overall model
Lady Dori Belle

My Copyrights Reserved

My website is not for sale nor is for purchase intended to assist with correct and truthful information of which as I give the credits to others in such return as to the credits to such which must be given to me (Susan MeeLing) to my work and my website which has been and is to assist to go forward with further aspects as I personally choose, however such mandatory recognition of which such portions of my works is having used such is required as to acknowledgement and proper respectful recognition thereof as to such details in the actualities of the truth as to the 10 Commandments as the 10 Commandments matter just as actual truthful life experiences matter. 

No misinterpretations of/from me are permitted, at all.  Realism.

If you would like to use the link to a journal blog of mine, then the subscription fee should be capable per link to the journal blog link for usage with the acknowledgement of the subscription fee for my journal blog for the previous links to such aspects as per what I have made attempts to arrange as I have not ever allowed anyone to remove any information from my website for any personal usage as to in any capacity as the permissions from me are required as to getting personal permission from me as to such aspects.

There is the capacity to purchase a subscription to be capable to contribute financially to my work as to the aspects of my journal blog, as the links for the references regarding my journal blog are allowed to be published as all of the information as per the requirements for others to research as per the truth in full as required as per the information as per my journal blog The Ornery PSA.

All such permissions would be under the copyrights protections, for me for my work officially. 

You can request contact for arranging meetings and speaking arrangements through my contact page on my website, though the link to the right is to my Linked in account for additional verifications.  (6) LD Belle | LinkedIn

™© Copyright®©

Thank you for taking the time to look through this website and please, enjoy your day.

Brightest blessings to me, for my highest good.

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