In reference to my flags being flown when I had created the design as to which flags went where attached to my house in San Antonio Texas as well as when at my house in Carrollton Texas, if there were people who were upset because of their issues regarding if a flagpole is arranged from the ground standing upright as to the ways to fly the flags when in reference to my American Flag and my New Jersey Flag and my Texas Flag were not paid attention to previously; let me clarify a few additional portions regarding such.
First, the statues of such an arrangement regarding for a ground based flag pole for the American Flag and the Texas Flag in comparison to other flags from within the United States of America is only for the reference towards such in regards of a ground based flag pole. In turn when hanging such an arrangement as I had created with the American Flag adhered to the top portion when hanging from my house from the house hanging flag pole pieces, I had every right to hang my American Flag above the other two flags in my arrangement. The choice I made to hang my New Jersey Flag and my Texas Flag as I had already explained as to the symbolism regarding such an arrangement choice at the same height level on my houses in comparison to hanging such from the ground level of the in the ground way of a flag pole when thought of for certain situations means, the arrangement for and of my two flags were actually correctly done regarding my creation as well as the fact that I earned my Freedoms myself as well as the legal requirements are only in reference to when hanging a flag on a flag pole which has been cemented into the ground of the earth.
My American Flag, my New Jersey Flag, and my Texas Flags were hung from an anchor point which I had drilled into the brick portions of my house in San Antonio Texas and the same in reference to the brick portions of my house in Carrollton Texas. In turn the brick facing of my house was and is not considered as the same referencing a flag arrangement set up from the literal ground of the earth for the vertical hanging of the three flags, as the three flags were hung on the brick facing of my houses to which I was standing more upright than the angles of any of the three flags I hung for myself on my houses I owned and I was paying for. Sadly regarding the aspects of having the words paying for regarding such as I wrongly and needlessly paid for other people's arrogances to ever think the same aspects in reference to the angled mounting brackets to put into the brick facing of a house would ever be the same as the concrete in the ground type of flag poles to which those would be the only locations of any type of flag pole which would ever be considered under such statutes regarding the American Flag and the Texas Flag, to which apparently I must have been the only person in the state of Texas at the times my flags were hanging who was able to tell the difference between a wall mounting anchor bracket for flags to be arranged compared to the ground based flag poles which are able to be seen in front of buildings of businesses or in front of some people's houses where there is the ability to put such into the ground in comparison to hanging the brackets onto what is considered as a wall in comparison to what is the ground with grass growing around the base of the flag pole areas and/or just a driveway or parking lot. Was I the only person back from 2007 through to 2010 who knew the difference between a wall mounting anchor bracket in reference to the base required for the flag pole in such an arrangement of standing upright? Am I the only person who knew and knows the difference regarding such, in comparison to being told as in regards of where the flags were arranged? As I had said I mounted and hung the flag poles on the wall of my house(s), what part of that took a head injury to figure out the difference regarding such?
I did not think I needed to explain such aspects however I have wondered quite a bit regarding a comment regarding #POTUS45 POTUS45 and how many times I heard some in the crowds after he said a few words regarding "The Wall", to which the legal statutes if I am hypothetically accurate only refers to the situations referencing the in the ground type of a flag pole arrangement in comparison to the wall mounting brackets which go onto the side of a wall on a house or other such building. Thus if one chooses to hang a set of flag poles onto one's house in whichever fashion then the only flag which always needs to be at the top of the arrangement when on a house, is the American Flag. I had done so to which I had legally obliged by all such legalities, while not forgetting it was my house and I paid for my house.
I suppose if I am accurate someone complained and whined about the New Jersey Flag at the same level as the Texas Flag to which I did not even legally have to hang the Texas Flag for clarification purposes, that was a choice I had made out of respect to the state I had re-grown up in. Apparently if the New Jersey Flag hanging was so offensive then there must not have been anyone you knew who was in the tristate area or ever had any connections to anyone in the tristate area before and/or during the time of 11 September 2001. If that was the case where there was not one other person in the area other than myself who had ever been in the tristate area, grew up in the tristate area, moved to the tristate area, went to school in the tristate area, and/or did business in the tristate area of whichever types when I was in the state of Texas and had such an arrangement for my house on my house physically; then I suppose those individuals would not have been able to look at a map to see the United States of America to know where the state of New Jersey is in relation to the state of New York to the state of Pennsylvania to the area of The Pentagon, where the 3 locations to which the most amount of people from New Jersey would commute to work or school or other such activities could be easily seen on a map of the United States of America. Maybe there is one other person from the state of Texas who would easily know such an aspect as most people who have been to a situation regarding New York state including the city area as well as Pennsylvania and the Maryland/Delaware/Washington DC/Virginia areas near Washington DC who could explain such quite easily for others to see and know other than myself who had explained such repeatedly regarding not only in reference to my writings on my website though also in reference to my books "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" as well as the in person discussions I had about such at such times with multiple people, who had approached me while demanding to know why I chose to hang my flags the way I had chosen to hang my flags.
If you need a reference to some of the aspects I dealt with regarding certain Texas area individuals, you can see how POTUS45 Trump Supporters in the 2016 Presidential Election were treated, though in reference to how I was treated as well as my son and my daughter were treated; though also such includes as to my personal belongings and how such were treated, as there were multiple problems regarding my front yard as well as my fences as well as my cars which were tampered with needlessly only because of the timeframe when hanging my flags which had escalated after the situations regarding the problems with the president of the Homeowners Association in Pheasant Creek subdivision at the time when moving into my house there in San Antonio Texas and such problems which escalated after discussing I was born and raised in New Jersey as they did not care about anything other than the fact I was considered to them as a damn Yankee to which for a state which the name Texas is supposed to mean friendly I suppose the portions of the oxymoron aspects thereof regarding the treatments ever since certain portions regarding multiple discussions regarding with people who were mainly civilians in the state of Texas who were not a part of the Armed Forces of the United States of America officially through their own signing of the dotted line to join.
In such situations as to the facts thereof regarding the portions of my house wall being where the anchors were put into place, I still at minimum had the human decency and the etiquette to be respectful enough as to hang a flag on my house in reference to a state of people I was actually in the process of getting to know during such times. Though it was not a common aspect for those actually wanting to get to know me in such comparisons in an honest truth as some perceptions for in reference to certain individuals thereof, at minimum I spoke and wrote in truth regarding such and realistically; I did not ever have to actually ever fly the flag in regards of the state of Texas, as my free will choice as well as my Freedom of Expression guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America. For all of those Texans who threw a temper tantrum out of curiosity if you have any flags in your yard and/or on your house which are not associated with the American Flag or the state of Texas such as a college or a seasonal aspect or any other such portions, would and/or could you consider yourselves a hypocritical for not hanging an American Flag as well as a Texas flag regarding such a view point in regards of my three flag arrangement? Or, is that considered as biased on my part or on yours?

You can see the wooden area which is attached to a point which attaches to the brick of the wall of my house which has the mounting brackets in silver, regarding where I hung the three flags and combinations thereof. If those who had purchased my house wondered, that was where once my son and my daughter and I were building our family together before all such problems occurred because of perceived childish and teenager type of high school needless drama regarding such had begun officially. At a point in time briefly it once was a place I had considered as a home for my son, my daughter, and I those years from May 2008 through May 2010, until the last moment of ever needing to be inside of that building because of what occurred in those two years needlessly because of all such combinations thereof at those times. I cannot stand to even look at the picture of the house and only because of knowing at one point in time it was where my son and my daughter and I were in that house happily as a family at those times, those times are exactly that. Those, times.
In my opinion any such people who act childish as such regarding my flag pole arrangement must not have anything better to do with their lives than to complain about someone else's house when they have not even taken care of what is within their own house, as per certain types of individuals who were across the street who threw the biggest temper tantrum about my owning my own house and constantly tried to impress me with their trips to Egypt as well as other additions they put into the exterior of their house and other such portions. It upset the male of that house that I was not ever impressed by the purchases which could be made which if was a part of any political portion, then there are the problems as to why certain people need to learn to keep their noses out of other people's business especially if they do not like the fact I chose to vote for Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin as that individual couple had been upset and demanded to know how I could not vote for POTUS44 because he was black according to them. I told them my stand points regarding my choice for my right to choose who I voted for, which those people acted no differently than some of those others who were running around referencing the 2008 and 2012 elections regarding that President of the United States of America election which disgusted me fully as to see such individuals have the nerve to tell me what to do with my house I purchased and their marriage was in worse shambles than I had seen in the state of New Jersey in the 1980s and the 1990s. I had seen healthier marriages in regards of my biological mother and biological father as well as between my ex-in-laws than I saw from those two people in the house across the cold-e-sac regarding such portions, to which the wife of that house had a lot of time to herself to show off what wares she bought from wherever her husband sent her to for the trips in comparison to ever actually going on each of the vacations he sent her on when she was having the nerve to ask me about my life and my personal choices regarding my modeling; in comparison to what was going on in that house from what I easily could see, despite the fact the back area is where the parking arrangements are to try to hide such if ever having had someone drive by regarding to check and see; though was not the only time of noticing such when doing the drive around such for that parking situation as per the coldesac areas as well.
I had seen such sorts of behaviour in the Homeowners Association regarding both the males as well as the females, thus in such references the hypothetical nerve of such individuals to ever be upset about my house exterior in comparison to their interior of their lives in my opinion. Just think as to what type of people they were are they demanded to know how someone with my skin and my hair could ever vote for anyone other than who became POTUS44, the same ways as my biological sister and my biological mother had done during the early Thanksgiving dinner in 2008; as because of how I physically look had been why my biological mother and biological father as well as biological sister and her husband had not wanted nor needed me to ever be invited as per etiquette standards to any such events, to which they had thrown such a dinner or wedding or etcetera for their functions. Just for clarification regarding etiquette for where I come from and the way I was raised, you send an invitation in the mail with an RSVP in comparison to any online or phone call portions or even an email in such regards. Just, for clarification I know each of who I learned from would have always seen a paper invitation as showing a sign of your etiquette standards in comparison to what was explained to me later in reference to what those in this era consider as an invitation. I doubt I am the only one who would know of such etiquette, though such standards seemingly have been lowered due to the ease of the electronic portions thereof in my opinion.
If such individuals within my neighborhood had done so regarding my three flag arrangements as to steal and/or burn such, then I suppose you think exactly that of the United States of America as well as the state of Texas as well as the state of New Jersey among the original colonies of the foundation forming of the country lived in at such times. To which at minimum I do not ever need nor ever want to be a part of that house again, as just the finances are quite well enough for you to repay for all such aspects involved with such additional portions thereof. I chose that house to make as a home for my son and my daughter in comparison to what I had and have planned for myself after my con and my daughter were above the age biologically of 18 years old each, to which both are above the age of 18 years old. If my biological children want that house, they can keep it and I prefer to go on my own way as I choose my houses as per the timing and what is needed for the timing in comparison to what some might hypothetically assume. If I purchase a house again I will purchase a house as per what I personally need for myself in comparison and if I get into a relationship with someone who already owns a house, that is a discussion for those times if ever regarding any such aspects thereof as when it is in reference to a house for myself just as anything else if not able to guess; I am a tad bit particular about what I choose for myself especially in regards of what I know I personally need in regards of, as that house is that house from that timing in comparison to the timing as of the point in time now in 2021. While I had thought when they went to college to do other aspects to that house regarding the upstairs I had created the design for to be built as well as the fence line I had the eight foot privacy fence put in for such and the balcony I had created the design for through my descriptions as to what I needed for such times regarding the building of, that is exactly that regarding those times. If I choose to get a house that I want to purchase or move into, then I will do so on my own choice of such as there are specifics now which were not involved back then as to what I do and what I am working on as I had planned to do the entire time for myself as per those times of not having had a mortgage payment and what I had planned to do if the money which was supposed to be for my son and my daughter which I was planning on saving my money to buy a second house for myself to do with as what I had wanted and needed to do with as per my own designs and my own personal needs because energy is much more than some have ever paid attention to previously which I have repeatedly explained as to what I personally require when choosing such a location to live within for what would be considered as my house as to my home.
Since as much has changed since back in 2010 the last time I was inside of that house before the move out from Carrollton Texas because of everything that occurred in reference to McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District which I think he was on the board of regarding the choice for the district to not only not say the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America though also to the state of Texas if that is done in public schools and school districts within the state of Texas, there were a lot of people in that board meeting on that day who came to listen to everything going on for that meeting as I had informed several I was going to be speaking on that day at that board meeting to which whoever chose to make such recordings of that public meeting is whoever chose to make a recording of that public meeting aside from the security cameras which should have recorded such if it was not a preplanned situation regarding the choices to say the Our Father Prayer which obviously; it was unknown to any of those people I had been an Ordained Reverend since 2004, in comparison to ever pretending as they had to pretend to be holier than I. What a disgrace from such individuals in regards of such though what could ever be thought of otherwise when all you know is all you know, regarding the aspects thereof? If you make the choice to remain as such then that is your choice, however I choose to be the best I can be and the best I can be is the best I can be.
What can you say about that in other regards, in reference to yourselves for such a choice?
How can you ever look at anyone who ever had any connection to the area of which 11 September 2001 officially in such areas honestly ever if done so, and if ever impacted by the events of 11 September 2001; what a sad nerve to ever think that would ever be considered as respectful within the United States of America or possibly within the state of Texas, though if you wanted to enrage the tristate area and the entire east coast as well as those throughout the rest of the United States of America who have connections to the tristate area and especially New Jersey that definitely would be one quick way to do so if hypothetically done. Irony of the snow that year shortly after such times though if any form of elected official regarding such childish behaviour, what responsibilities have you had and how have you actually fulfilled those responsibilities of each and every type? Can you truthfully look into your own eyes when looking into the mirror without being disgusted at those facts, in truth when thinking about such a reality as to what occurred? If you ever were actually proud of yourselves for such aspects thereof, then what is there is the short term to be proud of and what in the long and longer into the longest terms is there for you to be proud of in truthfulness for the goodness and the highest good?