Though over the years as to the amount of situations since waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the aspects of situations throughout the timeframe of as the situations occurred, the viewpoint as to the progression of what I physically look as throughout the years as to in a brief aspect as to the timeframes thereof in the references regarding as to the reasons why I had sensed would be accurate in reference to the situations from the timeframes within the year of 2003 into 2004 which as to the protective measures for myself as well as my son and my daughter as to the regards of the hypothetical situations as per the proof capable to be found as to the occurrences. In turn as to the if accurate portions of the needless problems regarding the aspects thereof to the proof as to my prior journal blog entries as well as my fact based books, the clarifications and verifications as to the specifics as to the timeframes of the references as to the overall viewpoints as to the ways which my tattoos as well as my hair progressed as to the overall occurrences.
Thus as to the if factors of being accurate as to such needless games without any consent from myself as to any such regards as to how consent requires being informed officially in the comparison of figuring such out later as to such hypotheticals, the situations throughout such lengths of time as to the official modeling/commercial aspects having begun in the year of 2007 as to some pictures though more officially specifically within the year of 2009 as to ensure what I saw as mandatory because of the needless problems regarding what I have brought forward which as to the proof capable to be found in the references thereof to such individuals as well as their connections as to such hypotheticals as to the references as to the aspects which in turn of such childish needless drama as to the types of which my personal preferences do not align to those particulars because of the way I am as to such life experiences.
People who have survived various aspects usually do not have the capacity to play games needlessly as to the reality of which life experiences are incapable to escape as to the references of the reality as to the references of the truth in such circumstances, which in turn as to a different masking of the reality as to the pop culture aspects as to what is considered as prettier in comparison as to what it actually takes as to the work.
While I am appreciative as to the capability to have accomplished such modeling work as to the regards of despite the timeframes as to the situations as to what lead up to those points in time as well as occurrences thereafter as to the regards of the Stoney LaRue concert at the Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas in March of 2013, the reality of the situations as to the occurrences after my SCUBA Diving began as to my coursework as to the reality of what I needed to take care of because of such situations as to how in the month of June 2009 of learning as to the reality of the situations in the factors thereof. When the attempts made throughout such lengths of time as to how many attempts I personally made each day as to the timeframe per week as to the aspects of, the reality of what I noticed as to what was and is important became evident to me. While others might have noticed as well though at which times would be up to them as to deciphering, the reality of what I personally dealt with as to such situations remains as to what I personally dealt with.
In turn as to if I am accurate as to the aspects thereof to which in turn the aspects as to the acceptance of accountability as to the responsibility, regarding the situations as to how such factors have unfolded as to the proof as to such references as to the actualities as to the lengths of time. While individuals have had whatever opinions as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain after effects, my headaches, my migraines, my memory deficits, my cognitive disorders, as well as the aspects as to having went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to second grade math due to such situations though I would guesstimate that if the individuals such as my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister and/or my ex-in-laws and/or such connections in conjunction to the so-called community aspects as to such references regarding the hypotheticals thereof as to such situations, as to how such needless problems would not have had to be as to the aspectss of the situations I personally experienced as to the aspects of such proof as to the situations as to the lengths of time such as to the additional factors of individuals married in as to the aspects as to my biological sister's abomination of a wedding in my opinion as to Zack Miller and those particulars as to what I have detailed as to the aspects thereof.
Though what is actual justice as to the situations as to what I have dealt with as to those types of those people as to such references as to the aspects thereof, as what is my actual recourse as to the repair and fixing such problems needlessly as to correcting for my best interests as to such regards in the comparisons as to the aspects of how such situations have been as to the length of time which includes as to the updates in reference to the year of 2019 through my journal blog The Ornery PSA as to such hypothetical needless drama in the comparisons as to actual maturity as to being one's age in comparison as to their shoe size for the age aspects as to the reality capable to be proven as to my opinion as to the measures thereof. In my opinion wrongly blaming the survivor in comparison as to how such perpetrators have needed to be held accountable for their choices as to the knowledge thereof as to the proof as to such needless bureaucracy as to those types of those people as to the references thereof, as to the comparisons as to what actual humanity is in such differences obviously as to what actual justice genuinely is as to the comparisons as to the aspects which biases should be mandatory to the disclosures thereof as well as the situations as to the connected portions thereof as to the prior patterns of behaviour as to the length of time as to the proof in such intentions.
Intentions as to the reality are far more important than some might have thought as to the comparisons as to biases and opinions as the feelings about such situations compared to the emotional factors are two completely aspects, as to the reality of the occurrences.
In the references regarding such impacts to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #letters4Lidia as well as myself and the individuals I have thought of as acquaintances and/or friends and/or chosen family and/or relationship aspects as to the references as to the romantic type of relationship as to myself regarding those I have been involved with as to what points in time as few as to such regards as to the comparisons as to the ways which certain types as to the viewpoints thereof, in the references of which in turn as to the differences as to those types of personalities as to the comparison as to my personality.
Just because an individual is involved with whichever factors thereof does not automatically translate to the assumptions some might have as to the aspects thereof, in my opinion. Thus my modeling in a smaller way as to the combined overall as to the references to my work as to such factors, as to the aspects of which I have always been myself. What others' opinions are as to the aspects as to the comparison as to who I am is the difference as to such comparisons, which in turn as to the reality of which individuals have needed to accept as to the aspects of the choices as to the knowledge as to such references. While so many have wanted themselves to be accepted as to the ironic aspects as to such individuals as to such groups as to such aspects thereof, what is the irony regarding the factors as to the references as to the situations I personally have dealt with as to such comparisons?
It should not take a head injury, to figure that out.
What in reference to my work as to my SCUBA Diving as to such correct recognition as to my work as to my in person face to face in person aspects in the comparisons as to the ways which I had prophesied as to such references as early as May in the year of 2009 well before I went to the Gulf of Mexico and later as to the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters before the area of the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg?
Someone as well as groups that would actually be proud of my work as well as proud of me for my work, would handle such situations in an extremely different capacity in my opinion. Then again that would require belief in me as to actually knowing the aspects as to what is actually the best for such situations, as to the comparisons as to the aspects of the lengths of time as well as the amounts of situations as to the proof thereof to such clarifications and verifications additionally as to such initial work as to my social media accounts as to the proof thereof, as to the conjunction of the clarifications and verifications through my updates as to my journal blog, letters thereof to such references as to online sources regarding accounts including Geek Squad situations, as well as the aspects regarding the verification process as to my original fetlife account as to the proof in the journal section ads to the references of such regards as to my writings for the clarifications as well as to the list of names as to who had made such wrongful choices as to the involvement as to my technological devices as to as many Geek Squad aspects regarding the factors thereof as to the needless problems additionally as to my biological mother for one such reference regarding the aspects as to while having spoken with my biological father as to what was known between those two as to such hypothetical similarities as to the tristate area as to such factors as to the year of 1998 regarding the move from New Jersey to Illinois as to such hypotheticals as to the references which individuals who would know more details as to those factors of the situations in the area as to such situations because of the technological aspects which I made attempts to bring forward in discussions with people I once knew in person face to face in person.
Additionally as to "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to the references regarding the botonny of the areas as to the plant life in such regards as to Washington state as to the northeast areas, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the plants as well as the backgrounds combined would be such a situation to those types of individuals who would be as lazy and ignorant as to not knowing the halfway point of San Marcos to Carrollton Texas is not Exit 200 as the Starbucks as to such failures as well as laziness as to those types of those millennials as to the situations regarding such lack of actual work as to such hypothetical references however while such should not take a head injury to figure out the common sense aspects; I wonder how excited as to the aspects of the situations regarding those factors as to the differences as to the Democratic party aspects regarding the differences between the northern Democrats compared to the southern Democrats as to the similarities as to the midwestern Democrats as to the aspects thereof to the details of which to have paid attention to as to the aspects of as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the lack of a degree needed to be capable to learn from history.
As many people as I have been told by about how they know how people from New Jersey are, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out my saying would be along such a way as to the aspects as to the verbiage known as to the overall viewpoint as to the ways to describe such factors unless as to the references of the pop culture as to the aspects which such individuals would have to accept the knowledge as to the lack of knowledge as to the actualities as to the references because of the pop culture aspects as to the version of a mass MK Ultra reference to the hypotheticals thereof yet to the irony regarding whether as to the types of words and/or the ways the words are presented as to the comparisons as to the viewpoints as to whatever references regarding the pop culture situations.
Nonetheless as to the aspects which the ways which I have remained true to who I am as to the comparisons as to such gratitude in reference to my Constitutional Rights, as to the memories from my prior work as to Happy Memorial Day as to the work I have continued to work on as to the length of time.