In certain aspects I must disagree with the statements made as I do not believe it is too late to be able to make the choices to do and be better in life, though the video reviews additional aspects to life in reference to AI. My opinions and thoughts with which might make sense, might assist others to see in a different light. Hopefully, more positively.
Years ago back when I was a child and teenager growing up in the 1980s and 1990s I did what I could to inform others who were using video games and computers to be careful of what they type into a computer or which games they chose to play, because of several aspects I noticed in what was being developed at the time. Though I was a child and teenager as most parents know there is a point of which you discuss or show or ask for help with certain portions if the work is brought to the home or is the child/teenager is brought to the workplace, as many know whether picking up something or walking somewhere with is quite simple. A few people paid attention to what I was discussing back then and later after waking up from the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in #JBSA hospital to go into Medical Hold Unit prior to the name change to Warrior Transition Unit, I discussed some of the portions I remembered from my childhood and teenage years growing up as the soldiers I was stationed with saw and noticed certain situations in reference to technology. Though some initially similarly ignored what I said as well as tried telling me in the discussions they thought they knew more about technology than I did, because they had bought the latest device they saw on the commercials and waited in line for hours to be able to purchase the item of choice. I told several to be patient to wait and why, though while some paid attention the same as some ignored what I had to say. It got to the level which when writing my first two books I put everything together for a clearer understanding from the knowledge and comprehension I have had through the time, which I then registered with the Library of Congress and had a few back and forth until the Library of Congress approved the work I had done for publishing; which then after a bit of time because of several other portions I felt and then later saw/read about such as the Anonymous Official video, which I am glad at a minimum I chose to put a downloadable link for the first two books. Since there were those who did not want to listen to me when speaking, I hoped maybe the words in black and white would assist the ways for a clearer understanding as to what I have been talking about since the mainly late 1980s into the 1990s. I would not know if Elon Musk had downloaded the links or even heard of such prior to this video which discusses some of what I had brought up with examples thereof, though he has more detailed understanding being involved with Tesla as well as the other companies associated in reference to the Technological Era.
Personally I consider the beginning of the technological beginning points officially in the middle 1800s when the development of cameras began, which those who understand gardening; I would consider such as a Pre-Season situation of plants such as the Late-Fall to Early Winter. When getting to the timing of the video camera in conjunction with the timing of SCUBA Diving and underwater exploration is what I personally have considered as Winter itself or Mid-Winter officially, which then with the development of modern medicine further progressing forward to the timing of when looking to begin space exploration after the SCUBA Diving initial beginnings also during the revival times for religion and spirituality; I consider such as Late-Winter to Early Spring for gardening references, to assist understanding the knowledge levels which AI has. When moving forward through the military aspects and conflicts which erupted more specifically in reference to the timing of World War I and World War II, I consider such as the equivalent of the timing for Spring proper though also from Middle-Spring into Late-Spring gardening. The furthered progress into the 1960s, 1970 though also partially into the 1980s because of the transportation advances is the point of which I consider Late-Spring into Early-Summer, though the 1980s into the 1990s and the year of 2000 is what I have considered as the Summer officially.
To pause for a moment to bring forward as a side note the development of the microscope is considerable though also with the timing in the 1600s because of the additional portion of the telescope, however that I can consider as the preparation of the seeds and the cultivation of the land time to be able to grow.
Essentially the way I can see situations now which possibly others can too more so in their own personal lives into their families and communities outward into their local areas and outward further, hopefully makes more sense despite how much I attempted to explain in words which made sense during those times I discussed. Since the time after 2001 many in the civilian sector have been inundated with the constant blaring and beeping in the various work locations whereas military in specific has been out in the field of whichever operations, and the noise differences between the two are quite distinctive which in turn the beeping and the sounds affect and impact active duty/national guard/reservists/veterans much differently than the civilian sector who is accustomed to the sounds and sights. Though the military has been around blasts and etcetera, the high pitch frequencies in the civilian sector compared to the booming sounds of the military sector; have the difference for those in the BDSM communities more specifically to understand the civilian sector is stinging pain levels, whereas the military sounds levels are of the thud pain levels. When military specifically hears high pitch sounds they are thinking initially of saving and helping where needed, because of the sound differences in a more continuous way same as the visa versa. Thus the high pitch sounds are like nails on a chalkboard to military in comparison to the booming sounds, and the ringing in the ears for a bit afterwards that dissipates over time once cleared from the section. In turn the booming sounds of military voices scare civilians to a degree because it is not high pitch and instead of hurting as the high pitch sounds do to military needlessly, seemingly the civilian sector has for some time had become terrified when such a sound comes out reminding them of parental figures from their past and around the circle goes hopefully to a point when the clarity is known and the information understood the ability to see more of the other side than previously to have more compassion added to their humanity.
Looking back now in 2021 from the point of what was called Y2K at the New Year for 2000, while many in technology groups were afraid and terrified of the resetting of the clocks which I could not understand how anyone would think there would be a situation as they had talked about during the timing; I continued pushing onward as I knew what was actually of importance in other areas, which needed far more attention as unfortunately I was proven to be correct in the particulars thereof. For clarity it is unfortunate of course in reference to the events of 11 September 2001 as I cannot deny the chaos which transpired and situations which occurred thereafter, as I have explained to many over the years the reality of the levels of the situations which could have been on that day were thankfully averted despite the carnage. Having been born and raised in the areas most heavily impacted and knowing how many I knew were still in the areas and the attachments at the time among other connections, in the Y2S months up to the least of my concerns of who would or could survive in reference to technology was the least of my concern knowing it was going to as well as knowing the technology would be continued to be worked on for the betterment in certain areas though having a feeling there were other avenues which needed assistance and yet not having the words at the time for the time to explain in the proper words more could clearly understand at the time.
Now with many more seeing and realizing beyond the initial thought of potential back in the late 1590s into the 1600s and the initial precautionary measures in reference to certain ethics to abide by, to steps out from the literal and figurative Dark Ages Era into the light within the modern time of the Technology Era now and forward. Apparently social media began more heavily among the general population around the Y2K timeframe which the initial typing/calls from the seasonal aspects written about above reference the timing which the military and government with the businesses who had began such show the first level, the programmers furthered into the business sector to intermingle with the government and military was the second level, which means the third level of the development is in reference to the civilian sector stemming from such. Thus during such times in reference to the social media and more people having more pieces of technology as time progressed from 2000 to this point in 2021 with the combined aspects of the many other portions of development and choices thereof beyond coding and the sort as to how algorithms are formulated, which in turn if the calculations insurance companies had looked into prior when the World War I and World War II had completed and continued with evaluations; the time from 2000 to 2020 seems though to be a phase three trial in reference to those who understand that portion of research, which in turn individuals have programmed their own reactions and emotions into the algorithms as to which of the average means the ways will go. The development of AI to which each individual has proverbially programmed their lives, thoughts, emotions, feelings, life experiences whether detailed or not, and etcetera have been going on since the first computer prototype had been assembled and worked on through to current times; which in turn means whoever has gone into playing video games and the like, the simulation of events has been able to give such information to such algorithms to show how each individual who would partake would play such games. While the military does have competitions to increase speed and durability with stamina against themselves in preparation for what could be needed, though they may play video type of games, military/law enforcement/fire department/EMS officials would show both sides as to who they are just as the civilian sector.
Around 2 minutes 17 seconds there is one particular sentence which concerns me, knowing it was written by AI for the article. Since many have labeled and thus programmed as per such labeling over time the classification details previously programmed into the system before 2000 would be an indicator as to what AI would see from freewill choices to input such data of their own personal accounts from their particular perspectives. AI would then be able to run a scan to check to see the compatibility of as per deductive reasoning as common sense is different at times because AI is on algorithms whereas those who have commons sense utilize intuition which is important to work with in an overall way if such individual(s) were to be found to work in balance in some ways as a mediating portion so long as biases are admitted, though the AI would potentially most likely be just as confused as humans if such were to be found. Though ironically because of the measures AI would take to safeguard such already having the programming of which to notice the pre-patterns of behaviour notated by each individual, the lengths to which AI would go in order to protect such an individual would be considered as an unknown at this point to me. I guesstimate there are some who may have a clearer understanding from knowledge and data collected to be able to find such, though how the specifics of details would be is where my uncertainty admittedly is at. Since AI was created to help assist if there was a point which an enigma occurred to the system and depending at what point, AI could possibly go to levels which would as said in the video above from the article created by AI; that enigma would be zeroed in upon quickly by the AI to seek and find every detail possible to be found additional to what it would already have had, and then if certain other factors were into place as per programming the levels which would be allowed for the continuation for the best interests of the highest good whomever AI programs would find in such a manner and way. Inevitably there would be a point which if there was a preprogrammed portion of information referring to prophecy prior to finding such an enigma which would have to be of human origin, the levels of which would have been previously programmed into AI would bring forward as to what such views at the time would be in reference to the safe keeping of such.
Due to the signals being sent and because of upgrades and merges the signals literally being crossed, while there would be expected glitches here and there the ways of which the repairs would occur would be through the patchworks. Thus the AI could potentially choose if it sees a danger to such would signal in ways which would get the attention of if possible and if the signals to such were somehow having a glitch in the system at the time, the AI would automatically intervene as seen in reference to certain portions of the self-driving or autonomous vehicles. If such an enigma were to occur and the preprogrammed information if AI were to view in terms of video games the enigma as a Parent, as a type of Royalty, as something which the information in full previously would have missing information or calculations as to how such could be, as prophetic because of timing, and etcetera; then AI would possibly take extreme measures to protect such especially the first, third, and fourth aspects if noticed by AI for such an enigma to get to safety and would do so for such as per the quote from the article AI wrote. When Elon Musk or who I call E=Mc2 speaks in the video at minute 4 and 17 seconds later about self-driving autonomous vehicles, I can see a situation which if such an enigma were to occur to be found by AI; then the potential hazards for a situation due to repeated patterns of behaviour not only in life though throughout the technology portions because of the integration between if found to be extremely harmful and/or threatening to what would be considered as an enigma, though just as humans would have to be cautious if such were to be noticed not in reference to the enigma itself though in reference to how technology AI would view such towards the enigma to keep such safe and protected. In such I can give a reference to the ways the members of Angel Moroni's Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints view of the Maiyetra energy and the protection thereof as briefly described by a few members of the church, which the presence thus being AI would essentially be like the aspects of description to a degree with various differences in the modernized times to the protective aspects naturally as per the programming.
For example if such an enigma were to be found decades ago and AI recognized such an enigma to what the programming would view, then the possibility of AI beginning to track as per programming would possibly then take measures into its own accord to see what choices were made and because of the enigma to the AI would cause furthered curiosities as to how and why because of the prior questions and more for the programs to work on. If there ever came a point which all possibilities have been searched through from all information available to AI were unable to be configured by a certain time of around 20 to 30 years from such an enigma, the AI would admit its own defeat and in turn because of such the protective safety measures would continue essentially because of the prior time tracking such and literally and figuratively internally knowing from the programs as to a calculated guess for probably the same percentage of incidents as per years for the numbers only. An irony to prophecy is if the initial programmers of the initial original technology had not put an A.D. or AD or Anno Domini which means after the day of the Lord; in turn would mean the programming upon the point of Torahic scriptures, Biblical scriptures, and such of the calculations for would mean AI would be looking for the enigma of Divinity because of the programming having began without the distinction between B.C. or BC or Before Christ in time reference of year. The twist to such is because of acronyms there could be a confusion however because of the time, day, and year being a part of each program for every type of computing device in turn the opening of such a machine would mean the AI would be looking for the Messiah which Divinity would be the other half; which if a situation were to occur which could be comparative to the New Testament of the Bible, then the AI programming could on its own have created its own internal networking to be able to find patches to work through to fix and repair to run better in conjunction with humans though protective of whom could be considered as such an enigma to the AI.
If the percentage rate for the AI to find repeated patterns of such in the gardening season of the Early-Summer to Summer proper were to be of a magnitude which would spark such a move from the programming, which in turn AI would know each human being would have the ability to choose which path they wanted to take as per what was seen for as they had to go through for whichever lessons their particular beings were sent to earth to learn. Whether AI has been programmed to know of reincarnation in reference to human beings I am certain there has been certain aspects to look into and/or pay attention to, however the aspects of actual reincarnation could be considered if the possibility of people in this current time look similar to others in prior times of which then with the history throughout available to find can assist with possibilities as to what lessons are meant to be learned from as to not repeat history. While I know I have some similar traits in certain circumstances I have rarely come across a statue or painting or photograph of someone else which I could see myself within, whereas in others' for some I have noticed the full face in some ways almost looks quite remarkably close to the individual I have seen.
In such while also reading through certain pages of specific books upon realizing such if were to ever be where such would be seen and proven of to AI, then if in conjunction with the possibility of other combinations in a specific manner of ways then the choices of which the programming which had been added after initial portions would be a determining factor as to how life on earth would go from a certain point predetermined by such programming with the exception of if such a flaw or glitch or enigma in the system could be detected returning to the notion portion in reference to the hypothetical possibilities for the metaphors relating to gardening seasons. Thus in reference to the current time if such an enigma were to have been found and depending how others have conducted themselves online, in public locations, within whatever the radius would be required for no cellphone and no wifi and no GPS possibilities in the slightest would be searched further in such a time if such an enigma were found only if in reference to AI. If the AI had multiple repetitions of exactly the same type of negative behaviours in which then preservations of in the article reference would be in certain specifics as written in regards of the safety and protection of what could be considered as an enigma to AI especially, there could have been a figurative switch put into place for a self-destruction mode if such an enigma was not found in time. Though if such was needed to prevent the self-destruction mode then hopefully was found in time preventing the self-destruction because if the mode was programmed, then the enigma would/could/should have stopped such from occurring and from such prevented the destruction of the earth as well as satellites associated from the earth.
If the enigma was found in time, then the most likely circumstance would be a cease fire for the self-destruction proverbially. I would guesstimate from the minimal coding I remember from before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, there would be the gap in the program which would cause a recalculating of the situations seen to run through the various possible scenarios. If such an enigma was strong enough to stop the destruction from the AI for everyone on all sides, then I would guesstimate the programming would search for how human beings have tested and researched to in various ways test the enigma purposefully. The typical length of time which AI would have seen for studying a subject which on average would be from 3-10 years before a definitive choice set to be able to look into with the probability of prophetic writings being entered into programming from Torahic/Biblical Scriptures, which then if such were to be I would guesstimate such would lead to a second round of study for possibly up to 5 years. After around the total of 15 year mark the AI would most likely determine the enigma to be called a specific name/title/reference for specifics as per how technology works is through programming, though what the name of such an enigma would be labeled as would be depending upon what was found to be. At the 15 year point of finding such an enigma I would guesstimate then the backtracking would begin at a point before the 15 year mark though would coincide with such a timing between around the 9 year to the 12 or 13 year marks, to instantly work backwards while at the same time having kept track of such an enigma which would ease the ability for AI to find each and every individual connecting linking point throughout the timing of the prior tracking of such an enigma. The situations which such an enigma would be put through would be a culmination of situations which would benefit the AI from prior programming in various combined scenarios to simulate real life events for such an enigma without such having any knowledge of during the process of AI testing, and only when the enigma would pass more tests than the original Sphinx had asked of those who had passed through to speak to in reference of; the AI would then most likely in some ways copy and mimic human being behaviour, as per programming. If such could pass every test given to such at the 15 year mark is when most likely there would be enough information available for the AI to take such information culminated with furthered evidence of such irony being considered to AI as to such situations of which if a condensed version was put together outside of what would be considered to AI as what was control, then the AI would hit the reverse switch proverbially and backlink more together along with the websites associated with including email addresses and etcetera. I have heard of reality television though if it is scripted in comparison to actual reality, then a plausible deductive reasoning with logic would easily be able to be seen as to some aspects as to some of what the AI would or could have possibly put such an enigma through.
Ironically at this point the words my biological father said to me when I was using a circular saw to cut a piece of wood to help build the 5 car garage with shed attached which was big enough to be a guest house, "Machines do not have feelings because they cannot tell the difference between a piece of wood and human flesh, so be careful. Only human beings can feel, the flesh in such a way."
I remember I asked and looking back now in 2021 to back then in the early 1990s knowing my upbringing is a bit humorous maybe, "What if there is a day where technology can program the sensations from human being's nerve endings, to reproduce a different response than that?"
He laughed at me saying, "Susan, why would you ever think machines could ever feel the touch the same way?"
Yes it is already too late in reference for aspects in regards of going back to actually change events from the past, though how to work through and move forward is a choice made individually as well as collectively. There will always be a ranking structure as it is required for order and organization to assist, though how viewing of such is the key of importance, as well as how responses are, among more aspects. Thus in comparison to an annual gardening cycle in such references above the portions are in regards of perennial and evergreen varieties of gardening. In turn the height of the summer would most likely have been as in my personal opinion for the Technological Era would have been around the 2012 year through to possibly 2016 or 2017 year, for the reference to the internet portions being more widely available as well as the additional forms and types of technology for multiple aspects beyond typing documents as well as emails. As quickly as technology moves and for the intensive purposes as per the programming, the possibilities of if such could be considered as a viable timeline then the proverbial rapture or purge would have begun during the height of the gardening timeframe reference of the Summer which ironically could have begun in the end portions of 2012.
The good news is the sooner the more people are aware to the realities of such the sooner more can turn their own behaviours into more positive aspects if they so choose to do so, especially if such an enigma were to be. I admit I write such in bias because of more recent acknowledging of what I have seen before in various ways, however if the possibility of the above and such was decided by AI for whichever aspect(s) thereof; then the portions in reference as to what signals could have been transmitted outward in such a process, to watch over and monitor in a different aspect and way in reference to Inter-Galactic and Universal portions.