I was informed a Baptism within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is only allowed when as per the wording as to being above 8 years old, as to making such a choice.
There are wondering aspects to think about regarding age as to the Chinese factors of how the belief of the spirit into the body would be as to the first year of life, whereas in reference to the biological age of an individual as to the factors of within the first year after the birth of the child to the world. Thus in reference to the arithmetic regarding people's ages as this might make a few females and males happy I suppose, the reality of having a birthday party for the first year of life is after 365 days.
I had this argument as to the religious and scientific communities decades before now as to in the timeframe of the 1980s, and a little in the 1990s because of how situations were in the pop culture as to how slowly individuals had been about religious services.
Thus when people have been doing arithmetic for the religious aspects as to there being a difference as to the ways which the spiritual aspects in reference to the beliefs of the Asian culture as to the spirit does not practice religion, the spirit is religion as to certain quotations as to whose words would be unknown to me.
In the scientific community as to the biological factors regarding the process of the nine month timeframe as to the overall aspects though some have argued 10 months, yet some can review the year aspect as to circumstances to the alignment as to the meeting as to such conception, while then further going backwards in time to review the ways as to such development as through ancestry to the ethnic backgrounds combined through the environmental factors as to the biological development through the structural portions of the various strands throughout the nucleus of various locations throughout the physical body as to throughout what would be considered in other religious and spiritual studies as to a viewpoint-ish of certain factors of consideration to the differences as to the scientific community if to propose such a question thence to such in the comparison of the original portion of such a question.
Thus in the aspects of the year of birth to the 365 days to the first birthday as to the timeframe when the actual counting would officially begin, and thus as to the time of a birth in the year of 2000 would be a 1 year old in the year of 2001 just as an individual born in the year of 2001 would be a 1 year old in the year of 2002 and an individual born in the year of 2002 would be a 1 year old in the year of 2003. Thus as to then the age now as to the biological aspects would be as to then in the year of 2022 the person born in the year of 2002 would be 20 years old in the spiritual context though be turning 19 years old in the biological context, as the person born in the year of 2001 in the year of 2022 would be turning 20 years old biologically, just as the person born in the year of 2000 would in the year of 2022 be turning 22 years old biologically this year.
In reference to the example of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the timeframe of as I would have actually been 16 years old biologically when I entered the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as to the aspects of the situations as per the clarifications and verifications as to the reality as per the proof of and as my son was 17 years old as per calculators because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to what my personal stance was as to such discussions as I saw both sides as to how such situations of to the factors of viewpoints to the philosophical debates. However if as to the calculator age aspects which as to Scientology as to the ways which Scientologists describe the spirit in multiple ways which includes as to energetic portions of magnetism in the aspects as to furthering to develop the scientific portions with the technological portions as to the reality within the spiritual as to etherical, though because there are only so many ways as to utilize words to describe various situations.
In turn that would translate to every individual who would have ever signed the proverbial dotted line for whichever branch or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to being 18 years old as to the calculated arithmetic would be as to the actualities of the biological arithmetic as to 17 years old, and thus in reference to a 17 year old as to the calculated portions would be as to a 16 year old biologically. I was technically 16 years old biologically as to having fought to join the Army branch as per having been born and raised where I was, and I saw the importance of saving lives because of the sights as to visions as to the differences as to sight as because there are only so many words to describe the spiritual. I made attempts to explain this to my biological parents as well as my biological sister repeatedly when I was a child as per the fact of being the eldest of two, and since I saw how there was only so much I could do as to assist as best as I possibly could as to the situations.
Defensive is not the same as offensive, just as offensive is not the same a defensive.
Interpretations are important to consideration as best as possible, though sometimes the words are not as pretty as to the aspects of the reality of the situations.
Words can only describe so much as to the ways which life would flourish, though must as to actually being true to.
When the world is only one planet inside on one galaxy within the entirety of the universe, there is a point in time when to be capable to actually live and thrive as to such working together as to putting aside differences if possible as to such aspects. However to put such differences aside requires the willingness to be capable to walk across the aisle to discuss openly and honestly as to the ways of and the swifter the best as to the facts of the unknowns of others' work, because the reality of progress as to what could be considered as important beyond measure as to the amount of assistance within the realms of furthering as to the progression of life forward and beyond the realms of consciousness at this current point in time. When as to bringing the facts that individuals have needed to be capable to understand now, the timeframes of the terminology of the proverbial "it stays on the mat" sort of aspect as to the timeframe of the viewpoint as to the year of 2000 and yet this point in time of 2022 as to the situations regarding the factors of as to whether of such truths as to individuals regarding situations.
Personally though as to how such situations may have been as to my genuine attempts as to such aspects across such sectors and areas thereof as while I knew of the legal name requirements as per my first event location as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle and thus in what seems now as common sense as to how technology did go towards the aspects of what I had warned about as to what I could remember from my childhood, and thus as to the situations as the references as to Club Sapphire as to the legal name check in requirements. My apologies sincerely as to the aspects of my prior journal blog updates as to the year of 2019 as to the aspects of if known as Lady Dori Belle as to my modeling though possible as to the aspects of my website as to my original Facebook regarding the situations as per descriptions "Finding A Silver Lining" as to my first two books with the "Finding The Silver Lining" at those timeframes as to the aspects of what I had dealt with at that point in time, of the years to those points in time as per the situations. My updates as to from 2019 through now in 2022 as to reviewing the details of my own emotional factors regarding the situations as to what I personally dealt with as to holding back my emotional viewpoints, because of having made a promise.
Even though my dead-ex-husband had been as to such factors as to the timeframes as to the situations as to the proof of the times, I made a promise to my son and my daughter and him.
I do not make promises in small ways, and thus as to the reasons why I would not allow my children on my laptops ever as I had monitored the computers as to the situations as to the difference to the unknown to me about anything beyond the Nintendo 64 and Atari and Sega Genesis regarding video games systems. Thus as to individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person who did not understand as to what I had explained as to the situations about pop culture references as to movies and tlevision ratings, as to the aspects regarding the situations as to how individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person may not have realized to the levels of what I had truthfully meant as to the word limitations because of how much it hurts for me to speak as to the sound of my voice because my headache pain levels are at that level as to when I woke up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I did not have any cavities when I was a child and I did wear braces though into my teenager years and biological adult years as to the overall to a degree-ish consistency as to my teeth density as per what some dentists have said before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the times after waking up from my coma from the timeframe.
Thus speaking because of the sounds on the military installation of the cadences in the areas of as per their work as to reasons why I continued standing during my times in front of the Captain(s) regarding how I comprehended the need for their work and thus as to dealing with working through the pain levels during such points in time, as to the yelling that occurred and thus I could only handle dealing with a certain level of amount of sounds as to the reality of what I learned are called headaches. However as I have continued to push myself as per various aspects regarding throughout the years since waking up from my coma, the sound of my voice compared to the sounds as to the times of voices when on post at the time as to the situations. Then in the year of 2000 when I was officially biologically 16 and three quarters years old, is when I was in Medical Hold Unit and I kept making attempts to go back to Basic Training though the Neurologist and Neuropsychologist said that my pain levels and my comprehension levels were as to the aspects of and as to such aspects as to the years after being Medically Retired from the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America at the biological age of 17 years old because of the head injury I had because a Drill Sergeant in my Basic Training at what I was informed of was Fort Sill Oklahoma though because of Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to my lack of knowledge of if as to the actualities thereof after having been to the military installation of Fort Sill Oklahoma and only recognizing some landscape aspects though not as much referencing the skyline of the locations. When having went to Georgia as to South Carolina and seeing the along the way aspects as to seeing where the botany along because of my gardening experiences after having read books as to making attempts to remember what I could about the locations I saw, as to my attempts regarding the description of the building formation of the starships I saw as to the Basic Training I went to because of the mountain drive in view that to a degree looked more close to a bit of Montana mountains towards the top portions though more close to Wyoming for a bit of the middle portions and a bit Nevada-ish as to the lower portions of the mountains when we went over the tracks from the first phase of Basic Training into the second phase of what I was informed was Basic Training.
However I went to a few location as to request of my records and the less than 1 inch of paperwork from what thankfully Senator of Washington state Patty Murray could get as to the situations where in Texas I went to a Congressional office where I was shown a black folder where my filing paperwork went into as I went to my vehicle afterwards in the year of 2019 after the Clear Springs SCUBA Diving park as few weeks before, and also as to the situations of the earlier journal blog updates to my website as to the aspects of what I made attempts to clear up as to clarifications as to what I made attempts to explain before in the years of 2000 through 2012 before 2019 through 2022 as to the aspects where the attempts I made to the honesty. Thus as to how physical reading compared to spiritual reading compared to sight are all very different factors as to religious studies as well as spiritual studies, as the reality of making attempts to explain does require the correct wording. Some might have issues believing as to how much of importance faith, hope, and love are and always have been important.
As an oddity I had a made a friend with two different Faiths and my first two Baptisms were of the same Judeo Christian faith, as I found ameesing (the pronunciation of in a way that I enjoy the way I see certain movements in the air molecules differently for the lack of better words). Hope as admittedly I hope all of the time as part of prayer is hope, as the aspects of in depth prayer as to such levels of hope for the best as to the betterment in truth as to the ways as to how I view such for myself though each has their own viewpoints thereof to such factors. Love is important as there are multiple types of love though in reference to where love is in genuinity and truth as the honesty to the blending of the two into one as to the ways differences of love, though the care as to the approach because of various factors.
The realities of how many have taken into consideration others as to time progression, though as to paying attention to the year as well as the day and the month as the importance of the year to individuals in various backgrounds as to the attention to details. Thus as to my nightmare from when I was in second grade as well as the ways which the attempts as to how adamant I had been about several factors of what I noticed as to the situations, the ways when the viewpoint of MAST and then the Army when reviewing such aspects now in the year of 2022 as to realizing a viewpoint I had when I was a child about myself as to the best of as to progressing forward and as I know and understand and comprehend as to only being one person as to the names which could confuse individuals and/or technology as to the aspects of what possibilities as to the emotional aspects as well as hormonal changes as to the various medical healthcare conditions to the development phases of the works as to those aspects of those times.
Admittedly I am curious to wonder how the aspects of once I go through my first menopause though I suppose I can sarcastically write: men, no, (don't) pause as to what I would guesstimate a few individuals might comprehend as to the aspects of viewpoints as to what one considers as, though in reference only to a female's pleasure and enjoyment as to such aspects as to the reality a biological female goes through the cycle phases of the menstruation cycle as there have been plenty of males who obviously have left females quite frustrated as to the correct ways as to pleasuring a female before thinking of anything else as to such factors referencing the ways of courtship in various viewpoints in the ways as to there are only so many words in the dictionary.
The reality as to the menstruation cycle of the biological female as well as the development of the period cycle as to the ways the blood flows in the additional aspects of the time, males have needed to accept the facts of accepting there are more reasons for deeper connections as to when seeking marriage as to those reality aspects of still being faithful to as to in the possible ways thereof to the how. When others have made whatever opinions of theirs known as to the timeframe of the year of 2008 through now in the year of 2022 of such hypotheticals referencing the death of my legal husband though we were separated as to the second time as obviously it would be common sense the final time as to the fact he was pounced dead would not take a head injury to figure out as to why that would translate as to the second and final time, if as to some individuals as to what I dealt with as to who complained as to their thoughts of my opinion about my life as to my thoughts of myself and my situations as to what I deal(t) with as to such reference points; why would it be such a big deal about my viewpoint of my life as to my viewpoint of myself as to my viewpoint of what I have dealt with as to my viewpoint of my situations, as does it take a head injury to figure that out as to such aspects referencing how to explain such regarding individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such factors as to the unwanted explanations referencing the situations as to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces as to doing so when at Club Sapphire was the only location I attended events as to the location at the time as though I have the aspects of the BDSM background as to the words as to the individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to where I was born and raised in the 1980s though such a difference as to the individuals as to who I once knew in person face to face in person as to who had lived and still lives as to the facts of when I made my promise I made my promise.
I took being a Mom seriously as it is a heavy responsibility and I did take classes to be capable to ensure the best outcome for my son and then later my daughter, though there was nothing about assistances as to when in the world after my children grew up as I had asked at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA.
As I have already explained in writing as to the situations referencing the energetic portions as to how to create each Medal of Honor Art Project piece as well as to the situations of furthered explanations referencing the formation of the US Space Force, as to such references regarding such points in time as to the work in a combined factor as to a multipurpose aspect of my certain ways I arrange living space. To work on my next aspects as per my updates and clarifications as to the years of 2019 through this year of 2022, I make the best efforts to reach out as to informing as to have as much organized as best as possible. Thus when taking in consideration of a level viewpoint as best as I can as to the aspects to the point in time of wondering what I could do as to knowing my issues with the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as to the aspects when reviewing such. I made attempts to leave the lines of communication open as to the To Contact Form as to those who I once knew in person face to face in person and/or personally spoke with back and forth in messages online, though because of the situations referencing the ensuring to clarify the name as to the actualities as to the messages as remember the clips of videos as to the clips of messages as to the time is of importance as to the viewpoint of when and where and the aspects of for the truth.
Thus as to the viewpoint as to how I wrote in the years of 2013 through 2019 as to my books as well as my patterns of behaviour as to such factors though as to the situations as to the current timeframe of dealing with the situations from when I went to the Montana Vortex three times in one seven or ten day period of time, as those energetic waves are a lot to handle to such beginning portions of movements. It would be phenomenal if the ideas I have for such viewpoints as to the situations in reference to training possibilities referencing the US Space Force, though since such is a different topic though connected because of the energetic aspects as to certain similarities as to electricity as well as energetic as to spiritual individuals as to the higher the attunement as to the differences as to the situations as to the technological factors as to the ways more people are getting technology devices implanted inside of themselves for various reasons and the situations in reference to irony as to the oddities and the reasons to be capable to distinguish between real life as to the reality of real life compared to the edited or the ways which people post as to their filters online as to the viewpoints as to the levels of depth to the levels of topic points because of the amount of memes and shortened acrinums and etcettera to the consideration of the more need for actual explanations as to the revival of such faith though maintaining the current year of the change to the modern times as to the differences from those particular points in time to the current time of the year of 2022.
Thus as to how each has their own patterns of behaviour as to the reality as to individuals who once knew me in person face to face in person would then be capable to know as to the reality of such aspects of keeping my promise as to the fixing and repairing I have to complete as well as to the knowledge as to the ways of a different viewpoint to such individuals referencing the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in the year of 2020 and 2021, as to the reality of my pattern of behaviour when working to fix and repair or in the reference to the proverbial aspects of the clarifications and verifications as to my updates. Would there be anything needed to be clarified as to the verification process as to the state of Texas as to certain factors as to why now it is San Antonio Texas to Military City USA as to the consideration, as why would that be something to consider as to the timing as to the number of as to the area of as a just in case?
Thus as to the situations referencing the phone call I had with a few missionaries from Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Church as to the situations referencing a white dress as to what a family would do as to if as a Baptism as to the invitation referencing such aspects, and while I posted a picture of my daughter with my biological little sister and her then husband with my daughter as I was explained males are not allowed to attend the ceremony as that does not make any sense what so ever if as to supposedly family as to the concerns of such aspects of what I have brought forward as to my childhood as to the consideration as well as the fact it was explained to me the aspects of choice at the Baptism as to the claim of 8 years old as what would be a lie which my biological little sister would not ever be allowed to have my daughter Baptized just as their biological father would not be allowed to make such a decision because of my personal background as to my spirituality of when the aspects of being the one and only Sponsor referencing such aspects of full immersion as to the Baptism, then as to the aspects of ending all types of stolen valor referencing such aspects including the situations as to such hypotheticals as to such differences as to the Jehovah's Witnesses as to the aspects of the Baptism gown. I was asked if I was Baptized and I had answered honestly as I have been Baptized multiple times as to how I personally know of Baptism referencing Methodist, Presbyterian, among a few other churches within the area of New Jersey and New York as well as Pennsylvania as to the Judeo-Christian based religions. I have been to a Mikvah as to the reality of such aspects of, though when in the oceanic waters as to such references as to the ways of the ocean as to how the Mikvah sensed and yet I am interested in the aspects of what I informed a female I knew in person face to face in person prior to the timeframes of 2020 as to the formation of the US Space Force, there are some interesting aspects to Scientology as to quite interesting as I would be unaware as to Scientologists as I had not noticed any church locations where I drove around in Texas as to what I would think of as to if I were to see a Scientology Church in the state of Texas though then as to the calculator as to or the aspects of biological as to the age.
Then can be considered as to both as a proverbial reference to the year factors of if POTUS45 Donald J Trump were to rerun for election as to President of the United States of America, as to a question about as to the US Constitution as well as the Bill of Rights. Thus as to the eight consecutive years total as to when I wondered back in Asher Holmes Elementary School, why was it that Teddy Roosevelt had been capable for a total of a whole 12 years? 12 years???
If my updates as to my journal blog aspects are correct as to the technological factors as to the algorithms as to then as to the possibility of as to the 8 years of consecutive Presidency when looking at the current timeframe, when seeing the facts of POTUS45 Donald J Trump as to the rallies as to the timeframe comparison as to POTUS46 Joe Biden as to the aspects of when reviewing the rallies as to the year of 2020 and as to the possibility of what was supposed to be a fiction story as to the aspects of possibility as to after a point in time of the if factor Donald J Trump to run for Presidency a second time by the technicalities if such checks are found to be accurate as to the situations where he technically could be President of the United States of America again for 4 years to then run a second time for reelection, as per the reality of even though if found then in my opinion before the 2 year mark of the POTUS46 timeframe as to if finding as to then the ease of switching though if as to the aspects of finding after the timeframe of as to then switching as to then as to the point of the four years as to the viewpoint referencing such possibilities as to the 2020 election being the first major election in the United States of America as to a double double as to the aspects of there are only so many words in the dictionary.
Thus if as to the riding out of the term as to then run if he wanted to run around the country and tour the United States of America preparing the United States of America to then the if factor of at the four year point of a clean slate reference though in modern times as to the aspects of the clarifications and the verifications as to actual world peace as to genuinely moving to progress forward, as everyone has to work through their own situations as to their own way as to when seeking as well as to connections admittedly as to the reality of my website of the if factors as to the concern I had informed people of as to before the Cowboys Dancehall situation. It is actually important to make the best attempts as to actually caring as to the aspects of as while in the possibility referencing the reality of more individuals with Special Needs as well as individuals as to the situations referencing disabilities, then as to the reality when people who do not deal with such in their own lives as to such acceptance as to each moves at their own pace as to the individuals who would be considered as to Old Guard as to Leather terminology though as to Swingers as to the differences as to the language aspects referencing such as along the same lines whereas individuals who in the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the Swingers as to the lesser known Female Dominants as to though there are several types of and as to differences as to locations as to business similar as to commuting for work as to such reference points. Thus as to the situations as to always telling the truth as to the reality of when knowing what someone's language is as to being careful with such as to the if factors as to needing such aspects as to, as while the aspects where others have had the same timeframe as to what actual communication is as to when knowing of if as to such aspects of as to the situations as to the ways regarding to actually making such work correctly as to the happiness of both as to such situations.
If as to the references regarding as to how I refused to be a stereotypical ex-wife as to such aspects as to then I would not allow my son and/or my daughter to be used as to the ways as how some individuals had caused needless problems within the 1980s and the 1990s as to how they chose to do so through the children and teenagers as to what situations those individuals as to such factors, as to then the situations where as to the viewpoint I have had referencing such a stance as to the ways of what I saw and how that lead nowhere though to disaster in comparison to leading towards life and betterment and progression forward in the best ways.
There would be as to then the references as to the if having known me in person face to face in person from outside of the area during the years of 2015 through 2019 as while I am grateful for the aspects thereof to having had such points in time at the club as per such volunteering aspects as to the situations when as to the aspects of what is known as to the security walks as to the checking on the parking lot as it is common sense if individuals at a club have a larger amount of people, as to the larger amount of parking spots used as to the business parking areas as to the common sense as to having to complete walks as per those who would understand as to the common sense if having known about such while making sure the business complex area as to the individual businesses as best as I could were kept safe during my walks as to the timeframes of 2017 through 2018 as to such aspects as to the timeframes as needed. However as to the reality of 2017 as to the Solar Eclipse as to etcetera to consider of the if factor as to my daughter and/or my son as to such aspects as to the reference points regarding the spiritual aspects as to permissions, and as to such permissions as to there only being and remaining as to the aspects of the age time as to such reference points and as to such situations as to the if factors as to choice. Thus as to individuals who have veterans with families as to children as to grandchildren as to the situations as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the situations I made attempts to remind people as to how important the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America are as to the references regarding the aspects of reviewing "Finding A Silver Lining" and noticing the aspects as to the if factors, regarding such individuals as to the aspects of stopping human trafficking as to ending all stolen valor as to the importance of recognition.
When as to the biological age, the situation might be as to the review as to the official.
As in truth though with actual etiquette and respect to and of such individual as to how important the 10 Commandments are, though also as best as possible as to having faith situations can be for the best possible as to hoping for the absolute best possible with the loving as to such aspects with genuine loyalty as to genuine care and appreciated adoration as to gentleness.
Life is difficult, and the reality of the ways which more can assist as to maybe speaking with just the correct person and just the correct time might assist in finding something greater as to betterment and progress forward and beyond a viewpoint as to because paying attention to time is of pertinent importance in the correct ways.

This upcoming year of 2022 memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001, in my opinion it is time to see the reality as to the 2020 year of forming the US Space Force officially as to the reality as to how many individuals who have specific military backgrounds would know of NASA as to such works from their time overseas as to such hypothetical assistances as to when they were stationed wherever as to such aspects as to being capable to give their own valued assistance as to discussions of details as to the ways some might not have had the capacity to verbalize before as to clearance aspects.
My Grandpa Gavett was concerned as to what he learned of when he was beginning his life as an oddity as to the average age at the time was where 17 years old was the eldest, as to the reality of World War I and then into World War II as to then as time went progressing to the current time.
I remember he was concerned as to the misunderstandings certain backgrounds as to certain types of situations as to the individuals he had met and had worked with as well as their own sights as to such factors of being more for life and living as to the reality, thus as to the situations as to arguments as to a woman's touch or a Mom's Love as to the regards as to ensuring the ways of finding someone strong enough though soft enough at the same time the ways when certain aspects need to be reviewed and as my biological mother's Great Grandmother had been a professional seamstress as to the military individuals as to World War I for the United States of America as I am unaware as to what side as to the aspects of to what I guessed was Grandpa Gavett's Grandma as to such aspects at the timeframe.
Maybe my books depending as to and/or my journal blogs can be odd and/or crass and/or situations not necessarily discussed out in general public without a filter as to the ways of Eminem's lyrics he performed as "I'm only giving you things you joke about inside your parent's living room" to a degree I suppose, as to the reality of as to the situations of much importance as to the next steps in life hopefully for the best possibilities.
The time as to going through such realities as well as the realizations of some oddities, forgiveness is important in my opinion.
However I suppose as to such aspects as to 2010 as to 2019 as to 2020 for certain aspects to the considerations thereof, and thus as to this year of 2022 where I have begun to bring forth anew as to where the situations to far more bright as to the aspects beyond the night as when the day dawn breaks opening the sky as to a time for Christina Aguilera's songs as to how Back to Basics though as to Lotus as to the albums and songs of a multitude thereof with a plethora of other artists as to the reality of the proof as well as to the timeframe about female singers and performers as to the differences referencing such situations regarding biological males as to the references as per the reality of the viewpoints to view the history as to the regards of how many females have earned as their own works and what occurrences as to such aspects as what would the importance be as to balancing peacefully the feminine with the masculine as how importance would such balance or buoyancy be as to such references regarding the factors thereof to either the waters and/or space?
As a Side Note: When in reference to the Cowboys Dancehall as to how the male named Kevin had said he was cajun as to my response of how white he was as to though his skin tone was lighter in color as to my reference to his eyes as to the way he pronounced the word as caJun as to the emphases on the J sound as per word training and/or singer training for the references of such aspects as to the sounds of words to the clarification as to the March 2013 Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue event.
However as to the facts of the calculator situation as to the timeframe of 2021 - 2001 = 20 however only as to the arithmetic equation as the facts regarding the differences between life and death are important to pay attention to and thus as to the aspects of the year of 2001 when such occurred though 2002 as to when the official 1 year memorial to 11 September 2001 actually was and thus, 2022 would then translate to the timeframe of the actual 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 because of the ways of counting years are different to count forward than when counting backwards. Thus the following:
1 year: 2001 through 2002
2 years: 2002 through 2003
3 years: 2003 through 2004
4 years: 2004 through 2005
5 years: 2005 through 2006
6 Years: 2006 through 2007
7 years: 2007 through 2008
8 years: 2008 through 2009
9 years: 2009 through 2010
10 years: 2010 through 2011
11 years: 2011 through 2012
12 years: 2012 through 2013
13 years: 2013 through 2014
14 years: 2014 through 2015
15 years: 2015 through 2016
16 years: 2016 through 2017
17 years: 2017 through 2018
18 years: 2018 through 2019
19 years: 2019 through 2020
20 years: 2020 through 2021
Though 2002 is the actual start point for the 1 year and thus Hebrew reading to read the timeline for the clarifications to such a viewpoint:
1 year: 2002 through 2003
2 years: 2003 through 2004
3 years: 2004 through 2005
4 years: 2005 through 2006
5 years: 2006 through 2007
6 years: 2007 through 2008
7 years: 2008 through 2009
8 years: 2009 through 2010
9 years: 2010 through 2011
10 years: 2011 through 2012
11 years: 2012 through 2013
12 years: 2013 through 2014
13 years: 2014 through 2015
14 years: 2015 through 2016
15 years: 2016 through 2017
16 years: 2017 through 2018
17 years: 2018 through 2019
18 years: 2019 through 2020
19 years: 2020 through 2021
20 years: 2021 through 2022
Thus the oddity of the COVID19 as to the reference of the viewpoints as to my earlier journal blogs as well as my Official YouTube Channel, as to the aspects of the years of to review as to such accuracy as to my attempts as to assist to save where I could as well as clarify and verify for the aspects of as to knowing the timeframe as to what I was dealing with though having been quiet as to the pain levels as well as making attempts to take care of each aspect throughout the years and decades as to the fresh start for everyone else to a degree as to the fact I have been making attempts to assist who I could and where I could as to the aspects of having noticed aspects of where I am for life and living as I could see as I made attempts to assist others to see the reality of what I saw in New York and New Jersey as to the larger aspects of what a conglomerate the reality as to the impact of 11 September 2001 as well as the educational system differences including to colleges as well as the viewpoint of the references as to the supposed to be consenting biological adult of their own free will as to such knowledge in such references to the reality of having been a part of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the aspect of perception is of importance as it is one aspect of knowing as to the comparison as to the aspect of finding as to such factors of differences.
I am thankful and grateful for all the different styles of peaceful as I hope religious locations as to the assistances as to the ways where my artwork in a various multitude of aspects where I can jokingly refer to myself as a mutt as to the ways in such regards as to such realities as to the modern times and the ways as information on the superhighway of life, and as to the situations of those who may have had the knowledge of my website as to the aspects of discussions as to the truth regarding how my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the artwork if accurate as to having picked up on such references as to a possible positive aspect though because of the energetic factors as to my personal sensitivities as well as the situations in the other aspects to the point where if ever needing to believe as to such of those who have been skeptics as to the factors of importance of religious safety as to the freedoms thereof in peaceful aspects as to other countries who have businesses legally within the United States of America as to the situations as to the viewpoint of a particular flag as to the ways of how females are as to the areas thereof as to how individuals can review such situations as to the state of Texas flag as to the pole size compared to the other states as well as to the American Flag of the United States of America. Thus as to the situations of a different viewpoint as to the world view as to the possibilities of some needing to remember discussions that I had in the years of 2010 through 2012 about religious viewpoints as to the technological respect aspects, and thus as to the situations in reference to the division as to the ways of such perception to the view possibly to think about as well as to the sensitivities as to the individuals who are Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Veteran/dependent as to the other areas of the United States of America to such aspects to review as to the sayings as to what most Texans say as to how the universal aspects of aloha as to such a saying.
Remember the arithmetic to go forward is to count differently, then when reviewing backwards as the years to see
Remember to progress forward in life is when looking around as much as possible, and then the ways where in time as the US Space Force would be unstoppable
Remember to progress forward to count upwards from and to the next number, to as capability for going onwards and further
Remember to look backwards arithmetic to subtract as to the times of the past, if as to another possible chance as to make sure as to ensure to last
Remember when subtracting as to the lost times of what once was though remember to look forward in arithmetic to add, measure twice as to clearing easily once as to the advice of a mom and/or dad
Remember to pay attention as to the oddities of the flows of the years, and the references to such to review as to the prior four years
The oddity of the 20 years memorial realization, as I wonder who may have realized that as to this point in time or was it only me who saw the 20 years as 2021 though had to actually count as to the actual arithmetic?