In reference to the situations of which ending stolen valor of each type and aspect thereof, how many individuals specifically within areas which have a larger military population as to such factors have dealt with the clarifications as to finding out information as to such aspects as to the situations regarding individuals who may have pretended to be from or in the area as to New York City as to such aspects of 11 September 2001 and how many individuals have been capable to review other such aspects to take into consideration of which as to at the point of what plausibilities could be as to such factors when taking in consideration where everyone else’s attention was focused in comparison as to the situations as to the airports as well as the ground areas as to such comparisons for the review in such references?
In reference to the skyscrapers as to the amounts of technology on the top levels of the buildings as well as the security cameras along the sides as to the different levels of the various buildings in such references as well as the towers as to such factors in regards as to the technological aspects which can be seen around and on top of many different types of older water towers, what amounts of security footage if looked back upon as to the supposed date stamp on such references as to the factors in reference to the video footage as to being capable to find the loop aspects in regards as to the aspects of the specific areas such as the World Trade Center surrounding areas as well as the Statue of Liberty including the Liberty Science Center in such references as to depending upon the viewpoint as to the angle in such references as what could be found in reference to the footage outside of the Pentagon in such regards?
In reference to the Statue of Liberty as to the situations in reference to how her face now looks towards the inland portions of the United States of America in the comparisons as to the ways she was originally placed as to looking outward towards the oceanic waters as to the symbolic aspects of the Statue of Liberty, what possibilities as to which year or decade could such be taken into consideration for anyone that would or could recall as to seeing her back in comparison as to her facing towards the United States of America as to the New York City harbor?
In reference as to what other locations such as to the timeframe of the #PearlHarbor Pearl Harbor attacks as to such a point in time, who would or could have noticed in such references as to the ironic portions as to the shock and awe as to such factors of how many individuals actually had lost their lives in the attack compared to the length of the battle itself and what aspects as to the length of time as to such factors as to the hypothetical portions as to such a situation as to such factors as to the proverbial look over here while dealing with situations over there?
As to the situations in reference to the aspects of such a type would the capacities as to such situations in reference to the Golden Gate Bridge be something of which certain individuals would be capable to tell the difference of such aspects, as what differences could be found in such references as to the same aspects as to the possibilities in reference to looking in one direction while what occurs in a different location as to the aspects of which tactics could be considered as to such situations as what has been capable to be proven as per the carbon footprint version of such aspects as to the age as to tree rings as to the capability to find such details as to the specific makeup of such factors if in such references to being capable to be proven as to the materials used in such references as to the specific timeframes as to the building of such structures?
What would it be in such references as to certain aspects as to the ironies as to what was supposed to be a creative writing book as to such aspects of “Fail-Safe” in such regards as to the first portion of the chapter as to such locations which could be moved around, in such references as to my colors as to black and white in such references as what could be taken into consideration as to the possibilities as to the verification aspects as to the physical features as to the lack of tattoos and markings thereof as what aspects could be thought of in such references as to the requirements and need for the clarifications thereof as to such technological measures as to such aspects as why would that be considered as important in reference to education and experience in various situations?
Why does the truth matter, in a multitude of aspects and ways thereof?
For example in reference as to the possibility of individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such aspects I wrote about in “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” if in such regards as to a situation which I saw recently as to two individuals who had not seen one another in awhile of them reuniting as to such aspects one asking the other if they were the name of and the other confirming and the ways such aspects went as to the factors thereof to their uniting in such aspects, the hypotheticals as to such situations as to the easiest way as to such factors as to what could have been as to such references if there was not the hypothetical portions as to whatever aspects of whatever such other individuals were accustomed to. In my reference as to my point of view as to having been accustomed as to such aspects as to long before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the way I grew up as a child though with the aspects as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in reference to my cognitive disorders and memory deficits which my headaches and migraines cause those portions to be worse in such references as to such factors in addition as to the electrical portions as to the Washington state areas, the realities as to such rightful and correct responses from my point of view as to my opinion as to doubting there could ever be anyone who ever had a head injury as to such factors as to the situations thereof as to memory situations especially with the background differences as to such cognition portions. However since in such references as to individuals who were in the areas as to surviving the 11 September 2001 as well as the 1993 attacks, I would guesstimate such factors of certain situations as to the ways of such similarities sadly and unfortunately as to the aspects thereof. In such a reference as to my prior writings within my journal blog on my website as to such aspects, the ways of such hypotheticals as to the realities of how such viewpoints as to my opinion in such conjunction points in regards as to what easily could have been taken care of sooner in such comparisons as to a multitude of factors.
In turn in my opinion as to such situations as to the review portions regarding such aspects, the reality of such situations as to the possibility of such types of individuals not having consent as to such factors as to testing the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in conjunction as to any such problems as to the timeframe after my SCUBA Diving in such conjunction as to after if it was known as to the situations as to Irving in the year of 2011 as well as the aspects of what I fully refused in reference to the male at Geek Squad from Best Buy in the year of 2013 as to him being from India and my refusal to be a part of such aspects as to the research project he had wanted to conduct which I refused all such aspects thereof as to my writings in reference to “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing”, the situations as to how such hypotheticals as to such additional factors of what actually would have been and would be best for me in such comparisons as to the aspects as to such situations. In turn and nonetheless after having seen the night skyline as to the New York City area as to such factors in reference to this previous weekend as to such situations of which, I can obviously tell as to a large amount of buildings missing as well as the aspects as to the realities as to the location and size as to the Statue of Liberty for whatever that is actually worth in such references for myself. While surely there are those who have needed such a confirmation as to such aspects as to the evening skyline, that same sort of internal portion thereof can be taken into consideration for each and every individual thereof as to the factors of the aspects in such comparisons as to my personal needs as to the equal and opposite reactions as to such factors of what would have been the easiest as to simply just asking me to go to where I had wanted to go with the capability of actually having my son and my daughter with me as to the ages I personally preferred as to such aspects of what was once my family in such comparisons as to such aspects thereof. Just because of losing such aspects in the comparisons thereof does not give any such excuse nor right nor reason as to such aspects to go forward as to any such hypothetical aspect thereof in such references as to those who may have learned about me as to such situations as to the after effects as to the timeframe thereof to 11 September 2001, as to such situations as to what is considered as respect and etiquette in such references. I have had far more loss in such comparisons as to the aspects thereof if there actually was such a consideration in such types of individuals as to the reality of such factors, and though the reality of such situations impacting others as to how it impacted me as well did not ever give any such individual(s) any rights to stomp or tread on my rights either in such references.
In such regards as to how the aspects as to the ironies as to how the weather situations as to the year of 2010 as to the snow in the state of Texas as to such factors as to the length of time as to such situations in reference to those civilian recreational SCUBA diviners and/or such military personnel who could have had the intelligence to actually ask me questions in a secure location in comparison to within the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle communities and/or at such public locations in such comparisons thereof if there was the wherewithal as to such factors in comparisons thereof as to such situations within the situations in conjunction as to the irony as to the following year shortly after I had called individual law firms as to the state of New Jersey to be capable to actually get assistance for my daughter and my son and I as to such problems as to McCoy elementary School in such additional references in comparison as to how many times I made requests from my biological mother/father and my ex-sister-in-law in such references as to the proof as to such amounts of visitations as well as the Denton UBH aspects in such regards, the amount of individuals I have actually asked for genuine assistance in such comparisons as to the occurrences thereof as to actually getting the response as to actually asking me in a discussion as to what my actual preferences were as to such situations in comparisons as to the hypothetical assumptions as to the combined overall as to such factors as to such hypotheticals. That is an irony in such references as to the ways and reasons as to why I have warned as many as I have about the technological aspects as to how so many were already as such within the northeast areas of the United States of America as to assuming that there was only one such aspect as to the requirements as to actual discussions in the comparisons as to such factors, as the situations being far more intricate as to such aspects as to the combined combinations thereof as to how much I made attempts to correctly explain in such references.
For example as to such aspects as to the fact of such occurring in of all states within the state of Texas as to such supposed care and concern as to the military aspects, the ways as to such factors in such references as to how such aspects occurred as to such problematic proportions as to the if possibilities as to such situations because of the San Antonio News Express and/or the semi-truck situation on 35 as to both sets of individuals not putting all of the correct information as to such out by their own choices and such problems which stemmed from those types of those people as to those situations which as to such factors additionally as to when a certain bookstore decided to run its commercial in comparison to the quality control aspects thereof in such references. Thus in such additional aspects as to the Civil War portions as to the aspects of Civil Rights as to such situations, what in turn would present such aspects as to the correct payments as to my work for what I have dealt with as to such restitution portions as to the combined factors in full as to such realities as to the hypothetical aspects as to such situations my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia and I dealt with from others as what would that translate to in reference to the bookstore being in the knowledge of as to the aspects of the timeframe as to such a commercial as to the aspects of which individuals had children as to such points in time as to the factors thereof as to that timeframe choice as what legal definition as to those individuals making such a choice in regards as to the timeframe thereof as to knowing the other types of commercials in those hour time slots in comparison as what legal definition would be capable to be brought forward as to such hypotheticals?
In addition as to such factors as to billboards in such references as to the aspects around the New York City areas as to such situations as to the various agencies in such regards knowing of such situations, would such be capable to be seen in a similar capacity in such references as to the aspects thereof?
As to the factors in reference as to the situations of what was dealt with as to the election integrity portions to the specifics as to the word integrity as integrity matters in such references, what would the mask situation if flipped upward have anything to do in regards as to the situations as to SCUBA Divers in such references hypothetically as to how many SCUBA Divers all require technology to be allowed to go SCUBA Diving to begin with as the reality of such factors as would they fail to see as to since technology would be their God as to such factors as to their breath of life as to what such aspects would be considered within the #10Commandments 10 Commandments and what aspects could be taken into consideration as to such aspects as to the situations as to such factors as to if the AI or artificial intelligence programs realized such situations as to me in such references then what aspects as to such factors would SCUBA Divers need to take into consideration as to the aspects of such as to the fact technology would require such fact checking as to the aspects of as to whether or not the aspects of life and death as to the realistic portions as to such situations as to the only way as to SCUBA Diving in the conjunction of the water portions as what hypothetical metaphors could be reviewed as to such hypothetical aspects as to SCUBA Diving in such references as what would technology AI have as a reference regarding the fact I was born and raised in New Jersey for those who would be capable to see such pop culture references if such aspects as to the viewpoint in reference to the honesty and integrity portions thereof as to such hypotheticals as to such programming as why would or could such be considered as important as to such a point in time from the year of 2000 onward?
Since my biological mother decided she thought my military aspects were just a phase and that problem in such a reference similar to where Grandpa Gavett informed her instead as to such aspects as to what my daughter dealt with in such comparisons as to the reasons to always tell the truth including in reference as to the fact of fifth grade compared to the aspects of just before the Army for such clarifications as to the aspects thereof, what importance as to my question to Governor Christine Todd Whitman could be taken into consideration as to my biological mother/father/sister’s soc-alled claim as to actual concern and care for my best interests in such comparisons with that particular aspect as what problems could stem from such aspects as to the reality of such a question and the situations thereof in such references as to 1999 as what is the difference as to how I wound up in Washington state and how situations after I published my books as to how my biological mother/father/sister acted in such comparisons as to in the year of 1999-2000 when in Illinois as to how such individuals would know in such references compared to the aspects of what I have had the responsibilities of taking care of?
In reference as to such factors as to those references, what would in turn such translate to in reference to the aspects of the aspects of the reasons thereof as to the comparisons as to the actualities of telling the truth at all times as why would that be important in reference from SCUBA Divers to the aspect as to my biological mother in such references as to having worked on technology as to Prudential as what aspects of truth as to the situations have I warned about as to the realities which came forward in truth as why would it matter in regards as to the situations as to after how what friends I did have as to such aspects before I wound up in Arizona and then Washington state as what situations in reference to when the aspects as to what occurred to what was my family be considered of importance in such a reference as to the similarities from what I was concerned about in reference to Hurricane Katrina to the aspects which could be seen as to the events on 11 September 2001 in such a reference?
What timeframe did individuals actually begin the aspects as to competing with one another as to such factors more often outside of the situations in reference to specifically outlined aspects such as within the in person face to face in person arranged locations in such comparisons, and if it happened to be after 11 September 2001 what did such aspects as to the hypothetical in reference to Hollywood could be taken into consideration in the additional portions thereof as to the aspects as to such situations?
What has been found of importance in reference to the aspects of peacefully balanced religion in such references as to ensuring the clarifications and what has been found in regards as to such factors as to the individuals who have decided to inform their children where the gifts come from regarding Christmas in comparison as to such other aspects, as what could be considered as important in such aspects of the longer term review backwards as to such aspects and factors thereof as to being truthful in such references?
In the reality of the timeframe as to how long it has been as to seeing the night skyline of New York City, what did the situations as to such individuals think was going to occur in reference to individuals who knew the New York City night skyline as to such aspects in the references thereof as what would be for the United States of America to take into consideration in the references in such aspects as well as other countries as to the 10 Commandments as to such laws which despite whether a Judeo Christian nation or other such aspects as what is the requirement as to the situations of such laws in such references no matter where an individual is from as are there laws which each country has for such aspects across the board in such references?
What does it take as to enforcing such aspects in truth of such commandments as to though shalt not blaspheme, though shalt not take names in vain, thou shalt not lie, though shalt not steal, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not covet what is not theirs in such references as in turn as to such factors as to the realities of the reasons as to what the technological aspects assist with in such regards; what would be considered as of importance as to such factors in reference to the United States of America among other locations, why would NASA and the US Space Force be considered of importance at this point in time as to such aspects as how important as to such clarifications as well as intentions be of importance additionally?
In regards as to what individuals at one point in time were considered as friends to me before I wound up in Washington state in the year of 2013 as to the aspects of the Stoney LaRue concert as to Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas, what problems can be considered if the aspects of what individuals were accustomed to as to their lives in comparison as to when having spoken with me in person face to face in person and what problems occurred simply because of the aspects of having had the chance to speak in truth with me as to such aspects in reference as to the description I gave about the individuals I saw in regards of one recognizing the aspects as to another and simply reconnecting as to just asking honestly as to such factors in comparisons to the hypotheticals as to what I only figured out beginning in the year of the possibilities as to the year of 2019 as what in turn would such translate to as to who had always been a friend in the comparisons as to the situations I dealt with and what does that translate to in reference to the average aspects of such situations in each individuals’ lives in comparison as to such factors of the truth as what does integrity matter in more references and how could such factors as to the large population in reference to the east coast in the early 2000s have anything to do with such situations additionally to take into consideration?
If in reference to who I may have had as an actual friend in person face to face in person as to prior to the year of 2013 as well as the timeframe as to 2015 through 2018 before such aspects thereof as to after the situations regarding waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the fact I already brought forward the list of individuals I could recall as to having been near whatever laptop/cellphone at the timeframe as to such clarifications as to the technology programming situations as to such aspects as to Geek Squad and Best Buy, what would be considered as important as to such references as well as situations as to what I was informed as to the least amount of information as to the occurrences of in the year of 2015 in such regards as to the two meetings I went to when in the state of Texas as to the year of 2020 in such regards as why would that be considered important as to my having been in the state of Washington in comparison to the state of Texas in the year of 2015 for over two years by the point of the discussion in the year of 2020?
In reference as to such aspects as to the technology portions I warned others about as to what I was dealing with in the conjunction portions thereof as to the proof in reference to such laptop situations among other aspects such as the timeframe in Washington state and onward as to such situations as the ways thereof, what occurrences as to the hypotheticals in regards as to the situations in reference to the aspects of the warnings I gave about the individuals who are biologically connected to my son and my daughter in such references as to what is important as to the technological aspects as to such factors? For example what would be considered important in reference to the laptop situations as to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such aspects as to any such situations in the varied ways thereof, as what has been proven as to how my biological mother/father/sister in such references in conjunction as to my ex-in-laws as to such situations compared to myself as to such factors and in turn of such hypothetical realities in such conjunction aspects as to the situations thereof to what occurrences as to wrongfully blaming me as to the situations hypothetically what in turn would such translate to in reference to assumptions as to any such postings and/or messages for each individual to take into consideration prior to how I wound up in Washington state as what problems in such regards would it be for someone to use another’s social media account and/or name in such references as to the 10 Commandments as would it be possible for technology in whichever country to be capable to decipher the common thread of each area as to having the basic 10 commandments in a rudimentary way as to such factors in the references thereof while also having the security camera footage as to other such aspects as to the preservation of life on earth in such references to find a balancing common thread as to such factors in reference to situations such as Irving in the year of 2011 to take into consideration?
If in such reference to the truth of such aspects as well as the knowledge as to the multitude of individuals across all areas of the world in regards of the 11 September 2001 aspects, what in turn would such translate to in reference to the requirements as to truth in such aspects in all capacities for as to the reality of having clarified my aspects as to the best of my capabilities in turn what could the technological portions notice in such references as to others in the aspects as to such possibilities in such references of strength in such regards as why would that be considered as important as to such references in the aspects of lifestyle portions in the reality thereof as to the aspects to other situations as to life being kept safe and preserved as to the best possible outcomes in such comparisons as why is it important to truthfully acknowledge biases as what would be necessary for such translation aspects in regards of to the east coast areas as to such considerations?
In regards as to the aspects of such plausibilities as to the social media situations, what in turn would be necessary as to clarifying such aspects?
If in reference to my biological mother/father/sister without my consent ever as to such aspects of ever involving themselves as to such in conjunction as to the reality of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, what would such translate to in the legal definitions as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to my ex-in-laws as to such additional aspects as to the proven portions as to such in reference to my ex-mother-in-law and my ex-sister-in-law who lives nearby to her as to what situations in reference to social media and people feeling they have a right to just because of the aspects of seeing on a screen as to such connections as to going to contact others as what proof as to such aspects would be capable to be verified in such references as why would it be of importance as to such aspects in reference to the possibilities thereof to such types of problematic situations as to needing to clarify such aspects as when have I ever been defensive and protective as to such aspects of which in turn what would that translate to if I were to learn as to any such connections ever reaching out to another without my permission as to such friend list portions as to how protective I am as to such factors in the hypotheticals as to discussing anything about me as what would my response be as to the normal aspects thereof as to such factors as what is important about etiquette standards in such regards?
Why would my response be as to such aspects as to either side officially informing me in such aspects as how many situations of needless drama as to such situations regarding social media as to others thinking they could go behind the back of and not inform though what is the problem as to such aspects of doing so in the hypotheticals thereof, as why would such factors of each of such three for such one example being informed of such be of importance in the lesser aspects as to reducing drama in comparison as to those types who have enjoyed pop culture references as what problems occurred from three way calling that were not discussed as to such factors in the 1980s and the 1990s as to the situations capable to be seen in reference to the social media aspects as to what problems could be noticed in such references as to those types who lurk in comparison to actually have discussions with in person face to face in person as what is the difference as to such aspects of at an event of voyeuring in such comparisons as to the online portion in such references as to what is and is not considered as consensual in such references in all such capacities thereof as to then what would the 10 Commandments be of importance to take into consideration as to such factors as to why is consent important in such references as to the facts of such legal terms and agreements in such references as to the requirements of such details as to the legalities as to privacy rights as to the mandatory informing of such factors as to the references thereof for each and every aspect as to such technological portions in regards of aspects in life as why is such important as to such factors in truth in such comparisons as to wishing that in the fine print would be considered the same comparatively as what importances as to when I joined the Army after such aspects would be considered as important despite what other people thought was a funny joke as to such facts in the year of 1999 as to such initial discussions with the Army branch as what truth was brought forward in such comparisons as to the aspects as to the comparisons?
If in regards as to my inaccuracy in such references as to my journal blog entry as to anyone I once knew and such situations thereof then my apologies as to such aspects if I am inaccurate, however as to any such proof as to the situations as to the realities of such aspects then the reality of such aspects would translate as to such aspects of individuals only having those around them in their own social circles as to such factors in the situations as to the in person face to face in person aspects of such portions thereof; however if proven in facts as to such aspects as to what I brought forward, where is it I ever truly had an actual friend in person face to face in person in the real aspects of life then as to such realities, and in such aspects thereof as to such factors as to what human beings were intended for in such comparisons as to where had everything went wrong as to such aspects regarding everyone else. Why would such portions in reference to such aspects as to the situations I have dealt with in such regards be considered as important if at all as to such realities as to the current point in time as to such factors of the masking to the New York City portions to the Washington DC portions as to such situations as to the skyline as to the monument portions, as what would be considered of importance as to integrity in such references and why would integrity be of importance across all sectors of life in each and every capacity thereof?
In reference to the considerations as to how tattoos in such references as to how the work in similarities as to how carpentry in such references as to the aspects as to how in person face to face in person as to the reference of the actualities of SCUBA Diving in such references to correctly learn how to SCUBA dive in comparison to the information as to such factors what in turn would it translate to as to the proof as to such found in reference to putting the wording as 17 years of apprenticeship as to learning directly from my biological father who as a certified graduate of the School of Bulova as to additional such works as to also having been a Trustee of a historically registered church from the Revolutionary War in the 1980s and the 1990s which includes gardening and construction aspects, 17 years of apprenticeship as to learning directly from a software engineer for Prudential and McHenry Government County Center as well as a Deacon of a historically registered church from the Revolutionary War in the 1980s and the 1990s, a 11 year on and off apprenticeship as to the work my Grandpa Gavett was a part of, a 13 year on and off apprenticeship as to the work my Grandma Gavett had worked on which includes before and after her Seminary Philosophical Degree which would then lead to the total number of years to the for around 31 years, a 14 year apprenticeship to the Director of Security of the World Trade Center and a bird/dog rescuer, a 14 year apprenticeship to his wife a babysitter as well as a bird rescuer and a dog breeder, as well as the aspects as to the apprenticeship as to the work within the historical church and such grounds thereof as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church for 14 years before ever going into the Army officially as to such aspects thereof which the Pastor when I attended Old Tennent Presbyterian Church was a Chaplain in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to whatever connection points of my Grandpa Gavett in other such connections; as well as the aspects as to the factors of such congregants as to learning from in such regards as what would that translate to in the ways as to how tattoo artists as to such factors of apprenticeship factors before I became an Ordained Reverend as well as a Reiki third level Master and Teach as well as having earned my 26 SCUBA diving certifications before completing the 13 electives and graduating the Dominant Mentor Program as what would such translate to in other such references since the terminology of apprenticeship might make more sense in such references as to the combined factors thereof as to the other portions as what importance could such be in the references thereof to other such works of mine?
How was it much work was completed as to earning during the timeframe of my cousin Jade’s Dad as well as our connection as to my Great Aunt Helen which is my cousin Jade’s Mom as to our Grandpawpaw and Grandmawmaw in such references as to their times as well as the times as to the 1980s into the 1990s in the areas which they were living as to such factors of Harlem New York City as to such factors in such references of which types of employments as well?
Why is it important to honor the background as to such factors, as what can be learned from as to such situations in the comparisons as what would be considered necessary as to such factors in reference to my style of SCUBA Diving as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such factors for such clarifications additionally as to “The Modern Day Book” in such references of what can be clarified and verified as to such situations?
Before the aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip in the year of 2018 as to such aspects thereof, what is the difference as to my writing as to such factors in the references as to my work in comparison as to such discussions as to the in person face to face in person aspects as what situations as to the differences can be noticed in truth as to such factors? Is it that when I know and understand and comprehend such details I tend to be more assertive in such comparisons as to the difference when others speak about themselves as to their backgrounds and in such references as to when others speak about their backgrounds as to such factors, what is the difference as to the discussion points as to such factors in the comparisons as to explanations online as to the ways thereof as to the differences?
In the reference to such situations as to the facts of such as to what can be proven as to what has already been proven, in the references thereof to such factors in turn what would such translate to in the aspects of where I have been accurate as to such situations as to the proof in references as to my childhood and my teenager years to the timeframe as to when being a biological adult as to such factors of which in turn what situations as to the aspects in reference to the ways which I did not play games as to the video games aspects in the same references thereof as what would be considered as important as to such situations which the news reported as a warning factor about video games and computer games of which could be noticed in reference to the ways of situations as to the social media factors as per what has been noticed as to the impacts thereof? What in such references as to the comparisons as to the ease for the technological aspects to assist the clarifications as to the truth though is not intended to replace the in person face to face in person aspects as what in turn would be the translation as to such factors of those who would prefer such in comparison as to human connection in such comparisons as to the face to face in person, and thus what warnings which have been given for decades would be capable to be seen now in the year of 2022 as to such factors of situations combined?
What are the factors to take into consideration in reference to what actual changes could be in such references to the conditioning as to such factors as to the COVID masking seen in such references as to the ways of which the integrity matters aspects as to such situations of the technological verification aspect which could be noticed in regards as to what factors of which could have been assisted previously in reference to the east coast areas, as why would it have taken such a length of time as to my transfer in such situations as to the year of 2021 as to the situations in reference to if there was a connection to my ex-in-laws and/or my biological mother/father/sister as why would being capable to see in person face to face in person such aspects as to the physical portions of the New York City skyline in the area of Liberty Science Center be considered of importance as to such hypotheticals I brought forward previously to this journal blog entry as well as other prior journal blog entries?
How important has church been in truth, and why would church be important in such references as to the areas as to the east coast in reference to 11 September 2001 as to the lists thereof as to the comparisons from 1993 as to 2001 as to the aspects of a different version as to how the census aspects as to the consideration thereof as to what importance?

Continued in reference Posts:
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Post #2:
Post #3:
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Post #5: