There was a point in time when after I woke up from my coma after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 during my Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma when after having been in Medical Hold Unit for awhile and after the situations as to dealing with the timeframe of the Article 15 as well as the rave as to Brackenrdge in the references thereof, I began working at Olive Garden for awhile before having to stop working there. At the timeframe I met a female named Crystal Lynn which I do not know her last name though she lived near Fort Sam Houston with her mom and step-dad which had caused several needless problems as to the timeframe when in the beginning portions of the situations, which at first as to the point in time of getting along while we were both working at Olive Garden though the situations swiftly changed as to the aspects thereof when she said she had her step dad who worked at Fort Sam Houston complete a background check on the individual who is the biological father of my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to the aspects of having found that he was not who he claimed he was as to the background check at the timeframe thereof. The situations as to what I had already dealt with as to that point in time as to the aspects of what I explained as to "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to the aspects of the ways I additionally clarified as to the aspects of my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA as to especially as to the updates in the references thereof as well as with "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to the facts of which I can only remember having lighter colored hair and a lighter color complexion though nothing more as to the aspects of her physical features, in which that female had taken an interest in me as to a multitude of factors.
While the facts of what I dealt with as to the aspects since waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the situations as to the after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to the length of time it took to dissipate from the MRI and CAT scans of over 8 years for the full aspects thereof, the situations of which as to her as well as the staff members of Olive Garden's knowledge as to the fact of what I was dealing with as to the point in time. While I briefly worked there in the latter portions of 2000 into the year of 2001 briefly as to the situations which as to how I wound up off of Fort Sam Houston as to the situations in reference to the timeframe as to when my Article 15 was over as to the situations in reference to the aspects additionally as to the situations as to the rave in conjunction as to the knowledge thereof, the problems needlessly from the staff members at Olive Garden were prevalent as to the situations which were as to the amount of time they spent drinking after the shifts as to the nearby location of either Chili's or Applebee's as to the Eisenhower location of the various college students in the area as well as the aspects of the connections thereof to the locations being as close by to Fort Sam Houston as to JBSA as to such factors. In reference to the aspects of which my biological mother and my biological father had kept one of my black and white composition notebooks from when I attended Asher Holmes Elementary School as to the last year that the grade I was in which was around second grade, as to the arithmetic in the references of what levels I once was capable to accomplish the work as to that point in time. While since the aspects as to the fact which each class at Asher Holmes Elementary School we either had opened the package as to the brand new textbook as to the grade level of whichever class as to such portions as well had school periods per the timeframe of beginning first grade in the late 1980s into the 1990s, which as to the comparisons of some individuals depending upon their school as to such factors. I knew my Big Blood Brother had told me his school had not been allowed new textbooks as to their classes not ever having opened any packages as well as the lack of paperwork per class per textbook at the timeframes of, though I also found that out similarly to my cousin Jade's and her friend and relatives as to their schools in the references thereof. I learned the same aspects to multiple individuals in the different areas where my biological father had business aspects throughout the state of New Jersey, New York state, and Pennsylvania state as to the oddity I thought of to such factors.
In the reference as to the school textbooks which we in Asher Holmes Elementary School as to the morning group for kindergarten had a situation when we were out on the playground one point in time, which if individuals I went to kindergarten remember as to the aspects of a situation which the following day there was a brand new playground as to the equipment as well as our teacher Mrs. Heller had stopped wearing jeans and a t-0shirt to class and began wearing business suits and heels in the classroom. At first in my thoughts I wondered if she was dating someone new or if there was something going on differently, though I do now know what other people had as to their thoughts as to the point in time of the situations. Several other teachers which were outside during the timeframe of that situation began wearing different clothing which similarly to Mrs. Heller as to the change from jeans and a t-shirt or jeans and a button down shirt as to the males, as to the swift overnight changes as to slacks or skirts with button down shirts or blouses as only a few began wearing dresses. The aspects which as to the oddity if others from Asher Holmes Elementary School remember as to kindergarten in the year of 1987 if I recall correctly as to the aspects of, there was a large green ball of light which came out of the area where the sunlight was beaming from; though I do not know who would remember the aspects thereof, to the oddities from the point in time. While everyone else above the age as to kindergarten as to the school children seemingly fell asleep as to falling to the ground if those who attended Asher Holmes Elementary School during that year as to whatever point in such times whether as to gym class and/or recess as to the comparisons as to kindergarten class, as to the situations of if they remember getting up off of the ground all together after what I can remember seeing as to such a point in time. There were individuals from what I remember as to being our height as to the kindergarten height and Mrs. Heller similarly fell to the ground, though none of the students were capable to move to go to where she was as to the aspects of the amounts of individuals all our height as to the kindergarteners at the point in time. I remember they had glass helmet looking aspects which connected to their tightly woven form fitted footy pajama looking type of clothing as to the aspects of their large heads as to the aspects of what seemed similar to the reference of the South Park episode which had Jeff Bezos as to the aspects of the back of the brain showing a bit. I know we had just played the duck-duck-goose game in the classroom before we were taken outside in the field area which the following day where the baseball field was as to only having had the tether ball net with the swing set, though the following day as to the jungle gym made of metal, a sand pit area, and a slide attached to something else, with monkey bars as well which appeared overnight as to the area literally. In the references thereof as to certain similarities as to the situation in reference to after being stationed in Medical Hold Unit as to having informed the staff members within Medical Hold Unit of the rave, though those factors were not capable for me to bring up as to the situations as to Brackenridge.
The additional aspects as to Medical Hold Unit as to other situations in reference to the area of Old BAMC as to the male I had met as to when walking around Fort Sam Houston as to the base area one evening when I had told the individuals at Medical Hold Unit of seeing an individual in dress greens as to the what when looking at prior Army uniform photos online as to what seemed as to Audie Murphy in the references as to Old BAMC, though the situations as to the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury at the timeframe thereof to the aspects in addition as to a location where I walked to another point in time where there were construction signs as to where I made attempts to explain as to where I had wandered off to because of the situations as to the similar green light as to a chasing aspect as to finding such individuals as to what they wanted. However since the aspects as to the situations during the timeframe in the year of 2000 as to the additional factors of what I was dealing with as to learning the terminology of headaches and migraines as to the situations during the timeframe of, as to part of the aspects as to my Article 15 albeit the aspects of not knowing beer was considered as alcohol as to the aspects of being confused by Captain Beer at the time as to his name and not understanding the reference as to drinking beer as to the situations as to the references thereof. I made attempts to explain the situations as to how my head injury occurred as to the recollection of the timeframe as to my time at Fort Sill Oklahoma and though my neurologist at the time Major Jamie Grimes as well as Dr. (?) Clement as to the neuropsychology department had given me multiple tests as to their claims one way or another as to such factors though the complaints as to my age as to being 17 years old as to such timeframes throughout different test aspects throughout the years as to my Temporary Retirement Duty Leave aspects as well as to Medical Hold Unit as to those factors.
In the reference as to Crystal Lynn as to the situations during Olive Garden after I was released from the Article 15 aspects, the situations as to how I dealt with the situations during that point in time as to when I stopped working at Olive Garden because of the levels of what I dealt with as to the situations of confronting the situation as to asking about what Crystal Lynn had told me her step dad had done as to the supposed background check. The situations as to the aspects as to the Justice of the Peace shortly thereafter as well as the situations as to the pregnancy with my son, as to the situations during the point in time as to what I have already detailed in such references. While individuals throughout the timeframes as to the year of 2000 through 20-whatever year thereof as to the aspects of which the black and white composition notebook as the only notebook I was capable to keep from New Jersey as to the aspects of other situations as to the move from New Jersey to Illinois, as to the aspects of the situations which I detailed as to Indiana in the year of 1999 as to the various aspects of different situations before the year of 1999 as well as after the year of 1999 as to the references to Irving in the year of 2011 for one reference though "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as well as my journal blog for other references as to the clarifications thereof to such factors.
Though I do not know as to the situations as to the aspects of Crstal Lynn as to the length thereof thereafter in such references as to what clarifications through the technological aspects would be capable to verify as to the various groups as to the individuals thereof as to such aspects as to Law Enforcement and/or Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such factors, the situations as to the aspects which I remembered as to the aspects of irony as to Crystal Lake Illinois as well as the aspects as to the high school graduation situation of which individuals had their issues as to the aspects of which they wanted me to stay in the comparisons as to my work I needed to take care of as to how best I could figure as to the situations as per my nightmare from when I was in second grade. Obviously as to such situations of second grade being after the timeframe of kindergarten as to the aspects which as to the situations per such factors, which in turn as to the situations I dealt with as to the reminder I was not allowed to watch movies above a G rating as to my childhood until after I was 13 years old as to the aspects of then as to such a point in time it was not until almost being 14 years old to ever seeing the movie Cat's Eye as to the aspects during such a point in time. While I had made attempts to discuss certain factors as to the aspects of kindergarten as to the years of kindergarten and first grade, the only people who believed me were far and few in between as to such points in time.
My Big Blood Brother had believed me, knowing how I was being raised just as my babysitter and her husband Sony/Sonya and Joe/Jose Castro as to the aspects of living next door to my Big Blood Brother's parents house at the timeframe. The attempts I made to discuss with my biological father the day of as to the green ball of light which came pout from the sunlight in the sky as to the aspects which matched the colors of the grass as to aspects as to what attempts were made, though were left as to just where I dealt with the difference as to the aspects of what movies I was allowed to watch in the minimal aspects as well as the aspects as to the situations as to how I was not allowed to go outside to play with certain individuals as to only within the neighborhood unless I went with my biological father to New York City and/or Pittsburg and/or Philadelphia and/or other areas around New Jersey; though the aspects otherwise were far and few between, including as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church because of what other children were allowed to watch and/or be a part of as to different aspects of the computer and/or video game portions. If the children were allowed to be outside more often than inside as to the aspects thereof being capable to go play, though in comparison as to individuals as to being inside as to the comparisons as to what I was allowed to do during such points in time. The amount of individuals who had started visiting Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the black suits with extremely thick fabric as to the suit jackets as well as the extremely white colored button down shirts with very thick aspects to, began to arrive at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church to randomly speak with me when most people were not looking. The few times when people noticed as to them speaking with me, as to different situations which occurred if individuals from Old Tennent Presbyterian Church remember such factors as to the specifics of the differences to the colors of each other congregants' suits as to the comparisons as to the extremely dark black suits and the striking difference to the white colored button down shirts.
Usually I looked at whatever file they had as to the aspects of paperwork and gave my opinion as to the point in time, though sometimes when I went walking the grounds as to the aspects of which they walked up to me without any sounds as to the aspects of which I saw their older than the year of the 1990s car as to such factors. One individual in particular had a Silver Ghost vehicle as to my knowledge as to the aspects of how much I prefer the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost as to being allowed to look at the details of the customization of that vehicle as I remember the mahogany wood as to the internal wheel area as well as the white walled tires per the normalcy of, as to the silver coloration of the cart itself with the internal doors as to the detailed matching wood of the mahogany color as to the lacquered finish as to the heavy duty aspects. The curvature of the lights as to the circular shape as well as the details as to the black leather seats of the vehicle were stunning in the arrangement, as to I suppose now I can sarcastically comment in some aspects as to my car I named Zippy as to a different version to a degree obviously as to the factors thereof to the VW Beettle in yellow with the black colored roof and black leather interior with the turbo engine. Though obviously nothing as swanky as to the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost vehicle as per that male's words referencing back in the 1990s as to the situations, in reference to his car the Rolls Royce. Only more recently have I heard of the song Men In Black as well as the other song Black Suits Coming as to the aspects of the situations as to the YouTube music video, in the references thereof to the songs.
In regards as to kindergarten as to my lack of knowledge as to the situations as to what other children from Asher Holmes Elementary School remember, the aspects additionally in the year of 1994 as to the Solar Eclipse during the spring months as to Mr. Lambert's class being taken outside for the aspects to watch the Solar Eclipse as through the two pieces of paper because of the situations to the eyes as he explained during the weeks before the Solar Eclipse. I remember watching as the sunlight passed through the pieces of paper as to the formation from the whole circle to the crescent shape as to the full circle after the crescent shape at the time, though in a brief bit of a moment it seemed as though he had paused when speaking as to the discussion as to the solar sciences as to the silence that occurred. When I looked around as to how it seemed as though everyone except a few children had paused along with the aspects as to how Mr. Lambert had paused briefly as to speaking for a few moments as though frozen for a bit, the aspects as to how the trees had started swaying violently as to the background areas behind the swing set as well as the area where the Honeysuckle bushes were growing at that time of the year along the walkway from the parking lot area towards the blacktop and playground area. However unlike the Solar Eclipse in the year of 2017, the sky itself had not darkened. The sky in the year of 1994 had remained bright and sunny which I was confused by as to the aspects as to looking upward and seeing a brightly colored object in the sky as to an extremely bright white color which covered the entire area we were standing in as to what I noticed, in the contrast as to the aspects of the pieces of paper Mr. Lambert was holding in his hands at the timeframe of. It was confusing to me which I remember asking when we went back into the classroom which Mr. Lambert did not have an explanation for as to why I would notice the sky being brighter than the paper as that had not made sense as to what a Solar Eclipse had been known for as to the darkening of the sky in such references compared to because similarly to the 2017 Solar Eclipse as to it was supposed to be the entire eclipse in the comparisons as to the aspects of only a partial eclipse as to the patterns seen as to the news as to the 2017 Solar Eclipse.
In regards as to how it seemed as though people had changed from the year of kindergarten into the year of first grade, which some people in the classes noticed as per discussions. However as to the 1994 Solar Eclipse, I cannot remember anyone who noticed such or if they did as to the silence during such points in time thereafter as well as the two different sixth grade classes as similarly as to the two different kindergarten classes as to the morning timeframe. In reference to the year of 2000 on the way to the rave before the actual rave and Brackenridge as to the situations which the clouds seemed to being to form shapes when I was in the backseat of the van as my headache pain levels were getting to migraine pain levels, though I did not have the words other than how much pain I was in as to my cranium area as to the external portions in the comparisons as to the internal portions of the difference to the aspects of at the timeframe. While I noticed the sizes and the shapes of the clouds I remembered seeing a cloud form the shape of a duck as well as a bear as to the shapes, which one male had seen with me when we were looking upward at the timeframe of as to the male who had been outside of my barracks room door after the Brackenridge hospital aspects despite the situations as to Medical Hold Unit thereafter to such a point in time before my Article 15 as to the situations mainly as to the restriction portions of where I could go as well as the requirement of me having an escort anywhere I went on post because of the situations as to the after effects from my head injury on Psalm Sunday. The clarifications as to CID in the year of 2019/2020 as to Sergeant Baber as to the factors thereof, as per my journal blog entry as to such a point in time as to the aspects after having met with three males from my Basic Training who remembered me though they had to remind me who they were as I had not fully remembered them until they reminded me because of the situations. They asked me what happened as to the situations as none of the females during Basic Training had admitted to what occurred as well as to the aspects which none of the females had graduated Basic Training from what I was informed of by those three males from my Basic Training, in front of the front entrance nearby where the Warrior Transition Unit as to that particular entrance to BAMC at the time nearby the flagpole area. We did not discuss the aspects of the timeframe as to the aspects of Basic Training because they had to go back to AIT and I had to go back to Medical Hold Unit, though I wrote down where the address on Stanley Road was as to the factors of the situations.
The ironic portions as to my biological mother's sister's second husband's last name as to such ironic portions as to the needless problems as to such points in time as to his viewpoint as to my disagreement as to the ways he commented about the aspects of my cousins under the age of 18 years old in front of my maternal biological aunt as well as his comments about my breast size as to the conage portions as to the facts of the knowledge of what I was dealing with as to after Baptist Camp Lebanon in such references, as was known. The lack of human decency from that individual as to those factors additionally as to during the timeframe of the convalescent leave as to the situations which he claimed I had an attitude adjustment as to what I had silently hoped in reference to the aspects of situations as to the aspects a to the lack of anything worthwhile as to such factors in the references as to such needless comments from such a worthless individual as to my opinion, as to those types of aspects as to whatever has been proven as to such capacities thereof to that individual as to the lack of integrity as well as the fullest lack of maturity as to those types of comments as well as behaviour referencing Mark Stanley as to the aspects thereof to those particulars as individuals thorughout that neighborhood as well as the situations thereof to the aspects of individuals as to Crystal Lake South High School would be cpaable to discuss such factors as to those types of situations.
It was known I would not assist as to the aspects of the coding in reference to the Y2K aspects as to my refusal to assist covering up the timeframe aspects for each pedophile as per one of the coding aspects as to the explanations of the mission statements as I personally could not ever understand how anyone would ever be capable to think that would ever be considered as acceptable, as for the wishful portions as to how those aspects could ever be covered up was something I personally stood against in each and every capacity thereof as to the facts of such disgusting proportions as to the knowledge of the facts as to the biological age as to the reality of individuals growing older in age as to such situations as to the aspects of wishing otherwise as to what I read as to the documentations thereof. There was not one aspect as to what I could ever believe in as to ever being worthwhile as to such factors and it did not matter what I personally dealt with as to taking a stand in such references as to that particular point in time of the year of 1998 into 1999 as to my biological mother/father as to the fact my biological father had not listened to me about the coding portions, similarly to how he had not listened to me about the situations as to Asher Holmes Elementary School. Which the aspects which my biological mother informed Mark Stanley as to my personal refusal to assist with the coding portions of the Y2K aspects as to the wishful thoughts as to his needless comments as to those particular factors as to the ways which he tried to bully such a situation as to knowing as to the speed of which I worked as to the comparisons thereof as to others at the time, though I informed him that I read the documents as to such factors as to the reality of the situations which I refused to be a part of excluding such aspects as to because of the requirements as to what was a part of the Y2K aspects as to the claims in reference to only as to the clock changes. Due to the fact which in the references thereof for one aspect of many situations as to the clock portions as to the news cycles as to the aspects thereof in the references as to how the situations were a part of the aspects in reference to the registration paperwork required for such aspects, as to the situations which I took my stand as to such factors as I knew I could not be the only one who had needlessly dealt with such factors of those types of individuals. He claimed as to what he would do to me as to if I had not assisted my biological mother as well as all of the other individuals who had not known as to the reality of what the Y2K was actually about, and I am still glad that I took my stand in such references.
The reality of which if the situations as to the preference as to space exploration as to the situations of such mandatory requirements as to the facts of such references as to the ways of which, the situations as to the facts as to those particular factors. Since I refused as to such aspects on moral principles as to the aspects of additionally as to the aspects as to the NetZero account aspects of which the reality which I personally refused to be a part of such aspects, as to the full needing to stop the capacities thereof in my opinion as to the knowledge as to the viewpoint as to the aspects of the oceanic portions of the viewpoints thereof in conjunction as to the space portions of such viewpoints as to those particular factors as to the biological age situations as to above the age of 18 years old as to the requirements as to consent as to if the progression as to going forward as to space travel was actually considered as important to more individuals as to the comparisons of the other factors of such references. While individuals as to the perverted aspects as to the abominations as to those types in my opinion as to such individuals who would ever willingly be a part of such and/or assist such factors as to those types of disgraces to humanity in all such capacities thereof, as to the situations in my opinion as to many aspects as to the mental health situations as to the discussion as to Governor Christine Todd Whitman's office as to the fixing and repairing as to the mental health factors in the references thereof. In latter years from 1996 as to this year of 2022 it would not be a surprise to me as to the aspects of which to the amounts of females and males as to the pornographic industry as to the amount of female sand males who have survived such factors as to the aspects thereof to such situations or the converse aspects as to the situations of the modesty portions as to the extremely limited aspects as to the factors of the choice situations as to the if factors as to relationships as to the requirements as to trusting the individual as to such situations. Additionally it would not be a surprise to me as to males or females as to having dealt with such as to one way or another as to the aspects of whether the choice as to go in the ways as to the aspects of perpetrating such on their own as to thinking incorrectly as to such aspects as to the just because, or the opposite factors as to the overprotected portions as to the best of capability as to such situations to keep such individuals as to their own children as safe as possible from those types of situations as to those types of individuals as to the lack of common sense as to those who have perpetrated such to the levels thereof as to the aspects of the violations of privacy as to the lack of common sense as to the similar aspects while not as to the physical portions thereof as to the sexual gratification problems as to those types of individuals as to my personal opinion in such references as to the right for privacy as to such factors as to individuals who have the right for such privacy.
No, translates to no. That is a hard limit as to the aspects thereof as to such situations as to the right to choose, as to the right of a female or male to say no and it translate as to the lack of consent as to each capacity thereof to what the sensation as to the violations in each such capacity thereof as to the wishful thoughts as to the hypotheticals as to the voyeur aspects as to the situations in reference to illegal monitoring as to such situations as to which no translates to no as to such factors in all such references. As a person aspect of which I have clarified as to my right to say no and stand by such factors as to my right to keep as to such references, as there is not any cause nor excuse nor reason as to ever violating such privacy rights especially as to such factors as to those disgusting portions of what I fully disagree to in each and every stand point thereof as to my right to privacy as to my right to the aspects thereof to which in all such capacities thereof which in the hypotheticals as to such aspects of my modeling and/or my books and/or my website as to the aspects of which my right to privacy in such references in each capacity thereof as to such factors. There is nothing that would ever change my thoughts as to such either, as to the facts of such rights of mine in such capacities thereof as to all such references in each such capacity thereof to the references of what is supposed to be considered as consensual which I repeat such aspects as to how I do not consent as to such aspects as to my right to choose. If individuals as to the hypotheticals as to the situations as to any such portions of thinking as to the getting used to, I doubt that aspect as to such changes as to the hypotheticals thereof as to my right to choose as to the aspects of which the reality of my personal lack of any want or need or requirement as to ever wearing such outfits as to my rights as to such factors as to the aspects which my right to privacy as to superseding such aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof to those types of individuals as to what is considered as lack of respect as well as lack of etiquette standards in each and every way as well as shape and form thereof as remember the aspects of transmissions as to such hypothetical factors in such references as to the possibilities as to such hypothetical portions as to space travel as well as the aspects as to the lack of which in such references in the correct capacities as to what is considered as to the correct recognition as to my work as to the references of such factors. That would not ever be considered as to the equivalent as to such aspects of the correct recognition as to the reality of the laziness factors as to such references as to the hypothetical wishful halfa**ing aspects as to such factors in the comparisons as to the levels of which other people with far lesser aspects as to achievements as to such capacities thereof to such references, of which the fullest aspects as to the complete opposite of what would ever be considered to me as to being wanted in a positive way as to the common sense factors as to such references as to each and every factor thereof to such common sense.
What would that ever have as a sensation of ever being considered as wanted in a positive way as to such lack of actualities in the correct capacities thereof as to what I would ever consider as correct, as to what levels as to the situations as to the actualities as to what would be considered as correct as to the in person face to face in person in the comparison of ever thinking the halfway aspects would be no different as to the laziness as to the references as to San Marcos to Carrollton as to the exit of 200 as to that particular reference of such laziness and patheticness in all such references as to those capacities thereof as to the aspects of such situations as to my opinion as I would doubt as to others as to such differences as to the lack of differences as to the laziness factors thereof as to such situations of which the reality of the actualities of my work as to such specific situations were in person face to face in person as to the comparisons as to the online aspects of which would still be as to the postings of such as to the in person face to face as to those modeling time frames which in the comparisons as to such aspects as to the fullest amounts of disrespect as to each and every capacity of my work in each levels thereof which officially would include the disrespect to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the aspects of such situations as to "the Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" no matter what others might wish otherwise as to such capacities thereof as to the aspects of such situations. There would not ever be the viewpoint in my opinion as to any such factors of respect to my actual work as to my Medal of Honor Art Project or my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to the additional factors as to the reality of such situations, in each and every capacity thereof to such references as to the aspects thereof. While some people as to how they might think as to the problem of their thoughts as to such factors of the otherwise aspects, the reality of what is actually considered as respect as to etiquette standards as to the references thereof to the reality of what is actually considered as respect and etiquette standards as why would I ever bother as to such furthered aspects to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the aspects of which the lack of respect as to such portions to the length of time in such references to my prior work as to the proof thereof to such references?
What would ever be considered as respectful in reference to others in such references as to the aspects thereof to the situations as to what would ever be considered as to the aspects of, of if only to the references of the laziness as to such factors as to the similarities as to the situations as to the laziness as to my SCUBA Diving work recognition in the correct capacities thereof as to such lack of common sense as to such factors of ever thinking such would ever be considered as worthwhile to me?
The reality of what other people have wanted for themselves as to the comparisons as to my personal needs, wants, preferences, and desires as to such aspects of the fullest differences as to the common sense as to actually asking me as to what my personal needs/wants/preferences/desires are as to the comparison thereof as to such regards as to the common sense aspects of how to actually handle such situations as to the comparisons as to ever thinking such references as to nothing better than the aspects of the movie the Truman Show as to the lack of common sense as to what would actually be considered as worthwhile to me as to my personal work as to my references thereof as to the common sense aspects as to such comparisons as to what other people have wanted for themselves as to the comparisons thereof as to such aspects.
In the aspects thereof as to the situations as to Crystal Lynn as to the aspects of what situations as to the lack of common sense as to such individuals as to the situations of what would ever be considered as worthwhile to such aspects as to the comparisons as to actually getting assistance in the correct ways as to such situations, as to the comparisons as to the situations as to the clarifications thereof as to my composition notebook as to when I was in second grade as to the aspects of what was considered as my intellectual capacities thereof to that point in time in the year of 1989 to 1990 compared to my tests as to the aspects of since waking up from my coma after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 during Basic Training as to such references thereof as to the after effects immediately found as to the timeframes thereafter as to the aspects of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain. Thus as to the fullest consideration as to the lack of care in the correct capacities thereof as well as the lack of concern as to such references for my actual best interests as to the proof thereof as to such hypotheticals as to the situations additionally as to having been pregnant in the year of 2001 as well as the year of 2002 as to the aspects of such references as to my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain, as to the specifics thereof additionally as to the hypotheticals as to Iowa in the year of 2018 as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as what would ever be considered as to genuine concern for my actual best interests in the capacities thereof what would be considered as a positively wanted artist in such references as what common sense aspects as to those particular situations would ever be as to the aspects of the way I personally would see such in the comparisons of other individuals' interpretations as to the comparisons?
Do not leave such up to your interpretations I am fairly certain, is a known factor as to the Biblical words as to such factors in a multitude of references as it should not take a head injury to figure that out.
Additionally as to individuals who have wished as to such aspects of their feelings mattering as to my saying in the comparisons of ever thinking about the amount of individuals who have tried as to the downward look as to myself as per my opinions of myself, what would ever actually be as to the factors as to such hypotheticals before such a point in time as to the year of 2018 as to before the year of 2013 as to before the year of 2000 as to before the year of 1992 as to before the year of 1990 as to such references as why would such aspects of what portions of my life would ever have such a viewpoint as to my opinion as to such references as to the aspects thereof that would ever give such a viewpoint as to the situations as to the specifics thereof to the various combinations as to what I have dealt with as to such lengths of time as what would ever be considered as worthwhile to me in the capacities thereof as to the length of time as to the amounts of situations as to for myself as to such aspects of what I would consider as what would be worthwhile to me as to the aspects thereof as to such a viewpoint in such regards as what would common sense dictate as to such references as what has there ever actually been as to what I could consider as to worthwhile in any such capacity thereof as to the situations as to such combinations as to what I would ever be capable to consider as enjoyable for me as to the levels thereof as to what my preferences as to such regards thereof to the comparisons as to what I have needlessly dealt with as to such hypotheticals as to the clarifications and verifications as to such references?
Then again, who has ever actually asked me what my preferences as to my needs as to my wants as to my desires as to any point in time in truth genuinely as to such factors as to any such references regarding specifically myself as to such aspects in person face to face in person in etiquette and in truth with respect and/or through the aspects as to the To Contact Form as to such references?
How many have only lead by their own interpretations in the comparisons of ever actually having had the common sense as to asking me as to such aspects in the references thereof and who has ever taken into consideration what levels of my educational background would be considered as second grade academia as to the comparisons of whatever their backgrounds were/are as to such differences as to the common sense factors as to what has been capable to be seen in reference to the aspects of the college educational references as to remedial classes as to such references for individuals from different neighborhoods as to the comparisons thereof to the educational backgrounds of different locations, as how would it be considered as my fault in the comparisons as to the aspects of the educational system fault as to the reality in reference as to other people's background differences as to the educational aspects in the reality thereof to the differences as to such aspects of what that black and white notebook would show as to what my educational background as to when I was in second grade as to the fact of having to be taught how to count to ten as to when in the relearning aspects as well as the facts I was in art classes outside of elementary school as well as outside of the aspects of middle school as to having to relearn the names of colors as to such references after waking up from my coma as to after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000?
Thus since I had only learned that there are 24 hours in a day officially in the year of 2017, what would that translate to as to the actualities as to the overall portions as to my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as what would that translate to as to the combined factors as to the after effects from the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to such situations of the combined factors of what once was my intellectual levels as before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury compared to the aspects of when I woke up from my coma in the year of 2000 as to only in the year of 2017 learning there are 24 hours in a day as well as only in the year of 2022 being capable to remember the aspects of learning such?
What would that translate as to the aspects of cognitive disorders as well as memory deficits as to the proof thereof, as to such a realization now in the year of 2022?
What would that in turn translate to each and every individual I once knew in person face to face in person as to the aspects thereof as to the truth aspects as to the reasons why the 10 Commandments are important as to whether or not someone has a head injury, as what would be important about the fact as to how head injuries cannot be prevented ever as to such aspects in the references thereof as why would that be considered as important?
Thus if as to Crystal Lynn's step-dad having actually completed a background check on my children's biological father who is my dead-ex-husband as to if reported, as what would then translate as to the length of time as to the out-processing paperwork as to the correct aspects in the hypothetical comparisons as to the paperwork which I only signed one piece of paperwork in the month of November 2000 as to such references before the key aspects as to my barracks room in the Medical Hold Unit as to before it became the Warrior Transition Unit as to JBSA as to the legal terms in such references as to both in the civilian sector as well as to UCMJ as to what legal references would be as to each individual who has known about such aspects as to the situations thereof as to the situations of which to the hypotheticals as to such factors of the clarifications as to the verifications in such references as what would be considered important as to the aspects as to the American Civil War in the current timeframe thereof to such references in this review as to my journal blog?
What would ever be considered as a positively wanted artist as to the comparisons as to such situations as to the review thereof to such references, as what would ever be considered as to being considered as wanted in the positive ways as to the aspects thereof to myself as to my work as to such situations as to ever speaking with anyone else as to the aspects thereof to my work other than the clarifications as to the genuinity thereof whereas the rest would only be capable to get directly from the one and only me as to such references as what would ever be considered as positive in my favor as to such aspects in such hypotheticals as to what levels of common sense would such actually take as to the situations thereof to the comparisons as to the situations as to the clarifications and verifications as to the levels thereof to such references?
Then as to the fact of which for the first time since the year of 1998 as to ever seeing the New York City skyline from the one location which I would recognize such factors as to the levels of whatever other people have dealt with as to the comparisons as to what the facts are for me as to the fullest combinations thereof as to every individual aspect from the timeframe well before the year of 1998 as to the requirements as to the clarifications and verifications as to the details thereof to the accuracy levels in the comparisons as to the situations of what I have actually needed for my best interests as to my health as to my requirements as to the aspects in the references to all such combinations, as to the situations of which the aspects for which my original transfer as to the situations of which to the month of April as to what was supposed to be the first month as to where I would have been capable to go to the New York City skyline area where I would recognize such as to the situations which as to what I have not needed to explain to anyone as to my reasons as to the transfer as to the year of 2021.
What aspects as to the situations in which as to the aspects of simply living for a moment in silence as to paying my respects as to the aspects of all of the individuals I personally lost as to the aspects thereof to the length of such times, as to the memories for me to personally distinguish as to the differences of the timeframes as to before the year of 1993 as to the comparisons as to the timeframes after the year of 1993 as to the situations as to the occurrences as to the in between portions in conjunction as to the before 1993 as well as after 1998 have I been capable to even have the situations of thirty days from that point in time as to what I personally need for myself as to the actualities thereof in the comparisons of what others have hypothetically thought as to such comparisons of what I personally actually need for myself?
If anyone thought for even the aspects of a few minutes as to the common sense aspects of how there has not been anyone I personally have known in person face to face in person as to any actual consistency as to the genuinity thereof as to who I would actually recognize as to such factors as to the situations from the point in time as to from the aspects of the year of 2018, the common sense situations of what I personally have needed as to the comparisons of what other people have thought for whatever those individuals have dealt with in the comparisons of the requirements to take into consideration as to what I have needed for myself as to such aspects as to the differences as to the facts of such individuals as to their experiences as to the comparisons of my experiences as to the totality thereof. The common sense aspects of which there has not been anyone I have personally known as to the in person face to face in person as to any actual consistency of what I personally need in the comparison of the consistent inconsistencies of what I have dealt with,. which have not been helpful to me in any aspects thereof. It is common sense as to the actualities of how consistency is important as to not in the inconsistent aspects, though in the consistent portions of the ways to actually process the situations as to the sensitivity of the details as to the large amounts thereof as to the comparisons of which as to the hypotheticals thereof to the length of time as to the amount of clarifications thereof. While it would have been best for me to actually have someone I could actually trust to speak with in person face to face in person that I could actually have the sensation of what would be considered as being capable to relax in some ways as to the factors, instead as to what I have dealt with as to the situations as to are individuals who I have not known before as to the situations of what aspects as to the timeframe between 2019 through 2021 as well as the constant aspects of instead of taking into consideration.
What do I actually need for myself, is a common sense answer. I have actually needed individuals I personally knew/know as to the in person factors as to actual friends as to what is considered as to who I could actually trusty in the comparisons of individuals who I have not known as to their good intentions while I am sure there could be some as to the aspects in comparison of what I have personally needed. The situations as to the hypotheticals thereof as to the situations in reference to what I dealt with during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips on top of such aspects of the ways as to how such aspects as to where I was volunteering as to what was the only consistent that was as I personally needed until the realization as to how many situations as to what I was dealing with as to the hypotheticals as to how many individuals I once knew could have actually went to the areas thereof, as to such cruelty as to the aspects in reference to the knowledge of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such aspects as to "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to such factors as well as the aspects as to the situations as to the hypothetical as to Iowa in the year of 2018. While there is the lack of difference as to such hypotheticals as to how my dead-ex-husband thought was not doing anything when raising my son and my daughter as to the hypotheticals as to the similar aspects of individuals who would not have the slightest inclinations as to what I have dealt with or how I have dealt with such aspects as to the situations of such overreaction by other people as to the facts of which I have detailed in such references. The aspects of which if as to the transfer when I had needed it to begin with in the comparison as to the ways which my thoughts have had to speed up as to the references as to the clarifications to the verifications as well as the factors of bringing such forward as well as the situations as to the reality of the situations as to the SCUBA Diving portions as well as the aspects as to the information as to the US Space Force, as to the aspects which the situations as to what I have brought up as to the reality in reference to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such aspects of which hypothetically as to the lack of difference to my dead-ex-husband in such references as to the aspects of what I have been working on despite as to the aspects of the other portions of which as to the facts of which to such clarifications and verifications as to the amount of thoughts that can only be put together in a cohesive way as best as I possibly can as to the comparisons as to anyone else as to such factors.
Yet another set of reasons why the 10 Commandments are considered as important, especially as to the facts in regards as to the holy grounds as to such references regarding my living area as to such factors. In turn in such references as to my choice as to how I know what is best for myself as to the situations as to the best as possible in such references as best as I can in the comparisons as to how individuals have hypothetically been as to the references thereof, the answers will not come as to any such forcing of such references as to the common sense aspects of what I have needed compared to what I have dealt with as to such references. Whereas I have brought forward as to how the aspects of my SCUBA Diving has needed to be clarified as to the actualities thereof in truth, as to the aspects of which only has been capable in certain references as to only my capability to bring such forward in comparison to the annyances of such references as to the aspects of which the simplest forms as to such prior aspects in such comparisons as to how situations have been as to the aspects thereof. As to the references regarding the aspects of which those particular individuals as to how instead of what I have actually needed for myself as to the situations of which the aspects as to SCUBA Diving as to the references as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as such factors as to the details which I have needed to bring forward for other references as to the comparisons as to how such has been as to the length of time thereof, which as to what I have been dealing with on my own as to the facts that while everyone else has been capable to have the prior going onto 21 years as to their capabilities to work through having seen such in person face to face in person as to the New York City skyline in whatever point in time as to the comparisons as to myself as to the first time from the one locations which would jog such memories for me as to the lack of aspects of what I have personally needed as to any such comfort as to the aspects whereas everyone else has had as to such lengths of time.
Thus please do excuse me, as to what I have to deal with as to the overall portions of which has only been myself dealing with such aspects on my own without the actual in person face to face in person aspects of what actually would be considered as assistive to me in the capacities as to what I have personally needed to review such aspects if there is actually genuine compassion in this world as to such references thereof. Since while some people might think I would need individuals in my life that I would not know as to such references compared to what I would and have actually needed as to the reality thereof, the situations of which in comparison to what every other individual has had in the comparisons thereof to the length of time as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to what I have had to deal with only for the timeframe of from February 2022 to now in April 2022 in the comparisons as to what other people have had for their personal comforts as to such comparisons as to the individuals they have had in their lives as to such capacities thereof. Thus while others have had the length of time of whatever amount of years as to the New York City skyline from where they have known, the aspects as to how I have literally only had less than three full months as to the aspects of seeing such in the location of where I would know as to the additional clarifications and verifications thereof as to the common sense aspects. While I had only come out to the area as to my transfer once it finally had went through as to the aspects of the needs for myself a year past the timeframe as to what I have actually needed in the comparisons as to the common sense aspects as to such factors, those as to the individuals who have caused such needless wastes of time as to the references as to what I have personally required as to such references as to the aspects of what needless situations as to what I have dealt with in comparison to what I have actually needed for myself.
In turn as to those who have wished as to making me a patsy for their own internal mental health disorders for which they have had to accept the reality of such aspects of their choices as to their situations just as I have had to accept the references as to the situations which I have dealt with, as to the needless problems in such comparisons of what would actually be beneficial to me as for my actual best interests as to the comparisons as to the aspects of which in what is supposed to be the consenting adult lifestyle as to each and every individual being fully informed as to the aspects thereof to the comparisons of whatever levels compared to the actual numbers thereof as to the references in such situations. Thus as to each other individual actually making themselves the patsy as to such references as to the situations as to the length of time as to my personal work as to the situations which as to the clarifications and verifications as to the actualities as to the percentages thereof as to the length of time as to such factors, of which in the comparisons as to what I have actually needed for myself as to the comparisons as to the situations which I have dealt with as to the lengths of time as to the clarifications and verifications required in comparison to the needless interruptions as to what I have had to work on as to the clear aspects of the actualities thereof. Then again, that also would have to translate as to individuals actually needing the truth in the references thereof to the aspects of each portions of such aspects such as my SCUBA Diving as well as the aspects as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as well as the clarifications to other such portions in the comparisons as to the worthless and needless games without my consent as to such references as to the aspects of such hypotheticals as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as the aspects as to the combinations as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection. Thus as to the situations of what I have actually required for myself as to the needs of what I actually require in the comparisons as to how such situations have been as to the timeframes as to the lengths thereof, as to the situations which each individual has been required as to the actualities of such social distancing as to the including portions as to the aspects of distancing themselves as they already have as to the obvious portions as to the aspects as to how there was not one individual as to the portions of the state of Texas as to any such consistent portions of what I personally needed for myself as to the factors thereof which instead of what I actually needed as to actual genuine compassion as to the aspects of what I actually consider as compassion as to the situations in all such comparisons as to the ways such aspects went especially as to the years of 2019 through 2021 on top of everything else.
Each individual has been required to remember as to what I have dealt with as to the actualities of genuine concern as to the actualities of realistic compassion in the comparisons as to what others might have thought of as compassion in comparison to what actual compassion actually is, as to such factors in comparison of what I have wrongfully been blamed for as to the situations as to the combined aspects as to the percentage aspects of accuracy as to each and every individual as to the comparisons as to what standards I have been held to as to the standards to hold themselves as to such accountability in all such references as to what actual leeway is as to the hypotheticals as to the assumptions as to the knowledge as to what others have known in the comparison to myself as to such aspects as to the latter portions as to such references of such hypotheticals as to the comparisons of ever assuming that I ever knew before whatever assumption of time as to the aspects thereof. For the example as to the patsy aspects as to how I was not ever informed as to Allen until after the situations as to the backyard at Mike and Patty's house as to after the month of point in time as to that situaiton as to October in the year of 2012, as no one ever actually told me as to until through the fetlife message as to such hypothetical comparisons of what other people knew as to such references as to the aspects of picking up on other factors as to the jealousy referenced as to one couple I had dated as to prior in that year as to the comparisons of whomever else knew in such comparisons as to the timeframe when I learned of such only being after the problems as to such references. Though as to common sense as to the comparisons as to the hypotheticals of ever thinking that ever actually mattered to me in such comparisons as to the 4th of July aspects as to the additional situations as to 4 July 2012 as to the aspects thereof which in turn as to such references as to the hypotheticals thereof as to the additional factors of individuals taking responsibility for their choices as to such references thereof as to the comparisons as to ever wrongfully blaming me when knowing as to the facts as to the 4th of July 2012 as to then the aspects of the prior situations as to the aspects thereof as to common sense. Individuals who would have been in the know at the timeframes thereof as to the comparisons of myself not having been in the know of such references as to the common sense aspects as to the reasons why as to the aspects of what technological portions as to the Club Sapphire being of good use as well as to the aspects of Temple of Flesh as to such aspects being of good use in such regards as to the technological portions as to the situations for protections, as to the aspects thereof to the technological portions of such references in comparisons as to how Mike and Patty had been rumored to advertise in multiple avenues as I was informed later as to such references to the comparisons of ever taking into consideration the actual care as to the overall supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle in such comparisons as to what was dealt with as to such points in time as to the references thereof to what individuals throughout the San Antonio community knew in the comparison of myself as to those times in such references.
What is actual concern for my best interests, as to the comparisons of what I have dealt with as to the aspects of such hypotheticals and what had I warned people of as to the situations in reference to if I wound up above the Mason Dixon Line?
What did that matter as to such factors of my issues with technology as to such situations, as what had I explained in person face to face in person before as to winding up above the Mason Dixon Line in such regards?
What did that matter as to the aspects of what I was already dealing with as to such factors, as what had that actually been important as to such situations as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving as well as my daughter and my son as to those types of individuals as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as when did I actually have the capability to informed in truth consent to such aspects?
Or is the truth that everyone else was informed as to the comparisons as to myself as to such references as then would that ever be considered as any actuality of actual genuine consent as to the comparisons of what actual consent requires as to the factors thereof, as what would technology be capable to prove as to such aspects in the references thereof as to the aspects of such situations as to the fullest capacities in all such references as to the comparisons as to what has been known as to the comparisons as to such aspects of what I have had to piece together on my own in such comparisons as how is that actually considered as consent for me as to such references as to what I could actually informed as to such aspects of the consensual portions in the comparisons as to what I have needlessly dealt with as to such factors?
What is compassion for me, as to what I have dealt with as to the lengths of time as to the combined factors thereof as to the comparisons as to the hypothetical assumptions in such references as to the comparisons thereof as to what amount of decades as to such comparisons as well as the combined aspects of such references as to the combinations of the decades as to the references thereof as where has such considerations actually ever been taken as to the references of such aspects as to what I have personally dealt with as to the situations as to the lengths of time?
Hypothetically as to the references thereof if the aspects as to those 10 Commandments as to each and every aspects in such comparisons as to what aspects of what I have dealt with as to the situations in the combinations thereof, as to the common sense factors as to the ways of such leeway as I have given in the situations thereof as to the comparisons of what aspects I have personally dealt with as where has there ever actually been the leeway as to myself as to such references in the comparisons thereof as to what has been capable to be clarified?
Or do individuals think that is something which is to be accustomed to in the comparisons as to actually bettering such aspects as to what I actually know and understand and comprehend is best for myself as to the comparisons of what others think as to their interpretations, as who has been capable to actually be in the actual know thereof to each and every individual thought as to the comparisons as to the overall generalized view in the comparisons as to the factors of what seconds as to the levels thereof as to what I actually have required for myself as to the aspects of my levels of clarifications as to how I know I personally have to run through the information as to the aspects of such situations to be capable to get the minute details as to when going through such as to the knowledge that I actually know of there being something which is important in the comparisons of how many individuals have had the claim of annoyances as to such references to my repetition as to the comparisons of ever taking into consideration that first as to actually speaking with me in truth in the comparisons of such situations as well as the facts as how many aspects as to the unknown factors as to the timeframe since such clarifications as to the updates as to which such factors of such aspects have the reality of which I have needed to bring forward for more than just one or two portions in the comparisons thereof as what has been capable to be clarified as to such situations as to the additional portions of such references as to the comparisons as to what levels of accuracy as to the first levels as to the second levels as to the third levels as to the fourth levels as to the fifth levels as to the sixth levels as to such references?
In turn, what would that translate to in the references thereof to what I have actually needed as to such comparisons as to what I have dealt with as to such hypotheticals as to the proof thereof as to such references?
In the reality of which as to how many people I personally have lost as to the references of such aspects as to the situations as to the attack in 1993 as to the World Trade Center as well as the factors as to the situations thereof to from when I was in second grade as then to the situations as to the situations as to the year of 1998 as to the aspects of the attacks on 11 September 2001, what would the actual number of people I personally knew as to the number of people I personally lost as to the aspects of such references as to the aspects thereof to the situations as to where would compassion be of importance as to the references thereof as to only having seen the New York City skyline for the first time from one locations which I would actually remember such as to the aspects from my childhood and my teenager years as to the length of only the prior timeframe as to the end of January/beginning of February as to the year of 2022 to now in the month of April in the year of 2022 that would fully require patience as well as compassion in the correct capacities thereof as to such references for me and yet instead what have I dealt with as to such overall aspects of such references as to the situations as to the lengths of time as to the combinations thereof from the 1980s through to this year of 2022?
Then as to the fact of references as to the aspects of coping with death as to the references of which to not make hasty decisions as to the situations of which the aspects of the aspects as to the situations of figuring out what I personally require as to the comparisons as to how while others have expected as to whatever levels thereof as to the facts of such references regarding the situations as to the fact of the first time of having seen the New York City skyline as to the shock as to such aspects for such considerations as to since the point in time of February 2022 as to such situations, though as to the aspects as to such references as to the processing of the information as to the energetic portions in the conjunction aspects as to all other portions of which to the common sense aspects of which the situations as to where has there ever been compassion as to the aspects of such levels which even includes the references as to what I personally dealt with as to the dress blues situation or has anyone ever taken that aspect into consideration beyond what I have taken into consideration for my children as well as my ex-in-laws as well as each and every other factors thereof as to the comparisons as to what I have had to deal with as has there ever been anyone who took my viewpoint as to such factors into consideration or has there only been the aspect of everyone else's opinion in comparison as to what I had personally went through as to such factors as to the situations as what would that translate to as to other than what had to be taken care of at the moments thereof as to the comparisons of ever being capable to process such for myself as to what I dealt with as to the ironic portions as to what Crystal Lynn had said her step-dad had found as to the aspects thereof to the conjunction of each and every other facet as to such combinations?
What as to the aspects of compassion as to the situations of which the lyrics to the song American Pie would be capable to think as to the specifics per line as to this particular journal blog entry as well as the combined factors as to what I personally dealt with as to each situation as to the comparison as to what standards I have personally been held to as to what is the reverse aspects as to such references as to the standards of each and every individual as to the aspects of such comparisons, as what levels as to the references thereof to such aspects would be considered for others as to just one or two or three aspects in the comparisons as to the combined overall aspects of what I have dealt with?
What I actually have needed as to the aspects instead of what I personally have because of what occurred as to the aspects of 2018 as to the aspects of 2013, as to the aspects of 2012 as to the aspects of 2011, as to the aspects of 2010 as to the aspects of 2009, as to the aspects of 2008 as to the aspects of from that point to the year of 2000, as to the situations as to the year of 1998, as to from literally as to my conception timeframe of growing in the uterus as to the timeframe forward since as the aspects of just the timeframe of the portion of February 2022 to now as to such aspects in the conjunction as to the occurrences as to from 2018 through 2021 as to the aspects of such situations as while others have had a shoulder or whatever amounts thereof to lean on as to the aspects thereof; who have I had as to being capable to do so as to the references thereof as to such situations while handling every aspect on my own, as why would that ever be considered as important as to such factors?
In reference as to my Medal of Honor Art Project work as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to the toll that has taken on me personally as to the levels of such aspects to bring other factors forward as to being capable to relay such messages as to the cyphering aspects in the conjunctive aspects, what additional factors as to the considerations as to those aspects have ever been taken into consideration as to the factors as to those who might have some knowledge as to the aspects of dealing with such aspects as to the combinations as well as to the other situations?
If individuals do not have the knowledge as to the basic understanding as to how such factors are as to processing such in the larger amounts of quantities as to the aspects additionally as to the tristate area as to the combined east coast aspects as to the attacks on 11 September 2001, please do have patience and compassion in such references as to the larger capacities thereof to the numbers thereof to both in reference to who I personally knew as to the aspects of such connection portions as to the reality of the east coast in such references as well as the aspects of the other combinations thereof as to the reality of what I have been dealing with for only the prior 2.5 months as to the official aspects as to the situations as to the conjunction as to the prior portions for such considerations as to being capable to have the distinguishing factors for when I am capable to bring such forward in writing as to being capable to decipher such aspects as to the references thereof as to the additional reasons as to why I have had to get to the levels of such clarifications and verifications as to the percentage rates as per what I have set for myself as to the accuracy portions because of my comprehension as to the levels of which I need to have such as to the percentages as to myself as to my accuracy as to the correct aspects for the leeway portions as to the if factors as to the typing up such aspects in writing when I am capable to begin such as it literally has only been such a small amount of time as to the comparisons as to the length of time such individual spirits as to the area of the overall east coast in such references as to deciphering between individuals as to the areas thereof as to the areas along the east coast as to who has been as to such family members thereof as to since the timeframe thereof as to the comparisons as to the spirits as to the aspects of the military portions as to the areas as to Arlington as to since the timeframe of as to the attacks at the Pentagon area as to such viewpoints as well as to the ways of which is the largest amount I have ever dealt with as to such mediumship factors as to the variations of the clairsentience and such capacities thereof to the situations after what I dealt with in the state of Texas as to such factors as well to the obviously known factors as to the amount of Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans as to such connections per individual as to the additional factors as to the connections thereof as to the aspects in such references as then to the oceanic beings as to the aspects of their viewpoints as to the timeframes thereof in such additional cyphering aspects as to those situations as well as being within the outer limits as to the energetic frequencies of the Bermuda Triangle all at the same time.
Thus when taking into the consideration as to the various memories of which as to different circumstances of which as to kindergarten as to the aspects of the year of 1994 as well as the aspects as to 2017, as to the references additionally as to the factors in reference as to ensuring the most amounts of clarifications and verifications as I can give as to the processes thereof to such references as to being capable to ensure the aspects of such being the most ideal as to the fullest forms of the truthful aspects which can be verified as to such clarifications as to the responsibility of such levels to the references thereof as to ensure the differences are known as to the aspects since I have written as many books and genres thereof to the verifications as to the knowledge as to my understanding and comprehension as to the differences as to the capability to bring such forward in as clear and concise as possible. The aspects to which the energetic portions as to the combinations of such levels as to the factors of the references thereof, as to how much work it takes for me to complete such as to having had to do so on my own for as long as I have as to the situations as to the aspects of which the belief in me as to the references as to if such as to as to the levels as to similarly as to my SCUBA Diving depth levels as to the aspects of such verifications as to ensuring the best possible aspects as to the clarifications thereof in such references.
Thus while I have pushed myself in the various aspects as best and as much as I have been capable to in the additional factors while on my own as to the aspects thereof, as to the additional problems as to civilian recreational SCUBA Divers having thought such hypothetical aspects of being a funny joke as to the aspects of photoshop in the comparison as to what I have actually seen in various formations as to within the oceanic waters in various capacities thereof as to the reality of which as to having discussed what is called the Angler Fish in my interview process as to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment in the year of 1996 as to the aspects of that particular species not having been found officially until the year of 2002 for one particular reference of species of fish compared to merpeople as to the lack of better words to such hypotheticals. Thus as to those who might have wished to discredit my work in the comparisons as to accepting the facts as to my work having been far longer as well as far more complex as to such situations as to those hypotheticals as well as to the hypotheticals as to such factors as to envy as to the areas thereof as to such situations of wishing that photoshopping a version of themselves as to the comparisons of ever actually realizing the truth as to where as to the levels thereof I went as to the comparisons as to the timeframe as to what was known as to my SCUBA diving certifications as to comparisons as to the paying attention to the details as to what I actually explained in truth in such comparisons of the hypotheticals thereof, as to why such factors as to the differences between my SCUBA Diving aspects as to the comparisons of recreational SCUBA divers as to those types of capacities thereof as to the hypothetical references thereof to such aspects as to their lack of faith in me as to such references as to the hypotheticals thereof. For example as to the male I was dating as to that point in time as to wishing to take credit in comparison of ever taking into consideration my actual work before I became a National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diver as to the situations as to such immaturity as to the hypotehticals thereof as to such situations as to my SCUBA Diving gear as to th UHAUL situations as well as to the hypotheticals as to such references as to photoshopping while not taking into consideration as to the common look in certain references as to such hypothetical comparisons as to certain overall attributes as to those types of needless problems as to the aspects of civilian recreational SCUBA divers as to the comparisons of ever taking into consideration my personal work, as to the hypotheticals as to falling within the same sorts of patterns of behaviour as to what I was already dealing with as to the aspects of the situaitons during the point in time as to the situations as to earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications while additionally as to the work I personally had accomplished as to prior as well as to such a point in time.
As to the clarifications of such wishful thinking that would ever be considered as care and concern for me as well as the wishful thoughts as to the aspects as to such depth levels as to the reasons why the 10 Commandments as well as the reasons why ending all forms and ending all types of stolen valor as to such references if such were to be true as to my hope of the fullest and most comprehensive audits as to such factors in each and every capacity thereof as to the reasons why I would guesstimate as to such aspects as to SSI SCUBA Diving as to the ironic aspects thereof to my gear arrangement as well as the aspects as to the portions as to Bremerton Naval Shipyard. If as to ever considering such as to be a romantic gesture or a flirting aspect in the comparisons as what would be considered as to such, the reality of what needless problems as to what I personally dealt with as to such additional aspects as to the comparisons of ever taking SCUBA Diving seriously in the comparisons of the shallow and superficial aspects in such references to the hypotheticals thereof as to the situations of which I have dealt with multiple factors as throughout the years of 1984 through 1997 as to just one set of aspects as to the situations of the length of time well before my SCUBA Diving certifications obviously. I would guesstimate as to the additional reasons as to why my biological father was angry with me as to learning I had gotten involved with SCUBA Diving as to the aspects of what he had needlessly dealt with as to when he was certified in SCUBA Diving in the 1960s or the 1970s as to the J and the K valves as per such discussions. However as to such factors of the if situations, as to the facts not being changed as to what I have met in person face to face in person as to varying aspects as just as similar as there are only so many words to describe a situation as to there only being so many physical attributes as to the individuals as to on the earth as compared to other factors in such references.
In turn as to the common sense as to the situations of what I personally need for myself as to the comparisons as to what others perceive as to such aspects, as to the situations which the common sense aspects would be to actually ask me instead of the situations as to how such has been as to the situations thereof to the length of time in such references. As to the situations from the aspects as to my nightmare from second grade as to the references in such regards as to the levels of the continuous portions of such aspects as to what is required for myself as to the aspects of what I personally need to process the situations, as to the overall portions of which where has such even as to the first thirty days in such regards as to the continuous in comparison as to what aspects are actually required for the correct processing of such levels of my personal losses as to such comparisons as to the situations which others as to the hypotheticals as to such factors of the situations regarding what are actually as to my personal needs?
Thus as to the facts of a argument as to an individual recently who tried to claim knowing people who may have been in the area as to the comparisons as to actually having the direct experience as to such additional clarifying factors as to the direct impacts as to such references as to the aspects of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the areas thereof in addition, as to the reasons why as to such levels of clarifications as to those types of individuals as to the similarity aspects of which the wishful aspects as to the comparisons as to the actual knowledge and understanding and comprehension thereof to such situations whether as to my SCUBA Diving work in the overall with the swimming portions as well as the aspects as to the attacks on the World Trade Center as to the years of 1993 as well as 2001 as to the portions of which what levels of compassion as to the actualities thereof to the similarities as to how the situations of sensations as to the knowledge of the differences between the technological aspects as to the comparisons as to the personal aspects of such factors and the differences thereof as to such situations. It is one aspect to acknowledge the connections as to the individuals known as to the comparisons of the distinction of the actual in person connections of the in person face to face in person directly as to such locations, of which my biological father and I would know best as to such references while my biological mother and my biological sister would have some aspects though not nearly to the same degree as to the lengths of time as to the differences of which my biological father and I walked as to the comparisons as to my biological mother and my biological sister having been separated by the car aspects of the references to the reality as to the New York City and the Pittsburg and Philadelphia aspects as to those particular locations as to the tristate areas. Just as similarly as to individuals who had been driven around the areas as to comparison as to walking through the Pentagon as to the areas of Washington DC, as to the differences to such aspects of which to the specifics of certain details as to the comparisons.
It does not remove the connections, it simply deciphers between the differences of connection levels.
Thus something to keep in mind to remember as to though having read such aspects as to the possibility even as to the sight thereof, there is the distinguishing factors of which the situations as to the depth level of the specific connections thereof to the references in such regards. Thus as to the possibilities of the reference as to the situations in regards of the depth connections possibly felt as to the aspects of the individual as to the hypotheticals as to that particular SCUBA diver as to the aspects thereof if as to such aspects in such references, the reality of which as to such a connection as to the discussions in words as to the hypotheticals thereof as while sometimes actions speak louder than words; sometimes actions speak louder than words, in different capacities thereof as to the situations in the overall combinations of such situations, which in turn what words then in the references thereof to such considerations as to the aspects as to the knowledge of choice as to the references in such comparisons. While some might view as to the recreational aspects in the comparisons as to the severity of such situations, the reality as to the acknowledgement as to such references in the comparisons as to the situations as to the seemingly aspects of to such needless games in the references thereof as to those particular factors.
Thus what is more important in the comparison of pride, compared to the truth in genuinity and why?
