Is it not irony of the #COVID timing and the amount of force social distancing which has occurred over the past couple of years for everyone throughout in comparison to just one or two or a few people being ostracized from a group, everyone has been ostracized from everyone during the time from 2020 to now? Is it considered irony now of how many who have chosen to push others away compared to those who have reached out during the time of #COVID19 to help, thus showing who is responsible and who is a coward or greedy such as the overreaction to toilet paper? Is it not twisted to look back to January 2020 now in April 2020, to see how many hours and days and weeks and months you have chosen to accept being forced to stay away from others because of a mask mandate from the COVID situation?
I suppose if you have not been forced to such a situation before instead of remaining calm, you freaked out and went on a purchasing spree while not forgetting to ask how you have treated others who refuse to wear a mask shows in the longest terms as to how you chose to react in what has been called an emergency in reference to COVID which in turn shows much more as I wrote and murmered early throughout 2020 and has proven so quickly. I would say lucky you for not having been forced into a situation as such to remain calm and know what to do aside from military for/of the #ArmedForces of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica/#lawenforcement/#firedepartment/#EMS/#hunters who have had to take care of supplies and/or depending on the job assignments which the training required would assist in maintaining calm as possible, for the situation at hand when the initial portions began in January 2020; then again I would only say lucky you if by at this point in time in April 2021 there is not one point in time you overreacted heavily to the COVID situation, if the situation had not impacted everyone as it had. Though I wrote and spoke of different warnings which the warnings I gave in early 2020 such as the portions of the possibility of #MartialLaw in certain situational emergencies.
During the COVID situation phases from January 2020 through to now each person has of their own freewill has shown how with each put into the same level initially beginning in January 2020 of the general public, throughout each hour of each day of each week of each month over the past year. In turn of the probability of a higher chance of a larger impacting emergency of a different scale measure of who will respond rationally with as much common sense as possible in conjunction with the masks covering the easier area of the face to recognize compared to the specific and minute details the cameras would need to be able to focus to see the details of which in turn, assists cameras to be able to focus upon not only the extraordinary details of the areas around the eyes; though also in reference to the cameras programming details, the longer distance availability for the cameras to have programs for further distance pictures and videos with higher amounts of details. For example though I have had cameras and cameras in some cellphones over the years, the details able to be captured from film and digital compared to the times of the middle 1980s through to the 2010s is astronomical pun intended. Some recent pictures and videos which some are similar to pictures I took years ago on land in comparison to the #SCUBA Diving pictures, which there are three I know of which I took in specific which there is not the same aspects though the ability to get the colors correct in the camera programming for the colors to be able to be picked up similarly for the details portions for cameras on land; gives the advancements which pictures in certain areas in the ocean would have more details, though more.
While some started reflecting upon the current situation at the surface in reference to COVID, others focused their attention towards whatever each chose to focus their attention towards and attempt or try where they had. Some developed companies, some developed ways towards bettering themselves only compared to bettering themselves and as many others as possible, some fought over toilet paper or paper towels or masks or what-have-you; and then others stepped forward to group together in whichever manner of a public gathering as so chosen, to choose to be yourself during the situation however so from the culmination of your combined experiences up to the point of January 2020 when it began through to this moment and so on.
Personally my choices were a combined set of choices over the time from January 2020 to the current time, and I reflected upon quite a bit to reassess while reevaluating circumstances to revise different views from how I have seen the responses from others as well as myself. If the choice from others was inspiration for the better or for the worse, then each just as before is responsible for the choices and responses of their own choosing. Did you choose to attend a football game in the middle of the beginning portions or as mandates were put out to quasai ostracize yourself from others in the social distance what-have-you ways and push the people who elected you into office further away to the point of not ever wanting to vote for you again because of preferring to be hypocritical in going to an event while telling others to listen to the rules you chose not to follow yourself which you mandated or assisted with, or did you go out to help where you could while doing your job if you have one or a few?
As I have not been able to have employment and have had to look at other avenues of doing what was possible to be able to maintain afloat, over the time of while reflecting I realized I could look into what advertising possibilities from the point forward and began working on getting the online advertising before going to get a sign or a specifically ordered as well as business cards with information beyond just my website as I thought my website would give the ability for a few different aspects I did not think of until after January 2020 though more honestly until after October 2020 I had not thought about the larger aspects of advertising while going around as I have since thinking about it; as I thought because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury if there were those I met when out having a bag with my website on it would help as a reminder, in case because of the account names online being as they are in certain websites. If there were those who remembered me from prior just as the intentions with in reference to my daughter after the situations began and the initial explanations of such, so too extended to those who once were known.
My thoughts had been at those times back in 2014 and 2015 in regards of when creating my website while seeing the speeds which the programming of technology was pushing forward with as society continued onward, I thought concentrating the narrowing down of accounts I have had over the years would assist because of my background in reference to those who I once knew; hopefully in positive ways to reach to me through the contact area, if they did not have my phone number, or were uncertain about the social media accounts because of the name situations I saw online as well as learned about from the situation as to how I wound up in Washington state with my son who at the time was a minor after the targeting at #CowboysDanceHall as I had told others I knew as to the threats I was receiving and if they knew me they would have contacted through the website or if they would see me in person, they would say something to me honestly letting me know who they were and how they knew me. Especially now knowing how much I had told many back before 2019 or 2020 in reference to prior to 2012, there had been plenty of signs each could have seen easily back in those times.
I suppose it is considered my fault by some, I did not want to believe what I had been told as to no one believing me about the after effects and situations. I suppose some might consider it my fault to have been blinded holding on to hope that if what I was told was different than what I had been told whether in person, online, and/or text messages; which not until this moment typing had I thought of the possibility of cross signals such as the landline phonelines which once had been problematic in the 1980s into the early 1990s, just as baby monitors have had similar situations after 2003 was the first news report I remember seeing in the #mysa #SanAntonioExpressNews #SEAN in print. I did not ever think of the possibility previously as to how over time the general public would essentially program into the larger overall technology emotional responses, because I did not have the childhood where technology was used for playing in an official capacity except when playing pool or solitaire or minesweeper on the #IBM #DOS computer or later in middle school playing #OregonTrail aside from my babysitter's house and a few friends I had at the time where I could go to their houses to play.
Personally I admit when reading through the textbooks as a child growing up to see the pictures in the margins, I wondered how the pictures were captured where the people looked natural and wondered how the photographer for each picture was able to capture such natural looking movement. I figured it out, the security cameras. I would guesstimate the same could hypothetically be said for pictures of other #SCUBA Divers who went on boat SCUBA Dives in the ocean, compared to aquarium contained SCUBA Dives which everyone knows aquariums have video security cameras. At minimum, I thought everyone knew such. I noticed a few where the filters for the tanks have the flowing water, whenever I was at some aquariums when I was growing up in New Jersey and going along the east coast. The cameras back then were mainly one of two colors, black and white. Maybe because of my #UnderwaterPhotographySCUBADiving certification had been what sparked that memory pun intended for the flash, however I also grew up seeing SCUBA Divers walking along the jetties with what I later learned are called underwater cameras. Going out for a field trip shortly after or a trip to an aquarium shortly thereafter while in between walking along the #NewJersey shore while growing up going to #NewYorkCity, #Pittsburg, #Philadelphia, #Delaware, #Maryland, and #WashingtonDC throughout the years; the quick pun intended click went on rapidly, when in my Underwater Photography SCUBA Diving certification classes.
While in the room I was kept in when in Washington state after I had created my website there was a news report about street camera footage for a situation later in 2017 as it was an opening news story hearing the date said before reporting, and again a memory flowed through. While working on such on my website and despite not having received a notification for a message or a comment to my website journal blog entries over the years nor any notifications about what anyone’s opinions were or if the links were ever shared, though I have seen the traffic flow chart which shows whether or not there are any visitors to in a time period of any time when looking at the information.
Admittedly I also did not think about the prior writings I had posted beyond such as again I figured if someone had looked at my website, they would have said something to let me know they read or saw to discuss calmly as rational adults. The irony of being in an area which you would be able to bring your own so-called liquid courage of alcohol if you wanted, if there were the full need for openness assistance to be more free with your words and/or actions; pun intended whether online seeing and reading and/or watching on #YouTube/#Patreon/#Facebook accounts of mine, or if in person at certain locations I have been at. I can understand those who had not met me previously not necessarily knowing how to broach the situation to discuss such if that were the case, though ones I once knew and considered as acquaintance, friend, or family or inner circle I thought if I misunderstood the words spoken between and/or read online were to have been inaccurate; I would know the second the saying of my name as you knew me in the specific combination of where such as a specific event or a specific city and state or a community group or what-have-you, would have been a simple and quick trigger in a positive way.
Thus as the COVID injections make their rounds whichever fe/male(s) involved in reference to whatever choices have been made during the time from January 2020 through to now in May 2021 are as such and solidified not in stone, though in silver and gold and copper and more. Having my bag with me to remember to assist in some ways different than a name tag as I figured I was as forgettable as the problems from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury random scribblings on the smaller sticky notes or the color coordinated sticky note tabs or bookmarks that are laminated though put towards the outer portion of the pages of a book that fell from the stack of books being carried to trip over something while in other areas are loose leaf papers and figuring out which book the solid color bookmark was in. Possibly a metaphor those who have not been out in a field to find a pin in a haystack, can understand the sentiments of.
Nonetheless the time from January 2020 through to now in May 2021 has a short term for you to review what you have or have not done, where you have or have not helped, whether you have or have not been truthful, you responses to a by comparison to certain possibilities of your levels of competence and responsibility as well as level of leadership capabilities from your own initiative whatever that may have been in by level of outreach in conjunction. I would guesstimate there have been those who may have thought to been as others thought such to be, and surprise such positively from ingenuity and fortitude despite the circumstances whether you had many people in each sector of despite the situations.
Did you offer help or go to help, or did you choose to hoard toilet paper and paper towels while fighting in the stores and the yelling at people or trying shaming and guilt trips about the choice as to what masks were preferred for others while ignoring your own needs of what had to be taken care of in your own life as well as those around you in genuinity?
If you had been working on your business prior, what efforts were made during the timing from January 2020 through to now on 2 May 2021 (or whatever year this might be read if read in future times the day writing)? I admit I had a late start in reference to thinking about advertising during the timing of, though if there were those who were whispering in others’ ears in comparison such as through an earpiece or headphones or a cellphone type of speakers connections since the landline phones are more like internet phones because of how the lines are run.
Ironically when I was younger in New Jersey I met a male one day who had a cellphone wearing a black suit, white button down shirt with pin stripes in the shirt, a different shade of white buttons, and a red tie with black embroidered textured fabric. There were grey-ish silver tiny thin lines interwoven to the textured fabric which shined because of the egg carton type of look the fabric had, which when facing him the diagonal line went from the top left to the bottom right. The red I saw was from the inner lining of his tie which poked out slightly from the bottom of his tie sticking out from the jacket though the hanker-chief in the corner pocket matched the lining, as he used the tie to clean his eye glasses. A fairly thick black frame with what looked as the bottom of glass soda bottles, when I asked him what was in his hand.
He smiled as he knelt on one knee saying, “That is a cellular phone device, and a new wave in the future.”
As I had been working on the coding as my biological mother had worked at Prudential doing IT software I asked, “Is that the internet phone, or are you still working on that?”
I remember he spoke with me for awhile asking me several questions when I accidentally tripped feeling a weird vibration, and looked upward to see the height of the buildings behind him as he stayed on one knee looking at me with a smile. I do not have the words to explain the feelings when he asked me what I would know about internet phones, which I cannot remember what I told him though I am fairly certain I did not say anything about Prudential at the time though shortly after that time there was a BBQ a few months later and I saw him again as he walked up to me asking if I remembered him. He asked me several questions about what an internet phone was in my thoughts, which I described the equivalent of what is now the landline phone system in the cable internet form though in combination with cell phones for other aspects. Adding the satellites already configured systems, I told him a few additional aspects to look into.
Surprised as to how much I had discussed with him I suppose, he told me I seemed different to him. I had heard being told that in different areas I went to when growing up which did not phase me though that too seemingly surprised him, as well as some of the individuals he was speaking with in the group. The males asked me several questions about the aspects of Prudential’s software department integration systems, which I explained what I saw and thought at the times of. Whether or not they knew about the coding I am uncertain of in reference to what I had done though by the way they were speaking, I figured they knew I had been working on what I had as per some of the coding programming notations I saw embedded in certain codes when reading through the systems server contents to reroute or patch or repair to properly fix the open spaces seen in between the coding numbers and words. I noticed where the spaces were for the coding was where the room was to repair problems for the better, which I closed the gaps where I could to make the coding flow more evenly and smoothly.
Seeing in the newspapers when growing up in combination with what was being worked on in reference to coding and whatever software programs that need coding could ever be attached to for a company such as #Prudential back in the 1980s and 1990s to then notice the articles on the Enron scandals, I did not need a head injury to figure any of that out then for all the way through to the current time. I made sure in every and in the best ways possible to prevent ever having to be audited to the extent of #Enron and because of knowing people whose families were impacted by such, I wanted to find a way to assist preventing such problems for others to have to go through. While there are those who are lucky enough to be born into wealth it does not mean there is not the fear of being without from the educational standpoints of reading the news, though the internet was just in the beginning stages of being released to the general public for larger usages.
I was responsible for a lot of different aspects when I was growing up depending where I went despite being a child and though I wished I could have the childhood I saw others I knew enjoying in the ways they were able to despite the situations in their individual lives in whichever area at whichever time, and since I had to do what I had to do; I chose to code the software to reference #Torahic, #Biblical, #Prophecy, and #HolyScriptures to be able to find a moral compass somehow from what I was reading as well as seeing. Due to what I saw in reference to certain locations in the areas I grew up going to and no one believing me at those times or extremely minimal in numbers then, I studied all I could where I could to figure what I could especially after the nightmare began several years prior to think of ways to repair such. Some repeat history unknowingly until they learn the patterns to take the next step forward, progressing in whichever way depending upon who. Some repeat history without care or concern for anyone other then themselves, while some repeat history with the care and with the concern, while some repeat history without care or concern though learn to care and have concern appropriately.
Then there are those who have had a #TBI or a Traumatic Brain Injury or as I had been told it was called initially when waking up from my coma after being in Medical Hold Unit now Warrior Transition Unit #WTU when going to #Neurology appointments as, “a head injury that happened on Psalm Sunday.”
Those who have PTSD I would guesstimate feel at times as though they have to repeat certain aspects in a similar way which those who have had a head injury or TBI, have to reexplain as many times as have had to in ways to assist to clarify. The BBQs began after I was in Middle School which means I had been working on the coding from essentially kindergarten to that point in some ways as where there are those whose parental role puts makeup on them, my biological mother had me working on the computer. The IBM/DOS came much later when closer to the early to middle 1990s which unlike the current times where schools request for increases in taxes to assist with getting students updated technological gear, back when I went to school though similarly the same voting had to occur; thus my biological sister along with the classes afterwards were using computers, which were brand new out of the box for my grade as the class I was in at Asher Holmes Elementary School had to assist assembling the computers. My computer teacher was ecstatic to see the only female in the class working along side with the males of the class who knew, how to assemble to desktop computers.
She said one day before the class actually began to work with the floppy disks with silver metal on the outside compared to the big black plastic floppy disks without the metal with a different amount of storage space though comparable for the timing of the technological advances her “happiest moment was seeing another woman with such enthusiasm to learn about how to use technology”, of which she smiled bigger when I told her I had been working on coding prior to walking with the rest of my class.
What was my reason for choosing to put the ability to repair to fix beyond all of those portions combined some might wonder, possibly. The year was 1996 and several months previously my childhood friend had been in a car accident when his Dad was driving him to school, hitting a telephone pole on black ice, which his dad died instantly. My childhood friend Damien was in a coma for some time before the insurance told his Mom she had to make a choice, and no one in my school or at where I grew up believed me as to how close he and I were. Having to go do my ‘other homework’ in reference to coding compared to schoolwork, I went to do as I needed to. Admittedly I was curious seeing a different code which should not have been added from a weird set of letters and numbers, that were like the college location letters though different in some ways. Some letters were swirly almost like what I had seen in calligraphy class when looking at the finished work some of my classmates had done, which confused me. I noticed some of the other notations made by others, when I found a file folder.
My friend’s funeral was that night and unbeknownst to me just yet, I would soon learn my Great Grandfather had died as well in a few more months though the actual date of his death was not told to me; though I suspected it was around when my friend had passed, as I felt a different energy in the aire. Nonetheless I read through an area which needed coding repair and after reading through several portions, there were medical reports of different injuries which were similar to my friend’s.
They, were older.
Some of them lived with certain after effects and some of them were similar to my friend and were more close towards what occurred to his Dad, in comparison. I made the choice to look at joining the United States of America’s Armed Forces back in 1992 compared to 1996 despite all that I read in that point, because of the information I was sifting through when going through the coding processes as technology programmers know and understand and comprehend many numerical portions thereof with some additional aspects in other portions. The following Monday in school while everyone was talking about the funeral for Damien which annoyed me from some of what I was told about knowing how he was when he was alive, though there was stuff I needed to take care of. In reference to those who question certain aspects about the events of 11 September 2001, I have written after speaking about the impact damages from the 1993 attack to the World Trade Center.
Has there ever been a point in time which recommendations were made and instead of going through with the necessary changes there were processing times to approve of the renovations to occur to be compliant with updated regulations, standards, and practices for the City of New York in New York state? Or anywhere else, for that matter? New Jersey being a central state to not only the Tri-State area of the east coast, though a central location for most states’ citizens from Maine to Florida well before going inward or around the earth. Hence, my responses during the timeframe of 11 September 2001 events to help where I could as best as I could despite the situations in a smaller way comparatively though big for me as my vision from such had manifested though I have pondered since an appointment at the #VA in Washington state if what she said about the writings could be valid for certain situational aspects in different ways. I suppose part of what I have been mulling over during the timeframe of January 2020 through to now, while doing as I have as best as I could where I could.
Thus in reference to the meme, whomever is the reference as to Book of Revelations 18: 4 can be taken a few ways. Where such can be reviewed as the quickest aspect as to the amount of information I have, knowledge from what I have read, understanding as to various experiences, comprehension to have wisdom for temperance as needed; I suppose the fact in Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing and Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing which only a small select group of individuals were named by name in comparison to the amount of individuals who I had kept to the code of silence for decades for many, the writings by their own choices of words when they typed and own words when spoken however spoken as well as actions and the length thereof in reference to technological aspects. Since the times where the proof has probably been available for those to look through as quickly as I can type if read by others, I suppose I could joke about such being relevant for such. However as many communities and lifestyles and groups as I have been a part of and knowing certain realities of which consenting adults for such consenting adult pleasures to earn, from working to progress forward. The more amount of truthful work with positive progress, the more rewards thereof for such enjoyments within reason and in balance. If the gamble it takes to live life with hope for the best while loving the ability to breathe to think more clearly to interact with honest intentions within the physical body which each living person has was to be the largest bet to make, each and every individual from January 2020 through to now put all their proverbial cards on the table prior to today 2 May 2021 however so chosen to by freewill.
Other information I read can give a brief explanation in reference to knowing the fact the #UnitedStatesofAmerica’s #Democratic government will not release certain general public usages for products of any kind, until after the United States of America’s Armed Forces #Republic has tested the abilities first upon finding such. While certain information is required to use the trickle down effect there are other times when the proverbially shock therapy is the proper effect as even though certain realities might be stunning to learn, there even with the trickle down effect has the moment where the shock occurs. While some might be startled initially once the knowledge is there in a large way in comparison to the necessary in various situations of the trickling aspects, with the amount of information just at this moment in time available to connect the dots I shall give another example in reference to the COVID beyond prior discussions, videos, and writings.
The reality of certain aspects is quite entangled through the untangling are the points of clarity found to assist as beneficially as possible depending who you turn to for help, guidance, and assistance; also known as the compassionate, honorable, and righteous in another set of words. Thus the irony when the male with the suit, glasses, button down shirt, and tie along with the matching shade of black colored shoes were still in the New York City area before the BBQ in an irony I thought he said rave instead of wave. Though some ironic twists in such words either way, yes? While I would give an age guesstimate for the time compared to the age guesses now because of various enhancements, if looking at the general age range for the timing in the late 1980s to middle 1990s when I saw him compared to the time now in 2021; I admit is difficult, because of many aspects.
For the area being the equivalent of people from each area of the continental United States of America for now compared to then in the 1980s and 1990s physically in person, is extremely different in various ways. To give modern and current references in 2021 whereas #FortWorth is to New Jersey and New York City is to #Dallas, #Camden/Pittsburg is to #Houston as San Antonio is to #Philadelphia for the current building views of a much smaller area compared to the state of #Texas. The various size population towns would be similar-ish of #Lancaster, #Edison, #Freehold, #Oswego, #Syracuse to #Lubbock and #Tyler and #Odessa and rural areas of outer city limits of #Austin. The sooner enhancements which have been altering the physical appearance for some and medical aspects from situations for others with a multitude of combinations after 1991 in the east coast area, in comparison to the Texas references for the years 2000 onward to progress though in reference to physical appearance in civilian clothing compared to uniforms or civilian clothing compared to business suits/dresses and skirts depending on style and cut per location/gowns when appropriate/casual/workout clothing/ and uniforms. In different ways several events reminded me of the #GayPrideParade whether in reference to walking, and/or driving; though to be clear, there was not nearly as much glitter as I remember from some of the parades and events I went to growing up where I did compared to the New York City area in such a reference. The irony of watching others tie up their corsets in certain districts in certain boroughs and such being in New York City in the 1980s and 1990s to later be taught how to walk in heels, by a member of the #LGBTQ community in San Antonio Texas in 2004 or 2008 in October.
Where in comparison in New York City to the time of the meeting with the male in the black suit in passing to later then meet him at the Prudential BBQs, among a few other times admittedly seems about as odd as the #GeorgiaGuidestones and the bank, though in different clothing for an oddity while remembering a few other situations. Though additional irony to such for if in reference to how my son and I wound up in Washington state after what occurred at Cowboys Dance Hall in March 2013, if the security camera facial recognition software had been unable to identify the room at the time at the bank after I reported identity theft with having already told others about technology situations in the lifestyle from 2009 through to 2012 in person as well as online; I apologize I forgot to talk about that part, I was attempting to explain myself to get to that portion. I had to give as many details for the knowledge to be able to understand and with as many problems with technology as I have had since waking up from the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, maybe it makes sense to some techy guys as to why I get so frustrated when the pieces I have had to take to Geek Squad from the insurance plan as to the issues I have with technology since waking up from my coma. As also having met in a pizzeria in the #Selma area of the state of Texas who I was told was the Mayor though after looking online I did not see the same individual as the picture, for the year of 2013 at the time. The portions of the possible questions for such as well, only remembering an odd comment the male I was told was the #Mayor who was not named #TomDaly though I do not remember the name I was told other than I remember being told the male also had been in the #AirForce and had gone to schooling with who and how I wound up in Washington state with my then minor son who I have not heard from since 2019 in August for my birthday and once since.
For clarification when I had discussed and wrote about the threats I had received, the images are different than the situations I experienced, and different from the reading from a claim from an individual one evening in 2019 in the month of July. Though as I said, mild in comparison to later times I had seen on the laptop 2010. Nonetheless the portions of the reality about the situations have been proven and the Book of Revelations Chapter 18: verse 4 to get out and be not of her sin, would be odd in reference to certain possible references among the pages of The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing as it is able to be proven about what I was up to in an overall sort of way as the details at the times were as they were and remain as remain in reference to whichever fe/male(s) involved and depending upon intent. Of which the reality of being able to see the ability to add your WhatsApp account to Facebook to link together, is additional proof in reference to the overall sentiment in reference to from January 2020 through to 2021 in reference to technology and programs with connections.
If I am correct, initially #WhatsApp was supposed to be like the #Snapchat with the claims of some sort prior to this month seeing such in 2021. Could it be the spaces which were still remaining open and needed room to grow elsewhere were given a base which might have hypothetically been hoped for by those involved with the Georgia Guidestone, in the 1970s and 1980s? Could it be others saw such areas and chose a better path, for the best progress overall? Since telescopes can see planets and stars and at certain times of the year without telescopes some can see certain planets, alignments, and stars in the evening sky as planes fly to get to their destination. What have the cameras at the bottom of airplanes have taken images of, just as the black boxes within the other areas of the airplane? Or boats? Or the front, back, and sides of vehicles on the road? Sensors?
Patrick Flannagan, anyone? I fully recreated the exact pattern within the first version of the necklace sensor in a piece of Oak, from a tree in my backyard from my San Antonio house in 2003 or 2004. When I have said in many years prior I had made an exact replica in wood, I mean I made an exact replica of the first design to be put into the wood. The frequency I channeled is a bit different then him working with metal, compared to the metal I used for making the engravings. Where could the piece be, one might ask?
As the timing of the seeing the male in the black suit as such was also just before being allowed to see my first PG13 movie at the age of 14 by #StephenKing called #CatsEye, which was around September or October in the year of 1997.
There is a line in a song by #BillieElish "...if they knew what they said would go to my head what would they say instead..." which seems befitting at this point, for this particular journal blog entry.
I wonder if psychologists have started diagnosing and working on those people who have realized at a point when so much technology is used on a daily basis by so many people for as long as it has been available for the general public apparently there are those who prefer to pretend online and if they researched how the differences in the behaviour are for those people, and the impact of the multi-personality disorders that form when pretending online transfers into real life and visa versa? While thankfully I chose to just be myself whether in person or online I am fairly certain the same cannot be said for certain individuals though at what point did anyone ever think about that and if they did, when did they and what did they choose to do when they thought about it? Did they maintain their choices to continue lying or did they cease lying online, or what choices did they make if they ever thought about the reality of those choice? Did those individuals then make a conscious choice to do and be better people, or did they chose to ignore and continue thinking it was as fake as the personas they put forward?
I also wonder as there has been warnings about the development of #AI if those same people who the programs and coding can find easily of such per technology piece and user ever thought about those 10 simple well known #commandments whenever they chose to lie while claiming to pretend though I suppose one in the same, for the long term as AI has been developed over the years as to what they wish they could do differently or if they would. While some have believed rightfully of the existence of what is known as extra terrestrials in the #galaxy and #universe, there is no deletion of what is put online ever as by the time some might wish they could delete a post it has already traveled to technology in multiple locations on earth as well as throughout the Galaxy while moving onward further. For a smaller example, think of how many transmissions go through from a cellphone to a tower to the other individual when sending a text message or making a phone call. That is minute in comparison to the areas and levels such travels to just on earth while not forgetting the rest of the galaxy such as to orbiting satellites, hypothetically. Since there is more work being done for more satellites to orbit the earth for internet technology, that means the ability to transmit more messages throughout just the area of the earth and the areas of the #MilkyWayGalaxy.
With such knowledge and understanding if that is there for others what is it you have posted online, texted to others, emailed to others, private messaged through websites, phone calls made, and etcetera which would be the most truthful to inform others of the realities? Would you continue as you have if a part of such lying online, or would you begin being a better person by no longer lying online while not forgetting how many cameras are around in open and public places, or would you hide in a building with electronics which have microphones and cameras? Would you become self-aware and more mindful of your choices and your actions, or would you continue being the same in such of either situation? Would you be mad at yourself or would you blame others instead of taking responsibility for your words, and your actions? Or conversely would you choose to continue on the same path, stir up needless drama, and in turn continue to send such messages proving to the external areas of which path you have chosen? What excuses would you give if there ever was some who chose to visit the earth through flying over areas on earth if they stopped by where you were to question what you did, and would you be able to tell the difference between another human being or if it was a species which could look similar or even not similar to a human being? Keeping in mind of the technology portions to travel from wherever they are from in the universe to the earth, do you think there would be ways for them to figure certain portions out if you were to lie to them directly? What do you think a smarter and wiser choice, would be? Would you be willing to continue forward using technology the same way or would you think of smarter ways to use, such as telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
How would you treat who you are in whatever type of a relationship be whether friend/family/boy or girl friend relationship/spouse, from that point? Would you continue on the same treatment, would it get better, or would you allow such to deteriorate? Why? Would you open up more to such people or would you chose to hide yourself knowing you cannot hide in the slightest even in the depths of the oceans or digging under the ground, because of their technology pieces being able to pick up the transmissions to disseminate the information previously had prior to as well as during and after? Would you try to convince those who were different to change their ways for the better or would you continue as you have gone on through life, pretending to look at pretty pictures instead of dealing with the realities, and what good would that do? Would the looking towards such while ignoring the realities make you feel better permanently, or would those pictures only temporarily take your thoughts away from such to then continue on the same way? Would you start bettering your life and those around you where possible, or would you keep going the same way and then cry about the truth in comparison to accepting the truth and working forward towards betterment?
What would you do if you learned of an individual who had been visited and that one individual was the deciding factor as to whether or not the earth and inhabitants thereof were allowed to continue living onward, or if that one individual could make the choice to allow the entire earth and #MilkyWay Galaxy to be obliterated? Would you be mad at the individual chosen by such and if so would that be due to your jealousy and envy knowing subconsciously the purpose for such a choice would be due to the technology used and the choices of how to use such technology, or would you start evaluating yourself and what you have chosen to do to correct such behaviour? I then wonder would you think to continue on the same path which left you behind from being contacted because of such, or would you want to find out why such an individual would have been contacted and why? Would you instead leave that individual alone while hiding, or would you do what was possible to speak with? How would you present yourself for such in person, and what would you ask? Of course there is the online portion though taking into consideration the above writing Why should answers be given to you for whatever questions if you did not know them before, and if you did know them before then what would be the purpose of them answering your questions? Would you think the ideal choice would be to continue on the same path you had chosen before for such, or would you contact in a different manner in honesty and truth? Or would you think it to be a game because of the amount of online and video games and ignorantly continue with such to learn because of such choices those same beings who have received your transmissions, would come to where you are and pluck you out of existence depending of the sign signaled? Could you tell what the sign would be, for such to occur? What do you think, that signaling would be?
Would you think it to be better to leave such a situation alone or would you think it would be better to approach, and of either choice option which would be the best way to do so in each circumstantial choice? For example if such were to be left alone and those who would be paying attention to such frequency transmissions, what do you think their responses would be for such choices? For another example if such were to be approached just the same with the transmissions, what do you think their responses would be for the choices made?
Then, what do you think they would think about such choices?
Now with that groundwork laid down if such occurred and the ability to have spoken with such an individual immediately after if you had found out, then what would your responses have been? What if you did not find out immediately though years later learned of, and how would your choices be to respond to such an individual? Would you be proud of how you represented yourself whether online or in person, and with either choice how so would you think it would be seen by those who had visited and/or those who have been paying attention to such transmissions and frequencies when thinking about the quote from the Book of Revelations Chapter 18 verse 4?
Upon looking back to see how various situations have gone throughout my life as I went as I had, I can ironically see the twists of interconnections to the three main aspects of the stories in the movie. From the portions of the casino through to the smoking cessation to the nightmare to the cat who saw it all and came to save the people where needed, while still surviving to live on more comfortably once adopted. Having found the #VigelenceElite and the #MikeDrop YouTube channels to listen and watch as possible while the time has gone onward, in some ironic twisted way it almost seems though ironic as it has been proven animals have certain helpful instincts to pay attention to, and #MikeRitland among many other Canine Trainers and Handlers know the level of assistance a well trained animal canine can meet the challenges in locations which human beings are not always capable of getting to. Whether for the ability to assist to round up, whether for the clarification of safety in comparison sniffing out what needs to be found for assistance, to protect, to defend, to come around the bend when the enemy is going in and hitting straight to the jugular to rip the flesh at the correct location to get others to safety, and the problematic what-have-you situations require the strength and agility with the specific size and weight measurements.
The varying levels of what type of specifics are required are distinctive depending upon the situation and mediums thereof for the security, while needing to keep in mind the training levels and time for which aspects and why. As per the journal blog entry in this one among prior ones, videos, and books after lengthy discussions years prior; there is no going around the situation as it has been seen the tunnel vision some have had, and what sprang forth from the time of. Wherever one is throughout society in the United States of America and the world there is the clarity of the organizing to create order for the world in a new way which brings forward more beneficial and positive results for the United States of America and the world, with the inhabitants thereof in a more peaceful and balanced way. The well in the backyard to the left side when looking from the street or what could be considered the side yard, had a cement lid which I moved one day. I already told some about the spirits I saw and spoke with though they thought I was just being a child which after a certain point, I stopped talking about such to explain other portions I saw especially after the nightmare I had started and I sought to stop the problems. By around 1994 I had all but stopped thinking anyone would ever believe me about much of various points of discussion among various topics, of which when in the backyard spending time walking alone among the lilac bushes appeared a being unlike anything I had seen before except later in some of the Big Blue Book or the Blue Book Project.
Having several spirits on one side of where you are sitting intermingled along to the other side of where you are sitting literally at the blink of the eyes back then when I returned from Asher Holmes Elementary School from 6th Grade, of which I had seen many parents who tried purchasing their feelings away in comparison to actually facing their problems and moving through stronger instead of weaker. Then, there were those who I saw each and every day who simply did their own thing along in life as they were able to of which usually when walking along my way if not playing on the playground at random times there would be someone who wanted to speak with me. When such had been so, usually it was only when they needed help with something or others had ostracized them in whichever group/area/clique when I was growing up in New Jersey. Illinois I saw the same patterns equating to additional portions I noticed which included various codes for the insurances and assurances with the types of, additionally in reference to just prior to moving from New Jersey to Illinois. At minimum my biological mother knew because she had worked at Prudential, which the technology industry at the times in the 1980s was extremely difficult despite all of the females who have assisted progressing the various area of advancements to this point in history along to the side of males; though proving to be equal, while maintaining the physical standards to the best of abilities, while maintaining a family household, and etcetera when working as some males have chosen to wrongly take credit for what the females over time have done to assist.
#DrMaryEdwardsWalker was not the first female to deal with such situations and obviously was not the last, as #RoseFitzgerald #RoseFitzgeraldKennedyKennedy had learned along with the family especially in reference to #RoseMarieKennedy. Can you find the similarities not in the exact same way though along some of the same lines, yet in different paths?
In the upcoming days I will be video recording the process to be able to handwrite and mail the letter to several areas including the #HouseofCongress, the #HouseofSenate, and the #WhiteHouse of the United States of America in reference to reviewing the aspects there is only one female #MedalofHonor recipient since the time of the #CivilWar to see if there is anyone worthy to earn the Medal of Honor born as a female who could be nominated to receive such a title to set a standard as a positive role model for those growing into women to be inspired by for greater achievements such as the way Audie Murphy had for many since World War II into the current time onward. How can one begin the search for the first transgender Medal of Honor recipient without the female gender first, in such regards yet go through so much to become one while ignoring from whose womb you came from during delivery after being carried in utero? How can you use the term Mother or Mom, yet forget who gave you life? How can you dress and make the forms you have in admiration yet forget the inspiration of your adoration, for such creativity? Even if your biological mother did not give you the support in the ways which were wanted at the time, were those experiences not needed for you to become who you are today and who you could be in the future? If there was even one female who inspired you, I wonder how can some have overlooked that particular aspect in reference to the portions of in reference to the #ArmedForces of the United States of America. Whether you were born genetically biologically as a male or a female, the sperm came from a male and the egg came from a female as even self-fertilizing plants have the androgynous for such.
As always, more to come...hopefully for the better and the best...I do hope, as I have. Maybe it was including in part to the fact I did not grow up watching movies above a G rating until I was 14 years old prior to a PG or PG13 rating my biological parents were okay with, though I do believe in and have truthfully hoped for the best possible metaphorical happy endings despite how sappy such might come across; including that romance sort of stuff, though irony of liking #Belle, #Mulan, #Ariel, and #Elsa, and #Tinkerbelle the most of the ones I have seen in some sort of movie or show in reference to #Disney, in many other ways. However the family favorite admittedly was between #NightmareBeforeChristmas, #DespicableMe, #MonstersInc, #FindingNemo/#FindingDory, and #CloudywithaChanceofMeatballs. I suppose there is some irony involved, quite a bit.