In the 20 year memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks which as per the scheduling as to what I had predicted several decades back upon when waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I have already explained in person to multiple people as well as in writing of whichever aspects as to online messages and/or online postings and/or my books I authored which the distinction between the fiction and the non-fiction books was and remains important, of which the requirement for online regulations have been needing a push for the regulations to prevent stalking and hacking online even more because of the problems which have been proven to have occurred especially in reference to the portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project.
In the reference of my Medal of Honor Art Project, there is a point of which proves additionally to the points I will bring up that I had noticed in certain types of human beings as to their responses which when I was a teenager in #NJ #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey the few people who had believed me had made their opinions known. Due to their levels of finances from their parents and their refusal at such times to ever see anything outside of their own purview, I had taken the steps to maintain and sustain myself as per the refusal to be a part of the dramas that were occurring because the people were too lazy in their own lives as to the amount of free time they had on their hands to which without any medical reasons as to why they were as they were; I could not understand as to how such spoiled rotten behaviour had ever been allowed, which I suppose the irony about the terminology of the words spoiled rotten. I cannot think of one person I have ever met who as a child who was considered as spoiled rotten who ever turned into a worthwhile individual as an adult because of them not ever having learned what actual value is, and upon seeing how certain people were in New Jersey as to how little they valued human life; I thought of trying to figure out ways to show them the importance as to what their choices were lead to what occurred, which when pointing out the technology which was more involved in the upper northeast coast than other areas of which the point break in the middle of New Jersey meant that the lower half of New Jersey was similar to the #MD #Maryland #Marylandstate Maryland and the #DE #Delware #Delawarestate Delaware types of people compared to those who lived in the northern part of New Jersey and had more access to the city areas because of the closer distances between the middle point of New Jersey and whichever direction. Thus those who lived in lower New Jersey had much less than those who lived in northern New Jersey as far as resources, and those who did not see such back then were either blind through ignorance or blind by choice.
In turn the ways of which I grew up again repeating the portion about the fact of my biological father’s job having taken him to travel all over the tristate area in comparison to those whose parents did not have a job which had been of a constant traveling aspect, would and could not ever understand what that is like for a child. In such ways of the moving around, I had done the best I could to maintain myself as per what I had to deal with in reference to my biological sister as well as my biological mother. In turn because of those people in the state of #TX #Texas #Texasstate Texas who I thought were smarter than what I was seeing, had repeatedly proven to me that either they were enjoying living in the lies in their communities and refused to change anything themselves because of their enjoyment of that type of continuum because of whatever their own personal situations were at those times that they needed to work on for themselves and in my opinion did not need to involve me in any such ways despite whatever their desires might have been or might be. I am not the type of person who was ever able to tolerate any lying from anyone to which while when raising my minor aged children as I taught my son and my daughter, I told them to pay attention to others’ choices and learn to make the best decision to stay away from those who would use anything to try to corrupt them. In turn I had informed my son and my daughter I would have to get to a point to make a decision of which when they turned the age of a biological 18 years old that if required, I would have to go on in a different way in my life. As I did not explain that portion to adults I had known because I did not give birth to those adults as well as the fact they were not my son and were not my daughter, meant I did not have any obligations to them at any point in time despite their choice for what their choices have been.
I have seen many types of people in the state of New Jersey, #NY #NewYork #NewYorstate New York, and #PA #pennsylvania #Pennsylvaniastate Pennsylvania of which I spent almost a full 16 years of my most formative years of my life in the areas thereof in comparison to others because of my biological father’s job. In turn those people who had whatever pop culture reference they had for whatever they thought occurred in New Jersey, annoyed and infuriated me as to how many times I needlessly had to defend myself for that aspect as well because of having worked on getting rid of my New Jersey accent when having to deal with the immaturity of those people I knew in high school at #CLS #CLSHS #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIL #CrysalLakeIllinois Crystal Lake South who of which while I had gotten along with some people which is the same in reference to other such groups over the years; those people who had annoyed me to the point of their polly want a cracker sort of situations and the other such aspects thereof, I refused to partake of any such childish antics as I had already seen their behaviour in the tristate area.
In turn I made a promise to myself, which that promise I have kept.
In turn referencing the what has been called the adult consenting lifestyle community because of the fact of having been told of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, they had consented to the knowledge of the facts having been told to them. In turn if they had chosen to ignore the facts I had informed them I would make them understand why they needed to pay more attention to the situations which I had pointed out to them and if they chose not to pay attention at the times when I knew them in person, they had already consented to knowing of the facts of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which meant there would not ever be a point which they could deny having been told or having had the ability to read about the facts of my after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury or at minimum being informed that I had survived a head injury on Psalm Sunday in 2000. In turn I had told those people that while they thought they had certain rights, if they made the wrong choices then their rights would be taken away from them by their own choices because of not being responsible enough to realize the requirement in the timeframe for the safety which was required. Having been within the state of Texas and the amount of people who had known personally someone who had a direct connection to whichever branch or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America other than myself, meant they knew better if they truly cared about the people they were attached to in whichever way thereof in my personal opinion. If they did not ever actually care about anyone they knew who was a directly connected individual, that would be proven by whatever patterns of behaviour they would have to show their lack of concern and what they would need to work on within themselves instead of involving others in personal ways as would be shown if they did not change their attitudes themselves; which in turn would be a shame, because I had thought much higher of such individuals when I had known them if I had been accurate.
I was accurate, as per the situations which have occurred. For example since my transfer, I have noticed several specifics to which I remember from when I was living in Texas as well as when I was living in Washington state of which the problems of the ease of access to technology has made it far too easy for people who have a relationship problem or a personal problem as to not getting over certain situations to have needless access to impacting anything else in another’s life; to which such a merger regarding technology is of importance for, as per the amount of times others have done so without any concern for the genuine safety of others nor for the genuine care or concern for others as the patterns of behaviour would and have shown. For example the people who I once considered as family and who have not been able to maintain nor sustain that on their own, it is an irony that when looking back as to having considered them like family when looking at my biological mother and my biological sister for such reference aspects as to what I have known as family in comparison. When I look over certain other aspects it is the opposite in reference to the Basic Training aspects which if the Drill Sergeant knows your name situation as to if I recognize your name there is the same sort of reference to the Drill Sergeant aspects, however in comparison to such aspects; what the levels are fully depends upon the individual as per the same with a Drill Sergeant aspect of Basic Training, however the levels of such a responsibility is the difference.
Those people in reference to those within the state of Texas in the adult consenting lifestyle community who had been informed of my after effects as well as how my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury occurred in their definitions as to what they explained in their own words as to what they were willing to accept from the male who was dating Ms. Purple meant that my portion of having explained my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, would fully supersede any and all portions in all such ways at all times similarly to the fact I am and will always remain the one and only Executrix because of the legal reference points thereof to the timing specifically. In such notations in reference to the Bronze Star and the commendation thereof, the marker, and the legal aspects in conjunction with the fact of being an Ordained Reverend; I had told my ex-in-laws as to who was the only person who was ever allowed to go to return the Bronze Star and the commendation to the military individuals. If I am hypothetically accurate as to what I was told when I was in Fort Worth Texas for the final time because of how everything had gone twice as well as what I had already noticed in other people within the state of Texas as to that spiritual marriage aspect, I refused as I refuse to partake of such sorts of situations.
In such the reference to the technology merger portions of which every person will have their social media accounts linked to one another within each level of the social media platform as well as the links to the other social media platforms which will have merged all such accounts as per similarly to be able to have a similar version of my website in the smaller ways in reference to the aspects as to all such social media accounts being linked together for the ability for businesses to actually check to see who has called for which reasons, and if the requirement for the clarifications are needed for the situations involved the ability for each person to make their own portions known through such patterns of behaviour from the timings thereof. In the ways of which as I have learned as to the ability to have more than one social media account on a website, I had reserved my name on #Fetlife fetlife #LadyDoriBelle LadyDoriBelle with the securing of Lady_Dori_Belle though not ever having informed anyone to make sure that I was able to keep and maintain my name I created for all of time to keep in line with the respect to who had actually named me my name of #SusanMeeLing Susan MeeLing. As those who would not have ever had the wherewithal to ever think beyond certain points as I guesstimate, my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu meant a lot more to my upbringing than anyone was ever informed of because it was not their business to be informed of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu unless I made the choice to discuss or write about such. I do not care to go into such details beyond the minimal I have, because they are my memories and my memories alone. I can and have gone into some of the details about what I have been told and taught, though I have no need to go into the larger details of my childhood and my teenager years in such references without a warrant to do so and because of the levels to my clearance as well as my personal background for such any and all situations which some have wished for more details have already been documented as to the minimal requirements as to such portions as well as have been informed through my writings as to my view points as to such.
Remember at the time in the beginning to middle of the year of 2008, I had made my comments about the at the time of a 2 Star General which in the timeframe between then and now is obviously a length of time which raises such a level of minimal requirements in reference to such by the legal standards thereof as well as the proof of such regarding other agencies and/groups and/or organizations of which with the amount of situations regarding the national security of the homeland of the #USA United States of America as to the additional portions of which to pay attention to for such contributing factors over the length of time as well as the numbers counted of each type of grouping thereof for the clarification purposes of which the proof of which brings such forward in reference to the aspects as to my clearance at the age of 17 years old. My clearance at the age of 17 years old with the additional aspects as to having clarified such aspects in person to some and online on fetlife to others who have seen and/or read such, those who would have the background and be able to verify the ways which raises the portions thereof; to which to maintain and sustain such a level the requirement to be able to progress forward as best as possible despite the circumstances, of which in reference to having been born and raised in New Jersey and after the amount of what it took to even get the transfer as required back in the initial portions of requesting the information in January 2021 as to the additional stresses put on me needlessly because of the situations already having been laid out for the details thereof.
What I have needed to take care of due to the situations as to others who have been showing the proof of their biases through any such direct connection to any involvement of what problems occurred in such times, in the merging process brings forward the information for all technology companies to review as well as align the patterns of behaviour as well as the timeline for the overall in ways to assist law enforcement with the known aspects of such references as to what I have brought forward regarding certain types of people. As the situations which had occurred in reference to the situations in the overall ways from my time in the tristate area, my time in the state of Illinois, my time in the state of Texas both times, and my time in the state of #WA #Washingtonstate #Washington Washington means the combination of the situations involved in the reference of the online portions of the ways which any interaction through technology measures ands all such connected aspects to all such ways in the merging of all social media accounts with the clarifications of as well as the additional accounts with the clarifications of is brought forward which for example, my biological father refused to carry a cellphone with him in a multitude of situations when he went places of which the explanation had been due to the fact of what he had seen when he was in the foster care system. In the ways which he had seen back in the 1950s and the 1960s as a first generation Chinese ethnic background male, the fact of him having been told if your own people don’t want you what makes you think others will; is something which I felt in multiple ways throughout my entire life, as it was known what he had said when I was handed over by the doctor to him because of my biological gender at my birth which followed having listened to my biological mother throughout the time in her uterus as to her hatred of my existence and the repeated times she had tried to have an abortion as well as the multiple times throughout my childhood and teenager years as to her making attempts on my life because of her wishes such an interaction as to the previously written portions as admittedly I have not discussed such with anyone in person because of my lack of belief there were human beings who would believe me as per such times of just bringing up those portions.
By the time of being in the state of Texas the first time from 2000 through 2013 before the #CowboysDanceHall #CowboysDanceHallSA Cowboys Dance Hall #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert situation which I had told people that I had spoken with about the situations on the phone as to how the situation had begun, though they simply laughed on the phone because they thought I was making a joke instead of paying attention to the details of the discussion. Such had been problematic for many situations of which in reference to the aspects of the adult consenting lifestyle in a different area within the state of Texas, the few people who had been officially told as to how the Stoney LaRue concert had been were multifaceted to areas. In San Antonio I told Ken the SAFerret on fetlife for his name about the meeting which he thought was funny as he then discussed what he and his wife were dealing with in reference to their daughter as well as the San Antonio community, which I could not see how he could not see any correlation to anything occurring at the time.
I had told a couple in the state of Missouri on the phone which they were discussing other aspects as the topic of discussions went on in different ways, just as in phone calls as well as in person I had told Joshua Light(Cross)/now Mrs. Crystal Light(Kitty)/Stephanie Light (Flame) his ex-wife as to how the meeting occurred mainly in person referencing the females though on the phone with the male; which I had explained in “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to how that situation had transpired in reference to going to the house and the female Trish or as she had been called by others as Megere had left their household the day after she found out I was going to be going to Killeen to meet with them which Kitty had walked off with her cast on her leg smaller in length for the limp than the same type which had been on the female who said she was married to Kevin the male who said he was a Cajun (pronouncing the word as though the j sounded as a g) had worn that evening at the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert and the situations thereof where again I was needlessly surrounded by individuals who had not accepted the answer I gave them was how I was not interested in speaking with those people as I simply needed my time to recuperate for myself to take care of myself from everything that had fully come down at the time as my entire family was destroyed because of the state of Texas’ people and citizens thereof. While I knew that not everyone in the state of Texas was to blame, I had known there were such a large number of people who had caused needless problems for me as a Mom that I just needed some time for myself in comparison to being bombarded by the amount of people who needed to take several steps back away from me to get their own stuff in order before ever thinking to contact me again as I was not capable to assist them with their problems while needing to take care of my own situation from the wreckage that was left in the pieces of rubble at my feet from the situations which had occurred.
In the other situations as to having told Sam Lewis in person twice in a row as per the scheduling as well as the people in the Dallas Texas area as well as at The Sanctuary which once was open though now closed permanently as per what I read online as was told by the male Ken, who was in the Navy as he said and again the situations in combination were unable to be seen as to how anyone else did not have their eyes opened at such times. The fact so many others wanted me to fix their problems for them while knowing about the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury made me wonder if the children and the teenagers I knew in the northeast who had dealt with what I had refused to put my son and my daughter through in reference to the divorce though it was not legalized as per the legal requirements at the time as explained to me as I told my now dead-ex-husband if he did return to the Army he was not going to leave the Army outside of a body bag, which was before the claim of his saying he was called in on the labeling of #IRR IRR (Individual Ready Reserve) as to the ways which he thought could go. I told him he had no choice as to what he was told was going to be and any fighting against would be considered as futile because of the fact when called in on IRR, there is not anyone who can legally make a choice otherwise because of the specifics involved with IRR; of which the portions as to the Individual Ready Reserve for those who know though the wishes to be able to pick where the stationing was, the reality as to what the orders would be were what the orders would be. In the following months from March 2006 onward as I have already explained and described later in writing as to how such situations went, there is the reality of the garage situation as well as etcetera which other people were informed of regarding such in the adult consenting lifestyle as well as within the SCUBA Diving community in combination with the #MilitaryCiotyUSA #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #SATX #SAPagans San Antonio Pagan community of which in such references to the having informed others of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects the same portions as to the consenting adult portion of the overall view.
In reference to the technology merging all of the previous technology devices which had ever used the social media account(s) proven to be as to who began such and used such means the portions as to having the knowledge as to the technology recording every aspect as to when using the piece of technology for whichever aspect thereof, in which the reality as to the merging portions have been signaled to the aspects as to the social media portions additionally in reference to the timing of companies merging together as well as the merging of technology types. For example in regards of many companies referencing technology you are able to get your device, your number, your cellphone service, your data plan, as well as your television service and landline with the streaming capabilities at this point referencing such multitude of companies which have brought forward such services regarding the availabilities thereof to which the company provides for the fees charged. Thus additionally if paying for because ordered the higher speeds of the data plan as well as the highest speeds of the internet portions, the required fees associated with such are as what is owed only to who pays for the services in such references; as the individuals who had previously stolen electricity have had the same situation in reference to cellphone usages as well as wifi internet, which in turn another aspect to such merging portions to weed out those who wish to try to leech onward in comparison to paying for what they should pay for on their own. In such references to the social media platforms to the metaphor of the cellphone portions the requirement for the timeframe to review the overall portions as to the patterns of behaviour of the various types of individuals, had been a required aspect to review as per the safety and ability to progress forward into the larger aspects of the world and the etcetera as in reference to the officiating of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #USSP US Space Force.
In the references required for the US Space Force to be officialized the amount of situations of which had already been noticed through when the #NSA NSA had seen such behavioural patterns though because of the Non-Disclosure Agreements had to keep quiet at such times about the realities of seeing the multiple communication accounts from within the areas thereof, which in the ways in reference to the aspects as to later as the internet or what in an overall term is considered as social media as the intent was for the ability to communicate with other people by whichever means of approved comfort levels for the additional aspects of what payments were associated with the aspects thereof; when further research into space through #NASA NASA and other such associated aspects, the requirement for the general public to be able to have a chance to prove themselves as per the ways which during the #VietnamWar Vietnam War had proven a multitude of situations. For the example in the brief about the #KoreanWar Korean War as to the smaller portions of both the military and the civilian sides had briefly been able to be seen as well as known, because of the civilians who were incapable of handling the sights of the reality regarding when going to war. However there were civilians who thought that they knew better about such portions and thus when the Vietnam War and the civilians having being allowed to see the portions of the Vietnam War, so too were civilians able to show themselves as to how their responses were while the individuals who had gone overseas to handle the situations had been acting when on the soil of the United States of America. In turn regarding the time of #DesertShield Desert Shield and #DesertStorn Desert Storm while there had in certain areas been a larger amount of technology available in comparison to other areas, the field testing began in the medical terminology aspects for the reference. In the aspects thereof to the field testing there were inconsistencies in reference to different situations as well as people being blamed for crimes they did not commit, and the problems from such has been seen in the news referencing the amount of people who have had evidence finding them innocent for the crimes they were accused of. However because of such a view given, so too can it be seen in reference to the proverbial social media court as per the ways which some had not thought about others using other’s devices.
For example when I was in New Jersey while going to Saint John Vianney High School I had made my email account at Jackie’s house who was a freshman in the school at the time for the reference, which as having only done the coding portions as per the ways of Prudential aspects there was not ever a need for me to sign out as per the signing in portion already having been squared away at the time for me. I did not have access to the internet as a child or a teenager in the ways which most people have had especially after the Y2K turn of the millennium because of how things were in where I was growing up, though once my biological sister needed such for the ability to talk with her friends from school was when the internet was arranged in the house in #Illinois #IL #Illinoistate Illinois. Though there was the desktop computer referencing the #IBM IBM/#DOS DOS which was in a separate area then the desktop for Prudential regarding the coding portions, I only went onto the Prudential computer when I had to work on the coding in comparison to when there was time as I felt as I wanted in reference to the other computer as per the lack of a need to constantly be in reference to now in regards of being online though in those times the lack of a need to only play games on the computer as I preferred to live life in comparison to being in such a situation as to what I was happiest doing in comparison.
In regards of those who had seen what I had written online as I explained repeatedly, I had only done so because of the requirement due to the situations and I had no desire nor any want nor any need to be online in the slightest as a different version of the way my biological father had viewed cellphones. I did not want to needlessly be annoyed by commercial aspects from the ways which had been going through just as I did not need to be called in for every little detail which others were capable to figure out on their own, in comparison to what I had to take care of and all such distractions were and remain unnecessary for such situations especially when having been informed of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. In such regards as to the situations in which the Vietnam War review as to both the military footage as well as the civilian footage to the current time of the Iraq War as well as the Afghanistan War after the attacks on 11 September 2001 of which when looking at such combined aspects, the problems to simply be able to get the transfer squared away as per requirement as per recently explained in brief portions as to after almost 21 years of having my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America; only after the transfer problems to get the equivalent of the IRR for the versions thereof referencing the transfer request initially in January 2021 as per the correct information to get the transfer taken care of as the lack of any requirement to explain anything to people who do not have the required level of clearance for any such measures regarding that apartment complex or that apartment complex company as previously written about, the fact of the 20 year memorial to the attacks of 11 September 2001 and having been born and raised in New Jersey to be able to have the ability to acclimate to the area of which I had only been back to for the first time since 1998 was in December 2020 has additionally been problematic for all such individuals who had needlessly added problems which have exacerbated all such situations already in hypothetical portions regarding upon my return to the state of Texas in the year of 2019.
In the references of having been informed of the truth about every aspect and the problems of such in reference to the merging reasons additionally to the transfer requirement which should have as been explained in reference to the timeframe should have been by the end of the month of March 2021 for the full transfer to have gone through, of which if any civilian has had the transfer process in the ways of which were quicker and easier than what I had dealt with proves such additional problems in reference to the Vietnam War regarding the civilian problems of those population areas as well as the situations which individuals directly connected and remain connected to the different branches and division of the #USArmedForces #ArmedForces Armed Forces of the United States of America. However it had been known of problems in the communication systems in reference to the military branches and divisions of the needless in fighting and when the proverbial crabs caught in a netting situation if one crab starts moving outward how other crabs only know how to try to pull the crab back, though the stronger crabs are always able to get out of the netting because of their will and determination to live onward and survive in ways to live as such species of animals have their patterns of behaviours in the animal kingdom. Thus the reference as seen in regards of certain individuals who I once had known in person, f there are those who have had such connection aspects referencing such in regards of the ways which has already been known of in regards of certain types of individuals within the various ranking structures; it would be inevitable for the patterns of behaviour for the children of the ones who had already done so, to be brought outward to be seen as to what their father and/or mother had been a part of causing problems for within the various levels of which they were attached to of whichever units thereof.
In the ways of which such types of people within the military and law enforcement it was known in the civilian sector as to those types of individuals, of which because the military and law enforcement individuals are always held to a higher standard because of the responsibility which they have taken as soon as making the decision to go towards such which is contrary to the aspects of how some only view the oath portion as there is an internal calling for such and the ways of which such is can be at different levels depending upon your skill set as well as your capabilities as well as your patterns of behaviour. However in reference to the aspects of those within the ranks of the military and law enforcement the more training as well as experience as well as background aspects, the higher the amount of responsibility to actually maintain the correct levels of composure at all times because of the known aspects of there is no one who is ever retired from the military just as there is not one base which has ever been fully retired as to the aspects of Individual Ready Reserve. Such is able to be proven in reference to those who were no longer Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists when the attacks on the day of 11 September 2001 occurred, The amount of people who were in the veteran category have had that specific feeling regarding upon the decision to go towards such on that day, which proves my reference point in regards of which the aspects as to that specific reason to always have the veteran community as well as the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist communities at their best possible shape in all such ways. As the situation regarding the official aspects as to the US Space Force being officially recognized as others can see the prior dates as to the times when a group had been begun compared to when they were officially put on record for such aspects, as per the more commonly known now of the portions referencing the #BigBlueBook Big Blue Book or the #BlueBookProject Blue Book Project for the reference to the situations regarding the US Space Force.
However just as there have been situations referencing the aspects as to the situations written about regarding the crab metaphor as to within the military ranks such as the paperwork aspects as well as the rank aspects to the false accusations throughout, so too has such been seen in the law enforcement fields which usually is within their own structures as well as the way they have looked at those who have a tie directly to the branches or divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America which such has been seen in reference to the news reporting thereof for such situations additionally to the reference as to the #PheasantCreek Pheasant Creek subdivision #HOA Homeowners Association males who were as a president for the Homeowners Association of which the second president was a San Antonio Police Officer who was moonlighting at a job for security when he had called about my shed and the situations as explained referencing that phone call which had occurred on the company phone line he had called me from which was a proverbial que to the technology automated system as per his choice of words to me at the time of that phone call around the year of 2004 or 2005. That set of wording choices he had used had caused the system of such to go into the phases of which had to check such situations as has already been discussed by others in such references, especially within the San Antonio Texas area of Military City USA as to the local law enforcement individuals of certain types and depending upon such connections the aspects of all such connections needing to be looked into fully and researched via the ways which technology systems have done so for years and decades.
Thus that particular #SAPD #SanAntonioPoliceDepartment San Antonio Police Officer who was moonlighting wherever he was as to the Homeowners Association additional connection, meant he had triggered the system of technology referencing such aspects at that second in time of a specific wording choice in the order chosen. Thus while at that time I simply completed what I needed to do as best as I could for myself, for my son, for my daughter, and for my property as the house was in my VA loan paperwork; the aspects as to the situations as to the loan amount as the reminder for the payment in reference to the graduation of my AIT, for those who may not have believed me though also only saw the paperwork which was altered hypothetically by my biological mother as per the fact such paperwork was written by hand in those times before the updating had occurred to various military branch locations. The fact of how my interview with CID occurred in reference to the photograph review in regards of the situation I wrote about previously, goes over such proof of the fact to that being accurate as to my memory though the cognitive disorders in reference to the ways explained in such overall portions as the ways possibly seen for the interconnection portions; though additionally the fact of not having any references as to any pop culture except in the most minimal of ways the only way to ever discuss any topic with people which I can give examples which they would be able to understand from the knowledge, is only in reference to my experiences for such relation. While I have been accused falsely as to being pretentious as well as self-centered and selfish, the fact of how I actually am in comparison in my opinion as well as from what I have been told by several people who I had met in person who had given their more positive opinions as to usually their surprise as to how modest I am in comparison to either what they had seen online in which they were being honest about and/or what they were told by others at such times when those individuals were being honest with me.
I appreciate honesty, as with the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in conjunction to how I was raised to always tell the truth is the only way I can be. However regarding the facts as to only having had just now over thirty days of being able to have finally gotten the official transfer taken care of to transfer as though I had requested the information in January 2021 it was not until July 2021 that the approval for the transfer went through, of which because of the requirement for what I had needed to take care of the speed of the move to get to where I had needed to be in the month of March 2021 has required because of other people’s lack of getting the work done correctly for such and referencing once again the aspects of bias if there is even one civilian who had had a transfer process go through in the timeframe of less than 45 days compared to the needless stresses added to me which obviously as medical professionals know the stresses added to the chronic pain as per the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury has caused needless suffering to the pain levels I had already been dealing with simply from waking up from my coma; of which each and every individual needless stress which has added to my pain levels in turn then causing additional pain for which I am the one who actually suffers from such, has been a situation which others who have survived a head injury before me have already brought forward as to other such types of connection aspects which those individuals who say they have a heart beating in their chest I suppose might review such aspects differently than some I have dealt with.
In such references as to the portions regarding the social media portions of which to remember is from the beginning portion of the first time being able to send an email within the military ranking systems before it ever was sent to a college for the clarifications, means the reviewal processes before being allowed anywhere near a college student and the safety measures and protocols thereof for such known aspects as to the military grade aspects; means a minimum of such communications regarding 25-30 years before the message was ever sent, which can be seen in the reference portions as to the timeframe of officially instating the National Security Administration as well as the officializing of the US Space Force being the official signaling of the merging portions beginning point of taking place for all such social media portions for all individuals regarding whichever aspects thereof they have used social media for. In my personal situation I have only used social media for in reference to when I chose on my own to get involved with social media after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, is different than before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
When growing up in New Jersey and only having worked on coding in reference to Prudential upon Jackie finding out of my biological mother’s job and her friend Nick Palazolo (?spelling?) having been beaten up by me when he had joined into a fight on the bus with 4 other females who all also had been beaten by me during that one fight which my biological father informed the school staff that because of the fact of my size as well as because of the fact that those 5 people who were all bigger than me as well as weighed more than I did had surrounded and came at me, the fact of my right to defend myself was in order and there should only be penalties in their direction for what their choices were. The dean who was mad at me for disobeying him when he tried to railroad me because of being raised in #OTC #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #OTPC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in comparison to being raised in the Catholic Church despite the Apostle’s and the Nicene Creed which we read one every Sunday and the other on certain holidays though the acknowledgement of the Holy Roman Catholic Church was the one read every Sunday as he had told me for one of the causes he had in which additionally because of the finances to the school system at the time for that particular metaphor of a precinct, I was told my ‘parents were not allowed to be involved’ which when he had told me that, I ran to the hallway area to make the phone call from the phone on the wall to inform my biological father what was going on in reference to that fight he had known only a part about at the time as at that time I thought I had only been fighting Toniann in comparison to how I had found out there were 4 other people involved with the fight; which was shortly before I was pulled out of Tae Kwando and was not allowed to officially earn my black belt in addition to a few other factors, at such times. However in reference to such individuals which would have had trust funds arranged, just because of having a trust fund does not mean you are automatically trusted by everyone as finances are finances and trust is earned; especially in reference to the above pictures regarding choices thereof, for the references to clarify as to what the viewpoint is of various individuals depending upon your known transmissions throughout the internet portions thereof.
Nonetheless in reference to the aspects of that situation I had fully disagreed with the known factor of the biases from the dean’s decision for any punishment in my direction of which while in comparison I had only 2 weekends of Saturday suspension compared to their 2 months of Saturday suspension as well as their 2 weeks of in school suspension, I fully disagreed with the zero tolerance policy against fighting because I was defending myself and not fighting. As explained then in 1997 as well as later on in person and then later in writing, I had been assaulted three times before I ever took a swing after the length of the drive of such situation from Toniann Farinella beginning as soon as leaving the property of Saint John Vianney High School to the point of where getting to the intersection to turn onto Church Road as per Monica’s parent’s house next to the church as well as Pastor Broadie and his wife’s house on the other side being the last thing I saw before I began defending myself. The next portion of what I saw was when the bus driver had said “Susan, we arrived at your bus stop. Come on, go home and get yourself cleaned up.”
However in reference to the school’s zero tolerance to fighting policy of which in my defense I believe as I believed back then as I still believe that I had not fought with such details thereof to the fact of which the length of the distance the bus had traveled as well as the length of time which the traffic situations at that time in the area of New Jersey in addition, as to having been innocent the entire time and was only defending myself from what had occurred. In turn the situation in my opinion I had more than the right to defend myself as to the amount combined as well as the fact as to learning it was a total of 5 people who had been involved which I had to defend myself against, in comparison to what was thought of and seen as one individual; which in turn in my opinion there should not ever have been any penalty nor any suspension to me, for what occurred and only those who were involved with the situation on the bus should have been the only ones who were punished for their choices.
In such a reference as to Jackie who lived in #Manalapan #ManalapanNJ #ManalapanNewJersey Manalapan New Jersey or on the border of #Marlboro #MarlboroNJ #MarlboroNewJersey Marlboro and Manalapan either the towns individually and/or the townships having been a freshman and friends with one of the people on the bus after she and I had watched the movie #CatsEye Cat’s Eye by #StephenKing Stephen King, after the situation on the bus had brought up the portion about email addresses being considered as a new thing in which I had heard of email addresses before though had not created an email address for myself to use; of which the portions regarding what occurred as to the log on situations at the time and creating that email at Jackie’s house just before the situations had progressed in the aspects of what was occurring between Toniann and I at the time as to Jackie also having been friends with Jen, who had been the individual who had started the situation to begin with for lying to Toniann at the time. I told Toniann before it got bigger of a situation as to only being able to tell the truth which as per whatever was normal for was what the response was at the time and/or what she was accustomed to was the response as to the time thereof, which as I knew back then was because of the others’ involvements had been the cause as to the situation when I had to move without warning had been as to why when it was her birthday as to the small birthday token regarding the time.
I had been at the area of #SaintJohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHS John Vianney High School to see briefly the area of Holmdel New Jersey though had been unable to allow myself to go back to the school at the first or the second or third time I had gone back to the east coast area, as knowing the fact as to how many had caused problems as well as held me back from being able to return to New Jersey at those times before December 2020 as per after moving in 1998 though the after effects after waking up from my coma from the reality of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; which the irony about how some had commented about my childhood best friend’s name my Big Blood Brother having had the situation which occurred to him, as to the irony in a multitude of metaphors and aspects thereof. In urn regarding having been moved to Illinois and having dealt with other situations which Jackie had been spoken with when I had been in Crystal Lake Illinois, the situations which occurred thereafter in the school was beyond ridiculously annoying as per all assumptions that were falsely made claims against me which I have gone into the details thereof already. In a multitude of ways which my later response to such aspects in reference to after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury when initial is the portion of standing my ground during such situations until I realize those involved have no hope for the situation as to their clouded biases as to their inability at such times to pay attention to the larger aspects, with my direct involvement to which then is a point of which I go on my own way as there is not the requirement for me to waste my time nor waste my energy on such types of situations as to the facts able to be proven.
In turn with the knowledge as to being informed of the levels which emails were then available to the general public meant when looking back now in the year of 2021, the portions of which the myths I had heard about in reference to the ways of what was made referencing technology portions as to the situations behind in the fuller ways seem almost surreal regarding the amount of realities seen when reflecting back upon such aspects now. Despite the fact as to the 20 year memorial of the attacks to the tristate areas I grew up going around as well as the east coast area as those who have been born and raised in the tristate are know most well as to the whole east coast connection though especially the specifics of travel from New York and Pennsylvania through New Jersey to Maryland to Delaware to #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC to #VA #Virginiastate #Virginia Virginia through the #Carolinas Carolinas and #Georgia #GA #Georgiastate Georgia to #FL #FLorida #Floridastate Florida, the additional aspects going northward from such an area mainly to those who are born and raised in the middle part and northern so for the state of New Jersey. While I dealt with all of the situations in reference to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and those who failed to believe me about the realities thereof, those same individuals doubted me in reference to having been born and raised in New Jersey because of whatever their view points were regarding their thoughts as to what I should sound as when speaking with them. In addition to the lack of concern or attention to details as to my biological mother/father/sister going on about my memory deficits and cognitive disorders, this is the first year ever that I have been able to go over such details while being able to get to the area since before the time of 11 September 2001 of which is the 20 year memorial to which when taking into consideration the fact of only having been able to get the transfer officially approved and completed at the end of July 2021 after putting such forward initially for the correct information in January 2021; the irony as to the term for the name for the state of Texas being the term of friendly because of the amount of military connections within that state, I had thought it to be odd and weird as to the term when there are injuries on the battlefield under one particular category of being called friendly fire regarding the state of Texas as to such ironies regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the hypothetical situations in such overall combinations thereof.
In those aspects to those who I once knew within those regions as to the ways which the high school drama from Saint John Vianney High School to Crystal Lake South High School, if the hypothetical similarities in reference to the biases from those who I once knew in Texas to Washington state to Texas and then transferred the full requirement as to all such merging in full in all such aspects. Literally just over one month from the transfer and the situations of which the proof which would be through such technology devices of any such prior contact and/or furthered contact to anyone in any area I would go to in reference to the Blue Identification Card of mine of/for the Armed forces of the United States of America and such prior minimal descriptions though only more recently in the past few months having broken the silence as to such as my ex-in-laws had refused to accept that they did not have the clearance to be allowed such information as to the details of and the same in reference to my biological mothers/sister/father at any such prior times before. The aspects as to the Universal Code of Military Justice in the ways of which the aspects thereof because of my particular type of military identification card of the United State as to the portions of the official forming and officializing the US Space Force as the requirement to have only certain types of people to be involved with such work, as per the requirements to make sure the capacity of character of each individual is known and available for the ability to clearly distinguish as per such safety and security measures. As per the multitude of pictures and videos in the larger amount of numbers per time of such pictures and recordings in a shorter amount of time comparatively, the merger portions as to the social media are absolutely mandatory for the clarification portions to which will assist the aspects as to the verification processes across all lines in a multitude of ways for the betterment and the progress forward.
However while dealing with the acclimation to the energy in the area as the ways which I had dealt with when returning from the state of Washington to the state of Texas after how I wound up in Washington state with my minor son at the time as only the Lights when they were out of their house they were able to meet my son in comparison to any of the other groups listed as was at their house at the time near the Fire Truck and EMS station as well as the railroad tracks, while dealing with the problems from the female Trish leaving as soon as she found out I was showing up to stop by the house the inability to go into further details as to the situations at hand. Collin who is Stephanie’s son went with his daughter and my son to the nearby #McD #McDonalds McDonald’s as I gave them some money to be able to get something to eat as while Collin had needlessly already dealt with the situations referencing Trish who wished to be a Mom to Collin though was incapable of being a Mom to her own child, the situations of such overt drama as to how she had gone around the Austin community seeking sympathy because of how difficult her life was as she saw in while mad and temper tantrum throwing when I would not give the slightest bit of sympathy to her at those times as well as any time thereafter s there was not any need for her to ever receive sympathy in my opinion. She had both of her parents as well as both of her child’s parents and the extended families thereof in conjunction with the household in that reference and anyone else she had in her personal life directly, who was willing to help her. I was not ever willing to give up anything to ever give the slightest bit of assistance to that female simply because of the amount of attention she kept trying to get from me in her direct way of which she learned the only way I ever noticed her homeliness was when the aspects as to those who I knew were speaking with me about other topics, and she piped in as to add something she thought was considered as important compared to what actually was being discussed at such those times. However that is enough, regarding that.
I hate brats mainly because you cannot spell brat without the word rat, of which is ironic in reference to my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez during the years I had known them before returning to Texas as to how she always called her eldest daughter Brie-Brat, which those who know and understand the reference from where I was born and raised had instantly caused my hackles to go up proverbially. Brieanna Marie (Nichols-)Lopez had already been caught bringing alcohol into school as per the situations she was dealing with as per the lack of parental supervison as well as the lack of correct and proper discipline for the types of behaviours regarding such, of which the cellphone voicemail as to such aspects and the furthered situations regarding my daughter and my son and I. The irony if that niece had been upset because of my choice to take time to give to her little sister who had been stuck in between that female as well as her little brother who was the only male, I had known of such situations beforehand regarding a like arrangement to a degree in reference to when growing up in New Jersey. While I had thought when going over the Hughes’ that meant all three of the sisters and I would spend time together, I was informed only when getting there to only spend the time with one in comparison to having been friends with all three those years as the eldest sister was a babysitter at a point of mine and the middle sister was in my grade as the younger sister and I got along even though she was my biological sister’s age range; though they have an older brother, who had been the individual along with Pastor MacKenzie in reference to the aspects in addition to General George Washington’s involvement with the Old Tennent Presbyterian Church; of which that family lived in #Freehold #FreeholdNJ #FreeholdNewJersey Freehold while the church was in Manalapan and thus the situations regarding the larger aspects when reflecting upon such times.
Yet upon reflecting upon such times additionally to the time in comparison to the numbers of those I had personally known who I had lost; while everyone else in the United States of America and the world has been able to process their losses for the past 20 years in their ways I suppose there are those in whichever areas who have claimed my choice is viewed as selfish comparatively to their twenty years of being able to deal with the events on 11 September 2001 whereas this is literally the first year I have been able to go through such information and experiences. In turn please do excuse my attitude which might flow from this computer screen while you read this, however in my defense the reality of 20 years since the attacks to the area I was born and raised in with my most formative years of infancy to almost 16 years old in conjunction with all other such combinations might be a bit more clear as to my personal viewpoints as to even the slightest mention of the smallest situation in such regards by some random individual while they pass along since the transfer went through. Maybe you can look within yourselves to envision how you would deal with all such combinations as I have dealt with, prior to judging my responses in person and/or online.
In such I am reminded of that Homeowners Association situation with the San Antonio Police Officer reference as to the research I had done on the company referencing #Procomm Procomm as to prepare to go before the legal counsel at the office for the shed situation which the individuals in the board had fully dropped the ball and had not done the work they should have done, which after finding out about the #USMC #Marines United States Marine who had dealt with a Homeowners Association which was in Georgia from what I had read who had caused the damages and the foreclosure of the house over the American Flag pole he put in his front yard; I brought up that particular aspect as to the additional details referencing the legal defenses I had per the paperwork in the ways of the Homeowners Association Covenant, which in turn that attorney for the Homeowners Association had informed me that he would speak with the team of lawyers that I suppose it takes in reference to a larger company across all sorts of state lines within the United States of America as per the fact Georgia and Texas are in tow different areas with two different coast lines for a type of border.
I suppose an ironic portion as to a code I found in reference to a crossover situation to look at additionally to the other such facts of which in the reference to having put my website online as well as in reference to having posted the links to two different files through my dropbox account as to then post the links for the assistance and specifically remembering having done so in the area of and for the #LATimes LA Times: #CALegal #CaliforniaLegal #CaliforniaLegalCode #CaliforniaLegalCoding The Legal California Code, Corporations Code - CORP § 8337 says in a brief summary from #WestLaw website:
In any action or proceeding under this article, and except as required by Section 8331 , if the court finds the failure of the corporation to comply with a proper demand thereunder was without justification, the court may award the member reasonable costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in connection with such action or proceeding.
What an irony in reference to the Marine’s situation as well as a few other aspects thereof which can be reviewed regarding such similar laws in other states which simply have different coding numbers, which how such legal teams review such portions regarding the federal laws is something which the procedures thereof is their reviewal as to reviewing such details in full of all such aspects for the completion of all such problems and situations for the clarifications across all boards for the larger aspects for the situations of the past to now to have the betterment of and for the future.
The irony in other was as to the property value being repaid to the individual who purchased the house and property, the repayment for the lien and foreclosure on the house to the Marine, both were taken care of in reference to the moving of all furniture and belongings, restitution was paid for both being inconvenienced though a higher number to the Marine and his family, as well as the fixing and repairing of all of the credit issues which had been incurred for such restitution of all of the stresses and etcetera from such a situation being proven that the Homeowners Association and board had caused needless problems to the Marine of which his house was fully removed from the Homeowners Association and was able to do whatever he wanted with the house and property. That attorney had spoken with his group as explained and three days after that meeting, I had received a letter of variance for the allowance of my shed to remain in place. The following week was the letter from the board requesting assistance to the Homeowners Association in the area of Pheasant Creek to which I have already explained as well as wrote about the situations thereof to which that San Antonio Police Officer refused to be at any of the meetings and then the meetings were changed last minute because of arranging my schedule as per the requirements thereof to which I had left the board because I had already saw what they were doing in other areas before as per having grown up in New Jersey and after going to the different areas throughout the tristate area such types of childish behaviour was ridiculous to see in any biological adult who did not have any type of Special Needs specifically in reference to the aspects of Cerebral Palsy or such situations as per the after effects of a TBI as per the realities thereof. In turn when speaking with my coldesac neighbors Arnold and Emily about such shortly afterwards had been the situation which Emily was notified of the situation regarding a legal situation in reference to #SVU, of which the information card had been sent to protect her and her family which caused me to wonder about other situations as to what protections from any such possibility as those aspects being needed for individuals who have had various situations of that type involved as well as the life threatening portions to be protected from.
With the knowledge as to what my Grandpa Gavett had complained about in reference to my maternal Grandmother not being willing at the time to properly handle the situation regarding my biological mother and how she had been in reference to her older brother who died when she was in elementary school to the ways which my biological mother perpetuated such problems with my biological sister to how such situations went through the additional connection points thereof and the ways of what occurred in reference to my daughter because of what occurred because of #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CFBISD Carrollton Texas Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District McCoy Elementary School staff and volunteers, I said I believe in breaking the cycle of the patterns of behaviour where absolutely mandatory as per the additional aspects as to the ways which my ex-in-laws had been and continued onward as I guesstimate in such choices as again the irony of the spelling as well as the additional portion as to Breianna in the naming overall as well as the Brie-Brat as to the spelling of the word brat needs the word rat to spell as well as pronounce the word itself of which that type of upbringing would spawn the stereotypical versions in the state of Texas as to the certain neighborhood’s wording of a hood-rat; which in such references to those who know of such realities, they have their explanations they can go into regarding the ease for certain aspects in comparison to earning such portions thereof which of course Brieanna can my biological sister had gotten along swimmingly. I knew that was a problem that day in the year of 2003, the weekend after I had spoken with the Mom of one of the two males named Adam as I had been informed of in reference to how my biological sister had a threesome in our biological parents’ bed before they had moved officially from Illinois to Texas as during the timeframe when I was put as the Legal Guardian over her.
In such breaking the cycles of which certain situations are required to stop history from repeating itself then I have to make my recommendation as to having been informed of the same patterns of behaviour in reference to such as well as the repeated hospitalizations regarding my biological daughter in acute as well as residential facilities for the actual general public’s safety as to the contacts she can make in reference to the social media accounts, which in turn additionally as to the requirement in my opinion of the long term state run facility which in the reference to the irony of what I had asked Governor Christine Todd Whitman about the safety as to such portions in time. In such aspects the merging of the social media platforms of all such linked accounts which have been proven to be used by the individual thereof as per the clarifications in reference to the list I had given of names in the reference of technology direct contacts seen/known of to the clarifications as per required via the aspects of the officializing of the #USSpaceForceUS Space Force by #POTUS45 Donald J Trump’s and his administration. In turn my recommendation is such a permanent facility for my daughter to correctly be taken care of in comparison to what has occurred, and the measures to assist teaching her in the proper ways in comparison to what has been repeated as seen with those individuals’ choices for such combined references to review.
I told those people I once knew in person in reference to the multiple aspects as to how I was incapable of seeing how blind they had been for so many situations, of which even in regards of when Lady Robin name on fetlife who had discussed problems from what she described as to various situations occurring in the adult consenting lifestyle in the area of Austin Texas; again I could not understand as to why so many people were blind to the reality of such situations, as many times as they had already seen such realities and knew directly someone who had been immediately impacted though those people wished for sympathy regarding the situations they had caused for themselves which in my opinion was not possible for me to find any sympathy within myself for the situations brought before me due to the combination factors as to what I was doing the best I could to remain as calm and collected to take care of what needed to be taken care of. As I was called many names to my face while dealing with the multitude of aspects and the situations thereof after having told people in person about what I was additionally dealing with in reference to the online messages and the irony of how I wound up in Washington state with my minor aged son after what occurred to my minor aged daughter as having only been of a minor age out from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, in reference to requiring the transfer for many reasons overall one reality just thought of is having to leave behind certain aspects to move forward regarding such aspects thereof as per a discussion referencing what my biological father told me which can be reverted to the #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving portions.
While in the reference to thinking that there would be something major to celebrate regarding having survived 10 years after all of my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications in the timeframe I had done so in as well as surviving all of the depth levels I had SCUBA Dove to in the areas I had achieved on my own, I suppose there is irony as to the situations currently in reference to the 20 year memorial of the attacks in my home areas on 11 September 2001 as I was supposed to be stationed in Virginia upon completing my Basic Training for my AIT. Of which while others throughout the areas I had known people in person regarding in the state of Texas who had not wanted to believe where I was born and raised in for the reference portions as to how many people I personally knew, the portion as to where I was supposed to be stationed did not ever cross their minds in the slightest as to my personal feelings and opinions thereof that situation because as they told me after I had already informed them which in turn reproves the adult consenting lifestyle portions; I did not graduate Basic Training which means I did not go to AIT, and yet which side of the Pentagon was hit on 11 September 2001? As my biological sister had already explained her continued hatred from the era of my biological mother and her siblings ages of time during the Vietnam War into the state of Texas as well as the timeframe of after the attacks of 11 September 2001, the lack of my ability to see how ignorant so many people had been to various situations thereof during the years I was in Texas most specifically from the years of 2000 through to 2013.
However additionally to all such combinations as to the additional portion of the 20 year memorial timeframe as to the SCUBA Diving after the aspects of my son and my daughter, the current focus requiring to be upon the merging portions for the clarification purposes for employers as well as more specifically in reference to the higher levels of law enforcement as well as the various specific specialties of certain individuals to have the correct clearances with such approvals regarding the correct background checks for the clarifications; as in reference to the number increased in pictures/videos of the images in the sky as well as water areas as I have taken though in different ways comparatively as my SCUBA Diving pictures specifically from the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg at the bottom of the ocean and the #Boca #Florida #FL #Floridastate Boca Raton Florida area pictures to the arial footage I have taken in the combined amount of time of such a brief portion thereof, the importance for all such clarifications across all such board in the overall social media aspects for the clarifications of the correct individual having the accreditations of which they deserve for the choices they have made. In such regards as to where I went SCUBA Diving on the east coast out from as well as the fact of the types of drama having needlessly continued regarding into biological adults as I have seen, while the SCUBA Diving group I had gone through of PADI at the International SCUBA location which the individuals had made the choices as they had made during when they were informed as to my Florida SCUBA Dive trips; I had left from the port of Boca Raton Florida for that SCUBA Dive which I landed at the bottom of the ocean and took such pictures, just as the resort I stayed at was in Boca Raton Florida. I have discussed as to my discussions on the phone with my ex-in-laws in the area of the resort of which possibly with the Rescue SCUBA Diver reference, some might be able to see what word in Boca Raton Florida in a specific way can be found.
I can sarcastically joke that is why certain types of east coasters from the tristate area only call the area Boca, in comparison to how other people discuss the area. Thus when writing about such the requirement for the clarification though those who know are those who know. In turn regarding SCUBA Divers of whichever type in the state of Texas region, which SCUBA Dive Instruction style is located where?
I suppose at minimum for one positive which informs all who were at Clear Springs SCUBA Park as to your status level in such varied aspects though especially if you are involved or have a SCUBA Diving certification of whichever level when taking into consideration there is only one person who dropped to his knee, regarding the aspects of when I was back at the area in the year of the 10 year anniversary of my surviving all of my work at such times in the year of 2009 when I had been in the area in the year of 2019. Pun intended, let that sink in for your own evaluations regarding those who I have known in person before I wound up in Washington state. However in such references to such SCUBA Divers of whichever type, when taking into consideration as to the name and spelling of such locations whereas I had wrongly been blamed for multiple aspects; what is it you are able to realize as to the situations you should have paid attention to the details thereof, possibly having prevented the drama or at minimum the levels of such drama regarding such aspects?
Thus as I look at the fact there are 9 days to the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 with all such portions in the regards of the individual social media platforms merging the known portions together as per the one linked account thereof with the name choice of which for such is the first account made and/or in a combination of the first account made with the names following in order per the aspects seen in hyphenated last names to be able to assist in such clarifications as to the merging of each individual social media platform account per individual for the ability to easily be able to tell from such as to a quick glance as to the individual online as per the ways some aspects go. Thus in reference if in the full ways of all of my facebook social media accounts aside from the pages as per not knowing of such an ability before when originally creating my only two original accounts though because of the situations as to how I needed to create a third account because of not being able to remember due to the situations involved at the time as to the additional aspects as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury would look as: Susan_MeeLing-Lady_Dori_Belle or the other option for me would be as Susan_MeeLing-Lady_Dori_Belle-L.D.Belle for those reference aspects. Though I suppose the last name used which is still on such account could be considered as well as far as what I can remember thus in turn the name being: Susan_MeeLing-Lady_Dori_Belle-Dark_Lily
Thus in reference to fetlife while the original name was Ms_Flutterby of which I know there has been concern regarding the adult consenting lifestyle communities of such a situation regarding only having met Ms Purple around 1.5 years later as to an irony, though the aspects of the merging portion assisting many throughout various areas for their own clarifications for such additional reason. As such was changed to the name I had been working on creating for myself until I could get such squared away more clearly the account would essentially look as for such merged aspects:
In both situations the combined lettering without the hyphening or the underlining would be an option for such possibilities as to those specific account on social media as it is more commonly known as social media, in comparison to the email situation. In that particular aspect as to the merging aspects the original name and all such portions in the area of the embedded portions in comparison to the social media more commonly known as social media, to be able to clarify as to such though also removing such aspects as to the accounts themselves as per being able to have such merged together would then free up more space for the future generations while assisting additionally regarding the cooling of the servers as well as the lines throughout the grounds in combination with the lines in the overhead areas as to reduce the emissions which would assist the ozone layer to be able to repair while also assisting the power grid to work more smoothly as per the glitches from the different interruptions as per the ways of priority in specific circumstances regarding communications across as needed to assist with the speed as well as the clarity to hear the actual words used as per the sound levels as well as the wifi impacting hearing for certain individuals; as with those who have multiple varied portions of implants would know regarding electronic devices such as pacemakers as well as anti-seizure implants including insulin pumps before ever going into the actual hospital aspects in comparison to simply walking around. In addition to stopping identity theft online regarding such problems additionally, the ability for companies of whichever type to clearly be able to know as to the verifications for the hiring process as well as especially in reference to the Armed Forces of the United States of America’s branches and division thereof, the requirement for such clarity in a multitude of ways for several reasons.
If an emergency occurs in reference to the official formation of the US Space Force, how quickly might someone with the correct ability to assist need to be able to move out if required though the verifications thereof being correctly vetted?
With the ways certain individuals have been in reference to contacting companies for the complaints as to the phone calls additionally, what is the
I have the view point of which I obviously have clarified several aspects to which an additional aspect is to why I have left the BDSM/Swinger community in the overall aspects to which in turn those I once knew who had been the initial cause for me to leave such a group and community thereof, I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out that it was due to how sch was treated was why the final choice had been made to completely walk away from the individuals once known. I could not see anything of value though I had tried for multiple years to overlook what I had experienced when I had been within the state of Texas while I was evaluating such in the state of Washington as I had been volunteering where I had, however upon realizing in the year of 2019 as to the energetic portions of which picking up people I once knew having been in the area and had not spoken with me though the timing as to when those people from Texas showed up the energetic similarities as to when I was in Texas to then was undeniable. I refused to partake in such antics and childish behaviour to which in my opinion after the problems which occurred in addition to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as what I was dealing with while being a Mom and less than 2 decades out from my coma, I could not see how such adults could be considered as adults for not having the intelligence to realize when I told them about my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to that being their information as to being informed of their consent to speak with me meant they were under the obligation to be truthful at all times with me as per knowing that a head injury can occur at any time to anyone which the side effects will differ per individual.
As per having officially transferred and having informed online those people associated with such a lifestyle are not welcome in my life nor are or have they ever been welcomed in the lives of my son or my daughter, to which my refusal to be a part of a group of people who had refused to accept the fact I had spoken the truth the whole time about a multitude of aspects; the fact of having a male who was working in the medical field admit to me that he was using the medical tools in the adult community with people who did not consent to him, doing so, meant I would not tolerate such behaviour as well as if I ever had to make a choice and those people ever came after me and mine; that would be the final nail in their coffin as they were already on my last nerve back in the Austin Texas area in the year of 2011, of which everyone at that event as well as three other events at that location were officially put on notice as to what I was going to do if the problems continued. Each individual I spoke with including Lady Robin had told me they thought I was overreacting of which when I told Lady Robin about the male dating Ms. Purple, she laughed and told me there was nothing to worry about. She told me she knew him better and that because of her time knowing him that was considered as what I should take into consideration, which I refused to accept that answer and I refused to accept that response. A few weeks later Lady Robin told me she had spoken with that male and he was not happy that I had told her about how he had told me what he was doing at the events and had been doing for over a year and a half at that point in 2011, which in the knowledge as to more aspects about the brain functions than some may have ever thought because of their view point of me as well as their view point as to my background; I refused to allow such situations to occur. While I have not denied nor hidden as to my headaches being a daily occurrence, migraines being several times per week, memory deficits, and cognitive disorder as well as my education having gone the way it had from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to 2nd grade math; I did not think it took a head injury to figure out any individual using their employment background within the adult consenting lifestyle community, was unethical and immoral and depending upon the employment the reality of the requirement to reel in all such activities from each Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Veteran/Blue Identification Armed Forces of the United States of America holder.
Upon the following last few months I was involved with the Austin community due to the amount of people who had acted similarly to each person I had noticed had contact and consensual involvement with that male who was dating Ms. Purple and informing each one I could about the problems I noticed, they instantly blamed me instead of seeing what the problems actually were. Instead of looking around at what problems were occurring those people blamed me for my head injury, instead of ever taking into consideration what I had told them had always been the truth. Those people instead of being humane had acted as the ways they had which when bringing up the realities of what damages what could be done in reference to that type of manipulation, those people laughed at me in my face. When I had told them in further detail as to the realities of what hypnosis could possibly do in those types of locations because of what was around the area, they told me that they thought what was occurring to my daughter as well as what was occurring to me meant they thought that I was too dramatic to be thinking the way I had; which when I told them I refused to be a part of such and if I ever had the feeling of such types of situations, I would completely walk away from all such connections in every way as to work toward bettering more that would pay attention and listen to the facts. They told me they would do exactly as the way my now dead-ex-husband had done though in their own words as to how they would contact people wherever I went because they thought they knew better than I did, when I disagreed those people stepped closer as trying to bully me to stay involved which when I refused they took another step closer. I found it odd for as many people claimed that there was good about the BDSM community in reference to people having the choice of what their choice is to be respected, I had not seen such from any individual I had met involved with that lifestyle. I saw how more of the males who had been rejected act more childish than the males I saw in high school who were broken up with, which was a massive concern because of the additional aspects to what I had already written about Professional Dominatrixes and the submissive males in the #Leatheratti Leatheratti article which was published among a few other blogs on the fetlife website.
In a different reference point in regards of the merging of such, the additional ability to review as to the actual complaint process to make sure that there are legitimate complaints in comparison to what some have done over the years because of in my opinion of what some have shown to a lack of ways to express themselves in a more positive aspect or find something to be positive about in comparison to. While some have had legitimate complaints which rightfully have needed to be fixed and repaired in a timely and productive manner as especially through when the aspects of legal portions are involved, as most lawyers and law firms are required to move quicker as per the Bar Association aspects when the law firms as well as the attorneys have the 30 day maximum in several instances across the board for a multitude of reasons; which in turn when certain types of law firms have preferred to draw out a court case until the statue of limitations which they have known better for the example of the CFBISD then when they do not have the allowances they once had in reference to ever working with the complete such portions; in turn I have watched where such types of law firms loose out on much more than they would have lost regarding their egos hypothetically, regarding they cannot purchase their dignity back.
As per the ways which had been discussed in person as well as online as to what I was needlessly dealing with and the requirement for what I personally need in reference to the specifics at such times as to the application process and the complaints from people who had not ever actually applied and who had not sought to apply because of the facts as to the requirements as to what the truth and honesty portions of were in reference to the requirements thereof, as per arranging such when I was in the Austin community area when I had created that particular questionaire myself. As per the facts as to the few who had ever sent in a completed application and in addition to what I was dealing with as none had paid attention to the realities thereof regarding what I had shown others in person as well as to what I had dealt with, of which even Alicia if she was just honest as well as Discordia or Erika had been honest as to having my laptop open on the back patio and being passed out not because of the assumptions; because of the threats which I had told and shown people as to what I had been dealing with for years, by the time of 2012. I am reminded of a #SouthPark SouthPark episode which Butters has to go through all of the messages and gets tired and burned out because of the amount of situations, of which I suppose the actualities of such realities as to how much I actually had dealt with in reference to what I had told people I dealt with might be hypothetically able to be noticed regarding such aspects. Maybe there are a few situations which might make additional sense to the latter portions of this journal blog entry as to why, I do not like surprises.
In turn I additionally told those people that male who was dating Ms. Purple the name on fetlife, had dealt with what I was dealing with and while some thought such was considered funny or a game; there is a pondering I now have in a different aspect, as to the combination of the SCUBA Diving portion to the adult consenting lifestyle as per the locations of the portions for the different locations for the main two United States of America major SCUBA Diving certification companies as per the areas of the headquarters. In the various areas throughout the state of Texas how many #BDSM BDSM/#LGBTQ #LGBTQP LGBTWQP/#Swingers Swingers who have ever gone SCUBA Diving despite certification as per who would have access to such, who was certified through the school of #PADI PADI based in Santa Rosa California compared to who was certified through the school of #NAUI NAUI based in Boca Raton Florida? How are such individuals associated within those groups as to the ways thereof regarding comments as well as in reference to the spelling of the nickname for my ex-sister-in-law’s eldest daughter Brieanna or Brie-Brat which I thought I saw a female who looked similar to her in glasses in the lobby area of Club Sapphire, in such aspects hidden in plain sight to see? Any references to such a terminology found while the time I was in Washington state after the Cowboys Dance Hall situation come forward, regarding such situations? Also in reference to such aspects, who told the truth about their actual experiences in such areas as to who told a lie and would be the equivalent of such a naming in a different way as to such aspects for those types of lies which males are most known for being responsible for the problems as to what occurs in reference to when they spread a rumor that is not true about a female they have known or been around. Personally I have a pattern of behaviour of which I will go straight to the source in comparison to going through a group of hear-sayers which only have a however many portion removed situation as to what was heard, in comparison to the individual themselves or the group themselves.
One example in such regards would be in reference to going in July 2019 on the 28th to that San Antonio adult consenting lifestyle location, of which I was going to ask in person if I had seen Steve at the #Portlan #PortlanOR #PortlanOregon #oregon #Oregonstate Portland Oregon #Halloween Halloween event. However due to the false accusations even with showing the San Antonio Police Report of identity theft as to the year being before the claim as the claim was dated from a message after I wound up in Washington state, which I filed the San Antonio Police Report in 2013. While I did not have enough information to give the San Antonio Police station on Blanco Road in San Antonio Texas as that was the only location when I had completed a google search which had showed up in reference to when I typed in for the closest one to where I was at the time in he year of 2013, I did tell the female I spoke with I would work on every detail required to put everything I could together to be able to find the individual and/or individuals involved with causing all such problems as per though some might think whatever their thoughts are in reference to such aspects; the payoff in getting justice for what I had gone through in all such was for such justice depending upon what and who such had been done to me and/or my son and/or my daughter though because of time mostly justice for me and what I have dealt with, those other types of payoffs as per Non-Disclosure Agreements are surely going to make it through the situations as per the leaks from the overly crowded portions of the situations which I have referred to in reference to the aspects of the merging of social media accounts among the other additional portions thereof; of which I hope such are fully revealed as the sooner the best in my opinion, though admitting my own biases in such regards as per such aspects.

Police Report from San Antonio when I filed which I showed in July 2019, regarding the time I first learned of the identity theft I had been dealing with as per the credit reports since the year of 2008

As to the knowledge level of various government assistance systems as my ex-sister-in-law had known about as well as repeatedly partook of such as much as she could in the ways she could, what could have actually in truth helped my daughter and my son? While the reality in reference to how Grandpa Nichols approved of my choice as well as my decision as to how such went referencing the Bronze Star situation for the one I was handed in such references, the constant reminder as to how many times I requested such and Grandpa Nichols had demanded to be given over to me to be able to correctly take care of in comparison before if I recall correctly the meeting was in April 2008 as to the Bronze Star and thus his date which is of his death was less than 3 months after; as he had always defended me and visa versa in regards to those people as he said he did not need to hide his hatred of using the N-word without offending me as when looking back he was looking at his wife as well as his two daughters as their children ran around his front yard, I suppose in the reflection when looking back to the original meaning of the N-word possibly some could see such aspects thereof for such individuals as the N-word means ignorant and has not actually ever had anything to do with the country in Africa as their pronunciation of their area is much different than the location itself. However his illness before his death occurred less than 1.5 months, after moving into my house in Carrollton Texas and less than 2.5 weeks after my housewarming party for such considerations as to there is not a statute of limitations for certain crimes committed such as one of the 10 Commandments of Thou Shalt Not Murder as well as Thou Shalt Honor Your Father and Mother. As those who know my ex-sisters-in-law and how they had been in such times as well as my ex-brother-in-law’s girlfriend who was Linda’s daughter and Mimi’s granddaughter, the situations for such #FWPD #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FWTX #FortWorthTexas Fort Worth Police Department officials to review and such law enforcement agencies per area is for such a view as to how such is seen.
I have dealt with a lot of aspects of which many have been negative attributes from such individuals to which I found an area which I regret though I do not regret the positive ones even if only bit of time for such aspects, which is ever getting involved with such individuals to begin with after having woken up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma. There are many aspects as to the amount of lies and problems from what I have seen and what I have noticed during such years especially between the aspects as to 2004 into 2005 as well as from 2008 though to 2013 in reference to the specifics within the area of Texas of which for clarifications, everything in the # Velvet Rope was going well until the Halloween event which I thought I had seen Steve from Temple of Flesh in the area. As I have already gone over such details thereof that aspect as well as the portions in reference to Sasha, the portions of what has occurred upon seeing Steve in the area and then what happened in reference to at the apartment complex I was living at shortly started afterwards in a few months which continued onward though briefly stopped for awhile. Then it began up shortly after beginning to volunteer at Club Sapphire as I noticed when certain individuals had brought up certain discussion points as to the ways which they had seemingly changed a bit in their energetic aura, which in turn the aspects of later thinking I recognized individuals though did not ever get any clarifications from such as per having explained the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury multiple times over as I had been informed of regarding Allen Reese who was a volunteer with his then girlfriend Penny Stoner who had been a school bus driver at the time while he worked in a warehouse, had informed me as to having heard me re-explain the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury multiple times in one discussion for an example. When I informed him I did not realize how many times I went over such as I did not keep a tally as to how many times I said such, the discussions went further in depth in other topics of discussion depending upon the afternoon and/or evening. Upon around the year of 2016 after returning from my Medal of Honor Art Project trip in Montana and the situations thereof for that trip in particular, I have begun to notice several other factors of which the discussions seemed as though they were acting in reference to certain people because of anytime I said or did something which seemingly they did not expect me to do or say.
As I had not approved of specifically as explained anyone ever being involved with my Medal of Honor Art Project trips unless I specifically went over the details which were clarified as to what was needed to be known in comparison to ever explaining how I complete the historical and spiritual rubbings and artwork pieces to combine, the realistic portions as to the situations referenced in “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” can be referenced for such situations and aspects thereof. In the regards of if there had been people who showed up to actually start problems because of their personal issues they did not have the decency or maturity as to telling me the truth as to ever having seen my website or in reference to my books, which in turn the aspects thereof in addition the aspects as to those who I once knew saying as such if they had been at Club Sapphire can only be interpreted a few ways. One way is that they went to Club Sapphire to take the same drama that they had in the state of Texas to spread amongst the individuals at Club Sapphire or two, they were testing the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury without a medical license in the state of Washington which has extremely strict laws about such in conjunction to the extremely rigorous privacy laws of arrangements for the agreements being mandatory for each individual who could be in the area to be informed in some way as for example in one video a female walked into the area while watching me speak toward my camera phone and then when she was spoken with had thrown a tantrum claiming the walk from the bottom of the hill all the way up to the top of the hill she could not tell I had a camera despite the current cellphones realistically, which in that situation she fails to present an actual legal defense because of the length of a distance she had to walk as well as the fact my cellphone was on a tripod which the tripod aspects are fully known for all awareness as to the fact when a cellphone has a tripod attached there is filming occurring; thus that female had and has not one level of legal backing in any such form or way, and especially if knowing I had been in the area then the aspects to which she definitely did not and does not have a legal defense for herself in any such truthful way.
However in reference to the aspects as to Guardian Assholes show which the name was changed as well as being informed later that the rating that thewy did not know to set up for the Guardian Assholes show was needing a certain labeling, which that was something I already knew about the regards as to my books I published online which was a known safety precaution for all legal aspects for all bases to be fully covered in the genre labeling. In turn if the discussion occurred for having cameras arranged in Club Sapphire during the hours of business in comparison to when the business was closed in order to protect the privacy of everyone who could or would have attended, the aspects were not discussed further as to anything else with me or in my knowledge thereof as per being informed as to not having had such arrangements from the last discussion with Ray who I had spoken with as I did not speak with Ruby or Doug about the situation and they did not ask me about my opinion as I was simply volunteering at the time. In turn per the legal agreement signed and per the legal requirements to inform of all details as to the signing of a contract because as most know if there is one change in anything regarding from the initial agreement especially in a west coast state such as Washington, the requirement to redo every aspect of the legal agreement before ever being allowed to continue with any such recording work of any such type as per the legalities as to the privacy agreements of others.
In turn the fact of only being informed there would be the recording done at the garage type of area as well as the sports training center, there was not any other agreement signed nor was there ever any informing of such aspects. In turn the portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project as per the required discussions beyond the actualities thereof for which my Medal of Honor Art Project work is, the legal mandatory aspects as to the resigning after the reviewal portions thereof for any such type of a contract. As it is/was known I do not have an agent and the mandatory to go through me and me alone for such portions as per all prior aspects as to I had contacted and arranged the modeling sessions just as the same as I contacted and arranged my performances, I do not know what other people thought though I had made it most clear in regards of when in Texas. In that location I had spoken with each in person before ever sending a message as per both times in regards of the San Antonio location when initially contacting, those types relationships were not at such times to begin with regarding as any type of an agent for me. In the time when I first contacted about the San Antonio area events to perform, I had spoken with in person for each of the three different events I had performed at in only the years of 2010 and 2011 of which my final performance at such a location in San Antonio had been due to the fact of how the poster pictures had been done incorrectly because of the fake pictures used because of the amount of photoshopping that was done to my modeling pictures which anyone who has learned about the followers aspect would have known that without my tattoos in the poster those who had only seen my modeling with my tattoos and my hair would not have ever recognized me on sight as per the realities thereof.
As I can only tell the truth and as Steve complained to me when I told him why I did not take any of the posters or any of the cards given to me anywhere, he refused to speak with me about his decision to make the poster the way he preferred which I informed him he was going to lose massively huge for not having my tattoos in the poster images before ever performing that evening. I left that alone because it was not worth the effort to discuss such with him as he thought he knew the scene better than he did in reference to online portions, especially since I had kicked up my modeling when near the Austin Texas area where the larger amount of technology guys are located in comparison to San Antonio. However, such went as such went in those regards as his own employee was pissed off at Steve for ignoring the truth which he had told Steve first about before I had told Steve the same thing as to the facts thereof regarding people being accustomed to seeing my modeling pictures where some of my tattoos are showing in comparison. I have known all of my tattoos at one point in time on sight is far too much for the ability to actually handle seeing all at the same time which is another reason why in the adult consenting lifestyle I have been as minimalistic as minimalistic can be to the point some could joke virginal as to the length of time of my involvement compared to the numbers of any sexual contact regarding those particular areas.
For example the fact of mainly each event I had ever gone to I had been a silent security when noticing certain situations, to which Club Sapphire would have known the most about having the ability to have seen such more than any other location of events regarding my time in the areas to which mainly was setting up and cleaning up while randomly taking care of informing some to remain in the areas which they were supposed to be in regarding unattached males walking around where they were not welcomed to walk around freely. Though the same can be said in reference to the exterior portions of which regarding the parking lot areas as well while being in the smoking section, to the fact of such aspects in the state of Texas. In reference to what I can laugh about on Halloween there was a situation in the lobby area where I saw a couple who I had seen several times before, of which I went up and gave a hug as usual for myself upon recognizing on sight even if the name eludes me at such a point which the male asked me if I knew who he was at the Halloween party. When I responded guessing he was a business man, he pointed to his jacket saying he was being President George W Bush of which is extremely amusing to me because of the ironies and after asking if the President knew he was wearing his jacket; the male had smiled and said, “I think he’ll think its okay”.
As I am how I am I spoke with him briefly after taking a look around the lobby area, of which I went for a long walk to look around to see what was in the area as a just in case because of knowing other aspects as to such portions. Despite what some might see in reference to the aspects of my website as per the what might be seen in reference to the social media aspects regarding any actual names ever having been used, I tend to be far more reserved about such aspects; however as I have been accused multiple times before for either posting something which others misinterpreted thinking of whatever was going on in their lives compared to what was going on in my life and what my thoughts were at such times.
For whichever aspect as my mind tends to move much quicker and I think that could be the cognitive disorder portion because of the comparison aspects as to going through various aspects in a multifaceted way and thus depending upon the exact point in time of when posting for example a meme, there is only whatever is going on in which such ever actually has anything to do with such portions. In turn the same thing in reference to my outfits for my modeling and etcetera, thus the portions of which some have chosen to overreact and how they have chosen to act out as per such hypothetical overreactions means the realities thereof are for each individual to deal with themselves to which is the ways former President Ronald Reagan had been quoted as saying “We must not blame society for the law breaker, we must hold the law breaker accountable for the crimes they committed.”
Thus in reference to such times which does correlate to this year because of the situations which have followed around, the clarification as to the years of the times with such occurrences compared to those individuals’ responses for those times of such occurrences should be kept in mind and taken into consideration for such aspects if hypothetically any has reached out and contacted anyone regarding my transfer. If I am specifically thinking about you in reference to a posting, similarly to the San Antonio locations as well as can be seen on my website; you will not ever have to wonder or ponder if I am specifically referencing you and/or what you have done, for absolute clarification. I may be as I am, however I am as I am. I was born and raised in New Jersey during the 1980s and 1990s and was moved when I was a teenager of which one female I knew when I was in New Jersey with her at the #YMCA YMCA named Kelly Gann whose Mom had been the reference aspect to the portion about the mental health facility when speaking with Governor Christine Todd Whitman regarding concerns about, Kelly had said after only spending a few hours with me she knew how much exactly as she remembered me from multiple situations though other portions were as though were completely removed as she knew the truth about such and saw how badly the impacts were from the as I guesstimate the subarachnoid hemorrhage regarding those problems in such references. Though additionally she said I physically aside from my face had little which looked as what she remembered of me because she had said my hairstyle and my hair color caused a different look just as with my tattoos had caused her to see how such fully made me look different though the exact same.
Just imagine in reference to anyone who had done such aspects as to Washington state and/or Oregon, if you had spoken with me in truth then you would have actually been spending time with who you knew me as and how you knew me as in comparison to whatever was discussed and/or written about in whichever type of format and/or setting thereof. I bet the 10 Commandments rule of Thou Shalt Not Cheat probably makes a bit more sense in some ways as realistically, what did you cheat yourself out of when another 10 Commandment of Thou Shalt Not Lie. In turn the realities as to the situations which could have been eased in the truth, should have been much easier to tell the truth as I had told many I can only speak in truth and I have made the clarifications referencing the difference in regards of my books and the like between the fiction and the non-fiction as to make sure the difference is known and clarified. However if just writing or speaking in an overall aspect, then obviously I am not naming names as not naming names is more common for me as to possibly the area as to where I was born and raised as well as the timing thereof.
Those people had not ever been nearly as caring as they had pretended to be and the amount of individuals who I had met who admitted they would test out medical procedures on people within the lifestyle was the largest cause as to why I refused to partake in a multitude of aspects, as I refused to be a part of those people's situations in such ways. However because of the truth in the aspects as to my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, the reality of all 50 states within the United States of America require a medical degree or equivalent to complete any type of medical procedure and thus even with hypnosis the portions of the required and mandatory signed paperwork consent which I did not do and I doubt others had either which in comparison to ever doing such out in random aspects; in turn the Excalibur Faire reference to that male and those associated with, when taking a look as to the facts I had told you of my military connection as to being medically retired which was all the information you actually needed as you were not cleared to ever be informed as to the fullness of the situations regarding the realities in reference to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Thus every time any person has read about or heard about the aspects as to having been informed of the fact I had a head injury or a #TBI TBI on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 when I was in Basic Training in the Army of the United States of America’s Armed Forces after a Drill Sergeant threw me into the metal part of the bunk repeatedly head first after I was yelled at because of following protocol the night before, in reference to when he ripped the phone out of the wall because of commanding the identification card for the verification at the Headquarters Office for my Basic Training Battalion. From that I was in a coma for a length of time I do not know because of being in a coma and since my medical records for the Armed Forces of the United States of America is under a specific clearance level as well as classification level, the full aspects of which I deal with headaches on a daily basis as well as migraines how they fluctuate at this point in the year of 2021.
I deal with memory deficits and cognitive disorders of which impact my memory and because of such problems from those aspects which stem from the fact due to the blunt force trauma to my skull, there was a hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain which is called a subarachnoid hemorrhage for the type and location as to such which took 4.5 years before the blood within the area began to be noticeable to have begun to start a healing process. I went from when graduating high school 1 semester early of being in College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus while also having gone to college at the same time of high school which I had passed College Level Biology also known a Bio 101, as well as College Level Geometry Advanced Level; however because of all such portions I was tested repeatedly in medical facility settings in comparison to other situations referencing not having given consent to anyone since which in turn the requirement thereof for such as I have not given as to any civilian location or what would be perceived as a civilian location, down to 2nd grade math. The actual and real medical facilities which had tested me prior to the civilian areas of being tested for medical updates while also being tested in the military locations within the same years of up to the year of 2008 had been where finding my memory deficits and cognitive disorders had gone to, as well as several other factors. However because I went over such in brief when in person as well as whichever aspects online both before as well as after beginning my website, the clarifications have been fully made aware as each individual’s technology devices have obviously registered as such over the times of in the ways thereof; to which the legal requirements are the legal requirements for everyone else, as per their known mental capacities in comparison to since beginning to update my website in the year of 2019 as to the timing portions required for the fact of going to review such times and not having known officially all such aspects specifically to write or discuss about officially in such times when the occurrences had happened and yet at the same time multiple points I had done what I could to discuss with the people I had been speaking with in person of what I had noticed. What those people had chosen to do with what I told them in reference to whether or not they chose to remember or chose to tell others at the time of, is of their particulars to deal with such aspects.
For example as to that male who dated a female named Ms. Purple who had been a doctor who had admitted he was using hypnosis without permission on people, which he thought it was funny until I lit into him for having the nerve to be as disgraceful and careless to ever play with people in that way. When I continued to go on about the side effects as to what he was doing, he called another over by nickname to speak with me to which when I refused to tolerate having two males continue to push me in a direction I refused repeatedly because I have my right to my choice; those two males got closer to which the one individual at one point was considered as family, to which I could not believe that individual would ever fall for that male's lies as I thought he was smarter and knew better than to fall victim to the male who was dating Ms. Purple. At the location we were at which looks like a place I had grown up going to in New Jersey, that location when it was found out as to what actually occurred there during different times had been within the newspapers for what occurrences had been happening and how many people had been required to get medical treatment because of different problems which had transpired and the connections to what was going on in New Jersey those years was a massive part of the problem. When I was informed by that male who was dating Ms. Purple as to what he was mad at because I refused him, I did not care about his feelings and the male getting someone who was known to be of concern to me was not a good enough way to get me to calm down. I had informed others at that event as to what I had been informed of in the year of 2011 as to what I was told of, which each person I had told about what was going on shrugged their shoulders and said it was not their problem because it was not impacting them what another person did in the community to other people.
When I spoke with others at the same event, the responses were the same to which when I re-approached that individual to discuss without the male there; a trigger occurred and the responses from that individual were uncharacteristic to what I had seen from him before, to which I had repeatedly told him afterwards he needed to speak with people at Fort Hood about the situations he was seeing though he refused because as he said he 'was better than any shrink' which I told him that male was not a psychologist and he was a hypnotist of which because of the massive difference to those professions, he was not someone I could ever trust and because of the choices to defend what was wrong to occur to begin with that if such a pattern continued I would be forced to make my choice as seen fit. That male nodded his head saying he agreed I should make my own choice as I saw fit, which in turn later on I have made my choice as I have seen fit.
Which in turn the requirement for such biological adults by my choice for them to have to stayed away from my son and my daughter and I upon my choice to walk away completely, was made officially in the year of 2019 or 2020 when the situations of such had been as the situations had been when seeing certain individuals in person for the first time in several years as far as I knew for such aspects. In those regards as to the word of brat in such references as to the stalking and harassing hypothetically, how would such aspects of anyone who had stalked and/or harassed done such as to ratting others out when going to record while they did not have any permission when I was out working on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips during the years from 2014 through to 2020? I know I have not given anyone official permission as to any involvement with any portion of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and I will refuse anyone who had overstepped such boundaries as per the requirements thereof as per your choice to offend the Medal of Honor recipients’ spirits as well as your choice to disrupt the cemetery locations which my Medal of Honor guys had been at, just as they are not happy with any of you the same in reference to the oceanic portions as per ability to notice in reference to a few weather situations when some review certain timings as to their discussions for such larger weather situations within the areas. For example what occurred in 2010 in the weather as well as the ocean which was out of the ordinary and what was the timing to whose discussions, and what was said about me? When Vancouver Washington had snow for the first time in over a decade in the winter of 2013, is there any correlation to the winter storm timing as to 2020 in the state of Texas and what was said about me by who and where? Any other situations anyone can think about as to odd weather occurrences and their discussions about me, and/or the hypothetical problems as to any such plotting which would be considered under the Universal Code of Military Justice in conjunction with my first book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” along with “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” which could be notated?
Here is a Modernized view to think about regarding the 10 Commandments:
* First and Second Commandment: I am the one and only of which my name is my name and it will always be my name of which if you know me as an author then address me as such (Reverend) Susan MeeLing or the name shortened as Reverend MeeLing, of which if you know me as a model then address me as such Lady Dori Belle
* Third Commandment: Remember to keep holy my day I descended into the depths of the Atlantic area of the ocean to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg to ascend safely to survive and live
* Fourth Commandment: Acknowledge the truth of parental lineage as well as those who had assisted in from when had and have been learning from
* Fifth Commandment: Preserve life as much as possible for positive life for human beings as well as the animals throughout the Earth
* Sixth Commandment: Remain faithful to your relationship(s) as the types thereof in truth
* Seventh Commandment: Knowingly stealing and cheating are incorrect
* Eight Commandment: Always tell the truth about others you interact with about others you may choose to discuss at all times in each discussion of whichever type as truth is always the best
* Ninth Commandment: Be respectful of others’ relationships
* Tenth Commandment: Earn of your own work while crediting and paying for what others’ work in fair balance for such aspects of their work
While I had returned to Texas in part for what I have already gone through as well as in part to inform I was done with the lifestyle and the reality of which I am not my biological sister nor has there nor was there nor will there ever be any need for me to ever be the ways as her, as quite frankly such reasons as to why I was chosen to originally have the responsibilities as I was proven to be far more responsible than what had ever been thought of later on by certain individuals. Our biological mother and biological father would not have put me in charge as the Legal Guardian, if the lack of responsibility had not already been proven by me as per my ethics; though if she is upset about how the fact of such has been on the record as to me having been put in Legal Guardianship status for the years since 2003, she has to speak with them about having such taken care of in comparison for each of them to sign the documents required for such aspects to accomplish such. Additionally in reference to the situation regarding how my biological sister had complained in the front of the McHenry High School in San Antonio Texas because of what the male she had a threesome with of one of them had been pulled out of class because of his Mom’s rightful concern about the aspects as to what he had done with my biological sister, her attitude about the problems meant little to me in comparison to the required aspects for the parents to make and informed decision as they were in charge of their son’s medical care; as she had admitted to already having contracted several sexually transmitted diseases by that point in time which she could not get rid of ever. In such differences, I have already put my full blood work of tests completed upon returning to the state of Texas when completed in 2020 for all such clarifications as dates are always important to pay attention to whenever discussing any medical portions as well.
In such references as to my medical well being as well as this week’s appointment timing, I obviously was considered as of sound state of mind and well being as if there was a situation then the aspects as to how medical portion are for when on a military installation for such medical aspects would have been a different aspects as to the ways thereof. Since I am typing this on 2 September 2021 and as I write each day that such is posted as I do not send out the pre-written portions for clarifications as that would be my books in the non-fiction aspects as would be done in regards of the truthful portions only on my website and only the links for where you can appropriately purchase the different books series in reference to both my non-fiction as well as my fiction book series in comparison for clarity. I obviously had and have the capacity to know well enough to label which book genres as best as I can in regards of when self-publishing my books through #Amazon Amazon, which in turn I know how to distinguish between facts of the truth or fiction as in the make believe aspects or in the pretend ways or the aspects thereof. However for clarification I do not do role play games as that situation referencing Excalibur Faire was far too much for me to deal with, and since then that sort of aspect is something I have stayed away from any such knowing portions thereof on purpose.
In turn the aspects as to which the portions as to what my biological sister had not known about my coding portions, as she was too young to be a part of such information though was useful in other such aspects regarding how Bok Pu had not been allowed to take her over to #China China as she had wanted to back in the 1980s. However as an irony as to the technology portions of which my biological sister has been more accustomed to the social media portions of such regarding the emails as well as the social media commonly more known as, since many devices over the years have been made in China and/or Asian countries and as our biological mother and biological father had wanted her to be a star because of the Chinese view points of her physical aspects; I suppose both sides technically have the proverbial win-win at that point in such regards, before the merging portions thereof. However while I wrote about after I had discussed in person for years well before ever writing online as well as well before authoring my books, I had informed of the truth regarding my biological sister as to such affairs she had been involved with regarding the trists as to the various spouses she had assisted to cheat on their spouse. In turn the aspects while my biological sister was willing for the aspects of and having already clarified as to the forced aspects as to what I had always been against as each has their right to choose such aspects of sexual interaction with whom is discussed and consented to, which though my biological sister preferred the larger numerical portion of what she had sat on in a more modest way of explanation as to the gaggled numbers for such portions for her and what she personally explained she enjoyed. That is important to remember that is what my biological sister had expressed she enjoyed, I am not my biological sister, thankfully.
There is a massively huge difference as to myself regarding my preferences of which while I have written fiction stories in conjunction with the non-fiction books, which is important for the aspects especially in reference to the online aspects. If the portions referencing my books I authored and the publishing portion after I had registered with the Library of Congress aspects were not cared about nor paid attention to or ignored because of lack of care and/or lack of attention to details in a childish fit of rage because of the realities being in front of her face as to exactly who she had been all the years of in black and white as a hypothetical referencing my books, legally as well as within the social media spectrum the legalities of her knowingly by such a choice contributing to the delinquency of each minor who could have ever downloaded such portions of such books I authored after I registered in the ways I had ensuring my legal first and my legal middle name remained at all times as per the legal requirements for copyrights though in the different ways I had thought at the time; however reflecting upon such in the years of 2019 into 2020 and into this year of 2021, it was an added benefit which has been one great surprise. Ironically, the first massively huge surprise in such a way which all such legal protections were already in place for my favor the whole time for my innocence to remain and my immunities thereof.
In turn the realities of the merging portions additionally as the realistic aspects as to the online searches to catch those types of individuals as there is a massively huge difference in another technology based way, requiring such clarifications as per how the ability to see the close proximity referencing whether the shorter name which can be seen in the book and the movie format of fiction and non-fiction. As the ways which technology has impacted people’s eyesight and vision, the ways to which such merging portions will additionally assist the aspects thereof which there are a few reference aspects to look at. In such as my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie combined with her Maiden last name to her first marriage to her three first children’s father, then to her new last name in reference to her twins father; the similarities being seen in reference to my legal first name and my legal middle name when looking only at the middle initial when on forms; and as there has been the proven identity theft which she had done in reference to her getting power in her children’s names as well as opening accounts illegally, the mistakes for quite a few aspects as per the ways in which such portions of names. As the aspects as to my Maiden name being an extremely short Maiden Last Name comparatively to the aspects of my Legal Widow last name, the problems in such additional portions of which the aspects to what was dealt with upon learning about in the year of 2013 and the San Antonio Police Report I had to file because of the charges wrongly to my credit and all such clearings required for all such work involved. I think it might have worked out for more as per the facts of the connection to those in the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces regarding the phone call discussions, because of how I had the time to be able to deal with being on the phone to take care of the situations as I have explained in brief. Though additionally I wrote about in more depth because of the knowledge and the understanding as to comprehending what the needless aspects as to the other types of financial worries when in the field additionally, to what is mainly needing such focus and attention correctly.
In such a merger aspect the ability for the ease of the ways for such aspects as per the reality of the internet being bigger than the world itself, the reasons such a social media and the common social media portions being reviewed for such aspects as to the additional speeds in the individual usages though also in reference to the emergency purposes and a portion s to the assistance referencing the space stations being able to send and receive signals while additional portions regarding the ways as to send the signal for a satellite to move in a different time frame as per the scheduling because of the larger distances. In such aspects as to many clarifications as my biological sister had been inept at the working thereof to the realities of the depths as to the requirements of what work it takes to be able to have the patience to ensure the correct information is put together, as it was noticed when I was a child as to my levels of patience with others when I was in Asher Holmes Elementary School of which as per the ways which occurred when I went to summer camp for a week as well as when I went to Basic Training as to when I remained in the state of Texas at such times. The realities and responsibilities as to the choices and the words as to what my biological sister had chosen in has been embedded throughout multiple programs and computing systems before she ever knew what embedding in the coding aspects were called as such, to which since she began working on technology in 1993 I suppose certain aspects are a bit odd when looking at such portions though a bit of a metaphorical irony when thinking about the area as well as the occurrences as to any such aspect thereof. In turn the reality as to how much damage and destruction my biological sister only knows how to do as she had not learned the healing aspects as to the ways which I had before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury because of what works I have been doing before she was even planned to become a pregnancy, though a bit of an ironic twist when you think about such words and what has been done in reference to the ways she has been.
I was informed as to females who come from a genetic length of individuals with certain medical histories need assistance to be able to get pregnant as well as carry through to delivery, though I also know it only takes one abortion to destroy the interior aspects as to the birth canal as well as the cervix portion as to how that particular body part correlates to keeping a pregnancy and carrying to full term for delivery. I have looked over medical college textbooks as well as medical journals of which it seems those who would have gone through even one abortion would have a quicker amount of time to be able to deliver the child, though in the reference of the abortion aspect as to the healing and to what portions are a possibility referencing when delivering a child after an abortion depends upon how such an internal area has whatever capability to work towards healing the wounds from the cervix being opened enough to be able to use utensils to grab a hold of the embryonic sac to pull the sac out of the area with the metal tools while ripping the sac from the uterine walls to then pull outward from the area. With such a sensitive area of a genetically biological born female the slightest movement in the wrong direction can cause damages to the vaginal wall because of the types pulling and prodding which occurs when an abortion takes place, and why there is only local anesthesia in comparison to being given other medications because of the quick procedural aspects thereof. Hypothetically there is a rip[ping feeling which the female can feel as though there is which there is something inside of the female which has been ripped out from their innards, and such portions cannot be developed nor replaced of which while substitutions can occur; what is the value of such substitutions depending upon the situations, regarding such aspects?
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out when individuals who have only played games previously with someone who has had a head injury in ways to needlessly cause additional problems that individual who survived that has no need nor any time nor any want to be involved with their lives or their antics ever again and if their choice is to prefer to continue on in the same ways they were before, then the individual who walked away should be able to go on without disruptions from any such connections of whatever their lives are as the fact of having survived a head injury means that instead of treating the individual in my opinion. If the true aspect of wanting to have such involvement then the reference aspects is to being truthful, as it seems the most clear pathway.
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out even their move to the state of Texas despite their intentions, had everything to do with going after me which in turn because of going after me in such ways means they on their own free will had made me the Dominant Factor for all such decisions and reactions which they have had in all such ways. In turn regarding the adult consenting lifestyle terminology, I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out since hypothetically they declared a war game on me without my acceptance nor my acknowledgement as to not having been informed of such; however if such was a truthful aspects as to the reflection looking back to the times of over the years I suppose by the terminology of their time of whenever they began to now of realizing such hypothetical possibilities in the year of 2021 the term is I have Dominated those people with their choices as well as their consent to be Dominated by me the whole time whether some had seen such in the larger or the smaller aspects. However I have stopped such involvement in the aspects thereof many moons ago after the realizations in 2018, as the final times of involving myself had been in the year of 2019/2020. In turn any such portions of which were ever continued onwards after I walked away officially because of what I had picked up in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and work as to the connections thereof, I refused to continue such portions with the individuals thereof because of such lack of respect and lack of regard as to the requirements for the safety precautions as it was not a fad and was not a joke as to the realistic portions of what such actually are. Since I have had to go into the details briefly as to the regards of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, I repeat the portions as to the required discussions with me in the references of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips additionally.
In such references as to not playing games and especially because of being a Mom, the realities of which others have made their choice to involve themselves into my son and my daughter’s lives in the ways which they have made the choice to without ever actually asking me any questions in an officially known or officially recognized way as to any portion of #CPS Child Protective Services involvement aside from when in the state of Texas as per the situations at such times which each individual I met with had showed me proof of identification in such aspects, I had told my son when he wanted to be able to go into the Army branch and the paperwork that was signed meant that if he chose to go forward with the United States of America’s Army branch and chose not to wait as I preferred the ways the legal aspects as to which the responsibilities are of the portions which he would legally be considered as his own supervisor regarding his choices as to deny my knowledge at such times as once the paperwork he wanted signed for his Army aspects to begin he knew I could not handle being in the area as he had to assist with pushing the door buttons because of the electrical situations in the area above the Mason-Dixon Line and the realities which he saw and heard at the Clackamas Oregon Best Buy with all of the alarms which went off as he had to help me walk out to the car because of my response to what was discussed about the research which I refused and upon the refusal being hear by such technology pieces is when all of the alarms went sounding off. While it is his birthday though I informed him as to if he made his choice to go into the Army, I was leaving the state of Washington and when he tried to get Caramel and Will Featherly to speak with me on his behalf of staying in the area; I only agreed to the lease agreement and nothing more in reference to any other agreement, referencing such aspects regarding to the time he left for Basic Training as at his Basic Training oath as well as him saying he was going to Basic Training I informed him I was leaving to return to Texas for a brief amount of time including on a phone call when he contacted me in 2019. Before my lease agreement in Texas in 2019 I drove back up to Washington state and called him as he said he had gotten out of the Basic Training and was then looking at going to the #USAirForce #USAF Air Force later on after, which he knew I was in Georgia at the time of the phone call. I sent letters as well as emails and text messages to the addresses I had been given, which there was minimal responses from people within the Army at the recruiter station as well as the Featherlys household. Him being 18 years old at the time of such and him knowing about other aspects as well, had been informed of what was needed at the times of.
While I would prefer to have discussions with my son in person whether or not it is his birthday though knowing he is an adult just the same as in reference to my daughter discussions in person, I know the facts of having made him aware of the facts in truth. While some might disagree with any choice and/or decision I have made, when looking at all such surrounding circumstances an combined aspects to all such situations do ask yourself where you would have done anything differently with all such portions in the full combination of. If there is anything you can truthfully say that would have been better from what I knew at such times in combination with all complete details as per my side from the explanations in reference to my non-fiction books and my website as to the outer portions of the other aspects involved hypothetically, what portions would you have the ability to actually truthfully contest any portion which would have ever been a better outcome in regards of any such situations with the full combinations of the outer portions to the inner portions? He has been given my number as well as knows what my website is as well as knows he was told if there was an issue that he could send me a message through there in such regards since he did not want to keep the cellphone I was paying for him at the time just as he said he did not want the new cellphone I had gotten for him to use for his birthday in 2019, of which if he chose to tell lies to me he knows as to how I feel about being lied to as well as knows how I do not respond well to lies. In turn he knows how to contact me if he wants to speak with me, just the same in reference to my daughter. The requirement has always been and will always be such has to be in truth regarding any type of such discussions, as that has always been of extreme importance of which each of my children knows specifically what to say if there is something they cannot speak with me about as per the sensitivity to the topic point and those portions are known in which order of what ways that is completed in reference to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia.
Thus if there were those who I once knew who was told the truth at every chance who additionally did not believe me when I told them I cannot handle surprises because of what I have dealt with over the years in reference to those specifically ironically within the state of Texas with such a high population of Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans and how many Blue Identification Card holders of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as even though I did not graduate Basic Training for the Army branch I told people about several other situations which was more than enough to not need a head injury to figure out to only speak with me in truth and if you are going to surprise me at minimum have the courtesy to inform me of the specific date as to such as well as what I would need to wear in comparison to thinking after all I have survived that a surprise in an undisclosed time in an undisclosed location on an undisclosed date would ever be read as anything other than a threat to me and my safety; especially after the Austin rallies on top of the situation of remembering having physically disarmed the firearm out of my daughter’s physical hands which was pushed into my stomach as her hands were gripping the grip and her fingers were squeezing the trigger repeatedly when in BAMC after that situation up to that point in time, as possibly there is at minimum one person who has had to do so which the response to any off putting sensation is going to send the proverbial hackels up and the defenses on high alert of which certain people who have proven repeatedly to not comprehend there are simply certain things you do not surprise certain people with, especially when taking into consideration “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as well as “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in reference to all of the situations combined additionally as there also is “Finding The Silver Ling By: Susan MeeLing” for the clarifications as needed for additional aspects as to the three volume series of “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” to go over such details as to why I do not like surprises as some might typically like.
I did additionally begin to review my memories regarding such aspects while working further on my memories from being born and raised in New Jersey and going around the tristate areas, which as on my website through my journal blog The Ornery PSA; hypothetically if there was the possibility of a surprise as per him remembering one individual who had surprised me with a birthday party though had not known as to the situations at such times because of maintaining my composure, that individual Patrick Kennedy should have remembered as to how long it took me to fully go into how infuriated I was about that surprise as while I had spoken with him briefly on the back patio if he were honest, he would remember that before I actually dove into each portion as to what was a problem for me as to the arrangement as to the colors of the plates and the napkins being in which he was obviously in the adult consenting lifestyle and I did not discuss my SCUBA Diving with him meant in the situations of only having the awareness as to the BDSM colorations while at that time of being mainly my submissive and only just before meeting his Mom and Dad had there been the point of officially recognizing the relationship as a relationship as per how in such aspects I am as a Mom first and foremost. If he remembers correctly there was a night when he locked the patio door wrongly when I was outside and he went to work which that evening when I began thinking about the situation and how to broach the topic is when the torrential downpour of rain occurred and the flooding in the parking lot areas barely had the ability to make it to the runoff area as per the ways such an area is. Again, my son did not know of such and my daughter obviously did not know of such because of the fact of the hospital aspect at the time.
Then again, what is there to take seriously when I look as I do despite the other such proof as to the ways I physically look have not mattered previously in reference to the aspects of other such connected portions as to the oceanic portions as well as the space portions as to such aspects in the officializing of the US Space Force in addition to the situations thereof. While to this point there have not been official responses regarding contacting outward of which to reclarify the letters I sent asking if there was an interest meant the requirement to actually respond for the aspects thereof in an official capacity and not assume there was enough knowledge as to what was required for such, as per having explained the requirement for in person discussions before this journal blog entry in several areas thereof. By the way when taking into consideration the Space Force aspect, that does include the air space of such portions for the clarifications thereof required discussions in person. However with the lack of responses in the official capacity which includes the medical portion in the recent days as to such requirements, the lack of the need for other such portions to continue as per the requirements thereof. Why does it matter for any such portions when taking the combined aspects into consideration as to what I have personally gone through and dealt with, as to the ways such has gone? The answer for me, is it means a lot.
With the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 in conjunction to the 1993 attack to the World Trade Center, what does it matter in such regards in the portions thereof to me when taking all such aspects into consideration? I have needed to take care of returning to the east coast for two decades at this point as I have made efforts to go prior to the December 2020 timeframe of which I was not willing to wait for anyone any longer to go out to where I had some memories of from my childhood and part of my teenager years, which after clearing the aspects as to the other posts in such references as to the connection portions thereof; I had other stuff I needed to be working on in comparison, which due to the problems caused by the apartment complex leasing company and the apartment complex in Buda Texas staff by taking the length of time to actually get the correct information to me as well as getting the paperwork processed correctly in a timely manner as per the legal aspects for such protections from those types of individuals who would be considered as slumlords for the situations as to the length of time, because of the needless hoops which should not have had to be gone through because of such a situation as to where after 21 years as to actually breaking down to give a small explanation as to what my Blue Identification Card from/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America to then have to contact the Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton to have to before the 30 day point of being out of the state of Texas having been sent a bill wrongly and having had to inform that aspects as well as to what situations had been going on in reference to the location and situations thereof for the length of time needlessly; at minimum the clarification as to the maximum amount of time a leasing apartment management company has to get their job done correctly in such regards, as realistically it has already been put into legal writing before though having had to get to the level of contacting someone else to get the individuals at the company to do their job is not something that should be a problem as it was.
In turn the aspects repeated regarding the possible connections and the relinquishing mandatory for those people as to rights they did not ever have to legally consider as their own as per the requirements of other such portions and additionally having informed the staff when I moved in of which there was one who was still a part of the staff before the company switchover which non of the people who lived in the apartment complex were ever required to sign a new lease when the initial transfer occurred which technically because of them not having such portions for the individuals who were already in the apartment complex the reality as to the requirement for such a notification officially for such a new lease agreement upon the time of such a company transfer officially. In turn even if someone was living in the apartment complex for years and continued to live there even to this day has legal standing ground to not have to pay their rent because of the fact that Olympus Properties did not officially go through the legally required steps as any other company has had to do in regards of new legal agreements. Thus additionally by technicalities the Olympus Property Company based in Fort Worth could legally be responsible for the return of each individual apartments’ monthly rent in reference to the length of time from the company switchover through to whatever day as to living in such a location, both the past individuals as well as the current ones.