While my biological mother (as to an actual legal definition egg donor), my biological father (as to an actual legal definition sperm donor), and the female who is considered as a biological sister as to such relationship aspects as to the timeframe thereof as to her birth having been planned as to such a point in time as to which would be legally only considered as my biological sister who may have thought more of themselves in such comparisons as to the reality as to such points in time thereafter to the year of 1992 as to when I was in fifth grade; for the clarifications once again as to such factors, those individuals have only been as such to me as to the legal definitions only because of what I personally dealt with as to when I had Mono, Epstein Bar, Bronchitis, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time of which they were capable to tell the difference as to how I viewed them back by the timeframe of 1993. In such references as to the year of 1993 as to what afterwards I dealt with while they had wished as to further aspects in the comparisons as to the way I personally viewed such individuals, those who knew the four of us knew of how much those individuals combined complained about me and those who knew me knew about all of the warnings I gave such them in person face to face in person as well as later on as later in writing as to such factors as to the verifiable truths of what I personally dealt with over such lengths of time from then onwards as to the facts thereof from fifth grade as well as other such portions. While some of those three might bring up when I was in eighth grade as to the #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #Navy Marine and Since Technology School with the Navy attachment as I have brought such up as to being a starting point of some sorts compared to those people, just as similarly as to how those people might have brought up what I dealt with as to #BapatistCampLebanon #LebanonNJ #LebanonNewJersey #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #Baptist Baptist Camp Lebanon in New Jersey as to such factors as to the assault I dealt with as to the aspects thereof, the reality of which the truth of such situations not having been the starting point of my personal issues with them though their thoughts thereof.
As a side notation as to what I warned my biological mother/father about as to the Pastor at #OTPC #OTC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in reference to who was Mrs. MacKenzie back in the 1990s as to Pastor Hugh MacKenzie’s wife as well as the aspects as to how my biological mother knew of the aspects as to her half brother Leonard Gavett’s situation as to such hypotheticals, the facts of which to the irony of which if such individuals mistakenly thought as to me being the favorite in such comparisons as to my biological mother and/or my biological father would have made the biggest mistake of their lives as to such hypotheticals as to the reality as to the capability to see such aspects as to how the differences of the ways which my biological sister was treated in the comparisons as to the ways which I was treated. Thus in the reference as to the aspects of which I warned my biological mother and my biological father about such situations just as I had warned the church congregation as to such factors in the reference to the original Pastor of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the aspects of the original location as to Pastor William Tennent, the facts of such aspects as to the verifiable additional proof as to such situations as to the aspects of how it mattered not that I am the first born as to the reality of the facts as to when the pregnancy factors as well as other such situations in reference to such individuals as to those times. I had not been their child officially ever as to the way a parent is supposed to care about their child in such references as to the reality of such factors, as to the differences in reference to the capabilities to be seen as to the best I could possibly do for both my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia in the comparisons as to the aspects of proof over the time as to such aspects. In turn as to the reality of the capability to see the differences massively as to such aspects, the reality additionally as to the situations both in New Jersey as well as to #IL #ILstate #illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois in such references before I went into the #Army Army branch as to the timeframes thereof as to such situations. While if in the reference as to my biological mother’s half brother Leonard Gavett as to such situations in reference to the aspects of whatever occurrences as to his three daughters as to the aspects of what I warned my biological mother and my biological father about as to such situations, which as they had seen in reference to when at my biological mother’s half sister Edith Smith in reference to her two daughters from her first marriage as to such capacities thereof to those cousins. However unlike how some biological females as to having stood by and done nothing to actually assist and help situations, thankfully there are some who actually have had such intelligence as to the capacities thereof in such references just as thankfully there have been some males who have not been accepting of such abusive problems as to those types of individuals as to those types of behavioural aspects.
While such situations as to how much I have wished to not have had to deal with what I have dealt with as to such lengths of time, I have hoped as to the betterment for myself as to such aspects as well as hoped for the betterment for others as to the progression forward in such comparisons as to what no one should ever have had to dealt with especially to such a comparison of having been within the United States of America as to what is supposed to be considered as a first world country in such comparisons. When such an aspect of the realities as to such factors in the regards thereof have been as to such levels thereof, at this point I have begun to wonder as to the aspects of how such individuals could have seen and/or reviewed the aspects as to my first two books “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to wondering if there was actual human decency within the world as to such aspects of having dealt with the amount of situations as I have as to the length of time as to any and all such works thereof to the aspects of what was such I had ever done which was ever of actual value and worth as to my life in such regards as what would or could there ever actually have been that would ever have been of such importance as to such levels thereof as to any possible aspects of such portions as to why would one individual have to deal with such aspects thereof as what could ever have been to such a degree as to the aspects of what individual could ever actually deserve such situations to the combined factors as to the hope as to such factors of the fullest fixing and repairing of all such situations to the best of capability as to the knowledge of other factors thereof despite such circumstances I had dealt with up to such a point and level thereof.
Simply think about as to the possibility as to such knowledge as to the aspects of #IA #IAstate #Iowa #Iowastate Iowa in regards as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips combined before as well as up to such a point, and what could be a recollection as to what I dealt with when I was in fifth grade as to my biological mother/father/sister in such references to such a review thereof as to when at that time of having been only 9 years old as to the timeframe in Iowa as to having only been 18 years since waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and yet only 10 years as to having the last portions of the subarachnoid hemorrhage out from the frontal lobe of my brain from that Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. What could be noticed as to it only having been 9 years since my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving aspects as to such aligned portions in addition, as what could be noticed in the references to such combined situations thereof to such a point in time as well as thereafter as to how such went from that combination of that year in 2009 as to 2018 as to 2018 through to the timeframe when I was in the state of Texas as what could ever be seen as to such aspects of the problematic portions as to individuals who would wish to claim much higher of themselves in such comparisons thereof to such factors?
Where would actual parenting be considered, in such references to such supposed family aspects in my direction?
What would ever be considered as to where I could have ever been cared about as well as cared for in the correct ways as to such aspects, or would there be the capability to see the complete opposite in such references and regards thereof as where could anyone actually believe as to such genuinity of care and concern for myself as well as my son and my daughter as to my parental rights in all such realities as to being the one and only parent my son and my daughter had left as to the situations?
In reference to those who wished to be better than I as to their assumptions as to such factors, what accomplishments as to such factors could your children look at to such aspects in such judgmental portions thereof as to the length of time in such references?
What are your numbers in such comparisons to my numbers, in whichever aspects thereof to take into consideration as to the years of the 18 years per individual child of mine to the 18 years as to your own biological children as to such factors as well as the prior times as to such situations of the possibilities thereof; as what would there be of any such factors in the references thereof, as to the possibilities as to the findings thereof to such numerical aspects?
In such references would it and could it hypothetically be possible to find such transmissions on earth as to the further aspects outward to the space portions in addition as to the facts of emails, pager numbers, text messages, phone calls on recorded lines, as well as the social media factors as to such connectionary points and what could the possibilities be as to such situations thereof?
I have acknowledged the aspects as to the situations as to technology devices as to the lack of such knowledge as to such types before, though in such acknowledgement as to such capacities; what are the patterns of behaviour as to all such situations, and what would and could be taken into such consideration in the references thereof as to such aspects as to both in reference to before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as after waking up from my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 as to such factors thereof to the technological aspects referencing such situations overall as to which accusations as to which proof thereof as to the combined factors overall?
When the facts of only having had social media since officially as to the Facebook aspects as to the year around 2008 or 2009 if I remember correctly though the aspects of #CafeMom CafeMom around the year of 2007 or 2006 or possibly 2010 depending upon, what would be possible in such references thereof to the capacities to such situations?
Though I had the myspace aspects as well though the additional capacities as to the situations as to the amount of individuals in conjunction as to the people who were in my life as to such aspects as well as to the technological portions thereof to such a point in time before #fetlife fetlife as to such situations, what would be capable to be found in reference to the years of 2005 as to such aspects onward in the comparisons as to such individuals involved in whichever aspects thereof to such connections to each possibility as to the ways of such factors as to the possible hypotheticals as to what false accusations as to what I have dealt with as to the comparisons in reference to Excalibur Faire as to such situations in conjunction as to my pattern of behaviour when innocent as to the comparisons to informing as to my choices in such references as when have I ever truly been capable to hide in any such format as to certain facts.
For example as to situations in reference to the French fil documentary of 9/11 in regards as to what I was informed of as to the film itself in the year of 2002 as to when my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, my children’s biological father, and I were in #IL #ILstate #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois as to the aspects of the flight situations as to how the situations were as to checking the gear of my children’s biological father also known as my now dead-ex-husband as to such situations when flying out from the airport to go to O’Hare before returning to the #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Texas state area as I described already as to the #TSA TSA checkpoints in regards of the luggage and such factors. When in reference to not having anything to hide in which I did not see any problems during the timeframe of, I patiently waited as the individuals who checked the gear as to the aspects of in reference to the luggage as to the run through of the Xray machines before going to the gate. Once that occurred in such references as to the flight as I already explained previously as unlike some individuals I do not change in any capacity, the factors thereof to such situations which the way those two weeks went were as to the annoyances in reference to my biological mother/sister being more protective of a dog than in comparison to my son and/or my daughter as to their dog who was easily kept away if they had simply listened to me as to what I specifically told them to do. It was only when my biological father got involved had everything I already brought forward as to the realities of such choices as to actions were those two biological females capable to listen to the instructions given, which my biological father told them they needed to listen to my commands and do as I informed them to do as there was not any excuses he saw which were acceptable as everything I had brought up he had said only I had additional aspects which I had later explained.
That ironically reenforced such aspects as to his stance as to following my commands during the timeframe which he warned my biological mother and biological sister of how they would regret it similarly to how Grandpa Nichols warned my ex-in-laws how they would regret it, if they had not heeded to what I informed them of to do in such references.
Ironically those sets of situations tried to say to both my biological father as well as Grandpa Nichols as they tried to claim if I did not officially tell them which ironically in both sets of situations, both Grandpa Nichols and my biological father told them if they were informed in any capacity there was not ever going to be any worthwhile excuse that would ever be considered as valid and each portion of whatever they would welcome to succumb themselves to from choosing to knowingly disobey my commands would follow suit as to whatever situations would occur because both my biological father and Grandpa Nichols had seen multiple times where I was fully accurate and only in a few situations had they ever had the sensation to clarify with me as to the specific details in limited capacities because of how they saw the situations as well as from their own experiences. In a different ironic portion as to Drill Sergeant Parsley and Drill Sergeant Gonzales during my Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahoma #Oklahomastate as to the aspects of a female being capable to be in Command as per the Basic Training unit I was in had been informed as to each others’ plans as to the #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy #Army Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to how the first day of school and/or when being in a new class as to such factors, though individuals who know how Basic Training goes as to such introduction aspects. In such references Drill Sergeant Parsley and Drill Sergeant Gonzales both initially said they knew how difficult it would be as to a female being in Command as well as they had the opinion as to how individuals who would have a possibility as to a relationship factor with such would have to be capable to stay within their lanes as well as they wondered as they did not believe there could be a male who would be good enough as a spouse as to actually stand by my side as well as stand up for me as to such decisions as to the aspects of the male ego as per their descriptions whereas my biological father and Grandpa Nichols both hoped otherwise as to such comparisons in reference to my choices.
Where my biological father feared that I would be capable of spinning around to handle situations though had wondered if there ever would be a male to be a spouse who could handle the amount of proverbial baggage as to my life, Grandpa Nichols hoped there would the capacity for such aspects for me knowing of the specifics as to the overall portions from 2000 through 2008 as to such aspects. Grandpa Nichols especially warned his family as to being careful with me as he knew what he had assisted to clarify for me as to certain circumstances of which he warned my ex-in-laws there was nothing more which he could warn them about as he informed them as to the lengths I went without ever knowing certain details, ironically shortly before a situation as to him acknowledging certain factors as to the official aspects in more detail as to the dress blues rack situation. He told my ex-mother-in-law there is no person in the world who would or could ever choose such situations as to the funeral aspects who would have ever went to the lengths of work as I had, as to ever be wrongfully blamed for situations which were not for me to ever be blamed for ad anyone who would try to twist such aspects he warned my ex-mother-in-law to pay attention to the facts whereas my one ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time of 2008 had laughed at him telling him he did not know how retarded he sounded. Then again that same ex-sister-in-law called him medically retarded from the Army in comparison to being medically retired from the Army, as he and I had certain similarities as to such title factors as to the aspects in certain references of which while I had the Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America he had not ever informed me officially if he had such an identification card color aspects thereof. However in certain factors as to what his background as to the Army branch as to the differences to my background as to my childhood and teenager years, now in the year of 2022 I can admit to wondering as to such factors as to the realities thereof.
Nonetheless both Grandpa Nichols and my biological father warned multiple individuals as to paying attention to details, as Grandpa Nichols had experiences where I explained situations he had not ever spoken of with anyone throughout his life up to such a point in time just as my biological father had acknowledged such portions thereof. In the references as to the situations after the dog aspects in Illinois in the year of 2002 as to being informed as to going to spend time with a female from #CLS #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeSouth #CrystalLakeSouthHS #highschool Crystal Lake South High School as to the timeframe of New Years as to how I had #Jello jello shots and pudding shots for the first time, as to not knowing until later of such having had alcohol in them as to not knowing what alcohol was as to such a point in time. In my clarification thereof as to I would not willingly partake of such as to the aspects of my headaches and migraines of which in turn as to a side notation, anyone who would ever illegally tamper with any such type of food and/or drink as to such testing aspects without my official approval which in turn since I have already clarified as to not being willing to be in such a situation as to the facts of without a medical license as to the official legal definition which is a federal crime as to the facts of which practicing medicine without a license as to such aspects in reference to those females in the year of 2002 though additionally as to the hypotheticals of other such factors. In such hypotheticals as to my biological sister/mother, the #PhiThetaKappa #PTK Phi Theta Kappa fraternity as to them not having graduated college and the requirements before ever beginning such research, the #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving individuals as to the year of 2009 officially as to such capacities and such connections thereof as to the aspects of such hypothetical aspects would officially constitute as to practicing medicine without a license in the ways similar to Erika also known as Discordia because she thought her dad’s medical license as to John Hopkins Hospital meant it transferred to her whereas it did not transfer to her when she confessed to such in the year of 2012 around shortly after the 4th of July celebration as the magnitude of what I was already dealing with by the year of 2012 for the clarifications. Especially as to such factors as to the known portions of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury without going further than such, by all legal definitions as to such factors as to the requirement legally as to having a medical license in such references if not in a medical facility as to the requirements of a medical license and/or whatever other type of such medical licensing such as a psychology license or the terminology thereof to such factors because of the legal requirements to have such in place before ever going forward with such as to the reasons for such federal law regulations to protect the general public from such types of situations as to other aspects which occurred previously in time.
Thus in the references as to such aspects which in turn as to such hypotheticals as to the legal requirements as to medical licensing laws if such to the hypothetical in reference to my SCUBA Diving, as per such SCUBA Diving instructors among the civilian sector of the recreational side as to the aspects thereof; legally they would be capable to have their SCUBA Diving instructor licenses revoked and all such individuals as to the timeframe from my final SCUBA diving certification I earned if they had begun such at any point in time of 2009 as to such factors, legally such individuals who earned a SCUBA Diving certification from November 2009 would officially be capable to be revoked as would all such factors as to any other SCUBA Diving aspects would be capable to be revoked of each individual and/or group thereof as to the legalities of which a SCUBA diving instructor license is obviously different than a medical license. In the possibilities of an individual having a medical license the legal requirements as to my consent would be mandatory for the facts of which I had not consented ever to such aspects, the legal portions of such in the hypotheticals would be a higher penalty to such an individual and/or group of individuals as to the facts thereof to such medical malpractice legal terminology. Just because I had made the choice as to why I was getting involved with SCUBA diving to be known, that aspect did not ever give any clearances to anyone else ever as to such aspects as to ensuring the factors of my work for myself as well as my work for the situations thereof to be only my work as to such situations as to the capabilities for the clear information directly from in the comparisons as to how certain situations have been filtered as to other processes of the medical community.
With the acknowledgement as to not having attended medical school though acknowledging the aspects of when I was in fifth grade as to the college textbooks for the medical degree program for which my biological father was attending college for and reading all information within and throughout each college textbook; the fact of only testing myself and not ever involving anyone else covers me in such regards as to knowing better, as to the additional factors as to my confirmation graduation from #OTC #OTPC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church to the additional aspects of my being an Ordained Reverend to such degrees with the 26 SCUBA diving certifications I earned as to the knowledge of my own medical background and history thereof to which in turn for the individual factors of ensuring the clear information in such references for in what I thought as to my opinion regarding the year of 2009 as to transparent honest work in such medical aspects in such references as to what I made the choice for myself as to such factors for then the references thereof to the capabilities in which capacities if there was the willingness to work with as to such factors for the genuine betterment of health and wellness as I already wrote about as well as discussed the portions as to Governor Christine Todd Whitman. Thus as to individuals who might not have certain access to proper medical facilities being capable to research for themselves as to their health as well as the larger overall medical community of such faculties, though in reference to myself as to such aspects only legally being capable to being my own work in such regards unless the needs as to my seeing and going to a medical facility as to such differences of the factors thereof. Thus in reference as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips though specifically as to the year of 2018, there would legally be the aspects of such hypotheticals as to each and every individual who could have spoken truth as to such factors of the situations thereof to which could have been to if the correct portions thereof as to Iowa in the year of 2018 as to the ethical medical community review as to such medical practitioners as to such hypotheticals thereof for such portions in the review process as to the facts in such regards of if having remembered in this year of 2022 as to Iowa though having a portion of a memory in the year of 2021 as to the failure of each individual as to the medical community that had not legally had any rights as to any such portions which in turn if in the reference to research the same aspects as to those types of licensing aspects in such references as well.
In turn as to such aspects of the situations as to who would have such licenses as to such factors thereof, would be under the review as to the amount of possibilities of the however many as to such factors thereof to the hypotheticals yet in the references as to the individuals who would not have such medical licenses as to such other licenses as to the factors of the choices made as to the timeframe thereof as to the review in such situations as to what aspects could have and/or should have been assisted as to the actualities if there was the official portions of the legal definition as to the terminology of stalking as to “The Modern Day Book (written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in the references to the ethics as there are ethical review boards as well in such references to the medical communities as such is known to certain individuals. Additionally as to the Ordained Reverend aspects with the confirmed aspects as to OTC, the realities of what prior timeframe would be required with such aspects of which the situations as to the additional requirements as to my consent of which I have not given consent as I have clarified as to such factors repeatedly. Thus in such references as to the aspects of which the legal requirements of such for the proper medical care for myself would be as to such a hypothetical individual as to the facts of such revoked privileges as to whichever community as to whichever medical capacity as to whichever technological portions thereof in such a hypothetical as to how many within the San Antonio Pagan community have acknowledged their own connection points, of which the legalities of such leaked information as to what I brought forward as to the CDs as well as other such technological storage devices off of military installations would as per such news reports as well as letters I personally received from the year starting around 2002 though more heavily from the year of 2004 onward as to such leaked information would officially be within either the San Antonio Pagan community and/or the San Antonio BDSM community for the references of finding such information as to the illegal portions of such military and medical information and files thereof which in turn as to such as to whatever circumstances as to those particular situations as to what can be back traced as to such technological portions thereof to the timeframe of origin to be capable to then go into such levels of details as to the fixing and repairing of such types of wormholes as to the individuals involved as to such hypotheticals. For example there was who I learned my Reiki from who had been a Baptist Pastor as well as had been in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to which the technological aspects of being a contractor in the year of 2004 onward to the last time I had seen him and spoken with him as to Joe Rose in the hill country area of outside of the 1604 loop off of Bandera for those who have been to drum circles at that property for the references thereof, in such references as to the aspects of what legal portions in the responses thereof to such hypotheticals as to the factors thereof as to the Ranger connection of such problematic proportions of what Drill Sergeant Parsley and Drill Sergeant Gonzales had warned about in reference to certain types of individuals with certain types of MOSes as to an actual female Command in such regards.
In turn regarding what my biological father as well as Grandpa Nichols warned of as to others, the irony in other such hypothetical connections in the references thereof to there having been males who have had the capability similar to as to such aspects of the logical portions of paying attention to details as well as while driving in certain factors as to being capable to get over the gender aspects of a female individual as to such factors which the medical community and the research community in such references as to females earning such. However the aspects of what Drill Sergeant Gonzales as well as Drill Sergeant Parsley had warned as to such factors as to the problems with certain types of females of which those types of females needed to be removed and revoked fully as to any such types as to the equivalent as to the situations in reference to how Drill Sergeant Parsley had brought up how female spouses were as to their lack of capabilities to pay attention to the correct details as when he expressed his concern about such factors of the possibility of a female Command, as to the females as to such who would try to achieve though not pay attention to the actualities of the reasons for such work and the mandatory requirements of the backgrounds as Drill Sergeant Parsley had been annoyed as to how many females he watched halfa$$ multiple situations in comparison to what he said he was noticing from when at the CCC course by that time for that class discussion in the year of 2000 when he looked directly towards a group of females within the classroom area as he discussed such halfa**ing in comparison to my CCC coursework regarding the only way to earn the respect of one’s soldiers is to be capable to prove such without the aspects of relying on halfa$$ing aspects as some of the females laughed in his face before he began to smoke them in front of the rest of the class for thinking such to be a game in comparison to the facts of what work as to such factors in reference to the military. While he smoked those females of which I was the only one who had been direct ordered not to go into the smoking portions as to the situations, Drill Sergeant Parsley went over the different details as to why each female was not going to be considered as to up to par for the minimalist requirements of what it would take to be a female Command as to such factors of what he said he noticed. Drill Sergeant Gonzales had pointed out to the males in the classroom area as to how he noticed I had jumped up as to being ready to go with before being direct ordered as to sitting it out as to such factors, which he brought forward some comments about the aspects as to what leadership aspects to pay attention to as to the aspects of situations when the trouble portions as to such factors as to what needed to be taken care of in the comparisons.
It is ironically funny in reference to a comment my biological father made years ago to an airline attendant in reference to the name of Gonzales though I could not divulge that particular aspect in the references thereof as to the Drill Sergeants during Basic Training informing everyone as to the point of such aspects as to the name portion, only being allowed after a certain point in time as to such factors of Basic Training in the references thereof to the timeframe. Since when that comment had been made as to around either the year of 2001 or 2002 as to such factors of flying back to the state of Texas as to the airplane gate area, as to a different irony as to other factors for those who know such references as to the ironies thereof.
However in reference to the situations as to how some might have noticed I have updated my website as to the aspects of my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to the pieces of artwork as to such factors, I have also for those who have seen such references as to the journal blog entries in regards as to the #StatueofLiberty Statue of Liberty. The inquiries I had when later watching and listening to the 9/11 film documentary of which the two #French French film photographers when I saw in the year of 2003 as to my thoughts have stayed in such pondering, which I had allowed an individual named Jeremy Kuykendall to borrow my VHS of the video 9/11 as to such factors which I warned him I could not watch the entire movie in one sitting because of knowing the area. While his brother Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr also known as Cactus Jack had not known of such realities in the references thereof as to the #popculture pop culture movie references he had as to such preferences as I have detailed in regards thereof, I knew there would be something which Jeremy would pay more attention to as to a different perspective as to such aspects aside from the #MadMax MadMax situations as to #RemembertheAlamo #Alamo #AlamoDrafthouse #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #ADH #ADHSATX the Alamo Drafthouse 151 Road Warrior aspect as to #MilitaryCityUSA which while he was attending college at #UTSA UTSA as to such additional combinations thereof to being capable to see he would notice certain other factors though not having had the words for such explanations at the timeframe as to the year of 2007.
In the references as to the situations of the 9/11 film documentary the following questions have been something I have pondered:
1). Why were there only 2 French film photographers and where were the other film crew individuals as to the point in time of 11 September 2001, as how did they get the clearance to film a documentary on the #NYC #NYFD #NewYork #NewYorkCity #FireDepartment #NewYorkCityFireDepartment New York City Fire Department? Since I knew how such legal requirements as to hoe the privacy laws are in such an area as well as the other factors of which the connection directly to a New York City government connected group, it seemed odd to the aspects of such a viewpoint.
2). How did the events as per within the documentary as described just so happen to be on the last day they were following around the probe as to such aspects as to the situations of the 11 September 2001 attacks as why did they only follow into the #WTC #WorldTradeCenter WTC for one of the individuals and why were they allowed into the World Trade Center to begin with, as the legalities as to such factors in reference to my babysitter’s husband Joe/Jose Castro as to him being a Director of Security of the Security Director for the World Trade Center as to such aspects of clearance portions to even stand within the lobby areas within the year after 1993 as to the attack on that day as why were they capable to film such though had not thought to film the exterior portions as why would the focus of the cameras only be within the lobby area as to the comparison of where everyone else would be?
3). Why was there not any footage of the exterior water way areas as to that documentary as to my knowing the aspects of the location of the capability to see the #StatueofLiberty Statue of Liberty from a specific angle from the street level as to being a child in such years of the 1980s into the 1990s, as is it irony as to the French film photographers being from France and where is the Statue of Liberty originally made and sent to the United States of America from as how many have known of the term designated decoy?
4). When in reference to the French Film photographers if they were only documentary individuals, why were they so calm during the filming portions as to when inside of the area as to the World Trade Center as the only people I have ever known to be calm-ish in a situation such as to a slight likeness thereof are military individuals as to Basic Training and whatever additional training as to such military ways as I wondered if I could be the only one who could notice such a calmness which was it only me who that seemed as odd to notice?
5). Why was it there was such a brief hug when the brothers were supposedly reunited as to such factors as to the fire department area outside of the station in comparison as to within the other areas, and why would such a life threatening situation be as to calm as to such a hug as where did the other brother go during the timeframe as to the filming within the World Trade Center?
In the reference to my #Instagram @wwwsusanmeelingcom as to the images from which the date of 6 February 2022 as to the comment section though I think I also posted it on the day of, the situations as to those who would have a similar portion as to my childhood/teenager years as to New Jersey in comparison as to the aspects of Washington DC for the references as to the Washington Monument and/or other such portions. While I have been to #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC several times more recently as to the timeframes within the week of 6 January 2021 as well as in the few times when I was a child as to such visits to the Washington Monument, when on 6 January 2021 at the #Elliptical Elliptical as to being confused as to the size because the visual of the size when standing at my height now of 5 fee4t 4 inches was the same exact view to when I was a child when thinking about the viewpoint in the ways which some know as to the overlay aspects of photography as to the viewpoint as to memory aspects as to the review. It confused me as to how the height as to within the sky portions was the exact same as to the comparisons to the other building landmarks and while the aspects of when looking outward from one area of the circle around the Washington Monument as to the different sides when looking as to the sound wave vibrations as well as to the ways which when people were talking as to the differences as to such a point in time of my childhood. While I acknowledge the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the aspects as to the timeframes in between 2000 through to 2021, the specifics of the sound waves of how the vibrations went through the area were different as to such times when I was a child. While admittedly I deal with headaches and migraines as well as the admitted portions as to the possibilities of my Medal of Honor Art Project trip in the year of 2018, when in certain areas I specifically walked to as to the certain vibrational waves which I knew as a child as to the visits during such points in time. Where the sounds as to for those who would know as to the 6 January 2021 event though specifically to where I was at; the sounds as to where I sang the National Anthem as to such sound waves would be far closer to what should have been heard with far more amounts of people to the area compared to being around the Washington Monument for the reference aspects as to the vibrational sound waves. The situations which the concrete aspects as to how the differences from the floor area around the Washington Monument seemed to absorb the sounds in a way which in the reference of gardening to a weed mat though in reference to construction as to a pad matting as to the underlayment of when putting down wood flooring though in reference to as such, in the ways as to laying concrete in a moveable portion as to the aspects for the admitted to lack of better wording though the aspects of which the groundcover as to the aspects as to the situations in reference to the geographic cartography in the geological references as to such ground topographic maps if there are those who know where to look for such.
However in the reference to the proverbial look over here and the designated decoy aspects as to 11 September 2001 with the #Pentagon Pentagon nearby as to the aspects of 11 September 2001 as to such factors of if the topographic blueprints match as to the exactness thereof, what amount of time as to the date in such reference to the topographic map as to the amount of ground changes in the comparison to the timeframe as to the topography as it is known as to why there are land surveyors to review such details after a certain amount of time to clarify and verify if there are any land massive shifts as to the changes due to the weathering. Since Washington DC is close to the water aspects I would guesstimate as to the more common aspects in reference to the amount of land surveyor aspects of which in similar aspects as to the situations as to the World Trade Center with the additional factors as to the field in Pennsylvania as to the aspects of the Pentagon, what would such portions be as to the massive general population as to the DC near the #Arlington #VA #Virginia #VAstate #Virginiastate Arlington Virginia area to the Washington DC area as to the amount of focus and attention as to the Pentagon if individuals could get there? How many individuals within their vehicles were paying attention to the smoke plumes compared to the Washington monument?
Thus in reference to the pictures I posted on my Instagram account similarly as to the situations as to the Statue of Liberty portions as to in the year of when I drove by the Liberty Science Center #LibertyScienceCenter as to other times as to when going to #Oswego #OswegoNY #OswegoNewYork Oswego New York as to what I knew I should have been capable to see as to my height in comparison to the vehicle aspects when I was a child and younger teenager, which in turn as to such factors of what capacities could be reviewed in such comparisons if there have been others who noticed such aspects as to the attention to details factors in the references thereof to similar-ish situations as to the 1998 year onward?
How many individuals as teenagers and/or children were moved out of the New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia near Washington DC areas in the year of 1998 who had spent much of their youth in such areas thereof who would be capable to have a clear sight as to such factors in comparison to those who stayed in the areas and then possibly moved as to the aspects thereof unless younger children as to such age ranges of between 3 to around 7-8 years old and the differences as to those who would have been between the ages of 7 through 13 years old as to the differences of memories in the timeframe as to such factors as to the monument sizes as to such aspects of those particular areas? While I admit I had not been to the #Smithsonian Smithsonian often, what could be taken into consideration as well to other monumental locations for such a review portion thereof in reference to bills owed and a version differently as to when a repossession situation occurs as to the financial aspects as what would the Congress and Senate aspects to the White House portions as well as the Pentagon individuals know as to such a point in time in reference to waving of fees such as interest rates and/or a lowering of debts owed for such possibilities to other countries as per such factors for the possibilities as to the financial aspects of the United States of America to take into consideration?
While in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the additional aspects of my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection the facts of such individuals I once knew before in person face to face in person and/or such connected aspects had not ever been invited and informed as to any such aspects thereof and as whatever bitterness as to those types of individuals as to such factors despite their hypothetical knowledge as to whatever involvement aspects as to those typ-es of people thinking they are more entitled to situations in comparison to the reality of which to such warnings in reference to from Grandpa Nichols as well as my biological father at such points in time, what considerations as to those aspects of those types of individuals as to those hypotheticals of such possibilities of patterns of behaviour as to such aspects in reference to countries as to the aspects of the Statue of Liberty for the reference as to such portions as to the 9/11 Documentary?
Another question I have pondered is why would such a film be capable to be released as swiftly as it had as how many people in reference to more active in regards of social media as to the editing portions as to such time, though remember in the early 2000s as to the lack of such applications as to such speeds for the capabilities to edit such in the film photography as to the lack of editing as to such aspects to that level as to the realities of digital photography; as what are the differences between editing film and digital videography in the comparisons as to the years as to 2001 through to the timeframe as to the comparison as to now in the year of 2022, for those who know of such details as to the comparisons thereof?
What world news aspects as to the timeframe of 2001 into the timeframe of when the 9/11 film documentary having been released could be taken into consideration, as to such factors as to the aspects of the questions among many more that I have pondered about for such lengths of time as to the aspects of the questions within this journal blog entry?
Though some might not have known as to the levels of satellite imagery as to various stations as to the space aspects thereof, what possibilities could have been seen from space stations as to whichever countries of such associations to the individuals as to within such satellite space station areas to the viewpoint with those cameras being capable to zoom inward during such a point in time and what capacities could be taken into consideration as to the 11 September 2001 attack aspects in conjunction as to the 9/11 French film documentary?
What would certain individuals wish for certain types of situations as to the proverbial white flag aspects as to the French situations as while some people actually have the strength and tenacity to actually be better and stay above such aspects in the ways which Drill Sergeant Parsley and Drill Sergeant Gonzales explained were necessary for actually great leader in comparison to those types of individuals as to such aspects of those halfa**ing situations in such comparison, why would that be of importance in consideration as to the 11 September 2001 9/11 French film documentary as to those types of individuals in the comparisons as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to wishing the aspects of such would quit in such comparisons as to how such perspective portions thereof as to those who would hypothetically wish such aspects as to my work in reference to my SCUBA Diving being a specific thereof as to those types of individuals who would simply need to learn how to accept the facts thereof as to the work thereof in such comparisons as to the ways of such factors?
By the way as to SCUBA diving aspects in the civilian recreational sectors as well as within the military portions thereof, it is not my fault as to those who did not know as to my childhood background and teenager years as to such details beyond what was as those who know what the #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #Navy Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment would look at as to my background in such references to when in the year of 1996 compared to the aspects of the year of 2000 as to my Army clearance as to the situations in reference as to my SCUBA Diving work in the year of 2009 as instead of having temper tantrums proverbially as to such hypotheticals; is it more important to actually be grateful and thankful in such comparisons, as what would you have ever actually been capable to do as to the timeframe of such aspects as to the year of 2009 as to my particular work?
Especially if you were involved with SCUBA diving officially before the year of 2009, why had you not accomplished such by that point already as is it because it is called the lazy-man’s sport in such comparisons to what my work actually was and has went onward since the 1980s as to such aspects as why would that matter to anyone without such clearances to begin with as to what my personal work has been as to such factors compared to such hypotheticals as to the SCUBA Diving aspects as what would my SCUBA Diving have anything to do with any such individuals beyond them actually supposed to be thankful and grateful in my personal work as to including on land as to such factors of my work being my work as what would have been capable back in the year of 2009 from such individuals as what else was already going on during that particular year?
In reference to the situations regarding the aspects of the #WashingtonMonument Washington Monument as well as local state well known monuments in a reference aspect to the timeframe as to 11 September 2001, what would be a possibility as to such as to the equivalent of the lore per state as to such factors in reference to the state emblem in such references as to a collection thereof to the aspects of such pieces if that were to be the case?
In regards as to the possibilities as to the Statue of Liberty as to the Washington Monument in the reference of the attacks on 11 September 2001, what would be the average number of people who moved out from the areas such as in reference to the east coast from the northernmost part of Maine as to the southernmost part of Florida to the westernmost part of West Virginia as to the areas as to the ease of travel via car/truck/van/SUV as to the year of 1998 and what would be the aspects of who the property was sold to in the reference if there was a house property in the reference of?
I learned after my transfer to the east coast of the area having had a larger number of people who commuted to the Arlington Virginia area and Washington DC location just as similarly as from New Jersey to the New York City area, though the difference as to the amount of time as to how the length of travel to and from as I presume in such references as to a few days at a time similar as to the viewpoint of Fire Department schedules. If that would and/or could be the case in reference to the aspects as to the Statue of Liberty as well as the Washington Monument, what would possibly be of such aspects as to the length of travel distance to such regards between a three year period as to knowing the overall areas as to which locations to avoid as to the traffic situations as to backroads in comparison to highways as to such a timeframe as to 11 September 2001 where what would be the common review from others as to if such smaller towns were to comment to someone about the aspects if they saw something and made attempts to say something though what would be the common review as to such individuals in the smaller towns along the backroads?
When especially taking into consideration as to how some larger population city individuals compared to some individuals in reference to the smaller population areas what would be the average response at a timeframe as to the attacks on 11 September 2001, as would there be a way to figure such out?
For example as to my having been a sophomore going to be a junior in high school in the year of 1998 as to the aspects which in turn would be three years from the timeframe of 11 September 2001, what individuals who would have been between the ages of 15 through 18 years old moved out from such locations as to such an area which would have such a landmark known as to such and what would the common thread possibly be to such a property aspects in comparison to an apartment lease?
If in reference to an apartment lease what would be the average as to such aspects in reference to the company management aspects of the average demographic as to the factors in reference to the situations as to blending in, and what would be capable to review in such references thereof as to 11 September 2001 as to the aspects in a different version of capture the flag aspects in such references as to the old world countries in comparison to the new world country of the United States of America?
Though the 9/11 Commission Report as to the original findings though having known it would continue to work on getting more information to be capable to bring forward such details as because of the Pentagon location in such comparisons, is there symbolic portions as to the Army side of the Pentagon being hit as to 11 September 2001 to take into consideration in reference to overseas aspects to which such factors in reference to how as to the United States of America’s landmarks as to what reports as to in Germany in reference to World War II as to such aspects to take into consideration?
In reference to such possibilities what would be the aspects as to take into consideration of which location could be as to such factors as to up to a 6 or 7 degrees removed directly from a situation to take into consideration as to the ways of the hypotheticals as to bills in such references, as what possibility as to the financial portions regarding what has been considered as owed in the references to the financial portions as to the aspects as to war as well as conflict as well as research as to one combination of a possible connection to review as to such degrees of separation in reference to the aspects of what connection points as to if the possibilities of what I had noticed as to my brief drive in regards as to New Jersey in the timeframe for the first time since 1998 as to the year of 2020 for a review as to such portions as how many other individuals would be capable to know as to such details as to the lack of desensitization of such a possibility regarding such a location of such a landmark?
Would the possibility if there was construction as to the timeframe as to such a landmark as to such facts be considered as already having the general population of the area in the knowledge of such factors and thus the lack of noticing such aspects be of consideration as while I had not known if the area of the Statue of Liberty being worked on as to construction and/or restoration, would there be those who could find such details as to the timeframes thereof?
In another reference as to the known current portions as to the COVID aspects what possibly could be taken into consideration as to a reference regarding any similar attributes as to an area as to New York City in the reference to Washington DC as to the reference of COVID as to the mask situations as to the whether such aspects of recognizing individuals as to such portions as to the technological aspects as what would it be if such were to have worn a bandana over their faces as to the cameras being capable to find such during the timeframe, and the realistic portion of which the eyes would be a larger factor as to distinguishing as to the lines thereof as well as eyelashes as what if such factors as to the aging process for those situations as to having a camera focus only in one area as to such details as to the amount of individuals who have willingly been a part of social media as to their pictures and images as to bringing forward as to how the factors of focusing in one section of a picture of the face such as the eyes to the detail oriented aspects of which what could be a possibility as to uncovering the aspects if that were to be considered as a situation since cellphones and tattoos were not always as to such though how many have used makeup to coverup tattoos in such references as well and/or the locations of as to the progression of time as to the tattoos and/or locations thereof as to the sight from the cameras?
Thus in reference to the plausibility of which as to the Statue of Liberty as to including the reference to the tops of a church steeple as to the aspects of religious artifacts in the references thereof, what could be taken into consideration in such references in such aspects as how many prefer the authentic aspects in such references compared to though would be capable to leave a reproduction piece behind which would be considered as to the Statue of Liberty in reference as to the size in comparison as being smaller as to the larger portions thereof as how many have seen miniature Statue of Liberty statyues throughout the United States of America as is that considered as a sign that more individuals have noticed such though were not capable to bring such forward as to the ways of olden times where individuals would draw a symbol in the sand as to bring forward awareness in plain sight though hidden to others as to such aspects as to a belief as to having noticed whatever differences thereof to the Statue of Liberty in the original aspects as compared to what they may have seen when visiting a different time?
There are those who go to a specific location each year as to such memberships such as at observatories in which what aspect would individuals who could have had a membership as to such and/or the ways as to how some visit #Disney Disney each year as to the aspects, though in reference to the Washington Monument and/or the Statue of Liberty? If such were to be the case as to individuals who each year would take a trip to the Statue of Liberty would such individuals have such a knowledge as to the depth and details thereof as to the factors and if so, have they brought such forward before to others in law enforcement though such aspects as to the validity because of the details being considered different because of the paper as to the plans in comparison to the pictures possibly having been taken during such trips?
While I could be inaccurate though hypothetically being accurate as to such factors as to one or both possibilities as to the Statue of Liberty and the Washington Monument, are there others who have noticed such in the similar references as to such landmark locations as to being born and raised in an area and seeing such noticeable differences as to the aspects of?
What if in such references as to the factors regarding such situations, the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving gear as to the similar portions as to the review of the materials as to taking such into consideration as to those particular factors as to the lack of awareness of the other important aspects thereof as to what are the seven deadly sins in such references and how many have wanted to give someone the world in comparison to actually being with them instead as how would/could such a review as to the aspects of which “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to such factors as why would it be of importance as to the actualities of the authentic portions as to the protection aspects in comparison to greed in such references as why would it be considered more important as to such compared to those factors as what have I already explained in such references as to other such situations as to what knowledge thereof?
In the references as to the aspects of one particular picture I took when I went to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg the aspects of should it take a head injury to figure out an area of the oceanic floor where the Vandenberg was sunk would not have silt in the ways which civilian recreational SCUBA Divers would normally go as to such lower levels of shorter distances as to the aspects as to what would be seen in an aquarium compared to the aspects of which the additional pressures as to the condensed portions of the atmospheric measurements as to the differences because of the coloration aspects as to the American Flag in such references, as why would such be of importance as to the aspects of the floor in such an area as to the water area aspects compared to shallower waters as to the water traveling aspects as to how many boats and submarines would be in such a location as to what given amount of time?

How quickly if it were actually important to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving would actual responsible SCUBA Divers have moved to not be considered within the recreational SCUBA Diving category as to such factors as to my SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg if the medical portions thereof as to such factors, as what would be considered as to a responsible SCUBA diver in such references from the timeframe of 2009?
However since such individuals I knew at one point in time as to the civilian recreational SCUBA diving sector as to such connections thereof as well as my ex-in-laws and my biological mother/father/sister as to such non-consensual aspects as to the situations in reference to the occurrences thereof as to after my SCUBA dive at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg if there ever was such a thing as the utmost amount of immunity especially since as to how much I have made attempts as to getting such aspects taken care of as to my SCUBA Diving aspect as to such factors of the Vandenberg, the utmost and highest amount of immunity fully rests within me as to such factors and such aspects as to each individual as to other such factors as to the facts such as going to make attempts for medical care as to the aspects to my right to choose in such references as to the situations thereof to the factors as to such lengths of time as to the proof thereof. In conjunction as to such factors in reference to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to a secondary aspect as to such immunity portions as to the additional factors beyond the 2001 situations, conjoined as to such situations as to the immunity factors in reference to the known situations hypothetically as to the aspects of my 2018 Medal of Honor Art Project trip with the additional aspects thereof despite my attempts to progress forward as to such factors as to having acknowledged the situations in reference to whether and if Irving 2011 as to such proof thereof. Thus in such references aside from the situations which Grandpa Nichols warned his family about since beginning in the year of 2001 officially, the additional immunity factors of such situations in fully for myself as to how many times well before the year of 2008 as to how many times he made attempts to warn his family as to such aspects as he told them they knew fully they were in the wrong as to such times from officially within the year of 2001. However they claimed they knew better than Grandpa Nichols in comparison to how they truthfully knew he was accurate as to such amounts of time, as to the similarities and yet the differences as to such other factors thereof.
In turn as to how the situations of which in such regards as to the illegal medical practices in such references as to within the civilian sector as to such legal requirements as to my personal consent as well as the additional situations as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, what would be capable to be considered as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” for such references to think about?
Could there be an irony as to my Vandenberg SCUBA Dive having occurred in August 2009 as to a hypothetical as to such SCUBA Divers as to a SCUBA Diving equivalent to the month of September, as to a situation thereof to the French film movie documentary of 9/11 to take into consideration as to such factors to the SCUBA Diving community?
What would be considered as respect as to my work, in comparison as to other such situations as to the hypotheticals thereof as to situations?
Why would it be as to such factors of my calmness as to my SCUBA Diving in the comparisons as to the possibilities in such references, compared to the civilian recreational SCUBA Diving aspects compared to certain situations I have dealt with as to certain individuals as to such factors as why would there be a calmness as to several situations despite having acknowledged to graduate from Basic Training for the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces?
What is important about SCUBA diving Law Enforcement, as what has been brought forward which would be of value and/or importance as to such factors as what have I brought forward which could be considered as important in such references?
Where could such aspects as to the legalities as to the year of 2009 as to the individual SCUBA Diving instructors as to such factors as to the timeframe from officially September 2009 though can take up to the date of 31 December 2009 to such considerations as to the situations, of what responsibilities were taken whereas to such proof thereof as to what could be of importance as to SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement aspects in the references up to though not limited to my SCUBA Diving situations though also those who chose to go SCUBA diving in an underground missile silo in such references as to the aspects which I saw as far more dangerous than just SCUBA Diving as does the instructor license insurance cover the aspects thereof as to the occurrences of what happened or is it a legally safer and sounder aspect as to such portions as to suggestions as to such in this journal blog entry as to what aspects could be considered as important as to what was learned as where was the responsible individual as to such factors as to the proof thereof as to SCUBA Diving in such references despite what the proverbial view as to such connections thereof as what would be considered as inconsequential about such lifestyle connections in the comparisons as to the situations that were dealt with as to from the year of 2009 onward as how much did I do my best to protect and defend my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia?
Where would the aspects as to how much a responsible parent would be as to the social media factor as to what I had not allowed as to such comparisons as to such hypothetical assumptions compared to what levels of responsibility or so-called responsibility as to such factors of fifth grade after the aspects up to that point in time as to what aspects after in reference to eighth grade as to such situations as to graduating high school as to what levels of after my Basic Training situations as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to where would the responsible factors actually be, despite my hairstyle to my hair color to my tattoos as to such comparisons thereof as which would be considered as a more responsible parenting aspects when taking the whole picture into consideration in reference to the comparisons as to my biological mother/father and including my biological sister as to such wishes in comparison to myself as to how much protection was there actually as to such situations compared to the occurrences thereof as to the hypotheticals as to such proof where?