I am thankful for the ability to discern and reevaluate information and situations I personally know of in order to be able to see the multiple aspects of perspectives naturally, as I have for many years including when I was a child and a teenager. I am thankful some realized though only through some words here and there as to the viewpoint of saying they thought my eyes had aspects of the oldest soul ever in existence, as per the ways to which I would respond in various situations. As I get closer towards the end of one phase of aspects compared to the preparation for other phases needed for various portions and knowing there is not the need nor the requirement for any hacking as per the realities of the problems which can and do occur when those who think they know better know only what they think they know, such sorts of problems need to be redacted fully and the removal of such needs to be taken care of properly to remove such needless situations caused by such problems in my opinion and the proof thereof is shown however the proof if shown.
Many years ago back in 1998 when my maternal Uncle Leonard was getting married to his second wife Sharon in Crystal Lake Illinois, there were a multitude of problems and situations which few were as aware of. While most in Crystal Lake thought of me being in the mafia and having to explain the realities of the mafia had to do with the Italian ethnic background, I was only a small percentage of Italian and I knew that would upset those with that background who were of such an origin compared to the mixture than I am. The fact I came from a Holy Roman Catholic High School prior to moving made things more difficult for me because of the association of the Italians with the Holy Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican being in Italy, meant the teenagers in Crystal Lake South High School among several other areas I had been automatically assumed I was a part of the mafia when I was not. When other ethnic combinations of my background were found out about, in turn that meant the teenagers I went to school with somehow thought I was a part of each one of those particular groups which in turn I had to explain just because of the ties ethnically; did not mean I personally was a part of what was being done as accused, and such individuals in the area seemingly refused to see to know I was simply just myself and what others were doing had been exactly that. What others, were doing. It was not my fault others assumed they knew more than what they thought they knew from whichever sources they were seeing such a perspective, in comparison to my living of my own life. My biological sides at such times were partially aware though at the same time more in the dark than any of the people who had barely known me, because of the interpersonal discussions in person compared to hearing through the grapevine or seeing through someone else's perspective; which in turn was annoying, though at the same time comforting because of not having to deal with such other aspects thereof. I was not into drama, and yet was accused of such because of having been a part of a high school production as well as prior church productions which in such the assumption of being exactly like anyone else was rampant and quite disheartening to think that so many were able to wrongly assume; and because of such assumptions I along with others, needlessly were blamed for aspects not having chosen to be a part of though having the association of knowing such in person or in a group or now with the aspects of online, the automatic assumption while not taking into consideration other portions thereof. By the time of moving to Illinois and having coded in multiple places for such technology groups known to who I knew at such times, when in 1995 and 1996 when in Marlboro Middle School I met a male who was a year younger than I named Daniel Schleifstien (?spelling?) whose dad worked in technology, admittingly not knowing what his mom Mrs. Schliefstien had done for a living as well as being a Mom to Daniel.
In such times it was known as to my biological mother working at Prudential doing whichever aspects she was a part of, which when Daniel and I started hanging out in Asher Holmes Elementary School the different discussions about technology became more apparent when on the school bud prior to middle school. We had spent time together here and there though his preference to be inside in comparison to playing outside was more well known and the video games became more prevalent, whereas personally I was already bored with such video games because of having begun playing video games before kindergarten as the babysitter's husband had connections while working in the World Trade Center as a Director of Security for the towers in the 1980s and the 1990s. Joe/Jose Castro was the head of security in various departments and worked his way up into the Command aspect, though being from the Dominican Republic was also highly religious just as his wife Sony/Sonja and their friends as well. In their own family of two children one male named David and one female named Liza, the religious portions were still involved though the questions began as per the situations similar to the ways of the education system worked with regarding the Asian communities and the reminder to those of the Asian decent of such previously written portions from the posting from yesterday regarding history in an extremely brief way of Mao Ze Doong along with the Cantonese and Mandarin aspects the physical appearances as to which was considered as acceptable compared to what simply just is reality which reality is more acceptable comparatively to the simple fact human beings look as human beings look. As in the early 1900s of the beginning to such a century within the United States of America, multiple countries had known of General George Washington's decree as to remain neutral as possible and stay out of situations which were not involving the United States of America. However when the time came and World War I kicked up as well as some prior aspects to which such was not paid attention to properly, the involvement with other countries situations began to become more prevalent as per seen in reference to World War I and later in World War II. Some countries refused to accept the fact of such unbiased aspects and in turn pushed for the biases to become a reality sur to their own biases and their own internal problems which they refused for a time to accept the involvement of their own choices, which in turn meant the revealing of such historical portions later because of the need for proper clarifications. Those which sought to continue to refuse to accept the defeat which occurred only caused themselves more problems within their own countries, and stirred up problems needlessly because of their own vendettas which in turn when the vendettas were learned of and the situations turned around against such vendettas; the refusal to take ownership of what problems were caused by who in truth in comparison to the rumors, began to become more rampant until the day which such truths could actually be revealed for such knowledge in the basis of truth compared to the problems instigated by others for the justification and verifications needed to actually progress forward. Some can see in more current times as to how such could be viewed regarding the more recent events of this time between 2016-2021 for the Presidential election processes though also can be seen from each 4 year period of time, for each election process for such in the role of the President of the United States of America as to who is the Commander in Chief of the United States of America's Armed Forces for the truthful betterment; while knowing the need to work on different aspects, to be able to maintain and sustain properly in comparison to what biases had been problematic for far too long of time.
Some people saw such and began forming groups, organizations, and agencies to be able to pursue the actual problems and find better ways to handle such situations while others only saw one or two aspects for such and the financial aspects thereof for; whereas others simply saw life as it was and how to proceed accordingly in whichever ways not necessarily paying attention to the larger and long term consequences whether good, bad, and/or indifferent. When the Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys began their political and business aspects of family associations back in the earlier 1900s and the portions thereof became more prevalent, the obsession to what was not anyone else's business became a larger problem in more ways than what Joseph ever thought was possible though Rose had warned him of what would occur if he did not reign himself in to stop himself from destroying everything he and his side of the family had worked upon as the choice to find the most innocent one of the world was the ideal choice for such an individual in comparison to actually caring to maintain such innocence as should have been. Whereas the situations arose as such as the time went onward the wrongful obsession became more problematic than for most royal families in other countries, because of the constant images and videos beginning to take place regarding the development of the cameras being more common to others; which in turn you can see the exact aspects, in reference to technology and computers regarding human beings choices to choose whether to be in control of themselves or to allow others to control them because of however such aspects via movies/television/news/hear say/etcetera; while wrongly forgetting principles taught via the 10 Commandments with the portion of the gender name aspect being the most confusing portions for such as some could not know how to distinguish such as per choices made.
When the time came for the first Kennedy son to be a part of electoral aspects as per Joseph Kennedy's choice, his wife Rose put an end to such because of seeing who he had been associating with and the refusal to accept her own son for his preference in reference to how she saw such. He was not interested in females in the slightest and found such areas of the female to be revolting which telling his Mom he could not get out of her fast enough in such times because of the birthing process meant she saw him as hating where he came from and refusing to honor his Mother, which she was highly religious as well known. When he was caught having an affair with another female's husband in such times, the fury of such became problematic while denying her own aspects and other children and family members' life portions of consenting adult portions. Then when she warned Joseph to stop and his choice to go after the second child of theirs influencing that child to be just exactly as he was to try to prevent the first situation from occurring again as both had seen such of the LGBTQP aspects as horrific in comparison to how they were born, how do you think the truth was genuinely for Rose Marie with such an aspect as to the medical portions thereof such times when catching her? You know of her surgery which in turn means, you know why she had such surgeries in reality for truth. Others in the extended family knew of what occurred referencing the first son and the fact Rose was allowing Rose Marie to be as such only because of the name being associated with hers and being a female, meant the excuses were not considered as valid for multiple individuals throughout various aspects and communities wrongly. As the aspects seen per how Joseph was running his business made little sense to Rose, had been why she had been protective of her daughter with her name; though such males were incapable and refusal of ever thinking of females in any other way than for breeding purposes, and for their physical pleasures wrongly were the catalyst for such responses from Rose Fitzgerald and her Dad because of the knowledge of the acceptances from her own dad's past of his own bisexuality for such times. Catching Joseph Kennedy in bed with not only males though now also with females and what would be considered as cross dressers or those who would have gone through with such surgeries more available now, sent Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy over the edge and her contact for such through such measures of the musical portions sent out shock waves for what was to be was to be.
She willingly chose to arrange the situation when she learned of the amount of females visiting the various offices of the different officials and refusing to take care properly the security measures which she as well as her side of the family were a part of, she refused to allow the national security problems to worsen through the constant influx of fe/males parading around while rifling through documents which were not theirs to ever see; and then when learning of such females having associations with other countries in comparison to what safety requirements were, Rose took such into her own hands contacting such organizations and/or agencies and/or associations to take her second son out of office because of learning who he had been involved with which in turn put the national security at such a high risk that she knew she had to shut down the process fully for an actual restart to prevent such problematic measures from continuing onward needlessly. In such she contacted who she contacted, they contacted who they contacted, and when the Dallas driving went forward the only person in the car who was aware was who you can see slowly moving to lay over then President John F Kennedy's lifeless body because of the safety requirements he had failed to maintain through allowing himself to follow in such a path and in turn when he refused to acknowledge the truth from his Mom; she debated before she had to actually make such a decision as she knew how easy it was to go over board as seen from prior situations, which she needed to be the head of the household to make sure the proper ways were genuinely continued in a more positive aspect in comparison to what was occurring at such times. While one of her children was working in the correct ways, the other portions were a scattered here and there until after their learning of such information as she had acknowledged to each in their own times of appropriate measures, while some would have to wait to learn of such because of the prior refusals as well as the lack of ability for them to see exactly what she had warned them of within their own circles in their own areas to stop from occurring to begin with. When such rampant aspects were far beyond measure to actually get to stop naturally, the choices made for such a female in such a peculiar situation meant there was not a genuine win-win situation; as those she knew who were innocent needed to remain innocent as much as possible, those who were unclean needed to be able to remain unclean, and those who were righteous in such choices were to remain righteous in such choices; however the ways to which would go as such, would be up to each individual on their own for all of the warnings which could be given were previously given.
In 1995 and 1996, I warned Mr. Schliefstien of what would occur if he did not listen to my biological mother and my biological father for their choices as to not helping nor assisting the coding portions of the work he was doing because of not knowing the program system he was running to the levels of. In the ways to circumvent my biological mother from her job at Prudential knowing I had been around such and whatever his choices were with Daniel had been as such, which in turn meant trying to convince me through the video games his son had to get my attention. I was bored with such and each try made by both Daniel as well as his dad to tell me how great video games were, fell on deaf ears as I explained while defeating when playing each game as to the portions of how each game had a basis in one of the games I had conquered prior to ever meeting them. The two did not want to accept the Atari, Nintendo, or Sega Genesis portions I had grown up with thinking the newer games meant they were actually new while forgetting the fact each game had some combination of the ones I had mentioned. Thus Pong and Space Vaders from Atari had been noticed, Mortal Kombat and Mario Super Bros from Nintendo were noticed, and Sonic the Hedge Hog with the Lion King on Sega Genesis were what I had won at each level able to be gone to as well as finding the loopholes without making any attempt to as per just playing the system and being as specific as I am and have been; the requirement for perfection, was pertinent to me.
When that did not work for Mr. Schliefstein, then the trying to buy objects to show me to tell me if I did what he wanted then I could have such. However knowing how my biological sister was I knew that meant nothing because as soon as it would be in my ownership the temper tantrums would begin and she would complain and whine to our biological mother and our biological father, which since my maternal adopted Grandpa Gavett and my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were not longer around to defend me meant she would manipulate them to her normal aspects and refuse to give such up unless forced to which that type of force meant far more than just those three as per the amount of times which situations had already gone on. I told both Daniel and Mr. Schliefstein that as well as Daniel's Mom who had been the only one of the three who took my side at the time, as she saw I refused the bribes each and every time, and later told me she wished she had not accepted the first bribe as I understood such and asked me if I could find a way to make it where people actually were recognized for what they had worked for and earned on their own during one afternoon when she took me into the Master bedroom to show me some of what she had been given as gifts to bribe her to be quiet. She knew my biological father's business aspects and knew the same situations while showing me various pieces of jewelry which she knew I could tell what each piece was actually worth compared to what was going on, and I was allowed to hold the pieces when she showed me the jewelry. One necklace in particular she asked me to look at is one which some who knew Mrs. Scheiflstien would wear more often on special occasions can be recognized in one picture I have had taken over the many years, though she also asked me to hold her Star of David necklace and pray for her after she took it off to hand to me; which I obliged as I could not refuse Mrs. Schielfstien's heart crying at such a time and after she removed the necklace from her own neck to hand to me, I did as I had done to then put the necklace back onto her and around her neck. There was a necklace she pointed out to my biological parents when she learned of me going through Old Tennent Presbyterian Church confirmation classes to which the gold cross was similar to the gold in her necklace, though knowing how I had mentioned I preferred white gold had pointed to the brightness of the shawl draped over the horizontal portions of the cross to which was my graduation piece with the Jade heart pendant necklace. However the portions regarding the moment in the room and such had been the only reason, I had agreed to assist when the following portion had been regarding the computer portions when taken back into the computer room with Daniel and Mr. Schielfstein to deal with such aspects as to the computer program he was working on coding at the time.
I warned them I was not familiar with Microsoft at the time, which they did not see a difference to what the programs were being run in Prudential at such times. I warned them of the differences I could easily see in such aspects with just the way the screen turned on, the flashes of light, as well as other situational problems in the background which were embedded from prior individuals wrongly and needed to fully be removed from such as those people were not helpful and were problematic as well as hazards to the groups as well as to the companies associated with Microsoft at such times. I was told they knew better than I and I warned them if they did not heed my warnings the problems which they ignored would then turn around onto them to then go after them for the problems they had caused, which in turn would mean they would have to move out of such locations and that would not save them from what problems they had caused; while what I would do would vindicate the innocent ones as well as the righteous ones, while destroying such problems and making them be forced to deal with the situations they caused as there would not be a way for any larger groups to accomplish such again as per what later would be known as the anti-monopoly laws among other portions as the illegal surveillance and illegal tracking because of others' desires for information and such which was not theirs ever and would not ever be allowed to them in such ways because of the refusals to appropriately operate themselves; meant that whatever I was going to have to do would mean I could not be held responsible and all such individuals would always be responsible for the responses they would in turn have to deal with for such choices, however they dealt with would mean however they dealt with. I warned I as well as mine were to always be kept safe and protected from such situations as best as possible and while I was laughed at initially, I warned of the requirements would be adhered to or else once again I would not be held responsible for anything other people or what-not would be held in responsibility aspects for however such would be. Mr. Schleifstien promised me I would always have immunity from every possible problem and any child I bore naturally would be kept innocent as long as they remained innocent and would remain protected just as much as possible, though he could only promise me to 100% guarantee of my safety and my innocence always remaining in tact fully. We spoke back and forth as Daniel went in and out of the room pacing back and forth up and down the stairs as it seemed problematic for several reasons to such a choice to go forward with helping the no-win situation of touching a Microsoft computer system, as there were not Microsoft computers in any of the places I had ever been previously. One more meeting of such types and when I had begun the coding, I warned of other problems I saw which would need to be taken care of which Mr. Schliefstein and Daniel wrote on notepads as to each comment of such thinking they would be able to do accomplish such without me while forgetting I was the one who saw the specific coding sequences in comparison to them and their notations which in turn meant they would not have adhered to their work correctly and would mean the aspects of such would go as such would go for failing to acknowledge the reality of such and each turn to try to avert such realities would only mean the further destruction to such as well as their own demises if they chose to ignore such warnings.
I could not tell anyone of the coding I saw at such times though when I was done and when my biological father picked me up from their house to go back to our house, I asked him what he would do if he knew one important key factor which could change the world for the better though would be a process which would take a bit of time. He told me he knew it was best to do the correct thing in comparison to keeping such as to what I was asking about in one specific, to which I asked several other questions before getting to the driveway for me to run into the house and get onto the computer. I went to the dining room area, backwards reversed the coding to get into the proper location as there was the backdoor channel through to the Prudential computer for when needing to code at the same time Anna was coding, and I went to take care of such situations to remove the problem and put into place the coding which would circumvent any try to go around my protection aspects of coding as per the different TTs and SQLs and etceteras among some other portions of the coding. I knew how to get from one screen to the next to be able to remove the blocks from such permanently as needed, I knew I had to and I had removed such blocks from ever being problematic ever again to, and I opened the door for one portion of which the information for the coding was in a different color screen background window to be able to add such precautions while getting into another screen window to take additional precautions and revamp such in another window screen; all at the same time though jumping between the different window aspects, to then work on each portion as required. If I can recall correctly during that point in time, there were either 8 or 9 separate windows I was working on at the same time though as those who know coding, the portions of which needing to see certain information to assist the coding properties of which the sequences are required for such regarding the timing of specifically putting the coding into one section prior to working on coding in a separate though equally important section of coding can be tricky and difficult though also is quite pertinent for various additional portions of multiple computer programs. In 1996, I completed all of the last phases of the programming coding which when moving to Illinois had been when the last time I had been on such a type of working situation though was also the recovery timeframe from such works as while doing so and how I had already been looking at joining the Armed Forces of/for the United States of America meant even though I was not able to get into Marine and Science Technology School with the Naval attachment at the time I applied in 1996 for high school level; I was already in discussions with several individuals and groups which had to be even more covert when speaking with me, because of the aspects regarding my maternal adopted Grandpa Gavett were not in place any longer and the same in reference for my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu. Some knew they could not necessarily trust each or both of my biological parents and more knew to speak with me they could not ever trust to speak with my biological sister as they all learned the hard way as to what she would do similarly to our biological mother for such choices, which meant the smallest possibility was through my biological father however because of being entangled with my biological mother and biological sister the problems which they caused additionally needlessly meant those of such groups and agencies and organizations were not necessarily as easily able to speak with me in such normal ways as before as such signaling was not the ways of prior times which had been more easily available through such.
I told people who met me over the years I had been through a lot of situations which were unable to be expressed through normal measures as per the requirements to the timeframe, and I gave the warnings as best as I could referencing where I grew up and who I was around while growing up to assist where I could with the additional warning as to the United States of America's government only allows such into the general public for technology after a minimum of 25 years of the United States of America's Armed Forces working on such aspects for safety precautions as well as if there are aspects as to which such might actually be of helpful assistance if capable for such tasks. I later including with such for a specific had warned people not to go SCUBA Diving in Valhalla in Abilene Texas for the knowledge of the health situations regarding individuals who were a part of such programs and the health effects after having been surrounded by such aspects, as they were told of my biological mother working for Prudential and such was an easy aspect to know Prudential is a multi-facted company with many subsidary companies and such for a multifacted aspect of connections; though none wanted to pay attention to my warnings to the level required, and those who had heeded such warnings were impacted by those who chose to go SCUBA Diving at such locations to then go SCUBA Diving in the waters within other areas instead of following protocol procedures for such as I had recommended.
I looked through such information previously regarding Prudential aspects in the 1980s and 1990s which by the time of getting involved with SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009, meant I knew more than those individuals wished they had thought they knew of me as they only paid attention to my physical appearance as well as my age in a few ways. They only saw I had been SCUBA Diving for the months they had seen my certification time for my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving, though they refused to take into consideration the amount of certifications I was earning on my own at the time, the amount of SCUBA Dives it took to earn such certifications, as well as the amount of requirements I put on myself prior to ever allowing myself to book a trip to go SCUBA Diving in the oceanic waters. I made a mandatory requirement for myself to complete a minimum of 100 safe SCUBA Dives prior to booking what became my Cancun/Cozumel SCUBA Diving trip which means I had over 170 hours of SCUBA Diving, prior to making the plans to go out to the area of the Gulf of Mexico waters of the ocean. By the time of getting to the actual timing of the trip, I had completed just around 321 hours of SCUBA Diving between February 2009 to June 2009 because of the additional aspects regarding the volunteering at International SCUBA and the way some of my SCUBA Diving classes required specific pool training before ever going to the lake and the need to perfect certain aspects was a mandatory requirement. Thus the portions of my private recorded SCUBA Dives were the portions of the over 321 hours and the lake or quarry or pond or hot springs or river SCUBA Dives, were an additional 250 hours or so by the time of ever getting into the oceanic portions of SCUBA Diving. I had not disclosed such information beyond the portions of the minimum requirement of 100 open water SCUBA Dives, however that was not of importance to them back then even if I would have made more attempts for such explanations. Being closer to other water sources such as the Trinity River area, the requirement for such other aspects was not required for me to ever disclose to anyone who was not in the know of such and was not required to be in the know of such aspects either. However similarly to Lake Travis reports not being as problematic of people going missing while swimming or boating or SCUBA Diving, the same I suppose could be noticed in a heavy way for the areas associated with the Trinity River locations from such times as well as the ease to remove certain found portions was able to be taken care of easier in comparison to prior run throughs in certain aspects in the unofficial ways as there would not be the documentation of such in any areas except in my private writings by hand. However such writings once after the timing of my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification, there were very few times I ever used my Carrollton Texas house's fireplace and what times were what times were though can equate to some other pictures from a particular big blue book for similar safety precautions as well as similar requirements for such. Nonetheless while not in SCUBA Diving in ways which the recreational SCUBA Divers in certain locations had been as, the seriousness of such portions as to how I had been regarding more than just my SCUBA Diving can possibly be noticed in various ways.
I had discussed being invited to certain locations for certain parties, certain events, and the two do not always have the exact same meanings for such in the same way as when in Saint John Vianney High School track team being known as the floater; which was the code word for my coaches, my teammates, and I of the actual meaning for me not as a floater though as The Ringer. When you take a multidimensional view of such a floater in a toilet usually rolls around the ring area surrounding the toilet to then float along as it does, however there is still the fact it floats above all of the other crap in the toilet to continue moving along as it does. In a different way almost overseeing situations in a different view to which when the portions regarding the flushing, the portions of the floater is always usually seen swirling to clear out the last portions thereof for the freshness to flow through thereafter. What does a ringer do in any situation, when thinking of such? A ringer will be sent into a situation to clear aspects for clarity in whichever means required for such a situation within reason, though I also gave the reference of the joke of when situations go a certain way and some prefer to ignore such aspects; I am sent in to ensure such aspects are properly taken care of, and then go onward when such clarifications have been taken care of properly as possible. At track meets for Saint John Vianney High School in both the winter as well as in the spring for the two years I was there though also in reference to track and field in Marlboro Middle School and in reference to how I was raised and taught in other portions, I was able to see which areas might need a bit more than some of the coaches noticed and after awhile my nickname when needed had been the code word of the floater because most people in New Jersey and other locations would automatically assume that I was not worth any crap of concern. Then, my team would always win and be victorious as to such arrogances from such and the fuller aspects were as they were.
Later after certain situations and having been moved to Crystal Lake Illinois and attending the wedding for my Uncle Leonard and his soon to be wife Sharon while their roommate Dennis lived in the basement of the house who then became a contractor and went overseas and for awhile lived with my biological parents in their house in San Antonio Texas for awhile before meeting his wife overseas is the area near Lao as her Dad lived in a Temple area if I recall correctly, the best man for the wedding had brought his little brother to the wedding to help with the drive from Ohio to Illinois. Sharon's son was getting drunk fairly quickly and his attention was more towards my cousins from Leonard as well as from Eddith, and I simply was dealing with being yelled at by Leonard for having the nerve to wear a dress which took attention away from his bride saying I made her look worse in her wedding dress than she was supposed to because of having the nerve to wear something that would catch an eye. My biological parents saw what I was wearing and approved as the thicker straps of the dress covered more of my shoulders than any of the straps or strapless dresses or gowns, the form fitted satin fabric flowed to just above my ankles, and there was not much in reference to any flares or ruffles comparatively to any other dress or gown worn at the wedding. The problem I had thought was because of the lack of design compared to, though apparently had to do with the fact my dress was red with purple and lavender flowers and since I had worn my hair curled, I was told it was considered inappropriate for such a wedding. The ironic twist for such when you look at the aspects regarding my biological sister's wedding with a lighter colored gown, though I was not yelled at for looking better than the bride; I was lectured as to how some would actually think I had been a part of the wedding family, despite my biological sister as that bride for that day. As the court case from Baptist Camp Lebanon had been not long prior to such times, the lack of any desire to stand out was not seen and what attempts I made to be respectful of the wedding while staying clear of other aspects, seemingly had not worked out as per being yelled at as well as the son of Sharon constantly going towards my direction needlessly while the cousins were running around getting his attention in which ways as would as he followed along once realizing I was not going to give in as he learned at a point in time and backed off finally.
After the reception began and some of the music was playing and a bit of dancing occurred, a male walked over to where I was sitting by myself as I had made the mistake of trying to play music which would be something my maternal Uncle Leonard would be able to dance with his daughters who he had not seen in years to be able to relate to the music for just a little bit of fun for them as a family; though because it was not considered in good taste to play rap music at a wedding reception for such, again my attempts were as they were viewed. Thomas walked over seeing me sitting by myself and asked me why I was alone, which I was just not willing to speak of certain aspects, though somehow that was where he wanted to speak with me more as I was not doing anything to gain his attention nor was I doing anything to gain anyone's attention which he said he was not accustomed to seeing from any female. I was not denying to being different than most, though I also was working on what I needed to in reference to the thoughts regarding how to graduate high school more quickly to get to what I needed to get completed. I knew as long as I was in Basic Training and completed such by the time of 11 September 2000, that meant I was going to be successful at stopping my nightmare as seen in various visions; which since I was able to complete in 1998 summer school all of the required catchup courses, I was also able to go to high school for my Junior year in high school while also going to the McHenry community college to complete Geometry as well as a few associate degree requirement classes which were also assistive to graduating high school earlier despite the prior classes which were considered non-transferrable courses; which from learning such, I knew in each course I ever took the requirement to make sure of whatever certification being transferrable to whatever aspects I could ever look into for any type of employment opportunity I would be interested in. Hence even though SCUBA Divers making fun of me for earning my 26 individual SCUBA Diving certifications were, as such were, and was as such was. The same can be said in reference to later when in reference to the 13-15 electives I took in reference to the Dominant Mentor Program beginning in Austin to graduate in Dallas, though 1 of such was unable to be completed because of my problems with the electrical portions to which that Mentor and I agreed I should not continue in such a class because of his disbelief at first until he spoke with a female he trusted and warned him to not ever allow me to be that close to those types of technological energies as he initially did not believe me about the fire in the laptop; though when he spoke with her, she informed him of the realities of such regarding my personal energetic aspects as well as the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. He showed me after the discussion where we agreed I should not pursue such an elective though he took me to an area in his house which I was able to walk through a door to see older computers, which he laughed when he saw my response to such pieces which were almost like the NASA Space Center exhibit of the computer systems from such a time in Florida as he was surprised as to how much more comfortable I had been around such technologies compared to the other portions.
Who I was dating at the time was infuriated to learn of that being removed from my schedule and the problems then began from such an individual shortly thereafter in a larger way, including the situation referencing the Dallas Bank of America visit which I had walked through a few areas before he learned of the dropping of such a particular elective which had already occurred by such a time. He took care of the parking ticket as per the security director aspect as the validation portion, which is why my credit card was not processed for the transaction, though my silver convertible Toyota Solara may have been noticed leaving around such a time from if there are camera systems to look for such additionally as I did not have the VW Bug I named Zippy at the time as there were several collisions which occurred when I was driving my car in the Dallas area mainly especially after the first engagement began; though I had noticed such a few times prior to such, after returning from the Florida vacation when looking back as a now ex-SCUBA Diving Instructor named Sean Leonard at SCUBA Toys at the time had not accepted the responses to begin with already and was not a surprise if to later learn of such involvement for such a childish response in comparison to accepting I had not wanted to have him on the trip as well as the refusal of following a command meant when I returned from such and told him I did what I told him I was going to do as well as multiple other SCUBA Diving Instructors and SCUBA Divers at Clear Springs mainly; the situations as to the moving of my SCUBA Diving gear as well as the admittance of such from him during the phone call time in Washington state when I was living at the Lodge at Madrona, meant I could easily see how some fe/males when being told no and having the right to being told no for such a situation set means I meant no. The BBQ meeting response when in the time after returning from my Cavern SCUBA Diving class trip, proves such an aspect as to how his responses were as to such times as he also did not want anyone to ever know of ever being involved with me as he was embarrassed to be seen with me as well as embarrassed to be known to have any connection to me. I respected such a request at such times and the lack of such rectifications meant without an apology from such about such times from him, the Washington state timeframe went as the Washington state timeframe had went. It was over for him before the flight he said he flew up to Washington state for, would ever leave the ground if he chose not to acknowledge such at such times and as proven; such went exactly as I knew it would, as the lack of such meant the inability to speak the truth to me whether face to face or not. It was, as it was. Though it is ironic for the best man of the wedding to have been in the United States of America's Air Force when he met my maternal Uncle Leonard Gavett to then tell my Uncle Leonard and his then wife Sharon as to putting their names in the will portion for the insurance paperwork prior to leaving for Basic Training, and having informed my biological mother and my biological father of such a choice officially. How such regarding my later paperwork seen compared to what I know I personally signed as well as the portions referring to how situations went at Wilford Hall at Lackland Air Force Base in JBSA, is up to such individuals to take into consideration as per other additional portions hypothetically.
The additional portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips additionally, meant the problems which needed to be handled were on the way and what was most important was most important. I have had plenty of people try to bother me by rubbing in my face as to what they were able to do knowing I was not in comparison to informing of, and the tone of voice and attitude of such were quite apparent knowing how such was previously per certain inflections and specific ways of other portions I knew of as well as knowing I had written what I had written. Hearing the term freak from that male, meant it was over at that moment for him. I would only speak the truth and allow him to hang himself by choosing to remain quiet knowing he was illegally recording the phone calls as per the legal requirements for Washington state compared to the legal requirements for the state of Texas as the stronger legal requirements per state via privacy laws always super-cedes the lower levels of security for privacy state locations, and without the actual verification of such officially meant he was breaking the laws I knew he had to follow legally; the same in reference to if hypothetically why such problems for the landline phone for my apartment only working when speaking with Michael from Nine Lives Books in San Antonio Texas when a male looking like Daniel or his twin brother from Nine Lives Books installing the line in the apartment which illegally was done to prevent phone calls, as well as send out electrical pulsation hitch pitched noises as per such childish aspects back then for the problems they knew were caused by the cat sanctuary people though wished to prove my guilt when it was their guilt the whole time. However my choice to refuse to cover for the Nine Lives Books cat sanctuary when the teenager of your dad is not a Captain, meant those type of people from those types of aspects of cat sanctuary portions would refuse to accept such realities of their own fault for such; because of their failure to truthfully speak with the law enforcement as well as trying to get the two teenagers to lie to the BAMC and the JBSA employees which I refused to allow to occur. Add the childish aspects of not knowing anything about some comic stuff looking as I do, and the ironic twist of such people being upset about their childhood and teenager years to then do as they had done to them wrongly and immorally to others such as myself and my son and my daughter hypothetically. Then the additional portions of their associated friends who worked for other Bookstores as well as those who once were employees of those Bookstores to leave to go with Suzanne Farnsworth to start up Nine Lives Books to return to the Half Price Books to report to Half Price Books as to all of the dealings which were occurring in Nine Lives Books at such times, meant such people in the cat sanctuary as well as Nine Live Books were considered problematic to Half Price Book. While Michael most likely only paid attention to the money made from the online book sales, what did he as well as Suzanne Farnsworth think was going to occur with the ability for Half Price Books to see those same numbers for the taxes? Did Half Price Books also list books online and if so, why would it take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects as well as Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr working at the Dallas warehouse forcing his way into the situation I was dealing with; to then work only at the warehouse in comparison to working as a driver as he had in San Antonio, as well as knowing more of the books of the online sales area comparatively to me? Of course the designated decoy would make sense, though think about where the books were taken to referencing the trade ins and look at whose idea that was.
Look at who wanted me to make an online bookstore account though did not care nor take into consideration of what schedule I actually needed for such to ever be a reality, and look at how such a temper tantrum of an individual had been regarding the MadMax 151 Road Warrior situation; though I guesstimate such was not cared about nor paid attention to as much, despite how many times I had already warned the people and the staff of such. How many people did he know who were all of a sudden flowing into Nine Lives Books despite what Ken Westmeyer, Daniel, Lisa Williams, and I had warned both Suzanne Farnsworth and Michael Roberts about as they only saw the influx of money as well as books and nothing more while denying others the aspects wrongly of the Psychic Fairs. Who hated having the Psychic Fairs as well as who hated having the cat sanctuary involved in the store, though who only wanted to pay attention to the profits? Who was the easiest scapegoat for all such groups to blame as well as who would be the easiest to imitate in comparison at such times without the tattoos though only the hairstyle and the hair color at such times as when I left Nine Lives Books in 2008 officially though stopped going to volunteer more often shortly after the your dad is not a Captain's situation in 2007, by the time of around July is when the portions of my time was dwindling being able to handle or tolerate what was going on and my time volunteering dwindled just the same as the way Daniel's time had done so at the store with more cat sanctuary people attending and the garbage I was dealing with regarding Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and that forced situation which Nine Lives Books was informed of. If it was only my fault then when I was gone from Nine Lives Books there would not have been any further drama from the time of my last day in the store, however if any further drama occurred then all of such drama would only be associated with such individuals who were still involved personally in whichever ways of such throughout such an area in San Antonio as not forgetting the portions regarding the Psychic Fairs to Crystal Mountain as well as Unlimited Thought Bookstore; which Suzanne tried to compare her store to a better version of to others she knew who were a part of their Psychic Fairs as well as such needless dramatic situations, for lesser important reasons in a longer term of time. Such individuals who claim they want to actually help such Psychics and yet only include those who they personally have a biased towards in comparison to actual abilities has been problematic for those who truly are able and capable, compared to those who read about aspects and wish they could accomplish such feats which in turn such larger amounts of charletons become more problematic for such situations; which in turn the amount of people who have watched movies thinking such to be 100% accurate or reading comic books thinking that is ideal or what-have-you instantly causes a larger set of aspects if the inability to discern has not been developed, and as the moral compass had been tweaked the requirement for the resetting was put into place long ago and such situations were meant to be removed to then be handled as required despite such not liking the reality for the needs of as per the needless greed. It is not money which is the root of all evil, it is the seven deadly sin which are the causes some view for such aspects regarding money which is the actual set of roots of all evil; as plants do not have 1 root only even if they have a tapper root which drills downward, as there are still several smaller spreader roots which assist to help the plant grow. Thus since some think money grows on trees, there is the ability to literally see and know such truths for your own symbolism as to how the seven deadly sins regarding what is viewed as money as to which are the actual causes to the root of such.
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy saw such as well as the obsessions from random fans pushing through barriers as the times went forward to just get close enough to touch a singer, not caring as to how such an individual would feel as their frenzies were far too much for most to be able to handle such types of people. The same can be said regarding how some are referencing musicians, artists, religious leaders, politicians, actors, actresses, celebrities, news anchors, and etcetera thinking that if they touch such their talents would somehow rub off onto them; which is not the case, and is not allowed. Hence why such individuals still continue onward despite such wishes from others, as such cannot be taken advantage of and those who wish for such would only do so at their own destruction and their own peril. As Grandpa Nichols warned my ex-in-laws, do not attack nor bite the hand that feeds you. In a different way to such when going out to eat at a location it is better to properly treat such staff however at the same time the staff must know better than to do such for when stealing from such then you are stealing for you own long term aspects and shortening your own life span as once you are no longer useful, then you are expendable; as when taking a look as to how Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr could not get a job back with Half Price Books upon his return to San Antonio Texas initially, once taken back though most likely the unknown component of the 151 Road Warrior situation did not assist such either for him. Though if inaccurate to such then the portions referencing the other drama which occurred would once again have fully ceased and would not have kicked up more when he was returned to San Antonio Texas in the early months of 2009, if I am accurate for Nine Lives Books as how would someone such as that respond to both Half Price Books as well as Nine Lives Books along with the cat sanctuary? I was told he had not stopped by the store in the entire time from 2008 through to 2021 by Suzanne Farnsworth which I did not believe she was being truthful, though if after returning to San Antonio after having been in my house in Carrollton Texas for as long as he had been and forced such; how many medications would he have had access to, and what was it I was told about someone being hospitalized? Did there happen to be any medications which were in my house which would be in my prescription list though would not have been in hers though would have been during a time when he was able to get to my prescriptions? Who would be blamed wrongly for that, compared to who the individual who was known to lie known to cheat and known to steal while known to covet what was not his as well as wish for another's wife even if legally only? How many times did he spend time with my biological sister, and what was the influx of the college student millennials to each area within the state of Texas when those two decided to work together in reference to the adult area lifestyles scenes? How did anyone think it was going to go for me with who was informed of both my now dead-ex-husband, the forced situation regarding the forced proposals, my biological sister specifically though also my biological mother, the 151 Road Warrior situation, and kitty litter stat think was going to go when I had repeatedly given warnings as well to the known aspects of a Homeowners Association portion and my SCUBA Diving in such areas within the state of Texas; while not forgetting the portions regarding how many times I explained what occurred referencing my response to when learning of the stolen valor and the Chief Warrant Officer 3 explanations up the chain of Command, and more obviously regarding what occurred referencing my daughter, my son, and I in CFBISD? If you thought I was only joking, I told you there is truth behind every joke.
In such times back around 1999 for that wedding regarding my maternal Uncle Leonard to Sharon in Crystal Lake Illinois that year specifically compared to the move, Thomas Seaman and I spoke at a depth level which apparently surprised him of someone my age being able to speak of at the time. He could not see how I could be as versed as I had been, as detailed about cars regarding my preferences and specifics of, as well as my responsibility level he only had seen a small portion of regarding several aspects. The afternoon went into the evening and as many were drunken with the alcohol and liquor, Thomas and I remained sober while speaking with one another. He had a beer or two while I simply drank a coffee or diet coke, which I suppose in a different way his choice of a song to end the relationship back then makes a bit more sense in the longer term in other ways as he said The Dance By Garth Brooks was how he viewed me at such a time. I had not understood how such a song lyric set could ever describe such as how could he have seen such or known such as to such, though the twist does come for the reality of such words to such a time if having to do with one particular choice which all he had to do was simply ask me the truth and he would have been told the truth by me at such moments later shortly before my biological mother lied to the hospital to try to divert me away from what I needed to do claiming it was only a phase as to my doing what was possible to get into the Armed Forces of the United States of America as per prior patterns of behaviour regarding Marine and Science Technology School with the Naval attachment in New Jersey as well as whatever was said regarding my pushing to join and being smoked during the whole time of until being able to be emancipated to join the United States of America's Armed Forces Army branch. In the fast forwarded portion of which I was debating which branch I was looking into for the official last choices aspects and wanting to ensure I chose the correct branch for myself for what I needed to do, there was a male in the Crystal Lake South High School who had worn a Marine Corps head cover from his dad to school every now and then.
I knew the pattern and the octagon shape though was not aware of the specific name for the cover, asking a few questions about such. He and I spoke in the high school shortly before I went over to his parent's house to speak with his Dad about the Marine Corps, which unbeknownst to me Thomas was in town from Ohio until later that evening when I saw him at my biological parents' house in Crystal Lake speaking with Mike in the driveway once I returned from spending time with I cannot recall his name though his parents had a house on the corner before turning onto Darlington Lane and he drove a green Jeep Wrangler convertible. After getting to ask several questions about the differences between the different branches regarding the training as well as the specifics of what military portions were different between the branches because of the knowledge as to certain portions regarding the recruiters I had spoken with, the Dad had answered many questions for me to be able to know much more information for a clearer decision which I genuinely appreciated. He did not go into certain specifics though I had told his Dad I was looking into either the infantry, the calvary, or combat arms because I knew I needed to go into the most specialized of forces training for the best possible outcome possible. He asked me about my background which I told him what details he asked of me honestly, including my time at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as my nightmare, which I told him also of what the portions were regarding the 1993 World Trade Center attacks. He asked me several other questions that evening and a few other evenings as we spoke during that week or two, as the timeframe to push forward was getting more predominant to square away properly as per what was mandatory though I could not explain beyond telling his dad; I knew something was going to occur soon, and I knew I needed to be in the military to genuinely help before my birthday in 2000. He asked me why I needed to accomplish such before then, which I told his dad "The only thing I can tell you honestly Sir, is I have to get inside to be able to help before my birthday in 2000."
He knew of my biological mother's working and the quickness of which the Y2K began being more prevalent of a situation the closer to the timeframe which most began to freak out needlessly about, though the preference to work on such in comparison to what I had already predicted had nothing to do with the coding referencing for what the calculator for the digital clocks would begin in such a time frame, as the calendar clocks were calibrated with the calculators for coding which in turn meant there was going to be the normal working upward for the spot in time for the turn of the century as well as the turn of the millennium; however with other particular portions occurring around the earth at the time, the panic which set into many individuals had been additionally enhanced by the song to Party like it is 1999 for that particular portion of time. By the time of meeting with his son to ask questions in more depth about such aspects regarding the differences in the military branches training schedules and times, I was not finding anything remotely close to what I had been told about regarding what my adopted maternal Grandpa Gavett had discussed and shown me paperwork about as well as other aspects; though I knew I was not allowed to discuss anything about the situations regarding that paperwork until I was in the correct area, because there was the feeling which I knew I needed to be able to speak of more freely and openly. I knew that would not occur until what is known as the MEPS station as to what I specifically needed to get taken care of, however since the individual who thought he knew more such as others I knew from what they knew had assumed as such and as seen later through other assumptions proven through situations in time; a point regarding the male I met at the school regarding the Marine Corps hat and I went out driving, and then I was told about the incest which was a part of the family he came from. I asked if he knew what it was and what the health aspects were for such situations, which he was only partially aware of such. I asked several questions about whether or not such was known to him and his family before, and he told me they only learned a little bit before I had met him. We discussed several additional aspects when I asked how the portions of that had begun in the incestual aspects, which was when he gave me a kiss and I jumped back asking how that was how it began. Later I learned in reference to my now dead-ex-husband and his family having been involved with incest the same in reference to Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr's situation especially defending such, it usually begins with some of the females wanting to play spin the bottle from what they were taught in school from others. However the ironic twist of such regarding my ex-in-laws and all of the females additionally defending such and preferring such wrongly, had been in regards of my ex-in-laws at Chandler Mountain house cabin which a glass coke bottle rolled across the floor to roll up the wall to stop at around a chair rail height up the wall, to slowly roll down the wall, and then return to the area rolling across the wooden floor back to the center of the group to start re-spinning and then stopped; which I learned of for the first time, in 2004 of such details regarding such in my now dead-ex-husband's family lineage.
I was worried about the impacts to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Ltters4Lidia , though as per usual to many times I was told they thought I was overreacting whereas with the work I had done up to such a point as well as to the levels of which I had been serious with my responsibilities the annoyances as to such accusations were abundant and for each were problematic for such in my opinion.
As per prior to that time with which I had then told the male I needed him to drive us back to the neighborhood as he knew I was dating a male as did the entire high school, which each knew my boyfriend at the time was out of state in Ohio as I told them about my speeding ticket warning and showed the paper I had also shown to Thomas; shortly before the wedding I head dealt with a male who was working as a porter who was living with his mom and dad in their basement while playing paintball and because he had not gotten his allowance yet, he had also been fired from Jim M'Lady upon the few dates we had gone on when found out when I was babysitting Mr. M'Lady's son. Though I did not ever have anyone over to the house when I was babysitting the youngest son and took my responsibilities seriously, the situations regarding my vehicle for such a neighborhood was problematic because of the surface view of such with the 1986 Dodge Grand Caravan being the eyesore considerably to though because of the situations dealt with the limited capacity to do much about it personally. The male who I had not ever officially been exclusive to had a temper tantrum because of going over another's house and because I was at a non-exclusive relationship situation in high school, that male named Mike with the Yellow Ford Ranger truck in Crystal Lake Illinois or Prairie Ridge who did not ever want such officiality established had admitted to using paint to write on the back window HOE; which Katie Airdo's parents were infuriated about knowing how I had been in comparison though making fun of the lack of education to spell the word correctly unless the intent was in reference to my type of gardening tools to get through the dirt and muck of the situations regarding gardening. That male threw a temper tantrum and refused to pay back the money loaned, which I had received only the amount in comparison to what was owed for the loan which was allowed for such a time as he owed the interest which was at 25%. I told that male named Mike if he did not pay the 25% on top of the $250.00 that he would have more problems than was worth if had just paid me what he had promised at such times, though he laughed at me saying my car was all he needed to know about me thinking I had no other means of income which I did have though he knew nothing about my drag racing which meant he knew nothing about how much money I actually had earned on my own. When working at IHOP I was able to pay my taxes for such earnings via the cash tip out which I would report the exact amount of over 15% of what I had sold via the restaurant because I knew those taxes were only paid by me referencing my tips, which the amount of some of the guys who would go into the IHOP to spend their money worked out for such additional portions as per the time when they would be able to go into the restaurant. However if there was the portion of the bright green letters which obviously also could have been done by cheerleaders who were upset about Leah not being allowed to join cheerleading that year because of the problems she had caused when she blabbed all over the Crystal Lake South High School as to her overdramatic upset about the cafeteria table being thrown out of my way to speak with her after she slapped my friend Kenny Tank because he would not take her to the Sadie Hawkins Dance, though Kenny Tank also ran his mouth along with Lisa that day and week spreading what occurred throughout the entire school and each having to deal with the fact they spoke about the situation whereas I said nothing. Ironically the situation with Nick Robinson and Joy Hoover had not been as widely known about previously because of no one involved saying anything at all when I defended AJ, as everyone started paying more attention to what was actually needed compared to the fight itself; which was a really good thing for the area to learn from as there was not just one or two ethnic backgrounds which were in the area, and being as close to Chicago Illinois the traveling distance to such was not all that far even though a 3 hours drive for commuting.
The check was repaid without the interest at 25% as was arranged after I told my biological father about the situation when at dinner one evening about that male, which later after the situation when I met Thomas Seaman and the discussions went onward as I went along as he had at the wedding; we did begin to date, and he had seen me working at Jim M'Lady's at that time still for such as he stopped by the dealership shortly after the wedding as a surprise. Seeing such an ability and knowing that he was able to simply stay out from Ohio for as long as he felt while being able to purchase a vehicle from the dealership, was an uneasy feeling for what I had already grown up seeing. While he may have thought that would impress me much more than some females because of the car I had to drive at the time, what it did was send an opposite response as to how much more protective of myself I had to be due to such an ability to afford such so easily. Knowing how Enron was kicked off at the time, I was not willing to suffer for someone else's debts needlessly in such aspects; though the ironic twist in reference to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, and the after effects thereof. Nonetheless, I proceeded with caution to date Thomas Seaman as the overall timing seemed odd regarding the court case as well as the situations referring to Crystal Lake South High School. I had fallen in love with him and was actually debating whether or not to actually join and was part of why I had spoken with additional sources referring to the training aspects only, however upon seeing him speaking with my biological father when I arrived back after being at the house with the Marine Corps' son's Dad; I knew that the end of that time was getting close, and I was glad to have been able to speak with the Dad about the different training aspects. I was told to get the movie Full Metal Jacket to see how certain portions of some types of training could be related to the Marine Corps though based in regards of the Marine Corps, and I remembered a few aspects regarding my Grandpa Gavett in certain scenarios for certain aspects as he kept track of each soldier he ever trained and/or had been involved within a Brigade of if at the level of Brigade to ensure his soldiers were actually on the correct track in life compared to what had already been noticed for certain portions of different types of care required for the different groups and agencies and organizations he had been a part of making into whatever they became in official aspects for such names.
Mike told me the relationship with Thomas was over as he found out I had been involved with Thomas and he knew Thomas had been cheating on me with some females in the Ohio area as well as a few other states, which I was not willing to be a part of as if you are going to be with me you are only going to be with me in such a way especially. I had ended relationships of such a type going towards for romance for less than cheating on me though was a larger aspect as some males did not seem to know why it is important to earn such in comparison, which I refused to allow myself to be a part of other such aspects as I grew up in New Jersey and far too many people I cared about had passed away from various aspects between the middle to late 1980s and into the 1990s for me to be as such as different areas of ways I had seen. I wanted and I needed to live and survive to live, that would not help anyone if I were to ever die as I knew and understood fully; however some thought I was joking, while some thought I was playing a game, and when both aspects were explained as to what I do not get involved in then some thought it would be funny to play a joke while others thought is would be funny to play a game so very wrongly. I warned of such to multiple people though it was difficult for some to know or understand the severity of what words I spoke in truth had always been, however that was all before ever actually being able to join the Army officially as I could see the Full Metal Jacket Marine Corps Basic Training being more for Special Forces and such types; though the ending of the Basic Training scene was where I could not get passed, as that portion was what hurt me the most to see on a television screen. That bathroom area was where similarly to the 9/11 Documentary by the French Film Makers which had thankfully done what they could to respect such aspects during the timing of as well as the security camera footage from within the Twin Towers buildings office areas and public area spaces, was and is much appreciated however the portion regarding the scene in the bathroom and how that was something my Grandpa Gavett worried about referring to his groups and organizations and agencies to see such in that way was enough. I had learned quite a bit from each perspective as per who I knew and where I knew them up to such a point in time, which that particular aspect was where I knew if I was able to get in before my birthday that year in 2000 the ability to do better for more would be possible in conjunction to the aspects as to what the nightmare had been up to such a point in time; if only I could actually accomplish such, as I needed Basic Training to be completed by the time of my birthday. I suppose in some ways looking back now to that time in 2000 after the MEPS station, I suppose in a different type of an official though unofficial though official way such actually had been the case by the time of my birthday in 2000 when I turned 18 years old biologically though had only been out of the coma for less than 3 months from waking up after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the subarachnoid hemorrhage had been in full and it was not known yet if there was additional bleeding occurring at such times as I was awake from the coma. However additionally to such the rave situation afterwards which I had woken up in Brackenridge was also an unknown as to what possible damages could have been from such, though the portions regarding the medications additionally to such for the headaches and migraines were not as well known either as there were multiple medications which I was prescribed which were not available for the general public yet as per the medical phase testings. Thus if Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and/or others thought they were just regular prescriptions with the off label name in comparison to what the actual medications were as per military aspects sometimes, it would be their fault for knowing better than to steal from me or anyone for that matter.
I know when I woke up from my coma at some point I had brought up to Captain Morning AKA Captain Cupcake (my Captain Cupcake, not your Captain Cupcake by the way) information about the aspects of seeing things when I grew up in New Jersey and him being from Iowa which is the area which I had to turn around when the problems were from mapquest to be in Ohio instead, it seemed odd because of remembering Thomas Seaman and knowing there was a situation which was not understood; however not knowing what such was, was as it was. A male who would take the word of others before taking my word as truth knowing I could only speak the truth, was a problem in my opinion as I knew better; however as many females have been as they have been, it was not a wonder as to such aspects though still incorrect to blame me needlessly for what other females had done though such a track record had not been fully proven up to that point in time in 1999 as realistically the aspects of simply showing up felt as though he did not trust me to begin with. Nothing new for me, as many times as my biological sister and biological mother lied repeatedly about me in comparison to what they were lying about me for was what they themselves were doing. It would not be a doubt for me to believe if when my son went to San Antonio Texas in 2014 if my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father lied about my being my son and my daughter's biological Mom; however since their garbage regarding the wedding of abominations referencing to my biological sister Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom-Miller which they refused to allow me in any of the wedding pictures while being mad at me for wearing the colors of the wedding while my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia were the ring bearer and the flower girl, which I had told others about and none believed that would or could occur in the state of Texas. However if they lied about such again, then what needless additional problems were caused as thou shalt not lie is pretty simple to follow as you do not know whose lives you are going to impact when you tell a lie to others about others.
To be able to clarify my side as to how many lies were needlessly told about me over the years since my childhood, I chose to make sure that I clearly explained as much as I possibly could in FSL because of the fact if I chose to purposefully leave out details about my past then I knew either one of two things would occur. First would most likely be the excuse of wishing I was lying, or the other aspect would be what else was hidden in comparison to what was known before such sets of a book type of publishing. However when actually earning my own ability to do such on my own the infuriation as to such being released without my permission only furthered the aspects of such arrogance from so many people prior who simply refused to accept me as myself and instead of actually helping had chosen to release such without my permission illegally, of which I do not see any excuse as valid for any books regarding CCBS, Fail-Safe, PotL, or any books thereafter I had authored for my personal profits to do with as I chose as.
Already having been denied repeatedly of what I had actually earned doing such without my permission while taking away my choice on top of prior situations in reference to such is an overstepping of bounds in that aspect and way for such a choice, especially if already having the knowledge of prior assault situations I had dealt with. If done by a male, then how do you feel regarding that choice to refuse to accept my choice as to what I personally chose for myself? If a female then what type of female would do such a thing to another female to remove illegally such a choice, which only belonged to me? If any such had their own assaults in their own backgrounds, why would you think such a choice to remove another's choice would be considered as acceptable and/or less than the actual assault itself when thinking about the specific details thereof? Arrogance and haughtiness is a death trap for such, if there were those who did not know. If a liberal and/or Democrat who made such a choice, I repeat the aspects I had stated of such types of people who have refused to care about a female's choice and goes along such lines of such radicalized islamic thoughts. If a Republican then why would you choose to go against such when as many claim to be religious, in such a political group? If pagan or a heathen then I suppose that pretty much shows your levels of aspects, when taking such a choice wrongly away from me and knowing such aspects thereof you should especially know better for such. If a Christian or Jew or peaceful religion, is there something which discusses do not steal or cheat or lie you can refer to for such aspects? If a gamer, life is not a game. If into movies, life in moves is not for you beyond going to a movie threater to see what is actually in the theater in comparison to peeking into the cameras of a private locaton without the acknowledgement or acceptance of the right to privacy; which again as much as I have dealt with in reference to such assaults the sensitivity to such aspects is of importance. Last I checked I had been told people who have been assaulted need to have their own time and their own space to deal with such situations, did anyone ever think to keep true to that or did they prefer to stick their noses into business which was not theirs to get involved in? I do not need to go further than such however if in the BDSM community, is there such a thing of consent which is supposed to be followed? Last I checked, I did not consent to you ever getting involved in my personal life in such a way regarding my business or my works as I was not doing anything illegal which is something I doubt can be said for some as I had recently been informed of. If in the Swinger community, what part of consent is lost on you? If in the LGBTQP community, really? As many times as I stood up for you guys, really? That, would be the worst of all knowing how much I stood up for you guys in the mid to late 1980s into the 1990s and onward for such as that would be where I could not allow such any further. How do you think your LGBTQP aspects from prior times would look at you for such aspects regarding what occurred in reference to McCoy Elementary School and the Fort Worth Zoo, for such choices in addition?
Yes, The Dance is truly ironic for such a time. I am glad I did not know how bad things actually were more officially, though I could have preferred to miss the dance simply because of the aspects regarding the way looked at when in the club simply doing what I could to actually enjoy myself as best as I could without being judged; though such was anyway, was it not? I could not care if others wanted to see such, it was not for such and now there is not the need for such simply because of not having the need to ever do such for anyone unless I actually want to though that feeling has long been gone from me after such aspects as why bother? That does not help me or keep me happy, in the slightest. I did not consent to anyone promoting I was there at the club either to be honest, as I did not give such permissions for my pictures to ever be used for anything except what I personally chose for such which such promotions were not ever included in such and has not ever been allowed officially or unofficially just because of the lack of permissions agreement which would be required for a promotional aspect as per legalities for all such types of businesses and since the pictures were taken within the United States of America it would in turn ban other countries from being allowed to use such pictures and/or videos for such of any kind because of being on the soil of the United States of America; which includes my SCUBA Diving pictures for having left from the soil of the United States of America to return to the United States of America soil, except the pictures from Cozumel only and does not include the pictures out from Florida as per Florida being in the United States of America despite the oceanic areas. Something the Mandarins did not think about in reference to developing pictures and film when doing so, as such laws are applicable for such in the United States of America and extend as such treaties.
Thus other countries are/were not allowed to legally purchase any images or videos to use for promotions for overseas to prevent others from seeing their faces and/or images being used overseas for other countries' promotions without such permissions from people within the United States of America ever, and could be punished for such illegal choices as well.
There were people who entered the San Antonio adult lifestyle scene from the colleges around the time when I returned to San Antonio Texas in 2012 as per the influx some others would be able to attest to, which the 2 females and 1 male which Discordia AKA Erika had pushed for the mentoring of while being repeatedly told I was not interested to assist such and refused such fully had been a large problem when I began talking specifically about millennials. I used the term millennials though the realistic portions of American Mandarin Millennials as per the Chinese Mandarin philosophy as learned through Eric Verona when working in Dr. Sun's lab and the Intellectual Property theft, as the American Millennial Mandarins would think just because they saw something they would think they would be good enough without any proper and correct training involved with such and would wrongfully spread such information they knew nothing about while altering the original information to try to advert away from the truth as per what Mandarins had done when breaking from the Cantonese. They tried stealing all of the information from the Cantonese only to release such information wrongly causing the Chinese Communist Party to form more officially thinking that was the correct way and altering such to their ideas of what was correct compared to what actually was the correct truth.
Many deaths occurred because of making such a choice to the point of which only males were allowed because of how many females were found to be guilty of such choices to get involved needlessly and they and their families were charged for the bullets used as their belongings were removed from them and given over to others, of which each additional choice meant as to whether or not they were allowed to have children at all for several generations because of such aspects to choose against the Cantonese as Mao ZeDoong was half Cantonese and half Mandarin though few know of such specific origins as per the way writings have been orchestrated long before the technology era got into fullness. Another reason why you should not download music or videos from other unofficial sources is because of the unknown as to the subliminal messages put into such music as remember, there is nothing for free in this world. Any groups have an idea as to what that refers to in regards of musical aspects, out of curiosity? That Americanized Mandarin Millennial portion in San Antonio in 2012 is seen as in Austin and in Dallas there was TNG or The Next Generation groups, though there was not one in the San Antonio area at the time. If such developed afterwards to when in 2012 remember each area of the adult lifestyle and more, I gave you warnings about that song S&M by Rhianna as to how such would be taken by such American Mandarin Millennials if they became more involved without any moral compass or direction with actual paying attention to the healthcare portions of such. With the amount of military in the area of San Antonio Texas AKA Military City USA and the ease for some to travel across the state, how did such occur in the time from my first warning?
There was the group which I wrote of and discussed which Erika had continuously pushed to get me to Mentor which I refused to Mentor though was a small mediator between the situation which the male was given the clear to a point though the female who fell off of the pool at the 4th of July 2012 party ladder had been blamed for not telling the male or the other female about her medical conditions which he should have been made aware of, and the three admitted to listening to the S&M song repeatedly thinking it was a good idea to try after going online and finding Mike and Patty's place. The other female with the glasses was interesting to speak with and I asked her several questions as to get to know whether or not she was going to be intelligent or if she was going to be faslely intelligent as I noticed how she looked at a male named Ken in the group when speaking a few times, and as she continued to speak with Erika as she knew I refused to introduce her to Ken officially she went through Erika to get the introduction going because I refused to do so. Ken would be able to discuss whether or not I was accurate as to not allow that introduction as he would be able to speak of whether Erika was or was not correct, to go around and circumvent my choice to remain in the ways I chose to remain just as others would be able to attest to whether or not Alicia and Ana and Matt were as straight up as they claimed or as I had warned others as best as I could in reference of and to such situations. Just the same in reference to SCUBA Diving, and so much more.
I had called Thomas Seaman years ago years later as I went looking online to see if he was alive after the 11 September 2001 event after having already emailed the Z100 Morning Zoo, as I had done so referring to my move to Crystal Lake Illinois as well as after waking up from the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to be in Medical Hold Unit when I was in the office area. While the original account of peppomint was made in Marlboro New Jersey when at Jackie's house when she was having problems with Nick Palazolo when we were going to Saint John Vianney High School and Nick said he was going to make a website about my biological mother being a pig, I was not impressed by such as he was one of the 5 people on the bus fight who I had defeated in the fight and he was upset because my biological father told him he was not ever going to grow up to be a man acting in such a way as he had regarding hitting a female and joining a female fight on a bus as a male. Mike told Nick if he ever wanted to be a man he was going to have to grow up and put the toys away to be able to actually make something worthwhile of himself, to which Nick scoffed in the office which I sat up when he had done so in disrespect to the situation occurring. As Nick had a temper tantrum because I stood up for myself repeatedly against him throughout the different hallway classes as he constantly called me names, pulled my hair, and messed with my belongings; all of a sudden when I fought back against him for months of such, he complained that he thought it was an overreaction to all of the times he had done so. One point when I pushed back after the months of and lifted him off of the ground while holding his shirt and his neck, he cried about how if I would just see that it was not his fault for making fun of me and if I was not so weird he would not feel he had to make fun of me; then he cried some more when I threw him across the hallway telling him it was not acceptable to go after someone as such and then expect them to be okay, as he was not as special as his mom had made him think he was to anyone else. Of course that was a problem for him and when I defended myself again, then his friend Jackie had decided she wanted to get involved because though she knew how he was being as well as she knew she had instigated the situation because of my friend Corrine and their issues; the lack of patience I had for such then can be seen in later years, including to now for such. Just because someone is friends with multiple types of people does not mean they are backstabbing you, it just means they are friends with multiple types of people. Instead of causing problems and needless situations, maybe thinking about how many types of people there are in the world and see how many are interconnected in some way via their interests and types of enjoyments comparatively.
The same I suppose can be said for fe/males who think one thing automatically instead of simply asking such truth from the one who could have verified the information from the beginning, though I also thought I could not be the only one who could not tell a lie. I had met others who could not lie though when looking back now, I can see the difference as to who it was who I was paying most attention to as to who could not tell a lie; as per the ironies, of Special Needs Education. Military who have endured certain aspects such what once was known as shell shock or later head injury or brain injury or later TBI by terminology, cannot tell a lie especially in the beginning phases of first waking up from such aspects to be able to walk around and move around on one's own. Depending upon the types of and the damages and whether the damages are semi-permanent or permanent from such a situation, the requirement for the best for such is pertinent. I cannot verify the downloading of any of the books which were not purchased through the links you can go through my website to purchase as such links and what changes made by who would not be of my verification process and I would highly recommend if that actually is what occurred, actually following the specific processes of in comparison to just as per wanting or wishing would be easier. However, such is a choice for each to make of their own free will though remember there is nothing free in this world and once you know you cannot unknow.
Thus while it would have been an ideal situation if that had actually been regarding such a time referencing Thomas Seaman, there was not the response back from such despite having left a message on the answering machine. I was not aware whether or not he had received the message or if anything was ever heard, though I had actually remembered which was a big deal for me if such would have actually been responded to in order to speak with. I had to move on as required as the needs for what was important were mandatory and I simply figured as he was able to do as he was once back then if it actually was important for him to speak with me, I figured he would have told me himself in person somehow if he did not call me back; though I know my biological mother and my biological father were in my house in San Antonio at random by such times which in turn as much of the nosey individuals as they were to illegally break into my house when I was not there as just because of their ways to overstep such boundaries as had done so multiple times before, it is time people start learning their boundaries in such regards and thankfully that 6 foot apart distance has been a starting point for such aspects as realistically the portions of which aspects have occurred has been to a level to which has been ridiculous in my opinion. Nonetheless in reference to such types of situations I suppose at minimum the proof of such was always in my history if one or another was willing to actually look at such truthfully, as I can truthfully say as well as write as I made sure not to ever cheat on anyone. The irony again though in reference to several situations, there was not an exclusivity aspect to many situations and despite such aspects of the lack of such exclusivity and the aspects to was a bit ironic for certain individuals to respond as such towards anything I had done and/or not done. I had been made fun of in high school for being a prude and not doing anything with anyone and the oddity if in turn Thomas Seaman had been told opposite to what was being told to me face in school each day, is a whole other ball of wax as possibly especially depending upon the proof; most likely such claims once again, had to do with my biological sister and what she was a part of which those who knew her and know of her know as to how that actually had been the whole time.
He was my second for such at the time as I had told him my truthful numbers, though having been from New Jersey I guesstimate the assumption was there could not have been such an individual to leave the state of New Jersey as a teenager and as a virgin the way I actually had. Despite my biological sister having already given her virginity away before ever leaving New Jersey as per what she was taught by other sources of such, I actually was a virgin when I was leaving New Jersey to Illinois at the age of 15 years old and was up to halfway through being 16 years old as such a virgin aside from being born in the solar calendar month for Virgo in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog in the Water Bearer with other rising aspects in such astrological houses and etcetera and I met him around the time of becoming 17 years old. I do not know how he was or who he knew when he was my age at the time I knew him, though he had said I was unlike anyone he ever met before which I had believed him when I was told such. I suppose maybe he himself had not believed and doubted, his own words for such.
For whatever it is worth though I am thankful for such, I still remained myself. I am quite thankful for being able to be informed as to what movie to take a look at for a reference portion of what I was seeking for the bit of information to add to what I had already studied as well as learned through prior and later aspects, which has been able to hopefully make a larger difference than what some wished of me previously.
