It should not take a head injury to figure out if individuals who comprehended that I purchased a used piece of technology from the SCUBA Diving school location as per how purchasing such translates to the other individual as to whomever having brought the piece of technology as per the #SCUBA #SCUBADivers #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving depth gauge computer into the SCUBA Diving shop location on their own of their own free will as per the aspects of then later whenever I showed up after the employees of the SCUBA Diving shop had worked on the piece of technology to inform me of the possibility of purchasing the piece for myself, would comprehend that would translate to however long of the length of time from when the individual brought the piece into the SCUBA Diving shop and however long the piece of technology was worked on as to the factors of checking it as well as refurbishing anything required within the SUUNTO military depth gauge computer as the aspects of a reputable dealer would do for their customer(s) would do as per then however long of the amount of time to then prepare such for the aspects of for my purchase of the SCUBA Diving depth gauge computer when I was informed of such only after walking into the SCUBA Diving shop after whatever length of time they already had the piece of technology; I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that would then translate to anyone who would ever think of anything regarding what would not ever officially have anything to do with any factors as to individual human beings in reference to any books I authored, would then show such levels of intellectual failures as per such factors of comparing human beings to pieces of technology.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out anyone who would need that description as per comprehending the facts of there not ever being any discussions between said individual and I per such knowledge of the factors regarding actually discussing in person face to face in person and/or online and/or through phone calls officially would comprehend there would not have been any communication between another country's countryman as to myself personally, because of the facts thereof as it should not take a head injury to figure out the ignorance referencing such an individual to fail to comprehend something as simple as looking at Geek Squad as to Best Buy as per such a metaphor.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if individuals spoke with Me in truth using real words during real discussions initially before the timeframe of the year of 2010 as well as after the timeframe of 2010 of how much better of a mood I would be in as per such regarding doing exactly per My personal requirements officially instead of such failures of what I personally have not wanted and have not needed for Me personally, as it should not take a head injury to figure out if all such if factors were not playing needless games as to the nonconsensual factors as I have not ever knowingly and would not ever knowingly consent to any type of in real life in person face to face in person types of what I personally consider as games ever and I still stand per such aspects of officially since that will not ever change referencing My personal opinions and My personal stances as per My legal liberties to protect and defend Myself as the Stand My Ground Laws as per the officially starting point for Me personally in the year of 2000 per the Brackenridge situation officially for all such factors because of the reality where none others would ever officially have such rights for themselves because of the facts and since there has been only the situations of the length of time per such facts from that day regarding Brackenridge in the year of 2000 after waking up from My coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury/TBI when in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America per such legalities in My personal favor for Me personally officially permanently instead of the other way around per each and every factors thereof officially per such legal definitions especially after the way as per such aspects of 2013 and Washington #WA #WAState #Washington #Washingtonstate state of any such involvements per such factors.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out anyone who had been involved with the UHAUL #UHAUL situation in reference to the year of 2012 as per my SCUBA Diving depth gauge as well as all of my SCUBA Diving equipment as per my attempts to get my gear exactly where I personally comprehended was best as per the Navy/Marine Special Warfare Unit in San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA #MilitaryCityUSA as per the other units I knew about in the direct area as per the timeframe of when actually clear of individuals to being capable to do so, would take the situations where there were not any problems and only cause needless drama instead of ever doing anything that would officially be supportive of Me personally as well as anything supportive of the United States of America's Homeland Safety while also causing needless problems as per the factors of the 20 year memorial timeframe of 1993 as well as the other situations I personally was dealing with as per the lack of support as well as the lack of care for me personally as to what I personally actually needed for what I personally would have considered as being supportive of me personally as well as what I would consider as care about me personally as well as care for me personally as per such aspects of hypothetical factors as it would not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of my personal considerations of care about me as well as care for me is not up for anothers' interpretations.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out each factor that I should not have ever had to deal with as per what my personal considerations are for each reference of such hypotheticals would not be capable to consider what I personally consider as care about me as what I consider as care for me if they did not ever ask me personally in truth in the capacities of what my personal considerations are, as it should not take a head injury to figure out I can think for myself and thus since I comprehend myself as to comprehending what I would need as well as want as well as prefer as well as consider for myself as per my needs as per my wants as per what I personally would consider and do consider as my needs as per what I personally consider as what my wants are as what I personally consider as my personal preferences for me personally as what I consider as my personal ideals for me personally; as it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of what I have not enjoyed as not being what I personally would consider as care about me as what I personally consider as care about me, as what I have not enjoyed not being considered as care for me because of myself personally not enjoying such factors thereof as it should not take a head injury to figure out anything in reference of anything I personally do not and/or have not enjoyed as per such feminazi and sexism factors referencing each and every individual who has ever tried pushing as to such factors of what I personally have not and do not enjoy as per such factors of where then it should not take a head injury to figure out in such references as the lack of care about me personally as per the lack of care for me personally because if as to such aspects of kindergarten viewpoints of ever thinking being annoying as to such aspects of liking when I have clarified as per how such is only annoying and unwanted in such capacities, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that is not in any capacity of anything that would ever get me to personally believe about care for me and/or care about me personally.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the aspects of such factors of hypotheticals as per such if factors as per the hypotheticals would only show me personally where such aspects of what I personally consider as respect as to the factors thereof would be not there as per such factors as my personal considerations of care as well as concern as well as respect as per such factors of the hypotheticals would only prove as to my internal sensations of personal beliefs as to such factors if as to such aspects against what my personal considerations are, as it should not take a head injury to figure out in such references as per my personal considerations mattering the most as what I personally consider as care about Me as what I personally consider as respect of Me as what I personally consider as care for Me personally.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the length of time in regards of My SCUBA Diving as per such recognition as per what My personal considerations thereof to actually doing so correctly having not ever been correctly done as per My personal considerations of ceremony and/or celebrations as per then such failures as per ever respecting Me personally and ever respecting Muy work as per such factors of, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out such American Civil Liberties as per such factors for since there is only Me per My personal work as per My personal work when SCUBA Diving there is nothing allowed of others to the references of any of their personal choices as to such factors because they themselves did not accomplish My personal work as they themselves were not a part of when I personally landed at the bottom of the oceanic waters and thus their opinions would not ever matter as per such factors officially ass per My personal considerations of what requirements for such celebrations and/or ceremonies officially because of the facts where they did not ever personally go to and personally get to as per where they themselves would not matter as per their opinions of how such would be required to be to ever correctly do so as per My personal requirements as it should not take a head injury to figure out the facts thereof are the facts thereof and anything less than what My personal considerations for such factors would only be a disrespect in all such factors and all such capacities to My personal work and Me personally as per any such if factors as it should not take a head injury to figure out there is not any allowance of freedom of expression for any of them when in reference to My personal work as per My personal SCUBA Diving work.
If my personal work in SCUBA Diving would actually be appreciated as per My personal considerations thereof this length of time, then obviously My considerations would be far different than as per such factors regarding the timeframes and the situations.
It should not take a head injury to figure out Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus translates to Me Myself having used My personal SCUBA Diving gear for My personal work as per the aspects thereof and thus such civilian recreational SCUBA Divers as per such factors that are not entitled to anything at all in reference to My work and/or My background officially as per such aspects thereof as per such times as to any such whining and/or complaining only reproves the lack of care about Me personally at the exact timeframes thereof to this point in time and as per Black History Month to such if factors, the reality of how it should not take a head injury to figure out their lack of civility as per their lack of humanity to ever push against anything as to in any point in time while also proving their sexism as well as their bigotry as well as their feminazism officially as per each and every individual who had not ever been what I personally needed at the exact points in time after My SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg and/or thereafter as per such facts referencing what I should have been capable top take care of at the exact point in time of the years of 2009 into the year of 2010 instead of what I dealt with needlessly and unwantedly and without anything I personally have considered as real comfort as per My personal standards of real comfort as to the aspects of such situations as per the proof thereof officially as per My personal capability of comprehending Myself at that exact point in time as per such factors as since then as well as it should not take a head injury to figure out any times of any needless moving around as per such factors of where I live(d) only reproves such lack of care about Me personally as per such lack of respect of My work because not one who would actually care about Me personally would ever cause any needless problems as per My personal considerations of just as no one would ever have been as they have been as per such timeframes instead of what I personally need(ed) as to the proof of such factors because it should not take a head injury to figure out when I am officially complaining as to such factors there is not anything of what My personal considerations of for Me personally as care about Me as to the facts I would have and keep and retain what would actually be as per what My personal considerations of care about Me personally as what I consider only.
It should not take a head injury to figure out anything I personally consider as needless bueaurocracy only reproves how unwanted I am as per such factors of such needlessness as per what My personal considerations are as such as the only factors of what I personally consider being care about Me and/or care for Me and/or wanting of My attention and/or such factors thereof would only be per what My personal considerations are, as there would not be any such needless factors because of what My personal needs would be met for Me personally instead of what I consider as needless.
I do not consider bueaurocracy as maturity when the real discussions could actually be in reality, as it should not take a head injury to figure that out as the difference of maturity.
It should not take a head injury to figure out My personal considerations for Me to consider Myself being cared about personally and cared for personally to such factors throughout this timeframe from 2009 through this point in time of 5 February in the year of 2023 is not wanted as per I personally do not want such factors officially to deal with as per nothing of what My personal considerations of enjoyment as per the aspects thereof because if I personally was cared about then I would have and would be capable to actually enjoy myself with whom I want as per what My personal considerations are as per such wants and not in the reference of what I referred to as per children as to minor aged children as such would not take a head injury to figure out at all as to such factors, per the exact same as per My personal needs would be as per what I personally consider being My personal needs for Me personally correctly for Me personally instead of anything else per any individual who has only proven as to the sensations officially of how unwanted I am personally because of such failures of ever doing correctly for Me personally as My personal requirements of what I personally consider for Myself per such factors officially consistently.
It should not take a head injury to figure out all such factors throughout such points in time of when I have clarified My personal opinions of the situations as per the review as per there not being anything I have3 found beyond what I have found to ever consider as a silver lining to any such points in time as per the facts there has not been what I personally consider as enjoyment for Me personally and since each and every factor instead of being exactly what I personally consider for Me to actually being capable to doing so as per such lack of care about Me personally as what I personally consider as care about Me and such just the same per such factors of care for Me personally, because I do not want nor need others' choices as per such factors of ever thinking they comprehend My needs as since such lengths of times of their failures in each and every capacity when I have made as many attempts for such aspects for Myself to actually be capable to enjoy My life with whom I personally consider to such factors of their lying renne faire types of what I personally have not wanted and what I have not needed and what I have not preferred officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out I have comprehended My needs personally for Myself and since having made the amount of attempts per such factors to accomplishing such for Myself personally with whom I chose for Myself per such aspects of how I chose for Myself per such factors with whom I choose for Myself per such factors where I choose for Myself for such factors, then when such factors have not been per My personal minimum standards in such capacities thereof then as to it should not take a head injury to figure out at the exact point in time is the only capacity of ever doing so correctly as per the exact point in time is obviously the only capacity of ever getting such correctly accomplished as only the exact point in time can such be accomplished correctly fully as per My personal considerations; though it should not take a head injury to figure out when needs are per such needs at an exact point in time, then as per such factors of the needs at the exact point in time of such exact point in time of being capable to accomplish such needs being correctly taken care of at the exact point in time per such exact location thereof at the exact point in time per such exact individual(s) per such exacts thereof only officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of needs at per the exact factors of as the differences of wants per such when within a reasonable amount of time per such of My personal considerations of what a reasonable amount of time being, since it should not take a head injury to figure out I comprehend(e) such factors if others had and would have actually believed Me in truth from the beginning and then completed such accordingly correctly per such exact points in time.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the amount of work and the amount of attempts I personally have made in the conjunctions thereof for Myself for My personal needs for Me personally from such factors thereof and as such lacking of support per such factors though the amount of attempts to getting such taken care of for Myself and yes while others as well, the reality of still for Myself personally as per such requirements for Me Myself personally first having brought such forward first since it should not take a head injury to figure out any such waiting instead of the immediate per such factors when I am the one original who brought such forward per such factors of while in the Biblical factors of the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first per such aspects of there not being such factors of considerations per such aspects of the references thereof especially when in reference to 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as per such factors of February 1993 in this year of revie per such facts per the 5th day of the month of February in the year of 2023 per today.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when the aspects of the amount of attempts as per Black History Month per such factors of getting such accomplished per the amount of attempts, as per such factors referencing such common sense viewpoints with the knowledge thereof per such attempts as per such work as per the amount of time per such factors; as it should not take a head injury to figure out others assistance is required per such for Myself regarding such aspects thereof per My personal ADA, and thus per such requirements per such factors I have made attempts and fought for Myself for such lengths of time it should not take a head injury to figure out assisting others while making attempts to assist Myself is a multitasking factor of such proportions officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when I can speak and/or write in such ways the possibility of others having the knowledge thereof with such foundational aspects then as per such foundational aspects though where I was born and raised per such factors thereof to such if situations and thus per such hypotheticals as per such if factors, then it should not take a head injury to figure out when not doing per what My personal enjoyments per with whom My personal preferences per such factors then per such situations referencing such Black History Month references per any references of others in regards of My physical looks as per My physical skin as pe My physical hair as per My physical ethnic background makeup in conjunction of My ethnical backgrounds per such religious factors as to the aspects of if any factors of others per such aspects of My religious liberties.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to the large amount of Jewish individuals throughout the state of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania in some areas as per the factors of My SCUBA Diving beginning from the factors of the Jewish Medical Journal starting point then per such factors of a Bat Mitzvah per such differences and yet per such facts thereof per the naming at the timeframe of the 13th birthday and/or per such conversions as per having went to a Mikvah in Seattle Washington per such timeframe My childhood and youth through Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well per such factors of Temple Beth Hatfiloh and Temple Beth El per such aspects in Olympia and Tacoma #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Washington; then per such if factors of knowledge combined referencing such Bat Mitzvah references per such factors regarding #Fetlife Fetlife per such stating point of My main name known as Lady Dori Belle/LadyDoriBelle per such factors of My original account per My new name per such Bat Mitzvah portions of the conjunction factors because of the specific exact year of 2009 for such references per such facts; then per such Bat Mitzvah per such Jewish Medical Journal per such aspects of thankfully being capable to return to My original Fetlife account per such aspects of My modeling name despite the situations at the timeframe thereof 2021, the factors of My modeling name Lady Dori Belle per such vanilla portions per the aspects of the factors of Fetlife per such Bat Mitzvah though biological adult per such SCUBA Diving per such conversions per such Reformed Jewish Congregation Factors of Eclectic Judeo-Christian aspects in conjunction of as I guesstimate per such factors of the Holy Roman Catholic Church per such CCD per such name factors once a certain level reached as the same per such factors of Native American factors in regards of naming aspects and thus it should not take a head injury to figure out the Bat Mitzvah/Holy Roman #HolyRomanCatholicChurch Catholic Church/Native American factors of naming in the general public factors of My legal first name and My legal middle name as per My author name though the legal government name per such factors of government situations per the United States of America per the legal factors of the factors thereof as to the references of My modeling/vanilla name per such references per such metaphors regarding the Bat Mitzvah factors regarding the #Facebook Facebook as well as Fetlife aspects of vanilla factors as per My modeling per such Instagram aspects; then per such Fetlife factors of having the acknowledgment of My name per such metaphor Bat Mitzvah/Holy Roman Catholic Church/Native American factors per My fetlife and if I attend such events per the name of Lady Liberty Belle/LadyLibertyBelle per such religious factors of Myself personally regarding such aspects of the references in "The Modern Day Book" per the aspects of the group I have that I created per the after effects of My Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury/TBI per such factors regarding such needs for Myself personally because of the facts regarding being a biological female per such care factors as since others have not done so for Me personally regarding acknowledging Me personally referencing My modeling name in person face to face in person with Me before Myself bringing such forward even when such if factors of them knowing Me in person face to face in person before such points in time of now in the year of 2023 in the month of February on the 5th day including whether of Fetlife and/or of Facebook of having the knowledge of Me personally regarding such facts; then per such clarifications per such Religious Freedoms per such #Jewish #JudeoChristian #Christian #Ecclectic #ElcecticJudeoChristian #JudeoChristianEclectic #Futurist #EclecticFuturist Judeo-Christian Eclectic Futurist factors per such name references per such religious studies in My personal background as per those with such knowledge and understanding and comprehension depending upon their own personal religious backgrounds of studies as the reality of others knowing however many of such others per most specifically per such events per such Fetlife aspects per the references of such timeframes then per such factors per such vanilla only per such aspects of the factors regarding the Facebook references regarding such vanilla only factors as per My authoring the book series "The Children's Book Series" and thus as to such distinctions referencing the factors of biological minors per such clear factors of not using such a name unless per such aspects of vanilla portions per being a responsible Mom also per such factors of authoring per such additional factors of distinctions per such additional factors of the larger viewpoints in reference to having published through Amazon per such factors of the larger situations per such factors of distinction referencing the factors of such requirements legally in such conjunction when taking the considerations of the UCMJ factors referencing the specifics. Thus the reference of the account that I have informed Fetlife officially of per the aspects regarding the reasons per what I dealt with at the times of honestly though also considering their company per such factors regarding such distinctions while still acknowledging the starting points per such factors with respect and dignity regarding the factors of such importance in My personal opinion whereas per such model behaviour referencing the responsible ways of in My personal opinion of the needs for such factors because of what I remember from my childhood in the 1980s and the 1990s per the northeast regarding such #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQP LGBTQP factors and who I knew before the year of 1993 as well as after, the factors of creating a page with My original modeling name per such factors of Fetlife while also the respect of the multiple company platforms per such references regarding the factors of such situations in truth: (22) LadyDoriBelle - Kinksters | FetLife
Thus such aspects where the references regarding Facebook having multiple page options as per Instagram having such options per such saying of "like Facebook for Kinksters" referencing such Fetlife factors, then per such within the realms of such situations per the aspects thereof in conjunction of My personal religious beliefs in conjunction of such other legal factors where per such distinctions per such responsible choices per such aspects.
Thus in reference to My SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 and when having opened that specific account of where I have been clear and hopefully always remain clear, the factors of how many individuals who could have spoken with Me in truth per such knowledge of Me personally having met Me in person face to face in person with such respect referencing such situations per such acknowledgement of Me in such if hypotheticals; then why else would I see a religious requirement for Myself personally referencing the situations of the metaphor proverbial factors of the Bat Mitzvah factors in reference of Lady Liberty Belle?
Per such Black History Month metaphors per such factors of names per such if situations of others expectations of Me personally to only be the one who acknowledges such per such references of hypotheticals, then why would such other factors be considered being anything less than per such factors of #ReligiousLiberties Religious Liberties per such factors of the Bat Mitzvah reference of growing from such youth to maturity referencing such factors of actual real maturity per such aspects of real responsibility?
Who would truthfully consider themselves as mature if such if factors regarding individuals I personally knew in person face to face in person per such if factors of Washington state per actually acknowledging Me personally to Me personally referencing My name per such factors in real life in person face to face in person if to such factors of Washington state, as what would ever be considered as a real friend from those times in such hypotheticals per real friend of Mine referencing such and what would ever be referencing such if factors of only speaking with others about Me instead of speaking with Me per such name factors, for why would I ever believe if I am accurate per such real friends per such if factors per such timeframes of the years of 2013 through 2019 in Washington state and/or such if factors of the years of 2019 through 2021 in the state of Texas because what would ever be of real friends regarding such if factors if accurate regarding such events previously per such of their choices of their own free will per such factors of obviously through their choices of their free will per such if factors then per such if factors their choices and their words and their actions would officially prove such factors of the reasons for the vanilla factors of the name and also prove such factors in reference of the Jewish Bat Mitzvah/Holy Roman Catholic Church/Native American name factors officially per such Judeo-Christian factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out since I am interested in real relationships per real friendships in real life in person face to face in person as well as online then per such real relationships whether per such factors of acquaintances whether per such factors of friendships per such factors of family whether chosen and/or those biological factors if they are as they are of growing up of such if factors as especially per such monogamous factors of dating and then per such possibilities of per such marital aspects of then the references regarding such common sense of religious factors of that type of a ceremony, the common sense where such would not take a head injury to figure out the reasons per such individuals with a heavier religious background towards such factors of the internal considerations referencing the religious known aspects of such factors whether such SCUBA Diving per such Jewish background references and/or such factors of the Holy Roman Catholic Church whether such factors of Native American factors of such requirements for them possibly internally of such processing for such aspects of if factors of interest in such factors of Myself per the reality of Myself regarding those who would understand and comprehend such factors as per such additional situations per the factors of religious ceremony per such knowledge the aspects where such comprehension and such support of Me for My choice of such common sense factors regarding Women's Liberties in conjunction of the reality of if support for Me for My personal choice regarding the LGBTQP communities per such support factors referencing such coming out references since it should not take a head injury to figure out the amount of times I have been a beard per such viewpoints regarding a different capacity of seeing the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first.
Thus since I have known many within the LGBTQP communities throughout many areas those who may not have known to such levels in reference of Black History Month, if you knew whom I have known per such LGBTQP factors within the factors of My cousin Jade's Dad's side of the family per such aspects of the LGBTQP factors per such African American family references regarding the timeframes of the 1980s and the 1990s per such viewpoints per such aspects of the Gay and Lesbian factors of the timeframe of the 1980s and the 1990s; there are those who comprehend My personal references regarding some individuals per My cousin Jade's Dad's side of the family per such factors of the African American communities though also per My paternal side of the family per My cousin Jade's Mom per such Gay and Lesbian per such LGBTQP factors for while such might be considered as a fantasy regarding such situations, the reality of the Chinese and the African American viewpoints in the 1980s and the 1990s referencing the LGBTQP communities per such regarding of those times per those factors of where such discussions with My Grandmawmaw to the difference of discussions with My Grandpawpaw about individuals per such cousins and their other family members per such timeframes were such discussions regarding those times per such attempts as obviously it should not take a head injury to figure out whom I could not be a beard child for though for whom I could make attempts per such advocacy attempts per the timeframes as My Grandmawmaw usually sung in the front row of the choir and My Grandpawpaw usually did several walking factors per such Church they attended after their involvements with the Civil Rights Movement per such difference of the Women's Liberty Movement per such differences for the length of time in regards of the LGBTQP factors because of the ways where such hippies or as I guesstimate swingers per such factors regarding the timeframes on the 1960s and 1970 though in the years of the 1980s and the 1990s per such overall factors regarding such attempts in conjunction of My babysitter's son who earned through a Christmas Decoration Competition of being capable to work for The Gap in New York City per his design to the addition of the clothing designs he was working on in the 1980s to the 1990s per the factors of his Mom being from the Dominican Republic and his Dad being from either the Dominican Republic or a nearby area of the islands as they immigrated to the United States of America around the 1970s or 1960s or 1950s to escape what was occurring at those times referencing the situations in that part of the world as his Dad was just the Director of Security for the World Trade Center and World Trade Center Plaza as what would anyone with a specific background comprehend about certain opinions in such references of the ethnic backgrounds of Hispanics at that particular point in time of the 1980s and the 1990s in such a conjunction for when I took a stand as what would be important about the name factors that possibly he would know per such times of when I was not a beard though a living mannequin per such clothing work as what would ever be for such considerations of differences per such name factors?
Since the modeling factors regarding such possible situations of the considerations, in My opinion it does not take a head injury to figure out the factors of The Gap and a few other situations of modeling viewpoints for the considerations.
Obviously if I personally were cared about as I personally consider as real care instead of the situations that have occurred and if such real care for me personally would actually be as what I personally consider as real care instead of such failed interpretations from such timeframes before, then if I were to actually get real care as per what I personally consider as real care then such medical progression and betterment would actually be as well as real civility and real humanity instead of the situations that have been as they have been.
The obvious factors when I have clearly been capable to discuss as well as write about if such individuals were actually at a comprehensive level of being capable top do so correctly for me personally what I comprehend has been needed instead of what they have only failed to do so correctly, the common sense of being left alone per such annoyances stopping being annoying and as per such differences where such being by myself would not be their failed misinterpretations as per such common sense of the words as well as the intentions as per such facts of their original factors per such aspects of hypotheticals as per those types as per those types of lying renne faire types as only being such lying renne faire types instead of real medical individuals as per such factors throughout such lengths of time as obviously only lying renne faire types would practice instead of getting such correctly completed as per such per their unwantedness as per they obviously would not want nor would they ever need per such facts of actual progressions because of if it was/is actually wanted as per what perfection actually is towards progression obviously.
For example when I had modeled as per the physical pain levels being the lowered portions as to the difference of now in the year of 2023, the aspects of what would have been per such images only taking such low amounts of time as per the factors of real aspects to such considerations of real medical care instead of such factors per such lengths of time as per such an example.
Thus since such laxziness in my personal opinion referencing such others in my opinion, then per such factors of what the original intentions were to begin with from the start.
If actual real medical care for after effects from head injury/TBI aspects were actually needed, then such factors of the metaphors per Black History Month would not ever have been repeated regarding Myself personally obviously or anyone else for that matter as such would have been correctly taken care of as per such consistency for such.
It should not take a head injury to figure out per such lengths of time per such aspects of the reality that as a biological female per such situations to the viewpoints regarding such males, why would any male ever believe in feminism from other biological females other than Myself personally and why would any female biologically ever be allowed to consider themselves as a feminist as per such facts of if factors as why would any male biologically consider such aspects of what they have dealt with per such so-called feminists per such other biological females ever be considered as actual progression if per such proven factors as per such lengths of time as what would be as per such factors of other biological females to ever prove themselves as per such aspects of if factors as why would biological males ever believe a biological female would or could ever be capable to accomplish such factors as per such if situations?
When the common sense of such biological females as per the situations of if factors have only been as per them as per such neediness of attention instead of actually doing the correct factors as per what a feminist would actually be considered in the eyes of males, then such common sense factors regarding the only viewpoints of males biologically towards other biological females officially as per such common sense factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when biological females play games instead of being serious about genuine real assistance, then per such factors of the few biological females who actually make such a difference as per the facts thereof per such factors as the differences per such choices and intentions in my personal opinion as in whatever areas the common sense situations.
What is chivalry though per such factors of knowledge regarding such if situations per such aspects however, as per the situations amongst the males themselves per such proof thereof regarding actual real discussions as per the interactions in real words per such real choices per such real actions as per such factors?
Thus the common sense of how such importance of actual truth in my opinion, though the truth as inconvenient as it can be is still the truth and for such progression the real truth is fully required and needed at all times to ever progress forward correctly per such common sense as humanity is required to have civility and since such civility per the aspects thereof to such points in time as per the factors of the proof of such factors regarding hypothetically per such proof as the aspects of what I personally consider as care for me as per such factors of the differences of others' misinterpretations the entire time as per such failed interpretations as to the facts of certain MOSes are just blunt and to the point just as some individuals are just blunt and to the point instead of such needless games as per those types of individuals as per their needless games as per their choices of such amounts of misinterpretations and failures per such times obviously in my opinion per such each and every overall hypothetical.
Thus as per such Blac History Month factors per such situations, then per such factors per the proof thereof officially. Why would I ever believe I could and would ever be cared for correctly as per My personal considerations with as many attempts as I personally have made to actually have such actual care for me personally, or is that considered as selfish to do so as per such factors per such others regarding when they have lesser amounts of actual real needs as to such if factors of the proof thereof officially?
The facts of such if factors of those types per such aspects of instead of the reality of such real needs regarding instead of such attention seekers per such YOLO types as if there truthfully was the correct factors of YOLO types as per actually doing the correct choices for betterment instead of such levels of immaturity, in my personal opinion. Maybe at some point there can be some real growing up and actual real assistance for me per my actual real considerations of real assistance for me as real care for me as real care about me, as per my actual real considerations instead of such factors as to the immature factors of what my personal considerations are per such factors as the situations of if as per such hypotheticals.
The soonest the best per such care as per my actual considerations of real care, to the differences of what has been per such individuals regarding the aspects where reading about what is/has been is not the same of actual real care as to doing what is actually needed as it should not take a head injury to figure that out.
