Thankfully the timeframe when I have been paying attention to my finances per what I personally have been working on for what is best for ME personally, or .me personally since MY entire journal blog has only been for .me personally to type and how I personally have chosen to verbalize myself since there has not been anyone at all ever since waking up from my coma that has consistently in person face to face in person or also known for those who have common sense in this modern era of 5D/6D/7D per what in person face to face in person per my translations have always been though apparently that second grade mentality from the 1980s does take a head injury to remember per my attempts for the in person real relationship factors. However since individuals whom would not know anything about technology in depth per only if they who have wrongly been more accustomed to gaming codes than codes for real life. Mayb e it does take a head injury to figure out the factors thereof per certain specifics regarding certain areas per intellectual levels.
The cost of my income is supposed to remain the exact same no matter where I live per the VA legal requirements per such factors that I have paid attention to this whole time per my attempts to purchase for myself what in full without having to deal with any annoyances at all whatsoever per my choice of where I choose to purchase for myself personally for my comforts for me personally, since I clasrified throughout this entire time. Amen.
The Amen is for all prior journal blog posts also, and prior handwritings per my choices.
If per what my cellular phones yesterday had shown in the camera and screens, then such factors of the correct numbers would be possibly considered important per such truth factors genuinely per the difference since biological relatives to me only have only ever been given permission from me personally before since I already clarified fully per such facts and any/all finances monetarily are to fully be refunded to my personal account for me to choose per what I already clarified and since my USAA account is my only accessible account per such exacts per common sense per what is mandatory to have and be personally and genuinely translates to 100% of the time and not 100% of the part of the time that one seems to want to or needs to or desires to time per if going to utlize the word genuinely or genuine.
Since the facts are per the educational background that Fort Sam Houston Texas would have had the knowledge of at the exacts thereof while also knowing whatever levels of intellectual factors of the state of Texas that at such exacts I personally would not have known, and thus per such factors through such technicalities maybe it does take a head injury to figure out the State of Texas' individuals for others to be capable to speak with or tolerate speaking with individuals within and/or from the state of Texas.
Should it take a head injury to figure out the state of Texas is not the state of New Jersey and it is an insult to the state of New Jersey in my personal opinion if the individuals within the state of Texas were not masculine within themselves to acknowledge the facts thereof within the United States of America and the world p-er such facts, of the amounts of Veteran within the state of Texas whose families have moved and/or friends have moved to the area to then deal with the situations regarding the pledge to the texas flag that there is no other state that I have ever attended school at before when I was a child or a teenager that ever required anything other than the Pledge of Allegience to the American Flag and as I clarified my personal opinions about how it was a disgrace for such situations through the year of 2020 per Austin Texas and I would not ever allow Congressman or Congresswoman or Senate to ever speak for me personally about my personal opinions and beliefs about those situations nor would I allow anyone to involve themselves without my personal permission of approval first and since there is not one individual biologically related to me personally that I can verify is alive; I do not allow anyone just because of their name, to ever be involved with me and/or such decisions for me and/or about me and/or to me ever.
I already clearly defined I have not hgad real assistance that I personally would ever consider being assistive for me to relax and be in less pain physically or any other way since wakuing up from my coma and being in Medical Hold Unit in the state of Texas, and there is nothing from my personal chioldhood that they ever provided for me to remember fully swiftly to recover and rwecuperaste nor was there any real assistancew to lower my physiucal headache pains nor was there any assistance to prevent any migraines from such times of 2000 through 2013 and then there are the other situations that were not assistive to my happy childhood memories because there was nothing that was ever going to be happy for me to look at to remember anything happy from my childhood when the only hideous polants throughout the entire state of Texas anyone in my fsamily liked weas Anna and that are Cactus plants that she liked and NOT me.
I hate cactus plants, as I have always hated cactus plants.
There is not any Cactus per normal Cactus that I personally liked as a child or as a teenager, and I despised Cactus since I was a toddler. There are no areas throughout the entire state of Texas that I have traveled through that did not have Cactus plants and thus, it was not ever going to ber where any happy memories to discuss with others at all whatsoever because of the botony per the state of Texas and when I made attempts to have for myself personally what I personally needed for me personally to work on my after effects of my memory deficits that completely bastardly unwanted Homeowners Association from Pheasant Creek subdivision 100% situations per my Gladiola plants; there is no one in the state of Texas that I personally care asbout personally now, just for that per my clarifications per my personal opinion of when individuals per such if factors regarding my personal work that I personally did not hide myself being invovled with per such. Thus the individuals of the state of Texas during those times and those years, my personal opinion if such situations are verified are per such opinions if accurate that I am from my journal blog and/or my books I authored for my personal financial monetary profits only per not ever inviting anyone to my business because I had not completed what I comprehended was/is needed for such to have begun legally correctly instead of such hypotheticals of such situations of coattails from situations that such individuals they themselves did not personally know and personally 5D/6D/7D interact with at such exacts of exacts at exacts and no one is entitled to the common thread factors thereof per such facts of the legalities of being a born in the state of New Jersey USA.
May I please have an, Amen?
Though since others have needed to get over their ego as per getting over their envy, the facts are the facts that there is not the allowance of the entirety because of the facts that real living does not get put on pause despite such movies or streaming because others still age and that is just the facts of life and while others age per such factors thereof combinations of their exitances per their backgrounds per their lives per their life experiences in their combinations of their wholenesses of their lives; then per such facts that each individual that is a real homosapiensapien or real homosapuiensapiensapien would be honest about such facts without having to search for such specifics constantly or ask questions constantly about such instead of going and getting a book to read to learn to educate through reading the words of the book(s) to actually absorb the information intellectually per the one and only way to read words to absorb the information only per such only exacts.
Personally since such factors of the full combined mandatory factors for me personally to keep up with my work, per such facts per the requirements of actual real staff or the common sense I personally have had per the 5D/6D/7D factors per the aspects of David Zoek that was supposedly per such factors per the unwanted factors instead of what I personally paid for er such discussions from my understanding and thus that company did not ever have any permissions to ever represent me ever at all because I personally did not have any meetings with them specifically that I personally scheduled with such factors per my personal specifics per my scheduling the day and the month and the year and the time for the exact written down scheduled phone call that such would be per sticky notes or loose leaf papers; thus such factors thereof per those phone calls that did not ever occur officially per having clarified I did not and do not consent to the tooth if per any hypothetical of a microphone within the tooth per such clarifications from the times of my updates if I was sensing the real 7D ways per such factors of what my physical 5D hair had been dealing with per the hairstyle that was only pure 100% painful the entire time. Thus any if factors thereof, I suppose it is now known why my other saying is "It is always best if I am in a good mood, instead".
It should not be any issues for me personally to go anywhere, do anything, etcetera per such factors fully officially per such for myself; though since such factors thereof per having clarified the requirements per others for me personally to be involved per when I make attempts to go have fun through such per my choices and not others whom I do not know nor know of nor are known of to me personally, thence such factors regarding my poriginal journal blog updates regarding such factors per such.
Additionally since the facts of the publications per "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" were published online through my choice in full, there is nothing about the monetary finances that are ever included any further from such because of the facts of the publications per my free will choice and such only per such clarifications previously per definitions of Bibliography per before I ever published per such definitions in words; thus per there not being any further percentages towards others because of the information that was given, and that was and is their end all be all per those others who had been proven through their own verifications per themselves.
Thus per anyone who says they are related to me personally, prove such biologically per such truth officially and/or my biologically gestated within my uterus and carried to term to labor through and deliver 5D/6D/7D per such biological at birth gender male James Michael Nichols in the time I was told was 2 September 2001 and then the second at birth biological female 24 September 2002 biologically per such exacts fully per such relations biologically per such 5D/6D/7D only per such factors; then per such 4th of July 2023, I suppose there is a bit more to mourn per such factors that such individuals who legally if I am accurate should have told me if I am accurate hypothetically per real discussions and real words per the 5D/6D7Dif they could factors only and not in any other way or shape per such 4D or 3D or 2D or 1D per such facts of if situations thus per such if factors thereof per such individuals whom would be charged with keeping death while I would be charged with keeping to maintain and sustain living and being alive and life that those who(m) choose per such choices per such choices others choose.
I did not think it took a head injury to point out face to face in person is not screen to face in person, just as I did not think it took a head injury to figure a lot of situations out. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that the original 13 colonies are not the same as the original 13 states within the United States of America, and thus I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the requirements of such legal understanding per such original 13 colonies legal factors per such situations per the original 13 states of the United States of America would have legal factors intertwined since I figured that it obviously was known that different Fire Departments and different EMS companies and different Law Enforcement locations within one city, have multiple factors intertwined; though maybe that is only because of my 7 year old intellectual level per the damages from the time after waking up from my coma, and possibly if I did not have to constantly repeat myself to others for the first 23 years however so; maybe then such individuals would not echo within themselves such factors in some hypotheticals, if per such if situations instead the correct anticipatory factors for me and for my best per my best interests are per my best for me personally per such amounts of attempts though it is up to others to finally accept the facts that my attempts and my tries and y efforts per whatever level are only my personal attempts and are only my personal tries and only me personal efforts. It takes others to respond appropriately per such to me personally per the in actualities per actual 5D/6D interactions per the capacities of describing such about whom I am personality wise.
However if my website is considered being religious despite the facts that the legalities per such factors of legally doing so is beyond the Superman Clauses and only refers back to such factors thereof the original 13 colonies per the Old Tennent Church/Old Tennent Presbyterian Church factors per such legalities regarding such facts I already pointed out over 35 years ago.
Though in reference to having at the time per what I was informed of officially per the reference regarding my CID meeting in the year of 2019 and 2020 per such factors in my journal blog update timeframe of the years of 2019 through 2022 per clarifications from that beginning timeframe per the specifics differences per such factors regarding, how sometimes the reality of spirit is not definable through words because it is beyond the dimensions of this particular plane of existence when at such a point in time the amount of words to describe words and the amount of words to describe actions and the amount of words to of amount of words to and amount of words to such factors per such individuals who are not CDO in the slightest per such if hypotheticals since I am the creator of the word there is no one who would be allowed to explain to me my own personal definition of CDO ever at all since the creator of a word is the one and only whom would ever be allowed and capable to truthfully explain such a definition for such factors of what/who(m)/where/when/how/etcetera per such facts and the libterty that stems from such facts of if being the one and only who ceates a word different from those who make acronyms from such letters per the factors thereof obviously differently per such facyts that individuals whom do not play games probably have an easier time understranding than those who grow up playing games more than actually being educated and/or those who grow up watching more television/streaming/movies/etcetera words for moving pictures with and/or without sounds per the visuals; thus per such factors of the 1D visuals to learn from if per such learning dependinding upon the information and depending upon the factors thereof per such proof and thus in reference to the renassance faires per such if factors as to the Texas History factors of if situations; would it take a head injury to figure out to find out when the Texas Flag pledge was first put into the public school system per the differences of when the Pledge to the American Flag only per all 50 states of the United States of America and unless other states within the United States of America were legally mandated to say pledges of their states within the timeframe before the year of 2000; there is nothing excusable per such if factors of anyone using pop culture references of favors per Newe Jersey because do they know if they were arranging with a born and raised New Jersey-ian or do they know if they were arranging with someone who just lived at one point in time within the state of New Jersey?
It should not take a head injury to figure out such residential addresses are not birth certificates per such factors, unless the factors of such west coasters temper tantrums per how they would not be allowed to consider themselves west coasters if living on the east coast if per their own pop culture types of such factors and thus per their own west coast logic per such factors then such hypotheticals per them giving up on their west coast per such willingly of free will factors per the differences of myself of having fought against such factors for such lengths of time to my personal continuances per where I grew up after being born and thus since such facts that west coasters willingly of their own free will have given up their west coast areas without a second thought per whatever celebrities that moved to the state of Texas per however others verify that for themselves per their pop culture logistics; thus per such factors, the reality of how if it is so great along the west boast and not to California the state of Texas; why would such take a head injury to point out the taxes situations from California overall in conjunction to the specific locations of residential address per such if factors, or would it take a head injury to point that out to Renaissance Faire types also since how would they know with their lying renne faire if factors?
What renaissance faire number of weekend camping at the location for the entire weekend without leaving the campground or the faire location individuals per the numbers would it take, before they woke up to reality and who(m) would be capable to get them to wake up and betterment genuinely and would they actually seek the individual truthfully or would they continue such renassance faire factors?
Personally if I personally from what I personally have been told and/or seen and/or experienced personally from my own personal experiences, there is a difference per the CDOness of myself of comprehending myself per the awareness when per such information from my childhood and/or teenager years timeframe of the years specifics-ish; and the good and happy childhood memories with those who I once knew per the supposed what I was told about individuals from individuals who said they 'knew how things are in New Jersey' per such movies/television/streaming per the differences of the reality, then if they actually knew how things were in New Jersey then why would anyone of them ever think to be the ways they were per such if factors and what proof per such would they have from 5D/6D/7D experiences to actually say such words truthfully genuinely at what point in time also matters per such exacts since why would time be important for the truth genuinely or does that take a head injury to figure out also?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the if hypothetical factors per truth genuinely, what would be considered gentile per such if factors of how many notifications of individuals who I once knew in real life living alive per such factors of the time from 11 September 2001 through this time of 4 July 2023 that others had decided because of their thoughts of themselves and their opinions of themselves and their egos of themselves per such if factors; what good does that do for me personally for such happy memories to reminisce with them alive and living instead of some garbage thoughts of a label of a name for a product would ever be good enough per such lengths of times that I could have spent reminiscing with those biological family members of mine when they were alive 5D/6D with me per 5D/6D/7D per such exacts and then there is my adoptive families per such biological relatives and then there are the friends of mine and then there are the friends of such families that I 5D/6D/7D could have reconnected or reminisced with me personally since that is how memories are rebuilt instead of trying to remember because of medical damages from others and comprehend that no I fully do not care to discuss anything that others who I met in person 5D/6D/7D had for their experiences with my relatives if per such biological relatives of mine and/or such adoptive families if per such verifications per such individuals that I per such exacts per such exacts per such exacts at such exact times; however per such if factors thereof New Jersey, if per such if factors of others having made where the areas are per such renaissance faire factors within the state of New Jersey because of those pop culture factors, I suppose thence such would not be a need for me personally any further once the last of the alive born and raised and had not ever left the state of New Jersey-ian generational family that I personally could have reconnected with to reminisce about the good old times of New Jersey; then my personal opinion about renaissance faire types would have to be realized and accepted per that reality, because then per such factors of employment per working on such factors within the areas of that state and the having been informed per the congregation per how many after February 1993 per the World Trade Center and the World Trade Center Plaza and how much easier the commute and with all of the legalities already involved from the prior times of the 1990s and the 1980s, what words would those west coasters have to say to explain such if factors or would that be the cause for why they could not name any names per the New York City area of the state of New York back then after February 1993 per the following years per the if factors of how such if factors.
Thus those orders per escorting me to assist me and also such factors per the facts of such personally per living arrangements per such factors of being assigned to me per others being the escorts themselves, per such factors per the orders regarding Kelly Air Force Base situation per the paperwork; that possibly since such factors thereof per if factors per clarifications of and verifications from my clarifications that have occurred thankfully, unlike the way my father was regarding the 5D/6D tools in the 5 car garage per such tools physically per such differences; I have made the best attempts and efforts and tries to ensure despite situations hypothetically per the years of 1992 and 1993 hypothetically from September of 1992 through the time of April or May of 1993 when after the time from mainly 1988 of having been called a baby for certain factors, though after April or May of 1993 when I returned to school that name was not used regarding me personally. That year of summer camp was very much necessary, though thankfully my babysitter and her husband and their family and their friends per such prior times and since times and I only have fonder memories to a degree regarding before and also after more-so when I was informed they were informed about the time since I was told that Halloween and that Christmas there were issues that my babysitter's family were not happy with that year regarding my biological parents and biological four year younger than me per the birth year little sister biologically. I was not told officially anything other than my babysitter's husband was not happy with them because of Halloween and because of Christmas in the year of 1993, though with everything going on during the time for he overall though also regarding myself being a 10 year old minor aged legal biological child minor at that time; what would be per such points in time from the years of 2000 through 2013 or the years of 2013 through 2019 that I could easily explain to anyone that I ever met during such points in time, or anyone who might have read anything about me whether through my own typing or through such what lengths of time of finding others' writings/typings about me, because what times per what years before of the times would I have been capable to easily explain such anyway from the years in the decade of the 1980s or the 1990s since what would be possible per such lengths of time if others I once had met per such attempts of mine to give understanding from my personal 5D/6D/7D also known as real life experiences per my personal translation?
Maybe because of the situations per if factors that no one ever told me about at any point in time of specifics per the clarifications in my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 through 2022 though if I was also 7D seeing per such if factors for lacking better words or if to be so brazen to type now on the day of the 4th of July in the year of this year of typing of 2023, would it be so brazen to actually think that in such perspective of review now in the time of 4 July 2023...would such others be breaking their planes per such D factors and thus would then I be per 8D?
I suppose with the fact that Fort Dix is in the state of New Jersey in the United States of America and per such factors thereof, I suppose how such could sound when saying pout loud per such factors of bathroom humour per such factors I can type the joke about regarding the General George Washington's private office behind Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and such factors that it might come across as sh***y (Sugar Honey Ice(d) Tea {Tea Yeppers}) though the factors thereof; though the joke about where males usually do their business while thinking about business. Possibly per such factors thereof per such reality of General George Washington during the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Monmouth while the building on the hill was used as a hospital back in the 1700s from what I was told in the 1980s and the 1990s and per such childhood factors of being a Deacon and Trustee's child biologically per their involvement with Old Tennent Presbyterian Church, other individuals of other religions of other churches of other synagogues of other temples of other locations have reported such information of their own personal experiences of their own situations if they have done so per the factors thereof honestly and genuinely per their own backgrounds would be per such factors I guess per such factors of whenever they might have went to a Law Enforcement office to file officially and/or if they went to a law firm to file legal paperwork officially for actual lawsuits per such factors in the specific starting point of intentions of the day filed per such exacts of intentions in my personal opinion and not a request they reported I would guess per my own writings and my own typings per the specifics depending upon depends upon and the factors of how I should not have to alter my speaking and/or typing and/or writing especially per such lengths of time since the year of 1998 because of the facts.
What words should I have said per those exact years per such exact individuals per such exacts per such exacts and what truthfully per such their exacts per their exacts per their exacts per their exacts per their exacts per those exacts points in time per those years, were they actually open to actually getting to know me truthfully genuinely anyways per my personal standards and my personal requirements or did such take a head injury to point that out to others also?
I suppose while I figure such out regarding this 4th of July in the year of 2023, happy Independence Day to others within the United States of America and throughout the world per such independently and collectively per such factors. The parties and celebrations you have and that you have had throughout such factors of your enjoyments, your comforts, your pleasures, your fun, your endeavors, your trips, your etceteras of your etceteras per the if factors regarding such hypotheticals of if my website is known about regarding others and/or my modeling and/or my paintings and/or my artwork and/or my performances and/or my books and/or just me being me per an uplifting tone and way that I personally for myself.
I suppose from now onward per such if factors and only having had one-ish situation that while I suppose I can be thankful for two females whom at such times had acknowledged something I posted online for the first time ever, though much of my prior work and such exacts per such exacts such individuals can contemplate such factors per the if situations per such factors regarding the exact years per the exact times per such exacts per technology researchers per such I personally per technology researchers have the color terminology per such as Blue per such factors regarding the terminology of Red because of such factors regarding the words and thus the color Blue ever being found or written or typed or the color ink per such factors per the instant references regarding the Lifestyle colorations per Safe Words per such regarding Technology Degreed and/or Certified and/or etceteras such per what I was told about in the year of 2019 called some expose of South By Southwest per their Expo they have had in Austin Texas for however many years before it began and however many years since it has been a yearly event that others would know the information and others would know where else to look for that information from other locations online.
The great factors about online is the capability of allowance to share a link for others to through the 1D/2D connection per such factors of the of the of the of the of the of the of the of the per the per the per the per the per the of the per the of the per the of the per the of the per the of the per the 5D/6D/7D before this day of the 4th of the month of July of the year of 2023 at this moment now within the United States of America within the heartland of the United States of America, and thus with the awareness and the knowledge possibly more genuinely than might be per such online locations elsewhere though per such of such link(s) the factors thereof hypothetically considerations regarding factors thereof accepting the reality of the reality per the reality of the reality per the reality of themselves per themselves of themselves regarding themselves of themselves per their choice of their choices regarding their choices and such reasons per such choices of such choices regarding the choices thereof and thence such factors regarding the etcetera of such references per such exacts of exacts at exacts and the time. While per each their own per such factors thereof of thereofs hypotheticals, with exacts etcetera or not with exacts per etcetera of etcetera though remember that online per such factors similar to modeling similar to movies similar to such factors per the differences of dimensional views and reality per such reality of such reality intentions factors of such considerations per such considerations and such factors per understanding though certain factors regarding common threads are not always the easiest to bring up in discussions and/or etcetera and if considered being rude by whom would such be considered being rude and by whom would such be considered being crude and by whom would be considered being socially unacceptable would such be truthfully the genuine facts?
Though thence per such knowledge thereof instead of such repetition of such short tem and yet long term and yet shorter term and yet longer term and yet shortest term and yet longest terms per time the realities thereof intertwined since differences and definitions of such examples:
* demo or another word from such sub/root/prefix/etcetera/dictionary to look up for more regarding demonstrate
* though also another word demension
* though also per such vowels per difference of dimension per the diem
* or such factors since descriptions regarding words are increasingly difficult since such lengths of time
* and history thereof per such lengths
* of time
* per such
* etceteras
I am uncertain whom might have heard of or read of an individual named Gerald Gardener or some of his possibles since I am not in direct contact per what my considerations of phone calls are different obviously, thus regarding such references others have regarding others is something they themselves would have to provide such factors, thus per such situations and thus similarly to every ethnic background per such not mattering officially regarding if the exacts at exact time(s) are clear.
The most wonderful factor about the United States of America is the fact when individuals are within their own lives of their own measures of their own diligence of their own self-control of their own training of their own efforts of their own attempts of their own tries of their own etceteras, the facts per such regarding the modeling I had posed for and acknowledged the modeling because of knowing motorcyclists of however of etceteras in the 1980s and the 1990s though also the 2000s and the 2010s and possibly some in the 2020s; when a male I once dated and lived with in Irving Texas in the United States of America had given me a leather motorcycle vest from a website that I was looking up different gear pieces for different factors during the timeframe of earning my Dominant Mentor Program graduation patch that I refused to adhere, similarly per such factors regarding my decision regarding the Dallas Fashion Show I runwayed for the regards connected to a Fashion Designer(?s?), (I apologize I cannot remember her name at all though she created/made the overall cloth and such per the black and green colors), and similarly per such factors regarding the Leather Masters most specifically that I refused to model the runway per the fashion show involved per the Leather Cover since I personally could not allow myself personally to ever disrespect those whom I had known of some stories they told depending upon the depending upons during those years when I was either at whatever age of whatever age before being biologically 5D/6D/7D/...?... ; though such also in reference to the Fashion Designer herself, because of not knowing what pathway she was going to choose for herself however that goes becoming a fashion designer.
My babysitter's family had a son who had been told to me who had earned an internship at the New York City state of New York The GAP clothing store Headquarters in the middle or the latter years of the 1990s decade, and while I once typed decades with apostrophes the depending upons when looking back from the current point in time would be the depending upons for one example for consideration of life and living and being alive since some individuals need to consider themselves per their own theatrics per how they themselves describe to others in the 5D/6D/7D real life ways per such factors before this point in time regarding such exacts previously from now to the considerations of the future whether the shortest or the shorter or the short or etcetera.
Then there is the Montessouri Preschool that my biological children attended called Earth Montessouri School in USA SATX Military City USA, and the reality of the situations that need to truthfully be addressed and discussed gracefully with gentility in my personal opinion to acknowledge the factors thereof regarding ifs and ofs and ifs and pers and suches, to find suggestive more alive beneficial regarding the factors thereof that possibly banks throughout various areas have paid (pun intended regarding considerations) thus since such factors of depending upon the reality per the deoth level of time regarding the factors of such if factors such per depending upon the common name if situations regarding the original and the authentic, of the original Tetris possibility that someone whom might remember would be possibly 32 years old possibly in the year of if first beginning around the year of 2007 in reference to book publishing possibilities and the if factors referencing discussing such factors; if individuals within the United States of America in My personal opinion the factors referencing the situations possibly per the online factors of 1D per/such/if/etcetera including in discussions such per a script from a play on a Broadway stage and yet the reality of the facts of the if factors of having read if such humanity then per such factors in reference to the timeframes of when the South By Southwest factors of gamers who have possibly had their earbuds and/or headphones and/or boomboxes and/or cardrives enclosed per such if factors of fluff per such individual per the if situations depending upon the factors thereof. Since I have made diligent efforts and if per such prior times referencing individuals whom would know whom they are, they would know if per such factors if such factors and etcetera of if such regarding acknowledging the facts of the difference of acknowledging the weaknesses that are my reality. Thus if such prior times of individuals that would know whatever they would know how informing is per themselves, is the ways individuals are informed customarily and/or asked if genuinely honest seeking knowledge when rubbing a belly with a piece of fabric referencing such situations regarding differences of living arrangements for myself personally additionally reasons why hypothetically energetically if per such if factors regarding myself and others since the grammar factors when speaking are different than grammar factors of individuals who spend whatever length of time per such exacts for themselves and thus the reality of the comforts needed to recover and recuperate and actually 5D//6D/7D/???8???-???D???...
While I guesstimate that others have said outloud audibly words while in a lot of pain depending upon the pain levels regarding the truth, at a certain point in time the realty regarding the multidimensional viewpoint per such pertinence in what I personally guesstimate in severals' opinions depending upon their biologicals per biologicals of biologicals and etcetera and if there is no biologicals left because of situations and thus orphanages and/or foster care situations the orphanages that seek the placement of infants if such during the time when who was said to me is my biological father might have some connections and many years ago I asked in a prayer after church because of where I was accustomed to going and walking around the areas after being driven when I was a child and a preteenager in the years of the decades of the 1980s and the 1990s until the year of 1998 when the situations per such times since the time of April the month of the year of 1998 referencing situations in my journal blog updates at those exacts times per the exacts at such exact times each journal blog was posted at those exacts similarly to the times of prior times before now in the year of 2023 on the 4th day of the month of July in the United States of America alive and the best that I can be at this particular point in time until such betterment for me personally from the physical headaches that I make the best concerted efforts to ensure I every now and then send out some signals to individuals whom are not blood related or biologically related to me personally and/or their friends and so on and so forth though depending upon the overall combined factors of the social media court of if proverbially an actual reality there are those whom would have far larger amounts of knowledge and background information than I could or would or should ever have referencing other of per to etcetera since their exacts are their exacts per exacts of exacts to exacts etcetera.
While some might accept an apology from a tooth sized version of the factors of what is the translation of understanding and knowledge regarding communication if it is truthfully genuinely important to be in such 5D/6D/7D/... then per such facts of how such is not remote for certain reality aspects and thus such facts are to be accepted though that would be those whom would accept such factors if they were informed truthfully genuinely first regarding genuine intentions such referencing Fetlife regarding the same of any website I guesstimate possibly per depending upons depending upons depending upons regarding healthcare and actual treatments that genuiunely assist easing life and living and being alive comfortably since I should not have to say or type or write nearly so much if there actually in whatever areas per such proved such themselves regarding whatever levels referencing what they themselves have personally experienced and personally lived through in 5D/6D/7if Dimensional facts in genuine truth with the knowledge and if of understanding and or if comprehension regarding if factors either side either gender(s) etcetera.
Thus since so many alphabet soupers regarding LGBTQPLMNOPQRSTUVW sort of ways the types I attempted to warn about if they began audibly saying the letters thought actual words with attitudes if others did not know their pop culture of through the television and/or etcetera, the overall well rounded could be considered more pertinent than some might have wanted to admit to themselves depending upon the time(s) and/or age(s) and/or saying(s) depending if the actual references are known.
Thus this 4th of July in the year of 2023 could be considered a new beginning depending whom reads my words through my website, thus per such factors those whom need to accept words are both ways despite such factors genuine attempts are required when such regards of full considerations overall regarding such references aesthetically regarding the differences of the needs and the reality overall combined hypothetically if factors depending upons and depending upons regarding connections and the cellular phone merger situation and if per such cleaning of houses proverbially regarding such situations then depending upon such if factors of those whom would be akin in the different factors regarding depending upons per such exacts at their youth ages of legal biological minors per the timeframe of the year exactly of 2001 in the month of September on the day of the 11th regarding 9/11 and in my opinion if there are those of a I suppose the terminology of the group would be The Next Generation or TNGers referencing such factors. However what is the reality when there are more than a certain number of Armed Forces of the United States of America's Veterans whom have the life experiences in reality 5D/6D/7D... that are more than competent to assist with certain factors though their natural regarding natural from such Wounded factors and thus I am still thankful and greatful for the liberties that have been afforded to me from others and etceteras; though personally because of whom I am, those 5D/6D/7D...facts are a massively important fact that the USA Air Force if factors per such hippy-ish to a degree thought processes though the ways depending upon depends upon, the facts are the equal facts that I suppose it also depends upon choices whether the Sponsor and/or/if/is/etceteras then per such factors regarding length of time and room security within reason and such if factors thereof per such factors when the review of such information and the details upon the details and etceteras; what are the choices when the condensed knowledge is available and yet, what is the background intentions in genuine at the exacts per the differences from times before per those exacts then regarding thus now???
Thus lineages of lineages regarding businesses and affiliates and etceteras, need to revamp 5D/6D/7D for alive in 5D/6D7D/to such progression of and beyond 8D if assisted correctly properly depending upon the proven backgrounds with the after effects thereof such individuals whom the one and only might have been around during such prior decades of life. Though what was their of their of their of theirs of their of theirs and etceteras, and what importances regarding w/w/w/w/h/e blending regarding truthfully genuinely though respectfully and within the reasons regarding per and etceteras?
Thus I pray such liberty from certain types of a%%hole% if regarding per number of complaints regarding the differences of percentages in genuine reality for a combined overall demonstration from others' website to a different version of the cellular phone company mergers that have occurred throughout however many decades before I was ever born or conceived or my Great Grandparents were brought to the United States of America from what I personally was told in the times when they escaped Mao Ze Doong regarding from what I was told 5D/6D/7D in the 1980s and the 1990s though only certain other bits and parts here and there and nothing from my childhood or my preteenager years are in the books except for words and thus names and the exacts in thoughts and prayers regarding exacts and thus if such assistance regarding the ground under the underground though above the ground safe and sound-ish regarding daily factors that while the reality of importance per such exact 5D/6D/7D/... exact 5D/6D/7Difs during such in person face to face in person times regarding those whom would know of possibly and how while some words in far too much physical pain of hypothetical tooth ifs; just simply I am, who online I am whom I am not any other version of any reincarnation regarding if factors though not not connected amongst others much higher than and yet those who might say or say they represent per the exacts of would have to have proven themselves if they if factors of ever utlizing I would guess per such if factors of South By Southwest regarding if situations and if hypotheticals then if hypotheticals and thus the truth of and if and such would be amongst those whom would know and/or understand and/or unfortunately have whatever lvels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever elevels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever lvevels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatevr levels of whatever levels of whatevr levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whateever levells of whatver levels regarding whatever levels of whatever levels of whatevr levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of whatever levels of wtever levels of whatver levels of whatver levels of whatevr levels regarding whatever levels of rewargind whatevr levels whatever levels of whatever levels of whatevr regardin whatevr regaridng whatever regarding whatver whatever levels of whatevr exacts of whatver exacts per tyhe exacts whatevevelr levels of whatever levels of whatverl lelevls of whatver levels of whaterver levelsa of whatever levels of whatver loevels of regarding per the whatever levels of the whatever levels per the whatever levels of the whatever levels whatever levels of the whatever levels whatever levels whatever levels whatever levelswhatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whaever whatever whatever whatever whateever whatever whatever .