Part 3 of 3 Parts...
The aspects to which seeing the male shaped figure which looked as a shadow in the night with a bright white light surrounding the frame of the male shaped figure in the driver's seat of the purple Honda CRV looked upward towards my direction as I looked down from my patio, beginning around the first or second evening when I was there. At first when in the apartment complex of Crystal Creek in Vancouver Washington, I thought it was simply someone looking at a cellphone or a tablet in their vehicle. Later when smoking to see the lack of the change from movement, I thought possibly the male was pulling overnight security. As time went on I thought I saw different people flurrying through from the hill area to drive a security Sheriff style silver police car from the hill area to the front office, though I could not read the name of the department as the electrical zapping I was feeling had been extremely painful and took a lot to read the letters and the words the different evenings I had seen the police officer cars drive from the hill towards the front office and sit overnight sometimes with their headlights on and sometimes with their headlights off with sometimes having blinkers from the four way flashers and other times pumping the brakes. It was odd to see such while inside of the tent later on as the same shadow in the CRV stayed in the area looking at what I thought was towards my apartment, and though I was speaking with some people who I was doing the best I could to convey the message as to the problems; as per the situation referencing Nine Lives Books to take the your Dad is not a Captain's son to BAMC, the same sort of problem at a much higher amount of energetic portions of frequencies which caused a large amount of pain throughout each and every individual pore and fiber of my physical body before the e cigarette situation in Tacoma. That initial pain growing began as traveling from Arizona as I can best remember from 2012 up towards Washington state to Vancouver, though that is the best I can remember.
I know there was the court case after the Cowboys Dance Hall concert and the corset situation regarding the male saying his name was Kevin towards my physical weight challenging before the San Antonio Police Officers' defense, I know there was the BBQ place near the airport where the school was supposedly at though I had not gone to the school itself as I was told, then I remember being spoken with about my medications, I remember finding out about the identity theft officially, I explained to the Child Protective Services about my ex-in-laws as well as about my biological mother/sister/father and how there was not anyone else in my life as I was only just beginning to get to know the male who they met who was from the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue and on the way at some point I remember there was a point out trying to teach him how to Texas Two-Step in a park area as my son watched while playing on the playground. After being in Tacoma Washington I remember Steel Creek Country Club later in 2015 and a photographer who asked me about a friend he knew who had a daughter and I told him I did not have my daughter, without going into any details as I could not handle the tears falling down my face while being electrocuted in such an area. I told the male Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr about what I was asked and told him I needed to go to the bathroom to calm down briefly from being asked about my daughter, which in turn and already having not gotten through any portion of such in my own way as to calm myself down enough to try to breathe from such without showing the levels I was dealing with personally. I remember the time ice skating after my son's summer camp for that in Arizona, the First Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale Arizona, and the swimming pool and someone asking me if I was putting on a fashion show which I told him I was not I had a breaking in my bathing suit fabric from doing a small dive into the pool and the fabric fully ripped needing to be replaced. Those are the main points I can remember because of the medication and energetic portions from such times, including the after thoughts of the fact I had to disarm my own daughter from pointing a loaded military police officer firearm she had taken from a holster during the struggle and when she was pointing the firearm at everyone else I jumped on top of my daughter when pushing my son to the side behind the counter to be able to land on top of her while wrestling the firearm which was in my stomach area as she pulled the trigger repeatedly. I was able to remove the firearm from her hands with my hand on the barrel of the firearm to hand backwards for the military police officer to take the firearm from the grip area, as I kept my daughter pinned down for the help to help get her to the medical bay area for the assistance needed for the mental health crisis after the Fort Worth Zoo and McCoy Elementary School in Carrolton of CFBISD which is a part of Dallas County; a highly liberal Democratic area of the state of Texas in 2008-2016 as known, and I publicly had acknowledged voting for McCain and Palin for the 2008 POTUS election as well as attended a ground floor TEA Republican Party event in Carrollton Texas which few believed I had been a Republican because of the stereotyping of my physical look because of the disabilities from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. If you saw the face of the female when she saw what I look as physically at the time of the house sale for my purchasing of my house in Carrollton Texas, you can see the hidden rage of looking at someone such as myself for purchasing her old house.
I felt such, fully. There is, a difference. While I am certain there are those who can know and understand what I mean by such a feeling, it is a whole other aspect to have felt such in every single direction in each direction I turned with random pockets of calmness here and there when I could as per the scheduling of appointments after awhile in a new area I was not accustomed to and learning. I suppose in some ironic twist, that portion of time worked out for the aspects regarding how the situations were in Vancouver Washington and Portland Oregon comparatively. For a moment I almost thought I had seen the last boyfriend I had before winding up in Washington state for a brief moment when looking to one side, though I then saw a bright flash of light stream across in the distance which took my attention to another view point as there was a situation developing in another area as a vision came through towards a water area with an airplane flying overhead. I had a situation in Clackamas where a male driving with a male passenger in front of the Petsmart or Petco had sped up when I was walking in the crosswalk to stop in front of me, which I punched the hood of the car when they started yelling at me from the inside of their car which made little sense as to how they were upset at me when they were not paying attention around 2014 in the time shortly after the snowfall.
This was not much new for me at the times before being in the Vancouver Washington area and had not ceased when in the Tacoma Washington area or Seattle Washington area, which I was not knowing nor understanding what I had done incorrectly for such treatments as I was doing the best I could with everything going on referencing for my son while the after portions of what occurred to him and his little sister my daughter and our family as I was only one person doing so much on my own for so long. The electrical portions were so painful to simply sit down and the visions were becoming more frequent especially referring to the apartment below my feet which had started having problems at some point after I was told was because I had refused to model for Jason, as that was what was explained to me as I had not a clue as to what I had done wrong. I thought everything was okay at such times as I was enjoying discussing different topics with him and truly enjoyed looking at his artwork as I wanted him to get his artwork online for more people to be able to see such, however not knowing how to broker a deal for such artwork and not knowing more than such I told him to look online for places which would be able to assist him to get such works going in a different light as the works were far too good to sit inside of his mom's garage. He asked me if I knew anyone which I told him to look at fetlife for certain locations because of some of the nudity, though the other pieces I told him to look on through a google search because of the types of multifacted paintings and drawings he had worked on which amazed my eyes to see so much difference in the work compared to the lifeless pieces I had seen in other locations. One day after being told of something regarding my son's school and a knife situation while also dealing with financial issues and learning of a few portions which my son and I needed to discuss in as calm of a situation as possible, things escalated the more I saw the figure sitting in the car and then later standing outside of the car and beginning to move around at night. I thought at first it was Jason which I did not say who I thought I saw when asking for the male Jesse to see, which he saw and told me he thought it was Jason as well. In the emails before when in the initial portions of noticing such because of other situations regarding the washing machine having a broken pipe and leaked into the apartment underneath, then the shower pipes had a leak from the age of the property which the maintenance males saw the typewriter I had with the two fully insulated thick mats I purchased from Ross Stores to mask the sounds from the typing; which after a point in time from the amount of times of seeing a figure in the tree line area on the other side of the transformer by the office, I had a vision which then the typing on the typewriter as per the non-book words and the letters and numbers which look as jumbled words though are not and are a language I know how to interpret; though I was told for the correct people to find [me] the requirement to put such into the trash can, because of the need for the specific type of agency to contact [me] to speak with about certain things I needed to write about in a way which would assist more from what was heard from a discussion I had with Joe Rose back several years passed regarding writing books which were spiritually based for the ability to assist more.
Those two different styles of tapes are mixed with the picture albums some filled with pictures because of my son's sensitivity to the timeframe as we were discussing as best as we could of what we could, while I was seeing much more in visions when able to sleep as well. I had been on the couch one afternoon and the sweat which overran my entire body felt as though I awoke within a bathtub of water as every bit of my clothing was saturated and the pillow cushions were completely drenched as my son looked at me with a smile asking me what I was doing waking up. I had made the promise to not bad mouth my now dead-ex-husband in front of my son #Letters4James and/or my daughter #Letters4Lidia, though I cannot say the same thing about what anyone else had said and/or lied to my son and/or my daughter about me personally. That is one or two extremely important reasons as to why not to tell a lie to a child, as well as one or two reasons as to why to not blaspheme my name nor take my name in vanity or needlessly cause problems to my children as the baby for the school project was not allowed in my room and remained in my son's room from the Steilacoom High School project though he had been allowed to have certain technology pieces over the years and liked to listen to music which would go in reference to my ex-boyfriend Patrick Kennedy going against my warning to stay away from harming my children which I told others about the shotgun situation which I had to disarm him from when not having told me about the double barrel shot gun with two shell casings in the chamber when the grip area was opened for the barrel to be unclipped to be able to see inside the loading section. I had that aspect which no one ever believed me about who I spoke of to including when in reference to the movers who at the time Patrick Kennedy had refused to allow me to get all of my children and my belongings, and with the way the move in had gone because of the entire situation regarding how the problems began at the apartment complex after the shabari situation which I had thought if the males in the suits who arrived needed answers they would simply ask me instead of assume I would simply open up about such inside of the area as such; however I was told the males from the security company Patrick Kennedy worked for was there to ask about questions, regarding the phone calls he had made during his time when working at the Bank of America in the basement security office which I was the one who told him to write the check to repay the company what he had owed them for the financial aspects he had cost the company as I thought it was an excuse for him to be so lazy as to use a landline to call me or anyone while he should have been working and paying attention to the security concerns he was supposed to be hired for in comparison to the irresponsible behaviour which he tried to claim it was my fault for him wanting to speak with me while he was at work. However the males did not ask me any questions and though I offered them to speak outside over coffee on the back patio if they needed to ask me anything, I was told it was not necessary at the time.
I simply figured that meant they knew who I was and the aspects of regarding the multitude of situations going on at that time in 2011, just before the move from that apartment complex to the apartment complex in the Meadow Ridge area which had been across the way from the law firm which was only learned of after the first or second phone call between the law firm's Nona Matthews as well as he Judge Lynn Rubinett and I. I told the Judge I had searched online for an apartment complex through an online program I found through a website, and the listings included the school district though the lines were recently changed and that meant my son was back inside of CFBISD while the legal aspects were going on regarding what happened to my daughter #Letters4Lidia. While none of my ex-in-laws were helping, there was a family which my son and I remained in contact with thinking of as friends though knowing of the fact that their children were still inside of the same school district as well. There was nowhere inside of the state of Texas which had anyone I could truthfully trust with the exception of being able to post what was going on as best as I could while online, in which ways and which locations which seemed most appropriate for such aspects as I knew I was not the only parent who was going through such and feelings of such aspects being extremely overwhelming for just one person. My biological mother and biological sister were able to see everything online and instead of asking if I actually needed help, their choices to do as they chose to do are written in history as well as known from others' experiences as to their repeated needless denials of me and my existence as myself as well as the only Mom to my son James Michael (Nichols) and my daughter Lidia Louise (Nichols) and though the legal aspect occurred that does not change the fact I am their biological Mom and I am the one who raised them on my own whether some wish to believe not is their choice.
As the time in Vancouver continued the portions referring to the timing of the court case and the inability to see my tattoos except when I was in the shower was the only time I could remember who I was and what was going on beyond small details, and the hole in my heart from the entire situation on top of the aspects after the Irving and the SCUBA Diving aspects. I was doing the best I could to help my son, explain in words a more clearer explanation as to what was occurring in the more overall way, and I found a way to digitize pictures from which I thought to get the photo albums to get all of the pictures to be able to do so as I knew I needed such for myself. I began working on removing the pictures and with my son I thought he and I could talk about the situations though the problems from the downstairs areas were becoming more of a problem as I could not go outside after the constant sights of such aspects, when outside. The tent situation was a problem needlessly in my opinion for the situation however I had seen the bright green colors coming out from certain areas and I thought seeing such with the particular tent coloring would assist the ability to calm such situations down, as the rapidity of movements were growingly worrisome for me; seeing the male figure in the front seat of the CRV each evening, and the yelling which started occurring from the car as well as from the apartment beneath my feet. I could feel vibrations from the pipes as well as the sounds of the sewing machine needle screaming through fabrics as the glowing seen from outside of the patio started changing colors, which then I went outside to see the CRV and the glowing from the areas in that car's front seat. It was the oddest sights I had seen all the while of doing the best I could to be able to process, everything which had occurred. I began documenting such through emailing the office of the housing department as well as the front office because I could not know or understand why I was seeing such figures and seeing such aspects as those types of visions I was having initially had not been something I had experienced, since I was a child growing up in New Jersey to look at such details while being awake as the portions of the glowing had not been seen since such times. I have taken pictures and videos of multiple light forms of shapes and colors, though the situations as to the portions of the seen individual in the CRV was constant from the first or second evening in 2013 on the patio.
The typewriter when regarding the white tape with the orange scrolls are what I was informing of in reference to Medical Hold Unit regarding such a color for the sky, and the white tape being like the clouds format I was doing my best to explain from what I saw those days. When in reference to the black tapes with the silver lettering when written means another aspect as per the ways of the paperwork for such in a specific order, as per the ways dictated to me for the way to write such from the glowing individual I saw walking around the Honda CRV one evening when I went outside for a walk to then return and see the figure simply appear out of nowhere. I had a situation when walking the dog named Max which the male had said he needed an electrical shock collar which I told him was a bad idea in the fact that dogs bark though because of the complaints from the people in the apartment #41D were about noises from the dogs running and playing while barking, the attempt to try to appease the situation became a fruitless endeavor at times because of the multitude of situations occurring all at the same exact time for each involved. The electric collar went off when I was holding the leash to Max and the rainbow collar I had gotten him because of how he truly was a gay dog, and I had to deal with the actual full contact electrocution while being next to the water fountain and the attempts to focus as calmly as possible while not allowing my son to watch his dog get electrocuted too badly seeing how much I was working to stop the pain for everyone involved by watching me do so in front of him and he knew how many problems I was having with technology over he years up to a point though learned as time went on. He did not realize how much it hurt in each way, though I knew it was better than my son seeing his dog in actual pain as Max was only crying because he knew I was taking such from him and was scared because of seeing the flashes of light sparking as the collar needed to be released. Adding those electrical pulsations, I was not surprised the electrical transformer went as it had with the glowing red ground just as I am not surprised as to the situation referring to the electronic cigarette in Tacoma Washington later lighting up and not stopping for awhile as well as the other portions as I had told people how much the situations were for someone as none seemed to pay attention or want to truthfully acknowledge such during such times. Being involved in the BDSM lifestyle and the amount of people who were viewing me as such and whatever their opinions, I knew and was shown the levels of ridicule against me for such as well as was sent threats which I showed people just as I showed the glowing figure I saw; though depending upon the time depended as to whether or not that mattered to them, and whether or not such situations they thought would or would not impact them in any point in time.
An example referencing SCUBA Diving at the Vallhalla SCUBA Diving missile silo site which I had advised against people ever going to knowing the leaked ground water was a cracked pipe in the septic system area for the nuclear waste storage area which was creeping through the cracks in the ground to fill the area with the combined mixture of water which the color differences would automatically cause one to think the depth would be one number though knowing the depth level color changes are different for different colored waters. I warned though in the Clear Springs SCUBA Diving park the waters are silty during a long day of SCUBA Diving classes, that is not the same thing as what the water is for that area and I warned them to not use any gear which went to that location for SCUBA Diving because of the nuclear waste which would be transported wherever they went with such SCUBA Diving gear and would be problematic if not taking care of the SCUBA Diving tank valve areas well. I warned them the vulcanized SCUBA Diving dry suits were not enough protection to be able to go into such waters as the dilution of the waste within the waters would not assist their health nor the health of whatever waters they would go swimming in and could impact their overall health as well. As many people who were making fun of me for all of my SCUBA Diving certification specialties and calling me a nerd, those same people seemingly refused to listen to my warnings with each aspect I had given the information proving my points each and every time though the refusal to accept the realties from someone who looks as I do and did back then in 2009. I warned them if they did not take such seriously the problems would be small at first then explode such as algae of an unknown origin or a new species of jellyfish introduced or should be written found in the waters, most likely having to do with such a facility nearby to anyone of those SCUBA Divers who refused to listen to me when my warnings as to the location of the underground missile silo. When I called them imbeciles, they laughed at me for the pun of the words I suppose.
I told them if the SCUBA Diving community began to get out of hand so much that the waters were truthfully at risk because of the levels of such behaviours such as people writing on the walls of the nuclear area missile silos and coral reef overharvesting as well as petrified seahorses for those who need to learn how to control themselves better as truthfully the reality is not everything is meant to be collected as the ocean just as land is a limited resource as the way the oceanic waters will retract to heal itself if the overfishing becomes too much of a problem as well as the situations on land being as such because the ocean will preserve itself before assisting on land if such is a problem too much, which in turn back at that time in 2009 the SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors laughed at me telling me my military lingo was not cool around the waters as they preferred their lifestyle in comparison to the reality of needed responsibility when so much is associated to waters for life on earth and for so many to claim to be against eating seafood the ironic twist of their irresponsible SCUBA Diving being a larger cause of the problems within the oceanic waters than fishing because of their wreck-less concern for the actual lives on land as well as in the water below the land walked upon.
Though the male in reference to the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert knew of my Pansexuality as well as my polyamory aspects which I did not hide, it seemed odd which when explaining finding the connection to Jason as I had the situations began as such and the problems went as they had as he had seen how Jason and I could speak more freely in comparison to the discussions inside of the apartment and how such began as he and Pam were told as well as the apartment complex staff as to how the beginning of such had began as well as the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; though unknowing in my thoughts initially at such times, to the larger aspects regarding the situations referencing the school and the school district as well as the SCUBA Diving after effects beyond my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I had spoken with a male at the Velvet Rope about the aspects regarding my daughter's situation in comparison to what I was told to discuss about the apartment which afterwards to speaking with about from a Microsoft aspect, the male told me his wife and his children had some special needs as though he had known I would not know of any such aspects of him without him specifically telling me; which it made sense as to me to discuss the portions of in comparison, when the realities of the way I pick up on energy at times and if extremely important the inability to stop from speaking about when in reference to the safety of children especially. I knew how the policies were in the area though the difference between the east coast technology groups and the west coast technology groups have to do with the types of businesses they run per coast which when tasking a look at the legal aspects on the east coast compared to the laxness of the west coast in reference to the way things look easy referencing Hollywood type aspects, the possibility of not fully actually realizing such for other portions regarding children's safety was a concern which was important to inform him of which he and his wife would know of what reasons more specifically as to why comparatively. Several were told as to how the situations regarding the way the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert had gone and thus by the time of 2014 and having to go towards Tacoma Washington after the landslide which occurred after the transformer ground aspects in Washington state, I had done the best I could to explain though the larger aspects were still coming out of the woodworks I suppose pun intended regarding the gardening areas around the Crystal Creek apartment complex in Vancouver Washington on Minnehaha.
I almost felt a bit of a tear when leaving as seeing the male figure once again though after the having to go because of, it almost felt as though I would see him again and I had hoped for a better reason than what was going on referencing what he was yelling about towards the end regarding the females with the two children males staying at the apartment with Pam which had ordered their sons to aim the recorders up towards the patio I was sitting on quietly and as ordered as per sounds of trumpets of the loud booming sounds screeching across the skies and the pain levels soaring beyond tolerable levels for even the birds miles off in the distance to begin flying from the trees they were nesting in. I heard the male figure yell to call protection, which when he started not yelling at me I noticed he was furious with whoever Pam was having around her grandchildren or whoever those females were having around those males while Jason was working. I did not get in trouble with the male figure for shoveling the steps or the walkway as I did not know he was watching me until the time when I finished the first shovel through the area to the blacktop, as I did not realize he was peaking around the corner until looking upward to see the light which was beaming on the ground was not from the lamppost as the light was much brighter and illuminated the entire area he was standing. For the first time he was not scary as he was not yelling as such visions at times, though terrifying at other times when certain doors were opened or closed downstairs as the energetic portions as to what was around the area at the time. As I continued cleaning the pathway I realized there would be ice and since Pam was elder, it seemed safer to put the kitty litter on the stairs as I did not know what the other combinations were and there were children's bikes underneath the stairs. The type of kitty litter in a fresh way would leave a coating, though would be just as safe as rinsing off dirt from going biking in the woods though would leave a protective coating for the gears of the handle bars for a particular type of grip for the hand brakes of the one bike which would be helpful at just the right point in time; though would also leave the grit in a clean way for the ice to remain as more water compared to refreezing over and if the bikes were needed the ability to take out and not have the ice on top of though would easily wipe with a cloth towel for a sheer coating to protect against the rusting process from the salt waters from the oceanic areas constantly blowing towards the state of Washington. In New Jersey with multiple snowstorms the kitty litter of certain types helps better for the grit while the other combinations at times are better for faster melting, though knowing that Pam preferred the organic gardening aspects had been why I specifically chose the kitty litter as not knowing of the sensitivities to after recovering from the ability to be cancer free for several years and such additional portions regarding not understanding as to what the energetic portions at such times were in a more specific way though unable to verbalize the situations seen in a way which would be more easily known for an understanding.
I did not know if what the figure had said made sense in reference to the two females regarding the sons of Jason, though that figure was extremely irate with such females and when I heard him screaming about prison more clearly regarding a blaming situation gone wrongly; I had not an idea of a situation beyond what I had personally been dealing with, though I knew I was not the only one who had ever been falsely accused and had to go for a run because of as the females were additionally telling their sons to talk about prison for multiple situations in that timeframe and with everything going on regarding just a few short months prior to arriving in Washington state the situations overall became so overwhelming that while I very much had wanted to stay when the letter portion regarding the apartment complex occurred the requirement to move out was needed and the male figure standing in the area near where the office was had been a situation which seemed odd to look at to see such a situation. I know there were multiple elders throughout the community which the majority of them did not have children living nearby though the middle aged individuals seemed to get along with several of the people of the apartment complex property which when speaking with certain people the middle aged individuals seemed to get a bit irate with any discussions from me with such people, as the elders seemed to be looked at differently regarding such living situations as all of the elderly people were mainly living on the first floor in comparison and the few who lived on the second floor were needing assistance to get up and down the stairs though without the medical care needs of a live in retirement home village; though the energetic portions seemed a bit similar, in some peculiar way. The electrical transformers looked extremely old for the age of the technology in at such times, as the boxes were looking to be a minimum of 10 to 15 years old in comparison to how much electricity usage would be for an apartment complex that size and the amount of technology company people looking for a more secluded though close to locations with most wants and needs which seeing more youthful individuals moving in I could see an additional reason as to the ground glowing from the area nearby to the transformer near the property. Similarly the apartment complex having problems with the plumbing system is the first to go when in reference to a problem with the location to which the secondary portion goes to the ground levels of the electrical fields within around a 4-6 month timeframe from a few situations I have noticed, which the reasons to such I know have to do partially with my issues with technology as well as the portions referencing to my SCUBA Diving after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
However the visions occurred well before then as I explained to Pam, Jason, and several others which I would be surprised if part of the problems began was because I flew my American Flag as well as my New Jersey Flag in Washington state as I had before in the state of Texas though had not known there was a Washington state flag until later on regarding when going to JBLM after working on my Medal of Honor Art Project. I figured in reference to any state which would understand the significance of such in regards of New Jersey not being thought of as often regarding the events of 11 September 2001 just as Washington state and the west coast not being thought of as much regarding more direct connections though extremely far away to such connections along the east coast during the timeframe of 11 September 2001, in my own way I thought such would make sense with the symbolism connecting the portions of the fact of where I grew up attending church where General George Washington's office had been behind Old Tennent Presbyterian Church which I made a joke about regarding such to Jason when we were talking about some of the pieces of his artwork. My favorite had been not only the piece with the form of diving which reminded me of an individual I knew when I was in New Jersey growing up and seeing a similar style though different portions of such a design which Ms. Dotty laughed when I continued staring at the artwork of the piece, as I wanted to know who had gotten such detailed lines for such and the ways which the artwork from Jason had seen some similar traits to cause some memory jolts I suppose. I saw a piece just in front of it a bit smaller on a canvas which the piece was fairly hidden though the colorations were enchanting to see just underneath the way the layering as to the amount of artwork, as the specific details were not of a schooled artist though of one who worked with medium which was more passionate compared to the ways of which I had seen the drollness of in various places as per just to get a different angle or a different view; as such artwork had far more flair and life than many pieces I had grown up seeing, which had been a large portion as to how such in the middle of the garage had been sticking upward amongst the rest of the various sizes in the garage.
I know he laughed at something I had said about one of the pieces towards the front though I cannot recall what he had said more specifically, though when asking about the modeling from what I was told later was when the problems had begun regarding the situations at the apartment complex. I felt with getting ready to fully publish such pieces as well as knowing what works I was working on getting more clearly squared away there was a need to fax a piece of paper as with the visions I was seeing the safest way for regarding more along the SCUBA Diving as well as the Irving portions as to what could become of such aspects to those I once knew as well as the other connections obviously regarding the CFBISD, the requirement for such safe guards which I had known SCUBA Divers in the recreational aspects who had refused such warnings had not listened, though I knew there were those is the adult lifestyle communities which had paid attention and with the aspects as to eminent domain regarding the Valhalla SCUBA Diving missile silo as well as the lakes and oceanic portions with the conjunction to the underwater pumpkin carving contest; if at minimum that protected them in the aspects of such sorts of situations despite how such had to go when being told of such situations, I needed to think of a way to best protect such as many as possible because of the levels to which I knew what was involved would have to be more openly discussed and more genuinely brought forward for clearer understanding from such knowledge within reason as per security and such portions of which to the best of my ability I had hoped would be good enough for the best and safest for such as the nuclear reactor with the additional regards of the fracking can cause additional leakage to such areas as a SCUBA Diving facility within a missile silo. The sludge at the bottom would be no different than the sludge from the silt at Clear Springs SCUBA Park, though much more different with the culmination of the asbestos from the metal looking pieces the way such pieces were installed in regards of the USS/USNS Titanic and such times. The combination of breathing and the skin exposure while cross contaminating the waters from that to fresh and/or salt water and locations thereof, the SCUBA Diving community was warned to not upset the SCUBA Dive Police. I suppose the SCUBA Dive Police might be called ironically, NOAA and/or the FBI and/or the CIA and/or Homeland Security and/or Department of Defense and/or the Pentagon and/or the Coast Guard and/or the Marine Corps and/or the Navy of the United States of America's Armed Forces as well as other non-recreational SCUBA Divers meaning those who take SCUBA Diving safety seriously are non-recreational; thus the levels there after depend upon individual work and individual training, as per the name of Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or SCUBA for short.
Adding my Medal of Honor Art Project aspects over the past several years beginning in 2014 when in Tacoma Washington, and the additional ironies to such portions regarding the combinations overall in such aspects; which in turn while the code is to remain silent, there can only be so much silence before the screams are deafening as to how many are and/or were needlessly being harmed for more than just my son and/or my daughter and/or I regarding who I do not know if he was a Sheriff in the Vancouver area or if the Pit Boss aspect from the Nevada area was a situation or what-have you in other regards; however I know my biological father said he had liked to go to Las Vegas for business, though I did not know of what business he was involved in of such official aspects though some portions simply did not make any sense regarding certain choices such as the rattlesnake round up in the times he said he had been in Texas before in the 1980s for a traveling aspect of the business regarding the water section as per the portions regarding the middle ground to a degree of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu aspects though knowing of the middle name meanings being of extreme importance the knowing of the aspects as to who actually had been chosen by my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu with my adopted maternal Grandpa Gavett for such a set of specifics for my personal upbringing compared to my biological sister through choices of the middle name as seen in his own middle name of Michael Lee. In Chinese customs the eldest is always the most valuable and the eldest always goes through the situations with more grace comparatively because of having to be the first one in the family, in comparison to what words have been stated in which aspects as it was known while my biological sister went to see the shows or the New York City version of in person Hollywood; I went to classes and training, while meeting with different individuals of different groups to discuss various aspects as can be seen in reference to various choices I have had to make which many have had the luck not to have to make such decisions in such situations for themselves as well as others in such a specific number of ways. I did not graduate Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma in 2000, however I survived Merchant Marine boot camp from my biological father during the timeframe of fighting to be emancipated to be able to go to the Army branch for/of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces to which though he did not know I knew about the running across the Great Wall of China back then for a dare; which I thought was a dare because of the need to get the information about the people he and others had put through college for the Bachelor's Degree for the first phase of the ability to slowly work together as a treatied set of nations, though Tiananmen Square situations being fairly publicized and would know why my hair color would be problematic for him and others who had scaled such a wall to see what was going on within the China Communist Party referencing the bloodshed from the dozens of tanks rolling throughout the street and yet only a handful of names being able to identify the ones who lost their lives compared to the actual size of military grade tanks rolling throughout the streets of Hong Kong and Beijing and other such larger city population areas and the blood splatter from such a choice back at those times. Look at the size of the field, picture with how many can fit in such an area, and please people of the world do not pretend you are incapable of seeing how many tanks rolling through the streets for such a time and the amount of actual red for such a country's colors and notice the widths of their streets such as highways compared to the streets in downtown cities.
Does the individual look as a male standing, or would that look more closely to a female standing in front of the tanks as per the way the body language actually is regarding holding such types of bags in the third picture?

While it could have easily been a military drill, the aspects as to how many people were kept in the dark for as long as they were about such a situation as per only the ability for an independent journalist to take the picture after being able to escape the country to get to the country which would be able to give such information to their local government which if I am accurate was a British UK location through what is commonly known as MI types of work through such. The fact of such aspects additionally to my biological father's work later in the School of Bulova and being able to work on intricate pieces of watches for the Bulova company as well as multiple other high end pieces of watches, I could easily see certain aspects within certain individuals I have met over the years as per specific aspects regarding my own personal choice of the infantry or calvary or combat arms to be able to go into the Special Forces to be able to assist combating against such situations as I had been shown and informed of with additional background trainings which were not more well known as to certain groups of individuals in a larger way in certain references. The highways of main areas will always be needed and those who have had such experiences as being in areas to survive Martial Law within the United States of America such as during Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Andrew could possibly give a few references as to why I had warned multiple people as to properly respecting in the truthful way as the overtly enhanced to fakeness of which makeup seems as the thickness of cammo paint is the equivalent of war paint regarding certain individuals as per certain prior informational aspects as to the ways of which Lao Tzu scroll works have been known to some for the ability to read the calligraphy of what the original wording aspects had been for such times as per the ability to read through such papyrus if you have had such a chance. Look as to how small and tiny the palm trees look and the large Bonais type trees seem in size to the same building seen in the picture on the left, and see how many people can fit into one small area for which the flags can barely be seen waving in the picture in the middle comparatively for the size comparison difference for the nation of China for also the fact those military tanks can fit into one lane area on a highway for traffic situations which if I am accurate the amount of lanes looks to be a total of 14 from what I can see for the way the lanes are for the area just from the picture; though because of how many lanes can go in one area as per the amount of people if I were to look at a more specific from the ability to see with the way highways are in the United States of America I would guess from the picture on the right from what minimal I can recall from how my Bok Gung and Bok Pu described the streets:
* That picture on the right looks to be taken from a distance from a hotel room with a long distance angled lens which probably had to zoom in through multiple mms for such a picture to be able to at a long distance as seen through a long rifle sort of firearm scope for a particular position up on top of a roof as a possibility or the higher rise hotels and/or apartments locations and/or a house upon a hill or on top of a mountain because of the way the topography for the land is and/or within the branches of a tree and/or while hanging electrical lines
* The two stick looking pieces look as telephone or electrical types of towers arranged as seen in certain areas with thinner pieces holding the wires for the technology compared to the towers with the arms and legs as seen in America because of the higher number of people in the population back then than reported to the Census
* Thus bus to the left looks as though to be blocking traffic from the side street which would be able to do a one lane turn onto such an area and/or a multi lane turn into such if the sticks are not street lights for traffic because of the thinness as there looks to be a crosswalk sign on one of the poles on the opposite side of the left pole and the bus looks burnt as well as graffittied
* To the left of the bus burned looks as though there are a minimum of 5 lanes which could be possible if there was a larger fire in the area quickly cleaned up prior to the tanks rolling out from such situations prior to the tanks as per the protests within the streets
* To the left of the yellow line it looks if to be counted simply from there to be a minimum of 9 individual lanes as per the distance between the bus on the left and the turn signal type of lanes in the direction of the pole on the left with the cross walk looking box in such a direction for such drivers to be able to see a total of 3 minimum high upward and the reflection from the window in the bus
* Possibly 4 of the 9 possible lanes for the right side of the yellow solid striped line is seen however there is a drain in the center of the street with the rectangle grate for overflow of rainwater
* The picture looks more similar to the back of a Japanese female in comparison to the back of a Chinese female as well as the tank style seems to be more Japanese in comparison to the Chinese portions as the three in the front of the line have the red star though the fourth tank in the back does not have the red star in the same spot which the picture of looks to be photoshopped or the tanks were a mis-mashed up of multiple tanks however you are able to see the blood stains of red in the streets in the splotches getting closer to the tanks between the bus location to the middle line before the arrow as well as the white with the red blood near the fourth tank in the rectangle corner area and as those who have ridden motorcycles and/or EMS specifically with law enforcement; you know what those colors on the pavement are from cleaning up such collisions, though not in which the multiple tread marks from the tank wheels roll over the people throughout the streets the way such had referencing to the time of Tiananmen Square whether in the state of Texas or not; though those who helped with the events of the portions regarding 11 September 2001 and/or were in the area have a larger idea of a smaller aspect as per the size of the area of Tiananmen Square compared to the size of New York City itself for a more closely accurate idea of how many people were actually within the streets that timeframe as well as the aging of the picture looking close to my IHOP uniform from the back though without the apron and without the tucking for such though with the slight pouf as I would do when I worked at IHOP in Crystal Lake Illinois and discussing such with a male in a business suit one weekend after he had come into my section in the atrium one Saturday or Sunday for breakfast time
* The pieces on the left side of the top of the tanks look as though they were added to the tanks
* The picture looks to either have been taken through a window with the zooming or was a picture taken of a picture taken of a picture because of the content of the gloss which would give such a look in the case of if someone saw a developed picture to then work on the details themselves too and/or instead of; or is the swirls from something being dragged along in the streets and if so what? Was it a metal type of machine dragging through the streets such as a bulldozer to scoop up and push such towards the area of the grates as per the patterns seen in the picture, and those who have farmland would know more as to the dragging remnants including the way the blood patterns dried?
* Which buses at the time of would have a red color for the top of a public bus?
* What is the stick from the middle bottom of the picture of that looks more like a bone from something which does not look to be human though looks similar to what would be considered as a femur?
* Look at the height of the person standing to the height of the tank wheel and then take a look at the picture of the female who had climbed on top of the State of Liberty and why does the Statue of Liberty seem smaller, when taking into consideration the picture?
* What was going on in the United States of America during the time of and how many tourists have been known to be Asian in certain areas, though after a certain point the lesser amount of Asians to visit such a largely known location? When was the last time a large number of Chinese or Japanese tourists went to the New York City area island for the Statue of Liberty, that can be found on record? If there is a timeframe which the records would have such, when was the time and what related aspects are able to be seen around the United States of America, and the world?
* I know I explained in some portions as to the realities of some of the situations as well as the images I had seen in different ways growing up though in this specific, I brought up Tiananmen Square in the late 1980s into the 1990s, just before getting sick in the 5th grade as per mentioning having seen a few pictures to someone at school or at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church
* If taking a look at the picture with the colors for such noticings notated in addition to what if there was a recreation of the start of the event regarding such though because of the level of gruesome aspects the individual had taken the last pictures of which the tanks were leaving and did an early version of Photoshop to be able to give a less gruesome version of a general public ability to see the picture to find someone who would be able to know more about such aspects because of the levels to which the bloodshed in the streets actually had been, as per Geneva Convention laws since none had ever video taped or taken photography of images which were as gruesome as such until after when the 11 September 2001 attacks though also through such having the confusion as to the realities regarding the different faces regarding the deaths in the streets of such a time as during such protests; though not the only place with such, as remember World War II and having to go through the Concentration Campsites to which the modified portions as to the realities of such were glossed over for the female population?
* Why do the tanks extended areas look as though there is a cover over where the tank shell would leave the blasting site for the tank to be shot outward, as it looks? Does it show maybe a different aspect in reference to the Fail-Safe plus the Irving portions in a different way as to such sorts of science fiction though maybe not as science fiction as once thought referencing Irving and a few other situations, I have taken pictures/videos of and/or discussed briefly?
* What amount of nuclear aspects have been swam in referencing missile silos and SCUBA Divers compared to the amount of sightings at such facilities as I learned about Arco more specifically, referring to SCUBA Diving gear? What about known locations of people's SCUBA Diving gear which have been SCUBA Diving in waters as such missile silos, and what could potentially be done to others for such sorts of ease to technology to needlessly and wrongfully cause harm to others for whatever excuse unnecessary to as a childish prank and game as per the male my biological mother's sister Edith Smith turned to Edith Stanley have in common about the Bevis and Butthead type of attitude and such sorts of childish games to which he himself told multiple people he thought because I defended my cousins Kate and Allie as well as my biological sister against his advances as to his comment about his thoughts of my 'needing an attitude readjustment' and the name of the street which Medical Hold Unit at JBSA once was on called Stanley Road? What was his comment about when I returned after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after knowing about Baptist Camp Lebanon prior to moving to Illinois, and how mad was he I had refused to play any videos games with him? What was his response when he was informed I refused to return to Illinois, compared to when just in Basic Training during such times? What did he say about 'conage', to who, in what year at what time before I had needed to testify in court back in New Jersey? How many sexual harassment claims against him as well as his family members as well as his associates as well as his collegues as well as his friends have their been about such not taking no for an answer, and why has none stopped such or noticed such before me before and when I balked against such in 1997 what was his response to my refusal of such comments?
* Do any of Kate or Allie's friends from Crystal Lake High School and/or other locations have any comments to add about such an individual at the high school football and basketball games, and the excitement seen as per a child when he was a grown adult and should have known better? How did the marriage go after Eddie had two sons compared to having had two daughters, in the house when he was there? What were his family and friends like, and what type of jobs did they have which could not longer cover up and no longer hide such sorts of behaviours; as per the technology aspects to catch such sorts of individuals as to wrongly prey upon the innocence, while wishing they could have their innocence back while refusing wrongly to allow others to actually keep and maintain such innocence unless the other is willing to fight and defend such innocence, and then how had such reacted after I left for Basic Training compared to the timeframe between the move to the state of Texas afterwards? I remember Mark or Marc Stanley having a minimum of 3 or 5 other brothers with a name in the Fowler aspect as to the addition to through a legal marriage to such types of spoon fed children who wish their money problems were just they had so much in comparison to ever learning how to properly maintain and sustain their own self-control and keep their hands to themselves as well as their own noses in their own business which does not include any other person's life, though the overindulgent aspects of such types of people who have to learn the long way that just because you have money does not make you a person people will in the longer term ever want to be around because it was only the money which attracted such to you in comparison to who you are as an individual and what was genuinely accomplished in comparison to what was wished to be good enough for?
Who has humility, and who has arrogance?
Thus if such a childish individual who should have had hypothetical psychological evaluations though if having money and without any moral compass hypothetically while hiding under the guise of the Holy Roman Catholic Church for such situations to try to repent for such actions and knowing internally such cannot be repented for without actual punishments involved, how do such types respond when it is not their child(ren) though the second it is their child and the aspects of their lives have been how in comparison? What were the comments from such an individual about my modeling pictures, who would have such aspects to know how much I despised him as well as anything about him because of his treatment towards any female he spoke with and how has my personality been against such needless and wrongful aspects towards females when in their own right and in their own abilities earn more than a machismo type of male? How much does the Ceiling Fan Prairie Dog reference look to be like a cousin or an extended family member of such, as well as the ability for such a job to be able to live in Crystal Lake Illinois and yet commute to Chicago Illinois for work each day back in the 1990s which would be of need to know? How was his attitude adjustment needed, and did such occur for the better or did such occur for the worst and why or how? How many prescriptions did he mix with his constant drinking of alcohol, before 11 September 2001 compared to afterwards? Any other complaints from other females about him as well as his family, as I doubt I am the only one. Which company has which aspects to tools, regarding the last name? Any ironic twists to Fail-Safe, which might be noticed as per knowing he hated the fact I was in McHenry County College taking Geometry while also a Junior in High School which meant he automatically knew I was smarter than he ever was naturally for such a type of personality compared to mine as well as those females who are similar to such in reference to what is earned is earned as well as what type of female purposefully knows of such though is willing to stand by in order to just have a job and an ability to be able to afford to go SCUBA Diving while hating people who actually sign the dotted line to earn such for oneself in comparison to only being able to purchase such? What were the comments when Eddie and Christ with Grandma were in the house in San Antonio in 2012, and what was Eddie's garbage over dramatic grin in reference to seeing me knowing about SCUBA Diving when in my biological parents house in San Antonio? Which sister was she closer to than the other, and how was such views of Grandpa Gavett's life compared to what they knew he would tell them about themselves if he were still alive to judge their choices he warned them about? How was such about stalking wrongly before, and how so afterwards?
When told no other than by me, how had Marc Stanley responded to such a refusal by others as well? What would Homeland Security look for in reference to domestic terrorists in a larger way, those who would have the larger amount of money though would not genuinely care about human life and human safety while disregarding those who genuinely keep and maintain such safety thinking an paid professional would know better in comparison to who actually had done the work and had always had the information to begin with though refused to speak with such an individual as he knew I would refuse him and was why Eddie was sent to speak with as Anna would tell her sister's anything to get their approval while denying the one who had the information all along thinking their degrees meant anything referencing nothing about what was actually involved; and without anything other than a SCUBA Diving certification or even a SCUBA Diving Instructor certification, why would someone who does recreational SCUBA Diving ever think they would know more than someone who chose to make it a professional choice, in a military aspect? Is it because of knowing how a Mom will always care more about her children and would put such toys away until the requirement of such, and if responsibilities need to be handled first before a childish wish; how would such be responded to, in reference to my personal attitude towards such needless machismo aspects as had been prior to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though did not ever fade away. What did my now dead-ex-husband look like when taking into consideration as to how my biological mother's sister Edith Stanley's husband Marc and his family would look, and what would such people do if they did not know the truth about his biased behaviour prior to beginning to attack a 16 year old female simply for standing up against sexual and any type of abuse to such? If they allowed such, them what is the long term impact to such? If they learned later as to the problems would they be honest in working to fix such, or would they try to be sneaky wishing they would be allowed to be a part of anything which would not be in their aspects to do so despite such ability to provide tools for the requirements though the preference of mine being a different tool company maker as what was his response when I told him about which tool company showing up to the car dealership as well as to Turtle Wax?
As the SCUBA Diving training I had put myself through was as explained in reference to my medical portions as well as the specific aspects to assist with making sure each and every SCUBA Dive I go on is a safe descent, a safe SCUBA Dive, and a safe ascent for myself as well as where I choose to go SCUBA Diving with the assigned partner if required for such safety; I did not approach SCUBA Diving with a relationship which SCUBA Diving meant in such ways as most people regarding females getting into SCUBA Diving had been through their parents' paying for such, and/or a relationship they were in to go on a trip somewhere. I on the other hand paid for each one of my pieces in comparison, and I did not have anyone to go with in specific on any SCUBA Dive with the exception of who my assigned SCUBA Diving Instructor was for such certifications as per the 26 I had earned. If there was a customary aspect such as the unspoken tipping aspect, I did not know of such as no one other than a medical journal from the Jewish Medical Journal as ell as British based UK medical journal among others in comparison to being able to do so for fun. I did not get into SCUBA Diving for anyone nor for any relationship other than for myself, as I was earning such for myself and on my own and needing to show through my choices and actions to my son and my daughter as to earning through hard work and gumption as to earn each aspect. In such I did not get involved in a relationship regarding dating in reference to any SCUBA Diving Instructor who was a known SCUBA Diving Instructor for any of my classes or coursework, because I knew I needed to earn my SCUBA Diving certifications on my own for my own safety and my own ideas for the Underwater Travel System among a few other ideas. Thus if there was a custom which would not have been a formal aspect as though I may have known SCUBA Divers over the years, none ever told me of such customs. If such was and the 24th and 25th SCUBA Diving certification was a problem and how the SCUBA Diving gear was caused to be moved because of such unknown customs, then what type of SCUBA Diving Instructors would be willing to accept a payoff to get a certification in comparison to earning such a certification for the betterment of actually beneficial and good SCUBA Divers for the oceanic waters to actually be responsible SCUBA Divers and better than the last to make sure the oceanic waters are properly maintained and sustained to assist the life on the earth? I have seen such from college professors in different ways and I explained to multiple people I was not willing to do such aspects in any such way, which includes the donation of large amounts of finances to such universities to have a building made in my name as per the way some have viewed such financial donations or contributions to college universities in comparison to actually having the bragging rights earned to be able to say to anyone and everyone as to actually having been able to be a SCUBA Diving Instructor to who accomplished such feats; or in university portions as to the bragging rights of saying, which individual had earned their degree from such as to how much work was done as well as what was accomplished from such work from such a location and staff thereof.
Thus if some as I was told later about SCUBA Diving Instructors going back and forth between the local Carrollton SCUBA Diving schools and complaining to someone because of not earning a tip though a tip was not ever explained previously and was not ever in a thought for such because of the type of SCUBA Diving training I had in mind as well as my own upbringing for education as my biological father would be infuriated with me if he ever learned I had ever knowingly slept with any SCUBA Diving Instructor for my certification card and/or had ever paid extra money for the SCUBA Diving certification card I earned with the only names allowed being the SCUBA Diving certification Instructor for the course because paper can be printed though the plastic card is where the only one name matters for the SCUBA Diving Instructor and if there is an assistant instructor that I was not aware of as most of my SCUBA Diving classes through PADI there was only one SCUBA Diving Instructor for the specific SCUBA Diving certification with the exception of my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification class where there were two SCUBA Diving Instructors however both of the SCUBA Diving Instructors I had for the class were/are on other SCUBA Diving certification cards of mine which I earned each certification the way I was raised and would make my biological father proud, and especially would make my Bok Gung as well as my Bok Pu as well as my adopted maternal Grandpa Gavett proudest of me for such ways to actually earn my individual SCUBA Diving certifications with such high grades as well as precision. Maybe my biological mother would be proud and same thing possibly regarding my biological sister, however any SCUBA Diving Instructor who would have ever thought it was a mandatory aspect thereof regarding tipping; why would that be a way to ensure the safer SCUBA Divers in the oceanic waters especially in reference to going out to the ocean from a pond or a lake or a hot springs or a quarry from within the state of Texas? The same I can write in reference to the Dominant Mentor Program, if that was an expectation for such. I cannot see how such would be expected when having been told there were not any Professional Dominatrixes allowed in the Mentor Program which in turn giving a tip of any type would mean the violation of the Mentor Program principles repeated through various aspects and would then have fully negated any argument anyone had when I repeatedly asked about the Professional Female Dominatrixes being able to go through the Dominant Mentor Program and/or send their submissives through such a course work for the Program for either Dominant or submissive as per such rules stated. By such rules if the Mentors were seeking a tip and/or a gift, then by such definitions that would mean that you were being the equivalent as to what you said you were not tolerating within the Mentor Program and if so; I am glad I unknowingly stood up against such hypocrisies for such aspects, in both the SCUBA Diving as well as the BDSM despite how some may have initially thought for such. It would be ironic if such were an expectation regarding the BDSM community referencing the Mentor Programs especially as the amount of times I stood up for the various areas and sections thereof throughout the Texas areas regarding my ability to go to ClubFEM events and not be ashamed as to knowing and enjoying discussing topics with individuals in such while also attending other groups, not caring about the employments and sincerely caring about the people. I did not play more than I would in such aspects as there were such rare times I actually had played in Texas, of which there were literally only 3 or 4 or 5 times in a public setting for such play throughout the time of 2004 through to 2012 which in turn what would it matter to anyone else who or how I played at an event of such a type if in the Mentor Program when if your aspects were only 100% clear would such ever be able to bring such up when thinking about such realities if going to throw stones.
Did I see how some Female Dominants who were in such Professions being upset as to the ability I had to go from one events section to another without their knowledge as to how much I was actually dealing with in reference to being a Female Dominant who actually defended the rights of such Female Dominant whether professional or not or both as per different relationship aspects? I absolutely had known such as I can and could feel far more than some realized, to which while I had not posted about such online as per other situations going on in my life during such times; if you met me in person, then you would have an idea as to how much I had actually discussed such despite the other portions of what was only able to be put online for various other interconnected portions of my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister as well as my ex-in-laws finding out I was defending the adult consenting lifestyle while also defending both the Professional as well as the non-professional aspects thereof while keeping genuine safety in mind for such aspects. Think about the interrogation I dealt with in reference to my biological mother and my biological father in reference to 2012 also being after I had just disarmed my daughter who had disarmed the MP during the scuffle at BAMC less than one month prior while still defending where I had been, and reevaluate who I was being truthfully interrogated about and who by which aspects they were actually wishing I would break to give them any information they could not get off of my laptop computers when the updating would occur before I would later have to take such to GeekSquad for a new laptop because of the irreversible damages that were caused by my biological mother doing whatever updates. The only times I had to take my laptop into GeekSquad had been after an update my biological mother did or if I had someone else complete the work to do the update for my computer, as per what relationship at which times and whether friendship or what-have-you in comparison. Who was I asked about in reference to the names I was called after the recorded message left on the answering machine when truthfully thinking about such, and who did I truthfully know and did not drop any names nor any locations nor any aspects as to? The only information they had was whatever was online and nothing more from that time of being called and hearing my first, my middle, my maiden last name, as well as my legal widow last name; had only been the information on the ability to get from what was online, in comparison to anything else about such specific portions before ever getting to the point of publishing without the names though knowing that was the only way for such safety aspects as knowing the need for such larger aspects of information. My biological parents could not send in themselves the way they had done in the San Antonio Pagan community though my biological sister had people she knew in college as per the Austin location events for such questions are able to have been known about, and thus when going to finish working to publish such aspects of FSL for publishing; how was the safest and best way before the fullness of such books, as well as the other aspects thereof regarding the information within such pages to be for the most ideal overall for the safest aspects?
When in Vancouver Washington in 2013 after everything up to such a point and then beginning to have visions I had not had since I was a child in such ways, the need to wear long sleeve clothing at all times was mandatory for how cold it was in the area as well as the electrocution portions as to the zapping and above the Mason Dixon Line with the constant altitude changes while living within a mountain range. The altitude changes in the Cascade Mountains are named as such because of the Cascading drops and climbs with more drops in such a short distance as from the distance between San Antonio to Austin there are multiple altitude changes for such a location. The headaches and migraines I was already dealing with as anyone who can now see why I do not fly in airplanes yet had to deal with in reference to driving because of my Medal of Honor Art Project aspects beyond the paper portions, when in Vancouver there was such to go to Portland Oregon plus the suction and pulsations of the current waters for the Columbia River as well as the Pacific area of the oceanic waters with the electrical aspects and the Portland International Airport as well as the other portions. All before 2014, regarding getting closer to the Seattle area of such aspects. The additional aspects of the court aspects regarding what happened in reference to my daughter #Letters4Lidia because of McCoy Elementary School and CFBISD regarding the needless bullying and etectera as well as the Fort Worth Zoo, doing the best for my son #Letters4James to succeed as well as my daughter as best as I could make possible for too, as well as doing the best I could to recover myself from more such aspects; all while dealing with newer problems associated because of the not recognizing any sort of plant life in the region except from New Jersey, which was on the other side of the continental United States of America to where I was in addition to the medical aspects. Not having the ability to see my own tattoos meant literally doing the best I could to re-remember each time I took a shower, and a bath was unable to help as I could not stare long enough at the tattoos to help my memory deficits or cognitive disorders in conjunction to the additional pain levels to be better at such times.
That male figure seen in the purple CRV was also a very different aspect for me as it had been a long time since I had a situation to that magnitude in decades in reference to seeing such aspects of premontionary aspects, as the last time had been prior to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury regarding the nightmare I had as a child. Such being extremely new to me was more than I could deal with at such times, and similar to back then which few ever believed me just because of being a child; and I look as I do now in comparison to being a child or a teenager, which how such aspects of viewing are fairly more well known now. I was not ever told what was said in the office though I had kept as much up to date to the emails as well as online aspects as best as I could for as long as I could, until sometime in early October before it got extremely heavy as I went to try a new medication via the MMJ and learned the hard way as to how bad CBD is for me in comparison to the THC for the after effects to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I was unconscious for 3 days and instead of being checked on for any aspects as I was told by the male regarding the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert situation and how my son and I wound up in Washington state to begin with, had left me in the room unconscious for those 3 days claiming he knew I had not slept in awhile and knew I needed to get some rest compared to running at full speed as he had seen me doing for far too long. What did that mean, when looking to prior discussions and threats I had told others I had been receiving from the end of 2009 through to 2012 before what occurred in 2013? I did not want to be correct for such, though I also could not allow my son and my daughter to just be left as I had already fought as hard and as much as I had for such and I was unwilling to simply give in so easily.
Maybe some could joke I might be a bit stubborn, at times when I know what is righteous and truthful; despite the flack, at times.
Why was the time when I was unconscious for 3 days only after speaking with someone about artwork and actually getting along with a male who was once in the Navy for the United States of America's Armed Forces, especially when taking into consideration the aspects as to his stolen valor and what would easily be able to be verified if such an individual were to ever be curious and look into whether or not I was actually medically retired and/or to see if the aspects spoken of were genuinely truthful in reference to the Air Force Basic Training being at Lackland Air Force Base to someone who was in the United States of America's Navy branch especially if had actually graduated Basic Training and/or their version of AIT; compared to me, who did not graduate Basic Training and admitted such? If I am accurate on the timing aspects thereof as well as the ironies regarding the male figure and such regarding Jason, to which when speaking with a friend on the phone and taking notations the mediumship aspects which naturally flow at times without any prompting because of how I am as I am; and writing on sticky notes, while seeing such a figure while being on the phone and discussing movies? I was told about something of a sticky note found by the apartment underneath my apartment though was not told as to what was on the sticky note, though because of the timing and the situations as to being discussed; I am uncertain as to what such notations would have indicated for, as I was not told of anything though remembering something about Nottingham and wondering what my time at Crystal Lake South High School in reference to being Maiden Marion had anything to do with the situation at the time frame of. Honestly, I still do not know. I know there was a Sheriff who came to the door one day though I could not remember calling for though was ironic as to if the timing of the sticky note I was told about in an email, after the snowfall or just before the snowfall in Vancouver Washington that year. I did have to chuckle remembering the Disney movie from when at Sony/Sonja's and Joe/Jose's house of the Robin Hood cartoon, recalling the little pieces I could remember from that time and the situation regarding the Bloody Mary bathroom situation at the house around such time referencing Julio when thinking about such in retrospect I suppose from now to such times back then and the odd connection regarding the aspects as to Warner for the last name of David as he had been stationed at Warner Robbins Air Force Base in Macon Georgia and the way my ex-in-laws had been despite how much I had done for them which Grandpa Nichols warned them as to what he would be willing to do to make sure they learned their lessons as to make sure not to bite the hand that has fed them for so long as he knew more than he allowed them to ever know he had known as well as had told others while they were outside of his house while he was at the house on his own for however many years they had done so to him knowing his medical conditions regarding after Vietnam and more. However additionally such ironies as to the male who volunteered to set up and arrange the aspects regarding the Club Sapphire one time a male had entered the shower when every other volunteer knew I did not shower with just anyone and if such was David Osteen who once had lived in Macon Georgia when I knew him being married to Mary Evongelina Osteen, then that ironic twist of such years of stalking as well as going across state lines from their state where they lived in Georgia through to Texas as well as to Washington state as well as during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips; hypothetically, right? Who else would think that the only Basic Training location for enlisted would be where the Officer Training School for the Air Force would be at Lackland Air Force Base, if had not gone through Basic Training and/or AIT to graduate from to go onward inside of the Armed Forces of the United States of America to be able to distinguish between such aspects whereas I would just be me and only know the minimal I could remember here and there?
It would be a bit ironic if such papers and tapes from the typewriter were taken out by the male figure seen, or whomever the being was who had spoken with me on my patio random evenings, or when being dictated to as to what to write as per another being from a different aspect more closely related to the Irving situation more specifically physically looking aspects had actually been found by the Sheriff and/or Jason and/or Pam as I once knew an individual who had said he had been a partner for a private security firm which if an additional portion as to both Bank of America as well as DeLoitte and a last name regarding Fail-Safe as well as Tye and the other office area stops; the irony is the lack of words, for such revelations in such a larger aspect as to such an overall combination. While some may have thought such information was for everyone because of the assumption of such being more modest compared to the overall aspects of, the portions of which the details involved were the reasons as to why such charges were mandatory and the choice whoever made to release my books without my permission as per the legalities of the idea as well as creation and the Superman Comic book legal battle in the favor of the creator. Thus means in turn all such works as well as all such inspired works were always mine to be owned by me alone and whoever made such a choice illegally in turn gave the ability for all tolls to be paid only to me for such works without ever being allowed such required permission rights to any other as per such specifics, because of the illegal release of such by unwarranted measures which in turn means all works inspired by my works I wrote and compiled are thus of my origin of my writings and my books are belonging only to me to utilize as I choose to see fit in such ways and thus any such writings/videos/pictures and creations sub-stemming from would be my property rights and such in turn as proven my intellectual property rights exclusively as per subsidary laws for such business aspects as per other regulations and such being grandfather clause for permanency solidified for each and every subsidary book/video/picture/movie/streaming/image/wording/writing/etcetera of each type described as per through such works of mine including artwork and SCUBA Diving and etcetera also going outward through space into the universe as per the aspects of each book and topic I had written and/or discussed. Thus whoever had chosen to release such had made the choice to ensure all rights were fully mine and remain(ed) as such permanently, as per the internet aspects as well as legal rulings previously for other portions of intellectual property rights within the United States of America and the world as per treaties and such additional legalities.
Thus in turn fully circumventing all tries previously as well as afterwards from the Chinese Communist Party to ever try to gain access to the Untied States of America without the authority of such allowances; which in turn would mean throughout the world as per the intellectual property rights are fully mine alone and founded based within the United States of America which since the United States of America had put the first flag from the United States of America onto the Moon via the Moon landing, because I was born in New Jersey within the United States of America and remained a United States of American citizen after my time involving the active duty in the Army branch with other works prior to join the Armed Forces of/for the Untied States of America, means my landing at the bottom of the oceanic waters in the deepest portions of the Bermuda Triangle area of the Atlantic area of the ocean during my SCUBA Dive at the Vandenberg from the Florida Keys makes the oceanic waters belonging to me as per my pictures as well as my known appreciation for the American Flag symbolism from prior situations. Thus the oceanic waters and such fresh waters are belonging to me through the allowances I choose as per when involved specifically through discussions thereof only to those who I grant such authorities to for proper care and maintenance of the waters around the world, which the American Flag truly means a picture is worth more than 1,000 words. Since August 2009, the oceanic and fresh waters have technically been mine to own fully as per the requirements to ear such respect from the oceanic waters and beings within and throughout. If there are others who would like to try to challenge such the requirement is to go to the bottom of the ocean to gain such respect within the exact same timeframe per such SCUBA Dives as per the exact same location for the exact same amount of time per SCUBA Dive not only recorded SCUBA Dives from my log book, though the unrecorded SCUBA Dives from which I additionally took care of situations as per what requirements would be. If there were not cameras arranged prior to 2019 in Clear Springs SCUBA Park waters to see such diving, that is those times for such to know in comparison to 2009; which the same in reference to the Huntsville Quarry, Lake Travis, and additional oceanic SCUBA Dives which though some may have thought they knew more of such aspects, would have needed to actually know what was to be looked for to ensure the ability to actually see such at the specific times. I am thankful for such in the positive and specific experiences to which the ensuring of earning such respect from the oceanic waters for also the fresh waters areas means in turn,
In such references regarding SCUBA Diving and the Chinese Communist Party such as those who I once had known in SCUBA Diving at one point in time when I was SCUBA Diving in 2009 the wish as to my information regarding me, I could see how wrongly some would think they had any rights to me in any way as per such a Mandarin and such a Communist sort of view points with marking me needlessly because of such hypothetical situations of jealousy and envy; which the ironic twist as to the 7 deadly sins is one being of jealousy and/or envy which since I had been going through the courses as I had and some were upset as to my choice to not go forward with their plans though go forward with my plans, there were some rebellious SCUBA Divers with some of being SCUBA Diver Instructors who wished to slight me because of their unwillingness to see the truth before their eyes. As the discussions around April 2009 began about their wanting me to go towards SCUBA Dive Master and my choices I knew I needed to make for myself without any such influences, there were several who discussed going to Valhalla for SCUBA Diving. I was made fun of for thinking about the real Valhalla in comparison to what the SCUBA Divers were referring to in regards of a place in Abilene Texas to go to SCUBA Dive inside of a missile silo which had a reported leak from the ground water basin area which had flooded the areas to flow through the reactor portions of such areas of acreage to be able to move inwards towards the core central launching central area with the ground water mixed with whatever chemicals along the way to where the silo area is including such nuclear waste depositing areas among other portions of whatever chemicals, additives, types of materials when soaking in liquid has chemical changes, and etcetera for fun. I was confused as to why I was being laughed at as I warned them if they were to not listen to my warning they would be going to the real Valhalla though definitely not the type or the way or the area of the Valhalla which was intended and I warned if they did not heed such and went anyways, the health ramifications would be a heavy cost which would include their lives fully. I was laughed at repeatedly some more which made little sense to me as the portions of which to try to excuse such reckless behaviour made little sense, and yet later I was made fun of for discussing going to the bottom of the oceanic waters to get to the floor of the oceanic waters when SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS Vandenberg area from the Florida Keys in Key West Florida. I did not understand or know why I was being laughed at as the nuclear waste deposits before taking into consideration all of the other chemical reactor portions of the underground workings would be inevitable to be able to clarify without specific portions being taken care of for a clearing process I could come up with, though the SCUBA Divers and the SCUBA Diving Instructors had chosen to continue to deny I knew anything simply because I did not graduate Basic Training. When bringing up I grew up in New Jersey and saw many aspects, I was told that was not anything important to a missile silo or what was inside of the area to look at or the possibility of different chemicals from a former military installation. I explained the different reasons and portions as to why each aspect was needing to be paid more attention to for safety when one of the SCUBA Diving Instructors I think named Curtis stepped forward from the group to tell me he knew more about missiles in his little pinky finger than I knew about anything in the slightest, which I warned him his arrogance would lead to more complex problems than what he thought he knew of life which I was laughed at again as he thought I was nothing more than a hot-to-trot female, despite not having been in any relationship with any SCUBA Diver or SCUBA Diving Instructor from International SCUBA the beginning of my SCUBA Diving classes in February 2009 through to that point in April or May 2009; SCUBA Diving classes and/or coursework being a minimum of one or two weekends a month and however many days in the actual shop during the week up to that point as well as afterwards as by the time I earned my 25th SCUBA Diving certification I had thought I was done for all of my coursework until later seeing Cavern SCUBA Diving gear and seeing the need for one more class after returning from the Cancun/Cozumel SCUBA Diving trip in June 2009.
The a SCUBA Diving classes and certification graduation cards for my courses I earned on my own were apparently not enough as well as the other portions of my prior experiences explained to such individuals, to which ironically in reference to the aspects of if Jason regarding Vancouver Washington would have been much easily able to explain because of the Navy attachment as well as being a male as such types of SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors seemed to prefer a male's explanation to a sensible female with common sense. Additionally while SCUBA Diving classes work was going on and being a Mom of my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia, I brought up such only to be told that they did not ever see me as their Mom or their Mother which they said my SCUBA Diving style was not needed for anything they were doing as they did not want nor did they need a Mom for SCUBA Diving which I simply backed off after just before the time of going out to Georgia and then Florida in the end of July 2009 to August 2009. If they preferred to think their specific type of SCUBA Diving Instruction was better than anything I could do knowing what I had already accomplished and partially explaining such at the time, I was not going to change their minds and they had to learn for themselves the hardest ways possible by their own choices. Having been told of the lack of females in SCUBA Diving was a larger aspect regarding how I was treated as multiple females mainly got involved only because of someone else's ability to pay for such in comparison and the ways of which I had gone through my SCUBA Diving were specifically tailored to me only, because of the requirements for myself of myself for the safety in each and every possible way for myself and those who would be involved with me if I were to go SCUBA Diving.
I told the SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diver Instructors as to the need to only use one type of SCUBA Diving gear and the need for hazmat cleansing processes for the ability to fully be able to SCUBA Dive more safely for one portion, though the refusal as to simply listen to me even with my Underwater Naturalist Specialty SCUBA Diving certification as they knew I was working on reviving the endangered species from some I had noticed in the San Marcos classes in the waters in the Clear Springs SCUBA Park; however even though pointing out some to a few people during the times out in the areas with pictures of some of the work I had done with my underwater SeaPro camera through the screen on the day of, those SCUBA Divers said that was not good enough for them to not think about going to the missile silo in the Abilene Texas area called Valhalla. After looking through a few pages and specific pictures and videos, I can see where the portions of various leaks are pouring through as well as the seepage which the waters are worsening from initial pictures compared to what once was back in the 2009 timeframe; which was already pretty darkly problematic as per the knowledge of the ground water washing such in both directions as the water with such nuclear waste would not only fill up the silo area though also the source waters nearby to such. With Dyess Air Force Base with Air Mobility Command would be able to use radar to detest such aspects, and with Air Force Global Strike Command with the 317th Airlift Wing Support Command the ability to see more referencing the waters and the impacts of such portions to the shaking of the ground when such portions are utilized and the impact to such locations as per the missile silo location for Valhalla and impacts to the water portions; affecting and effecting the water supply for the military base and the health thereof for each active duty/national guard/reservist/veteran/civilian in the area for an approximate square mile area radius, as per the other launching sites nearby. The 7th Bomb Wing Command would be able to observe the overall impacts of such testing site locations as well as the additional radiation treatments which would be pertinent for such knowledge as per the informational aspects to the individuals around the area and the release of such to the general public was in hopes of the intelligence to be able to sell to someone who would put good use to such as in hopes of being able to find a different way to genuinely look into fixable repairs for the longer terms in comparison to a recreational aspect as per the explanations given to me as well as others, regarding such a facility known to the United States of America's Armed Forces specifically the Air Force branch thereof. I had told several people I met later on about such a location which some SCUBA Divers in such groups from the state of Texas training as well as from other states with SCUBA Diving training as well as those who were non-SCUBA Divers about what I had noticed and while some were genuinely intrigued though could see some reasons as to my concern, the levels of which the larger aspects were not able to be discussed as per the way situations had gone regarding SCUBA Diving in a few situations which because of such I had to put myself under my own lock and key.
Some were shown a ring I had made for myself which was the central stone being made of Sapphire which is my son and my daughter's birthstone with two white diamonds and in one portion which was to each side, had been their names of James Michael and Lidia Louise as well as their birthdays as per my way of doing such referencing the white gold band to keep together better for a constant reminder as to why I had to keep such under such a specific way as to refusing to speak without the proper clearances required. I knew the possibility of whether or not my son and/or my daughter would ever be able to go SCUBA Diving it had not mattered as what mattered, was the cleanliness of the drinking water far more than the SCUBA Diving aspects of which were important; though I had already explained the aspects referencing when I had earned my way to meet with Governor Christine Todd Whitman about the oceanic cleaning project poster, which I had been in the top school class to earn such an ability and was the top within my class for such an earning. I had explained the aspects as to the application process to MAST with the Naval attachment which meant the length of time working on such ideas to those SCUBA Divers, however my type of SCUBA Diving was not for the common type of SCUBA Diving being taught to the civilian sector which did not know or understand they had the watered down versions of SCUBA Diving as all such began with some private aspects though working with the government agencies for such locations and as per such meant my work was with the United States of America's Armed Forces and only such as per the requirements via other portions of my background regarding my adopted Grandpa Gavett as well as my Bok gung and my Bok Pu as they had also seen the drinking water situations in the Chinese areas as well as the waters nearby from the situations regarding how the Indian areas were causing needless additional problems as they too were warned though they had been refusing to listen to such because of the preference to speak with an individual who looked more of middle eastern descent than someone who looked Chinese or if their Caucasian skin tone was available then such similar aspects to the Asians; which in turn enraged the Communist Party of China because of knowing how much had began with the Chinese and the Jewish people and yet the constant ignoring meant the growing problems, and was why the finding a balance between the Mandarin views and the Cantonese views had been a mandatory aspect for Mao ZeDong because of the water needed for more than just one county's people. The Cantonese began a system within the United States of America to which once a Baschelor's Degree was earned the individual needed to return to the country of origin for awhile prior to movign forward to the possibility of either a Masters Degree as was more common though a PhD was the goal if the grades were high enough in comparison to slowly earning a Masters Degree to possibly get a PhD. My biological father's teachings as to how I view my grades was meant for a PhD Degree training in comparison to a Masters Degree training, and the grade requirements of which a 107 out of 110 possible points was failing meant you know how much my biological father had ensured and guaranteed such levels of success rates as per known regarding Marlboro High School and the meeting with that principal after a few situations as his name was known and remembered for what he had to defend himself against though the racist and biased teachers who were beaten up as per the attacks they lead against him and his victorious defenses had left them old and bitter about how little they were ever able to accomplish without his assistances which instead of acknowledging their failures he went onward without them and they remained in the same type of situations with the exception of the one or two who were smart enough to get out of the way and be able to save themselves; which in turn meant such additional bitterness because of such lessons having not been learned from, though such was by their choices in comparison to anything done by my biological father.
Such types of people need to learn when they have been defeated it is a lesson which they can learn from to be better and get out of such a situation or if their preference is to go with what they know in comparison to moving forward, then such failures to adapt mean such failures to adapt; which in turn means the requirements for leaving such behind and moving onward are pertinent despite the backwards situations, as the ironic twist of such individuals still needing clean drinking water to such situations in other aspects would be a smarter view as to get out of such an attitude situation comparatively as per life. However similarly to the Valhalla aspects, such views cannot be forced and has to genuinely be wanted and needed for such assistances in comparison to waiting around for when such times are more appropriate. The times as to which I have given for such individuals to speak with me has gone by as it has and when the time is of there will/is no longer be the requirement for any further attempts on my part, for such reaching out for such availability is at the level to which it is and the ability to find my website as well as my personal social media accounts is as it has been; of which since some decided to go to Washington state as such had in hypotheticals, it is as it was. I am uncertain if the people in the apartment beneath where my floor was for my apartment in the multilevel apartment complex was able to see the male figure I had pointed out in reference to my emails, just as I was uncertain if the security and/or sheriff vehicles pulled into the front parking lot in front of the office building area were ever seen or captured by any recording device or person nearby; however I do remember one afternoon when speaking with Pam as the rainfall began to drizzle and my son as well as how we wound up in Washington state went inside the apartment with the two dogs, I took off my jacket to drape over her shoulders while speaking with her about something though seeing the figure standing off in the back distance near the fence line to what was her right and my left. Turning backwards I thought I saw the figure standing at the back patio door with his arms crossed looking towards us and when I realized it was Jason looking at us, I did not know if he saw the figure nearby as well who looked kind of like what he looked as though a bit taller with broader shoulders and a larger midsection in a uniform and a hat cover with plastic on the top of the cover portion which made little sense to me. I could not see through the male in the patio area which made me think it was Jason though the figure which I saw nearby was beginning to take a shape and a form differently than I had noticed of such before, which the CRV was not to be seen at the point in time which made me wonder what was going on at that point in time. I knew I could not speak with Jason as Pam had asked at that point in time as I knew if I had what I had the possibility of dealing with after the 3 days of being knocked unconscious, which I thought was from the new medications.
The individuals I knew before the time in Washington state were going to spend the month of after moving out from Crystal Creek apartments in San Antonio Texas in the apartment complex which my son had made a friend with Greg Murgatroyd which was the son of Greg and Dee Murgatroyd, who worked in the Thousand Oaks Apartment Complex ins San Antonio Texas which I had lived in with my son and my daughter shortly before the Cowboys Dance Hall as the staff had been made aware as to what I was dealing with in reference to the McCoy Elementary School situations and the flight was paid for using Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr's credit card because of flyers points to San Antonio Texas, while finding an apartment or house to live in as was made to be as the requirement for getting a safe place was mandatory for both my son and I at such aspects as the situations were getting far too out of hand beyond such prior portions. I had hoped if possible the ability for James to be able to spend time with his sister, though I was unable to say such outloud as the problems with Jesse any time I brought up what occurred to my daughter was when I started to get into trouble and was a problem for him to deal with me about such. I was told he wanted me to forget all about my children and refused to accept I could not forget my son and/or my daughter, which infuriated him as the time went on. There was a point which a bit of time went by and I was then in the room I was kept in because of how often I would be upset about the situations referencing my daughter, my son, and I which is when the lock was put onto my door because of how he thought I had no right to be upset about what had been dealt with up to that point and as per what I was telling and when could showing people of the threats online I had received on fetlife when the cat meme pop up with wording would say there was an update being worked on fetlife; the being locked in a cage at the foot of my captures' bed, was quite evident when looking back to such times in 2014 through 2018. I wrote of more in other portions of writings later, and sent such to where needed hoping there would be a way to find a better way and realize the truth had been there the whole time though who truly believed me or would believe me was up in the air. I had mentioned as to how I was surprised as to how few people were in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles in the Seattle Washington area at the club I was volunteering to clean up for setup and if needed to clean up afterwards as I had done for some events in different areas in the state of Texas, though was surprised with how over such years there had not been anyone who had approached me to tell me if they knew me or not as it seemed weird as to what I was seeing when out on the road as well as when on certain trips during the week. I had thought if someone knew someone without a doubt they would say hello and speak with using the correct name, though none had done so which made me wonder if I was even alive at the moment as per how certain aspects were occurring and being seen through such views. I had checked my pulse and was perfectly alive, though the aspects as to how I was still the same person and how simple it would have been to ask if I recognized someone if I thought I might have known them, and yet there was not the aspects in return asking me about such a name as only the sides of my hair was waxed for the exact same hairstyle I had previously compared to the times; with the same color, and the same style of clothing, with my same tattoos though because of the weather being freezing and unable to remember because of the amount of extra clothing I needed to wear which in turn removed my ability to see any of my tattoos for assistance as I had designed for myself.
There were plenty of people who refused to believe my tattoos helped me such as the males and the females at Nine Lives Books, the cat sanctuary, my biological mother/father/sister, and my ex-in-laws along with each and every SCUBA Diver I had met up to that point whenever the portions of such tattoos were being worked on and all at some point who I had spoken with in person had mentioned they hoped I would have to prove such a feat for them to ever believe me and even with the proof they doubted they could ever believe anyone who looked as I do because how could anyone ever believe someone such as myself. I told them I wished they would not hope for such truthfully in each situation to which I dealt with the aspects as to what their opinions were and as to why they thought of me as such of which when as time went onward from the times of and was in Washington state, at some point I realized that I warned them to be careful with their words as depending who was listening they might take them up on such an offer though the payment would be steeper than realized if such ever occurred to me. It infuriated me upon learning of the tapping in my apartment in the Lodge at Madrona to which I could not believe such despicable individuals were ever allowed to continue to breathe, as per what levels I had personally gone to without such assistance to ever have such annoyances from such aspects as I did not request a tracking device to be implanted into my tooth which was replaced and inserted into my mouth and has caused more pain to my headaches and migraines because of the electrical impulses; though who has actually ever cared as to such warnings I had already given about such aspects, as the rest of my teeth had suffered because of their choices to refuse to pay attention to my warnings yet again. at some point when people could actually start paying attention and doing as they have been commanded to pay attention to, it would be fantastic instead of waiting around for the laziness to be gotten over as well as the overdramatic aspects of which to have gone so far as to try to tag a human being as though an animal when such animalistic portions of such behaviour are for such types of Mandarins thinking that is the way to get answers when such has been purposefully been put on lock and key and permanently remains as such as per my rules and regulations for such insolent behaviours.
I could not care any further if the clean water is actually fixed any further for such aspects as to the disrespect of such, and whatever occurs to such waters is whatever occurs to such waters for such aspects still failed to be followed for several years as to simply ask me in truth. If human beings cannot follow such a simple command, then what would make any of them ever think they deserved anything other than what they individually earned themselves on their own of their own accords? What is it in such time you have actually earned on your own with your own work of your own inspiration by yourself, out of curiosity? I as well as the oceanic and other aspects cannot respect those who cannot earn on their own in honest truth, which if such is not capable for such human beings then I wonder why I ever bothered to begin with. Some were literally given instructions regarding FSL only though such ignorance as to the Mandarin aspects would arrogantly think a way for such would be through a honey trap, which instead of such the ways of which going to contact those who seemingly have yet to respond to anything in which would actually be understood or known in such proper ways as the ignorance to ever think PoTL would be the way; would be the worst choice and the biggest mistake to be made, ironically probably coming out from the state of Texas. From people who would not accept how little I had played such a chocie to try a section of such would be the arrogant aspect, as if that were of any importance then the portions of going onto dating sites specifically beginning a profile for such would have occurred if I was ever interested for such a way. I had at one point many years ago and I found an individual I was interested in which the situation was as it was, however since not having done so since any relationship aspect was not ever sought after and thus if the portions of PotL were used; are you proud of yourselves for failing so miserably as to not pay attention as to how my SCUBA Diving courses and classes went, and were specifically demanded as to such for the specific required type of respect from the oceanic waters or was the tenticle not enough of a sign for you in regards of the Pacific area of the ocean around May or June of 2019 to comprehend the rejection of such tries for that level of which only FSL was the portions to pay attention to? However since some biological adults have not learned to pay attention to what actually is important, I suppose it makes sense to throw such crumbs out thinking such would ever be of any interest simply because of not having been in a decent relationship in several years. What part of I have been on my own since I was a child, did you not comprehend?
Sure a relationship in truth is worth the time, though a relationship in truth is the only worthwhile relationship. Listening into a situation which you were not invited to does not make a truthful relationship, nor does denying the truth to me as to how you know me and/or know of me. I do not know what some are preferring if that is the way the relationship aspects are sought after by some and possibly why, I simply just walked away from such if not feeling the truth actually being said in truthful words. Yes I can feel, though do not assume I know just because of feelings after how many problems which have occurred in my life as the lack of words has always been where those problems had been and would only infuriate such to expect me to care about your feelings when you have not paid attention to what my feelings are and/or my personal needs. Thus I could not care about your feelings nor your heart when your feelings and your heart have not truthfully cared about me, because if such had been so then the realistic portions of following simple instructions would have been more simple instead of assuming one aspect in comparison to what your biases and opinions had obviously remained the same. If people had learned anything it would have been to speak with me and not at me, however since instead of such the lack of words completely means the lack of care and lack of concern turned back around in such directions. I had once cared and showed such through multiple words as well as multiple actions, my apologies for not being more clear as to such requirements in response from you as I thought the fact I wrote as much as I had would have not taken a head injury to figure out what was required of you in response as while you can read that means nothing if you have nothing worthwhile to speak of with me.
I do not tolerate biological children to act as adults, and in turn I do not allow biological adults to act similar to children.
If your sexuality is more important to you than my SCUBA Diving, than your sexuality can remain as your sexuality as my SCUBA Diving has always been more important than anyone else's sexuality as that is nothing of importance compared to the works I have done and anyone who prefers such instead can remain in such names regarding how such names go referring to various situations thereof. I explained before as to how I am not like anyone else and because of such, do not approach me the same way as you would anyone else as if you choose to approach in a lie; I will not respond the way you wish I would respond, and I am not responsible as to the oceanic responses as to your choices to try to lie nor am I responsible for the situations which occur from such choices if hypothetically done so and/or wrongfully continued onward. Those choices are yours to deal with such bad consequences, which is your situation to deal with as per not following the most common language words to follow along to the point a middle schooler was able to figure out the information smarter than any biological adult as well as others; which if you are supposedly intelligent with whichever backgrounds of whichever studies, how much of a lack of intelligence must you have to think anything regarding sexuality would ever get my interest compared to what emergencies were occurring?
However again to repeat, when in SCUBA Diving I went for my training and my classes only. When in the Dominant Mentor Program, I went to learn for my classes and to be educated about the various importance aspects to pay attention to as best as possible. When working on my Medal of Honor Art Project, I was only working on my Medal of Honor Art Project. When writing my books, I was mainly paying attention to writing my books though the portions of such being as many different topics meant knowing how to categorize within my own thoughts as to which portions of information were appropriate for which sections compared to simply just being an open book as per the requirements for such detailed information and the difference between fiction, fantasy, and truth was always applicable to such aspects. If some did or do not know how to categorize within their own thoughts as to which aspects of such writings belong in which categories; I did put the books into specific Amazon marked sections to ensure the ability to keep such portions in acknowledged aspects for the clarity in comparison to just as the wrongful links which only the links through my website are supposed to work for the royalty profits to go to the correct person which is me. I know my writings are varied in topics, however the fact that each has their own page on my website means those who are smart enough to see the varied aspects for such would be more capable for the knowledge to understand the different aspects comparatively as I have written about since having published my books as well as my website. Those who have only been using technology mainly since they were younger would be able to tell more easily than anyone who had to learn about technology later in life, even if it was during youthful years as per the differences regarding coding. However those from the elementary school ages from the time of 2001 would be able to instantly see such much more clearly and quickly, though might take a moment to realize the page differences in comparison to elder individuals who had not been shown such. However depending upon the elder aspect would be able to actually see such more quickly in comparison to those who were taught in the middle of schooling from such times, because of the back and forth aspects. With more who have become accustomed to meandering through government websites for information to work on, the format for my website fits along such lines though is unique to such aspects as to the information thereof per; though is also capable to assist those who need such help to run through such a format with the appropriate aspects as to the credit funding portions as such is not in the same aspects as prior websites because of colleges receiving funding which in turn because of the financial portions if a college used such for references the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project would nullify the aspects of such funding because of the fact you are not able to sell such and the aspects thereof would negate any college professor because of the inability to use my website for teaching due to the process of sales and monetary aspects which were put in place regarding such types of awards and within the UCMJ.
The UCMJ being able to be enforced within such a civilian sector as per truthfully shows how the UCMJ has always been available to use in reference to the civilian population, however the ringer aspect of whether or not it was actually required and/or needed only depended upon whether the general population was capable of utilizing their own self-control. Thus the Universal Code of Military Justice has been available to use for civilian prosecution referencing a multitude of the various articles and subsection numbers for as long as it has been illegal to sell medals and/or ribbons within an estate sale, simply because of the problems associated to prevent stolen valor; which in turn the Supreme Court decision was overruled before it ever went through the court system, because of the requirements made via such problems as to estate sales thinking they would just be lazy to not go through the correct information to ensure the proper aspects; oh wait, I mean in the estate sale the people who sell items which were not theirs to begin with are not allowed to sell any property nor give away as such has to be gone through the United States of America's Armed Forces as per whichever branch and/or division properly and directly associated with. Thus if there is anything involving the couple who once had been a trupple though lost such capabilities because of such situations with me after their choices regarding Joseph and Megan Estes in San Antonio Military City USA, that sort of behavioural set of choices technically can be prosecuted within the Universal Code of Military Justice for trying to tell me as to how you demanded me to have sex illegally with you because you and your wife decided what you wrongly had thought to tell me what to do with my own body and same in reference in regards of my books. Whoever would have done so to illegally be able to make available for download without such thoughts can be tried for legal prosecution for peddling child pornography or sorts of charges, because of the fact of the name aspects and not having the clearances put into place as I had put into place for such safety age requirements online as needed as well as shown through the different webpages separating the information properly as possible as well as mandatory through the Amazon KDP portions.
Though what would someone who spent the entire evening weekend at my apartment such as Joseph and Megan Estes have anything regarding being around my laptop in my apartment, for anyone who would be involved with the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles in the San Antonio, Austin, and DFW communities I mainly had been a part of after I wound up in Washington state; what was the responses from such individuals, to those throughout such communities? Was it similar to Patrick Kennedy who had been in trouble for using the basement land phone line to call my Austin city based cellphone number instead of using his cellphone while blaming me for making him pay the debts owed as per his choice to use the Director of Security landline phone in the Dallas Bank of America tower and when he asked me what I would do after that and after I told him I would not have made that choice nor mistake, I told him I would pay back the company he worked for regarding what was owed to be able to settle all debts and scores. I learned he charged up around $29.00-$45.00 at $0.03-$0.05 per minute and then blamed me for him writing the check out of his checkbook to the company at the Bank of America tower for the phone call charges he had wracked up and then was caught, which he blamed me for not taking the blame for what he had done to begin with. Later when he was a drive around security officer for the Irving Texas area he began an argument with other officers if he was reminded about the Bank of America employment for the day, and any officers which he saw as a threat to him getting promoted became a threat to him as such; which the same can be said in reference to the male John who he worked moonlighting for in John's company outside of The Lodge Gentlemen's Club which Patrick Kennedy was working to get some of the females to work in another individual's group, in the Fort Worth area which I was ignored when making attempts to clarify to some individuals about some of the people being introduced to the group through Patrick Kennedy and The Lodge Gentlemens Club probably associated somehow with the San Antonio Gentlemens Club for those who had not thought of such a connection to the Jade Wolfe Coven from Seguin Texas with Christy from Abilene Texas; as I saw some of the caliber of choices being made for such a group and I knew which way that level was going to go quickly, as I knew which females were ones which House Moms paid attention to for such precautions to prevent further situations as more well known to certain individuals which was not paid attention to and a part of how the shotgun was pulled out because of the timing telling him to stop such about the picking up of females to send to the group as well as not realizing he was trying to threaten me while pretending to do a rifle drill which I disarmed him from and made him open the area to show me the loaded shells.
He was trying to one up the owner John to get more certifications through various companies to try to take John's business from him saying he knew more about Security than John, which when I reminded him about how much he was in trouble at the Bank of America for the Shabari rope tying situation I was yelled at being told he thought it was my fault he was fired was because if I did not make him write the check for the money he spent for the phone calls he made then he would not have been put into the rent-a-cop job instead. Later from the time of Bank of America he got into DeLoitte and with the similar portions as to having taken me as well as others to the basement at the Bank of America tower in Dallas Texas, the discussions about the specifics which were similar to what he had done regarding the Bank of America Tower meant I knew he needed to be stopped because of the energetic portions I was feeling for safety concerns not knowing what DeLoitte does or did; which bringing up the security concerns after 11 September 2001 to him about such requirements to always stay on the ball for security requirements, the aspects as to what was mandatory for such a location was to not have someone who was as irresponsible with such measures being taken as he had been was needed for such a location as the situations regarding such a time was not over just because the day in 2001 had passed and it was whatever day in 2011 or 2012 just before going back to San Antonio Texas. When arguing about the phone call aspects he refused to tell me how many hours he had talked with me on the phone which I asked him what we talked about because of my concerns about my daughter, my son, and I with everything going on; which he told me not to worry, and he had everything covered. I did not trutst or feel comfortable as I genuinely was trying to remember what was discussed as there were situations still going on referencing the CFBISD and school and my concerns for the safety of my son, my daughter, and I were of my highest priority as the risk he put my children in for speaking on a landline in a company which was based in Dallas County was a high risk priority I needed to know though he refused to tell me or help after he blamed me for making him call me from the office phone. I asked what the phone line was meant for as a landline was not meant for just anything to anyone as a landline is meant for safety protocols for higher levels of security alerts for such a building as multiple phone lines are sometimes required for such aspects in such a type of building, as my babysitter's husband Joe/Jose had in his office back when I was growing up in New Jersey in the 1990s through the 1990s.
I was told not to worry which in reference to my son, my daughter, and I's safety; I could not help but to worry as few people were believing me or helpful for such aspects, and many problems were going on needlessly which was much to take care of. I knew we discussed adult consenting lifestyle aspects when not discussing the situations I was needing to get ready for appointments to visit my daughter in the hospital or go to pick up my son from school, though not including the aspects in such an overall combined way and more along the being a Mom while acknowledging my adulthood in comparison to other individuals choices. However those types of wrongful editing of recordings have been problematic for years and decades when people who have the money prefer to try to get away with anything and/or everything while not caring about the lives impacted because of their ability to purchase something else, while forgetting the actual value of human life and family. I was told such was not as important as I feared, which he as a biological father who refused to speak with his son Adrian about anything no matter how many times I dealt with telling him to contact his son; I then told his mom when we were in person about the telling of Patrick to contact his son Adrian, as I worried about Adrian seeing pictures on facebook about the pictures taken at the JCPenney Portraits and without any explanations he would assume the worst and how my son and my daughter and I would needlessly be impacted further because of his father's arrogance; meant that we were going to needlessly suffer, if she did not get him to speak with his son. I told her of how her son was making more money and had more jobs to actually send his ex-wife and mother of his child the proper amount of child support checks, however he refused to do so because of his bitterness towards her for leaving him and taking away whatever she thought financially meant something to him. I told others of what I was dealing with and as pr usual for around the individuals regarding in the state of Texas, I could not ever get a straight answer from anyone in the state in person or in writing. For as many Republicans who have been against the LGBTQP and as many Liberal Democrats who have been supposedly fighting for the LGBTQP communities; why is it you cannot give a straight forward answer, out of curiosity? It seems quite odd for such a state to be as such and then not have the ability to actually truthfully claim the saying of being a straight shooter, from various aspects I have noticed and seen well before returning in 2019 as I had seen such from the time of 2000 after off of post all the way through to when I wound up in Washington state in 2013. I saw and experienced the same which others can and probably have their own situations which the past portions are able to be verified one way or another to such additional details, as to Joseph and Megan Estes.
Hypothetically people sending someone named John who said he had a security firm as well as had been dealing with a legal case though getting a degree supposedly to an individual such as myself with the background location and more to speak is the lack of intelligence portion of it sent by other specific group(s) from Texas which would be ironic as to how such situations went through, just as I had already painted on the wall and saw in such a visual vision which another stated he thought such had to do with him and was not of the sort; though again, my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces are as such only, and people who would think such was for anything other than out of respect truly need to be evaluated for psychosis aspects in comparison as to the levels of required respect for such individuals as the Medal of Honor recipients compared to what arrogance would wrongly be thought of and would infuriate such aspects as seen later. However such types of situations would not be surprising as to how some people had viewed me all for such years in comparison, I suppose I can make a joke of as per the situations proving such by the symbolism as well as the disgust as if someone had actually cared about my actual wellness the portions of the lack of insinuation would have been known; in comparison to the blatant disregard of such personal choices despite whether or not such a name was actually accurate for such an individual because of such hypothetical associations, and would only reprove my points previously made as per the choice of which name spoken with to in reference to what name was told to me thereof. If I am inaccurate and such a name is not usually used for such a type of group, then I retract my statement if I am inaccurate for such a tried slighting against what I had been working on.
I was already shy in the state of Texas, I did not need any more reasons to be more timid than I already was. In Washington state which obviously has more technology if such aspects were not paid attention to in reference to prior discussions as well as writings in FSL as well, the warnings were already on my website as well as social media web pages to which the official statement of the UCMJ actually being available with such timing of the estate aspects in turn means such available timeframes to review each individual case for such aspects as there are not any statute of limitations in the UCMJ proper for certain specifics. How difficult was it truthfully to tell me you had seen my work, or seen my website? Or did that aspect not ever cross your thoughts as to the truth being the easiest and most simple way to ever speak with me, not ever come into a thought process? That in such aspects shows me exactly how many thought of me as I was able to see and feel from such energetically which is not telepathy, that is a different form of mediumship completely regarding telepathy in the truest forms thereof; you know for example, in Vancouver Washington and the figure situation would actually be telepathy for such typewriter aspects in comparison to some random human being who has not the ability to use the mouth correctly to speak clearly. However since no one has asked me about such, then I suppose that aspect as well was not of any importance as per the lack of responses to which I would actually know in comparison to ignorance playing childish games as to wish for such aspects when I was in the middle of being electrocuted or as if heard the term of being zapped or feeling zapping. What would ever be needed for such truths compared to what occurred, could be wondered? I suppose the answer is for others to speak with me in truth, would be the most simple answer.
The ironic twist of if such was, in comparison to how I had actually treated such people despite how I had been treated if I am accurate as once again such simple aspects to just focus upon FSL in comparison to any other book including Fail-Safe; however such people would arrogantly think of telepathic communication meant with anyone other than them and the arrogances thereof, as what is my Medal of Honor Art Project? I complete a historical and spiritual rubbing, which means there is telepathy involved for such aspects in a specific style of manner; though what else regarding my SCUBA Diving in specific locations, as well as Irving and other situations, plus Old Tennent Presbyterian Church; and I am still confused as to wonder how anyone could ever be upset in the slightest with me when requesting actual words spoken, as though that aspect would ever be cared about in comparison to such aspects when sensing such games being played with a book I wrote and then having the nerve to try to play as though anything I wrote about was ever a game when it was known to those who once knew me as to how much I did not ever like to play games and the amount of complaints as to how serious I had always been including as a child in elementary school in the 1980s. Maybe some pictures seen might make a bit more sense combined with my life experiences as to why I do not ever look at life recreationally, despite other people's wishes they could for all of time the reality of such times are over. What is it like to have such luxuries to be able to view life as a recreational aspect, as that seems as though it must be so much more fun in comparison to the diligent work I have been doing for so long; thus, what is it like to not ever need any time off, or any relaxation which is actually relaxing without any need to actually worry about a situation? I do not know for such on land realistically, as I have had less problems in the oceanic waters with various interactions compared to some of the situations involving people in various regards in my opinion; especially regarding the treatment of other human beings to one another, compared to the treatment from oceanic portions when in the waters where I have gone.
Just think human beings, Bo-Bo was less complex for me to deal with than most of you and what you have done over the years as I promise such aspects in the oceanic waters as well as for those interested in space are not accepted and are not considered as acceptable in the slightest. However you would have known that if you had simply actually read and paid attention to FSL first, CCBS second, Fail-Safe third, and only at the latter portions of such ever thinking to ever turn a page in any one of the PotL books. However I guesstimate the PotL was read first by most ignorantly which means if such aspects were, then negates the proper requirements for the first steps of such other aspects; however if CCBS was read before FSL that actually would have been acceptable to a degree though FSL should still have been first. There is a reason as to why at the age of 17 years old I earned my clearance level of Omega for my background check for my MOS assignment of Automated Logistical Specialist of a 91A, and I maintained such levels for such aspects as such required because of such aspects per the requirements thereof which civilians who do not have such clearances are not welcome to such information without proper clearances and authority as to why such information would be requested. Such referencing SCUBA Divers who are recreational repeats such aspects in reference to the Valhalla and such sites as missile silos for choosing to enter such facilities to which if there was not ever someone other than myself with any military background association from specifically signing such a line by choice then out of curiosity, why would I take the chance to actually allow you to be made aware as to why you should not go into such an area if the amount of times I had been made fun of for being as serious as I was/am as well as being made fun of for the security levels I paid attention to for such specific aspects to look at for such possible dangers or threats to prevent damages as best as possible? Maybe just as such along with multiple other aspects, there had been a time or two I had been a little bit more accurate than some wished to admit though such situations are as they are as the taking of such gear to Clear Springs SCUBA Park as well as wherever such gear was kept in storage facilities makes a wondering portion as to how many signs does one set of people need before realizing the dangers to the waters of such a location to actually inform of the truthful aspects as to how many SCUBA Divers had kicked up the silt at the bottom of the area to swim through the much and be covered by such in their hair and in their ears while wearing whether a wetsuit or a dry-suit as the hands were still exposed as well as the feet in such types of booties how many times over the course of how many ...?
Nonetheless as I get closer to the end portions of the parts in reference to the 60 Days of Thanks Challenge, I am thankful to have been able to clear up several aspects prior to what else needs to be taken care of as I know the aspects which need to be taken care of are as they are. I am thankful I learned how to lock up in ways I had learned as it was necessary to wait for the proper revealing timeframe as to the truth about Mao Zedoong, being two actual people who had given birth through one female or shall I write the aspects of the egg harvesting from one female as to the two males for such an arranged marriage to prove to such Mandarins as to the reasons why the Cantonese had paid attention to more than the Mandarins knew and the reasons why the Cantonese had such protocols in place for which reasons; if only the Mandarins had made the choice to ask, instead of steal from then the days would have turned out differently into the evening hours. One male of the two was more LGBTQP/Swinger whereas the other was more BDSM/Tantric which with their wife was who the three had been able to have such a matrimony and union, though the harvesting of the eggs had been the demise as per the portions regarding the sterilization factors required though not as well practiced during the beginning portions of such types of procedures as there was a puncture in her kidneys from a night of playing before which was not known about when the following day's appointment had been for such. Look at the amount of clothing for even when in the summer time, look at the levels of the clothing fabric, and those who understand such aspects regarding collars would be able to recognize a little bit more than what was seen if you knew where and what to look for in regards of such aspects. I made a joke about meeting a female who had kept her two males on a leash when in the lifestyle, I did not say whether I met her as a spirit or as a living human being; though I did explain aspects regarding as to how I grew up, and who I had grown up seeing more from than others. It would not be a surprise if some thought New York city and certain more known places I had been to, however I also had not hidden what I had done regarding rituals when younger in a specific portion to a birthday party in Illinois; though not, the only one for such abilities to be seen yet what was allowed to be known.
My biological aspects and my raising was as it was, and is as it is.
I am thankful, as I was able to read through scrolls and paperwork to see more than what I have found online to such timeframes regarding the Square situation and more in a longer amount of aspects of details for much more regarding the Cantonese aspects both in blood as well as in being raised. I am thankful I can truthfully say as well as truthfully write my maternal adopted Grandpa Gavett as well as my ex-father-in-law Grandpa Nichols are as proud of me, as well as say and write how thankful I am my Bok Pu is proud of me along with my ancestors.
For those who know and understand such of any Asian background, my ancestors being proud of me is just as important for the larger aspects referencing my son #Letters4James and well as my daughter #Letters4Lidia hopefully being as proud of me as well for being their Mom.
I suppose I should write of being thankful for being chosen by the oceanic portions of such as well as the portions more known referencing Irving and/or The Big Blue Book AKA The Blue Book Project, as the portions of what I was able to see and learn from are quite informative and interesting beyond what any words if I were to ever make any writing aspects thereof which for clarifications; only FSL has anything to do specifically regarding the Irving aspects and none else, as some might have thought such for that aspect in comparison to what was seen in reference to the Fail-Safe regarding what was going on in Vancouver Washington before Tacoma and Seattle to be exact. If needing such additional portions look towards such emails, look to the situations surrounding, look to the timing, think about the electrical portions of problems I have a long recorded history of issues regarding such, the identity theft I was dealing with which began from the dates found in 2004 though not finding until 2013 of such identity theft problems, the figure and figures seen when on the patio as described referencing Crystal Creek Apartments, the cat's response to who I met at Cowboys Dance Hall during the Stoney LaRue concert as I had attempted to explain to either Cross and/or Kitty on the phone one day while making attempts to be covert because of the situations; to which what more could be done, if anyone else could think of such a suggestion for such times with all possible angles of information thereof now in 2021? By the way, what an irony of the black cat looking like Rita from Nine Lives Books who had walked up to my apartment and walked inside without a problem though as soon as seeing Minne and Jesse together, hissing profusely in such directions. I suppose the additional irony of how I had to lock up and be more closed comparatively regarding several other portions, of such a time in the month of August 2013 in Vancouver Washington to 2014 onward towards the Seattle/Tacoma Washington region; and onward referencing my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, which no one was allowed to go on to follow in any vehicle despite the open area as per the knowledge of a scheduled trip and the details of without being published does not mean that is not considered as stalking; as such is the actual definition of stalking, as per not having published the details of such trips by my choice. If such was asked of my son and/or how I wound up in Washington state; that shows the lack of concern for such safety precautions to try to subvert the process which was known would only be allowed by my choice, with specific instructions as to what would be mandatory as per prior patterns of behaviour which already had been repeatedly ignored when in the state of Texas thus the aspects as to why would such be any different when in Washington state when in reference to how I would know such would need to be in reference to those who once at one point had known me in person? If going through my ex-in-laws, think about the fact you chose to ask my ex-in-laws. do you have exs which you would think would be best to contact about you, or would you steer clear from the ex's family because of biases, or did that take a head injury to figure out? Did I explain my problems with my biological parents to anyone, at any point in time? If so, then why would they be asked for any advice as to how to speak with me? Did anyone ever think to ask a medical professional such as an actual doctor such as a Neurologist or did some people think reading a book or even a psychologist which would be laughable for such a set of situations for the lack of knowledge as well as lack of experiences and lack of insight as well as lack of understanding and wondering of what is considered as compassion to someone such as in comparison, would be better in comparison and if the reading of the book is an aspect referencing FSL; was there ever any point in the book which explained why or how I could not tell a lie and if so, then why would any other way than the truth be thought of to speak with me if was out of pure concern only?
I am thankful, I pay attention to natural signs more than what meets the eyes.
Part 1 of 3 Parts link: