Part 1 of 3 Parts...
This is a partial aspect from my account of being raised as I was and seeing as I have seen, which I was raised being taught the Cantonese history which my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had the backdated history as to the 16+ generations of lineage through their individual births backwards and the connections via such family tree lineages to the mainland of China. I was shown many images and videos of which the general population did not know was in existence because of certain specific intricacies of such times in the 1980s and 1990s, though I did as best as I possibly could to correctly get the required information to the correct individuals as best as I could. I knew of such history as a child though few believed me especially not looking nearly as the more common look as per my biological sister of the Chinese heritage being Asian, though individuals who are Asian and have been around multiple Asians know of what to specifically look for regarding such a physical appearance naturally for the hidden in plain sight thereof. My Bok Gung and my Bok Pu held much sympathy and compassion for the individuals falling for the communist party of what is known as the larger aspect CCP, however earning such a way was a part of how to continue moving forward in a positive direction for the United States of America and the world. I give metaphors, correlations, and connection points from my personal experiences and/or knowledge to bestow such aspects to be able to see the various aspects for the ability to make sense of such as best as possible for more. The long history of the way such aspects regarding Chinese portions are not as well known to certain types of Americans, though has been a mystery to which few have ever been allowed such information to the fullest portions of the back history in regards of. I was raised by such individuals who were first on the soil of the United States of America to escape the regime of the communist party of China, as some clarifying portions are important for more than one or two sides of such a larger equation.
I am thankful I went back to the east coast this past March 2021 and though I am going to take care of the portions regarding the trip itself into April 2021 for where and how I went to see as I saw in the various areas of the continental United States of America, there has been several reasons for certain portions of which the clarifications are greatly needed for a larger portion thereof. I had first spoken of having a Bok Gung and a Bok Pu when I was in Asher Holmes Elementary School which had classes for Mandarin-American Chinese, which the Mandarin Chinese over in the lands of China and Asian continents were unknowingly still under the impression they had the only copies of Mao Zedong's master plans for the conquering of the entire world through illegal manipulations that they could find loopholes for wrongly though using the Jewish people's lawyers and scholars to give a deeper insight to the specific meanings of certain wording differences as the Hebrews around the Eurasian and Russian continent had a large land mass area of which scrolls with writings and sculptures were throughout the lands which some had been brought from other areas of the world for the aspects regarding the hidden silk road.
What would the hidden silk road be, you may ponder?
The hidden silk road compared to the Golden Silk Road was exactly in the wording of anything and everything which is hidden, or unknown to the general masses. The Golden Silk Road was able to give those involved the ability to travel to see what people's particulars were for various more well known aspects, to the additional portions of the unknown or what could be looked down upon depending where the travels had gone to. What the Chinese had not known was the Jews were already prepared for the Messiah because they were the only people who refused to believe Jesus Christ was the son of God, as only the Messiah is the one true God (-head). The Jewish/Hebrews believed for multiple generations as to the importance of the Messianic Times and without the specific types of ways which the Jewish people were seeing along with the Chinese, had been both the Golden Silk Road as well as the hidden silk road. While the Chinese had not believed there would be a way for the Jewish people to ever know of such a type of way for the findings to prove such an existence in the real world once certain portions of life began in the more modern era as such times when the Holy Bible was put together with the Torah scriptures through the Holy Roman Catholic Church brokering the deal essentially for the way to keep the Jewish people involved while also knowing the scriptures, of which the clarity for more would be unveiled and revealed in a way which would travel across the lands and the seas to reach each and every person in ways which none had words for at such a time. Some were more consistent in their beliefs as others looked for answers in multiple places to be able to find something which would assist to have the world make sense, to know why various portions in life had occurred and the reasons or causes or purposes as to the why.
During the uprising of Mao Zedong in China during the 1930s as the World War I had ended and yet the Russians were starting to deal with a similar style of Dictatorship with those who believed in certain principles and yet the means to justify such principles were expressed through measures of which war is known for, yet the training which the Chinese had done were hidden more than the Russians at the time because of the lack of cover for being seen as the works towards sending space orbiting devices to try to find a way to launch to see the earth from above was also in flight to get the space travel rush going while ignoring the needs of the planet upon to think to move forward into other areas of the Milky Way Galaxy to see more than what was already on the earth for such. I suppose one can make a joke referring to Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr wishing to be more like a dictator as per the choices made during such aspects of the 151 Road Warrior situation referencing the San Antonio Fiesta in San Antonio Texas one year to encircle the Military City USA with MadMax movie style vehicles and dress, to arrive as a surprise to one of the actors for the movie who was speaking or presenting at the Alamo Drafthouse in San Antonio on 410 and 151 area. However the flying into space a bit of a pun, is intended.
Whereas when looking towards the Calvinists and Lutherans to the Protestants and the Revival Evangelists movement in the timeframe as well as Mormonism with the Jehovah's Witnesses and The Scientologists with the Church of Satan and the Seventh Day Adventists also beginning the phases additionally to move forward with other aspects as Hollywood began working more because of the newspaper media situations, which all portions had to do with what was seen and noticed upon the Golden Silk Road as well as the hidden silk road while bringing forward the local and state information as well as World War I had many more countries involved than prior wars because it can be seen in the name as well as within the factual portions thereof. Where certain hidden groups which accepted certain aspects not necessarily nefarious though more confidential than the portions regarding the unknowns of war, unknowns of space, unknowns of the depths of the waters of the oceans, and more; others sought to utilize such for a propaganda set of measures to try to make a different picture than what was originally painted, by the original aspects of because of the mixture of the languages coming together over the times quicker and faster with more capabilities. Books became more common place as did the newspaper and then television and movies became a more well known aspect without the portions of the behind the scenes for, while those who were in the know of what the meaning of behind every good man is a great woman; or as I usually would say, happy wife equals a happy life. That did not in my personal reference to mean in a gender biological role specifically as I understand from the knowledge that each person has their feminine and masculine qualities, however which is which depends upon the particulars as to the relationship agreed to by consenting adults above the age of biologically 18 years old as a minimum though preferred as to 21 years old as a minimum because of the developing brain activities within such ages and the amount of medications which have been introduced to the physical body has not been able to fully process such types of chemical changes of which to the portions for the development of children into teenagers and young adults means the requirement for the extra time to ensure the knowledge before the understanding can begin as the younger individuals are means the more information they seek. When seeking such information the guidelines to ensure the stopping of pedeophelia playgrounds which includes how some found about Disney in both Florida and California, the online aspects as to the perpetuated pedeophilia playgrounds online was not thought about and was not programmed into Artificial Intelligence prior to the creation of the internet as per the hidden silk road as to catch such predators though with many cultures not having certain regulations to the standards of which others have had and known to be more important and valuable for longer and longest terms of, the Jewish knowledge and understanding as to how such was going to be had been known more than the Chinese as per the styles of learning.
While the Jewish people saw more atrocities as to such as per the aspects of such socialistic portions throughout becoming more prevalent due to the constant owing of debts to the work completed in comparison to constantly working, the aspects of the built in portions became more prevalent to those who were raised in a particular manner as per which the Jewish people had seen coming in the more revised versions as some could see through specific parables as to the acceptance from the Divine as to the gender fluidity aspects even seen within the Asian cultures more specifically as per the way such drawings and paintings were completed. The inability to specify a gender was largely done due to the sights seen as per many have noticed over the times, which in turn the Jewish people explained while the Chinese working more closely with Mao Zedong had caused and uprising as per the portions of the situations involved. As the Europe centralized countries and nations were accepting of the differences as per such rules and laws comparatively to other socialist or communist rules of the regulations as per the same meaning just different wording as many have learned over the years and decades, the different books laying out such situations to be more in line of a type of nature without such morals and ethics were quickly dwindling overseas ironically because of the wrongful oppression of the Jewish people in more ways than initially noticed by the times because of the cluster of events per individual linking in a way which was unseen at such times because of the communication levels being as they were; more work continued forward as per the plans laid out in different books though without other references to the genuine care of the people for any situation, as well as without any acceptance which they sought themselves because of whichever portions, because of what was seen in different ways though could not tell the reasons as to which portions or why. The outer portions were only able to see from the outside where the inner portions were able to see from the inside, and there were very few who were able to see from both sides; which when such times would bring forward the aspects of such through various types of metaphors, as the clarity was yet to be seen because of the quickness for many more than what was seen on the Golden Silk Road as the hidden silk road was kept a secret for awhile while leaving traces here and there for those who were in the know of such specifics to be able to later complete such informational aspects for more to be able to know the larger aspects and the required information thereof. There are those who are known for different types of underground aspects such as music styles, consenting adult aspects, underground types of artwork such as cave paintings and specific styles thereof, which each has such purposes for larger aspects as well as smaller aspects over the millenniums.
Who, could put such together?
When reading through the Torah as well as the New Testament of the Holy Bible, the Torah has written of the temporal which there is a portion of the medical field of science which discusses the temporal lobe of the brain. As technology enhancements have continued onward depending who and where you were throughout such times, the World War II began and the same exact people were being targeted. When looking through history which wars were begun over which portions thereof, when thinking about such. It usually had to do with the finances being owed or what credits were due for such works, and instead of simply taking what would have been the more common sense aspects thereof; the holding of grudges became more constant and more well documented as per the writing implements. Whereas many Jewish people were able to find a relationship aspect when traveling throughout the European countries, because the Asians were looked at differently than others; such treatments were not as well accepted because of the modesty comparatively for the cultures as per the types of travels, and yet such was sought for the homeopathy and ayurvedic compared to the modern medicine aspects thereof. Adding the relationships outside of business though sometimes intertwined, the tensions of such proved to be more difficult further because of how such skin tone complexions and the eye shapes with the type of hair were considered as by such European countries as difficult to look at because of the large amount of differences between such. It is known Asians especially have been involved with tattooing for longer than most thought they knew, which adding such marking which had not been seen or known of before were not looked in as much high regard additionally to such skin tones and hair types as Asians have. Mixing was forbidden in multiple areas because of the look such children could possibly be, to which the United States of America knows as to the Civil War as well as the Civil Rights movements which began in the 1960s more-so. Who was the groups which were able to make such cameras for the cheapest price while taking into consideration as to how the quantity was compared to the quality, for such areas? How many more in the Chinese culture were far more interested in the males being ready for war compared to the females, as the Jewish people had begun to prepare themselves for their ability to defend themselves as such problems per the radicalized islam from those areas which still read such older material as they were in the middle and untrusting of the Europeans and also the Chinese because of their differences in skin tones as well as eyes including the hair of needlessly though because of such rules for such as well were in the hidden silk road and some of such thought processes were agreed to by some as well as not by others depending which view points thereof. However the followers of Mao Zedong hated the Jewish people so much for being able to blend in more than they in each way where they sought such, the followers of went through upward to work with both the radicalized islamists as well as the Russians and other smaller islands.
When those who have been involved in specifics regarding what was told about me compared to the aspects as to what was seen online compared to what was seen in person compared to what was going on in each individual's life for each area within the state of Texas from beginning in San Antonio to the Dallas/Fort Worth areas to the Austin areas and outward before getting into the aspects as to the internet whether on CafeMom, Facebook, and/or fetlife; where can you see where I had actually been involved compared to what the perception was online compared to what you were going through compared to what you were told compared to what you knew was bigger though confused as to what, and which way did you see such going for what aspects thereof?
I was raised in New Jersey where in Asher Holmes Elementary School the gentrification of the Chinese Mandarin into the American Mandarin aspects were put in place because of the realities known, seen and verified by far more than just one individual source. My first time of seeing the school since I grew up in New Jersey brought back many memories from which I am still processing, however the aspects as to such a trip need to wait as patience is of importance whereas because of technology such races can no longer be done in the same ways as before to the health and safety as well as the morals and ethics required because it is not only in reference to such on earth though below and above. There are those who know of such differences more-so now compared to the portions referencing before in regards of alien or extra terrestrials, however the requirement for a proper and balanced way to approach such is of importance because of the different portions needed for the proper etiquette in comparison to how situations have gone over the years. The Big Blue Book or the Blue Book Project is a small portion of a much larger whole, as each news paper article has much more information than just what you are reading from one particular source. With people living much longer now than before, the requirement for such information to be properly accessed in such appropriate timing is of importance for such aspects as well as children are being given books through technology more quickly. Personally, I chose to go through Amazon KDP for such because of making sure what I was writing was in the correct and proper age in comparison to simply downloading all of the information at once as per such types of requirements. While I knew some of certain books I had compiled was acceptable for an overall look into life regarding FSL, it was to truthfully inform that such is a reality in a more positive way while acknowledging such truths as well without hiding such and hoping to lead more out of the hidden into the golden light of the life to figure out themselves as well as others for a more positive and better way as there are plenty of people who have multiple experiences to which even if you live in a household with children the adult consenting aspects can be more easily explained as per the adults to such children and teenagers instead of trying to hide or be ashamed as to the realities of what is more natural for some depending upon levels of consent and what to. In reference to FSL only, because of such respect to such known different areas because of not knowing of all such regulations; at minimum being respectfully aware enough of, to be able to give such information without hiding certain aspects in acceptances of for more clearer understanding instead of just a little snippet of one section or another.
Thus, if the FSL aspects were discussed with the guardians of such children and teenagers needed discussions further, the pages to open to discuss such portions would be easier for a parental figure to explain and/or an adult trusted for the verified background checks to keep such safe in comparison to only going off of one portion or another. While choosing to inform of such book titles I wrote in the Bibliography for the back as to when such adults chose was the correct time for such children or teenagers to view such books or materials, the ability for the knowledge more clearly for the ability to see for themselves as to which paths were ideal for such knowledge portions. I knew the CCBS was more of a common aspect of books in a poetic style for modern aspects of different types of transportation though also knowing Volume Two of PoTL could be more acceptable for some aspects to discuss only such portions, while giving the children/teenagers the knowledge of the other two books being more able to look towards of consenting aspects only; compared to the first and third books of such a series, while acknowledging in the FSL series as to why such aspects might be hated of me by specifically the LGBTQP community for specifically the gay male aspects or bi or homo-curious or homo-flexible or pansexual aspects of, because of knowing the community knows better as to such aspects and the willingness to explain such was always supposed to be for them to explain such in their own ways and in their own terms. Why could I or why would I as a female ever take such aspects from such males, who had been hidden the most and yet most enjoyed in various ways? While I am a pansexual, I am not a male. I could not allow myself to write in such a way which I know I can without giving the time for such males to proudly explain and yet give ways for those who had not understood or known more of, despite having been a beard and growing up where I had grown up going to. I knew they would hate me the most because I would not acknowledge such, for how could I? I cannot describe the sensations of officially in a way, while I can wear a strap on. That is quite different and though I can describe the sensations of such aspects of consenting adult for non-strap-on aspects regarding penetration, the portions of such is more than only the aspects thereof for such adult consenting pleasures. I knew some would hate the fact of needing to actually sit down to process such, and yet Elton John could only describe himself as himself in reference to such back and forth situations in a shortened time though enough to be able to give a larger view into what only some were able to know for one example; while such referencing RuPaul and the aspects as to how such Drag Queens were not able to have such a name prior to though actresses of plays in millenniums and centuries past, were the equivalent of such a name though an unknown name as females were not usually looked for such parts until later in the times and the females who were could only play the children for such roles just as the males. However only at such times the males were allowed onward as the females were left to become as they were while dealing with the underground silk road wrongly, just as some of the males were dealing with the underground silk road wrongly. Few wanted to acknowledge such due to the way such masculinity had been viewed, and certain females took advantage of such with some males accepting of such while informing either which way; without specific moral or ethic provisions, as to which ways such could go. How could I bring forward such in reference to the male perspectives for the LGBTQP as well as the gender of males specifically for them, when that was their person aspects for them to speak of? Females have been quick to ruin someone's reputation just as male's have been quick to do the same, yet few have taken a step back to see a different perspective and the reasons thereof. While Fail-Safe in some ways I could kind of see in a way as an all ages depending on what type of information is allowed, though also being able to give such different examples in a modernized way despite having a few other portions for such aspects of that particular series. The realities of which the couple who have polyamourous arrangements depending upon such types, also is for such individuals to be able to express what such is to them and theirs compared to what the perception might be thereof.
Thus with the technological aspects with the legal aspects, the intellectual races began. What would be the portions of such technological races and the information to which such would be demanded in certain countries compared to which other countries, and the regulations thereof for reporting each step of the progress to each country as per legal requirements such as unknown aspects to if you are allowed to have a Green Card or a Visa or a Work Permit to be in the United States of America? While the Jewish people continued working for the quality in comparison to quantity as seen with the Jewish State of Israel, the Chinese regarding the Communist Party of China or the CCP had only seen the quantity in comparison to the quality of the fuller portions. Certain other locations had such situations and where some learned more quickly, others continued with the socialist agendas of such times without taking into consideration the ecology or the environmental effects as to such quantity in comparison to quality; which for larger projects, quality is always and has always been more important the quantity. If your quantity of is large and yet the amount of failures is also large, the need for quality becomes more evident in larger ways until the portions of finding the Messianic Times coming forward in such times through the installation of some specific requirements in the United States of America because in which other country other than the United States of America with the Constitutional Rights could such ever become an availability as throughout the world such prophetic portions had been written and carved and painted into stones in conjunction with the specific locations thereof. In comparison to then some were thought to be able to be replaced while other pieces once they were gone such was gone, which the portions of which certain times had not the knowledge as to how much such would cost for the availability to begin anew for the world.
As remembering certain lessons from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had many scrolls and texts as well as specific types of furniture which the furniture had removable pieces and hidden section which were similar to a puzzle box which to remove the scrolls to read meant such had to be properly completed, otherwise if opened the incorrect way such a situation could be as could be depending upon the scrolls. My maternal adoptive Grandpa who had worked to assist getting my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu to Ellis Island to work together with an organization or agency which my Grandpa had bins of documentations the way I once had referencing paperwork and typed information from whichever groups of such he assisted in writing up manuals to assist in specific ways, which the scrolls and the scriptures were as such were for other portions regarding other information such as the irony of the orange coverings for whiteout tape for a specific type of typewriter in comparison to the written paperwork in comparison to the ribbons themselves from the typewriter ink lines similar to a cassette tape though inverted I suppose for camera/movie/music/communication line/technology enthusiasts type of knowledge of for physical look though the verbage is a different aspect to which such sorts were specifically put into the trashcan after a few situations began when I was above the Mason-Dixon Line in Vancouver Washington as per the visions of a male sitting in the CRV looking upward though not knowing until much later as to the possibility of the seeing not the son in the driver's seat though the father and husband thereof as I would not know whose car that was beyond who I saw driving the car and because of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in addition to the new location as well as the problems I have with technology after waking up from my coma in conjunction to my memory issues and the medications which were being worked on as well as the situations regarding my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia the unknown as to why I would see such a vision because of the combined aspects fully would be extremely difficult at the time for me to recognize as I was not in an area I could remember and I could not see my tattoos because of how cold it was to be outside to smoke a cigarette. As the situation regarding the after portions from my SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS Vandenberg as well as Irving in 2011 which I had not spoken of in larger amounts of details in fear of how I would be perceived even further than what was occurring, the time it took me to get accustomed to such aspects in another area with such high electric frequencies of zapping after such with the altitude changes were additional portions to the physical pains from such as well as more because of the types of visions which were extremely different than what I had ever experienced before. My Bok Gung and my Bok Pu knew of such more-so than others, and my Grandpa knew very well as to such per such trust between the three as per the ways to work together to end such problems because of the larger impacts of in known and in unknown ways.
As I contacted Governor Greg Abbott's office back when he was an Attorney General based in the Dallas Texas in 2011 area during the timeframe of the McCoy Elementary School, Fort Worth Zoo, Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District situations regarding the Pledge of Allegiance during the meeting with the Pledge to Texas decided by whomever at the school district of CFBISD in 2010, the wellness for mental health situations for my daughter #Letters4Lidia, the best possible aspects I could while helping my son #Letters4James, after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects, the religious targeting of someone such as myself for the religious tattoos I have wrongly and immorally attacking my spirituality of Ecclectic Nature, disrespect of my political beliefs because of how I physically look; which the ironic aspect as to how Governor Gregg Abbott is in a wheelchair and a politician which in such aspects despite certain portions of how aspects had gone in regards of such situations, plenty were willing to be seen with me during such times as I was willing to be seen with others without any form of payment the way such goes referencing to political donation dinners as I had made requests regarding multiple assistances for what my daughter needed help regarding, however since my biological sister refused to acknowledge me not only referencing the wedding aspects though also in reference to online through Facebook, and in person as several people from Austin BDSM/LGBTQP/Pagan/Swinger communities had asked her while she was at school getting her Masters degree to see if I was going to be at the graduation which I was again wrongly denied the ability to show my son and my daughter anything my biological sister their biological aunt Patricia Ann (abomination) (Hom)(-Miller). There was a phone call I dealt with about such which you can make a Biblical reference to Able, to her as well as our biological mother referencing me regarding the agreeing to such for the political view points regarding such as well as at Lackland Air Force Base in 2005 instead of simply acknowledging me as well as my son and my daughter as my son and my daughter as choosing to tell others in Texas about such and the situations going on regarding the pictures which my biological parents had photoshopped and/or took from my camera and/or my laptop computers when Anna claimed she was updating my laptops pretty much shows the level of which their lies had caused such additional problems regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the lack of belief in me only being able to tell the truth. Boarding schools and nannies are a normal for such types of people, and such disgusting portions as to then Attorney General Greg Abbot being able to believe such lies because of simply looking into the additional backgrounds of the SCUBA Divers refusing to tell the truth about my SCUBA Dives to try to protect their business while not caring about what occurred to my son, my daughter, and I. Add the misconception of communications and the problems of other people being unable to tell the truth online while forgetting when they lie then other people are injured because of such consequences, and you are able to see one minute example of how such prophetic portions there are as such individuals as both the Jewish people as well as the Chinese/Asians as well as the NSA and other governmental organizations would have begun such additional research on their own due to the Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and/or the SCUBA Diving alone and because of such a combination.
President of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln said in a speech seen at Old Fort Sam Houston Quadrangle upon the entrance:
"When the widow (albeit legal widow as there was not a spiritual marriage to my now dead-ex-husband) and the orphan are forgotten..."
James 1:27. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Now here I was, standing in front of an orphan, and a widow, seeing their grief spread raw before my very eyes.
Whether that has to do with the name of the photographer who took the pictures or the JCPenny employees who would have known my pictures from when I had taken my children and other people into whichever JCPenny Portrait Studio which the company refused to give me my pictures only because of not having the number correctly in comparison to the name with the email address and the phone number claiming they could not find such information while I knew those employees lied to me as I know how such coding works, which why would anyone go to a company who refused such when as many pictures as I purchased and paid for that I arranged for such to ever use or take without my express permission with such explanations instead of assumptions go? I had explained to each employee of JCPenny as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury thus the required actual definition and explanations would have been legally required, as per disability protection laws. That goes for each aspect to which such actual rules were not explained to the parents of children underage as well for such, and the fact your employees literally have access to the information and the pictures of people; how is it those identification cards became such a large problem for multiple organizations, with as many uncleared people taking pictures after being an employee and learning from such to use in the private sector because of the lack of culpability for the responsibility of the JCPenny Portrait Studio taking care of those who had gone into the studio for such types of people to be sent out as fake paparazzi needlessly and yet especially in Military City USA; while then later denying the right to the images paid for including the membership as well, though what does it matter for someone such as myself who is not the only person who would have such situations such as those who had been in the Center for the Intrepid? Why would it matter to do the correct aspect when I called as well as went into the store location recently for what I needed as well as what I had paid for and was willing to pay for my pictures which I knew would have been at $12.00 a sheet? Know, I did read the paperwork and such garuntee was supposed to be for such information as I verified with each employee in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 for each portrait I had gone in with my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia was a guarantee as the paperwork which showed it was $12.00 or $12.99 for each picture ordered after the first pictures taken for each session. However the reality of such for a type of situation as mine which is like some others, your company seemed to careless and yet I was able to provide the proof which your phone call employee was surprised by the responses on the phone which disgusts me that I knew each employee had found my pictures and refused to tell the truth because of knowing the actual price which was supposed to be for each image and yet only because you chose to think I would pick only a few here and there your photography company choosing to change such policies without informing of such or changing your procedures without ever informing is considered as it is and makes perfect sense as to why selfies have become more of an option in comparison. However what does it matter? Can you even see or do you even care or ever had to actually see such pain, and what preference is such for that?
The wrongful denial to the one who scheduled the sessions each time, the one who wanted to get the pictures done each time and was why I chose to make the sessions and no one else nor for anyone else except my children and I in comparison to who I allowed to have a picture, though such is the portion thereof regarding the physical pictures of who I chose to allow to have a physical picture in comparison to what photoshopping garbage capabilities for false advertising of other people's families who are so disfunctional that the cannot get the nerve to actually physically stand next to and with such people they cannot stand to be around in person and in truth. How disgraceful to look more towards such, in comparison to what was actually needed. However I am just one person with one family that I once had, and through such aspects what would ever matter to anyone such as who has not had to deal with the levels of what I have? The stalking and harassing your company had to know about because of your own procedures of verification as well as the technology usage, how much does it matter that such levels were gone to for the actual people who went to your locations? I do not care if a female cannot have children, that is why that female can be a better teacher in comparison to being insane enough to think someone else's family is anything to them other than someone else's family? How disgusting, and how disgraceful, as well as how atrocious of a claim of having humanity with such choices. What is it like to have done so, and are you truthfully that happy with yourself to do such to innocence? The Amish had it correct though because of other people's refusals with such technology, when you entered their villages and pillaged through was when you cared nothing for those who have religious beliefs as to why their children were supposed to remain protected. Due to your type of people going to be purposefully disrespectful to such individuals and more going towards the Mennonites and such, had been how such problems went forward for your communities. Howard the bus driver explained to everyone on each bus ride to each of the tours he gave to be respectful of such, though instead of paying attention as to why you should respect such; people such as those who would do such could not care as well as all of those millennials who refused to simply be okay enough to simply go to the reenactment locations and leave the originals alone unless you were going to correctly and properly approach with such regards of their particular concerns for themselves and their families.
The original Mennonites only looked at the electricity for their farms and nothing more though such types of people could not keep their grubby hands to themselves and I am glad I spoke with each Amish as I was able to as best as I could to warn them about your types of people going towards their communities as I explained to them as well as multiple others, I am able to respect your views and your privacy for such however I cannot say the same for each who goes through the area. I told them I know that is going to be a problem for you and yours and you need to begin to protect you and yours from such types of people because their refusal to give boundaries when absolutely needed such as living in a house instead of an apartment with the amount of space which was perfectly needed for my own levels of energy to process with the privacy I personally needed for myself as well as my son and my daughter, such arrogances even for such views were refused by the exact same type of people I told to be wary of and I was able to only do so much to protect as best as I could; though what difference did that make, in the slightest? The portions of such having been wrongfully denied to my son, my daughter, and I as needed and as especially now required. After the knowledge of Club Sapphire refusing to put a sign on the wall outside of the club in comparison to the moveable signs and moveable laminated papers in comparison to the required permanent postings of such for those who would walk by the entrance of the front door, walk through the front door into the lobby, walk around the lobby area, walk into the kitchen behind the bar area, walk into the back room kitchen in the back area of the club with the refrigerator and oven with microwaves areas with lockers; by Washington state law you had to put a sign on the wall for each one of the doors for such locations, especially as many people who volunteered and knew nothing about such as well as anyone who when an emergency erupted should have been able to be informed of because of the running into a room to discuss a problem which occurred between different individuals and groups of people.
The known aspects as to the cameras in the television screens because of the types of technology for the gaming systems automatically in place, additionally meant by law you had to as well as who you hired as DJs for the club because of their need to use a laptop for the music portions which is not their fault by technicalities; unless their backward facing cameras were recording the crowds if done on purpose, though if unknown because of the infiltration to the club by those of the casino next door as was known and complained about as well as who allowed the Ruby Room door to be open during GB night and the complaints I had gotten because I made people go through the front door to prevent what I saw easily occurring needlessly; I am uncertain if you know the legalities of such types, though you should have posted such signage as well as not have had the picture of you laying with your daughter showing your breasts in the nude in front of everyone who went inside of the club despite the tops of your faces being cutout of the picture image and the color shading in the black and white as if you could wish to forget. However you felt such because during each tour you were forced to look at such when going to the front lobby area after each tour and in guilt, you began having the video recorded tours for others to walk around and see your picture on the wall after the flooring changes. Hypothetically of course, as such sorts of situations for your daughter and her child are a situation I guesstimate you had not thought of especially with the boyfriend or baby daddy because of his lack of integrity allowing himself to be a part of such a choice. Why were teenagers allowed to be a part of designing the colors for that club, by the way? If I am accurate, of course. With such a choice regarding the JCPenny Portraits, what is you excuse for allowing the way GeekSquad and BestBuy had to legally go through when your company had not been audited for such situations with LifeTouch and other subsidary companies to do such levels of without the proper information to each correctly? If you are going to help law enforcement, keeping your nose clean probably is important as those skeletons in the closet can come out and show such back history of biases for a truthful judgement if I am correct. Which if so, then why was the lying referencing the pictures I was going to purchase the physical copies of for each session I had personally scheduled on my own by myself? Apparently it is true, there are those who seem to have an allergic reaction to money. What was the normal number of pictures per session for my son, my daughter, and/or I whether there were other people in the pictures or not? Over 30-50 pictures, correct? Even if I had to do it in increments at minimum, I would have for myself. However then if your company had ever done photoshopping for other people illegally using another person's pictures, that would be a massively huge coverup now would it not? I wonder, did anyone go to college and learn about Mao Zedong and see that you were following such aspects of such plans for the trying to own what was not to be owned by the Chinese Communist Party as they thought if they had the pictures as per the Amish that meant they had something they were not ever allowed to have. They made the choice to sellout to that situation that the Mao and others of the formation of refused to know that their policies were going to destroy instead of help, because not everyone in Mao Zedong's party was as he was, though they thought the views were more important because of their own biases; compared to actually finding genuine responsible repairs to such situations, as that would mean acknowledging your own failures despite the facts not being able to look at such images and knowing who was not ever there and who was not invited which in turn who was fully denied and would always sit as a reminder as to who you denied and who refused you in the end each time.
Who was the one you wished you could have repaired such a relationship with and yet you failed to ever do so because such a type of actual repair requires open honesty for the trust to be built for a foundation of genuinity, which some people simply refused to acknowledge to learn from when seeking such and actually having such though because of such types of people surrounding the inability for such because of those types of aspects. Thus while having the nerve to deny wrongfully to me what is mine, you wrongfully distributed illegal and nonagreed to pictures of illegal formatting with illegal use of photoshop for people who were deep in their spy-chosis that they were unable to acknowledge their own shortcomings to what they could not have for their own real pictures because of their choices for such and the refusal for such with such people by my choices. I refused just as my biological mother, biological father, biological sister, and ex-in-laws refused to stand with me standing with my children and I; I refused each of them the ability to ever have such ever for themselves in truth for each, unless when out and willing to be in the light compared to being only a posed and forced situation. Just as they could have asked, I refused because I was not willing to ever give away such rights to be able to stand with my son and my daughter and I together by my personal choice knowing such individuals existed in the areas. Thus at minimum, I did my part for the most truthful pictures I was a part of each and every time whether with and/or without my son and/or my daughter physically standing in the pictures with me and I with them. Just as the tours went in Club Sapphire, so too are such for each of those types of photoshopped pictures for such types of people for their own shame for what they did as they had unknowingly though knowingly could care little about the damages done to anyone else beyond what their souls were going to deal with for such choices as what the Chinese Mandarins did not know was they could not capture souls without the one who could actually do so being willing and the willingness could only be through one person and through one way; which in turn in any way other than in truth and genuinity in genuine care with concern, the Communist Party of China through Mao Zedong's push and philosophy removed all of their abilities for generations to be able to ever have such for their own people which as those who used technology more such people were unable to see such in their own lives in their own ways yet again as penance for what was done to the Jewish people for what Mao Zedoong and his had known was going to occur when the world was informed as to such practices by those who were unwilling to see the propaganda before their eyes in college campuses as then working backwards such as the Torah principles of reading and another slight against the Jewish people as per the reading even though the Chinese sometime read the same way as do other countries and then an additional ironic twist and slight backwards yet again.
Such choices in which for one point in time my son had seen me cry in front of him after years of holding such in while doing the best I could for making sure to have taken care of as much as possible as best as possible, which who for such as well as Grandpa Nichols to ensure what he knew had needed to be taken care of properly was taken care of properly. My son had been informed of his sister in the system as I explained and as he saw easily as many others may have seen as well in reference to whether regarding the San Antonio Family Court system as my daughter would have had to speak with him as well in comparison even though I had gone by the Nix Unit the same day as the Sarah Goodwin Child Protective Services officer and the Lawyer Andrea Cortez had listened and asked questions in front of the Judge who I had contacted via the fax machine as well as email because of the responses due to the court appointed disgraceful lawyer Richard Gross or something of the sort regarding his viewpoints as to how he thought his opinion was anything in comparison to what actually had been done in every financial and responsible way, however such biases which could have been avoided if such arrogances in the individuals dealt with throughout the state of Texas whether the portions of the various situations or others were as such being busy in their own lives to simply notice what Ronald Reagan warned of and the mile marker in the area on I35 of 172 being to go towards Fort Hood in which President Ronald Reagan Road is a way towards. I knew there would be a day which my son James Michael would be able to speak with his sister hopefully on the phone and visa versa though I did not know if such was going to be through the court cases seeing what I was not allowed to see in the court case because of the fact witnesses cannot speak with one another on the day of the trial, which no one had informed me when I had gone by the unit to be able to see my daughter as I was promised. I showed the email and because the social worker was not with me the Nix Unit said they would not allow me to see my daughter though took the purple and black luggage bag which I had brought with her toys and a picture album of us as a family, which also included pictures of her in different times as I knew I would continue to keep her in mind as well as do what I could for both her and her brother as well as others as best as I could.
I needed to do more for myself as well, though I could only do so much. Such reports as seen in the following link you are able to go through the documentation and more for being able to see a fuller picture as to what occurred just before:

It hurt my heart to have to force myself to smile to be able to have one last picture with both of my children together as after the prior time for my daughter after the Laurel hospitalization in San Antonio, I had been informed by the insurance company as to what the status of my daughter's care through the healthcare system was at and I needed to make sure both of my children to know I had not hidden anything from them ever; though I had always done the best I could to ensure the best and most positive outcomes for much more than was ever realized at such times for either one as well as myself.
I had not ever stopped caring or thinking or hoping for the best for my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as even though I could not speak about such aspects easily after the court case and fuller aspects, there is not a difference between such aspects for example SCUBA Diving as well as JBSA for 2 major portions however chosen to look at such as even with the filter for the black and white colors the inability to be able to hide such was quite simple to see through my eyes from the overall aspects. Whereas most are accustomed to seeing the pain from the eyes of children, possibly it might have struck a bit of a different chord when taking a look at such through my eyes as their Mom.
My choice for the pictures I made for this to be taken for a picture for the colors of the clothing, the designs of the shirts, as well as the arrangement of the pictures which I had suggested because of knowing what clothing fabric choices I had chosen for the pictures as well as the specific jewelry to show who I had been speaking of each time despite some others' ignorance for other portions regarding. A Natural Blue Sapphire with crystal clear diamonds set in white gold with a delicate white gold chain which could be joked as to being Faery-sized, all stones being of a AA or AAA and VS1 or better quality would translate to what wearing in such a location compared to a piece of recycled glass for a pendant on a specifically tied type of string cord? I admit you cannot see my tattoos from my arms, by my choice though my hands can still be seen and the same for such hand tattoos. Having the ability for such genuinity while being in the open, showed how such can be interpreted in various ways as per the realities you did not pay attention to the two children who were involved and being protected the entire time as you chose how you chose going as had been done when choosing to go after me. However the pictures of my updated tattoos in one of my arms would not have been showing with the exception of the poster girl flyer for the Temple of Flesh Exotic Easter in 2011, which the photographer had photoshopped the tattoos out from the entire image almost as though there was an individual and/or set of individuals or groups which were gunning for or after me for different reasons or causes in reality.
I did the best I possibly could and yet even upon returning back to the state of Texas in 2019 only a few remembered and again, the denial of such an existence even from those who once were known whether in person when in Washington state as to whether or not they truly knew me and said such by name or whether or not when back in the state of Texas such as contacting now the Governor in the State of Texas Greg Abbot; which I repeatedly contacted his office and if that male had been at the Club Sapphire in Washington state and the tattoo touching had been recorded via pictures and/or videos, I hope that is released immediately for the internet public view as to how such occurred. If my biological parents and biological sister had not fallen for the traps of the political party in Texas I had warned them of, though their disgust as to such referring to me would repeatedly already have been shown via online and cellphone records which are not ever deleted and continue onwards always. Legacies in the short term as well as the long term as well as the longest terms are important to take into consideration with such modern technology in so many places, such as in Washington state especially just as along with the east coast; whether currently, or beginning more during the 1970s to move forward into the times for such a portion referring to the realities of. However wearing sleeves covering my tattoos on my arms for the theme picture taken compared to, the portions of which the disgrace of changing records and falsifying documentation of any type does not help anyone ever as per blood types and what is necessary for the actual health and wellness when taking additional portions into consideration.
When my now dead-ex-husband was working in the #UTSCHSA lab of Dr. Sun from China which I wrote about, when my now dead-ex-hubsand died I told Dr. Sun in an email when I got to it as to the work my now dead-ex-husband had done if only was his work I would then give such to Eric Verona to be able to give to the lab. However such people as from China in the Mandarin aspects who did not learn from the Constitutional Rights which were gifts when you were able to be allowed to complete any work within the United States of America despite the portions of such aspects regarding the works of Mao Zedong, the knowledge of such intellectual property rights being sent over to China for such works before ever reporting to the United States of America. I came up with the idea for the T-G-nome research as well as I made the medium using what focused energetic portions as to such healing frequencies, which Dr. Sun both the male and the female were well aware of despite my now dead-exhusband not wanting to put my credits for such; so too had Dr. Sun and Dr. Sun ignored such portions as per finding out I am half Chinese of which I am 2nd generation Chinese and was raised Cantonese instead of Mandarin. The whole Christmas Party which I was asked multiple questions by the fully Asian group of people except my now dead-ex-husband, Eric Verona, and I were the only people who were not from China and were born in America with the exception of the children in attendance. Mao Zedong knew how the laws were moving in the Eurasian areas compared to also knowing how the laws were moving for the ways in the United States of America which in turn, finding a way which to prevent the countries from over stepping unless the one person who was capable to land at the bottom of the oceanic waters in the most Abyssmal location of the entire ocean with the strongest current pulls as well as the types of swirls only which the Atlantic area of the ocean and the Caribbean Sea can actually create within the Bermuda Triangle as well.
I did tell Dr. Sun about gardening as well as the situation referring to the portions about what I personally was involved with, which in turn because of knowing Dr. Sun was doing such intellectual property thefts as per the regulations regarding the Communist Party of China; I refused to give my personal work over to such an individual, knowing his loyalty was not to the United States of America and the loyalty from all such people from those labs as proven via the discussions throughout the evening had to do with the Chinese trying to infiltrate the military aspects as per questions about training to the wrong person ironically to ask about military training as they had not known as to the depth levels as to my personal background and thought nothing of me because I did not graduate Basic Training from Fort Sill Oklahoma however the family with Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom-Miller childhood friend Mindy Doong's family knew who I was as per interactions with my biological mother and biological father through other types of business. They did not know I was raised by my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu the way in the Cantonese aspects or if they had they would know better regarding Ancestral Spirits as to such sorts of aspects and how such disrespect regarding the Intellectual Property Rights of my books being released without my authority to download if such is actually the real documentations I compiled and/or the books I fully authored or what-have-you as an online trap instead of going through Amazon Kindle to pay the correct price for such as many who had chosen to download music others made instead of buying the CD; what types of computer viruses can be found when you choose to download something you did not have permission to when attempting to illegally do something, and how many law enforcement agencies have arranged a variety of honey traps for such sorts of aspects?
I doubt Amazon would not be wise to such as Jeff Bezos had already dealt with certain types of individuals just as Bill Gates had done so as well, however my legal firt and middle name which I had gone by well before any lifestyle aspects in person as well as online beginning in 2004 because of the first separation meant for the past 17 years I have been known by such plus the prior 17 years from the time of when joining the United States of America's Armed Forces to which only someone who was and is a proud American would take such pictures of the American Flag and only someone with the proper and correct training to accomplish such would be capable to handle such a set of tasks unlike other people such as the Chinese Mandarins who were believing the propaganda about Mao Zedong while having the nerve to enjoy the fruits of American's labors while cheating the system. After discussing gardening with such people from those labs in UTSCSA in the medical center near the VA facility hospital I also had told them of the facts regarding my assistance, which one of the Chinese born doctors who refused to call any of the females by their degrees and only called them Ms or Mrs and their last or first names because of their husband's associations had asked me what my college degree was in. After several other aspects back and forth which proved I knew what I was speaking about, I also sent over a large full set of bags of gardening magazines which proved other portions beyond having fully read various encyclopedias as well as gardening encyclopedias as well as multiple gardening books in my library which were able to fill more than 1 bookshelf of 5 bookshelves of books; that male Chinese born doctor had continued to harass me during the entire evening another time despite having the proof. The Christmas dinner in 2003 which was before the first separation though shortly before the Datsun truck collision in my backyard and the shed situation occurred, though that doctor was also angry Dr. Sun had said it was alright for me to also sit at the table. While I had thought the females were going to also bring their chairs over to the table to sit with as well, instead they whispered amongst themselves which you can think of the way in Beauty and the Beast the way such regarding my now dead-ex-husband and how the relationship had been regarding what was in reference regarding the physical looks of my biological sister.
I told the female Dr. Sun in the garden in the backyard not only of the gardening I could do though also of my healing capabilities, which would also bring for the portions regarding the light pink medium liquid used to work on the research for the work I came up with for the timing as well as the fruit flies first in comparison to the mice for the lab work as the specific types of mice per species was not acceptable for such types of work yet as such types of laziness and short cuttings were always a problem when it came to Mao Zedong especially when you think about how few females were allowed and only male children were allowed to see such shortcutting and half-a$$ing regarding the actual needs of the general population of the people of China which Tiananmen Square occurred because of the amount of college students which had enjoyed the fruits of the labors of the Untied States of America and told many about the Constitutional Rights. However the tank rolling over the one person and the way such types of wrongful manipulation of the media had caused the people of other countries to think one way as per such sorts of wrongful manipulations while not caring about the actual impacts and effects of, which I could easily see the slanted bitterness of such a type of Mandarins who would fall for such while enjoying the Constitutional Rights. By technicalities such Mandarins from China would be considered to have started the World War III when the Korean and Vietnam Wars were taking place as while Russia dealt with Afghanistan; what was China doing in all such regards also referencing in World War I, and World War II? How many leaders have dealt with extortion because of technology recording in unknown places trying to manipulate the choices made, compared to the realities of what was needed because of what could be done via the Cat's Eye movie aspects if choosing one way or another comparatively?
I chose to keep my research work as I chose to keep the work from my dissertation which I wrote, which if such an individual would be bitter because of knowing I had actually done so as well as my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu raising me as a Cantonese to slight that Holy Roman Catholic Church for the skinning of living Chinese people who had religiously gotten tattoos to test which people were able to still do such with out without such inkwork needlessly as per such energetic frequencies while slighting the Jewish people for standing by and doing nothing with the black ink tattoos during such times for a small reminder such as the backwards pictures being left at the SCUBA Diving shop for an ignorant and arrogant machismo sexist deplorable individual who would forget in the United States of America as well as many other locations slavery has been illegal and outlawed and is quite disgraceful. How unbecoming of a Chinese Mandarin Communist Party military officer to demand information on United States of America soil within the confounds of Military City USA while working so closely to the military hospital known as the Veterans Affairs office to use others to do their dirty work while trying to take advantage of the females of the United States of America to try to continue pushing forward such Mao Zedong policies because of the agenda to try to disprove anything and everything and yet having as many hypocritical stand points to demand loyalty while denying such loyalty to your own citizens who actually had followed such orders for that communist regime. I did not owe China nor did I owe Dr Sun of either gender nor did I owe that laboratory, though such intellectual property rights are excluded when in reference to online as per the posting of such information first in comparison to filing with the Library of Congress and/or trademarks and/or copyrights and/or intellectual property rights and/or invention ideas are per the person who originally came up with and their country of origin which obviously such would mean anyone who would ever break such agreements as to steal such information without the proper and correct payments to and for in any purpose of such as in reference to my Underwater Travel System pieces of paper which I drew up and posted on my fetlife and my facebook accounts after emailing such; would automatically disqualify any country which would have stolen such ideas as well as invalidate each company which would have stolen such ideas from me from ever gaining any eminent domain though, the United States of America would be able to only through me and my works ever be able to use such. By Geneva code of Convention as well as United Nations in conjunction with several other world organizations along with the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America such sorts of a choice referencing anyone who stole my SCUBA Diving gear and knowing I would take such to the Navy/Marine area or at minimum to the Fort Sam Houston area of #JBSA, a Chinese operative would easily be identified for such sorts of excuses as to feeling though was slighted to steal such equipment illegally as well as such constant needless attacks against who when they met me was still under the Temporary Retirement Duty Leave portions and was able to be activated at such times and remain active as required. Thus such if hypothetically stolen and leaked as well as stalked and harassed by such lab individuals including Eric Verona because of if having been contacted by such and/or prevented illegally from speaking, the SCUBA Diving gear as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces and trips were and are of my creations just as my Underwater Travel System drawings and ideas thereof. Thus, imminent domain would be able to be utilized for the Untied States of America's Armed Forces and law enforcement against such a laboratory and all such laboratories to go through all such information and documentation; though I heard there was a fire in the Houston Texas area which a large amount of paper was burned, though no aspects as to what the excuses were for such in such a large area with a Chinatown my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had assisted to be allowed within the United States of America through their works.
My Bokg Gung and my Bok Pu worked with my adopted Grandpa with others to make the American Mandarin for all such classes as per the gentrification processes to prevent such portions of the excuses regarding Mao Zedong or if you look at Mindy Doong's last name and the ways of different spellings for such last names as Lee or Leigh or etcetera; to try to hide and try to blend in, which what Patricia had done to Mindy is between such and visa versa. However the parents of Mindy Doong had now liked the fact I did not look as Asian as my biological sister or their daughter Mindy, which both failed to understand or ever know she was the designated decoy and I am the real one who was actually raised and trained in the Cantonese as well as the Chinese Mandarin to know what to actually pay attention to and look for to keep the Untied States of America's citizens safe from such sorts of people who had already for several thousands of years needlessly caused such problems through such communist and socialist agendas because of so many people thinking that quantity over quality was the correct way. How are you water ways in that area of the Asian parameters, compared to the requests from your country's side of the world? How is your air quality in China, compared to the United States of America? How many have you extorted for crimes you assisted to allow to occur as well as partook yourself of to try to Cat's Eye movie such sorts of behaviours from those you had wanted to swindle, because you refused to pay attention to the facts wrongly when presented to you? How many hypocrites to make fun of others' sexualities while binging upon streaming aspects of such portions, especially referring to sexuality and how the Chinese have vending machines with female's panties all because of Mao Zedoong not wanting to actually have to accept the fact he was gay if there were only males around; and look what he chose to do to the arranged marriage female which instead of simply accepting himself as himself, how many of a specific LGBTQP/BDSM/Swinger/Pagan/biological/SCUBA Diving/political/etcetera machismo aspects simply because of refusing to face the facts of reality to what is consented to between consenting adults choosing in comparison to being forced needlessly just to try to make an unwanted union of such types to continue onward? I could see SCUBA Divers getting mad at me for not choosing or wanting to be with a SCUBA Diver because of such arrogances thinking I should only be with who they choose, and yet forgetting the fact I am the one who landed where I landed and no one has the right to tell the oceanic waters what to do in any situation as you can ask the waters though what occurs depends upon your truest intentions. If you cannot be true within yourself to yourself as well as others about who you are, how could the oceanic waters accept the first and only individual to land a the bottom of the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle during the peak season of the hurricane aspects for the year of 2009 in Florida after SCUBA Diving over forming volcanoes a few days previously? Who would have the most to lose if such were found out if hypothetically an ex-Attorney General and/or Chief of staff made choices because of a friendship or association, in comparison to making the correct choice as per would have been required for a military aspect because of the portions regarding financial contributions and gifts to different games compared to actually earning something on ones own compared to purchasing? In such business arrangements illegally and in the worst interests of those who keep such areas safe within the United States of America's Armed Forces, only a company associated individual with other country connection would be able to pull such off because of financial contributions compared to doing what was actually in the best interest of everyone involved especially as easy as it was for so many to simply ignore the truth and take a payment instead of ever being able to get the knowledgew of such to begin to understand for such implementations of such types of works I alone created regarding my books' and such orders of my books compared to anyone who would think such to be lesser than simply because of how I physically look.
That has not been anything new for me well before my hairstyle and my tattoos growing up in New Jersey as a half Chinese and half mixture of multiple ethnic backgrounds including 5 Native American tribes, which the geneology as well as ancestry proves of such however in irony of short worded aspects take a look into certain portions in a different viewpoint regarding the LGBTQP views of for such a timeframe in comparison to a heterosexual of either gender though also in reference to other portions regarding older pictures regarding as to what I saw from certain Polaroids and/or film pictures and./or black and white type film movies and/or paintings regarding Mao Zadoong and look at what is used regarding a tool for certain aspects of certain types of pleasure for males or females depending upon preferences:
Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan (《湖南农民运动考察报告》); March 1927 : Susan MeeLing Notations: Breeders?
On Guerrilla Warfare (《游擊戰》); 1937 : Susan MeeLing Notations: How certain types of females behave?
On Practice (《實踐論》); 1937 : Susan MeeLing Notations: How certain types of males behave?
On Contradiction (《矛盾論》); 1937 : Susan MeeLing Notations : How certain religions and ethnics backgrounds behave?
On Protracted War (《論持久戰》); 1938 : Susan MeeLing Nichols Notations: How military/law enforcement/fire department/EMS in comparison to civilians behave and interact?
In Memory of Norman Bethune (《紀念白求恩》); 1939 : Susan MeeLing Notations: Who inspired which aspects?
On New Democracy (《新民主主義論》); 1940 : Susan MeeLing Notations: LGBTQP/BDSM/Swinger?
Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (《在延安文藝座談會上的講話》); 1942 : Susan MeeLing Notations: composions of books and my Medal of Honor Art Project more specifically?
Serve the People (《為人民服務》); 1944 : Susan MeeLing Notations : political and religious possibilities?
The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains (《愚公移山》); 1945 : Susan MeeLing Notations : SCUBA Diving?
On the Correct Handling of the Contradictions Among the People (《正確處理人民內部矛盾問題》); 1957 : Susan MeeLing Notations : The Ornery PSA and/or Irving-ish aspects and/or SCUBA Diving?
As a side not I wonder if the safer aspect as to SCUBA Diving for the general public should be reduced to those who have signed the dotted line themselves if going to do such in the civilian sector compared to learning through the United States of America's Armed Forces branches' divisions for such training for a larger aspect, if only wanting to remain at the surface areas above the 130 foot level from the surface area and those who want to or need to do more can learn through appropriate measures after having begun such a process and proving oneself of such a need for an aspect through progress as well as proof of such being a fruitful type of endeavor to ensure more for the betterment thereof. In my opinion the oceanic and fresh waters of the different areas throughout the United States of America and the world have learned the need for the healthy waters in comparison to what has been occurring with such individuals as per certain types of recreational SCUBA Divers as well as recreational SCUBA Diving Instructors which would wrongly teach their students of either almost teenager and above as per the Jr Seal and the Jr SCUBA Diver programs, which in turn would mean the requirement of the proper types of safety needed not only for such individuals working within such areas though also for when they surface from whatever works they may need to take care of for a safer return to the land after such descents and ascents. I admit I thought covering the aspects to my safe descents, my safe SCUBA Dives, and my safe ascents would be enough to which I learned the times on land in between or the actual surface intervals compared to the waiting periods between the two scheduled SCUBA Dives as per normal for such had been needing to take a look into as I knew I could not be the only one who had dealt with various portions and/or aspects. SCUBA Diving is not a joke as it is a specific type of experiences which require a heavy amount of training if you genuinely care about the health and positive progresses forward for the human race, as well as the earth and what is required for maintenance and sustenance.
I have given points of which I explained I was able to see scrolls, pictures, documentation, maps, blueprints, and more from various real situations from my own life which the proof has been out there for a long amount of time. I know there were some people in the lab with the last name of Doong as well as Dong and Long, which each would have some form of direct connection to such specific types of CCP beliefs though with the fact some are still using beards in way to be able to get into certain locations of which a couple would be mandatory for depending on the group setting thereof and purposes thereof; while some are willing to share, there are those who are not. Hypothetically if there were followers of Dr Sun of whichever gender as it was a wife and a husband combination, if they refused to accept I was not a Mandarin and I was not a Chinese Mandarin as they all knew I was raised Cantonese as well as my now dead-ex-husband had told Dr. Sun the male in his office as well as the other people in the area what I told him to say on Chinese New Years in 2003:
"Gung hay fat choy."
I have a Bok Gung, and a Bok Pu. To a Mandarin, that is a very different meaning for Happy Chinese New Years compared to a Cantonese or compared to a Mandarin who appreciates the Constitutional Rights only provided by and for and from the Untied States of America. I proved to those people my loyalties were to the Armed Forces of and for the Untied States of America repeatedly as can be seen in reference to a Chase Bank situation hypothetically, as well as a few other situations after someone dropped the Omega term in Austin Texas with as many Asians in the area, as my biological family had chosen to deny my son and my daughter and I as a family only meant the prophecy my Bok Pu warned my biological mother of if she chose to name my biological sister Patricia with any name other than the specific one she chose for her; the refusal and the denial of my biological sister ever being allowed such privileges as per what she once was accustomed to as though she might look Asian she was raised as an American Mandarin halfway as she did not go to Chinese School in Asher Holmes Elementary School nor was taught any Chinese words except what Anna was allowed to teach her to say as per what my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu taught her only. As it was known as can be seen in nail salons, the lab people only spoke Chinese Mandarin in the lab when others who were not of such specific languages would not be able to understand or know; however when at the Christmas party if there are those who remember, everyone only spoke English when I was around the lab or the lab people because they knew I could know and understand what they were discussing as they knew I was the only one. Such Mandarin behaviour choices to only choose what to do via Mandarin CCP type of works to steal the intellectual property not telling the students within the laboratory as I know Eric Verona cannot be the only person who is American born who worked in a Chinese born lab for research whose intellectual properties were stolen because of the mandatory registrations through the technological portions to the country of China as per prior aspects. Thus only those who were in the know knew, and those who only had certain aspects of partial portions had an idea-ish. However because of the internet portions regarding my idea and my drawings for The Underwater Travel System being posted through my email as well as my books, there was not any legal authority for any country to ever begin such without my permission especially anyone associated outside of the Untied States of America such as Dr Sun's associates and laboratory assistants which were using rats and mice in comparison to fruit flies for other work as Dr Sun had a brother who had cancer not from smoking though from the solar panels and electrical lines which were cheaply made and cheaply installed as quantity over quality was an aspect anyone born and raised in the Communist Party of China would know; or in the United States of America, you can review my ex-in-laws for certain portions as to such a view point regarding such in reference to how my daughter their dead-relative was treated when she needed real assistance in comparison to the payouts they had chosen and the short terms thereof compared to what I knew in the longer and longest terms were required for such without the help or assistance from a socialist type of school system who did not think it needed the money for the Special Needs Education only because of their biased hatred towards simply looking at me picking up my children after dropping them off for school at McCoy Elementary School and how the females noticed how the males would look at me when I walked by with my children when I walked my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia to school each day. If Dr Suns' brother died why would he or anyone in his lab ever care about the work I had actually done or ever ask me in comparison to what they expected from someone they knew was Chinese, though again they knew I was raised Cantonese.
What the Mandarins of Mao Zedong's time refused to understand or try to ever know was the amount of work it actually takes to earn one's way, which the Jewish people have known and have embedded within themselves because of the constant need to work towards self improvement because of the knowledge when the day arrive for the Messiah on earth; what labors and intensities were seen and known immediately through the most unconventional means and methods as well as life aspects, only one could ever be born into for such a rounded of the world viewpoints to explain to others while taking into consideration what was needed for the genuine safety in comparison to bleaching other's coral reefs or putting devices known to cause problems to the marine life in the oceanic waters; not realizing they would drive away their own food sources in the processes because of such arrogance to think a marine animal would ever swim towards dirty waters such as what is found along certain regions around that area of the world while those people demand others fix their problems for them in comparison while wrongly stealing such information while thinking they know better while refusing to acknowledge the help they actually needed all along wrongly. Maybe one day such arrogance can actually be overcome by such Mandarins as quite frankly, how many of you overseas have been enjoying the Constitutional Rights of which those within the United States of America have provided for entertainment which entertainment is not the same as what is written in such scriptures and the fact of so many having read through books and manuals to not pay attention to such regarding entertainment; the portions of ironic twists as to see the difference as well as know the difference, despite the claims of not being able to understand another language while demanding such of others. If they must have a work permit or work visa or Green Card to be in the United States of America, why would they ever have the audacity to think speaking any language other than English would be allowed in the United States of America while demanding signage for their people in their Mandarin Chinese language which how many people are into Anime and video games with needing morals and principles for such sorts of games which do not have the same ratings overseas the way they do in the United States of America and the show Sailor Moon is just one example of the overseas translation compared to the English translation?
I was able to learn much about the truth as to why Mao Zedoong actually hated the Cantonese as he thought there was a cure for those who were gay and if he had tried enough experiments on his own people he could try to cure his own gayness, in comparison to simply just accepting himself as he had been. He was so against the female he refused to accept he came from a female's womb to have life on earth, to which how many of the older LGBTQP community knows some who have had such situations in the United States of America themselves.
Think about where the HIV/AIDs virus was actually developed before being found in the United States of America, and also through who by or shipping methods as per the white powder once found in certain envelopes. Which country area region overseas has the largest amount of different types of plants which the gardening of such to cultivate would be more known to some, while ignorant to others without the knowledge of for ingestion and why? Who would actually know what would be helpful in comparison for example black cohosh for some might be thought of as a natural abortion tea, though when knowing certain aspects of the healing properties of the plants' energetic qualities as well as the combination with raspberry leaves for other portions of the specific energetic qualities in references to which only a Cantonese would know of how to administer such correctly and properly; the abortive portions would be in another aspect in full compared to ever wanting such for oneself's child as per the background despite the ways of as the abortion of the problems from prior to ever needing such a cleansing portion of the old ways which are no longer for the highest good in comparison to allowing such sorts of needless wasted problems continue onward any further.
I had to disarm my own daughter in 2012 without the help or assistance of anyone else on a military base in JBSA, of which to who was there to genuinely care of such a situation or ever think about such sorts of ramifications while I was going through everything I was at such a time? I had discussed such and though I had planned to take such SCUBA Diving gear to where I knew it needed to go for the correct portions of, how many people prefer a quick buck in comparison to actually earning such for the actual gains for such long terms into the longest terms possible? How to do such in truth, compared to what has occurred for as long as had? How does one who has absolutely nothing materially left to offer ever have the ability to show one's worth in truth, while exposing the problems required for genuine health and wellbeing for the greatest good possible for the most amount of people? Excalibur Faire, Dr. Suns and labs associated with the Communist Party of China who has been proud to depict Mao Zedoong only in the way which the Kennedy family was able to do for many aspects partially because of other's knowledge such as in certain groups and agencies and organizations my Grandpa was a part of which my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu allowed such people to be able to gain such assistance not for the country of China though for the genuine aspects of the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America for the betterment of the world and not only one location thereof as per the amount of United States of America's Armed Forces created and made bases to which by the authorities thereof would mean if each person throughout the world simply accepts themselves as they are and the worst which could be said or written though misconstrued because of the timing and other events going on in the world or in my case throughout the state of Texas; how could one choose to safely invite people to willingly be themselves in the daytime as well as in the night? How could one person bring forward where there should not be the shame for enjoying certain particulars of the adult consenting aspects, while still respecting the rights of how each country would actually need to work towards explaining to their own people as to what different steps to bring about the changes required for their own betterment genuinely while lifting others upward in comparison to pushing downward or pushing towards staying in the kitchen despite having earned what was earned? Excalibur Faire, is just one example for which turning such weapons against you because if every consenting adult accepts themselves as who they are then the powers of which are gone for such CCP aspects and only the intellectual property rights were left. To which it does not matter who had posted such books of mine illegally without my permission even if during the so-called yahoo purging of information as there were people who were contracted through and with Yahoo or Ymail now, who had been a part of knowingly pushing such information out without any concern for anyone else's safety; especially in reference to those who did not or do not have children of their own that they particularly know about having in the world; as there are plenty of males who wish they could remember whether or not, they used a condom and/or the specific female they had a one night stand with to see if they have such a child; as I had been told of by certain individuals such as one male who I had wount up in Washington state with after the Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue concert; who said when he would go to clubs for a one night stand he would tell females his name was David, and when females went to speak with his wife Mary to see if David was home, because the female would describe Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr instead of the redhaired David as she would know, then the female Mary would deny such a person existed; the ironic twist of my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Osteen being married to a ginger red haired male, named David.
That male said that David was stationed with him at Elmendorf Air Force Base as a pilot navigator, though was into Dalamations and wanted to go to Alaska because of such a stationing as far away from the south as possible. One could almost sadly make a joke about my ex-sister-in-law along with my other ex-in-laws in conjunction with my own biological mother, biological father, and biological sister doing such in a different way; and I learned the daughters of my ex-in-laws were able to marry into political types of families in both Georgia, and Texas. What an ironic twist such occurred, only after I wound up in Washington state and would not be able to truthfully warn about such; as per the additional denials, from my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father; as well as what occurred in Washington state as well as during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, and I have a feeling there is no need for certain continuations such as certain states simply for such as I truly simply did not ever invite nor did I ever give my son permission to invite anyone as he knew he was not allowed to invite nor tell anyone about such a trip except the Army/Air Force group only and no one was ever allowed to go without speaking with me personally for such directions as I am the only one who would be allowed to make such a decision to follow in a car of any type across state lines and/or precinct lines in comparison to my son who was not legally allowed to make the decision or any decision about my Medal of Honor Art Project trip because he was not allowed to as it was not ever his as it was always my Medal of Honor Art Project; which the same in reference to anyone else as who other than I has such authority over my Medal of Honor Art Project itself? No one, except myself as no one was ever taught how to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing of the marker; and no, it is not the same thing as a grave stone rubbing and have not ever been the same as a simple grave stone rubbing. The disgrace some might have had for such a procedure for such was taught to me officially by my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu with the final portions taught for the grave stone rubbing and the portions of the ways such markers for different eras were made was the only portion referencing my Confirmation Class. When writing of such regarding my Confirmation Class memories, I was referring to the classes themselves including both electives I took; compared to I guesstimate the assumption of such being only a grave stone rubbing, as I had not written of nor needed to write of the portions regarding the historical and spiritual rubbings as such was already described as to my Ecclectic Nature Based religion which would automatically prove such problems regarding my Freedom of Religion by anyone who would have chosen to make such a trip without my permission as no one had such knowledge of such portions and no one was ever officially told how to go forward with such a process as following was not an option regarding such especially the traffic problems caused needlessly in Montana during that trip with my son in 2017 during the early portion of the summer once school was out or during Spring Break; nonetheless, no one was officially explained as to how to proceed with such and being a military portion regarding the Medal of Honor would automatically command such protocols being followed as per specific instructions.
As no one asked such specific instructions for such to ever be a part of, none ever had such permissions to drive along or drive through to see or to watch as such was not your freedom of expression to deny my Freedom of Religion though my Freedom of Religion and my Right to Privacy does out weigh your desire to see and desire to know what was not for you to begin with as the process was not actually seen as the only aspect you saw was the grave stone rubbing and nothing more was allowed to be seen because such teachings are of Cantonese origin and such portions were not taught any further beyond myself because of the requirements as per the one 100 year old egg, the two 1,000 year old eggs, and the one 100,000 year old egg I was able to have for a gift for my 5th, 6th, and 7th birthday/Chinese New Year celebrations; as per certain traditions of such cultural portions as where such were buried for the consumption of the last remaining ones of such for the official additional portions thereof. Kimchee would be the closest version for a 6 month process one could try to find to a degree, though not the official ways of making such for the processes of because of the requirements of other specific ingredients which are no longer capable of being found via the specific types of garden arrangements for such seasonings and spices. That, was the most important part as to how to learn such portions along with additional scroll teachings which were burned as soon as I finished reading such scroll and memorizing all of the information upon such scroll for the official process from 16 generations passed as well as 17 generations passed as per each of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu's sides of their family tree lineages. In order to teach such the requirement to personally eat such types of eggs in such the order as specified by such teachings would require the only person who had done such to be the only one to ever allow anyone, if such an allowance was made only by such; which would mean only I would be able to tell what would need to be done, and only I would be able to speak of what the actual procedure was in comparison to my son James #Letters4James ever thinking he could do such without any training wrongly. It was not just a rubbing of a grave stone, that would be a Mandarin way to look at such a procedure and my son had not ever been raised in the Cantonese way as the specific works from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu would be required as per the other portions of which were taught and not available in books or in stores or in areas which Cantonese teachings have been lost-ish for the ages depending if you know where to look for some of the stone works though you need to be able to read Cantonese and translate such for the aspects to know to understand though comprehension as to what symbols mean to the Cantonese compared to the Mandarin are two and sometimes three separate view points to give if found for such and no I am not metaphorically writing of the stone markers as I am actually speaking of specific stone works which I have yet to see any pictures which would resemble what images I saw when growing up as a child of such types of buildings. The digust and disgrace and all energies from the room I was kept in were removed and went with me, thus nothing from such times was ever left in the house in Lakewood for clarification. That, was not allowed and just because I did not smudge does not mean I do not know how to work energetic portions as such proof has been for awhile as to such. Though I am certain there are those who wish they found something, which they may have though not one of my Medal of Honor guys remained in the house.
My choice to post such online through my personal email within the United States of America onto which forums I chose to post such means all intellectual property rights for the idea I came up with of the Underwater Travel System would automatically mean if your CCP stolen aspects had ever used such in registering for any licensing, the United States of America's Armed Forces would legally be able to enforce eminent domain laws onto such pieces of land or islands built from using such designs if proven hypothetically as per the requirement as to using such diagrams for which the ease of the initial portions would automatically be able to be seen and known because of the Geneva Convention and United Nations in conjunction with several other world leader groups which would mean additionally to the Moon landing which the American Flag was placed above the earth as well as below in the oceanic waters in the deepest area in the Bermuda Triangle which again such sort of planning would have begun while my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were still alive as well as my adopted Grandpa while I was doing coding in regards of multiple types of computers; I found your weaknesses CCP as per the insurance aspects required as well as how the Homeowners Association additional portions when getting into the New York City and New Jersey areas from the California regions which was where Mao Zedoong had sent his CCP, because he did not want the Cantonese to land first not knowing my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu already had ;anded and was partially because of Mao Zedoong as to why when Pearl Harbor occurred in Hawaii the rounding up of the Asian population because of the technological portions regarding the known involvement of Japan though not realizing necessarily as to who actually had such information for intelligence as to where and when to strike the areas of the United States of America by the schedules kept records of from the local bases for the time switch overs for schedules as per the shift changes? Which areas of the World Trade Center in the 1993 area attack were impacted, who were the contractors, who made the blueprints, and who knew of the actual construction materials used compared to the materials which would have been necessary for if the World Trade Center towers were to have actually not been attacked compared to if and which spot would be the specific detailed spot for the maximum amount of impact and damages if the calculations were correct for only those in the know of such materials being used in comparison to what the listed materials were as how many items from China have caught on fire quickly and/or the strength of what was promised was much weaker because of the quantity over quality wrongly?
Where would the largest amount of Cantonese supporters be in the United States of America to be most impacted while not caring about the others in the area, as to other treatments when in reference to the World Trade Center attack later in 11 September 2001 with such specific information in ability to see from each side if only one little persistent sleuth of a CDO Cantonese raised child whose biological father loved the Sherlock Holmes books and even had the ability to find a Watson for an additional smile for such an individual who could intricately put information together and thus prove in ways which certifications and specialties have a specific place including throughout the college drees because of the experiences required to make such precise repairs and fixes for the betterment? Who would need to be raised by such though stay hidden underneath the radar while the United States of America's Armed Forces paid attention to each move made because of such areas and such choices, though more specifically in addition to saying the truth as to wanting to get information for the United States of America's Armed Forces when fighting to join the Army branch while keeping in mind the respect for such individuals who only earn the title of Marine after graduating Basic Training and keeping such a view point while literally putting it for each to see to read while only those who are in the know of such levels of importance would be able to literally read between the lines while not necessarily being able to verbalize such because of outer connections being as such for the overall when looking back at such times? Why was my biological mother denied and complained about being involved with the Air Force branch, the Wilford Hall incident, and then my ex-girlfriend getting involved contacting my biological mother for which aspects of which my Grandpa knew or my biological mother and how could such be seen in reference to Mao Zedoong? How many females themselves have been drawn to the exotic look of a traditional looking Asian female such as my biological sister, compared to how some have looked at the males of the Asian background? How do Asians who look Asian feel about females who do not look Asian though are, in reference to males who look more Asian? I know there must be other ethnic backgrounds who know of such regarding the physical looks, though it is more well known regarding certain specific religions such as the Jewish traditions and Holy Roman Catholics as well as other branches and divisions around the United States of America's formed Judeo-Christian religions? Politics? Etcetera? Why would there be a similarity in pictures and video formats regarding Mao Zedoong and my biological mother, which her brothers and sisters would be able to discuss as well as my biological sister herself in such aspects as seen in her abomination of a wedding where that additional Miller family had chosen to allow such choices for their son's view regarding who was marrying him to my biological sister at whose actual request? Why?
How is such an irony sadly regarding such similar aspects in reference to SCUBA Diving, and my achievements despite not being born as a Texan as I was born and raised in New Jersey within the tri-state area as per the spreading out of the business aspects regarding my biological father associated referencing the opposite aspects of my daughter? Can such for what would be referencing both sides regarding my biological father and his biological sister my paternal Aunt Linda in comparison, to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia? How is such similar regarding my biological father's school of Bulova and ability to certify gemstones in the similarities to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, as well as how college students have viewed such sorts of situations including my biological aspects as well as my ex-in-laws among others? How could SCUBA Divers/BDSM/Swingers/LGBTQP/Pagans see such similarities in various types of courses and certifications and/or graduations, compared to my biological father's sister Linda and the CCP connections she made denying such to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu through Anna's introductions after what my biological father had introduced initially to up until the naming of me compared to the naming of my biological sister? What is the difference in skin tone in reference to my biological father compared to his sister, and what is the similarities regarding my biological sister regarding the eyes as hers are more slanted though my eyes and my nose with my cheekbones are how? Despite her not being Cantonese raised as only the Mandarins were raised with such before being allowed to earn their way compared to what Mandarins thought such went for the aspects back in various portions thereof, compared to those who wrongly hack and think they are choosing one path though are choosing what? What is it regarding Bitcoin mining, which does not seem accurate for the mining portion; unless mining of information and intellectual property rights and/or discussions on video games live chats and/or etcetera for admissions thereof? How is it different individuals who have certain non-profit organizations and elected officials have been able to make money while in office for such types of informational coinages, which could be viewed in a different way though a different aspect of life portions?
Who is more of what was known in reference to the minimal bits of information about what was left of the Cantonese which only one was ever allowed because of the need to reign in the choices prior to making further movements towards deeper aspects of the oceanic waters as per food supplies for all of the earth compared to only one location of which fish go jumping, while forgetting the need for the maintenance and sustenance of the oceanic waters themselves for the growth of more in comparison to the hoarding which has been known to occur mainly in which location and yet are able to produce how much where and why? Which is the Golden Silk Road, and which is the hidden silk road now?
However then there is the fact of when having been forced into the relationship I had been forced into including the engagement while my now-dead-ex-husband was overseas stationed in Talil Air Force Base as I was told, I had been dealing with the forced relationship with Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and shortly would meet on the phone a female named Jennifer who lived in or near Oscala Florida or had family in Oscala Florida as per the phone call discussions later in 2008 after my now dead-ex-husband had died in January 2008. In such the forced situation included when Cactus Jack said he wanted to get engaged and I knew how the situation was going to go if I had denied such and thus I purchased my own ring to ensure the safety in multitudes of ways, and I had purchased a black with a white pearl with white diamonds set in white gold for the engagement ring in another aspect which some would understand more significance to such in a multitude of ways more-so now compared to then especially with colors as well as SCUBA Diving aspects. During the time in between the portions of the whole fiasco regarding the funeral for the time, I had dealt with multiple additional aspects as realistically other than the garage situation regarding the time when put on display to discuss each flaw of my physical body as well as each flaw of what my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had been and is, as well as multiple other flaws of mine for hours in the garage in my house in San Antonio Texas; when the time came after the situations at Fort Sam Houston going up the chain of Command to the Major General's office and the Colonel with the two aids and their firearms being drawn and cocked back, I could not get out of San Antonio quick enough because of the additional aspects referring to the time at CID with the total of 7 males in uniform going over questions about the death as well as showing pictures from their laptop which I do not know if was civilian or military for a laptop with the death pictures of finding my now dead-ex-husband. My biological parents and my biological sister were not officially informed as the last time I had spoken with them had been in 2005 after Wilford Hall at Lackland Air Force Base regarding my biological mother, which in turn the denial of my biological mother to the Air Force about me cost many additional lives in reference to that situation beyond my family unit I created of my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia and I as our family and the friends I had made along the way.
I chose not to contact my biological mother, my biological father, and my biological sister because there was not any need for me to do so as they already had denied me the ability to go to my biological sister' high school graduation to show my son and my daughter that aspect; while allowing my now dead-ex-husband to go, because he was more presentable in such ways in comparison as well as he was more of what they wished for their favorite daughter Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom, which she had been taken to the lab at Dr. Sun's as well as had told them about her plans for college because she told them she was helping, when in reality the whole time such was my particular project of breast cancer research using the T-G-nome from the Dioxi Ribonucleic Acid strand, as well as what to energetically complete with other portions of the additives I put into the medium for such experiments. However because my biological sister looked more Asian than I do and because she was going to college; she lied about what part she had to play, as she was simply getting some on the side of each relationship she had been involved with as per the dance instructor's spouse for one example and the threesome in our biological parent's new house when moving to San Antonio Texas from Crystal Lake Illinois. Thus she actually had not idea and as she did not write any of the papers nor did she research such medical journals nor did she come up with the original design, she lied to the Dr. Sun's married couple as well as everyone in that lab and floor; though how many students and such bring a younger female, to spice up the place? Thus because of my now dead-ex-husband, my biological mother, my biological father, and my biological sister lying the entire time to Dr. Sun and Dr. Sun with their collegues about whose work was actually whose work; I knew I could not give what work I had come up with and what medical journals I spoke of to look for, because of what I knew what the interconnected links were to pay attention to as I came up with the major portions and I had been upset about the dissertation because of how much work I had put into such as well as what was going to occur if I was unable to find someone who could retrieve the work. Thankfully a male in the Pheasant Creek subdivision had worked on the laptop which caught on fire for the dissertation which I said I owed him, though such does come with a limitation and does not mean unlimited as only means one portion for one debt; which was as I guesstimate paid off in full, before the time of 2007 yet I can see how some might misunderstand such and without the clarification one picture would technically mean one debt in such aspects if such was the debt preferred in payment in comparison to what has occurred over the years.
I had to clear out the Public Storage facility unit which I did not know whether or not he lived in at the time before going into the Army as he said he was called in on IRR though nothing added up about the entire situation, and with the key to the house would have been able to sneak in without ever bothering anyone in the neighborhood as per the ways certain Homeowners Association type of neighborhoods and non-Homeowners Association neighborhoods can go as there is always someone who is far too nosey of a neighbor who get involved with business that is not hers to ever get involved with such as a female in the brinks of a situation with her spouse and how such vegetarian compared to meat eaters/hunters can be about specific food preferences as a hypothetical. As my ex-sister-in-law had contacted my neighbor about the picture regarding the Memorial Service which I received a phone call while driving from San Antonio to Fort Worth while dealing with traffic for such a funeral arrangement, I was confused as to why the arrangement was made for the day of when I needed to sign for the body as I had arranged with the E7 turned E8 at the time who was the funeral director for such and direct ordered to not show up by a Chief Warrant Officer 3; which later was learned of when arriving, though after an E5 (or Sergeant level overall type of name for the rank as told) female had asked if I was going to be at the Memorial. I explained the situation on the phone confused while forgetting my ex-sister-in-law name at the time was Susie (or Susan) Marie Nichols-Lopez, which she was already stealing her own children's identity because of filing for bankruptcy thus to someone such as that to already have done so to her children after her parents who supposedly filed as well at the same time though Grandma Nichols was able to keep her job to supposedly retire if not received a payment from reporting to the IRS as to her daughter's choice to run up the credit bills and knowing the system had dropped the dime on her own daughter to take the payoff wrongly while helping to run up the bills herself as well; such a situation of such situation, it would not surprise me if such was done by the lack of paying attention to the Lopez portion of the last name because of the middle initial being an M such as my middle name beginning with M. If such was done and my neighbor Emily Hinjosa had contacted whomever as such was quite busy for me at the time taking care of my son and my daughter while still dealing with a forced relationship who I knew my now dead-ex-husband had introduced that male to my biological parents as they preferred those males instead of their own eldest daughter with the excuse of wishing they had insight to what was not ever anything to do with them despite their opinions, the choices made to continue to deny my existence to others was as it was through proven measures such as the Red Hat Society female later in 2012 at my biological parent's house where that female claimed my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia were somehow my biological sister's which she was not the biological mother nor was she anything of importance for such.
However a spoiled brat who was accustomed to everything being handed to her on a silver platter who did not ever earn her own way through such lies and manipulations, I dealt with what I dealt with as per such embarrassments as to much of who I am needlessly as to such treatments needlessly and wrongly to my son and my daughter and I. The picture was brought by the Chief Warrant Officer 3 which the pictures from the JCPenney Portrait Studio had been given for the Memorial picture and when arriving, that was the situation which Emily had brought the picture from the Memorial Service as per my ex-sister-in-laws Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez's request. Of course during the first separation as well as during the second and final separation the garbage and trash of overdramatic aspects were needlessly overfilled by such females with their own sorted pasts of such treachery and arrogances, however the situations lead as they had and such people were accustomed to treating me as they were and showed continuously. When getting back and dealing with everything else going on including catching Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as well as later on his friend Nathaniel (I do not know the last name) playing with the medication bottles just before telling about a medical testing Nathan was going through which I saw the health impacts of and was asked to write a check to get him out of the jam, as well as asked to write a check for Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr to be able to pay off credit card debt from college books. I was beyond busy with everything going on already at the time that to just get such away from me to be able to do what I needed to take care of for my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as well as my ex-father-in-law which had been the important aspect of getting such information for regarding going up the chain of Command, the most simplistic portion I could think of with having been given my prescriptions shortly before was to get rid of them by writing the checks as it occurred around the time of the after times from the interrogation from CID with the 7 males and the pictures being shown on the laptop in the CID office. I went to the Public Storage facility on Eckert a short distance away from my house to get what was possible from the unit after Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr admitted he contacted my biological parents without my permission infuriating me fully. That was the day it was fully over and he was told, though he did not care or take no for an answer. No different than how the forced situation into that relationship was, no different than who he thought were fantastic people while not caring about the realities of what games he was playing as he was accustomed to reenacting as well as those live action role play games such as WarHammer; which he thought he could force me to like, as he saw me as a challenge after what I explained happened at the Excalibur Faire instead of just leaving me alone and doing what I preferred away from people such as those types of people. He did not understand that was a punishment to me for what I had done to protect myself when my now dead-ex-husband had found out I had been surrounded by several males and defended myself, after my biological mother told him that was normal for 5 males to jump out of tress and surround a female walking through the woods alone after being told to just be herself by people from the San Antonio Pagan community who worked at Chase Bank regarding Ayaz Sheik situations. The agreed punishment from all such people who met my biological mother who was a part of the SCA, was wrongly justified by such types of people and the disgust only grew more for such people as the time went along for such a wrongful defense.
Once the Memorial Service in April or May of 2008 occurred and then the meeting with the Colonel and the two aids who pulled out loaded firearms when in the Major General Gillman's office to point at me, I could not move out of the city of San Antonio to get away from everyone as far as possible because of how many threats I was receiving from such aspects and no one was able to be trusted for my son or my daughter or my safety except me once again. I went to the Public Storage facility which I was told he had gotten an apartment at the V named apartment complex across from The Flying Saucer, though I do not remember going out there or seeing if he actually had such an apartment as per the timing before hand and as much of the situations from the second and final separation had been. The furniture I told my biological father to do with whatever was wanted for such, and I took the bins of paperwork and the photographs I knew which were not needed to the storage unit's dumpster because of knowing I could not explain what I knew needed to be explained though unable to find the words or who to think of to ask because of how the CID and the Colonel meetings went. As per usual of more and more not believing in me or me telling the truth, who was I to actually truthfully tell about such? Who, would believe me looking as I look? Who would believe me knowing the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury? Who would trust me to tell the truth, even though I can only tell the truth? When I received the phone call from the male at the facility I told the truth as to I had put such into the dumpster, I personally did not need the paperwork or the pictures, and I did not know who needed that information though I knew it had to be someone who would know better than I. I thought if it was important I would have been asked in person because of how other situations had gone previously, though knowing how the situations were regarding Fort Sam Houston at the time; I could not bring myself to go to that part of the base, as per the situations involved for such a time. Why would I believe my biological parents could or would stay in their own lanes instead of getting involved with my life where I did not ask them to nor did I want any such aspects beyond any portion which I allowed them to be as per the situations they had already stepped too far over the lines too many times, I was not willing to trust them for anything beyond what I specifically laid out because of how they constantly praised and preferred Patricia repeatedly and refused to learn from their time in Crystal Lake before moving to San Antonio Texas. I refused such aspects after having been refused and when I allowed them in my life, is when I allowed them; though only for such a limited aspect as their leashes were already shortened much further than they realized, and if they stepped past the line one more time the last time I would speak with them would be as such deemed without any chance to recuperate any time as per being done with such sorts of abominations. The wedding which my son and my daughter were used for the wedding pictures while denying me to be able to be a part of, was their final straw pulled and when I gave them their checks of $4,000 for Zac Miller's Police Officer gear as I was told he needed as well as the $10,000 check for the HVAC system; I was literally writing their severance checks, as per their own doing for continuing to deny me such simply because of that abomination of a wedding.
While my biological sister had already graduated with her Bachelors Degree and my son, my daughter, and I from attending; I refused anything further from my biological sister, as I knew she was only a thieving and canieving female who knew nothing about earning on her own. The fact of my SCUBA Diving gear being forced into a separate UHAUL only afterwards to multiple additional situations which both my biological parents and biological sister refused to acknowledge in reality as well as my ex-in-laws refusing to acknowledge their responsibility to drive themselves to the hospital to see my daughter in comparison to always have to drive out to Fort Worth and their laziness to go to Denton on their own knowing I had already put the paperwork in for them to go when they wanted after work; was enough to push me further away from those people, before the Arizona trip where my ex-sister-in-law lied to a veteran who made paintings of fallen soldiers which she was mad because he refused to paint the stolen valor Dress Blues picture which she was informed by the Chief Warrant Officer 3, the other soldiers at Laurel Land funeral home, Grandpa Nichols her father, Tony Walker Nichols her older living brother, as well as myself as to the stolen valor and my refusal to allow such and the ex-in-laws except Grandpa Nichols being mad at me for my choice to return the Bronze Star to the United States of America's Armed Forces Army branch at the Colonel's meeting; those people thought they deserved what they did not earn and refused to return the stolen valor Bronze Star as per what should have been done as Grandpa Nichols and I warned them if I was unable to return that Bronze Star what would occur, would be irreversible if they chose not to listen to our warnings.
My ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez was allowed to take my white KIA Sedona minivan to Arizona which was the same minivan I took to my biological sister's wedding to bring my son and my daughter to that abomination for them to be the ring bearer and the flower girl while I was denied being able to be in any pictures because of the embarrassment of having the nerve to wear colors of the wedding and some people who would be in attendance might mistake me as a part of the wedding family, I simply left those people I was biologically related to regarding my biological mother and biological sister and biological father fully that day because of how many times repeatedly they had already done so to me in my own communities while in front of me when there. When taking my Sedona van in 2010 out to my ex-sister-in-law's White Settlement rental house with Phillip Omstead driving one car and I drove the other, my ex-sister-in-law was made at me for giving her my keys to my van without giving my GPS for her to use instead of her buying her own GPS to use as per such types of people who had expected everything delivered to them on a silver platter. Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez lied to whoever she lied to at the ceremony in Arizona with her two daughters, her son, Grandma Nichols, as well as whatever they had my son had been told to lie about wrongly knowing how I felt about lying though because of my biological parents being as they had been such sorts of situations were as they were and such blame is for such people's guilt in full.
I still had not been asked simply about the paperwork, the pictures, or anything else as I thought would occur though what would I know about how anything went with what was already occurring in reference to my SCUBA Diving trips, what did it matter about anything further when the SCUBA Divers I once knew denied me wrongly as well? Why would anyone believe me compared to such non-tattooed, natural color hair, non-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects in comparison to me when taking a look at such times though not much changing even now in 2021 for certain locations and types of people who only view what the pictures look as or what others' opinions are compared to who one truly is? My ex-sister-in-law went to Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District to pick up my daughter from one counseling session after the 2nd Amendment violations McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Texas CBFISD had brought the encasings from the 21 gun salute for her biological father's funeral which was in a shadow box I made, though Principal Dawn Rink had freaked out and refused to believe me before about the bullying against my daughter and my son from such children including the parents within that PTA and school; which whatever lies she told such people, were whatever lies she needlessly told such people. However the school district would have the video footage as to the difference, as well as the fact of my flight records on the airplane for my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification course though the certification date was put in November 2009 instead because of the claim of the female from Cave and Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor saying she thought I needed more buoyancy class training in comparison to the fact she knew I was using gear which was rented from Cavern Excursions in October or September 2009 comparison to my own SCUBA Diving gear. However since it was known about my landing at the bottom of the ocean in the other side of the island of Cozumel in the Gulf of Mexico as well as landing at the bottom of the ocean in the Boca Raton Florida area as well as landing at the bottom of the ocean at the USS/USNS Vandenberg after all of my SCUBA Diving training and how such had gone, why would anyone believe me once again as per the way I was treated by such SCUBA Divers after the San Antonio Express News article which my biological sister laughed seeing the information in the news article about the forced relationship without any details thereof and knowing the reality of such a situation though uncaring as she knew she did not get to attend the funeral while forgetting what she had already denied me of wrongly as well as my son and my daughter. When the UHAUL situation occurred regarding my SCUBA Diving gear incorrectly after the Irving 2011 situation, why would anyone believe me about Irving when such was not believed about my SCUBA Diving? When my SCUBA Diving gear was stolen, why would anyone believe me then if I were to tell them my trip to San Antonio to move back was to take to the correct location I knew such needed to go?
When the situation at Fort Sam Houston in BAMC occurred and the firearm my daughter had disarmed from an MP after the Scooby Doo type of chasing around the hospital, why would anyone believe me as well as per the situations I had seen regarding how I was constantly being attacked and lied to while also dealing with more persistent threats needlessly more-so beginning in 2010 and onward? When no one believed me about the interrogation after a male had previously dropped the Omega clearance name in 2010 summer or 2011 in the early part of the year depending about 1-2 months before meeting that male's ex Trish or what her name was at the time called Megere such as menage e taoi and her obsession to try to impress me needlessly in the Austin community after I had already been asked about my biological sister at the college in the area, and the phone call in response from her about having the nerve to acknowledge her and make her have to discuss being related to me; after the problems with my choice to vote for McCain and Palin compared to Obama and Biden in 2008's Presidential election, when no one had believed me for so long about so many truths I had already told and to what levels which my biological family hated me as well as my ex-in-laws and ex-relationships with their friends and their families; why would anyone ever believe me about the medications being messed with, catching multiple people moving pills around, people stealing wrongly from me, and more needlessly and wrongly against me?
Why would I think, anyone ever cared? As such discussions went when speaking with some people about the situation, how many people truly believed me compared to what was being said by others? I would not know at this point, as so much has occurred since then and the ways of which such went have been how such ways went. Then there is the situation with the second forced relationship and the second forced engagement which Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr which I refused to ever repeat such a situation of any relationship being forced ever again because of the disgust and the disgraceful feeling of such, because of taking wrongly away my own right to choose while such people claiming to be Democrats and Liberals were hypocritically going against what their own stated beliefs were for such a voting choice as per how many were proud from November 2008 into the second term of such Presidential elections to vote for Obama and Biden whereas the second time I voted for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the 2012 election as even though they had not had the military background I preferred each had a religious background which I felt was needed for the United States of America's and the world for better ethics and morals if could find a balance for such in a more peaceful way compared to continuing certain situations needlessly and finding a better way to be able to bring genuine unity for a better transformation for the general public in each areas ways though working through such situations which I could see were more than just one or two situations. Having created the bed I made and writing such only on fetlife about what I had made in reference to who I was engaged to, I thought such a situation referencing the strength of the chains were more ideal as per the portions of which I felt would be more enjoyable and were needed for such a type of situation between consenting adults.
I was able to keep such an arrangement hidden as I was easily able to remove the chains via the D-ring system I made, which when in San Antonio after the disarming of the MP to then disarm my daughter in the hospital at BAMC after what occurred at the Thousand Oaks Elementary School as they spoke with the CFBISD per public school procedures as well as the special needs education; my biological mother, biological father, and biological sister having pretended as much as they had and lied as much as they had about such aspects prior as well as regarding my SCUBA Diving and such SCUBA Divers, the lying which occurred meant many SCUBA Divers died because of the excuses given about such aspects by far less qualified SCUBA Divers as I felt instantly as to the levels thereof which would be of no concern to lesser people who would be biased and refuse such help and assistance from someone who looks as I do as well as my background from 2000 onward including my choices as a consenting adult for lifestyle community to be friends with in comparison to what others assumed as few knew me in the community except one female who later told me she had been messing with the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and had been sending people to do so for years since 2004 in the San Antonio and other communities I had been involved in named Discordia AKA Erika with her 2 daughters and 1 son with her boyfriend at the time named Brian who was in the Air Force branch of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces and looked like one of the females my now dead-ex-husband had cheated on me with as well as looked like a Caucasian version of a less slanted eyed female compared to my biological sister though had red hair in one picture he showed me in 2007 to try to get me to be jealous of such a female. That female who stole garden gnomes and went to jail in the downtown San Antonio courthouse area after saying many people were there in support of her legal case and she knew no one would ever care or pay attention to me and what I was going through regarding my son, my daughter, and I; as she said no one could ever believe someone such as me the way my now dead-ex-husband spoke as well as the way my biological mother and biological father spoke about me, while not forgetting the lies my biological sister spoke though those in Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom-Miller had told about me while denying her upset my now dead-ex-husband would not leave the marriage because he knew how invaluable I had been to each and every portion of the entirety of the research on the T-G-nome breast cancer research; and without any assistance from me, he told her there would not ever be a him and her in that way because without my personal choice to assist and help with what was actually needed such as the medium mixture as well as protocols for timing, there would not ever be the chance for any further work without my choice to assist for the breast cancer research and since my preferences were what they were well before ever meeting him Patricia was informed she needed to know he was not able to force me to do anything for her anymore. She did her pouty lips with the sad puppy dog eyes look to try to win him back as she was accustomed to doing to get her way before dropping to her knees as usual, as some males would know how she would be; as well as then bending over in a specific way while supposedly accidentally dropping something to lift up her skirt or shirt, to entice such a physical response from males who were unable to control their physical responses when supposedly in a relationship.
When she was informed he was going back to the Army she tried to convince him to convince and force me the way she had liked seeing him do so, and he knew he was not able to push that line any further as I had defended myself against him with a rolled up newspaper which came in the mail when he tried to scare me through hiding in the platform area of the stairs to push me to do what he wanted and I balked back and defended myself quicker than he realized I could move beyond prior beatings I dealt with before. As she had instigated multiple problems for me as a child, teenager, and young adult, into adulthood; she refused to accept no as an answer and began manipulating as she always had done to Mike and Anna who fell for it every single time she had done so just as so many others had fallen for such each and every single time because she looks Asian which means to others she thinks she looks trustable. However they were under the Mao Zedoong workings of the Chinese Mandarin portions of teachings for such sorts of extortionary practices as Mike had repeatedly said, 'Males like an exotic look and she has that exotic look, whereas you just look as you do. You could look exotic if you would wear makeup and dress more appropriately, though you refuse to play a part in what we want.'
What he, my biological mother, and biological sister had been told of though did not know; was the real reasons why I had worked diligently to get into the ability to get to the people in charge of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces, for what I had seen being planned in a multitude of ways. Though because of how my biological parents were about my biological sister and her need for the spotlight in the wrong ways in my opinion, each turn and each full attempt to get to those who I knew would be able to assist and do more with the information I had for a long time meant I knew I had to prove myself though I could not inform anyone of such details if there was not the proper clarifications. Once I was in the MEPS office unlike in the Marine and Science Technology School with Navy attachment interview process after testing, I was able to partially speak about my true intentions for fighting to be emancipated to be able to join the Armed Forces of/for the United States of America. I was asked briefly and told I wanted to go to South Korea because I knew I could fly into the country of China easier and would be able to go where I needed to because of information I had, to then get the confirmation to be able to return to the base I would be stationed at for such details; which I did not explain nor have the time to explain as per the schedule in a MEPS processing station and the others as well. However, I went to Basic Training and had my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and woke up in BAMC at JBSA instead.
I told people the truth though after waking up from the coma and the testings began, the medical procedures, the CAT Scans, the MRIs, neurology, neuropsychology, and medications; there was little I could do though I felt what needed to be done, was not completed yet as the nightmare I had been having had decreased from many portions of such and the waking dream-like visions I was having became stronger for the ability to move more quickly comparatively. I knew as long as I was enlisted before my 18th birthday and in Basic Training, I was able to fix and repair more compared to what I heard growing up and saw as well in person while not forgetting the aspects of the coding works and the information I was shown from several individuals I had been introduced to through my maternal adopted Grandpa as well as my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu. My biological sister was being used for a designated decoy to push people away from me because of how she was always going to be proving to the Cantonese as to what type of American Chinese mixture Mandarin she was going to be when Anna refused to give her the name correctly as per my Bok Pu's demand and only because of being born on my Bok Pu's birthday which was claimed was a sign of respect from Divinity because of the male aspect; completely forgetting the fact the Cantonese love and appreciate while respecting females, in comparison to the Mandarin raising from such portions of. Mao Zedong had been born gay and preferred gay male drag queens though wished for a transgender because of wanting the female form though needing the masculine traits with the thought that would be acceptable for a vagina to his family which he was Cantonese, however they thought of the mutilation processes seen through the radicalized islam and were fearful as to how such would be for such times in the late 1800s into the early 1900s. I admit the reality of being as progressive as he was during such times was not necessarily a new thought process as he fell in love with one of the actresses or truly the actors who played a female in what would be considered as Drag now, however because of the specific portions of the prestige of being Cantonese the family situations in such times makes many aspects as to how such situations in the LGBTQP communities in the United States of America look quite tame despite such atrocities in such standards for the particular areas and times for as the old eastern part of the world compared to the modernized western part of the world were and some had remained quite vicious to such members of such communities needlessly. Though during such times the general public had the perception of the Mandarin philosophies because of the Mandarin acceptance of certain lifestyle choices compared to the Cantonese who kept such more well guarded for the knowledge and understanding of certain aspects thereof with few comprehending the levels of which such was possible for, those who know of how political and businesses have run their families in various regards which have far more finances available can guess as to such times for the allowance of Mao Zedong to live instead of what could have been done far more easily to such an individual. He did not have the musical talents of Mozart, he was not Tchaikovsky, and he was not one who would dress up or have the ability required to be an actor as he could not remember what was not honest for such sorts of plays which even such had infuriated his family because of the view points for such types of people.
My biological mother, my biological sister, and my biological father along with my ex-in-laws can give several examples for a starting point, in multiple ways as to a modern version of such compared to those times in the late 1800s and early to mid 1900s for such a sexuality being from China and preferring males over females though wishing to impress his Chinese heritage to be able to make such to be able to carry a child for him though not wanting to admit such aspects. Mike did not realize who hid biological father actually had been, he was told who his father was per the aspects of compared to who actually related to for such a reference which such blood lineage was known to only pass to the eldest and such a name would be given if read correctly instead of MeeLing would be Ling Mei instead for the Mandarin community for such recognition if they were in the know of such portions if allowed such information compared to my biological father as well as compared to his mixture female wife my biological mother and my biological sister; though all, in an -ish sort of way as Anna did not tell Mike as to the spermicidal injections at such times for the pregnancy which I was, and the realities of such an egg choice per specifics per such Americanized medicinal treatments.
Ling means another for a name and Mei means beauty though in Cantonese MeeLing means, innocent flower and Lotus blossom; which is a reference to my Bok Pu, and certain gardening aspects involving the oceanic and fresh waters as well, as the long lost oceanic salt water versions of the Nelumbo plant or the actual Latin species name for such which has gone missing because of a multitude of aspects throughout such sorts of coastal regions because of the delicacy of the particular species as well as the way such has to be grown in comparison to other Lotus plants as only one person's menses is able to assist with such. My adopted maternal Grandpa Benjamin Gavet(t) had been a part of a large number of groups, organizations, and agencies foundings to which such training manuals as well as training procedures for such groups was a part of my childhood just as the same regarding my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu. I was able to read and learn Cantonese though was not allowed to discuss and since I had not gone to an official school for such teachings and was only through my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu with the exception of the few words allowed to be known to my biological aspects, the specific needs to disclose such information previously needed to be proven as to such aspects for reasons, though the aspects of fighting to be emancipated seemed like a teenager having an attitude problem compared to what the needs were previously seen for such a fight beginning at the age of when I was in 2nd grade because of when my nightmare began.
My biological mother knew a set of groups who worked at Prudential and other technology companies and government aspects to get an office building areas in the World Trade Center buildings shortly before the 1993 attack in the World Trade Center building, and the housing development behind the house I grew up in was only one portion referring to the Homeowners Association to disarm the general American public slowly from their 2nd Amendment Rights for such an invasion from the Mandarins if the time came for such because of my failures to be able to prove my own worth as per Cantonese customs though being accepting of certain portions of the Mandarin aspects with the Constitutional Rights of/for the United States of America, as able to be seen referring to several situations of such. The housing development had it out for me personally because of seeing the firearm scope and drawing such on a Valentine's Day card with the two bunnies in the middle of the scope and the poop behind them, which if seen the types of people who would know such would be able to see such when Anna displayed such at Prudential; which had people who were a part of that housing development, through the realty and insurance portions in New Jersey in the 1980s and 1990s. The Chinese versions of the mafia though not Italian were working with the Cantonese to stop the Mandarins as per private discussions, though those who know of such sorts of sit downs know what happens at a private closed door sit down stays at a private closed door sit down when only the Top of the Top Leaders are in the room and all of the bodyguards are outside of the door for such and none are allowed in with any type of weapon or any type of recording device as all are checked thoroughly prior to entering such a facility for such a type of dinner with taste testers included and all staff members fully verified in such ways with such undisclosed information to anyone ever; unless the absolute requirement for the larger portions which would have to be if there was only one, individual survivor of such. Whereas my biological mother had already admitted to trying to have an abortion with me by going to a version of Planned Parenthood though a failed abortion, a coat hanger attempt to try to find me inside, as well as a few sets of pills with alcohol, before and after throwing herself on her stomach down several flights of stairs including having people punch her in the stomach to try to kill me; I was blamed for living from each time the heartrate was checked of me in the uterus, as well as throughout when after my birth, which then to my 1st generation born Chinese father, I was born as the first child and a female no less. Certain additional aspects to which some females are able to do and what my capabilities are in comparison, bring an additional portion to such an equation for such additional aspects later as my tattoos are in reference to such traditions in a different way of certain types of Chinese and Tibetan monks from such earlier days when tattoos were only in the color of black ink. I once was told of a monastary which learned how to make gold ink tattoos which the Navy branch member from the United States of America's Armed Forces who completed several tattoos for me, which I told him I would love if he would find a way to work with such and contact me because of a tattoo idea I had/have for such a specific style of inkwork if such is possible as the price would be worth it if I could afford such and earned such as I had explained to him of the aspects of being half Chinese as well as the portions of going through my SCUBA Diving training as he was informed throughout each class course I was working on as per the specific comfort which is around certain military associated individuals. Shortly after landing at the bottom of the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico area and surfacing safely after each SCUBA Dive, I had him complete my platypus tattoo while other tattoos were intermingled in between the first tattoo of the Tulip Flowers. I had contacted him and arranged for my oceanic tattoo from pictures I had taken which I emailed to him to make my tattoo from, for him to choose which pieces which would be ideal for assisting my memory as he knew about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which my tattoos were helpful for my memory processes far more than notebooks or sticky notes as I learned some would move such randomly.
I knew my son and my daughter were children and such did not bother me as children in elementary school despite multiple portions in such regarding to how I raised my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia, the portions of others' interactions and choices were known to be explained for the ability to know better as such portions were not as well known and could not be as known because of the portions regarding the larger aspects as well as they were children in elementary school and the raising I had done was different than the others choices. Such consequences were/are not intended for children who at home are taught better than what is going on out in the world, however other people have had to be taught which lessons are important to learn and why though the explanations are usually not normally given by most as beyond just do not do it in comparison to giving the knowledge for understanding. However since my ex-in-laws refused to accept the truth about their dead-relative my dead-ex-husband before his death when Grandpa Nichols warned them repeatedly and they refused to listen when in Fort Worth when the JCPenney pictures as well as the Halloween trick or treating situation occurred, they still refused to listen including Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr among others who preferred the pretty lies compared to the inconvenient truth.
None took into consideration as to my personal feelings for such, because why would they pay attention to the part of me they all hated the most? I refused to call myself a veteran, I refused to call myself a soldier, and I only would acknowledge I had emancipated myself to be able to join the United States of America's Armed Forces Army branch though did not graduate Basic Training and was medically retired from the Army. Each had chosen to not pay attention to what they hated the most about me as well as they refused to pay attention to how many times I stood up against stolen valor, however Grandpa Nichols and Tony Walker Nichols among some others had paid attention to such though in which ways depends upon how you view and who you speak/spoke with in which times and locations aside from speaking with me or my own writings online explaining such. Even the Armed Forces at such times prior to 2008 had not noticed as much in certain ways, though I felt some may have and knew not of where they were. The choice to keep such pictures up in Grandpa Nichols' house was a slight against him as well as a slight against me for not following their orders and refusing them, as Grandpa Nichols warned them I would do if they pushed too far with their evil ways. Grandpa Nichols said repeatedly he knew his daughter Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez name at the time though the legal married last name had been changed to Sweeney or Sweetie "Susie will be late to her own funeral, though that can be speeded up if she continues on the same path as her mother."
I legally have not dropped the last name because of the portions regarding identity theft which stemmed from several aspects including my military identification card though other problems as well which were reported to the San Antonio Police Station on Blanco Road in San Antonio Texas of which after the messages between my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Osteen as seen in the facebook messages in addition to the prior Day 34 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge entry though I did make 2 different posts with the same day number as per the situations: Day 34 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge ( has more documents though the following document download brings more into such equations for additional types of evaluations I suppose though taking into consideration what I did not want to admit of being too stupid to realize catching people moving the pills around of the medications prescribed could be harmful as per not knowing of such previously throughout the times I knew of from in person after being taken off of post though after the rave situation and Brackenridge from such in 2000:
Below are the messages from Facebook downloaded before winding up in Washington state after the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert, which Mary Evongelina (maiden last name Nichols) Osteen had said her points of such and would not surprise me if she illegally sent out such information after being contacted because my son wanted to speak with her on the phone and not in person as per such requests though such an arrogant female as you can see such from her messages responses can show as to which aspects she preferred of her own family in comparison to what the truth was the whole time she refused to see at such times of which if in turn she illegally sent out my intellectual property because of her overzealoted attitude and the illegal stealing of such to send outward because of her preference as seen in her own writings to me, how can someone who has been involved and proud of outing multiple people the way Mary had ever call me a slut for the less than 15 people for a rounded up number of penis to sit on in comparison to her proudness of having the four digit number when I met her in 2001 before her husband had gone to Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base and her admittance to such while in front of her two daughters as well as their cousins among other confessions about paternity aspects while in the neighborhood her parents still lived in near the house with the female's body on the swingset in the backyard which was the body of her older brother's girlfriend and mother of his only child which would have been the first male born to that family to actually carry on the family name though Mary and Susie's battle with her in their Fort Worth High School and situational problems thereof as the Nipples Sisters as they were known as in Fort Worth High School for such years which possibly some might remember that particular terminology which by all accounts there would be the portion of why I would be able to know such a specific detail from such a timeframe when I was not around the state of Texas as well as the drawing I found with the earrings made when I was in 8th Grade Specialty Art class as an elective from the cubby section which I told my biological mother to tell the truth as there were those who would recognize such from Marlboro Middle School and would be able to get the help required for such immediately however because my biological mother has a proven track record as to her constant lying onward, such situations were not clarified as needed for such a female or myself when I was in 8th grade and went into 9th grade at Marlboro High School which the problems at the school began for that situation because of Anna's lies and in turn I went to Saint John Vianney High School and some from Marlboro had obviously known and Anna continued to refuse to tell the truth about such as seen referencing who I was engaged to twice willingly once named Shaun McCall and the female he was dating who left her earrings in his apartment which I warned him as to what would occur if he went through with going over to her place instead of mailing as I suppose certain aspects as to my biological sister's methods of such would explain certain situations regarding what occurred and why I had to heal his middle finger from supposedly being severed from a male dropping a tank shell on his hand after seeing a bumble bee in Fort Hood Texas; which those who have been stationed at Fort Hood and from the states which Bumblebees are more prevalent, would be able to clarify in addition to me as to the lack of Bumblebees in the state of Texas unless you went to spend a few years in the state of New Jersey and would know of such types of Bumblebees looks compared to the Honey Bees style in the state of Texas; of which I did tell him about the prior relationships as well as dates I had prior to going to an event, while not knowing of such other portions in an official capacity as per what I would know of for such aspects regarding a fountain walking around as I was later informed of some aspects-ish:
Go to the Part 2 of 3 for the following link for the next portion of the post:
Go to Part 3 of 3 for the following link for the next portion of the post: