That is the abstract Methuselah version of the Greek/Latin symbol for Omega, I had that tattoo completed in 2009, the eyes were completed in 2007, and the Phoenix with Kuan Yin was completed in 2006.
I must start with after noticing portions referencing the post blog number of #44 or 60 days and writing about certain aspects of POTUS44 Barack H. Obama and FLOTUS Michelle Obama with FFOTUS referencing the election of 2008 as I begin to write today's entry and being thankful while able to see the numbers, which I am thankful for POTUS45 Donald J. Trump and FLOTUS Melania Trump with FFOTUS as I know there will be portions of which either the election years of the timing for the Presidential Elections as the local and state with federal elections occurred in between as well as during; however in such focusing points for the political climate for additional portions regarding the overall atmosphere of the population of the United States of America as well as the world, including the advancements of the internet and such types of technology to interconnect with others. I am fairly certain certain aspects align with other crucial points in time for others in various ways in an almost precarious form of which, blends together in a bit of an irony as per time.
After the male dominated field of SCUBA Divers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area had made an incorrect decision with whichever female SCUBA Divers who had not the ability to actually get the real clearance from my Medical Retirement from the United States of America's Armed Forces Army branch about my SCUBA Diving at the Vandenberg or any other specific location in the oceanic waters where I had landed at the bottom of the ocean to genuinely get the necessary information, which I could see how such types of people in such a field with such an area would not care in the slightest about the actual discussions and would only care about science which would fully negate much of the work completed because of such a lack of concern for the human race in a real and genuine way. The problems at McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District were already as they were for my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, and I simply because of the same exact excuses as to how I was looked at in the SCUBA Diving community after my SCUBA Diving began.
First of all when I began my classes looking as I do with my haircolor and hairstyle instead of being taken seriously by some of the SCUBA Diving Instructors, I was called a novelty for SCUBA Diving which offended me by some random male who was walking by the National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification. I will not go into my personal opinion of such an individual however I had been surprised when I learned there was any requirement for some SCUBA Diver who would ever be at the caliber level of which I would ever want to go SCUBA Diving with, when speaking with the owner at the time for International SCUBA Patti Stewart as I thought she knew that the type of my style of SCUBA Diving was special in comparison to who she might have known in the current time back then in the end of 2008 as I had to get all of the required paperwork squared away for the medical portions to be a responsible and healthy SCUBA Diver at all times in each and every individual situation I would be a part of at all times with the utmost amount of the highest levels of safety as possible. She and I spoke which when in February 2009 for the classes before going to Aquarina Hot Springs where some saw me get into my SCUBA Diving gear fully before grabbing the wheelbarrow of SCUBA Diving tanks to move down to the platform for the classroom teaching as I was told that was our wheelbarrow of SCUBA Diving tanks by the Instructors for International SCUBA at the time of Richard Thomas with Kevin Murphy.
Kevin I was told was a Police Officer though I was not informed of where he was a Police Officer and I had informed him of a few aspects as he had brought up what he did as employment in the open portion of the SCUBA Diving class as Richard Thomas said he was a caretaker for the Garland shop at the time, when there were two stores for International SCUBA back then before asking the class to tell about themselves to each. As it came around to me I learned I was the only female SCUBA Diver in the class who was not going on a trip or going with another in a relationship sort of way, which I did not care in the slightest as my type of SCUBA Diving I did not see what being in a class with others in a couple sort of arrangement had anything to do with what I needed to get taken care of. However as I listened I noticed how little any information was about certain specific species which was another portion as to why I took the longer class with the amount of additional details while also reading more within my Encyclopedia set in conjunction with each book per class how I did for what was needed; which the specifics of were throughout the encyclopedia for what I was looking into and what I needed for sources of certain miniature portions of what was needed. During certain portions of various SCUBA Diving classes and coursework over the time from November 2008 into December 2009, I had spoken with at the SCUBA Diving locations as far as I knew about the different aspects of SCUBA Diving; though also certain situations which felt as though Kevin would know about, though not knowing as to the hows of such. I did the best I could to let him know I knew situations about San Antonio Texas Fiesta 151 Road Warriors, military aspects referencing a few portions of more recent portions at the time, as well as a few additional aspects of which the details were admittedly vague because of not knowing the best way to specifically explain in such a setting and if I had been asked to go into a location for specifics then I would have taken care of such as per what had already been proven up to the point in time including the semi-truck collision on 35 going southbound, and what I personally had done at the time to get help for the semi-truck drivers at the time while getting back to my house at the time in San Antonio. A male named Curtis Powell had a problem with my particular background which a few male SCUBA Diving Instructors had tried to calm me down after which I knowing of such sorts of male chauvinitistic behaviours and unnessesary machismo overrated male sorts of egos about a field of which it is literally called the Mother Ocean. Maybe some males did not think about the filtered water of ponds, springs, lakes, rivers, and etcetera being filtered water from the ocean when acting in such manners; however they were shown repeatedly as to how much more well equipped I had actually been, in ways which only military type of individuals would understand is a natural aspect.
I brought my own camping tent with sleeping bag and arranged on my own without any help which some male SCUBA Divers from other locations looked at me wondering why I would be so comfortable sleeping in a tent in the middle of whichever natural area, and the capability to put up my own tent without asking for help or assistance seemed a curiosity for such types of males including a Boy Scout leader in reference to Patrick Lynch and the particular situation with Curtis Powell who had already gone after me multiple times in other SCUBA Diving situations in verbal discussions such as at the Huntsville Quarry. Several male SCUBA Diving Instructors who learned I camped instead of getting a hotel, were a bit surprised as to anything I discussed. When I pulled out my MRE or Meal Ready to Eat which is a military though also camping or hunting aspect for certain people, the look on the faces of each male SCUBA Diving Instructor of pure disgust as to my choice to eat an MRE when during a surface interval while out on the lake was an oddity. Each male showed me different kitchen type of aspects in certain regards which seemed odd why they would want to bring more than what was actually needed to any location as with the various supplies I already had for First Aid Kits, my own SCUBA diving gear, my own tent, my own sleeping bag, and my own clothing; there was a seemingly childish upset among the males and some female SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors who had looked towards me with whatever they truly felt at such a time as I had picked up. It was nothing new to me as to people looking down on me in the state of Texas by that time for simply being myself and admitting I was born and raised in New Jersey, which anything afterwards was only another problem they saw needlessly such as the way I hung my flags on my house, the after effects as I survived form Basic Training though did not graduate the Basic Training for the Army, and much more which disgusted me of such sorts of pathetic behaviours when it was not ever their oceanic waters. I had dealt with certain females such as the female SCUBA Divers and some female SCUBA Diving Instructors such as a female in Old Tennent Presbyterian Church named Amy Hughes who did not understand or know, how I was as I was and since I spent time with her older and younger sister more than her; the jealousy factor and envy had rampaged, as she got to know and spend time with my biological sister thinking that was going to make me jealous of her relationship with Patricia and yet it did not even cross my radar until Amy complained about how much I preferred what I preferred from each I spoke with.
Add the fact as to how Confirmation Classes went and the other types of church situations of dramatic proportions at certain types of competition whether or not in New Jersey though especially within the state of New Jersey in the 1980s and 1990s along with the Christmas and Easter plays, musical portions, and more when the Confirmation Final before the Graduation the escalation of her personal issues were as they were which I refused to tolerate certain behaviours well before anyone knew or understood what was going on in my own personal life and what I knew was needing to be done. However certain moving around items sorts of childish behaviour from such was evident regarding multiple male SCUBA Divers, which quite frankly the fact some were SCUBA Diving Instructors made me even more warey of ever being involved in any relationship with any SCUBA Diver as per the ways I was watching and seeing throughout the campsites. I had seen well before in Woodworking, mechanic car work, science, technology, coding, video gaming systems, and more towards females of which also seeing certain types of females who needlessly choose to try to hold another female back because of their own lack of whatever another female is doing; which then the choice of whether to lift another upward or push another downward depends upon the female, though with such a time in 2009 and the climate and admitting I refused to vote for #POTUS44 Obama in front of multiple males who were trying and some getting involved with the females; those who know how females and males were who voted for POTUS44 Obama know exactly how such behaviours were, only at the SCUBA Diving portion which is life saving if you actually know how to correctly SCUBA Dive in the ways of which I SCUBA Dive as per my training well before any time involving any SCUBA Diving Instructor in the state of Texas. Laughable as to how several had commented about the oceanic waters and my personal choice to get my gear squared away prior to going into the ocean to SCUBA Dive when I had brought up New Jersey ocean swimming, which then some thought I was being a baby referring to my choice to wait unti;l I knew my SCUBA Diving gear better as a responsible adult would have done. I could not care about such behaviours or comments as I knew which SCUBA Divers were going to be injured and for what problems from their own lack of abilities in areas which were more demanding than they could have ever imagined, which I had given my warnings about such sorts of specifics. However, I was not a SCUBA Diving Instructor and was not considered as good enough to actually give any worthwhile advice. If they had listened to my warnings, those injuries would not have occurred to you and such can be an example referencing the male SCUBA Diver who caught a Puffer Fish after he admitted to moving my SCUBA Diving gear around when he had opened the shower door while I was in the shower and had fumbled with my gear to the point where I could hear his comments asking questions about the measurements my SCUBA Diving gear measured in and how I calibrated such; which without that particular aspect, there would not ever be the ability for such information. Those who are not capable in the ways I am would cause problems to my work needlessly, and their debts to such would be their lack of ability to SCUBA Dive again because of their irresponsible choices when in reference to quite a few aspects. The laws of the ocean when in respect to me, are extremely specific. If you bless my name and me as well as who are mine, then you are blessed. If you blaspheme me, my name, my children, and what is mine; you will deal with the consequences and such will continue, until such enough of a change has been actually recognized by such in a realistic portion in comparison to what I have seen in reference to hiding. I being the type of SCUBA diver I am who is of a stronger than ever though possible in such a time in Texas as per multiple portions of which around 1.5 decades was worked on in what I was trained prior to ever SCUBA Diving officially, where I had gone swimming for fun. For example the eyes of the SCUBA Divers as I told them I had swam out to the buoys was annoying to see the disbelief in their eyes as they laughed with the smirk on their faces, thinking they knew the slightest of the truth was actually 100 % the truth. However such would be as such would be, for such times as such went on.
I had not hidden multiple aspects, though I also had not informed anyone as I did not see anyone I could officially trust in such situations at various times as per seeing multiple males and females moving gear around and being extremely angered and infuriated. Where some thought I was being rude and arrogant, the ironic portions as to who survived what pretty much ends such any sorts of such. As my SCUBA Diving was as it was for my training and courses after classes as I went and did as I needed to after dark and the males all were sleepy from the beer they drank, I took care of what I needed to take care of to ensure the safety as well as the life from what I learned later were endangered species and some were confirmed to being endangered species as per my Underwater Naturalist SCUBA Diving certification at the Aquarina Hot Springs where at one point there were over 15 species on the list and then I went there for a few more SCUBA Dives and what I did as I did for healing which now the species list of which are endangered are reduced down to less than 8. The problems for people going missing in Lake Travis stopped after my times at that lake to the levels which once were beyond the boating accidents, greatly reduced shortly after I completed taking care of what I needed to take care of. That was not my first go round with such as per the lake for Baptist Camp Lebanon in the 1990s, which in turn meant I was not done just yet for a few other locations within the state of Texas. It was amusing to me to listen to such people think that I was scared of anything in the oceanic waters, as they knew nothing about some of the species they once were SCUBA Diving with which would have been quite a problematic portion as dead people cannot speak. Thus those who knew of the specifics to those waters were not able to speak with such individuals about such information, which would be what I had needed for such clarity up to the point of my last SCUBA Dive in the Polar Bear New Years SCUBA Dive which I was the youngest as well as had the most amount of safe SCUBA Dives for the entirety of that year along with the most amount of certification specialties. Even though a SCUBA Diving Instructor needs a certification to teach a specialty, if the specialty SCUBA Diving certification was not earned on its own prior to the SCUBA Diving Instructor portions; then all such records are not the same because why would any SCUBA Diving Instructor be allowed to teach a specialty, without being certified in such a specialty? I am glad and thankful, I had learned as much as I had learned well before ever meeting anyone involved with certain specifics. Patti Stewart and I laughed about such when she told me some of the classes I was looking into meant some of the SCUBA Diving Instructors would need to be certified in the classes to be able to teach, which I thought that meant they had to be actually certified in such classes before ever being able to teach anything. Who would think otherwise regarding such aspects, referencing SCUBA Diving when thinking about such? I thought, that was common sense. However such SCUBA Diving Instructors for such if not having the specific specialty class certifications outside of the Instructor levels of SCUBA Diving, then they do not transfer into the SCUBA Diving because of the classes which would technically be needed for the ability to actually instruct. I laughed with Patti Stewart as she knew I was correct, which was during my Dry Suit SCUBA Diver certification pool class and some time when I was volunteering. I had not discussed beyond having the ability to read through multiple books at the Nine Lives Books in San Antonio for years, though I had told them about the store and location.
I have not endorsed any SCUBA Diver or SCUBA Diving location or SCUBA Diving group as I have not put such on their website for their reviewal processes on their website myself, or any social media website in which I have ever promoted in a way for others to go to unless during the time when I was involved directly with SCUBA Diving in 2009-2010. I have been to classes and demos as well as listened since, though such is not an endorsement from me ever unless I specifically send such to the specific website for such. I give my personal experiences for that point in time only as well as whatever transpired thereafter to such, which if there was the need for clarifications there such is. Just as one can retweet a tweet or any type of post such as facebook which obviously in such using such at such times means a partial endorsement of being able to use such and being appreciative of as I have been on facebook since around 2008 or 2009 just the same regarding fetlife. However I have made it known that some companies change owners just as International SCUBA switched owners after a certain point from Patti Stewart to Richard Thomas, which I have not SCUBA Dove with Richard Thomas or any other SCUBA Diver or Instructor of any type since 2010 which means nothing now because of the length of time and how much has occurred. Just because of sending a set of books just as a b-day gift for a reminder as to what I had done and what I had completed, that is also a reminder as to what was messed up regarding FSL and needing repairing correctly, regarding CCBS because I am a Mom, Fail-Safe as per warnings I gave since the middle 1980s about technology, PoTL because apparently some people needed instructions as to how to be adults and to balance what occurred to the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger adult lifestyle communities after certain songs and books such as 50 Shades of Grey because of the ridiculous negative impact of the amount of males who thought they knew of anything about sexuality at the age of 18 to claim a title of Master and the amount of females who wished for the sides of the first two books and were able to get their wish though were not able to get what they were hoping for in certain cases regarding such types of experiences which let me clarify when I said and showed people I was receiving threats at the time online and those who stood by and did nothing while watching it occur; that was not a wish nor a hope of mine as I already had gone through enough on my own and did not need nor want nor desire my son or my daughter to ever have to suffer the ways I have had to over my life in full to this point. My children and I would have been better if the SCUBA Diver Instructors and Assistant Instructors as well as up and coming Instructors and Dive Masters at the time in 2009 through to 2010, had simply told the truth back in those times and actually helped by asking questions instead of assuming and harassing by stalking and needlessly causing problems because illegal surveillance is illegal surveillance. The fact is I did not put any camera or audio or recording devices anywhere inside of my house in San Antonio or Carrollton Texas of which if was done before I purchased the house, then there was a required legal disclosure which would have been mandatory as per Texas legislation about privacy laws inside places which would be expected and required for privacy. .
A male who went inside of my house in Carrollton said the most sacrilegious words inside of my house after being told several times I had refused to be a part of a Homeowners Association as per the problems which had already occurred for defending my right to privacy through the Procomm company allowing Pheasant Creek to put a rainbird on my fence without my permission or ever asking me twice as well as the shed situation after the BBQ problem and the gardening which one situation went all the way up to the corporate office which the variance for the shed after the Datsun Truck ran into my fence and shed with Fred Loya Insurance and the problems from those employees as described and proven as per their insurance claims through other companies which the IRS could trace and track easily though such a Ceiling Fan boy said, "I can make you like Homeowners Associations, and you should really give them another chance if you like your house."
That male lost his mind after being the one who caught a Puffer Fish as he refused to follow the one command he was given and the need for his hospitalization if required through proven repeated choices which would have worsened as per seen through the situations at Bremerton Washington on the Naval Marine Base near the shipyard as well as view of how he thought a selfie was more important than safety while asking about the traffic situation in Montana which would not have been a problem if the SCUBA Diving at the Vandenberg had properly been taken care of afterwards, just as much other aspects and situations. Much could have been prevented if the ego of those with lesser backgrounds in certain specifics in reference to my SCUBA Diving type and style, if such responsibilities were properly taken care of in the intial portions thereof by those who claimed and said they were SCUBA Diver Instructors once back in the United States of America for the Cancun SCUBA Diving with the exception of the one SCUBA Diving Instructor who had been a previous Instructor of mine for SCUBA Diving of which his friend the Ceiling Fan boy had taken the picture when we were at the water before going inside to get ready for the SCUBA Dive shore version which the female other than I in the picture did not go nor did her husband nor did the SCUBA Diving Instructor's girlfriend at the time named Sally; which for whatever excuse thought her boyfriend at the time was ever an interest in such a relationship type of manner, as seen as to how she clung onto him while out though since he was my instructor and she would have known what money he was making in comparison to me I would not doubt if such sorts of jealousy and envy wrongful situations were to be for such a type of female I have seen before. Hypothetically.

Left to Right: Me, Sally Jeff Waters' girlfriend, and Joy the other female whose house was the double duplex BBQ with who looked like Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen from a different party picture had been at later that month in June 2009, as per a group picture and her own psychosis of not understanding borders or limitations which she needs to learn as well as those who intrude on my privacy needlessly. You can see the date stamp is missing which proves that SCUBA Diver I did not want as a roommate was playing games and could not care about such SCUBA Dive gear being touched without any clearance and without any permission from me ever, as if he saw another SCUBA Diver from the trip use my cameras why would he not stop such and then go and admit to moving my gear and checking my depth gauge as he had not need to for any aspect legally. Doing so he chose to put everyone's life at risk that day and during each SCUBA Diving portion for the rest of that trip for each SCUBA Diver, including the local resort associated PADI Apple SCUBA Dive shop on the area nearby the region. You can see how stoned Sally looks in the picture taken in the airport, though I am uncertain as to the medical aspects as to what occurred prior to as if that picture was taken after SCUBA Diving before leaving for the airport; that male who moved my SCUBA Diving gear is responsible for her medical conditions, seen in that picture. He chose to move my SCUBA Diving gear, and thus it was his responsibility to tell his friend about the truth of such instead of blaming me wrongly for something which was his fault to begin with. If she had major health problems because of that SCUBA Dive trip, that male should have told his friend back then as to what he did in June 2009.

I did not authorize anyone to use my camera and the male in the corner is not the male SCUBA Diver who forced his way into being on the trip and forced his way to being a roommate I did not want or need at the time, which was the same male who talked about a Sea Cucumber species on the airplane before at the resort of opening the locked bathroom door when I was in the shower to pour cold water onto me while I was in the shower after I locked the door to have some privacy. He was told to stay away and because he did not listen to any command given, he did not need to be involved any further slightly. I do not know who those people are in the wedding picture and I did not authorize my camera to be used by anyone except one portion regarding my Cavern SCUBA Diving lessons because of how long the time was taking for the line work and once considered graduates of that class only in Florida at Peacock Springs in the cabin for the other one picture allowed and nothing more, however no other point in time for an overall trip the way such had been in reference to that set of individuals. If anyone knew of such offensive behaviour as to take SCUBA Diving gear and/or move such around needlessly as per a childish life threatening game because of lack of morals and lack of a compass for what actually is correct, then I hope those people cannot ever SCUBA Dive or SCUBA Dive Instruct or SCUBA Dive Consult ever again in my opinion as a Professional SCUBA Diver who earned 26 individual SCUBA Diving certifications of which 24 are SCUBA Diving Specialties and 2 are for National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving and the other for Advanced Open Water SCUBA Diving. If those were celebrities in the gazebo and there was theft because of the celebrities, that is another reason as to why such sorts of behaviours of SCUBA Divers and/or SCUBA Diving Instructors need to get out and stay out and away from the natural water and onto land instead of being anywhere near where potentially hazardous situations are as the less amount of problems the better in my opinion. If each of the SCUBA Divers from that trip suffered major injuries because of such a choice regarding the Ceiling Fan boy and/or his cohorts, then the re-education of SCUBA Diver Instructors should be mandatory and should be verified as per their safety records as per who they were in charge of Instructing during SCUBA Diving aspects as well as if their behaviour on land is unacceptable then there is not need for such within the waters of the ocean as why would such damages to the oceanic waters and coral reefs have to suffer because of such ignorance and arrogance? Why is it though the way the military was treated and spoken about in regards of McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District so prevalent before I officially began SCUBA Diving, in a shop through Carrollton Texas? Oh, wait. POTUS44 Obama was running and newly elected, and you people know exactly how you have been since that time of the election primaries into the election and afterwards. I had warned as to why I was making my choices regarding the voting for Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin as per the military's needs correctly as I believe if you are going to be Commander in Chief of the United States of America's Armed Forces being President of the United States of America, there should be a direct connection through direct aspects as to the Armed Forces; such as Senator John McCain had been in the Vietnam War and survived, as well as another example via POTUS45 Trump and his time in boarding school through a military academy of which I have made it clear a consenting adult's age is biologically 18 to 21 years old and upward without certain specific aspects to take into consideration for disability aspects. Just because a child is sent to a boarding school or a residential treatment facility or a behavioural health location or what-have-you, does not give any individual any legal right nor legal authority to ever circumvent the age minimum biological requirements of a minimum of 18 years old or if raised to 21 years old for consensual adult aspects with. I do not agree to the three year younger aspect just because of the college aspects and met in high school does not mean anything different and is an excuse in my and others' opinions, as well as laws for actual safety of the individuals.
Though I have repeatedly had to prove and reprove myself needlessly because of other's ego and other's pride instead of simply accepting the facts with the proof given, which in turn the aspects of such a set of experiences with SCUBA Diver Instructors and their girlfriends or wives have proven the New Jersey wishes some wanted to try to be as good as in a different portion as reality television an such portions were rampant as well during 2000+ which was known would have to lead to problems because of the monkey see and monkey do aspects of certain types of human beings without the proper care or concern about others' safety or wellbeing ever as per what has been seen via such negligence throughout each location which has yet to acknowledge such properly. It is not my fault any SCUBA Diving Instructor had an ego and then realized Irving and would know I was going to take such to the military area where the Navy and Marine Special Forces Unit Brigade is in the Fort Sam Houston area, which in turn the prosecution of preventing government property from being properly transported by such a UHAUL stop in the Austin city limit area had prevented the soldiers who needed such information for the past 12 years is now wherever the gear is at and the wasted time means you did not get what you actually needed from the scrapings as it is now completely gone from the correct spots you actually had needed. No, I personally do not care to try such a medium to get the possibility of anything left because you wasted the good stuff and since has been contaminated as per the breathing problem in the regulator which was not the one which was used during any SCUBA Diving in the oceanic waters nor in Cavern SCUBA Diving class certification course. Once the bag was opened, there went what you actually needed as I know such a gust of wind was felt and the gust of wind was flying by you as to what you were prevented from actually getting. Not my problem, any longer; however you have the target in reference to the one who caught the Puffer Fish, as to who such was going to adhere to and burrow inside of regarding the Ceiling Fan boy's blood and other aspects thereof which are as they are.
The antivenom is the antivenom, and I control such on my own; which he was fully denied of that particular antivenom as seen through the situations which have unfolded, and wherever such is regarding is wherever such is. I caught it once to take in with my SCUBA Diving gear, and now since others who had nothing to do with what was going on had caused problems needlessly as I had previously said and warned of. If I specifically tell you to contact me and do so in a timely manner of 30 days since you know; that part of the Homeowners Association agreement I can agree to for such legalities, when such contacts are made. That male was informed though it was mandatory for him to admit to multiple aspects on a recorded phone line as well as on a military installation as if when I was volunteering at Nine Lives Books and that male was seen creeping around the bookstore, then there is the portion of when the stalking and harassing began as I thought I saw him or a relative in San Antonio Texas. Those who have twins or triplets or whatever in their family should be mandatory for all to be known for the ability for those who do not have twins to be able to tell the difference, as such is considered as a sexual assault to hide such from another who would not think of such. The same in reference to similar age range individuals who could pass for one another in relation for the security reasons on military installations as well as law enforcement agencies, as the need for actually properly trained individuals to do the correct work is mandatory for proper safety guidelines as well as health. The disgusting portions of those who would subject anyone to such in my opinion seem to be asking for such in return, which since such people exist who have done so is why I prefer not to have any particular types of adult relations without meeting the family involved fully. After seeing what occurred regarding several situations, that sort of behaviour disgusts me. I cannot, be the only one. However, those microchip implants seem to work for dogs and if human beings prefer to not be honest with such then the microchipping seems important if that is a continued problem which needs to be solved.
However anyone who wishes they could deny me of such I challenge you to go drop down to the USS/USNS Vandenberg yourself and land at the bottom of the oceanic waters where I had safely to surface safely if you can and are allowed to by the oceanic waters, which if you are not able to for whatever reason or cause or excuse; then simply acknowledge the reality of the fact I have done so, I took the pictures, I named the species of fish I felt like naming, and the other species of fish I have not named are not up for naming without such aspects being recognized for each and every individual species throughout all of the SCUBA Diving pictures I have ever taken. I told the MEPS station male in the office when asked if I was thinking I was going to kick a$$ and take names, "No, I will kick a$$, go on my way, slaughter as I need to for my country the United States of America, and when I feel like it then I will give whatever names I feel like giving." in reference to the infantry, calvary, combat arms, into the Special Forces aspects as I had plans which were tied into the MAST school initially and always had been intended to be as such regarding. Hence, my preference of Marines first among a few others if there is a worthwhile endeavor which does not play games with others lives or hearts.
If you are willing to put national security at risk by stealing my SCUBA Diving gear and holding such then there is no need for your involvement with a Homeland Security style type of project such as my idea for the Underwater Travel System, as no one is ever allowed in the civilian sector to try anything without the government's approval. I admit none knew of my idea with the exception of the fact I brought up Ice SCUBA Diving in Alaska during the Aurora Borealis, which was enough of a hint that my SCUBA Diving certifications classes were having nothing to do with recreational SCUBA Diving at any point in time. There are only a few SCUBA Divers who were told of such though only after posting pictures had any of those types of recreational lax SCUBA Divers step out of the shadows, while forgetting all of the damages caused by such choices during the admittance of such. However if it was actually important back in 2009 as I knew it was, then the SCUBA Diving Instructors should not have wasted their time hesitating and actually should have simply asked me. However I would not doubt if some of the other SCUBA Diver Instructors since Patti Stewart is not the owner anymore, had stood over her because she is shorter than I am and intimidated her needlessly to take the blame for what was not her booking; as I booked my own SCUBA Diving trip to Florida in both locations without International SCUBA School despite her resort connections as would be arrogant for any SCUBA Diving Instructor who would go from one school location to another school location to think. How stupid of a SCUBA Diving Instructor would one have to be to not realize that going from one SCUBA Diving School location to another SCUBA Diving school location would mean that was the only place which was possible, in comparison to outside of the state of Texas or even within the state of Texas? Are those SCUBA Diving Instructors at those times so lax in their educational aspects of SCUBA Diving Instruction they were in capable of realizing as they traveled from one area of water to another area of water and had met other SCUBA Divers and other SCUBA Diver Instructors, maybe just maybe other SCUBA Divers and such were able to do so as well? Or does it take a head injury to figure out, that was simply common sense? I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if you are going to teach a SCUBA Diving Specialty, you should probably have the SCUBA Diving specialty before getting into SCUBA Diving Instruction.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if you get a certification to teach a specialty though as a SCUBA Diving Instructor, the ability to teach such or discuss such is invalid because of the fact of the loss of the Instructor capability if no longer a SCUBA Diving Instructor or licensed with the insurance requirements as told to me by an ex-SCUBA Diving Instructor nicknamed Ceiling Fan boy. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out going around and around such as a ceiling fan wishing the facts would change to a different favor while doing the exact same thing as before such as waiting for me to change to others' whims wrongly, is the ideal definition of insanity for the portion in my opinion regarding such especially after acknowledging what I did not want nor need on the phone call referencing the June 2009 SCUBA Diving trip to Cancun Mexico before my trip to Florida for SCUBA Diving. If that male Ceiling Fan boy reference had been seen in Florida and/or Georgia I hope that is additional proof of such an individual needing to learn to take no and accept that no, is the answer. If my SCUBA Diving gear was removed and taken to another state without my permission, then I am not interested if such aspects are not recognized prior to going to such an area as what is the big deal? It has only been 12 years anyone has taken to even bother me about such as per Washington state of which, what does it matter now? Did it ever, honestly? I do not know as I have not been shown any proof as to such mattering in proper ways, just as many who had demanded proof from me about what was truthfully going on in regards of my daughter and my son after what occurred at the Fort Worth Zoo. I proved such with such documentation and paperwork back in 2014 and yet, now it is 2021 and even with the pictures which were posted before in 2009 of such SCUBA Diving aspects; who has had the common courtesy to simply acknowledge such truths, in honesty about me? I would not know, from what I have been sent and seen online beginning in the end portions of 2009 and onward through to 2013 as I showed people and asked them for help. Why bother asking for help, when as such has occurred in both the civilian sector as well as the military sector as well as the law enforcement sector as per repeated proof in the short aspects of time to now?
Oh wait, thankfully I can call on those regarding Irving as well as those within the oceanic waters as well as the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project as needed to handle situations if required. If it was not made clear before, that was the coronation as to who was the ambassador between human beings and inter-space travel as per explanations previously written in FSL for such clarifications. Thus, such has seen how the behavioural patterns have been on earth of which in return what does such matter to people on earth as to whether or not such is discussed in an official capacity which unless in an office in an office building or specific type of arrangement then what is it those who have done ambassadorship on earth for other countries see of the area for such treatments as to such realities with the reports from multiple individuals in the Irving area during 2011? I am fairly certain only official writings of mine as well as official videos I would choose to record through my paid for devices of which I personally chose for my usage outside of where I live or if I choose to turn on the camera in my apartment is the only form of official as to be considered, unless asked in a safe and comfortable setting with official agent(s) in comparison to as the day goes by. Does it take a head injury to figure out I have proved myself and now, it has come to the point of the rapture to be exposed fully for real and actual justice? I can think of a different form of justice for such, though I prefer life in comparison to what has occurred over the past 12 years and longer for other aspects already written about and clarified.
As per the SCUBA Diving which now at minimum there is more of a 40% female to 60% male in such aspects, at what point in time do the male SCUBA Diving Instructors and Dive Masters acknowledge such properly as I earned the majority of my SCUBA Diving certifications within the state of Texas; though it surely seems the state of Texas individuals are less concerned about such sort of a celebration which would actually include the one who had done such, which I suppose then the state of Texas could not care for such because of the stated biases for decades and years about the bigger aspects of Texas. I suppose from such statements as well as treatments over the years, those statements have always been false regarding caring about such; unless only those who were born in the state of Texas count to such Texans, which then what is your excuse as to how you treat those who wake up from a coma in the state of Texas? Since 11 September 2001 events, one would think it would not take a head injury to figure out that would be a rebirth and such people who claim to care about the state of Texas and Texans seem to discriminate more and more the way Democrats and Liberals throughout such times of the 2008 election have not grown up enough to see the errors of their ways even now in 2021.
If I am inaccurate about such, who is it who can clarify to genuinely show and explain such without a political spin?
I had contacted the Medal of Honor museum in Arlington Texas to see if I was allowed to specifically take the pieces I would designate to the museum if they had responded to me, of which since there has not been a response then none of the pieces I have taken to any of the locations need to be anywhere then in the states I took them to. There is not the need nor the requirement for any of my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces to have anything to do with such a museum as such would be my choice, and my choice alone. If such would be liked to be considered by my choice and by my approval, then whenever such would like to actually return contact then such can be discussed. Otherwise in of all locations near the middle point between the Dallas and Fort Worth area of Texas near the DFW National Cemetery, how could anyone see if such were to be built regarding anything in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project after all of the varied situations be seen as a positive way to non-politically have such built after having already destroyed my home I made? How selfish would that be considered to look towards the state of Texas for denying such certifications for going on 12 years to just start a building without ever thinking as to what I would want, or what would be needed for a location which was known to have that abomination buried nearby. It does not matter if removed, the energetic portions were already where they were; simply because of the letter I left which I buried in the grass, at the headstone as I knew the Holy Roman Catholic Church would not allow that casket to be buried from the signs given referencing the cafeteria. In turn, I completed what was needed for that fully.
Rose Fitzgerald, what? Grandpa Nichols, who?
If some thought the casket was the specific spot as to where such would actually have energetically gone, they forgot how much Grandpa Nichols had despised the stolen valor and had warned my ex-in-laws of what he had asked regarding a permanent spiritual marriage for such prior to his death and I am as I am.
I promised Grandpa Nichols I would take care of what was necessary for the problems his wife Grandma Lydia Nichols, his daughters who had fought to keep the Bronze Star and were commanded to give the medal and commendation to and by me to have the ability for me to properly hand over the medal and ribbon of the Bronze Star to who was supposed to be given to as per the specifics despite the Army calling the ex-in-laws to bring such over without the legal authority to because of the fact regarding the last will and testimony and according to even back in 2008 in January as well as onward to now, the only Executrix which ever had counted was myself for the legalities as per the date of his death which would overrule and overturn any portions which any of my ex-in-laws could claim as they would try to use the excuse it was given to Grandpa and Grandma Nichols however because of the way the situations went during the after months of the initial portions the actual requirement would have been as I had repeatedly told my ex-in-laws to give to me the medal and commendation to take in where it needed to go. Instead the arguing and fighting which occurred and the realities of such pictures of stolen valor are as they have been as well as the pictures being cut out of the frames as to where I once was for which Grandpa Nichols spirit looks and seen as in disgust, as he knew what I had done to give the ability for that ceremony to begin with at the funeral which was created to occur by me making the choice to allow such to occur; which in turn would mean the requirement for those ex-in-laws to actually hand such over to me as the only Executrix for that last will and testimony as per the Chief Warrant Officer 3 at the Laurel Land Funeral Home in January 2008 among the other soldiers who were there. Thus circumventing my authority even at that level specifically disrespects such as well as disrespects the meaning and the intentions thereof, which of course an Infantry base would assume any female was good enough for the hole aspect in comparison to the reality of which whole is actually worthwhile comparatively. Apparently those males preferred my ex-in-laws in comparison to me, which in turn that is their choice and they can deal with those people instead.
Hey, where was the sexism there? I would write it could be considered as sexist simply because of the female aspect regarding the POTUS run in 2016 and thinking that just any female would vote for Hillary Clinton, which in turn repeats the aspects as to the 2008 POTUS44 election; which in turn shows the lax and importance of actual self-defense, which I wonder if such is actually or ever was actually important to anyone other than myself. That return of the medal and commendation was not to be done by just anyone, though since it was obviously preferred for such yet again instead; thank you in sarcasm only for proving to me exactly what I wrote as you would rather mew being dead in comparison to my dead-ex-husband, which only shows me why I should contemplate what was ever worth anything in this life? When even that individual had confessed to me and had acknowledged who I am, what is everyone else's problem if your preference is that male then? The wrongs he wanted to undo would make him sick to his stomach that he wasted his entire confession for such individuals to disrespect me, which extends to my son #letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia.
My mistake to think I was actually ever worth anything, I suppose. My mistake actually believing if you actually apply yourself, so much can occur for the positive for such personally as well as communally. My mistake, I suppose.
I apologize, I will not bother with such efforts again. If the definition of insanity is to go round and around expecting a different result from the same sorts of aspects, then I simply do not need to do anything further because of the ways such has been shown and revealed to me. Oh, wait. Silence speak louder than words, thus such has been proven in such regards as to the lack thereof. If I am inaccurate, I know not to wait for others as that portion of which seemingly has been proven similarly so many have showed me how the words written by the court appointed lawyer prior to the request for the second appointed lawyer of what was written. Obviously those portions about a dog to the pet store were intended for which there was only one individual who was called a pet who was Phillip Omstead AKA Donnie Darko or Darko, of which he had used such a line referencing his sister as well as himself regarding his mother and how she chose to keep the biological father's identity hidden from him for years. The psychological damages from choosing such and hiding such wrongly from others had caused what occurred additionally, as so many throughout the state of Texas and the United States of America chose to stand by and wait. Is it time to stop waiting and start doing, or is it still up in the air and people waiting for another aspect which instead of taking care of justice would be wasting time in my opinion. If anyone heard him repeatedly say the words in a child's voice repeating after me of 'you don't love [me] no more'; then that is exactly who you were warned of, just as Pita had been warned as I learned he knew he did not inform her of certain aspects when in Cedar Park Texas several months after moving.
If ADT the alarm company had noticed aspects of which were illegally being surveilled and/or they knew of hacking into such systems, then legal responsibility for such would be on their shoulders fully without any justice then why ever have such a system in place? Also if allowed others to break through firewalls and/or given access to sell pay per view of a house or a room, out of curiosity what legal ramifications are there for such illegal invasion of privacy and how much money is owed to the general public as per such fraudulent activities from each and every individual security home system such as Brinks as well as others? I would not be surprised that when such systems were put into place is when the larger aspects of identity theft actually started to begin, if looking at the timeline of such events unfurling of which then the aspects of the national security risks were made higher instead of better by such sorts of systems being put in place at each house installed and each apartment complex which has such built in whether or not such has been paid for as the second you turn off the internet is when the beeping starts after a few minutes from such a reset. I had been once told of an agreement between a couple which was as explained verified as per who I had to deal with in such times of Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr, regarding two additional situations. One he tried to pull the same situation referencing one of his friends Nathan to try to repeat the garbage I had already dealt with referencing to him and my then ex-husband and then later he tried to repeat the same pattern; though because of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, I had forgotten to verify with the other half as per asking when she would want to come over as well; however instead, I believed wrongly the lies I was told in reference to such because of a few other portions of the time as it took me awhile as probably seen regarding the time of election years in postings referencing statements made by certain POTUS such as POTUS43 George Bush Jr; which in turn if the wife at the time of that male named Cage did not know, I cannot explain how much hope I have at this current time for that female. Not only was it illegal then for the security company to watch anything going on inside of my house when the system was technically unarmed, though again why is it the 9-1-1 phone call response to the house in Carrollton Texas and by who in reference to what I was told had to do with my daughter's room's furniture? I was in Cedar Park signing on a lease for a rental to be able to get my daughter taken care of as she actually needed to be, of which I hope such was found and the individuals involved are all prosecuted and charged to the fullest extent of the laws whoever they are or could be with the explanations as to what the excuses were or if there were reasons that explanation would be required as well. I know that the only male who had been allowed a sleepover had been from the school McCoy Elementary, which that male refused to eat the food I had cooked and his mom and dad threw a fit saying the 3 courses of meals were not good enough for their son if he wanted to throw a tantrum and if I knew what actual stress was like then they thought I would know their financial pain burdens. If they had not ever been so greedy as to think such and actually would have listened to me back then, maybe such arrogance to ever think you know anyone by the examples you see on television or movies would ever be the exact same in real life. Shame, on such people. Maybe they do not deserve any real meaning tattoos with genuinity, as maybe their blank canvas or a drunken tattoo is all they deserve. I had explained the aspects of my hairstyle, my hair color, and my tattoos to several including Tammy and David who the 3 sons my son would spend time with and the graduation I had gone to for the high school aged son in 2010; only reprove time and again, how little I can believe as to such assumptions as to anyone as to anything about me even with writings as does everyone else put everything they do online for every individual little thing and faery sized thought? Or do people who have told me they thought I needed a filter say such, because they already had filtered themselves out from such equations to begin with?
In reference to my choice and my refusal to be photographed or videoed in the nude or in any implied nudes was a problem, then who is anyone to tell another female what she is or is not to do with her own body? If I choose as I had chosen to have my modeling pictures only as the refusal of nudes, then why would anyone ever think if I were to ever allow my son and/or my daughter in modeling that would ever be allowed for either? If you did not know, I would not and I am extremely protective as a Mom. To assume I would be as any other random whomever, was your biggest mistake you made whoever you are as the way even Principal Dawn Rink and the Guidance Counselor Angela Reiter with the teacher Tamara Hatcher went to check on the school I paid for out of my own pocket of $6,000 to do the best I could since insurance would not cover such at the time; the fact they had actually had the nerve to go from a public school to a private school location only because of their biases against me as proven repeatedly, the school staff who was there had mentioned how disgusting that was as she wished schools would actually pay attention though she knew looking at me as to why those people would look at me as a lesser mom in comparison. Apparently to those in the state of Texas during those times from 2008 through to 2013 they had not ever met anyone with a tattoo, and they had not ever colored their own hair or went to a salon or stylist to get such done. When I pointed such out to Rink, Reiter, and Hatcher before then as well in the meeting after the Fort Worth Zoo incident where the school lost my daughter at the Fort Worth Zoo where my ex-sister-in-law's daughter Breianna Marie Nichols-Lopez' boyfriend and baby daddy of Anthony Joseph Lopez had known the security guards and knew how long the time was before they found my daughter to take her to the security office which after at the security office was the timed portion of the 22-28 minutes. I warned my ex-sister-in-law to take care of that male by contacting the police about her daughter's pregnancy at the age of 14 years old as I did not have the information needed to give a report as I thought as I did not know the name nor the address for the male, which if they knew his role to be a part of such would that mean there would be an assistance to commit child endangerment as well as delinquency of a minor as well as whatever occurred which caused my daughter to spiral out of control beyond what bullying was occurring at the school which had been reported over the time previously as per the documents available in the following link in golden color: Day 34 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge (susanmeeling.com) Day 34 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge (susanmeeling.com) Day 34 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge (susanmeeling.com) As legal guardian and biological Mom to my only daughter Lidia Louise, the right to put such information out into the internet is my legal right and my legal choice to give multiple proofs of documentation as per legal requirements for the Constitutional Rights and Amendments of the United States of America. That sort of situation combination in conjunction with the portions of the proof needed for all aspects to be seen and known for other parents and grandparents as well as foster families to truthfully help the child protective services system because if my biological mother and my biological father had followed through with what they should have years ago correctly with what had occurred to me back in the prior days when I was a child and when I was a teenager, the proof of what I had experienced and the actual help which could have occurred after what began in Old Tennent Presbyterian Church through some of the high schoolers had been ignored because what else would people do who claimed their care and concern for each other while ignoring the facts in front of their eyes begin? I was told by the Pastor of the church when I was attending the church back then in the 1980s and 1990s he knew my parents were strict, though strict in those years including to now probably does not include using what was used in such sorts of ways and the clearer definitions as to what is incorrect punishments delved out compared to correct punishment was needed even back then into the current times; as apparently common sense truly was and truly is, a super power.
Hopefully the illegal and wrongful surveillances are removed fully as even people in the witness protection program are supposed to be informed prior to going into witness protection, if I am accurate. That also includes during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as that was not officially written down as to the requirements between anyone else and I regarding traveling across state and city lines while not forgetting precincts, the legal mandatory requirement for the video taping and/or pictures when in Washington state as per rules and laws, what each city/state thereafter as per each location I went to for my Medal of Honor Art Project, the expectation and requirement of privacy when in a hotel room and/or inside of a vehicle which is supposed to be considered inside as a private location, and etcetera for anyone who would choose to do so without my permission which crossing state lines and into federal zones aspects as well as military fly zone locations; such would have been mandatory for anyone who would ever choose to try to think they would be allowed, without my personal checking with the Pentagon and was why I only asked if there was an interest and had not ever followed through because no further discussions with me personally for who I would know to contact to ask first as well as I would know what the proper protocol for walking or driving anywhere near me during such times would be; an arrogant and machismo individual who would think he and/or his wife would ever have legal authority over me would then think to be possible for prosecution for child trafficking when my minor son was in the car, human trafficking for when obviously I was in the car driving though unknowingly being followed and stalked by phone who had no authority or right to follow along such a trip or go in the area of while not ever getting the required clearances previously, among other portions which would legally be required for any aspect of which I personally would need to make such decisions without the judgment call from someone who had no idea nor any clue as to what was required for such a trip or trips for anyone else who could have been considered as acceptable if I had chosen such by my written words of each name who would have been allowed if prior to the year of the trip planning for such. I was not ever made aware of such prior to winding up in Washington state, which in turn if that Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert situation in 2013 was actually to prevent such by civilians who would have been in the know of the Dallas Bank of America situations, DeLoitte, Patty Vaughn, the murder of the daughter of Linda who is Mimi's daughter in the houses on the other side of the street corner from 4808 Dorsey Drive Fort Worth Texas. When at the front lawn of that house the stolen valor house with your back to the house, looking to the left where the street corner intersection is where the chain link fence is for Mimi's house, next door to the left is Linda's house where her daughter's body was found on the swingset swing and Grandpa Nichols had admitted to moving the body which other than a few other situations additionally needlessly to what my life had already been at such a point; what is it like to be told the truth, I wonder. I had such here and there every now and then rarely, which I wonder quite a lot more than I once had about the genuinity of human beings in truth after as much as I had experienced just up to prior to the move to Illinois. I cannot remember many times where I ever felt safe enough or comfortable enough to relax, with the exception of when my home was still my home. 2010, that was stolen from me because of such actions and choices made by whichever individuals who cared more about their hiding from the justice they deserved as well as earned in comparison to what I have dealt with.
You know it is a sad thing to have to write that those within the oceanic waters have more genuine compassion, than what I have seen on land at times.
In a different portion though along certain similar lines the egotistical aspects as to the arrogance that anyone would be allowed to go would be incorrect, and why I have had Omega clearance for several reasons. When the code word was called by another in the Austin area community unknowing to me he had such a clearance and he would not have been allowed such information as per the differences of job employment sought into, when that same male had given me the information about my name being dropped and speaking with the male who had the same employment to know only portions of what was allowed as per the mandatory clearance level portions; I knew the complaint he had about using the local area of Texas to teach military training techniques of military style interrogations for the Dominant Mentor Program which I agreed with Ms Cenna that Joshua Light AKA Cross should not ever teach or even demo or perform such actions, because of the level of training such would have needed such a clearance to be able to go through that portion of training through a clearance from Command in the Pentagon; he was mad at me for refusing to take his side, as I warned him of many other aspects including what college students would do when telling their parents and/or the cellphones and other camera and recording devices which would give the wrong impression of the type of military background he would have had to have to actually be able to do so, if such was actually a part of his training. Using a staple gun in the thigh which I admit I was not there and I did not get told of officially by a living human being though the cry from the rust within the staple going into her flesh at one point while he was yelling at her, was enough to wake me up when I was in Washington state in a pure sweat which drenched the couch I needed to lay down on because of the pain levels from the headaches and migraines while being electrocuted. If he as well as Kitty had not informed the local community as to how I had wound up in Washington state after Arizona along with Carl or Sam Lewis the photographer, I had already told many of the threats I was receiving needlessly. However if Cross who Carl would have given a knife to for a version of a KBar for the Marines though different for the Armed Forces specific type of branch, if I am accurate about the timing of such a situation referencing the energetic portions of the staple gun with the screw driver and the hair pulling to who I saw was a female I once went to approach to ask her a question about something I did not understand what she had posted online; instead that female Lucky Albatross had refused to speak with me, and instead claimed I was being overdramatic for wanting the clarification for one post despite not being actually confrontational as over 6 feet away from her. My post about the Military and BDSM collision was something I had wanted to talk with her about as to one of the comments around the timeframe of that event in Austin, though since such was not considered as important to discuss to her or the others; at minimum I can say and write, I made the attempts.
What I saw in a vision was Lucky Albatross was put into a metal back chair with wood on a wooden planked flooring with a tree nearby and a window behind the male who looks as Cross though there are a few other males who look familiar such as Mike from Patty and Mike in San Antonio Texas, while there was a male being crucified on a wooden cross near a non-natural body of water, and actual version of a thorn crown looking on the male's head. The hands were punctured in the center of the palms similar to my tattoos though with actual metal in comparison to tattoos and though I did not see him pierced within the lungs, I did see lashings prior to the actual hanging on the wooden cross as a weird reenactment of the crucifixion to try to prove wrong the theory of the aspects of who Jesus Christ was and what she went through though nowhere near what occurred back in those times as per the scriptures of fullness. I saw in the vision males and females screaming and while some seemed in jest the other portions seemed far too real for the situation I was seeing, watching the blood pooling at his ankles or tops of his feet as the mimicking of Christ on the cross needlessly. Within the portions of what looked like Lucky Albatross on fetlife and in community area aspects had a large portion of her hair pulled backwards while who looks like Joshua Light AKA Cross standing over her lap with her legs bound to the legs of the chair and her hands behind her back, screaming in her face as he dared her to scream out as he slammed the construction grade staple gun into her upper thighs. I had seen in the vision of tears pouring out from her eyes as the tears of blood pooled from the other area as the situation I saw in a vision continued and the sweat pouring out of each pore while I was being zapped did not help the vision I was having needlessly additionally to, while Cross demanded the word again as he slammed the construction silver grade staple gun back into a different portion of her upper thigh. When I saw what looked as Joshua Light push the staple gun into her stomach when screaming in Lucky Albatross' face and re-gripped her hair in a different way between his fingers, I shot up out of the couch and fully awake. I could still see the whites of her eyes when standing and doing what I could to calm myself down while praying if I truly was seeing what I was seeing to find a way to make it all stop for that was far too much, when I saw the staple gun go to the side of her head as he screamed and several others came around behind him to pull him off of her as her head fell to the side looking over towards the crucifixion at the area where I saw a tree with a non-natural body of water being moved closer to the wooden planed flooring area and I thought I had tasted a little bit of blood in my mouth.
I admit I do not know if such is truthfully a situation which occurred seeing others being whipped and flogged at such different areas all at once in different timing sequences, though an irony of a picture I had tried drawing as a child of different situations I saw though the overall shape and style of the face though the 8th grade drawing of with darker brown hair fairly wavy and thick would be ideal for such a description from what I can recall for a situation as such seen. I thought I saw several stomach punches to who looked like Lucky Albatross from 3 or 4 males at random while screaming was going on as she cried and I thought I felt her heart-beating faster as per would be normal for a situation such as that if I saw correctly, which is one of many reasons why I agreed with Ms Cenna from what I was told by Joshua Light AKA Cross who had brought forward the clearance name Omega which at the age of 17 years old as per can be seen from my leg tattoo referencing the shape I saw on my paperwork for when I was at the MEPS station, I pleaded with him to rethink going above Ms Cenna's head by making his own decision as I knew he had not been back on the soil of the United States of America from wherever he has been prior to that timing as his ex-wife Flame or Stephanie Light would have been discussing in certain references; and the situation with Trish showing up shortly after the clearance being called out by Cross AKA Joshua Light, seemed too odd for me to be able to handle as would be known by those who saw interactions back then. That female was not to be trusted as I knew the name choice for her son was a situation explained to another female from the Jade Wolf Coven named Christy who said her dream was to bring forward Jesus Christ at any cost, to be able to find out whether or not the reality of Divinity existed. I hope(d) if that is the case in such if I heard the name correctly as Trish complained about how difficult it was to be a single mom of one child to me in the years of 2010 into 2011, which she had an entire family with 2 males and 2 other females with her biological parents and her ex-boyfriends parents who were all willing to help; as she tried to get me to feel bad for her situation, which the link with the paperwork documents to download is: Day 34 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge (susanmeeling.com)
By the way even though the school paperwork says free lunch which proves their biases in their trying to shame my daughter when I had sent checks into the school to be cashed with my son and my daughter, before having to start sending cash because the lunch people refused to take the check after a point. That school also tried sending to my home free fruits and vegetables as though I was unable to afford food for my son and my daughter, just because I look as I do and my background; in comparison to the fact I wrote the checks, and gave them to my son and my daughter for them to hand to the cashier. My son and my daughter were not the only children to be put through such as the same referencing Tammy and David with the three sons, and the high school graduation ceremony I took pictures of while having to walk away from where the Superintendent Mr Burns nervously gave his speech to the whole graduating class. All of them having to be explains as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the cognitive problems though also the infuriation as to having repeatedly requested paperwork from that school district through faxes and emails while their district had tried stonewalling with their high paid law firm which the Judge Rubinett had agreed the law firm with Nona Matthews needed to stop pretending and get to work correctly, just a year and a few months before the comments from the first court appointed lawyer about how he said he viewed me in my situation regarding my daughter; which those who actually knew how much I had worked and done what I could to actually care and take care of my two children on my own while acknowledging the need for help and assistance had repeatedly been denied over and over needlessly because of whatever excuses for which is it that whoever would participate would want that for themselves or theirs?
Nonetheless returning to the portions of the other aspect regarding adult mental health and well being in conjunction to the childhood aspects of others I knew who had children who also needed mental health help and assistance as different ages ranging from my daughter's age through to teenager age, and seeing in the vision of the adult aspects of the time in the Major General Gillman's office with the three soldiers who had only been on the soil of the United States of America for less than 7 days had reacted when I had moved too quickly to reach for my bag to hand over the medal and the commendation calmly as needed for such with the explanation for that particular portion of which there is no need for such a discussion regarding if I am correct referencing the Bronze Star being returned without my hands having taken such to the location apparently as per the portions regarding the choice to lie to my face by my ex-in-laws when in Fort Worth Texas in the later portion of 2020 when I was asked to show up even though they knew I was in the state of Texas much longer as well as having seen who I thought was Sondra Marie Osteen as well as Ariel Marie Osteen in Washington state near the Quality Inn in Olympia Washington which was one place stayed at briefly prior to the time in Lakewood Washington when my cellphone went missing from my jacket from a female who looked also like Mary Evongelina Osteen, which later was found. If Grandma Nichols had done as Grandpa Nichols had warned her of to take care of correctly regarding the psychosis of those abominations she made through lying to him to get entry illegally into the country from when he was stationed in Panama, if she did not crawl and slither into his bed just before the daylight hours to hop onto the next way out to the United States of America he would not have married her because she took one of the females who worked at that whore house to take her spot once she heard of the possibility of the marriage. Such disgusting females have been a bane of existence for many centuries as such females then wish they could complain about such treatments and behaviours, as when you choose to purposefully cause harm needlessly just because you wish you could get a free ride to a better life; then in the short term you might get such, though in the longer terms and longest terms I promise you get far more than you ever asked or bargained for. The opposite side of that aspect of which the spouse who was lied to then has a choice to make as to whether or not to keep the marriage going for legalities sake or cut the chord to actually move onward and away from such a situation, of which in my opinion true love lasts throughout all times and all distances to travel to and for if that is truly the one. The need to distinguish levels of tolerance to certain behaviours which can cause such to feel different than what would be depends upon the choices of each individual involved, however to recognize the abuse that males have gone through just as females of whichever sexuality is a reality including in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger communities.
There is a difference between being as safe as possible while maintaining your sanity as best as possible with the proper care and maintenance, because every individual has their own particular taste in adult aspects of consenting ability with another as agreed to. If there is one person who has not masturbated in their entire life, then only such an adult who has not done so with the ability to do so would then mean only such an individual could say as to whether something was over the line or not; or within certain lower levels of particular specifics though a higher amount of levels of educational aspects, otherwise each consenting adult has a consenting kink of some type. Where some prefer to go to the gym for exercise to release tensions, others because of other portions prefer other aspects as to what they put themselves through to which BDSM is a portion of. Personally I admit my own aspects however only with consenting adults, though admittedly finding a male who would be interested in my on such a level for an actual relationship has been far more difficult as per not being a Professional Dominatrix. I have not had a problem with the Profession itself, however I have had a problem with how the treatment and the disregard for such experience to be able to properly inform and educate those who might be interested in such in a way which if in a public setting if my vision was accurate would be more well regarded in comparison to seeing what I am uncertain of actually seeing beyond such a vision if it occurred in reality. Some do not prefer the public displays of such and prefer a more private situation however for such Professionals with the aspects of such being too overrun with the aspects as to the portions regarding certain behaviours of certain individuals, the level of concern to bring forward in a way which the portions of the wrongful overboard aspects such as if a military interrogation were to have been used in the civilian sector by such a trained professional contracted/trained by in an official capacity would need to be stopped at all costs for the sake of anyone and everyone in each aspect of such adult lifestyle consent.
Medical supplies are important as well as proper physical knowledge of such individual(s) involved for their safety as well as who might be involved, as personally I am not one who does blood play however with blood play as a considered aspect for some the cleanliness would be of extreme importance for all involved as the same with bodily fluid exchanges. The Professional Dominatrix communities have been around far longer than some have known of in the same as the LGBTQP who had been in many ways the first Professional Dominatrixes centuries back as females were not allowed to be actresses and who would be considered as modern day Drag Queens would have been the considered firsts, for such roles and would naturally continue off of the stage for some whereas others who cannot disassociate from such are more adept to actual relationships instead of those who would think a one time would be considered as acceptable arrogantly. Just because an individual has a profile on a website or a name is used on a website, unless such is verifiable and actually incorrect; then why would such discriminationatory proceedures be in place for such if there is one person who can truthfully say they have not ever masturbated as per older medical writings as to the kink factor was once you go past the missionary position whether or not with another is what was considered as deviant behaviour. I fully disagreed well before finding the lifestyle officially as a biological adult, however such explanations were and are needed in ways which while admitting to enjoy the adult aspects; the individuals to keep their hands to themselves and pay attention, as not every person wants to have any type of sexual aspect with you just because you might find them attractive at one point in time only. Such situations which have needed to be more openly discussed honestly in comparison to the facade of what others have chosen for themselves, which there are ways of which can be introduced in a healthier way while paying attention to the actual health when in such a situation in a public setting if agreed to or in a private setting if agreed to; whether or not in a professional aspect, or a relationship if such has had such in person agreements to discuss. Otherwise if as I am single those of which who do not have a relationship do not need anyone prejudging, unless you have absolutely nothing which you could be considered for judgement for prior to casting stones in anyone's direction.
Thus another aspect of not understanding or ever knowing why the adult sexual behaviours with consenting adults has ever been a problem or a political aspect and yet with such situations as with POTUS42 Bill Clinton and the blue dress questioning, were there no other people within those chambers who had not ever been in an open relationship, while questioning? Is there no one in that courtroom who had ever came onto a piece of fabric such as a dress from someone who they had willingly been intimate with, if as per a relationship aspect in such a way; as please do not tell me that Monica Lewinsky would have been able to get a commercial job, if there was not an open relationship agreement however such may have been though because of the excuses of public opinions having to go forward with certain aspects. If nonconsensual then yes there is the legal aspects, however if Bill and Hillary agreed and was within such agreements though was caught; were there any people in the courtroom or making commentary who could ever truthfully judge such a situation if known about by others and because of wrongful illegal intimidation tactics, the prevention of such until much later wrongly? Would that be something similar to what was done to Patti Stewart about my SCUBA Diving trip to Florida area waters, was that done to International SCUBA even though I had not earned any of the larger number of SCUBA Diving certifications in the state of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico region when the 2 at Cozumel/Cancun, compared to only one at the very end of the SCUBA Diving certification courses well after the time at the Vandenberg? Why would the state with only one certification despite the deepest dive ever be allowed to be able to announce such a situation, when the state of Texas had been where I re-grew up after waking up from my coma? Who in the state of Florida would think that would be where that should occur, and who would think your ego was correct compared to what is morally and ethically correct in my opinion?
Did there happen to be some tanned individuals who tried to meander their way through the state of Texas areas to trick those individuals and yet, it actually has been my choice the whole time and since if I felt such going on within the SCUBA Diving community in the state of Texas; well, I released the information along the coastline of which my SCUBA Diving certifications are through on the west-coast of PADI because why would any NAUI SCUBA Diver ever think that would be the place to release such? I was not ever certified by NAUI by my choice and if any NAUI SCUBA Diver tried to take my SCUBA Diving gear, why would I ever want a NAUI location to announce my SCUBA Diving when that had nothing to do with your SCUBA Diving group as per my once again my SCUBA Diving certifications? If the other store in Carrollton Texas who had been rude to me the entire time I was SCUBA Diving out at the lake was ever to cause such problems because their SCUBA Diving school was not up to my particular caliber for requirements and was not up to my particular preferences, then that is your egotistical problem and your chuavanistic problem. If you chose to deny others what was not ever yours to deny, then you do not need to be a part of any ceremony regarding my SCUBA Diving in the slightest. I do not care what political party you are, keep that to yourself. I do not care about what gender you are, that is not of any importance to me. I do not care what age you are, that is nothing at all in many aspects to my SCUBA Diving style. I do not care what rank you think you are, your clearance does not outrank mine in the oceanic waters. I did want to go to Florida at one point, however I am so disgusted as to if the state of Florida officials would think I would want such a situation; I prefer what I prefer. If those of whichever thought they had any right to choose which would be what I would prefer, who are you to choose anything for me anyway? I am not in a relationship, thus there is no one except for me to go through. I do not care what you think in reference to my son because that would then repeat the sexism I was and have been literally standing against, in reference to my SCUBA Diving. If the preference of the state of Texas is to continue to wrongfully deny such, then why would I want to help any further?
If a deal was made with Florida, who was anyone to ever speak on my behalf if I did not allow such as I had not allowed such for anyone ever. I repeated my choice to go and walk on top of the ocean waters as well as the quicksand in Washington as my point to each and every individual who would ever have the audacity to think anyone other than myself would choose which state I would have to discuss such, however since the excuses of the COVID and whatever other nonsense garbage of which the whole time my SCUBA Diving gear could have actually been handled properly if it were just to have actually arrived where I knew was best. I cannot stand children who just because they might be biological adults who think they know better from what they think, I have repeatedly proven myself to be correct and accurate and thus the requirement for such to have been done correctly ridiculously is an annoyance of every aspect of each individual who has ever denied wrongfully to my face as well as near any type of water. The algae blooms in Clear Springs SCUBA Park was not a problem until after 2010 when I was being denied of my SCUBA Diving record by those who were told in person, and whoever chose to blaspheme my name near such waters I cleared years ago; what is the level of the contents within the water in the lake Towonki? Why are there new species of fish which needed to be added when there were plenty before I stopped SCUBA Diving out there, and why did the fish that were there flock to my feet though stay far away from every other individual in the water? Why did the fish go with me, if you were as great as what I had done? Why would so many have to be added in such a time, if you were not blaspheming my works near that body of water particularly? After the Rescue SCUBA Diver situation which occurred, you would think you had some intelligence to learn correctly as to who you had spoken my name in vain only after if you were allowed to be sent because I allowed you to have such sent to you regarding my books. If you were allowed as a male SCUBA Diver to receive such, have you sent appreciation for being allowed to have such books sent to you? Or did you give an excuse as per machismo thinking you got something special, when realistically you were allowed to have something special. I hope you enjoy feeling the pages of the books slip between your finger tips as you have read such, though remember intellectual property rights are only fully mine and no one other than I can actually discuss such information for such SCUBA Diving certifications and courses as no one else would be by intellectual property rights be allowed to ever discuss such as per your own non-disclosure agreements. Thus if any if such were to be, then you would have broken your own rules and have the ability to feel the pages of life slip between your finger tips as you were allowed to be given a peak into what I wrote in whichever aspects and for the past 12 years can you feel the slipping of time which all of those who are within those pages that you know or once knew slip and run away from you especially if a male as you live less amount of time in scientific portions?
I hope you think about all of those military guys and their families which you could have simply correctly opened your mouths to actually have been able to help and assist while you had enjoyed your Freedoms of Expression, as many of those guys from Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans had some way to relate to such pages of which as you chose to degrade yourselves from such human qualities as per the treatment regarding the National Anthem at Camp Mabry in conjunction with the CFBISD school board meeting where the district refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance and preferred the pour father prayer instead once again their rubbing in of what they knew from what I explained at that school as to choosing my dead-ex-husband's military service career and stolen valor thereof in comparison to my proud patriotism and being a Republican despite how the physical of what I look is in your eyes. I did not graduate Basic Training, though thankfully I can look at myself and know I kept myself upward when earning all of what I personally earned; just as I can say the only time I earned something horizontally was when I was SCUBA Diving in the water, which I am fairly certain I have met quite a few who had earned their positions exactly through such in whichever position. How ironic it must have been for Rink who had told me of how proud she was of being in a Beauty Pageant for Miss Oklahoma and then boasting about her Principal job while commenting about how I physically look and such documentation proves her vitreal for those who look as I do, though thankfully all of my earnings were because I personally earned them through actually learning in my classes for the ability to truthfully earn my own grade for each of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications; of which while I also have other certifications, I wonder how bad it must have tasted in her mouth as to what levels of work I had earned on my own as she looked down upon me as though she was anything better or even special which I did gift her with that initial child to then have children because of her attitude and with the close proximity to the portions of which she earned for herself as she earned for herself as she told me she knew she could be a professional and be a mom at the same time easily to two children. Granted not the exact same ages apart as to my son and my daughter, though I know at minimum the aspects of 26 SCUBA Diving certifications while being a Mom is probably something she could not have done as per her being lucky enough to have a husband however such went for that he should be happy he was allowed to spread his seed into her allowed eggs. Life, is something to be thankful for. Yes?
That prayer instead of the Pledge of Allegiance truly is an ironic twist most likely, when thinking about such a moment in time for such a female such as herself with her and others having such fake yellow hair though claiming to be a blond while looking down at me for my red hair color and hairstyle for being different, which unlike that color of hair compared to my hair color which you can see in nature and in everything which required the color red to make. My tattoos annoyed her greatly as well, which what can any look at which does not have the color of which is in any combination of my specific tattoos? Is there a color you can see which is not in nature, or is all within nature? However I admit, I am a bit moody as per the portions referencing quite a bit with such clarifications for certain situations which had not been clarified prior. Though it was not as though anyone asked for this particular entry, though I created the challenge and as per working to find something to be thankful for is a struggle when dealing with after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the other aspects of my life, and since there has not been any need to go many places currently and without the need to contact anyone as I have made it known I am here and I have reached out prior to my return to the state of Texas with contact information. Since such has been ignored to this point still, then again repeating such prior portions as quite frankly as much as I have done I truly wonder why I have bothered. Before anyone tries to get on a high horse needlessly, what distance was it you personally traveled before going into any aspects as to any tried demand for such regarding anything in reference to reaching out for contact. If the distance you personally in person traveled on your own is equal to the distance I have traveled to on my own in each aspect of, then please do inform me of where to send the contact to. Otherwise if you have not traveled the distance or even halfway as to what I have personally traveled to through my driving in such a reference for the opposite aspect, then you can actually reach out in comparison. However if such in the state of Texas has taught me anything, I can see what has and what has not changed in the slightest.
How dare any fe/male SCUBA Diver or SCUBA Diving Instructor or ex-SCUBA Diver or ex-SCUBA Diving Instructor ever think especially if they had gotten the Instructor version of a teaching course though were not smart enough to get the SCUBA Diving certification prior to getting the Instructor version as per insurance licensing purposes, as who would you be to choose such when you did not know yourself when teaching in regards to anything in reference to my SCUBA Diving or my books or my Medal of Honor Art Project or my parenting or etcetera? What have you done which would be considered as to measure up, out of honesty and curiosity? I can truthfully say and write as to lifting other fe/males upward instead of getting in the way or trying to circumvent the procedures you would not know were put into place well before in reference to my maternal Grandfather as well as my Bok Gung and Bok Pu? Are you who were raised as an American Cantonese as I, or were you raised American only? If you do not have such additional backgrounds or portions required for such, then what would be the aspects as to why my SCUBA Diving was not recognized? If there is not one person in the state of Texas who has ever been an elected official and/or a SCUBA Diver Instructor/Dive Master/Diver who has ever been to an exotic dancer club, a BDSM event anywhere, an LGBTQP event anywhere, and/or a Swingers event anywhere; then who would you be to have such hypocrisy as to use such looks of mine and yet have the nerve to wrongfully deny such out of curiosity?
If that is absolutely the case which having to do with my adult life outside of being a Mom, then no other parents who are school officials of any type must ever have any adult relationship in any way inside of their home or outside when going to a location; by such judgmental standards of if such biases hypothetically in reference to public view, correct? Thus anyone who has not admitted on any type of social media platform, phone call, text message, email, video, zoom call, etcetera they willingly chose to do regarding any adult aspects of consenting adults; then who would any be to have denied such for so long, while also denying those who actually would need such information for the past 12 years when I could have done so 12 years ago with my SCUBA Diving gear to the correct place and correct location for such proper work to be done knowing the ISR was also in the area? Instead of ripping the bag open and that portion I wrote about referencing a prior smoking session in my backyard house on my patio in San Antonio Texas, then I would not have had to feel that excrutiating unzippering of my skin needlessly. I would say thank you however, that would be a lie.
If you thought it had to do with the picture on the back of my first two books FSL, no it did not. That fully had to do with arrogance and haughtiness as to deny me incorrectly and the pain you caused my flesh to go through back then in such a vision, so now with the levels of which such has gone to; does it seem like a good idea to start actually doing as I have found to be the correct and proper way to move forward, or do you all hate me that much that you would prefer such for me all over again as quite frankly I prefer not to go through that ever again. What is it like to not deal with constant pain in reference to headaches and migraines, only to have such elevated continuously for any slight additional pain needlessly?
Who needs to reach out to me to inform me of the correct portions as since you would know in comparison to the arrogance of a guessing game, which I hate games with every fiber of my being; though why would anyone be so arrogant as to taunt, when knowing how such will go as per seen and explained repeatedly? Or is it that the boring aspects of mundane life are so extravagant that instead of simply reaching out the childish brat comes forward instead, thinking instead of knowing and understanding and comprehending of which the last portion of which I hope the worst instead of the best comes from when dealing with bratz of any type? If you prefer the worst of everything then that can be arranged for whoever prefers such, however I prefer the best aspects of life and actually worked for myself to attain such; especially anyone having to do with my biological mother who I have not spoken with in person since 2013 and only twice in 2018, my biological father who the same in that reference, and/or my biological sister who I have not spoken with in person since 2011 and not on the phone knowingly since 2010; then you can keep those people close to you, and you need nothing from me ever again which then my SCUBA Diving gear would be of no importance to you because of your failures to choose such a type of individuals for your lives. What does a biology degree from Rutgers University from the 1970s have anything to do with the modernized aspects of such information, who has gone to work for HRBlock? I hope such sorts of blocks are removed fully as what would she ever have known about me except for what she was allowed after my 13th birthday, as she was only allowed to know what I allowed her to know including online. Right? The same would be in reference to any other aspect of which the invasion of privacy by people I have emancipated myself from over 21 years ago, thus let go of what was not yours to begin with. Besides your favorite whore of abominations needs her spiritual husband's help more than that SCUBA Diving gear, if that is the case. If that is the problem regarding the fact of learning the spiritual marriage between my dead-ex-husband and my biological sister among others that day if problematic, then why are being the way he was before he died? Did you not learn from such aspects as he knew his time on his clock was limited as per knowing I was not going to ever help him ever again and all of the debts he owed he knew he was going to repay as per confessions, prior to the last time I saw him which was 2 days prior and I was in a different part of the city as I did not go to Fort Sam Houston Texas during the week unless I had a doctor appointment compared to picking up for the weekly visit to his biological children only?
If your preference is death over life then that is your problem, as I prefer life over death. Those 12 years, are 12 years no one can get back in return. Each day which slips by is another day off of your clock of which if your preference is to wait, what would ever make anyone waste time when looking through such notations? I have no regrets except for where I was too stupid to see correctly to be able to be with my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia more as a Mom, however since others chose to stick their noses into business which was not theirs to do so; because of you not only are those 12 years with both my son and my daughter as a family gone, so is that time I could have spent with you in person, so is that time in reference to those who had gone to depth levels which only higher ranking law enforcement and specialized military personnel have a proximity of closeness to for some aspects of certain portions. Thus if military and/or law enforcement of such levels had taken my SCUBA Diving gear, re-read that zipping portion and that is what you did additionally to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the head injury itself. There was not ever a Congressional investigation as my biological mother was so weak as to allow fe/males to overstep their bounds and not take a stand for me when it actually mattered, at any point in time; though she chose her favorite as Patricia and those have consequences whether good or whatever. My biological sister was too weak to stand on her own or make her own decisions for herself to earn on her own without running to the biological parents or her husband's parents for the smaller aspects of life crying wolf compared to the real aspects of the actualities of life, thus wasting such aspects with petty drama. My biological father chose the path as he had and if he had been trained with such military interrogation tactics and how such was used on me as an adult in the Military City USA in 2012 as I still had the Spyder Eclipse at the time, is such considered as anything to look into for such occurring after a male with the last name of Kennedy left a taped message which they probably later erased which outed me because of their political garbage they spun themselves into? I told people that afternoon, that weekend, and for the month of which no one had ever said where I should have gone to for such as they were already wrongly ignoring the facts I brought forward about other threats I was receiving over the years; though I would not doubt there would ever be anyone in the BDSM, LGBTQP, Swinger communities who tried to convince themselves as to how it was just a small overdramatic statement I made. How did that Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue situation look to you if you were allowed to find it, right?
I am so thankful I allowed the information I have allowed to be released, as I allowed through my own discretion which allows others to make a more informed decision for themselves from multiple aspects to look through timelines as allowed. Admittedly yes, a bit of elevated migraine level of pain today.
I am not interested as I will choose my own path as to which way I choose to go forward, is whatever aspects as to. Though from such picture of me below which shows my Omega signal as per what I remembered from my ASVAB paperwork at the MEPS station in Chicago in March of 2000 when I was 17 years old to earn such a rank, please do remember that because of keeping myself in check on my own is to how my personal clearance level is whatever it was or is or shall be as it is my clearance level of which I personally earned through repeated choices of which when situations have presented themselves; however such occurred in the short length to the short term to the long term and into the longer terms lengthier terms and so on is much more specialized than some simply thought possibly.

That is the abstract Methuselah version of the Greek/Latin symbol for Omega, I had that tattoo completed in 2009, the eyes were completed in 2007, and the Phoenix with Kuan Yin was completed in 2006.