Considering the fact of how certain individuals during various times must have sensed within themselves in my opinion referencing the situations during the American Civil War as per the factors of the knowledge as per having been shown from my children's biological father the #Ancestry Ancestry research that was done through Grandpa Nichols when he had wanted to see what the Ancestry of his lineage was, he had found in the records of the what would be considered as a receipt or a list of a purchase as per the situations of the timeframe of a list of people that were considered as per the aspects of prior to the Civil War #AmericanCivilWar #CivilWar as in the timeframe of my childhood I had already dealt with individuals in my class that had disagreed with me about the various people in the slavery factors of the timeframe of the 1700s and the 1800s as per the receipt from when the timeframe of the year within the timeframe around the 2001 through the 2006 timeframe to the difference of the 1990s to the difference of today 4 February 2023.
Personally having seen the paperwork of the receipt of the exact individuals I had thought of during the timeframe of the 1990s were a list of Irish as per both male and female, a list of white as per male and female, and then as the few of the fewest of the color of black without a listing of their homeland as per one having said from #England #UK #Britain England and another having said from #Spain Spain, though others had been as per the aspects of the coloration of the skin and the gender as per that list as to the aspects of what my thoughts were when I was a child when learning in History class. In the reference of what I had seen as well as read, the factors of around 19 through 21 different individuals as per the timeframe as per the aspects of the version of the bill of sale though was not in such a specific format.
I remember reading such and Grandpa Nichols having said he was glad that he had been a part of the #Birmingham #BirmionghamAL #BirminghamAlabama #Alabama #Alabamastate #AL #ALstate Birmingham Riots #BirminghamRiots , as per the timeframe when he was in the #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy #Army Army branch of the #USArmedForcesoftheUSA Armed Forces of the United States of America as having been in 4 volunteer tours as per #Vietnam Vietnam #VietnamWar as per what I have explained previously to individuals as well as put in writing as the specific timeframes if looked up as researching the information of the specific year as per such factors referencing such aspects as the time specifically as per his also being proud to having been a part of the Detroit Riots as per the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
It does not take a head injury to figure out being a part of the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America during the years of Vietnam as well as the areas thereof the differences of the areas between #MI #MIstate #Michigan #Michiganstate Michigan and Alabama as per such factors, just as it does not take a head injury to figure out retiring at the time he had with almost 30 years of within his career to the difference of when I retired as per the difference of time within the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as he had not retired from the Army until after 20 years of time though before 30 years of time because of how the military is about if an individual is capable and willing as to being capable to assist in multiple ways as per the needs of the Army as per the aspects of the branch as per the factors of the division as per the factors of such capabilities as per having the factors to assisting to stop and cease the situations as per the timeframes of the areas as per the Vietnam aspects as well as he had joined the Army around the timeframe when my biological parents were children before the timeframe of the Vietnam War as per the aspects of the capability of knowing the difference of the ages as per how y children's biological father's side of the family is much older than I and my biological littler sister as per the facts that their aunts and their uncle are older than their biological father as per the fact of their aunts and uncle having been born between the letter 1960s into the year of their biological father's birth in the middle-ish of the 1970s.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that my children's biological father's eldest sibling his brother having been born in the latter 1960s in Alabama as per the factors of the location he was stationed, as per the factors of the connections as per the work during the timeframe of as per the Birmingham Riots as per the timeframe regarding the situations as per the Army having been called in on Martial Law to being capable to assist the situations as per the United States of America as per such factors just as it does not take a head injury to figure out that the Army can take several soldiers and deploy them to a location as to being capable to move swiftly to taking care of situations in different locations as per the needs of the time as per such specifics.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when both of my children's biological aunts in the timeframe of the 1960s into the 1970s having been born in those years as per Alabama and Louisiana as to the aspects of the movements between such years, as per the needs of the Army as from what I was informed of as per the factors as the situations as per the ways of stationing as per the ways of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Granted during those years I am uncertain if there was moving assistance as to the references of PCSing at those times as per the difference of assistance of moving during the latter times of the if factors, as that is something personally I have not been a part of because of the aspects of my personal background as I am uncertain what others have been through however I have had the assistance once as per the year of 2008 as the move I had chosen in reference to from what was my house in #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTeTexas #Texas #Texasstate #TX #TXstate #MilitaryCityUSA #SATX San Antonio Texas as per my favorite gardening areas as the layout of the land as per the aspects of my choice as to the area of what was my home as per the area of #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas Carrolton Texas as per the layout of the house; as both areas I personally created much more within and throughout the areas for my children I gave birth to, though as per such aspects of for myself personally as such factors as per housing as well as land areas as per for myself personally as well as if I were to be in a real relationship that lasted as per my personal opinion for myself and whom I would be in a relationship with as such factors as the differences as the years of 2002 as the San Antonio Texas location as the year of 2008 as per the Carrollton Texas location, as my own style as per the differences as being capable to ponder and think about the land areas as well as the building area as per my own viewpoint of what my considerations have developed as per the location of what for me and for whom I would be with as our home as per such factors of the physical land location as well as the physical house location as having thought much about the aspects of what would be the most ideal for my personal preferences for the length of life in such a factors of the if situations of actually having such capacities of what I consider would be best for me personally with whom I chose and whom chose me as per such factors of such needs as the factors of in my personal opinion as since traveling capabilities are much easier now in the year of 2023 as the difference of the years before the timeframe of the 2015 years depending upon the factors of considerations regarding traveling as per the physical traveling obviously as that should not take a head injury to figure out as that is the obvious specification I have utilized as per such referencing my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as per the physical traveling as that should not take a head injury in reference to the physical artwork as per my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork; as it should not take a head injury to figure out there is a difference between digital images of various factors as per the difference of the real as per the real in person face to face in person as per such real factors as when creating the real physical artwork as per such references as it should not take a head injury to figure that out.
.Thus as per metaphors as per the amount of traveling physically as per the factors of the American Civil War as per the amount of moves some were shuffled around as per such aspects as whether the metaphor as per the Armed Forces of the United States of America as per the knowledge thereof to such movements and/or the references in regards of myself during the years of 2010 through 2013 as per the move from Carrollton Texas because of the medical care for my daughter while doing the best to take care of my son and I to the Austin #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas area in the year of 2010, as per the move from the Austin area to the DFW area as per the Irving location as per the needs for my daughter as well as taking care of my son and I as best as I could, then as the traveling areas between for both as per the medical appointments for my daughter while taking care of my son as best as I would while maintaining myself as best as I could during such timeframes.
It should not take a head injury the drives from Carrollton Texas to the area of Austin Texas each week, twice a week, and then a third time per week in just one and a half months as to the length of the distance per area as per the hospital my daughter was in as to the area of what was my house as per my home as the aspects of the over 4 hours per way and having had to do so in such regards of the situations as that should not take a head injury to figure out such travel distances from #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving Texas to #LRAR #LittleRock #LittleRockArkansas #Arkansas #Arkansasstate Little Rock Arkansas and back in one day as per the second move during the time while making attempts for both of my children as well as myself during the situations of those years from 2010 to 2011. However it also should not take a head injury to figure the traveling distance from Carrollton Texas to #Denton #DentonTX #DentonTexas Denton Texas and back to Carrollton Texas as the amount of time as per such requirements, as being capable to take care of what was needed as the best of my personal capabilities as taking care of the needs for both my son biologically as well as my daughter biologically as well as myself personally as best as I could for the timeframes without any actual real in person face to face in person assistance since I was the one and only individual who drove the vehicle the entire time. Just as it should not take a head injury to figure such out in reference to the trip from Carrollton Texas to #WhiteSettlement #WhiteSettlementTX #WhiteSettlementTexas #WSTX White Settlement Texas to #GAstate #Georgia #Georgiastate Georgia in Macon #Macon #MaconGA #MaconGeorgia as per the factors of the year of 2009, as well as the drives throughout the state of Florida #FL #FLstate #Floridastate before the trip back to Texas though the stopping in Alabama after the what was supposed to be considered a vacation though the work I personally needed to handle to taking care of in reference to while it might be considered as a luxury location as per Florida as per the location of the more common way of looking at such; it should not take a head injury to figure out when I earned my at that point in time of 26 #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #SCUBADiver SCUBA Diving certifications of my own finances and of my work as well as my reasons of being capable to be comfortable in my SCUBA Diving gear to being capable for as best as possible depending upon the situations as it should not take a head injury to figure out some connection factors as my invitation in the year of 1996 to #Marine #Science #Technology #School #MarineScienceTechnologySchool #Navy #USDNavy #USANavy #Navy Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as per the reference most specifically as to the #GenrealHoytSVandenberg USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg.
It also should not take a head injury to figure out when information is not for the general public as per the factors thereof to such situations, it should not take a head injury to figure out when not actually making the correct choice of asking me personally with respect as well as manners as in any other capacity of such unprivileged individuals as to such factors of the non-privvy to the information as per such factors as per the common sense as to if others truthfully needed to know the information as to how such asking me as per how such manners and politeness would be as how that should not take a head injury when in the civilian sector as per the differences of the aspects of being Active Duty as per such situations. However it should not take a head injury to figure out any individual as per the needless problems as per from the timeframe of 2009 as per such if factors about my work when SCUBA Diving, then as to the aspects of having the common sense to being a biological adult as per asking with manners as per using such words respectfully instead of any other hypothetical as per such if factors of viewpoints to metaphors when there to the timeframe of the American Civil War and/or in reference to the timeframe of when individuals returned from Vietnam as to the difference of when individuals returned from World War II and the #Korea Korean War #KoreanWar as per how the general public had been allowed to ask questions when as per such being informed as per the World War II reference though as per the timeframe of Vietnam as to how none were allowed to ask questions as per the timeframe because of the elected officials during the timeframe; and yet because of those same individuals as per the elected officials as per the situations the various ranks as to the individuals within the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to then the general public, because of the political factors as to the differences of actually taking care of the soldiers from the timeframe of such situations as per how the general public needed to be weaned off of such the aspects as the informational factors because of the reality there were reasons as per the aspects of what was/is best as to the regards of in my opinion referring to the year now of 2023 in the month of February on the 4th day of the month of February in the year of 2023 as how because of what the elected officials needed to do to be capable to secure the safety of the general individuals as per the Armed Forces of the United States of America as the aspects of the situations as per the ways as how the civilian sector had been, then as per the hippies as per the 1960s into the 1970s as to the knowledge of their whining and their temper tantrums as well as all of the varying degrees of protests as per those hippies during the timeframe of the 1960s into the 1970s before the 1980s when such started to calm down as per the factors of how the hip[pies and the yuppies were different as to the aspects of their viewpoints.
In my opinion as per how the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as the governmental branches and divisions of the United States of America had been during the timeframes of the 1960s and the 1970s, I am uncertain officially as per the difference of what I was personally told from my Grandpa Gavett as the timeframes from World War I to the timeframes of World War II as the different individuals in the general public as the timeframes referencing the situations as per the developments during the decades between the lstter 1910s into the 1920s into the 1930s into the 1940s into the 1950s as per the timeframe when my Grandpa Gavett had become a Dad as while having been as per the aspects of my biological mother as per who is my Grandma Gavett as the aspects of her four other children after having married my Grandpa Gavett through him. Thus as the timeframes as per the situations referencing the time specifically, the references in my opinion as per the capability of the combined factors as the differences of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as the difference of the governmental branches of the United States of America as the differences of the general public of the United States of America in my opinion as per the viewpoints during such points in time.
Thus as the factors of the amount of times I had to pack everything myself, then had to pack the vehicle myself, then drive the vehicle myself as per the distances thereof as the metaphors as per the references of the situations as in my opinion it should not take a head injury to figure out the reality of the situations referencing the aspects of the work I had to do to be capable to take care of my two biological children as best as I was capable to do so while doing the best to taking care of myself as per the factors thereof as while also dealing with the aspects of the ways to cope with the situations as per the timeframes of a schedule for myself personally as the difference of the weekly time as per Sunday through Thursday and partially into Friday as the aspects of being my own individual as to such factors of the latter portion of Friday and the one factor of time as to Saturday for just myself though the reality of how that would be as per such aspects of depending upon the viewpoint of such factors of if as to such references regarding the aspects thereof as per the time. It should not take a head injury to figure out as per such timeframes as the reality of the amount of work I personally had to take care of as the factors of the financial differences of if as the work thereof officially, to the differences of doing so of my own choicer as per such factors of common sense as it should not take a head injury to figure out such information.
Thus as to how not ever considering as to ever any need for such aspects as there was not ever any need of mine to ever deal with such factors ever, the situations of the timeframes as to those types of individuals who thought they deserved information when they did not actually deserve nor have had any rights to any information officially as per my SCUBA Diving work as per the facts of the reality as per my invitation to MAST as per my involvement with the Army branch of the Armred Forces of the United States of America. If I were personally asked as per what I personally consider a respect, if I were personally asked as per my considerations of the specifics of the time between 2009 through 2010 as per the requirements of specific timing as per what I have clarified as per such factors of those who are in such knowledge of the 10 year timeframe as per the aspects of if the information is considered as of the level of importance as per the aspects thereof as per such situations as to the reference of those with such backgrounds as to the comprehension of the information portion as per the difference of time as per the reassons thereof as per the general public being capable to think for themselves though also supposed to be capable to have the respect of the individual as well as such connections as per the facts of such common sense as per the facts of humanity as per the facts of civlity as per such if factors.
It should not take a head injury in reference to my biological cousin Jade as per her Dad being African American and her Mom being my Great Aunt Helen as per such factors as the reference of biological cousin as per such facts of her Mom being a paternal Great Aunt to me personally, then as the factors of some discussions in reference to my Grandpawpaw and my Grandmawmaw as per the timeframe as to the years from the World War II timeframe through the Koren War timeframe to the Vietnam War timeframe as per the general public as per the needless problems they had caused because of how they thought they had any rights to the information when the reality of where they did not and do not have any rights to the information whatsoever at all in any such capacity officially when in reference to the reality of clearances officially. If does not matter as per the civilian sector of the clearance levels as the civilian sector of the clearance levels technically translate to nothing in the Armed Forces of the United States of America's clearance elvels as while some might align when an individual goes from the Armed Forces of the United States of America into the civilian sector, though as per such individuals with the knowledge of in the civilian sector of NDA or nondisclosure aspects of contracts in reference to civilian contracting as per the exact same in reference to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as it should not take a head injury to figure out such facts. Thus it also should not takea head injury to figure out when in reference of such individuals hypothetically within the civilian sector as per such factors thereof as to the clearance backgrounds officially, as the reality of how such individuals might wrongfully think of Freedom of Information requests though it should not take a head injury to figure out the difference between a request and actually getting such as per the factors thereof as well as the amount of information as the if factors as per if allowed to such references regarding the factors thereof officially.
In my opinion as per such aspects of World War I and World War II as per such elected officials as per having the time to speak with such military individuals as per getting such information, if as to not having been lazy in certain references as to then the civilian sector as per such factors as per the ease of such aspects as what was as per the timeframes of the World War I and the World War II timeframes as per such information instead of the as in my personal opinion of such aspects as the individuals within the civilian sector as what is not of any rights of their to know if they do not have the specific background clearances to such references regarding the proof as per multiple factors officially.
Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out from the references from my Grandpawpaw and my Grandpawpaw as per such aspects of their backgrounds as well as their ethnic backgrounds as per such direct connections as per my Grandmawmaw having worked somewhere within the governmental divisions as per her intellectual background as well her work as per such factors, though as well as to my Grandpawpaw as to his background and his ethnic background as his work. In my opinion as per the Birmingham and the Detroit #Detroit #DetroiMI #DetroitMichigan situations as to the references of the civilian sector, in my opinion it should not take a head injury to figure out the ease of deployment of the Armed Forces of the United States of America to such situations as the school buses as per the children factors as per in my opinion of such situations as the timeframes of the #AmericanCivilLiberties #AmercianCivilities American Civil Rights and the American Civil Liberties Movements at the timeframe of the 1960s and the 1970s as well as the reports to law enforcement within the civilian sector from individuals in the civilian sector who were nosey and just wannabe in such references of being more important in their thoughts than they actually were as to such aspects of needing to comprehend such lacking of importance as to the information as per the situations as per the Armed Forces of the United States of America officially.
In my opinion as per the hippy dippy factors of individuals as per such timeframes as to those types of individuals as per thinking of themselves as more important than the aspects of where they were not important officially as per such facts, the situations in my opinion because of for lacking better words as to their titty baby temper tantrums about information that officially was not for them to have unless it was deemed as to being allowed as per such factors as per the aspects of the backgrounds as per the clearances officially. In my opinion as to such titty baby temper tantrums as per such toddler types of aspects of personality traits as per the hippy dippy types in my opinion as per such factors of the situations as per the general public needing to comprehend they are not as important to certain information if they have the lacking of the actual requirements officially as their trying the words of need to know as to the difference of the reality of actual needing to know as per such factors of real background aspects of real training aspects of real capabcilities to process the information aspects as to the real factors of the if aspects of the real and genuine need to know instead of the overreactive factors of their overreach as to ever thinking of themselves important enough as to such information. In my personal opinion of such situations if as per on behalf of an elected official in my opinion of where the elected official themselves as to such requests as per the factors of doing so appropriately instead of ever being as lazy as to thinking the general public would be allowed such factors.
When the reality of training as per the aspects of such factors of only repeating certain information as per the aspects of the references thereof as per the legal requirements as per the background as per the aspects of the name as per the aspects of the birthday as the aspects of birth as the aspects of such specific factors, then as to the reality in my opinion that elected officials have needed to comprehend as to the difference of the general public factors as such common sense situations as the differences in my opinion of World War I and World War II to the differences of Korea War as the differences of the Vietnam War as the differences of #Shield #Storm Desert Shield as the differences of Desert Strom as the differences of the Iraq War and the differences of the Afghanistan War as per in my opinion regarding the common sense factors of the locations thereof as well as the work thereof officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as per the card reference of the background information in reference to if graduating from Basic Training and if graduating from AIT as to the card information of filling out as per the specific rank of the individual as per the Armed Forces of the United States of America as per such factors of if there is such as per the graduation ceremony factors, as it should not take a head injury to figure out such reasons as per the prettier aspects of as well as the respect of such individuals as per the graduation ceremony factors of the individual as per the Basic Training as well as the graduation of the AIT training as per such if factors of if there were to be common sense amongst such individuals who would have been capable to explain such knowledge to the general public. It should not take a head injury to figure out if as to the general public's lack of common sense to accepting the facts of such information, as the lackinfg of the self control required as per such factors of asking correctly as per such respect as per such manners as per the requirements thereof as per such factos in all such references of such hypotheticals as per the situations of unwanted ostracizing as per such aspects of the references regarding the timeframe of the Vietnam War as to such situations as per the Birmingham and the Detroit Riots #DetroitRoits timeframe as it should not take a head injury to figure out such coalignments as to the timeframe thereof to the overall situations in my personal opinion.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in my opinion in reference to such if situations on the soil of the United States of America as the factors thereof as per the ways of asking as per the truthful introductions as the truthful respectful human decency as to asking correctly and then if allowed the information then allowed though if not allowed to the information then the maturity of accepting the factors thereof to such not being allowed the information because of the reasons thereof as per the proof of such choices as the proof of such actions as the proof of such inactions in such hypotheticals as per such facts, if the information was actually needed as per the civilian sector then as to such factors of asking the requirements as per actually asking respectfully and then doing the requirements as per such factors to getting such information as per such factors respectfully, as such aspects of having manners and politeness as just because of the training factors does not translate to less than human beings though as in my opinion of the civilian sector in several areas as per the timeframes most specifically as per the years of 2002 through 2022 in my opinion as per such factors as it should not take a head injury to figure out such factors as to the if hypothetical aspects as per my background as well as my personal experiences.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that if the others do not have the clearance no matter what their prior clearances might be as to the aspects of what information they are not officially required to know as per such facts as the reality of whatever the specific MOS as well as the specific background as per such specific clearance(s) as per such factors officially as per such depending upon the levels thereof as per such factors of the reality of whether the aspects of the actual liberty to know of such information as per if the actualities of the liberty to know such information, and thus as to the factors of how oddly as per such schmoozing of others in the general civilian sector to the differences of the mistreatments of the military factors as the Armed Forces of the United States of America as such failures across each and every sector as per such usual situations where the civilian sector then goes to other military individuals when their temper tantrums do not work as per such factors of then whining and crying to Armed Forces of the United States of America individuals as to their comprehension of the background clearances as to the backgrounds thereof though their need to remember to the aspects of their own background clearances not being the same as each and every other individuals' background clearances officially. Thus as to such needless drama in my opinion as per such factors of a different version of collection agency factors as to the aspects thereof as per the references in my opinion of where such should not take a head injury to figure out, as the reality of the amount of schmoozing of such individuals as to such aspects instead of such whiny temper tantrums as to the ways if the individuals as per the Armed Forces of the United States of America were actually looked at with and treated with the actual respect of such backgrounds as the actual respect of such work as the actual respect of such connection factors as per the common sense as that should not take a head injury to figure out.
for example as to such civilian college students as per such lacking any background as to the differences of the specifics of training, the financial cost per individual per training aspects as per the classe4s thereof as per the cost of such factors as the differences of the pay scales as per the review of such overall factors in such references as per the differences of such specific worth in such factors as per if such civilian sector were to interaslly recalibrate themselves as per such aspects of the differences of the pay scales as per the differences of the overall combined factors per individual. For example by the time of one soldier graduating Basic Training for the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America for the lowest score for the ASVAB reference of their trainign adn all such inclusive factors of over $500,000 per individial soldier as per the differences of the aspects of such factors in the differences. That is only in referencew of Basic Training for the lowest ASVAB scores as per such factors of Basic Training without the AIT built in as the AIT built in as to such aspects of doubling the cost, per individual solider as to such factors. Depending upon the additional training per individual factor of specialty and/or the individual factor of educational aspects of the differences to such references, then as to the differences of the costs per individual soldier as per the aspects of such factors as depending upon the MOS as depending upon the ASVAB score as per the factors of dending upon the grades earned per individual factor as per the depending upon the aspects of the specifics per individual for such references as to the differences of individuals within the civilian sector as to such if hypothetical factors of the wqays I have noticed such situations to the references of such factors as the situaitons beyond the Vietnam War as beyond the aspects of the year of after the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars as per such aspects and factors thereof as per the additional cost as per the rank as per the individual additional training for such as to the grades earned for such references to each individual per each individual's specifics as per such factors of the people who had joined of their choices as per the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
In my opinion individuals as per different areas branched from though interconnected to the Law Enforcement of the references as per the federal as per such factors as well as the international factors as per such references as per the Armed Forces of the United States of America as depending upon such connections as per their individual parents' work as per such aspects, depends of if factors as to other factors of if situations though as per the original sources as per the original sources as per such factors in my personal opinion.
For example if as to the backgrounds as to such facts and the sequential order to complete such work to being capable to being allowed access to information is as follows:
1 Then the following per such sequential order for 1 of:
Then the number 2 and then the following sequential order for 2 of:
Then the number 3 and then the following sequential order for 3 of:
Then the number 4 and then the following sequential order for 4 of:
Then the number 5 and then the following sequential order for 5 as of:
Then the number 6 sequential order for 6 and then the following order for 6 of:
Then the number 7 the following sequential order for the number 7 of:
Then as per such as the exact same way as per kindergarten then first grade then second grade then third grade then fourht grade then fifth grade then sixth grade then seventh grade then eithgth grade then ninth grade then tenth grade then eleventh grade then twielfth grade then either college and/or military and/or employment depending upon, as the common sense fo a fuller and yet condensed factor of sequential order for the correct factors. While it does not take a head injury to figure out some individuals can take care of more than one or two or three aspects as per depending upon the timeframe(s) thereof, it does not change the facts of the sequential order of the requirements in full as to such factors in regards of actually atteining the full information officially as to such specifics of requirements. Thus it shouold not take a head injury to figure out in reference to my Grandpa Gavett as to the reality of his background with the conjunction of the background of my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw as per their backgrounds outside of either side's ethnic backgrounds and only in reference of the specifics as to their employments per such points in time as the facts thereof, then the references as per my children's parental Grandpa Nichols as per such sequential order per such military factors of the Army of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as the viewpoints of such specifics of the requirements as while some factors are as to the on the proverbial feet or on the proverbial fly as to such references; the same factors of being capable to go to the next level of such requirements as per such facts, are as to the references thereof in the regards of such factors in the references rthereof.
Otherwise as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out the common sense factors of while in certain regards of the reference proverbially of:
If instead of step 1 though as to step 1l
and step 1z though having jumped from step 2 as to the aspects thereof though not having anything other than step 2 b instead of step 2 with all of the other sequential factors and having a reference of not having step 3 though having step 3p and step 3q and step 3 v though as per not the sequential order of step 5 though having partically as step 5 with the factors of everything filled out though as then to step 6 of only step 6 and not the rest though as to step 7 as completing step 7 though needing steps 7a through step 7z and thus as to the rest of such a common sense factor as per such overall viewpoints as the capabilities to count from one to ten as well as the alphabet factors in such references, then it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of such orders as to the references and regards thereof officially as common sense.
Thus if unknown to others as per such aspects of such CDoness of mine then as the common sense of when finding out such references as per such as well as the aspects of such CDOness as to the regards of such aspects as per some possibilities of my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as those who do scouting in references to college univerisites for whatever length of time as per such scouting references to a university, then as to the common sense factors as per my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as I guesstimate for some aspects of if factors.
In turn the references as per my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw as well as my Grandpa Gavett as to such if factors as to the differences as to the factors of such other situations, then as the reality of such if factors as being capable to understand from the knowledge of such if factors as per the lessening of stress levels and thus as the lessening of such pain levels for me personally being lowered because of following the aspects of such factors as per such CDOness as I guesstimate occurred for more than just my Grandpawpaw as per such connections thereof to such points in time as I guesstimate as per such occurrences as per my Grandmawmaw as per such timeframes as per their involvement as per the Civil Liberties Movement in the 1960s and the 1970s after their involvement in the initial timeframes of the 1940s and the 1950s in such hypotheticals as to such factors as per my children's biological father's side of the family Grandpa Nichols as per the factors of the Army of the United States of America as per my guesstimation in reference to my Grandpa Gavett as per such factors in the references of such situations as per the timeframes.
I guesstimate similarly especially as to the timeframe of the Korean War as well as the Vietnam War as to such if factors that lead lead to the situations in reference to the hippy dippy types as per such free love of free such as to the references of such protests as to the timeframes depednign upon the type of protesting as to such if factors as pbviously there is a difference to peaceful protests as the differences of other such factors, as per the common sense in my perosnal opinion of such reviewing those factors as the timeframes thereof to where such spawning of such offspring as to the differences of breeding such offspring as to the difference of having children that are offspring as to the aspects of depending upon the viewpoints of such opinions referencing the choices of such offspring as to the regards of such if situations as per such factors of offspring regarding the aspects of such if factors officially as per the viewpoints thereof to such aspects officilly.
Thus in my personal opinion as it should not take a head injury to figure out, then as the references regarding in my personal situation where I have specifically reached out as per such individual factors as per such common sense of the proverbial viewpoints as to having directly reached out to as per such different versions of such viewpoints as the spawns of others' offspring as to the regards of such viewpoints of others' breeding offspring as to the references thereof as to such aspects per the references regarding having had children that are offspring as to the regards of an overall viewpoint regarding depending upon the location of discussions as well as other factors as per the situations of the timeframe in suchtime as the factors thereof officially instead of assuming as to such overreactive responses as to the capacities of temper tantrums as per such if factors as obviously depending upon the location of discussing children as to the references of distinguishing factors as per the viewpoints of such locations.
For example as the reference as to the location at one point in time as an overall of having volunteered at as to the references of others' choices as per their offspring as per however they presented such aspects thereof officially, as per making the distinguishing factors as per depending upon the specific location within the area as to such a reference point regarding the factors thereof. For example because of others referring to such a reference of a mural as a daughter though as to such differences of my viewpoints of how such aspects of presentation factors as per the age factors of the differences thereof, well as the facts it should not take a head injury to figure out when speaking about my son biologically and speaking about my daughter biologically as to not allowing such associatied aspects personally myself as to such factors of that type of references as per such showing of such considerations of that location as to those types of such aspects; then it should not take a head injury to figure out to distinguiish myself as an actual Mom who would not ever display my biological son or my biological daughter in those capacities thereof as to the wording factors as per such aspects, then as to my choice for the word of offspring in a generalized way as to such distinguishing factors of not allowing my minor aged children biologically as to such a viewpoint officially of my own free will as to such factors to the considerations thereof officially as being a protective Mom. Thus as to the aspects of such differences as to how others' choices whether as per such biological legal age factors and/or other such factors as per my comprehension of the legal biological age aspects as per such references as per the visuals as to the references thereof in the direct area, then a different example as per the visuals as per the areas of an office area when speaking about my son and/or my daugher biologically as per the differences of such surrounding areas. The same in reference to the regards of such as the parking lot area as the difference of the factors of in the hallway, as the common sense factors in my personal opinion of being capable to distinguish the common sense aspects of being a responsible Mom as to such reference. In a different capacity of such reference points in the capacities thereof as per the specific locations of the forum posts as per online as per the references of being a Mom biologically of two minor aged children as per the forum specifics of Parents as to the regards of such, as the differences of the Forum posting areas of the locations about Personals as Requests as the differences of the forum posts as to the forum locations as per such factors of the common threads as being suppoised to be biological adults as per such distinguishing factors in the references regarding discussions because of such factors to the references of asking questions and/or having discussions about different situations outside of the supposed to be consenting adult factors as to the facts of acknowledging being a biological adult though as per such common sense factors of distinguishing such differences as per the areas thereof officially.
In such differences as per the aspects of the common thread of #CafeMom CafeMom of such aspects as to the differences thereof to #Fetlife Fetlife, then as per such facts referencing the different forum posts as the common sense of far more common thread aspects of such overall as to the differences as per the differences of acceptance of oneself as per the reality of different ways as to pregnancy as to the aspects thereof to such biological adult discussions as per such facts as what seemed and seems as common sense to me this entire time. In turn as to the differences of social media on Facebook as the combined overall factors of overall life as per the aspects metaphorically of going out anywhere in the general public such as an event and/or such as a party and/or such as a grocery location and/or such a book store and/or such as a restaurant and/or such as a movie theater as per the same as per a cellphone company as the differences of such individual factors and yet such overall factors and yet such individual factors officially as per individual choices of such individual actions and/or inactions as per such individual personal perseverance to such choices as per such aspects of the factors thereof as per what seems/seemed and still seems as common sense.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out, at all.
Thus in the references of such if factors as the aspects of modeling as to such aspects of common sense as to the different types of modeling though in such references as per such modeling to the differences of selfies as to the differences of such aspects regarding such situations, then in my opinion as per such selfies as to the selfish factors as the differences of modeling where the references of giving the information as best as possible as the credit as best as possible to remember of such factors as what seems and seemed as common sense in my personal opinion. The aspects of such differences of selfies to the differences of modeling then as to the fullnesses thereof as per the credit due as to the references regarding such if factors as per such factors officially as per the common sense in my personal opinion of differences of personal relationships having personal time together such as when going out somewhere as to such factors and then posting pictures online as the differences of such aspects in my personal opinion as seemed and seems as common sense as per social media as to keeping updated as per such factors as the common sense of such situations instead of such separation factors as to the differences of those types as to such hidden aspects of the lacking of anything that would ever be considered as to such factors for the examples as to my biological side as well as to the aspects of the references of my children's other biological side of such common sense as to whom was open and honest as to such factors as to the differences of such aspects of care and caring about as to such references to those types of those individuals of those aspects of those types of those individuals as per those situations officially as per their choices as to those situations as to their choices as to those situations as to the differences as to such aspects thereof as per myseklf as to the aspectws of those situations of those hypotheticals of those types
If supposedly a family then as to the considerations of what a familky is as to the aspects thereof to such personal situations as to the references thereof as to the differences of work as to employment factors as the common sense of such factors as to what my personal considerations are as to the obvious difference of such factors regarding those types of those individuals as to those situations as to those aspects of those types of those factors of those types, in the differences of myself as per such aspects of my choices as to the differences of those types of theri aspects of their choices.
The common sense of such factors as to how such instead of such hypotheticals as to rubbing in such aspects instead of actually being honest as per depending upon the type of those individuals as to those types as to those personality traits as to those individuals as to those types of those patterns of those individuals, as per the differences as per such factors as whether ever having been considered as real family or as to those types of those individuals as to those factors of those prior patterns as to those situations as per such facts as proven as to those factors officially.
Thus as to the difference of working as to the differences of employment as to those differences of work as to those differences of those types as to such if ever as personal as to those types of those individuals as per those choices as per those individuals' intentions from the starting point as per such repeated factors as per those types of those individuals as per their aspects of those situations, instead of whatever factors thereof to those types as to the differences of myself obviously as that should not take a head injury to figure out in such regards of this upcoming 30 year memorial as to the February 1993 as to the aspects of those types as to those individuals as to those choices of those aspects of those others as per such differences of support as per those types of those individuals as to those aspects of those situations as per the aspects of those hypotheticals as per the 20 year memorial of the 9/11 also known as 11 September 2001 as per those types of those individuals as to those aspects of those factors. The proof as to those types of those individuals as to those aspects as per the 10 year memorial as per the 9/11 also known as 11 September 2001 as per those types of those choices of those individuals as per whether such inclusion and as to whom such inclusion was as to those types of those individuals as per those situations as to the aspects of ostracized factors as to those types of those individuals as to those situations as to those factors of those individuals as to those patterns of those individuals' past choices, just as the same in reference to the factors of such situations per such factors thereof to such individuals as per those choices per individual as per group as per what they considered as to such factors thereof to their importance of whether as biological family of importance or as to their choice of others outside of such factors or as to such factors of the areas overall as to those specifics as per the references regarding the overall factors of the reference of 9/11 also known as 11 September 2001 for both the 10 year memorial references as well as the 20 year memorial references as per whom they chose to have in person face to face in person as to such prior invitation factors as per such prior knowledge thereof as to such factors in such common sense as where it should not take a head injury to figure out the priorities as to such individual factors as per the exact points in time of such facts just as the same in reference to the aspects per such intentions as intentions in truth matters just as much as the #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter #Truth #TruthMatters 10 Commandments matter just as the sequence of such factors matters when comprehending there is more than was dealt with as per such factors of those hippy dippy types as per those years of the 1960s and the 1970s in my opinion as per such review factors as to the aspects of such hypothetical choices as per such facts proven..
Thus in turn in reference to the situations as per the February 1993 situation as to the New York City #NYC #NewYorkCity #NYCNY and the #NewYork #NY #Nystate #NewYorkstate New York state and the #NewJersey #NewJerseyStrong #NJ #NJstate #NJStrong #NJTP #NewJerseyTollway #NewJErseyTurnpike #Gardenstate #GardenStateTollway #GardenStateTurnpike New Jersey state and the #Pennsylvania #Pennsylvaniastate #PennState Pennsylvania state and the #MD #MDstate #Maryland #Marylandstate Maryland state and the #WDC #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC area and the #Virgina #Virginastate #VA #VAstate #VirginaisforLovers #Virginiais4Lovers Virginia state areas as well as the #Connecticut #Connecticutstate #CT #CTstate Connecticut state areas as well as the #Massachusettes #Massachusettesstate #MS #MSstate #MA #MAstate Massachusetts state areas as well as the #RI #RIstate #RhodeIsland #RhodeIslandstate Rhode Island state areas with some factors as to the #NewHamposhire #NewHampshire #NH #NHstate New Hampshire state areas as per the #Vermont #Vermontstate #VTstate #VT Vermont state areas and the #ME Maine #Mainestate #MEstate Maine state areas as per both the references of February 1993 as well as 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 factors, it should not take a head injury to figure out the choices of such individuals as per the factors of whom they chose to actually of such pulling inward as to the differences of such aspects at the exact timing of as to the exact timing of as per such mattering as per the intentions as per the choices as per the facts of such choices as per whom was chosen to be pulled inward as to the aspects of such considerations at the exact timing of as per such exact timing of as per the exact timing of February 1993 as just as the exact timing of 11 September 2001. It should not take a head injury to figure out if as such factors as per such ostracizing as to the references regarding February 1993 as per the exact timing of as per the exact situations as per the exact timing as whom was pulled in, then as to the aspects of what paid attention to the exact timing of as per such exact timing of February 1993 as per the exact timing of per such timeframe as per the exact timing of as well as the timeframes thereafter immediately as well as within some amount of time as well as in more time as well as in further time as well as such so on and fso forth as the common sense factors of whom was considered and as per such factors of whom was considered as well as the choices of actions as per whom was considered as per such levels of intentions as well as such levels of importance.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the exact timing matters just as much as the truth matters just as much as the 10 Commandments matter, as that should not take a head injury to figure out just as it does not rake a head injury to point that out.
Thus in reference as to such factors referencing such time as per the northeast of the United States of America as per such times as the exact times of February 1993 through the times of the exact points in time of the years between 1993 through 2000, it does not take a head injury to figure out as per such factors as to the importance of such individuals as per the exact timing of as per such facts of the pulling inward as per the exact timing of as per such truth as per such factors in all such situations as per the ways of such choices as to the intentions of such choices as to the aspects of such choices as per the words of such choices as per the actions of such choices as per the intentions of such choices as it does not take a head injury to figure out what inclusion is as to the differences thereof to such factors of such choices as to such inclusionary factors.
Thus in reference to Black History Month as to such if factors as to the references thereof as per such Civil Liberties Movements as per the situations as per the if factors, as per the inclusion aspects as per such if factors regarding such if choices as well as such intentions per such individual factors whether as per the century of the 1800s or the reference of including the #Amaerican #AmericanRevolutionary #Revolutionary American Revolutionary War as to such inclusionary factors as per the aspects of the inclusion aspects as per the common sense factors as per the reality of such inclusion as to the references in regards of the Civil Liberties as per such Womens Liberties as per such aspects thereof as per the timeframes of the 1960s and the 1970s though in such references as per such if factors as per the reality of the year of 2001 as per such if factors as to the choices thereof as per the choices and the actions of such choices with the words as to the intentions of such words as well as with whom such words as to the factors of the proof of intentions from the start as to the importance of such individuals as per the differences as per the words of such to such individuals as per the intentions as per the choices of such words with such individuals as per the choices of with whom as to the factors of the intentions of the how as per such factors of importance as that should not take a head injury to point out either.
Thus in reference to the timeframes just as from the year of 1993 through to the year of 2000, then as per such factors of the choices as per the initial years of 1993 through 1996 as to the years of 1997 through 2000. It does not take a head injury to see such individual choices as per such individual actions as to such individual discussions as per such individual timeframes as to the exact points in time as per such facts of such choices and as to whom as per such choices as to the ways of such choices as per the aspects of whether in truth as to such choices or as to such hinting as to such choices instead of as to such choices of being blunt and direct and to the point, despite however much information per such factors thereof as per the individual's individual capabilities as per the exact point in time of such timeframes as well as the thereafter as that should not take a head injury to figure out or to point out.
Thus in such references as per the timeframes of the reference of February 1996 as to then after the timeframe of February 1993 through the timeframe exactly of 1996 through the timeframe exactly of 1997 through 2000, then as the exact situations as per the exact timeframe of from 2000 through to the year of 2003 for such references regarding those facts. The reality of such choices as per the exact point in time of such factors thereof per individual as per the facts of such choices as per whom was of importance and such factors of the factors of why, and thus as to the choices as per such factors thereof as per the common sense situations just as the metaphor as such choices as per the timeframes of the 1960s and the 1970s as per such facts as per the individuals as per the individual choices per such factors of the exact points in time of such factors.
Thus in turn while the reference of the 1993 as per the timeframe of the year of 2000 through to the timeframe of the year of 2001 while as to such at the exact same points in time of such facts, then as per such prior examples of patterns from the years of 1993 through the timeframe of reference to 2000 as per such factors of proof as per the exact timeframe of such prior situations as to the exact timeframe of the situation as per 2001. Thus in the exact timeframe of 2001 while in the midst of the timeframe of from 1993 through to that point in time of 2001 as the facts of such prior patterns of such choices as per the individual factors of such common sense situations, and thus as per such facts thereof as per the year of 2003 as per the 10 year memorial in February of the year of 2003 as per the facts of 1993 through 2003 as per the February factors as per the facts thereof as per such individual factors of such individual choices as per the aspects of importance as to the facts of such choices as per individual as per individual group of the facts of the situations at the exact points in time of each and every individual of each and every individual situation.
Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out if actually needing to know such information as per such non-bigoted ways as then as per such sequences of following such protocols as per such installments as per the aspects thereof officially as per the exact points in time as per the factors of the foundational knowledge of such background factors officially, as it should not take a head injury to figure out the facts.
In turn as to the references of Vietnam as to the facts of such situations as per the exact points in time, I would guesstimate those who would have been Active Duty as per such Armed Forces of the United States of America as per the factors of the exact situations as the exact points in time as such metaphors as per such facts as similarly as I would guesstimate the World War II as well as the Koren War factors in my opinion as per such exact points in time as to the exact locations as to the exact situations as the reality of if factors of if the exact information is actually needed then following such procedures as per such protocols as per the factors thereof officially.
Thus in reference as per such differences as per how #Hollywood Hollywood as per such if factors of such differences as per those types of situations, then as to their choices for their aspects to the differences of such factors as someone such as myself as to how the fine line of such factors of the aspects thereof to such exact factors as per the exact situations as per such exact timeframes as per such if situations of the differences as per such aspects of in reference to Hollywood though different as per the #OTPC #OldTennet #Presbyterian #PresbyterianChurch #PresbytericanChurchUSA #OldTennent PresbyterianChurch #OTC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church factors of performances as per earning only because of such aspects of earned from my personal work as per the references thereof as per earned of my own personal work as per my SCUBA Diving as per such earned individual factors as to such an example proverbially. Thus in such references as to the proverbial metaphors as to the common sense factors, then if as to the references thereof as per such factors as per the earned situations as per such as per each and every such difference as per what I consider as earned for such regards as per such hypotheticals of if factors as to my accuracy of if factors.
Thus in such regards as the references as per such exact timeframes as per 1993 to 2003 though as the such factors of the exact same points in time of 2001 through to the timeframe of 2003 through 2004 through the timeframe of 2007 as to the exact point in time of 2008 through 2011 as the exact point in time of such factors of 2001 through 2004 as the exact point in time as such situations as per 2005 through 2009 as the exact points in time of 2010 through 2011 as to such factors as per the differences if any as per such factors of February 1993 through February 2003 as the exact points in time of 2001 through 2011 as per such exact situations as per exact individuals as per exact choices as per such situations per if factors as per the hypotheticals thereof officially, and thus as to the same factors as per the timeframes thereof as to the 20 year memorial as per the timeframes of February 1993 through to the timeframe of 2013 as per such common sense factors of the dchoices as per the individuals as per the situations as per the factors of whom those types of those individuals as to those situations as to those factors of whom was actually of importance as to the choices thereof as to the reasons given if as to actual reasons or if as to such excuses if as to such if being excusable as to depending upon such factors as to the exact points in time of the facts thereof officially as it should not take a head injury to figure those facts out officially.
Thus this point in time of February 2023 on the 4th day of February in the year of 2023, the facts of whom is important to pull inward in person face to face in person in real life as to such facts, as per such choices to actually doing so correctly as per the individual's requirements for their comfort as per such facts instead of anything that would officially not be of comfort as per the aspects of what the individual considers as per such levels of the comfort factors as per such arrangements officially as per following such procedures required as per such individual protocols as per such timeframes as per the knowledge thereof officially as to doing so correctly instead of being brats instead as brats are not as per such protocol standards and are to such factors as per the difference of protocols as obviously brats are in the civilian sector far more often than they are as to otehr such references as per the factors thereof officially in my personal opinion.
Thus in such references regarding the situations I guesstimate my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw went through as per their employments as per the similarities as per my Grandpa Gavett as to his employment as to the aspects thereof as per the factors of such as to the #Tuskeegee #TuskeegeeAirmen Tuskeegee Airmen as per such factors as per the hypotheticals as per the #Buffalo #BuffaloSoldiers #BuffaloNY #BuffaloNewYork Buffalo Soldiers as per such factors, then as to the proverbial as per such if situations as per depending upon the metaphors as per the timeframe of the 2008 and the 2012 election cycle as depending upon the review of such viewpoints as per the aspects of expectations per individual as per the aspects thereof in my personal opinion. The same review as per such factors of choices as per the 1992 election as well as the 1996 election as per the same as per the 2000 election as well as the 2004 election, to the review of such choices as per the 2016 election as well as the 2020 election for such references regarding the overall factors as per the individuals thereof as well as the groups thereof as per their viewpoints of considerations as per such importances as to the differences of actually doing what is required as per such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out voting is only one factor as per such aspects of choices as per then words are another factors as then the common sense of such choices as per such combinations thereof, as to how such should not take a head injury to figure out as per the levels of respect as per the aspects thereof as per whom is included as per the factors of how such is accomplished if as following such procedures as per such requirements as per such protocols if followed correctly or if half assed or if as to those types of those situations as per the proof of if considered as accepted or if as considered as unrespectful as per such factors as to the aspects of such protocol standards as per such considerations. When such clarifications have been made as to the correct protocols as per the standards as per such aspects of sequential factors and if as to purposefully choosing otherwise then as to the lack of respect shown as to the lack of protocols chosen as per the situations of proof as per such individual exact point in time of such hypotheticals because if clarified in words as per such knowledge thereof and then such protocols fought against in any capacity thereof then officially as per such disrespect to such factors of such individual factors, as the only factors that matter to correctly exactly as the factors thereof officially as per the factors proven as per such standards of requirements officially.
Thus as to anything considered as needless games as per my references as to the aspects of clarifications, then as to such lacking of the respect to do so correctly as per the requirements clearly put in such formats as per the hypotheticals as per Austin Texas as per my personal protocols as per the aspects of such procedures as to there not being any leeway as per my personal protocols as such are instilled whether or not read as to such facts as per such mandatory factors either way as whether in the civilian sector or in the military factors or in the aspects of the supposed to be consenting lifestyle as my personal protocols as per for myself are my requirements as per such others' interactions with me as per my personal comfort levels as the common sense of if factors of any actual real interest in me personally and/or interest in mew to discuss my work as such mandatory requirements as per my personals comforts for me personally as anything less is considered as bratty behaviour no matter what another calls themselves as per such title factors officially as it does not take a head injury to figure out the facts of such as per my personal comforts as per such situations exactly as per my conditions.
Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out the metaphors as per the color words as per the name factors as per the website background as per the aspects of Fetlife as per the differences as per the individuals as to the other factors and areas of life as per the references as to #POTUS #POTUS44 POTUS44 as the references thereof as the differences as per the color references of the color of the screen as per the reference of black, and thus as per such metaphors as to the references of Black History Month as the common thread as across all proverbial metaphors as boards as per the situations thereof officially in my personal opinion as it should not take a head injury to figure that out in reference to the technological factors as per the electoral aspects as per such IP addresses as per such technologicalcoding before I was ever born as per my Grandmawmaw having worked on such aspects in the 1950s as to wherever she worked as per such factors before my biological mother in the 1980s and the 1990s as that should not take a head injury to figure out as such facts referencing ther length of time per such technological factors as the timing exactly as to such exact points in time as per such other factors of such considerations as my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw were 2 decades older than my biological mother and my biological father for such common sense aspects.
Their son who is my cousin Jade's Dad whose Mom is my paternal Great Aunt Helen were in their 40s when my cousin Jade and I were a few years apart in age as she was younger than me though her biological cousins as to the varying ages of up to 15 years older than she as to the average number, as per such factors of considerations to such knowledge from learning directly from the individuals as per such sources officially as well as their friends as the timeframes thereof as well as their friends' families, in the conjunction of learning from my own as per how common sense is and how such should not take a head injury to figure that out.
Thus as the factors in reference to #BLM #BlackHistory #BlackHistoryMonth #BHM Black History Month as per such aspects of standing up for hair as to when in my Basic Training as the exact reasons I was accurate then in the year of 2000 as the exact same reasons of being accurate now in such references in the year of 2023 as the month of February on the 4th day of the month of February in the year of 2023, as the same factors as per such background aspects as per the situations of where such ethnic factors as per the proof thereof if the United States of America is actually as per such factors of respecting the #NativeAmerican #Native 5 Native American tribes of my ethnic background as per being born and raised within the United States of America as per the common colorations as well as the if respect as per the other ethnic background of myself as well as if respecting the United States of America's Flag as well as the if respect as per such #Jewish #JudeoChristian #JudeoChristianFuturist #Christian Judeo-Christian colors such as #Christmas #Hannukah Christmas and other such holidays as per such colorations as if as to respecting the factors of the references as to other factors as per such hair references of such if situations as to the reality of such other references outside of such ethnic factors of myself as well as the respect of such Judeo-Christian values such as per such references thereof to Christmas colors as to the references thereof to my personal #ADA ADA requirements as per my headaches and my migraines as well as the after effects such as my memory deficits and my cognitive disorders as what works best for me as for me personally for my after effects that I personally deal with on a daily basis as per such aspects thereof as per such legal factors as per my Constitutional Liberties as it should not take a head injury to figure out while the camera did not take the picture of the American Flag as per seen when in person face to face in person when I was SCUBA Diving as per the facts then being upset with the camera instead of to such factors that were not in such aspects of anything other than as per my SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as the depth levels make a difference as per the colors seen through the natural eyes as to the differences of the colors seen through the blue camera lens if there was any real intelligence to such factors as to being capable to ask the question in a real way instead of such needless bratty unwanted behaviour from such individuals throughout whichever sectors thereof.
Since such work I personally completed through and per #SCCUBAPhotography #UnderwaterPhotography #SCUBAUnderwaterPhotography #Photography #SCUBAUnderwaterPhotographer #UnderwaterPhotographer #SCUBAUnderwaterVideography #SCUBAUnderwaterVideography Underwater Photography and Underwater Videography as that should not take a head injury to figure out the background aspects as to such 26 SCUBA Diving factors as the #NatGeo #NationalGeographic #NatGeoOpenWater #NatGeoOpenWaterSCUBA #NationalGeographicalSCUBAOpenWater National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving is not going to teach the same information as per the depth levels as per such specialties as per the information as to the differences of the details of an Open Water SCUBA Diving certification just as it should not take a head injury to figure out on land above sea level photography is not the same as Underwater Photography as the depth levels just as the intentions actually matter as per the 10 Commandments matter about such facts in all such capacities fully officially.
Such amounts of situations that my biological son, my biological daughter, and myself have dealt with needlessly because of such if situations as well as to such other if factors should not take a head injury to figure out such hypotheticals officially as per such metaphors as per the Civil Liberties and #WomensLibertyMovement #WLM Womens Liberties Movements as to the 1960s and the 19701s as per then in the 1980s and the 1990s as per such factors of where such if factors as per the proof thereof as to the situations as per the timeframes as to the aspects thereof thereafter through to this time of 4 February 2023 because if as such of my work was and is respected as per such protocol requirements as I clarified to start to begin with as per such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any and all such subverting as to such aspects thereof to subversion as per the aspects of where such subversions as to the references thereof as to what my personal considerations of brattiness as to the aspects and the factors thereof, instead of what the choices of per such factors as per the aspects of my requirements as per the reality of such proof thereof officially per individuals as well as per group thereof to such factors as per the references of the metaphors as per such choices as per if top my accuracy as the proof of such factors. When the amounts of efforts to subvert the ease and aspects thereof in the most minimal of starting points as to such aspects, then as to the amount of proof in my personal opinion as per such amounts of levels as per such levels of disrespect as per the aspects of such factors of the efforts of such subversions as to the references thereof officially in my personal opinion as per the proof of such aspects.
Ibn turn while others might wrongfully think as per such subversion instead of such direct aspects as per such factors thereof as the proof as per their care, the proof of their care as per such subversion as to their care about not doing what my specific exact requirements of are and thus as to such subversion as to such not doing exactly as per such factors of as to the efforts thereof as to the proof instead of how much more they care about themselves instead of such factors as per what my personal considerations are for caring about me personally as per my personal considerations of such factors of respect as per the aspects of my personal requirements as per manners as per my personal requirements of my considerations of politeness as per such differences as to those types as per such subversions as per their selfishness as per their selfies as I would guesstimate as the difference of the metaphors as per the modeling I had worked on as per the timeframe thereof as per such proof in modeling as per the aspects of the black model as per the aspects of the tattooed model or the aspects of the different hair color model for the clarifications officially as per such proverbial metaphors as per the situations instead of where such requirements as per using my modeling name as per the factors thereof to my original #Fetlife Fetlife account with my original modeling #Facebook Facebook account as per the aspects thereof where if individuals actually liked and respected my modeling work as per such usage of my name as per the aspects of recognition from the beginning starting point in person face to face in person from the start.
It should not take a head injury to figure out how that would be a metaphor in reference to Black History Month as to such if factors of others ever expecting such otherwise as to the references during such times of the year of 2010 through 2013, just as the same in such hypotheticals as to anyone who would ever think so highly of themselves as to ever expect me to introduce myself as per my modeling name instead of who I am as per such factors of in such factors of my having created my looks as per my having created my outfits overall as per my having spent my money to purchase such clothing and make up as to the factors of where the reality of such factors would officially be as per my creations as per my legal first name and my legal middle name as per such honest factors both online as well as in real life in person face to face in person and thus as per such respect as per such manners as per such politeness as per such factors thereof as per such minimum standards of human decency and humanity and civility of getting such starting point accurately correct instead of such assumptions as to in any other capacity than my personal requirements as my personal requirements would be the only requirements that would officially matter as per such differences as per my legal name as per such purchases as I personally made for such as to the aspects of my personal creations as pert such factors thereof officially as I have clarified my biological son and my biological daughter were not ever informed officially through me as to my modeling ever before because of being capable to comprehend the requirements of distinguishing factors of the legal ages. Since such factors of being a responsible biological adult and a responsible Mom as well as a decent human being who could always distinguish the difference, that is unless everyone else thought to lowly of me personally as to ever failing to comprehend I could actually remember such factors and it would be up to others if they had any respect for themselves at all as to if they had any intelligence within themselves at all. I did not think that bringing such knowledge of my modeling to begin with as per their lowered levels of common sense I suppose as to their pretentiousness as to their haughtiness as to their vanity of themselves as to their greed as to their sloth to ask me personally, as to their gluttony for such factors apparently as to the aspects of such brattiness in my personal opinion of if hypotheticals if I am accurate as to the if factors of having been capable to ask me personally in person face to face in person in the years of 2010 through 2013 in the general public areas and/or on post as obviously if my work was respected as to asking me personally to begin with having manners and politeness as I am directly honest especially if asked respectfully.
I did not think it took a head injury if as to such hypotheticals as to the recognition aspects of my journal blog references as per such aspects thereof in the year of 2020 as to the factors as per my modeling as where others in the general public could have asked me personally with manners and politeness, though I suppose it does take a head injury to figure out the factors as multiple websites as to the if situations as depending upon whether having seen me on Facebook and/or having seen me on Fetlife as per my modeling as I suppose because of my TBI/head injury after effects as per the proof I discussed before putting into writing in my book "Finding A Silver Lining" about individuals who spoke at me as though I was in second grade or as a toddler and if as to such if factors of others having been capable to ask me at those times in the years specifically of 2010 through 2013 and/or the years of 2013 through 2019 and/or the years of 2019 through 2021 about my modeling and my modeling name; I suppose it must take a head injury to figure out the aspects of such oddities as poer the factors of the if situations to ask me honestly with manners and respect personally.
Thus I suppose where others just outed me repeatedly as per what I was dealing with as per such rule breakers as per such if factors, I suppose the memory deficits were also to such individuals as to asking me honestly as per knowing more than one situation could occur in a 7 day timeframe as per being more specific as per asking me honestly as the answers would have been given at the times of in person face to face in person as per such factors at the time as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I did not know or believe there would ever be any fans of me as per my modeling in any capacity as per what I was dealing with as obviously I personally would have been asked if it was that important to begin with to others as it was and is to me personally regarding my work and my creations regarding my outfits that I personally picked out that I personally paid for as I personally created and thus if it was important as per my personal creativity then as per such factors of being wanted as per such factors of actually having been asked instead of such wannabes as to the factors of such situations as the hypotheticals thereof per the situations of proof as per the factors of my personal considerations of proof for such aspects thereof officially.
Thus if as to having not understood before as to how I cannot comprehend such factors then as to each individual as per their choices as per those timeframes to the differences now in the year of 2023 in the month of February on the 4th day of the month of February in the year of 2023, from the differences to those prior years as per such factors as per the choices at the exact points in time regarding my personal considerations for me personally as obviously my personal considerations regarding myself personally would be the important factors obviously as per the combined factors as my personal considerations officially whether as per my real legal name as per my real created modeling name as per my real who I am as per such facts as per my personal work and my personal creation(s).
