I am thankful that despite the problems I dealt with regarding my ex-in-laws, I kept a detailed itemized list in a proverbial way which would be able to be picked up only by me to utilize such information about such people as to what I saw in such atrocious behaviour. In this particular entry I am going to repeat a few portions before going into the larger aspects, which remind yourself as the reader as to which people decided to choose the side of my dead-ex-husband when looking at such and then think about the additional information presented.
* In 2007 Grandpa Nichols told and argued with his children and grandchildren as well as the female who legally had been his wife though who also lied on immigration forms to be able to enter the United States of America saying she was from one location, though was using her sister's information to be able to lie to marry Grandpa Nichols, have 2 children, then tell him the truth about lying for such years to convince him to ignore everything as she had already used the cast iron frying p[an before just for fun when the children were asleep just before the violence began because he wanted a divorce and she kept hitting him trying to get him to keep her instead of send her back to the country she came from and keeping the 2; which if you do not believe me, what was Grandma Nichols favorite stuffed toy for bachelor parties and how can you see the truth as to how Grandma Nichols got pregnant with her 2nd last two children as there are males who can attest unfortunately as to how some of them have actually had such situations as to how they had truly knocked up a female when at a college party or larger event or concert. How many of those males who have a large amount of finances wish they had not met a female that they got pregnant, and what were you drinking that evening she was found to be pregnant? Did she get you the drink, or did you get the drink yourself and from who? Someone she knew, or?
* Even though in October, November, and December 2007 Grandpa Nichols argued every day with Grandma Nichols and Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time before the switch to Sweeney or some close variation after she got pregnant with twins as well as through such his eldest daughter who would have been technically a product of his rape from Grandma Nichols over him for lying and hiding information needlessly purposefully, to the point they were warned if they did not accept his truth as knowing what I was doing was better than everything they ever have had and warned to be and remain on my good side or he would show them how much he had always been on my side; and then he made the call after the turn of the New Year, to send out the toward to take out his own son for stealing the pins off of his uniform of Dress Green Class As to make the stolen valor Dress Blues JC Penny Portrait picture; though he was unaware as to the 5 military bases surrounding at the time of the arguing from such months officially, though had warned them of such letting them know to pay attention as he was in the Army not them. They thought because they were dependents after their mom lied on the form to illegally get into the United States of America and rape such a male through choosing to deny her sister or who she actually had said was her Mom to get into New York City area when she came over from the Dominican Republic, however their immigration laws are and were not the same as treatied countries. However Grandpa Nichols did not know for Halloween in 2007, he walked around in San Antonio Texas for the trick or treating in those fully donned Dress Blues in the Homeowners Association neighborhood with my son and my daughter as well as my neighbor and her two daughters as the forced relationship Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr walked. I wrote of how my dead-ex-husband complained I refused and would not defend him ever as he was informed if he wanted to make the choice to steal and have the wrong uniform, then he was going to deal with the consequences from those who did know that they ribbons were on the uniform he was walking around a San Antonio Military City USA neighborhood in the medical center near 2 different VA centers within less than a 3 square mile area; after walking on a military base a few times wearing the stolen valor on Fort Sam Houston in the WTU as well as in BAMC and wherever else he chose to go during the Monday through Friday time which probably meant he went to visit my biological parents and biological sister and/or they met him somewhere and picked him up from the post to get to take him out on the town the way the Lackland Air Force Base soldiers get to go out with their families and such after their Basic Training graduation. You know, I could not graduate Basic Training so what was that about him having been their favorite because of not only college though also? Who saw what, where, and when as the how is known? Do, the math.
* Grandpa Nichols defended me after the initial day of the Chief Warrant Officer 3 choice I made to defend the Chief Warrant Officer 3 for being able to discuss the truth about the ribbons and medals of the stolen valor, as described previously. The nieces and one nephew listening to their mothers bad mouth me with the lies their now dead brother had told them about what he was actually doing with each complain as look to what they have complained about and who chose which action while they claimed it was others when they had done which choice, such as the referencew to how Grandma Nichols had gotten into the United States of America on the visa form for INS or what-have-you to lie. By the way on a military set of forms in the fine print it says there is a 10 year maximum and/or $100,000.00 fine for each lie on a government official form; which means one can interpret if there was the whole form lied on, which particular one box here or there, which lawyers and others pondered. I went to Basic Training after filing all of the forms which at the MEPS station after the recruiter station the forms of the paperwork gave such a warning, back in 1999 and 2000. I thought it meant each individual box which was lied meant such a charge and was why I wanted to be sure the MEPS and recruiters had remembered about what Anna Louise Hom had admitted to lying on insurance forms for a hospitalization as she explained each aspect she had done to try to get me to think it was a phase for me to need to be in the military, as she thought she could convince me her opinion meant more than the safety of the United States of America and the world. I dealt with what I dealt with, and I had been able to join officially after from the end of November 1999 through 5 March 2000 of being smoked and drilled by a former Merchant Marine who is my biological father. Remember, the interrogation after the answering machine message left was not the first time I dealt with certain aspects; though my biological father had been to Denmark in the Red Light District, remember? Anna was not a Merchant Marine, Mike had been the Merchant Marine and who had additionally preferred me to go to collage instead of the Army. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when I told people my childhood and teenager years were bad, I thought just explaining that portion would have been enough to simply understand well before the interrogation in 2012 or beginning of 2013. I was 17 years old when I was able to join, I was 12 years old when I filed the paperwork to join the Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment. Why, would that have been as second nature when in Illinois by then? The church I grew up going to and the connections thereof, and how strict was Mike about me compared to Patricia Ann(abomination) Hom? What excuses for such behaviour compared to what was complained about regarding me at church, by those biological parents at the time? My dead-ex-husband was who they repeatedly said they hoped for when they were younger and instead they got me, which my biological sister has explained to others her love for him previously to others and then there is the wedding she had to her husband which in a slight and showing which she preferred as to why my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia were the ring bearer and the flower girl and yet I was told what upon arriving after driving from Carrollton Texas to Austin Texas before the gown I wore and what occurred in that abomination of a marriage? Remember, I warned you.
* After I had driven my children from San Antonio Texas to Fort Worth Texas and back each weekend or every two weekends to once a month depending what was occurring from the time my children's biological father was overseas and/or in training, as well as after his death so I would not be the stereotypical ex-wife because of wanting to make sure what I saw from those who I knew in New Jersey when I was growing up going to Asher Holmes Elementary School did not have to have such patterns of behaviour repeated if simply starting the change with one little spark of hope as remember what I was upset and how in reference to Amanda and Pastor MacKenzie as I was a quiet child which few paid attention to unless I spoke with them. Those who have known me since could see how a smaller version in a younger age as to the ways as to how I had been when growing up when the drama was occurring, though I was able to stay hidden during such. Anyone from a large congregation or small ever get around a situation when there was cheating and a divorce and the sides which were taken during, who could attest as to how such went in the 1990s in New Jersey? Think as to how I chose to remain quite up until the repeated choices were made, and remember the repeated choices would have had to be remembered before my responses. Think if you had known someone or you instigated as to how long it took me to figure things out to get upset rightfully, and think about such when I was younger would take longer because of being calmer compared to the additional amount of pain levels after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma with the after effects and do the math as to how much I saw and heard at those times. How protective am I of who, and how could you see knowing Pastor MacKenzie was a Chaplain in the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces at the Old Tennent Presbyterian Church which was used as a hospital during the Revolutionary War and General George Washington's private office is behind the church; and I was friends with Amanda though took steps back when pushed because of the levels going on, while remaining nearby if she needed as best as I could without interrupting. I am very protective and there is a situation regarding what I saw, which Pastor MacKenzie and many congregants in the area were able to remain as safe as possible when you take into consideration such other events in a different area of the United States of America. However my ex-in-laws the females thought such was deserved because what their now dead-relative had told them all of what he claimed I was doing, was actually everything he was doing to my son/my daughter/I depending on the situation. Again, such types would know how they have done so themselves. Though they thought as per the length of time they had been on the welfare state that they deserved more, than what was being gifted at the time.
* I had chosen to make the funeral arrangements so Grandpa Nichols would be able to attend unknowing until later after his death of the specific call he had made regarding the fact his lying wife who had raped him by tricking him to believe she was someone else to have 2 children with him before the other 2, as well as so Grandma Nichols did not have to drive closer to Military City USA just in case the feelings I was picking up were accurate beyond the time when they showed up to my house. I was quick to clear out all of the garbage she tried to spray inside of my house as she sprinkled and I sent such energies right back to her and her children, as I was not tolerating anything she tried to use with her garbage Santatira as such was not allowed on my property which in turn was instantly switched over as per how I took care of my personal property aspects. Those little herbs, were put into her purse as well as sprinkled around her house and her property in the equivalent of where she would have put such in my house. She would be able to see such, as she knows which aspects she tried and what the repercussions have been as to her hopes for what became for her children in comparison. She said to take better care of me knowing the life insurance policy to my now dead-ex-husband, and instead she did not understand what aspects I had already put into place magickally as she would not have had any inclination to my personal powers. Though, she was arrogant, and I am thankful she can see from the life destruction as to what she prayed for and hoped for her actual children and her grandchildren and onward into her friends and outward for each aspect she thought she was sending my way and would see what she caused her friends and family. Surprise. I grew up, where I grew up. I knew, who I knew. It was funny when I walked up behind her one day and whispered "Chango knows, and Chango says hello. Chango wants what was promised, and Chango said it is time for payments to be collected." She started crying softly, though walked to her front door to go outside in 2008 just after Grandpa Nichols' death.
* Even though I had arranged where no one had to go to San Antonio Texas for the funeral arrangements, allowed Grandma Nichols to pick the casket that Susie Marie Sweeney now though Nichols-Lopez previously at the time in 2008 January said she would pay for the remaining cost the Army would not cover as she was told about prior to my arrival at Laurel Land Funeral Home, the memorial recordings in the photo booths, the paperwork, and whatever packages they agreed to as they were told the Army already had a set amount squared away for such and they wanted the specialized additional additions to the funeral against what I had repeatedly told them of knowing they had already completed the bankruptcy paperwork. They did not realize they could not add the additional charges to such once they had begun the process for the bankruptcy, and I was not going into further details for such as the Laurel Land Funeral Home would have been able to explain. While they may be accustomed to being surrounded by death, they also sometimes forget about the importance of life in such sorts of locations and employment. While the accustomed to aspects of whatever prior biases may have been towards who I am and my connections, to blame anyone other than who actually caused the actual problems was needed to be paid attention to. The choice of if not caring about the life that continued onward because of the fact everybody dies at some point is an unethical view for such a business, as you would want such leniencies yourself when your own would be faced with such if I am correct. However they had seen plenty of stupidity before and without any ideas of their own for such I can see the temptation illegally regarding certain aspects, if hypothetically such individuals sent out the dogs to go after who was not to blame to begin with as if you had checked the phone records as well as prior discussions you would have been informed sooner as to who was actually to blame regarding their choices for their dead relative for their funeral and their wedding to such an individual. Where did the pieces get out into the casket and whose casket was purchased for what portions thereof at what place by who, whereas who continuously asked what choice they were choosing for their bill comparatively? That was enough to tell as well as show the bill was not to be paid by me ever, it was fully to be paid by those abominations who you heard and saw at the funeral home disregard each turn I had made to make sure the proper aspects had actually be done properly. My ex-in-laws saw how much I had been doing and did not care as they just wanted another hand out, after another hand out, after another handout. I told them who specifically the aspects were for, and only for who. Their choices to do as they had against each turn, lead to much more than they had bargained for.
* Brieanna Marie Lopez-Nichols (whatever her legal married name is now) with her two children after the funeral where she had refused to listen to my warnings previously to that funeral, listened to her mother Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time and had placed whatever religious symbol into the casket against my Executrix powers legally; which she was warned against, and she did not believe the ramifications until they started to begin. However those ramifications only began after the funeral which she took Grandma Nichols' cellphone knowingly to play the voicemail left by the dead-relative to my daughter #Letters4Lidia to play in her ear, laughing at house my daughter was responding to the sound of her biological father's voice who she had wished to be a Daddy's Little Girl for though she heard her biological father speaking to her Grandma Nichols that way instead. I lost my control of my rage up to that point, pulled the van over to the side of the road, got out of the van, opened the door, pulled Brieanna Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time out of the car by the back of her shirt to stand her up in front of me to yell at her for being such a stupid millennial as to think that would be a good idea. She started stammering as I lit into her demanding her to apologize to my daughter and my son for having the audacity to be so careless and thoughtless as to not care about her little cousins. I warned her when she had children, I would make sure I would hope for everything my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia would ever have to go through because of her and her other types of such millennials; would suffer the greatest of consequences, for their generation in infinity. Brienanna Marie which is ironic when you look at her name and compare to my biological mother's name and biological sister's middle name, and I repeat the portions of the Mother of Whore of Abominations regarding Anna Louise Hom to the constituted Whores of Abominations. However in my opinion as Brieana Marie had children, that now makes her a Mother of Whore of Abominations and Anna the Grandmother and Mother and Whore of Abominations. I warned her to back off as she, her cousins, her mother, her aunt, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, and etcetera had disobeyed my direct order by choice and the guarantee of the completion of the overt abuses they have needlessly caused were about to come around in full circle back to the doorsteps of which they stemmed from. Susie got mad and upset, which Grandma Nichols remained quiet and listened until I was done as Susie stopped the red Ford Escort care behind the white Dodge Grand Caravan at the time with the Ford Focus Wagon nearby. The secondary Mother of Whore of Abominations Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez at the time with the legal name being similar to mine sadly, which is why the aspects as per her continued name of Susie when referencing though she remarried and has twins after the funeral as well just before the death of her only son. The instancy of the works from which the choice to put whichever piece they purchased from the Asian Import location with the rest, was the choices each made on their own despite being informed of the fact as per the military individuals only speaking with me for the legalities which was the way the Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 which they complained about refusing to speak with them at the funeral home until I arrived; informed those people who they Army branch of the Untied States of America had demanded to speak with only, and to try to circumvent my authority would mean automatic penalties because of the specific timing of the death in comparison to later if ever having gone to hand deliver without having informed me for the proper way for such to be completed in person. If my ex-in-laws had chosen to lie under oath to the Army branch of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces by making my daughter lie for them while using the prescriptions to manipulate her, the automatic guarantee of my daughter's safety and the automatic guarantee of the guilty verdict for such a choice if my ex-in=-laws ever had to make a trip to travel specifically to any military base location. In such those penalties would be an automatic for just the initial lie per to in writing, in person with known recording devices which if on a military installation would be known when entering the gate, as well as if there was any emails/messages/texts and/or phone calls if on a recorded line such as at a military base installation in the physical location of the military installation on a land line only and not a cellphone of such because of the specifics would be considered as such. The penalties of 10 years per with the additional fines of up to $100,000 per offense as per the fine print would make additional sense, if hypothetically such situations were to be and my daughter would be properly taken care of with such a removal of such to actually be worked with individuals who could better assist such and help with the processes for actual recovery for her knowledge and understanding as to who actually had lied to her as well as who had chosen to mess with her after the voicemail was played as I wanted it to be the only time they would ever be such millennials to my daughter who was just about to be in Kindergarten the following school year as she was turning the age birthday requirement per the school system she began in San Antonio Texas of 31 August for such just as her brother had to for the same. It was weird to me being born and raised in New Jersey as the cut off date for the year was 31 December and I was 4 years old when I started kindergarten and turned 5 the following year, because of the paperwork required as well as the fact I had been tested with a higher aptitude to be able to go into kindergarten as a 4 year old in 1986 to then be able to be 5 years old in 1st grade, because of my high intelligence and higher IQ with speed to learn though speech was a situation to read louder because of what I was accustomed to if I read a book too loudly in my room as a child which would annoy by biological father working on the jewelry and/or my biological mother working on the computer and/or my biological sister when she was in utero as Anna said though even after she was born; which if I could not go outside, then I had to read to learn how to speak softer because of. My son and my daughter are exactly such, mine. My intelligence and speed to learn in certain aspects in their own individual ways compared to, while also able to asses information to look through more for a clearer understanding. My daughter being forced to the point of wanting as a little girl would to hear her biological father's voice, would automatically begin looking for anyone who looked remotely close to what her biological father looked like and if that in reference to Ceiling Fan boy had been as regarding my SCUBA Diving gear; I could easily see now a dangerous combination which such an abomination to mess with the mental health and wellbeing of a 4 year old female child, as well as her 5 year old brother. There was a large amount of warnings I gave to many people about my biological family and my ex-in-laws, as much as I possibly could. Brieanna Marie thought the voicemail was funny to do and when getting back to the house, she and her other cousins began playing outside talking thinking I could not hear what they were planning.
* Sondra Marie Osteen who is Mary E. Osteen maiden last name Nichols' eldest daughter, named after Mary's favorite aunt who was institutionalized because of the misdiagnosis of schizophrenia for certain individuals who can actually have visions though need the ability to actually learn how to work with such in a different way compared to what has gone on in asylums. However that female was actually insane because of the amount in inbreeding within the bloodlines as the joke was why go down the street when you can go down the hall, and why keep it in your pants when you can keep it in your family. I was creeped out when Sondra Marie joked with Mary Evongelina about such as I had already heard such before, and since it was the funeral timeframe the gut feeling of instant disgust was there. I have written about other aspects I was told and saw for myself, in prior reporting aspects apparently might be a more proper terminology for regarding my ex-in-laws which can elaborate to others' experiences with such individuals before and after the funeral which they had refused to listen when they were warned. I warned them the heaviest cost was going to come to them for choosing to refused my commands as they tried the excuse of my daughter's name on the paperwork, which I reminded them as to me being alive at the specific time of death which means legally as they were shown regarding the Chief Warrant Officer 3 and the other military soldiers who stood their ground as I was told and should have remained as such instead of ever speaking with any of those people until I had arrived about the details regarding the picture of the stolen valor. In turn such knowledge from the situations before ever being allowed to be in the room because I was kind enough to allow them to be in the room, which I knew they would forget of such before they attacked verbally the Chief Warrant Officer 3; except Mary E. Osteen, as she literally began to claw at the Chief Warrant Officer 3 before I commanded everyone to stop and they finally listened-ish. Sondra Marie was offended as she only knew what she had been told by her mother who was lied to the entire time by her little brother as he told her he was doing the breast cancer research, when he knew nothing about what I was working on and thought she was speaking with him; none of her words ever influenced my particular workings, as none of what she discussed had anything to do with what I was doing. She as her mother tried to do little magical prayers and when the choice to release Methuselah into my apartment when Sondra Marie, Mary E. Osteen, and Ariel Marie chose to do so after the identification card with my original information on Lackland Air Force base in 2001 during David Osteen's Basic Training graduation occurred; they had not clue of anything to my past, as they were simply the typical millennials who had watched a little movie such as the Craft thinking they knew what any of such was in the other aspects. As the millennials ran around the Laurel Land cemetery while the Chief Warrant Officer 3 and I walked around, Sondra Marie was the last one to finally give up to go inside realizing she was not ever going to ever successfully get anything. Her mother guaranteed her fate when she encouraged Sondra to steal and lie, as well as repeated the lies she heard and knew were lies; which is ironic when thinking about her mother's lies to Grandpa Nichols, and how her birth had been made in full with a lie. Sondra chose whichever piece from the same Asian store and what no one knew is what I could do, regarding each ignoring choice to putting such in the casket no matter what they thought they were going to get; as that truly was the Marriage of Abominations origins, as I purposefully married each of my ex-in-laws to that male who they were falsely glorifying for the known stolen valor even though they had high ranking officials who told them otherwise as well as Grandpa Nichols for several months up to and after that initial point. He went in peace as he knew I approved of his choice to put a Yammicah, he chose the colors himself. What people do not understand of such a choice by Grandpa Nichols of the Yammicah was he knew I was looking at the area and he knew what his son had been as which he stood up for me even though the females refused and actually converted his eldest son Tony Walker to be able to know as well as his wife Gail, whereas the others refused; and Grandpa Nichols wanted to make sure as per such Hebrew/Jewish traditions is the equivalent of the dreams referring to, a dream catcher for the thoughts. Sondra Marie was mad that I watched and allowed Grandpa Nichols to do so, and commented to herself as to how she felt that the choices made were disrespectful on my part to Grandpa Nichols as well as her dead uncle and spiritual marriage to her dead uncle. She chose along with some of the other females to engage in sexual activities that timeframe and the choice to do so for them, was their fully sealed portions of as per wedding etiquettes. Any who had sexual engagement by choice with my dead-ex-husband knowing the situations occurring to me while protecting my son and my daughter, automatically were completely bonded for such in a way which because of the filter for the Yammicah is the difference for which side of which proverbial coin to find the way for clarity for such a situation which has been needing the clarifications for awhile.
* Ariel Marie Osteen at the time though married with children now was a bit different as she had a versatile look at the situation, as she was younger and had noticed in her dad and biological dad being in the Air Force branch of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces the immediate changes in her dad and the way things had gone; though what she also saw was the respect he felt for when looking into her eyes, compared to the prior times when she was just a bit younger from such a moment. When the events of 11 September 2001 occurred, that moment hit her extremely different than it hit her older sister and mother. She already had multiple friends with military connections just as Sondra Marie had, though the difference in age was a major factor even if a smaller than 10 year age difference as even one year can make a difference as to the view point. There are zodiac calendars for reasons, to assist with a few aspects to assist clarifying portions thereof. However with such a funeral in comparison, she had multiple individuals already have such situations occur around her more frequently as the ability to go out whenever you want is easier for most when older compared to when younger. The fact she had a mind which was more receptive to the combined portions to step back to view simply from the time of the Basic Training graduation as she listened to her mother discuss the Swinger lifestyle and not care that her daughters and nieces with one nephew, were nearby running around the house. Ariel Marie picked up seeing her dad's uncomfortable response to Mary Evongelina Osteen's nonchalantly commenting about outing others for fun if viewed as competition to anything she saw in her way instead of building herself upward, which when the Candlelight Coffee House not knowing was an alcoholic establishment situation occurred; Ariel Marie took a look at my response, whereas Sondra Marie looked towards her mother's response to finding out it was an LGBTQP bar. I defended and knew there had to be a minimum of a few LGBTQP individuals more than just in New Jersey and New York City, as Mary E. Osteen had gone on about thinking that was the only place they were ever going to be. Apparently the fact we were in San Antonio Texas and not New York City or NEw Jersey, was not enough of a hint to those others as to the ability to travel to other places which hypothetically might have a place or two for people to be able to find one another for different discussions; despite the fact they were there, only Ariel Marie and I were the ones with common sense for the walk to the Ford Winstar van to go to Jim's Restaurant on 410 and Blanco. She watched how her mother who claimed to be a southern belle complain at the fact I made sweet tea just for her and threw a fit about the fact I had not made sweet tea before and did the best I could, just to make a little bit of comfort for the trip they took as well as had purchased extra food and blankets just so they did not have to sleep without any blankets as I had not ever had that many people with specifically different food tastes in my apartment at the time. Ariel Marie listened how nothing I cooked or made was good enough for her mother, and how the requirement to be taken down to the Riverwalk instead of simply get to know one another as was the first time meeting; I suppose I did get to know them, quite well. She most likely would have paid more attention to the entirety of the situation on facebook compared to Sondra Marie, depending what the discussions were with friends when near technology as AI has been around much longer than most realize for such an application process within every piece of technology since well before my physical birth. Artificial Intelligence has been in the works for over the amount of time which would be ever written, however the fact of the matter is that AI originates in the background and has for decades. There is no one alive who has ever not known of a form of AI in their life, as per the millennium changes which were soon to occur and had begun. She listened to me as to why I joined, as she was the only one from Georgia who paid attention as to why I joined and when 11 September 2001 occurred; the sooner she could get online the better, because of the way she needed information compared to others and she knew I had told her about New Jersey and technology I had been around when growing up to use and work on. She understood what I meant when I said work on without the actual words to explain she knew I had coded algorithms on and for Prudential, IBM, DOS, Microsoft, Apple before when it was MacIntosh and during the spilt, Intel, and a few others as she saw more from New Jersey than what others heard. She listened to what I told her about my church when growing up whereas the others did not except David her dad, which when the day occurred he too instantly remembered the discussions as he had already talked with the basic training unit brigade he was assigned to as we met just before he went to Basic Training and was the official first meeting for all at one time in Fort Worth on Dorsey. Ariel Marie's thoughts would process information to see hidden codes in religious sorts of plain sight though over time the doubting would begin because of not knowing which way to look towards, because of so many sides in an all at once overwhelming her into the equivalent of sensory overload. As, many others as well for such times. The name in reference to Ariel and the specific reference of she would go to the Grim version in fear of such pictures in comparison to more easily remembering the Disney version and why she needed that in particular to pay more attention which way to actually pay attention, while not realizing which characters in the movie were which characters within her own family. It would take awhile to realize why Ursela is depicted as such, almost as though one tentacle is per one individual she could look at for a clearer view with who such would be at the head of the tentacles and which aspects as to why in such a similar sort of context. Unlike any of the others when I sent out my website and then the links, she wanted to believe one way and it took the time for the clarifications to make more sense; as to who for that particular family was always meant to be the equivalent of Jiminy Cricket in reference to Pinnochio Disney movies regarding other portions, for interconnections of how small a world can be and yet ironically still needing her own internal version of for her life because of the requirement for finding a balance for such a large responsibility for and on both sides. The Yammicah also represents the acknowledgement of the warnings I had repeatedly given and the confession he had given, which few ever were informed of to the extent thereof as to how many times the apologies were required and the promises made for such a request of a repentance from what had occurred to my son, my daughter, and I due to his ignorance and arrogance and haughtiness. I would guesstimate when FSL came out in links first with the link to my website, she would have been flustered and seek further clarifications and begin seeing the patterns she had been the first of anyone to notice as she listened to my warnings about my biological parents and biological sister with a large number of focused points as per seeing her mother and her sister as well as school all in one. I know the aspects of seeing Marissa Marie be the only one of Susie's to go was different, though also to recognize similarities for when clearer times were needed to understand better with experiences to help Marissa Marie to explain what she knew she needed to see was the most special of a gift to not ever waste a second of her life to move forward in a more positive direction compared to what she had not ever been allowed to see before and would not have ever had the chance to have a way to speak with her family about the realities of more out of Texas while appreciating the state for such a combination of a more spread out combination of the Tri-State area with the closer smaller states to give a larger view of the state of Texas to the United States of America and then to the world for the types of individuals in the United States of America and the world.
* Marissa Marie Lopez which knew not of her Grandmother's deceit to her favorite and only Grandfather she ever was able to know or get to see for a length of time though continuously saw how each family member had treated one another in ways which some of her friends had been noticed as she saw, though the closeness of the levels of as well as the extended portions of her cousins and their families; a specifically unique perspective which when the trip occurred, she was able to see what was said online and phone calls compared to what was in person and was able to speak with Ariel Marie more as well as Sondra Marie which would have had the lengthier amount of time to come around to see the whole truth was always in front of her eyes the whole time while wishing she could have actually trusted more of her mother prior to being able to see which ways were more beneficial and yet also seeing the life she was trying to get a better life from instead of the continued patterns of behaviour she had seen herself though did not realize the internal portions of her own mother's choice for her pregnancy being the time when her mother decided to tell Grandpa Nichols the truth about who she really was as a way to prevent him from ever hitting her pregnant belly while sending the rage towards the Christmas Toys so Grandpa Nichols did not take his anger out on the wrong person for what his mother had done. She heard the discussions randomly when being babysat as to Grandpa Nichols complaining about the love of his life and the picture as to why it was a drawing in comparison to an actual picture which was just at the nape of Grandpa Nichols' head, regarding a similar looking female to Tony Walker as it was a drawing and not a picture compared to other physical photographs. Tony grew up seeing who would have been his Mom as Grandpa Nichols thought of who he was supposed to meet, instead of Granma Nichols as Marissa Marie heard as well as the comments between about other portions which is why she needed to get into Psychology studies as to see her own interconnectedness to such to be able to find a way for herself before finding a way to help to clarify to assist others. Having the degree and the paperwork which was drilled in regarding the college aspects, the ability to explain the legal documentation and fines with prison time thereof to her own family as well as the realization as to what I was discussing when we went on the trip to Georgia and Florida makes more sense little by little and as she would know the specific processes of healthy mental wellbeing to be able to make better decisions for her best interests as well as for her families' best interests for a longer term compared to what she had needlessly gone through especially when learning of the truth as to my choice to invite her to the house I had turned into a home in the mediation room area was going to be where I had changed the walls to be able to make it more private for her as the bathroom area had already been taken care of for the three children in my house before the situations regarding McCoy Elementary School which she would have overheard more of those discussions in reference to the planning phases in reference to her biological family and the boyfriends and relationships they had in whichever ways as to what occurred regarding the Fort Worth Zoo situation and after effects which the Non-Disclosure Agreement for legal prosecution is actually by law unable to be held in any court system as if there are federal and/or state and/or local prosecution charges which can and would need to be filed the legalities of the Non-Disclosure Agreement for any settlement would be removed as legal firms have argued before and won the ability to make reports as per Whistleblower Protection acts to keep such individuals safe from such charges in that type of umbrella. As the fact she was with my son, my daughter, and I during the trip to Georgia and Florida, she would be able to break the silence as well as explain where her family would know the need for such to come forward and vindicating her Uncle Tony Walk and his family for their stand points regarding various portions as well as the credit issue referencing financial aide additional fees for payments as where did the finances go and to whom; though the additional aspects of the after effects from her older sister's choice to play the voicemail recording however many times she chose to, and the overall impact in combination with the events from McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District which I had been honest with the school about both aspects of biological family to the staff though they did not believe me just as several others did not believe to the levels of which I described though learned I suppose in one way or another. Though she paid attention to when I made the command instantly referencing the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as prior to when I arrived as each of the others would as well, as how the situation went and unfolded as she was sitting further back than the others who were not necessarily paying as much attention as Ariel Marie would be able to; though also be able to understand which ways, as both would have such similar types of ways to process information to explain the further implications as well as the situations in a larger way from the impacts to their friends from literal different sides of the tracks proverbially.
* Joseph Anthony Nichols-Lopez had seen how his mom had always been, seen how his dad was being treated by his mom, seen how his mom had treated his dad, and listened to how important my son was for the last name which in turn the portions referencing his last name which he did not understand the difference as he thought both were one in the same and the aspects referencing the additional lack of supervision regarding online and video game behaviour; lead him on whichever path he chose to go, and if Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez now Sweeney or variation did not want to pay attention to the warnings I was giving her; whomever he had spoken with what she saw of his attitude in person if she knew of how he spoke online, what could she be able to see as to how the ways the areas she had seen could possibly go? I told her I chose not to allow my son and my daughter on such games because I wanted to ensure they did not get into trouble however since multiple aspects were already taught to Joseph Anthony by the time in whichever ways by whichever influences, he saw how I commanded the room and the situations went as such. He did not miss his dead uncle, he missed seeing a strong mom take control of a situation she knew was out of control and needed the clarifications for the portions which she herself was refusing to accept when hearing the Chief Warrant Officer 3 and other military soldiers not respond to her, and yet he saw how the response was to me as well as to my son and my daughter. He had wanted his mom to have that for herself which he saw and knew why Grandpa Nichols had pushed his mom to pay attention and not seek jealousy from me, to seek a way to a better life instead of what she was continuing to progress. He rebelled more not because of his hatred of death, he rebelled more because he knew he could ask me just as he saw Brieana Marie ask me about her tattoo and her information she was able to learn from he was seeking that for his mom from his mom. He knew why my daughter was in the hospital from what he had already seen and was why he hated Brianna Marie's first born son Anthony, and the name situation which had been going on repeatedly meant he despised the fact that baby was named with his middle name. He knew all of what Brieanna Marie had done to his little cousins and he was the only big brother each of them had, while seeing his big sisters being more of a mom to him at times because of what was occurring elsewhere. He saw the stolen valor in the pictures his only Grandpa which also was Brieanna Marie's only Grandpa along with Gail's daughter's only good Grandpa, and they had seen from a distance because of and as well as the familial portions previously to. Joseph had known of all sides and as Ariel Marie and Marissa Marie would be able to give their levels of sight, they can only imagine their 3 youngest cousins' point of view and the much larger impact because of their individual age of years differences for other such views. When he learned of the Florida portion he needed his mom to ask me because he was afraid to ask me himself as she knows how he was about science, and how his ability to think was extremely different to anyone else she had met. I suppose for Susie Marie there is a portion referencing a television show I saw called Continuum, as she was literally seeing what her son would have been able to begin if her choices were different from her father's warnings about her mother to her the way he had pushed her to get out of the state of Texas to get away from who she knew nothing about. He showed her pictures which she thought was him being mean to her whereas Joseph knew why, because of the babysitting. He wanted her to ask herself the questions she knew she needed to ask, and yet the same referencing such a continuum in references to as she saw such and knew not of what she was seeing or whom either. Mary and Joseph had no clue who they were speaking with, though Mary lived longer to speak of because Susie Marie knows as to how he would have turned out at the exact same time knowing of how her dead brother and spiritual marriage was always about because of other aspects she remembered from her own choices as to her claimed defenses. She saw Patricia Ann(abomination) (Hom-)(Miller) life choices as well as mine and thought with the competitive aspects as to online portions, which choices she chose to make because of the fact of the warnings which her father listened to and did not need to see though was made certain as to who he knew was before his eyes the entire time and why he spoke so much of me in comparison because he knew she knew as to what I was dealing with and what she was unwilling to see before her own eyes. He tried to warn her that her mother was going to be the death of her life, as well as her freedom; just as he did as well, which she did not want to see at the time. She knows the system as well and was warned to not mess with the finances regarding the plastic surgery she had done, the tattoo situation, as well as the funeral arrangement itself as Grandpa Nichols warned her not to press forward with anything more than what the Army was willing to pay for as he knew exactly why and what I was doing and Joseph was the only other one who would have known more clearly and see further because of her choices to go through with which systems and which levels before and after her bankruptcy filing which she tried to argue with me as to try to convince me to get done and knew the correct buttons to push in order to get the response from what she had already seen in person occur to me and laugh as her family would know as to what he responses were for other portions however viewed as such including with their own mother. Joseph wished his mom was more strong to leave the way her cousin Brandy had left, and was mad at her and Mary for calling his cousins dad to go and get Brandy knowing how Brandy and Dianne's relationship had been and could see their own knowledge as to how I had grown up myself; which he knew why the choice to speak with Brandy was as important, as he saw his own life and those he knew with such situations. He with Marissa Marie and Brieanna Marie know the outcomes and know how those cousins were when the few times around me, as well as the few situations referencing Brandy and Dianne in a larger way. He saw me hug Brandy and he saw his mom hug Brandy and he saw as each hugged her, comparatively. I could see him seeing someone and thinking he knew a better way as per the voicemail his sister had played for my daughter and my son, and the implications which he would have tried to find a better way for his cousins as he had known about CCD as well as how much I was against such at the funeral. He was the only one who was forced to put something into the casket against his will, and he knew I had seen that and covered his head the way the Yammicah had been. The choices made by many at that time lead to him not having his only younger cousins around while seeing every aspect and knowing I was doing everything for each as I could as he saw I had put his picture onto my facebook page, which he knew I had always cared and was why he pushed as hard as he did for his mom to have the ability to speak with me about my SCUBA Diving. The graduation I went to he had known I had promised such to the individual and knew more about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury than any other at the time, as he saw all of the connections and spoke of the way Grandpa Nichols would and others to the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Priests. He went to confession, remember? As it is known how I had been specific about games and how he knew I did not play games as well as knew of how and learned why I had been as protective of such as long as I could regarding the aspects of my children getting online, which he told his mom about more than she ever realized just as can be heard in the audio though it is different than it sounds when adding the fact of looking for paperwork as well as the amount of work I was doing all by myself and traveling large numbers of miles to get as much help as best as possible for the overall situations I was dealing with. He knew his mom knew the system ,and he knew his mom could have contacted more in comparison to what was being chosen. Joseph just as Grandpa Nichols told her he was going to prove to her that I was who I had been as she had others who were willing to prove her wrong at the cost of everything she ever cared about specifically him in his own words to her just before he left and throughout the times of because of what her choices were towards my son, my daughter, and I. Grandma Nichols wanted to have a baby specialized as per her known regards of the system as well and both knowing far better of what my daughter, my son, and I were dealing with without a concern because of the known bitterness Joseph heard as well as his father; who he had known all along, how much I worried as well as knew the consequences of choices which Joseph knew his dad and so did his mom as to his friends and her choices and connections thereof regarding the voicemail and the searches for just someone to talk with. He knew of my warnings to his mom about online as well and he was a determined child which she knew I had warned her to keep him in check or New Jersey at times is an unforgiving location, despite the church I grew up going to it was still used as a hospital during the Revolutionary War which he researched and found further connections. When FSL and my website was put out, how was his response and what can you Whores of Abominations as his Grandmother of Whores of Abominations and Mother of Whore of Abominations and Aunt and Mother of Whore of Abominations see in reference to wording from Joseph's prior discussions of you and yours as well as what he knew you tried to call me while watching each of your relationships in person compared to what he actually saw of me when he was in person with me? Do you remember how he would hug me, when first meeting, compared to during the time of each separation, compared to after the death of his uncle and seeing his bigger uncle's responses and Tony Walker's need for that familial bonding which was made possible because of my willingness to bring as much for each as I could as I knew time was more precious than anyone realized at the time except for a specific select few such as Joseph had seen when I drove and how much we actually were able to speak and him see a large difference? How was he after when going to my house warming party and the ability to see the differences between his life compared to my life as he heard all of you complain knowing far more than you allowed yourselves to believe, and he already knew my cooking as well as he had as he knew I always made room for he and his sisters to have their own amount of pies despite how he knew how his mom was regarding such as well as seeing Grandma Nichols' response compared to Grandpa Nichol's response and etcetera. How did he respond when seeing my biological family while you spoke of my son, my daughter, and I's situation, and how did he handle your responses? Did he choose to use the word sabbatical, at any point in time? Did he ever discuss military aspects and how he researched how certain military operations have gone online, and what was his gaming portions thereof? He saw how I needed to get Marissa Marie to safety and why, and what would he be smart enough to figure out on his own to get himself a better way as per Grandpa Nichols? What level would he go to in order to prove you wrong, and at what cost to you compared to what he knew your costs were to others? He knew I had kept the lines open for him online through facebook, though what did you threaten him if he reached out and why? Is what my son and my daughter explained as per as what I told others about how Susie Marie chosen to and the way of for discipline a subject which children who are survivors of child abuse of such a way, need a way to find a portion of how to move forward and the more positive ways as to which portions assist to clear up unresolved issues? It is much better and much safer to choose to be sober when facing aspects while maintaining the clarity of processing the emotions from the situations properly, as what was the differences in pictures he was seeing as well? He knew I chose to tell the truth about everything despite knowing the consequences I was facing in each direction at the times of and how would he, have evaluated such choices comparatively as time went on? Who would he have contacted upon seeing my website as well as the FSL, in conjunction with if the trip to take a ribbon and a commendation in the incorrect order would have been as per Grandpa Nichols and my warnings? What did he tell you, I warned you about? What did he pointing out regarding the stolen valor, and the pictures as well as discussion? How would he had responded, as I was told he passed away in 2016; though I also know how certain aspects are, in a different system regarding laws of the ocean and how valor is earned and valor in pure honesty if always looked at highly because of what the magnitude of signing the dotted line means in a much larger way which what would Ariel and Marissa Marie be able to add to such along with Sondra? A way to bring forward the clarification differences as to the prior mental health conditions misdiagnosed and treatments thereof, there are differences between not only the aspects of genetics though other energetic portions thereof as well in a balanced way for a peaceful transition for positive growth forward.
* My biological mother and my biological father with my biological sister's choices in conjunction in whichever ways as such, the additional warnings I had given them as well as the warnings I gave to my ex-in-laws about my biological side of the family; remember who I chose which middle name for and think about why regarding a larger aspect in a metaphorical proverbial way, as more would see later. My daughter's name is Lidia Louise which the change of the one letter makes a huge difference to bring forward a better way which the Holy See Rose Kennedy knew was going to make its way back around to repair in a genuine way when praying for such a similar sign referencing the call she had to make regarding her only son who made it to where her husband had pushed wrongly as the children knew and the Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren began to see earlier than most and were a portion of certain guiding principals, however the open truthful discussions were needlessly kept in the dark while at the same time needed for awhile to show it does not matter who one is or does or enjoys or etcetera so long as not causing harm purposefully to others needlessly; the fighting unknown as to what she herself had done regarding my biological mother's middle name in reference to both aspects of the husband and the medical, while also dealing with that portion of the time and what has or has not changed since such times she could not express though remained silent about. My choice to tell the truth compared to my maternal mother's choice to hide the dirty secrets of her eldest daughter after losing the only son she had from her first love before my adopted Grandfather, which all because he treated me better than he treated her when seeing his biological children suffer and my maternal Grandmother's choice to refuse to take action correctly, my biological mother who Joe would have called just as Grandpa Nichols would have called among many others the Mother and Grandmother of Whores of Abominations with the Wedding of Abomination to prove such for her favorite daughter the way her Mom had told her and the other females to behave, in comparison to knowing to do as a few had learned the most difficult way as to such similar situations as to what my biological mother knew what was going on and they knew she refused to see how she was the karma Aunt Chris was referring to in a similar way as to Joseph's mom(s); as my maternal Aunt Chris saw what she recognized from her own childhood more quickly than my maternal Aunt Eddie, as Chris made sure to learn from the lessons quicker than anyone else in her family which in turn my biological father Mike needed to see how similar the two had always been all along regarding how he was being treated as well while falling for the same patterns of behaviour as to what he saw in Crystal Lake Illinois when I left as well as after the time of moving to San Antonio Texas to see which patterns of behaviour as he was the one who said if you move repeatedly and the same problems occur over and over then who is truly the problem and what is the actual solution to actually fic and repair the time for the better future; as he did not want me to repeat the same mistakes he made, as he wanted me to be more honorable than what he had seen and did not realize he had seen more of in a different angle than he realized as to what I was pointing to in different situations. My son James' first name is of his Grandpa Nichols which he had seen me and his sister and much more in person than most ever realized which I had given them warnings of as he and she knew whether or not I spoke the way anyone else spoke of others in person, whether or not I had friends or a relationship at the time over where we were living. The fact he remembered more of what he saw me having to do to protect him and his sister and furthered by what he saw with the Laurel Land Funeral Home Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as other different angles to how he saw himself, his sister, and I being treated from one location to the next; including referencing the differences he saw as to who treated me with respect compared who who made what choices as well as what explanations; as my biological mother would know from the sound of his voice when she would actually talk with him, compared to when she would tell him to lie, compared to how when her favorite only daughter was around, compared to who she brought around, compared to the voice when seeing a movie he did not want to see, and then knowing of the Its a Small World ride at Disney and knowing many more reasons as to why I had done everything I could for the Georgia/Florida Family Vacation for him, his sister, his cousins, his aunts, his uncles, and I in many more ways and able to explain easier to his sister as to how much I truly had actually worked towards for her as well as many more for both of them as their own families chose as they chose and they know more in truth and in honesty as more have been able to watch unfold in real real time in comparison to what has been called reality television. James Michael in reference to Brienanna Marie and Sondra Marie specifically would know much more about you the way Joseph would know as well as your younger sisters and the impacts of playing games as your mothers and grandmothers and etcetera had made such choices as millennials. Remember I made the choice to choose names specifically with meaning and symbolism hidden and yet in exactly plain sight despite my own ability to forget as my admitted portions of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of which, I warned many who I am thankful whomever who was able to be able to lift themselves upward and help others as can. I know some people thought my life was much more relaxed in comparison because they themselves could not see how they themselves chose to filter which information and why they chose to choose such filters, whether or not on pictures or with words or actions or combinations thereof.
I told people I was making a choice to warn other people, as I know the difference between the age of millennials and the millennials I could not stand for as they are/were horrific in comparison to just simply the timing thereof as to such aspects throughout different facets of life and which portions are truly the most interconnected and the purposes as to why for the safety and betterment thereof.

As you can see even though my children's cousins may not have been happy with various aspects as to what was occurring in their own lives as well as within my own life while taking care of my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as the importance of knowing that when actual change is around the corner, to prepare as best as possible. I had said to my son I knew what was going on was much bigger than just him, just his sister, and just myself as he knew he had seen the soldiers at the chapel and what their responses were to when I stood up to the podium proudly to address everyone without hesitation; as my son and my daughter know, just as each one does as to such a moment in time at #JBSA as well as situations as they unfurled as per the way a fabric made for and of the United States of America's American Flag. My nieces, my nephews, my son, and my daughter in their own ways internally knew I was up to something much bigger and yet each had their own perspectives to learn from to be able to see through their own eyes to listen with both of their ears to hear as they choose which words they will utilize to respond specifically the differences between in person compared to online. Which portion seems more similar to what my biological father had said about machines and the lack of ability to tell the difference between human flesh and a machine or a piece of wood, regarding at that time a simple band saw compared to the overall aspects referencing the usages of technological portions and what the impacts can be in such ways. I am thankful to have kept my hope that those who internally knew themselves the exact same aspects in reference to me were able to distinguish over time hopefully as to what was more than mere words compared to what had actually met the eyes to see more regarding whether in person compared to online with technology, to hear the correct portions compared to the ironic twist of timing, to distinguish what truth had always actually been exactly where it had always been wherever you may have chosen to look at such times; directly before your very eyes, and within each drop of water around the world for whatever aspects thereof for the best possible outcomes from the most entangled situations for clarity.
I know there have been those who have doubted repeatedly wishing for a different response, however such had always been so whether or not one chose to recognize as had been such. Depending which situation including refusing to SCUBA Dive in certain areas for certain reasons as the need to review such areas after a specific portion seemed to be pertinent, prior to making my way to a specific location regarding a certain different type of SCUBA Diving in the state of Texas. I do know I need to continue my 60 Days of Thanks Challenge, however I also know there is a location within the region of which I am going to need to take my leave for a little bit just in case for those who do pay attention to my website and such; which I am thankful for, and I do appreciate the space needed during the recovery portions as to what has occurred over an extremely short amount of time and yet what feels much longer due to such details. That is a posting I forgot for such individuals previously as I at such times did not think anyone had paid as much attention as they had possibly at such times, however the portions of those who truly knew how much I genuinely had always care(d) meant I was going to make my rounds in the best and quickest with the highest possible outcome for the longest terms possible for more. I simply just did not realize in a larger way as to such a possibility of so much, as per prior situations. Thank you.