I am thankful despite all of the situations I have dealt with I have had the ability to be raised in a way which I had to learn how to deal with multiple situations, and though each situation being difficult I had been able to remain as calm as I possibly could. A certain biological adult who acted worse than a spoiled brat child who was proud to defend living in a Homeowners Association when he was in my house without a Homeowners Association, telling me how to decorate the interior of my own house which I had decorated and designed myself. That male SCUBA Diving Instructor for NAUI at the time named Sean Leonard who sadly was working at SCUBA Toys in Carrollton Texas in the year of 2009 who claimed he knew anything at all, looked similar to a mixture of my dead-ex-husband as well as Anton LeVey ironically though Anton was actually a much better human being than such a ceiling fan individual could ever be.
I have a new nickname, which is Ceiling Fan as he does not deserve his legal name or anything at all in my opinion.
I remembered the first time of meeting that individual at International SCUBA when in my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving class and he walked around as if he owned International SCUBA Diving, despite Patti Stewart being the owner at the time. Completely unimpressed by anything about him while I was in class working on my open water certification, I heard him ask about me while I was sitting. I looked over to see who would ask about me to see that male, and he looked over to smile at me. I rolled my eyes in his direction which made him stand upward to see me clearly, as I looked towards my teachers giving instructions about the classwork. I heard the term fresh meat and newbie, which I laughed to myself as to what an arrogant way to describe anyone coming from such an individual absolutely lacking anything special of anything in such a way to make such a comment about me while I sat in the class as he pointed in my direction. I thought to myself as to how I would approach such a situation if such a machismo mediocre small minded male to look in my direction in such a way without the slightest bit of information or knowledge to even begin to start to try to figure me out and call me of all people a newbie, just because of the Open Water SCUBA Diving certification.
I wondered how many swimming sessions he had done preparing in the real ocean compared to the pool or what I was told we would be going to out at Aquarina Hot Springs, as there was the tiniest minimal type of a current compared to the rip currents I would purposefully go into to test my own swimming strength as a child by the age I decided to have fun doing so. A male who would look towards my direction, call me a newbie, and then claim to think I would find him attractive for such again I rolled my eyes. The class took a brief break for smoking which I went outside and just as a little dog he walked outside behind me, asking me my name. I told him my name and he tried to talk to me while leaning against the backwall, as I smoked my cigarette quickly to get away from such an overtly egotistical individual. I had met such haughtiness before, though not from anyone with such an ugly personality coming forward in such an arrogant way to speak of me and think there would ever be anything I would want to talk with him about. However, I was kind and listened as he spoke and spewed a large amount of trash from his lips before I could get away from him to go back inside for class. While I was uncertain if anyone else heard that male's comments to the other SCUBA Diving Instructors, I knew what I was about to undertake and the tiny ego of a male who thought there was any possibly way to be better than I simply was a reminder from when I was growing up in New Jersey.
Before I continue on I must add, I earned 2nd and 3rd place in an International Tae Kwondo competition against females with a minimum of a brown belt with black stripes and tapes to go upward for the competition; and I had to defend myself when I arrived and they saw my size as well as my age. I explained I could handle the situations knowing, I needed the practice for what was about to come up. Later I had been involved in a bus school fight which 5 people were sent to the hospital for what occurred, just for 1 person starting a fight with me because of her friend Jenn who had thought I was taking her best friend away from her and drove a wedge between Toniann and I because Jenn knew if she made a comment about her boyfriend and I then there would be problems. I did what I could to prevent the fight however upon the third push, I came out swinging. I did not stop until the bus arrived at my house, which was less than 1/4 of a mile at 30 miles per hour. Another time I had beaten a male football player bloody and bruised in the common pit just for using the N-word towards me, which he tried to claim it was AJ who had walked up behind me from the office area and that same male tried to tell his girlfriend cheerleader to try to calm me down; which obviously such failed, since I beat Nick Robinson and broke his nose which the clothesline from the following Friday night football game had partially ruptured his eye from what I took care of less than 2 days before. In defense of my friend from high school big brother Kenny Tank, I threw a cafeteria table that folded over my shoulder as it bounced off of the top of the lockers prior to handling another situation; and those are just a small number of what I have done, compared to other situations outside of New Jersey and Illinois.
That does not include swimming in the oceanic waters of the Atlantic area of the ocean, nor does it include the lake where I went to Baptist Camp Lebanon before the sexual molestation assault by Brian Cantrell. I could see how someone such as that would get tanner and change his legal name the way businesses change names to try to cover up a set of charges which would obviously follow him around, if that is something law enforcement had not thought of taking into consideration. As the prosecutor was unable to prove the case only because of more than 1 person testifying in the case and I did not cause Rachel to testify as she made up whatever her portions were, for whatever she said she had occur to her. I dealt with what I dealt with, and I admit I had not gotten over the lack of justice from such a case; though no one ever checked, whether or not the situation was worthwhile to pay attention to afterwards. I hope that male suffers horrendously, regarding both Ceiling Fan and/or Brian Cantrell. How pathetic for someone to continue onward knowing he had already sexually assaulted me to go after my son and my daughter after all of the years, which he knew he had already caused more problems between my biological family and I as it was; as he heard my biological mother blame me for being assaulted, because I was wearing a bathing suit at camp. I guesstimate the abusive household I had already grown up in was not good enough for such an individual to prey upon such, as those types of pathetic losers have nothing more to offer and if they think such individuals are weak because of such; well, then there is the way of which myself chooses to handle situations as needed. I maintain my composure as best as I can, and when it comes time I will take action as needed and required. That male regarding the Ceiling Fan named, I will continue onward about such an individual.
Nonetheless the Ceiling Fan Boy was trying diligently to get my attention for each of the times for the Open Water classwork, which the teachers did not notice as I guess they were accustomed to that either from that male and/or in general from male SCUBA Diving Instructors. As I was the only female in the class who was not in a relationship, I could sense the target growing on my back as I knew how certain males think just because a female is by herself means she is incapable. The irony, I was about to show incapable such an individual was going to show himself to be. The length of time for such is regarded to as a chess aspect, I suppose when you look at the time aspect. As the male SCUBA Diving Instructors who either did not have children of their own or a spouse who would disapprove of such behaviour of such individuals or a mom they apparently did not care about or what-have-you seeing such behaviours and being disgusted as to how such a product of seed could ever turn out as such, I knew I did not care about any SCUBA Diving Instructor feelings when it came to the males as I already saw how they were treating Patti. I thought to myself, as I think she may have been thinking along the same lines when listening to that male in particular.
As I waited for the time to go to the Hot Springs for the natural water portion, I fully was aware of being the only unattached female SCUBA Diver; which in certain references, that was nothing new for me. As classes went on for my 26 different SCUBA Diving certifications I had seen that male at the lake with other SCUBA Divers, though they did not bother me as they were with the toy section as per the description given to me. Later as time went on that male was at the QT near International SCUBA and tried speaking with me, which I remained respectful and went on my way. That was until the Cancun/Cozumel trip when Patti had to convince me to allow that male SCUBA Diver to be a roommate for the hotel room, which I was not willing for a bit because I could not have cared in the slightest about his friend being my instructor for my 2 last certifications before my Cavern SCUBA Diving class thus my 24th and 25th certifications just for my SCUBA Diving gear. I did not want him to go and asked if there was anyone else who could go instead of that male as I did not get any good feelings from him, though I admit I was intrigued because of how Patti had already asked me to help with the Rescue SCUBA Diving class she was teaching where the PIZZA situation was changed compared to the help aspects for the Rescue SCUBA Diving certification course. I threw that male all over the lake and he did not have the ability to ever save in the water, as he had to admit to Patti as to what he had done wrong for the certification class. I thought to myself about such a bit as I told her I would think about the male she was asking me to be in my room, which I knew how to handle certain situations of which that male had no clue who he was speaking with in the slightest.
I had been harassed by that SCUBA Diver repeatedly and finally allowed him to speak at the same QT gas station, as Carrollton Texas did not have a large number of from the area I was volunteering at in International SCUBA to my house at the time. As unremarkable as he was as well as his Chevrolet Avalanche trucks as he has two just as he has 2 motorcycles, the ease of being able to follow as per the garbage of how he would all of a sudden show up similar to Duke's Seafood and Grill Bar in Tacoma Washington in 2015 after I had contacted and sent out paperwork regarding the links to my first two books as well as after stopping by a Puyallup Washington SCUBA Dive shop registered with PADI; my SCUBA Diving association group, and the only SCUBA Diving group I had been a part of officially. I listened and laughed at him, as he stumbled and tried to convince me about various aspects as to his background in technology as I knew my background and refused to discuss beyond my issues after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as such issues and problems had been. He had no idea of my biological mother's background, which meant he had no clue as to what I personally did; even if he were to have asked, though would be guaranteed to be years after the fact of such discussions. I simply listened to the same sort of droll excuses I heard from males when I was growing up in New Jersey who tried to tell me they knew more about compatibility and then did not know if I would understand about computers which that male Adam Landau with the glasses from Marlboro Middle School was slightly insulted when I asked him what he meant about computers regarding a time together, which I was later informed I was not allowed to date yet. However when he asked snarkily if I knew anything about computers, similarly to that male SCUBA Diving Instructor I allowed him to believe what he wanted to believe at the time. I had met males such as that in various aspects of my life, and that in SCUBA Diving was nothing different than I had already dealt with. Not forgetting I wanted to go into the Infantry or Calvary or Combat Arms to go into the Special Forces when I was officially able to go to the MEPS station, in 2000 before going active. That male set of SCUBA Divers who thought less of me as well as some of the females SCUBA Divers who looked down on me for being in SCUBA Diving by myself, I was about to show them all how to eat some words as well as worms. I hoped more females would get into such, however I was unsure of how to get more females who were not afraid of such types of males to begin to look into their own form of work for such.
I, was ready for that mission. Whether in reference to SCUBA Diving, or several other aspects.
As the Ceiling Fan boy had continued on about how great he thought he was in technology as well as how much time he had been SCUBA Diving when I asked him what he did in the ocean, he laughed and asked me why I would ask such a dumb question.
Wrong, response.
I listened to him continue on about some of the locations he claimed he had gone into the ocean to SCUBA Dive, which realistically still impressed me very little as just because of the pretty locations did not mean anything as far as SCUBA Diving capabilities. As time went on and I saw the one SCUBA Diving Instructor I would have preferred to have go to the trip with instead of that male, I listened to the garbage being spewed some more about trying to build up his own little ego.
I finally agreed to allow him to attend and I explained to Patti, the trial basis that male had and he better remain in his own space instead of messing with me or my SCUBA Diving gear. She looked to the side, and said she knew how he was and how he needed assistance to learn. I understood such after the QT that final time, and I agreed to allow him to go. I have written about how such an individual acted on the airplane regarding how he wanted to show a Sea Cucumber to me and get me to touch the fish, which I told him not to touch any fish in the ocean. He laughed and told me he thought it was funny how it would get hard, which I told him I was not interested in the slightest as to anything regarding such; and he was warned to keep his hands to himself, or the ocean would respond in kind. He laughed and would not shut his damn mouth so I could calm myself from the pain levels from the airplane altitude changes, which he did not get the memo to stop speaking until after I gave him a third warning, and then the turbulence began and I took a nap because he shut his mouth finally. Upon arrival and the portions regarding prior discussions about him moving my SCUBA Diving gear which he admitted on the phone call when I was in Tacoma Washington, which thankfully ironically the phone line situation regarding Michael and Daniel from Nine Lives Books; though I wonder, at the same time, as to such types of behaviour from similar types of mentalities of the lack of concern about anyone, except themselves at times as well as the machismo though in a comic sort of way.
When in Cancun/Cozumel and the SCUBA Dives went as they did as the two SCUBA Diving males one my SCUBA Diving Instructor Jeff Watters, both wore yellow SCUBA Diving wetsuits. I saw that and wondered why I ever needed any assistance from anyone regarding SCUBA Diving, as anyone who is a specific type of SCUBA Diver or if they simply have common sense; the yellow is the color of fish in the ocean, and small fish at that. The larger fish in the ocean are usually much darker in color and/or more sheen in color, compared to the brightly colored little fish for such larger species to devour. However it made sense such types of SCUBA Divers later were surprised when I told them I have no problem eating seafood, and both cringed though not as much as that male who simply seemed to start internally crying because how dare I as the type of SCUBA diver I am eat marine life I had wanted. I know what I need for myself and one thing I do not need, is someone who knows nothing about how I am in the official way telling me anything about myself. I know myself and I have known myself, longer than most would have realized at any point in time prior to Washington state.
The male caught a Puffer Fish and I allowed him to survive, though I knew about the differences in the spikes and when at the surface I checked his hands to see there was not the puncture from the spine. However knowing they type of spikes which are different than the spines, I also knew he did not stand a chance to live past that moment on the boat if I did not touch his hands for a brief second to allow him to get to the island to allow him to recover briefly. I could have said something to Jeff his friend, though he did so himself and told him as though he was something special for catching a Puffer Fish; all because he moved my SCUBA Diving gear as I knew though he had not said, though I knew why back then. I could have made him fall to the ground in agonizing pain as the Puffer Fish venom would flow throughout his entire nervous system prior to hitting his brain to then alter such before getting to his lungs and his heart for the final blow, however I could tell there was something needed to others for such an insolent child though biological adult. I had caught him moving my gear and he did throw a large cup of cold water into the shower after I locked the bathroom door, which is why I have the feeling of that Ceiling Fan boy going into my house without my permission illegally later on. I suppose if my neighbors at the time saw either a black or orange Chevrolet Avalanche and/or Harley Davidson motorcycles with one male driving on, that would be that male I am speaking of; as my neighbor next door's son Bobby or Robert, had met that male and spoke with him when we played pool in my garage later when getting back from Cancun/Cozumel. I had been the reason those SCUBA Divers on that trip were allowed to go to that portion of the other side of the island as the SCUBA Diving company spoke with me, and saw my SCUBA Diving certifications and were impressed with my SCUBA Diving background. They asked the Ceiling Fan boy about his certifications, which he simply did not answer staring at how many SCUBA Diving certifications I earned by myself from the first time that male had seen me in February 2009. I looked over as his jaw dropped with a smirk laughing to myself, thinking how much that must have hurt that machismo ego of his though I was not done yet. My biological father, my maternal Grandpa, my Bok Gung, and my Bok Pu would have been so proud of me at that moment, for not kicking in that male's teeth from prior; as he grit his teeth whining to himself as the SCUBA Diving company asked if it was okay if they went to the deep end of the other side of the island of Cozumel, and I told him I know my SCUBA Diving capabilities though would not vouch for any of the other SCUBA Divers. The male looked at the Ceiling Fan boy and smiled sarcastically asking the boy, what his problem was with me being the one who was asked instead of him; which I found hilarious, as the prior discussions were perfect timing for a male to put that Ceiling Fan boy in place for the time being. At dinner that evening, all three males were a bit upset when they learned they were only able to go over to that side of the island was because of me when that Ceiling Fan boy complained and the discussion began. Jeff kind of defended me though did have fun rubbing into his friend's face as to how I had done more in the short amount of time for SCUBA Diving than Ceiling Fan boy had done in his entire time of SCUBA Diving, and I was just getting started.
Jeff, was accurate. I was, just getting started.
After saving that Ceiling Fan boy's life on the trip and allowing him to live after the Puffer Fish bite, I told him he would have to check in with me and I would need to look over to watch whether or not the Puffer Fish impacted him and what I would need to prepare if he was allowed to live. Then again, I know the laws of the ocean.
After returning to Texas after I took care of what needed to be taken care of regarding the clean up of what needed to be cleaned up, to invite that male over and that was the pool table portion regarding the back area of my house as per the way the driveway was set up. When my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia were at my ex-sister-in-law's house, I showed the Ceiling Fan boy the area and he lost his mind seeing my son's Harley Davidson ceiling fan. Instantly pouting and asking why I would get my son a fan as such, I told him I wanted to and I knew what my son needed as well as knew what my daughter needed for the comfortability of my house I turned into a home. That male began to defend the Homeowners Association in my house at that time, which it all began over him losing his mind over the Ceiling Fan as he thought he knew better of how to be a father than anyone else; and tried to tell me, how to be a parent. As a male who said he was in the Navy would know as well as a Sherriff who arrived to tell me to calm down in Vancouver Washington would know, that was a dumb mistake as the Sherriff agreed with me about no one should ever tell a Mom how to be a Mom when I asked him what his wife would have done, if a male who lived with his mom would tell another parent how to be a parent. That Sherriff agreed that would be arrogant if the Mom was doing the best possible job she could raising her child, which at the time because of what occurred at McCoy Elementary School as well as CFBISD Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District it was only my son and I along with how I wound up there in Washington state after the Stoney LaRue Cowboys Dance Hall concert in March 2013. That was after the breakup from the male I was dating who I had been in the National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Dive course and a few other classes, after I saved his life.
Maybe, that is something I need to stop doing if such responses are going to be as such unless people can start to calm down if I have to go to that level of literally bringing someone back from the dead as Matt West in 2012 or 2013 had to be after that Ceiling Fan boy situation with the Puffer Fish. I am debating as such, at this point.
As that Ceiling Fan boy complained about what my choice was to do with the interior and the exterior of my house which I paid for and I designed and I remodeled told me what he from a Homeowners Association house he owned away from my house whined, I told him his Homo Association could stay with him and stay away from me permanently. I had issues with Homeowner Associations I did not need to discuss with that male beyond the shed situation regarding Pheasant Creek subdivision, which that male reminded me of an individual I saw at Arnold and Emily's house with the exact same style of Avalanche Chevrolet truck in their driveway. I wrote about such which he did not answer those questions on the phone, though he did give himself away when he said he did not eat seafood when I asked him if I saw him at Dukes. I did not say Dukes Bar and Seafood Grill or anything with the word Seafood in it, which in 2019 I knew he was the problem I had been needing to solve for so many more than just myself'; as I knew that type of male, I knew that type of SCUBA Diver, and I knew that type of insecurities from such a mediocre upbringing to gain whatever finances he earned though without any love there would not ever be any need for such money levels as only such types of people only think of themselves and while they claim they care about others; I have seen such people destroy others' lives, just because they thought because they had money that means they thought they had real power comparatively. Those types think they control life and death though when it comes to my Medal of Honor Art Project among a few other aspects, that sort of view point from anyone is now muted and nullified as per quite a bit of proof.
After my repeated explanations to a Homeowners Association defending SCUBA Diver male in my house as to how I would decorate and do as such over the few weeks prior to my trip to Georgia and then to Florida, he demanded to know why I would allow myself to decorate my house as I wanted. I asked him if he heard the words coming out of his face, which he looked downward and pouted as though I was going to comfort such insolent behaviour from someone who still had not answered my questions about the Puffer Fish. I told him just before leaving if he did not contact me while I was gone, the unofficial aspects would officially be over because I was unwilling to deal with such a child in a biological male adult for anything in the slightest. He stomped off and returned as we were at his house in Carrollton during that discussion, and the dog Beau simply rolled his eyes at that male as he had listened to such retardations longer than I had obviously. Getting all of the intel from the dog as to what had been going on referencing childish antics, I was ready to get to my SCUBA Diving even quicker. Needless to say the Ceiling Fan boy did not contact me which admittedly I was worried, about what the effects were in reference to the Puffer Fish.
After my SCUBA Dives which I have written about including both males assigned to me, the depth levels I went to, and etcetera; the situations were, as they were. Upon returning to Texas and getting everything squared away as best as I could, Ceiling Fan boy was invited over to discuss the trip I had and to demand to know why he did not follow a direct order. As he looked arrogantly at the picture of my dead-ex-husband and did not ask any questions, I could easily see now in 2021 as though he thought that male's fault as to stolen valor was my fault instead of realizing anyone could be lied to; ironically, by such a Ceiling Fan boy. I did not realize then how similar looking he had been to my children's biological father and he had already been told of what my niece had done regarding the cell phone voice mail from my dead-ex-husband, and how I handled that situation infuriatedly as my daughter was about to be in kindergarten and did not need the mental health problems additionally. As my daughter had snuck out of her room to see what was going on a the dinner table, I ushered her back to her room and heard movement in that area.
If anyone wonders if I thought Cieling Fan boy would have been such a worthless individual as to purposefully choose to mess with a child who was in kindergaten because of a physical look, obviously I would have to say I would not because I would have thought an adult male SCUBA Diver would have more common sense then to mess with such. However because of his responses about the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg trip which he learned I landed at the bottom of the ocean in the area as well as what occurred; instead of any concern about my own health or well being, than Ceiling Fan boy threw a temper tantrum, admitted to moving my Faeries and Dragons, around, and stomped off similar though worse than an actual child. After he left I wondered if he forgot his pampers when the temper tantrum went on, though it was what it was.
After this time and realizing when speaking with that male all he did was act similarly to a child when being asked questions even within my apartment within the Medal of Honor Art Project completed pieces before and after going to the Naval Marine Base in Bremerton though my apartment was near Joint Base Lewis McChord, the pieces fell into place when taking that male additionally to the ocean waters and the responses from the Sea Lions as well as his response trying to say he thought I was pissing off the seals in comparison to them barking at him to get himself in gear or else they were going to tell on him by going into the ocean to go get who needed to speak with him personally as to the laws of the ocean from within the Marianas Trench. However, he did not hear such and I simply smiled. Later that year in 2019, yes that tentacle came out to meet me at the ocean shoreline and retracted once it realized he had gone back to Texas which I lead the way for such as per Clear Springs SCUBA Park to where the closest water was for that tentacle to find him and send out who needed to be sent to reel him in or what-have-you for me. The irony about tentacle porn is they actually prefer males backdoors in comparison to females, as per pictures seen. They do not like females because of the rear rectum aspects as to the males who spew a certain amount of trash, which actually feeds their protective nature as to what needs to be kept safe in comparison to those who do certain things. They absolutely despise all pedophiles with every fiber of their being, and cannot stand such individuals in the slightest; which includes females who would agree to such to assist as well as those females who would do such themselves, as those particular individuals cannot be helped unless they are chemically castrated and made into unics as that male seems to need to occur if not his death from his old age and additional health problems which all stem from his refusal to discuss the Puffer Fish as well as his refusal to let go of what was not ever his to begin with. If you want to see an infuriated large Octopus come out of the water standing much taller than any boat in the water, that is a possibility with such situations regarding my children and justice needed as well as my SCUBA Diving gear and such justice needed. Hypothetically.
If he caused needless harm to my daughter who was already missing her actual real biological father as any daughter would simply because he knew he looked similar, well then there is a reason to show as to what I had protected against for more than the amount of time most would have been able to. That lets you know what type of person such would be, and without children of his own ever to be allowed the reasons as to why to have such would be denied as to such treatment of my daughter and my son. If his temper tantrum about my son's Ceiling Fan had begun the whole situation and the additional portions of my daughter were the cause hypothetically, then there is the most sorry excuse for a human being for a poster child permanently. Having known of the stolen valor as I did actually tell him when in Cancun/Cozumel as well as other times such as the Dallas Aquarium, I truly do not know how to describe such a lack of anything worhtwhile as to beyond getting information for justice as per his admission to dressing up in what he called a Sasquatch costume to go around different camp sites to mess with people who were camping; which made no sense to me, in the slightest. Why anyone would do so to mess with anyone camping seemed stupid, though looking back to find such realities as the amount of gear moved because of his ignorance to my type of SCUBA Diving meant he knew nothing at all. Again, a yellow full length SCUBA Diving wetsuit to go into the ocean is the least intelligent SCUBA Diver in the entire universe. I have met stupidity before and knowing the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, I know stupid.
I found the poster child for the term stupid, I suppose. The name given was Sean Leonard though Ceiling Fan boy now is the name for that male and he was a SCUBA Diver up until last year when his Instructor license was as he claimed not renewed because of the insurance. Probably because of how many people had to get help and assistance from such an individual, and the SCUBA Diver licensing insurance is only willing to take so many risks when it comes to such types of unreliability. How do you fix and repair the tarnished reputation of a SCUBA Diving group who needlessly and unknowingly had to deal with problems due to such a type of SCUBA Diving Instructor? You remove the root of the problem, and you find the one who can fix such situations in a different way. I doubt I am the only one who has had problems with that particular SCUBA Diving Instructor which also repeats such problems, not forgetting if the NAUI group had to contact each and every individual SCUBA Diver he ever had certified; because it is important for quality more-so, not quantity.
Yes, there are some people who take things seriously. SCUBA Diving may be a recreational situation for some, and there are those who had not ever looked at SCUBA Diving as a recreation. With the fact I earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, there is the fact of such comparatively. If in reference to the SCUBA Diving picture below as to the Cavern SCUBA Diving class and seeing the picture referencing the male in the white tshirt in the picture looking towards what is the right of the screen, I wonder if he saw that male SCUBA Diver and had to keep quiet as to other problems which were already notated well before that point in time. The female in the picture who I call Carmen only because I cannot remember her name though not out of disrespect as that female Cave and Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor would know much more about SCUBA Diving as well as safe Instruction, comparatively obviously. In a way I kind of wonder how she views such a type of male as in reference to Ceiling Fan boy, as maybe she did not know then as much as I had been appreciative of her going all the way to that Cavern SCUBA Diving class; how much I had looked up to her, and still do.
I knew what it must have had to take for her to get as far as she had just to be a SCUBA Diver, and a Cave and Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor in the oceanic waters where she normally had been working; I knew and know, she had to absolutely know and understand and comprehend such sorts of situations regarding from the beginning portions of my first SCUBA Diving National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification though also having shown her my certification cards as she had already been informed of through Richard Thomas the registered Instructor for; I did not know how she had not had her name on my card, as you can see how much patience she had with me knowing the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though also knowing I had just within a few months prior had landed at the bottom of the ocean at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, which I had not fully begun to feel the after effects from just yet at that point. It would not be until fully hitting around the time of the Polar Bear SCUBA Dive where I could not handle the pain any longer, and going into the arms of who I was engaged to at the time was the saving grace at the time which I had most needed. Ironically the same sounding name, a younger male, actual military experience shortly as he was soon going to Basic Training, and someone who genuinely had gotten me to actually smile for once other than my son and my daughter; though in a very different way, of course.
Shawn McCall went to Basic Training and just before he was about to ship out his ex-girlfriend Leslie contacted him about earrings, which then spiraled from the situation to her threatening him in an email to me about who she knew, and after having dealt with the attempted full roofie I suppose it was called and having to flip the male who went to put his hand down my pants before getting further across the room; I ran off. Later there was a point which I had to end the relationship engagement because of not being able to handle the feelings of not understanding how to explain what occurred, though he returned to me after Basic Training in AIT at the rental house in Cedar Park with a severed middle finger which I healed and prevented the infection from spreading further before the end of the second engagement at the time.
There was two individuals I had dated-ish at the time, one of which was more along the lines of helping with a situation regarding his daughter Hailey as the male from Louisiana University, which he moved on quickly to return to the PhD he worked for as he was an Anesthesiologist as he told me. The other male who I had gone of a couple of dates with who I met through Match as well, was Lawrence Hubert. After one date he was able to touch with that one finger prior to though I had been fearful of his size compared to how I had felt about him, which he said he was a part of a security firm with a private company and even though I had not known what he had planned for Thanksgiving; I made him a pumpkin pie for himself or to take with him to his parent's house, even though he said he did not like Pumpkin Pie. I had a bit of sass and told him he had not had my Pumpkin Pie and I told him I knew he would like it, if he simply tried it. During one date which he teased me about not seeing a yellow bug which kind of looked like Zippy though much different after making sure he could fit into my car, a wonderful dinner, great discussions, and laughter; I had admitted to him about my SCUBA Diving specifically at the Vandenberg and told him about a male who had asked me about checking out the situation regarding the USS Arizona. We had gone for a walk around the park which had a flowing fountain of which I suppose there might have been a bit of a different meaning I was unaware of at the time, though admittedly the aspects as to the size. I had not heard back from him after that taking of the Pumpkin Pie over to him as when discussing such with others and admittedly having joked about certain aspects, at such a time to think of marriage in admittance was the only way I could have seen the ability for such because of how I am. We had been on a few dates, though I was uncertain as to how to broach the subject because I was well aware as to how many females I had known who would not have hesitated in the slightest seeing such a size. I had not been with many before in such a way and I had not a plan to be with such in as many ways despite being involved with the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger lifestyles, as I had been quite prudish despite how my physical appearance has been explained to me by several who were surprised as to how little I would play. I did not like the term play for such sorts of aspects, as I knew the safety aspects before of such.
His comment in the room was not the turn off per se, though it was a surprise for such a term at the time. I had not known if he had looked me up online to see where I had been, though even still the reality as to when such aspects of only feeling comfortable to a certain level because of knowing how far I can go in such types of situations as well as for the length of time. I had genuinely believed after not hearing back from him for awhile it had to do with something I did wrong or something I said, though I had not taken into consideration the aspects of the private security aspects in conjunction with the SCUBA Diving as no one had specifically asked me of such and it seemed as though it was not as big of a deal as I thought it had been the whole time. I did not know what he was accustomed to regarding females responses either, as with such few examples regarding dating in such a limited capacity I suppose that my responses may have been just as confusing to him as I am uncertain as to what his experiences had been. I had felt comfortable enough to actually feel as though I could lay my head on his shoulder which for me is a big deal, though also allowing him to put his whole arm around me instead of just hold hands was also a major aspect for me despite how I look and my connections in the lifestyles I had been involved with. I know being born and raised in New Jersey has some connotations, however not all of New Jersey is exactly the same and I grew up going to church weekly several times a week. Knowing my own after effects just from the coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well, I could not see quickly jumping into such a situation as tiny as I am.
Obviously such was not an official relationship in such ways in any aspect regarding specifics, though we had not gone on many dates and had not discussed the longer term as I had put on my Match profile I was uncertain about marriage and was willing to see where it could lead if the right person came along. The irony of a bed I had made later on, I suppose could have actually been more suited for an individual such as in conjunction with an irony about a comment I had made regarding a specific type of questioning; which I suppose there is an additional irony as to timing, if certain aspects were running along the similar timeline though serendipitous as to. I had not forgotten about the picture he had made from a black and white train which had amazed me as to the time and skill such had needed to make because of the details regarding certain pieces for the side portions which were small and tiny, which I thought he would have laughed at the P51 Mustang I had made in comparison to the details within the picture he had taken and made a 3D type of pop up looking image and it seemed as though looking back now; maybe I was the only one, who noticed such details?
I know at a point in time when on Facebook his name came across my feed after a set of thoughts I had to look up though as to an ironic twist, just before the Washington state after Arizona situation; shortly after the court in San Antonio and after the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney Le Rue concert in March 2013. I did not remember the private security portion at the time, though it seemed important to reach out at that moment which I did not know as to why. I suppose maybe the irony of the voice I heard on the other end of the phone line when I spoke with UHAUL and being confused as to the situation in 2012 in August, as I knew it was important to get my SCUBA Diving gear to San Antonio Texas; though with so much going on after arriving and the way the moving had gone, I did not see how I could have done so without my SCUBA Diving gear to go speak with the base I thought would be ideal for such to discuss the details with.
Admittedly because of the amount of prescriptions I had not wanted to be on and those I knew who were pushing me in different directions regarding my prescriptions I did not want, the irony of finding MMJ to be far more beneficially helpful to me by far. I knew I could not be the only person with specific backgrounds who could genuinely benefit from such far more than the situations regarding the prescriptions I felt I should not have been on as I knew the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury well enough, by such a point in time. I did place my one chance for choosing which bigger aspect of the stock market on an MMJ company, which I thought in Military City USA or San Antonio Texas as to how much more beneficial the MMJ would be in specific increments for not only TBIs though also certain types of specific employment aspects of certain types of military/law enforcement though knowing fire department and EMS in certain ways would be able to process the after effects of work better; as well as assist to cope with the specifics more so than the prescriptions, because of being able to actually process the situations more clearly while when or if needed, the prescriptions would then be more helpful in a way which such individuals would be able to function better in their own particular lives as well as within society with a few tweeks of other additional aspects which could help assist such a transition depending upon the needs for.
I have wondered as to what occurred with him for awhile, though I also did not think that there was much thought of me regarding much as per a short amount of time. I had not received a response after Thanksgiving as I had sent a message hoping he was enjoying time with his family, though with having not a response I thought after a bit the aspects of which were similar to prior situations once describing me to if discussed. Admittedly the fact of how time is for me might not have been taken into consideration especially with much else occurring at such a time, and the speed of which the events quickly unfolded in life for my son, my daughter, and I. I can see how he might have additionally been confused by other sources of information which would have been limited comparatively as I was not able to warn him of my biological aspects, though possibly had been able to learn about through certain measures to a degree the way I was able to more so in other communities and areas. As per Texas law for those who choose to video tape and/or record audio, the differences in Washington state are it is mandatory by law as to any type of recording of what is supposed to be considered as private without informing all involved with the exception in reference to a business location with a store front with a physical address at such a location, or out in a publicly known location. Anywhere else in Washington state in a lumps sum if considered breaking a state law which is punishable for each offense with a fine as well as with prison time, of which if that Ceiling Fan boy had chosen to record anything at all anywhere in my apartment and/or my car and/or on the Bremerton Naval/Marine base and/or Club Sapphire and/or anywhere else we went which would not be considered as the public location such as the quicksand area and the sea lions would be considered another criminal activity completed by the male SCUBA Diver Sean Leonard in 2019. If he showed such and/or played such for anyone the culpability of an accessory after the fact is a plausible aspect to such laws as Washington state privacy laws were made because of the development of technology as quickly in the region to protect people before having such a problem as there were enough from the few years of to go through with the local and state legislation; of which if such a situation for each and every individual SCUBA Diver Instructor as well as SCUBA Diver who would have seen and/or heard such, that would mean the lesser amount of prison time the quicker you call to inform law enforcement agencies in the area for such a sort of illegal surveillance activity. The same may or may not be said if in reference to those who were a part of the Guardian Asshole show which was supposed to only be in Washington state when at the garage as I had been explained to such, as the discussions which I was told there would only be the specific location shoots which each would be informed of to show up for and nothing more. Thus if such were to have illegally taken liberties they did not have as per Washington state legislation such individuals as the male named Joey who said he worked at Boeing who had worked with Amazon to have the streaming show called a different name would legally need to report such as well as handle the penalties for such a situation, for any extra footage which was shot with any camera or recording devices from and/or for the particular agreed upon aspects of the show. In my old facebook account which I have not been able to remember the email to which has such postings which began with my old email I have not been able to remember the password to get in and do not have the same phone number to get the password changed, susan.meeling@gmail.com would have such additional information for such as well as the kali_kuan_yin@yahoo.com.
In the state of Texas any recording inside of an apartment or a house paid for by the individual's bank account registered to the payment is protected by different legislation which if choosing to record the activities of if a minimum of one person knows and allows such, however on a private run property the laws are different because the mandatory signage would be required for the proper knowledge in multiple areas of the location as the front sign would only register for the entrance area for example to a park which you have to pay money to get into. However if there are recording devices anywhere else on the property then the owner would be mandatory to specifically be in the nearby area if not posting signage, and each damage to such a property as if federally and/or state funded would be able to have the local and/or state funding pulled and the removal of the individuals through the property under eminent domain. For example Clear Springs SCUBA Park would have to have a minimum of several different signs throughout the park and at each location of such cameras or under Texas state privacy laws the legal aspects as to the additional fines and prison sentences to anyone and everyone above the age of 18 could legally be prosecuted for illegally recording whether or not using a cellphone and/or a camera and/or a recording device of any type. As per the fact of the algae blooms from the amount of sewage being dumped into that lake area as per the blond female who was wearing the dry suit during around the time of returning to the state of Texas to which I touched the back of her SCUBA Diving tank before she went into the water, the feeling of the water was similar to the red water when I was a child growing up in New Jersey which my biological mother told me to go swimming in the backyard. There was a well on the property which the sewage septic system nearby where the blue tower is had sprung a leak and the well water had been impacted, and blew through into the grassy areas of the backyard. When that had occurred my biological mother told me to go swimming thinking the only thing in the water was iron, though it was a mixture of Iron, Bromine, Iodine, and Red Algae.

After I was told to go swimming in the particular mixture and also noticed certain floating aspects in the water which would be the equivalent of feces, I told my biological mother about what I saw prior to going to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and drinking the water from the water fountain. Back in the 1980s and 1990s Old Tennent Presbyterian Church ran on well water also, though it was containing a highly noticeable amount of Sulfur in the water which the water may have bothered others; for me, it helped quite a bit as to the irony knowing later of the deadliest combination especially considering the combinations thereof. Shortly after swimming in the red mixture the house property was put onto city public water, shortly before by a few years of the land behind the house being purchased by Carrollton Homes, with a mandatory Homeowners Association. The forest was cleared out and the houses were built which each basement flooded because of the lack of ability to prepare for such a major transition for the land areas, though I had wondered about the well and the water situation for the past several years as it was also around the time a few years later which the drawing for a Valentine's Day card I made with crosshairs for a scope was drawn; as I had pulled on my dog's ears a few times attempting to get my biological father's attention to point to what I saw. I got in trouble instead and though I remember another time seeing such and pouring the blue bubbles dish soap onto my dog to try to draw out in his fur what I saw in the Dogwood tree line area, I wonder if that is how Homeowners Associations clear out people from areas which they put in such locations to be able to take over the area while denying the Mineral Rights claiming they have such rights. I wonder because in Carrollton Texas of the greenbelt which would be the equivalent to the wetlands in a different land style of format, and the mineral rights situation would mean people in the area would not be able to know as to what the actual contents of the land they are living on top of happens to truly be.
I am extremely thankful at minimum for one particular situation despite the facts as to how I did not want to have to though it was feeling the mandatory aspect and an opportunity for one shot to get their attention better to other portions I had already discussed just before going forward with the publishing of my FSL books for review, I am thankful at minimum I took that one shot hoping that would get them to safety quickly because of the involvement in the lifestyle as well as the Homeowner Association situations including the male who was in Washington state regarding Ceiling Fan boy and how he had thrown such a temper tantrum several times and continued to pretend to tell the truth. The face he had chosen to step into such a situation still knowing he had not discussed the actualities of the Puffer Fish to get such details squared away properly while informing me of such as per commanded while still ignoring the facts as to other discussions, just because I sent questions about SCUBA Diving in general it meant nothing regarding the actualities of the Puffer Fish as only as male who knows nothing about what actually would need to be discussed would assume thinking to try once again to circumvent such a system in place. As he could not follow protocol back in 2009 and still seemingly has not followed protocol as of this time, the fact he has been swimming and peeing into Clear Springs SCUBA Park knowing of such for the past 12 years means that Ceiling Fan boy would be responsible for the damages done to Clear Springs SCUBA Park's water by his own choice as well as whatever other situations he had done regarding such a location as well as whatever other legal charges which can hypothetically be brought against him. If the Guardian Assholes had noticed that male specifically and/or others who had been illegally stalking and harassing me regarding my son and my daughter and had asked me first instead of simply going as such the realties of such rage and fury when taking into consideration as to all I had already been through, only adds to such rightful anger.
After having dealt with being knocked unconscious several times, sexually assaulted multiple times, beaten with multiple items, pushed into a wall in the kitchen among a few other times and locations, as well as having had knives and firearms held to my body in different times all while and/or after being locked into a room while doing what I could to protect and defend my son and my daughter which I had written about after discussing in brief; maybe some sensitivities would have been a better call and respect to not overstep such boundaries ever, would have been a smarter choice. Actual law enforcement is one thing, private citizens without such a mandatory direct connection as to active duty and/or national guard and/or reserved and/or veteran status only would have been considered as acceptable with an Honorable discharge or Other Than Honorable discharge only for those directly connected to the Armed Forces of the Army or Air Force of Coast Guard or Marine Corps or Navy of the United States of America; without any dependents as such would not have been allowed, and the same in reference to not allowing spouses either for such sort of a situation regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project trips. There have been specific reasons as to why I only invited two people to go to stay at the hotel and go around the town while I went to go complete my Medal of Honor Art Project, in comparison. Just because I invited my son to a drop off trip did not mean anyone else was ever allowed to be invited as I told him, the trip was supposed to only be time for him and I to go around and spend time together because I had wanted to talk with him about information.
However since there was the traffic problem which that Ceiling Fan boy had mentioned knowing about as well as having mentioned knowing about the garage situation referencing Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr who he knew I did not ever want nor ever need to have anything to do with that male, as the forced relationship by literally having been displayed needlessly in the garage. I had dealt with a conversation upstairs in the Master Closet which the gun safes were kept in and I had not known the one from the alarm clock gun safe was taken out when asked and I could not make the way for the space needed to hide as I was able to do so without being found by him while keeping my son and my daughter hidden from that situation, as there was not enough time for me to do so though to only save my two children by keeping them hidden from that situation. As he explained how the situation was going to go while unknowingly him having a firearm under his pants in the back, when I did not want to agree there was a point which the back of my neck hit the doorknob before the barrel of the firearm was then at the back of my head though not the first time I was held at gunpoint. I suppose maybe a situation or two later on in 2008, 2011, and 2012 might make a bit more sense as to a few times as to how I could have ever responded as I had without any prior experiences in an official way to such times and specific situations thereof during such. Prior to the discussion when being brought down the stairs, I knew it was over for me to ever be able to see the world the same way and I prayed if I could ever survive to live onward to be able to actually get the truth of everything out as I knew how much was going to be said from just the first separation time from the amount of lies he spread about me. Having been forced at gunpoint to even speak with Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr in the situation as if I had not the repercussions as to what would happen to me was worse from what was explained as to what would happen to me, though I made the choices I had to make. That male Cactus Jack seemed to be under the impression I would ever want to be with that male as initially started as friends though having spoken to who is that male who died, it rolled over and the safety for the longest terms possible began flowing in my thoughts as to how to fix and repair as best as I possibly could.
I listened to each comment about what was wrong with my physical body, about each problem regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which Cactus Jack smiled with glee as to how much fun he was going to be able to have as per while I stood there dumbfounded how my biological parents and biological sister could have ever preferred my now dead-ex-husband as a family member over me, and wondered how my now ex-in-laws could have ever preferred such to be more than what they knew they had seen and heard in person, while wondering how I could ever step anywhere near the lab again knowing the females who I had once stood up for to be recognized as to their respective titles of PhD as Doctor instead of Miss or Ms or Mrs in comparison to what was earned. I wondered how or if I would ever be able to explain to my son and my daughter as to how much I truly had done everything I possibly could to keep them as safe as I possibly could while teaching them properly about respect though self defense for boundaries as well as education, as I spent as much time as I could with them reading them the different books from the children's section I had purchased as well as intermittently reading through the encyclopedia set I had purchased in 2001 regarding a set which started with bigger letters and broader aspects to slowly move through the information depending on the subject to the more upper levels of schooling to hopefully also relearn what I did know information as minimum from prior to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I had already done so mainly regarding classical music each night from the point of learning I was pregnant on my pregnant belly, though upon my son and my daughter's births began the book readings for them together as well as individually. I wanted to make sure my son and my daughter knew no matter what I had done as much as I could, and spent each possible second in the best way possible.
However, wondering how I could ever explain to them as to that particular level regarding such. The religious or spiritual aspects later to partially get to discuss in some way regarding faith in addition to was intermittent, though I had also pushed them towards reading the Bible later on as I had read through such with them as well. How could I explain such a situation, referencing to the garage and thereafter where they would not look at me with shame? Would I ever be able to, realistically? How?
After the equivalent of the irony of not only being in San Antonio Texas AKA Military City USA inside the garage in my house purchased with my VA house loan and paid for by me, I cannot express the words as to how such could have occurred in 2006 after how much I had already done to make the betterment as best as I could already through stepping up to the Air Force branch individual who I spoke with as to what the aspects needed to do were as needed back in 2001. I had such difficulties understanding how the situation was easy for both while internally wondering what I could do to fix and repair such a situation fully, if I was ever able to live. I had a feeling of oddities I could not be the only one at such a time of possibly even ever, even though the additional irony of fighting to be emancipated to join the Army branch and the now dead-ex-husband finding he had ancestry which he was proud of his ancestors owning slaves and the other Cactus Jack who was heavily involved with WWII reenacting on the German side proudly while also a large heavy gamer.
As a situation prior to the departure of my now dead-ex-husband to leave after the relationship situation was forced, the actual ending of the second and final separation, the trouble gotten into for saluting the soldiers and the American Flag at the Camp Mabry National Guard graduation during the National Anthem of the Star Spangled Banner being waved with the wind, having fought for the meat tag tattoos he had gotten to be blacked out so the safety of those going and already over there would be a better-ish situation in comparison because of the information on a dog tag of 4 names. As the identifying information on such a style of tattoo with the specific details on a dog tag being denied the blacking as it should have been in case of being captured overseas and the type of situations which I knew needed to be looked into further to be able to end such problems for whatever branches and/or divisions of the United States of America's Armed Forces who would have to step in for such when a tab would have been mailed as I could see such being problematic, thankfully that law has been enacted to prevent such from being a problem ever again in the state of Texas after 2008 sometime. I could see how in the civilian sector such could be problematic as well if had done so, as per the border situation as well as the airplane travels and boat marinas among the underground cavern systems. Just before the flight out there was a last request which truly realistically was another forced situation as per how such continued despite the ending because of the term wifely duties at the time which was a problem, though worsened when Cactus Jack tried to complain about feeling as though he had been raped by having to be in the hotel room despite him wanting and requesting such while not discussing as to how he of all people could have ever felt victimized as he did not ever have the firearm or weapon to his head or anywhere else ever. His excuse, had been sexually assaulted because he watched and then had been the one who went as my now dead-ex-husband watched the other portions considered not allowed for the SCUBA Diving specifically at the USS?USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as Cactus Jack felt his eyes had been sexually assaulted compared to what occurred during that time to me.
I had known Ceiling Fan was watching me in the reference to Duke's Seafood Bar and Grille in Tacoma Washington because he wore the same style of motorcycle jacket when we met at the BBQ place near Carrollton Texas around September or October, which was around the time of my last portions for my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification; and he paid the bill at the location, if I recall correctly. When Ceiling Fan boy did not get the answer he wanted as to how I was not interested as he had been though again recalling referencing when writing in the notebook while in Washington state where he visited knowing I was being electrocuted as I had explained on the phone and he knew of the amount of elevated pain levels as I had explained, my portions regarding other aspects referencing the relationship aspects could be misconstrued because of the fact of what was going on with my daughter at the time as well as well as the wanting to get back together when writing in thought of the male who I had been engaged to twice; as the overlapping timeframe of knowing Shawn McCall for the car maintenance of my vehicles, as I also had gone dancing recently and I thought I had seen him in the dance club while my eyes were closed and spinning the keys as I went along my way in downtown Tacoma Washington at Steele Creek Country Dance Club compared to the other male Ceiling Fan boy who had to force his way onto the SCUBA Diving trip to Cancun/Cozumel Mexico and the other portions thereof.
As the Brain Coral was found in the timing of the trip in Cancun/Cozumel Mexico in 2009 before the Georgia/Florida trip in June, that was a present to me from the ocean for what I had done to clear up the waters from the good Merpeople as that was the closest they were able to get without being anywhere near the others as they are quite timid and shy. After watching and seeing while helping where possible in the oceanic waters during those areas particular SCUBA Dives, it was a token because of a different aspect of which it is what it is. Nonetheless, that yellow wetsuit SCUBA Diving Ceiling Fan boy was not considered as accepting to such other portions as he was not paying attention to what I had said to him and the actual meaning as to what was discussed, as he could not ever understand from the lack of knowledge he did not have the ability to know as to who he had insulted at the waters of the Gulf of Mexico area of the ocean. Just as the choice for him to willingly speak with me on the phone in Washington state which the state of Texas privacy laws are not the laws you go off of for recording, that again goes to Washington state privacy laws for the penalties and the fines for such recordings if hypothetically done by such a technology obsessed individual who would have lost his mind learning the fact I had coded before he ever had realized to the level of which technology can be used; and I had already known of such situations as seen when I was coding back in the mid to late 1980s to the 1990s, knowing the levels of which back then in comparison to learning about such later on. Nonetheless as to him having been told as to the electrocution aspects before he went up to Washington state or at minimum I would pick him up at the SeaTac Airport, though later would go to Club Sapphire and he would have had to go by the Homeland Security office, the casino location, the technology business group across the hallway from Sapphire, the golf course, and the other technology cameras surrounding the area including the technology miniature towers on top of the building we were inside of. If recording when in the location of Sapphire such penalties is and has been a possibility for each individual offense, despite the privacy agreement as the Non-Disclosure agreement is not a protection in the same way as a business. Thus for those lawyers and such who would be afraid of such types of penalties, they are not the same legally as when going through a legislation as the thought may have been. The safety and the wellbeing of those in the community is allowed to be able to speak up about to be able to get those who need such justice to safety, for such justice to occur.
I know I had dealt with several times which Ray and Deb were on my side about telling people to stop video taping and/or unattached males from going in the back and/or the Ruby Room Door being opened during GB nights which I would stand outside to keep an eye on as I had seen people try to sneak into the location place, as I had discussed as well as wrote about previously. Such a privacy agreement means I cannot tell your name in this aspect regarding the possibilities of the recordings because of not having the specific proof thereof, though if you are in the area you are able to see for yourself in person. However if you were found to have been in such a situation which another was video recording illegally, you have legal protection rights for your defense within the state of Washington for such violations. I do not know which department to look into however the ability for such if you have found such, is able to be reported as well as assist to keep others safe just in case. Club Sapphire owners legally cannot report such either because of such agreements with you, which means as the owners and the aspects thereof just the same as the Red Hotel in Fife with the pool tubs cannot legally record any portions thereof and the aspects of the repercussions of justice are required for such violations of privacy especially in such an explicit manner and way. I know I was there in 2016 and I felt the electrical sting much more heavily than in reference to several places in the state of Texas of which the larger locations such as The Sanctuary, the requirement to leave the cellphone away was mandatory for the club and I cannot say the same for anywhere else I had been; as I was in trouble at Temple of Flesh for stopping a few younger individuals from recording a video of a few individuals in one area of the event in 2012, and was told to stay outside because it was considered as normal for that event to have such occur. In reference to the regular club yes, the cameras are not supposed to be out including cellphones; however I cannot vouch for how many people actually followed such rules, to respect the privacy of others unlike over the time as to what has wrongly occurred to me. Such as if hypothetically at Club Sapphire during the daylight hours when setting up and in the back as per the legal agreements signed referencing the aspects of the club privacy rules, there would have been a violation of such legally because they did not put the hours of which the Non-Disclosure Agreement ever; which in turn at any point in time of which using the camera phone and/or camera and/or video recording and/or audio and/or etcetera, even if the legal aspects it does not change the Washington state code of regulations regarding the right to privacy and the requirement to inform all individuals who may have a possibility of being recorded. Legally Club Sapphire should have put signs in the front lobby and hallway to inform of such for the entrance to the club, because of such legal requirements for the state of Washington; however such recordings does not remove if there were illegal activities going on which the cameras, were able to catch and/or the audio referencing the top portion with the towers. If the towers were put on top of the club without Club Sapphire being informed by the technology company which moved in next door, then Club Sapphire and those who attended have the legal right for the suing of the technology company of any type as if I am accurate the company was an internet company that moved in next door? I did not see any equipment leave the office with any of the employees which would have looked technology-ish except a tablet sort of device, and whatever their cellphone was as a usual.
I can see how that time when Apple had made the bump app which the two phones would bump and the information would be shared being a similar aspect, simply walking by that area of the building with the particular location arrangement. ITTech was around the corner on the other side of the bank going towards Have a Heart, in the back white tall building area as I showed Becky briefly during a drive. The airport being close by is another aspect to take into consideration as well, as per prior events when thinking as to the upcoming 20 year anniversary. If there is a chance you possibly went somewhere you were not and that particularly was the place when you were actually supposed to be faithful, you might want to have that discussion with such individual now prior to going as you choose as you choose. Is the 201 Project where finding those to who has been truthful and faithful with the best of intentions, while reviewing certain informational details to add up and collect the pieces together to make a clearer picture from the proverbial puzzle pieces? For example when I had joined after being emancipated to go into the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces the slogan was Army of One for awhile, then it changed over the years randomly before Army Strong, and at one point I thought I saw a sign about a Digital Army sort of aspect and/or it may have simply been the digital cammo uniforms I had seen around #JBSA.
As I knew a female named Pam who lived with Maryanne Maypole from Arkansas as she said Little Rock Arkansas regarding the Toyota Camry and the PT Cruiser, Pam was interested in the Patty Vaughn case in LaVernia to the point of wanting to try to put me needlessly in the crosshairs of the sights of the Vaughn family absolutely refusing to care about my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia and/or my own safety. She wanted to use me as bait for that male JR Vaughn to confess to Patty Vaughn's murder, which I am uncertain if the legal name changes are registered once again for name changes for public safety records as such I think might be important in case of cold case files are needing additional assistances for such levels of opening an area which might not have been thought of for the ability to solve cases; if such records are available to be able to find, such as when having to legally make a name change and whatever documentations are required for such officially. My biological mother had wanted to go into LaVernia as well to see what was going on and not heeding my warnings yet again though also her having been informed of my lifestyle despite her denial of, if there are any BDSM/LGBTQP/Swingers/Pagans/Lifestylers who have ever had to deal with such literally being shown in front of and absolutely refusing to see the facts right before the eyes regarding my biological mother and biological sister and biological father being well aware as to the fact additionally of them going to the San Antonio Pagan Night Out at Candlelight Coffee House on North Saint Mary's Street.
I am just saying...maybe there is someone who could say when my biological family went to Candlelight Coffee House similarly to my ex-sister-in-law Mary E. Osteen sort of responses, could be noticed? Now, Lackland Air Force Base and that situation referencing 2005 and the overreaction to having been made aware to accept the fact I am a Pansexual, though the wording at the time was not there just yet in a way which I could clarify for my own certainty to explain more clearly as to myself. Of which my biological mother threw a temper tantrum on the military installation of Lackland Air Force Base and stomped away from me after trying to make me talk with my biological father about my behaviour to him for him to know how I was behaving on Lackland Air Force Base while she screamed and cried as those who know how such tears go for Anna Louise Hom, maybe those who know me can clarify the difference between reactions even when upset for the difference?
I definitely did not need anything additionally to go wrong in my life at the time as it was during the first separation and what I still was dealing with the keep my son and my daughter safe, while doing what I could to be safe as well as my own biological parents did not believe me with my now dead-ex-husband telling them what he had done and they said they would do worse; though mainly because they already had done worse, well before ever speaking with him about such when you take into consideration as to how I grew up and how I was literally joked about my them as their victim of child abuse. I do not know how that is a funny or amusing joke in the slightest though they made the joke repeatedly to many about me in specific, which there is always truth behind every joke. My biological sister watched and laughed herself as to what she watched him do to me, and yet they preferred my dead-ex-husband in comparison to me; just as they all preferred Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr compared to me, even though he told them about the 151 Road Warriors and showed them the t shirt telling them each detail as well as my ex-in-laws of such information. Anyone who I had pushed him to tell that story about so they could tell me who to contact about such as I thought it came across as terrorism on the domestic scale, no one seemingly took me seriously or they thought simply because of how I look of some wrongful assumption of being a part of that timeframe. I was obviously not involved, though I did remember the funny wording about the lawyer's words which was the only funny part to me regarding the etool. However yes, all of that WWII gear confiscated during the MadMax Road Warrior 151 and 410 Alamo Drafthouse situation was authentic gear as such a psychosis to have to have the want and desire to actually carry through with the genuine articles of clothing from such a side of the WWII within the city limits of Military City USA San Antonio Texas. How many WWII veterans and/or their families are within, the state of Texas? Ironically the P53 Mustang made as best as I could previously to meeting that male, correct?
I understood the need to the reenacting portions as that Cactus Jack did not think New Jersey had any type of reenacting despite having told him about the church I grew up attending, and how simple it would have been to be able to see the actual aspects not only in reference to the Revolutionary War, the Scottsmen, the Colonial portions, the historical societies and houses, the fact that the first 13 colonies settled along the area of the coastline that I had grown up in; and so much more apparently, was too much for Cactus Jack to miss as well as not realize regarding the Excalibur Faire aspects in Smithville Bastrop County Texas, of which my biological mother was a part of whatever the SCA is. However I had been a part of a few of the historical societies assistances, the Christmas Drive Thru Nativity at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as the member of the Methodist Church where I was baptized and had been the original Baby Jesus for the scene back in the 1980s before Pastor Hugh MacKenzie's ex-wife had seen the nativity the first year they did so in 1982.
That particular drive thru did not last as long as the Christmas Drive Thru in Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as the two combined groups to be able to use the whole area of the cemetery grounds, compared to the smaller area for only a few portions. The drive thru nativity began at the entrance by Old Scotts Hall if you were not also a part of the set up crew or getting ready at Neff Chapel, to then meander through the cemetery grounds going around the twists and turns, following the candle lit sand in the white bag path, and going to meander through seeing the live versions of what Cactus Jack did not realize was the same aspect though much earlier in time than he had ever thought; as well as anyone from the Excalibur Faire, and being the first of the only starting point for such a Drive Thru nativity I am the original baby Jesus Christ grown up from the area in New Jersey and what an insult from someone who would think to also get involved with the Hebrews after choosing to be proud to play the German side in the WWII with authentic gear and then to think of me as the stupid one. I promised to bless and protect as best as I could, and I am proud to have delivered that Cactus Jack back to the confounds of Military City USA after I had moved to Carrollton Texas. Especially after all of the garbage I dealt with referencing such, and I find such befitting my biological parents live within such boundaries, as well as my biological sister living between the Military city USA as well as the Camp Mabry National Guard Headquarters.
My biological sister's in-laws The Miller family or what-have-you as I was told back then only after Zac and Patricia were engaged and when their abomination of a marriage occurred in a location so close to Camp Mabry as well as so close to Lake Travis, I am quite proud of the fact I could give an additional gift to my biological sister for the love of her favorite spouse to assist cheating on along with the Dance Instructors' relationship which did not need such a problem as per the way my biological sister had been warned against doing. Blown away by the aspects as to how such had been, I would not be surprised if their second favorite Cactus Jack had been invited to meet The Miller family and whether or not my biological parents and/or biological sister told the Millers of the 151 Road Warrior MadMax situation; at minimum, I made them aware through whatever means as best as I could as well as others throughout the state of Texas for their own choices to be made regarding such a problematic situation as to choose to use military vehicles regarding the 1604 Anderson Loop to encircle to city of San Antonio all because he had been called a name such as Cactus Jack for landing on a patch of cactus.
I am so thankful General James Mad Dog call sign CHAOS Mattis is more of a man than Cactus Jack for such, obviously as well as reiterating my point as to having the gumption to use such and push forward to be able to move onward and make better choices while doing what is necessary instead of whining. I think it would be an interesting view to see Mad Dog go and chew out Cactus Jack as in old school type of Marine Corps sort of ways, though I admit that is a bit sadistic of myself.

Ironically my son's name is James Michael, and at a point of prior to learning of the needed clearing in regards of my identity having been stolen for clarification; I was looking at changing my middle name as my last name, though also irony of the Mathias Abyss as to such. I cannot imagine how angry he would be to find such regarding such individuals within the state of Texas having such a large veteran population on top of the amount of active duty, national guard, and reservists locations throughout regarding several aspects including SCUBA Diving. That Ceiling Fan boy went into Washington state and while not in the area from where I read Mattis is from what was read, it is still the state he was born and raised in that the Ceiling Fan boy lied inside of my apartment with my completed Medal of Honor Art Project pieces as well as on a Navy and Marine military base with the USS/USNS Nimitz and Kittyhawk as well as a few others to give such a view regarding the above the water view for that male to recognize who he was speaking with. Instead that Ceiling Fan boy chose to lie more and then complain about not having taken a selfie when I was at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, which possibly because I was not recreational SCUBA Diving ever might be why that thought did not ever cross my mind. I did not think it took a head injury, to figure that out.
However, look at the rack on that one right there! Mmm! Hmm! I have a thing, for that one which I suppose can possibly be regarding the dispensary name for him.