I am thankful I was going to go back to San Antonio Texas #MilitaryCityUSA when in 2012 after multiple situations which required the United States of America's Armed Forces attention not just in reference to my daughter, my son, and I's situation regarding such; though also bringing my SCUBA Diving gear when moving, I had planned to go to Fort Sam Houston Texas and ask to speak with instead of the arrogant and egotistical excuses as to whatever garbage as to how my SCUBA Diving gear was taken illegally and without informing me correctly; until after my SCUBA Diving gear was taken out of the UHAUL which was pulled over by somewhere near Austin Texas, which I was not informed by UHAUL of it being seized nor any other portions thereof. There were multiple areas of space in both moving trucks which that so-called company which did nothing to actually assist as required or needed also charged me extra after arriving to my townhouse in San Antonio needlessly and threatened to not leave until after getting cash payment. My biological father was at the townhouse when they showed up, and instead of being able to properly take care of the SCUBA Diving aspects in comparison to whatever excuses occurred; I dealt with receiving the certifications I earned and the pictures I did not get to keep in the long term, because of whomever was ignorant enough to think they knew my plans decided to stick their nose into my business needlessly. Thankfully, I did not speak about Irving in the apartment with anyone at that time and thus whomever was a part of such had set off that red flag instantly upon receiving the letter from UHAUL which they sold my gear without informing me prior for $801.99 or a number near such, which the following link of where I was excited to receive my pictures and my certifications, in the long term when looking back and knowing what my plans were at the time; I wish I did not admit such ever to anyone, as I did not get to keep such pictures nor get them uploaded as I had worked on getting squared away for my son, my daughter, and I though I am glad I have spoken with no one about Irving and have held quiet officially as well as unofficially comparatively especially in reference to books I had listed when volunteering at Nine Lives Books.
Thus even though the stop my have been in the elected precinct area for the district where the #Army #NationalGuard #Headquarters base in the Austin Texas area near where my biological sister's husband was a police officer as well as their family being involved heavily in politics having the property they had, the photography opportunity when they preferred a female Pastor after denying me from actually being a part of the wedding and repeating that sacrilegious unholy marriage they had when using my son as the ring bearer with his skin tone complexion and eye shape as well as my daughter for the same because of the differences with my 1st generation Chinese father with his and his wife's favorite half breed daughter which was disavowed by my Great Grandparents the day Anna told them the name choice and would be the equivalent of Mike raising his daughter Patricia Ann Hom-Miller to become his sister Linda, and as the patterns of behaviour as to how I was treated long before they came to Texas the political photo opportunity which that abomination of a marriage had only the blessings of my son and my daughter being in the pictures. However with the fact of the legal aspects of me being their only legal parental guardian, my biological parents and biological sister had no legal authority to ever allow such a picture to be used and only I had and have such authority because of their ages at the times as well as the legal aspects in conjunction of being their only Mom. My opinions are a bit biased, though others can clarify to such validity from their own experiences.
Other than that those two blessings I allowed to be the ring bearer and flower girl only, they got pictures I took of the wedding and nothing more further of any type of blessings. The only so-called blessings came from those types of people on that day, that is why it is quite simple to see how much of an abomination the Hom-Miller wedding and whomever associated with in that particular day are for such the irony of the restaurant name regarding a specific few.
Nonetheless, I wrote this back when I thought it was a blessing which it was admittedly in the shortest term and into the longest term in more ways than anyone ever thought of for me. The link is below, you know the similarity of the Bermuda Triangle location which only I had successfully SCUBA Dove by myself; though I dare more to continue trying to get below the first level which you would have to pass, well before ever getting to the bottom.
Thus those who knew me back then and what was going on in 2012, I literally was driving my son, my daughter, and I to the city of San Antonio Texas which has 5 military bases as well as a Marine Corps with Navy attachments built into one of the bases which would have had all of the medical personnel to assist CORRECTLY to get the PROPER answers instead of people trying to guess without the proper information to ever go off of.
I am thankful that the hoses were exchanged and none of the gear which was used for what I did in the official capacity, was long gone more than 2 years prior to that time when my belongings were stolen from an illegal stop to illegally confiscate and illegally search; which did the Austin Police department ask that driver where he was going, before he was going to go to my townhouse apartment? Or, did you not know to ask that officers and thought you knew more especially in consideration as to the original moving truck having only been halfway packed for a truck larger than the UHAUL my biological father drove to move the items for my 4 bedroom, 3 living areas, 2 eating areas, 2.5 bathroom house with patio furniture to Cedar Park in 2010? No?
Probably not, and probably assumed because of speaking with my biological sister's in-laws. They are NOT my in-laws, for clarification and I was not introduced to them as such ever with the exception of at the last moment of meeting her then fiance and not as more later than her husband officially. Besides, what would they have any knowledge as to what I was doing when I was SCUBA Diving? They did not know me then, and my biological sister/mother/father were not taught anything about what I was taught nor when I was taught. They then back in the 1980s and 1990s as later on paid more attention to my biological sister and thus, they were gone and have no idea who I was taught by nor who was brought to me to be taught by nor etcetera. Such an ignorant arrogance to think of such and if in reference to the correct aspects of the sighting reports from Irving 2011 when I was on my back patio, the prophetic portions as I have said are realistic about such an ambassadorship choice from such; in which if you look into the Book of Revelations for timing, it has been over 7 years since the beginning kick off though also over 7 years from when I began my Medal of Honor Art Project, which I was ignored by those in the SCUBA Diving community beginning 7 years after those biological aspects and their in-laws had moved from Illinois to the state of Texas and 10 years of my having been warning about such already.
As proof where I had planned to take my SCUBA Diving gear to discuss as I had already gone through various aspects to assist For Sam Houston Medical Hold Unit or Warrior Transition Unit then and now, I took my only Hebrew/Jewish Medal of Honor Art Project piece from the first one I found for my Medal of Honor Art Project directly to the group I knew was there from when I was sent to work with a branch of them inside of the Fort Sam Houston base as they told me about that location having a set of groups which I had enjoyed hearing about. Thus whomever was arrogant to steal my gear, for the past amount of time since 2012 I could have given the answers as needed and been involved instead of whatever you ignorantly tried and in comparison to you they would not have ever been injured or died. Such realizations are because you know nothing about their technology which upon the second someone else's aura which should have been within the area of me for me to be able to open, meant which way such was going to go. I would like to hope no one opened my SCUBA Diving gear bag however since I received my SCUBA Diving certifications log, I knew from such with the pictures as to who to thank for such and in which ways of thanking.
For example if I am accurate who looks similar to Senator John Cornyn and his wife possibly had attended a place which I had been a few times, which if because I did not answer any questio0ns at that location about any SCUBA Diving as I was not asked; I could see how the insubordination could occur, if I am accurate. Apparently there is a Congressman Michael McCaul whose wife is a Marine Biologist who would have been in charge of the area elected as such who may have though it would be better for the Army from the United States of America if such a hypothetical is true, and though a Marine Biologist was the original job I had wanted when going toward the Marine and Science Technology School with the Naval attachment; which literally, I would have been able to actually answer the questions back then instead of waiting the past 12 years without my SCUBA Diving gear as it was stolen wrongly. The name Tesla, is quite appropriate to have moved to Austin for that company to show a visual as to what was done in the area in the state of Texas near Austin.
Perfect reminder for going on the past 12 years, especially in reference to the health aspect because I would not doubt if the ironic twist of the owner of (the first name was Nikola as to whose spirit I met years ago) Tesla being convinced by some politician they knew better compared to the one who would actually be able to answer the questions correctly or correct your questions for the proper way for such answers. Thus if one particular individual volunteered to go when others refused intelligently to go drop down to where I had gone to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg especially if after getting such gear, the consequences for such actions would be extremely painful and life altering in ways which could not be undone by the average means. If such is a reality and one could have survived though did not land where I had because of the bouncing repelling done to get to where I actually went, and whether or not knowing the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg is in the corner of the Bermuda Triangle which is the strongest point thereof for a triangle shape; the damages which would occur would most likely initially be to the head, then to the lungs, while intermittent leg cramping and such. I learned how to deal with each portion because of knowing what I was getting into unlike what would be thought of by someone who simply had access to probably more money than I have ever seen as well as some educational background which would not have to do with what I was doing, which in turn would mean the probability of being allowed to survive would have to do with a few other additional aspects probably involving Irving 2011.
If there were those who took the gear specifically which had not been in the area at all such as the cavern diving hoses, I do not know what was done to those hoses and they were not involved whatsoever at the time of my SCUBA Diving at the Vandenberg as per my classes which flight schedules would show when I had flown out to Florida for that Cavern SCUBA Diving certification class. Thus, whatever possibly could have been found would have been changed because of who would have broken protocol by their own choice. I guesstimate there might have been some who knew of the Irving situation as well as me being in the area which then such endeavors such as those who have absolutely no authority for such choices such as MUFON for such a hypo0thetical, would then have prevented the United States of America's Armed Forces from getting the correct information as well as the correct SCUBA Diving gear. Most likely either way no one paid attention to the fact my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification was not in the log book which in turn would mean they would think I did not do anything to earn that certification, which the most important step they should have paid attention to was not allowed to them. If SCUBA Divers who had ignored and denied me wrongly again without any authority or clearance to remove my SCUBA Diving gear from me, would then have in all situations committed a version of treasonous actions by choice because of the fact I was literally driving to a city with 5 military bases and plenty of people who actually would have been the correct people to discuss with then; with the technology preventatives which were put into place from such situations properly being disarmed, compared to what the situation was.
Again, I reference the illegitimate marriage abomination of my biological sister's to her husband in reference to only being legally married to one another, and nothing more. That day my biological sister was married to my dead-ex-husband, and so were those involved who took her side and defended her opinion. Prior entries to my website The Ornery PSA as well as aspects regarding The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing have portions regarding such realities, for several aspects. Then when taking into additional consideration as to the STD portions, that is a guarantee. The ironic addition for one more point is referring to the technology aspects and the coding I had learned how to do because of my biological mother working at Prudential and what I noticed she did not believe, which in turn Patricia Ann Hom-Miller having gone through IVF which requires technology; I repeat, she made her choices.
If those who were involved with the Dominant Mentor Program had thrown a fit because I exposed how they were knowingly allowing people with spreadable STDs to not disclose to anyone in the lifestyle about such because they thought their STDs would not impact the rest of the state or the United States of America because of military connections and business connections of some people I knew, then you denied law enforcement and the United States of America's Armed Forces from getting the correct help and healthcare assistance to your own brothers and sisters in such fields. Are you proud of yourselves for causing needless deaths, for such a choice? Are you happy that there was needless suffering to such guys who could have gotten assistance sooner than whenever actually being asked the correct questions by the correct individuals, out of curiosity? If such are you proud of yourselves especially when taking into consideration the problems I heard about in Austin BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger communities about Master Walker, that you allowed yourselves to continue going to places which he had plenty of staff members which would have put you at risk just for being in Austin and whatever you know would have been going on in fuller details as I was not ever fully informed as to what the problems were back whenever he was there? What happened when that split occurred in what year, well before I ever got involved with the Austin Dominant Mentors Program; which was a sister to the Dallas Mentors Program, also the same for the submissive program in both areas and around a few different states within the United States of America?
He was mad at me for choosing my daughter's healthcare and my son's wellbeing because I would not put them on as he said 'the back burner for his company'; of which anyone who knew me personally in any area throughout the state of Texas, my son and my daughter were and are more important to me than that lifestyle. Those who know of the details regarding the Dominant/submissive Mentor Programs specifically the details regarding the problems with Master Walker and those who agreed with him, then you now far more as to why certain decisions had to be made for safety. I do apologize once again as to how such had to be, however it is also known how protective I am about submissive males and females; as well as switches and Dominants, of whichever type. I do not know how long that freshly painted corner area had been going on as well as other zaps that were felt, however I suppose if there have been other situations which came out from such in legal aspects you know the truth as to why it had to be done; especially for a few who know specifically who they are and why, as well as the extended individuals for the ability to know when I spoke I was telling the truth though the details were far more complex and lengthy to discuss at the times and...security.
If that had to do with him making extortionary threats to such individuals as a Congressman, his wife, their children, other elected officials being in the Austin area among other larger areas in the state of Texas area among military individuals of the Armed Forces of the United States of America; then that veil was removed for you back before my son and I wound up in Washington state, you simply needed to remove the final piece of fabric from your own eyes to see the full truth. The lifestyle of adult BDSM/LGBTQP/Swinger, which I only specify the adult portion regarding the sexual based nature of activity because should be above 18-21 years old biologically in my opinion for such sexual aspects has needed to be accepted as an adult consensual enjoyment though with safety precautions because of the type of specific activities involved as college students and high schoolers at the time from 2004 through to 2012 when I was most heavily involved in person as well as online; the sexually transmitted diseases prevention from spreading, was always extremely important for anyone's health of any group.
Additionally in my opinion there is not anyway for an additional clarity than when taking into consideration as to who was in the President of the United States of America's office Bill Clinton with the situation regarding his wife at the time as First Lady of the United States of America Hillary Clinton, as there additionally to the nightmare I had as a child the portions I discussed with many in Medical Hold Unit as well as other people; the legalities behind what could have been an agreement though the extortionary portions regarding the political spectrum, made very little sense to me when listening to any of the people ask questions during those trials. There were very few people's voices I heard ask questions when listening to the radio CSPAN of AM radio, which ever sounded as though there was not some sort of connection personally themselves to be able to ask such questions as there is no preparation for the stand.
In my opinion Monica Lewinsky did not need that sort of stress despite her age, Hillary did not need that stress being a Mom to her daughter while being the First Lady of the United States of America and work thereof, and Chelsea did not need any further situations than growing up as a child of the First Family of the United States of America.
Who I call Hitlary as per knowing she would be strict about a lot more than some might have realized and despite other situations, Hillary Clinton herself had her own personal dreams and aspirations. She may not have earned the official votes for the Presidency office, however she needed her own legacy in my opinion. What more of a strong female legacy could one look towards than to a female who overcame the sexism to break the barriers of the political field to become a First Lady of the United States of America after the First Lady of the Governor of Arkansas and upward prior, to take a step into the political realm herself to successfully clear out and get people of the city of New York and surrounding areas as much cover as possible while taking care of still being a Mom; knowing she was unable to speak officially with her daughter during the events of 11 September 2001, while knowing her husband's former job was what was able to keep her daughter safe while he was taken to safety as well as per protocol? Who could be considered for such a specific legacy to then step forward into other arenas inside of Washington DC including to be as it has been pointed out regarding her gender, a female Secretary of State for the Department of Defense for the United States of America? While there are jokes which can be made within various sectors about those who in the Secret Service who mess up being sent to her for correction, what type of legacy for such a female to be able to give such pointers to such already strong security forces; to give additional tweaks for the security of the United States of America, while now in comparison also able to spend time with her daughter and Grandchildren. Think about what type of a legacy that female has, within such forces. She did not have to ride the coattails of her husband to get into politics officially in New York state as she grew up there, though the background assisted the way she was able to step forward to take care of more.
There is not one female who could ever run for any Presidential offices of the United States of America whether running as a Democratic or Republican or any other political party who can honestly do so without giving credit to the one female who had ran for the Presidential office of the United States of America, twice with proper etiquette. Without Hillary Clinton's gumption to push forward on her own way despite not getting that title officially with a there is the truthful saying of "happy wife, happy life". Nonetheless in my opinion I think of anyone who could understand the portions I wrote in an earlier journal blog entry article about Jeb Bush, I think she knows now at minimum of how that would have been for her legacy instead when taking into consideration the long term; whether from the time in 2008 election, or 2016.
She, he, and others have brought forward the reality of former President of the United States of America Bill Clinton's girlfriend nicknamed Bubbles which assists such a viewpoint I had as a teenager listening to the legal arguments when the case was going on back in the late 1990s into the year 2000, when I fought to be emancipated officially to be able to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces. That additional aspect as to how in specific regarding Austin though going in regards of the Mentors Program, repeats multiple aspects pointed out previously. This particular generation of people, are able to see more clearly as to the accepted portions of consensual sexually based in nature types of activities in comparison to prior generations. The physical look/gender/sexuality/preference of someone is not what has been as important in long term legacy aspects for such a specific, as what small and large accomplishments over an extended period of time is what lasts. Some models may not have known there was more needed than physical beauty as there is the additional portions regarding speaking arrangements, possibility into acting, newscasting, and more; whereas many in the musical realm have seen it is both the words as well as the view if in a video, though the lyrics bring forward a larger perspective of multiple aspects. As many have listened to the music they have listened to while watching whatever they have watched, it still confused me at the times between 2004 onward to now in certain references; as to why it is, how so many sometimes still cringe at accepting each adult has a consensual decision if choosing willingly to what sexual interactions occur with another consensual adult with such specifications.
I would guesstimate someone such as Hillary Clinton among others within security sectors, be would able to see while there are possibilities for certain aspects; the safety of the health in the long term, is more important than such sorts of potted locations. If such were to ever hypothetically be put into place for such a specific endeavor, the health whether or not there is bodily fluids exchanged as would be able to know for just being in the area to see other attachments could be additional needless security problems for such. The pill I recently heard about when in Washington state on the news ecstacy being used more for sexual release is not healthy in comparison to a healthy relationship for such, because similarly to prescription medications which lift up chemicals within the brain for better function; it denies the right to genuinely process what occurred to genuinely find a better way, while having the additional benefit for the lower days of such chemical dependency. Though psychiatric medications are helpful if you do not go to the root of the cause to treat the actual symptoms, then the chemical medications make situations worse instead of better as learned by some.
Sadly for example, the number of those who are veterans who have committed suicide are an example as to what occurs when you do not properly take care of what needs to be done to genuinely assist them for the betterment in life. However my biological sister and biological mother have made their opinions through patterns of behaviour before and with their continued denial of the realities including their choice to deny the right to their in-laws as to the introduction of me to their family, that in turn proved their shame against the fact not of what I look as the way that family might have been; more-so only because of how I fought to be emancipated from Anna and Patricia while the legal aspects regarding Mike, when I was 17 years old to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces. Mike was trying to prove with the choice regarding who had been Anna's favorite and treated and discussed as her only daughter as known and proven up until she learned I had a website as well as had written books without discussing anything with any of them prior to the year of 2014/2015, the fact is she disgraced the name of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu with her choice to name Patricia with a shortened version of her first name for her middle name; in comparison to the name my Bok Pu had picked for, as had specifically been done in traditions for generations among the ancestral aspects specific for what was meant to be done per choices per etcetera. Being born on Bok Gung's birthday was an honor to him yes, though the middle name was picked out and chosen by Bok Pu.
Patricia was disavowed within and throughout the entire Chinatown community which Anna and Mike were not informed of, which is why Bok Pu smiled only when introducing Patricia and informing them as Anna would as well; as to how Asian she looked, compared to me.
Those who understand the Asian culture know of what a disrespect and a slight for Anna to override Mike in such a situation of the naming as well as the additional insults, regarding the excuses given regarding the day of her birth; which in turn meant no matter who she married, the guarantee was the same results for her as per Anna's hopes and dreams along with Mike's blessing.
Notice it is written of whose blessing, not Bok Gung or Bok Pu for any ancestral blessings in any way what so ever as per the choice to disrespect my son and my daughter by disrespecting me the way Anna had disrespected Bok Pu all of those years ago. The choice for both were to be as such that neither name of Divinity or God or Goddess of Godhead in anyway giving any type of actual blessings, beyond what was brought in from the areas where I had been physically to take my son and my daughter to visit their dead father just before going in that same week.
If she remembers his words, he told her how much more he liked her ways than the way I was/am. What an inverted way, to look at such a wedding now.
It is known I have paid attention to quite a few different aspects with a mutable-ish view, and in reference to Hillary Clinton who would technically have because of the time been my adoptive Mom being the First Lady of the United States of America as per the way the offices were arranged and purposes; in turn the security portions I suppose, in a different way when looking at the timing. I did not deny the timing I officially had joined the Armed Forces branch I had for the United States of America while realizing maybe I picked the wrong name for which organization I should have looked into comparatively for what I had seen for what I had in mind when at the MEPS station, however there are reasons as to why I was able to be given by the earning process prior as to my clearance level of Omega back at 17 years old...or the symbol I suppose I should put...you can see such as per a specific tattoo, if you think about what I saw on my original paperwork if that is accurate regarding Methuselah. While some might have noticed the name from the Biblical aspects, the symbol is more specifically not in the Bible that way for such a name for my first pet I had after waking up from the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Besides there was Katy A's parents which I had been sleeping over their house just before I was finally able to get to the recruiters to actually talk with them to join which my biological mother was vehemently against as per proof over the decades of time, which they had prayed while I told them of a vision of a snake I was having. They knew which church I grew up going to, they knew about the history of the church, as well as the other history of the church at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church #OTC. We prayed and when it was time for me to take off to Basic Training I stopped by their house or Katie's work to speak with her and say good-bye, it pained me to not be able to tell her what I meant. Her parents understood a bit more about a few aspects in a larger way, as her Mom and Dad noticed how I was able to teach them how to train their 3 year old Husky to behave despite the dog training they already had put the dog through which had not helped. Her parents saw how I had been with her little brother(s), and how the dog and brother(s) would run over to me immediately before I rang the doorbell or even finished pulling into the driveway as the dog was not a dog which would normally run to the door unless knocked on or the bell was rung. I could not tell her anymore of the nightmare I had prior to being moved from New Jersey to Illinois, as I knew there was not further ways for me to explain any further at that point. I promised her I would explain at a point when I could as to why I had to go even though she was going through certain situations with her then boyfriend, which were to be at a point when it would be clearer to her as to what was in larger aspects going on more.
Another family and friend Christina with her parents and her one little brother who came with to the Blair Witch Project movie which I warned him though promised him at the same time to keep him safe, though I warned him I would scare him though reminding him it would only be me. As per usual sibling antics back and forth in comparison to other aspects, the jovial discussions went as they had. He and I joked back and forth a bit on the way into the movie theater before getting popcorn and soda with a few snacks, when I reminded him again knowing he had been into a lot more movies and video games than I. The three of us talked about New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and differences between the populations as they knew more of the larger city aspects compared to the similarities of their town being to what other towns have in some ways where there is a large city such as Chicago in the area. He asked me several questions well before that time as well as afterwards before I left for San Antonio Texas, which I promised him he would be able to find me with my middle name. When discussing that portion he asked me why I thought so, and I told him it was because he was so interested in the meaning as well as the spelling and the background of. None before him had asked me as many questions about my middle name or the meaning or the background in which with what time it had been, he himself made a promise. Possibly the improbable aspects of the knowledge back then to him was not necessarily seen at the time even possibly by their parents, which though they did not understand how I could possibly smoke was a problem for one at the time which I had not introduced smoking to her as she was smoking well before I met her.
However the ease, in regards of being from New Jersey as so many have done so for various portions until proven otherwise. When at the movie just before it began I reminded him I was going to scare him which he said was absolutely impossible and if he remembers I laughed which he thought was amusing, when the movie continued I waited for the perfect timing to slowly drape my arm across the back of his chair with a yawn as he looked towards me to see what I was doing with a quick glance. As he ate his popcorn and watched the movie as it went on for around 20-30 minutes, once the point where the eyes and tongue were about to be shown I grabbed his shoulder and the popcorn went flying. Best reaction, ever. His cheeks flushed once I pointed out it was just me as he jumped around screaming "The Blair Witch has got me! The Blair Witch has got me!"
Christina and I laughed as she saw and knew I was going to do so though not at what exact point in time, and he calmed down as he realized I meant exactly what I had told him before we went in that day. He reached for my hand and asked if he could hold on to me while watching the rest of the movie as I looked over to him and told him, "You know little one, all you have to do is hold on."
He giggled laughing saying, "You're a poet, and you didn't even know it."
We laughed a bit and he reached for my hand which I sat there smiling watching the rest of the movie as Christina laughed calling him her favorite word for him, "A little dweeb."
I know their parents were extremely confused as to me being from New Jersey though not ever having seen a toaster oven for bagels, which I was amazed as to how quickly food could be cooked that way which had baffled them because of where they would have known which technology aspects to a degree were being worked on. They asked me several questions in the kitchen over the time when I would spend time with their daughter and sometimes their younger son, which seemed odd at times though seemed important regarding. I was asked about how my life was as they were confused as to why that would not be something I was accustomed to seeing, and asked about where I had grown up to not have seen such an appliance. I explained if it made my life easier for anything my biological parents would not help in anyway unless it had something to do with helping my biological sister, which I vowed I would not ever do if there was something major which involved her and them together on the principal promised to my Bok Pu. When saying the names of my Great Grandparents to Christina's parents her Mom asked me a few other questions as to why that was the case, and in some aspects simply explaining the name choices she knew and she understood fully who and what was going on. I told them about when I was in 5th grade which the Dad looked towards me in disgust because of I guessed as to not being taken to a hospital when I should have been, as he would have known for such a combination was needed.
I told them about the couch in the house and later showed Christina so she would be able to tell her parents what I meant, just as I had with Melody to be able to tell her Mom and her brother who also went to Crystal Lake South High School when my biological sister went to the school after I left. Mrs. Mondini who had legally immigrated from Poland to escape the Nazi regime was just as surprised as to such at the time though so was Melody and Michael, who was still in school then and I doubt at the time my biologicals actually understood more fully as to certain additional aspects. They would be able to discuss the comments made about military aspects in further details regarding what comments were made by my biologicals, as the emancipation was being worked on as well as after I left for the Army branch of the Armed Forces for the United States of America. Though very few parents of female friends at such times were met, they each were informed as to how I was being treated as well as able to see later with their own eyes whether or not the biologicals knew; same in reference to the few males I had dated, and more specifically regarding one big brother and his little brother who would definitely know as to the reality of how such discussions went from the years 1999 through to 2003 before they went to Texas.
For such a large veteran population who would ever want to be a part of a family such as with such a large length of history such as my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller and my biological mother Anna Louise Lally Hom, other than people who disapprove of the United States of America's Armed Forces especially with their son who married my biological sister who is in local law enforcement as I was told? How could someone's family in the state of Texas with and/or without Armed Forces connections who would allow stolen valor to occur in the state of Texas to be so rampant for years and decades, be interested in having anything to do with the political climate in the state of Texas for the best? If I recall correctly seeing in some police aspects from some officers and with how the veteran community has been treated by some even with knowing of such conditions with license plates among other aspects which are significant signs, how could an individual despite the photo opportunity which was not legally recognized from me regarding the age of my son and my daughter for such political party pictures ever think I would ever allow any release for such images of my children to ever be released anywhere for such purposes? I would not endorse such personally and that is known specifically for such reasons, among so many more. As it is known as to such revelations, that abomination of a sham of a marriage is not worth such time or assistance in my opinion. As it was an invite only event that definitely would mean the legal signatures required per child of mine there, and I have not nor will I sign such nor allow such to occur for any amount. They knew of what was occurring to my daughter and my son and I, and chose to stand by and do nothing while believing the wrong people. What would a SCUBA Diver who SCUBA Dove with J and K valves in the 1970s and 1980s know, about the type of SCUBA Diving I had done in 2009 especially regarding my certifications? What could ever be known without my explanations, and who would be so callous to think that would be a good idea to take my SCUBA Diving gear to steal from when going to take such gear with the explanations of more back then in 2012?
Then when in Austin and taking care of my daughter when she had the only option of Austin State Hospital because of the healthcare situation, what did my biological family do to assist her? What did they do to assist, my son? What did they do to assist, me? Nothing except make furthered needless problems as I knew they would when they said they were moving to the state of Texas, as I had already been warning people from 2000 through to afterwards about the type of people they had been for decades. When I was outed yet again in 2010 from the multiple times before of being outed beginning in 2004, my biological sister was informed others in the Austin community were in knowledge of who she was. I dealt with her temper tantrum phone call to inform her what I did not care of regarding such despite the discussions she was aware of prior to, and as I spoke with the entire Austin community as much as I could as well as the San Marcos community about such individuals; that was all before how I wound up in Washington state with my son, after having to stand in court where not one person I knew as family was there with me. Then after months of not having spoken with my biologicals from the weekend I had brought that male I was dating they did not know about named Matt back to life and he heard that phone call on the phone with Anna about my son and the paperwork I had literally signed less than 15 hours before, that was the last time I spoke with that female until 2018/2019 before I had to re-remember in the area as to who they were always going to be. The fact Anna told me to contact the Salvation Army for help in comparison to what she would have done for Patricia Ann Hom-Miller, is all that is needed as to how I was treated comparatively. Though of course, there have been plenty who have seen in the length of time and yet; the choices as to how their seemingly preferred preference to that abomination, you can keep. I can and have moved on, besides clarifications that are and have been needed.
As Anna contacted me via email near the month of July in 2013 after knowing the situation thinking I would ever want to speak again at that time, I proudly acknowledged Independence Day. Though I wound up in Washington state and needed to reacclimate and revisit to remember more because of the electrocution I went through the entire time above the Mason Dixon Line as well as how many months it took before the main impacts started to slow down and the residual needed to go as it did over the past two years, I fully remembered especially after my trips to the northeast coast. Another fear of theirs as to their excuse as to why they would not tell me they were visiting New Jersey until they returned to Illinois or Texas, or if I called just as they were leaving to go on an airplane. I believe they knew if I went back to the east to see for myself, they knew I would remember all of the torture I endured as a child in their house and partially also due to Patricia. Those who have dealt with specifics I warned of in regards of several ways she had been as a child and a teenager when growing up with her, the amount of times I had to disarm her from the rifles she would get out from Mike's corner area was ridiculous; just for one example, which occurred many times. Maybe my way regarding the firearm safes makes sense now, when taking into consideration what I grew up dealing with regarding Patricia Ann Hom-Miller.
The irony of which if I actually had been able to speak with who she and they refused to allow me to speak with knowing from the Pagan community in San Antonio Texas, I would have been able to warn him and his family about the way they were before it was too late for that legal marriage I call an abomination. However as Mike had said he "did not send Patricia to Texas to become the best little whore in Texas", he was correct partially. Anna had sent her for that, though he dropped her off to assist several spouses cheat on their wives including the dance instructor at the location less than 10 minutes from their house on the way on the right from Bandera Road before I caught her with the high school situation and continuing onward well after such intermittently involving herself with my children's biological father who died and was visited prior to her wedding. Thus since Mike did not send her to Texas to become the best little whore in Texas, there is the Book of Revelations which assists now to point to Anna as the Mother of all Whores and Abominations.
The irony of later again being outed in 2012 and interrogated on soil within the Military City USA of San Antonio Texas by two civilians who are my biological parents to their house, which they had pulled all of the furniture they could out of the entry great room area they could to only leave one wooden chair and a lamp on next to the chair. My biological mother got into my face after I was put into the chair for that interrogation which made the questions from 2008 in CID timing look so mild comparatively in full even with the amount of time and changes of agents in a short time because of what I grew up dealing with, which came forward while stuck in that chair in that room with the light blinding me in my eyes as they did not care about my headaches or migraines. After being yelled at and screamed at as Lackland could have an idea for while being berated with questions about the tape message left by my ex-boyfriend Patrick Kennedy outing me yet again to them though a different person doing so each time, my biological parents tag teamed one another between the interrogation questions I dealt with. Recalling now to times to compare, I cannot tell which was worse regarding Zero Week compared to that time in certain references because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
After awhile of their back and forth at a point after being re-re-re-re-called each name they could think of some more comparatively, then my biological father stepped forward saying he only had one question left and only one question left.
As I sat in the chair with the light in my eyes he got closer to my face and pushed the lamp away to tell me he 'had been to Denmark in the Red Light District and [he] knows from being there, what goes on. Do (you) beat, or get beaten?'
I told him laughing, "I do the beating, I do not ever get beaten. I, always do the beating."
He stood up saying good when my biological mother demanded to know his 'involvement with the Red Light District and all of the whores around there', which was when I made my escape out of their house to run to my car and speed away back to my apartment to ask if I could speak with some people I knew at the time prior to finding out of having had more people who were messing with and testing my head injury after effects illegally learning of such later on. I admit I did not think it was possible within the city limits of 5 military bases as to being forced to deal with such by my own biological parents, though at the same time I was and am not surprised as per how I grew up and what I dealt with. I was able to joke with people in San Marcos and San Antonio about the interrogation those weeks and month after, because it was less than when growing up as a child since I was not being thrown around or hit with the metal part of the belt buckle after the strap had been used on me among other implements.
If anyone thought I was scoping out anything in reference to the lifestyle at any point I suppose you can say, in some ways at some times I suppose I was. I could not understand from what I had read or been told how anyone could ever enjoy such for such gratification after what I grew up dealing with as a child and teenager even though I had seen other sides, that was before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well. However the memories specifically associated with such, had such a specific ending which I did not approve of to put mildly regarding Her; I suppose were twisted a bit as Major Grimes had said for positive memories, though because as I told her my childhood and teenager years seemed to be more entangled than what she said seemed simple. Thus she was correct, I did find some good memories from those times; just not nearly as many as she had wished for, as I had warned.
It is weirdly odd to think about that wedding back in 2009 or 2010 between my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller and the combined aspects of ironies, which if I am accurate and that was a political marriage arrangement gone awry fully; as those tattoos I have had and my hairstyle ironically were always the proper way to look as to the future of politics as the pictures they did way back then, mean nothing compared to now. What they did for their photo opportunity during their illegitimate abomination of a marriage to that, was for that time of politics in those years only because of who was being looked at for the particular role of the President of the United States of America in the closer term elections. They were not paying attention to the small details nor the bigger details as just going off of physical looks to discriminate who would be allowed is wrong, just as using people just because of how they look for politics is wrong. If in reference to movies/television fiction shows/etcetera the specific role requires a specific look is only that one aspect, in comparison to when in regards of people being in actual concern and care such as in politics. I personally have no need to assist anyone who would have willingly been a part of such an endeavor in the slightest, specifically in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear; especially if you are going to make the choice, to lie to me as such would prevent me from trusting you fully with such information without such. If you are unwilling to tell me the truth, I am unwilling to assist with such. No one ever had any authorization which actually would have been required, especially if your clearance level is/was below mine whether or not you knew what my clearance level was. The truth should be cleared up correctly fully, if there is any interest in the slightest for any such information either in regards of SCUBA Diving as well as Irving; as certain aspects are truly non-negotiable.
While the people at the Hom-Miller wedding that year had looked in my direction with full disgust in their eyes from what I saw as well as to how I was treated by my biological family as well as Patricia's wedding party except in regards of course to my son and my daughter, I cannot comment as to what it took to remain as calm as I had on that day. I know I saw Zack and some male walking with him as I walked down the stairs as calmly as I could after being insulted yet again after driving from Carrollton Texas to Austin Texas for that, because of having the nerve to be respectful enough to wear proper attire to a wedding which I suppose was my mistake for thinking such to be a formal wedding. After seeing her dress as what she called a wedding dress while in her soon-to-be in-laws' master bedroom bathroom getting ready and being told 'how dare you wear that color, people will think you're actually related to me, and a part of the wedding party'.
When seeing him with the male next to him walking down the stairs doing everything possible to not show the slightest bit of turmoil, I walked by him "whispering good luck, you're going to need it" when going outside to the area to smoke and process what I just heard.
I do not know if later on my biological parents admitted to having done so regarding the interrogation in their front entry great room area where the dining room is attached in that house in 2012 after that phone call message on the answering machine outing me, though if it is not considered illegal to do so against me only to torture me because of how that made Patricia Ann look and embarrassed her; the irony, is that was nothing new from my childhood. Anna told jokes to multiple people as to how I sounded as a child when needing a diaper change saying I 'sounded like battery acid was being thrown on' me, of which I wondered for awhile and then realized why she could know such a sound from me. I forgot that for awhile as with that being minimal in reference to the time in 2012, why would that particular comment phase me all that much comparatively when you think about such. I also do not know if it is considered as illegal for civilians to do so in such a non-consensual way regarding many aspects in reference to my biological family in that regard, though more specifically in reference to the interrogation aspects within the city limits of 5 military bases to a known medically retired form the Army branch technical veteran. I could easily see if my biological mother ever learned prior to me winding up in Washington state about my clearance level at the age of 17 when looking at my Methuselah tattoo shape as she did the updates to my laptops and I continuously did not write anything about my SCUBA Diving no matter how much she wanted me to, I refused her any such knowledge because she refused to ask me and sneaked around thinking I had not dealt with her before as well as forgetting who she helped to treat me as he did when he was alive after they moved from Illinois to Texas especially regarding medications.
I know I did keep my clearance level hidden and spoke of it to no one ever, however I knew I needed to write my clearance level when completing the last portions in my first book Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing because of the possible chance of if she ever found out anyone I would have ever met could have such a clearance level or higher or within such realms of sensitive informational aspects; I had no choice except to write of such, just in case. I had been speaking with all sorts of people in Texas a largely known military and veteran area for the United States of America with dependents whether spouse or child(ren), which meant the likelihood of meeting a minimum of a handful of people with such a clearance level was inevitable. I kept that level I had unknown to anyone from 2000 through to officially in 2014, though as my biological mother would have seen my SCUBA Diving pictures; Anna Louise Lally Hom would have gone searching being her nosey self to try to find whatever she could out about what I had done in the Army, which was none of her business ever. There is a reason why any relative is not officially informed of any clearance level unless approved as well as mandatory, as there is a multitude of reasons why. If in 2003 when moving down to Texas her intent additionally was to find what I had done which was none of her business in comparison to the false claim to help with my son and my daughter with the reality of Patricia's school and after school reputation, if it is not considered as to be a legal issue for such I think it should be.
I did not want to put my clearance level in the writing as anyone with a clearance level for such knows protocol is to only give certain information, as I could not escape them when they moved to Texas I suppose I could make a joke it only took 11 years and however many months with the additional electrocutions in Washington state in Vancouver to Tacoma to get me to admit that. However with the culmination of other aspects combined referencing not only my biological parents and my biological sister, the paperwork informing me of security breeches referencing sensitive information as well as the identification information seemed pertinent for those who would understand such a need to put such a call sign out for those who would comprehend such a true statement because of their own safety needs. As weirdly odd as such might come across my thoughts wander to wonder whether or not my adopted Grandfather would be mad at me for revealing such after only 11 years and however many months, though I hope he and his association groups and agencies and whatnot are not mad at me for the bringing such forward of my clearance at the age of 17 years old officially to write of in 2014. I know as I knew it was not supposed to be said or written, though thankfully I have not and hope not to be arrested as I am free and out in the world where I am.
She may once have had whichever level she had when in Prudential doing software information technology including such when at McHenry County Government Center, however not being involved with such any further and her going into teaching at public schools and substituting along with other situations previously; ironically regarding what occurred at McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District and the comments, the Fort Worth Zoo, as well as the board meeting in 2010 regarding the Pledges not being said would be right up Anna's alley as per how she had been regarding any time I ever was genuinely happy or moving towards something I knew was absolutely needed for my son and/or for my daughter and/or for myself. I literally grew up asking people what it was like to have parents who cared about them, which some thought I was joking in elementary school. By the time of 5th grade, I had given up asking what it was like just before I had gotten sick with everything at the time instead of being hospitalized. In camp I asked the question the same way to some later on which in turn, later I was asked by Child Protective Services as to some reports also from a friend's Mom named Kelly. I was not given the chance to truthfully respond and the following year after my biological mother had calmed down, she let me know she had a surprise for me with a second week of camp; of which, I already wrote after explaining how the babysitting situation had been when I was younger regarding a different aspect which she laughed about Patricia not having to go through later on in the years.
Nonetheless in my opinion the portions of adult consenting choices above the age of 18-21+, no one has the right to judge anyone about what is consented and agreed to between honest enjoyment for such; whether in BDSM with safe and sane consensual kinkiness, whether in adult sexual interactions regarding the LGBTQP, as the same in reference to safe/sane/consensual Swinger aspects. As skeptical to the point of checking to ensure clearer understanding from knowledge as being the individual as I am, there is the admitting portion similar to the MMJ aspects as to having to accept certain realities within the levels of which are comfortable for such. Personally as I have not only explained verbally as well as with writings and actions as to spending time with, the professional aspects should be reviewed as to the realistic helpful aspects for certain individuals to which it is at a point in time when Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton in their private lives have briefly given a small insight as to the actuality of such being more accepted and able to bring forward a newer view on an old subject topic which the morals thereof for which discretion levels were/are needed. Similarly to any female Presidential role for the United States of America needing to have the etiquette to recognize the work of 2 POTUS election runs and the ability to make her own legacy for herself regarding Hillary Clinton, the same must be respectfully acknowledged regarding the BDSM and the Swinger communities referencing the LGBTQP community overall because of the fact of the beginnings laying in such hands at the start for such communities and lifestyles as per history and accounts and recollections thereof. I am not the only person who willingly chose to help at times being a beard albeit I was a bit young comparatively, though with others within my school age range upward into high school and when in high school a few times for a few in college; aside from later after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after David one of my babysitter's son, learning how to walk in heels and dress for certain events.
Thus I am thankful for much more than such listed in various aspects though with in keeping up with my 60 Days of Thanks Challenge which ideal timing for such memories to come forward, because honestly I do not know if I could process such realities without being able to find even one little aspect or big aspect to be thankful for. Currently, I am thankful for photography as well as technological records. I had viewed Facebook and Fetlife as the digital version of the Akashic Records in the modern era, and the irony additionally of the black and white to be able to ironically tie such additionally together. It makes sense looking back as to why Anna told me she needed to put a piece of tape over the camera area on the laptop in regards of when she would install what she said was updates onto my computers, which I am thankful for the Geek Squad and the ability for them to be able to look through such information to pull off of to find more.
I am extremely upset as I believe rightfully so especially about my SCUBA Diving gear in full as well as my pictures in reference to not being able to digitalize the photographs I had developed over the years from my film on land photography of my time with my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia, though I have a feeling the pictures in the bins I had to take to the apartment in Tacoma may have had some background images which depending on such times the possibility of taking additional ironies in the background in the images may have been more helpful in a few situations for justice. Hopefully soon for that truthful justice to occur, in my admitted biased opinion. I really thought taking such with me back to the Marine Corps and Naval area would have been more helpful, and the amount of time and length thereof from those who I once knew in such; I simply did not ever think anyone or as many in the state of Texas in of all places would be as callous with the lives of veterans, active duty, national guard, reservists and dependents of would have been as rampant as it has been by certain civilians. After having worked on several aspects all through the time from 2009 August through to that time in 2012 and the UHAUL situation to get closer to San Antonio where I knew there would actually be people who would care about their brothers and sisters of such, to have that situation occur at that time after such a length of time of being ignored about that SCUBA Diving only I had done and only I could or would do; still astonishes me, as to such aspects literally being so close and yet so far away.
I can write truthfully none will successfully and safely accomplish the SCUBA Diving I had done in the Bermuda Triangle at the depth levels I went to, because only I know how to get to such a level as it is not as simple as dropping down during a free fall for that SCUBA Dive type or style. It has nothing to do with my SCUBA Diving certifications, and it has nothing to do with where I went SCUBA Diving to clean up the waters in Texas among a few other locations including though not limited to the Gulf of Mexico. However it does have everything in so much comparison to do with how I was trained when growing up in New Jersey, and who I was taught what by in each way regarding that particular type of SCUBA Diving. In some ways I have viewed the time of such certifications as a different version of Marine and Science Technology School with the Naval attachment in comparison to what occurred, and there is not any need in reference to certain other aspects for human beings without certain etiquette standards and requirements for protocol. If in such regarding active duty, national guard, or reservist were involved with such and the clearance levels are below my level; what would make you think, you ever had the right to break protocol? Such choices for leniency has been the cause for multiple problems when others with lower clearance levels have thought they deserve something they did not earn the right to, and that is how security breeches happen frequently needlessly because of such people with lower level security clearances thinking they deserve more than they earned. That set of choices, is considered as a security threat.
I doubt any Secretary of State Department of Defense individual would disagree, with such a statement.
Hillary Clinton asked "What difference, does it make?" in reference to a completely different topic and set of events, though realistically you could tie certain aspects together regarding my SCUBA Diving gear and a male who took a laptop off of the Lackland Air Force Base as I was told. There is a difference, and it means a lot to more than just one or two people because of those sets of choices regarding my SCUBA Diving gear and that laptop. Again, there are reasons why there are people with higher security clearances and there are reasons why others do not have such clearances. She would not have needed to deal with that for clarification nor would any of those individuals regarding that particular situation which has pained me for a very long amount of time since listening to the testimony and news reports, which the year plus the timing of both situations differently in the specific locations thereof and what was nearby to each; hypothetically is an additional coinky dink, regarding such choices by those who took my SCUBA Diving gear without permission after Irving 2011. With friends or family such as that, who needs enemies? The United States of America has already dealt with enough up to that point in time, there was no additional need for such because of the ignorance as to take my SCUBA Diving gear and simply open the bag was all that was needed in reference to opening Pandora's Box in that way.
One particular time regarding that wedding which additionally solidifies such a view, look in reference to who had not heeded my warning and opened a different box and did as was done in the backyard of my house in San Antonio Texas; shortly after someone else had also ended the relationship, during such a time. He arranged such just as my Bok Pu showed me would be done, via her drawing and watercolors to remind me what to look for in that regard referencing my biological sister. She said she cursed the day she would ever get pregnant, and wow was she correct.
Well look at that, I found something extra to be thankful for. I was always thankful for my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu, however that one particular aspect is where only Bok Pu can be recognized as she should have been correctly all those decades ago. I am thankful at minimum, I know she would be happy I acknowledged her just as I saw her smile when at the Christmas dinner party with the Dr. Suns as both were PhDs in that married household. Seeing the females who also had PhDs stand up to look to see I sat at the dinner table and appreciatively so on my part, however seeing them wonder and then think about themselves and their earned backgrounds to speak with one another was a sight I know she had to be happy about regarding such. If they started getting more credit for their own works within that lab and/or started working in a different way, those females during that dinner began to maintain their modesty while finding their strength. The United States of America is wonderful, now is it yes? However so too such females would know, understand, and possibly comprehend the reasons as to why certain ideologies were not allowed any further in China as such was actually what had lead to Tiananmen Square when looking at the timeline for the geographical location and what was going on in the nearby area for additional references to actually take a look to see who was already fighting such as per the 11 September 2001 attacks though back in that timeframe references for how long it took to get to such a point to remove that particular ideology against females and children specifically. As some might have been disgusted by the Chinese specifically though others as well for killing baby females, if you knew which group of ideology I refer to what is known to happen to females was considered unacceptable by most and that was their only way to find a stop to prevent their own females from going through such unless their parents were able to prevent it if they cared and have the capability to. That was and is a part of my own opinion as per several additional factors regarding information I was able to see and read through as a child during such times, in conjunction to the newspapers and books. A bit of a clash of the groups as there were those intermixed among each other, and as seen regarding peaceful protests which are interrupted by rioters in the United States of America has gone more recently; you may be able to see some misunderstanding, because of language barriers and accents fluctuating pronunciations of certain syllables to other accents regarding speaking in addition to demeanor depending upon the culture as well for what is considered as normal. For one example, listen to the speech in German and Russian compared to French and Italian accents as well for the ability in a larger way; though New Jersey to Illinois to Texas to Washington and areas in between for the United States of America can see, just in the one language of English.
I am thankful I grew up where I did because of the ability to listen, prior to making a judgment call.