It should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to #VlackHistory #BlackHistoryMonth Black History Month such as the example of my cousin Jade's Mom who is my Great Aunt Helen and her Dad who is African American as their wedding situation when in #Harlem #HarlemNY #HarlemNYC #NewYork #NewYorkstate #HarlemNEwYorkCity #NYC #NewYorkCity Harlem New York as the aspects of my biological mother and my biological little sister as to their problems as the physical looks of the people who were there, any celebration of me if I personally am not there because I was not invited officially as before the event and for me to attend the event as I personally would annou8nce such on my website as that should not take a head injury to figure that out; then again, I would have to be given the chance in truth to do so first as it should not take a head injury to figure out in the years of 2003 through 2013 and the years of 2019 through 2021 as there was not any invitation from them to me for me to know of officially to me ever being invited to attend anything as it should not take a head injury when I have personally invited them to attend as the difference as to such aspects when there were celebrations to do so though the situations that occurred instead.
Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out wannabe factors also known as lying renne faire types are not anywhere close to the aspects of wanted or more importantly as to the factors of the definitions of needed, as per my definition of such factors now in the year of 2023 in the month of February on the 3rd day of the month of February in the year of 2023 because if I were wanted as per the aspects of what I personally consider as being wanted and not as to such factors of wannabe aspects as to the facts where remaining in a good mood or being capable to actually achieving being in a great mood would be capable and possible for me personally.
For example in the year of 2009 when I discussed having a celebration for my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #SCUBADiver SCUBA Diving as the differences as to what occurred as the timeframe of proof as the additional factors as to the high school graduation my biological little sister had as well as the college graduations, as it should not take a head injury to figure out if I was actually considered as a part of the family in truth as to myself personally being invited before the timeframe of as well as the capacity of capability to being capable to attend and doing so in person face to face in person.
If hypothetically as to the references regarding my back yard in the state of #Texas #Texasstate #TX #TXstate Texas in the city of #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAnotnioTX #MilitaryCityUSA San Anotonio Texas also known as Military Scity USA as to such if factors of the two biological females as the reference of one being my biological little sister as the other reference to whatever lying renne faire type as to such if factors of such stereotypical factors of such if situations as per the history of such individual as to the needless drama as to such if factors as to such aspects, then the proof as to such prior journal blogs of mine as to the aspects of such needless drama as to those renne faire types as to such needless games as to what I made attempts to inform correctly as to such aspects whereas to staying away from the other female as to that aspect instead of such #highschooldarma high school drama as to actually growing up and being what I personally consider as mature as it should not take a head injury to figure out if as to such factors as to having been informed from my biological little sister of my knowledge more of #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NJ #NJKstate #NewJerseyStong #NJTP #GST #GSTW #NewJerseyTurnpike #GardenStateTollway NEw Jersey instead of the aspects of #popculture pop culture of the opinion of others who did not have situational or placement awareness as to the difference of New JErsey to New York City as to such hypothetical if factors as to the personal attitudes thereof as it should not take a head injury to figure out when I have clarified as to the amount of time it takes to actually upset an New Jersey-ian as to the differences of a New York City-ier as to how while New Yorkl City-iers began in the middle 1980s as to how they had to accept the fact New Jersey-ians preferred being involved only with certain New York City-iers though far more preferred/prefer New York staters as to such facts that such if factors as to the proof of such aspects of how such should not take a head injury to figure out the difference.
For example as to the aspects of the situations where I have made attempts to explain to people throughout the decades of such aspects as to varying levels and varying degrees as to such factors the references of the situations as per the northeast of the United States of America as to such factors as to whare certain aspects of POTUS45 as to working for and dealing with if as to such failures though as where what I had not clarified as to what occurred when others found out what he had done needlessly as to what occurred for others' careers as to such aspects as to the if factors thereof and thus it should not take a head injury to figure out while individuals who were lazy and as to such factors as to the aspects thereof to such employment as to the differences of when other companies found out as to such references thereof to such horrific mistreatments from that aspect thereof as to the ways they would go out of their way to out-do the aspects of what once was as to the references and regards as to such discussions as to the aspects thereof to my lack of knowledge as to the pop culture factors as well as to the references only as to th rink aspects near a different hotel location as to the factors of situations regarding such factors; whereas the situations when in the year of the 2020 election cycle of #MikeBloomberg Mike Bloomberg as to such if situations to whom I remember hearing some aspects about, as to the differences of business factors regarding the seriousness needed to being capable to work on situations as to the larger factors of work as well as perspectives.
It should not take as head injury to figure out the aspects of the situations discussed in Autin Texas in the year of 2010 and 2011 when I was asked if I had a little sister and the phone call that occurred thereafter, as the proof of if I actually was considered as a part of the family as to what the translation of the differences as to such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when in the state of #Washington #Washingtonstate #WA #WAstate Washington in the year of 2018 and 2019 when I invited my biological family as when having spoken with who was said to be my biological mother as to the whole aspects as per the ways I am as per such factors instead of whatever assumptions as to the other if situations such as #HollyLake #HollyLakeTX #HollyLakeTexas Holly Lake as to the timeframe of #Christmas Christmas in the year of 2010; though in such to discuss with me as to such timeframes as well as in person face to face in person in that specific year of 2018 and in the specific year of 20119 as to the same factors as only in the specific timeframe is anything considered to be correct, as that should not take a head injury to figure out to the difference of this year of 2023 in the month of February on the 3rd day of the month of February in the year of 2023.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the common sense of in person face to face in person only translates to in real life, as that should not take a head injury to figure out that needless bueaurocracy as to in any other capacity of explanations only proves how unwanted I have always been as the only capacity of without any needless bueaurocracy as what I personally consider as to such factors are the only considerations I consider as the truth of such aspects of how there has not ever been any point in time when those biologicals have ever been capable to actually think correctly as to my personal considerations because of the requirements of actually doing exactly as such for me personally where I personally would ever believe that I personally mattered at all as I personally consider as mattering because in order for me to consider myself as mattering as then only doing what I personally consider as mattering.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if there is the confusion or the lack of the wording then to asking me personally first to get such clarifications as only assumptions as to the aspects thereof to not asking me then translates to where if I was cared about as what I consider ass being cared about as to asking me personally as to getting me to answer through asking me personally in truth, especially with as many ways as there have been ways to specifically reach out to me to ask me in truth such as the aspects of phone calls in real phone calls such as cellphone calls and/or email as per the aspects of if I actually would have been capable to get into such or now in the year of 2023 as to my website To Contact Form and/or my social media accounts as proven as to how it does not take a head injury to figure out the only way to prove I personally matter as what I personally consider as mattering is as to asking me truthfully with real words as to the capacity of what I consider as actual real words as the thought of words does not count as real words as that is not real communication as to just a thought of words when thinking of trying to have a discussion as per the fiction book series of "Fail-Safe" as the requirements of being a human being as it should not take a head injury to figure out trying is not doing.
It should not take a head injury to figure out anything I personally consider as halfassing does not ever translate to doing anything correctly for me as what I personally consider as for such aspects, as since I personally do not hint as the clarifications of being direct and to the point as to the capacities as how that does not take a head injury to consider my personal minimum standards as to such aspects if others were to ever actually do what it is to prove to me personally that I actually matter as what I personally consider as mattering as their considerations of mattering is not what my considerations of mattering necessarily as that should not take a head injury to figure out; however when I have spoken about, written about, and ecetera as to such factors as only in my personal considerations does anything matter as to giving me the personal belief that I personally matter as that is the only capacity to do so correctly if I actually mattered as I personally consider as mattering.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the factors of Black History Month as to the similar factors of those types of bigots as to such factors in each and every capacity as proven, just as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of wasting any time as I personally consider as wasting time would officially only prove to me as to whether I actually matter(ed) as to the factors of what I personally consider as mattering because only what I personally consider as being wanted is the only consideration that matters as to what I consider as to such factors of mattering.
Anything I consider as lying renne faire immaturity automatically is only considered as lying renne faire immaturity, as the factors where those types such as lazy recreational civilian SCUBA Divers as per such factors where those types had not ever given me the belief I personally mattered as per the proof as to such if factors as to the ways how SCUBA Diving occurs in real life.
It should not take a head injury to figure out only thinking about such and not doing such as what I personally consider as in truth, then as to such factors where each and every individual has only broken the #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter2Me #10CommadnmentsMatter 10 Commandments fully each and every time as to each and every hypothetical officially, as the reality of yesterday's post on 2 February 2023 to this post today of 3 February 2023 as to such common sense factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to the aspects of the considerations of what I consider personally, are the only capacities of ever getting me to believe I personally matter referencing the situations of prior individuals as to who could have made the choice of their own free will to be swifter as to the aspects of time as the aspects of such hypotheticals regarding if they actually care(d) about me personally from the prior timeframes as to such instead of the aspects of what I personally consider(ed) as needless games as since I do not ever knowingly play anything as to what I consider as games as to the factors where if others had chosen to do so because of me having been born and raised in New Jersey as to the proof of such factors of a few prior journal blogs of mine as to the references as to the aspects where such differences of educational backgrounds should be capable to be known within the state of Texas as to such facts in reference to each and every other state as to each and every city as to the factors of such work I had worked on in reference to my cousin Jade and her cousins and cuzes as to the cousins being my half cousins possibly as I am uncertain as to the specifics of as to the aspects of the terminology because of her Mom being biologically related to me as per my Great Aunt Helen though as to her Dad being African American as I am uncertain as the terms of such factors as to the cousins biologically to the differences of the areas of New York City because of his work as to the various areas as to the different boroughs and then as to such factors regarding when he was informed as to picking one female as to such aspects of him having chosen my Great Aunt Helen as to the aspects where she was the most honest as well as the one who care(d) most about life as well as progression in life as well as love after a few other situations that had occurred as to the other baby mommas situations as those who have such personal knowledge of those factors as to those types of needed clearings as to those aspects.
Those who are unaware as to such factors of prolific aspects of such factors as to the amounts of locations as to the 5 boroughs as well as the number of such aspects of the non-baby-momma situations as to the factors where such overreactive factors during the timeframes as to the 1990s as to the others as to such factors of them having found out as to other situations as to where my Great Aunt Helen was kept out of the loop as to such knowledge as to the thought processes they had as to the aspects of the situations, and as to how my Bok Pu pushed a bit in reference to my cousin's Dad as to the aspects of pointing out the differences between the others as per what they would get upset about as to the differences of what my Great Aunt Helen would get upset about as to the factors of such regards in the timeframes of the 1990s before their wedding as to the aspects of the situations where because of several situations where my biological father and I had worked on cooking because of the #Catering catering situations. Though if my biological father was aware of the inner aspects of the situations between such factors as to my lack of knowledge, though as to other situations as to the location because of the work my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw had put into restoring the location because of the area at the time as the situations were as such was to the building codes as to the differences of the 1930s to the 1990s as to other references of situations where the hypothetical misconceptions of New York City as to the Harlem areas as to the timeframe differences.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of how much work I personally have completed as well as much as I have personally made attempts in genuine truth, anything less does not consider in my personal opinion as to ever being good enough for me personally as to such factors as being good enough to accomplish successfully for me as I personally consider for such references and as to Black History Month the proof as to such factors thereof regarding each and every situation as to where the shortest month of the year as to such factors as to the proof of others as to how bigoted and racist and sexist to each and every individual and each and every group as to such proof as it should not take a head injury to figure out my personal considerations of the terminology of wanted as when my children are legally above the biological age of 18 years old does not translate to the aspects of in reference to "Finding A Silver Lining" at all in any capacity whatsoever as per such aspects I already explained in writing as to the facts that those situations are of the past as per the publication date as the publication month of the publication year.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any tries as through needless bueaurocracy as I consider such, are only tries to say that is for me when in reality instead it shows only as to how many attempts to avoid me instead of ever showing me in truth as what I personally would ever believe as to my personal considerations of being wanted as I personally consider as to such factors as any trying is only trying of patience instead of ever doing anything as to my personal considerations of what I personally consider to being wanted as the common sense factors of the ease for such factors if I personally was and/or am considered as wanted as the facts are as to where those types as to such immaturity as to my considerations of immaturity would only prove as to the aspects of where and how much I personally have not ever mattered as what my personal considerations are for what I consider as mattering.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when I have not ever been asked in truth as to what my personal considerations are as to mattering or as to any celebration, then obviously all of those individuals only prove as to how much I personally did not ever matter to them no matter what their words may be as to how actions and inactions speak louder than words as to such proof thereof.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as many attempts as I personally have made in truth in all such factors anything less than as to others only proves as to in my personal opinion as to how much they did not ever truthfully take in truthful consideration as what my personal wants as to the considerations of what my personal actual wants are, because of actually having to truthfully ask me without any double speak as to any lying renne faire garbage as to what I consider as to such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any work that I have had to take care of as additionally without any actualities of what my personal considerations of such factors, then as to the aspects of Black History and Black History month.
It shou7ld not take a head injury to figure out anything less than what my personal work as per such attempts as to the proof of each and every other individuals' laziness as to such aspects thereof officially as to in reference to and of myself, as it should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to "Finding A Silver Lining" as to the trying to use the aspects of the aspects of nature as to how such would not and is not considered as anything other than the fullest insult to me as to the proof of the aspects of the classifications of what I personally consider as mattering personally as well as the proof of such low level amounts of tries as to ever getting me to personally believe as what I consider as mattering as to such factors where the lack of anything as common sense for such references as the online portions only matter as to not in reference of any celebrations either as to the proof of such laziness fully of each and every individual throughout such aspects as the additional reference where the lacking of civility from each and every individual as to trying to ever think that would ever be good enough to me personally as while I personally have not had certain experiences as per the facts thereof as to such as the differences regarding such factors as to being capable to think about such as for myself as to seeing such and having the internal need to comprehend there are better ways of earning if possible to attain and retain as to such factors regarding despite the situations. Though there were cousins of my cousin Jade that I had worked with as to teaching them how to read words, because of the illiteracy rates in the areas where they had been as to the timeframes as the aspects of the situations at those times in the 1990s to what is supposed to be different now in the year of 2023 in the month of February on the 3rd day of the month of February in the year of 2023.
It should not take a head injury to figure out my personal considerations for my YouTube videos are only as my considerations of my #YouTube YouTube videos as just as the same in reference to my social media accounts as just the same as my website as per my personal considerations of such have not ever been asked of me personally and thus as to any interpretations incorrectly as per such only being misinterpretations if having had the capacity to ask me to personally clarify and as to such if factors hypothetically as to where there is nothing of love though full disappointment towards each and every individual as per such if factors as to the aspects of my headaches as to such proof of the lack of ever intending to ever do anything as to what I would personally consider, because of actually having to ask me personally as my personal considerations officially. Realistically when taking in the consideration of a #JCPenny PC Penny family picture in the year of 2009, as the aspects of such factors referencing the reality as to such factors as to the overall viewpoint of the aspects of that picture during the timeframe of the year either in 2009 or 2010 of my biological son and my biological daughter and I as our family as the aspects of where the reality of this current timeframe of such just being me myself as to the factors thereof as per such factors as to the situations from that timeframe of 2009/2010 to this time of 3 February 2023 as it should not take a head injury to figure that out.
It shou8ld not take a head injury to figure out as the reference to Rapunzel as to the regards of posts as the proof thereof to such if factors as per the length of time as to my name being used to discuss me though as the failures of ever actually doing what it would take to actually find out truthfully because of the requirements as to actually doing what it takes as per actually finding out directly from me personally, at the exact timeframe of such aspects thereof instead of afterwards as to any such hypotheticals though as to such factors only the proof of what level as to actually mattering as what I personally consider as mattering.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any individual ever taking the aspects of my title as per the aspects of my title as per my books I wrote in the aspects thereof, officially as to the proof whereas the aspects of only breaking the 10 Commandments fully and officially in reference to me myself personally as to the facts that such lacking of common sense as to such factors of when could have asked me personally instead of any such factors thereof and such if factors as to where they would officially have to denounce such title aspects and then as ta actually doing so correctly for me as I personally consider as to such factors as the truthful ways of 10 Commandments only are allowed officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any individual trying to use the aspects of the journal blog title as to the unwanted artist as to ever doing anything in any capacity to doing so as a game in any capacity thereof, only proves as to how such aspects of where if I personally mattered as what I personally consider as mattering then doing what it takes to prove otherwise as to what my personal considerations for me as to proving so otherwise as to where I am considered as the most of all as to the top of all wanted as per what I personally consider as to such factors as to the aspects thereof to my personal considerations only.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when I have repeatedly complained as to such aspects there is nothing that gives me the belief or the sensation of what I personally consider as being wanted as there is nothing I personally consider as being wanted because it is only as I consider as being wanted that matters to ever proving to me that I personally matter, as that is the common sense factors of the reasons why it only reproves as to reasons why I hate all types of games.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of if ever pushing in a capacity that I personally do not consider as to what I believe as being wanted when there has not ever been anyone who has actually done so as to asking me personally to finding out to actually doing exactly as what I personally consider as being wanted as to such doing exactly as per what I personally consider as, then as to the proof of the lack of respect of my work as the lack of respect of me as the lack of anything I actually have not ever clarified as to my own personal wants as to having not ever clarified as to such because of my lack of belief anyone would ever do exactly as I personally consider to such factors as per the aspects of such proof wherever as to such factors of proof there is to those types of such individuals to each and every disappointment that they are in such hypotheticals.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if not getting my personal approval as to what my personal considerations are as to getting my approval, then not having my personal approval at all to begin with in all such situations and all such hypotheticals.
It should not take a head injury to figure out humanity is civility ss to such factors officially, and if as to such hypotheticals of ever pushing in a different direction than what I personally consider to being such factors as to what I personally consider to such factors then as to the aspects of #civility #humanity civility and humanity as to the references thereof to each and every factors officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when I personally am not happy, then as to such lacking of civility and lacking of humanity everywhere as to what I personally consider in the difference as to the factors as to having already made such levels of attempts as to the amount of attempts to such factors personally being happy as while I can review such prior timeframes as to such factors as the review thereof as to the differences referencing such if hypothetical situations as to anything of such accuracy of mine as there would be the difference as to such if situations as to the aspects thereof to the hypotheticals as then it is where there is only such factors as to the proof thereof as to such aspects where the capacities of where there would not be the capability to such regards of making myself happy any further as to such a double edged sword proverbially as then as to such factors of my considerations of what would be best for me to being capable to attain such factors of happiness while doing what would be as attempts to attaining such for myself while with as to whom if as to such aspects of my personal considerations of what I consider to such factors as the attempts especially most recently as from August of the year of 2022 to this timeframe of 3 February 2023 on top of all of my other prior attempts.
It should not take a head injury to figure out while I personally am not African American as to the aspects of life that as to such metaphors and proverbial as to the references thereof throughout all of history as to the proof thereof to my personal situations and to my personal life as the proof of if such were not as per what has been a problem as per my considerations as to my clarifications as the proof in each and every situation as to all such individuals as to the proof thereof officially, as to such proverbial metaphors as to the aspects thereof and it should not take a head injury to figure out as to such if factors of those lying renne faire types as to such if factors of my book I personally authored writing as "Fail-Safe" if they have in any capacity of using such in any capacity thereof other than as to metaphors though even with such metaphors as to the lacking of anything worthwhile as my considerations thereof for each and every one of them individually and personally for them as to such aspects of their disappointments throughout all of their personal lives to their knowledge of as to their understanding of as to their comprehension of as the just exactly the same as to how much of disappointments they have been in my considerations thereof officially as to any such if factors as to the hypotheticals
When not doing anything I personally consider to being respectful as what I personally consider to such as per the starting point of actually doing what it takes to actually ask me in truth to what it takes to doing such correctly, then as to how such factors of my considerations of those types as to lying renne faire types as per my considerations of ever thinking only to read my journal blog though not ever doing anything I personally consider to being capable to actually accomplish anything I consider as accomplishments as per such factors of if situations.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such factors of if having went through others as to how going through others is only going through others as it should not take a head injury to figure out when I have made direct attempts as to leading by example as to the amount of direct attempts, though as to the if factors of the years of 2013 through 2019 as per my journal blog update reviews as to such factors of if situations as per such hypothetical individuals as the proof of such examples they have been to the difference of myself as to such direct attempts in such references and regards thereof officially as to the facts.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the reference of "The Modern Day Book" as to such as well as my journal blog updates as the years of 2019 through 2023 as to such if factors in any hypotheticals being accurate as to already having done so already as per the common sense of the past situations and not as to ever asking nor wanting nor needing nor preferring to ever repeat such as to getting such accomplished correctly as accurately as per my personal considerations of fixing and repairing correctly as anything and everything less than what I personally consider as what I consider to fixing to what I consider as repairing is exactly as such, less than what I personally consider as fixing and less than what I consider as repairing as to such if factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out how bizarre it is to actually think of such amounts of factors referencing such if situations as to the aspects thereof ever going through another to interpret as to another homo sapien sapien as to such aspects thereof to the difference of my name(s) as to such factors of pure immaturity officially per individual as well as their proof of lacking anything I would ever consider as maturity as well as a lacking anything I consider as intelligence as per my personal considerations officially permanently as per my conidiations officially. However since such scientific factors as to the regards of such if situations, as to the reality of such if factors as well as to the references and regards of the knowledge of my being an Ordained Reverend as to such additional backgrounds of such spiritual and religious studies and works.
Since I have clarified I have not ever given anyone permission to speak for me as to such aspects of trying loop holes as to trying bueaurocracy factors as to the proof of such aspects of where the considerations I have already clarified since that officially would be through YouTube and that would not officially be through me personally, as that should not take a head injury to figure out as the same in reference to such other factors officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out of if factors of using the videos as to such aspects of the difference of me personally in a video to the difference of me personally being involved as it should not take a head injury to figure out all such lacking of intelligence as well as the lacking of anything I personally would consider to being civility and humanity officially, as it should not take a head injury to figure out the laziness of each and every individual's thought processes for that as well as how recreational hey have only thought of life instead of being responsible adults as mature per such factors as per my personal considerations of and for all such hypotheticals.
It should not take a head injury to being capable to schedule for me as to personally being there as the only capacity I would ever consider as the aspects thereof though actually having to inform me personally before as to such if factors as there is nothing of such other than the aspects of immaturity otherwise as to actually getting my personal approval of such aspects first instead of ever assuming otherwise as well as their laziness officially as to such lacking of successful factors as what my personal considerations of being successful would officially be as per not ever having clarified with me first officially in truth as required then as to such half assing as to such factors officially per individual per group and I hope for each and every individual of constant personal reminders as to such aspects officially towards each and every one of them as to such failures as to my personal considerations of the failures they have been to any and all such if factors as to the if hypothetically correct each and every second of each and every day of each and every week of each and every month until they actually get correctly as my personal considerations as to such factors per location they ever go as to such personal direct factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as per my headaches and as per my migraines actually asking me personally as per my #ADA ADA as to the aspects of my memory deficits and my cognitive disorders of such factors of ADA as to such requirements of asking me personally as to such clarifications, then as to their failures as to such aspects each and every time as each and every individual as each and every individual situations officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out how much immaturity I personally consider to such for the example of what was my apartment in Bremerton Washington as to not ever giving me the sensation of ever being what I personally consider as a wanted artist because of what it officially takes to do so as per my personal considerations, as the same exact factor for each and every other aspect of my personal considerations as my personal considerations are the only aspects that matter as to my personal considerations officially as there is not for anyone else to interpret unless they themselves consider themselves delusional for themselves to ever think they are capable to interpret when I personally have not allowed anyone to interpret officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out to such hatred is not the aspects of what I consider as being wanted as it should not take a head injury to figure out hatred as to only being hatred and not as to being considered as wanted as my personal considerations of being wanted, as it should not take a head injury to figure out if as to such hatred officially then only as to breaking the 10 Commandments officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out anything I consider as uncomfortable as to such factors as to the aspects thereof and thus as to Black History and Black History month as to the aspects thereof to such references of hypothetical factors officially as it should not take a head injury to figure out when not having ever asked me personally as what I personally consider as asking me then as to only as I personally consider as the hatred of me as per such factors as it should not take a head injury to figure out when I have clarified as to such attempts repeatedly doing anything except my considerations of what I personally consider to such factors as to the aspects where each and every one of those hypotheticals have only spread hatred instead of anything I could or would consider as anything I personally would consider as love or appreciation or wanted or aspects thereof as per such factors officially, as I have not played games and I do not play games at all.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any such if factors as to anyone I once knew in real life in person face to face in person in real life ever considering anything other than exactly what I have explained in the journal blog updates from the year of 2021 though 2022 as to such factors as to what my personal considerations are as to such a beginning, then as to such factors of failures to doing anything I personally consider being as my personal considerations as the starting point of my To Contact Form through my website officially correctly filled out and sent for me to read and for me to personally respond as per such if factors of actually doing so correctly as that is the aspect of proof as to whether I personally am wanted for my personal op[inion as to what I personally consider to such factors as the equal; aspects in such contact as through the cellphone number I personally have given as to my website phone number as to such factors as I am the only one who chooses whether such other numbers are allowed as no one else is allowed to ever choose for me as proof as to if I personally was considered as respected as to doing so immediately and instantly correctly as per my personal considerations as anything otherwise only proves where I personally am not wanted because if I personally was wanted as I personally consider to being completed correctly as what I personally consider to such instead of anyone else's wrongful interpretations officially.
If hypothetically anyone has ever gotten in the way of such communication with me personally as in the positive factors of my considerations of communication then as to the proof that I personally am not wanted as per such factors of my personal considerations of being capable to choose for myself what positive communication is as to such factors where such if situations where I am safe as to such factors, then as to the proof where there has not ever been anyone who has ever as my personal considerations of ever doing anything I personally consider as proving to me personally as being wanted officially as my personal considerations of such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any such aspects of others playing games of hide and go seek as to such if factors as to the proof of where such lack of anything I personally would consider as proof of care for me and care about me officially as my personal considerations officially, as I personally do not consider such unwanted useless games as to such factors of ever being what I consider being to such factors of being wanted as that only proves to me that aspect where others are immature in all such factors and personally unwanted to me for such aspects of what is not fun for me personally and not comfortable for me personally and nothing of what my personal considerations are as respectful to my work as to the if factors of the reasons I have officially stopped my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such if factors as to such unwanted factors referencing such if situations of immaturity officially as to the lack of all respect officially.
If hypothetically anyone has tried saying they did not feel the presence of the soul of the individual #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArt #MedalofHonorArtwork #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtProjecttrips Medal of Honor recipient as to the physical location of the marker as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to their marker at the location physically though as to such aspe3cts of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces, then the delusional aspects of such factors officially in all such capacities as to each and every individual as to their own lack of connections with the individual Medal of Honor recipient to begin with from the start as to such proof of the lacking of any faith in my work as well as the lacking of faith as to the references thereof to their own as they officially did not respect the work the individual had accomplished to earning such an award to begin with as per such actions and/or inactions as to the words as to such factors.
While in my personal opinion there is a certain level of frustration as to the aspects of getting such as the factors of work in the capacities of such factors, though as to the amounts of as to the lengths of time as to such factors of the differences as to such opinions of mine regarding the aspects of such if factors. Those who have had the luxury of people in their real lives as to such aspects of whether only in person face to face in person as to the difference of in person face to face in person and such of some online factors, as to the differences of levels of real support as to such sensations as to the factors of being wanted as the common sense in my personal opinion though having acknowledged such factors of biases to the factors thereof as the proof of such aspects.
As I have been capable to clarify for myself as to such aspects thereof to the differences referencing such hypothetical situations as to the actual real chance to do so instead of the hypotheticals as to such if situations, as imitation is the insincerest form of flattery in my personal opinion.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the aspe3cts of such factors as to where I only utilized the terminology of scavenger hunt as to when searching for the physical marker of the specific as to the Medal of Honor recipient marker as per city as per state as per location instead of anyone else's false misinterpretations officially in all such capacities as to the if factors as to the fullest disrespect to all of my work in all such capacities, and the proof that such unwanted factors of ever getting me personally to ask me in person face to face in person for such aspects of if as to such discussions in person face to face in person at the location thereof as to the proof of such unwanted factors as to actually asking me personally when having had the hypothetical chance to do so correctly as my considerations of such at the exact timing of such factors as to the proof of such hesitations since then as to the proof of such unwanted aspects because if I was as what I consider as being wanted then at this point in time of 3 February 2023 as what my personal considerations of being wanted as to actually having gotten such correct by now instead of how it should not take a head injury to figure out there is nothing as to such references regarding my work as to ever having gotten such correct as per such factors of actually personally asking me as such factors I have clarified as to not having a staff and not having any factors of what my personal considerations are as to the proof if others consider(ed) themselves as fans of mine as to not ever doing anything as to such if factors referencing such if situations as per the proof thereof officially an thus breaking all 10 Commandments per individual and per situation officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if as to #Amazon employees when I was in Washington state as to the if factors as to anyone having spoken with Amazon and as to if as to anyone having spoken with me from Amazon as to not ever informing me officially first before as to such if factors, as to the proof that as to such if factors as to having had the capacity of asking me in truth as to such if situations as to the proof of where all of my work was not ever appreciated as to the if factors of such situations as to the factors of the lacking humanity as to lacking humanity is the same as lacking civility.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to Black History Month as to any such if factors of what I consider as guessing games as to the proof of breaking 10 Commandments as well as not respecting my personal work as to not respecting me personally as per such factors thereof as to such if factors because it is not my fault if others did not remember me personally introducing myself as my legal first name and my legal middle name in person face to face in person as to the difference of my MODEL name as my model or my modeling name is not the same, and if not asking me to verify first as to such aspects of lying renne faire types as to such hypotheticals as the proof of such differences as to the aspects thereof to the 10 Commandments as to the areas throughout all of Texas during the years of 2010 through 2013 as well as any such if factors as to any other areas officially as to the aspects of unless those individuals thought so highly of themselves as to thinking they deserved as to being informed in some military industrial complex as to such factors thereof as to such if factors then hypothetically as per the proof thereof as to such unwanted factors as to ever as such factors in person face to face in person in real life if such if factors where such officially would be those individuals faults instead of mine and those individuals would officially be guilty of such needless games.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the metaphors as to Black History and Black History month as to any and all such metaphors throughout my journal blog updates from the years of 2019 through now on the 3rd day of the month of February in the year of 2023 as to such in my opinion immature factors as it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of my book series "The Children's Book Series" as to only in reference to biological minor aged children officially, as my conditions officially as the proof of such immaturity of any such if factors otherwise as per the time of 3 February 2023.
It should not take a head injury to figure out biological adults as to such if factors as to "The Children's Book Series" as to the aspects of those such as my biological father as to having went through the foster care system and orphanages though as the proof thereof to such child age aspects to such if factors for those times, instead of ever wanting such for myself as a biological adult as to the proof thereof if as to such if factors as the considerations of immaturity as to all such if factors as to the references thereof officially in my opinion as the publication date as to the aspects of the original publication date for such aspects of the biological age per such aspects of at the exact timeframe of for such references officially to the timeframe as to such if factors regarding the situations.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as the aspects thereof to Black History Month as to the aspects as well as to the 1960s and the 1970s as the proof thereof to the aspects of situations as proof referencing such if factors as the aspects thereof to such lacking of humanity because humanity is civility, as to such aspects of myself and the proof thereof to such if factors as to those types of those who would continuously prove to being wannabes lying renne faire types the would need to be stopped as per such needed #GameStop game stopping factors that have only proven to me as my personal considerations instead of ever proving to me as being wanted as my personal considerations of being wanted.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the only aspects as to figure out if as to my biological son and/or my biological daughter instead of me then as to where each and every individual only has proven as to such factors where the aspects of my children's biological father's mistreatments throughout the timeframes as to what I personally dealt with as the years of 2000 through 2007 as to such factors as the proof as to such unwanted aspects because it should not take a head injury to figure out I did not ever want nor have I ever needed to have such factors in any capacity ever repeated as per such factors, unless all such individuals only wanted and only needed to prove to me as to how unwanted I have always been in each and every capacity fully 100% in all such factors and in all such ways as to those times instead of ever doing anything at all as to my personal considerations of my personal considerations officially. When taking in considerations of grades in school as to the references of when I went though Confirmation Classes and/or SCUBA Diving classes and/or the Dominant Mentor Program classes and electives as to my childhood grades for the references for such if factors hypothetically, if there have ever been such types as to those factors needing such clarifications as to such aspects of the educational bakcgrounds as well as experiences to back up such factors regarding such if situations.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such if factors as to Black History and Black History Month this month of February of the year of 2023 on the 3rd day of February in the year of 2023 as to the lacking of any such progress in human beings as to such factors thereof to the proof thereof in any such hypothetical if factors officially as to my considerations officially instead of what my personal actions as well as my words per such exact situations as per going directly to as per such attempts in truth as well as the4 direct attempts as to such discussions as the direct attempts as to such factors thereof, instead of such aspects where that has only proven otherwise of such aspects for me personally as to those types of if as to such hypotheticals as to the proof again as to Black History Month as to the aspects of what my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw discussed with me as to what they personally had dealt with as to all such situations as to their timeframes as to the situations I personally have dealt with as to the differences thereof as to the situations though to the aspects of the attempts as to the proof as to such of their own families as to their lighter skin as well as to their own associations as to such lighter skin as to such factors of such situations as per their attempts as to getting things taken care of correctly immediately on the first attempt or the second attempt or the third attempt because after the aspects thereof as I had said back then as when they went to discuss further aspects as to the obvious third time being where such aspects of such unwanted factors because the saying of if wanting bad enough as to there not being anything worthwhile as to the proof of humanity and the proof of civility when such lengths and such distances as to in truth in honesty to such factors thereof as the proof of such unwanted games as to the proof of such unwanted factors of others to such if situations as the proof as to the Tuskeegee Airmen as per my Grandpawpaw as to such factors thereof; though I suppose to such if factors thereof being known before as to such if factors as to the differences as to what I personally have dealt with as to some uncles as to the Buffalo Soldiers for another reference as per such aspects of the considerations as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to those types of those individuals as to such if factors as the situations thereof to such aspects throughout such points of the times.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in reference of my modeling as the proof thereof as to the 1940s and the 1950s as to the aspects thereof to being hired as per the in person face to face in person aspects instead of such amounts of attempts as to the discussions as per such if factors as to anyone throughout the years of 2010 through 2013 as to the aspects of having been capable to ask me personally, as it should not take a head injury to figure out my biological parents as to such failures in all such capacities as to those years as to their choices as per when I was a child and when I was a teenager as per such if factors of riding coattails that were not theirs to ever ride officially as to ride coattails correctly is in such different capacities than as to what others outside of New Jersey might think from/of themselves.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects of the proverbial reference to the #Cinderalla Cinderella aspects as to the situations as the aspects of what I have dealt with as to such if factors, as the references thereof to the proof in all such timeframes before this day of 3 February 2023.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such if factors of my son biologically and my daughter biologically as to the aspects thereof to their hair as to the difference of my hair as to the aspects of their skin as to the difference of my skin as to the proof officially as to the aspects of metaphors as to Black History Month officially, as per the proof thereof as per such prior journal blogs of mine throughout all of them as to the aspects thereof officially as per such to this day of 3 February 2023 as to such if factors as to such Black History Month references as per each and every individual time as to such lacking from them to ever respecting me ever as to the amounts of times as to the amounts of situations as to each and every capacity thereof throughout each and every time as to whenever such officially began as there has not ever been in any capacity where such if factors before the year of 2009 as especially each and every time thereafter as to ever being proven to respecting me as their biological Mother as their biological Mom ever.
There is a difference as to the review timeframe as to the years of 2019 through 2022 as the if there was ever anything intellectually correct about any biologicals of either side of my children's biologicals officially proven as to if they needed such reminders as to what a review of such timeframes as to the aspects of reviewing such logistically as to the timeframes thereof with the amount of situations in between as the proof of their original intentions from the starting points thereof to the differences of my word hypothetical as the difference of my word proverbial as the difference of my word metaphor as the difference of my word figurative as to the difference of my word figuratively as per such factors as proof of needless bueaurocracy as to such needless and unwanted games as per such if factors of the proof thereof to a review of the timeframes as to the additional situations in between as to the aspects thereof to such if factors as the proof of their original intentions to the differences of the proof of my original intentions as per the facts it should not take a head injury to figure out the differences of the timeframes as well as the actions as well as the words throughout such lengths of times, as well as the inactions as to the proof of each one of their original intentions from the starting points thereof to the differences of myself officially in all such capacities thereof in each situation in each timeframe as to each day thereof to each amount of time as the proof of such aspects officially per individual as to per situation they encountered officially as well as anything I personally needlessly dealt with as per the 30 year memorial of the February 1993 attacks on New York City as to the amounts of individuals who were in New Jersey who commuted to the area of New York City.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if as to anyone having had clarifications that assisted as to the aspects of clarifications as to the aspects of the northeast factors as to the differences of what I personally consider as appreciation would require actually asking me correctly in truth as to doing so correctly to ever actually getting such correct as why would it take a head injury to figure out such if factor as to the hypocritical aspects that officially would be as to any such interpretations as to such if factors otherwise, as what as to Black History month would such prove as to the if factors?
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the difference of the meaning of the translation of the word commute as to travel as to the difference of the word communication, as I did not think such individuals as to having such low levels of educational backgrounds until this day of 3 February 2023 as to such if factors officially per individual throughout such factors where such looking up in a dictionary for the definition thereof or going to for the capacity of researching for themselves as to the proof of such definitions though the proof of Black History aspects.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out just because I liked some African Americans as to the music of the timeframe of the 1990s as per Old Tennent Presbyterian Church youth groupers as per their racism and their bigotry as per such levels thereof as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if they knew what the individuals looked as while I personally did not know what the individuals looked as per such proof as to their sexism as to the proof of their bigotry as to the proof of their racism officially as per the if factors as to the years in the 1990s as to such if factors, and any such proof since then as to the aspects thereof officially in the state of New Jersey wherever they came from to begin with from those timeframes of differences.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if anyone I once knew in person face to face in person in real life had ever sent anyone with specific code words as to themselves though such specific code words to themselves and not the specific words as to my knowledge thereof to such translations of such hypothetical code words, then as to the proof of such feminazi sexist factors as to the proof of such lacking humanity as to civility as to the if situations thereof officially per such aspect and thus as to all such if situations of any complaints would then officially be directed directly back to those who would have done so without ever getting my personal permissions first as to their unwanted needless renne faire lying factors officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out how immature that would be and is considered officially as to the hypotheticals as to such if factors, as well as the ADA aspects to the proof additionally of such breaking thereof as well as the breaking of the 10 Commandments to ever put those types above as to such if factors officially if as to such hypotheticals.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of what my personal considerations of support as to the aspects of both the references of the 10 year and the 20 year of the memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as to such additional factors of the timeframe of the 10 year and the 20 year memorials of February 1993 in the World Trade Center Plaza as why would I ever personally believe as to actual support as my personal considerations are, as iot should not take a head injury to figure out if others have had real people in person face to face in person for such support as the hypothetical aspects as then as to such factors of such failures as to humanity as to the failures of civility as to each and every individual as to each and every time per such factor thereof officially as the timeframe now of getting closer to the 30 year memorial of the February 1993 after the 20 year memorial of the 11 September 2001 as to such failures of each and every individual I have ever known in person face to face in person as well as those who knew of me online as per such factors thereof as to where that is not what I personally would ever consider as support to all of those situations as the aspects of where those types of where if they are miserable then as to how I personally did not consent to such factors to myself as to such if situations as to the additional proof as to such lacking of humanity as to the lacking of civility around the United States of America as well as the world of such if factors in any and all such capacities thereof hypothetically as those would not ever be capable to consider themselves fans of mine as to any such if factors as to such hypotheticals officially as it should not take a head injury to figure out only if I am happy as only if I am personally comfortable would I ever consider as to ever actually having real fans anywhere at all.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that is not in any if factors of hypotheticals of actually ever getting me to personally believe I have fans or am wanted as per my personal considerations officially, as the common sense of having real fans would translate to what I personally consider for myself as being happy and with those whom can actually do so for me personally as there is nothing as to such if factors of ever giving me the belief or the sensation of ever being wanted as per my personal considerations of being wanted as their interpretations of such are not as to my personal considerations necessarily officially and the proof of such lacking of appreciation of me as well as of such lacking of appreciation of my work at all.
It should not take a head injury to figure out such if factors thereof to anything less than what I personally consider as comfort with whom I consider as comfortable for me personally as to there not being any capacity for anyone to consider themselves appreciative of me and/or of my work, as it should not take a head injury to figure out anything that would put me in a bad mood and/or anything that would cause me any additional stress and/or anything that I would find as not being respectful as per my personal considerations of respect as to the seven deadly sins as well as to such breaking of all 10 Commandments as to such if factors instead of such aspects of what would be as my personal considerations now as per the timeframe of 3 February 2023 as to such if factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if I personally am attracted to the specific individual and as to the specific individual being attracted to me and we have a relationship that works out only fans of mine and only fans of my work would officially need that for me personally, as it should not take a head injury to figure out to be a fan of someone and being a fan of their work requires them to actually being comfortable instead of anything less than as to such if factors of being a fan as to such factors thereof officially as what others think of others' physical appearances as to such if factors of those individuals themselves as well as to their aspects as to such reverse situations as to the proof of such if situations as to their racism as to their bigotry as to their sexism as to the if situations of others having been happy with me as to their connections thereof to such if factors ever having been involved as to any such needless problems as to the proof as to their lacking of their associated factors of being happy as to such aspects thereof to their choices and my choices of such free will instead of such review aspects as to the timeframes thereof as to such needless drama as to the proof thereof to the lacking of intellectual capacities of them as to such if factors regarding those types as to such hypothetical assumptions as to where I was born and raised as to such if factors as to the bigotry as to any and all such if factors as per the proof thereof to such individuals officially of their own as well as of my own as to only those who would actually need such happiness as to such individuals as to the aspects of our personal relationship factors would have just let such naturally be instead of interjecting themselves unwantedly to what factors of would only prove such seism as to proving such bigotr4y as to proving such aspects of as to those lying renne faire types officially as to stirring up needless drama from the start on their ides instead of ever taking in consideration what is actually best for ourselves as to such if factors as to the proof of such unwanted involvement to the personal relationships as it should not take a head injury to figure out if friendships are more important to others' opinions than their individual personal dating relationships than as to that not taking a head injury to figure out those are not friends to begin with as the aspects of such hypotheticals as to the biological factors of such biological factors as per the proof thereof officially instead of teaching civility officially and if there is not civility there is not humanity and if there is not humanity there is not progression in the correct capacities as to all such factors as to there cannot be progression in picking and choosing such aspects when the whole factors are as the whole factors officially especially in this era as especially in this timeframe of 2023 in the month of February in the year of 2023 on the 3rd day of February.
Unlike how others have been I personally have not needed to repeat myself as to my work as per such words as to the facts of where such would not ever be tgo what I would ever consider as being wanted as to how such would only prove to me such wannabe as to the unwanted factors as to the capacities where such aspects of just going and not being too lazy to just go read the previously written words, as there is nothing about such aspects of where I would ever believe of myself being wanted as to my considerations of as to those types of immature factors as to ever regarding such aspects ever. It should not take a head injury to figure that out as to such if situations, as there is nothing about such as to ever being considered as wanted in my personal opinion as to the aspects thereof to such attention seeking ho types instead of what I would ever consider for myself as to being wanted as I am capable to comprehend what I personally consider to such factors and when I have clarified as to hating brats as to that officially being the ways of not ever proving to me of ever being wanted ever as to such unwanted bratty behaviouyr as to ever having to repeat myself when there is not my personal need to ever repeat myself as to such if factors hypothetically as the aspects of those immature types as to such unwanted factors of such as I personally have not ever had the sensation of repeating myself as ever being considered as wanted to the how it should not take a head injury to figure that out as that is not progression forwards as that is the opposite of progression forwards to ever have to do so as much as I have not personally needed to do so for me or anyone else that would ever consider themselves a fan of mine as only those who would not ever have respected me or respected my work would ever have such wannabe factors instead of progression forward as to what is for my best interests as well as others' best interests in the longest terms.
It should not take a head injury to figure out such aspects thereof to the aspects of such if factors as to the reference of what my personal considerations of for me personally as such factors as my comprehension of myself, then as to the if factors of going and reading my prior work as instead of such rewriting the aspects of instead of going and writing as well as doing what would actually be to making me happy personally though as to the proof of such aspects of if factors as to Black History month as to the aspects of this day of the 3rd of February in the year of 2023 as to such lack of progression because of such hypothetical types as to the proof thereof to such rerasons to having fought for such Civil Liberties.
Hypothetically as per such factors of Black Files as to my #Fetlife Fetlife group from my original account for Head Injury/TBI survivors as to the proof of such if factors as to those types as to such metaphors in the references thereof of such hypotheticals as to the references and regards thereof such #BlackFiles Black Files as to such if factors as to those types in such hypotheticals in reference to those who returned from Vietnam as to the aspects of if factors as to what was not allowed to #FOIA FOIA requests as to such if factors as to those pop culture Hollywood #popculture #Hollywood types as to the references thereof the civilian sector as to such aspects of the factors thereof to such hypotheticals; as it should not take a head injury to figure out when the specific elected official is the only individual with the specific clearance and those staff members as to not having the clearance as to such prior to a meeting as to the proof of such aspects of getting such factors correctly taken care of instead of such hypotheticals referencing such if situations regarding such aspects hypothetically as such entourage situations because if the entourage causes needless problems then as to such if factors as then as to such fans aspects of such if factors as to the knowledge thereof to such if factors of the self-appointed factors as the differences of picking and choosing of one's own free will.
It should not take a head injury to figure out such if factors to the metaphors as per the usage of my word for such references and regards as to the word hypothetical as to the word figureative as to the aspects thereof to the words hypothetical as to such references, such as to the metaphors as to Black History Month instead of actually doing what would be as to the actual factors of what a fan of mine would do as to the aspects of such if factors regarding such situations as the differences of such factors as what it is for me personally as to the aspects of my enjoyment as to the aspects of if factors as to my work being respected as my personal considerations of respect as my personal consideratiobns of my enjoyment as instead of interpretations of such misinterpretations as to such if factors hypothetically on this day of 3 February 2023 as the comprehension I have as what a fan would do because of what I already dealt with from experiences from my childhood as to such aspects of hypotheticals as the proof thereof to such differences as my personal considerations as the facts of what my personal considerations of are as the reality of wannabes as to the aspects thereof to such coattail riding as the aspects of differences to what my personal considerations of being a fan of mine personally is as per such factors of the word metaphor to such translations as to the figurative as to Black History Month as per the situations my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw discussed at different times as per the factors thereof as to when they fought for such Civil Liberties as there should not be such levels if as to actual appreciation in truth as to such levels thereof officially as per such references to the translations as per my journal blog today 3 February 2023 as this is not anything I personally have enjoyed and if I am not enjoying as to such then as to the aspects of the lack of fans of mine as to my work otherwise if I actually have fans and I actually have fans of my work as to the differences of such aspects referencing such situations.
Thus while others' failures as to my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as per the work of my SCUBA Diving GEAR as the SCUBA Diving gear is not the same as to such on land far above sea level as to such factors officially, as the common sense as to others' types of SCUBA Diving as to the differences of my type of SCUBA Diving work. Those who have had the luxury of that type of lazy recreational civilian SCUBA Diving, lucky you.
I personally did not have such luxury as per my personal workas to my style of ?SCUBA Diving as per having grown up going to the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters, as it should not take a head injury to figure out while those civilian recreational SCUBA Diving Instructors may have had their opinions as to the differences of my personal work as to my personal style as per my personal factors thereof as to such if factors as to the similarities of if factors to the metaphors both as Black History Month and/or Vietnam as well as such if factors as to the upcoming 30 year memorial of February 1993 as well as the 20 year memorial 2 years ago of 11 September 2001.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the difference of actual support referencing the situations as my personal; considerations thereof because if as to such others having had people in their real lives as to such timeframes thereof, then how hypocritical as to such if factors as to my survival in truth as to such factors thereof to what those types of those individuals as to such factors thereof as why would it take a head injury to figure out being civil and having humanity as the reality of if factors of assisting me to sue each and every individual and/or group as to such if factors regarding the combined factors would be fantastic for me as to actually accomplishing such as my attempts to actually get the facts for such situations together for such factors thereof referencing such if situations of my personal accuracy as to the factors of my personal needs for me personally such as the facts thereof officially as to the differences of what I have dealt with as I have comprehended what I have actually needed for myself as I have comprehended what I want for myself since I have comprehended what I have personally preferred for myself since I have comprehended whom I have preferred for myself though since to having comprehended time as to the exact point in time being of importance obviously.
