As per within the month of September during the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 and going through such details and information thereof, I decided to go out to an area which I knew specific details of as I do for my childhood and my teenager years within the northeast areas as per being born and raised in #NJ #NewJersey #newJerseystate #NJstate New Jersey and going to the tristate areas in different locations which includes #NYC #NewYorkCity New York City’s five boroughs and the state of #NY #NewYorkstate #NYstate New York as well as #Pittsburg Pittsburgh and #Philadelphia Philadelphia and other areas of Pennsylvania. One group of people who can only be dressed as though their demeanor cannot be imitated ever, are the Amish and the Mennonites because of certain specifics as to who they are specifically. While I have seen before people who wished to dress in the clothing and would be considered as acceptable enough to some, to me that is the least accepted and the most unacceptable set of aspects as to the reality of who they are as individuals and groups thereof to which their particular faith is something which cannot be imitated or pretended to be as their genuinity is something which cannot be forced onto another to try to make others who actually have been out in the area growing up with to see any differently because of who the Amish and the Mennonites actually are as themselves. While there ae those who can put some clothing on, it does not ever make those people who an actual Amish or actual Mennonite community member is within themselves; as while some once could have been Amish or Mennonite, there is a change which occurs once they have been exposed to a certain number of non-Amish or non-Mennonite individuals which is noticeable to someone who is accustomed to the specifics of the energetic aspects.
In my opinion it is a sad situation to have seen quite a few aspects as to what has occurred in regards as to Kitchen Kettle, as I remember the individuals who I once had spent many hours with at such times at random from the years of 1987 into 1996 or 1997 several times each year during those years as a minimum of 2 to 5 times per year depending how things were when I was growing up in New Jersey; of which while it was nice to see the clothing on some people or the hair styles thereof, the actualities of certain attributes cannot be replicated as to the personality traits of the individuals themselves. The genuine and true Amish and Mennonites I have been accustomed to and would not change as per a physical situation physical view, is something of which while others might think can be acted when in person; that is incapable to occur because of the energetic frequencies of such individuals’ auric portions among other reasons, if you have the ability to see such and know such in honesty. Those who are not accustomed to or are not from the area, cannot ever make it to be where they can imitate such aspects thereof in person to me or others who are accustomed to the specifics of the smaller and more minute portions as the clothing means little in such aspects. However since I have told as well as wrote about Kitchen Kettle as well as the area as others have been allowed to know of my past, the aspects as to the pretending I had seen in few situations are as exactly as such.
Those who had pretended, of which there are problems in my opinion for such. However, I also believe in morals and ethics as well as being truthful and honest at all times. In my opinion if you are going to pretend in comparison to actually being, there should be notifications for those who are not accustomed to such for their ability to be informed of the truth in such comparisons as to the ways of which I had not known about #Excalibur #SherwoodFaire Excalibur Faire changed name to Sherwood Faire in #Bastrop #BastropCounty #BastropTX #BastropTexas Bastrop County #Smithville #SmithvilleTX #SmithvilleTexas Smithville Texas being considered as pretending in comparison to being told to get the clothing, and simply be myself. Whether or not other individuals had ever been exposed to such in reference to those people I once knew in the state of Texas would only be accustomed to people pretending when in such references to the Excalibur Faire as I learned referencing certain types of individuals within that state as to the way certain situations such as Excalibur among other such situations had been learned of and found out for their lies and their pretending, of which while I admit my biases because of the facts of my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; of which there should be a warning to those types of people being such in the area, that way others who are actually genuine and who they truly are whether or not they have had a head injury to be able to be aware of such types of individuals nearby to not have to interact with such if there is the choice to make of such aspects. Personally I think if there are records as to such levels of connections as well as records of such prentending, those who do not participate willingly should be able to have the choice of being made aware of such aspects as to what would be considered as to the opinions thereof for such choices of childish behaviour among which personally I do not have the patience nor care nor concern for such types of individuals within the world. There are far too many important aspects to pay attention to with greater detail, than seeing whether or not there are a large number of fakers within the areas thereof.
In a different aspect as to those in reference to movies, television, streaming shows, and etcetera of those who would wish to pretend to be individuals who actually accomplished the works of which in reference to #endstolenvalor ending stolen valor; if in regards as to the facts within some portions of the information regarding various military/law enforcement/fire department/medical aspects as to which #hollywood Hollywood has been known to pretend, should be made aware for those who are not informed of such aspects to be able to learn though also know who is being real in comparison to who is just telling a story about what others had actually done. While there are the aspects as to the #YouTube YouTube channel #VigilanceElite Vigilance Elite having discussed certain portions of various aspects as to the situations more well known as well as some not as well known, the realities of which whether individuals are actors or are the genuine individuals is of importance in a multitude of ways. The same in regards as to my SCUBA Diving in reference to such being recognized only to and only for myself, as there is not one person who would ever be accepted to tell anything otherwise of such portions in truth about my SCUBA Diving whether or not certain types of human beings wish to think otherwise as ever being considered good enough or exceptional enough. Unlike on land, the ocean and the Laws of the Ocean do not view good enough or exceptional enough as anything other than just a lie.
Thus those types of people who would or could wish such a hypothetical cover up would be incorrect, as to the ways the Laws of the Ocean would respond to all such trying as to that sort of hypothetical and would cause damages to the earth and the oceanic waters thereof whether or not filtered to fresh waters simply because there actually are ethics as well as morals in conjunction with mandatory truth aspects which cannot be pretended among any such types of people in the world for such realities. I have known of such for over a decade, though I also did not think it took a head injury to figure out with the amount of work that goes into being a lifeguard at the beach as to the requirements in SCUBA Diving as to the actual works thereof for such training aspects. It is quite pathetic to think of how some might have wished for such, though the ones of the ocean look far worse upon such types of individuals who would ever think such would or could ever be considered as anything other than purely repulsive as to their existence upon the lands of the earth. That cannot be pretended nor faked, no matter who wishes of any such aspects and such hopes are too late to begin wishing for the otherwise thereof.
If there are those who wish to take such credit from me, then why have they not been willing to drop down again to such a claim? Why would any wish it would take such lengths of time for the work to the creation I made in reference to the Underwater Travel System, beyond just the legal paperwork and the development phases thereof in such hypotheticals? If it were as easy as some individuals wished it to be, then where are the numbers of people who have ever successfully accomplished what I had accomplished on my own? Those who would hypothetically wish the beings of the ocean would ever be impressed, would be true as there would be an impression made in such regards. Though definitely not the impression those people hypothetically would wish to make if they had known of such beings within the oceanic waters, being capable as they are to do as they would want at any such time they felt as the need and/or requirement to do so to any and all individuals throughout all of the lands of the earth for such wishes; to ever have anyone other than myself discuss such in any public setting in full truth, as only I can speak about such in truth to which would not cause the problems which such voices would case the problems of as per the energetic portions of frequencies within their voices though also their own individual energetic frequencies as per the comparison to the genuine Amish and the genuine Mennonite individuals who remain as themselves in comparison to actors or people dressing up in the clothing to pretend.
With the development of technology to be able to assist in #factchecking fact checking and #electionintegrity election integrity for the varied aspects thereof, so too can be reviewed in regards as to the ways of the oceanic waters though they do not need technology to verify the one and only who had accomplished such portions. The weather responses are only one aspect as to their dis-please-ment of others’ choices as while rain is important, I cannot recall any year I grew up in the east-coast areas which the rain had been to the point of the blinding portions of the waters for some drivers upon the roadways which the rain can always wash away the various roads and erode the paths to wash them completely out as per the oceanic beings knowing how such portions would not be weather proof from the ocean weathering in such comparisons to just on land weather. In such situations referencing within areas without nearby ocean coastlines though could have a coast, would be heavy amounts of erosion without warning as even with a prior review as to the validity of the work would be uprooted and completely destroyed as to such aspects.
For example within the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin areas where the water mainline pipes have broken despite the newer lines which had been put in before the upgrading referencing the technology lines hypothetically in the area; you can review news reports as to the water lines breaking in the downtown Austin area college campus, as well as the water pipeline bursts as to the apartment complex I once was living in before finally getting my transfer out of the area to permanently stay out of the area unless I personally want to be there. The situations as to any such lies about my SCUBA Diving usually start out from what I have seen as electrical problems, which there is a difference in output of the electrical outlets and power company locations. Once it gets to a certain level of lies from what I have seen, then the water lines begin to have issues as per the example when I was in #Vancouver #VancouverWA #VancouverWashington #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Vancouver Washington as the final warning is the weather changes, before the massive erosions and earthquakes that naturally follow as well as the flooding from natural waters in such additional portions. Conversely the freezing of water lines as to the weather being much colder than normal and would crack such water lines for miles of worth of damages in comparison to what would not occur if the truth was told in such comparisons by any/all such individuals and groups connected to such individuals to correctly discuss such portions in which the full acknowledgement that they had not ever been able to be allowed to discuss such on my behalf though they could give their opinions, as well as they did not have my permission to discuss my personal works ever despite my books as they could not ever discuss the details of what occurred when I was in the water beyond what allowed to see if they paid attention.
The fact of which my SCUBA Diving Instructors for my SCUBA Diving courses and classwork for my SCUBA Diving certifications could only pay attention to what was in front of where the clear portions of their mask allowed them to see in comparison to the ways which SCUBA Diving masks are similar to horse blinders as to the coloration blocking out the peripheral views, means not one SCUBA Diving Instructor nor SCUBA Diver would ever be able to discuss my personal work during such times as they would have to know what to look for to begin with. That has not ever been written about nor discussed, which in turn even if it were to have been would not be enough to not infuriate the beings within the oceanic waters of whichever types thereof. For an example recently there was a #History History channel video which discussed certain SCUBA Diving problems in a lake area within #Ihado #ID #IDstate #Idahostate of which there has been a choking and drowning sensation when getting to a certain area, of which some could sarcastically joke as to the facts of such portions regarding any such knowledge to any such denials in reference to my SCUBA Diving and the ways of which would be done in regards of such aspects in higher energetic frequency areas to which the religious actions of the past have remained to protect in other such regards in the spiritual portions thereof permanently to ensure the truth would occur to break all chains of which some might have wished would be accepted by such beings of the oceanic waters though would fully show rejection as to each trying from such individuals and groups thereof in all such ways.
In the same as to how people with specific training are the only ones who can speak of such training as to the details and facts thereof to the same in reference to experiences of the minor or smaller known aspects thereof, people who have actually accomplished the work if in an emergency situation do not want nor do they need a pretender for such details as the real individual with the actual experiences would be mandatory if there ever was a hypothetical emergency to any such aspects of which the reality would fully be required in all such regards and all such ways thereof. While some have wished to know more details and allowed their imaginations to run in comparison to allowing their imaginations to think, and then maintain themselves to be able to distinguish the truth from their imaginations; the facts as to what emergencies can hypothetically be in reality in many aspects thereof, would in turn mean only the individuals and groups thereof would ever be allowed to do the work to begin with in such situations anyway. In my opinion anyone who would wish to fake such details would needlessly cause problems if there ever was a hypothetical emergency to whichever aspects thereof though for the reference to the Armed Forces of the United States of America a part of the Department of Defense would be the ones who would only be capable of doing the required work in such aspects.
However the situations of others pretending and wishing to be more important than they actually are, would only cause furthered problems for the general public wellbeing and safety thereof as to the realities regarding if there was an emergency to which the military with specific specialized training would be the only ones who would be capable of doing the work. For example, you would send an actual technician with explosive training to disarm a potential explosive and you would not send an individual who worked in #JAG JAG to work on such portions of the device(s) found. It would be ignorant and arrogant to ever think just anyone would be able to do such work and thus in turn, the same in reference to my SCUBA Diving works as being the one and only who would ever be able to and ever be allowed to discuss my works thereof. While there would be those who knew me who would be allowed to speak of what they knew of me, there are none who would ever be allowed to discuss my work as that is not covered in the Constitutional Rights within the Freedom of Expression because there are legal penalties for when caught lying in such regards as well as penalties in reference to knowingly filing false law enforcement reports against another; especially with evidence and proof thereof, to bring such portions in full merging together for the realities thereof to be completely known as to such involvements thereof. Where at one point it once would take weeks or months or years for such information, the availability for all such clarifications much quicker and sooner has been of extreme importance for all such clarifications in all such ways and regards thereof for the genuine safety and well being of people and the lands of the earth to such portions.
When looking to such aspects as to the ways of what I had explained as well as later put into writing in reference to the laptop situation in #SanAntonio #SATX #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA my house backyard in San Antonio as to the fire from when I was energetically working to heal those who use technology as well as technology itself to the comparison of which my SCUBA Diving portions and both having the word current among other aspects aligned, what can people with a decent intellectual level of ability to comprehend from the knowledge of such understanding be able to recognize and see in such references across the United States of America for such hypothetical connections within the weather as well as the lands thereof to the responses from the oceanic beings as well as technological portions in such hypotheticals?
I would guesstimate some would wish to think such a coinky dink in regards of the areas within #CA #California #Californiastate California and #OR #Oregon #Oregonstate Oregon and Washington state as to the areas where there are higher amounts of technology lines which have been laid down to extend into other areas of states within the nation of the United States of America, to such situations in the multitude of ways. However such are not coincidences in the ways of which can truthfully be denied as to the facts of the larger numbers thereof as well as the higher frequency rates with each passing year from the time beginning in latter year of 2009 into the current year, for such levels of which the growth in acreage and numbers of fires being able to be noticed in such comparative demographics of the polling works. Similarly to the other portions, of which when I had returned to the state of Texas in the year of 2019; as to the weather, the water lines, and the winter storm with snow in the year of 2020-2021 as per after returning from the east coast in reference to the Bethlehem Star alignment after the 2017 solar eclipse for such coinky dink aspects as to larger combinations of connections from the time of August 2009 onward as to how such situations have been. Again those who may have been my SCUBA Diving Instructors have had the allowance to speak about what they had taught from a book manual just as during the time of when being in the water after such class coursework for my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, though that is it. Those individuals are not allowed to speak of my official work because they cannot explain the realities of correctly to which would be considered as validated by the oceanic beings in full truth as to what would be considered as accepted or acceptable, and the same especially to those who were not involved specifically with SCUBA Diving itself and only were on land as to the aspects of which I have already brought forward such facts about my biological connections.
In such ironic aspects as to my biological sister having been born with a 6 in the year of her birth, to the fact of which when she graduate high school to go to college both would be a number of 6 for the total aspects of regarding both in the year she graduated high school in 2004 or the number 6, as well as her beginning college in the year of 2004 or the number 6. Just with such coincidences as to her specific aspects would be the complete mark of the beast in reference to being the antichrist herself though the other combined situations as per the truth of how she had been over the years is able to be found in the multitude of however she had chosen to be on her own free will. Thus my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller (last known name as of the year in 2012) would be the combined numbers, of 666 for both of those females.
In the additional references to my biological mother being born in the year of 1950 or the number 6, her choice to send my biological sister to the state of Texas to leave on 6 June 2003 to make the trip; then you can see the 666 in reference to my biological mother Anna Louise (Lally)(Hom) as the last known name in the year of 2012 as Anna Louise Hom, regarding the same numerical potions. One can see in reference to the additional two sixes in such references, to the aspects as to the year of my biological sister’s high school graduation year and beginning of college year for such aspects, as well as within the household numbers themselves if there is an aspect to look at the year portion of having the number of 6 and/or the addition to equal the number of 6; which if there are two number 6s in the household number of which they had been living within in the state of Texas after the moved from #IL #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois, then there are a total of the same yet different correlation to the mark of the beast for both of them as to the 666. Their choices as to their actions, in-actions, and words would be able to additionally prove such portions as to whether they individually or combined; as to such choices which could be viewed as female versions of Pontius Pilot as to the two P letters or other religious symbols combined as to certain other religious symbolism, as well as the aspects of there are 2 balls in one penis when a biological genetic born male is born for such aspects as to the reviewal of such hypothetical aspects in such mark of the beast references to such an antichrist aspect thereof. Though additional to any hypocrisy that either one of them and/or the groups they have chosen to get involved with, as to any such portions wrongly and needlessly against me because of their own inadequacies as to such SCUBA Diving and works to which they commented/made any steps to such problems as to of mine thereof for such hypothetical aspects as per whatever proof would be able to be found.
In ways which the 10 Commandments to the oceanic beings as to the facts of which I have already brought forward about such, there is the difference between the religious and the spiritual. The religious aspects assist with the knowledge for the understanding, where the spiritual simply comprehends in full only to have points of which those who do not comprehend nor understand have to be informed of the knowledge that they are allowed to have as to the situations thereof. While some might be forgiving regarding on land as to human beings, the oceanic beings and the water thereof is not forgiving as some may have seen and/or learned the hard way. For example, what occurred in regards as to my SCUBA Diving gear from the UHAUL situation is as such has gone. Any such problems, injuries, and/or deaths early means those people involved who knowingly had made such choices are the ones who are to deal with those deaths and/or injuries and/or problems in such comparisons; as I had always told the truth, and I had always informed people to get educated correctly. I have not ever said my work in SCUBA Diving was easy for anyone while acknowledging the ease for me, though at such same times I also have gone into the reasons of my backgrounds as to why my SCUBA Diving had been as my SCUBA Diving had been; in whichever levels of, as I had brought up the fact I grew up swimming in the ocean along the coast of the Atlantic areas. Thus any who were not capable to tell the difference between the Atlantic area of the ocean compared to the lower levels as well as less currents within the Gulf of Mexico waters and/or the lakes/rivers/ponds/streams/hot springs/quarries in or out of #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA probably have not been able to tell the difference correctly as to what type of swimming is involved in such comparisons. Though what comparisons could be made in such references regarding such types of individuals as to their swimming and/or snorkeling and/or SCUBA Diving if any, to my SCUBA Diving and my swimming would be for whatever discussions in truth only.
I suppose I can sarcastically make a joke in reference to which year my biological mother and my biological father had discussed for the first time as to going to have a second child regarding my biological sister as to which year, to a book, to an author, of which the ironic portions as to what is and was in the year of 1984 as to when their first discussions had been about having what became my biological sister which took time before the ability to fully go through with the portions of that life to come forward. The levels to which such portions over the decades as to which I had told people I had dealt with my biological sister constantly going after anything and anyone I was involved with in any such ways as per her envy and her jealousy beginning as per the timeframe because of our biological mother disrespecting my Bok Pu, because of the name as well as the day of birth and the lack of an excuse and lack of a cause and lack of a reason as to anything being worthy of being accepted by my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu.
For clarifications, I spent plenty of time with my Bok Pu in comparison to the time spent with my Bok Gung as there were certain situations which despite what I had grown up being around there were situations which my Bok Gung had thought was too much in such regards. How such is viewed regarding having been born and raised in New Jersey and growing up walking around the tristate areas as I had in the 1980s and the 1990s from whatever knowledge there is of such portions, you can think about what my Bok Gung had thought was too much for me to see or be around for such comparisons as to whatever aspects where going on during such times in the comparisons thereof. I would guesstimate as to the surprise of why he CID location situation as to the interrogation in conjunction to the ISR situation during Medical Hold Unit timeframe in the year of 2000, might make a bit more sense in several aspects as to my responses. Then again I suppose the same can be said in reference to what I told my biological sister as to her not getting involved with certain aspects and though her wishes may have been as they have been, the reality of why certain people are more capable has to do with far more than just reading a few words off of several pages at a time.
Nonetheless my reasons as to why I wanted to spend more time with my Bok Gung, are my reasons as to why I wanted to spend more time with my Bok Gung. I had many positive experiences of which learning from my Bok Pu as to the lessons of history as well as other such aspects to connections with my Grandpa Gavett among other portions, especially in comparison to the timeframe spent with in reference to the difference of amount of time between my time with my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as well as my Grandpa Gavett. While some might wish that to be funny or amusing as to such unlike other people, I actually went through the various aspects of certain portions which my Grandpa Gavett had been a part of in comparison to only being told a story as certain individuals have only had the luxury of only hearing about what occurred in comparison to going through different portions. Again as I have brought forward previously, I was a tomboy growing up as a child and teenager. There are massive differences between taking tap/jazz/ballet classes to taking gymnastics/Tae Kwando and being on the track and field teams, just as to the abilities thereof.
While I did take a ballet class which the teacher and I agreed there was not any need for me to continue ballet classes, admittedly it was not only the reasons as to my attitude about the females in my class or the aspects of the dancing in regards as to the going with the music in comparison to how it was wished my dancing to be in line with the directions compared to how the music had felt in comparison. Though now there are classes called interpretation dance, to which such portions I suppose in other aspects can be or could have been noticed in a multitude of ways as to clubs I have been to over the years as well as other situations. A massively huge difference in dance obviously comparatively between the dance teaching instruction which my biological sister needed, in such comparisons to other portions thereof to my style of dancing; of which in ways to review such aspects as to in a public location of one in #IA #Iowa #Iowastate Iowa state in the year of 2018 to what my biological sister would have been taught in comparison if any had seen such regarding if there was video footage taken of such times, that had already been seen in the years prior at various clubs I had been to as well as parties and events over the years both before and after my 3 dance performances between the years of 2009/2010 through 2011 and the 1 dance performance semi-directed as the musical choice only compared to the dance itself.
Personally I do not want or need to compete in dance or SCUBA Diving, as there is not a feeling of requirement for me to do so for myself for such portions as it is not something I personally feel is of a constant importance for myself compared to other aspects to which similarly the lack of a need to compete in such regards as how I simply naturally am and have always been. If a competition was informed to me prior to that is one aspect as to my choice as to whether or not I have chosen to involve myself, otherwise the only person I could say or write I have competed against knowingly would be myself and myself only to such competitions thereof in such ways. However I also had been looking at being a part of the military in a younger age, to which I knew the requirement of actually working together in comparison to competing in such regards as only the competition for one’s personal best works is of the requirements regarding the ways to earn graduating comparatively. My schooling and my graduations thereof can show such competitions within my life for myself as well as how my choices to be were not in competition, though of ways which of education and learning to be able to go forward and progress in better ways as best as possible.
However as I did grow up with foreign exchange students attending the schools I went to and thus those particular aspects as to immersion portions to the metaphor regarding the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving certification courses and my background of the prior times to such of my first SCUBA Diving certification through to the totality of earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications from officially in March 2009 through November 2009 though unofficially from February 2009 through to September 2009, to the aspects of the areas I grew up going to and walking around in referencing to having been born and raised in New Jersey and the tristate areas; the immersions of such are such a specific combination, as to which the aspects of not needing to ever see such as a competition with anyone else as to why such had not ever come across my thoughts until looking to review more recently in and in reference to this journal blog entry posting on my website in The Ornery PSA for such aspects as a reflection only. In the regards as to the facts of if others saw such as a competition, then what information pieces of knowledge were not able to be seen for the genuine understanding as to then what levels of possibilities in regards as to the aspects as to comprehending such information to the practical portions for such uses of such information would be up to the aspects to be seen in the truthful ways thereof. In turn as to having known and spent much time with the Amish and the Mennonites in the late 1980s into the middle 1990s, the aspects of which how much had changed in regards as to Kitchen Kettle was a time for some memories to come forward from the experiences which I had.
For the first time since around the year of 1996 or 1997 I have been able to go out to #Lancaster #LancasterCounty #Intercourse #IntercoursePA #intercoursePennsylvania #LancasterPA #LancasterPennsylvania #Pennsylvania #PA #PAstate #Pennsylvaniastate #PennState Lancaster Pennsylvania to #KitchenKtlle where the location is extremely different to the point where it seems only the dressing up and reenactments are occurring in comparison to the actual #Amish #Mennonite Amish and Mennonite communities are as involved, as they once had been in the areas when I had gone out to the areas as the specific personality traits of the Amish and the Mennonites in the area were not seen in any of the individuals I had met aside from the clothing portions; of which the clothing only does so much in comparison to the actualities, of who the Amish and the Mennonites are from when I had gone to the area which also included #KitchenKettle Kitchen Kettle as that was not the only location I had met and spent time with the Amish and the Mennonite communities of the area and the buildings of the location were not as to the ways of which I personally remember beyond just the exterior aspects as to the layout in comparison to the ways what once was for such a location.
There are two or three buildings missing completely from what I remember as a child and younger teenager, as well as the ways to which the roadways looked in such times. However since the updating in reference as to the modernizing aspects of the times, the situations of which the physical viewpoints I suppose for several areas. For example, there was not a Mennonite Church with the signs as were seen when driving through as none of them needed visual reminders as to the time schedules for church services the ways which others who are accustomed to other aspects require for themselves. The same especially to the Amish proportions, however it has been from the year of 1996/1997 to the current year of 2021 for such differences regarding such locations and people thereof. It is a shame in my opinion as the amount of information only they had about several aspects is left to the few who have such details, as to the ways thereof.
While in the last location I had been in to pick some items up from when there at the Kitchen Kettle location, I had gone to look around before as well as after when in the area; to which I had brought forward one smaller aspect as to which from my memories from my experiences with the actual Amish and Mennonite community individuals, and one of my tattoos is of the timeframe thereof as I had explained for such times. The candle I had discussed and shown some people before writing about the one candle made only for me, as a present for how I had been for several years as to their memory as to how such had been regarding my choices and actions when I had not known anyone was looking at me or paying attention to how I had been. In such times that particular male and his wife had recognized me from multiple visits over the years, as well as how I spoke with the various children and teenagers as well as the adults at the times when in Lancaster County. The candles he made from hand-dipping to the hours and weeks into months for certain individualized pieces was carved easily later after arranging the dipping portions, of which having been allowed into the back area of the workshop to be able to watch as he hand carved my candle for me had been something of a memory which has meant quite a bit more than some might have ever thought about previously. The time with him and his wife while speaking with one of his daughters had been a situation of which several tattoos interconnect, for just that one brief set of hours in the timeframe back in the days of.
In the facts as to the 20 year memorial timeframe of the attacks to the multiple areas along the east coast in reference to the attacks on 11 September 2001, the realities of which the numbers of people I personally lost over the timeframes of in whichever portions thereof to such situations has been a larger number than any I once had known ever cared to think about despite their choice to think about how they had decided to act in various situations thereof. In turn the ways of which by their choices as to the realities especially after the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to where I was born and raised though also the fact of the connection directly to the Army branch of the additional fact of where I grew up in the timeframes of as well as who I knew in Medical Hold Unit in the year of 2000, as just because there had been a larger number of commuters to the New York City areas of New York as well as also the #WTC #WorldTradeCenter World Trade Center; there were a large number of people down through to from the #washingtonDC #DC Washington DC and #Arlington Arlington area of #VA #Virginia #Virginiastate #VAstate Virginia, who had traveled to #OTC #OTPC #OldTennent #oldTennentPresbyterianChurch #OldTennentChurch Old Tennent Presbyterian Church for various specifics as to how heavily the church congregation had been involved with many activities throughout each year. Most knew of the nativity portions, however the history among many other factors as to the monthly and weekly portions of the schedules had been well known from many and by many during the years of the 1980s and the 1990s.
For example with the price of Harvest Home at $10.00 per plate in the 1980s and the 1990s though was an all you could eat style thereof, how many people in colleges nearby would have found out about such during the Thanksgiving timeframe for Harvest Home which would have wanted a more traditional homecooked style meal while they were out in the area and possibly did not return to the state which they had come from for college in the area? How many individuals with aspiring certain types of careers would see such as an opportunity to go over certain specifics, and go through the aspects thereof for such portions as to any such hypotheticals as I had seen back then? How many could have discussed such over those years in the 1980s and the 1990s, as to such portions of which might be considered as of an interest for such times? Thus when I had been a waitress during Harvest Home beginning in the year of 1995, I could not count how many individuals I had met just in the reference to the multitude of the non-congregation members for the reference as to the Amish portions and Mennonite portions of such meetings and timeframes within the Lancaster areas.
Thus in the regards as to it was nice to see the quilt shops nearby in the area, those were not the specific location for the aspect to the larger quilt location which had been on the tour regarding the Willow Valley aspects during the years of the 1980s and the 1990s. For the reference as to the financial aspects to see how much I paid attention to my biological father in regards of planning portions to my first and only family vacation I was able to plan for my son #Letters4James, my daughter #letters4Lidia, and my niece #Letters4Marissa though had been working on plans for other vacations if such situations regarding #McCoy Elementary School of #CFBISD #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #FarmersBranch #FarmersBranchTX #FarmersBranchTexas Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District could have been if such portions had been different including the reference to my and only my SCUBA Diving; the #dolphinexcursion dolphin excursion I had planned for the day portion in the #FLKeys #KeyWestFL #FloridaKeys #FloridaKeysFL #FloridaKeysFloria #KeyWestFlorida #KeyWest area would be the equivalent to the tour portion in a shorter amount of time, than the Lancaster tour for one was around $45 per person in the 1980s and the 1990s and the other was around $80 per person in the year of 2009. Thus in such financial as well as time comparison, you can also see the differences in price as to such points in time for the length of time for one set of experiences.
In turn while it is a memorial and not an anniversary as to the memory of the attacks and the memory of all of those who had been lost due to the attacks on 11 September 2001 and the #IraqWar #AfghanistanWar Iraq and Afghanistan Wars in the state of Texas because of the number of #veterans veterans within the area of Texas, the differences thereof regarding the choices made simply because of the physical exterior and clothing thereof for the reference metaphor as to the portions regarding the internal memories and internal experiences thereof for such regards as to the larger differences to the choices made in regards of my biological sister and biological mother compared to myself. In turn such exact similarities in the portions thereof to the actualities in all such references to my SCUBA Diving, there is only one way for such truths. That one way is through me, as for such details thereof.
However the aspects as to such choices is what already had been warned as to such aspects of what had been long ago prophesied as to the antichrist being next to the one and only, as my biological mother and my biological sister had made the choices they had though their numbers have always been available to see for those who knew where to look for such correspondences. The reminders as to the #Hebrew Hebrew/#Jewish Jewish yahmmica as to the descriptions within various #JudeoChristian Judeo-Christian texts of physical descriptions of the viewpoint as to the #Messianic #Messiah Messianic times and portions thereof, have an additional set of reasons as to portions which were excluded as to what the antichrist would say about the Messiah and such portions thereof while also going over textual portions of such for the coming of the times through the various signs thereof. The representations would prove as such, when the time was or would become accurate and known in truth for such realities; which despite those who had remained as non-believers would be forced to acknowledge the truth, in full aspects thereof though would be willing in other ways. Then when the time came would be the realities to which the aspects of, would bring forward where people would begin to search more for the reality and the truth thereof to which would be undeniable and brought forward in such accomplishments thereof as per the words to speak of such confessions no matter which tongue of language would be.
While such points in time during the year of 2001 at this point of September I would be taking my son home soon, the facts of which the following year in 2002 as to being in labor for the same amount of time as my son’s birth before preparing to deliver my daughter into the world. The infections only came when I was pregnant with my daughter for then to be healed of all such problems during those times, in comparison to though in conjunction to the conversations I had dealt with regarding their biological father and their extended family through the blood relations aspects. I told my ex-in-laws the truth and Grandpa Nichols had told them to be better people as well as warned my biological sister to stay away from, just as the times when I had in both the regards as to my biological connections as well as the realities to my ex-in-laws to many people within the state of Texas. It was each individuals’ choices as to what they decided to believe at such times as well as the choices thereof, however I spoke in truth as I only know how to speak in truth. My SCUBA Diving is in truth as to my accomplishments, as well as the representation aspects of in any such speech/discussions and my three volume book series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as per the name I have been more well known by in a much longer amount of time, than from when I had authored and compiled my books and put together my website.
