During the timeframe from 4 July 2019 through to around 25 July 2021 the individuals within the state of #TX #Texas #Texasstate #TXstate Texas had the ability to bring forward my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving record as to having earned 23 of 26 SCUBA Diving certifications within one state as well as having been the one and only individual SCUBA Diver who had landed at the bottom of the ocean in three different areas, to survive and live onwards past the ten year anniversary in conjunction with several other aspects I have gone over a multitude of times in various ways of the multitude of aspects and my views as to such reflection aspects from the point in time of beginning such reflections of time officially on my website in 2019 though unofficially in review in the year of 2018. In turn, I have had my opinions as to my feelings about such realities as can be seen on my website in my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA #TOPSA The Ornery PSA.
There is only one individual within the state of Texas who had semi-acknowledged such to my face, which would possibly be a surprise to some as it is to me a surprise for a multitude of varying reasons as per various oddities, Nonetheless before meeting with him in a very brief way, I am uncertain as to whether or not he realized who I had been in a different particular aspect. When I had returned to the state of Texas after how I wound up in #WA #Washingtons #Washingtonstate #WAState Washington state, my hairstyle was as the same hair color as well as for the most part the same hairstyle with the exception of the hair above the sides of my head above my ears having been waxed and thus a bit shorter in comparison to how I had later been able to semi-grow out the length of my hair. As my headaches and migraines from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury means I have to deal with a shorter length of hair for my style, while in areas above the Mason-Dixon Line as to the zapping and electrical portions had been painful to have my hair longer as it had been before I wound up in Washington state.
However additionally in the timeframe of my return to the state of Texas, my hairstyle was still what it had been in Washington state. When getting the chance to meet him later at a few #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin area political events for the #GOP #Republican #RepublicanParty #GOPParty Republican events with the #YR #AustinYR #YoungRepublicans Austin Young Republicans, there was one meeting which I was able to speak briefly with him of which I had showed a few pieces of the uncompleted portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project. It had been several months after the #COVID COVID lockdowns had been, which the COVID lockdowns began several months after I had stopped by an office which online had said was an office of his within the area of which a few situations had occurred regarding Excalibur Faire as well as a graduation ceremony to which I had saluted the American Flag years before at the National Guard Headquarters within his district #Congress #USCongress Congressional District in the year of 2007. Ny hairstyle in 2007 was more similar to when I had met him in the year of 2020, though there were not the tattoos within my skin the way they are now in the larger aspects. If the cameras on the #CampMabry Camp Mabry post was able to pick up the smaller tattoos within the palm of my hands as well as on the top portions of my hands and possibly within the back of my neck, I am uncertain as to such. However I have gone over the situation in that particular overall set of details, within different portions of my first two books as well as my website journal blog.
Nonetheless with my hairstyle and my hair-color as it is and having worn a business suit if I recall correctly when going to drop off a handwritten letter in multiple colored ink to slide underneath the doorframe of the Austin area location office address I found online about such details as well as a situation referencing Shawn McCall in which to a situation at #FtHood #FortHood #FtHoodTX #FtHoodTexas #FortHoodTexas #FortFHoodTX Fort Hood Texas and a finger tank shell situation, I also had picked up certain energies of which the aspects as to a possible confusion regarding a situation as to my condolences in such a reference to a situation regarding the aspects as to the energetic situations as to picking up such energetic frequencies while being zapped in such comparisons. In the regards as to who I had thought had been a son in such a reference, I had left the letter as I had after ringing the doorbell to go onward as such times were within the year of 2019 before meeting him in 2020.
By the time of having been able to meet with him as per having been to two meetings before and the third I had the gumption to ask to speak with him briefly as I knew the 2020 election cycle was busy as to the ways of, I was able to meet with #CongressmanMichaelMcCaul Congressman Michael McCaul in an open area office inside of where the meetings had been for the #BeeCave #BeeCaveTX #BeeCaveTexas Bee Cave Texas area in the year of 2020. I had brought forward as written of some of the pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as had briefly discussed my SCUBA Diving of which he had been the first individual who did not argue with me about my SCUBA Diving depths, though also acknowledged in a small way as to some knowledge as to the oceanic portions of which I have created the portions for my idea of the Underwater Travel System of which I had posted pictures about as well as brought forward on that day minimally as to the timing. It was a big deal for me to bring such up as per not being accustomed to speaking about such details with people, as per how situations have been over the years as well as the details of are situations which I have been yelled at over before being laughed at to my face over such portions as to more specifically the #Vandenberg #GeneralHoytSVandenberg USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Dive though I have contacted several over such including having put such minimal details within my first two books and added some details in reference to my SCUBA Diving three volume book series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”.
During such a point when meeting Congressman Michael McCaul with #CongressmanChipRoy Congressman Chip Roy and #SherriffJustinBerry Sherriff Justin Berry and the Young Republican members with such staff additionally, it was admittedly something which I had feared because of having to speak about such and after several situations regarding my Medal of Honor At Project trips as to additionally as I physically look being of other personal aspects of which such a fear of mine to bring forward as per prior situations regarding my physical looks as to being a Republican. In addition to bringing forward a multitude of topics of which are more of a stance regarding the considerations of the separation between church and state yet the facts of which to the portions of the religious markers upon some of the Medal of Honor recipient markers would exclude such portions of discussions due to the facts literally and metaphorically within the stone works thereof. The references to such aspects as to the letter portions which I had slid underneath the doorway in green ink, blue ink, red ink, and black ink as per not having had a printer for a typed portion when taking a group of pages ripped out of a notebook with graph lined paper which was not of a composition style notebook; to which of a way for a signaling regarding my creation of my idea for the Underwater Travels System, when I had stopped by the office before putting more officially the images on my website.
The reference to the mediumship capabilities as to certain aspects of picking up on other energetic frequencies of which I have been accustomed to since before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though has been more predominant in other ways after waking up from my coma after such a time has been more difficult to bring forward details of in discussions after such lengths of and types of situations of which, some have not had the understanding to the levels of such portions over the yeas before or after such a time regarding myself as to the levels thereof. Additionally with other aspects of which the lack of belief over the years and decades has been of larger difficulties over such times, of which have been situations which have had to be overcome in certain regards as to such fears in more recent times to discuss to bring such forward. The combinations of such aspects has been a bit breathtaking at times, of which possibly could be said or written regarding both ways in such references.
However in the reference to the aspects of the handwritten letter as to my condolences in reference to his son in such additional portions regarding as to who I had been concerned as to a situation referencing a female Shawn McCall had brought up at such a time in the year of 2009/2010 named Leslie, of which I had additionally put in the letter for the reference to the note. It would not be a surprise as to other oddities however in such regards as to the meeting of the one time had been in the office aside from what other portions written about during other aspects of, had been much to step forward to request such a moment while it being quite difficult in such regards as to bringing other portions up in reference to the energetic aspects thereof as to the multifaceted portions.
Possibly an oddity when taking into consideration at the point of 4 July 2019 through to around 25 July 2021 of SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors as well as those who have such connections to boas and snorkeling, there was a point of which there had been 751 days of which such aspects to the recognition of my SCUBA Diving which could have been brought forward by others regarding such of my SCUBA Dives within the state of Texas when earning 23 of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications. I admit I had not pulled out my SCUBA Diving certification cards when discussing such with him as to the facts of such time constraints as well as it being much to simply step forward as to the facts which despite how I physically look as well as my modeling, I am actually much more shy than some might have assumed or thought of me to be especially with such combinations of the varieties thereof to the times. However such clarifications it seems may have been required to assist such portions of views thereof, as if I remember I had forgotten to hand a card to him at such a point in time though had been given a card from a female staff member named Emma of which I emailed and called leaving a message without having received a response.
I had emailed the office of Congressman Chip Roy to his staff member Nathaniel with some response, as also having directly sent in the mail several books which admittedly later when looking at in some ways can be seen as reports in a law enforcement or military style sort of way aside from the cover images of which I had taken the pictures during a trip to Florida when at the beach after my Vandenberg SCUBA Dive trip. However as per not having been informed of one way or another as to the time by December 2020, I knew I had given enough time officially and the transfer process I have written about as to such aspects in my website. As to such portions of energetic readings as I have gone over such aspects of which I am uncertain as to if read/known by such individuals and their confirmation of such; before going on as to one additional reading, in a different aspect as to not having met such in the regards as to the aspects thereof.
Though it is known I am a registered Republican and my vote cast for the reelection of #POTUS45 Donald J Trump, a difference as to such not having met including #POTUS46 Joe Biden to an irony about my Vandenberg SUCBA Dive and the tentacle of which I have named Bo-Bo not having ben informed as to a son named Beau regarding such aspects of which one day I had been in the room I had been kept in referencing Washington state and I felt the need to look up the name as per an odd aspect after a candle situation at the time in the room though did not find what was sought as to why the energetic portion had come across as to Louisiana for such aspects of oddities. However not having met officially as to my knowledge:
A male energy had arrived to show himself in the height around 6 feet and 2 inches wearing a business cut suit though in camouflage pattern with lighter colored eyes and lighter medium colored brown hair, with a white button down shirt and golden colored cufflinks which had a sparkle, saying his Mom had wanted a daughter and had picked out a name for if was possible with a Christening Gown. I saw a moment when he was in a metal walled room with a cylinder tall shape nearby with metal stairs of different shades of lighter tans and whites with a glass rectangle nearby with a puff of smoke vapor which had filled a different area of a room nearby. With later learning of such having been in the #USArmy #USAArmy #USA #USAA US Army and the normal mustard gas chamber portion to training though I had not gone through to make it to such a point, I am uncertain if there is a medical situation for those who have gone through such as to a connection as I had not made it to such a point during my time in Basic Training. However it did not seem though was the location for what I had seen, in the reference of such a vision.
There were 8 or 10 others in digital camouflage uniforms nearby with a red light flashing on a ceiling much higher above where the soldiers were standing, and the color was gray as to the thicker smoke which I think precludes the mustard gas. In such a vision there was a phone on the wall with a spiral chord that rang a higher pitch sound than with the red flashing light, and a pain in the lower right of the ventricle area of his heart I had seen pulsating differently in the vision. There was a different part of the vision which changed backgrounds to a mountain sky with a rich blue hue and the white tops of mountains to the distance with what seemed an ocean nearby, before a big poufy cloud moved past a bright sun with a few small patches of greener grass with snow having melted more for what looked as to such a double log tyle wooden fence line area. In the vision I saw a green wooden panel window area shutters deeper green, along a white colored two story house with a wooden deck. In the vision I saw a light colored ankle length dress flowing with pastel colors as to a poufy sleeve with larger flowers, on an adult female almost a sundress though thinner fabric with some glimmering in the sunlight from the view I saw and lighter colored flat shoes walking towards a wooden picnic table with a few people sitting at the table as the female moved towards.
Next I saw a wooden rocking chair with thinner interior rails in a darker brown wood near an open door closet with many colored clothes protruding outwards on hangers of different types, a group of light blue plastic woven baskets with different items within, and a window with a tan colored embroidered curtain as a lighter than the rocking chair colored table with items along above the area where the latches would be for the window within a wooden paneled wall area. The doors to the open closet were a light tannish colored beige-ish white, before the vision changed to a mirrored dresser with a three way positioning mirror. Only a few items of bottles were on he top of the dresser specifically certain distances apart, with brass colored handles along the front of the dresser with a lighter colored carpet. I saw brightness from nearby larger windows almost to the ceiling as halfway to the cross board of the matching colored wooden larger bed, with a nightstand that had a lamp with a shade similar colored to the carpet. The horizontal wooden folding accordion closet doors in two or three sections each had specifically organized heavy fabrics on the same type of hangers with larger spaces between the dresser to the closet, to the wall to the nightstand with the lamp.
In the vision such then changed to seeing a deeper green colored room with white closet doors solid, with a bookshelf, with one book around eleven from the left on the second top shelf glow differently. The book is tall and the hardcover book has a horizontal set of lines in the spine from reading many times with smaller horizontal letter words in capital letters. A view in the vision changed to a sandy wind location with trees nearby a concrete white colored patio covered area, four to five inch wooden looking slats to the rectangle building, as sandy winds flew around in clouds of poufy swirls with darker larger lens sunglasses as to a view out from towards a medium brown colored door of wood. A picture on a desk in the vision I saw was in a brass glass frame, curved, etched in the glass the colors, and a barn looking building behind a group of people. I cannot recall what year it had been when the vision came to me, though I felt the need to look online and search the words in a panic. A garnet colored looking stone pendant with a few white colored stones came into my view within the vision, before such ended when feverishly looking up what I could as to such a sight.
I then saw a hospital room, a male in a gown of the medical type, a head covering while being attached to an IV and monitors, as well as a chair sofa type nearby. There was bandages upon the head in the area of the covering, and a television type screen in the vision nearby. In the vision I saw a wooden storage type nearby in the area, before the vision changed to a sailboat type of a boat with triangle sails and a wooden steering wheel with metal in brass. The vision of the male in the camouflage colored fabric tailored suit had gone to the candle, and there was glitter with a bit of smoke while the flame continued on in a longer time than expected for the size of the flame from prior sights for such aspects.
In such as to Congressman Michael McCaul:
A deeper blue colored house with one story style ranch though in the back of the house area is a hidden second story style area, with a concrete patio with a sliding glass dual door opening. Burgundy color window coverings and a darker colored shingles on the roof of the house with a stone area nearby, and a separate area which looks as a wooden shed though large enough for a garage though shorter peak to the roof compared to the house area. There is a gravel type pathway with an area with a larger group of stone path with smaller stone gravel of a lighter color than to the gravel pathway for vehicles, with an open sky type of viewing area with a lighter blue colored sky. A small patch of watering area with a group of horses in an area nearby to the house though a bit of a walk, with wooden posts and wire fencing. A lighter colored leather brown suede type glove is gripping the wooding post in the vision, looking at the horses in the view. There is a black colored mane of one horse with a very light brown hair on the horse with a darkened nose and darkened hair around the hoofs, with the tail of the mane being of a similar darkened brownish black. There is in the view within the vision a darker colored eyes to that horse, with a lighter colored horse with darker brown main and tail, with darker lighter colored hair spots along the horse with medium brown colored lighter eyes in the vision. One horse has a foxy colored body hair though with a bit more lighter in shade with a bit of a browner tone, medium to darker colored mane and tail, with whiter colors around its hooves, and lighter colored eyes though brown with freckles near its nose whiskers. There are circle rolls of straw nearby, with wire wrapping.
In the vision there is a dusty cloud which floats along the grassy area before the vision changed to a medium brown colored desk against a wall, with a matching wooden hutch with a bookshelf area. In between two windows with lighter sheer fabric, a darker colored valance covering of thicker fabric, and drapes matching the darker colored fabric. A fabric rolling chair to the desk area, and khaki pants with a polo shirt in the view, As per the vision a brown thin lining around the edges of the fabric chair with a specific curvature in the back of the chair and thicker armrests, with darker than the drapes carpet colored with some differences in the shade of the coloring of the carpet.
A white colored box on the dresser behind the wall of the desk area made of wood with doors and drawers though not a jewelry box, though a smaller storage box though taller than a jewelry box with brass colored knobs on the doors of the box in rectangle shape. The vision changed to a beige colored two story boat on ocean water with a double metal railing around the tops of the walls of the boat, and many people on the boat in shorts and bathing suits with some area of like a bar with tables and chairs. A groups of much drinking as he darkened sky of an evening on the ocean when a trip and falling off of the boat into the water, to then be on the land near a pier with the ocean near the feet with boa shoes of a medium blue shade with tannish brown soles to the shoes. Two colored horizontal striped shorts and a t-shirt on the individual in the vision and a younger female nearby, before the vision changed to a rounded pouf-ier three seater couch of deeper colored fabric with metal circles around the front portion of the armrests.
In the vision I saw larger ammunition rounds being loaded and fired in a sandy location with medium colored brown sand pieces, and plumes of darkened smoke color. In the vision there is yelling and screaming with rapid succession sounds of impact, with helicopter sounds before the vision changed to a backdrop with a picture in a frame with smaller aged children in a group on a jungle gym type structure smiling. There is in the vision a lake with canoes and tall pine shaped treed which reflect on the top of the lake water in the vision, with a darker wooden pier without any railing as to some canoes nearby to the pier area of the lake with cabins nearby in the grassy areas with a set of picnic tables.
In other aspects as to a #TrumpBoatParade Trump boat parade situation, I was wondering if the boats had been removed from the #LakeTravis Lake Travis area and wherever else within the state of Texas such could have occurred in reference to any civilian connection which would think to just leave a boat from that underneath the water in what would be a different equivalent to an underwater pumpkin carving contest which would not know of the long term effects to what pumpkin seeds to a water supply would do, over a length of period of time to the ecology and marine life within the area. I would think it would be known as to the problems as to the gasoline and oil among other engine fluids being released into the waterways nearby the #AquarinaHotSprings Aquarina Hot Springs, where there are multiple endangered species on the list which specifically are within such an area that such pieces associated to that would cause additional damages to the areas which the ways hot springs push water through to an area after the seepages through the ground made their way to bubble to bring forward water into an area. While such an energetic portion of a different reading as such, who would if accurate to be found to have been a part of such hypothetically I would guesstimate also would not think about the difference between what work had to be done for the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg had to be completed to ensure the disintegration of certain materials would not negatively impact the ocean; as to such in the civilian sector to do on purpose as to the ways which the #USCG #USCoastGuard #CoastGuard Coast Guard would know of having to research such before ever considering to leave a boat in the ocean for coral reef development, in such a comparison.
If such were to be as to any sort of political statement as per the boat parade as to any other additional possibility which could be found as to any such technological messages sent as to such points in time, if such were to be and the knowledge as to any drinking water supply as to the Lake Travis region I would guesstimate in such from a picking up from the energy as to such a possibility; if such were to be, then what could such show as to any reviewal as to the impact as to the water supply for such a possibility as to the larger additional portions beyond if insurance aspects were involved due to other factors of what once could be reviewed. In turn if there is not any such a situation to any connection of which would have such a found set of messages to brng such forward as to any who would care minimally as to the long term impacts to such a civilian boat in the ways of as to a comparison, would have such additionally for any preplanned if expected POTUS45 reelection while not taking into consideration the #factchecking fact checking and #electionintegrity election integrity in a more serious way beyond what could have been perceived as an annoyance to the online portions though might be able to find other aspects associated thereof in a backwards way to have as a signaling.
While I would be proven to not personally know of such a group or an individual in person who would have told me of such a willing possibility as to any such situation, if there is an accuracy as to find such messages from telephonic communications which would be able to be found by various sectors as to what reviewals would be for such. Personally as to common sense though in addition to my 26 earned SCUBA Diving certifications, I would know better than to overlook such impacts to the water supply as well as the absorption of such into the ground areas of the water levels of such a long term impact as to such; especially taking into consideration as to how close by the known location for #endangeredspecies endangered species there are in the nearby #SanMarcos #SanMarcosTX #SanMarcosTexas San Marcos location. I did get a larger number of such endangered species to begin to grow in Clear Springs SCUBA Park within the middle of the year shortly after my earning of my Underwater Naturalist SCUBA Diving certification, though I also did not get into my SCUBA Diving work for any competitive aspects as there was not ever a need for such a competition because of the specific aspects as to the drinking water as well as what water would go to the different areas of land for which plant life and animal life would depend on such as to human beings through both as well as drinking water. However, I also respected the areas when I went anywhere as well as having been a part of the water clean up in the area where the northern Texas region of Hell’s Gate had been.
Gathering the several bags of trash sunken at the bottom of the area due to irresponsible boaters who left such for others to clean up later, I remember how blackened the waters became from all of the kicked up silt from such aspects at the depth levels thereof at the times. I know I had brought up between 5-7 more large 35 gallon trash bags full of trash from the bottom during the first SCUBA Dive time, prior to the surface interval timeframe arranged by the people at the time at International SCUBA with other groups. I also know what else I had done to earn from my work I completed as well as to my SUCBA Diving aspects well before what was ever allowed to be known regarding what I have allowed in regards of what is considered as within the guidelines of what aspects thereof, compared to certain civilian wishes as to wrongfully ignore the facts as to the connections fo my Blue Identification card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America to other such connection points as it should not take a head injury to see a connection between the color of the identification card to the water as to the other portions involved regarding #MAST Marine Science and Technology School with the conjunction of the oceanic water poster I created in reference to then Governor of the state of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman for such other portions of background clearance aspects.
Nonetheless as to the fact of such individuals within the area who I once knew in person who had not acknowledged the truth as my to surviving the earning of my 26 ACUBA Diving certifications as well as the SCUBA Diving I had done on my own which again as to the aspects of SCUBA Diving being in person and only the individual who accomplished such as to the acknowledgement earned as to such, I would like to believe there would not have been any psychological issuers as to my biological sister’s involvement as to such an ignorant wrongful denial as to my work thinking that the beings within the waters would be considered to ever accept such haughtiness as to the 751 days which could have been to celebrate life from a ten year anniversary of my Vandenberg SCUBA Diving as to the earned SCUBA Diving certifications I alone had earned for myself for any such political excuse hat would be inexcusable as to the following years to the year of 2021 of a 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to any such lesser connection to the tri-state area as to the comparison though not any actual comparison when looking at such time differences as well as numbers of people actually known in such aspects. The hypothetical irony of if such in an area as to how many in the Austin area had complained about the worth of degrees and yet my personally having earned my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications of which when looking at my work within the Dominant Mentor Program, as to the year in totality to one certification for my SCUBA Diving as to my work personally for myself as to each SCUBA Diving certification I earned.
What could be a situation if there was or is any associated portion of my biological sister and/or my biological mother who have which degrees for the on land to the aspects of any wishes for situations they did not earn themselves and what additional aspects had I already brought forward, that should not take a head injury to figure out as to such portions as to the actual concern about the areas throughout the state of Texas. However since I personally do not have such proof as to the aspects thereof, would there be such a situation which some would be arrogant to think that would have been a good idea while not taking into consideration the ecology? Ecology is a part of science last I checked and thus, would there be any associated degrees with science involved as to thinking arrogantly there would ever be the exact same to on land as to the water? If such would be then the facts as to the ignorances of the beings in reference to the ocean and the fresh water which is filtered water from the ocean, as to the viewpoint as to any such individual or group who would ever think the beings of the oceanic waters would ever accept the ways of on land compared to the ways of the Laws of the Ocean would be sad in many ways as to ever wish there could be an accepted comparison.
Nonetheless such readings if accurate, are as they are. In such regards as to the meeting with during the Young Republicans aspects during the 2020 election cycle for the entire time from the year of 2009 through to that point in 2020, Congressman Michael McCaul had been the only individual who I had met who did not yell at me for my SCUBA Diving aspects as to the brief portions of my work as to also in reference of landing at the bottom of the ocean as to the additional portions of speaking with me although in brief about such in acknowledgement of the aspects as to him saying his wife is a Marine Biologist. Wile I also know as to at times some in the ways which occurred in reference to the situations as to Governor Christine Todd Whitman in the aspects of asking questions about the situations in the year of 1996, it still is the fact that such had been the only time of any in person discussion as to such reality for myself in the ways of what I had accomplished from the year of 2009 through to that year in 2020 despite having discussed such in person those years ago. I have written as to what initial occurrences had been in my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as well as some portions in “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as I had discussed randomly in the years from 2009 through 2012, though in minute ways as because of the ways such discussions at the times had gone.
While there is a knowledge as to my Freedom of Expression as to being able to discuss truth, there is also the aspects as to the background regarding the fact of my specific connections thereof to what I had personally earned beyond and before my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications of which there are those who know to understand and comprehend other portions thereof for such references to the connections thereof. In such regards while I could have gone on such a larger aspect as to discussionary points, also having such a responsibility with such a connection aspect would be of appropriate responses in regards of those who would especially know within the Federal levels in comparison to the local and/or state levels of the governmental aspects of the United States of America while remaining humble and yet having the right to be upset and angered about such hypotheticals of if ever trying to use my work in ways to ever try to bring anyone else forward with the exception of in the ways to fully embarrass such individuals as to the lack of foresight and lack of ability with the ignorances as to not paying attention of such being only allowed to ever be acknowledged directly to the one and only as the beings of the water would only allow as per their lack of care and lack of concern to any political aspects on land as to such hypothetical egotistical wishes otherwise. Thus while some I once knew might not have known I was not ever informed of any such possibility of any acknowledgement as to my work as to not ever having been told of such, the facts of why I as well as all beings of the water and other such above portions would be enraged in my opinion would make sense especially as how I had already discussed and explained such a fight for my emancipation away from my biological mother and my biological father as well as my personal distain for my biological sister.
However again it does not take a head injury to figure out the acronym for SCUBA is self contained underwater breathing apparatus which in turn only the one self would ever be allowed the acknowledgements of such an while some may have not believed in my the or lore despite the irony about the Excalibur Faire to #SherwoodFaire Sherwood Faire situation of types thereof to such people and situations thereof, I would not think it would take a head injury to figure out the beings of the water would only be accepting of the one and only who had done so and would pick up on the energetic frequencies thereof. In such references while I am appreciative as to the fact of having such a brief discussion, the aspects as to the protection portions in comparison to the recreational aspects of my creation of the Underwater Travel System in the most minimal images I had sketched as to the overall portions can be seen in reference to the aspects of which the background portions thereof prior to my time in reference to my SCUBA Diving certifications in addition to my personal work and my personal training as to my time regarding such.
While there has not been the return contact officially regarding the references as to my Underwater Travel System though in addition to what has been seen in reference to the problems caused if hypothetically my Freedom of Religion rights were trampled upon in reference to my creation of the Underwater Wedding as per my not ever giving anyone any rights to ever complete such a feat as per the words of which to the video for the homework I had in the reference to my Underwater SCUBA Diving videography course, the situations thereof for there not being forgiveness within the Laws of the Ocean as those within the Coast Guard and the Marine Corps and the Navy would know more than those who would mainly only be on land without such in person knowledge for the comprehension as to the understanding when in such aspects thereof to such varied work. In turn the silver lining as to having such a minimal discussion in brief, is appreciated though the aspects of going into depth as to the letter I wrote and slid underneath the door at such a location was more difficult to bring up due to such combinations thereof.
It is one aspect to acknowledge in specific aspects though another to bring such up as to a discussion in regards per myself doing so, as admittedly as to the combined situations of which as to prior discussions and times thereof as my experiences have been. While I physically look as I do, the aspects as to my personal modesty has been a larger portion of which has been of normalcy for me as to rarely bringing up more specific portions as to myself in such discussions because of other combined situations over the years and decades of my life. Whether people believe as to such for lack of better words of mediumship aspects of myself is something which has not been discussed with me personally, though such aspects as to the realities of which I have dealt with for much longer than the aspects to my work in SCUBA Diving or the overall regarding the water aspects. In the regards as to of all the time between the years of 2009 through to 2020 in the 11 years, only one discussion with one individual has ever been in such regards as to the softer aspects thereof in such wording and portions thereof to in the few minutes with Congressman Michael McCaul and Emma who had been nearby in the doorway area. Though the same in ways can be said in reference to energetic portions of which bringing such aspects up, in which admittedly I had thought of if there was the possibility of the knowledge as to my having brought forward such a handwritten letter as to the office area as to the topic having been brought up by the staff of or him himself having brought such up as to if it had been known and/or of importance to bring forward in such discussions.
In the references to bringing such forward now albeit a year after such a point in time, more-so in such regards as to just the ways I am in such references. It is something of which to having seen the signs long ago as to knowing the times of what is of more importance in what is brought forward at times because of other situations in larger aspects, in such portions to review the larger aspects as to keep such situations clear as to the overall viewpoints as to maintain the clarity of. In turn while there has been the transfer aspects to which has been needed for myself in a multitude of reasons and ways thereof, the requirement to additionally know better than to fall into such any possible entrapment as to the aspects of which the background portions of my work having been seen as lesser than due to others’ perceptions as to any instructor aspects of which the beings of the water would not pay attention to or recognize as to any such portions because of the facts that such instruction would only be seen as already brought forward as to the learning of equipment in comparison to the actual work it took and takes to actually accomplish such works thereof. Thus in such a hypothetical of which some might wish as instructors to ever have any such acknowledgement beyond what was taught in reference of equipment, there is not the ways of which the oceanic waters would ever care about such egotistical portions and in such regards as to the depth levels of which such SCUBA Diving aspects can be seen in the reference portions as to the Clear Springs SUCBA Park changes as to the topography thereof over the years of any such wished aspects as to ever being looked favorably upon by such beings simply for hanging a sign on the land to which they would scoff at such feeble attempts as to ignoring the facts of which the past portions would not be forgiven as to the ways thereof due to the knowledge as to the original intentions of such hypothetical situations of which to ever think that would be considered as acceptable as to the acknowledgement.
It would be sad of which to ever think that being embarrassed as to how I physically look and/or my combinations of backgrounds would ever preclude me from my own recognition for my own work, when the fact as to the ways the Laws of the Ocean do not have concern for such the ways individuals on land seemingly have had over such portions thereof. In addition to the situations of being a genetically born female as to the other factors of Mother Ocean and Mother Earth, there would not be any excusable viewpoint as to any such wish regarding any others being viewed as to having anything to do with the work I had already discussed as to in brief as to before I ever woke up in the state of Texas as per having been born and raised in New Jersey and all such discussions regarding that work had been far before any such times within the state of Texas. In such references as to the problems regarding my New Jersey flag as well as my American Flag the ways of such a hypothetical view as to ever thinking beyond the ego being bigger in the state f Texas from such Texans in the regards of, I have already written about and discussed such portions as to the ways thereof regarding the ways I had been treated in the years between 2000 and 2013 as to the similarities able to be seen in a shortened and condensed way as to an overall view as to the years of 2019 through 2021 by whichever individuals seen in such references thereof as to the overall types of communication and being with the presence thereof.
In such turn as to the aspects as to the energetic portions of such readings of which if accurate in regards as to prior such in handwriting, prior within my website writings, my books I authored, such portions about, as well as more recent writings on my website in The Ornery PSA in particular such as this journal blog entry in reference to both ones I have not met that I am aware of to the one which I had met in regards of are accurate by more than a percentage of 75 or 85%; then the references to such realities in regards as to the correct portions as to the correct ways of such acknowledgement referencing any such microphone aspects to the vibrational frequencies as to the additional viewpoints of transmissions, in other such regards. While I have taken my stand as to defending myself vi such portions, it is only so much I am personally responsible for regarding the aspects as to any such prior ceremony situations which would have to be fully corrected by those individuals who hypothetically would have been involved and done so regarding any false awarding of or to anyone who had been not myself only for such acknowledgements as the passing along to another even if in a biological sense would not be considered as any form of accepted aspects as to the ways as to the Laws of the Ocean no matter what the wishes for such could be or could have been. If in such connected realities being accurate, then the realities of such to the corrections in the proper ways thereof.
In the references as to the ways which Walter Reed had gone recently as well as such other portions thereof since my transfer beginning portions since officially in January 2021 after December 2020, the viewpoint and opinions of mine are how such are as to what proof as to having been seen in my eyes as to such portions. I had already felt as an unwanted artist to which what the larger aspects of such a combination when taking such works into consideration as to if you take a step back can easily be seen in such references and regards thereof to my SCUBA Diving as to such in the conjunction of my books as well as my website before ever looking towards my paintings and my Medal of Honor Art Project. How I view being considered as wanted I presume probably is far different than what others would or could consider for such as stalking, harassment, lying, theft, and other such portions would not be considered as to ever being reviewed as being a wanted artist as I do not know how such could ever be considered in such a form or fashion thereof to such a viewpoint. How such would ever be considered as such is beyond how I could ever see or interpret, as those particulars do not show in my opinion as to any such wanting or caring as to such works thereof. Truth, would be the only way as to how such portions would or could be seen for any such feelings to pick up in any such ways or regards thereof as making anything more difficult would only be seen and picked up as hatred of such in comparison to any appreciations thereof or wanting thereof. I do not know what others have been taught or how such could be viewed in any other way, though I also have been considered as different in a multitude of ways.
I did not think lying would ever be such a common place of such proportions to ever be considered as a better way, though I also have been made fun of and treated as I have been treated as well as having such other situations thereof as they have gone over such times. While I know there are those who enjoy being masochists, that is something of which what my preferences in such regards as to the comparisons thereof if such were not taken into consideration as to the facts as to what would be in the ways thereof for such writings regarding the factors thereof as to the ways such would be brought forward in such comparisons as I am not a masochist as I have already gone over. The portions as to such wording having to be put together in turn would not be viewed as sadistic as to the facts of which would have been due to the furthering of what I have already gone through, in which the ways would not be of such similarities to the viewpoint of sadism in the ethical ways as per the situations being of such in the viewpoints thereof; as per the proof as to the writings upon my website, as to such situations in regards thereof to the picking up of such portions.
Nonetheless in regards as to the aspects of which the energetic portions of picking up such and visions to which in regards of sight in a different way and manner thereof as to reasons why I had worked as much as I had to be able to be a part of the branch/division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as I have, just as each individual earns whether they continue onward in their training the same in reference to the regards as to SCUBA Diving in such aspects of view as there is not the right to choose one way or the other as to such individual accomplishments earned and achieved regarding specific individual situations in such references and regards. If in reference as to any political situations of rivalry regarding my biological sister’s married into family as to any regarding who I once had been engaged to in such references, the irony I suppose as to the fact of such an acknowledgment albeit in a quieter way speaking more volumes than in regards to any other such hypothetical viewpoints to such any connections thereof and a more favorable view as to such references thereof to any such connections as such regarding the groups overall though to such in the ways of hypothetical regarding my biological sister to the Miller aspects thereof if such portions are accurate as to the possibilities.
Again, the oceanic waters do not care about your feelings as to political party or family issues in such references. However if such was caused as a problem in the ways of, then the aspects as to the ocean having made such a choice for the displays thereof. The irony as to the town my #UHAUL UHAUL situation occurred and the less than 12 hours to having gotten my SCUBA Diving gear to the correct location in comparison to any civilian needless involvement for what was only 12 hours from being take care of fully, as to if any irony regarding such political problems as per brought up regarding my biological sister as to her voting for #POTUS44 POTUS44 Barack Obama as to my works which my background porves otherwise as to any such political biases the ways such times of from during the individuals who had supported Obama. I wonder how such a flip flop occurred if any regarding such individuals as to my choice referencing POTUS45 from such aspects, and yet the portion of not having been as political the way my biological sister and my biological mother had been in such hypotheticals being such a proverbial downfall for themselves as well as such connections thereof as to the sinking of such in a metaphorical viewpoint if such had had been involved regarding the boats that may still be at the bottom of the lake areas within the state of Texas; of which what records, would be able to be found for such would be in such technological views. In turn what would be the recourse if such hypothetical connections to the family thereof regarding such portions of the water ways, as to the situations as to such pipes since be able to be seen in any such hypothetical references thereof in addition would be up to each individual and group of such involvement I would guesstimate. Though remember, I did not ever officially get involved with political statements in person or in major ways until the year of the 2020 election cycle in the more overt ways thereof in such timeline aspects for such additional considerations.
Thus how does one not feel as an unwanted artist would be of the most simple facts in the truth, though I cannot speak for others as to their particulars of what they would feel for such in comparison aspects as I only can speak for myself regarding such portions as to my own interpretations of such from the details I know of rom my personal experiences.
I do appreciate the fact as to the short time of discussion regarding the meeting, however such additional aspects as to other points of which are of importance I suppose depends as to what you see as levels of importance
