As t is two days until the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 and having grown up after having been born and raised in the state of #NJ #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, I cannot put into words the disgust I feel towards any individual who would have ever thought I would want or need their help as to going over my memories of my life as per I did not ask for such assistances in regards of any aspect. The problems of which others having not learned from what occurred on the east coast in the 1980s and 1990s after listening to how many people had watched whichever pop culture television show and/or movie and/or streaming thereof, I cannot stand such types of individuals existing upon the planet as to such portions as per the realities of which obviously such was not paid attention to in reference to when others had pushed and pushed to try to get me to break about what they thought was normal life for others from what they saw in comparison to just keeping their noses in their own business which I am not their business unless they are breaking the anti-slavery laws withing the #USA United States of America in any way and/or shape and/or form as per it not mattering what area of thew world one could be in as to it still being considered fully illegal within the United States of America and while some might wish the internet would not care as to such portions the reality of such facts of the #ConstitutionalRights #ConsitutionalRightsandAmendments Constitutional Rights and the difference of being a living human being compared to a machine would completely negate all such wishes of such types of individuals.
Personally I have hated those types of people for my entire life both before and after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, of which the #ADA ADA laws are still valid in all parts of the 50 states as per it being a federal law. All such portions of which I had informed the apartment complex company as to the transfer aspects are valid in all such aspects thereof regarding such aspects to which I had stood for the rights of special needs individuals when I was a child growing up going to #Asher #AsherHolmes #Holmes #AsherHolmesElementary #AsherHolmesElementarySchool #ASHS Asher Holmes Elementary School, to which is the reality in regards as to how I was able to fully stand up against #McCoy #McCoyElementary #McCoyElementarySchool #MCES #MES McCoy Elementary School of #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #Texas #TX #Texasstate Carrollton Texas of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD #FarmersBanch #FarmersBranchTX #FarmersBranchTexas in the state of Texas because of having been assistive to creating such laws as well as assisting with amending such laws.
As an oddity those people from the #CFB #CarrolltonFarmersBranch #CarrolltonFarmersBranchIndependentSchoolDistrict in the Carrollton Farmers Branch area come across being similar if there were those who survived the situation in #Waco #WacoTX #WacoTexas in regards of what I was told are called the #BranchDivisions Branch Divisions as to the situations thereof to those types of problems which had occurred from what I was briefly told. Those people simply seem that is the only way they know regarding such types of choices and behaviours towards anyone who looks and/or thinks differently, and the ways of which it has been known as to how I am a supporter of such Constitutional Rights as well as thankful for such in regards of especially being born and raised within the United States of America. If there is a difference from what such situations in conjunction to the 2020 election cycle as to the situation in the Waco aspect in a different viewpoint as to such aspects as to the Waco Texas situation, please do inform me as to how different such situations could truthfully be viewed regarding such aspects especially if there was even one individual who has a family connection to anyone who had been involved regarding CFBISD and/or the #FW #FortWorth #FortWirthTX #ForWorthTexas #FWTX #DFW situations involving the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo #FWZ Fort Worth Zoo field trip regarding where those adult female volunteers to the field trip had been as well as the parent assistant as to such aspects.
Additionally to such points in reference to the ways which the direct connection both my son and my daughter had specifically to their dead biological father who had died because of the #IraqWar #AfghanistanWar Iraq and Afghanistan War because of the after times from the attacks on 11 September 2001, as to their refusal to say the Pledge of Allegiance as well as having failed to say their own state’s pledge to the #TexasFlag Texas Flag only because of their vitriol and the ironic portions as to such; which did it take a head injury to figure out as to having told them of being born and raised in New Jersey and their view points as to what they consider as a #Texans Texan, as to how such treatment had been in an area which wished it could be up to the par of #NY #NYC #New York #NewYorkCity #NewYorkstate New York City though having the early tendencies of when centuries before had already taken care of #CivilRights #WomensRights Civil Rights issues and had been in the area of the Union regarding the #CivilWar Civil War and fighting against slavery in such ways thereof. The way such types of people in the south have known to be sexist to northerners simply because of how they wish their version of what they call chivalry is only seen as sexism to northerners because of how they think a female has needs of a male, when she is far more capable as to various skills and capabilities. For example, what sexism and sexist type comments came out of that area’s #SCUBA #SCUBADivingSCUBA Diving communities as to my particular work and earning 26 SCUBA Diving certifications on my own without any assistance from any SCUBA Diver male to create my own class schedule of my own classwork?
Why would I need a male for SCUBA Diving in the styles I was working on for myself, as per the reasons I had already given? What type of over chauvinistic tendencies would people from where I was born and raised as well as other locations which the local people evolved passed such types of thinking, as to the possibilities of which words were said and/or written in such aspects thereof? I did not plan on having a SCUBA Diving partner when I began my classwork, as per how it is known as to when I first began looking officially into SCUBA Diving when going to the schools in the area to see which one was ever good enough to teach what I required for my classes without any other involved in my classes other than whoever the assigned SCUBA Diving Instructor had been. The irony of such as to if the SCUBA Diving Instructor had been certified before they had taught me such for my certifications, as to the additional factor as to knowing quietly as to the levels of my capabilities for my SCUBA Diving compared to their recreational aspects as to their lazy versions of what they consider SCUBA Diving in lakes and ponds and quarries in comparison to swimming and SCUBA Diving in the oceanic waters. Why would any male SCUBA Diver or female SCUBA Diver ever think I was looking for an individual to SCUBA Dive with, if I did not once ever ask for any other student to be in the class I arranged for myself? The classes which did have other students were as they were, though I did not ask for any assistances from any other SCUBA Diver beyond who the Instructor for my certification class had been at such times. Thus if some were upset because of whatever fees are attached to such SCUBA Diving classes in such a time to wrongly hold against me because of not ever having been informed of such as being a student and not an Instructor without the view of ever becoming a SCUBA Diving Instructor as I told those people as to such aspects, their ignorance as to being excited to go SCUBA Diving in an underground missile silo additionally prove such aspects as to their choices of such portions of the types of SCUBA Diving gear.
As I had been told only big city folk need to feel that would be important to the SCUBA Diving situations of in the ground waters which filled an underground missile silo from the 1940s as officially known though as build in the beginning years of the 1800s as to the construction materials, people from the northeast would know as to why not to go SCUBA Diving in such waters just from the materials for the construction timeframe. People with military backgrounds would be more intelligent as to pay attention to such, for the fact it is an underground missel silo as to what the name meaning is in reference to the term they chose for the area they call #Valhalla #ValhallaSCUBA #ValhallaSCUBADiving Valhalla. In such the additional portion as to the #MartialLaw Martial Law regarding the state of Texas as to the amount of SCUBA Divers who have lived and been in the state of Texas as to such going into other natural bodies of waters and the portions thereof as to the contaminants throughout such bodies of waters within that state; if found would be of due cause to completely lockdown the entire state of Texas under Martial Law at all times until all such situations were completely taken care of correctly, as per the facts of the people of the state of Texas having had since the year of the end of the #TexasMexicanWar Texas and Mexican War to the current year of 2021 being shown to fail to properly maintain the security of its own borders as well as maintain and sustain the aspects as to the general population as well as making sure the #ActiveDuty Active Duty/#NationalGuard National Guard/#Reservist Reservists/#Veteran #VeteransVeterans and their dependents were/are correctly taken care of in all such ways as per the agreements made in reference to having the allowance to only have the #federaltax federal state tax in comparison to both the local sales tax and property taxes for the state federally though not having the #stateincometax state income tax as to such portions thereof as to their complaints as to not having enough finances to pay for their border wall between their state of the area of #USMexicobordercrisis Mexico. Exclaiming there is a crisis on the border would in turn mean depending upon the length of time for calling such aspects as to, the legal authorities would actually be able to declare Martial Law if there have been enough Texans who have complained and called such a border crisis which in turn the Martial Law rules would be viable additionally to such aspects already brought forward regarding all such aspects thereof regarding the state of Texas as to such.
However the facts as to people in certain areas knowing as to the financial aspects in regards of their pride to bast about their ability referencing the economy, though claiming they need financial aid in reference to the border crisis in which they have been responsible for the securing of the nations’ border by their own agreements to join the United States of America to begin with. Thus by legal definitions as to such an agreement, the aspects of which the entirety of the state of Texas legally being able to begin Martial Law throughout the entirety of the state of Texas would be available portions which the #POTUS POTUS and #VPOTUS VPOTUS full would be able to have enacted with the #Pentagon Pentagon and other higher ranking law enforcement branches if there is a level of cases filed within the justice system as to the amount of crimes perpetrated against the citizens legally of the United States of America outside of the areas from the state of Texas. As there is the #KateSteinAct Kate Stein Act for the reference of one particular more well known case as per #BillOReilly #BillOreillyShow Bill O’Reilly, the facts as to such portions of which had spread over towards California would show such portions as to the lack of protection those of the state of Texas claim as to caring about veterans and Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists and their dependents as to the facts of #AndrewTahmooressi Andrew Tahmooressi as because his Mom and sister were able to square such portions away to bring such forward into others’ knowledge; what about all of the others who had ever possibly been in such a situation, as I already wrote about in regards of where I went to with several others from #MHU #MedicalHoldUnit #WTU #WarriorTransitionUnit Medical Hold Unit at #FortSam #FtSam #FtSamHouston #FortSamHouston #MilitaryCityUSA #SA #SATX #mysa #SanAntonio #SanAtonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #JBSA Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas as to the other side of the border while being considered as active duty?
While I would not know about the pledge to the state of Texas’ flag, the fact they would be so arrogant to forget their own states’ flag statement, I would not be surprised if they were too stupid to figure that out before I ever did and then think to complain about how I did not get upset about a pledge to a flag of a state I was not born and raised in nor knew anything about until learning of such in the year of 2019. In turn the stereotype as to what northerners view of those types of people within the state of Texas to be arrogant to think to not tell someone the truth and then expect them to know such, only those types of games have been the types of games which have lead to national and world news coverage as to the length of the ignorance about in such types of people to ever test such portions thereof. Despite the fact as to having proven to the #GeekSquad #BestBuy Geek Squad as to the issues I have had with technology after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; if there is any proof of those people or even one individual having messed with any my of technology to prevent phone calls and/or messages from going through fully to my phone while I was taking care of my minor aged children in the area, they would be considered as negligent to the additional portions of the contributions to the delinquency of a minor because of all such factors which would be able to prove such portions additionally. If there was anyone without any children they were required to take care of who were a part of such portions, then the additional charges thereof though also the aspects as to the discrimination against my registered disabilities which I had been honest about in registering my children for school. If there is anyone who has spoken with me, you would be able to discuss as to if I had ever told you about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of which in turn being medically retired from the #USArmy #Army #USAArmyArmy branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #USAA #USAAF #USAAF would show in such reviewals looking back as to what level of intelligence or what level of ignorance those people from those connections would have and be of themselves.
Thus when I had asked about what special needs availability to Dawn Rink the principal as well as Angela Reiter the guidance counselor of which as per the ways of CID to verify my ability to point out which picture of a line up to be able to find which individual for all such portions regarding such staff members from such times as to verify such portions and their hypothetical wishes to use others words while already having been informed of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, just because I was able to remember such portions it does not and did not change the facts of the matter regarding that school as well as its staff as well as its volunteers and the district itself because of their failures to be anything different than what northeasterners view of those people within the state of Texas as being nothing more than what they proved themselves to be in such references which have already been brought forward as to such aspects. While also remembering how such would be viewed regarding that type of an area for the aspects of such religious zealotry regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the medical portions thereof such illegal experimentations upon a child which was a part of the dependent aspect to me, as per the portions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to those types of civilians who have needed to learn to keep out of what is not their such as government such business as per the lies which hypothetically were told in reference to any who had/has a different contract with the United States of America’s government per grants which would be mandatory to put my information regarding such portions and all such red flags which would automatically be sent off because of the clearance aspects to my Blue Identification Car of/for the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America to such regards as to those protection rights extending to my dependents which only would be my son and my daughter. Of which even with just one single message describing such a hypothetical regarding any medical individual in the area of and/or any such association to such a group which has such aspects, the facts of which the illegal portions of such per the legal requirements because of the ADA to actually get my permission which was not granted because of not ever having been asked. Additionally to their failure to complete the #ARD #IEP #TEA ARD and IEP paperwork as to all such supporting documents and more regarding on my website for all such realties for many who have been able to download and read though such as well as research for themselves as to the portions thereof. It was well before I had published my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” of which the facts thereof additionally to my #copyrightprotections copyright protections, as I did not know it took a head injury to figure out that my intellectual property rights as per the copyrights is literally in the name of my rights which includes how my Consittuional Rights as well as such aspects as to which not one Texan would legally have the right to use such words without the individuals who have gone to take care of what was needed within the various branches and divisions on the federal level of the United States of America’s Armed Forces and higher law enforcement.
Additionally as per my legal names having been registered on my #birthcertificate birth certificate in addition to my legal rights of protections as already laid out in prior such portions as to the additional aspects as to the #POW Prisoner of War for any such of a singular connection to any individual from that timeframe being involved in any portions as to the apartment complex and/or the apartment complex management company as to the biased aspects, which legally would be required to divulge as per most such bar association aspects as to the legality of such requirements all across such spectrums for the additional proof of such laws which would fully support the #MartialLaw4Texas Martial Law aspects if the relinquishment were not of such own free will. In turn the transfer process has proven such aspects to which by legal statue additionally with the fact of having contacted then #TexasAttorneyGeneral Attorney General to the state of Texas and now the #GeovernorofthestateofTexas Governor for the state of Texas #GregAbbott Gregg Abbott and staff members thereof, as to such massive failures upon the claim of having any leadership capabilities regarding such ways which was informed to their offices thereof and had not the intelligence or the wherewithal to be able to see all such legal portions as laid would prior to my pointing such out. However if having known of such portions and the proof thereof, then the legalities of their citizens and whosoever involved officially hypothetically declaring a war against the veterans/Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists and dependents of the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America to which would be the ability for such a full declaration of Martial Law within the state of Texas for all such intensive purposes thereof with any transmissions as to ever going into depth as to any hatred by any individual connected to larger political donations as to the facts thereof for such hypothetical viewpoints to take into consideration.
Ironically since Gregg Abbott and his administration has signed into the #electionintegrity election integrity and the #factchecking fact checking required, it would in technical terminology which while some would only think of legal aspects when hearing or reading the word technicality or technical or technicality if only looking at such pieces of paper referencing such aspects, though what is similar between the words of such and the word technology? I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out with the aspects as to the religion of #Scientology #LDS Scientology as to certain wordings, which technically such definitions being entered into the #automatedtechnology automated and/or #artificialtechnology #artificaialintelligence artificial intelligence #AI aspects as per the ways of which adding such words transcribed into the coding levels after whenever bringing such portions forward into the coding aspects for the information searches and etcetera would be such technicalities of such laws regarding my rights. It is not my responsibility to have informed those people of my childhood background as to my biological mother having done coding in the software department in #Prudential Prudential, and what I was a part of as a child and teenager referencing the coding work I had personally done to assist the United States of America in addition to how serious I have always taken my oath to protect and defend the United States of America against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
To me being a born and raised New Jersey-ian as to the original 13 colonies and my background thereof for all such intensive purposes as to how Texans discuss and throw about their generational connections to their state, in the reference aspects as to the #StandYourGroundLaws stand your ground laws as to my personal rights as per my having fought to be emancipated to be able to do as I have explained; in turn the stand your ground laws would be in my favor for such rights additionally, as to the knowledge as to those who get federal funding have to go over to the areas of the original 13 colonies for such assistances. In turn by their own generational portions as well as their own stand your ground laws, by such additional portions of such previously put together as well as written in such authored aspects with the conjunction of such documentations of all such varieties and types in my favor as well as in my son’s favor as well as in my daughter’s favor though also in addition to their biological connections favor as to the legal protections in all such rights and regards thereof. In turn by technicalities as to the whether or not one believes certain aspects, in reference to the commentary as to the oceanic waters thereof as per my having grown up going to the #Atlantic #Atlanticocean #eastcoastocean Atlantic area of the ocean and the clearings I have done as well as the healings I have done; there have been how many decades as to which the waters from the Atlantic area have flowed in which directions, of which would additionally add to my rights in my favor as to standing my ground over what my work has been over all such years as per the proof thereof.
In additional aspects for the legal technicalities to take into consideration, those people in reference to how they view the generational portions as to such and the facts as to being able to get out to the transfer to the east coast and such problems of which thankfully after Attorney General of Texas #KenPaxton Ken Paxton had been able to get moving so I could get out of that area as though there is still the reality of any such portion as to any connection to any direct portion as to what occurred in reference to my situations explained previously as to such aspects involving any legal aspects thereof in any such ties including “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as well as “Finding The Silver Lining By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” would bring forward additionally the laws in reference to Prisoner of War aspects as to how such legal definitions as per the home page of my website having such legal links as well as such descriptions. In turn the legal warnings actually have been given as to any such portions against what occurred in reference to “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” for the ability to see such aspects as per having been informed of my having survived and continued living after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, of such additional aspects in my favor for all such legal protection rights in my favor as well as in the favor of my son and my daughter’s protection from those types of individuals. As per proving my ability to maintain my responsibilities, the false hypothetical claims would be inappropriate and illegal filings a per the illegal portions to falsifying a report; by any who would purposely do so, and/or the aspects as to the portions regarding the connected aspects of such 3 specific books. In conjunction to the aspects of my website having gone over such portions, the wish for the 1 year statue of limitations would be invalidated to those of the state of Texas under the #UCMJ #UniversalCodeofMilitaryJustice #USUCMJ #USAUCMJ UCMJ as per the aspects as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Untied States of America’s Armed Forces additionally to the ranking thereof in regards to my time per such portions as to the aspects in reference to the ways which the branches and divisions of the Untied States of America’s Armed Forces and such portions thereof regarding the Armed Forces of the United States of America per the Department of Defense in conjunction as to such facts as to the reasons to the officializing of the United States Space Force for such additional protection rights in my favor for such aspects thereof.
Additionally to the stand your ground aspects as well as my #intellectualpropertyrights intellectual property rights and such protections for my work on my website for all such aspects thereof additionally to any and all portions of such technology of mine to be protected by laws as per the factors of such legal positions regarding my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as per the factors as to my childhood and teenager years as per the facts thereof regarding my reason for fighting to join the military of whichever branch of the and for the United States of America’s Armed Forces as able to prove such aspects in the patterns of behaviour as well as history thereof mine. In turn the aspects as to any such an attack against such of mine as well as my son and my daughe4r though also in reference to those first of the aspects as per the levels of such portions already having listed regarding the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans and their dependents to such connections as well as the #federal federal levels of individuals of law enforcement to then the aspects of the Pentagon which then afterwards would be towards the upper levels of the elected of officials in regards of such portions up to which only after all such individuals would the local and state levels have any beginning portions of any such protection portions in the legal technicalities of all such aspects hypothetically if there are lawyers and attorneys which can find such agreeing factors from such situations in full referencing such portions.
To which in the regards of would bring forward the portions to the protections of such aspects of the technology portions of which any such listed individuals having any such connection to any such technology problem I have ever had would legally be allowed to be punished by the Universal Code of Military Justice for all such portions until their full surrender of all such portions as they would have to surrender on their own officially, in such an open declaration sent outward to me and all such individuals associated with such a statement would be mandatory to let it go and stay away from such aspects as to my connections of my aspects per such intensive purposes as to the legal technicalities if found to purposefully cause harm in comparison to investigatory purposes as would be mandatory at the initial time of meeting under the warrant at the initial time of as per legalities for such information requirement to me in such hypotheticals as to the Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America. In such additional aspects of which #antiransomware being the portions of such technology portions, the illegal aspects as to the problems with hacking hypothetically as to the ransomware problems additionally would extend such aspects as to my protections as well as to the portions of such connected portions to any illegal usages by others individuals as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America in the reference aspects to my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Osteen (maiden last name Nichols) when I had last knowing her as well as her two daughters Sondra Marie Osteen (do not know if has a married name) and Ariel Marie Osteen (do not know of married last name) though all such in the state of #GA #Georgia #Georgiastate #stateofgeorgia regarding such connected hypotheticals, though specifically in such direct ties thereof for the legal prosecutions availability for all such aspects as previously brought forward for such portions to where such aspects hypothetically fit together which including the aspects of those people having specifically been told by bother their dead relative now though then back in the year of 2000 as well as in the year of 2001 when at the portions of time regarding David Osteen’s graduation from the #USAirForce #UnitedStateAirForce Air Force at per Lackland Air Force Base regarding #JBSAas to such origination of which the stand your ground laws would extend such portions from such a starting point before ever volunteering at Nine Lives Books of which the fact of Michael Roberts having said he needed my military identification card for the tax purposes would have already been initiated as to the aspects of my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America fully in my favor for all such intensive legal protection purposes in my favor well before volunteering because of my knowledge as well as my understanding and my comprehension as to what my Blue Identification Card had entailed.
It is their fault for not asking, not that they would have ever had any legal authority to know such unless I had allowed them to know of such portions regarding what my background and having to go over all such details would then prove such portions legally in my favor as well as per the #MilitaryCityUSA aspects as to such additional aspects of which legally would be in favor of #MartialLaw4Texas as to the protection as to their own stand your ground laws for all such aspects through their obvious connection to me. In addition could connect all such of the 50 states and all such territories in conjunction with all such treatied countries for the safety protections thereof through me as to my work and what credit was due to others has been noted as per such technological portions thereof and fullness thereof such reviewals for the legal suggestions to review the aspects thereof to which I have brought forward in a different and yet possibly uniquely innovative way as to such abilities to others’ choices of free will to review such portions and have the ability to look withing their own lives as to what connectionary points thereof to such overall situations for such aspects thereof to such reviewal portions to such aspects of the connected legalities thereof. In turn while there is the ability for others to review such laws and amendments thereof for such legal purposes thereof would be able to fully verify such validity of the portions and aspects thereof per additional ability to review torts as well. In turn the realities regarding my ex-in-laws as well as my biological mother and my biological sister as well as my biological father as to such reviews to the true intentions as to the portions thereof as found.
While some people may have thought when in regards as to those people within the state of Texas as being able to grow to progress with the times as to the technological advances within society, in such references as to all such aspects as I had brought forward in the references from the years of 2008 through to the year of 2013 though remembering the other problems if ever found to have such problems additionally as per having written about; the reality of such hillbilly type of individuals with their backwoods aspects only adding technology to fully show such portions, was revealed simply because of how much I had to fight to simply get my daughter evaluated for the #IEP #IndeividualEducationPlan IEP and #ARD #AdmissionReviewalDismissal ARD boards names despite her having had qualified for such back in May of 2008 though especially within the school year of 2009 going into the year of 2010. The bigoted types of individuals as per the typical thought of all such types of southerners was fully proven as to the facts of if they were not pretending to be ignorant, then their bigoted and discriminatory racist choices as per the fact of discriminating against my hair style in regards of where I was born and raised as well as where I grew up walking around as to what was normal for me to see as a child.
In turn the backwards ways of those in the state of Texas fully showed with each document and each video as well as each security recording in reference to their lawyer having to be told to shake my hand in comparison to simply being a decent human being, as the portions as to the discrimination against my ADA disabilities as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury are the reality. In turn it was not my fault such types of people were so closed minded and arrogant to not have any compassion within themselves to ever pay attention to what they chose to do to 2 elementary school aged children and their single legal widow Mom. Only in the southern states is that usually the thought as to what types of people there are, of which while the middle of the United States of America has always been held in a higher regard than southern states individuals because of the facts of having a few states which on their own proved themselves to be the opposite or a mixed blend of what was always thought of those from southern states who had certain thought processes.
I know thee are people who are smarter and can see such aspects, and the realities thereof. Those people in McCoy Elementary School staff members having chosen to specifically wish for only the specific wording in comparison to knowing from the explanations given as to what category such a set of questions I had to ensure the best for my daughter and my son as per my concerns rightfully as a responsible Mom despite their opinion as to my background and/or my physical aspects, only reprove such points others have brought up about people from the state of Texas and southern states individuals as per seen in the monument portions as to the symbolism seen regarding the aspects to the moving of Civil War Confederacy aspects as to the portions of being against the slavery aspects and Civil War having already been fought. However civil in social standards as to the social media portions of such regards as to the facts thereof as to being able to #verify verify the truth and from who is important for the fact checking as to such clearances as to the knowledge in genuinity and the understanding as to what the needs compared to the wants as compared to the desires as to such portions in the revolutionary aspects as to the modernization of the amount of technological pieces in the average individuals’ life as per depending upon the circumstances thereof.
When if I am accurate as to the adult volunteers being in the state of Washington at any point in time, that sort of overtly overdramatic as to their type of females as to the occurrences thereof in any such ways is the only ways as to how people from where I was born and raised have looked down upon southerners because of their wishes to use money to be able to do as they have without ever putting in the real work thereof. I would wonder if their type of ignorance would have paid attention as to how much they had brought such together upon themselves as to the #RICO RICO portions as well as the #ENRON ENRON portions of which to the state of Texas in the stereotypical copy cat sort of way which Stephen Austin had wished to ignore back when he had begged for assistance, from the #original13colonies original 13 colonies’ legal system to be able to get our assistance from their problems in their area as to the border between the state of Texas and Mexico. It is kind of irony as to even after a century and a few decades as to how such portions in regards of how much of a failure those people’s state has been to continue to request assistance from the northeast original colonies to fund their problem which they had said they would secure on their own back in those day if the northeast had assisted them. In turn regarding the realizations previously regarding the accessibility referencing the handicapped aspects or disability, the portions as to such rights would have to be in a different format in such ways of the current time if such had ever been problematic in such regards as to the portions thereof in other such faculties and situations thereof to the special needs aspects.
They were obviously given the assistances and they made the deals they had made, which they have failed to maintain the veterans as well as the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists and dependents if such correctly with the proof of such portions because if those people in the state of Texas had done their work correctly instead of hypothetically halfa$$ing the situations to begin with the overflow into Arizona and New Mexico would not be to the levels of which such had become. Those people who were supposed to secure their own border with their own finances and their own people who had failed to do so similarly to the times of the Texas Mexico War, were/are incapable of securing such realistically at this point in time if they are still requesting the original colonies of the United States of America through the federal taxes to pay for such portions. The only way that can be helped at this point is declaring Martial Law within the state of Texas to regulate all of the borders on the land of the earth as well as the underground caverns as well as the air space over the state of Texas. Which is it that they prefer, if they want to continue? Their name is appropriate of which being the lone star state, as it should not take a head injury to figure out there are the lone individual state which has had the amount of time the people have had to correctly square away the southern border for the national security of the United States of America. Thus, which is it? How many years has it been since I went with four military guys when they wanted to go over the #NuevoLoredo #NuevoLoredoMexico #NLM Nuevo Loredo in Mexico, and what did I protect them from while also educating them as to the reality of such individuals being human beings as well to this year of 2021? How long between then in the year of 2000, to the year of Andrew Tahmooressi, to the current year of such portions thereof in the year of 2021?
Are those people intelligent and capable enough to be able to secure the nation’s border at the conjoining area of the line between the state of Texas and Mexico border? Or have the constituted to fail and in turn because of not securing the border at the Texas and Mexico area have brough in their own state as to themselves being able to be considered as terrorists in the state of Texas for whatever their excuses have been to continue to allow such, after decades of the politicians who have asked for any type of assistances from the federal government of the United States of America while failing to take care of the veterans as well as the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists and the dependents thereof due to the fact they cannot keep their cheap labor as the racists of such have been known to do in regards of keeping a border open in comparison to closing it ad paying the regular rates for employees to have a normal living wage as per the fight for has been brought forward for a bit of time? Yet what has the view been about ensuring the individuals within and connected to the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America in such overall regards, been viewed as for such aspects as to the additional aspects as to the #ACA #AffordableCareAct #Obamacare healthcare and the housing portions of which what has been the additional viewpoint regarding such?
In addition to the SCUBA Diving aspects as to such portions to avoid the aspects of the legal battle as to the eminent domain portions as to the lands and waterways as to the situations referencing the Valhalla aspects, such can additionally be taken into consideration as to the realities for such protection as to the oath of protecting and defending. Thus the reality of using laws and legal portions in such additions as to the stand your ground laws, the realities of such extensions additionally by technicalities as per Irving as well as #NASA NASA being within the Houston area of Texas as well as the USS/USNS #USSLexington #Lexington #USNSLexington Lexington portions thereof for such additional aspects as to my SCUBA Diving thus all the below portions as well as the in between portions to the very above portions for such reviewal to such aspects thereof in combination to such conjunction portions and the facts as to how I wound up in Washington state and all such states along all such paths as per the official ability regarding any individual who had been a part of such to the stand your ground laws in such extension rights for each o the states as well as each state that might not have been gone to being willing of their own free will if they chose to join such a union portion as to such regards in the references thereof to if the possibility of such a review as to such overall aspects and including to the portions as to how others from other states could review the aspects if the Prisoner of War to the only thus far female #MedalofHonoraward #MedalofHonor Medal of Honor recipient #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker could be noticed in any such crossover metaphors.
It would be irony if the United States of America still has the original handwritten letters from Dr. Mary Edwards Walker when she wrote to the #Congress #USCongress #USACongress Congress and the #Senate #USSenate #USASenate Senate as well as the #WhiteHouse #USWhiteHouse #USAWhiteHouse White House to inform of such activities while acknowledging how she had been imprisoned as to the attacks, and then what she had to deal with though informing of such details to be able to assist the administrations once she had been believed and found to have proven herself and the information thereof to be valid in all such ways for the ending of the Civil War much earlier as well as having assisted the union to be able to overtake such last portions thereof to be able to then extract her from when the final portions of which she had been taken to as per the beginning protocols as to how such rescues of Prisoners of War had been during such times as per her letters to inform of such situations to be able to assist in their rescues of which the letters had been to inform where the Confederates had kept certain portions of the Union captured soldiers for such intensive purposes of assistances.
In conjunction as to the adult consenting lifestyle as having upset a large number of individuals in the #Chilis #ChilisResaurant #ChilisDeZavala #ChilisDeZavalaSA #ChilisDeZavalaSanAntonio #ChilisDeZavalaUTSA Chili’s Restaurant, as to the employees when just after the meeting of Terry who had been married to Lisa who had begun dating the manager John while both had assisted cheating on their spouses before moving into an apartment together. As per knowing how protective and against certain aspects thereof as I am as well as having been pregnant with my son at the time, yet one of the younger males specifically the male I had given the second Methuselah to who had been upset I refused to put my son at risk by being a part of such heathenistic tendencies as to be sloppy to ever think to contribute to the dangers of a minor through such negligence as to the safety and well being of as per the rampant sexually transmitted diseases among such lifestyle regarding those types of situations as per described and seen by those who could have researched such aspects thereof compared to the sanitizing I have been know to do for such in regards to the difference referencing my ways in BDSM adult consenting lifestyle portions. I do not think it should have ever taken a head injury to figure out, that massively huge difference between those #Swingers Swingers who needed to be educated how to clean up correctly as to the opposite portions regarding how more in the #BDSM BDSM lifestyle do what they can to remain clean and clear of such portions depending on the level of how to keep such cleanliness per tools thereof.
However after how I had been taken off of the military installation as to such portions thereof, to then find out about a new forming group called #TempleofFlesh Temple of Flesh having caused such problems to Terry’s marriage as to how I am about the aspects of faithfulness and loyalty per such other aspects as additional to being a pregnant Mom as to such pushing of the Temple of Flesh by those individuals who had repeatedly showed me the black high gloss background 4 inches by 6 inches or 5 inches by 7 inches two sided card with the white lettering mainly though the red Temple of Flesh wording when at Chili’s despite having repeatedly told those college students to stop and leave me alone as I was not interested in what they wanted to do or were trying to force me additionally after they had been told as to how I was off of the JBSA post and the fact of their knowledge as to the less than 1 year of being awake from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma. As Lisa was in nursing school portions at the #UTSA #UTSARN UTSA of which though Terry worked at ISR, as per if the similarities referencing the problems when people fail to acknowledge that one individuals’ work is one individual’s work and such aspects thereof as to the military connection aspects of such portions as to why #CID and Medical Hold Unit had put the restrictions in such a way as to only being able to speak with the Command aspects because of the problems from other such situations among the students as well as the permanent party types as to my safety as well as the safety of my then unborn children.
In addition to how many times those college students as well as employees including the managers thereof to that location as per having discussed as well as written about in regards as to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as well as “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to the “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in conjunction with the three volume series of mine “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” and the portions thereof for my legal copyrights and the assistances for such legal CID investigations as per the Austin rave situation and such other connected aspects as per the length of time to house parties within such aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle portions as per the legalities additionally to such sexual harassment as well as other such problems thereof to stalking. In turn in reflection to the overall aspects thereof in this year of 2021 and seeing such connectionary points regarding such 10 Commandments while additionally being less than one full year awake from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, to such so-called woke-types; the problems from such situations as to knowing I was not the only individual directly connected to a branch and division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. In turn because of how I explained as to my involvement with SCUBA Diving as to the portions in reference to my reasons in conjunction my patterns of behaviour regarding the surgical portions thereof, learning later of other such connection points as to the aspects thereof to my Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America’s Armed Forces at the time of the initial 4.75 years of such portions as to being considered once Temporary Retirement Duty Leave to being released from such as to being medically retired from the Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces to officially as of the Armed Forces of/for the United States of America as per the Department of Defense referencing internal investigation aspects as per the prior such connected portions thereof to the aspects per my choices regarding the #MEPS #MEPSstation MEPS station after my #ASVAB ASVAB as to the after times of the attacks on 11 September 2001 and what it was needing to be brought forward as to such areas such as a location of Military City USA San Antonio Texas for such regards as to what once was the Uniform Fetish Ball held by Temple of Flesh as to such prior situations before my performance and the end of the aspects to what had occurred regarding what was a portion of already described as to #EndStolenValor end stolen valor.
While a spouse can enjoy the fetish of their spouse’s employment or what-have-you, it is a choice as to whether or not someone gets involved with the aspects as to the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America for the most pert unless under the draft portions thereof though still the requirement for protection rights. In turn because of such portions regarding how certain situations have been seen to develop within the underground communities at times as per the hidden in plain sight aspects thereof with such literally within the name of the Uniform Fetish Ball within Military City USA and the problems which had been informed to me as to such situations regarding the college students who were discussing technology aspects as per different classes within their college courses, as to the portions of what later occurred regarding the aspects of what would later be realized to the illegal and wrongful extortion because of choosing to take information regarding the situations thereof as to the adult consenting lifestyle choices as per the more recent at that time aspect as to #POTUS42 #WilliamJClinton POTUS42 Bill Clinton and the #MonicaLewinskyScandal Monica Lewinsky scandal portions thereof having listened to them planning in the back area of the line area of the kitchen about such possibilities.
When it took three days of continuous annoyances as to the lack of belief in my wrongly as to finally tell Terry as to the situations regarding Lisa cheating on him at Chili’s in the dining area where all of the customers within the restaurant at the time were capable of seeing Lisa sitting on John’s lap as per how many customers go to a bathroom when they go to a sit down restaurant and the ways thereof, when the reality of such occurred as to Lisa moving out and into an apartment with John had been when my now dead-ex-husband had finally called Terry. In turn only that first day back to work as per what my scattered schedule was at the time compared to the full time servers and my only part-time to-go waitressing, I was needlessly blamed for saying anything to Terry through telling my now-dead-ex-husband. Whoever the male was who called John’s wife, would be who they should have thought of as to such a situation as Terry was blindsided as to the situation if those people had half a brain to figure such out on their own back then in the year of 2001 while they kept trying to push me towards a direction I did not agree with in their references as to such.
In addition to the location of that Chili’s being on I10 near DeZavala which is near both the San Antonio #SAFBI #FBI #USFBI #USAFBI FBI office as well as the UTSA campus as to Terry having worked at the #JBSA JBSA #ISR #InstituteofSurgicalResearch as to such portions of my SCUBA Diving gear as to the Navy Marine Special Warfare; regarding the portions of my loyalty and specific ties to such, for the gear portions from the additional aspects as to the assistances as per my patterns of behaviour as to the after portions upon the attacks on 11 September 2001 for such reviewals as to the Center for the Intrepid in conjunction with Medical Hold Unit changed over to Warrior Transition Unit. Thus in turn with all of those people as well as who I spoke with when I was able to work after the #Together Together aspects went as it had, the situations as to having explained the realities in truth immediately as to such times and onwards as to being truthful about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as how I had gotten off of the military installation post to begin with as well as the forced legal situation as to the additional aspects as to having to be taught the names of colors as well as how to count to 10 as such individuals at this point I suppose would be proven as to the portions of how many times I could have brought such forward as to the aspects for such clarifications in honesty.
In turn such knowledge thereof and the choices made by such as to the aspects thereof and now at the 20 year memorial as to the time of the attacks on 11 September 2001 and the safety portions as to such additional aspects as to the situations brought forward, possibly the review to such portions might additionally make sense as to the stand your ground aspects in the initial times shortly before the timeframe of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the if any of those students had used their cellphone to illegally take a picture of any of my identifying information. In turn the reminder as to the paperwork I received regarding the information of what had ben taken off post as to my name, rank, date of birth, and then the aspect as to the coding for such as to what preventatives had been put into place regarding the security of my military and medical records of such associated portions to the types thereof, as per the protocols as well as other later discussions. Thus the alerts had been put into place for the aspects thereof as to paying attention to specifics for other such portions, as the ways which certain covert messages are sent in specific aspects for the protection to what might be considered as a domesticated civilian as to the foreign choices to such actions as to the aspects thereof.
In turn with the additional aspects as to the explanations of such individuals in the UTSA college specifically saying their choices were based off of how much publicity in reference to the Monica Lewinsky portions thereof and my personal view points as to whatever consenting adults agree to is what consenting adults agree to, and finding which ways to cover such aspects of adult consenting choices as to the aspects thereof able to see the betterment as to the overall view in the longer terms from such times as prior to my official beginning to fight to be emancipated from my biological mother and biological father to get away from my biological sister and such aspects to what I knew I needed to do to help where I could to be able to save as many as I could from more than just my nightmare when such initial aspects had occurred. Hence while some may not have wanted or desired to trust my process as to such aspects to the background which some may not have realized in reference to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” regarding my hairstyle, my hair-color, and my tattoos along with such aspects thereof to the additional portions of the after effects to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; I told people I knew I was not the only one who could have a head injury, and I told people to be careful as to the choices in reference to technology as to doing the best I could to protect where possible and within the specifics thereof to such portions regarding the aspects of and to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the beginning foundational aspects as to the official recognition to the forming of the United States Space Force as per the #USSpaceForce #USSpaceForceDoD #DepartmentofDefense Department of Defense as to the transmission portions of concern as to such regarding the realities of.
While civilians who have studied history in depth as to tactics of the military portions, what from transmissions of messages could the regards of such to the aspects of requiring to explain an opinion to a bias to the facts and verifiable thereof to the pattern of behaviour; when looking as the transmissions outward into the Galaxy in such ways as satellites would have the ability to pick up such transmission waves; as to what could you see as such possibilities regarding such portions of the requirements for the clarifications as to the truths thereof, if when taking a look as a military tactical standpoint downward from the outer limits of the Galaxy towards where the earth is located for such reviewals as to the aspects thereof? Though some who have known me in person and through online though those who have the aspects to the in person as well as the online aspects, the clarifications thereof as to the strength of such could be viewed as annoying admittedly; though what would the aspects to such clarifications be of assistance to when taking into the consideration as to what length of time thereof to such clarifications for such aspects able to be thought about? Whether the opinion is as the opinion is and was as to was, the portions of such realities can be taken into consideration with such facts having been brought forward as to the suggested reviewal of such details as to the openness and clarifications to such portions for the aspects as to the ways to view such.
The 10 Commandments are 10 simple aspects to do the best to follow, when thinking about the larger aspects thereof to take into consideration in whichever word combination seems the most appropriate for the knowledge to understand the reasons for such aspects as to the terminology sometimes needing different words to explain the exact same thing. The irony from my childhood and teenager years my biological mother noticed early on in reference to when my biological father and I would argue, is we would be saying the exact same thing only using a different grouping of words for the references as to the proverbial and the metaphors regarding such as. I think the #Torah Torah as to the #Bible Bible references with the Native America/nature based religious spirituality portions as to the ease for such metaphors in multiple comparisons through various aspect to different portions of life, which are easier to have an open and honest discussion comparatively when thinking about such factors thereof as in such ways.
As 11 September 2001 memorial is 2 days away, my personal thoughts as per such situations as to the oddities of a different type of déjà vu in some ways as to a different time, in a different place, in a different set of areas, in a different days and/or evenings; the oddities thereof are quite perplexing as to seeing such a pattern formation, and at such a point possibly I am not the only one who sees such in the ways thereof as to this point in time. I know there is progress which has been made as well as further progression regarding such betterment, though as to such regards as to the space aspects despite the saying regarding the last frontier being in #Alaska #AK #Alaskastate Alaska; I believe that would be considered as the last frontier to the times thereof to the point of which could be considered thereof, on the land in regards thereof. However I believe in such similarities upon the end, comes a new and a different beginning as per the aspects thereof to the irony regarding the #Aurora #AuroraBorealis Aurora Borealis for such references to consider.

Thus the portions as to whether such aspects are in such consideration as to the prospective portions as to such overall aspects as to the percentage rate of my accuracy, to such situations and sights thereof regarding such a different type of seeing as well as such aspects thereof in the overall regards. While it is good in certain references to being free from all restrictions from ever being shackled by such ever again permanently as to such clarifications as well as laws statutes of protectionary measures thereof, however the realities in conjunction as to such regards as to the aspects as to the United States of America as well as the world in such references thereof to the portions of the progressionary aspects as per the situations if reviewed in genuine honesty as to such aspects. In turn, it has gone past the aspects of the levels to which once was regarding the aspects as to being out in the ways which had once been due to the ways which had become such a situation regarding the aspects as to how winding up in Washington state and the other aspects of such mearues to my safety as well as what best I could for my son's safety #Letters4James as well as my daughter's safety #Letters4Lidia in such regards thereof. You know, despite my physical look as well as such connected aspects including the additional pain levels as to my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury because of such aspects I did the best I could to explain in reference to how the pain was after winding up in Washington state as well as the zapping portions thereof to get out of such a cesspool type area of which the problems originated as far away as possible from such types of situations as to transferring after the clarity of such others' stances had been made clear as to the aspects thereof regarding etiquette.
Etiquette, is of extreme importance especially to me though I know I am not the only one who sees such as pertinent at times when mandatory regarding such truths.