While the facts as to the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 is this year in 2021, while some people may have thought the attacks were just on one day and then most went back to their daily routines; that is the furthest from the truth, due to the facts. While some remember watching the news though might not remember for how many days or weeks on end, when in reference to myself back in 2001 and having already gone over certain specifics as to where I could offer help as to what I remembered from what needed to be done during the 1993 attack at the World Trade Center from what I knew of who I knew who had helped get life back to what could be considered as their newer normal; the time during what would be on this day 20 years ago I was in the hospital with my newborn son who was sick. He did not have anything major when looking at such though a high temperature for an infant is always a concern, admittedly odd that the situation was as it was. There were those who had visited the hospital room he and I were in which though some were medical professionals who checked on my son, there were those who were dressed in the white jackets with the camouflage clothing and yet their boots were not the correct style of military issued boots for the timeframe who visited the room.
When those individuals had visited the room, they also did not have the correct tags on the BDU uniform of which maybe their thought was the white jackets could cover up that situation; however they also did not have the same type of pins, referencing the doctor labels as to who they were nor wore such the ways correctly; in the same way as to when I went to Walter Reed, knowing the difference to what the correct uniform was supposed to be for sch a military medical location if they were actual individuals in such a field. Though over the years certain aspects have been allowed to change, certain attributes were not ever allowed for such changes such as the head coverings which were known only for certain sectors of the medical areas of a hospital. Nonetheless despite the situations regarding Walter Reed of which I had been told to go to if I ever felt there was an importance to go for my medical care from a male doctor who I had seen multiple times in the #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioTX #TX #TXstate #Texasstate #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio and #Selma Selma Texas locations throughout the years starting in the year randomly in 2003 as I have gone over before, that male as I was told named Dr. Kerry the last time I had seen him was after the time when he repeatedly told me to go to Walter Reed for the SCUBA Diving situation as he had said he had been stationed in the area and had worked at Walter Reed which would have the correct medical equipment for what would be important for what would be known for what was important for my medical care from such.
Despite the facts as to not having been checked physically beyond my vitals and only speaking briefly with a male and a female who were dressed in scrubs, wore the face masks which were not changed out from prior walking around in the hospital, the male who had a Marine Corps head cover though he had not been in the Marines yet his son was, and the female having tattoos in areas which would not be considered appropriate for even the current time frame of the year of 2021 as she had said she was in the Navy; I have already gone over how all that occurred was talking in comparison to any medical care, or any actual medical questions as to my SCUBA Diving portions. That is not the first time as to such as I had a similar set of lack of questions at Fort Sam Houston at BAMC/SAMC, to which the lack of medical concern as to what I had survived and what is required for such medical aspects was ignored and not taken seriously incorrectly for such a situation as to what had occurred in reference to my SCUBA Diving. Since the facts were not discussed in full, there was and is not any reason for me to type on my website about such as the facts of which to what is required have not been done as I do not believe anyone has taken such a situation seriously.
Due to what I know the facts are of such as well as what needed/needs to be done, until such aspects are taken seriously there is not the requirement for me to go over such details as per the situations seemingly not being taken seriously despite the facts of what I had gone through. In turn while I guesstimate another individual has stolen valor incorrectly as to what I personally have done, I repeat the facts as to my willingness to re-drop down as to only needing my teeth taken care of as to the length of time as to what occurred and I will succeed in the redoing of such a portions; however because of my lack of faith that anyone has believed me over such time as the lack of an instructor license is not what the requirements are for such a set of feats, as the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg was not the only location, I had landed at the bottom of the ocean at. I am the only one who has successfully descended to multiple locations at the bottom of the ocean and safely surfaced alive and as such, I am the only one who would know how to describe other factors of which are not up for discussion at his point in time due to the clearance factors of which only an individual with such clearances would be allowed in the regards of due to the facts of what portions as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the #USArmedForces #USAAF #USAF #USAFDoD #DepartmentofDefense #ArmedForcesDoD #USArmedForcesDoD #ArmedForcesDepartmentofDefense Armed Forces of the United States of America provides regarding such aspects as to the levels thereof.
Thus while I know there has wrongly been such a denial as to what I alone had accomplished, the facts of which my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America with such specifics for my personal work as those who know and understand such portions, there is a non-transferrable aspect to which the representation of the Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America is only one portion as the background plus the clearance in which ways such several levels of clearances would be for such requirements to go through certain levels thereof, would fully require for the movement through such as being a civilian would remove all such portions as the activated status of the guarding of the nations while remaining reserved is only one portion of which would be the first steps as to such as per other factors of which only such a clearance for such an individual would ever allow such accesses which are not for the civilian sector nor for anyone without certain background clearances in conjunction with other aspects of training which would be the only way to be able to go through certain portions of such locations. Those only with prior clearances as well as having been in specific locations for such clearances to be able to move through certain areas, would only be the one who would be granted such access of which there is not one civilian who would ever be able to accomplish such just as without specific prior backgrounds which the ignorance to ever think an instructor card would ever be good enough is laughable for such a feeble minded portion of the type of SCUBA Diving required for such aspects.
Nonetheless as to the poor choices as to any such individual who would ever think an instructor license would be what was required for such work, would prove their failures as to whether they were a decent SCUBA Diver would physically show as to the lies thereof in ways which would be different than what would be assumed. Additionally if there was a continuation of such lies due to specifics regarding the Armed Forces mandatory connection in other such connections, there would not be any further allowances to SCUBA Diving in the oceanic waters for any such connection as to lying about such a SCUBA Dive as the requirement to discuss all SCUBA Dives in full is only one other portion of which the requirements for such clearances would be. While there are other factors involved, those realities of which my three volume series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” have gone over, are just some of the smaller aspects to what was required in the full combinations thereof referencing pre-SCUBA Diving as well as my SCUBA Diving certifications in the realities thereof as well. The requirements for in person face to face portions was and in mandatory, which any ignorant individual would think would be meaningless and yet is the more important factors thereof for such requirements to ever be able to descend in such locations to the measurements of such which are the truth as I can only tell the truth. With the verification processes of such merging portions of which the levels of truth which would be shown and can be shown as to the length of truths required in a length of time as to such portions as to the additional proving factors thereof, only an individual who speaks and works in full truth would ever be allowed such access because of the specifics thereof involved for such types of work.
In turn the requirement for the truth about my SCUBA Diving as well as any and all such hypotheticals referencing cover ups by any individual involved is mandatory, because of the other associated aspects thereof to which there is the mandatory silence upon my part because of the specific requirements which those who have an Omega clearance and above would know and understand such portions of precautions regarding the allowances thereof for such details. In turn the realities of any such individuals and/or groups who would try to prevent such in wishes to get information which they do not have the clearance for in the civilian sector would be moot and would prove such aspects as to a Prisoner of War situation as the facts of such portions of SCUBA Diving; I had and have already explained my initial aspects as to why I had gotten involved in SCUBA Diving, to which that important factor is required referencing the aspects to such other portions. Thus the list of questions I had texted an individual were in regards of the Puffer Fish he caught, and nothing to do with actually landing at the bottom of the oceanic waters as to there being a massive difference between such portions as to the aspects thereof. In turn the ways which what would have been gone over are at a different level of which the medical portions have nothing to do with such questions though other aspects are fully connected to such questions as to the merging of technological backgrounds of all individuals if those answers were ever given to a medical professional who would have put such into the system of which would fail each security measure and set off other alarms and red flags within the technological systems to begin the merging processes as seen in the general public sector through other coding portions such as #electionintegrity election integrity and #factchecking fact checking.
The fact checking would be in reference to the cellular phone locations at such times as well as bank account records thereof, for which the requirements of specific types of purchases would have to be found within the records of receipts as to one specific item as to specific locations thereof. Additionally as to the one specific item and the cellular phone GPS locations, would be other factors to which those to aspects are enough to assist such fact checking as to additionally having the proven integrity of the background as to only having spoken the truth in full as known in all such able to find situations thereof for a specific mandatory length of time. As I have learned that I am the only one who has been able to speak truth in all such ways which in reference to real life portions online which would be an additional mandatory aspect for any clearances to get below a certain Atmospheric Measurement depth level, the hypothetical of any individual who would think an instructor license would be required is laughable pathetic in all such regards and would require the full disclosure from all involved as to the facts of such realities and the confessions from their lies to the situations wished to be as their own though would be able to be proven as anyone who would have gone to such would be willing to redo without any hesitations regarding any thoughts or concerns beyond what would be normal because of already having done so before. As I am willing and able to as only my teeth are the main aspects as to which to take care of as already having written in “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to such reasons, I am ready and willing and able to redo such one of the multiple SCUBA Dives per the abilities to redo such one #SCUBA #SCUBADiver #SCUBADiving SCUBA Dive of mine regarding at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #FL #FLstate #Florida #Floridastate.
However if whoever hypothetically has claimed to have accomplished such portions is not willing or has wished to claim there is no need for such verification, would have proven their fear of what they should be afraid of in the most minimal contexts as to which my stopping by was to clear that my medical health is well enough to be able to redo such portions before dropping down to the bottom of the oceanic waters again as to the health and well being in comparison to what some would assume was problems in such references beyond my teeth. In such a hypothetical wish to see what the aspects were, the aspects were the proof of my vital signs being clear for all such portions as well as the ability to speak clearly when spoken to or with, as well as my clarity of thought as well as clarity of recollections which would be able to be seen additionally in reference to all of my journal blog entries with the levels of additional details thereof for such proof of which my clarity would be able to be seen and show for all such intensive details thereof.
In addition to the backgrounds for such additional clearances and training as to the most minimal of minimal portions for such requirements for the ability to go where I had gone in reference to my SCUBA Diving as well as other factors involved, I would be proven as to not needing to actually do so though the fact of my willingness as well as my push for the truth would be a key factor to which the higher ups to various maritime aspects which would be able to know certain levels of which would be able to be proven as to it having been my SCUBA Diving and my SCUBA Diving alone which had been a small part of what requirements thereof in addition to the tentacle portion of pictures with the specific location of bruising in my legs which additionally would show such an altercation as which the bend in the metal on the top portion of the rise above the mast area where the American Flag is located would show such a reason for such.
In conjunction to the specific slit in reference to the remnants as to the tentacle portion of only that one point of one reference, such additional proof as to only a certain type of female would be capable of having other specific requirements as to being capable for such aspects as one could not be an only child nor could be anything other than the first born as well as other specifics which I have laid out in part as to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in combination with “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as well as my trilogy “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diving Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as well as in reference to one specific book of the other book series I have written details about in references thereof. All such portions combined for the civilian knowledge allowed would be the required portions for the clarifications of with the technological aspects for additional backup, as well as other security cameras which would prove all such locations I had been at such times in comparison to any other wishes hypothetically. Such arrogances by any other(s) would mean the rising of the oceanic waters as well as the heat of such oceanic waters from the rage and anger of the beings within the oceanic waters, as well as other factors of the realities regarding the higher amounts of earth quakes in certain other regions of the world referencing additional tsunami water portions for other realities as to the aspects of the oceanic waters.
In turn the longer such has taken for the correct recognition in person to the one and only individual who had accomplished such which would only be myself in ways which the announcements of which the vibrational portions from all such types of speech with the backing up of the technological portions of microphones because of the specific voice vibrational frequencies which would be recognized by such beings, would only cause needless additional damages to the oceanic as well as including though a part of such in the fresh water categories of which the lesser amounts of depth of fresh water would be able to be noticed by the marine scientific communities throughout all of the lands on the earth and not only in the location of the United States of America as would be assumed hypothetically. Nonetheless such medical clearances as to the amount of times I have been seen by actual medical professionals as to the specific locations thereof would additionally prove my health and well being for such realities of my work regarding my SCUBA Diving, to which my recognition earned would bring forward such aspects as to the realities of such testimonials as to the aspects as to the technological voice recognition aspects as to specific vibrational frequencies. A specific essence of which only one individual would additionally prove such portions would be the aspect to which could not ever be replicated and would not ever be transferable as to the within all portions of myself, as to the specifics of other realities required for such SCUBA Diving in other such aspects thereof.
Another portion of which when I had gone to the Montana Vortex would additionally give the required clarifications as not per the chair aspect, though the yoga aspect as well as several other portions of ease which only the one who would be capable of such feats in reference to my SCUBA Diving would be brought forward as to my specific successes referencing my work. Stolen valor is not an option regarding such portions in reference to my SCUBA Diving, as per the requirement at all times to tell as well as fight for the truth. Thus while I can go into multiple details thereof in reference to my SCUBA Diving well beyond the details I have already gone over, the realities of such portions regarding my particular SCUBA Diving would in full rectify all such portions and the requirement as to the full relinquishment from any/all involved to such aspects thereof in regards of my UHAUL SCUBA Diving gear collection would verify the last aspects as to what would be seen as to my ownership initially though in addition to the purchases of my SCUBA Diving gear through such technological measures of which in specific the dry-suit SCUBA Diving gear would not have been used for such portions of such SCUBA Diving as per the requirements as to what was specifically worn as the reasons for the wetsuit only in comparison would be required because of other additional verifications to the levels thereof to such a SCUBA Diving aspect. Thus if any hypothetical ever thought a dry-suit was worn and/or required, would be the first of many dominoes to fall and tip over for such aspects.
Nonetheless in the regards as to the aspects of what I was told by Dr. Kerry which the last appointment I had with him had been a female OB/GYN check before how I wound up in Washington state after the Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue concert situation in March of the year of 2013, the aspects as to the snow in Vancouver Washington as well as the landslide in the state of Washington would be the vibrational portions of which such oceanic being informed of such problems as well as Hurricane Harvey being an additional portion. If there were any additional problems such as anything going awry further unexpectedly to any such technological portions within the oceanic waters such as technology failures within an oil rig during the timeframe after my SCUBA Diving in August 2009 specifically through to the current timeframe, such oceanic being are giving signs as to their full disapproval of the lack of correct recognition to my SCUBA Diving and my work. Hypothetically of course, as per the legal aspects.
In turn regarding the aspects as to how the OB/GYN appointment had gone in reference to Dr. Kerry after a specific phone call in the Selma Texas location previous to such an appointment time as per the situations regarding my daughter and the problems which occurred because of #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas Carrollton Texas and #EMcCoy #McCoyElementary #McCoyElementarySchool McCoy Elementary School as well as the #FTWorth #FortWorth #FWTX #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #FtWorthZoo #FortWorthZoo #FWZoo #FWZ Fort Worth Zoo and the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD #FarmersBranch #FBTX #FaemersBranchTexas, the realities of such a time which I suppose would be along such lines as the #USOlympicGymnastic #USGymnastics #Olympics #Gymnastics US Olympic Gymnastics news reports of sexual assaults known about more recently if such has been considered as such to the situation regarding Dr. Kerry for a reference aspect to look into as since such a time I have only had female doctors since the situation as to the time in the year of 2013 or 2012 regarding Dr. Kerry at the military connected hospitals/medical facilities in such references.
However aside from proving to have moved forward as to the situations regarding my SCUBA Diving as well as in reference to the rampant sexual assault problems throughout various sectors of the different branches of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as has been proven additionally simply stemming from the rave situation and Brackenridge as well as how I had been taken off of the military installations of #JBSA #FtSam #FortSam #FtSamHouston #FortSamHouston Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas and the lack of concern regarding such health of mine over such a length of years despite at the time of being pregnant with my son #Letteers4James at being one year awake from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury while the subarachnoid hemorrhage was still fully present just the same as when pregnant with my daughter #Letters4Lidia only two years after such a time, the realities of those who I had known in person not having stood up and brought such forward in the appropriate timeframe as their cognitive abilities would have or should have known better regarding common sense if there was genuine concern as per the facts of having to be taught the correct names of colors as well as having to be taught how to count to ten at such a year of 2000. Though it has been 21 years since such a time, it does not change the problems noticed within the medical system among other aspects as to the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America due to such realities able to be seen and proven over the years to which my time at #CID Criminal Investigation Division.
I have been able additionally to prove my recollection as to a specific individual regarding the situation at the time in the year of 2000 in #MedicalHoldUnit #MHU Medical Hold Unit which has been changed to the name of #WTU #WarriorTransitionUnit Warrior Transition Unit to which the holdings are over and the warrior portions have symbolically be brought forward in full swing, as to the truthful aspects thereof as I have discussed as well as written about in more areas than just my first two books; which were the only 2 books with such levels of donation portions in comparison to all of my combined other books which none others were at such a donation portion because unlike the Finding books, were not as needed for the levels of individuals for such aspects thereof. However such sexism in the various levels and branches of the Armed Forces of the United States of America has been proven regarding the situations involved in reference to my SCUBA Diving, as well as the lack of concern in the correct ways in multiple such ways and accounts thereof to such contributing factors of problems which has run rampant for far too long in such regards in my opinion.
Additionally to the facts of other such creations of mine regarding the Underwater Wedding which would seal such aspects as to the situations regarding my SCUBA Diving and prove such individuals’ problems as well as prove such coverups regarding such portions as per any videos and/or pictures taken which would send the specific transmission exactly to where they were intended for such clarifications as to other such Irving style situations, as well as several other factors such as the officializing of the #USSpaceForce #USSpaceForceDoD# #USSpaceForceDepartmentofDefense #USSFDoD #USSF US Space Force of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Can anyone see anything regarding the letters within US Space Force which would have a direct connection to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, as well as other maritime naval ships associated with specifically the United States of America? What would USS and USSF have in common, regarding the one and the two and the three portions regarding the connection of what additional proof of such portions would be as to such aspects thereof?
In the reference to the aspects of which what proof of ther aspects to my background regard the 20 year memorial as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 which would be additional verifications as to my SCUUBA Diving in different ways as to the protocols as well as other such connected points, the ways of which the times at #WilfordHall #acklandAirForceBase #USAirForce #USAAirForce #USAAF #USAF Wilford Hall on Lackland Air Force Base which I can joke sarcastically about the lacking of the land regarding how my original Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America’s Armed Forces had gone missing when my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina (maiden last name Nichols) Osteen and her two daughter Sondra Marie Osteen and Ariel Marie Osteen had been in my Ford Windstar van when my original Blue Identification card went missing, after the three of them asked why my identification card looked as it did and when I refused to tell them anything regarding the background of those who would know such types of those females would know those types of temper tantrums when they did not have the allowances to have such information at the time thereof to when my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America went missing and the other portions involved regarding the leaks as to military intelligence because of just one time of ever scanning my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America in a location which my living arrangements were not within a specific mile area as to any appointment specifically involved in addition to such any time of.
In those aspects such individuals would be able to be charged with treason because of the facts such information would not have been leaked if such red flags were not set off regarding such, and the knowledge as to the security cameras catching each individual involved with such a treasonous set of choices would bring forward aspects as to what was discussed during the formation of the Untied States of America as to what legalities would be considered as treason as well as domestic terrorism of which I have brought forward suggestions to review in reference to my book “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” which such aspects in combinations thereof would be able to go over various levels of such legal definitions with examples thereof to which those who know legislation procedures comprehend the requirement when writing torts of such to have multiple levels of such examples to give varying definitions as to an overall as well as minor and major aspects to such a types of legal definition points for such regards. In conjunction for such legislative portions to bring forward different viewpoints as to the ways which legal arguments are completed within various spectrums thereof, in comparison to any fighting against in comparison to the ability to explain reasonably for such legislation would be an additional viewpoint to add to such aspects of hypotheticals as to the backgrounds and reasons thereof which have been gone over in my books as well as in my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA due to the levels of requirements for various legislation portions thereof.
However such intellectual capabilities would have had to been precursor to the timeframe of the attacks on 11 September 2001 in comparison to having any major studies after such a time, as per having been born and raised in New Jersey and having had the ability to go to libraries at various times throughout my childhood as well as the types of libraries would additionally prove other such portions as the additional requirements of the year of my birth to the numerical portions as to the more commonly known aspects as to the aspects of the day of my birth in comparison to 9/11 though in a Hebrew reading of reverse when taking the arithmetic into consideration hypothetically. In turn if my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America had ever been scanned anywhere outside of the San Antonio Texas area from the years of 2000 through to 2008 as per the trinity numerical portions, as well as only being scanned for appointments in the correct locations thereof; would be an unknown to the ignorant as to their admittance of guilt, regarding such a different type of confession as to such regards. In addition to the aspects of what such connections would be, only those who would fight for the truth would have such additional messages proven in reference to online messages in conjunction with phone calls of whichever type to which the #HomelandSecuruity Homeland Security regulations thereof at such times around the year of either 2000 or 2001 or 2002 would verify the ability to use such evidences to bring forward justice for such evidence collected.
In such references as per the lack of requirement for the statute of limitations to such regards as per if the requirement of the Stand Your Ground Laws in such example as the state of Texas would be of in truthful portions thereof, in reference to patterns of behaviour as well as such proof thereof to any such connections to any and all such crimes would be able to bring forward such legal portions as to the technological aspects as to the truth being mandatory in all such references as per the Freedom of Expression does not include the protection over lies as it only is in protection of truthful measures of such discussionary aspects. In conjunction as to the facts thereof regarding such portions of phone calls, texts messages, as well as online portions of all types of communication to such #NSA #NationalSecurityAdminitstation National Security Administration reasons for the hand in hand working along with Homeland Security for such aspects for such legislative portions to bring forward was of legal ramifications thereof, the requirements as to the known timeframe requirements to ever bring certain details forward as per the conjunction portions of such a specific type of set of clearances would be known in comparison to ever having to ask for any information about such aspects of any such higher levels of security clearance(s). In turn the aspects which I have already gone over in various details and explanations thereof, would be of additional proof in regards of several portions in addition to my SCUBA Diving aspects in a fuller context thereof. It should not take a head injury to figure out there would not be anything recreational about SCUBA Diving to land at the bottom of the ocean in any location I had done so, though especially in reference to the known aspects of a United States of America’s Armed Forces #USNavy #USANavy #USN #USAN Navy associated vessel for such aspects thereof to the references of being outside of any type of maritime vessel when accomplishing such an in person and face to face situation to which SCUBA Diving is such a ways and the only way thereof for such type of communications for the larger aspects thereof to the protection aspects.
Additionally to the aspects to which the #BigBlueBook Big Blue Book also known as the #BlueBookProject Blue Book Project connection points, would be a different requirement as to only one location in comparison to the combined aspects thereof to all such portions regarding my SCUBA Diving; again which none of such was ever associated officially in such ways with any type of recreational SCUBA Diving, as per the ways of my entrance into the SCUBA Diving as per already discussed as well as described multiple times over. The facts which would be able to prove such in conjunction would not be any change to the details, though only more details added to the facts already presented as those who would know of and understand the levels as to the truth portions of detection to the portions thereof regarding such aspects in the references to the detail levels referencing such portions within a level of which would be within such aspects as to clearance levels of such portions thereof in line with the aspects of higher law enforcement as well as military portions.
Of which while there has been multiple complaints as to my repetition as to when speaking as well as hypothetically regarding my writing, there are those who would comprehend such portions as to the reasons for such aspects as to the repetition of such portions regarding a specific type of training within the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America if there ever was/is a point of which not having the ability to directly speak with specific clearenced individuals for such a specific type of briefing and the levels of details thereof would be in conjunction to such lines thereof to which only certain types of employment aspects of the Armed Forces of the United States of America would be far more inclined to have such knowledge as well as trainings thereof. In such references, I refer those who know of the details regarding my time at the #Chicago #ChicagoIL #ChicagoIllinois #IL #Illinois #Illinoisstate Chicago Illinois #MEPS MEPS station for such requirements thereof for such specifics to such employment aspects thereof.
In turn while the reality of which I did not graduate Basic Training in ways which would be considered normal as to the ways of graduating Basic Training in the exact same ways as to while I actually did graduate high school though did not have such a graduation aspect thereof as my first application to the #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment as per the required government background clearance checks to be able to apply for such a specific type of schooling began officially for my background checks in a fuller way in the year of 1996, a point of which to my dismay as to not having been accepted at the specific time of due to certain background check requirements as to a question involved for such connection portions for the admittance due to certain other lineage portions of familial aspects tied fairly directly to such individuals accepted to the school in such times; my background clearance checks officially began after the deaths of my Grandpa Gavett as well as my Bok Gung to which only at that time had my Bok Pu been alive to which such would have been a different level of which certain aspects discussed at the MEPS station would have been a portion to which my Basic Training aspects as to not having officially gone through the graduation portions of such ceremonial portions thereof to the aspects in the ways which most would know of a graduation portions for any such effects thereof.
As it is and was known as to my biological mother as well as my biological sister’s stances at such specific times, why would anyone ever think any branch or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America would ever want or need such types of individuals on the military installation for #FTSill #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #FtSillOK #FtSillOklahoma #Oklahoma #Oklahomastate #Lawton #LawtonOK #LawtonOklahoma Fort Sill Oklahoma as per such times in the years more specifically of 1999 and 2000? Those who knew at such times as well as later learned of such comments and complaints regarding the specifics of more specifically to my biological mother Anna Louise (maiden last name or first marriage last name of Lally) Hom and my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller would ever be of any need to be on or able to walk around that particular military installation, as those who would know what specifics would be within the various areas thereof to such a location would know as to what precautionary measures would be for such. In addition to the facts as to my phiscal fitness abilities as well as my completion successfully of the COC and CCC courses on my first attempt during my time within the Basic Training aspects, one can see the hypothetical possibilities as to why such a graduation ceremony was not possible though other such portions as to other connected aspects thereof to my time when I was in Basic Training in the #USArmy #Army #USAArmy #USAA Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces as to the additional combinations to my upbringing for such hypotheticals regarding those who would have higher knowledge as to such other additional aspects thereof for such safety precautions for such hypothetical areas driven around and/or walked around when on such a location during the graduation time afterwards as well as prior to such a graduation ceremony if I had officially graduated my Basic Training timeframe.
Though admittedly I had not gone to my AIT training or my MOS training in AIT, what background aspects to my life would have ever precluded such a requirement as to such a specific number though with the clearance background thereof would be of additional portions to take into such considerations which in turn would be among such portions regarding the additional aspect to MAST as well as my SCUBA Diving for such regards of considerations to review?
In such references to the timing of the day of 18 September 2001 and my son’s hospitalization as well as later on in the earlier weeks of October 2001, when meeting with the medical professional dressed individuals regarding such aspects as to the situations mainly within the area of #NewYorkCity #NYC #NewYork #NewYorkstate as to such aspects after the initial portions of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to he ground clearances as to which the camera footage I was shown via what was shown as a reporting on the news by what was an individual dressed within BDU clothing for such reports shown on the television screen compared to the ways in the civilian sector have dressed for such normal types of news reports, I was shown the footage regarding the areas of which the garage portions were able to be seen within the footage and asked as to my recommendations regarding other connected aspects thereof. I was requested for my knowledge of my background within certain connection portions which were verified by my biological mother in regards of who I personally knew when I was being babysat as to the individual who had worked within security portions of the World Trade Center during such years within the 1980s and the 1990s as to other such connected aspects thereof to knowing the various areas of certain locations which were more specifically shown to me in such regards as to the areas which the basement garages were of a large concern as to other portions connected to such reviews as to the clearing of the debris as to the in person knowledge of the areas involved during such a point in time.
In that timeframe as per the ways which COVID had begun in reference to people being required to remain indoors during such times and the actualities of which the quarantining though more-so along the lines of #MartialLaw Martial Law during the initial weeks and month of the attacks on 11 September 2001 who had apartment buildings and/or hotel locations within a certain radius of the central location of the #WTC #WaorldTradeCenter World Trade Center, I have already brought up as to the videos and photography referencing what would be required as to the safety of the then #POTUS43 POTUS43 George W. Bush and since the ability to recreate what would semi-look as to such a location through the ways of #Hollywood Hollywood, in turn would then show as to the aspects of the health situations as seen referencing what #JonStewart Jon Stewart has brought forward in regarding of the #firefighters #Firefighter firefighters and #police #lawenforcement law enforcement of the areas during such times if the aspects thereof were hypothetically posed for images as to the destruction which occurred to the New York City location which is noticeable to one such as myself for having been born and raised in #NJ #NewJersey #newJerseystate New Jersey and going around the various areas of the tristate region of the northeast. However in such references as to in both regards as to the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001, the military aspects of the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America including law enforcement/fire department/EMS, as well as in reference to SCUBA Diving; the requirement to #stopstolenvalor #endstolenvalor ending all types and forms of stolen valor has been required for decades, well before the #VietnameWar #Vietnam Vietnam War timeframe as per the furthered aspects as to identity verification.
In turn such identity verification as per the ways as explained in reference to the evening before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the identification card, such aspects as to such verifications regarding my particular SCUBA Diving work is a factor to which is able to be verified simply be the fact of having more than the requirements to be able to reprove myself in all such aspects thereof in all such ways as to my SCUBA Diving to which only someone who would wish the words I had written would ever be good enough to verify such portions and/or what I had discussed and/or pictures/videos I took to ever be considered as acceptable to such a verification process for such achievements thereof. It should not take a head injury to figure out my type of SCUBA diving would not ever be under the labeling of recreational SCUBA Diving in the context or format thereof, to which my SCUBA Diving records would be unable to ever be out done no matter what was tried as to other such connected requirements no matter what others’ wishes could be.
My SCUBA Diving similarly to my life, is the furthest aspect of easy as can be seen and found. It should not take a head injury, to figure that out.
Only an ignorant moron in my opinion would ever think there would ever be anything easy about my SCUBA Diving, and only an ignorant deplorable idiot would ever think that they could ever do anything which would ever get any type of a transfer thereof which would ever allow such portions as to going to the actual bottom of the ocean in the ways thereof to safely descend and safely ascend without specific verification processes in the largest and longest contexts of regarding the backwards portions of the timeframe.
...then again I did not need a head injury to figure that out, I already had one…or a few…after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000...
