Starting with the facts as to having begun my website officially more-so knowing that it would be considered as an ability for someone who is a shy as I am for an icebreaker for a discussion if people were honest in reference to having seen my website and knowing my name, as I have not been one in the public areas to speak about my website because of being more shy in more ways despite what outfits I have modeled in and despite my hairstyle with my #tattoo tattoos. Not all people who have bright colored hair and tattoos are always extroverted, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out despite how some may think. While in reference to when at some of the rallies in Austin Texas where I could feel the energy of which it felt as though people had already known about my website and had not used my name in the ways which it felt as though they were telling me the truth energetically in the same portions as to asking questions which felt as though they already knew the answers to, when taking in consideration of the fact as to the rallies during the #Austin #AustinTX #ATX #AustinTexas #Texas #Texasstate Austin Texas area 2020 election cycle and taking in consideration the amount of firearms openly carried by the various individuals which felt as though they knew about my website though were not telling me with their words to such; in my opinion with such an aspect as to picking up such energetic portions without being told as to the verification of whether or not of such, of course I would guesstimate it would be considered as normal to be extremely wary of the situations regarding the area of Austin Texas when taking such into consideration.
While I have handed out my card as to other circumstances as well as dropped off cards in random areas as I thought that was a way to get what is called advertisements going to be able to assist my book sales because of the facts as to what I have been unable to receive regarding any book sale royalties from all of my work up to this point, the facts of which if my book sales and my royalties went to my account as per such I would not have had any need to go and do any type of advertising for such to begin with over the timeframe of the years of 2019 to the current year because of the facts of not ever actually receiving what I personally set as a goal for myself for my book sales. Since I have not received what I felt I have earned regarding my work, I had thought that was how companies go out to be able to earn the financial backing that is required for the goals set. Since none of the goals I personally have set for myself regarding my book sales have ever gotten to the point of which I have ever felt that I had specifically set for myself to occur, the facts of how to get the ability to bring such forward last I checked was going out to get such taken care of. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that since my son and my daughter are biologically over the age of 18 years old, there is not the same responsibility to any such aspects regarding their in person aspects as per the situations thereof.
I have made sure to take care of my bills and my responsibilities though since the facts of which my royalty checks have not ever gotten to my minimum goal, the facts of if there has ever been any legal intercession that I was not ever informed of officially then there is a massively huge problem as to not having been informed as to any legal intercession which I have the right to my royalties as per my work and not anyone else’s assistance to any such portions of my work in any such way. I did not have anyone assist me with editing, nor did I have any assistance with any portions of proofreading, nor any design portions thereof in any way what-so-ever. Thus there has not ever been any reason, nor cause, nor excuse for any such withholdings of my works’ financial aspects if that has ever been a problem as it was not ever anything a anyone else actually did except my own works. While I have seen the illegal release of my books which I did not authorize nor did I ever allow, the facts of which those problems are a different aspect to which my royalties due to me are still my royalties due to me.
I did not ever ask anyone for any assistances regarding my financial regards, and thus there is not anyone who is needing to take care of my finances as I did not ask for such portions ever. The immediate release of all of my funds to me as to what I personally earned regarding my finances has been due to me the entire time, which I have earned on my own and I do not want nor need nor request any assistance regarding my finances beyond regarding where I put my money in my banking account aspect in comparison. The fact as to the situation which I have repeatedly proven as to my responsibilities being taken care of despite the facts of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury 21 years ago, I have done well enough on my own and I do not want any assistance regarding any such ideas referencing any such aspects as per the facts of which my capacity to be able to take care of my own work is proven by the fact I have done so on my own long enough. If it was not for others having gotten involved with what was not their to get involved with to begin with being the problem with their biases because of how people within the state of Texas have proven to treat people who have different color and type of hair as well as different skin despite the Austin area claiming to be accepting, the facts as to which the situations I have earned on my own regarding my 26 #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving certifications for what my plans were in comparison to ever needing what others wished regarding an instructor was not ever in my plans.
I was working on my ideas for my Underwater Travel System with the works I had already been working on from my childhood regarding having gone to look into the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, and all of my SCUBA Diving certification go along with what I had already been working on in my childhood and teenager years. I did not need to discuss such with any individual who would have been ignorant to ever think I cared about ever becoming what they were, as I had much bigger plans for my life and what I wanted to doing comparison to just staying ion one spot and not ever leaving that area. If it was not figured out regarding my specific comfort level as to what I personally prefer on my terms and not on someone else’s terms of moving around, when I chose to move I know what I am doing. When others get in my way and needlessly cause problems, then I have to figure out my own way back to my path of what I was working on to begin with.
If there were not arrogant ignorant SCUBA Divers who had actually paid attention in comparison to their assumptions, my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications were not ever meant for any such portions as to any SCUBA Diving Instructor as I did not need to be an Instructor for what my plans had been the entire time. I had told people about where I specifically wanted to go which they only wanted to go to the same type of ho-hum sorts of places such as Cozumel and Cancun, whereas I wanted to go SCUBA Diving in Alaska. That is enough to let anyone know I was not evert the same type of SCUBA Diver as those people were, and despite their wishes for such instruction type of garbage; I had more important things I was working on and being a SCUBA Diver Instructor with those people who had proven to lie to my face when I was at the area in 2019 only proved why I did not ever need to be involved with any such SCUBA Diver Instructors because of not needing those levels of types of people in what I was working on. I told those individuals I was not getting into SCUBA Diving for any of the reasons those people were getting involved, and I did not need any of those people throwing their temper tantrums as per the ways some had in reference to what I needed to do for my work; in reference to the General Hoyt S. Vandenberg and other such areas. #GeneralHoytSVendenberg #Vandenberg #Florida #FloridaKeys #FL
Those types of people who did not take a moment to ever think of the long term as to what I had told them I knew I was going to take care of and had done so regarding a multitude of factors, those types of as they called themselves recreationally lazy SCUBA Divers as per their own words in the year of 2009 had been a nuisance to me as per what my plans were the entire time. While those people thought it was funny as to why I would take the amount of classes I was working on and earned of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, it was not my fault they were and remain too small minded to have ben able to ever have paid attention to the fact I told them exactly what I was getting involved with SCUBA Diving for myself for. I did not need those people ever getting involved because of their lack of faith and their lack of ability regarding what my type of SCUBA Diving had always been destined for in comparison to where they could remain going SCUBA Diving at the depth levels where they are allowed to go if they want to survive from their SCUBA Diving, as I prefer a safe descent as well as a safe ascent when SCUBA Diving. However since those people have stood by and done nothing regarding having been told about the Cancun SUCBA Diving trip as to the male I did not want nor need to go on the trip who acknowledged to causing problems to my SCUBA Diving gear, is one of many reason why I did not discuss my reasons for my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications after the temper tantrum he threw at the Apple SCUBA Dive resort shop when he saw my list of SCUBA Diving certifications was bigger than his list of whatever he had at the time. He also threw a temper tantrum about the fact that the Apple SCUBA Diver Resort hop asked my opinion as to the health and well being of the ocean area in comparison to asking that male, as well as they asked for my help regarding what he was always going to be incapable and far too ignorant to ever be good enough to accomplish.
I grew up listening to my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw talk about certain types of people which those SCUBA Divers I once knew as well as others I once knew who are not in my life and unnecessary regarding any individuals I had not kept in contact with by whichever choices thereof as per the lack of the ability to be mature enough to speak with me in truth, of which in such references to certain individuals who had been considered as ex-friends over prior times as to the specifics thereof for my work being my work and my work alone because why would I ever trust an individual to work with on such aspects when that individual had not ever paid attention or cared about the fact that the problems which I dealt with over the course of over a week was because of his discussion with my now dead-ex-husband. Why would I ever trust an individual who had not ever apologized for such aspects upon if ever finding out about my idea for my creation of the Underwater Travel System, when that particular aspect has to do with my work from when I was a child and a teenager well before I ever met that particular individual as well for such portions thereof?
In reference to the aspects of not ever having the decency to apologize as to such portions as besides other aspects thereof, it would be ignorant to ever think I would simply ever just be accepting when such had been as such had been without such mandatory clarifications thereof for the length of time as well as having had the aspects of such connections to the Navy branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America to not have ever thought about such portions as to the ways I had wound up off of the post after what I had told him regarding such details. What is to trust in such regards as to that factor referencing the knowledge, and then standing by and doing nothing? In such regards as to my work, why would that ever be considered as acceptable when taking into consideration of females being a part of working on such aspects? If the males I once knew and/or females I once knew and/or such associated aspects thereof are incapable of thinking about the fact it is a non-gender type of working regarding my creation of the Underwater Travel System; why would I ever work on something I was unable to guarantee the safety in every possible way thereof and prevent all types and prevent all forms of sexist behaviour, that has been rampant in certain areas such as the military branches as well as SCUBA Diving?
The answer is if I would not allow my daughter and my son to work on something, I would not feel comfortable allowing other people to work on something; especially to such a level of high security regarding such aspects of what I had been working on regarding other portions in reference to such works in reference to my Underwater Travel System, as well as my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications required for me to assist other such portions of my studies for my works to bring such together for the projects thereof of my choosing for the overall portions.
I did not think that took a head injury to figure that out, though apparently some people might need to think about whether or not that would be assistive to their ignorance and their arrogance when taking such into consideration.
However with not one of the SCUBA Diving individuals acknowledging the fact it was the 10 year anniversary of my SCUBA Dive to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S/ Vandenberg which I survived as well as my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications which was the same 10 year anniversary of, I suppose it is a good thing I did not work towards being an instructor as they had wished for because of the simple math it took for that aspects to simply be proud of regarding any celebration regarding such portions. Though I had offered to cook and not one of the individuals throughout the entire area was willing to actually sit and eat with me when I had done so, then I suppose the lack of the need to continue such portions as to those individuals involvement regarding such portions with the aspects as to the requirements for my creation of my Underwater Travel System design which again; I had been working on since I was a child and a teenager, as per growing up able to go to the beach each summer multiple times each year from the year for camp of 1987 through 1997 while additionally going to the ocean beach multiple other areas at other times as well outside of Marlboro Recreational Camp.
However my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw had warned me about certain types of individuals in the timeframe when spending time and my cousin Jade’s Grandparents duplex-ish style unit regarding around the year of 1988, and onward as per not knowing she was my cousin just yet by blood though later learning of such when my Great Aunt Helen and her dad had gotten married. However as Grandmawmaw and Grandpawpaw and shown me pictures from their photo albums as well as their photo albums influence from my childhood and teenager years can be seen in reference to what I once had regarding the pictures from the photo albums I once had, before the UHAUL problem as well as the other following problems regarding such situations over the times which I was unable to have the pictures I had wanted to get digitalized regarding the amount of ones I had taken over the years. However since that was unable to occur because of a multitude of situations in such regards because of other such problems of individuals getting involved when I had not requested such, I have not been in any good mood since such regarding my photo albums having had to release such aspects because of the facts as to the connected portions and the repeated reminder as to the lack of any humanity regarding the situations I had dealt with.
2018, 2019, 2020, and into 2021 had only showed me how little everything I had worked on ever meant anything to anyone else as per simply speaking with me in truth by truthfully acknowledging in person and/or on phone calls. I have given up on such aspects as to such beliefs in regards as to quite a few aspects simply after the levels of combinations thereof which finally had come to a full close in regards as to the point referencing Walter Reed, as that was my last straw after the combined aspects thereof to all such combinations from my childhood through my teenager years into my biological adult years after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury onward through to the problems regarding the transfer process out from the state of Texas for what I personally needed for what was needed that I fully knew and understood and comprehended for myself for what I needed to work on.
The full lack of any respect shown as to simply speaking with me in truth automatically sent all sorts of energetic flares while dealing with the time from while in Washington state from the electrical zapping problems to which was the last thing I needed was to deal with a large group of individuals with firearms who lied directly to my face as well as such individuals regarding the SCUBA Diving portion and such amount of liars as well as the ignorances of one to have the nerve to bring up the whining complaint he had when on the Cavern SCUBA Diving trip when I told him I did not need to be a SCUBA Diving Instructor because of what my plans were, which he threw a temper tantrum on the trip because of after having spoken with the Underwater Cartographer as to the situations regarding what I was looking at doing in comparison to what Richard Trout had wished in such references. I did not need that male telling me what I was going to do and when he did not like my response as to how I did not need his advice as to what my work was, you are able to see certain aspects in the larger overall regarding such portions as to my SCUBA Diving certification course referencing my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification class. If my SCUBA Diving gear bag had not been moved regarding such portions I would not have met the #UnderwaterCartographer underwater cartographer, though I do appreciate the ability to have done so; despite the fact there was not any excuse for any individual to ever touch what is not their especially in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear.
Which in turn referencing my SCUBA Diving certifications as well as my work regarding for my Underwater Travel System which is not a euphemism and is actually an actual design for the actual ability to travel underwater as per the ways of seen in a subway system, though admitting and being open and transparent as to my connections was important and is important as to make sure not to have the problems I have seen others have and to ensure the sanctity of my work. I realize now as to such types of people in that regard because of such ignorance referencing such because of the lack of intelligence to be able to distinguish the difference apparently, though since I had to clarify such portions I guesstimate I was accurate to be open and honest about such because of the ignorance if hypothetically there were any individuals who were too arrogant to not be able to actually tell the difference only because of only posting on #fetlife fetlife because of the fact of the above the age of 21 in comparison to children seeing and keeping children safe from trying something they are not capable to get to work on until other attempts are squared away first. However since there have been far too many ignorant and only one minded types of people out there, I suppose the requirement to open up such sights was required because if you actually paid attention to that particular aspect of my fetlife account I had written about more than just sex. However because of being a responsible adult, I knew better than to put it on #Facebook facebook because of children under the age of 18 years old and the ways certain types of children are regarding when they see something new and are too impatient to ever think and wait for such aspects.
Anyone who is read this capable of being honest to admit they were thinking differently, in such ignorances as to the facts comparatively?
In such regards as to those who have one track minds and being a part of SCUBA Diving, such proof as to additional reasons to ensure the actual safety of all such aspects in comparison to only one or two thoughts as per wishes regarding certain types of people simply because of how their opinion of females are and/or their opinion of individuals with the hair color and tattoo differences regarding such portions in the aspects to which my creation of the Underwater Travel System would require the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications plus all of the additional work of which I had done studying all of the additional associated subjects as required to be able to work on the larger designs thereof for my work. I did write about how my daughter was able to draw in free hand the electrical power statin aspect as she had been around me when I was working on my SCUBA Diving class bookwork and one of the books I had out had the electrical power system which she drew free hand.
I said, she is my daughter for many reasons. That, is one. Despite the fact my daughter and my son are because of the realities thereof my having been raped, I still have done the best I could to give my son and my daughter the best I could and love them as best as I could despite what I had dealt with. My son was in the Gifted Art class in kindergarten in San Antonio, my daughter and my son have always been my daughter and my son as I raised them after I carried them and I delivered them. I have hated the fact of how people within the state of Texas have discriminated against me as well as my son and my daughter only because of their biases and their lack of ability to see how sexist as well as how skinniest or racist they have been for far too long in that state, which the fact of such amounts of lies directly to my face after my return to the state of Texas after how I wound up in Washington state has been a problem for me to look at such a location with such types of individuals not having the human decency to be truthful in such regards.
My Grandmawmaw had told me of there being certain types of people who would do such within certain neighborhoods over the years where she was growing up and when Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcom X were getting going as to how many problems from such types of situations were going on as to how much for the more current time of which the words are intellectual property theft which occurred because of those types of people, I knew to be on guard as to all of my SCUBA Diving certification work just as I had been on guard growing up in New Jersey which I had already seen that aspect and was not willing to ever have such a situation. Thus my biological mother and my biological father did not ever have the slightest inclination to what I personally was working on, because I saw the way they were acting and especially the ways they treated me differently than my biological sister, which I refused to ever allow her to have anything to do with except possibly being allowed to see when I was done creating such as she would pay for any ticket without any discount for any such portions of if ever allowed. I admit I was making sure she would not ever be allowed to be a part of such, because I actually care about safety unlike just caring about status.
Hypothetically, there might be some clearer understanding s to such portions thereof especially in reference to safety in comparison for quite a few aspects as in order to ever have actual credibility to speak truthfully about various topics; the requirement to have the actual experience to go over such portions of what would be needed for such safety, would be mandatory in comparison to the ways hypothetically such would be able to be shown regarding such aspects. Thus in reference to my SCUBA Diving, I obviously had to take care of a few things to make sure there was genuine and real safety in comparison to the ways which my biological sister and those who are similar to how she had been would be in such regards.
In turn regarding my finances which should have always been mine to take care of on my own as well as my ability to prove such portions of my own responsibilities, that only repeats such proven biases as well as irresponsibility regarding such SCUBA Divers whether or not they have an instructor aspect as to such realities thereof. I did not think it took a head injury to figure those portions out, as safety for all genders as well as age groups as well as sexualities are kind of important regarding the actual safe travels in reference to such a type of travel system in comparison to the types of ways certain types of SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving instructors have been over the years and decades. My biological father told me about how certain types of SCUBA Divers were from when he learned I was involved with SCUBA Diving as to him learning in the year of 2011 as to my having been involved, which he had problems with because of the fact of I had used #NITROX NITROX as he thought such because of the times when he was SCUBA Diving as to certain differences as well as he was not happy because of knowing how certain types of SCUBA Divers were referencing the J and the K valves. I suppose he would have found that not much had changed referencing certain types of SCUBA Divers as I had seen certain aspects had not changed in reference to such in the ways thereof from the year of 2009 to when in the year of 2019 I had returned.
Nonetheless as to what my Grandmawmaw had shown me in the multiple photo albums she had in reference to having walked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr s well as having known his dad, the pictures were amazing to look through and recall now as per the length of time. The images referencing the meetings with Malcom X were interesting to listen to as well, as the different aspects as to what I had seen in the various photo albums beginning in the year of 1988 though had been able to peek through over such years as time went onward when Grandmawmaw and Grandpawpaw had gone over such discussions depending on the time of the year as even though there were remembrances to the birthday celebrations; they had gone over details throughout the years without the need of reminders, because of how much of an impact as to what the different speeches and discussions had been for such times regarding the areas and locations they had sat and walked with such individuals and the groups thereof.
I was shown where #DrMartinLutherKingJr Dr. Martin Luther King Jr had sat with his wife with a little baby wrapped in a white Christening type blanket in Grandmawmaw’s arms while Dr. Martin Luther King Jr had prayed over the baby and did the Baptism, as well as a few other pictures of which are of what such aspects to which the chair of Grandpawpaws had been the chair which both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Malcom X had sat in when they had visited with my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw when they were living in a different area before New York City in the Harlem area. Grandpawpaw did not ever let anyone sit in that char as it was wrapped in a heavier plastic than the couch and the loveseat, and he would smack people out of the chair usually the teenagers and young adults by the back of the neck for even looking at that chair in the way which they might sit upon that chair.
I can laugh as not having known about such aspects just yet when going to visit Grandmawmaw and Grandpawpaw’s house when I was younger as my biological father was talking with others in the area, and seeing the chair I sat down without hesitation looking around the room to see all of the locations of the pictures as well as the other furniture including the way which from the corner the sight was able to go through to the kitchen towards the back patio-ish door. The darker colored interior wooden walls were lightly decorated with different pictures and while the aspects of looking over such a group of teenagers and young adult walked through the front door joking with one another, as one had a basketball from the nearby park area. The one holding the basketball looked down where I was sitting waiting for the others to go by as Grandmawmaw had been cooking in the kitchen and was in the last part of the cooking time which those who knew how Grandmawmaw was about the last few minutes of work in the kitchen, you knew to stay out of her way as she was particular about the shade of the biscuits and if it was just one color off of from what she was making…well…you just stayed out of her way is all that I am going to say. Those who know how Grandmawmaw was about when she had to cook biscuits with the cornbread at the same time and the different cooking portions of, you knew to stay out of her way until she said she was done.
When one of the males turned around and saw me sitting in the chair, he tapped another guys on the shoulder and as the group turned around to see me sitting in the chair they all said “Oooooooo” at the same time. My cousin Jade looked up at them asking what the big deal was as it was just Grandpawpaw’s chair, which when hearing Jade say his name he walked down the stairs looking at everyone asking what was going on. The group of males took a few steps back towards the kitchen though not in the kitchen as Grandmawmaw started commenting about the line, which was funny seeing the big guys jump as such aspects though Grandmawmaw was feisty to put mildly. Looking back now I think they were waiting for Grandpawpaw to yell as to the situation though he looked at Jade asking what was going on and why she called him down the stairs, which she pointed at the group of males saying they were surprised I was sitting in the chair. The males went through the front door quickly saying they would be back after another round of game, which Grandpawpaw looked at me oddly asking me why I felt the need to sit in the chair while sitting next to Jade. I had told him the energy seemed interesting and I was wanting to know what it was that I was noticing from such a chair and the energetic frequency which I could feel the remaining portions of, which he looked at me knowing more at that time of course as to several aspects regarding how certain situations were referencing how my biological mother had made comments; when he asked me if it was good energy or bad energy, which I told him my opinions.
I told him I felt there was a misunderstanding between two individuals who were unable to get together to be able to speak for far too long, and when they were finally able to get into a room together they were able to air out such differences and began to work together in a different way. Grandpawpaw nodded and asked me what else I had felt because of knowing from other comments from Grandmawmaw as to how I was a child and teenager though I suppose in other regards even still now, and I told him that one of the two was more rambunctious than the other while the other was more quiet and reserved. I was asking which one I preferred regarding the energy I picked up and was reading, which I told him I liked the rambunctious portion for certain points though not as much as I liked the more reserved and calmer energetic portions of what I was picking up. He asked me if I knew the individuals as to any names and I was only able to get a letter or two though because of such I thought of a name which seemed to sound similar in some ways of different aspects, because of the energetic portions levels.
As the years went on and when the visiting would occur to Grandmawmaw and Grandpawpaw’s the discussions and the stories about the two individuals and how the times were in such ways compared to those years, was a lot of information to learn though worth every moment of listening to what each were about and what they had helped with teaching more along the way in the ways which they had done so. He asked me a few more questions that afternoon as my cousin Jade asked questions of Grandpawpaw, which they are specific memories of which while the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 are much more than just from being born and raised in New Jersey as I was; few ever paid attention or thought to ever actually ask me anything regarding such portions during the times before I wound up in #WA #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state in the year of 2013. The assumptions were as such were and just as everyone knows, in person is always better than any other way to learn about certain specific aspects thereof as reading such assists just as videos help; however being in person and having such experiences thereof, are something which only certain aspects can be translated by such portions thereof.
I am glad to be able to be on the east coast area despite the facts as to the problems to simply get out here where I needed to be in comparison, as my memories which I had been needing to work on have been a situation because of others who had wished I would not return to where I knew I needed to be for whatever their problems are for themselves to deal with in such references regarding such aspects thereof regarding my biological sister and my biological mother as those individuals did not ever have any such portions of time with my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw as well as my cousin Jade in the same ways as per the years in specific additionally. In regards to my photo albums as well as my tattoos in conjunction with my hair, I know there have to be some who know the areas to which I grew up walking around and spending time in as a child and teenager referencing the various neighborhoods as to certain individuals who had certain specifics which would possibly be a reminder in other such regards depending upon which areas and which individuals thereof in such references. I suppose a bit of an homage to where I had kept quiet about such aspects because not one individual actually asked me about anything as to where I grew up or who I knew growing up in the areas, as usually I was accused of what in the end others were doing in such comparisons referencing who they had pretended or lied about being in such references thereof hypothetically.
I am thankful for such times, and lessons thereof. They had been a large aspect as to quite a few different reasons as to additional stances I had taken in quite a few ways, especially when taking into consideration a few different situations within the state of Texas from the year between 2008 through 2013.
