In the days of which the annoyances as to how situations have gone since waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in reference more specifically to my headaches and migraines despite the fact it has been 21 years since waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, the larger annoyances and aggravation have been from each and every individual I had once known in person who did not have the decency to simply believe the facts of any portion of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 23000 head injury. Whether their failure to realize by the year I met them as to how long I had been working on learning how to deal with the headaches and/or migraines depending on the time of the year when meeting them, or whether their failure to simply be decent human beings and not cause additional problems to the various aspects of my memory deficits and cognitive disorders by testing my memory and testing anything having to do with the capacities thereof in which already had been tested by the branches I had been involved with regarding my medical care after weaking up from my coma. However since there have been those types of individuals who have failed to be decent human beings who have chosen to push past without caring about how I had not consented no differently to the ways of what I dealt with when my now dead-ex-husband was alive, the fact of such indecency and annoyances from such individuals over the years has been nothing more than a constant situation which as the years have gone on whether in person or online as top the ignorances upon their part to be able to tell the difference between the year of in 2000 to the year of meeting such for the first time or as time went on while they pretended they were better than me as to what they thought of themselves as it had been perceived; whereas I simply just knew, life is life.
In such regards as to it being 21 years since waking up from my coma, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that after 21 years I was going to learn. Just as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out after how many people have been as they have been, I was and have paid attention to how such people are just as any child has and does as they grow up whether in my reference to having been biologically 17 years old or the biological aspects of whatever age as babies grow up. I also did not think it took a head injury to figure out to be a decent human being to not test anything of another without their consent, of which I have not ever given consent in the civilian sector as to any testings despite how I have repeatedly been treated in the various ways thereof which includes the illegal recording and illegal monitoring which has occurred from the illegal stalking and illegal harassing even if only through watching through such illegal monitoring of whichever type of illegal surveillance as per the illegal stalking because of others’ choices to have the lack of human decency to take no for an answer as to not wanting nor needing to be involved with whichever aspects of life I so choose. While I have known as to if I am involved with something the fact it flourishes, I have also known of the fact if I walk away from something how the situations go.
For example in regards as to whether before or after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to if I got involved with a group as to how over time it would grow, though it was more prevalent as to after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. It was first noticed in regards as to how many children initially started being born and/or started attending #OTC #OTPC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church when I had begun attending there, and such aspects grew from a small congregation of a little over 30-50 people to over a couple hundred members. In latter times in reference more specifically to the adult consenting life style, depending upon the group depended how much the group grew and the amount of individuals who would flock to such. I did get involved officially within the adult consenting lifestyle though only having been 4 years awake from my coma which I had told people about as to such aspects, though did not ever ask anyone for assistance in any such ways from what I was dealing with more specifically regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
When I had been outed to my now dead-ex-husband and dealt with such types of conversations because of others who had tattled tailed on me to knowing as to the situation of the first separation as well as the fact of how abusive he had been, not one individual in those types of groups took such seriously as per whatever types of people those are as to their choices to have told on me to that as well as to have tattled tailed on me to my biological mother and biological father after I had told them how abusive those people had been. While others told me of how kind and nice my biological mother and biological father as well as biological sister had been, I told those people that was their ways of getting others to trust them and then they would take advantage of such people by using them as less than tools or such portions in comparison. While not one individual truthfully believed me at such times, I did not care about such individuals getting involved in my life as I did not invite them to get involved in my life. The irony about how many of those people had lectured about consent and then failed to follow the words they themselves had discussed, as to such portions thereof.
At the 5 years of after having woken up from my coma which the subarachnoid hemorrhage had still been largely seen in the #MRI MRI and #CAT CAT scans at such times and the amount of medications I had been prescribed had begun to take its toll on my teeth as per the ways of such only making my headaches and migraines worse, I had to learn how to deal with such portions while being annoyed by such individuals within the civilian sector as well as individuals who were in the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America who had been too weak as to deny themselves of those types of individuals regarding the flesh aspects as to not having the self control to keep themselves under control in such regards. While certain individuals paid attention to the years of which as to the additional aspects as to the timeframe of being out of my coma, I did not ask such individuals to ever involve themselves in my life at any point in time to which the aspects thereof as to now in the year of 2021 and being 21 years old and not being anyone’s child and not having asked anyone for any assistance regarding the aspects thereof to my personal life; the situations as to how such aspects occurred in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips had been a problem as I have brought forward over the years from 2018 into the year of 2021 as per the facts thereof, to which I have gone over in my journal blog as well as “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”.
One aspect as to when I was 9, 10, 11, and 12 years awake from my coma from which I had initially in the year of 2000 needed to be taught the correct names of colors as well as how to count to ten; those people in such a lifestyler had the problems of learning how to see the difference between the year of 2000 and the year of 2008 or 2009 or 2010 or 2011 or 2012 as to the actual age of which because of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of such portions as to how old the individuals within my medical teams had explained as to how the portions were viewed by the medical staff at such times as to them seeing me as a whichever age individual as per the years out of my coma to which I had told individuals within the adult consenting lifestyle as to the realities of such. In the reference as to the annoyances as to certain types of individuals within the group called ClubFEM from the females who had not understood I was not interested in being anything of what they were regarding their choice in their profession, I had at one point in time enjoyed discussions with those females only to learn as to how those types of females were not any different than those types of females I had known within certain areas of the #NY #NewYork #NewYorkstate New York as well as #NJ #NEwJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey and #PA #Pennsylvannia #Pennsylvaniastate Pennsylvania areas as to the problems those types of females had caused needlessly because of as in my opinion of being too lazy to get anything considered as a decent profession as their profession choice in my opinion had only been to be dramatic and play games instead of ever learning to do anything for themselves while being lazy and relying on others instead of doing anything which they accomplished anything worthwhile in their personal lives.
In such aspects as to the more recent aspects thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project and a notation which came through jargled in the message from a female from Houston who had requested a piece done, I had made the choice not to respond be cause of a multitude of reasons. As per not believing I was actually being requested of such because of the message as well as the type of words used in the message, later when in Club Sapphire and having met a female in regards to a connection to ClubFEM about other such aspects; if there was a connection to such a groups, that would be an ironic portion as to how I felt I had wound up in #Washington #WA #Washingtonstate Washington state and the aspects of such to ever have the nerve to contact me asking me for such was not an option if there was any direct connection to that particular group as per my choices in the prior times thereof. Just because I know how to do historical and spiritual rubbings does not mean I have to do such for just anyone or everyone as per my choice for my project when reflecting now as to such aspects as because of my respect for life. In turn while if accurate as to such and the situations thereof, my choice as to whether or not I was willing or not to complete such a piece is exactly such and since in reference to other aspects as to what I had dealt with regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in reference to the individuals I knew within the state of Texas as to how those people had chosen to treat me; it was my choice just as it is my choice as to whether or not I choose to do such a piece, unlike the aspects as to what credit I have earned on my own and unlike the aspects as to my royalties of my finances only being mine to choose what I do with. In such regards while some individuals might think little of such aspects as to my choices as that has been proven regarding the ways I have dealt with being treated, the facts thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project are not to be intermingled with such types of individuals as to those types of situations regarding the aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as per my choices as well as their choices regarding the spirits of my Medal of Honor recipients.
If there has been some sort of problem with those of the living to not have the common sense as to such portions, that is their problem for them to get over on their own. That additionally if for those individuals to accept the fact as to I do not need to complete the work for a historical and spiritual rubbing without what I would need for such assurances in the clarity thereof, to which that message being short as well as the lack of any details was not of an interest of mine to respond to anything short in such regards. In turn whether or not associated with such a group, it truly had not mattered simply because of the lack of details required to be able to have the information I required for the ways to make any further decisions as to such.
Just by the ways of which my journal blog entries are in reference to how I write, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the minimal requirements as to what a message to me should be in reference to any such type of request. I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if there is a connection to my biological mother and/or my biological sister, there would be an automatic resistance as to any such assistances because of the problems those two females had initially caused upon moving to the state of Texas and needlessly meddling within my life. Thus in such references the combinations as to their failures as to identify themselves correctly as well as their failure to write of such in details, meant the lack of any need or want to contact in response as per the etiquette portions as to which would be required for me to take such into any type of consideration thereof. It is the choices of which unlike in regards of the oceanic aspects as to credits due for such which in reference to my SCUBA Diving had been years before such a contact, which in turn if there had been any connection as to how I had not received the credit for my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving work; the automatic denial from the oceanic portions as to any such aspects for even the slightest connection to how such had not correctly been taken care of, in the eyes of those beings within the oceanic waters.
In such a situation even being a friend to such an individual who had known of how I had not been given the credit to which I had earned as per there not being anyone other than myself who would ever be allowed to ever be on any type of stage in reference to my SCUBA Diving earned credits to ever accept such because of the ways which those of the ocean area, that would automatically mean the jarbled message as to their involvement as to such connections needlessly. In turn if accurate as to any connection to how my SCUBA Diving had been ignored and the credits not having been given directly to me and not through a by proxy, any such denials meant the exact same in return for such portions regarding my SCUBA Diving as well as my royalties regarding my work in my books. Thus in turn the aspects thereof to my choice to ignore such situations as well as ignore any such requests, meant it is and has always been my choice for such. In the reference to while I have made the choices to overlook certain lifestyle choices regarding while on land, the portions to which in reference to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project could not be ignored nor denied as to my personal work for even one individual piece of my Medal of Honor Art Project in the exact same aspects as to my SCUBA Diving.
Thus in the aspects thereof even one by proxy denial aspect would mean the problems of which can be seen and noticed in reference to what I have more recently brought forward as to the pictures and videos in regards as to why the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #USSpaceForceDoD #USASpaceForceDoD #DepartmentofDefense #DoD #USSF #USSFDoD #USASFDoD #USASFDoD US Space Force has been officialized in other such regards, because of what those beings have seen and heard regarding such involvements as to my Medal of Honor Art Project in conjunction as to my SCUBA Diving.
Thus while some people think that a by proxy is acceptable, the facts thereof is proven as to it not ever having been as considered as such ever. In turn the lack of such regards means in turn, the lack of such regards. While it might mean something to another individual as to my completion of a historical and spiritual rubbing to be completed, then what is the thought as to the feeling regarding my earned credit as to my SCUBA Diving in conjunction with the aspects of the correct acknowledgement regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project in conjunction to such portions as to one aspects as to one historical and spiritual rubbing. Which one weighs more in which the aspects of which the mandatory portions compared to the wishes for a portion thereof, in all such view points? I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out the amount of years regarding my SCUBA Diving portions in conjunction as to any such hypothetical of ever having anyone other than myself speak in any format as to the details of my Medal of Honor Art Project without my permission to ever be on any type of a stage, would automatically mean the instant denial of any such wishes as per the facts thereof not being a bygone for such aspects ever. The facts as to the SCUBA Diving portions having been ignored and the ironic portions of having the area of Houston being near the oceanic waters, is the twist of which I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the requirements thereof automatically regarding the additional mandatory aspects as to my SCUBA Diving only being discussed with me about such aspects and such acknowledgements regarding any on stage portions thereof.
The fact as to what energetic portions I have picked up regarding such and that not having been rectified ever to which of my being informed of what would be considered as acceptable, in turn means the lack of any requirement to ever consider anything further regarding anyone else’s wishes regarding such as to the historical and spiritual rubbing portions for any such art. In the exact aspect as to how there is now a Medal of Honor Museum having been built in the DFW area as to such and my personally not having been contacted for any such portions specifically of by the living as to such, the lack of respect as to my Medal of Honor Art Project by such choices as the ways which the spirits of in such a comparison view such portions while being near the DFW National Cemetery to which my now dead-ex-husband had been put into the ground in; the lack of the wherewithal to think about an actually appropriate location as to such aspects in the realistic portions thereof if there is any such connection to anyone I once knew and had told about regarding the aspects thereof to what I dealt with in reference to that timeframe of the years of 2000 through to 2008, only reprove as to other portions of which I have gone over as well as brought up in regards of my books as well as my website referencing my journal blog entries.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that putting a building with which the memorial portions of which if any such connection to my Medal of Honor Art Project near the area of where my now dead-ex-husband had been put in the ground after he had stolen valor regarding the dress blues and the picture having been continued onward wrongly by my ex-in-laws would automatically be a denial as to the aspects in additional to how I have continued to wrongly be denied of my credit regarding my SCUBA Diving as well as other such aspects of my work. While some might wish fir the overlooking of such, the facts are the facts as to how many had not pad attention to what my personal viewpoints or opinions would be for or of such as per if any such hypothetical connections are found; which while for some individuals and some groups that might be considered as acceptable, it has not nor will ever be acceptable for anyone other than myself to discuss such portions in any type of acknowledgement of my work in any such ways as to any type of what could be considered as any award for such work.
It is the cold hard facts and the cold hard truth of such, to which since it has been going on 13 years since my SCUBA Diving portions have yet to correctly be acknowledged and any such individuals involved with any such hypotheticals being taken out of the way and forced to return all such portions of what aspects thereof for me to have as my own for my accomplishments of my work is only one portion as to why there has not been any need nor requirement for me to go forward with ever contacting the individual in response regarding such a request. In addition the same portions regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project as to such portions thereof as I have already written about in great length as to both topics and the aspects of the mandatory portions of such correct acknowledgments in turn since such has not occurred, means the facts as to the lack of requirement to ever take any portions into consideration as to any such contact regarding the facts of which the lack of respect has been shown because of such choices as to having denied my credit wrongly meant I correctly had and have the right to deny ever doing any sort of historical and spiritual rubbing or whatever other people have thought to wish of such other opinions thereof.
In such references additionally as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to anyone other than myself personally speaking about such in any such event, does not mean the wishes of such Constitutional Rights as per that would mean they must acknowledge they were lying or they must have acknowledged they did not have my permission to speak on my behalf before ever discussing any portions thereof and/or ever publishing any type of commercial or paperwork for advertisements as per the requirements to the respect thereof to my work. As it was already written about as to how my opinions were in reference to my biological mother/sister/father, there was not ever going to be an acceptance as to any of those people speaking about my SCUBA Diving or my work as they were not involved with my life in the times thereof to which they would have ever been informed until after I had completed my work in comparison to during the timeframe of. In turn the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving not having been acknowledged with anyone other than myself speaking of such as to the way one earns a SCUBA Diving certification, the facts as to wish the ocean would ever be accepting of such can be seen in reference to the different aspects as to the oil situations over the years having furthered and worsened because of such choices thereof as the ocean’s karmic responses to such individuals throughout all areas who would ever have considered to be a part of such in any type of way in any form thereof. Then again what is it to ever get the correct credit for what I have done which would be considered as good enough in any such regards, as per what I have seen as to not anything deemed worthwhile as to have gone on with regarding how the situations have gone.
In the reference as to having acknowledged years ago that my son and my daughter were born because of my getting pregnant due to the fact I was raped after being taken off of the military installation, as to the forced aspects as to how the marriage began legally only through the Justice of the Peace; since that is the only way I view a legal marriage only, there has not ever been a point in time which there has been another time of going to any such court system for me to have ever gotten a marriage license of which the facts as to the ways of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury the only was I view any type of a legal marriage would be if there is the actual Justice of the Peace documentation for the recorded aspects of such a license. Since I have not ever done so as well as having made a promise regarding if I were to ever get married after having been a legal widow, then there would be a specific procedure which has not ever occurred. Because I have not ever been formally in such a situation I have not ever seen any situation which ever would be considered as any type of a legal marriage in any such way, and as the ways which I did not ever sleep in the same room consecutively as to how I wound up in Washington state after the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert; that was the equivalent of a roommate situation because of the amount of rooms within that house, and the realities as to the lack of consummation portions as to what would be in such a regard as being considered as any actual relationship in the ways of any romantic type of a relationship in my opinion as to what I personally believe for such aspects.
In reference as to what I had discussed in regards of Irving, since such aspects as to any such marital situation has not ever occurred thus far thereinafter; in turn I have kept my promise in such references, because of the requirements which are mandatory for me to ever be considered in a marriage for such aspects thereof. Thus because of the facts as to which not one portion of what has been required for such a view for me to ever consider such aspects as per the requirements thereof, there is not the realistic aspects as to any common law marriage situation. In reality the fact I had explained as to the room I was kept in when at Club Sapphire in which I told them I did not ever sleep in the same room as to also having told them how my son and I wound up in Washington state after the Stoney LaRue Cowboys Dancehall concert, meant the facts that there was not the same portion of any such aspects to any such consideration simply because of the lack of actual paperwork thereof to which then there is as there had not ever been any common law marriage with that male ever. It would only be a wish for such aspects which is fully invalidated because of the facts as to the situations and not having had children is the final portion of which the aspect there cannot be any such aspect taken into consideration, as per the legal version of kidnapping my son and I across state lines per the situations as per written about and the proof thereof. While in such regards as to the targeting portions can be additionally seen in reference to the aspects as to how it was illegal as to how I wound up in Washington state, as well as to the fact I was looking at Florida for my son and my daughter and I; not Washington state as that is the opposite end of the country of the United States of America, to where I was looking at because of the situations at the time regarding the San Antonio Family Court. In turn that fact as to having contacted my ex-sister-in-law in Georgia as well as the application process additionally proves such aspects as to the portions thereof in my favor legally, in all such regards.
Thus that fact as to there were only 2 people who had seen me study though were not involved with my specific work, those two did not have my permission to discuss in a public forum of any type as to my work regarding my SCUBA Diving. The facts as to my Instructors only being allowed to discuss the class portion of which though the requirement of my being there for any such type of recognition because of it only being my SCUBA Diving work, has been a larger problem regarding such because of the lack of knowledge they ever had to begin with as to my style of SCUBA Diving. In turn the problems thereof to this point in time as to what has been ignored and has not been corrected at any such point in time by any such individuals within the state of Texas or anywhere else for such a matter, is the fact as to which the refusal to speak with anyone about such portions any further.
The aspects as to what I dealt with in my SCUBA Diving is exactly that, and the fact as to the lack of respect as to my SCUBA Diving by having anyone other than myself on any such stage for which my SCUBA Diving was possibly recognized in person has been a problem which the oceanic portions have not given up and will not give up regarding any such and all such corrections as to all such fixing and repairing all such damages regarding the facts of which any individual ever thinking or who had illegally in the Laws of the Ocean had ever been a part of would not ever allow such portions as to any individual’ involvement as to such problems to any such historical and spiritual rubbing. The facts as to the unwanted artist aspects proves such portions because of the mandatory aspects as to what should have correctly been done years ago, only reproves such portions as to the facts of not having any need to ever have anything to do with any civilian version of my artwork specifically because of my credits having failed to been acknowledged correctly from the beginning and still not having been correctly done means all such permanent denials until such full fixing and repairing thereof to which in the oceanic portions of such aspects to my work for my SCUBA Diving.
While I do not physically look as what some wish as to whatever their opinions are, it does not change the facts as to when one earns SCUBA Diving certifications it is of ones own work. In such aspects I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the only person who would ever be allowed to be brought forward in the light regarding my SCUBA Diving work, would only be myself regarding my SCUBA Diving work and there would not ever be any allowances for anyone other than myself for such acknowledgement of my SCUBA Diving specifically regarding where I had SCUBA Dove. In turn if there is any hypothetical connection as to any such acknowledgements ever having been given to anyone other than myself in person and since I have not ever received any such acknowledgement ever in person even in the current times as per the requirements although seen in reference to Washington state in 2019, the facts of which the lack of acknowledgement as to the correct and proper ways means the permanent denial of any such historical and spiritual rubbings ever to continue among other such situations as per the Laws of the Ocean which were broken and have not been corrected to the satisfaction of such portions thereof in addition to the space aspects. Without such a correction, there is not the requirement for any further aspects while others might wish differently. The Laws of the Ocean, are the Laws of the Ocean. #LOTO #LOS The Laws of Space, are the Laws of Space. The fact that both sets of laws have been ignored regarding my SCUBA Diving as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project in conjunction as to my books as well as my website, has meant such portions of which as to why the situations have gone additionally as such have gone.
Until such rectifications occur in full and immediately, there is not going to be any need nor requirement for such aspects of my personal involvement for any such groups either as per the requirements having yet to be met after the portions of my SCUBA Diving to begin with in the first place. In such regards without the full aspects having been acknowledged by each individual who has ever been involved with any such hypothetical coming forward to clear such in full truth, thus in turn there is not the requirement to ever have any such consideration as to any other portions thereof. The facts as to the location of the Medal of Honor Museum in the areas of which it has been said in reference to the online portion as to the location thereof, there is the lack of additional requirements regarding such aspects thereof as per my personal work in the other aspects as to my overall portions as to my work regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project. There has not ever been any allowances for anyone else to ever present such pieces in a public way as to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces nor speak on my behalf for my work thereof, as per just the same as my SCUBA Diving as to the work only having been completed by me and by me alone. Thus the facts as to which if there ever has been acknowledgement though I had not been there in person at the time of as per whatever wishes thereof, then the lack thereof as to my sight to going forward with any aspects thereof except maintaining myself because of the mandatory requirements. While some could wish to label such a different aspect as per their wishes to cover up the facts as to what involvements thereof, it does not change the facts in any such ways thereof as to who had been the one and only who had ever accomplished my SCUBA Diving work the ways I had at such times I had done so.
I do not care nor does the ocean beings care as to others’ feelings nor the concern of such aspects as to the rightful embarrassment they should feel for their choices to have illegally by the Laws of the Ocean standards, to ever step outward to ever discuss my SCUBA Diving work in reference to specifically within the oceanic waters thereof. There is not one individual who has ever had any legal authority on land or in the Laws of the Ocean to ever discuss such without my permission, because of the facts as to they would only speak in lies as to what they would think they would know and thus cause damages from their lies. Similar to the facts as to how many people have had to deal with the misconception as to how females and males who become exotic dancers or strippers or whichever naming thereof as to such reference aspects, so too in my opinion have individuals who have been a part of various adult consenting lifestyle groups have such similarities to he aspects thereof depending who you speak with about such aspects of the realities thereof. For example #LilKim and #Xtina Lil Kim and Christina Aguilera have compiled a song together which if you listen to the lyrics in comparison to looking through what pictures might be in the CD case for the images or see such online, the aspects as to the words which they have sang and rapped over the years regarding several different female artists as to the realities of which if a male does what a female has been accused of as to the view points as to the comparison to the opposite thereof. For example as #LilKim Lil Kim said in the song lyrics found on google:
“Here's something I just can't understand
If the guy have three girls then he's the man
He can even give her some head, or sex her off
But if a girl do the same, she's a whore
But the tables about to turn
I bet my fame on it
Cats take my ideas, and put their name on it
It's aight though, you can't hold me down
I got to keep on moving
To my girls to their man who be trying to mac
Do it right back to him and let that be that
You need to let him know that his game is whack
And Lil' Kim and Christina Aguilera got yo back”
In the regards as to the known aspects as to when an individual gets into their teenager or prepubescent years of youth as to the various portions of exploring one might do in the regards of what is more well known as masturbation of such aspects for the pleasuring thereof the more well known is in reference to the male, of which the irony in my opinion because of such sticking out when in the proverbial as well as the metaphorical aspects thereof tow where the female being more within for such metaphors as to the aspects of such portions regarding certain viewpoints as to the sexuality regarding the acceptances thereof as to the female sex drive despite it being more commonly known as to the male portions. In such regards as to the male portion there is not the same sort of counter per se as to when a male has been with however many females he has been with, his penis size does not change however a female depending as to the size as well as the number thereof will contract as expand depending upon the various factors in such comparison. Thus in the regards as to the adult consenting lifestyle while possibly I may have had people who could have been interested in me as to my lack of knowledge as to how to distinguish such without being informed of in ways which I would not run off because of how I am modest as to such despite a multitude of factors, I took a different approach into the adult consenting lifestyle in a comparison as to my age as well as my personal comfort levels.
#Xtina #ChristinaAguilera Christina Aguilera sang in the song the lyrics:
“So what am I not supposed to have an opinion
Should I keep quiet just because I'm a women
Call me a bitch cause I speak what's on my mind
Guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled
When a female fires back suddenly big talker don't know how to act
So he does what every little boy would do
Makin' up a few false rumors or two
That for sure is not a man for me, slanderin' names for popularity
It's sad you only get your fame through controversy
But now it's time for me to come and give you more to say”
In my opinion females should also take into consideration as to how they speak about one another regarding the treatments they seek, regarding as to how they either choose to uplift or to downplay another female over the initial aspects thereof regarding many poritons as the realization as to it is a small world and if there are more instances of which the pushing down in comparison to the lifting up are found; the aspects as to such equivocal portions of which either portions thereof, are just as important to take into consideration regarding the lyrics sang by Christina Aguilera as well as Lil Kim in such references as per the facts thereof to the changing world. However while I had heard others profess as to how many rights females have, I have also heard what females usually call one another as to such aspects thereof. Thus it has been confusing to me as to why it has only been a male situation regarding such sorts of commentary, as there are plenty of females who have repeatedly been proven as to which aspect as to what they pay attention to in the patterns of behaviour of such portions thereof. That has been requiring a massive clearing in a multitude of ways as to such problems through the various sectors throughout many facets to which either one is for female equal rights, or they are not. It is extremely black and white as to whether or not any individual is genuinely for the equal rights of all people, whether individuals wished to think one way or another. Either you are for the equal rights of all human beings as to all being treated with dignity and respect and given the chance to prove themselves in such regards, or if you are not then you are proven as to which ways thereof to such degrees and which regards thereof. Though always keep in mind, you might not know as to how important one situation can be as to what levels thereof to which what respect are you actually willing to give in such references? Are you truthfully going to respect such aspects?
In my opinion I think it should have just as equal as a say as to what is considered as acceptable or unacceptable to what their preferences are in whichever context thereof to which in the references as to a relationship aspect as to a multitude of factors depending upon your viewpoint, as to what comfort level for such a type of relationship. Personally I am more monogamous with polyamorous aspects if I feel comfortable to such portions, though the reasonable portions of my comfort depend greatly as to the situation thereof. For example while I have openly dated a few individuals at one point in time where I informed the individuals myself as to my choice thereof, that was before I had been in the Army at such a time. If I had felt I was done with the antics as to what I would not tolerate any longer would be the end of such a relationship, as though I have such tendencies for such aspects if in a specific arrangement depending on my personal comfort level I will make the choice as to whether or not I am interested in taking aspects to the next level in comparison to any male telling me as to what I will or will not do. For example while in high school I had dated a male named Mike though while he and I dated he and I were not ever exclusive to which he had been informed as to what I personally would require if such an exclusivity was an interest at such a time, of which when I had later gone on my own way as per already at the point of being out the door proverbially because of other situations at the time; the temper tantrum he had thrown regarding the situations thereof was childish for someone who had been in upper college level of what would have been the age for the grade thereof. In such a reference as to such an immaturity level for the inability to understand as to the ways thereof during such times, his claim had been because of his feelings at such times.
I had acknowledged he had feelings, though his feelings were not my feelings as to which a larger argument had ensued from such a timeframe. In the reference to what levels thereof later in the reference aspects as to other situations when dating at a point regarding a married couple, the situations as to that point as they had been informed was only to pass the time regarding the aspects as to figuring out what I needed to do for myself as well as for my son and my daughter because of the situation thereof to such a time. The problems with that particular situation had been when I had began looking in other directions as to their knowledge compared to as it had been the entire time anyway as per the lack of commitment to such portions on my side of the equation because of the lack of communication as to what I personally required for any such commitment, and because of several other portions as to why when the end had occurred it was a permanent aspect at that juncture.
In the reference as to the aspects as to when I have been more involved as to the aspects of the adult consenting lifestyle portions thereof, the aspects of which what my personal preferences were had been in regards to putting such online in reference to my original fetlife account; and yet the facts as to such seemed as though others thought I was too broad as to my interests, of which because of my lack of concern as to others’ opinions as to what my personal preferences are/were as to such aspects I had continued onward as per how I simply just am as myself. If someone catches my attention admittedly as to such a portion, I can say it is a pertinent aspect as to quicker movement for such a commitment portion because of the fact I do not play games and I do not have the patience as to anyone wishing for me to be on a backburner sort of situation. If I feel that is the situation as to an individual though they have not officially said such words, it truthfully does not matter whether or not they say such words as I tend to pick up on the energetic portions thereof. In turn in those particular situations I have simply continued onward with my life as per the knowledge of myself, as I do not have the capability to think that waiting around means anything of any worth because if there is the actual aspects of being interested in me in my opinion then the aspects would move forward more quickly in comparison to waiting around. Thus if there is the aspect as to if there is not the knowledge as to a relationship though such has been kept hidden and the feeling of being considered as on the backburner ever arises, the quickest portion as to moving onward as to such a choice as to not being open and honest about such a situation in my opinion.
In the reference aspects as to such a hypothetical as to ever having such a situation, the aspects of which the lack of a connection would quickly occur on my end because of the ways I pick up such energetic frequencies of which at such a point of the feeling thereof is quite a simple viewpoint. If the opposite were to be and you were asking of such in another regard, how would you feel if you were to be kept to the side as such unknowingly though to pick up such later as to the overall viewpoint thereof? Would you be nearly as willing to view such a situation as the individual was being honest when not saying such portions thereof, or would you be viewing such as to taking that as a choice to through the choices as to simply their interest is elsewhere in such comparison to? While I can look as each individual has looked at another as to when they have been in a relationship, it is the choices of what occurs as to whether or not the aspects as to what progresses as to the dependence as to whether or not such is viewed in different aspects thereof. Thus while I have had fewer numbers than from what I had seen in regards as to the average number for females between the age ranges to the college age level at this point in time in the year of 2021 as to the average for up to the ages of 18 years old to 25 years old of having been with an average of 15-20 individuals just by that age while remembering the facts as to adding the other averages per number per age range for the total average number without being involved with the adult consenting lifestyle as to the BDSM and/or Swingers portions thereof, how some had thought of the LGBTQP communities for decades is a similar reference aspect to how some have viewed in reference to exotic dancers and/or strippers for such regards thereof.
Thus despite as to having been involved officially within the adult consenting lifestyle since the year of 2004 my total numbers from both before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of which I remained a virgin until I was 16.5 years old as well as after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury remain lower than the average number for the average number of a female from the age between 18-25 years old. I am perfectly content with such facts as to because I would rather keep my numbers lower for myself as per my own self look as to my own self reflection, as I would guesstimate there is a point in life when anyone looks at themselves and reflects as to the numbers of which they had been involved with of whichever types thereof as to the ways of which such portions there are for such a view point in the regards as to such portions. In turn while the view point as to the multitude which some might think of when in reference to the aspects as to such numbers, the fact of the matter is the truth of such is that each individual makes their own choices as to whether or not they choose to step forward into such regards as per the ways such should be considered. Despite the fact as to how the portions regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though additionally admittedly the ways as to why I personally have been minimal in my numbers as for such aspects to make sure I did not get attached to what was not for my highest good ion such regards, I also if in any such reference if ever to get married in such references as to such a connection did not ever want if such were to be to have any such personal issues as to wondering if there was a part which had missed such a situation in the regards thereof to such.
Thus while I have not ever expected anyone to ever look at me of such in any such ways officially as quite frankly I know how difficult my life had been just by the point in time of being a teenager allowed to date at the age of 16 years old which despite being born and raised in New Jersey; yes, it is possibly to be born and raised in New Jersey and be moved out by the age just before 16 years old, and remain a virgin. It does take a bit of protectiveness admittedly as per a situation regarding a male in a Jeep when I went to Saint John Vianney High School and the track team when it was time to get Gatorade as I was told, though that individual male did not like the response of mine when he had pulled his pants down while he pulled the car over to a nearby neighborhood. That did not end well for that male, is all I will leave such as. In the reference as to the facts of which while having been demure regarding my relationship aspect as to such portions, the reality as to which having been open to the possibility as to the levels of depended fully as to whether or not the other individual(s) involved as such a possibility were able to stand up to the correct task. Thus by the time of going into the Army despite the ways of the emancipation as well as the after effects 21 years ago from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, those individuals who have ever thought to automatically assume as to any such portion in the ways as to how exotic dancers or strippers of LGBTQPers as the ways they already have dealt with; similarly to the aspects as to such assumptions by those who are ignorant as to the ways thereof to thinking and assuming all people are the exact same within the BDSM and/or the Swingers lifestyles.
While some may have some things which are in common, most individuals similarly to when going to a church will tell you different aspects as to their own spiritual path in comparison to the exact same thing each time. It has been a point of contention of mine regarding such a closed mind as to ever think to assume all such individuals are the same, as that goes across the board for each individual type of group which has been seen throughout the various aspects thereof. In turn the facts to actually having to get to know an individual in comparison to assuming that just because of being associated with an aspect means the exact same in which the facts as to who I have chosen to stand with in modeling is my choice. Any female who has ever wanted or needed equal rights, there is no excuse nor reason nor cause as to ever hold such back because of the facts as to the supposed fight for a choice regarding your own body as to ever having anything to do with another female’s choice. Otherwise what you want in that regard is considered nullified as to ever holding another female back in regards of such, without consent especially. That is a different portion to which I have warned people about how there have been those types of females who have stepped wrongly over the line as to ever cause another female purposeful being assaulted in the multitudes thereof, to which I have dealt with such repeatedly in the years of 2003 into 2007 because of various females who had pissed off my now dead-ex-husband when he was alive and because of what they did I had to work harder top be able to keep my son and my daughter and I safe because of those types of wastes of existence in my opinion.
That is something Lil Kim and Christina Aguilera did not sing or rap about as per the ways as to those types of females who have been a plague to the human race as to their insistence wishes to ever be a part of what is not theirs to begin with, of which instead of actually just staying out of someone else’s ways and stay in their own lane; they have caused needless problems as well as needless damages because of their choices to do so, for centuries that has been the biggest problems to which you are able to see throughout in the shorter aspects of the history of America as to those types of females who had wished to be more important than they were and in the long run they were found to be who they were for their profession though in comparison to the aspects of then writing about such aspects to the more kind words as to such types of females. In the more current time there are those who have minimal problems as to labeling such individuals for what their profession is and such at those times was regarding the females who had been turn coats regarding the American Revolution, as to being prostitutes in comparison as to what history reported as per the finances were written in other aspects and were only from their sugar daddy’s in comparison to being from actual rich families and is why their lineages were wiped off of the face of the earth fully as to such aspects as no one wants to be a product of one of those types from those eras back then.
In current times where certain aspects are considered more accepted as per when there is actual consent in comparison to forcing another no differently than the ways a male would in such references though in the backwards ways to which my now dead-ex-husband had done such in reference to during the time of the first separation, while remembering the facts as to the garage situation to which multiple people had been told about and did nothing to actually step in and help and such portions until I finally was able to leave and get away from such and not ever needing nor wanting nor desiring to ever be involved with any such aspect ever again as per the disgust as to the situations in fullness and the full amount of hatred and despisal to such a situation as to what I had dealt with. While that male’s own family laughed and thought it was funny as to how the garage situation occurred, his mother disgusted me the most as to how she refused to acknowledge because of her failures as a mother as to the problems she had perpetuated upon the various people within the state of Texas.
I could not believe how she stood by and did nothing repeatedly as to how that set of heathens she had bore into the world had been as they had been, and while one had turned out semi-decently; he could not make up for any of the rest of those portions of what is ironically as to the town which has only one cemetery in the state of Texas which the last name of Kuykendall means all of such being mere incest for such aspects to that type of background for that type of city for that type of cemetery as per the history able to prove such portions as to the problems with incest and those who marry into such naturally absorbing certain situations thereof to the problems in other such ways if they are incapable to recognize such as a problem initially. However those people were as they were and I could not hesitate to get away from the situation regarding the facts as to how my daughter was needlessly given alcohol by the father when knowing as to the age factor as she was in preschool when he gave her a sip[ of a long island iced tea. That was the last point in time I could tolerate being around those people, as per the fact of such having the nerve to try to defend underage in preschool drinking to me. I refused to tolerate anything further once that night came to an end, and that was the point when all such regards were fully over for any involvement as to anything in which I would ever want or need anything regarding seeing those types of people ever again.
The fact they had willingly done so and defended such while having known about the garage as well as the rave as I had told those people, meant since their choices were as they were there was nothing of which I ever had any requirement to have a part of and the fact their choices were as such meant the biggest lack of any respect to what was considered of actual importance compared to what they wished to ride the coattails of as per those types of people. There is only pure hatred regarding quite a few situations as per the facts as to how those people had treated my son, my daughter, and I when after having moved to Carrollton Texas. It was fully over when that long island iced tea occurred and I hated them with every fiber of my being since that day when I had finally been able to drop that male back off at their doorstep and leave to go on with my life as that group of people were vial and disgraceful to ever think the garage situation was ever considered as acceptable. The fact they willingly kept such going meant that aspect as to which I had told people about in regards of the DFWQ area as to the problems those people had caused regarding the 151 Road warrior #Alamodrafthouse #SAnAntonio SATX #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #TX #Texasstate #Texas #MilitaryCityUSA Alamo draft house situation during the Fiesta in San Antonio Texas was a pathetic attempt for the attention to another female which their son preferred to begin with anyway and the only aspect as to such was that she did not pay him attention because of a different relationship she had gotten into as those two were the ones who had wanted to be as Bonnie and Clyde. Well, everyone knows how Bonnie and Clyde end just the same as everyone knew in the movie the Titanic that boat was going to sink and maybe I was the only one who saw other portions to the move which I wrote and told about; though in the reference as to Bonnie and Clyde, they always are meant to die and end in the ways thereof regarding those situations.
In the references to which my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces have not ever been allowed to be sold as per the facts of which the Medal of Honor is an award from the Armed Forces of the United States of America which by the legal portions of which the federal law prevents any portions of which from ever being sold, hence the aspects as to which I have completed my work and when I have finished such pieces as to the charity to bring such to a location to be able to leave for the individuals of the specific location to contact me if there is any requirement for the clarifications as to the further understanding as per the situation. In such regards as to art of the reason as to creating my website to be able to show the honesty of my work regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project if having to speak with someone at the location when picking up the historical and spiritual rubbing regarding the cemetery itself to be able to pick up the historical and spiritual rubbing in comparison to any discussions with others about such as that part had only been for the respect as to ensuring the facts of such were able to be discussed in comparison to ever speaking about such randomly; however the same in reference to the specific locations I would taker such pieces to in order to keep such in a way which the #AmericanLegion #AL American Legion/#DisabledAmeericanVeterans #DAV Disabled American Veterans/#MilitaryMuseum military museums I took specifically to/#VeteransofForeignWars #VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars would be able to verify my work in comparison.
I suppose I can make a sarcastic commentary regarding military museums, backgrounds, upbringings in different regards, and an artist name #Eminem Eminem or #MarshallMathers Marshall Mathers to such an ironic coinky dink in some sorts of odd ways admittedly as to the candy as well as the situations thereof to the initials as to the aspects as to the other connected ironies to the initials being similar to the Military Museum portion thereof in the above paragraph.
Additionally regarding such to be able to ensure the safety of my work of my pieces only in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces, as the facts of which anything further would require such contact to request the details of which if the pieces were ever moved out from where I took them to the requirement to speak with me about such aspects as to the known portion of which the fact there is not the allowance to sell the pieces themselves as to also the only locations allowed for such pieces as per the requirements thereof. While I have made the choice for which locations I took each piece to for the honoring thereof as per the fact of which to other teaching portions of which to bring forward in comparison to what I had felt would be assumed by others regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project, I wanted to ensure the facts were available as to any such aspects to which would be able to discuss regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project while not hiding what other works I have been completing as per the facts of being transparent as to not hide the facts of which I have authored and compiled books as well as my paintings and my journal blog as to though completely separate from my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces and the work thereof in the official context the ability to have the knowledge as to the lack of misconception of which to ensure all such reality as to being known in comparison to hiding such or pretending anything. In turn the few phone calls I have ever had about my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces, have been minimal regarding any discussions about as I have not ever allowed anyone to ever speak on my behalf about my work.
In such regards as to any assumptions to my work in any such combined way as because of my prior involvements at one point in time to such areas, I did not need the shame of such being pushed in my direction as to what certain individuals have thought about those particular lifestyle groups. However if those particular individuals of those lifestyle groups proved themselves to be as per the stereotypes of such groups, at minimum I would always be in the clear as to having been honest at all such times. I would not ever allow anyone to ever speak on my behalf about my work in any such portions or ways thereof regarding anything I created because of the facts as to prior portions of which when I had performed as well as when I had modeled, I had not ever allowed anyone to ever act as my manager nor have I ever allowed anyone to be an agent for my work. I knew that was important to clarify regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as to clarify all such prior portions as per the facts of not being willing to ever allow anyone to do such to ensure what I had seen in regards as to when growing up in New Jersey and seeing how certain individuals had been within other areas of #NYC #NewYorkCity New York City as to the ways such types had been including within #Pittsburg #PittsburgPA Pittsburg and #Philadelphia #PhiladelphiaPA Philadelphia.
Thus to prevent fully of anyone ever trying to take such credit, the facts of ensuring if there had ever been such a problem for the authorities to be able to be informed of such situations as per the facts thereof. I simply was not ever willing to ever allow such a stain on my work in any such way for anything I have been working on in any capacity, simply because of those types of people who I have seen before in regards of those types of individuals who have been problematic over the times.
Thus in regards as to how Christina Aguilera sings in the song as to how certain people try to throw shade on other people especially females, I had refused to allow any such types of people to ever lie about me to make sure all such clarifications would always be available for any and all such portions of the clarity of my work whether in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project or my journal blog entries or my paintings or my books as to ensure the clarifications would be able to be seen in such regards as to the verified aspects thereof. I refused and I refuse to ever allow anyone to ever represent my work as per the facts of having known about how some wish to change things of which the facts are he facts, and the lack of any requirement of any other involvement of what I specifically do. If I wanted or needed another’s assistance I would contact in such regards, in comparison to ever allowing someone else to do so for me as if that were ever a possibility the mandatory ways to be able to verify as I have seen people pretend to be a representative for another and with such false representation has required justice in different ways because of those types of people who have thought to steal which is illegal in a multitude of ways depending which situations.
Thus for the verifications as to my creation of the Underwater Travel System as well as my creations in other such aspects such as the Underwater wedding, to prevent such problems from the aspects thereof the direct clarifications through the verifications on my website to what is a registered account to me for which making sure to keep clear and verify when posting as per the consecutive aspects as per the order of which I post for the technological clarifications as I only do certain things certain ways and if the situations do not go in a specific direction as to my ways of aspects thereof. I have seen where the problems have been and the required aspects for such clarifications having been required in the multitude of ways, to which in such references as to how many males have misrepresented females as well as have lied about what involvements they have had and/or what situations thereof; I have refused to ever allow such to occur regarding myself, because of the fact of knowing what lifestyle groups I had been a part of. While I cannot vouch for any other individuals’ involvement, at minimum I am able to keep myself and my name clear from all such types of situations.
Since I know there are others who have a similar view as to such portions regarding seeing how the need for such clarifications for various circumstances have been required, the facts of which the song by Lil Kim and Christina Aguilera as to “Can’t Hold Us Down” is important for many reasons which songs do not always have to do with one particular topic as per the facts of which simply the situations as to what is of importance regarding the clarifications thereof. However while the facts of those types of males in such regards so too have the problems with certain types of females been problematic, as per seen in the reference as to #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. During her time in which was in the Civil War Era as to how many only thought of females for either being a nurse or a whore or a servant or a child bearer in comparison to anything else of value regarding the facts thereof as other females to such aspects had always been destined for more than certain types of situations and/or professions. When Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had begun her work the facts of which what employments were allowed to females were only underneath a male representing whichever aspects thereof, where as Dr. Mary Edwards Walker broke the mold to be able to step forward and refuse such portions of what the normal labels had been for females to be able to progress further and become the inspiration she is in regards thereof to those who know of her and her work.
In reference to the education she earned for herself which propelled her further, while certain males had problems with her at first over time the respect came when proven to what her capabilities were for what her work was able to assist with. As the females initially ignored Dr Mary Edwards Walker and later saw how she was being discussed in a more positive light the females became jealous and envious as to the fact she had earned her own education of which those females first began whispering in the ears of the males using the same aspects of simple ways, and then when it did not work to such portions because her work was far more valuable to the larger aspects in comparison; those females had caused the area which had been ambushed to occur where all such individuals were caught and put into Prisoner of War locations, which included the maintaining of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker alive because of the hatred as to her work. When those females had paid off the individuals who were on the Confederate side of the Civil War, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been taken along multiple routes to which the females had been paying attention to the males and had done what they could to keep Dr. Mary Edwards Walker away from being found because of those types of females thinking they would teach Dr. Mary Edwards Walker a lesson; and yet in the long run the lesson was meant to be taught to those types of females, which while some may have heard of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker previously there are the same reasons as to why for many more there has not been much known of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as per those types of females having been near others in the timeframes of when the commendation occurred.
In turn the removal of such problems through clarifying and verifying of such was not available at those times though now with the availability of the technological portions as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as my SCUBA Diving and other such aspects thereof, I have refused to allow those types of females and any such males connected to ever be allowed such portions. I have refused any agent aspect because my work is my work, and the same in which can be seen through the aspects thereof from such clarifications as to which the facts of having to actually speak with me is the mandatory portion of which is required and then the legal paperwork for such portions if ever in any such consideration because of which would have been written on my website if I had which I have not ever allowed such because of those types of situations already having been seen and known thereof. In such regards as to ensure the sanctity and the safety of my works as well as my name and my background and my credit; I have refused such because of what requirements would be mandatory, which there are not any requirements which have ever been met for any such portions for the clarifications thereof.
I admit there is a bit of a slighting to those who would think simply being seen standing next to me would ever allow such, though the refusal to ever allow such as per the requirements as per of what I would have to do to ensure the actual knowledge thereof for such portions which has not ever been done before. Hence the wording portions of which to clarify in all such ways because of knowing how those types of people have been needing to be eradicated from such aspects because of the needless drama those types of people have caused others as well, to which those problems of which some have thought their profession would be able to save them of which their profession would actually be the precursor to the downfall of all such types of individuals throughout all such aspects upon the moment when the regular individuals would get involved as per the ways which the situations regarding Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had begun.
While Dr. Mary Edwards Walker did not have someone to teach her about the medical profession, thus she did not have any doctor who was willing to be around her to be able to teach her what was required to become a what was called a nurse back in those days as to assisting with the medical procedures. While she also did not have a family which would pay for her to go to school, she had to earn her education ability on her own to be able to become a medical professional and then get involved as time went on. While others had individuals in their lives who were willing to shell out the money if there was a promise of which was worth it in the end, those situations were similar to other situations. In the ways which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been rumored to have earned her education were a mystery regarding the facts surrounding such ability, however she was able to make her way to go to medical school to be able to earn her ability to be called Dr. Mary Edward Walker. When she had become a part of the Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces in those days before the Civil War, she had already earned her medical reputation of being far more advanced than any other individual in the medical field. For those who have seen how certain sexist situations have been in recent years such as the years from 2000 through to 2021 for certain modernized versions thereof, the times of which when Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had dealt with such problems before the Women’s Suffrage Movement is a reason why the females during such a time had called the movement as such upon learning of what Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had endured throughout her lifetime up to that point. She had endured more than any of the females in any such combination even to which the females who had been able to survive such times of either side of the Civil War, wondered what it was which had her having the ability to move through more so. However those females depending upon which side had made their choices as to what occurred.
Where some females before the Civil War proper had already been as they had been, when learning of a female doctor being allowed to work along side of the other doctors the females whether nurses or not were upset as to the facts which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker earned for herself on her own. They had seen what she had endured though were not willing to take the steps themselves as to earn such rights on their own for themselves, and while some later had worked towards such; all was due to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker for what she had been the initial inspiration for all such movements. In regards of those who had refused to accept what Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had done to earn her medical aspects legitimately, those females had sent additional problems towards her thinking they would remove her from the profession; yet there were several doctors who knew the ironies as to having to speak with a female Doctor about such aspects, and Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had always been the one and only for each such aspect. While some of the other doctors had situations within themselves accepting such aspects of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker mainly because of her being a female, they also could not deny the facts thereof. Which in turn when going back to their relationships of whichever types, the situations which were whispered among the ears were as they were. There were several females who had been involved with the ambush which had caused her capture, though additionally the equivalent as to the term of turncoats regarding males who had changed their opinion as to the Civil War for the aspect as to the ways to appease their females and in such regards had not realized how many of their own were going to either be captured and/or killed off because of their being in the areas of the location.
Why were other areas rescued from Dr. Mary Edwards Walker before Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been rescued from being a Prisoner of War?
It was due to the fact as to the other males and females who had been a part of the problems to begin with wishing to be able to save their own while ignoring the facts which only Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had for all of such correspondences as to how and where to be able to find other such individuals. In such regards when the Women’s Suffrage Movement occurred officially, that was because of the facts as to the amount of times which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker could have been saved though because of the biases for such associations as to the causes as to why she had needlessly suffered at the hands of those who had been a part of both sides in any such combination thereof. While the commencement of such times as to whether or nor she survived was of no concern to most because of the lack of care about her as herself, if when such individuals realized she was the only key anyone had for all aspects thereof was the only reason why some began to push for her rescue though of course due to such sexism and wishes to save the females who had caused the problems to begin with; such females were dealt with accordingly in the end as per the ways of which were handled in those times, regarding those types of females, who would be a part of such situations thereof.
Whereas the ways which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had earned her medical degree for such a time was unheard of as well as unheard of regarding as much education as to her degree, the facts of both the male and the female of the time were in an uproar because of how she had been a she and not a he the whole time. In the ways when the first correspondences had been sent to Washington DC the comments from others had been in reference to how she had the nerve to have earned her medical degree, despite her skills were unmatched by any. The males who had discussed such portions blamed her for the wishes they could for their own mistakes, while the times when the individuals in Washington DC had spoken with their relationships individuals had mentioned of the backgrounds of which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had assisted the unsettling portions of life which were considered ironically as disgraceful as they sat among such individuals of such a higher version of the same type of what was viewed at such times. In turn when the aspects as to the confusion portions of how things had gone during such times, the females who had assisted had contacted the females who were assisting in #Washington #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC and those who were on such sides had caused a lengthier response because of how their choices were to send opposing correspondences to get the plans diverted.
Some know more along the lines of how situations had gone in reference to the #RevoltionaryWar #AmricanRevolution #AmericanRevolutionaryWar American Revolutionary War in such comparisons, because of the wishes to keep such portions hidden in reference to the Civil War as per the ways which some types of individuals had wished to keep such aspects to one side or another. In turn those females were not fully dealt with appropriately at those times, and Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had hoped to make sure all such portions in full were capable to be fully made aware as to all such sides thereof for the fullness as to the situations thereof to be completely out in the open for all such aspects. The times when she could have been rescued and was only taken into further captivity as per such, had been due to those who had stolen valor and had portrayed themselves as more than they were which in turn such aspects caused the chaos to further regarding the Civil War and the more bloody ending for the ones who were caught as to such aspects thereof for the situations thereof.
While Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been the individual who was the only one capable to get such intelligence to the areas needed to end the Civil War, those who wished to keep such going in comparison to ending the situation thought there was more money to be made one way in comparison to the amount of money to be made the other way. As the amount of overdramatic types who had known once the Civil War was over there would no longer be the same sorts of drama in such regards, the hidden in plain sight sorts of ways as to show the truth were put into place for Dr. Mary Edwards Walker’s design because of the knowledge as to the requirement to end all such problems in full because of what she had endured and survived. Thus only that one particular would ever be able to fully read all such portions, while all others would only be allowed to know what they were allowed to know in ways which to bring such folies to the individuals who were causing such problems to begin with. She had figured out while in captivity as to the problems and as she went through such portions, in her letters and correspondences she left key signals which to those who understood such specifics would only be able to understand and comprehend though would not know of what specifics in certain regards as over the ways which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had put such into the writings. When she had to be taken from one location to another location, she left specific types of breadcrumbs in the childhood version of Hansel and Gretel to be able to know the specifics thereof for her ability to either find her way back and/or if ever any could have picked up such signs would be able to find her without difficulties; though the situation as to which individuals were on which side would be for the others to figure out for such portions, as per Dr. Marry Edwards Walker knowing as to who had turned her in to the area which she was captured from as well as other such portions regarding the ambush thereof and the full awareness of such portions meant the ways of which she would have to bring such forward to the Washington DC area individuals as per their own aspects as to what she did not know of. In the portions of which the individuals who had caused the problems then wishing to bring her forward to assist them only after their own captivity, the only way for such was if she had been freed regarding the problems as to having been caught as to the ambush which occurred and though while some thought about such aspects others had not cared about the outcome for their thoughts were as their thoughts were until the times when they themselves would be in the exact same position as which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker once had been in a different way though exactly the same.
In such regards as to those who had learned of what Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was dealing with, the portions to when her rescue actually occurred and she was extracted from the Prisoner of War area had only been when an individual who had learned of her existence had overheard a Congressman complaining with another group of individuals about Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. While the individuals in such a group had different causes as to why they were in the area, Dr. Mary Edwards Walkers’ correspondence came through to which the complaints were varied. While some complained about her attitude towards the males in reference to the doctors who were a part of the problem regarding the sexism and had needed to accept they were part of the problem to begin with, the other males who were involved complained about with the words of which they had been told by the females they had been seeing; of which while unbeknownst to some as to other such connections as per what occurs regarding that particular type of profession.
Thus when in such references as to other connections as to how such aspects came around, a male who had heard of her long ago had overheard such aspects and took notice; though had stayed in the background while remaining in the area, while taking care of his own duties within the Congressional areas thereof. As another heard because of the ways which the halls of the buildings are overheard, the memories of what once was had flooded such thoughts as to the times of when. Another group of males had overheard and brought such ideas forward, though yet again had preferred the rescue of the males in comparison to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker because of thinking as to the number of individuals in comparison to the quality of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker’s work as well as experiences in conjunction with her works which had been documented amongst several individuals over such times from her medical education onward through to her working in the Union part of the Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces.
While one male in particular during the Civil War on the Confederate side had learned of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, he had been as to who had caused the choice of her being put into a different area of the camps as to what she was capable of helping and assisting with. While not seeing the value of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker though seeing her value, the minimal portions of what would be considered as tolerable though far beneath what she would have had if she were a male was what she had dealt with. Again to the aspects of the Women’s Suffrage Movement as per the aspects of what was endured regarding such, as on either side of which if Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been a male gender she would have had the luxuries afforded to her in the exact same ways without hesitation for such as per the work she had put forward which had fully been unmatched and unrivaled. However in both aspects as to either the Union or the Confederate sides of the Civil War, only because she was a female had she ever been treated in the ways and manners as she had and thus the furthering as to the sexism found throughout the various aspects as to the Civil War which lead to the Women’s Suffrage Movement because either side of which had the capabilities to actually make things easier for Dr. Mary Edwards Walker; however their attitudes during such times had only been what would be revealed as to the choices hereof in full, because of the facts thereof. While some made some attempts to get to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker in person as er the letters of which described such details thereof, the problems of which were back and forth continued onward.
When she had been taken out of one location and moved along to another location, the exact same treatments occurred up until when she was extracted from the areas as per the individuals who refused to allow such to continue any further regarding such aspects thereof. While there had not been many who had known of either side regarding as to how Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had assisted in the life saving measures thereof, there were lives on various sides who would not have continued if it were not for Dr. Mary Edwards Walkers’ work. When in the reference as to the rescuing of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker it had been due to those who were tired of seeing the back and forth about her being complained about when all that had to occur to stop such complaining, was rescue her from the Prisoner of War captivity. However because of those within the Confederate aspects who wished for her to join their side and tried to show her the same sort of situations which others in the Union had tried regarding the females if she would simply stop being herself, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker refused all such aspects to which only caused further problems regarding her treatment though also had propelled the forces behind the Women’s Suffrage Movement because of how many learned over the times as to how many times Dr. Mary Edwards Walker could have been extracted to be saved from any further torments from those types of individuals in all such ways.
In turn when the individuals who were involved with her extraction had gotten involved, the refusal to accept any aspects regarding the Confederacy or the Union wishes to continue pushing for Dr. Mary Edwards Walker to essentially remain in captivity was overruled because of the facts as to having to lead by example and the unbiased requirements for anyone to ever trust whoever would win the Civil War ever again. It was known to those in Washington DC if they had allowed the situations to continue there would not ever be a point in time which any would ever be looked up to ever again for such prestige and it was known as to those in reference to the Confederate aspects as to what they thought they knew, as those in the Union aspects fought for the release of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker under certain conditions which the Confederates did not wish to abide by though in the end they had no choice except but to accept the terms and conditions of which lead to the rescue and the release of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. While in the regards to the lyrics in the central portion of the song Can’t Hold Us Down has meant a lot to me for many reason, it seems befitting in reference to the aspects as to the culmination of situations including the aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle if done ethically and morally equally correctly in comparison to wishes of how as to any other ways.
Thus while I could go in such defenses as to such an adult consenting lifestyle, the facts as to such realities as to how such situations have occurred have caused the reasons as to why the facts of ending such portions in the ways of ending stolen valor as per the amount of people who have failed to verify themselves to me. In the ways correctly thereof. In such reference aspects as to the realities of which the failures to identify themselves correctly despite the aspects as to the COVID portions as to other such regards upon my return to the state of Texas, I have no need nor any want nor any desire to ever have anything to do with that particular state in any such references as well more so in reference to any regards towards the adult consenting lifestyle because of their failure to ever get my consent as to any problems they had caused which would be known I would fully refuse and completely walk away from in all such ways and regards thereof as to the lack of importance in my opinion as to such references to the adult aspects because of the most simple portions of having human decency and common sense or actual etiquette followed or respects thereof to such etiquette commands as per the requirement as per any such contact from any individual once over the age of 18 years old as per the aspects as to having connected such portions in regards of my website which yes does include either one of my biological children as I would not ever allow either one of my children to evr be involved with the adult consenting lifestyle while I was involved if such types of problems were still rampant and problematic among any area of any sector throughout any location within the United States of America or anywhere in the world if I had any reason thereof.
Thus in turn the facts as to how others have used certain names regarding females they have been with referencing such portions regarding Lil Kim[‘s comments in reference to her portion of the song, as to the ways which those males would not have ever had such if they were not allowed to partake of such to begin with unless they had been a willing participant to any such sexual assault of any type or sexual harassment of any type which would include illegally recording any female which would be against her will in all such references as to the requirement per the knowledge thereof by such actual agreements in comparison to any wishes or assumptions to ever being considered as acceptable. Personally, I refuse to ever accept any such portions in any private area locations and I fully review such as a sexual harassment and sexual assault portion for the regards as to the privacy laws as per required in all such ways in the regards of when living in a private abode in the references to any such situation. In turn for any such illegal surveillance aspects would be in my opinion when there has not been any legal requirements which would mandatory be signed regarding any such acceptance, I would refuse all such aspects and only look sat all such individuals involved with pure disgust and full of hatred and would rebuke ever being involved with any such portions in the current time as I have as well permanently in the future for any such aspect found regarding such ever. Which in turn the aspects to which I will refuse to ever be a part of any such groups or associations without such a permanent clearing in the correct and proper ways thereof, and could not care how many groups or organizations fall to the sides as the ways of which have been of the past times if the regards of such portions to etiquette and respects thereof are not followed. The economy will fall in all areas of the work without my involvement as I have already known for decades as to such, thus I do not have any need to be a part of such though the economy does require certain aspects thereof. As I have no need to be in the front of any cameras regarding how others have taken in reference to my SCUBA Diving as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project without me in the front of the cameras and without the recognitions as I have earned for all such portions, there is not going to ever be any aspect of the adult consenting lifestyle ever again without my personal involvement. Of which those who had bothered me in Washington state should have kept themselves out of my life the ways to which they did not want me in their lives to begin with, as I am not one of convenience as to which the aspects were pushed as such.
Thus as unlike some individuals, my life does not revolve around only such portions and without my involvement all such aspects as proven have fallen and will continue to crumble without my choice to be involved. I refuse such aspects to ever chose such, and there is the reality of which such proof has been able to be seen as to the ways which I am. Thus I have the right to stand my ground long before any had ever realized and thus since I did not ever have a choice as to which state I woke up in from the coma portions of which are from the time of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, anyone who wishes to use any generational aspects are fully nullified as per not having a choice where I woke up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Upon waking up from such in a state I did not chose in a location I did not pick, it is the blessings of the fact of the stand your ground laws though just because I was not born and raised in Texas as thankfully I was born and raised in New Jersey; I have been afforded the right to use the stand your ground laws as to protect and defend myself and protect and defend what is mine, unlike the aspects to anyone who would wish they could ever try to claim the stand your ground laws as per the grandfather clauses for such portions additionally as to the locations of military bases within as per the agreements with the original timeframes after the east coast had allowed assistance from the state of New Jersey officials allowing any such assistance when in the legal courtrooms to ever give anything to those to assist within the Texas Mexican War.
Thus if those in the state of Texas prefer to return to their roots, then that is probably the situation regarding the border crisis situation of which then all military individuals can be pulled out of the state of Texas and all of the civilians can take up their own arms in their own defenses with their local and their state officials to handle all such situations without any assistances from the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America; as per the treatment situations which I had needlessly dealt with during such times from whichever individuals of whichever connections thereof, referencing waking up 21 years ago throughout all 21 years as to any such connected problem from any individual associated with anyone regarding any situations which have been worsened due to those with any connections found to the state of Texas.
Though I very much have the right to my opinion and I also have the right to defend my opinion especially when it is found to be accurate because then my opinion is not considered an opinion though is considered as facts, to which then when not an opinion and considered as facts then there is not the right to complain about the facts of the truth. That is unless it is considered normal to complain about the truth and then when it is a problem to which people complain about the truth, what is the next step ion the course of such situations to take into consideration? It is and will always be important for the truth to be spoken because the point in time if ever that people have a problem with the truth, is when those people prefer lies to the truth and that must be stopped immediately because of the reality that the truth is always more important than any opinions. If ever there gets to be a point in time which within the United States of America of which the truth if considered a problem in a larger way, then the mandatory reflection upon all such truths in full is required and all individuals must face their own personal truths in every facet and in every individual way as to all such portions of their individual truth.
It is ironic when taking into consideration the saying regarding wanting heaven on earth for one cannot have heaven on earth if hell also is not brought to earth in conjunction with purgatory, thus in such references and regards thereof as there have been many who have wanted to see heaven on earth then in turn they have needed hell to come to earth in order for them to know what heaven on earth is and looks as in such capacities for themselves in their own lives as per what is allowed if such is accepted in comparison to assumed. I admit I had created two different versions of my system regarding hell, purgatory, and heaven to which I wrote about what I created. In such references as to the multifaceted ways thereof, the facts of which whether some consider the truth as hell or heaven is whichever viewpoint thereof though is mandatory for which to know the difference from one to the other.
Thus in such regards as to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker she had endured all sorts of hell on earth while then in purgatory during the time of waiting for the portions of those within the various levels of the military to retrieve her for the extraction to save her from the Prisoner of War situation. In that regards there was a breakaway group who had made such efforts when the situations were taking too long in reference to the Cvil War to retrieve her, which though it took awhile it did obviously occur to get her out of the situations she had been put in due to such types of individuals who had a problem with the fact she had earned as she had earned and caused the ways which the Civil War had gone during such times thereof. Without Dr. Mary Edwards Walker there would not have been the advancements throughout the medical professions as there have been in regards to female health and well being especially, the irony despite how she had been treated and caused to go through such portions thereof for without her work as before as well as after her involvement with being a Prisoner of War; there would not be what is known as OB/GYN clinics, which in turn means there would not be any Planned Parenthood or types of locations thereof for including IVF types of treatments. Without Dr. Mary Edwards Walker there would not be the awareness to further aspects of female health and actual proper care, though such portions as to which the levels additionally to the mental well being which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had assisted regarding because of her time in captivity as a Prisoner of War which she had assisted in other beginning phases of multiple facets to which even today in the modern era of time are still being used and/or modified to which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker has deserved the acknowledgment and the credit for all of the connected works she had been a part of more than just one note within the history aspects thereof.
Those types of individuals who had been around during such times had wished to take such credit from her and try to prevent her from being awarded the Medal of Honor to begin with and then when she was awarded the Medal of Honor those types of people tried to keep more away than what should have ever been because of their jealousy as well as their greed to which their type had to be stopped and brought forward for such revelations in a multitude of ways as per the facts as to rectifying the situations of which her spirit has been at unease for over a century regarding how such situations have gone over such times and the ways thereof. In turn while some people have wished however they wished regarding Dr. Mary Edwards Walker and those who have known of how amazing she had always been regarding what could be found if you knew where to look and how to actually interpret in comparison to assume, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker is one of the largest contributing factors as to the beginning of equal rights for the females throughout the various portions of the law enforcement as well as the fire department as well as the medical communities; though especially in reference to her work within the ability for equal opportunity within the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Anyone who would try to deny any such portions would not want any female in any line of any type of work for anything in the slightest as per her view as to the ways thereof from her era, to any such time thereafter. Any who would try to deny any such truthful facts which of such individual(s) in support of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker would fully align themselves with such prior types of individuals which had been the problems to begin with and would need to be cleared out and the situations in full be completely rectified as to being fixed and repaired in the positive favor thereof, in all such ways as per the realities as to what her contributions over her life as well as her inspirations thereafter are far more worthwhile than any other such aspects in various comparisons however she did work with Susan B. Anthony as well as per there being certain unknown common threads of connections in other such ways.
Thus the lyrics from the song in the chorus line of “Can’t Hold Us Down”:
“ You're just a little boy
Think you so cute, so coy
You must talk so big to make up for smaller things
You're just a little boy
All you do is annoy
You must talk big to make up for smaller things
This is for my girls all around the world
Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth
Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard
So what do we do girls, shout out loud
Lettin 'em know were gonna stand our ground
So lift your ahnds high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will
Can't hold us down”
However those types of females that work similarly or along with those types of males who would work against actual progress only because of the biologically born gender as per the genetic markers per the genital areas for such, would only be proven as to such regards as to which side one actually truly is/was on in such references as to the progression of the human race. Which side of the progression line are you on? Do you want progressions forward, or do you prefer regressions backwards? I personally prefer progression forward, though I have seen which areas wish to go backwards to which they think females should be owned by males which is the incorrect viewpoint as per the fact there would not ever be any male or female born without a Mom who carried such life in the uterus to which automatically life belongs to female gender because of what life is brought forth.
If males want to hold something then they can hold death because of the fact when taking such genital portions thereof into consideration each and every time they masturbate they kill off thousands of semen which in turn means they are accustomed to the death aspects from the first time they masturbate in various forms to review such metaphors. While a female can masturbate there is the fact unlike any male, there is not the release of semen or sperm in such regards as per only the aspect as to the menstruation cycle as to the facts of which there was not the need for such an egg to be fertilized regarding any form of life to that regard. Though with such menstruation blood the facts of which the sight of the amount of is a way of a memory to females as to appreciate life because of how bloody certain situations can be when life is taken, in the various forms and ways thereof which males only see and learn about such aspects later on. Thus the female has always been the life, and always remains the life source while males have needed to be informed of such aspects to accept such realities in full as to such in all regards. Any male who is more accustomed to taking life than raising life in such regards is an additional aspect to take into such considerations as to the personality patterns of behaviour for a variety of aspects as of course there were those types of males in the medical profession back during the Civil War who had assisted being a part of the capture of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker and had not cared as to her fate in any such references. An irony is in several circumstances as to if Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had a different fate as to what would have occurred to such individuals in a larger way as to what they had caused though were allowed to be salvaged from, in which those individuals had owed her their lives in every possible way regarding far more which they had learned to deal with their humbling in such references thereof over time.
In reference to the ways which Dr. Mary Edwards Walker had been saved regarding having been in the area kept off to the side regarding when she was a Prisoner of War, the ones who went to extract her from the last known location had to find her because of an unknown move to another location because of other circumstances that were unseen by such individuals. It took them a few months before they were able to locate Dr. Mary Edwards Walker to be able to get to her location to be able to evacuate her from the Confederate area as per other circumstances, though it had been lead in a conjunction effort upon learning of other aspects only she was the key to such in other references as to what she was able to assist with in the more open and yet hidden regards as to a variety of portions because of what she had seen in person regarding the aspects thereof. Due to her testimony when before Congressional review boards as to several factors when they had learned of a few different situations was when the aspect to put in for her to be awarded the Medal of Honor began, though such an arduous process as her having been not officially within the Army of the United States of America because of the ways at such a time. However due to her direct connection yet even still the legal argument as to why she had earned such a high and prestigious award, had been unsurpassed by anyone prior within any of the males who had earned the Medal of Honor and to this day in the year of 2021 she is the only female Medal of Honor recipient. Maybe one day that will change and there will be another female who comes along who is worthy of such an award, though I would not be surprised if Dr. Mary Edwards Walker’s spirit would have to be awoken just in the nick of time to be able to witness such for her works having been realized in a different way for such times whenever that might be.
In such referencing the timeframe of the initial days after the attacks on 11 September 2001 while it was excruciating to think about who I could know in the area of the east coast regions for knowing of a few people who had been stationed at the Pentagon from when I was in Medical Hold Unit as not all people were medically retired or medically boarded out of the Army as some returned to active duty status, Sergeant Love had been stationed in the area from what I remember being told before he had left Medical Hold Unit around September or October 2000. He was a modest male with a calm personality and a funny sense of humor which was concern in a multiple aspects of ways when he and I spoke when in Medical Hold Unit as to several aspects, as I had informed him of the truth as to why I had fought to be emancipated to join the Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces. He had heard about me as several at Fort Sam Houston had which after a bit of time when we spoke he had told me he had heard about me in truth from the first time of meeting him to speak with me, which there were several times where he and I spoke for hours as to answer questions he had of various topics though mainly in reference to religious portions because of my upbringing regarding Old Tennent Presbyterian Church. I remember one afternoon when seeing Alavarez walk away, he asked me as to what I thought of family. I told him family is more than just blood, which he smiled saying he knew it. He asked me where my blood aspects had been which I told him about in brief of my maternal and paternal sides of my life, which when I told him about going to Harlem as a child and a teenager he asked me what I had to do in #Harlem Harlem.
I told him briefly about my biological father’s side of the family having a Great Aunt to me which had a child with a male from Harlem and that my cousin’s name was Jade, though I did not know her last name. I did not get into much detail about my Grandmawmaw and Grandpawpaw about such a side of the family as per the blood relation as he had to get going to take care of a few portions, to which in such regards I will leave such for tomorrow’s posting in reference to the timeframe after the 20 year memorial timeframe of the attacks on 11 September 2001 for this particular section as per the facts thereof are in such a requirement for its own posting regarding that particular connection of my blood lineage despite the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Ironically that would be around the timeframe for the day of the month in September of which my son was hospitalized, and some of the individuals I spoke with during the time of in some smaller ways reminding me of Sergeant Love off of the bat upon the admittance into the room after the emergency room area.
In the regards as to how many I lost from the attacks on 11 September 2001 in the east coast area, I suppose maybe it is bittersweet that I was only taught how to count to ten at the time when in Medical Hold Unit. I know myself as I know if I was taught to count higher, I would have focused on a different aspect in such a bittersweet comparison.
Thank you Lil Kim and Christina Aguilera along with your groups which brought such together, as that song has been extremely important to me for many different reasons over the years since it came out on the radio.
