Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who had without my permission gone on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to how such traffic problems when in the state of #MT #Montana Montana would be considered as to those individuals who would have known as to how my son and I had wound up in #WA #Washington Washington state, as to their involvement with a different form of human trafficking and such types of domestic terrorism as to the ways of which they needlessly caused problems for something I had not invited them on and since such was and is my Medal of Honor Art Project would in turn mean that my son would not ever have been allowed to invite anyone as to it being my Medal of Honor Art Project or does that additionally take a head injury to figure that out?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to not having ever signed over any rights to anyone to ever be in control of my works which in turn none would ever have any rights to my payments of my royalty checks which in turn any such withholdings as to such payments of mine in any such way would additionally be against my will and would be seen as such 13th Amendment violations because of my payments which should have been each quarter as per the Amazon agreement I personally agreed to when I had originally posted my works onto the website for my publishing as well as would be seen as terrorism as to the ways of trying to force me into situations I do not agree with, I do not want, I do not need, I do not prefer, and I would not desire to ever be a part of without my personal choices as to such in full thereof; or does that forced aspect of against my will have a difficulty for others to figure out?
In turn if others contacted Amazon and Amazon the company itself had not contacted me officially as they had not ever as I had not ever been specifically told anyone was a representative of Amazon when at any point in time which in turn any such aspects as to anyone else getting involved without my personal contact to Amazon first would automatically violate the terms and conditions of agreements, as I had not ever allowed anyone nor did I contact anyone about my books or my works as to such; as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out I would not allow such aspects to such ever, as it should not take a head injury to figure out there is no circumventing such aspects as to the illegal leaking and the illegal releasing of such as does it take a head injury to figure out there would be a full violation as to all such Constitutional Rights by all such aspects thereof as to any such wishes against my will as to the portion of Amazon hypothetically ignoring me and my rights illegally such aspects and/or allowing such of which in turn where is there any such belief in humanity would not ever be seen by me and I would not care as to any such wishes as to any other portions as does it take a head injury to figure out that would only be a pure violation of all such Constitutional Rights in every individual way against me as well as mine?
Or am I supposed to see how of something different of who would have the intelligence to actually be able to explain such not me for such a different view as does it take a head injury to figure out there would not be any different view from me as why would I ever see anything other than the lack of care and the lack of concern and the lack of any decency as to what I would personally see as the respect of my works as where would I ever see such respect to such works of mine ever for all such intensive purposes?
Does it take a head injury to see how I would only see such aspects as a constant harassment, a lack of concern for my safety, the lack of concern for my best interests, the lack of respect for my work as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project, as well as does it take a head injury to see how such problems of which had occurred in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips would only be reviewed as problematic on everyone else who had not ever respected how my works were to be completed to begin with and does it take a head injury to figure out I would not see any value nor any worth to my Medal of Honor Art Project works as to the lack of respect to ever have the human decency or the common sense to ask me specifically what I would personally require for anyone to ever be a part of going on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of my inviting my son on one trip for my Medal of Honor Art Project trips compare to the overall would not ever be considered as what would be required for those who I did not personally carry in my uterus and thus would not ever be considered as the ways of which others would ever be considered as a welcome portions thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, as why would it take a head injury to figure out if you were a part of ostracizing wrongfully to my involvement in such from various areas of the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle; why would I or they ever want or need you to be a part of anything I was doing in reference to, my Medal of Honor Art Project trips? Why would you ever feel welcome to my work, when you were not invited personally? Why would you be in violation of my Constitutional Rights I personally earned on my own and why would you think you ever had any right to violate my rights I earned, unless you did not ever respect my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as did not ever respect my rights to begin with unless I am incorrect of which then would it take a head injury to figure out how to repair and fix such damages others caused to me as well as my works thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out there would not be the automatic portions of ever knowing what to correctly do and thus would only fully offend each and every individual spirit throughout the entirety of each and every location I went to for my Medal of Honor Art Project trips of which does it take a head injury to figure out that each individual other than myself as I would not have to worry about what those people would have picked up on their own for themselves in their lives, as my Medal of Honor Art Project trips I knew what to do to keep myself safe though would it take a head injury to figure out others would need to know what would have been required as to such aspects as to ever being allowed in the area of the vehicle as to does it take a head injury to figure out similarly to my creation of the Underwater Wedding as to the required words being of importance?
Would it take a head injury to figure out there would not be anyone who would ever know of what it specifically took as to all such connected portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the same ways as to there would not ever be anyone who would ever be able to teach or instruct as to my type of SCUBA Diving, as each aspect would fully have to be taught and instructed only by one person as does it take a head injury to figure out that one person is me and would have to have such audible words as to such a question to ask me if such would ever be allowed and what would actually be required for such aspects thereof instead of such assumptions hypothetically as unless you were able to create a high ceremony magick 7 day in a row ritual at the age of 13 years old on your own; does it take a head injury to figure out there is none who has ever been taught as I have been taught as to such works as does it take a head injury to figurew out that there is a difference between levels thereof to which when an Adept gets to a certain level the lack of need to speak such words as to already having achieved other levels of which such backgrounds as to other such connections?
Does it take a head injury to figure out it would not have been known prior to such aspects such as certain individuals not related to myself and not in such ways of which would be able to be found through any yearbooks, though only certain individuals who would know of such aspects in other depths as to the #IHOP IHOP references as to my abilities having been noticed before anyone I ever knew in the state of Texas as to such portions thereof to which I already protected myself from ever allowing such aspects previously because of already having known as to protect myself from such types of individuals or does that take a head injury to figure out as well and how would such tries be seen as to such violations as to my Constitutional Rights of my Freedom of Religion as well as such violations of my rights as to the 13th Amendment in conjunction aspects thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out such problems which went across the state of Texas after the situations in reference to the initial pulling onto the stage against my will as well as the constant needless problems and the needless stalking problems as to the threats I received as to the ways of which was ironic as to there not being any threats online after I wound up in Washington state and who has such connections to such a state which I personally would not and did not find helpful in reference to my after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of which does it take a head injury to figure out, each individual who knew me in person and/or were told of such by me and/or others as to how I wound up in Washington state had a legal duty to actually report such a situations of which does it take a head injury to figure out the fact I had registered such with the Library of Congress and the situations which have gone as they have; why would I ever believe there was ever any genuine concern as to my safety as well as my works, when such continued problems have needlessly continued onward as to the situations already explained as to such descriptions on my website?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the lack of concern would only be seen as to such lengths of time and the lack of such royalties in my account for my usage as to my choices as to such a length of time while having had people speak in odd ways as to such writings of which I have described, would it take a head injury to see how such is and has been viewed as a constant problem and such attacks against me needlessly and why would it take a head injury to point such out as to the ways thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of which the times after my SCUBA Diving additionally would be seen as the lack of concern as to the lack of care about my safety as well as the lack of faith and the lack of trust in any such portions, as does it take a head injury to see that?
Why would it take a head injury to see what could have been asked of me easily was not by the choices as to each and the lack of concern found as to such individuals because of the lack of such correct situations in any such ways as to my benefit and my favor for my works as the lack of correct acknowledgement of such to me of my work as I have already gone over as to such, does it take a head injury to see the lack of concern in all such ways or to which what would be able to be seen by those who did not have a head injury to such a view as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to the amount of explanations thereof as to my inability to ever see anything of value as well as my inability to see anything of worth as to anything I had personally done because of such a failure upon the parts of each individual who has proven as such up to this point in time; as does it take a head injury to figure out as to the amount of such portions, how few have ever truly cared about what has been the needs for myself and as to getting such correctly taken care of as to the Walter Reed as well as the lack of actual concern for what my personal needs are?