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Welcome, to the website of Susan MeeLing!
The unique Artist, Author, Creator, Model, and YouTube Vlogger!
Virgo born in August = Peridot birthstone
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These two books are the autobiography of Susan MeeLing also known as Reverend Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire. The first book "Finding a Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" is based in facts only whereas the complimentary satirical book is based in facts of "Finding the Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", though the names are not listed with the exception of legalities which have already been in a court of law. In reference to the satirical book "Finding the Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" it was thought of the ability for many to see various individual circumstances throughout life of each individual, who could find a way to laugh and learn from while "Finding a Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" gave more factual stand points and legal recommendations.
With the experiences of being a Northeasterner whom moved and resided in the state of Texas for more than a decade including being a part of the beginning workings of the Tea Party in Carrollton-TX including within the timeline of Senator Cruz, the pages within these books show the problems from the state of Texas which can and has already affected the United States of America. The array of issues extended out from the civilian sector, throughout active/post-humous/disabled veteran statues, medical care for military and civilian, as well as within the public schools for special needs children after the death of an active duty soldier. As the 2016 Presidential campaign has continued out of the remaining presidential candidates my vote has been swayed towards supporting Mr. Donald Trump, as these documents have given the basis of my opinion from personal experiences.
These books were and are submitted to the major Presidential candidates for both the DNC and the GOP in 2015 among many other organizations in The United States of America since publishing in 2014, up to the current times. The Supreme Court, The White House, several state representatives for Texas, and several ofther groups were sent these as well as the continued other contacts. Only Mr. Donald Trump has openly discussed with the general public most information within the pages and in turn, forced all other political candidates to try giving legitimate answers to repair the various problems throughout society in a more positive way. Though I did not believe many of the candidates of the Presidential election in 2016 were able to fulfill the oath of office for the Presidency not because of the lack of experience but because I felt there were aspects of which, would have been more than they realized they would need to handle such a position.
It was never to denounce any of the work they had done and not to choose one political party over another as I have voted for both sides of the political spectrum for various elections, but my personal feelings were each of the candidates had other employment opportunites which would have suited them better. I still believe President of The United States of America Donald J. Trump and his Vice President of The United States of America Mike Pence were the ideal and are the ideal, since then Mr. Donald J. Trump had announced his initial run for the Oval Office in 2015. Personally I believed then he was needed for the various areas of The United States of America's government and the world, as it was time for someone with a different perspective to be able to give a different opinion.
Though I still believe as I did back in 2015 during the Presidential Election Senator Ted Cruz should not be running for POTUS but should be considered for a judicial spot in The Supreme Court as a Justice, as I felt he would be more effective in that role in both the short term as well as the long term as I had explained to others when I was in Washington State. Though some debated with me of my opinions in reference to who became President of The United States of America Donald J. Trump, not one person disagreed with me nor debated me in reference to Senator Ted Cruz being an ideal nominee for becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Just as I stand in support of POTUS Trump and his First Family of The United States of America (and despite what others might think I believe Mrs. Melania Trump is a wonderful First Lady of The United States of America and is due much more credit than she has gotten) along with his Vice President of The United States of America Mike Pence and his Second Family of The United States of America (as the technical term is though obviously is his first family).
Please use your mouse to hover over the picture of the cover for the books she authored and follow the link to Amazon to purchase these and all of the books, she wrote and created.
If you are interested inviting Susan MeeLing for a speaking arrangement and/or interview and/or book signing and/or reading and/or conference for discussion, please contact through the message system on this website or call her at the phone number she gave you.
However, if she gave you her personal number you are welcome to contact her through that method whether or not business related.
Please use the To Contact form to submit requests to hire Reverend Susan MeeLing for personal appearances for book signings, book readings, discussions, and the like immediately.
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Though I had put in the book after speaking with Mrs. Tamooreesi of the 80% sales of the book to go towards assisting her son's healthcare I realized I should put that on my website to assist, and not just in the book pages of "Finding a Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing"; though deciding upon my own to add in reference to the complimentary book of my own choice as the thought of keeping even the most difficult branch of training to be able to smile, and laugh. That which I spoke with Mrs. Tahmooreesit had only been in reference to the "Finding a Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" however I thought if I could do well enough with the two books, it would have been a nice surprise to assist beyond just the first book. Though I apologize for my math problems as I am guesstimating 50%+80% probably is a different number than what it is supposed to equal and that I admit probably has to do with the Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the math issues from; I had intended to as I put in writings of the first pages of this book as I had gotten her and her daughter's permission. I saw certain similarities in a different way between the treatment of my daughter at McCoy Elementary School and the benefits which were denied to her and my son over the years and when listening to the news about how her son was being treated, I felt in my own way maybe that could help; knowing the expensive costs of such types of treatments but due to what occurred in the prison to him, it was my way of trying to make the world a better place one person at a time as I could. I knew it might not be that much to some, but it could help in ways which more would have a different view of the world and the way soldiers for The United States of America are treated, for the better.
Please use your mouse to hover over the picture of the cover for the books she authored and follow the link to Amazon to purchase these and all of the books, she wrote and created.
If you are interested inviting Susan MeeLing for a speaking arrangement and/or interview and/or book signing and/or reading and/or conference for discussion, please contact through the message system on this website, if you do not already have her contact phone number.
Finding the Silver Lining
Written By: Susan MeeLing
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