Welcome, to the website of Susan MeeLing!
The unique Artist, Author, Creator, Model, and YouTube Vlogger!
Virgo born in August = Peridot birthstone
Go Viral! Stay viral!
10am EST to 17:00 EST
Philanthropy Artwork Password: EndStolenValor
As the name I found online as to the information that was avaiable at the time, and if as to my children's biological fathe'rs baby daddy's sister who failed to comprehend her brother had filled out the paperwork himself as to the birth certificates; then as to such as to the if factors of those types of stereo-typical ex factors.
However there are females such as the Postal Battalion 6888th as per what I was informed of whereas the factors as to the biological females such as the Navy WAVES, as the common sense as that should not take a head injury to figure out.
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection
After what occurred in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, I began that one last project collection as there are only so many females who have been a part of history as to what is considered as to the collection.
My journal blog does not and has not and will not ever constitute as any award officially in any capacity thereof as to such aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork, as to the reality as to the difference between an earned in honor and integrity with valor as to such aspects as to the hypothetical differences as to such other aspects thereof as to my writings in "The Modern Day Book".
This is not any invitation at all in any capacity for anyone to be involved wtih My Medal of Honor Art Project, as there were only the aspects of what I found online as to the names in reference to the only aspects as to the references thereof as to My Medal of Honor Art Project additional aspect as to the collection portions for the only few that were capable to be found as for the references as to the paperwork only.
They are not awarded the Medal of Honor officially at all, as to such references for the clarifications as per my journal blog as to the references of the names I found online for my work as for my overall artwork.
Thus as to the if factors as to any biological female thinking as to such capacities as to such factors, the references as to what I clarified in my journal blog as to the references thereof where the names per the history as per the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to the references as to what was found online for such details only.
Thus as to the aspects as to how the regards as to my journal blog updates from the years of 2019 through 2022 only, as to such references as to not the same aspect at all and was not any invitation to begin with as to my work as to such factors of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips.
In reference to an actual invitation as to the requirement to actually ask me first, as to actually be allowed from my free will as to my choice to give such information of my own free will, as to such aspects of my trips as to such updates to my journal blog.
If my Medal of Honor Art Project was/is actually appreciated, then the protocols for respecting my work as to such aspects of would have begun with asking me first as to using real words in real discussions with me before ever attempting to attend as to the different trips as coercing others as to getting an okay is not acceptable to me for my work at all as to such references and regards thereof officially.
What occurred during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in the years of 2014 through 2018 are as to "The Modern Day Book" references only, as those were the only references allowed as to those prior times as to those prior situations as that was jnot ever any green light for anything else as to such facts regarding that book published in the year of 2020.
Thus as to the references as to my past books as to the facts of the situations having been in my past as to "Finding A Silver Lining", "Fidning The Silver Lining", "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire", and "The Modern Day Book" are situations from my past only.
Thus as to such aspects where the importance of if my work is actually respected as to the reality that I am not like or similar to most biological females' personalities, and thus as to my personal requirements as to my personal protcols as to my work as to such aspects as to the references as to having clarified such aspects.
Thus as to how I personally have not awarded anyone with any version of a Medal of Honor ever, the aspects where the references regarding a Medal of Honor award as to my comprehension that is only awarded first through The Pentagon being informed before the United States of America's Congress and Senate have their meetings, before thwe Vice President of the United States of America reviews such aspects and then as to the awarding after the approval from the President of the United States of America.
My Medal of Honor Art Project is Artwork. because it takes a bit to a lot of work to complete just one particular piece.
A Medal of Honor award is when in the midst of a declared war by the other side of the aspects thereof as to when an individual goes above and beyond the specifics as to their requirements as to their employment as to the factors thereof for the awarding of a Medal of Honor as to their gallantry in action as to assisting their specific branch they signed the proverbial dotted line for as to the aspects of Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist aspects as to the United States of America's Armed Forces as to the Army branch, the Air Force branch, the Coast Guard branch, the Marine Corps branch, and/or the Navy branch as to what their specific aspects for their MOS as to the Army terminology as to such factors to assist the United States of America's soldiers/airmen/coasties/marines/men of the seas as to such regards of their work as to protecting and defending the homeland of the United States of America.
In the reference as to the specifics as to what was found online as to the references as to this collection though as to the female herself as to such regards thereof, as to how she was within the branch of the Army branhc of the United States of America and as to her background as well as her education as to such references to the medical assistances she provided for other biological females later as well as to such references as to what she had completed in the modern day terminology of a Combat Medic.
The aspects of the references to the online portions as to the aspects thereof to her work as to the male who had fought to get her the award as to how she survived the American Civil War as she was a part of the Union side of the American Civil War and while she assisted the medical care because of the aspects thereof while additionally having been capable to save lives and also assist the United States of America's Congress to be aware of the situations for the Army branch to be capable to complete their missions as to saving as well as protecting and defending the areas within the United States of America's homeland during the years of, had later become her husband in real life as she did not have the viewpoint of getting married as to the references when she had earned her medical degree as to such training as to when the American Civil War had begun. When he had learned of the situations as well as others as to how they made attempts to inform the Congress and Senate of the United States of America, though hesitant as to the male who became her husband as to such regards where as per the timeframe when just before she was rescued as well as to such time for being awarded as to such regarding the Medal of Honor as to when their marriage ceremony was as to the just before she was officially presented the Medal of Honor as to the pinning as to the ceremony as to that point in time in the 1860s or the 1870s officially.
Her courage as to being capable to withstand the fire from the enemy as well as to being capable to assist getting assistance to the wounded both the males and the females, while also being capable to correspond the information to the various areas to assist with the efforts as to the American Civil War as to such regards as to several reasons as to the aspects of why she was awarded the Medal of Honor. There are many medical treatments for females and males alike as to the references as to her innovations, as to the additional land navigational factors she was capable to give in reference to the camps as to the successful victory as to the union as to the United States of America as to the factors of her assistance as to the information in different areas were capable to bring forward a swifter ending of the American Civil War to bring forward peace among the lands. In my opinion she could have been rescued sooner if there were not other factors that had occurred, as to different situations that had been as to where the factors could have ended the Civil War before the timeframe officially declared in the month of April in the 1880s.
Having worked with the various aspects in conjunction to the Native Americans as to where the work she had assisted with though reviewed and re-awarded to her for all of the capabilities found in conjunction to the correspondences to getting the Union the information they needed to additionally give camp locations for supplies as well as for care, as to the references where she had been capable to bring forward the starting point of the Women's Liberation Movement in the timeframe thereof as well as the medical assistances. A stubbornly proud female as to her work as to such factors where on her own as to handling many situations, it was unknown for a great length of time as to the references of her work until others she had worked with as to their comments as to such actions and choices as to such progression forward as to how many more were capable to learn and become educated within the United States of America as well as chances they had not had before available to them made available because of such diligent works.
She inspired who became an adopted sister of hers to progress in a different path, as well as the aspects as to how who became her husband was proud of her work as well as her survival skills as she traveled from the areas while in the various territories as per the history capable to be found. Her capability to give the Union Army of the United States of America detailed information that assisted the efforts in a multitude of ways is unparallel, as while there is much to be considered as to in my opinion as to her works as to the references thereof during such points in time as to what she was capable to bring forward. The inspiration she is in my opinion as to how much work was accomplished with minor resources, though as to how in my personal opinion of where the references as to the Medal of Honor as to such factors of how she had been aligned with some of the females within the timeframes as to the collection as to this portions of the connected aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project as she was capable to assist Harriet Tubman with medical care for those she was capable to get to safety as well as much more the United States of America in my personal opinion should be proud of as to how much work she had been physically, intellectually, and emotionally; as the factors where the sexual health and wellbeing of both females and males has much to attribute in the conjunction to the birthing processes; to the highest award as to the Spirit of the Medal of Honor, as she was awarded twice through technicalities once in the 1800's and a second time in the 1900's.
In my personal opinion as to the second time she was awarded the Medal of Honor as to the timeframe of the President of the United States of America #39 Jimmy Carter as to the factors in reference in the 1970's/1980's, to the second time for the Women's Liberation as well as the second time for the Civil Liberties Movement as to such a symbolic factor to the Spirit of the Medal of Honor; from the first time she was awarded the Medal of Honor, as to the timeframe of the American Civil War's end officially in April of the year of 1884, to the difference of when President of the United States of America #39 Jimmy Carter's administration had reviewed such and re-awarded for the second time for the work she had accomplished and possibly some additional aspects that were unknown to the timeframe. The situations from the President of the United States of America as to the two before who had been as to the references as to the timeframe regarding the 1980's in my opinion, as to where such a second awarding as to the Medal of Honor as to such factors as to the situations during that wartime period as to such factors where the amount of time that her works were utilized as to such factors though the correct recognition in my opinion should not have taken nearly as long if there actually was as to such feminism as to the proud works as well as accomplishments and assistances only capable to be provided only because of as well as only due to her works.
Towards the ending portions of the American Civil War upon finding her, as to how she was capable to be within semi-balanced territory as to where she was kept safer from such aspects than as to from before as to the references as to such situations as to the American Civil War. Though the aspects where her family was lost during the timeframe because of the actions of the confederacy as to the areas of the south including Georgia as to such references to Florida as well as to the Carolinas, the aspects where her works to this day in the modern timeframe as to the year of after 2022 as to such efforts where the work she had accomplished as to such aspects where the family created as to such timeframes were stronger than as to such factors as to how she had put herself through medical school to become a Doctor or what is currently known as an MD/PhD for her contributions as to the modern aspects of the history. When she was capable to assist Harriet Tubman with several factors as to the movements thereof in conjunction to the lands areas, the factors where additional lives were capable to be saved as well as assisted in a multitude of factors during the time.
The aspects where others in the aspects of the American Civil War as to such factors declared by the south as to such references of where the north Union, were capable to defeat the south's efforts and those who amongst the south who were sympathizers as to the north while making the efforts possible as to such a swifter movement as to the timeframe of the overall factors regarding the time. Whereas the north Union Army were capable to begin such works as to her efforts as well as the information that brought movement swifter as to the works thereof, the efforts where even within the midst of the battles as to such efforts to getting the United States of America's Congress and Senate such information to have others verify such details where the efforts in a larger factor were capable to bring forward the in my personal opinion as to such efforts where in the 1980's of such inspirational factors to revive such efforts to the progress of the factors where her husband must have been more proud of in the references as to the 1880's than such words were available at the timeframe thereof as the calling where such efforts were capable to bring forward such factors for more individuals throughout the United States of America as well as possibly throughout the world as to such knowledge as the time has moved forward.
I personally took these pieces to the area within Fort Lee Virginia at the location of the Women's Museum as well as at the location of Fort Bragg in North Carolina in the year of 2022, and they have remained there as to such aspects of as to the references regarding of my personal awareness to this point in time as I personally have not moved them from the locations.
In reference to my additional artwork as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection there is a massive difference between the pieces of artwork as to such comparisons, as to the aspects thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project as while the physical aspects are only one minor portion as to the comparisons to the massive aspects as to the actualities as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces as to the physical being the smallest thereof to such work overall. Through the intention of which is similar as to the situations regarding the work the individuals females and groups of females named as to such explanations of work as to bringing such forward as an inspiration for betterment, though are not the same as to any such portion as to the official aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such factors of the ways as to the work thereof in such references in such capacities thereof to such portions as to the work itself by any stretch of the imagination beyond just the rubbing of the marker in comparison as to the actualities, to create such works. However while I have been honest as to such capacities in reference to as best of words I could to describe such factors to the questions as to such points in time previously, the realities as to the length of time as to the specific aspects of such works is deeper in multiple ways as to such factors than to the aspects thereof in such wording.
In the reference to my other work as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces as to the facts of where the energetic portions are as to even the slightest changes thereof because of how such is accomplished as to the work itself, as to the work in such references regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork differ slightly as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection due to the aspects in reference to the ways worked on as well as to the aspects of which to bring forward in such completion aspects. Though as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the historical and spiritual rubbings as to the completion of such pieces as to the energetic portions thereof as to the reasons for such as to the few aspects I listed on my website and fewer aspects as to any such discussions because of the length of time as to such factors, the capability to the ways of the fuller explanations in the fullest capacities as to the overall portions of the ways to complete the energetic aspects are not something I have ever discussed nor wrote about beyond explanations, as to who I learned from directly such aspects as to the how to situations.
Just as there was more than just one or two people or even the numbers reported as to the point in time of the 20 year memorial of the aspects as to the attacks on 11 September 2001, there were/are more than one gender as to the aspects of which to earning a Medal of Honor for the actions as to overcoming far more to be capable to bring distinguished works of service to the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Thus in such references as to the reality of such as to those who know more as to the aspects of my background in such references as well as the factors of which in the locations I was raised going to, as to the factors of which in my opinion after the year of 2017 as to the official acknowledgement as to such factors in reference to the female portions as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such contact to the FBI as to the 6888th Postal Battalion Unit as to such realities as to the aspects of which the truth as to such factors in the references thereof to the survival of individuals as to after the timeframe of 11 September 2001 as to the overall aspects which thus far as to the 20 years since as to the larger capacities thereof to such details.
In turn having not ever having had any reason to teach anyone else as to how to complete such aspects as to the energetic portions thereof as to the ways of such work, the situations which are as such are as the factors of what protective aspects occur. Even the slightest change to my pieces of artwork as to the physical aspects thus change such factors as to the aspects thereof though the intention as to such work being inspirational, though additional as to the other intended purposes of which to bring forward greater changes in the betterments thereof while additionally as to protective pieces for the best aspects. In turn to the personal progress forward and betterment as to humanity in such correct capacities as to the hope portions in such a references nonetheless to such factors as while it has been known to me as per understanding and comprehension from prior training aspects, the situations as to there not being anyone other than myself as to having been taught as to such factors as well as the reality of such. The aspects as to which in such arrangements as to such workings as to the aspects which I have previously discussed as well as have written about in such references, as the reality of the facts in such regards as to the male and female genders biologically at the time of birth as to such factors of the scientific portions as to the human anatomy in such regards as to the factors at birth of such situations in the ways of which as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection of multiple individuals as to the number of words per citation combined with others as to such a minimum in my opinion as to the actualities of the numerical portions as to the references of lives in such a tragic event on the soil of the United States of America in the year of 2001.
While in minimal ways of delving into details thereof compared to the aspects in such references which not ever having been recorded in the official capacities as to the online portions as well as to writing the how to portions nor discussions thereof to the aspects of such specifics, to the energetic portions of work in such regards. There is the capability as to such additional proof as to my SCUBA Diving in reference to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA diving aspects, as to both the videos regarding where I have walked on top of the quicksand and the oceanic waters in several areas as to my YouTube account as well as the facts the boot smith in the area of Mint Hill North Carolina as to having been capable to take care of the aspects in reference to the situations as to being capable to see my boots as to where the situations were as to the work that had to be completed as to the length of time for such re-soling of the boots I brought into him for the fixing and repairing of such aspects. He would be capable to discuss the aspects of how much separation there had been as to the facts thereof as to the realities as to how the boots I had worn were to the age factors as to the amount of time, by the visual portions of the wear of such aspects as to the situations in reference to my having walked on top of such areas as well as the lack of water damages within the boots themselves as to the facts of the lack of sand within my boots for such additional clarifications as to such factors on top of the reality of my unedited YouTube videos.
I wonder if such were to be known if actually pondering if I simply was walking on top of rocks, in such comparisons as to the quicksand situations.
Thus such aspects as to my work as to my SCUBA Diving in reference to the overall factors though in the most specific references as to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Diving in August of 2009 in conjunction to other such situations as to the backyard situation in the year of 2004, as to the specific proof aspects as to my SCUBA Diving in the clarification portions though in addition as to the factors in reference to the energetic portions as to my SCUBA Diving in conjunction as to the energetic portions in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such completed pieces thereof.
In the reference as to the aspects of the differences between my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the two pieces of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker when such completion occurs as to such factors as to the length of time it actually takes to curate such artwork pieces as to the aspects thereof as to any such changes that were not allowed as to the reasons thereof in conjunction as to the situations during my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to the year of 2018, the situations in such references as to why the specific protocols as to how such traveling portions as to the realities thereof of what I have dealt with to such factors in the situations thereof as to such reasons for the distinguishing differences as to the pieces in regards as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection in the full comparisons to the differences as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork.
Respect to my Medal of Honor Art Project and such artwork thereof to the correct completed pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork referencing such energetic aspects beyond the situations in reference to the inspirational aspects as to life, the aspects which such pieces are intended for as to the additional protective aspects in the references thereof as to the reasons why instructions as to specific protocol as to going through such details with the one and only who would only be myself as to such aspects as to the correct ways thereof because of other factors as to such situations. While I did not think there would ever be anyone or any group who would ever think to follow along as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the aspects of intellectual clarity as to the factors of what should have been known better in the aspects to the facts thereof, the situations in "The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" can go over some of the situations I dealt with hypothetically because of such aspects as to individuals as to such situations thereof in reference to situations beginning in Washington state in the year of 2015 specifically though also within the year of 2014. I simply figured that would have been discussed with me as to such factors as to the realities of which such situations I had not the clarifications at the time of such factors in references thereof, though as to such guesstimations in such references as to the knowledge in such references regarding the I.I./1999/2011 aspects thereof as to such references as to safety on top of being respectful to the areas of which I went through as to such travels because of the circumstances as to the works thereof.
When in reference to chivalry regarding a female who can do something on her own though a real man would not let her as to such factors in the comparisons thereof to the meme, there is a difference as to such aspects of what situations thereof as to the aspects which the McLendon's was one way which there obviously was such taken care of as to the aspects arranged in the references thereof in comparison to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as chivalry would bring forward asking as to what would be needed as to such traveling portions as to well beyond the physical traveling as to such situations referencing the fact of such being a historical and spiritual rubbing aspects. Chivalry is important though as to the reference of my SCUBA Diving educational background of earning 26 SCUBA Diving certifications on my own as to the aspects of a reference to the supposed real man aspects, my SCUBA Diving instructors would be where such factors would be considered as to not doing such on my own as to the fact as to the SCUBA Diving instructor aspects.
In comparison to my SCUBA dives themselves as to my personal work as to similar portions in reference to asking in such references because of the aspects as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such factors of the fullest differences in such references thereof, which during such works as to within the water areas having worked on such on my own as to the realities of such times and years and situations well before my SCUBA Diving as to such factors as to aspects which to the stemming point of which my nightmare from second grade as to after the discussions as to such points in time in other references as to such water aspects. Hence as to the traveling aspects of beyond the physical though in reference to the physical aspects as to clearance factors of which in reference of my clearance at the age of 12 years old compared to my clearance at the age of 17 years old compared to my clearance at the age of 29 years old compared to my clearance level at the age of 32 years old in the biological aspects thereof as to my age. Thus in such references as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips which would include the aspects as to my additional attachment as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection, the situations as to such factors as to the work thereof being as to such federal levels for such aspects thereof as to the connectionary aspects as to what can be found within the situations in other references for the briefer aspects as to The Ornery PSA in my journal blog.
In reference to if the individuals are as to of actualities to the worth of factual aspects in the comparison of finding information online and the aspects of such to the truth are actual facts compared to the situations of any such problematic sources, then hopefully if in the problematic ways all individuals associated to such problems by purposefully choice are capable to go through the halls of justice as to such factors as to reproving such problematic situations as to why there are fact checking aspects of which to the insult of the Medal of Honor aspects of the Armed Forces of the United States of America if even one piece and/or portion of such to be considered as to inaccuracy of which each individual as to the shame of those who would think such to be a funny prank in comparison to actually respecting my Medal of Honor Art Project which would fully bring forward the aspects of which I had written about in "The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" unto all such females and/or males within such aspects as to the problematic portions of such not being considered as Freedom of Expression because of the facts of such 10 Commandments being considered as prosecutorial as to such factors within various sectors of the legal system. For example the fact of if lying under oath of which any such oath to tell the truth would not have an end date of which in turn as to such factors, the situations which such prosecution of knowingly lying as to such factors as to the fact of such not being covered under the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America because of prior legal aspects where individuals have been prosecuted for such aspects.
In reference as to taking a name in vain as to such aspects of which to the situations of which identity theft is not considered protected under the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America, because of the legal factors of such problematic proportions as to the background and security clearance checks. In another reference as to blaspheme is not covered under the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America because of the liable and slander laws which prevent such aspects from being used, of which if such individuals knowingly put such onto the internet without such references of proof as to the facts thereof to such hypotheticals; there would be the technological records of such precedence as to those individuals having to be responsible for each financial aspect, as well as other such legal recourse factors as to my work in such references as to the ADA compliance aspects as well as the portions thereof to wrongfully making such an assumption as to the dishonoring of each individual throughout each branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America whether Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Veteran/dependent of which if there is such a connection in such references as to being dependent of the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America as to what is actually covered compared to what is not covered under such laws as to the realistic portions of such prosecutorial aspects to ever knowingly participate in such capacities in comparison to my good faith aspects in such references of my Good Samaritan aspects thereof though would in turn be the equivalent of such individuals as to their choices as to playing games as to such hypotheticals in such regards as to the lack of respect for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as the world as to such proof as to the social media aspects of thinking oneself to be more important as to such individuals to hypothetically feel they warranted such aspects in comparison to the actualities thereof to such factors of the Medal of Honor award as to such accreditations as to such a prestigious award compared to a participation trophy aspect in such hypotheticals thereof.
In turn as to the other 10 Commandments as to such factors of which if such names as to not being real individuals and/or not having actual worth as to such factors depending upon such situations, as to the aspects in such regards as to what is considered as legally prosecutorial. Another example of wishing to marry oneself as to coveting one's spouse which would not be their own spouse, well the hypotheticals as to such factors in reference to my children's biological father as to such references thereof to the realities in full proof. In regards as to coveting what is not of one's own in such references as to such aspects, the ways of such as to the moral and ethical implications having manifested as to the greed thereof to such hypotheticals. In regards of thou shalt not murder/kill as to such aspects, the situations of which the situations as to which there not being a need for anything further as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces as to such situations as to if such would truthfully be as to such a failure of such individuals as to the aspects thereof as to the much needed respect to the award of the Medal of Honor of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Thus the aspects of which the reality of situations as to what killing as to such factors, is something which some have possibly thought as to such desensitization regarding the aspects of what the truth of such endeavors is as to such aspects when the situations have required the aspects of when earning the Medal of Honor of which the aspects of overcoming the viewpoints regarding death as to such points in the references well before the Vietnam War as to such factors of which the reality of the work as to certain types of employments as to such factors of reality.
My Medal of Honor Art Project all together as to the complete end of such pieces as to the lack of the need to continue such aspects as to the situations of which the rectification would fully be in effect as to those types of individuals as to those types of arrogances as to those types of mental health problems as to such factors thereof, as truthfully in such references as to the aspects which the capabilities to honestly process such information as to the assistances required for the betterment in regards of the working through and assistances as to the mental health of more in a positive ways as to accepting realities of life while progressing forward as to such memory aspects while continuing onward.
However to the reality of such aspects not having been completed in the same factors thereof to also the additional factor of Mary as well as Edwards as well as Walker being common names as to such situations, the aspects as to the only similarity as to such situations in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork itself, as to such common names as to such aspects as to the proverbial ricochet to such individuals as to their failure as to such aspects from whichever times thereof to such involvement within the nonconsensual aspects within any portion of various aspects of which in the references as to my life and/or my daughter's life and/or my son's life as to such situations. However in such references as to such common names such as Matthew and Mark and Luke and John as to such common names as to Smith and such portions thereof, the aspects of the reality of those who actually have accomplished work that would actually warrant earning a Medal of Honor in such comparisons as to the factors thereof as to the similarities of those who would actually have earned such as to the situations such as a Mary as to an Edwards as to a Walker name as to the facts of which to the Desert Storm as well as the Desert Shield as to the Iraq War as to the Afghanistan War in such references compared to civilians who had not signed the dotted line of the Armed Forces of the United States of America to be within the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists as to such Veteran aspects as to those being the only righteous ones as to such factors of being willing to do so in comparison to other such hypotheticals thereof in my opinion, as to the assistances in the references as to the aspects in regards of other works I have been making the best attempts possible as to bringing such details forward as clearly and concisely as to such factors in the references as to the truth.
While as to such aspects in reference to my SCUBA diving as to my work as to my invitation to MAST (Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment) in reference to when I was 12 years old biologically as well as my having signed the dotted line for the United States of America's Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, the aspects of which my work in my SCUBA Diving as to my work elsewhere as to such proven factors in such comparisons as to such hypotheticals as to a massive difference as to such situations thereof to those who might think of themselves as more worthwhile in life in such hypothetical comparisons as to those who actually have accomplished various works in the actualities of for the greater good to progress forward in comparison to being an example of what not to aspire to in such references as to the hypotheticals thereof to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection.
Since there are the names as to such referencing Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Washington's Mother, and such factors as the WAVES as to the 6888th Postal Battallion as to such references of which the facts of such individuals including female journalists as to the comparisons of the individuals who stood by and did nothing of help or use in such comparisons as to my opinion when they could have; in turn as to such choices being permanently within such stratosphere, as to the aspects of such technological portions throughout all of time as to each message in whichever capacity thereof as well as the facts of such technological portions as to Geek Squad as to the factors of the accidental warranty in such references in regards of the truthful portions. In turn as to such aspects of the if factor in reference to those who had any such opinions I had not asked for in the references thereof to such situations regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork, well excuse me for actually taking an initiative to protect and defend the United States of America and the world in such references in the comparisons as to looking at the Constitution of the United States of America as less than a piece of toilet paper as to the actualities of such usage in the comparisons thereof as to my opinion. In turn as to such a disregard as to the facts of such proof in reference to my actual work, in such regards as to the minimum aspects of which in comparison what would be capable to be seen as to such actualities of work in the comparisons as well as to the responsibilities of such capacities as to the situations thereof to such factors?
If such would such show as to the irresponsibility and to the lack of seriousness as to the lack of appreciation to life as to such situations as to the Constitution of the United States of America as well as each individual who actually honorably worked to preserve and protect such aspects thereof, in comparison to wasting such amounts of time and effort as to such aspects of what laziness as to those who would wish for such factors as to clout in comparison to actually working to achieve something worthwhile for their existence in my opinion. Hence having taken the aspects of my work with the highest regard as to the respect required as to the sensitivity of the nature of the work involved as to the factors thereof, as the intricacies as to such specific details in the references thereof as to how much attention to detail as best as I possibly could as to such factors in the combined references as to especially after the timeframe as to the year of 2000.
If I am inaccurate as to such aspects then my apologies sincerely and respectfully, however if accurate to such situations of even one; then I hope such technological reviews as to the aspects thereof as to the ways of justice for the clarifications thereof to the actualities of truth, as to such nonconsensual games as I have not ever consented to games and I do not consent to games no matter what the circumstances thereof are as I outgrew games when I was in elementary school as to knowing there was far more important aspects to life in comparison to those situations thereof in my opinion since I was around 6 or 7 years old biologically. Thus in turn as to the reference as to the requirement as to such clarification purposes in regards from the situations as to the possibilities, in such references as to if to continue onward with my Medal of Honor Art Project only through the verified sources thereof as to the details in such references in the comparisons until the internet is cleared as to such regards of the factual truths of such factors as situations thereof for the capabilities to ensure I continue to genuinely honor and respect such aspects. I have been as contemplative as possible despite the length of time allotted as to my house in Carrollton as to working on such details as to getting the aspects of such organized portions thereof, as to my mediation room as to such factors of which in such a shortened and tiny amount of time as to the comparisons as to what was needed as to the aspects thereof; hence as to such situations in the references as to the more recent timeframes, as to bringing such together as to such points in time as to such clarifications and updates as to the years of 2019 through to 2021 more-so in the comparisons as to other factors in reference to the year of 2022 and onward as to such situations.
However in order to genuinely honor and respect such aspects as to the verification processes as to such details, in a larger capacity than just the review as to finding such on the internet as to such situations to ensure the aspects of the truth in such regards in such full capacities as to the realities of such an award being of importance as to the correct details thereof which includes the reference as to the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection.
I simply did not have the luxury of not taking life as seriously in comparison to some people as to the aspects of the severity of such situations, though apparently such might be considered as just as important as to the aspects thereof for such clarifications as to the preferences of truth as to the reality thereof to the clearest possible.
However if accurate as to such portions of the historical aspects, then I apologize for my ranting as to such situations thereof; though such to my Religious Freedoms as to my Confirmation Graduation in the year of 1997 at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as having attended Catholic High School at Saint John Vianney High School and my Ordained Reverend aspects as to the Universalist Unitarian Church as to such aspects of my legal name in such references as to my Judeo-Christian upbringing as to the Jewish Rabbis who would teach classes at certain High Holidays as well as the facts of such historical portions of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to such revolutionary aspects as to which the spirit of General George Washington's private office in such regards to the Battle of Monmouth area as to paying attention to details as to such factors when I was growing up as well as to such other water portions thereof. In turn as to the aspects of which having to take moments of pause here and there as to the heavy capacities of the amounts of work combined in such references, as to the factors of which such situations are much heavier than some might think as to the initial thought and/or viewpoint thereof as to such aspects in the references of my Medal of Honor Art Project with and without the aspects of my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection aspects as to the reality of which the aspects of what concerns as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork might surprise.
It would be honest in my opinion as to the aspects of which what it has taken as to earning a Medal of Honor is to the aspects which in the heaviness as to the aspects of the fuller actualities as to each award well before as well as to the point of the Medal of Honor in the various references thereof, because of the facts as to the amounts of work and training involved as to such factors per situation as to whichever commendations as to such references thereof for such work. In my opinion as to what might be considered as small as to the size, as to the aspects of which the actualities of the award itself in such references as to the weight as to such situations of which in my opinion is something which might have been overlooked before such points in time before such contemplative aspects.
Personally as to the individuals directly as to the Medal of Honor awardee as to their squads, companies, units, brigades, bases, divisions, branches and training as to the aspects of which connection as to the branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to having signed the proverbial dotted line as to such references as to my personal appreciation and gratitude as to the aspects of which the knowledge as well as the understanding and comprehension as to such factors of which the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America as to such freedoms which in my opinion have needed to be appreciated far more as to such aspects thereof as in my opinion as to how much can be learned as to such factors to be capable to progress forward in such references as well as to look towards the betterments in life as to such factors for the highest good.
Each individual is created from an egg as well as a sperm as to such factors of which springs forth life as to such realities regarding the process thereof, which in turn as to such factors in the references thereof as to the reality of which brings forward the aspects in such references as to the connection to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to such aspects of which the situations regarding the scientific biological aspects of such portions as to the biological gender portions of which as to the reality of life is as to the reality thereof which life is.
Life is conceived as to the female biological and the male biological as to the aspects of whichever gender in such references regarding the factors thereof as to the genetics as to the Mitochondrial DNA in such differences as to the scientific aspects of which the proof thereof to such a Deoxyribonucleic Acid portions as to the factors thereof which the determination between the strands as to the genetic aspects, are capable to be seen and noticed in such references. While the aspects of the descriptions as to the identifying factors as to personality traits as to the situations as well as to when biologically above the age of when the sonograms prove which genetic aspects as to the birth gender portions compared to the gender role descriptions of which the aspects thereof, the situations as to the life giving source as to such aspects as to the truth in such references as to the reasons why the two separate and yet connected portions in my opinion symbolized as to the aspects of the overall combined portions of my artwork in such references.
The concern as to choices as to such consensual aspects when above the biological age of 18 years old as to such situations compared to other aspects thereof, in my opinion as to the reasons why the aspects of such a combined portion as to the reality of life as well as the reality of the history of the United States of America as well as the connections within and throughout the world as to such factors of importance to such noticing.
Just as to how the actualities of the creation of life as to the comparisons thereof as to the male genetic contributions as to the female aspects of such contributions as to the amount of life in such references to the aspects thereof, as to the situations in reference as to the aspects of the brief pause as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the focus briefly as to such factors as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection aspects as to the representation of such through artistic measures as to the realities of one per womb as to prengancy compared to the aspects in reference as to the comparisons as to the biological factors as to such other portions thereof to the references. Thus in such regards as to what situations as to the knowledge there have been far more males as to the award of the Medal of Honor in such references, as to the Founding Fathers and the Founding Mothers as to such realities thereof to such a viewpoint in the artistic portions thereof.
Remember however as to my stance in reference to earned valor in such comparisons as to my personal knowledge as to earning such as to having stood against stolen valor for several decades, which includes as to such aspects in reference as to having acknowledged I had not graduated from Basic Training for the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Thus in such references as to what I have found online as to the aspects of the names as well as the locations in such regards as to the aspects of knowing the common name factors as to such comparisons as well as the larger aspects of my work in the comparisons thereof as to such guesstimates of which others might have thought in the comparisons thereof, and thus in the reference of if the aspects as to the actualities of the one female Medal of Honor recipient name in such comparisons thereof as to such factors in such stolen valor aspects; the situations of being capable to find such details as to the ways thereof, would be for individuals to take into consideration as to such comparisons as to the energetic portions as to such clarifications I have already brought forward before as well as during as to such aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project.
Thus in such regards as to having discussed repeatedly as to the aspects of from when I was in second grade, as to such factors of which others can take into consideration as to the length of time as to such factors after the year of 2000 in such comparisons as to the hypotheticals thereof.
How far does the apple fall from the tree, I suppose wonders as to such in the reference of depending upon who one actually is.
Thus as to the aspects of what actual respect and genuine honor is to such factors, is the portions of attention to details. I look forward to such resuming the portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the factors of which I have preferred certain types of individuals as to the reasons of my choosing, in such references thereof for several reasons and factors as to the situations regarding taking care of actualities in such situations as to the seriousness as to such factors.
All of the pieces for this with the exception of one was taken to the Women's Military Museum at Fort Lee Virginia, for clarifications.